Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 22, Image 22

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Will sell les than coot:
Andrae, $, reduced to $j.On
I'svton. $50, reduced to 35 00
Rugby, $45, reducd to 82.54
New bicycle. SI'S, reduced to IS .04
M541 14
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree,
2'"h anil Lave streets. TO
PROPERTY at N. PS Cor. of Slat and Ham
ilton. Noa. 3"28. 3" and k12, aa security
for loan of $1,000. Rents. $252. Will pay
64 to 7 per cent. Add real C 83, Bee.
r -tm 8
REDt'CED prlcea In plcatlngs, ruchlngs,
tucking and appllquelng. Kor full in
formation Inquire Ideal Pleating Co., 1510
Howard fit. 398 Jy7
A Big Cut)
l 1'HKK.
On Runabouta, Stanhopes. Surreya,
Depot Wagons and Phattons.
A UROER STOCK than we wlah
to carry at this time of the year,
A.J. Simpson & Son Co.
1407.9 II Dodge St. Tel. 1858.
Fine Repairing and Rubber Tlrea.
Chicago A Korthnrttera.
1 "The Northwestern Line."
I Leave. Arrive.
lFaat Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:00 am
Mall a 8:00 pm a 8:30 am
, diuua v. ........ .a. w.ov ant t . i r r yu,
' Daylight St. Paul a 7:36 am alO:J5 pm
Daylight Chicago a8:(0am all:20 pm
Local Chicago alo:66 am a 6:30 pm
Local Carroll a 4:16 pm a 10: 20 am
Faat Chicago a 4:55 a 4:6 pm
Limited Chicago a 7:46 pm a 8:20 am
Fast St. Paul a 3)65 pm a 8:60 am
Fast Mall a 2:40 pm
v.iiKu, HMk lui-ud and FaolAc.
Leave. Arrive.
iC'hlcago Daylight Llm-
1 lted a 5:00 am a 1:45 am
Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm
Chicago Express bll :15 am a 6:06 pm
Dps Moines Local a 6:20 pm bll: 50 am
Chicago Faat Express. a 6:06 pm a 1:26 pm
Rocky Mountain Lim
ited a 6:60 am a 4:56 am
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver, Pueblo and
West a 1:80 pm a 6:43 pm
Colo., Texas. Cal, at
Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm al2:40 pm
(It. Loula "Cannon Ball"
Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am
t. Louis Local. Council
Bluffs alO;00 am a 10:80 pm
Chicago, Milwaukee 4k sf. Paul.
' Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:06 am
Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:16 am b 8:40 pm
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm
Fast Mail a 8:60 am a 8 86 pm
California Express a 4:26 pm
Paclflo Express ell. pm
Eastern Express a 4 8 pm
Atlantic Express a 7:00 am
Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:05 pm bl2:30 pm
Orand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 8:36 am
Mlssoarl PaclAo.
St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm
i. sb du a. jb&y.vw..Mv.w y iu m 9,io am
Uilaoia Ceatral.
Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm
VJhlco, Minneapolis 4k
St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:06 am
Minneapolis 4k bt. Paul
Express b 7:20 am bl0:35 pm
Chicago Express a;tf:S6 pm
Vremoat, Klknora 4b Mlssoarl Valla.
Hot Borings.
.a 8:00 pm
a 6:00 pm
6:00 pm
ft vumliiK. Casper and
Douglas d 8:08 pm
Hastings, York, Davis
City, uperjor, ueueva.
Exeter and Seward.... b 3:0v pm b 5:00 pm
Norfolk, Lincoln and
Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:86 am
Fremont Local c l.nt) am
Mlssoarl Facia.
Nebraska Local. VU
Weeping Waler b 4:10 pm al0:2S am
Ifciuago, St. 3'aul, AUaueapoils m
Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:80 am a 1:00 pm
fciuux cuy luwiuiir...t :w pm all:i tu
jMnsraon Local. ...o :u put a 8:46 am
gsUHXINCiTON llaUO.t-lOTIl&luton
Chicago, Barllostoa tialacy.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Special al:ouam a 4:U6 pm
Chicago V esuouled Ex.. a .ut- pm a 7:46 am
Cniuagu Local a .ju am aU:vu pm
Chicago Limited. .a 7:a0 pm a 7:46 am
3raai rM i" a 2:40 pm
ttuniagtoa A Mlssoarl River.
(Wymore, lieetrloe and
Lincoln a 8:40 am bll. 65 am
Neuiaaaa Express... .... a .o aut a 7:to pm
inuvsr Limited a 4:l pm a ., am
AiiauK Hiiia and Puget
bound Express all:10 pm a 8:00 pm
Colorado YtaUDUled
Flyer a 8:00 pm
Lincoln Fast Mall b 8:00 pm a 6.17 am
tVort croua ana Platis-
moulh b 3:20 pm bll:06 am
Celtevue Pacific Jet. ..a 7:40 pm a kM am
sj.lievue Pacino Jet. ..a 3:00 am
. Kaasaa City, it. Joseph 4k Council
(Xacsas City Day Ex.. ..a 1:20 am a 6:06 pm
bt, Louis Flyer a 6:lo pm all:U am
Causae City iNlht Lx..,iUu.j0 pm a am
' a Dally,
Hay omy.
b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
d Dmiy excoui aia'.uruay. e Dally
aMciioa un, u a. ku-aTiaauuia
ssu:ng nsuUrly bena
, tiBW YOKk. a OUA400W(
Superior scOQOtmoAatioum. SiovtUal Culstns, Brery
itar4 lor tne couilurt el p.wiists studiously osa
allr4 ss4 rmcllcoi.
aiDSl or Kouu Trls tlckots lss4 bmwms Nae
Tors gcotca. BntllU. lrta u4 all Frlscloil
Conllaooul polula M turicUf rL Fm uku
sjr sonl Uilurouillau ipplr la HXMJKRSON BilU.,
Cs' -i", or say Local. auBNT.
Fast Twln-8cre Pssseoger Steamers sail
log regularly from Boston, Portland sal
Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston to
Mediterranean ports. Send for booklet.
"Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates,
Wte., apply to looal agsat or company's
4ffi Dearkera St.. Ckieaaa. III.
I The Board of Couuty Comuilssionsrs of
pouglas county, Nebraska, will alt as a
JJorl of Equalisation for the twrpos of
equalising the assessment or louglss
county for the year lMXt, In the commis
sioners' chamber at the court house,
4 1 is ha. sKslnnlnc Tuesday. June 10. lui
at 10 o'clock a. m., and continuing from
y in u"J v II1L1UUIIII j uui sv.
IM (14 days, not Including Sundays). All
persons owning real or personal property
ubjeel to taxation should mil and sx
amine their asses men t. that any errors ss
to aluatloa may be adjusted by said board
OwS the lew provides.
By order of lbs lli.ard of County Com-
BSirsioriers. JUIUtI U. HILLKK,
May W fUM Ouaty Clerk.
Of the Pitting of the City Council at a
Hoard of Equalisation.
To the owners of the lots, parts of lota
and real estate dnacribed herein or abutt
ing on or adjsrent ot the streets, alleys
or avenues herein named, or situated In
whole or In part within any of the dis
tricts herein specified, and all being
within the city of Omaha, Douglas
county, Nebraska:
Tou and each of you are hereby notified
that the city council of the city of Omaha
will sit aa a Board of Equalisation at the
council chamber in the City Hall. Omaha,
Nebraska, three days, from 10 o clock a.
m. until 6 o'clock p. m., commencing Tues
day, June 10, lr2. at 10 o'clock, a. m.. for
the purpose of considering snd equalising
the proposed levy of special taxea and
assessments, as shown by "Proposed plans
of assessment," prepared by the city engi
neer and approved by the Board of Public
Works, and now on rile In the office of he
city clerk, and correcting any errors
therein, and hearing all complaints that
the owners of property so to be assessed
and taxed may make; said apecial taxes
and assessments proposed to be levied being
necessary to cover the cost of the several
Improvements duly authorised to be made
and now completed, as follows:
To cover the cost of damages awarded for
land appropriated under and In pursuance
of Ordinance No. bKH, for the purpose of
opening and extending "B" street, from
old 13th street to 13th street. In the city of
Omaha, amounting to the sum of 84o7.00,
which sum It Is proposed to asaeas upon the
lots and real estate specially benefited by
reason of said street opening, as follows:
East 96 feet.of tax lot 46, section
84, 15. 13 2 38 25
North 44 feet of west 29.5 feet of tax
lot 45. section 84. 16. 11
1 44
West 29 5 feet of tax lot 46,
84. 15, 13
Weat 29.6 feet of tax lot 47, section
84. 15. 18
South 31 feet of east 85 feet of tax
lot 47, section 34, 16, 13
Tax lot 48, section 84, 16. 13
Tax lot 60, section 34, 15, 18
Tax lot 56, section 34, 16. 13
Tax lot M, section 34, 15, 13
Tax lot 67, section 34, 15, 13
Tax lot 60, section 34, 15, 13
Tax lot 61, section 34, 15, 13
1 44
1 44
14 28
1 S8
18 84
12 64
14 44
47 60
8 16
4 31
North 207 feet of that part of the
northeast hi of southeast 4 of sec
tion 84, 16, 13, lying south of "B"
street, between 10th street and old
' 13th street 128 78
South 266 feet of that part of the
northeast hi of southeast 4 of sec
tion 84, 15, 13 lying north of "B"
street, between 10th street and old
13th street 123 75
To cover the cost of damages awarded
for land appropriated under and In pur
suance of Ordinance No. 4582, for the pur
pose of making an addition to the public
parks, parkways and boulevards of the
city of Omaha, amounting to the sum of
84S.59O.00, which sum It Is proposed to assess
upon the lots and parts of lots and real
estate specially benefited by reason of the
making of said addition to the public
parks, parkways and boulevards In the
city of Omaha, as follows:
T.nt 1 to ft. Inclusive. block 1.
Alamo Plasa, at 85.60 each $
Lots 9, 10 and 11, block 1, Alamo
Plasa, at. 16.50 each
Lots 1 to 11, Inclusive, block 2,
Alamo Plasa, at $650 each
Lots 12 to 22, Inclusive, block 2,
Alamo Plaia, at 86 00 each
Lots 1 to 11, Inclusive, block 8,
Alamo Plaza, at 86.00 each
Lots 1 to 13, Incluslse, block 4,
Alamo Plasa, at 86.00 each
Lota 1 and 2. block 6, Alamo Plaza,
at $6.50 each
Lots 8 and 4, block 6, Alamo Plaza,
at $6 00-each
Lots 6 to 26, Inclusive, block 6,
Alamo Plasa. at $6.60 each
Lots 1 to 14, inclusive, block 8,
Alamo Plaza, at $6.60 each
Lots 1 to 8, Inclusive, Arcade Place,
at $6.60 each
Lots 9 to 18. Inclusive, ' Arcade
Place, at $5.60 each
Lot 1, block 1, Avondale Park
Lot 2, block L Avondale Park
Lot 3, block 1, Avondale Park
Lots 4 and 6. block 1, Avondale
Park, at $20.00 each
Lota 6 and 7, block 1, Avondale
Park, at $16.50 each
Lots 8 and 9. block 1, Avondale
Park, at 313.00 each
Lots 10 and 11, block 1, Avondale
Park, at $11.00 each....,
Lota 12 and 13, block I, Avondale
Park, at $10.00 each
Lot 14, block 1, Avondale Park....
Lots 15 and 16, block 1, Avondale
Park, at 18.00 each
44 00
19 50
71 50
68 00
66 00
78 00
13 00
12 00
143 00
81 00
62 00
55 00
8S 50
28 60
40 00
82 00
26 00
22 00
20 00
16 CO
8 00
20 00
22 00
26 00
83 00
40 00
25 60
88 60
65 00
65 00
38 50
23 60
40 00
83 00
26 00
22 00
20 00
9 00
16 00
8 00
20 00
22 00
26 00
83 00
40 00
28 50
38 60
66 00
88 00
71 50
132 00
71 50
181 60
885 00
11 00
40 00
6 50
63 00
100 00
18 00
10 00
70 00
80 00
Lot 17. block 1, Avondale Park....
Lots is ana 19, diock t, Avonaaie
Park, at 110.00 each
Lots 20 and 21. block 1, Avondale
Park, at $11.00 each
Lots 22 and 23, block 1, Avondale
Park, at iis.oo eacn
Lots 24 and 25. block 1, Avondale
Park, at $16.50 eacn
Lots 26 and 27, block 1, 'Avondale
Park, at $20.00 each
Lot 28. block 1. Avondale Park
Lot 29, block 1, Avondale Park
Lot 30, block 1, Avondale Park
Lot 1, block 2, Avondale Park
Lot 2, block 2, Avondale Park
Lot 8, block 2, Avondale Park
Lots 4 and 6, diock i, Avonaaie
Park, at 130.00 each
Lots 6 and 7. block 2, Avondale
Park, at $16.50 each
Lots and 9. block 2, Avondale
Park, at $13 00 eacn
Lots 10 and 11. block 2, Avondale
Park, at 811.00 each.'
Lots 12 and 13, block 2, Avondale
park, at $10.00 each
Lot 14, block 2, Avondale Park
Lota 16 and 16, block 2, Avondale
Park, at $8.00 each
Lot 17, block 2, Avondale Park
Lots 18 and 19, block 8, Avondale
Park, at $10 00 each
Lots 20 and 21, block X Avondale
Park, at 811.00 each
Lots 22 and 23, .block 2, Avondale
Park, at 213.00 each
Lots 24 and 26. block 2, Avondale
Park, at $16.50 each
Lots 26 and 27, block 3. Avondale
Park, at $20.00 each
Lot 28, block 2. Avondale Park
Lot 29, block 2. Avondale Park.v...
Lot 30, block 2, Avondale Park
Lots 1 to 4 Inclusive, Barber's Sub;,
at $9.50 each
Lot 1, Bartlett's Add
Lots z ana 3, ttartiett s Ada., at
$66.00 each
Lot 4, Bartlett's Add
Lot 11. Bartlett's Aod
Lota 12 and 16, Bartlett's Add., at
8192.50 each
Lot 1. block 1, Boggs & Hill's First
Lota 2 to 6 Inclusive, block 1, Boggs
& Hill's First Add., at $800 each.
Lot 7. block 1, Boggs 4k Hill's First
Add ".
Lots 8 to, 14 Inclusive, block 1, Boggs
Hill's 1st Add., at $9.00 each ...
Lot 1. block 2. Boggs 4k Hills, First
Lots 2 to 11 Inclusive, block 2, Boggs
mil s 1st Add., at lio.oo each..
Lots 12 and 13. block 2. Boggs oV
Hill's First Add., at 89 00 each....
Lot 14. block 2. Boggs 4V Hill's First
Lots 1 to 7 inclusive, block 3, Boggs
at run s ist Aaa , at (lo.ou each..
Lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 4, Boggs
& Hill's 1st Add., at $10.00 ea-h .
Lot 1, block 6, Boggs A Hill's First
Lots 8 to 7, inclusive, block 6.
Boggs & Hill's 1st Add, at $10.00
60 00
18 00
(0 00
e 60
46 00
Lots $ and 9. block 6. Boras 4k
Hill s 1st Add., at $9 00 each
Lots 10 to 16, inclusive, block 6,
Boggs 4t 11111s 1st Add., at $10.00
Lot 16, block 5. Boggs 4 Hill's 1st
Lot 1, block 6. Boggs 4k Hill's 1st
Lots 2 to 7, Inclusive, block 6.
Boggs 4k Hill's 1st Add., at $7.50
Lots 8
to 16. Inclusive, block 6,
4k Hill's 1st Add., at $900
81 00
84 00
81 00
88 00
132 00
I 50
10 00
Lots 1
to T. Inclusive, block 1.
Boggs 4k Hill's 2d Add., at $12 00
Lots 1 to T, Inclusive, block 2.
Boggs 4k Hill's 2d Add., at 813. 00
Lots 8 to 14. Inclusive, block 2,
Boggs 4k Hill's 2d Add., at $14.00
Lota 1 to 8, Inclusive, block 3,
Boggs 4k Hill s 2d Add., at 81450
Lot 9, block 3, Boggs 4k Hill's 2d
Lot lo, block 3. Boggs 4k Hill s 2d
Lots 1 to 8. Inclusive, block 4
Bokgs 4k Hill's 2d Add., at SUM
Lot 9, block 4. Boggs 4k Hill 's "id
Lot 10, block 4. Boggs 4k HlVri l'd
Lot 11, block 4, Boggs 4k Hui's' zd
Lots 1 to 8. Inclusive, block" I.
Boggs 4k Hill s 2d Add., at $13 00
Lots 6 to 16. Inclusive, block I
Boggs 4k Hill's 3d Add., at $14.00
Lois 1 to 8. Inclusive, block 4
Boggs Hill's 2d Add., at 81100
Lots 1 to 26, laoluslve, block L
Brennan Place Vt $4 60 each
Lot 1, block 8. Brvnnan Place
Lots 1 to 9. Inclus1. block 2. Bren
nan Place, at each
Lot 10, block 2. Brertrian Place......
Lot I. Camubell's Hub 1..
132 CO
10 00
15 00
16 80
104 00
111 00
M 00
117 00
11 00
28 00
li oo
1 76
66 00
13 00
7 00
7 60
8 00
18 00
8 00
7 60
7 00
19 60
7 00
7 60
8 00
9 00
40 00
11 00
20 00
63 00
22 00
84 60
19 00
20 00
19 00
18 00
25 00
22 00
20 00
23 75
25 00
22 00
22 00
12 00
44 00
12 00
44 on
6 00
18 00
16 00
S3 00
18 00
16 00
44 00
86 00
13 00
14 00
15 60
16 50
17 60
19 OO
20 00
110 00
44 00
44 00
66 00
65 00
44 00
23 00
22 00
110 00
33 00
88 60
165 00
83 00
27 60
2 50
26 50
24 25
23 00
22 00
21 00
20 00
19 00
19 00
20 00
21 00
22 00
23 00
24 25
25 50
26 50
55 00
21 00
20 00
88 00
86 00
S3 00
31 00
81 00
a 00
85 00
88 00
20 00
21 00
81 00
28 60
26 60
' 24 00
22 00
42 00
154 00
27 60
88 60
22 00
42 00
88 00
16 00
13 00
110 00
83 00
44 00
220 00
77 00
56 00
83 00
82 50
24 00
66 00
42 00
83 00
22 00
22 00
83 00
44 00
65 00
110 00
88 60
44 00
65 00
55 00
44 00
83 00
88 60
60 00
165 00
44 00
33 00
27 60
66 00
27 00
24 60
40 60
11 00
40 00
12 00
40 00
12 00
40 00
11 00
LLot 11, block 2, Drake's Add
LiOl It, diock z, urane s aou
Lot 13, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 14, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 15, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 16, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 17, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 18, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 19, block 2, Drake's Add
Lot 20, block 2. Drake's Add
Lot 1, block 3, Drake's Add
Lot 2, block 3, Drake's Add
Lot 3, block 3, Drake's Add
Lot 4, block 8, Drake's Add
Lot 5, block 3, Drake's Add
Lot 6, block 3, Drake's Add
Lot 7, block 3, Drake's Add
Lot 8, block 3, Drake's Add
Lots 9 and 10, block 3, Drake's
Add.,. at $27.60 each
Lot 11, Tlock 3, Drake's Add
Lot 13, block 3, Drake's Add
Lots 18 and 14, block 8. Drake's
Add., at 319.00 each
LoU 15 and 16, block 8, Drake's
Add., at $17.60 each
Lots 17 and 18. block 8. Drake's
Add., at 316.50 each
Lots 19 and 20, block 3, Drake's
Add., at $15.50 each.......... ...... ..
Lots 1 and 2, block 4. Drake's
Add., at $15.50 each. ............... ..
Lots 3 and 4, block 4, Drake a
Add., at $16.50 each
Lots 6 and 6. block 4. Drakes
Add., at $17.60 each
Lots t and 8. block 4, Drake's
Add., at $19.00 each
Lot 9, block 4, Drake's Add
Lot 10, block 4, Drake's Add........
Lots U and 12, block 4, Drake's
Add., at $15.60 each
Lots IS and 14. block 4, Drake's
Add., at $14.26 eacn
Lots 16 and 14. block 4, Drakes
aaa at 11 a 25 each
Lots 17 and 18, block 4, Drake's
Add., at $12.00 each. ........
Lots 19 and 20, block 4, Drake's
Add., at $11.00 each. ................
Lots 1 and 2. block 6, Drake's Add.,
at $21.00 eacn
Lots 3 to 8, Inclusive, block ,
rw-.wa Add. st 822.00 each
Lot 10, block 6, Drake's Add
Lot 11. block 6. Drake s Add
LoU i3 and 14. block 6. Drake s
Add., at lil.w eacn................
Lots 16 and 16, block ft, Draxe s
Add., at $20.00 each.................
Lots i7 and 18. block 6. Drakes
a ,t a ti Q on pri .
Lots i and 30, block 6, Drake's
Add., at taw eacn........ ........
Lots 21 and 22. block 6, unice s
Add.: at $16.60 eaoh
Lots t 1; 1 and 4. block 6, Drake s
Add., at il.oo eacn...........
i , k hinrk 6. Drake s Aaa..
Lot 6, block 6, Drake's Add..........
Lots 7, s, ana iu, uiocs. ,
Add., at $55.00 each..........
Lot 11. block 6, Drake's Add
Lot 12, block 6, Drake s Add
Lot 13, block 6, Drakes Add........
Lots 14, 15 and 16, block 6, Drake s
Add., at $27.60 each.........
Lot 17, block S. Drake's Add........
Lots 18, 19 ana zu, Dioca o, tr
Add., at l-i w eacn. ...............
Lots 21 and 22. block 9. uraxe s
Add., at 21.00 each
Lot 1, block 7. Drake's Add. (except
part laaen lor iwuipymy
Lot 3 block 7. Drake s Aaa. (except
part taken for boulevard)
Lot 6. block 7, Drake's Add. (except
part taken for boulevard)
Lot 7, block 7, Drake s Add. (except
part taken for boulevard)
Lot 8, block 7, Drake's Add. (except
pert taken for boulevard)..
Lot 9. block 7, Drake's Add. (except
iart taaen ror iwuipu;
Lots 10 and 11, block 7. Drake s
aaa mt f."5.00 each
"Lot 17, block 7, Drake's Add. (ex
cept part laaen iur muiwimf.,
Lot 18, block 7. Drake s Add. (ex
cept part taken for boulevard)...
Lot 19, block 7. Drake's Add. (ex
cept part laaen lor uuuirvaru;...
Lot 20. block 7, Draae s Aaa
l,Ot 21, DIOCK I. l-'l w AUU
Lot 22, block 7. Draaes Aaa
Lot 1. block 8. Dreke'e Add. (except
part taken for boulevard)..
Lot 2 block 8, Drake s Add. (except
part taaen ior,. .........
Lots 8. 4 and 6, block 8, Drake's
aaa At 155.00 each
Lot 6, block 6. grake s Add
it 7. block 8. Drake s Add
Lot 8. block 8, Drakes Add..........
Lots 9, 10 and 11. block 8, Drake's
Add. St j ec"
Lou i. 2 and 8, Ellis Place, at
$9.00 each
Lots 4. 6 and 8. Ellis Place, at
Lot's! 'to 12 Inclusive,' Eliis' Place)
at $4-75 each..
r . ix Kills Place
Lou 14 and 16, Ellis
$20.00 each
Lots 16 and 17, Ellis
$11.00 each i;,v. "
Lots IS snd 18. Bills
$).00 each. ........
Lots 80 and 21, Ellis
$11.00 each.. .....
lx ts 22 and 23. Ellis
Place, at
Place',' at
Place)" at
$20.00 each
Lot 24, Ellis Place
"Lot 25. Ellis Place ,
Lot 26. Ellis Place....
Lots 1 lo I Inclusive, block
Euclid Place, at $11 Oo each
T..I. 7 to 18 lncluslwe. block
10 00
18 00
64 00
78 00
Euclid Place, at $13 00 each
' aa.
Lot 1, block 8. Kuriia r-isce
Lots 2 to 6 Inclusive, block
RnHd Place, st 114 60 each
16 60
82 60
Lots 7 to 11 Inclusive, block
. Sub., at 81.66 each
Lots 85 to 86 Inclusive. Clarke's
St. Mary's Avenue Add., at $5.60
Lots 1 and 2. block 2, Capitol Hill
Add., at $6.60 each
Lot 8. block 3. Capitol Hill Add
Lot 4, block 2, Capitol 11111 Add
Lot 6. block 2, Capitol Hill Add
Lota 6 and 7, blo k 8, Capitol Hill
Add., at $9.00 each
Lot 8, block 2. Capitol Hill Add
Lot 9, block 2, Capitol Hill Add
Lot 10, block 2, Capitol Hill Add ...
Lou 11 and 12, block 2, Capitol Hill
Add., at $6 50 each
Lots 1, 2 and 1. block 3, Capitol Hill
Add., at $6 60 each
Lot 4, block 3, Capitol Hill Add
Lot 6. block 8. Capitol Hill Add.....
Lot 6. block 3. Capitol Hill Add.....
Lot 7, block 3, Capitol Hill Add
Lots, 1, 2, 3 and 4, Coburn's Sub., at
$10 00 each
Lot 6, Ctiburn's Sub
Lots 6 and 7, Coburn's Sub., at $10.00
Lota 8 to 14 Inclusive, Coburn's
Sub., at $9.00 each
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Crescent Park,
at $6.50 each
Lots 6 to 26 Inclusive, Crescent
Park, at $4.60 each
Lots 1, 2, 8 and 4, block L Creston.
at $4 75 each
Lou 6 to 10 Inclusive, block L Cres
ton, at $6.00 each
Lots 11, 12. 13 and 14, block 1, Cres
ton, at $4.76 each
Lou 16, 16, 17 and 18, block 1, Cres-
ton, at $4.60 each
Lots L 2. 3 4 and 5, block 2, Creston,
at 85.00 each
Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, block I, Creston,
at 86.60 each
Lots 10, 11, 13 and 18, block 2, Cres
ton, at $5.00 each
Lots 14 to 18 Inclusive, block 2, Cres
ton, at $4.76 each.t
Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, block 8, Cres
ton. at 86.00 each
LoU 6, 7, 8 and 9. block 8, Creston,
at $5.60 each .
LoU 1, 2, 3 and 4, Creston Annex,
at $6.50 each
OAv o..ok Lotss( s
Iots 6 and 6, Creston Annex, at
$6.00 eash
Lots 7 to 14. Inclusive, Creston
Annex, at $6.50 each
Lots 15 and 16, Creston Annex at
$6.00 each
Lots 17 to 24, Inclusive, Creston
Annex, at $6.50 each
Lot 26, Creston Annex
Lots 1 and 2, Cherry Garden, at
$9.00 each
Lots 8 and 4, Cherry Oarden, at
$8.00 each
Lots 6 to 10, Inclusive, Cherry Gar
den, at $5.50 each
Lots 11 and 12, Cherry Oarden, at
$9.00 each
Lots 13 and 14, Cherry Garden, at
$8.00 each
Lots 1. 2, 8 and 4, Clifton Place, at
$11.00 each
Lots 6, 6 and 7, Clifton Place, at
$12.00 each
Lot 8, Clifton Place
Lot 9. Clifton Place
Lot 10, Clifton Place
Lot 11, Clifton Place
Lot 12, Clifton Place
Lot 13, Clifton Place
Lot 14, Clifton Place
Lots 1 to 10, Inclusive, Devries'
Sub., at $11.00 each
Lot 1, block 1, Drake's Add
Lot 2, block 1. Drake's Add
Lot 3, block 1, Drake's Add
Lot 4. block 1, Drake's Add. (ex
cept part taken for boulevard)...
Lot 5, block 1. Drake's Add. (ex
cept part taken for boulevard)...
Lot 6, block 1, Drake's Add. (ex
cept part taken for boulevard)...
Lot 7, block 1. Drake's Add. (ex
cept part taken for boulevard)...
Lets 1, 2, 8 and 4, block 2, Drake's
Add., at $27.50 each
Lot 6. block 2. Drake's Add
Lot 6, block 2, Drake's Add........
Lot 7, block t. Drake's Add
Lots 8, 9 and 10, block 2, Drake's
Add., at $55.00 each
Euclid Place, at z. so eacn
Lot IS, block 2. Euclid Place
Lots 1 to 6 innluslve, Evans Add.,
at 8316 each
Lot T, Evans' Add.
137 60
25 00
18 60
Lots 6 to 14 Inclusive. Evans' Add..
at U 'M escb...i
Lots 1 to 7 Inclusive, Fearon Place,
at 6.w each.
Lota 8 and 8. Fearon Placo, at $.
tou 10, 11 and 13, Fearon Placo,
at fc.uO each
Lot 14, Fearon Place
ts 14 and 16. Fearon Place, at
$9 .00 each
Lots 1 and 17, Fearon Place, at
$7.75 each
Lots 1 and 19, Fearon Place, at
9.w each
Lots 20 and 21, Fearon Place, at
$7.76 each
Lots 23 and 23. Fearon Place, at
9.00 each
Lot 24, Fearon Place
Lot 25, Fearon Place
Lot 26, Fearon Place
Lots 1 to 8, Inclusive, Hart's Sub,
at $3.00 each
Lots 9 to 4u, inclusive. Hart's Sub,
. at $3.50 each
Lot 1, block 1, Hawthorne Add
North 29 feet of lot 3, block 1. Haw
thorne Add
South 10 feet of lot 3, block 1. Haw-
thorns Add.
Lou 4 and 5, block 1, Hawthorne
Add., at $5.60 each
Lot 6. block 1, Hawthorne Add
Lot 7. block 1, Hawthorne Add
North 40 feet of lot 8. block 1, Haw-
thorne Add
Lot 10, block 1, Hawthorns Add
L ot 11, block 1, Hawthorne Add
Lot 12, block 1. Hawthorne Add
Lot 13, block 1, Hawthorne Add
Lot 14, block i, Hawthorne Add
Lota 1 tq 6, Inclusive, block 2, Haw-
thorne Add., at $5.60 each
Lot 7, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 8, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 9, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 10, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 11, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lota 12 and 13. block 2. Hawthorne
Add., at $10.60 eacn
Lot 14, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 15, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 16. block 3, Hawthorne Add
Lot li, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 18, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 19, block ?, Hawthorne Add
Lot 20, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lot 21, block 2, Hawthorne Add
Lots 22 to 28, Inclusive, block 2,
Hawthorne Add., at $5.50 each....
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, block 3, Haw-
thorne Add., at $5.50 each
Lots 8 and 9, block 3, Hawthorns
Add., at $6.60 each
Lot 10, block 3, Hawthorne Add i
Lot 1L block 3. Hawtnorne Add
Lot 12, block 3, Hawthorne Add
Lot 13, block 3, Hawthorne Add
18 78
42 08
11 00
15 00
7 76
18 00
16 60
18 00
16 60
15 00
7 75
6 6.1
I 76
14 00
111 00
6 50
1 50
11 00
4 00
6 50
5 60
10 00
10 60
10 60
U 00
83 00
6 50
7 00
T 75
9 01
10 00
31 00
11 00
10 00
0 00
8 25
8 HO
7 25
6 60
6 00
88 60
88 60
18 00
7 75
8 25
9 00
10 00
7 76
28 00
12 00
88 60
88 60
13 00
85 00
45 60
88 60
88 60
46 60
16 R0
8 26
19 60
18 00
2 25
1 00
27 00
23 23
80 00
27 00
80 00
42 00
40 25
6 75
6 60
4 50
4 00
8 60
jxu i, diock 9, Hawthorne Add
Lot 15, block 3, Hawthorne Add
Lots 16 to 19. Inclusive, block 3.
Hawthorne Add., at $7.00 each....
Lou 20 and 21, block 3, Hawthorns
. Add., at $6.00 each
Lots 22 to 28, Inclusive, block 3,
Hawthorne Add., at 15 60 each
LoU 1 to 7, Inlcuslve. block 4, Haw
thorne Add., at $5.50 each
LoU 8 and 9. block 4. Hawthorns
Add., at 86.60 each
Lots iO to 14. Inclusive, block 4.
HawthnmA AAA ,t t7M .in.h
Lots 15 to 21, inclusive, block' 4.
Hawthorne AAA at IAEA arh
LoU 22 to 28. inclusive, block 4.
Hawthorne Add., at 15.60 each
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, block 6. Haw
thorne Add., at 15.60 each .
Lots 8 to 14, Inclusive, block 6. Haw-
inorne Aaa., at .50 eacn
Lots 1, 2 and 8. block 6, Hawthorne
Add., at $6.50 each
Lot 4, block 8, Hawthorne Add
Lots 1, 2 and 8, block 7. Hawthorne
Add., at $6.60 each
Lots 4, 6 and 6, block 7. Hawthorns
Add., at $6.00 each
Lot 7, block V Hawthorne Add...,.
Lot 8, block 7. Hawthorne Add
Lots 1. 2 and 8, block 8, Hawthorns
Add., at $9.00 each
Lots 4. 5 and 6. block 8. Hawthorns
Add., at $7.75 each
Lots 1, 2 and 3, block 9, Hawthorns
Add., at $10.00 each
Lots 4, 6 and 6, block 9, Hawthorns
Add., at $9.00 each
Lots 1, 2 and 3, block 10, Hawthorne
Add., at $10.00 each
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, block 12.
Highland Place, at 86.00 each
Lots 1 to 7, Inclusive, block 18,
Highland Place, at $5.75 each
Lot 1, block 14, Highland Place....
Lot 2. block 14. Highland Place....
Lot 8. block 14. Highland Plane
Lot 4, block 14, Highland Place....
Lot 6. block 14, Highland Place....
Lots 6 and 7, block 14. Highland
Place, at 83.00 each
Lota 1 to 16, Inclusive. Highland
Place, Kountse's Bub, block 19,
Smith's Add., at $6.60 each
Lots 1 to 8, Inclusive, Highland
Place, Kountse's Sub., block 20,
Smith's Add., at $5.60 each
Lots 9 to 16, Inclusive, Highland
Place, Kountse's Sub., block 20,
Smith's Add., at $6.00 each
88 00
44 00
48 00
19 60
(8 60
17 60
22 00
69 75
Fl 00
24 50
13 00
12 50
12 00
11 60
11 00
10 50
10 00
8 26
7 76
18 00
Lots 17, 18 and 19, Highland Place,
KounUe s Sub., block 20, Smith's
Add., at $6 50 each
Lot 20, Highland Place, Kountse's
Sub., block 20, Smith's Add
Lota 1 to 9, Inclusive, Himebaugh
Place, at i6.50 each
Ixt 10, Himebaugh Place
Lot 11, Himebaugh Place
Lots 12 to 20. Inclusive, Himebaugh
Place, at $7.75 each
Lots 21 to 29, Inclusive, Himebaugh
Place, at $9.00 each
Lot 30, Himebaugh Place
Lot 1. Hillside Keaerve
Lot 2. Hillside Reserve
Lot 2, Hillside Reserve
Lot 4, Hillside Reserve
Lot 6. Hillside Reserve
Lot 6, Hillside Reserve
Lot 7, Hillside Reserve...,
Lot 8, Hillside Reserve
T jt 0 UlllalH, n.,.rv.
Lot l6, Hillside Reserve
Lot 11, Hillside rieserve
Lots 12 and 13, Hillside Reserve, at
$6.60 each
Lot 16, Hillside Reserve
Lot 17, Hillside Reserve
Lot 18, Hillside Reserve
Lot 19, Hillside Reserve
Lot 20, Hillside Reserve
Lot 21, Hillside Reserve
Lot 22, Hillside Reserve
Lot 23. Hillside Reaenve
Lot 24, Hillside Reserve
Lot 25, Hillside Reserve
Lot ft. Hillside Reserve
Lot 27, JUllsl&e Reserve
Lot 28, Hillside Reserve
Block 1, Hillside Add. No. 1
Lot 1. block 2, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 2, block 2. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 3. block 3. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 4, block 2, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 6, block 2, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 6, block 1, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 7, block 2, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lots 8 and 9, block 2. Hillside Add.
No. 1, at $13.00 each
Lot 10. block 2, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 11. block 2. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 12, block 2. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 13. block 2. Hillside Add. No. 1.
10 00
10 60
11 00
11 60
12 00
12 50
13 00
13 50
14 00
226 00
t 60
10 00
10 60
11 00
11 60
13 00
12 60
26 00
13 60
14 00
14 t0
15 00
81 00
16 00
16 50
6 60
6 50
7 26
7 75
. 6 50
10 00
10 60
11 00
14 60
62 80
4 50
10 no
22 00
65 00
88 60
44 00
83 00
83 00
17 60
20 00
23 00
27 60
44 40
72 00
66 00
38 60
83 00
22 00
80 00
19 00
88 00
27 60
29 no
16 60
16 60
17 50
18 76
20 10
22 00
21 00
SO 00
Is 76
17 60
88 08
81 00
n oo
tl 00
20 08
131 6
Lots 14 and 15. block 3. Hillside Add.
no. i, at ib.M eacn
Lot 16, block 2. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 17. block 2, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 1. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 2. block 3, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 3, block 8, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 4, block 8, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 6. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 4, block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 7, block 4, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 8. block 4. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 9, block 4. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 10, block 4. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 11, block 4. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lots 1, 2. 8 and 4, block 6. Hillside
Addv No. 1, at 15.50 each
Lota 8. 7 and 8, block 6, Hillside
Add. No. 1, at $16 60 each
Lot 9, block 6. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 10, block 6, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lots 11 and 13. block 6. Hillside
Add. No. 1, at $27.50 each
Lot 14, block 6. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 16. bloi.k 6, Hillside Add. No. 1
(except part taken for boulevard)
Lot 1. block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lota 2 and 3. block 7. Hillside Add.
No. 1. at 316.60 eacn
Lot 4, block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 6. block T, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 6, block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 7. block 7. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 8, block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 9, block 1. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 10. block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 11. block 7. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 12. block 7. Hillside Add. No. 1.
It 13, block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 14. block 7. HMUIde Add. No. 1.
Lot 16. block 7. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 14, block 7, Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 1, block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lots 3 and 8. block 8, Hillside Add.
No. 1, at $14X0 each
Lot 4. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 6. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 6. block 8, Hillside Add. No. !..
Lot 7. block 8, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 8, block 8. HIllMUe Add. No, 1..
Lot 8. block 8, Hillside Add. No. 1..
Lot 10. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 11. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lot 12. block 3. HllUlda Add. No. 1
I-nt 11. block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1.
r-Lots 14 and 15, block 8, Hillside
Add. No. 1. at $16 60 each
Lot 16, block 8. Hillside Add. No. 1.
Lots 1 and 2. block 1, Hillside Add.
No. 2. at $10.00 each
Lou 8 and 4. block L, Hillside Add.
No. 3. at $10.50 each
lts 6. 6. 7 and 8. block 1. Hillside
Add. No. 2. at 31100 each
Lots t and 10. block 1, Hillside Add.
No. 8, at $10 50 each
Lots 11 and 12. block 1. Hillside Add.
No. 3, at $10.00 each
Lots I to 11 Inclusive, block 8.
Hillside Add. No. 2. at $1100 each.
Lots U ar-d 1$. block 8. HllUlde
Add. No. 8, a LU.W aaca.
Lots 14 to 24 Inclusive, block 1. Hill-
. side Add. No. 2. at $13.00 eech
Lots 1 to 11 Inclusive, block 3, Hill
side Add. No. 2. st $13.00 each
Lots 13 and 18, block 8. Hillside
Add. No. 3, at $13.00 each
Lots 14 to 24 Inclusive, block 3, Hill
side Add. No. 3. at 813W each....
Lots 1 and 2, block 4. Hillside Add.
No. 2, at $10110 each
Lots 3 and 4, block 4, Hillside Add.
No. 2 at $10.60 each
Lots 6, 6, 7 and 8. block 4. Hillside
Add. No. 2. at $1100 each
Lots 9 and Id, block 4. Hillside Add.
No. 2, at $1060 each
Dots 11 snd 12, block 4. Hillside
Add. No. 2, st 810.00 each
Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Housel 4k Steb
bins' Sub Lot 14, Bartlett's Add.,
at 310.00 each
Lots 6, 6 and 7, Housel A 8tebblns'
Sub Lot 14, Bartlett's Add., at
311.00 each
Lots 8, 9 and 10, House) 4k Stebblns'
Sub Lot 14, Bsrtlett's Add., at
$12.00 each
Lot 11, Housel 4k Stebblns' Sub Lot
14, Bartlett's Add
Lot 13, Housel Stebblns' Sub
Lot 14, Rartlett's Add
Lot 13, Housel 4k Stebblns' Sub
Lot 14, Bsrtlett's Add....-
Lot 14. Housel 4k Stebblns' Sub
Lot 14. Bartlett's Add
Lota 1, 2, 3 and 4, Housel 4k Steb
blns' Sub Lot 15, Bartlett's Add.,
at $10.00 each ,
Lots 5, 6 and 7, Housel A Stebblns'
Sub Lot 15, Bsrtlett's Add., at
$11.00 each
Lola 8, 9 and 10, Housel A Stebblns'
flub Lot 15, Bartlett's Add., at
12.00 each
Lot 11. Housel A Stebblns' 8ub Lot
15, Bartlett's Add
Lot 13, Housel A Stebblns' Sub Lot
15, Bartlett's Add
Lot 13. Housel A Stebblns' Sub Lot
15, Bartlett's Add
Lot 14, Housel A Stebblns' Sub Lot
15. Bartlett's Add
Lot 1, block 1, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 2, 'block 1, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 3, block 1, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 4, block 1, Isaac A Selden's
Lota 6, 4 and 7, block t, Isaac A
Selden's Add;, at $26.60 each
Lot 8, block 1, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 1, block 2, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 2. block 2, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 3, block 2, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 4. block 2, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 6, block 2, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 6, block 2, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 7, block 2, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 8. block 8, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 1, block 8, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 2, block 8, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 8, block 3, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 4, block 3, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 6. block 3, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 6, block 8, Isaac A Selden's
'Lot 7, block 3, Isaac A Selden's
183 M
132 00
26 00
133 00
10 00
21 09
44 00
21 00
20 00
40 00
83 00
86 00
13 25
14 60
16 50
16 50
40 00
83 00
86 00
13 25
14 60
15 50
16 SO
25 00
24 00
23 00
22 00
79 50
27 60
22 00
21 00
20 00
19 00
' 2100
22 00
23 00
24 00
17 60
16 60
15 00
14 60
. 16 60
17 60
18 76
20 00
13 00
12 00
11 00
10 00
11 00
12 00
13 00
14 25
21 00
20 00
19 00
17 50
19 00
?0 CO
22 CO
24 00
3". 00
24 00
23 00
52 00
27 60
53 00
Si 50
44 00
33 00
- 82 SO
219 00
32 00
38 50
146 00
100 00
88 50
13 00
27 50
88 60
44 00
78 00
38 tO
26 00
12 (0
20 00
19 00
. 40 00
23 00
27 50
17 60
16 60
16 60
14 60
15 60
16 60
17 60
19 00
18 00
17 50
16 60
11 00
16 60
17 60
19 00
37 60
28 00
80 00
23 00
27 50
100 00
77 00
100 00
66 00
44 00
110 00
100 09
18 50
66 06
48 00
88 71
46 00
84 76
6 60
4 60
4 00
I 26
8 60
6 00
24 26
12 08
146 60
48 69
block 8, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 1, block 4, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 2, block 4, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 2. block 4, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 4, block 4. Isaao A Selden's
Lot 6, block
it 6, block
4. Isaao A Selden's
4, Isaao A Seiden's
Lot 7, block 4, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 8. block 4, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 1, block 6, Isaac A 8elden's
Lot 3.
block 6, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 8, block 6, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 4, block 6, Isaac A Selden-s Add
Lot 6, block 6, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 6, block 6, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 7, block 6, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 8, block 6, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 1, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 2, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 8, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 4, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 5, block 7, Isaac A Selden'a Add
Lot 6, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 7, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 8, block 7, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lot 1, block 8, Isaac A Selden's Add
Lots 2, 8 and 4, block 8, Isaao A
Selden's Add., at $27.50 each
Lots 6, 6 and 7, block 8, Isaac A
Selden's Add., at $73.00 each
Lot 8, block 8, Isaac A Selden'a Add
Lot 6, block 9, Isaac A Selden's Add
(except part taken for boulevard)
Lots 7 and 8, block 9, Isaac A Sel
den's Add., at $73.00 each
Lot 1, block 10, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 2, block 10, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 3, block 10, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 4, block 10, Isaac A, Selden's
Lot 6, block 10, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 6, block 10, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 7, block 10, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 8. block 10, Isaac A Selden'a
Add. (except part taken for boule
vard). Lot 1, block 11, Isaae A Selden's
7 75
8 26
9 60
Lot 2.
block 11, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 3. block 11. Isaac A Selden's
Lot 4, block 11, Isaac A Selden's
Lots 6 and 6, block 11, Isaac A Sel
den's Add., at $20 00 each
Lot 7, block 11, laaao A Selden's
Lot 8, block 11,
Isaac at oemen s
Lot 1. block 12,
Isaac A Selden's
Lot 2. block 12, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 3. block 12.
Add ..
Lot 4, block 12.
Lot 6. block 12,
Isaac A Selden'a
Isaao A Selden's
Isaac A Selden's
Isaac A Selden's
Lot 6.
block u.
Lot 7, block 12.
Isaac A Selden's
Lot 8,
block 12. Isaac A Selden's
Lot 1.
block 18, Isaac A Selden's
A " Seiden's
Lot 2, plock 18, Isaac
Lot 3. block 13, Isaac
A Selden's
Lots 4 and 6, block 13, Isaac A Sel
den's Add., at $15.60 each...........
Lot 6, block 13, Isaao A Selden'a
Lot 7. block 13.
Isaac A Selden's
Lot 8.
block 18, Isaao A Selden'a
block li" Isaac A Selden's
Lot 1.
Lot 3, black 14, Isaao A Selden's
Lots 3, 4, 6 and 6, block 14, Isaao A
Selden's Add., at $30.00 each
Lot 7, block 14, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 8. block 14, Isaao A Selden's
Lot 8, block 16, Isaao A Selden's
. Add.
Lots 4 and 6, block 16, Isaac A Sel
den's Add., at $38 60 each
Lot 6. block 16, Isaac A Selden'a
Loul and I, block 16, Isaac A Sel
den's Add , st $33.00 each
Lot 8, block 16, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 4. block 16, Iaaae A Selden's
Lot 6. block 16, Isaac A Selden's
Lot 4. block 16, Isaac A Selden's
Lots 7 and 8. block 16, Isaac A Sel
den's Add., at 337.60 each
Lots 1 to 8 Inclusive, block L Je
rome Park, at 86.00 each
Lou 10 to 14 Inclusive, block 1,
Jerome Park, at 84.76 each
"Lots l to 9 Inclusive, block 2,
Jerome Park, at 8500 each
Lota 10 to Is inclusive, block 8,
Jerome Psrk, at 8176 each
Lot 1, block 7, Jerome Park
Lot 1. block 7, Jerome Park
Lot 8, block 7, Jerome Park
Lot 4. block 7, Jerome Park
Lota 6, 6 and 7, block 7, Jerome
Park, at $3. 76 each
Lot 8, bock 7, Jerome Park
Lot 9, block 7. Jerome Park
Lot 1, block 8. Jerome Park
LoU 2 to 6 Inclusive, block 8.
Jerome Park, at $6.36 each
Lot 7, block 8, Jerome Park
Lots 6 and 9, block 8, Jerome
Park, at $4 00 each
Lots 1 to 37 Inclusive, block 8,
Jerome Park, at 86.60 each
Lou 1 to 9 Inclusive, block 10,
Jerom Park, at 86 60 each
Leu 1 U M lucluatva Meek !
Kllby Place, at $6.00 each -
Lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 8,
Kllby Place, at each
Lota 11 to 80 Inclusive, block 2,
Kllby Place. St $5 50 each
Lots 1 to 10 Inclusive, block 4,
Kllby place, at $6 50 each
Lots 11 to 80 . Inclusive, block 4,
. Kllby Place, at $350 each
Lots 1 and 2, Knight's Add., at
$5 50 each
Lots 8, 4 and 6. Knight's Add., at
85 00 each
Lots and 7, Knight's Add., at $4 60
Lots 1 In i inclusive Knox's Bub.,
st $150 each
I-ot 1, Mock 1, Mayne Place
Lot 2, block 1, Mayne Dace
Lot 3, block 1, Mayne Place
Lot 4. block 1, Mnyne Place
Lot 6. block 1, Mayne Place
Lot 6, block 1. Mayne Place
Lots 7 to 10 Inclusive, block 1,
. Mayne Place, at $2.00 each
Lets U to 16 Inclusive, block L,
Mayne Place, at $19.00 each
Lot 16, block 1 Mayne Place
Lots 17 to 22 Inclusive, block 1,
Mayne Place, at $48.50 each
Lots 23 to 26 Inclusive, block 1,
Mayne Place, at $55.00 each
Lot 1, block 2, Mayne Place
I.ot 2. block 2, Mayne Place
Lot 3, block J, Mavne Place
Lots 17 to 22, Inclusive, block 2,
Mayne Place, at $48.60 each
Lots 23 to 26, Inclusive, block 2,
Mayne Place, at $65.00 each
Lot 1. block 3. Mayne Place
Lots 2 to 6, Inclusive, block S.
Mayne Place, at $48.50 each
Lots 7 and 8. block 3, Mayne Plaoe,
at $55.00 each
Lot 8, block 3, Mavne Place
Lot 10, block 8, Mayne Place
Lots 11 and 124 block 3, Mayne
Place, at $72.00 each
Lot 17, block 8, Mayne Place
Lot 18, block 3, Mayne Place
Lot 19, block 3, Mayne Place
Lot 20, block 3. Mavne Place
Lots 21 to 25, Inclusive, block 8,
Mayne Place, at 319.00 each
Lot 26, block 3, Mayne Place
Lota 1 to 6, Inclusive, block 4,
Mayne Place, at $48.50 each-
Lots 7 and 8. block 4, Mayne Place,
at $56.00 ach
Lots 9 and 10. block 4. Mayne Place,
at $62.00 each
Lot 11, block 4, Mayne Place
Lot 12, block 4, Mavne Place
Lot IS, block 4, Mayne Place........
Lot 1, block 7, McCormlok's Add...
Lots 2 and 3, block 7, McCormlck's .
Add., at $11 00 each
Ixt 4, block 7, McCormlck's Add...
Lot 1, block 8, McCormlck's Add...
Lot 2. block 8, McCormlck's Add...
Eaat 28 feet lot 3, block 8, McCor
mlck's Add
West 87.5 feet lot 4, block 8, McCor
mlck's Add
Lots 6 and 6. block 8, McCormlck's
Add., at $15.60 each
West 37.6 feet lot 7, block 8. McCor
mlck's Add
East 28.5 feet lot 8, block 8, McCor
mlck's Add
Lot 9. block 8, McoCrmlck's Add...
Lot 10, block 8, McCormlck's Add...
Lots 1 and 2. block 9, McCormlck's
Add., at $16.50 each
Lot 8, block 9, McCormlck's Add....
Lots 4 and 5. block 9. McCormlck's
Add., at $19 00 each
Lot 6. block 9. McCormlck's Add..
Lots 7 and 9. block 9. McCormlck's
Add., at $1660 each
I,ot 1. block 10, McCormlck's Add..
Irtt 2, block 10. McCormlck's Add..
West 58.6 feet lot 4, block 10. Mc
Cormlck's Add
Lot 6. block 10, McCormlck's Add..
Lot 6, block 10, McCormlck's Add..
Lot 7, block 10, McCormlck's Add..
Ixit 8. block 10, McCormlck's Add..
West 58 5 feet lot 9, block 10, Mc
Cormlck's Add
Lot 11. block 10. McCormlck's Add.
Lot 12, block 10, McCormlck's Add.
Lot 1. block 11. McCormlck's Add..
Ixit 2. block 11. McCormlck's Add..
West 58 5 feet lot 4, block 11. Mc
Cormlck's Add
T.ot 5. block 11, McCormlck's Add..
Lot 6, block 11, McCormlck's Add..
Lots 1. 2 and , block . 12l Mc
Cormlck's Add., at 316.50 each
Lot 4. block 12. McCormlck's Add..
Lot 1, block 13, McCormlck's Add..
Lot 2, block 13. McCormlck's Add..
East 28 5 feet lot 3. block 13, Mc
Corm!ck' Add
West 37.R feet lot 4. block 13. Mc
Cormlck's Add.
Tot 6, block 13, McCormlck's Add..
Lot 1. block 14, McCormlck's Add..
Lot 2, block 14. McCormlck's Add..
Old street lylne between lot 5. block
8. and lot 1. block 9. McCormlck's
Add. :
Old street lying between lot 6,
block 8, and lo 8, block 9, McCor
mlck's Add
Old street lvlna between lot 4.
block 9. and lot 1. block 10, Mc
Cormlck's Add
Old street lvlng between lot 5,
block 9. and lot 12, block 10, Mc
Cormlck's Add
Old street lvlng between lot 1,
block 11. and lot 4, block 12, Mc
Cormlck's Add
Old street lvlng between lot 1,
block 12. and lot 6. block 13, Mc
Cormlck's Add
Lots 1 to 13 Inclusive. Morse A
Brunner Place, at $3.60 esrh
Lots 1 to 6 Inclusive, Morsman
Park, at $14.50 each
Lots 7. 8 and 9, Morsman Park, at
311.00 each
Lot, 10, Morsman Park
Lot 11, Morsman Park
Tot 1, Ottawa Place
I.ot 2. Ottawa Place
l ot 8. Ottawa Place
Lot 4, Ottawa Place
Lot 5. block 1. Park Place
Lot 6. block 1, Park Place
I.ot 7. block 1. Park Place
Lot 8. block 1. Park Place,
Lots 9 snd 10. block 1, Park Place,
at $27.50 each
T.ot 11. block 1. Park Place
Lot 12. block 1. Park Place
Lot 18. block 1. Park Place
Txt 1, block 2. Park Pltrce
Lots t aid 3. block 2, Park Place,
at 322.00 each
55 no
n no
34 CO
85 no
21 00
44 00
11 00
16 50
60 00
133 no
16 50
60 00
16 50
11 00
22 00
72 00
17 60
12 00
6 60
18 00
70 00
44 00
106 00
11 00
12 00
87 60
88 00
17 60
16 60
24 00
23 00
11 00
11 00
11 00
132 00
33 00
88 00
42 00
41 00
89 60
27 60
2s 60
72 00
14 00
16 06
20 00
16 00
14 00
80 00
70 00
U 00
11 00
7 00
80 00
80 00
78 90
70 60
60 00
110 SO
I 0
bEast 67.76 feet lot 4. block 2, Park
Place ,
West 96.25 feet lot 6. block 2. Park
Lota 6. 7 and 8. block 2, Park Place,
at 820.04 each ;
Lots 9 to 15 Inclusive, block 2, Park
Place, at $19 00 each
Lot 16. block 2. Park Place
Lots 25, 26 and 27. block 2. Park
Place, at $20.00 each
Weat 96.25 feet lot 28, block 2. Park
East 57.75 feet lot 29, block 2, Park
Lot 80. block 2. Park Place
Lots 1, 2. 3 and 4, block 3, Park
Place, at $18.00 eech
Lot 6, block 8. Park Place
East 79 feet lot 6. block 3, Park
West 75 feet ot north 150 feet lot
7, block 8. Park Place
North 150 feet lota 8 and 9, block
8, Park Place, at $9.00 each
Lots 10 to 13, Inclusive, block 3,
Park Place, at $17.60 each
Lots 14 and 16, block 3, Park Place,
at 82.00 each
Lets 18 to 23 Inclusive, block 3,
Park Place, at $17.60 each
West 76 feet let 24, block 3, Park
East 79 feet lot 25, block 3, Park
Lots 26 to 80 Inclusive, block 3,
Park Placet, at $17.60 each
Lota 9 and 10. block 4. I'ark Place,
at $19.00 each
Lot 11. block 4. Park Place
Lot 18, block 4, Park Place
Lot 2, block 6. Park Place
East 127.75 feet lot 8, block 6,
Park Plaoe
West H lot 4, block 6, Park Place..
East Vi lot 6, block 6. Park Place..
West H lot 6, block 6, Park Place..
Lota 7 to 12, Inclusive, block 6, Park -
Place, at $22.00 each
Lot 13. block 6. Park Place
Lots 1 snd 3, block 6, Park Place,
at $44.00 each
l ot 8, block 6, Park Place
Lot 4, block 6, Park Place
Lot 6, block 6, Park Place
Lot 6, block 6, Park Place
Lot 7, block 6. Park Place
Lots 1 to 13 Inclusive, block 2. Per
kins' Sub., at $6.00 each
Lots 1 and 2. block 3, Perkins' Sub.,
at $7.00 each
Lots 8 and 4, block 8, Perkins' Sub.,
at $8.00 each
Lots 6 and 4, block 3, Perkins' Sub.,
at 810.00 each
Lota 7 and 8, block 8, Perkins' Sub.,
at 88.00 each
Lots 9 and 10. block 8, Perkins' Sub.,
at 87.00 each
Block 4, Perkln's Sub
Block 6, Perkins' Bub
Lots 1 and 2. Potter A Cobb's Sub.,
at 83.60 esch
Lets 3 and 4. Potter A Cobb's Sub.,
at $4.00 each
Lot 6. Potter A Cobb's 8ub.......
Lot 4. Potter A Cobb's Sub
Lots 1 to 10, Inclusive, Kees Placo,
at $9.00 each
Lots 11 to 20, Inclusive, Rees Place,
at 88.00 each
Lota to 30, Inclusive, Rees Place,
at $7W each
Lots 31 to 40 Inclusive, Rses Plaoe,
at 700 each
Lou 41 to 60, Inclusive, Rees Place,
at $6 00 each
Lots 17. 1$. 19 and 80. J. L Redlck's
Add., at $27 60 each
North 49 feet of south 147 feet of
let 17. 1. J. Stsdick's Add..........
40 00
60 00
66 00
66 00
15 00
11 00
IS 00
21 00
70 00
87 50
26 60
22 00
20 00
19 00
88 00
98 00
27 60
291 00
230 00
26 60
35 Ort
70 00
291 00
2n no
72 00
242 50
no no
62 00
60 00
144 00
66 no
33 00
22 00
20 00
95 00
27 60
231 00
110 00
104 CO
26 50
85 On
72 no
8 00
22 no
8 no
12 no
13 00
6 So
2 00
81 00
9 00
6 50
is no
12 CO
33 no
IS 00
8 on
IS 00
83 00
20 PO
22 00
23 00
27 W
19 Oft
15 50
22 00
20 no
22 Oft
20 no
2n no
22 00
?i no
23 no
16 50
49 50
19 on
12 no
13 00
6 50
9 no
15 50
8 of
11 00
Lota 85 and 86, J. I. Redlck's Add.,
at $'7 50 each
Lots 1 to 12, Inclusive, block 1, Sub
dlv. J. 1. Redlok's Add., at $5.60
I-ot 1 block 3. Subdlv. J. 1.
Redlck's Add
Lots 2, 8 and 4, block 2, Subdlv. J.
1. Kedlck s Add., at $9.00 each ...
Lots 6. 6, 7 and 8. block 3. Subdlv.
J. I. Redlck's Add., at $1 50 each..
I-ots 9, 10 and 11, block 2. Subdlv. J.
I. Redlck's Add., at $5.60 each ...
Lots 12. 13, 14 and 15, block 2, Sub
dlv. J. 1. Redlck's Add., at $6.09
Lots 16 to 20, Inclusive, block 2,
Subdlv. J. L Redlck's Add.. St
$7.00 each
Lot 1, block 3. Subdlv. J. I. Redlck's
Lots 1 and 3, block 8, Subdlv. of
J. I. Redlck s Add., at $ on each..
LoU 4 and 6, block 8, Subdlv. of
J. I. Redlck's Add., at $7.6.1 each..
Lot 6, block $, Subdlv. J. I. Redick s
North 50 feet and south 9 feet of lot
7. block 8. Subdlv. J. 1. Redlck s
Lot 8, block 1, Subdlr. J. I. Redlck's
Lot 9. block 3, Subdlv. J. I. Redlck s
Lot 10. block 8, Subdlv. J. I.
Hedlck'B Add
Lots 11 and 12. block 3. Subdlv. J.
I. Redlck's Add., at 88.00 each....
Lota IS to 17. Inclusive, block 3,
Subdlv. J. I. Redlck's Add., at
$5 50 each
Lot 18, block 1. Subdlv. J. I. Re
dlck's Add
Lot 1. block 4, Sub. Dlv. J. L
Redlck's Add
Lots 2 to 13 Inclusive, block 4. Pub.
Dlv. J. I. Redlck's Add., st $9 00
Lots 13,
Dlv. J.
each . .
Lots 16.
14 and 15, bioc-K 4, Sub.
I. Redlck's Add., at $10.00
block 4. 8ub. Dlv.
iteuicK s Ada...
Lot 1, block 5,
Redlok's Add..
Lot 2. block 6,
Redlck's Add..
Lot 3. block 6,
Redlck's Add..
Sub. Dlv.
Siib." Dlv.
Sub. "Dlv.
Lot 4. block 5, Sub. Dlv
uenicn s Add..
Lot 6. block 6,
Redlck's Add..
Lot 6, block 6,
Redlck's Add..
Lot 7. block 6.
Sub. Dlv.
Dlv. J.
Redlck's Add...
Lot 8, block 6,
Redlck's Add...
Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Lot 9, block 5,
Redlck's Add..
'sub. "blV." J."'i!
Lot 10. block 6, Sub. Dlv. J. I
Redlck's Add
Lot 11, blofk 5, Sub. Dlv,
Redlck's Add
Lot 12. block 6, Sub. Dlv,
J. I.
rieau-K s Aaa....
Lot 13. block 5,
Sub." Dlv."
neaii K s Ada
Lots 14 and 15, block 6, Sub. Dlv.
J. I. Redlck's Add., at $15.60 each
Lot 16, block 6, Sub. Dlv. J. L
Redlck'B AJd
Lota 1 and 2, block 6, Sub. Dlv. J.
I. Redlck's Add., at Jly.oo each....
Lot 3. block 6. Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Redlck's Add
Lot 4, block 6, Sub. Dlv. J. L
Redlck'B Add
Lot 5, block 6, Sub. Dlv. J. L
Redlck's Add
Lot 6. block 6. Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Redlck's Add
Lot 7, block 6. Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Redlck's Add
Lot 1, block 7, Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Redlck's Add.
Lot 2. block 7,
Redlck's Add...
Lot 4, block 7,
Redlck's Add...
Lot 5. block 7,
Redlck's Add...
Lot 1, block 8,
Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Sub. Dlv.
" Sub." Dlv.'
Sub. Dlv. J. I.
Kedlck s Add
Lots 2 to 6 inclusive, block 8, Sub.
Dlv. J. I. Redlck's Add., at $9.60
each .:
Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 8, Subdlv.
J. I. Redlck's Add., at $14.60 each
Lots 11 to 21, Inclusive, block 8, Sub
dlv. J. I. Redlck's Add., at $11.00
Lot 22, block 8, Subdlv. J. I. Re
dlck's Add
Lots 1. 2 and 3. block 9. Subdlv. J.
I. Redlck's Add., at $16.50 each..
Lots 4, 6 and 6. block 9, Subdlv. J.
I. Redlck'a Add., at $16.50 each....
Lota 7 and 8. block 9. Subdlv. J. L
Redlck's Add., at $14.50 each
Lots 9 and 10. block . Subdlv. J.
I. Redlck's Add., at $13.50 each....
Lot 11, block 9, Subdlv. J. I. Re-
18 75
aicK s Aaa.
Lot 12.
block 9,
J. I. Re-
18 75
22 00
22 00
24 00
19 no
45 50
87 00
8S nn
9 no
3 50
Lot 13,
Lot 14,
dick s
Lot 15.
Ixi t 16,
Lot 17.
Lot 18,
Lot 19.
Lot 20,
dick s
Lot 21,
dick s
Lot 22,
dick t
Lot 23.
dick s
Lot 24,
Add. ..
9, Subdlv: J. I. Re
''. ' Subdlv.' ' J." ' i! Re
9.' 'Subdlv.' ' j'.' i'.' Re-
9, Subdlv. J.
9,' Subdlv." j."
9, Subdlv. J. I. Re-9."SubdVv."j."i!''Re-9,"
Subdlv.' ' j.' ' L RS-
9. Subdlv. J.
9, Subdlv.
4 VI
8 no
3 5n
11 no
86 50
85 no
si no
33 00
9, Subdlv. J. I. Re-
dick s
Blocks 10. 11 and 12, Subdlv. J
Redlck's Add., at $:i.00 each..
Lot 1, block 10. Redlck's Sub.
H blocks 10 and 11. (except
taken for boulevard)
Lot 2, block in, Redlck's Sub.
hi blocks 10 and 11
Lot 3, block 10, Redlck's Sub..
i hWks 10 and 11
east 1
4. niocK ll. lirai S DUU.,
. . . . . . .1.1.'
hlnrks 10 and 11
6, block 10, Redlck's bud., east
I.Wbi in and II
6. block 10, Redlck's Bub.
blocks 10 and 11
7. block 10, Redlck's Sub.
blocks 10 ana n .
Lot 8. block 10. Redlck's Bun., east
hi blocks 10 and 11..........
Lot 9. block 10. Redlck's Sub., east
hi blocks 10 and-11....
Lot 10. block 10. Redlck's Sub., east
hi blocks 10 and 11............
Lot 11. block 10. Redlck a Sub east
hi blocks 10 and 11............
Lot 12, block 10. Redlck's Sub east
hi blocks 10 and 11............
Lot 1, block 11. Redlck's Sub east
u. morns iu aim n......
Lot 2. block 11. Redlck s
u blocks 10 and 11......
Lot 8. block 11. Redlck's
' Siib
U blocks 10 and 11............
Lot 4, block 11. Redlck's Bub east
Vi blocks 10 and 11.
Lois 6 to 10 Inclusive, block 11.
Redlck's Sub east hi blocks 10
and 11. at $6 uO each.......
t . 1 w. A. Redlck 8 Add
Lots and 3. W. A. Redlck's Add..
-, 113 mi eacn. .
Lots 4 and 6, W. A
Redlck's Add.,
at in.w eacn.
Lots 4 and 7, W.
at $15.50 each..
T.nt 8 and 9. W.
a! ' Redlck's Add.',
Redlck's Add.,
at I16.: earn
Lot 10, W. A. Redlck s Add
tot It W. A. Redlck s Add
It 12. W. A. Redlck'B Add
tot. 13 and 14. W. A. Redlck'B Add ,
at $44.00 each
Lots 15 snd 19. W. A. Redlck's Add ,
at $60.u sach......
it 20 W. A. Redlck's Add..........
tots 21 and 22. W. A. Redlck's Add..
st $22.00 each
Lots 23, 24 and 26, W. A. Redlck's
Add., at $16.50 each
Lota 26 and 27. W. A. Redlck'B Add..
at $15.60 each ;.-v."."
Lots 28. 29 and 80. W. A. Redlck's
Add., at $14.50 eacn
Lot 81, W. A. Redlrk a Aaa
Dot 4. neaicK s uiu.
Ixt 6. Redlck'B Orove
iAtt 6, Redlck'B Grove
tots 7. 8 and 3. Redlck'B Orove.
at $22 00 each
Lot 10. Redlrk s (Jrove
Ixit 11. BedlrK 8 uron
Lot 18, Redlck's Orove
Lot 13, Henn a s rov
Lot 14. Redlck's Grove
Lot 15. Redli k e Grove
Lot 16. Redlrk s Grove
Lot 17. rieaics s roi
Lot II.
Lot 19,
Lot 20,
Lot 21,
Lot 22,
Lot 23.
Lot 24.
Lot 26.
RedlcK s urove
Redlck's Orove
Redlck's Grove
Redlck'B Orove
Redlck'a Orove
Redlck's Orove
Redlck's Orove
Redlck's Orove (except part
ff,r boulevard)..
2. 3 and 4. block 1. Reed's
1st Ada., ai ow Hi-u. ..........
Lots 1 and 2. block 6. Reed s
Add., at $4.60 each
Lot 8. block 6. Reed's 1st Add
Lot 4. block 6. Reed's 1st Add
Lot 5. block 6. Reed's 1st Add
Lot 6. block 6. Reed'B 1st Add
Lot 7, block 6. Reed'B 1st Add
Lot 8, block 6, Reed's 1st Add
Lot 1. block 6. Reed 8 1st Add
Lot 2. block 1 Reed's 1st Add
Lot 8. block 4. Reed s 1st Add
Lot 4. block 6, Reed's 1st Add
Lot 6, block 6. Reed s 1st Add
Lot 6. block 6. Reed s 1st Add
Lot 7, block 4. Reed'B 1st Add. ..v..
Lot 8. bl-K-k 6. Reed s 1st Add
Lot 8, block fee4s 1st A44..MU
56 0Q
m oo
a no
77 09
14 09
16 50
14 00
35 04
16 00
16 00
I 00
7 CO
9 W
6 (0
16 00
r to
t oo
80 00
80 09
I 00
12 00
13 00
12 50
12 00
11 50
11 00
10 60
10 00
12 60
13 25
13 73
14 60
15 00
81 00
14 60
. 68 00
17 60
11 60
20 00
19 00
17 30
12 00
11 00
27 M
26 60
47 50
68 OO
121 00
10 00
49 50
46 50
29 00
17 00
12 50
11 00
12 00
13 60
14 60
15 50
16 50
17 fO
19 00
20 Of.
21 no
22 00
27 0
88 50
. 27 00
65 00
SS 60
27 60
22 00
tl 00
20 00
18 00
17 50
16 6)
15 60
14 50
13 50
65 00
U 00
11 00
22 00
86 64
14 60
27 00
28 00
31 00
S3 00
22 no
27 M
88 60
88 00
81 00
44 00
49 60
81 00
43 M
14 60
71 60
38 60
27 60
66 00
20 00
19 00
17 60
19 00
20 00
82 00
83 00
15 6(J
16 54
22 00
41 04
44 00
83 00
X 00
6 04
6 60
6 0
6 60
7 00
7 60
4 60
6 60
' 6 76
7 75
9 00
10 00
11 oo
li 04
Lota I to i luclualva, Campbell's