THE OMAJIA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1902. 21 FOR 9ALE REAL ESTATE. D. V. Sholes Co. CO N. T. UrE. TEL. 12. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS B4 B. Bit av., facing Turner park. 10 room. ikhItii. up-to-date, well built In very particular, beautiful reception hall, parlor, dining room, etc., all In oak, heavy (tiding doom, flna mantels, com bination lighting fixtures, lavatory, flna plumbing. HOT WATER heat, laundry tuba, cittern water connected, five line sleeping rooms seynd floor, larva third story servants' quarters, all plastered. ' flna shade and a FINE ELEOANT HOME , for let than cost of houa. Call and sea ' It. or see ua. -2&0 for east front 8-room houaa with barn, west of Hanscom park; lot, 6oxl35 feet; nlc hd tres In front. - A big slue (or a person wanting a homt wall located and cloaa to street car service. LOWE AVENUE Cast front, lsrga two-story, modem, l-room house, between Burt ana California eta., . i H al.Ktlii U fn 1 .Ina m'.llr nav. lri palT. and" it price, fc.WO. best BUT In West Farnam district. Eastern owner Is I going to sell, gee ua quick. HANSCOM PLACE On Pacific, near 31st, a magnificent 9 room, strictly modern, up-to-date home, MAGNIFICENT location, on car line. owned bv another eastern client, who wishes to sell quick. It rents for 642.80 rir month, which shows Its character or ouse. This la going to be sold next week or wa mistake our and your Judg ment If you sea it. VACANT LOTS 117x146, corner ttth and Howard, finest large tract In WEST OMAHA district, MAG NIFICENT location, will make three fine building altes; it Ilea directly acrosa the treet from Klrkendall'a new home; Sen ator Manderaon owns corner north, and Mrs. Gallagher Is aoon to build a hand some realdence diagonally across the st FARMS, RANCHES 1.00) acres finest ALFALFA land on Re- publican river, Hitchcock county, smooth anrt level, two seta buildings, 2o0 acres In airaira, balance mostly wild hay. A I ! acree, Harlan county, 600 acreB cultl- ated, 700 acree oasture. 8u acres in alf alfa, living water: large house, cost 31.- .; barn 44x44, cost ll.OfiO; crib for 4.000 cu. corn, granery for 3,500 bu. grain: three wells and windmills: sen oof and church close by; all fenced. Cheap at 314 per acre. 130 acres. Sarpy county, fine land, fair Im- provementa, 352.50 per acre; only three miles north of Gretna. 140 acrea, Burt county, six miles from Te- kaman, very finest hay land.-email house, iri 7a"' to- peap at 142. W per acre. Every foot can be broken. RE 62u t Fine Suburban Resi dence. Large, modern, pressed brick residence; beautiful grounds containing over one acre, with large trees, permanent walks; one of the most sightly loca tions in Dundee Place; large barn, driveway. This property will be closed out at a bargain. Look it over and make us an offer. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Sole Agents. 1 RB-IS-I houses. . 33,300.00 West Farnam street district, . , room new cottage, all modern, full corner lot. 33.s0u.00 3u2o Caas St., t-roora house, new porcelain bath, good furnace, fin ished In oak first floor. U.SOO.OO Z-a St. Mary s Ave., I rooms, a neat, trim-looking cottage. In first class repair. 6pecial asaessmenls are paid In full. ttS00.0O-13U vs St., 33x132 feet, an (-room house, bath, city water and sewer. IAKM A.N U KA.X-Mt.3. 3.120-ACKE RANCH. 117.&J0.0O. . Loup county, Nebraska. 2.66k acres deeded land, 3,660 acrea school land, controlling lo.OOO acrea choice graslng land along Calimua river. Cash Income from ranch for past three years has averaged about 31.760 00 per year In audition to pasturing over neaa or. cam tor owner, price, I17.600 0O. ALJ'ALFA LAND, $15.00 PER ACRE. 1.100 acree bottom land on Republican river. could be divided Into small farms and sold for 320.00 per acre or better; lnnd all under fence; large number of native trees on place. One and one-half miles from railroad station, no ACRES ALFALFA FARM LAND. 39 A Near Bartlev, on B. & M. R. R., all bottom land, level and exceotlonally fine farm. good Improvements: a'fa.fa now being cut on place that will yield two tons per 1 acre. fnce. s.uww. 640-ACRE FARM. Section land N. w. of Cedar Rapids in Mud Creek valley; 160 acrea under culti vation, house, barn, windmill, etc Im provements coat about tl,3u0.00. Price, iw.ow.w. SARPY COT'NTY FARM. Its acres 1H miles S. E. of Gretna, well SBJM-ovea. Wi.M) Der acre. GEORGE AND COMPANT, . 1601 Farnam St. . RE 484 I GARVIN . BROS. 1M Farnam St. Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg. A COZY COTTAGE of rooms, hot water heating plant, porcelain bath, Italian marble washbowl, combination gas and iectric ugnt nxtures, gss log ana man- tel. south front, on paved street, close to Farnam car line, built for a home. Price, 13.600. for oulck aale. t3K CHARLES Desirable modem house of :riXVtiT: teS.V.Vyr 410 NICHOLAS ST. Good dwelling. 7 rooms, barn, corner lot. shads. Price, a. paving taxea all paid, near 19th and Leavenworth, a bargain. Price, 31.660, Rents 3193 per annum. 1019 N. NTH BT.-Good dwelling, nlc shads. Owner wants an offer. Invesu- rate. 3Z.1 N. 25TH ST. cottage, city water In kitchen. Rents 8103 per annum. Price, .mj; easy terms. OARVIN BROS.. 1804 FARNAM" ST. . RE 814 8 FOR SALE, 172 acres Joining that beautiful town 01 Arlington, Known as uioviri Park: will make the finest dairy farm In the state: only twenty-eight nilks from Omaha; will offer this for the next twenty davs at 868 ter acre. 4)00 acres in Pierce county, well Improved, only 838 per acre. tuO acres almost joining the town of Flor ence. Douglas county, for Ml per acre; this Is the finest slock farm In the county. 1 hav score of other. Call on roe and let tne talk with you. Remember me Geo. r. pikkse. Hit decati'r st. RE-H7 8 T-room house, all modern, exrent furnace. lot 6uxlto, close to school and street ear, within It mlnutea' walk from poaioffice, 32 SOO. 9-room house, south front, en Capitol sve., IV, blocks west of the High school, 32 80S. Lot 80x140. south front, very nlo ten-room house. Hat and Mason. 12 000. Lot svxlu). east front. 8-room house and food barn, 28th and A at., South Omaha, ust little south ut Krus's brewery, 81k-. l-room house, good cellsr. gis and city water. In on of the nicest neighborhood. close to street car and school. Will olT-r this for oae week inly at 31.10. Can give possession In days. J. A. LOVQRKN 4k CO.. 434-417 Paxton Blk HK-MO S FOR SALE, modern up-to-date house In Hanscom Place; owner going away; will sell at a eacrinc. and glv quick posses sion. Address C M, . --m s IF TOU want to buy lfalfa. hay. ugar u ! wnui or impro.fv rmv ill ini ril Platte valley, ana thus double your money tn a short time, writ John Bratt A Co., Mortn Platte. Neb. M. t'.il 8 1.110 ACRES On Northern Paclfle railroad, mldwav between Arattla Wash., and Portland, Ore., 1V4 sntles from depot; 11 acres la meadow and crop, balance most ly In pasture. Good house and barns; ly In iasture. Good house and barns; su neaa or rattle, neaa ot nors and all 1 head of rattle, 4 head of horse and all farming utensils to go with place: 8.0uu,o00 feet of fir timber worth about $1 6u; well watered This I a nn farm and espe cially well adsutsd tar ralslna hlnoJI lock end on fcf th oleasantest olare la the world to live. Price. 8;l.iift; IAvuO wa; iinni on eaianoe. itnnart W nit- 4b Cu, sw 8-aulO luck BMttl. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, RANCHES READ THIS Nicely located, within one block of the best car line In the city, a good 9-room house, city water, cistern, fan. bath, hot and cold water (piped for urnace). barn for 4 head, lawn and shade treea all In fine condition. Price, t2.7sO.0O If sold AT ONCE. In ORCHARD HILL,, south front, in good condition, a nice 8-room house, all mod ern except furnace, nice shade treea, full alae lot; house Is so arranged to accom modate two families without Inconveni ence. Price. 32.400. We have many others In all parts of the city. Come In and look over our list. We can give you what you want If It can be found. BETTER THAN A SAVINGS BANK Now the time to get In on the ground floor end bur vour lot while they are CHEAP. we are selling oesutirui residence . iota right on the proposed new electric car line for ITS to (250 each. Only l& down and 16 per month. We have others In the best residence Darts of the cltv. Drlces ranclna from 6J upward. CALL FOR FURTHER l-AKllLULAHS. INVESTMENT For a moneymaker here Is a good one: A two-storv brick flat CLOSE IN on a PAVED STREET, pay ing per cent on ii,uw. rTice, i,uuu ir Bold Immediately. SUBURBAN Here is one of the FINEST BLMl'HBAN HOMES In the country. For a few days only we are offering for sale a beautiful I acres, covered with fruit; a good 10-room house, large barn and car riage house, Icehouse, chicken coop, work shopeverything In flrst-class condition: Improvements cost 112,000. Price, 88.0U0. FARMS. RANCHES. H PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN on gllt- edge real estate security. Also write rinrj ana iuk.auij INSURANCE. GEORGE" P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO., (Established ism. Telephone MS. Paxton Block. RE-348 I RAINY DAY THOUGHTS. Worry over your rent bllle. r igure on buying a home. Remember Kountze Place lots. Read Mr. Weller s letter on this page. Consider alfalfa how It grows. Come and talk about them tomorrow.' rrvmrr i--m, r- v-.w 1 1 nut run i,wu. Near Elm, on 21st; 2i blocks from car, ivt oiocas irom pavea street; 46-root lot, i rooms, city water. A nice little home. MODERN HOME FOR $1,500. On Meredith avenue, near 27th; 14 blocks rrom car; &i-root lot; 9 rooms In house, with gss, bath, closet, sewer, eto. All modern except furnace. TWO COTTAGES FOR $2,500. On Hamilton, south side, 1H blocks west 01 in. s rooms in eacn nouse, usual improvements; barn to west house 32 600 tor tne two, or 31.300 each. FINE LOT FOR $2,250. Fine building lot on 22d. lust north of Pa- cine, paving taxes paid, east front, on grade. Lot, bvxiw. uood location for good home. ALFALFA LAND BARGAIN Here's a chance to make some money; til acres on main line or l nion racinc, only iiuirs iium rtortn 1 lane, with side track for loading hay on the premises perpetual water right, low charge for water, all Irrigated, only 315 oer acre This Is a fine ulece of alfalfa land, and will pay I per cent NET on (100 per acre wnen in anaira. it is well located and ill level. Price for the tract. 33.730. If you are Interested In alfalfa, send for our 'ALFALFA FACTS." PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Phone. 1781. ' ' RE 630 1 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nr insurance, tfemis, paxton block. RE 813 LANDS In the Mouse River valley are of the. best in rsortn uaKota; gooa soil, SDlendld climate and good water: surface level, witn occasionally small strip 01 rolling prairie, not hilly; well watered un running smaii streams ana aottea with little lakes; land Is Increasing In value at a rapid rate. Homeseekers and Investors will do well to look this coun- I try over before settling elsewhere. Par- I ties desiring Information may writ us or call and wo win taae pleasure in answer ing all communications, also showing our lanaa. we nave usiea Dom aeeaea tanas and rellnqulshmemts for sale at reason able prices. Land seekers will do well to notiry us wnen to expect tnem, so we can be prepared to show lands. Yours for Business, tllHrtlKLI at tbAUllHTEK, Korwlcn, IM. u. nt 9UB jys RANCH and f irm lands for sale by the Vnldn Facinc nauroaa company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, omana, IV eh. RE 908 HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acre property ana rarm lands. The O. F. lavta co., noom aox, nee Duiiaing. RE 913 quality highest, prices lowest. National Oil and Paint company, 1016 Jones St. Kh, jeZI EEE PATNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice bargains. 001-8 N. Z. Ul Bldg. Tel. 10l, KE-414 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. U01 Dougls St.. u Details : small houses for sale: cheao building lots. Call for catalogue and price 11st. rnvatc money to loan on easy terms. , Kh. vn J IF TOU want, one of the nicest 8-roora 1 iniwn ; . . 11 , oargein. uwner leu city, muh sen. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. X. L. Bldg. RE-MISi WHY I LIVE in KOUNTZE PLACE. 2 C. F. WELLER'S REASON. OMAHA. May 8. 1901 George H. Payne, President, Payne Inve9tment Company, N. Y. L Bldg., City. Dear Sir In reply to your Inquiry I beg to say that I have lived in Kountze Place for H years, and prefer It to any other por- ' ' . '.. , i u uu . tjon of the city. It is healthy, easy of ac cess and far enough away from South Omaha to t0 perfectly Comfortable and .1,,.,., P'aanu Yours truly, Q F. WELLER. If you live on the south side of the ctty you win appreciate Mr. welters us reason for preferring Kountse Place. .'I , l.i i u Inl In thai mAiMtinn rtm vrti will be as wtll pleased as Mr. We Her. Fin lot on paved street for ltJ to 8u0; others as low aa 36J0. and big boule vard corners st n.sw. can ana SEE OUR PLAT. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main floor N. Y. L. Bide. Tel. 1781 Rg-e-9 I THESE SHOULX) INTEREST YOU. Cholc eaat front lot. ttth snd Farnam, for al or exchange lor lm proved city prop erty. One of the choicest five-acre tract on N. 24th St.. near Boulevard ave.. for 83.300. We have houses and lots for saie at K09 and up; gooa building lots, 8au and up. SEE BROADWELL & SPENCER, 610 NEW YORK LIFE. RB-S03 t OEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mart- gage, rentals, insurance, view a oioc. RE-9u WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 1303 laruana street. RE 814 FOR BALE, a pew, modern, T-room hous. 82. (W, on pavea street. Mil cnaries at. FOR ALFALFA OR GRAZING LANDS GO Tn H. C. M'KI BBIN. I - ." "'"""-l . I LavAliUTurt, dbu tutMT, ncu. BE- REAL ante sold and exchanged every where. Bend aescriptiou ana price. Okla homa opportunitlee a specialty. Refer- eace. Co-Ouratlv Real festal chauaa. Gklakima City. Ou T. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. R. C. PETERS & CO. nipr.M Vn I BAKIjAIN INU. I. I 11,000 A neat and attractive l-rooin cottage I in southern part of city; a large lot, wun I ahade and fruit trees: house In good con dltlon. Terms and payments to suit pur chaser. List No. 1601. BARGAIN NO." 2. H.snO A 6-room modern cottage, with fur nace: larse lawn: excellent neighborhood : north rrt of city. Reduced thla week from 32.000 to Il,8u0. List No. 1314, BARGAIN NO. 3. 83,999 A newly .built, modern, press brick, two-story house; slate roof; hardwood finish; mirrored mantles, grates; butlers pantry; fine cement cellar and good fur nace. This la a very attractive bouse, in Kountse Place. BARGAIN NO. 4. 84,350 An elegant 9-room house, situate on a fashionable resident thoroughfare. In Hanscom Park district. BUILT LAST OCTOBER AT COST OF 5,O0O. Large laundry and basement, with wood floor. Very modern; nlckleplate plumbing, excel lent furnace. Owner leaving city. MUST SELL List No. 1458. BARGAIN NO. 5, 16.000 One of the finest 9-roora residences In the city, hot water heat, hardwood finish, gaa and electric light: Hanscom Park district, fashionable neighborhood. List No. 1302. Farm Land Bargains. Dodge county, Nebraska. 140 acres, three miles rrom tne tnriving town or Arm -tnm 9nA Bpm nnH.p cultivation. Is a nice dark rich loam, improvements fine, 7-rooro house, barn, corn cribs, winamui, an fenced and cross-fenced, 10 acres hog pas ture. The remaining 40 acres can be culti vated. 160 per acre. Sarpy county. Nebraska. W0 acres, mile and a nair rrom uretna. a mew, cumiui i.ut. 7-room house, barn, hog sheds, corn cribs. All improvements in gooa rtpsir. ine bom Is dark; plow land gently roiling. A bar .oln at t-i& nr ncrp. We have a client owner of Is'' acres, mile and a hair rrom Alliance, ieo.. pari oi It very fine hay land; value 11.100; wanU to trad for cottage In Omaha. RE 634 S BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE Three story brick building, 2575-77-79 Cum ing street, I storerooms, nets, cuius and barn. 312.000. . Large modern h,oue. No. ISIS South 29th avenue, 100 reet iromage, gooa oarn, 22 feet south frontage on rsrnam street, with three-story brick builAIng, 316.000. 836 feet vacant trackage property, 10th and Clark streets. 32.000. Twelve-room house, east front, modern, full lot large barn bis ttoatn oiu aireei. Id frYt Two-story frame house, till Locust street, barn, etc., for a few days only at 2.0no. Two lots. 100x120, well built cottage, water. gas. good barn, 1121 vancamp avenue, 1 Art Modern dwelling, 340 Harney street, full lot, south frontage, large Darn, so.uw. East front lot on Military avenue, paved atrevt. motor ear line, only HOWARD KENNEDY BON, Real Estate, Loans, Rentals and Insurance, 2u9 First national oann uuuaing. RE 440 f STOCK rsnch of 820 acres, Phillips county, Colo.; nearly all tillable; good free range; food house, small oarn ana ouiouuaings. ,ive stock and various personal property North American Bldg., Philadelphia. Pa, . Kb loe - A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room nouse. u. sa. iamnger. rnom voo. WILL lake 3235.00 for lot 8, block 1. Clar endon Ad., aoxiw. Miami, oet. 11 ana . 1521 Madison Ave! RE 481 540 ACRES In Graham county, Kansas, not one foot or waste isna; can De Dougm for one week for the low price of 36 per acre; will divide Into four quarters;, this section Is located In between two rail roads and close to two very prosperous towns. Also write or call for circular about Irri gated lands in tne piait vaney ana otner farms and ranches. J. A. LOVGREN & CO., 436-437 Paxton Blk. nm s W. H. GATES. 618 N. Y. Life. 3 Good Investments, 6-Room New House, fully modern, l?2,700.00. Rental, J2S.00. 7-Rooms, new, up-to-date. Rental, tlh flfl ." 7CA flft 6-Rooms, modern except furnace. Rental, 115.00. RE 613 FOR RET HOVSES. CHOICE BARGAINS FOR RENT, 1333 B. 31st St., fln 8-r., strictly modern. UI.DU. 312 N. 22d, strictly modern, near High 1S22 N. 27th, 10-r., all modern, suiuble for two families. Only 320. 1771 Webster, very choio t-r. cottage; every modern convenience; nn repair. Good t-r. flat, city watr and closet Inside, on park car una. uniy 1204 N. 26th at., 7-r. porcelain bath, gaa, etc. snap at 81. 844 8. 29th ava.; very desirable 6-r. fur nished for summer. 825. ' 2606 Woolworth ave., choice suits of room In all modern house lor only 110. 3320 Miami St., 6-r., city water, good cheap home, tor only $7. 0S8 8. lth St.. cool 3-r. brick, city water. is. uvners cios by, almost a gooa, tor 88. W have other desirable house. Consult us before moving. Fire and tornado insurance in old reliable companies. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-2 N. Y. L BLDG., 'PHONE 1916... D-619 I VANS and baggag wagena. Tel. 1196. D-34 uni ICCC In all parts of city. The O. HUUiCO jr. u,vl Co.. 662 Be bldg. U sou TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage D 849 BEE PATNE. B08TWICK 4 CO.. for cholc liuuses. ul-8 Kl. X. Uts Bldg. Tel. ivi. D- J for rent, s-room. modern, detached I house, newly painted and papered. 130. I j Capitol Ave. TeL 673. B. H. Robison. D-MisM I FOR RENT, modern house near High school. The O. F. Davis Co., 508 Be B dg. i TVS MAGOARD Van 4k Storage Co. Tel. 1491 D 868 HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead, 1S24 Douglas. u mi BIX-ROOM flat, all modern. U12 So. Uth. aV M9U FOR RENT, nlc S-rpom cottage, rear of 1141 . Ilia. svt r HOUSES, tora. Bemls, Paxton block. HOUSES and flats. RlagwsJt. Barker block t-ru GOOD t-room modern house. 2604 Blondo. D M317 SEVEN-ROOM cottage. 2109 8. 34th St.. t; no lurnace. . tu junnson, n. x. l.ii. D M31 a FOR RENT, one first floor flat In th new Dunsany aparunani nous, loin ana Pierce streets, all modern conveniences; newly papered, 6-S.Oo per month. Inqulr of U. J. Windsor, l&ls Dodge St D 377 FOR RENT, nine-room furnished nous. with lawn, for tare meaina. set ot Mary. D-tt 8 8019 MARCT st . 9 rooms, all modern, la ood neighborhood. 8-ie per montn. OLORGE COMPANT. 101 rarnam St i sje u MODERN, (-room cottage, lawn and shad. Apply at ll Miami ot. t-ww s FOR RENT Elegant brick reatdenc on !Sib Ave. t neap. IB-room modern brick house. ISO North i . 19th St.. 91a. I Modern brick resilience, on v4l tx4, si. I, -room modern flat, 318. 9-room modern resldenoe) and barn. 130 hlnn.v bt. t neaD. BRENNAN-LOVE CO.. M South Uth St 8-room an4 medaa-x) (VttXNa Iseuse. ut FOR REXT-HOltES. R. C. PFTERS & CO., tS0.O - nrj St. Mary s, modern, nlckfe-plated plumbing, .-mirrored mantles; barn; 11 rooma. MO. 00 lis S. mui, a new ana mnoern s-rom house in fashionable realdence dls 132.501737 Park eve., t-room modern house, I vrls.t acrosa from para. 50 21IKJ Plnrkney. 9-room modern brick. 1 00 2r Canltot ave.. modern, t rooms. $."0.00 27 Martha, new and modern s-roora cottage. u wi FOR RENT, T-ro-rn modern cottage, good location, near two car lines. Inquire 144 N. 18th St. 1-I I st HOUSES TO LET. MM Hsrnev S rooms, strlctlv modern, new. la Lincoln boulevard, Bemls Park, 7 rooma, modern, new. 1536 So. 27th, 6 rooms, modem, new. 631 So. 17th, 8 rooms, modern. W. FARNAM SMITH t CO., 1320 Farnam St. D 4SS I 8-ROOM modern cottage: Immense lawn. 708 B. 3Bth Bt inquire uua f arnam st. D 399 6 NEW HOUSE FOR RENT. Will build, to suit tenant, an attractive -room residence on corner 39th and Burt ta. Write or call. R. C. PETERS & CO., Be Building. D-831 1 FOR RENT, l-room modern, on car line, u. u. M. ruamnger. rnont tos. D-M537 t-R. mod. dwg.. E. front, at 19th and Ohio sts. rent, 117.60; house No. Is 2610 N. 19th st. A. F. Connett, 309 N. T. Life. Phone, 1ZS5. D 4 35 P GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. sm Harney, -r.. mod., new 29th and Harney. 9r mod., new lit 8. 34th, Sr., mod., new .350.00 . 45.00 . 40.00 . 37.60 isas S. 3lst, S-r., mod. 3217 pacific,' 7-r., bath, barn . . 20.00 . 15.00 . 12.00 . 8.W . 7.60 fA Corbv. a-r.. city water 2419 Cuming, 6-r. flat 2027 Center, I rooms 824 8. 23d, 3-r. flat GARVIN BROS., 1904 Farnam St., Com. Nat. Bank Bldg. ' D 506 ! FOR two months, well furnished house. Call 1919 Blnney St., or 443 gee Bldg. TO RENT, 8-room modern house. 119 S. 84th, near Farnam. D M5W 10 3, 4 AND 7-R. cottage, 17th and Davenport lnq. 1203 I arnam st. u u8 AGENTS WASTED. WANTED, canvaaslng agents in every county to solicit suoscriptlons to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER: ateadv employment with aasured good Income; agenta in tne country witn horse and buggy especially desired; can vassers maks easily 8v to tiuu per montn. Address century jrarmer tsoncltors bureau. Bee building, Omaha. Z13 AGENTS, write now for free Sample of work and terms; btar Harness Mender: best 26c seller out. We make other quick selling necessities. Columbia hoy. Mfg. CO., bu iouis, MO. J AGENTS wanted to make 314 a day selling the "Cyclone" Rotary Hand Fan, greatest seller known, big profit. Write todsy for agents terms, sample postpaid, 2 cents. Enterprise Fan Co., 154 Lake St, Chicago. AGENTS, Amerlcus Leather Suspender ell themselves; 325 to 350 weekly easy: exclusive territory to hustlers; Introduced by agenta only; samples furnished. Berry Mtg. co., u. aus, cincinnsiu, unio. J-428 r WANTED, manager In every city, county to handle best paytng business known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co.. la W. 28th St.. N. T. J-428 8 A FORTUNE to be made. The Automatic Co., 1S3 Eaat 82d St., New Tork. wants everywhere collector supervising their coin slot machine In spar time; sharing pronts; special anowieage unnecessary. ,; J-426 8 AGENTS, canvassers, fair men. peddlers. medicine men, we want a good agent In every county In the United State to ad vertise Our Improved Sarsaparllla by sell ing our run 81 sue u-ounce Dottle lor ko. This is the greatest seller on earth. Every person need It to fortify against tne neat ana ouye irom i to 12 bottles. Nearly 200- per cent profit to agents. Write quick for terms and territory. F. R. ureene. 69 Dearborn St.. Chicago. J-680-S WE PAT 820 a week and expenses to men wun rigs to introduce our rouitry com pound. Send stsmp. Javslle Mfg. Co., uepu e a, i-arsons, nan. J a4 WE WILL pay any honest man 86.00 per montn ana an traveling expenses to tax Order for the greatest portrait concern In the U. S. : your salary will-be suar- anteed and position permanent. Address World' Art Exchange, Dept. 374, Chicago, ill. j K3 WE PAT 322 a week and expenses to men witn rigs to introauce rouitry compound. international airg. uo., parsons, Kan. J-418 I AGENTS, automatic washers sell them selves one agent writes, "ExniDitea ssm- pi to ten women, took ten order," time required, 46 minutes: profit over I A); guaranteed to do waanlna In 30 minutest furnishes Its own power; requires neither labor or attention, costs less thsn any other machine, free sample and exclusive territory furnished, 50 week guaranteed; thousands of testimonials. Automatic - Washer CO.. Station U. Chicago. J-4MI FREE sampl to agenta; self-lighting pocket lamp, six or leaa pencil; burns perfectly : seeing is believing: send stnmD. Fountain Pocket Lamp Co., 130 Fulton Bi.. iv ew lorx. jttr AGENTS to sell stock for dividend paying on company: on ooara or airectors are two 17. S. senators, one governor and on state supreme court judge; exclusive ter ritory snd liberal commission given. Ad dress Southern Securities Co., Kansas City, Mo. J WE START you selling diamonds; don't accept employment until you see our catalogue and liberal offer. Carbon ula mond Co., 338 Hopper, Syracuse, jQJ g. WANTED, two million circular distributed at 8 per 1,000. Btar Ointment Co., Al- toona Pa, J-468 8 AGENTS Either sex; cw household Inven tion; patented rebruary, una; k.oqo sold In Milwaukee: big pronts; exclusive ter ritory, j. L Edgren, loan Trust Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. J 487- AGENTS wsnted; all who havs 83.00 ta start on the road to wealth and fame, and none other need write, send postal for full particulars to Theo. Noel, CMcaao. in. J 434 8 8IEMPRE VIVA" Resurrection Plants: samples, 10c. F. Lamblon,, 31 Third St., Cincinnati, unio. J 11 s- FOR BALE MISCELLANEOVS. 1DHAND saf cheap. Schwans. 114 S. 13th. FLESCHER Mil btcyele. 1623 Capitol Av. Vi8i IDH AND safe cheap. Derlght, 1U9 Farnam. U estf 10 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man A McConneil Drug Co., lth aim Dodge. Omaha. BICYCLES and phonograph on easy pay ments 88 down, 81.60 per week; idhand wheela, 86. 88 and 810; new wheels, 318. Omaha, Blcyd Co., 16th and Chicago Si. V sssos WIRE fence for poultry, hog, wn and yard, hitch post, tree guard. Wire work. ai7 sv lath at. tcl iuo. Q M971 July FOR SALE, phonograph, superior to any other musical instrument; tip. The vt itunan Co., 16X1 rarnam. H MB FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cneap. inquire ut ne ttldg. V-WM I . . .,, . , I , uur. "B"f J""' iois; I billiard tablee repaired: a large tock of chea d bar nature, cigar countara. etc. Th Brunswick Balk Collender Co., 4"7- South loth. Q 416 FOR SALE, secondhand desks, chairs and walnut omc counter aaa rtuusss. wa- FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. A NEW WHEEL $15.00 - All standard make at popular prices, S5.00 down and tl.&O per week. NEB. CYCLE CO. Comer loth and Harney Sts.. Omaha. 134 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. fOl North Twenty-fourth St., South Omaha. Q-497-4 NEW and Idhand typewriters. 1119 Far nam. W o.i Phonographs with the most complete stock of Records in the city. NEB. CYCLE CO. Phone 1WS. Cor. 16th and Harney. K4 Broadway, council Bluns, Phono B sis. Q IBS 4 FOR SALE Good fresh cow. 0 Sonth 3Sth St. Q 60t4r FOR SALE, a practically new 115 gaa stove; has be,en usea only two montns; will sell same for 110. Inquire 1513 N 2Kth st. j e a- INDIAN goods and rellca. Ill Farnam. Q 871 FOR SALE, fine Imported harness, bras mounted and trimmed: cost when new 3360- will sell for 3j0; ran he seen at Doty & Russell's barn, 30th and Leavenworth streets. u bu OLD wheels taken In trade on new ones. Omaha Bicycle Co., ltth and Chicago St. j MSSl WHITE sawdust; season checked onk tim bers cheap; hog IS nee, eto. sui vougias. W i FOR SALE, Jersey cow, $30. 3420 Boyd St. Q 437 REMINGTON typewriter. No. 8, roller top HRk Innulra Sin K.rhsch Rloclr. 1 Q M444 11" FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC FOR SALE, cheap, a Concord buggy. 16th . T -1 . t I1U , IUIVH, l PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc., our specialty, ti. i rost, mn ana Leav enworth. TeL 1447. f ttZ FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, runabouts. new ana secondhand, at cut prices, repairing-, painting and trimming; also put on runner tires, neiner, z.m ana enworth Bts. p 777 J24 SEVERAL fin driving horses. Walter Phelps, Room D, n. y. Life Bidg. P-M963 FOR SALE Horses, wagons, etc.: good extension top carnage for sale at a sao- nnce. wee jonnson at rtooert. jonn Deer Bldg., 10th and Leavenworth St. p M4Z1 Jel7" FOR SALE Shetland twmlea at auction. rive neaa wen crone nneusnas win d sold at Union Stock Tarda barn, South Omaha, Thursday, June iz. uraham. Proctor V Ream Hon Commission Co. P M47 10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass st. MME. ORAT Clairvoyant and Palmist Reads your fun lire ot psst, present and future: love, marriage, divorce, business and all affairs of life. Reading. 60c. Lo cated at 1623 Dodge, corner of 17tht D OWI o ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. ISth, r 7. 1 Mill J II MME. SMITH, batbs, 113 N. IS, 2d floor. R. 1 - rmSM jy d- PERSONAL. DR. ROT. chlronodlst. corn and superflu ous hair removea By electricity. n u. t renser block. u ( PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement, pa Dies aaqptea. urant st. Mrs. QardelS. TeL F-U&2. U-877 FLESCHER will fix your blcrcl right. HAIRDRESSrNQ. manicuring and chlro. . pody, tor ladies only, in connection wi'n The Batnery, ii-;jJ xsee oiag. u RCPTVRE permanently cured in 80 to 80 days; sena lor circular, u. a. wooa, At. D., 821 New York Ufe bldg., Omaha, Neb. u ACCORDION pleating, cheapest best and quickest. Mrs. a. y.. aiara, i( at uousias. j si I GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail, coiuns mano Co., itia uoug- las. u sa CHIROPODY a sneclsltv. in connection with The Batnery, rooma zi-n nee oing. TeL 1716. u SH ELITE PARLORS, fill 8. 16th St.. td floor. U-MJM Jy7 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. 2Sc, In connection witn The ttatnery, l-z. Be building. Tel. ms. u 884 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; nabie adopted, rfize Burdette. Mra. Burget U M218 J16 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Horn treatment. Booklet free. . 4 Bee bldg.. 1 r - c.- fottvtv ht Ice cream soda In cltv. ha. Bhraaer s store, mn ana otwirn. tl 43 J 10 MMS. SMITH,' baths, 1U N. IS, 2d floor, r 1 u-Mza j 1 LOWE8T PRICES In accordion and aid pleating. ine uoiaman nesting 10., 2u0 Douglas nioca. c m,i EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 933 N. T. Life bldg., Omaha. Send for circular. U-468 FREE TREATMENTS. To oonvinc th afflicted of the wonderful f lower of vital magnetism, the Prlbbenow nstltute, for a limited time, will treat anv sufferer 3 or 3 times absolutely free, Call at 21&-316 Karbach block, o B. 15lh st. 'Phone, Butm. u M2o jyj WIDOW, aged 2. worth S2.3UO, would marry and assist Honorable man or business ability; no trlners. Roselln. 71 LaSalle, Chios go. U 442 8 INDEPENDENTLT wealthy lady, with charming personality, sweet aisposition snd lover of home, will devote life ta kind husband. Sincere, 813 Holland Bldg., St. Louis, MO. u 4Z7 WIDOW, aged 17. worth 840.000, would narrv aina. nonest gentlemen or Busi ness ability. Globe, 181 Michigan St., Chi cago U-424 8 RAILROAD builder, 60, genial, affectionate, accumuiatea aouu.vw, urea oi loneliness, seeks congenial life companion. Jackson, car Delta a, 1617 Second Ave., New York. u sv - TOt'R fortune told from cradle to Brave. whit i ten tou romes true, sena a ma and blrthdat. Prof. J. Myers. Drawer 7ua. Chicago. U-M6-4 LADIES, th Elite Depilatory remove supernuous nair rrom lace ana arms; no pain; no bsd effects. Address, Federal Chemical Co., k uearaorn at., cnicago. U if RETIRED business man. Independently wealthy, never msrrled, wsnta poor but honest wife. Address, Mr. Welter. Real Estate Board Bldg., Chicago. U 482 S ATTRACTIVE and unincumbered Amen- can lady, agea su, worm a.o.uvu, want good, honest husband. Address, Paclfle, 89 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. U 381 6 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mole n r on a nan t iv removea dt aicinciir; con sultation ire and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mia AlKnder. 11 uout a. PERSONAL. INTELLIGENT and attractive American lady, worth 3700,'Wft wants Immediately able, honest husband. Address, Era. 113 Clark 84.. Chicago. 11L U-J.-" A WONDERFUL clairvoyant, astrologer: what he tells comes true: send luc and birthday to Prof. E. Garnot, Box 21T9, Boston, Masa. u iu r MARRIAGE paper. pas. 10c, sealed; l.i memoers; manv wesitny; nana rei erencea given; Incorporsted; Blxth year. tl. u. ixve, uenver, coio. u ie s- MINING, civil and geological engineer. aged 40, worth l.vm.o'vi, wants sincere, homelovlng wife. Mr. Clark, P. O. Drawer 168, Chicago. U 37S HANDSOME. Intelligent American lady worth Ss.0oo, will marry, Immediately and assist- kind husband financially, Belle, 134 Van Buren St.. Chicago. U 877 3 BV8INE89 jnan. middle-aged, worth 8S0,0, seeks at once poor but mitnrui wire, un dress Mr. Hamilton, 403 Omaha BMg., Chicago. U-376 8 PROF. JOHNSON cures all human dis eases. 620 Bee building, omce hours, a a. m. to 3 p. m. U 394 J 7 MOLLIE She haa your traits. Page 219, June wnat to Eat. ieorge. u mo a LOOK. GENTLEMEN LOCK! But you will look a long time before you una an equal tor tn STOECKER CIGARS. They lead in quality and flavor, and are cooi ana tree. Try one ana you 11 smox no otner. u m 1 DEAR LADY, did you ever real lie that when you pay lil.oo or 31&.00 for a hat that we could sell von at 36.00 that the dear lady friend who highly recommends a certain place oiten gets a very large reduction lu rnee for nerseir tor the con sideration of her Influence among her friends? Our price strictly one price, and Ice wster free. PE.NNh.LL, Millinery. 1614 and 151fl Dour- jaa St., over the binger omce and Lind say jewelry store. 1 SECRET SERVICE Private Work a Specialty. BEST OF REFERENCES OIVEN. H. M. BOWERS, BOX 444, OMAHA. L 3V3 0 Mludlemlss, wallpaper cleaner. Tel. 1739. U Aiwi jy f crrnNn HANI"! oCVVJlU-nMlll- SEWING MA- CHINES FROM $1.00 to 15.00 Tailoring machlnea that have been used at hair regular price. We rent machlnea for 75c per week or 32 per month. We repair and sell part for every mi- cnine manuiacturea. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets. Telephone 1883. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Telephone R-818. 811 North Twenty-fourth, South Omaha. U KW MOMEY TO LOA5 REAL ESTATE. 4'4 PER CENT on buslne property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. ME1KI.K. 401 B. Uth su w m MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real state. isrennn-ixv uo., u t. ntti. t w 887 WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. Farnam emitn c Co.. 1320 Farnam st W-888 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N T. L. W 8K9 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. 1st ixai. nui bias. Tel. imd. , W 890 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrant. R. C Pter 8k Co.. 1703 IAW RATE8. Prlvste money. l-AI.MS INVtSIBtWT CUMfAlVT, Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. W-MS93 WANTED 33.000 loan on gilt-edge Inside property, renting lor 874 per montn. Ad- drees C 11. Be. W-M294 8 4Vs TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton blk. w I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1904 Farnam. W 894 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, U24 Douglas w 3100 UP, low rate. Prlchard, 171J Farnam. w mi 10 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., 1203 t arnam street. W MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. 10 YEARS In our present location. Deal with an old rename nrm ana esiaonsn a crean mat will be of use to you In the future. W make loana on Furniture. Piano. Ltv Stock and to Salaried People. Our rate are aa low aa any and much lower than many. Our motion Is, "Try to please." If you have dealt with u and are pleased tell other, if you are aispieasea ten us. , . , i . ii . i r-. n T.. i ,iu I aim rr 11 Board of Trade Bid,, 3u8 So. 16th St estaouanea in isv. m. X 96 BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don't let your debts worry you, v CALL ON US and w will mak you A SALARY LOAN. W loan to honest employe UPON THEIR PER8QNAL NOTE. no tn tion without security, endorser or publicity. OFFICE HOURS, I a. m, to I p. m. rtc.Ui AUbn tnci'ii lunrrt.-ii. Room am Paxton Block. Third Floor. X-M39T LARGEPT BT'STNRSS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, mercnants. team- atera. boarding houses, etc.. without se curity; easleet terme; 40 offices In prin clpsl cities. Tolroan, 440 Board of Trads Bldg. A.-HSJJ Chattel and Salary Loa, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Tsyloe. x1 ith. S31 Paxton Block X-379 Jy MoNET loaned on plain not to salaried oeonle: business conndential: lowest rates. 814 Paxtcm block. Th J. A. Hutton Co. A-HP)S UfiNTT loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to sslsrieo people, roiey uiioi Co., sue. to Duff oreen. 8 Barker biock. -WTW Ln.uJ mm .I.A ftf.nitllM 1 , nunci iv. u wi k- i 1: . ... i. . . lry, horses, cows, etc. v. . neea, sis a w. RILIRT AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or ahort terms st ratea rarely equaled by competitors? Its nur business to suDDiy It. AMK.nt- CAN LOAN CO., Third Floor, Paxton p, ock. a v MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR, Utl and Harney, ma- chlnlat -M919 OMAHA aaf and Iron Wks. mak a spe cialty of fire escspes shutters, doors sna sres. u Anareen. rrop., lus . mui i. M?W SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN 0ANT' school. TIT N. Y. Ufe. Ml BOYLES college, court reporter principal. N. Y. Life. a NEB. Business 4V Shorthand Collage. Boyd' Theater. -a FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. TeL ISA end for price list, cut flower and plant. 88ASS FOCNDRY. RR1I1 smd aluminum castln. nickel Dint ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 MEDICAL. DB. PRIES, the acknowledsort leading specialist i'l diseases of women In C'mana, rould .call the attention or sum ring Indies to Ms unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no mstt' what cause. Call or adnress. with stnmp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, lou loi. Do. las, 915 Omaha, DR. W. Mt'TCHINSON. specialist of women end children; years iu act lev. Office. Z6 Cuming.- Residence telephone. F-2T90; pmce, ll-at. LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de layed or suppressed periods; it cannot fall. Trial free. Taris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, wis. SISTERS IN DESPAIR I hsd eurrre'"tr"i. Tried many remedlea. Vk as caugni oy reward snare. They could not cure, would not pay rewsrd or return money, t-or stamp will tell where I got relief. Mrs. Amanda Green. Box 171, Llroy, Wis. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal P lis are the best. Sire, reliable Tnm po other. Send 4c stamps for pnrticulars. Relief tor ladles, in letter ry return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two or tne pen to mention the tact tnai you saw the ad In The Poe. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Htlllman & Price, att'ys. law. collections. A. P. LilUs. notary, 23 U. 8. Nat. Tel 1730. NEBRASKA Collection company tlncor S orated). 36 Isew Tork Life bldg. 1 hone, 23. Damage suit prosecuted. The col lection of clsims, large or small, mad anywhere In the t'nlted Slates or foreign countries by bonded attorney. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur- rished on application. M9I1 JZ9 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite lib, N. T. L,lfe Bldg. Tel. lx4. io DR. A. T. HUNT, (13 McCagu Bldg. TeU 32. 917 DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S23. DIN BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale TI Co., 811 North Wh. FIRNITIRR REPAIRING. FIRST-CLASS work. 2201 Farnam. Tel. 211. KW JeL'-' STEAM DYE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suits cleaned, pressed, ILUU. laaiea sxirts, wo. u im. itn Ht. e.u J311 PIANOS. $2SQ "WALTER" fffSS 52S0 NO MORE NO LESS. Ask Fred R Walter for terms. 8113 Cal.fornla St. Catalogue on request. M353 8 When You Write . to Advertisers . remember It only take an extra strok or two of the pen to mention the tact that I you saw the ad In The Bee. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electrio Co., 14 Jackson. Tel. 2SI4 til JINK. I ALPIRN buys all kinds of scraD Iron and metals. 913 Douglas Bt. Tel. 24.4. 129 AWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Offlce, reliable, accommodat ing; ail Business conndential. uoi Douglas. 8J4 M18ICAL. C. B. SHAW'S new studio open all rammer. aw Jll STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 913- 914 Jones, general storage ana torwaramg. awi OM. Va 8tor. Co., 1611 Farn. Tel. 1S59-SQ. v.i ALTOMOHILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght'a 2U lliu arnam tret. LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L I. Wk., 1406 Howard Olll FIR DRESSING. R. GILBERT CO., tannar. 1434 Bo. 13ib, S1 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. 9K9 Jlr PLIMB1NG. D. W. DUDGEON, 3910 Farnam. Tel. 1ds. Mils jy When You Write to Advertisers remember it only taket an extra strok or two ot tne pen to mention the Tact tnai you aaw the ad In The Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS FRINTINO COMPANY. Tele phone 3190. til South Thirteenth street M929 LAI SDR I.. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collar. 2c: cuss, 4c liso Lavenwortn. lei. mi. 933 I HZ.BT launary. Th Chicago, 'phon Mi5 TYPEWRITERS. ONE new Oliver typewriter; never been : 27, Be. -491-41 used; 373 cash, c FOR SALE or for rent, a few typewriter of standard maae, wnicn nave oeen usea for two years by the touch method In a ehorthsnd school. A. C. Van Sant, TlT New York Life. -814 S NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. Tel. 2o38. 1' . a !a wise buy hi Runabout and Harness la th spring and gels a whol eaaoa'a good. Many wis oca hav called and purchased thla week. It up to you. Drummond Carriage Co., f Sth md Harney Sts. j at a. 4i SO ssi . "a sn. 4 4 w fx. Main at. v-auacu siuiu. i