-THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 8, 1902. -s- FILIPINOS A LEISURELY LOT InhauiUnts of the Island ITot Easily Moved to Hustle, KNOW HOW TO WAIT IF NOT TO LABOR Trouble Ahnat Friars Sot Likely t Ite rlin and Effort to Track Natives to Work Likely to Pall. BAC0U)D, Island of Negros, April 22. To the E'lltor of The Bee: Father Mau rlclo hag returned to hli pariah, where he kid served a spiritual adviser of the peo ple fur twenty-six years previous to the revolution of the Inhabitants of Negros gainst Ppaln. At the time of the uprising Father Maurlclo, In common with all but one of the friars, either fled from or were forcibly expelled from the Island, taking refuge In their convents in the city of Manila. Father Maurlclo's return to bis old pariah was attended with considerable ex citement, owing to the opposition mani fested by certain of the people against the reappearance of the Recolote frtan, who. In the day of Spanish domination, consti tuted the Spanish clergy of the Island. The opposition to the religious orders ap pears to be intense among the natives. with the exception of those of Spanish blood, but, as with everything else In this country, It is difllcult to tell with any de gree of accuracy the real strength of the antl-friar sentiment. Father Maurlclo appears to be a genial old gentleman. I presume the opposition manifested to hie reappearance is based on political and religious rather than personal grounds. The excitement attending bis coming to Bacolod Is simply one Instance of the contention that may be expected all over the archipelago as the frlara attempt to return to their churches and convents claimed by the native padres as rightfully their own as representatives of the Fill plno people. In a rough statement of the situation the conflict may be said to be between the frlara and Spaniards and Datives of Spanish blood on the one band and the padres and Filipinos on the other. Kemoval of Tariff Weils Help. I suppose the most effectual measure to reate content in this Island at the pres ent time would be to put It on a trade level with the United States by removing the tariff on sugar. The planters are suf ' ferlng from financial depression, money Is very scarce and sugar very cheap. The planters have labored under a good deal of dtarouragemeut, besides being greatly dls appointed In the outcome of the sugar crop. During the summer prospects were unusually favorable. Everything favored the growth of the cane, which promised to be and was one of the largest per hectare ever raised in the island. Owing, however, to the dearth of cariboo, which were swept off by hundreds by i disease which broke out among them sev eral months before the harvest, much dif ficulty wsb experienced In harvesting the cane, a good deal being left In the fields to decay. Shortly after the commencement of cane cutting long continued rains set In, which not only delayed the work of making the sugar, but depreciated Its qual ity, and to complete the woes of the sugar producer came the last misfortune. great fall in the price of sugar in the Hong . Kong market. It has been said that the removal of the tariff on Filipino sugar would raise the prlco from 4 to 7 cents a pound. I am not sufficiently acquainted with the condl tions to know whether this statement be correct or not and do not know how the admission tree of the product - of Kegros would affect our beet sugar Industry In Nebraska. The effect on this island, how ever, would be to create a financial revo lution, doubling the prlco of lands anJ clearing the haciendas from their heavy in debtedness. I think that the attention of capital once directed to the sugar lands of the Philippines they are likely to in definitely advance in value, as they are said to be equal to those of Hawaii, at least I was so informed by a gentleman from Honolulu, referring to the lands of this Island, who at the time was traveling over the archipelago as a government expert to elect the site for an experimental farm. Teaebers Have Hard Time. The teacher' institute is In session, or normal school, as they call It, wherein the native is instructed by the American teacher. Last week the white gave a ballo In honor of the brown teachers and this week, I understand, the brown teachers re clprocate. The attendance at the institute is very good, larger than was anticipated The proceeding, being entirely new to the Filipinos, it was a matter of conjecture s to how they would respond. The Fill w plno teacher's path la strewn with briars rather than roses. They are very poorly paid and the meager stipend they receive la grudgingly given. The school fund o the municipality Is devoted to everythln else first snd then, It any be left, to the payment of the teachers. The assessors of the different municipalities place as lo' valuation on the property of their re spectlve districts as possible, which pro cedure la not, I believe, entirely unknown to the assessors In the United States. Not inly are the Filipino teachers poorly paid and pay uncertain, but the contrast be tween their emoluments and that of th " viroto to Dr. Picrco for hia advice." i The lady, from whose letter we quote, got what she wrote for, and is a well woman to-day as a result of following Dr. Pierce's advice and using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the medicine which make wtnlc women strong and sick women well. "Favorite Prescrip tion " establishes regularity, dries weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. Sick women, especially those suilering from diseases of long standing, axe ia- tescher from the states Is In glaring con trast, the latter being psld by the Insular government and receiving much larger rat in gold than does the nstlvs In silver. The teachers In this province are not en thusiastic over the future outlook. TJie at tendance Is dlscoursglngly lrregulsr. and, while there are occasionally bright and In terested pupils, the general Interest and dvancement are not what might be hoped. Considering the dense ignorsnce and pov erty of the mass of the population any sensible chsnge in their condition for be better must necessarily be a work of con- tdersble time. The United States has done much to de velop the Islands, perhaps more has been done since the American occupation In the way of development of the country and Its Inhabitants, than during the three cen turies of occupation by a European power. The government has established schools. built school houses and sent over an army of school teachers to occupy them and If possible raise the people to a level with the citizens of the most enlightened states of the clvllUed world. The material as well as the moral welfare of the people has been looked after. Harbors Improved; roads established; railways projected; tele graph lines laid snd rivers made navigable, mark the beneflclent sway of the United 8tates government In the Philippines and give unmistakable evidence of a sincere desire to permanently benefit the country asd Its Inhabitants. Land of Hassss. The United States Is In haste to de velop the country. The Filipino is Indiffer ent whether the country Is developed or not. To promise an Individual better food. better clothes and better lodging, with work, is but little Inducement to that In dividual, when he Is satisfied with rice and fish to eat, with bananas for dessert and cares only for a nlpa roof to shelter himself and family, and secures this with as little work as possible. He Is content with the country as It Is, and prefers thtt woods, streams, harbors and roads remain as they are, rather than they should be Improved by means of his labor. The people at home should not run the risk of disappointment by expecting any speedy radical change in the Industrial, moral, social or political situation In this country. One must make haste slowly in the Orient. It Is difficult to hurry the oriental and the Filipino is no exception to the general rule. In dealing with the na tives of this country we must "learn to labor and to wait;" the last lesson the Fili pino has learned to perfection, whether he will ever learn the first is a matter of seri ous doubt. The American In the Philippines, espe cially the newcomer. Is inclined to fret, everything moves slowly; the business man is slow, the house servants move slowly, and the laborers are slowest of all. The American overseer frets over the mortal slowness of the "hombres" working on the streets and public works of the city of Manila. The American housekeeper frets herself almost Into a fever over the dila tory movements of her servants, the Amer ican judge and lawyer fret over the slow ness of court procedure, the man from the United States frets because of the delay In closing up a business transaction, and wears himself out in trying to hurry the east. It is not good for the Christian's health. To hurrv the Arvan brown. The Christian riles; end the Aryan smiles, And weareth. the Christian down. The end of the fight, Is a tombptone white, witn tne name or ine neceaseo. . And epitaph drear; "A fool lleth here wno irieu to nusue tne east. W. F. NORMS. PRATTLE OF THE YOIXGSTER9. Auntie How many commandment are thereT .) Bessie Ten. Auntie And if you break one of them, what then? Btssle Then there'd be nine. Little Elmer The preacher says there Is no marrying In heaven. I wonder why? Little Elsie I guess It's because only women and little girls go there. "Is that your mamma, little boy?" asked the lady In the hotel parlor. "She used to be mine," gravely replied the little fellow, "but now I've got twin sisters, so she's only one-third mine." The caller had been descanting on the advantages of cork soles as a preventive of colds in cold weather, and the expression had caught Kitty's ear. "Mamma," she said, after the visitor had gone away, "how can anybody with a cork soul ever go to heaven?" Little Alice had been put to bed and was saying her prayers. This was part of her petition: "O, God, make all the bad peo ple good, and make all the good people all the good people the good people nice!" This la Indeed much to be de sired. "Well, Tommy," said papa, on his return from the office, "what has been going on today?" "wny-er-mamma worked one of your slippers and " "Goodness! She isn't working another pair of slippers for me?" "O! no. , This wss one of the old ones. She worked it on me." Little Dorothy is 7 years old. She was naughty the other day. and her mother told her that she would have to ask God to forgive her. The penitent little girl got down on her knees by her mother's side, k ... - in f i 1" Lk rited to consult Dr. Tierce by letter, fret. Air- correspondence is held as i atnct'.y private and sacredly connarn- I tiul. Address Dr. SL V. Pierce, Buffalo, 1 N. Y. . I .r ! ran truthfully saythat I. Pierce's Favorite (J Trec.lpuuu im a wonderful nurdtcine and I serves tiit crabc rtvra u wrtica Mrs. Kasma tue crauc rnrm it r-liuurr, of Lakrvirw, Montcalm Co., Mica., boa . M nuwk four aiuatha. asd lh santi n ttrnrrturd by the doctors did aw no good. Fioallv I wrote to Dr. Fierce for hia advic. He antttcrc.l in a wry ktud Icttrr ioatrarttng me what to do. I followed hia adno and to-Uy an a well woman, thanks to lt. fierce. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be aed with " Favorite Prescription" wtaa vor UuUive is required, , Jmnie learaece Sale Our June Clearance Sale is a winner. Not prices alone but qual ity and prices make our valuta so decisive that it has attracted the attention far and near of those in queet of reliable home furnishings. An even steady trade fully warranted by the values this store oners. N s would be glad to pilot you through this big store, and point out the special values. Whether you are a purchaser or not we extend you an Invitation to JbL,K IN & LOOK AROUND The following are but few of the specials for each department. They are money-ssvers and the prudent house wife will take advantage of our Special June Clearance Sale prices Room Furniture Three-piece solid oak bed room suit; special, $13.85. A special lot of solid oak dressers, bevel mirrors, at 7.75, $9.00, $9.43, $11.65. Pretty bird's-eye maple dressing tablet at $3.00, $S.7 and $12.00. A special lot of 40-pound hair mattresses, never sold less than $12.50; In this sale .each, $3.75. Library Tables June Clearanse Sale prices prevsll on all li brary tables. The saving will be In some instance as much aa one-half. $24.00 mahogany library table, special, $12.00. $29.00 mahogany library table, special, $15.50. $40.00 mahogany library table, special, $22.00. $46.00 mahogany library table, special, $21.75. Combination Bookcase Made of choice figured, quartersawed golden oak, finely polished, a special lot just received, regular $16.00 value, special, $12.75. Go'Garts Go-carts and carriages go in this Special June Clearance Sale at reduced prices. Folding carta with rubber tire wheels, $2.15 and $2.95. Full size go-carts, $4.60, $6.80 and up. Porch and Lawn Chairs and Settees In great variety at June Clearance Sale prices. Pretty porch rockers with splint seat, each 90 cents. Others at $1.35, $1.75,' $2.00, $2.25, $2.75 and up. Refrigerators. When you buy refrigerator you will want the best. One that will give perfect satisfaction, that will have a cold dry air circulation and a provision preserver. All of that Is the Her rick. We want to have the opportunity of showing you the advantages contained In a Herrick re frigerator over others, and we welcome you to look. All sizes In the spruce, white enamel or the opalite tile lined. Morris Chairs Reversible cushions., select oak frame. Special June Clearance Sale prices, $5.75, $6.85, $7.35. A big assortment of parlor divans and odd pieces, all go In this special sale. Illustrated Catalogue mail' ed to out'oMown requests. Furniture r0 t AT SPECIAL JINK CLEARANCE SALE PRICES We can save you money on your purchase. It will therefore be to your Interest to see us. Dining Chairs. Saddle wood seat, golden finish, embossed back; special price, 70c each. Other patterns and designs In wood seat chairs, nicely golden finished, at 75c, 90c, $1.00, all priced about one fourth less than regular tor special June selling. Cane seat dining chairs; special at 90c, $120 and up. tightest' Spe cial June Oriental Rua Sale A magnificent collection of rugs an assemblage of rare proportions, a variety upon which we've expended months of care. We ofTer most striking bargains during our June Clearing Sale and quote herewith some of the rare values In Oriental rugs. We welcome you to look. We have made up special lota of these rugs which we offer at a discount of 25 per cent. Come early while the selection Is most complete. ONE LOT OF 8MALL HAMA- DANS Sizes about 3x4 feet; price 18.25; June clearance sale price, 25 per cent off. ONE LOT OF ANATOLIAN MATTS About 1 foot 6 inches by 8 feet, $8 to 110 each. June clearance cent off. sale price, 25 per ONE LOT OF QENOES Sizes rnnge 3-6x5 feet, at $17 to $-2. Special June clearance sale price, 25 per cent on. ONE LOT MOSSL'L STRIPS 3 to 4 feet wide, I to I feet long, ranging from $3o to $45. J up Special line clearance sale ONE LOT OF BELOUCinSTAN RUGS Sizes from 2 feet 6 Inches to 3 feet 6 Inches In width; 4 feet to 6 feet in length, ranging in price from $.'0 to $25. Special June clear- ance sale, 25 per cent off. ONE LOT OF BOKH A R AS Sizes range about 3-4x4-6: S rices $22 to $27.50. Special une clearance sale price, 25 per cent off. Rrice, & per cent off. E LOT OF JJAHISTANS 3 feet to 4 feet 6 inches in the width, 4 feet 6 Inches to 6 feet 6 Inches in the length, prices ranging from $20 to I0. Special June clearance sale, 2o per cent off. ONE IX)T OF IRAN Sizes 8 feet 6 Inches to 4 feet In width, 4 feet to 6 feet in length, prices ranging from $25 to J 13. Special June clear ance sale, per cent off. ONE LOT OF KHIVA Rang ing about 6x9 feet, price iU.5t. Special June clearance saie, 2a per cent off. ONE LOT YHORDES About 9x12 feet, ranging: in rrlce from $90 to $125. Special June clearance sals price, 25 per cent oft. ONE LOT PERSIAN 8AVA LANS Varying from 8x11 feet to 8x13 feet; prices ranging from $125 to $1. Special June clearance sale price, ih per cent off. ONE LOT OF IIAMADAN CARPETS Sizes ranging 9x14 to 11x15 feet, prices ranslng from $!0 to $125. Special clear ance sale price, 25 per cent off. Lace (Curtains, wlndow Shades Our stock of lace curtains and upholstery goods is larger than it should be at this season of the year and we are, therefore, offering the goods at June Clearanse Sale prides to reduce theN stock. Special money saving values in new, clean, desirable goods. Note soma of the prices for the Special June Clearance Sale. Brussels curtains, a big assort ment, from $3.50 up to $4.00 per pair. Arabian, French and domestic curtains. "Domestic from $4.75 up to $12.W. r rencn irom t. is up to 46.u. j ney are wortn twice price. Itopee Portieres $3.50 valance for $1.95 each. $75 curtain for $4.50 each. Bllkollne 15c Bllkollne, only 10c per yard. 15c cretonne, only 10c per yard. 15c denim and crepe, only lOo per yard. 30c denim end English cre tonne, only 2oc per yard. 15c curtain Swiss, 10c per yard. &c and 65c Swiss. Imported. 3s)o the per yard. Curtain Corners All sizes and kinds worth up to $2.00 each, all go at 25c each. Summer Curtains and Porch minds Snowflake curtains In stripes and plain, just the curtain to replace your heavy winter ones for doors and windows. All col ors, from $1.25 per pair up to $10.00. Hammock a $1.50 hammock for $1.00. $2.60 hammock for $1.50. $3.50 hammock for $2.50. $5.00 hammock for $3.95. Hammock hooks. 10c each. Cushions, S for 25c Dining Tables Square top, golden finish, special 6-foot exten sion, $4.65. Others In oak at $4.95, $6.35, $8.35. Tretty round tables in solid oak, $1.85, $9 00. These are all marked at June Clearance Sale prices at a saving In price ftom the regular. Buffets Special golden quarter-sawed oak. finely pol ished buffets, $30.00 regular, June Clearance Sale price $22.40. $32.00 regular, June Clearance Sale price, $23.85. $40.00 regular, June Clearance Sale price, $28.75. Sideboards We show a large assortmeut and quote some very attractive June Clearance Sale prices. A special sideboard at a special price. This Is A large, massive sideboard made of choice select oak, finely polished; has large bevel plate mirror and one that you can compare with any $30.00 sideboard on the market. Our June Clear ance Sale price, $22.75. China Closets Golden quarter-sawed oak, finely polished, ad justable shelves, special at $12.65. A full quarter-sawed bent end glnss china closet, rich, pretty design, special at $18.50. Parlor Furniture Special June Sale prices on parlor furniture. A three-piece raahoga ny finished suit, uphol stered in satin damask. Special, $17.00. Five-piece spring edge suit, upholstered In atln damask; fcpeclal, $29.75. ' A big lot of fancy parlor rockers In this . sale at a saving In price of over 25 to 33 per cent from regular. Large comfortable, roomy rocker made of hard wood, with arms nicely finished, - Special June Clearance Sale price, $1.60. Notice This store will close at one o'clock Saturday afternoons during the months of July and August. rchard Wllhelm Sarpet ompany Douglas L "r-"'iTITrLI"H r and, after she had prayed In silence short time, arose. "And did God forgive you?" asked the mother. ' "No," replied Dorothy; " He said He was blzzy and asked me to call again!" A gentleman visiting a Coylay (Pa.) min uter was asked to attend Sunday school at his host's church and address a few remarks to the children, relates the Phil adelphia Times. He took the familiar theme of the children who mocked Elijah cn his journey to Bethel how the young sters taunted the poor old prophet, and how they were punished when two she bears came out of the wood and ate forty-and-two of them. "And now, children," said the speaker, wishing to learn if his talk had produced any moral effect, "what does this story show?" "Please, sir," came from little girl well down in front, "it Bhows how many children two she bears can hold!" weekly, walking a distance equal to twice the circumference of the globe. iSixty thousand letters are written a day, con suming thirty gallons of Ink. Ten thousand miles of overhead telegraph wires almost shut out the smoky canopy which spreads above the London streets, and the number of telegraph messages received in London last year was over S,000,)0. Ninety million gallons of water are consumed dally. Something like a profit of $3,000,000 has just been realized by Senator Quay, his son, Richard R., and ex-Senator l)on Cameron out of the sale of the New Castle Traction. Electric and Gas cpmpanles to the Pennsyl vania & Mahoning valley Railroad com pany. The -Quays and Don Cameron pur chased the properties a few years ago for $1,0o0.0u0. ana now the deeds of conveyance show a cash consideration of $1,197,510, be sides which there is a mortgage of $3,637,500. OVT OF THE ORDINARY. F. N. Finney of Milwaukee. WU., has purchased the famous rug known as the Empress Eugenie's prayer rug. It is made of silk and was given to the consort of Napoleon III by the shah of Persia. Ervln Pfuhl. a citizen of West Pittston, Pa., has filed a petition In court asking that hia name be changed to Folmor. The petitioner says he desires the change be cause the name he now bears readily lends Its aid to the manufacture of various silly attempts at punning, such as "fool" and "full, and besides it is not easily pro nounced, all of which is very annoying. To protect the sultan of Turkey from possible poisoning the most rigorous pre cautions are taken in the preparation of his food. Palace officials visit the kitchen to inspect the dishes, which they first taste and then seal up with long ribbons, the ends of which are held by the major doino. Guards, re-enforced by a strong armed escort, then carry the food to the royal presence. In London a child Is born every three minutes, and a death Is registered every flw minutes. The city contains over 7') rallwnv sis Urns, nenly Mm miles of railway line and eleven railway bridges span the Thumes. Dully 1.(O.ii0u persons travel on the underground railways, and 2.5iO.OoO In S.0P0 omnibuses, 7.0 hansoms, 14.0W) cabs l.and 7,H) tram cars. The total population Is between 6.W,0uO and i.OtO.0.0. Four tnou sand postmen deliver 10,000.000 letters LABOR AND ISDISTRT. The United States produces 29 per cent of the world's coal. It is told- that the gross membership of the labor organizations who are connected with the American Federation of Labor exceeds 1.000,000. The Amalgamated Society of Engineers, whose headquarters are in London, Eng land, had a membership at the end of last year of 90,943, and the cash balance on hand, $2,461,784. The cornerstone of the Labor Lyceum, which Is being rebuilt In Brooklyn, N. Y., wa laid Friday (Decoration day), accom panied by appropriate ceremonies. Including a parade, in wnicn tne Mannauan ventral Federated union lolned tho Brook I vn Cen tral Labor union. The new building will cost about $:i0,000. Thirty years ago the census found only four plants in the whole country for the manufacture of Ice, and they were all lo cated In the southern states. In 1!U0 the number had Increased to 77 (not counting concerns which manufacture ice for their own use exclusively), and only about one half of them are located in the south. 8inee 1S90 the amount of capital invested In this Industry has increased from $9.M6. 46S to $;!8,204.164. or by 28 per cent; while the value of the product has Increased from $4.9U0.!3 to $13,874,613, or by 183 per cen The highest paid officials of a labor union in Chicago are those of the Bricklayers and Stone Masons' union. The wages of the president, secretary and the two business agents have been sdvanced $1 a week and are now $d, $5 and $4 a day. respectively. President Perkins of the Ctgarmakera' International union states that within tha past month twenty local unions of cigar makers secured increases in wsges. Seven unions in different parts of the country are on strike or voting on the proposition to go on strike to secure the bill of prices. Condition of the Miners Impartial View of Situation in the Anthracite Region. Charles B. Spahr, of the editorial staff of self-respecting little home I do not know, they had previously bought tor $1.75 the New York Outlook, publishes in that but the fact remains that not only In Ply- ton they could ' not buy today for less magazine the result of an investigation mouth, but In the mining towns I visited than $2.15. The increase to them Was conducted by him Into the condition of the later Ufar Scranton. the great majority of more than 20 per cent. It furnished them. the Diners seemed to be living in decent comfort. miners in the anthracite f.cld wh- are on a strike for more wsges and ehortcr hours. Mr. Spabr's sttltude Is one of sympathy for the strikers and he criticises the "In talking with the men there was operators severely for refusing arbitration. , similar contradiction In the testimony re Following are excerpts from the article: ceivrd. If they were speaking about their "The Civic Federation's committee was not ready to pass upon any of the ques tions submitted. It was, however, con vinced of the righteousness of Mr. Mitchell's demand that the employing rail roads should be willing to submit these questions to arbitration. 'It was not a question of arbitration by our board; we recommended arbitration In which one party select one arbitrator, the other party aocther and these two select a third, but the railroad companies flatly rejected it The fact that these companies are chartered by the state and given state powers of eminent domain makes their re fusal the more indefensible.' treatment, their wages were too small for them to live upon; if they were talking about their ability to hold out for a six months' strike, they were all surprisingly affluent. When I reached Oliphant, which is the center of the union In the northern district, I wss particularly struck with the men's statements as to their ability to hold out. The unmarried Hungarians and Poles, I wss told, had nearly all money saved ahead, and many of this slement had al ready set out for New York, Philadelphia and other cities to get work as unskilled laborers while the strike lasted. The men who remained near the mines were some of them able to get odd jobs upon neighboring In fact, with one of their favorite tllus trations when they were claiming that the 10 per rent advance In wages secured In 1900 hsd been entirely eaten up by the In creased cost of living. "Among the 'miners' strictly so called there Is no concern whatever for the eight hour day. In Oliphant, for the first time, I came across men who actually worked the short hours which newspapers hostile to the union try to represent aa typical. In the little mine where this fireman was employed most of the miners came out of the mines before noon and It was the ex ception when the miner stayed beside his labor for the whole ten hours. The mine boss, in fact, told me that two and a half hours represented the average time spent by the miners lasids of this mine. "When the various Impressions which I had received simmered down the lmpres PAYS Q Figures Show the Proportion Borne by Various Interests in 1900. Just What the Farmer, the Merchant, the Manufacturer, the Banker, the Pri vate Corporations and the Railroads Paid Into the State Treasury. (Issued Under Authority of the Railroads of Nebraska.) KIND OF PROPERTY. Improved Lands Acres Unimproved Lands Acres Improved Lots Lots Unimproved Lots Lota R. R. Property Horses , Cattle Mules and Asses Sheep Hogs , Manufacturing Tools, Material, Machinery, etc Merchandise on Hand Properly of Companies and Corporations Money and Credits Stock and Bonds Household and Office Furniture, etc Investments, Real Estate, and Improvements Telegraph All Other Property 11 r rancnises . Water Crafts ' All Property Returned for Tax in State Per Value Cent of Cnita. Value. Per Total Unit. Tax Paid 17.445.819 $ 60.459,47!) 3.47 35.2 14,379,21 17,5X4.677 1.22 10.2 211.223 27,034,487 127.99 15.7 28S.S72 fi.U3.91R 21.18 3.6 26.44l!.4 15.4 636,995 4.31,317 $.79 2,169.409 1U.11H.478 4.6 41,930 . 311. Kt4 7.41 9.8 371,275 274, 29H .74 1.752,163 1.74.1,2'H .90 6o4.38 .4 4.367.&04 25 l.i,132 11 2,278,247 1.8 4,714.374 2.7 73.614 .5 247,464 2.41 -4. 17 23.63 l.g 83 2,668 1.6 $171,747,593 ( 1 100 A summary of the foregoing statement will show For the purpose of reducing the size of this table that the following Interests were the ones that paid tax In that year, in the following proportions: In the first summary, we have Included all the Farming Interests paid 45.4 per cent of the tax . , , ... City. Town and Village steam engines In with the manufactories and marhln- I'roperty paid 19 3 per cent of the tax ery. We have put the 12.710 pianos, valued at from $5 00 Railroad Interests paid 15 4 per cent of the tax . ... . .. ........ . Live Stock interests paid 9.8 per cent of the tax t0 N-30: the vast number of $1.76 watches that ware "XftSXkt&'lnZU 4. per cent of the tax "T'l maCh'n": r Bankers, Money Loaners, Bnd melodeons; the $4.79 carriages and wagons; ths pi ?.rodpe?J'ynd.s::::::::::l I? ce SJ lES III a,a.e- ,dHlaTm?" rd irelryi the four Various Miscellaneous Prop- . thousand $9.69 safe; the billiard tables and bar flx- e"y paid 2.1 per cent of the tax tures, all together with household and office furniture. ion Wa have combined the other Items In "All Other a c. REDUCED AGAIN. Property." Details will be given later. Farm and Stock Interests. .paid 66.2 per cent of the tax City. Town and Village In- KfRnmri terests paid 29 4 pr cent of the tax AOMlA' Railroads paid 15.4 per cent of the tax r,,i.i ,.,,. , . . . , Population, 1,058,910; 38.2 per cent living In lncor- 10- porated cities and villages, 63.8 per cent on farms. RAILROADS PAY 15.4 PER CENT OF THE TAXES IN NEBRASKA. , farms, and sometimes upon farms belong' "To surprising extent I found that these miners about Plymouth were not in danger of being evicted, for most of them .lw Jt Ik km. mm AWMui all ... K. lk.m..1... or by their parents. The situation In this brought, made the summer much the best The workers never expected 20 per cent iime tor a etr.se Ing to members of their own family. The lo lnal remained was mat. except In amount of work which the men could ,ew 'alltle and among few small secure In summer, and the great reduction ele of workmen, the present strike la In living expense which the season "leny a sinus tor an advance in wages. respect was In marked contrast with that t Latimer and aaost of the towns about Hailetoiv which I had aeen In previous vislu to the coal fields. Furthermore, most of the houses In th Haxlcton dis trict and th number that had garden at tached showed that most of th miners would not b entirely dependent upon th tort supplies. Just bow men receiving "When th men were talking about the greater cost of liring la the winter, they emphasised ths cost of coal, and I wss not entirely displeased to find that, in common with other consumers, they had felt th advenes which followed th last strike. Th prlc of coal had been ad- tha was- Mid to anthracite coal miner vanced 40 cents toa at th mine, just accumulated money eoeuga to buy laa m It had been at seaboard, aad th coal ppod to this tsp. advance. It a I per cent advance hsd been offered them it would gladly have been accepted, but now that the strike la on it may be continued Indefinitely unless some substantial concession Is granted. The strike fever has been gaining. Most of the miner with whom I talked wish President Mitchell to call out the care takers asd allow th mine to be flooded. President Mitchell, however, is strongly Is as much superior to other white floating soap a an incandescent light is super ior to a tallow candle. Three sizes laundry, loc; bath and toilet, 5cj oval toilet, sc. Cadscna prlmar, caatala lag dwsctieikt lor CwSow's au am. Mat tree m Thi Cvdakt ?ackino Co, Oauha...KUnsu City. CMYK I lJV IW V -.- t r ztZ -3 - : : - - '.. M'li -BSMWwWlrWraWaSWiWiia..i f giHW II ARE YOU A FISHERMAN ? If so, before making any plan for your summer fishing trip, you should writ or call on us for Information pertaining to the Lake of Minnesota, There are ten thousand lakes In the State of Minnesota, which are filled with Bass, Pickerel, Crappte, Muskalonge, etc. Remarkably low round trip ticket with long limits, will be on sal all summer. Information regarding fishing resorts, hotel rates, and round trip Uokets will be cheerfully furnished by, W. H. BR ILL, 1402 Faraaa St list Pas. Aft.. III. Cant L I ; 1 ' 1 IV