Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 18

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.maiia Sunday Ber.
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
George B. Txschuck, secretary of The Bee
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ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of May, 1802, was as follows:
1 89,000 17 20.50O
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Notary Public.
Make room for the army of 1002
School . graduates.
Having been hanged in elligy, J. Tier
pont Morgan may aspire to more last
ing fame.
'. Scientists expect Telee to keep on
moking for months. Other long-distance
smokers may as well yield up the
v The moving picture show pojlraylng
Pelee or Soufrlere in action has not yet
arrived, but It may be expected in due
A Chicago sneak thief has proved that
be keeps up to date by purloining' a
Panama hat Let St. Louis match that
If It can. i
If these rains continue, prairie schoon
ers will again be called into requisition
s the best means of navigation across
Nebraska's plains.
Lord Kitchener may miss the corona
tion festivities, but he can count on a
Small-sized demonstration all to himself
when he finally re-enters London.
It Is to be noted that the newly
appointed American consul to Martin
ique exhibits no signs of hesitancy in
Accepting the position and reporting for
The next governor of Kansas sub
scribes his name with the initials
W. J. B. but he writes it YV. J. Bailey
and takes pride in being the nominee of
the republican party.
In the outcome of the Boer war we
have another object lesson that arbi
tration Is effective In international dis
pute only when all parties concerned
re willing to arbitrate.
Hayti Is not troubled with the prob
lem what to do with its ex-presidents.
llaytian ex president who can hie
himself to Taris with $10,000,000 for pin
snoney should be able to take care of
Now that the American Tobacco trust
bas secured a practical monopoly of the
Cuban tobacco and cigar output, we
may expect a plea that we do something
Sot Cuba In the way of abating the tariff
Mi Cuban tobacco importations.
r 1 ?g
. All the trade reviews report a better
business tone as a result of the ter
x mlnatlon of the South African war. Add
to this the unexampled crop prospects
In the west, and the business barometer
points only to clear weather ahead.
' An Impertinent congressman wants to
know why the congressional library at
.Washington should not be kept open on
Sundays to accommodate working peo
ple who are employed week days dur
ing all tho open hours. But think of
Compelling the library employes to work
putsldetf regulation hours.
When the announcement Is made that
Edison has devised an electric-propelled
automobile that overcome all previous
difficulties the statement 1 accepted by
the public without the slightest In
credulity. Had some other name been
connected with it every one of us
would have looked askance aud lutl
dated that we were from Missouri. The
confidence of the public U the inventor's
moat valuable asset.
To protect the interest of the govern
ment In Its unfinished buildings aud
make way for ueeded new buildings.
President Roosevelt has felt constrained
to approve the omnibus building bill
notwithstanding the vicious precedent
set by omnibus legislation. It is safe
to say that were the president euipow
ered to veto separate Items of appro
priation bill, a vast amount of "pork"
carried by this building bill would have
fallen by tho wayside.
Once more the people of Nebraska
have been shamelessly betrayed by their
trusted public servants. The parole and
pardon of Joseph Bartley Justly roused
the people of this state to Intense In
dignation and an overwhelming public
sentiment swept the state like a hur
ricane. If the liberation of the great
embezzler was an unpardonable offense,
what should be said of the outrage per
petrated by Governor Savago, Auditor
Weston and Treasurer Stuefer on the
people of Nebraska by their abject sub
serviency to the mandates of the rail
road lawyers, who forced them In star
chamber meeting to recant and recall
their sworn declaration to the supreme
court, that they had refused to assess
the franchises of the railroad corpora
tions because they did not believe that
they had the legal authority to assess
anything but their tangible property?
Only two weeks ago, when the appeal
for more equitable assessment of the
property of the railroads was denied
by the board, each member of that body
tried to excuse himself for refusing to
do bis sworn duty by claiming that
the statutes relating to railroad assess
ment did not expressly Include fran
chises with their tangible property.
This plea was Inserted by the attorney
general on behalf of the board In his
answer to the writ issued by the su
preme court, coupled with the respectful
request that the court Interpret the pro
visions of the constitution and statutes
relntlve to the assessment of the prop
erties and franchises of railroads and
telegraph companies.
The answer drawn up by the attorney
general was considered, discussed and
approved by the board before It was
Bled by the attorney general and was
In the nature of Individual testimony of
each of the three state officers consti
tuting the board. The withdrawal of
this document from the supreme court
and the substitution of a document that
attempts to negative in almost every
particular the statement originally
made, is the most Infamous piece of
perfidy and treason to the people of
which any state officer could be guilty.
There are no palliating circumstances
to Justify such conduct. The state offi
cers are elected by the people, for the
people, and not for the corporations.
If there was any doubt in the minds
of the members of the board, as to their
duty In the premises, the benefit of the
doubt should have been given to the
people and not to the corporations; but
from the outset the "board, while pro
fessing to be loyal to the people, ex
hibited its Insincerity and disloyalty at
every stage. Its meetings were held
within closed doors and Its legal ad
visors were railroad attorneys instead
of the chosen law officer of the state,
the attorney general.
JL$ the members of the board were
honest and faithful to their trust, why
should they have held a star-chamber
session to reconsider and revoke the
original Interpolation addressed to the
supreme court with their sanction and
on their behalf? T'o these men im
agine that the pc...o of Nebraska will
exculpate them for such an unheard-of
proceeding? If they do, they underrate
popular intelligence and misunderstand
the temper of the people. If they have
deliberately sacrificed the interests of
the state for some political advantage
they will discover before long that cor
porations are impotent to redeem such
From the party point of view, the
action of the board is, if anything, more
reprehensible than it Is from the stand
point of good citizenship. The repub
lican party will be compelled to de
nounce and repudiate their acts Just as
it has denounced and repudiated the
unwarranted exercise of executive clemency.
church property m philippises.
The bill passed by the senate makes
provision for the purchase of the friars'
lands, as they are called. In the Philip
pines. It authorizes the commission to
buy the lands of the friars for the pur
pose of selling them Immediately to the
people who now occupy them. The
necessity of taking these lands and
giving them over to the people who
actually live upon them and cultivate
them is unquestioned. As was said by
Senator Lodge in reference to -this, the
possession of the lands by the friars
was one of the bitterest grievances of
the Filipino people against Spain. The
testimony is universal as to their desire
to have those lands restored to them.
The position of the United States In
the matter is clearly Bet forth In the
Instructions of the secretary of war to
Governor Taft respecting negotiations
with the Vatican, the separation of
church and state In the Islands, Impera
tive under our political system, It is
pointed out, requires a readjustment
and rearrangement In Jhe Interests both
of church and state "and for the attain
ment of the great ends of civil govern
ment, of education, of charity and of re
ligion." Under the new conditions the
religious orders have been shorn of most
of their functions and authority and the
secretary of war says it is manifestly
for the interest cf the church as well
as the state that the landed proprietor
ship of these orders, which are ex
tremely unpopular, should cease. Iti is
not proposed to confiscate the lands, but
to give full and fair compensation for
them and the mission of Governor Taft
to Home was to negotiate with the
vatlcun for their purchase on equitable
There will probably be no serious
difficulty In effecting the purpose of our
government in the matter so far as the
papal authorities are concerned. The
pope Informed Governor Taft that mat
ters of detail In connection with the
questions to be decided would be re
ferred to a committee of cardinals and
that all the issues would be considered
and treated with the sole aim of reach
ing a settlement satisfactory to all par
ties concerned. The pope understands
fully that the requirements expressed
fn the Instructions to Governor Taft
must be complied with and undoubtedly
his Influence will be exerted to have this
done with as little friction as possible.
So far as the friars are concerned, they
are unaMe to make any serious oppo
sition and may not attempt to do so.
They have no standing with the natives,
whom they have Oppressed for genera
tions, and when the Filipinos generally
understand the policy of the United
States in regard to the lands they will
have no sympathy with any claims or
demands which the friars might make.
The friar lands question promised to be
a troublesome one, but It now appears
probable that It will be disposed of
without much difficulty.
The prevailing conflicts between capi
tal and labor make more than ordi
narily Interesting and instructive the
facta presented by the United States
commissioner of labor, Carroll D.
Wright, regarding strikes In this coun
try. The statistical history of these
conflicts goes back no further than 1881
and the period covered by Mr. Wright
Is from that year to 1900. Of course
there were strikes before 1881, but the
data concerning them were not col
lected In a methodical way and there
fore are of little value. For Instance,
there were two formidable strikes of
railroad employes In 1877, particularly
that against the Pennsylvania railroad
at Pittsburg, which was characterized
by serious rioting, but not much of sta
tistical value was recorded in regard to
The most extensive and far-reaching
of the historic strikes was that at Chi
cago in June and July, 1804, but Mr.
Wright says that the conflict possessing
the most Interesting, thrilling and dra
matic Incidents waa the Homestead af
fair of July 4, 1802, in which blood was
shed and It was necessary to send sol
diers to the scene to restore order. The
year marking the culmination of labor
controversies in the nineteenth century
was 1804, when the Pullman strike at
Chicago, the Lehigh Valley strike, the
strike on the Groat Northern railroad
and other strikes of minor importance
took place. Reference is made by Mr.
Wright to the steel strike of 1901 as
being especially interesting because for
the first time the Issue was In regard
to the right of the association of work
ers to demand the unionizing of the
mills, on which the association failed.
This strike is estimated to have resulted
In a loss of wages amounting to
The instructive and Impressive facts
in connection with these conflicts during
twenty years relate to the losses suf
fered by employers and employes, which
are estimated to have been over 408,
000,000. In 1881 there were 471 strikes
and the money loss of employes was
$3,372,578 and of the employers $1,919,
48& In the year 1900, twenty years
later, the number of strikes In the
country was 1,779, or nearly four times
greater, the loss In wages was $18,341,
750 and the loss- of employers was $9,
431,299. Only one year in the twenty
showed - a larger money loss from
strikes than 1900, and that was 1894,
when the business depression was great
and all Industry was greatly disturbed.
The total loss in wages in the twenty
years of strikes approaches $250,000,000.
Such facts ought to arrest the attention
and command the serious consideration
of both labor and capital. They mean
not only much Injury to the general
welfare, but In respect to labor more or
less of privation and hardship. The
anthracite coal strike has already cost
the miners several millions of dollars
in loss of wages and while the opera
tors have as yet suffered no very great
loss, If any, the prolongation of the con
flict cannot fall to result In their in
Jury. Mr. Wright observes that the approxi
mate statements are sufficient to con
vince any right-minded person that
every effort that can be made to adjust
differences and deal with grievances In
such a way as to prevent an open out
break should be encouraged. Every
body will concur In this, but unfortu
nately when controversies arise between
employers and employes It Is nearly al
ways the case that one side obstinately
rejects efforts to prevent an open out
break and effect an amicable settle
ment The attitude of tho anthracite
coal operators furnishes a notable In
stance of this.
The commencement exercises of the
various colleges and universities now
in progress naturally bring educational
topics to the foreground, but while all
this ceremonialism usually takes the
form of a paean of Joy and self-laudation,
already we have a discordant note
in a vehement protest against senna
tionallsm iu education entered by Presi
dent Northrup of the University of Min
nesota. In an address to the graduates
at once forcible and pointed, the Minne
sota educator declares:
Ws are in the midst of aa era of sensa
tionalism in education, or we are fast ap
proaching such aa era. The paradoxical 1
taking the place of the true. Rockefeller
shares the throne of Intellect with Shake
speare, and ragtime music hushes the mel
ody of the hymns our fathers and mothers
loved to sing. Professors attract notice to
themselves and their Institutions by utter
ances that ought to consign them to the in'
vestlgatlon of a commission de lunatlco in
qutrendo. Something new is wanted and
wanted all the time. It need not be true,
It need not ba valuable, but it must ba as
toundlng, and must attract general atten
tlon. To be unknown and unnoticed Is
death, but to be notorious, even as a literary
er educational crank or lunatic, is fame.
Thank heaven the picture is not true as an
expression of the general condition, but it
ta true of altogether too large a part of the
educational field, and It is time that com
mon aense reasserted its authority.
While President Northrup might be
arraigned for having In these remarks
set an example of the very sensational
lent he complains of, there Is no question
that what he says, although much ex
aggerated, contains several grains of
unpalatable truth. To the mania for
notoriety Is to be ascribed the disrepute
Into which too many promising univer
sity professors have fallen aud the un
seemly disputes that have arisen when
university authorities have undertaken
to discipline faculty members for over
stepping the limits of propriety. To a
similar quest for free advertising we
must credit up a large number of the
great educational Iwncfactlons made by
men of wealth more with a view to per
petuating monuments to their own
names rather than to the unselfish ad
vancement of the cause of education.
Not that this necessarily detracts from
the usefulness of the Institution except
so far as It stimulates Ideals at variance
with the true aims of life, but It is
clearly a reflection of the methods cur
rently employed In fields of industry,
trade and even art and literature.
The educational pendulum cannot
swing much further to the extreme of
sensationalism and may be expected
soon to draw back to the lines of
progressive conservatism.
Replying to the statement of Mr. Ilar
riman that the Interstate Commeici;
commission is a thing of the past au.l
that railroads should be allowed to
transact their busiuoss without super
vision from bodies und boards that do
not know anything about transporta
tion matters, Judge Trouty of the com
mission said that the time has come
when the government must supervise
the railroads, unless the railroads are
to supervise the whole country. '"If the
people of this country," remarked Judge
Prouty, "are ready to let Mr. llanlmiiu
and about four of his associates In Wall
street say what tax every other kind
of property shall pay to his property,
he Is right, but if, on the other baud,
as every court which has had occasion
to pass on the subject has declured,
and as every disinterested, thoughtful
man believes, the government must In
self -protection put some check on the
greed of Mr. Ilarriman and his asso
ciates, then he is wrong." While not
denying that combinations among rail
roads may be a benefit to "the public,
Judge Prouty said that combinations
cannot be allowed at all until there Is
some government supervision which pre
vents the abuse of that combination.
If Mr. Ilarriman is taking the trouble
to ascertain public opinion In regard to
his recently expressed views he is learn
ing that the sentiment In favor of gov
ernmental supervision of the railroads Is
overwhelming and that there Is a very
strong demand outside of the circle and
influence of railway managers for
strengthening the Interstate commerce
law and increasing the powers of the
commission. Such declarations as those
of Mr. Ilarriman serve to intensify this
sentiment among the people and ought
to have a like effect upon congress.
The suit begun by the attorney gen
eral of Illinois against the various fire
insurance companies operating in that
state to enjoin them from continuing
to fix fire rates through a Joint agent in
evasion of the anti-compact laws will
be watched with more than ordinary
interest not only by underwriters, but
by policy holders everywhere. The sys
tem resorted to by Insurance men In
Illinois la the same employed generally
throughout the country. The rate, no
matter by what agent or in what com
pany it Is written, is identical, be
cause made by agreement through the
so-called union effectually preventing
every possibility of competition. In fact
no combine has been so successful
In the maintenance of rates as the lire
insurance combine, raising them simul
taneously In all companies on the slight
est pretext of unusual losses and seldom
lowering them except under force of
overwhelming pressure. Obstructive
laws similar to those in Illinois have
for the most part been made dead let
ters, as In Nebraska, by refusal of the
courts to enforce tbem, but should the
present suit produce results, it will
stimulate anew efforts to check the
rapacity of the combined underwriters.
who from a central office undertake
arbitrarily to make rates for fire risks
in each division of the entire country.
Owing to growing opposition chiefly
from the democratic side of the house,
the outlook for the bill for a govern
ment cable across the Pacific at the
present session Is said to be less en
couraging thun it has been. The demo
crats know that inaction by the govern
ment means the laying of the cable by
private enterprise, constituting a monop
oly to which both the government
and the public will have to pay tribute,
but while pretending to be arrayed
against combines and trusts, their posi
tion In this matter contributes to
strengthen the telegraph and cable
monopoly, against which there is no
other redress. If popular sentiment
controlled congress would not only pro
vide for the construction and operation
of a Pacific cable by the government.
but would follow it up with measures
that would without too much delay give
us a general postal telegraph system
conducted as part of the Fostotflce de
partment for the same purpose of facil
itating commerce aud disseminating In
telligence as the transportation and de
livery of the malls.
Georgia democrats have Just held
their state primaries, at which a candi
date for United States senator, as well
as candidates for state offices, have re
ceived endorsements said to be the
equivalent of election. This is pretty
close to the election of United States
senators by direct popular vote, but It
is not a direct vote, because only a
small minority of the people have a
voice In it It affords, however, add!
tlonal evidence that the demand for re
vision of the federal constitution that
will make this desired reform part of
the fundamental law is constantly be
coming more and more widespread.
President Roosevelt should have been
more considerate of his critics of the
popocratlc press when he delivered his
Memorial day address. They had loaded
up with ammunition that was to de
nounce him as dealing in stale platV
tudes and wornout word pictures only
to find that Jie had given forcible utter
ance to original views with direct bear
ing on present day problems, thus com
pelling them to change their whole plan
of attack. Had the president realized
the inconvenience he was canslng his
detractors he would certainly have been
more guarded in his words.
Secret ef Loasr Llrlag,
Milwaukee Free Press.
The venerable Senator Pettus of Alabama
says: "The secret of living long is to work.
I am 81, and happy and healthy as a boy.
I notice that al my neighbors who got
rich and retired are dead. I never got rich,
and I never retired." And be never died.
Long may he be spared. A man who Is SI
years "young" and still happy and healthy
is a mighty good example to hold up be
fore this age of hustle, and get rich, and
Edison Sees ThlnsTS.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Inventor Edison estimates that with his
new storage battery the cost of an auto
mobile can be reduced to about $150. "The
man that cannot quite afford to keep a
horse and . carriage is the man that I am
trying to provide for," he says. "The
automobile will be the thing for him. Its
first cost will not be any greater, it will
not require the care, and the cost of main
tenance will come far below the cost of
keeping a horse." May bis prophetic vi
sion soon be realized!
Trlampha of Women.
1'hllndelphla Times.
In Brooklvn the other day Mrs. Lennlo
Kelley savcl the life of her aged father
by climbing over the dashboard of the
buggy in which they were driving on the
Coney Island boulevard and seizing the
reins that bad dropped from his hand and
were dangling at the heels of their runaway
horse. Would Pamella, or Clarissa, or even
Mme. de Stael's extraordinary heroine, Del
phlne, have done that? In Pittsburg Mrs.
Sarah E. McCloy, in a law court, has just
excelled the intellectual feat of Portia, and
has surpassed many shining masculine
lights of the bar, for she managed her
own case in a breach of promise suit and
proved, too, contrary to the old adage,
that she did not have a fool for a client
There were some novelties in her methods
of examining witnesses, as, for Instance,
her telling one of tbem point blank that
he was a liar. In the first case there was
a triumph of nerve and muscle, and in the
second of nerve and Intellect The obvious
conclusion is that the era in which woman
was a "down-trodden creature" Is fully
past, for, with qualifying experience of the
world, she is now quite capable of defend
ing her own and of holding it.
Science Scores a "Beat."
New York Evening Post
Newspaper -enterprise has to bow to
scientific enthusiasm in the matter of the
first ascent of atlll smoking Mount Pelee.
Prof. Angelo Hellprin was already known
as an intrepid explorer, delighting equally
in Sahara and Greenland, and climbing
difficult Orizaba, whose height and pre
eminence among Mexican . mountains he
first correctly determined; but his calm
rivaling of the elder Pliny and surpassing
him In good fortune by mounting to study.
in situ, a valcano in eruption, will make his
name famous throughout the world. Of
that result, however, ws may be sura that
he never stopped to think. His preoccu
pation was entlroly that of a scientist, bent
on discovery of the truth, even at the
hazard of his life. With Intelligence to
guard against every needless risk, and yet
with constancy and professional seal ' to
make him face cheerfully all inevitable
danger, he gave a One example of the un
conscious courage and heroism of the scien
tific spirit No doubt he experienced in
tense exhilaration, amid those showers of
boiling mud and redbot cinders, as he
went on quietly observing the phenomena
which bis trained eye could eo well Inter
pret. He performed a real service to
human knowledge, and, as all journalists
must admit scored a tremendous "beat."
Blemishes ta the Business System of
the United Slates.
New York Times.
In a recent report to his government, em
bodying his conclusions relative to Amer
ican business methods, the British consul
at Chicago laid much stress upon the com
paratively early age at which a man in
the United States is relegated to the ranks
of the superannuated. Inquiry and obser
vation leads the consul to believe that
when a man reaches the age of 45 he has
great difficulty in finding employment in
Chicago, and, Indeed, in any American city.
This he considers a great defect in an
otherwise admirable business system. He
saya: "There are many business men In
good positions over that age who will, in
all probability, retain tbem for some years
to come and then retire, but a newcomer
of that age has little chance of employ
ment, as he cannot expect to learn new
ways. A man who is out of work at that
age is regarded with suspicion, especially
when trade is good, because If be had
proved that be was worthy of bis position
which should be a good one after many
years of service be would not hsve been
forced out; orjf be bad been, some other
firm which had come into contact with him
in business would try to secure his
This would seem to be a very fair state
ment of the facts of the case, and, being
so, it leaves no basis tor the conclusion
that it constitutes a blemish in the other
wise admirable business system of the
United States. The roan who reaches and
passes the age of 45 years, and "looks it,"
without having made a place for himself
In the world of business which renders him
independent of the necessity of. seeking
employment Is perhaps ths most unfortun
ate individual among all of those who ex
cits the sympathies of ths practically
benevolent. It may be due to any one of a
great many causes, but however explained
or excused. It remains a misfortune for
which It U quite impossible to find any
adequate relief. A successful commercial
business cannot be organized on the plan
of an asylum for incapable. As the rule,
the reason these middle-aged applicants
for salaried positions have trouble in get
ting them is that they are not In a position
to offer an employer services in any line
for which he would be Justified In paying
the salary expected snd demanded by the
applicant. For ths man who can do some
ons thing better than others can do It there
Is no "dead line." The Incapacity of inex
perience is capable of correction; at least.
It may conceal ths potentialities of great
usefulness. The incapacity which lands a
man la middle Ufa without employment and
without the character and reputation which
make a market tor his services Is hopeless
from the point of view of the employer.
The condition may be due to the fault or
the misfortune of tb victim te a misspent
youth or to the shape of his head. In moat
Instances It is attributable to the fact that
the victim has been content to drift, con
tent with rendering a minimum service for
the largest salary be could earn, and
thoughtless of ths future until be sud
denly wakes up to ths fact that he cannot
hold bis own la the competition with the
younger and mors ambitious men seeking
a chase to do what he failed to do. la
such matters ex poet facto wisdom Is sx
csedlng wis, but not specially useful.
A Few Comforting Tsosihli for
Yarattonless People.
Baltimore American.
As the summer comes the thought of out
ings, vacations and trips grows pleaaurably
insistent to those able to enjoy them and
there is no doubt of the benefit which a
pleasant change does, when taken in the
year of work, rush and worry. But even
those who cannot afford the expense or
time of a trip away can get some degree
of this change and pleasure by a little
thought and management la taking stay-at-home
trips. There are many ways in
which stay-at-homes can minimize the
discomfort and heat of .summer and find
out for themselves fresh breathing spots
of coolness, green and beauty.
The suburbs of the city are now easily
reached. Further on, beyond the suburbs,
the adjacent country well repays an after
noon visit, or even a ride by train or trol
ley. To the nature-lover and the observant
every walk Into the roads and fields about
reveals some new objects of Interest, some
new pleasure In flower, leaf and tree. For
nature, although working along the same
lines, is yet full of an endless variety and
"fulfills herself In many wsys," sometimes
charming, sometimes curious, but always
worth the looking for.
Even within the city, the parks, large
and small, furnish pleasure in goodly meas
ure to those who get Into the wholeeome
habit of regularly visiting them. Every
man, woman and child can roam at will In
the big pleasure grounds that each can feel
justly Is as much his as the stately es
tates of the millionaire belong to the
wealthy owner. The refreshment to eye
and spirit In the soft greens and the pictur
esque vistas, the benefit to wearied body In
the pure air and the cooling breezes, repay
the visit, and give, in some degree at least,
what the more fortunate ones are enjoying
in the mountains or by the seashore.
Even In the confines of one's home tbera
Is a beauty and an enjoyment to be bad
for a little pleasant toll. Interested in
Itself and tasting In its effects. There is
no back yard, no matter bow small, that
cannot be made into a small estate by a
pretty vine, a few bright flowers, a bit of
smooth-cut grass. It Is a great pity that
this means of enjoyment Is so often neg
lected, when had at such a small cost.
The social theorists of the hour are calling
attention to this, and tho popular weeklies
and magazines are full of directions how
to obtain beauty at small cost of money
and labor In this way. Ugly brick walls
can be covered with a drapery furnished
free by nature's loving hands that the
costliest efforts of human ingenuity can
not equal; dirt and squalor can be swept
away or hidden under a luxuriant growth
that asks for its starting only a bit of
soil, a few seeds and some little care to
establish growth. It Is almost criminal for
people to have so much bareness, sordid
ness and ugliness about them when it ie
Just as easy to have beauty, grace and
fragrance. Let the stay-at-homes experi
ment in this direction this summer, and
the result will be past their expectations.
According to the Chicago code, it is pos
sible to riot a few wrongs.
Things were distressingly quiet in Chi
cago for two days past. Even Lake Michi
gan wore a smooth front.
A young woman In New York gets sixty
days for flirting with a married man over
the telephone. Moral, don't get phoney.
Where was Lord Methuen when the war
dogs were kicked Into their kennel? Per
haps the hero of Modder river has a kick
The prospect for universal peace,
started in South Africa, now glows in the
horizon of Kansas. Carrie Nation has
been pardoned.
Henceforth readers of foreign dispatches
will not have their thoughts jarred by
the overworked phrase of the veldt, "I
regret to report."
If some Inventive genius will devise a
machine for canning trouble he can com
mand his own terms by "showing" the
Chicago packers.
It is a foregone conclusion that Lord
Kitchener will have no regret to report
when he bears about the bunch of money
handed to him by Parliament.
Members of the Cuban congress have
voted themselves a salary of 13,000 a year.
This is a modest stipend for politicians
who have had a long wait tor pie.
A man named Reed Smoot is trying to
break into office in Utah. He deserves
success, if It be true, as his enemies al
lege, that he induced three women to share
his name.
There must be a long time between
slices in Illinois, when a resident of that
state is found not only willing, but
anxious to bitch himself to the post of
American consul at St Pierre. -
Pension Commissioner Ware is winning
"golden opinions from all sorts of appli
cants." One application of his poetry Is
sufficient to soothe Ill-temper and chase
the most persistent out of the building.
A Massachusetts man whose eyes lit on a
joke in a local paper, actually laughed him
self dumb. As this Is the first offense of
Bay state papers in a cycle of years, crimi
nal action will be suspended on promise of
good behavior.
During one of the recent evening ses
sions of the honorable senate only three
members faced the presiding officer, and
Wyoming contributed two of the bunch.
Senator - Clark gazed lovingly at Senator
Warren and whispered, "Senator, ths state
of Wyoming is altogether too unanimous.'
I'm going home." Thereupon one-half of
Wyoming vanished In ths darkness. 1
Now until stock-taking time. Twice a year it's cus
tomary to take stock, to clean house, as it were. We go
throughvour store the same way and clean up the broken
lines and slow selling lots, and from now uutil July I this
store ought tb interest you, because of the good things it
puts in reach at a very low price.
This is by no maens a "bargain sale" in the "cheap"
sense, but IT IS three weeks of fine opportunites for buy
ers of men's and boys' clothing and furnishings.
Take a walk through our children's and men's de
partments and see for yourself the numerous bargains
Exclusive tlothiers and Furnishers.
R 2L Wilcox, Manager.
New Tork World: The pope's desire to
"close his eyes on universal peace" offers
aa affecting contrast to the popular con
ception of a "strenuous life."
Portland Oregonlan: It is said the
Presbyterian general assembly had great
provocation to put Into its new creed an
additional clause on the future punishment
of overcoat, hat and umbrella thieves.
St Louis Olobe-Democrst: It is believed
that the Presbyterians have finally suc
ceeded in reforming their articles of faith
to a point where they are satisfactory
alike to the liberals and the conservatives.
Brooklyn Eagle: Presbyterian babies
now know that they will not be damned
the general assembly has said so. The
little tootsle wootales of other denomina
tions must get along the best they can, for,
poor things, they have no general as
sembly. Still, it they have plenty of milk
they may weather the want of creeds. Let
us hope so.
Chicago Chronicle! We are ones more
confronted with a question of the great
est difficulty and of the highest impor
tance. Here is Rev. Mr. Flgg of Papinion,
Neb., claiming that be Is the reincarnation
of the prophet Elijah and that all others
are base Imitations. Yet, ss everyone
knows, our distinguished and eloquent fel
low citizen. Rev. Mr. Dowle, maintains that
ho alone la Elijah II, and that anyone who
disputes it Is anthema marnatha. In
such a case what can the prudent person
do? Is it not a situation which Justifies
a departure for the woods with all speed
Springfield Republican: Certain clergy
men bave been drawing portentous morals .
In their sermons from the St Pierre dis
aster, some of which seem curiously out
of date In the twentieth century. The
moral that is most quickly accepted and
heeded nowadaya Is the opportunity for
prompt and liberal help. The strong points
of civilization never appear to better ad
vantage than In the speed and efficiency
with which relief can be sent to a popula
tion stricken with such a disaster as this
or the Galveston storm. And If the world
forgots ths sufferer quickly in the urgent
1 clamor of new responsibilities, it at least
responds generously while Its sympathies -
are acutely touched.
Detroit Free Press: Mr. Foxy So you
are a grass widow, eh?
Mrs. Grass Why? Are you a grass
Philadelphia Press: "Young man," be-
ftan her father, 'what Is your object In
"To become your daughter's subject," he
replied promptly.
Chicago Post: "Has he been married
"Well, I can't quite make out whether
he's still In the honeymoon days or ha
been married long enough to be well
trained. It's one or the other, for 1 notice
he's dreadfully afraid of being late to
Puck: Charles Why don't you like our
new clergyman, Cora?
Cora Too pious.
Charles Too pious?
Cora Yes. 1 want a clergyman to be
pious and to act pious, but 1 don't want
him to look pious.
Chicago News: Husband I think we had
better give up our pew In church during
the summer months, my dear.
Wife Whv should we do that?
Husband Well, I'm going Into the ice
business and If there Is one thin 1 detest
more than another It Is a hypocrite.
Detroit Free Press: "Since you were
afraid to tell papa of our engagement, I
told him myself,' said Flossie Featherly.
"And what did he say?" asked Air. Doo
Uttle, anxiously.
"He said It was clear that the fools
weren't all dead yet."
Somervlllo Journal: Nell What makes
you think that sister Fan and that young
Mr. Walters that called here last nlcht are
Helle Because I found three cigars on
the mantel when I put the parlor in order
l?ils morning.
Chicago Tribune: "Let me see this Is
May, Isn't It?" said the man of business,
preparing to begin the dictation of a letter
to a country customer.
"No, sir," friKldly replied his new type
writer cglrl. "This Is Miss Gumford."
Commencement Day. so long our goal.
When toilsome lessons would be done,
We find Instead when It Is reached
That they are only well begun.
Little of life our few years know
The primer Just with hasty look.
So little learned, bo much before,
The future lies an unturned book.
Commencement Day, our childish minds
Sow only Joy and flowers gay,
With gladness dimmed we find that, too.
It brings the parting of the way.
Through all our steps up Learning's road
We've shared each other's hopes and joys
So short to us the way ha been,
A merry set of girls and boys.
Not as a class henceforth we'll be
Surrounded by a loyal band,
Whose kindly sympathy Inspires;
In "Life's hard school" alone we stand.
Each one must take a self-earned place
And demonstrate In world's cold view
His power to grasp Its problems right
And solve them out and prove them true.
No more when rings the old school bell
We'll gather where so oft we've met.
And, though the lessons learned may fade,
The sceues and friends we'll ne'er forget.
No lapse of years can crowd from sight
The once familiar rooms and halls.
No other place In coming years
Will be to us as these gray walls.
No faces when Life's shades draw 'round
Will clearer in the mem'ry glow,
No names more quick to lip will come
Than those first learned in long ago.
Farewell, old school! 'Tis hard to break
The many ties that bind us here,
We linger, loath to say the word
That shuts us from a paso most dear.
Albion, Neb.