Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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ideal miiio towss.
teIlctonaly Kmart anal Pretty Ma
ferial lad C olors.
' NEW YORK, June 6 Black evening
towns have no fill linn off la popularity,
tbougb the smartest summer dancing; and
dinner tolleta are all of purest white.
'Elderly women and buds Just timidly peep
Ina; from the school room, and bellea of
gorgeous propensities In cloths. Indulge
.alike tbelr weakness for the snow drift
like costumea. It Is safe to say that It
woman's hair has turned white prema-
spread so voluminously as these from .the
region of the knee. Our women of fashion
able serpentine figure have their subtle
straight lines to display and they do thla
to perfection with the starchlees mulls,
coarse silk knotted nets and lace encrtsted
crepe de chines that are everywhere strong
In favor. Each one of the gowns made of
such materials lie long upon the floor, but
from hip to heel the fabric rnuat drop quite
straight, and to accomplish this perpen
dicularity of line the wily dressmaker lines
the clinging materials on the ltmpeet
florence silk or makes a foundation petti
turely or In proper accordance with her
age there la no more artfully artlatle way
of adequately displaying her blanched
tresses and of bringing out the delicate
tints of rose In her cheeks than by dress
ing her, from train to shoulders. In un
broken and unrelieved white of a proper
color. We uee the true color advisedly,
for. In the shops and fitting rooms, we hear
glib talk of lemon white, ash white, ahell
white, porcelain white, fieeb white, rose
white, almond white, and then the more
familiar descriptions . of Ivory, pearl and
oyster white. Every name here given aig
uilles a quality of whltenees that may be
more or leas becoming to the complexion,
hair and eye of different women. A dis
tinct and delicious character Is given nearly
all the white costumes by the use of laces
that range. In the quality of tbelr color
ing, from the palest lemon to gray, antique,
tea, color and soft cafe au lait.
For Old and Yaasg.
Every species of white goods, from the
finest etamlne to the sheerest Swiss, forms
the fabric of these delicate compositions.
The tall and stately figures display the
transparent wools, wool veilings and satin
taffeta to the greatest advantage; the
yuongest element have laid almost exclu
sive claim to BwIhs and silky mull, silk
batiste and the tarletons that are a revival
of other days. An evening gown made
wholly of wblte lace atlll remains the
'Standard of aupremeet elegance, and some
of the robes, of Imitation Valenciennes and
Brussels, are charming And decorative be
yond belief. An evening dress worked out
to completion without the use of lace 1
sot to be Imagined and encouraged In this
day of fine needle work, and it remained for
Paris to send ua robes of delicate Louis
Belie point applique enriched with entre
deux, bold flounces, berthas, fronts, panel
and. sleeve of Irish crochet.
A White Qnartet.
A group of four agreeable white toilets,
contrived moat gracefully and Inexpensively
With lace, give timely Illustration to the
present argument. The frock In the chair
howa bow a fine transparent almond white
canvas, dropped upon a wblte lining is gar
landed and medallloned with cream white
Austrian crochet lace. A few straps of
shining, flat, white silk braid are stitched
on the sleeves and breast of the bodice,
and, to tbe rear of thla most graceful frock
stands a pretty decollete thing of crisp
white Bwlss, adorned with Insertions made
of broad boniton bending. A tiny vest of
mock honlton Is set in the front below two
tiny coral pink ribbon rosettes, and here
.we have a positively ideal gown for the girl
who yearns to present a picturesque and
(fashionable appearance for the modest out
lay of about 10.
t Two tucked mulls, with coarse Marie
Antoinette Valenciennes insertions of a
Strong tea tone are the materials of the
two other frocks, that are topped by broad
"Bat yokes of heavy white escurlal lace.
.'with all these gowns tbe skirts fit tbe
hips with glove-like neatness and flare to
'hitherto unusual width at the Boor. Tbe
'excessive skirt length of the average even.
,1ns dress shows a tendency to Increase
rather than diminish and the flare below tbe
knee la in sympathy with the extraordinary
Skirt measurement.
Not all the dancing and dinner toilets
pretty and aerviccable enough for tbe ball
Borne women, who are brave or beautiful,
boldly dress their hair low of an evening
and enjoy the comfortable consciousness
that It Is better to be fashionable than good
looking. Other women, and these last are
greatly in the majority, dress their hair
high after 6 o'clock in the evening, and
pompadour and ondule the front chevelure
as vigorously as ever. Very smart young
women bind their locks with lengths of
narrow, but exquisitely painted white satin
ribbon, the bow of which stands up with
coquettlshly pointed ends after having been
pulled through a gold wire buckle studded
with brilliants. All tbe women, however,
have united in the use of demlamber tuck
ing and pompadour combs. These have
short widely set teeth and bowed tops that
are very heavy, quite smooth and very
highly polished. Among the Jewel topped
evening combs is tbe Coronation idea,
wrought In pearls and colored gems and ar
ranged to nearly Imitate the strawberry
leaf coronet of a duchess or the spleudld
crown that Queen Alexandra will wear In
Westminster Abbey.
Florentine Arrangement.
Happily girls of ages from 4 to 14 give no
thought at all to the arrangement of tbelr
hair. Tots In knee long skirts have their
locks cropped in Florentine fashion for
summer and their prettiest hot weather
gowns are of brown, white, pink or lilac
linen, cut open In the neck, short In the
sleeves and as brief In the skirt as the kilt
of a' Hlghlandman. It Is the custom to box
pleat the fullness of the wee smocks, for
kilted simplicity is well esteemed this sum
mer by tbe Juveniles. How well this sim
ple and ancient fashion may be adapted to
rather elegant usee is shown in the pretty
blue sprigged pongee gown worn by a miss
of 14. With kilts, a little Russian lace and
some tucks a most modest and serviceable
little frock has been Inexpensively evolved.
coat of nothing more stable than four
thicknesses of chiffon.
Meanwhile of an evening our waists grow
longer and longer. This Is due to the
astonishing evening corsets. They are
made, those of the very last French pattern.
In two pieces. Tbe corset proper is hardly
more than a perfectly straight fronted,
heavily boned, extra long hipped girdle.
Powerful elastic hose supporters are ap
plied In order to drag this girdle down over
the abdomen as far as it can go, and thu
unconBned bust is held firm by a slightly
boned, but close buttoning corset cover
that does not extend so far as tbe waist
line. Provided with these aids to beauty
the average swell, young American woman
presents an appearance of almost ethereal
slenderness when arrayed in her white
evening gown.
Tncked Toilets.
The history of tucks has yet to be writ
ten and tbe story of their vogue and varia
tions is sure to fill a fat volume. Next In
order of popularity after white comes the
pale ecru, cafe a la creme and delicate
bisque mull, batiste, chiffon and liberty
silk gown. This Is always tucked and.
often from tbe shoulder to the tip of tbe
extensive train. Tbe gauty, tawny goods
is cast upon a silk petticoat of color and
the tucks and Insets of lace give all the
variety and decoration desired. The tuck
tngs know no law and she whose gown's
surface Is pinched in the most various and
impossible crinkles has reached the top
most notch of smartness. Tiny tucks ray
out from inset lace medallions, or describe
ever widening circlet about a wreath of
lace; tucks run in a plaid or diamond
figure all over a skirt, or those that alter
nate one wide tuck with six of the nar
rowest possible plncblngs are among the
newest inventions of the hour.
The ecru and biscuit-colored gowns are
very happily set off in many instances
with treatments of black baby velvet rib
bon. A pretty exemplification is given in a
sketch of a sunburnt silk gauze dropped
over an undersllp of pure coral rose. Below
the lace edged Vandyke flounce, that hangs
at the knee, extends a flaring flounce
ridged with tucks. Every tuck Is bor
dered with a line of black baby velvet
ribbon and this decoration is repeated on
the frilled bolero and sleeve tops. At three
points along tbe top of the bodice clasps
of coral hold fast tbe edging bands of black
velvet, and here It is necessary to say
that shoulder curls are worn less and coral
beads are worn more than during the last
winter. The coral bead erase Is but Just
bc-glnulDg; It promises, however, to grow in
fs,vor with the net boa, and the green veil
and the geranium toque of well nigh uni
versal predominance, and to utterly destroy
tbe spheres of Influence once so exclusively
occupied by mock pearls.
Handkerchief mnA ColtTarea.
One of the most exquisitely frivolous and
inexpensive novelties, recently Introduced as
an accompaniment to the evening toilet, is
the minute lce and tinted batiste hand
kerchief that is cut, trimmed and colored
to represent a flower. There are panay,
rose, violet and petunia handkerchiefs that
are shaped like any one of these flowers
pressed or painted cn the flat, and though
tbey can not endure hard ussje they are
A Pointed and Breesy Chat on a
Tenner Subject.
A fond mother said to me the other
evening, when I was begging her not to
cut short her call, "Oh, I must hurry home.
Oeorge is coming over thin evening to see
my daughter, Julia, and I've got to be
Then she hurried home to entertain
Julia's beau.
It Is almost pathetic sometimes to see
bow concerned mothers, and often fathers,
too, are in regard to the entertainment of
Julia's beau, writes Mrs. Helen Oldfield In
the Chicago Tribune. Mother bustles la
and out and shows George, or Percy, or
Harold, or whatever bis name Is, the new
tidy she Is crocheting or the antique silver
teapot she bought at the bargain sale last
week. After mother is through for the
time being, father commences on how he
drove back l" whole confederate army at
Shlloh and finishes with dismal prophecies
on the base ball outlook. Then mother
bethinks herself of a table that she wants
to buy and' gets Oeorge's opinion on tbe
subject, Oeorge's opinion, by the way, be-
down the street. Suddenly he ceased his
visits at the young woman's home, and I
asked him about it. "No," he said, "I
don't go over to Nesser's any more. I
like Miss Nesacr Immensely, but Pa Nesser
is always coming In and sitting In your lap
and telling how he could pitch railroad cars
off the track with one hand when he was a
boy, and it tired me out."
If Julia's parents are not actually enter
taining Qoorge In the pnrlor they are often
found Intrenched behind a screen or a por
tiere In the library and ever and anon
make their presence known by a rustling
of paper or deep-toned conversation that
has a most sinister sound. In fact, too
many parents sem to act as though their
daughters must be under a most careful
and rigid espionage, which, If they look at
it right, is a grave reflection on the girl's
early training.
A home Is the place where a girl should
receive and entertain her men friends, but
I don't wonder that so many Julias prefer
to receive their company on the hard ledge
of the sea wall or an iron bench in the
park. Parents have a perfect right to look
carefully after their children, but when a
girl Is grown she should not be watched
like a suspected bank cashier who Is being
spotted by Pinkertons. Try as hard as they
will, parents cannot prevent a daughter
from meeting whom she will anywhere she
pleases, It she pleases. The parents should
so train a girl that when she becomes a
young woman she may be trusted to enter
tain her men friends without mother hav
ing to go into tbe parlor and exhibit her
new tidies or her father be compelled to
sit. about and shunt freight cars oft the
If the parents' only idea In invading the
parlor when Julia baa company is to assist
In entertaining him they should pause and
reflect on how many times the young man
called on them 'when Julia was away. It
Eyery woman eoTeti .
shapely, pretty figure, and
- many of them deplore the
lots of their girlish forms
after mexriege. The bearing
of children is often destructive
(to the mother's shapeliness.
All I tnu can w avoided,
fcowever, by the use of Mother'" Priend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the .train upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the
oanjjer of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
Ota of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all
drugfgists at 1 1. oo per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
(his liniment, will be sent
Til E:t.r.e!i Rlilor Ci Aiti,
'z IF rHiBDdcdl
Ing so valuable that it probably would be
worth all of 30 cents It quoted at market
prices. By this time father has gained
his second wind and launchet into an ex
haustive discussion of the water cure in
the Philippines and concludes with a sweep
ing condemnation of tbe people of Mar
tinique, who refused to budge an Inch off
the Island until the volcano exploded. Then
mother is anxious for George to tally out
to the dining room and see her window
box and tbe new rhododendron she bought
at the department store for only 95 cents
when the flower stores wanted to charge
her $2.25 tor exactly the same thing. By
this time father Is commencing to yawn and
Is winding tbe parlor clock with more pa
rade than If it were Big Ben In London, and
George and Julia finally have a chance to
talk together, Julia saying: "I am so
glad you called," and George saying:
'Thank you, I've had a splendid time. Oood
night." Then he closes the door from the
outside and down the street, saying things
under bis breath.
I know a young man who for a while
was attentlvs to a sweet girl that lived
the young man came to call on father or
mother Julia might as well be excused and
sent to bed. Julia would not be driven to
the tea wall or the parks It she could feel
that her company would be as much her
own in her home. Neither does Julia like
to feel that two people are sitting silent
and stern behind tbe portiere embankment
chalking dewn notes on what may be called
at tbe breakfast table tbe next morning a
frivolous and unedifylng conversation.
I would also like to ask that Julia should
have been so i eared that she will know
how to gracefully dismiss her company
without papa's dropping his shoos with a
heavy clang on tbe bedroom floor above.
Altogether, I really think that Julia
should be so trained that when she is a
young woman she may be safely trusted to
entertain ber company without tbe constant
and personal supervision of her parents.
Frills of Kaahlon.
Suede belt are beautifully embroidered
In gold and xllvt r thread.
Pearls of all sizes thickly mussed repre
sent the latent idea In pearl trimmings.
Oval or circular balr slides set with semi
precious stones are used for fasteners for
stray locks.
The all-lace hat Is succeeding the draped
and tucked models of chiffon, tulle and net.
Mother of pearl falllettes are used with
must artistic results for the embellishment
of chiffon gowns.
Madron belts in a deep tone of green are
fimoni? the novelties. When the buckle Is
gilt the belt stitching is of yellow.
The fancy for green has extended to
dust or driving coats, and some elegant
models In green taffeta recently made their
Gros de tours is one of the fashionable
summer silks. It resembles taffeta In
quxlity, but has a soft finished slightly
repped surface.
Some of the more elaborate medallions so
extensively used this season show a blend
ing of Honlton. Russian and tine Chantllly
lace In the design.
Little bands of velvet ribbon passing
across from side to side over the front or
vest Impart a pretty finish to blouses of
crepe de chene or soft satin.
The shirtwaist hat of Panama straw Is
exceedingly stylish, but it Is not univer
sally becoming owing to its severe style,
the shape resembling the fedora.
An embroidered linen gown for morning
wear is one of the season's requisites.
White linen embroidered in white or In
pastel hues is given the preference.
Glass linen has been added to the shirt
waist fabrics, and fetching models are
fashioned from this crossbarred material
In blue and white, or red and white, which
has heretofore been reserved for glass
polishing purposes.
Some of the new poplins and mohair are
woven with a silk or satin stripe of slightly
darker color, or they ore figured at Inter
val with raised pin-head, polka or coin
dots in white, colors or black. Shepherd
check mohairs are also anion the fanlilun
able utility fabrics of the season.
For and Abont Wonirr
Miss Vida Goldstein, a student of so
ciology of Melbourne, Aut.ralia, Is In
this country studying American institu
tions. Miss Williams, a sculptor of Atlanta,
ga. has Just finished a bust of Curolnal
ibbona and has placed it on , exhibition
in New Orleans.
Miss Alice Roosevelt's love of horseback
riding la expected to cause a erase for
equestrianism during the coming summer.
It Is proper to explain that Miss Roosevelt
uses a sidesaddle.
. Callfornlans think the coming woman
sculptor Is to be Miss Gertrude F. Doyle of
their state. She has modeled a bust of
John Mulr and another of the late Prof.
Joseph Le Conte, and both have been
highly praised. '
Mrs. Mary A. Shody, although 74 years
old, has just been graduated from a four
years' course In history, astronomy, liter
ature, etc., in St. Louis and has gone to
Cuba, Mo., to take a course of piano les
sons. She Is a grandmother. ,
Queen Alexandra has had posted In
many London omnibuses placards request
ing passengers not to require the complete
stoppage of the vehicle more often than Is
absolutely necessary, and thus to relieve
the horses as much as possible of the tre
mendous strain of re-starting.
The women of Philadelphia are flocking
to see the antique bonnet show In thu
Pennsylvania musejm. These represent a
period of thirty years. The bandboxes
containing these millinery curios are mar
vels of size. One of them is as large as a
bushel basket and covered with fearful and
wonderful wallpaper.
During the first two years of American
occupancy of the Philippines over S8.OU0
copies of the bible were called for.
It is said that there is great need of
Congregational ministers in Kansas. Six,
ty-one churches are vacant and calling for
Two pews of St. John's church, Washing
ton, were sold at auction last week. One
for $2,750 and the other for $1,600. The for
mer Is the highest price ever paid for a
pew in St. John's.
. Bishop Turner of the African Methodist
church is the leading spirit of the move
ment that has In view tbe exodus of the
negroes to Africa as a solution of the
race troubles in this country.
If the claim for the beatification of Jo
seph Klang, a Chinese Catholic convert,
now being put forward at Rome, Is al
lowed, Klang will be the first native Chi
naman to become a Roman Catholic saint.
It is said that Bishop Taylor of the Meth
odist church, who died on May 18 at Palo
Alto. Cal., had for over half a century
slept with his head pillowed upon a stone,
lie generally carried the stone around with
Rev. Silas 8. Cummins, the venerable
soldier-preacher, well known throughout
New Knglund from his long-continued work
In behalf of the Home for Little Wander
era, has Just celebrated his eighty-eighth
Mrs. John Stranoch has given a copy
of the New Testament in Chinese to the
Princeton Theological seminary. It Is a
facsimile of the one recently presented to
the empress dowager of China and Is
probably the only one of its kind In
Prof. John S. Bewail, V. D., for the last
twenty-three years occupant of the rhmr
of sacred rhetoric, homtletlcs, pastorul
theology snd sociology In the Liangor Theo
logical seminary, has handed his reolgns
tlon to the trustees, to take effect a yar
from this June.
!! r t'. 1 - i '. i -.T wn I
U I 'jr .u lm U
V1"'" itoaMaaspsaasaMsastsaMsstsM
S-:V:C? Tf H -'T.T-v i t -r r ....
S : i.
Erect Form" Summer Models
Made of a wonJerful white batiste, as liht as s rephyr,
but tough as canvas and always cool. TrimmeJ with
lace and ribbon. These different modt Is :
" Erect form "983 For slight fiRurrs . . $1.00
"tree! rormM 970 For medium figures . . 1.00
"Erect Form" 972 For fully developed figure! 1.50
"Erect Form" 961 For medium fiurcs . . 2.00
"Erect Form" 903 For stoit figures . . 2.50
ftlDni P mi?CFTforrn-
ure and ynun uir!. I.lhily honed. An sway with utni. htlr (.no, ,
It accentuate hint and hi. and ha unifamly tidne at buti an. I h .ul leT
inrweignmi a learner, in white, pink, Ma le r it nine wmeit 0111 f in. In
iiiiinucipnunc I nmmni wim u? . wnil lllirn TMI lte i flmmnt tvilh
andtibtwn. Model 127. V lore and riin. Model 1 1 S, V
If your dealer rannot aiifiply yu, send his
name and coat of cortel ilrMred. dirert tf
WE.INGARTEN BROS., 377-379 Brojdway. New York
Largest nanutacturtri ef Cr$its Im ihi Wrli
W. 13. Corsets are sold by nil stores in Omnha
Bloated feeling sftrr eating, Coated
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moved by ualug
Prickly Ash Bitters
No other remedy does so much to put the digestive owns,
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they can cat heartily without inconvenience, where, before they
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Sold at Drug Stores.
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Oraduates of five of the best known colleges r.f America Included In eorps of
Instructors. Music, Art and Modern I.angURgt'8 tiiught by women of extended resi
dence In European capitals, under the instruction of the best masters. Wives good
general education and prepares for any college open to women. Principal a rertlil
cate admits to college. Out-door sports, epl'-n 'M vmii m umler direction, of pro
fessional instructor. MISS MACHAE, I'rlnclpal. Omaha.
1601 Farnam Street
New City Office
Best Lino to
Lv. Omaha Bil5 p. m. HARRY E. MOORES,
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0. A. P. D.
Tour FortuiiS Told free
I TSC TPl'VlP Awn" eli . T
U.f of vuar life .1-4 a mrmt liit.fvlir.f loft A.
tivktrf. tf vmi aem! in. daiA of rwi htrth au4 awi
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kaPM a full of lioa.aj4 una. Adinm
MUAZIKI it KTSTIIIM. c l2Um , t T. Celt.
Positively cures Kidney. Uver, l'm. h.
and Female rii.'k aiJ Nrvu
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pie on Fare, t'oateil Toiigu, Kh'umrn.
and N'tvKiii lr) ir.4tl .1.. Iaainr, !.-
cf M- niory. etc. l Js treliu tit i its.
All druggists.
h.taw.M Taa. raus
KoM sa ila
,Jj kaMh Ml tur,
4 Sua.
ti. H ae eiuot
the IM el
. a4 at se
UiiiIi we teaie
Mum aw -t
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Wo-k tkW ' . sVl J I 1
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"As you ldl wtU ese I .. 1 recee.
neni liOt'ttAl tr CftkAM Se atost
k.rmful ..r a.. I the Sale rufii.
. fev all Iw ..fiiats si.4 teawy
I .itii In i Ho I; ot4 r .rui-
(a. MO. T MirKIs. Vrees
H greet -Jva st. H. 1.
White riibbon llcmcdy
laa fee alien . .Um el earn, l e
voave vtl.iauei .elll's kaataltat.
Visile Kiwtwu Haaieujr ui ere or !
II U IU ttff -Itt.WlM
si.UiU.4iia, toi.'tir I- eilnl is a vuu
liiwea e i.pjM.f,' eucil
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t..oi. tlwi bo.i.s ' e rlibuuii tM.tu.Ujr.
a.ooeta o.aili.fl .1 a, c. 1. t.
Mis. Jouwfe. 1 a ei t ttta
Utiwwa ,.a.tilff wiOlos,
k.mie. C... nuoii " itt vt, bu
luuwi, . v.f UK"'-. ful.S'
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d.,.eot4 le H.e e ffocije i4 vcoi.uini.
ti lf.lial t a 4 MS lu -' ic.sfu
"jli. M. A C'uwsa. ef tae Women's
1. ' 1iJi.i Li-ton. '.
fei.u tf u ami y.m
turn tbe 'M ol ttrii.1. y I'. us
f s hit fUi-o-.a Kauy is. 1 ' "'-.
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t.R.raa.e uaJoei. I Tr-.fwrrt SI., !
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Ge eJ.f ri.As to Jf leWt