Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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When the store is closed drop
your orders in boxes at doors,
16th ancf Harney, they'll be
promptly attended to
Wc guarantee everything
we sell and sell nothing wc
cannot guarantee
J An Immense Lace Sale Monday -Main Floor
A Ruffled Muslin Curtain Special
Monday and Tuesday.
In the SportingGdds Pept
Main Fkr
Monday morning vre will start one of the greatest bargain sales of laces, galoons and inser
tions that ever honestly DID take place in Omaha. Oreat in the sense of quality bargain giving.
1 Magnitude is an uncertain quantity and we do not claim the whole earth.
' COO pieces lace-, galoons and insertion, Esprit and Xormandie Valenciennes widths from
' 1$ to 5 inches colors rich cream or perfect white worth absolutely up to 50c yard. To see
I them is to fall in love w ith them. Thatss all there's to it, and the price is 10c yard.
Don't miss these lace bargains. Attend this great bargain sale. , , , ,
- -is. ..A x is;. tA 1
D00 dozen French Val. Edgings,
fine mesh, nice new patterns,
per dozen yards, '"J GIj-
f75' dozen French Val. Edgings,
t i to 3-inches wide, good strong 150 dozen French Val. Edgings,
finished patterns, at
per doz yards. ....... AAW
125 dozen French Val. Edgings,
i to 1-inck wide fine thread
I patterns that will wash and
. wear. Insertions and beading
to match, all at, per Ap
dozen yards ....... .vv
jlOO dozen French Val. Edgings,
v to lj-inches wide. Inser
Vt'ions and headings OEpv
to match, at doz. yds
in white and black washable German Val. Edgings and In-
patterns, fine quality
at, per yard ........
Per dozen yards, 50c. jjjjj
I. , -;. Ak Ji, is JL
sertions in sets from 1-inch to
5 inches wide. This is a good
strong neavr lace made es
pecially for underwear 7
from 20c per yd to ... V
Normandie Val. Insertions and
Edging in sets also Galoon
patterns to match 1 O-?
from 30c vard to ldm(
75 dozen fine quality Mechlin
Val. Edgings aud Insertions,
in sets of assorted widths to
match, per yard,
from 35c to ......
Apron Special-Second Floor Monday
S00 white lawn hemstitched Aprons 300 gingham Indigo blue checks full regular made
values from 25c to 35c our price Monday each ....
400 ladies' Wrappers dark and light colors new and clean patterns In a French percale trimmed self em
broidery deep flounce ruffled yoke bishop sleeves sold everywhere at $1.60 our price each
,100 nww dip trout Dressing Sacqucs made of a fine lawn fast colors with sailor collars val lace trimmed
sites 32 to 40 special at each : ...
;ff5 fine dimity Dressing Sacques blue, pink and red grounds, fine new, stylish patterns fast colors trimmed
with Normandle val lace 4 and 6 Inches wide new French front ribbon belts good value for $4 our price.
: S5 ladles' French Wool Etamlne Suits eton Jackets stitched taffeta trimming flounce skirt and silk
drop skirt these come in navy blue and black and are worth $30.00 per suit Monday we sell them at
... 1.95
A Snap in Ladies' Underskirts-Main Floor-Monday
you to noto
several profitable opportunities
of which this advertisement
gives first intimation. Prices
are so cut down as to show con
vincingly what it means to
make an immense purchasing
power applicable to the highest
grade of goods produced. Avail
yourself of these astonishing
bargains in LACE, GALOONS
and INSERTIONS. You'll mar
vel at their low prices and
you'll be entranced at their
splendid qualities Every wo
man in town couldn't possibly
make better use of her shopping
privileges than to step in and
see us tomorrow. WATCH THE
are stocked and re-stocked every
day with just such little odds
and ends as you desire. Take
any floor in the entire building
basement, first, second or
OUT and our prices prove UN
The opportunities we offer to
morrow talk better than we can
ourselves. Call and judge for
360 sephyr gingham Underskirts 3-gored with wide flounce corded earns assorted colors small, neat patterns AQ-
a good $1.50 skirt we sell It tor "Ow
Silk DepartmentsWain FloorMonday
pig reduction sale of flne Imported all silk Grenadines In blacks only all wide widths some are exclusive f g
patterns 200 yards pretty flne stripes all silk 45 inches wide $1.25 values Monday per yard
j!50 yards ribbon and lace effects In stripes the new light weight very stylish for street and dinner -4 -4 f
wear full 114 yarda wide 11.50 and $1.75 value Monday at per yard ,.Xiy
Bun rauerns in nve ainereni aeeigns i yaras 10 me sun maae irom trie nnest silk 111.00 to $14.00 q mm
patterns special for Monday at per pattern Oejf O
CO Suit Patterns in different designs Including narrow, wide, and medium stripes polka dot and ccroll effects f s f
,' value up to $15.00 Monday special per suit y00
Pi1..4 Cilia mi. t.n CA maw nan. A- hla Kl V J I 1 J J , .........
iuvi. tunu wv ii - wift id, n. uitq uiviucu our immense siock or strictly new and up-
to-date Foulards Into two prices.
bout 200 yards of pretty all silk Foulards In tan and whtte, blacks and whites, blues and whites O rv
60o values at per yard OlJC
10,000 yards of the finest quality of Imported Foulard 24 Inches to 27 Inches wide everything made In Foulard
Is to be found In this collection values up to $1.50 per yard Monday OOC
42-in. muslin rufiled curtain hemstitch
ed edge and daintily colored bor
ders delph, blue, pink and dark
blue. This curtain was made to sell
for 432.25 pair. It is an absolute $2.00 value.
Here's unpardonable (from the maker's view
point) price cutting. Monday and " "I
Tuesday only, per pair X 1 VJ
See our lace curtain window display.
ring Pong or TnleWunis
Sets with wood hti, ?2.70,
$1.1)0, $1.48 nnd $1.01
Het's with vellum bta $4.48,
$2.98, $1.90 and $1.23.
Fishing Tackle, llf Ball,
Tennis, Hammock, ?iquet,
Golf, Ouns and ammuutln.
Favorable features of piano buying at Bennett's
We have the only strictly one-price system, thus necessitating the correct grading of pio
values, making It possible for a child to buy ns safely as an expert.
We sell on easy monthly payments
If you have an old Instrument to ex
change, you get Its full value because of
our one price method.
We are exclusive western factor for the
"The rlano with a soul."
Tt In the greatest piano of today musical
critics of world-wide renown are saying
so that being so, It must be so.
We sell the famed 1 VERS AND POND,
a piano replete with every modern Im
provement and endorsed by music schools
of exceptional eminence, hundreds of the
best homes In Omaha and thousands
throughout our land are the happier be
cause of possessing one of these princely
From us you can buy the grand Vld
STARR one of the brightest lumlnarlealn
all the piano firmament.
We sell on easy payment plan
We have a select line of SMITH AK
BARNES riANOS an Instrument thl
sells Itself you won't live long enough t
wear It out sweet tor.ed highest gradi
action moderate price.
We are state representatives for TUB
JUANO-ri.AYER. it Is really a remarka
ble Instrument It's a musical prodigy It
will Interpret the great masters lu a per
fection compassed ONLY HY THE IDEAL.
Sold also on easy payment plan
Sheet Music
the popular editions the latest product
In the literature of music YOURS AT '
HALK PRICE 10 per cent off publishers'
Every Idea In musical merchandise
small instruments and furnishings.
Our corps of piano tuners is not surpass
ed in the city or state.
Trunk Department Main Floor
We have th-m In all sizes and makes the beet Una
In the city to choose from and at the lowest prices.
Large line flne leather goods, dress suit cases, valises
and bags In all sizes and latest shapes at extremely
low prices, lb wtii pay jruu tu iuuh uvct uui biuck,
Metal covered irunu wun tray ana nai
box, only
Flat top canvas covered trunk
Suit Cases, large size and well made,
Shawl Straps, up
2 98 wwMmm
Woodenware Dept
A big lot of useful household articles at
bottom prices always to be found In this
department. No better bargain giving In
this line in town.
Extra large fclre Willow
Clothes ltaskels only
fc.xtra large size uiobe Wash to
Hoards only IOC
Six-honk Clothes 43
Rack OC
Long Handle Feather
Wooden A
Spoon C
Lemon D
Squeezer OC
Oet our prices on Refrigerators before buy
ing no better line on the tl bA
market prices up from ,0JVJ
Furniture Department On Third Floor
Bargains in Linen Main Floor Monday
In order to further Introduce our Linen Department to the public, we will on Monday place on sale soma
walues for the money ever shown In Omaha. .
fit-Inch heavy loom damask Scotch Table
F Linen in cream and
! bleached regular 20c value ,C
' at per yard - w
fig-inch close heavy weave satin and loom
I Table Damask in bleached and cream
1 In hoth German and Irish
J weaves regular 60c value -J AM Q
vIO-lnch heavy cream loom damask Table
Linen nice flower patterns a (
' vorth 86c per yard ilNP
at per yard -xww
(B8-lnch fln Irish grass bleached satin dam.
sk Table Cloths, with border all round.
These come In I-yard, 1
lengths and will be on
ale at per
to match cloths at
per dosen
72-Inch extra flne grass bleached Irish
Table Damask very pretty f
patterns worth 11.25 Vlt4C
per yard at ..
17-Inch heavy loom Damask
Mapgins ror restaurant
special at per dosen. .,
and 3-yard
Full size heavy bleached
Table Napkins worth
$1.28 dosen at ,
Full 24-Inch heavy fine
bleached Table Napkins
worth (2.2S dosen at
16x36 knotted fringe Damask
Towels 15c value at
the best
25x50 extra heavy double v
Bath Towels none better
worth 86c at
arp bleached
Wash Goods Department-Main Floor
JTancy lace stripe figured White Goods 80-lnch Teddo Silk a fine Imported fabric 10 pieces 36-lneh dress linens colors old
1 swell for walsta and dresses
: new patterns worth 16c yard
Monday only per yard
Jew fancy corded Dimities and Batistes
several different llnea worth -
to 12So all go at per iC
In dark colors warranted to
wash worth 15c yard
Fancy check White Plquo for
stock ties and waists worth
20c-at :
roses, greens, browns, blues,
grays cheap at sue yard
Monday per yard
Fine Imported French Mercerised Duck in
all the new shades for waists A
and suits worth 40c yard AMC
at yard
Crockery Department Specials
Mars 4-piece cream sets, crystal 2Qq
erry saucers 2c
Berry bowls ... m 9c
Brilliant" crystal table ware... 10c
fThin blown engraved water sets 98c
fThin blown engraved tumblers 5c
'Band tumblers , 9 99m 15c
Picture Frames
Specials for Monday Only
You must see this Rock
er (like cut) to know
how handsome, strong
and comfortable it Is.
Back richly embossed,
high arms, bolted to
eat, large seat with
leather ' center, legs
strongly braced. For the
price It's a wonder
Monday and Tuesday
Only on to a purchaser.
season Is here In full Blast.
Monday we otter a handsome
Go-Cart, with the latest Im
provements, special at
See our complete line. It
will pay you.
' "4
Splendid Solid Golden
Oak Massive Sideboard
with French beveled,
plate mirror, handsomely
carved, brass trimmed
and fitted by expert cabi
net workers ordinarily
worth 116.50. Our price
Monday and Tuesday
Dining Chair
High carved back,
very neat design,
strong, golden oak
finish, hand-caned
seat, special price
Monday and
69 c
(Exactly like cut); also other designs, full
spring seat, tufted seat and button front,
covered in high grade velours, frame
made of genuine mahogany, frame polish
finish, well constructed M Q
regular $30 value Im.Zi 1
We sell the following Mouldings, made
up Into frames to fit your pictures:
Finished Ebony to 1 Inch An
wide foot ,
Flemish and Brown 1 to 1 1 C
Inches wide foot .' M
Graen three Inches wide fr
Cold-H to 1 Inch wide gc
Gold-W, to 1 Inches wide Qr
foot lOo and
Floe Golds for oils, pastels and water
colors 2 Inches wide tOn
foot 18c and 1'
Three Inches wide-foot
Wall Paper Monday
Third Floor
A special line of ready-mad. Frame. slse
Ho gold Flemish, green, ebony with
gold burnish regular 12.50 4 7B
and t23 Mouldings only I da
, Larger Sixes In Proportion.
Bring' your pictures for framing. Prices
the lowet work flrst-class.
As an inducement to have
you visit this department and
see the largest line of wall pa
per in the west; for Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, we
quote the folowing prices:
Regular 5c White O1 r
Regular 6c and 7c White A p
Blanks W
Regular 8c White Ejfi
Gilts from 5c per roll up, and
a corresponding reduction In
all grades of paper.
Room Moulding, per 1
foot up from .12V
Paper Cleaner, OOf
per can GJm
In the Grocery Dept Monday
(Exactly like cut)
fine finished frame,
seat upholstered in
latest cover of ve
lourswell worth
U. 15 Monday
Positively only
one to a customer
and under no con
ditions will we sell
any to dealers.
Just made a big
purchase from the prop
er source and through
the prpper channels
of sweet corn. This
is not field corn, but
corn of the genuine
sort the corn you de
light in using on the
table. Monday,
all you want, C
per can.
Isn't this an emphatio bargain?
Shoe Department-Main Floor
franklin Shoes.
The only reliable and fixed price ling
before the people to-day. No shoes
have ever been made that met with
such universal favor. Do not take
substitutes. Every pair warranted per
fect, and guaranteed to give satisf action.
i n
lit the Foot,
Fit the Eye, and
Fit Your Purse.
Bert. $2.00 I!:" ume mci'i. $1.25
Thirty 'Phones
Ring Up 137
Thirty 'Phones
Ring Up 137