Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
PAGES 1 TO 12. g
1 1
Eoped-For Influx of Coronation Visitors ii
How Much in Evident.
)Ien from the Southern 8utiQive a Dinner
at Hjde Park Hotel.
Jalks of Ooronation, the Tnrf and Bape
British Polo Player.
'JBrlng A Krrat Retinue of Serrant
and Hitrr from the Sacred
Ganges In Which All III
Food In Cooked.
(Copyright, 1302, by Pre Publishing Co.)
LONDON. June 7. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The Ameri
can accent la beginning to dominate the
Jobblea of London's beat hotels. A largo
Contingent of prominent people arrived thin
Eerk both from the continent and the
nlted States. J. D. Crlmmlna Is staying
t Clarldgce. Ills two sons have left for
I tour of Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Uhr are again at the Carlton, having re
turned from Paris. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. P.
Belmont are at Clarldges. Both couples
Vera at the opera. In stalls, Wednesday.
. A remarkable dinner of men from the
southern states was given Tuesday at Hyde
Park Court hotel, the diners Including Sec
ond Secretary Rldgely Carter and O. W.
gamble of Maryland, George Crockett,
Thomas L. Field, Lewis Polseon and Lind
ley . Russell of North Carolina, Beaton
Ulndftay of Virginia and George Baker of
i A great stir has been made by the pub
lication In all the newapapers that Miss
Alice Roosevelt had arrived for the corona
tion, being evidently confused with Miss
Helen Roosevelt, who Is staying with Mrs.
Commander Cowles.
tear Admiral Crownlnshleld Is to be thi
gutst of Naval Attache Richardson Clover
an Mrs. Clover at their pretty bouse on
Path Lane.
Frinceas Olllmltro Colonna has arrived
for the coronation and la visiting her
mother, Mrs. Mackay.
- Mr. and Mrs. Munton Jaffray and Miss
Jafray have taken a house on Hans road
for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Peabody and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irving
1 of New York are staying at the Carlton;
Dr. Chapln and Henry Lee Davis are at
the Cecil, while other well known Ameri
cana In town Include P. A. B. Wldener,
Mr. and i Mrs. Hamilton McCormlok,
Baroness von Wrede and Mrs. JoMah
Qutncy of Boston. The last named has
taken a charming bouae In Cadogan Gar
den Blihop Potter Is staying at J. Plerpont
Morgan's house at Prince' Gate.
boa Vtvant Confined to Bed.
', 1 Colonel Ochiltree has been confined to bis
i bed tor a week at the Carlton. He said
! yesterday: "The great regret of my life
was I was unable to see the Derby, being
, confined to my room by the doctor' orders.
I have seen most of the derbies since 1867,
when Hermit won.
"I was at the polo match a week ago as
.the guest of the Hurllngham club. I over
heard Shrewsbury's most Insolent and pre
I aumptuoua demand that Waterbury pony
bo withdrawn. Shrewsbury was moat un
'gentlemanly and aggressive. I regard him
jas a 'Spotted Earl.' not one of the right
' class.
! "After the match I spent Sunday with
; Fox hall Keene at Newmarket. He bad his
; father and De Courcey Forbes as guests
Early on Sunday Foxhall Keene received a
letter irom tne roio ciuo u'teriy repudi
ating Shrewsbury's action. Jamea R.
Keene and the late Pierre Lorlllard axe ro-
I garded In England as the real leaders of the
American turf. What Mr. Whitney will do
remains to be seen. They each spent at
least $1,600,000 racing In England.
"The more I sea of racing here the more
convinced I am that nothing could be more
fairly conducted. Lord Durham, the Jockey
club steward. Is the fairest man ever con
nected with the turf.
"Right here I want to protest agalnat the
stories published In America about Amer
ican Jockeys not having fair play. There
Is no jealousy. - If a Jockey Is straight he
Is wall treated. But such as 'Tod' Sloan
bould be ruled off the turf. If an English
Jockey Is not straight ha will be likewise
thrown off."
Everyone with whom I talk business
her seems to think that what Is left of tha
British empire after the war will bo bought
up by Plerpont Morgan.
i "I am a great admirer of Klnc Edward.
I thick he wyi do for London what Louis
Napoleon did for Paris. I hope be will get
ome of bis rich friends to beautify Lon
don. My advice to him la to allow th new
i colonies to have Imperial representation
. "I have seen nothing of Croker or his
"I shall b unable to see the coronation
aa I am going next week to Alx-Les-Bains
Brtaca Water with Him.
The tnaharajah of Julpur, who 1 fabu
louely wealthy, bas arrived tor the corona
tlon with 300 swarthy retainer. He Is rs
siding at Maroy lodge, Kensington, a row
of sixteen house closs by being reserved
tor his suite. He brought a large gold
Image of th Hindoo god Krishna, worth
$360,000. One room Is set apart as a tern
pie, where pagan worship Is carried oa
dally. His baggage Included twenty huge
Una trunk of Ganges water, a all hi
food must be boiled In water from the
acred river.
Although the duke and duchess of Man
cheater hav not been presented at court
they hav received an Invitation to the
coronation. 'The duchess will walk In th
procession next to her mother-in-law, the
dowager Duchess of Manchester, and the
duke will walk with the duke of Buccleuca.
The eoolaesa betwtea th dowager duchess
and Eugene Zimmerman, owing to the 1st-
I ter' niggardly treatment of hi daughter,
j the dncheea, ha been accentuated by hi
I refusal to pay the expenses of her pres
entation at court. Aa ah ha no tiara.
! ah cannot go. Th duke has only Just got
his discharge from th bankruptcy court,
th necessary money being provided by
his mother, who lost all patleaoa, they say,
with Mr. Zimmerman for haggling tor
: curlty on th ancestral saute for th et-
I clement oa hi daughter.
' The duchess was Invited to the court ball
( last night, though ah had not been pre
sented, but If the other obstacles were
removed the dowager duchess would have
fcad bo difficulty la securing a private
. preaanUttoa Ufoxthaa to bar.
Gives tha King of Italy a Diamond
at Great Value Darin Re.
rent Visit.
(Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN. June 7. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The ahah of
Persia, Muiaffer-Ed-DIn, "He who causes
he faith to triumph," Is here on his way
to London. He succeeded his father, Nasr-Ed-Din,
who was murdered in 1896 by tansi
es of the Bablst sect, and la now 49 years
old, having been born at Teheran, March 25,
He bas six sons and seven daughters, Is
an accomplished musician and a passionate
over of flowers, especially roses. Muzaffer-
Ed-Din is as popular in Europe as In Per
is, and the attempt upon his life when he
visited Paris In 1900 caused universal In-
Ignation. While he was In Rome, before he
came here, he occupied the suite of apart
ments In the Qulrlnal palace, known as the
Emperor William suite. He gave the king of
Italy a diamond valued at $500,000.
PARI3, June 7. Young Mrs. Shangley of
New York, who was Introduced to the shah
of Persia in Paris two years ago, recently
took several gondola rides with him In
Venice, where she and her husband chanced
to be. She says the eastern potentate Is
not so uncouth ss he is pain-ted, that he
converses Intelligently about music and
scenery, and Is especially Interested in the
marvels of modern science. He expresses
great admiration for physicians and de
scribed several surgical operation per
formed under his eyes by his European
physicians, of whom he has three, one
French, one Austrian, one English. The
shah's present hobby Is to have his capital
searched for cases requiring surgical help
nd have them taken to Ails palace, where
he watches the operations. The patients
are generously cared for thereafter.
Mrs. Shangley says the shah speaks
French brokenly, yet enough for conversa
tion, but knows no English, except the
words "No good." Under the tutelage of
his European physicians, who are his con
stant companions, hs has lost much of his
former prtmlllvenesa. The shah Is still ex-
ravagantly fond of bon-bons, and aomo
times eats three pounds in a day. Mrs.
Shangley won his undying friendship by
giving a genuine American candy pulling
party one evening In the shah's apartments
at a hotel In Venice. The potentate was
amazed to see the flexible mass worked Into
pretty combination of vivid colors.
American Buffalo Give One and a
Bear and Elephant tha
, Other.
(Copyright, 1902, by Tress Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June 7. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Three an
imals, one a native American, the others
naturalized, gave Paris lively emotions
Wednesday. The American beast was an
old, vlctous buffalo, which, when being re
moved from one of the Paris zoos Jumped
out of a boat, swam across the river and
started on a galloping visit to the Latin
quarter. He was only captured after such
a bull fight aa the arenas of Madrid and
Mexico will never duplicate.
Two days later, Just at daybreak, the
street sweeper and first paaaersby were
paralyzed on meeting an elephant and a
bear traveling leisurely and apparently on
the chummiest terms down the Rue de
RlvolL The shop, fortunately, were still
closed.' The animals, which were unaccom
panied, stopped, started again, poked Into
a side street and then returned. The pair
finally arrived at the Place de la Bastile,
where both went Into the canal and drank
as quietly as It they were In the heart of a
Jungle. A big squad of police turned out,
but nobody knew how to tackle the beasts
and aa long as they were harmless the cap
tain hated to order them shot. The crowd
grew to Immense proportions and Its clam
orlng angered tho bear, which grew ugly
and trotted away, preceded, followed and
escorted by a guard of honor of twenty
mounted police. Then a cab came tearing
along with Jimmy Lane, the American
keeper of tha animals, who grabbed the
bear by the scruff of the neck, led him to
where the elephant was contentedly graz'
tng on the flower beds of the square, and
with the aid of volunteers the beast was
haokled and led to a neighboring stable
yard. The keeper explained that ha be
longed to the Barnum 4 Bailey show and
had been sent to deliver the animals, which
had been sold to a French circus and that
during his temporary absence the elephant
had battered down the doors of the shed
where be had been kept over night.
George Vavnderbllt Depart After Bay
lag aba Assortment of
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. June 7. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorge Vanderbllt sailed away Wednesday,
Mr. Vanderbllt la Importing $10,000 worth
of high bred do;j. fowls and pheasants, to
gether with six pair of thoroughbred pigs,
two bulla of the best pedigree to be found
on the Inland of Jersey all for Blltmor
They will be shipped from Antwerp.
Mrs. Burton Harrison, accompanied by
Miss France Cary, passed the week here
on the way from Italy to London.
Charles Carroll, who has been admitted
to membership In the exclusive Rue Royal
club, is the second American who ever sue
ceeded In getting membership except the
ambassadors, who are member by right
Th other was Henry Rldgeway.
Th Anthony Drexela hav left after an
exceedingly gay season and gone te Lon
don to remain until after tha coronation
The maharajah of Julpur, who stopped
her on hla way to the coronation of King
Edward, travels In unparalleled splendor
His suite comprises twenty dignitaries an
suu servants, his luggage weighs more
than 100,000 pounds, not Including the pres
ents intended for the king, and other curl
oua paraphernalia. The maharajah carries a
six months' supply of certain delicacies
hard to flnd In the English markets. The
party had a special steamer from Bombay
to Marseilles, special trains from Marseilles
to Paris and to Calais and a special boat to
cross th channel.
Hall tarns Destroys Grapes la th
Champaga District of
(Copyright. 1802, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. June 7. (Nw York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Furious hall
storms Wednesday around Rbelm xand
Epernay wrought such havoc with th grape
vine that" It I feared the champagne vln
tage there will probably b nil. Th own
ere of the finest brands are rushing to buy
In advance th crop of th ordinary white
grape In other region to transform la to
their xp&lva product.
Humbert-Crawford Swindle Continues to Be
the Leading Topio in Paris,
Notary Who Certified Capital of Insuranoe
Company Makes Good Some Losses,
Belief that for This Season Police Are Net
Anxious to Catch Swindlers.
a Addition to Living- In Istary for
Years It Is Estimated They
Carried Away Several
Million Dollar.
(Copyright, mi. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. June 7. (Nev "Tk World Ca
blegramSpecial Tele v The Humbert-Crawford
swindle j'ji'.ea to engross
the public's attent .ry day some
new ramification r v.y .rodlglous, far
reaching work of ? .dlers Is laid bare
and the folly of
,V,ho were made the
victims la emr
tlon In the cr
mav.Iam thai
The latest sensa
,e well-supported as-
,oot Eva Humbert was
cot a girl ' at I boy who passed as
a young w. , order to attract wealthy
ultors who v- .ht be fleeced the more
M. Lanquest, the notary who certified to
tho condition of the Humbert Life Insur
ance company, authenticating the claim of
a capital of 10,000,000 francs (J2.000.000),
whereas no capital ever existed, baa an
nounced that he will make good the wild
cat Institution's deficit of nearly 4,000.000
francs ($800,000.) This step, though seem
ingly voluntary, really was Intended to
save that very Imprudent functionary from
So many high personages have been more
or less compromised in the great swindle
that the public every day feels more and
more certain that many culprits have been
allowed to escape so as to avoid a perturb-
ng public scandal which would equal that
of the Panama Canal company. However,
the police say they have already spent
$60,000 In trying to locate the Humberts,
This money ha been paid out for tele
grams, traveling expenses, etc. According
to the latest police clue the swindlers
touched at Smyrna to coal their yacht, then
at once started away again.
There are two countries from which It
would be difficult to extradite the swlnd-
ers, Argentine and Greece. The Humbert
knew this as well as the authorities and It
la likely they will finally take In one or the
other of the countries, unless Mrs. Hum
bert, who Is a great admirer of Robert
Stevenson, should put Into execution a pet
project of hers to live on some Ignored
Island In the South sea. The only member
of the family who did not flee. Louts d'Au
rlgnac, waa arrested In the United States
on a trumped-up charge that he was sus
pected of having managed some astounding
burglaries by which, despite police guard t
an and dogs, the Humbert Pari residence
and two country castle were rifled of val
uable pictures, stiver, etc, on three suc
cessive nights within ten days of the open
ing of the famous empty safe.
Exact figures show that Mme. Humbert
raised within the laat twenty year 72,000,000
franca ($14,400,000) on tha phantaamto
Crawford Inheritance!. These figures are
exclusive of the many dupes who are keep
ing their losses a secret and also of tho
large houses and the vast landed estate for
which the swindlers never paid, but which
property Is still available.
Although the Humbert lived In a style
which cost them fully $1,000,000 a year, the
examiners of their account think they car
ried away from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000.
Daughter of Lily to Wed One
Most Courted of Britain'
Young Men.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, June 7. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The be
trothal of Mrs. Langtry's daughter to Ian
Malcolm, M. P., was a complete surprise
to everybody. She bas recently been
chaperoned by Mrs. Murray Guthrie, whose
husband la a distant cousin of Malcolm,
Jeanne Langtry Is one of the most beauti
ful brunette In London society, where,
owing to the Interest the king took In
her, she moved In the "smartest" set. She
Is tall, has an exquisite figure and charm
ing carriage, with very expressive eyes,
She resembles her mother, but Is far more
animated and highly cultivated.
Laat year she was engaged to Ivor Gueat
Lady Wlmberne's eldest son. but the match
was broken off through the hostility of
Lady Wlmberne.
Mr. Malcolm I S3 years old. He In
herlted a fortune of $1,600,000. Ultimately
he will be Lord Malcolm of Poltalloch
He baa been In the diplomatic service and
private secretary to Lord Salisbury. He
Is a close friend of the Marlboroughs, . for
whom he wrote an extravaganza which waa
performed in Blenheim palace three year
Jeanne Langtry haa an Income of $10,000,
which waa settled on her by her mother.
Ian Malcolm' position, wealth, clever
nes and good looks hav made him one ot
the courted darlings of society. It Is a
great match for Jeans Langtry.
Hold that Bach a Conrao Weald
Cheapen a Ceremony Intended
to Ba Solemn.
(Copyrirht. 1902, by Pres Publishing Co.)
LONDON, June 7. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) King Edward
haa vetoed the suggestion to have a dress
rehearsal of tbs coronation procession and
ceremony In Westminster abbey, thinking
that It would lessen the dignity ot the
actual service, which he wishes to have
regarded not a a nriuiant snow, but as
an act of great solemnity. Undoubtedly he
haa had private rehearaals of his own par
of the ceremony in Buckingham palace,
where a private ball room Is fitted up aa a
small fac simile ot the sacrartum
(sanctuary) of the abbey, where the crown
Ing will take place.
Aerept Wllhelmlaa' Offer.
AM3TERDAM. June 7. It 1 understood
her that Mr. Kruger has declined the fa
cllltles offered by Great Britain for bis
return to South Africa, but bas accepted
Qusea Wllhelmlna's proffer of a Dutch
vessel to convey him to 8outn Africa, when
ba decides to return ther.
Receive Three Snakes a Present
and Is Swindled Oat
of Her Far.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June 7. (New York World Cable-
gram Special Telegram.) Pattl had a ter
rible shock this week. Some fool sent ber
from Mentone a box containing three
snskes, each about a yard long. She
thought she was getting a nice present, and
on opening the box and seeing but dry moss
confidently ran her hand to the bottom Into
cold, slimy, wriggling mas.
She uttered a cry and ran Into another
room and was hysterical for two hcurs. The
nakea crawled about the furniture until
finally they were killed. On examination It
as found that they were not poisonous
Pattl was shrewdly swindled out of a large
part of her wardrobe, including all her furs,
hich were worth a fortune. She sent her
husband to a firm which makes a specialty
of storing furs and other expensive win
ter garments throughout the summer. Her
husband spoke with a pretty girl employe
bo took his order. Later Mme. Pattl re-
reived a telephone message telling her to
prepare her garments for storing, as a man
and a woman would be sent to take them.
The man and woman appeared with a car
riage. Mme. Pattl helped fold and pack for
two hours. After the goods had gone an
other vehicle called, when It was discovered
that the pretty girl after transcribing the
order, had decided that she would care for
those furs herself and left the shop, pre
tending to be sick. The msn who assisted
probably was her lover, who also disap
Mme. Pattl waa taking tea with the dow
ager duchess of Manchester when she was
notified of her loss. The news fairly dis
tracted her and it is said she cried and
called her husband harsh names, not mind
ing the crowded tea room. The young baron
Is said to have borne the tempest with ad
mirable patience.
Celebrate Family Snccea at Elec
tions In Spite of the Fend
ing; Contests.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June 7. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Nothing so su
premely elegant has ever been given by
Count and Countess Bont de Castellane as-
their dinner In commemoration of the elec
tion of the three Castellane brothers to
Parliament. The most prominent guest
was her Imperial highness, the Grand
Duchess Marie Pavlovna. Others present
were Duchesa la Tremollle, Duke and
Duchess de Luynes, Prince and Princess de
Tarente Duke and Duchess de Morny, Count
and Countess de Chevlgne, Viscount and
Viscountess Vlvler, Countess de Gaynay,
Mrs. Arthur Paget, Mrs. Arapoff, Count de
Lorcncez, Count de Galllftet and Carolus
This Jollification did not prevent the
validation committee of the new Chamber
of Deputies, from deciding, after examining
the documents, that the three elections,
each of which Is separately contested, shall
be further looked Into, it being alleged that
the Castellane used certain persuasive
means dobarred even In these progressive
day. When tho election come before the
Chamber next week the Castellane trio may
be ousted.
Chicago Decision Held by Many
Parisian to Have
Been Jnst.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, June 7. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) After a hot and
Interesting discussion of the Gross-Rostand
law suit In Chicago, which has been occupy
ing the first pages of the biggest news
papers this week, the decision ol the su
preme court has been upheld as equitable
by several, but most of them cite the de
cision as an Instance of American childish
Jingoism. The public, however, was amazed
to discover the strange slmlllarlty of certain
scenes published In parallel columns. At a
committee meeting at the academy the case
was warmly debated, but most of the "Im
mortals" being open to similar convictions
shrugged their shoulders and applauded
Sardou, the prince of plagiarists, when he
said that this law ault was Rostand' final
consecration. '
Coquelln happening to refuse Rostand's
new piece Just at this time Is Interpreted
to mean that the comedian wishes to avoid
sharing In the resulting unpopularity. Ros
tand declined to explain the slmlllarlty and
hurriedly left town to remain until fall,
Treatment Changrs It Similar to the
Making of Steal Ont
ot Iron,
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. June 7. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram. ) Considera
tion haa been given to a new metal which
Is not a compound, but simply a molecular
modification of aluminum, similar to that
which make steel from Iron. It Is called
evabrlte. Is bright as silver and as stiff as
steel. The aluminum 1 absolutely unox
Idlzable and cheaper than brass. . When
tested In th state telephone shop It was
found to be equal to every claim. Tho en
glneers recommended that evabrlte be sub
stituted for nickel and copper in telephone
and telegraph apparatus.
Visit the Moalln Hong and Seea
Thing Straaae to Orien
tal Eye.
(Copyright, 1902. by Pres Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Juno 7. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) A brother of
the emperor ot Japan, accompanied by a
large suite, 1 spending a few day her on
his way to London. Last night bs visited
the Moulin Rouge Incognito, more than
fifty detcetlves in plain clothe insuring his
safety. Today th prince called on Preel
dent Lou bet, who could not resist laughing
at hla allusion to his previous night's sport
Collisions Becoming More Freaweat
LONDON, June 7. The frequency of
British torpedo boat destroyer and torpedo
boat collisions with other boata, waa em-
pbaalzed In a reply of the secretary of the
admiralty. Mr. Arnold-Forster, to a que
tlon in the House of Commons, showing
that there were no less than 110 such oc
currence In 1900 and 1901. In th former
year two torpedo boat destroyer grounded
and six torpedo boats and forty-on torpedo
boat destroyers were In collision. In 1901
two torpedo boats and four torpedo boat
destroyers grounded, and five torpedo boats
and fifty torpedo boat destroyer ware la
collision, .
Meeti Death in Skirmish Between Company
Officials and Strikers.
Homes of Superintendents Are Surrounded
by Incensed Union Men,
Mob Creates Further Excitement by Stoning
Firemen at the Collieries.
Mock Lynching ot the Great Magnate
Mara the Peaceful Helen in
Wyoming; Valley Mining;
HUNTINGTON. W. Vs., June 7. A
skirmish between mine officials and strikers
Is reported at Keystone. One mine boss
was killed. No names or particulars are
WHEELING. W. Va., June 7. The strike
ordered by the United Mine Workers of
America to take effect in West Virginia to
day was much more complete In some dis
tricts than expected and less effective In
others than expected. The Incomplete re
ports are conflicting, but on the whole sev
eral thousand more men went out than
was anticipated.
The strike affects not only the Industries
of this state but also the railways and
river navigation. Alt of the local coal road
It was ascertained that the operators in
some places had secured many armed guarda
in anticipation of a protracted strike, if
not of violence. In a few places the strik
ing miners were served with notices to
vacate the houses belonging to the coal
While the etrlke in this state Is generally
regarded as sympathetic with that of Penn
sylvania, there is a general Impression
that the bituminous coal Interests ot other
fates have had their influence In bring
ing on a crista in West Virginia.
While there was various reports of vio
lence during the day, they are not confirmed
by the late advices tonight, but the people
generally In the mining districts are appre
hensive of serious trouble In the future.
Marian Hnna-ed In Effigy.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., June 7. The hang
ing in effigy of J. Plerpont Morgan, In one
of the streets of South WllHesbarre, by a
crowd of men and boys, was the only Inci
dent to mar the stillness ot the Wyoming
valley this morning. After the effigy had
been hung the crowd cheered and pelted
the object with stone until the police came
along and dispersed the several hundred
persons that made up the throng.
All the mining town surrounding the
Ity are very quiet. The new from Wash
ington that President Roosevelt could not
flnd his way clear to take a hand In bring
ing about peace between the mlnera and
operators waa received here with genuine
disappointment. ' It bad ben strongly
hoped that the president would be able to
find soma means ot opening up a way to
Today, marks the end of the fourth week
ot the total suspension of coal mining and
the miner and their employers are farther
apart than ever.
President May Take a Hand.
WASHINGTON, June 7. The president
today had a long conference at the White
House with Senator Hanna on the coal
The president conveyed to Mr. Hanna the
Idea that he would like very much to do
something toward settling the strike. N'oth
lng definite, however, waa decided upon
The president also sent for Carroll D.
Wright, the commissioner of labor, to gst
his views on the situation, and also as to
what might be properly done by the govern
ment looking to a settlement of the contro
versy. It Is probable that other conferences will
be held and the president kept advised ot
the situation. He will be in readiness at
any time to extend aid if It Is found that
he can be of service In settling the differ
ences that exists between the operators and
the miners.
Without an Audience.
CLARKSBURG, W. Va June 7. Reports
from all the coal mlnea In this district
received today show that there Is not an
Idle plant, there being less than one-half
of 1 per cent among the 10,000 miners out.
This waa to have been the central point
of the strike demonstration today, but the
agitators found an audience of less than
fifty persons at the place of meeting and
declined to deliver addresses.
ROANOKE, Va., June 7. According to
advices received by the Norfolk tt Western
railway, which controls the output of the
Pocahontas coal fields, ten mines closed In
the Pocahontas dlaii'Ul today. It la esti
mated about 600 men are on strike. Other
mine are crippled. So far there ha been
no report of violence among the strikers.
"Mother" Jones, the famoua Pennsylvania
agitator. Is on the ground urging the men
to quit work and stay out until their de
mands are granted.
CARBONDALE, 111., June 7. A strike In
volving the 400 men at work In the Chl-
cago-Cartervllle Coal company'a shaft Is
on and may spread to every mine in the
seventh district, and possibly In the state.
The difference is over the scale of the
loaders and trimmer connected with ma
chine running. The operatora will appeal
to the state operators association and
action will be taken by that body which
may close every shaft In the district.
DENVER, Colo., June 7. The conference
ot the Western Federation of Miners, now
in session in this city, has adopted a reso
lution pledging the United Mine Workers'
of America the moral support ot th Wes
tern Federation of Miners In their strike
throughout the antbraclt coal region..
Great Northern Boilermakers.
ST. PAUL, June 7. Statements war ob
tained from th operating official of the
Great Northern today denying that there
was a strike among the Boilermakers and
helpers at Barnesvllle, Minn.
A dispatch was received from Barnes
vllle to the effect that the bollermaker
and helper at that point had received or
ders from union officials to strike, out of
sympathy with the striking St. Paul men.
Th man at the Great Northern shops at
that point, however. It Is said, refused to
strike and ar satisfied with present con
Th Great Northern does not anticipate
a ctrlka from ,that quarter. No trouble
whatever la reported from Havre, Hill-
yard or any other point where Great
Northern shops ar located. The strike Id
th Bu Paul shops remained unchanged to
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer
Sunday: Monday Fair, with Wanner In
Kast Portion.
1 Americana Comlnsr to Coronation.
ntst Swindle Catches All Clne.
First Traaedr of Coal Strike.
Lake Steamers Collide.
S So Meed to Lose Life at Volcano.
Tornado Strikes Phelps Connty.
Friends of Bret Sugar Are Firm.
S Kevr from State Capital.
Many Counties Hold Convention.
4 Mitchell Revile Panama Company.
British OOU-ers Inefficient,
France Over Cabinet Crisis.
5 South Omaha News.
Mixes Love and Bnalnes.
6 In the Social World.
T Railroad Sutler from the Rains.
Popallsta Feel Insulted.
8 Council Bluffs and Iowa ews.
O Sporting; Events of the Day.
11 Markets and Commercial.
14 Woman's World and Work.
15 Amusements and Mnsleal Notes.
16 Story, "Banner of Bine."
IT Weekly Sporting Review.
IS Editorial.
10 Filipinos a Leisurely Lot.
Tempe'atnre at Omaha Yesterday!
1 p. m,
'2 p. m
S p. m,
4 p. m
R p. m
p. m,
T p. m,
Visit Pikes Peak and Scenic Points
In Rockies While Enroutc to
San Francisco.
. SALT LAKE. Utah. June 7. Special Tele
gram.) The train which Include the pal
ace car "Bucyrus," bearing the Tangier
Temple party of Shrinera arrived in this
city about 1 p. m. today. All are remark
ing on the extreme good fellowship and
harmony which prevails among the entire
party of forty-six.
At Colorado Springs, where the party was
Joined by Representative Loblngler, the car
waa sidetracked for a day which was spent
In visiting the adjacent points ot Interest.
Here occurred the only unpleasant inci
dent thus far of the Journey. Representa
tive Tracy while on the aummlt of Pike's
Peak, suffered a depression of heart action
as a result of the extreme altitude, which
for a time seemed serious, but restoratives
were promptly applied by Dr. A. D. Stowits
of Sidney, Neb., a member of the party,
and the patient was soon out of danger.
From Colorado Springs the train, which
Includeb besides Tanglers car, the cars ot
Zurah temple of Minneapolis and Hamasa
temple of Meridian, Miss, moved westward
Into the great scenic region of the rockles
passing through the Royal gorge between
2 and 3 In the afternoon.
A pleasant feature ot the trip was the
fraternizing of Northern and Southern tem
ple and the singing by all of songs like
"Dixie" and "Marching Through Georgia"
without a trace of sectional feeling.
Many of the nobles spent this afternoon
at Saltalr beach bathing in the delightfully
tepid watera ot the great Salt Lake In full
view of the snow covered mountains, which
surround It.
Special organ recitals are being held dur
Ing the afternoon at th mormon tabernacle
for the benefit of the visiting nobles. Tan
glers' train leaves this evening for San
Alliance Is Regnrded aa Bonaflde and
Not Disputed by Those
PITTSBURG. June 7. The Post tomor
row will say: The consolidation of the
American Car and Foundry company of St.
Louis and New York with the Pressed
Steel Car company of Pittaburg has been
referred to in financial circles during ths
laat week with more or less frequency.
Officials of these big corporations, and
particularly the more important ones, hav
remained client on the matter, but Pitts
burg men Interested in the local concern.
when on the stand concerning the matter
yesterday, admitted that there was con
slderable more than talk In the project.
At first the alliance was supposed to be
only a working agreement, but this Ides
Is now said to have been abandoned and a
straight merger of the two corporations
la the plan which has taken hold with much
energy In the minds of the leaders of the
two great enterprises. Should It be car
ried through It will bring into one com
pact business. Interest . with a combined
capital of 185,000,000, the American having
$60,000,000 and the Pressed Car company
S25.O00.000. It will also merge twenty-two
plants, representing different portion of
the railway car industry, and will give the
new combine control of all the parte ot
railway cars which form a complete car
of either freight or passenger or traction
Entertained by Member of Slaty.
First New York Volunteers,
' HI War Regiment.
SYRACUSE. N. Y., Jun 7. General Nel-
aon A. Miles was entertained for several
hours tonight by Syracuse members ot bis
civil war regiment, the Sixty-first New
York volunteers. Ii declined to discuss
the Arnold case or army affairs. He left
for West Point at 11:45.
WASHINGTON, June 7. It waa stated at
ik. r.nidenra of General Mile tonight that
be Is not coming to Washington, until after
the ceremonies at West Point on the 11th
Inst. It waa further stated that the gen
eral la traveling on the schedule mapped
out by him before leaving Washington and
that in pursuance of thosa arrangements
be 1 spending th night In Syracuse and
will arrlv In New York tomorrow fore.
Confess Killing Whlta Woman gad
la Strung l'p by a
CHARLESTON, S. C. Jun (. Jim Black
a negro. Implicated In the murder of the
wife of J. K. Jonas, a section master of
th Atlaotio Coast line, waa hanged near
Ravtnal lat laat night by a mob of men
who secured htm from a posse of officers
enrout to Jail.
Black committed the crime some weeks
ago and escaped, but was captured near
Savannah yesterday and was being brought
to Ravenal for confinement. Th negro
confessed bla crime, naming another negro
Hoar. Deg.
It a. m 114
a nu m ..... . H4
7 a. m 4
8 a. m till
a. m tl.1
10 a. m ;a
11 a. ni tit
1J m r
aa an accomplice.
Men on Whalebacfc. Are Drowned by Collisio
on Lake Superior.
Steamer George Eadley Strikes Thomas
Wilson, Cutting it Down,
Catastrophe is Due to Abrupt Change In
Orders Given to Hadley.
Whaleback Sinks Almost a Sooa aa
Struck nnd Only by Prompt and
Heroic Aetlon Is tireater
Fatality Averted.
DULUTH, Minn.. June 7. The whaleback
steamer Thomas Wilson, Captain Cameron,
master, was cut almost In two by th
steamer George Hadley, Captain Fitzgerald,
master, a half mile south of Duluth canal
today and nine men went down. They
were mostly men of the night crew who
had not time to get out of their bunks be
fore the vessel sank.
ames of tho Lost.
FRANK, second cook. Superior.
JAMES M DOUGALL, oiler. West Supe
JAMES M. FRAZER. oiler, Manltouaa
JOSEPH M'ORAW, wheelman, Sault Eta
Marie. Mich.
JOHN CAMfBELL, lookout. Greenleaf.
JOHN CAREY, deck hand, SU Catherines,
THOMAS JONES, deck hand.
WILLIAM ROEBUCK, fireman, Port
Wilson was coming toward the canal and
Hadley going out, "both loaded. Juat befor
reaching the canal and when about oppo
site Wilson, Hadley waa given order by a
tug to go to Superior. Immediately It
sheered oft for the Superior entry and
crashed directly Into Wilson.
Steamer Quickly Sink.
Wilson went down so quickly that It
did not seem possible to save a life. On
moment the two boats were plowing
through the water 200 yards apart; th
next the members of the crew could be seen
throwing off their clothing and Jumping
Into the water. One man on Wilson,
with great presence of mind threw lit pre
servers to several struggling In the water.
The crew of Hadley also threw preserver
to those-In the water.
Immediately after the collision Wilson
pitched forward and went down. A
It plunged the crew still on board rushed
to the stern, Jumping overboard aa faat aa
they could free themselves from their
clothing.. Wilson did not live a minute
after the collision. During th hort Una
It was on top of Use water It seemed to be
supported 1 entirely by Hsdley's prow.
which was sticking In through It plate.
The plunge of Wilson released Had
ley and the latter swung back with 'T tre
mendous Jerk. As the whaleback went be
neath the water It spouted like a submarine
Two men that Jumped last were appar
ently clinging to the hull when it went
down. They were struggling there Just be
fore the plunge and could not be seen aft
erward. They were probably drawn under.
Steering Apparatus Fall to Work.
Hadley's steering apparatus seemed to be
out of order after the collision and it
swung round a circle several times and
seemed utterly helpless. However, Its
crew did good work. In a few minutes It
wa evident Hadley was going down and
the crew could be seen lowering boats.
Some of them got into boats, but when
Hadley sunk to within a foot of ita deck
It seemed to stop and the men clambered
back aboard. The race of the life saving
crew and the tugs for the wreck was thrill
ing. Hadley would not have made th
shore had It not been for the tuga, and
that probably means that so many -mora
live were saved. The 'life saving crew did
quick and reliable service, picking up tha
men. Hadley bad a bard run for
shore and did not win the race by any great
margin, for a moment after Its bow went
on the bottom Just south ot the canal pier
Its stern began to settle and finally went
down. A the stern settled to the bottom
the bow lifted a little and th water en
gulfed the vessel from amidships to stern.
Fully half of th way In from the scene of
the accident to the point of landing, bait
the boat wa covered with water, and th
members of the crew that were compelled
to stay with it, took the upper works.
Wilson is in eighty feet of water and only
a few feet of its spar can b seen. Wil
son was loaded with ore and belong to
the Pittsburg Steamship line. Hadley car
ried coal.
Indiana Ara Conquered by Heavy
Losses Sastalnad la First
TUCSON. Aris., Jun 7. Advice from
Hermoaolll today say that the Yaqul trouble
is practically settled and that travel I
perfectly safe throughout Sonora. Governor
Torre Is in th field with a sufficient fore
to quell any rebellion that may arise. Th
report of the killing of the son of Rlcardo
Johnson, a well known mining man, by
Yaqut Indiana is denied at Hermosolll, ac
cording to latest advice.
The first fight. In which the force under
Governor Izabel killed twenty Yaqul, prac
tically ended the trouble. It I estimated
that not over 100 Yaquls ar out and th
are in biding from the troops. All that re.
mains la to round up these and then tha
trouble will be at an end.
Federal Grand Jury Summon Retail
Butchers to Tell About
Packlag Combine.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Jun 7. Subpoenas
have been Issued by the federal grand
Jury, summoning all retail butchers in th
city to appear befor that body on Mon
day. They will be required to tell all they
know regarding the methods employed by
the big packing bousss.
It Is tbs desire of th grand Jury to as
certain if the packing bouses did not oper
ate a uniform price list, on following tha
lead of the other in ths matter of ad
vances, and also to Interrogate the retail
dealers regarding th alleged blacklist kp.
up by tha packers.
t "