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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JITNE 7, 1902. LOSS DUE SOLELY TO LATHAM Blunder of Umpire CosU Omaha First Gamo Against Stints. BOTH SIDES BATTED IN GOOD FORM pitchers on Tkclr Mettle and Well uaperte, nut Hlta Com PlentN fallr Thrvasb the Entire Mae Innlnge. Hire thousand people hlss4d In Intense .Indignation aa Umpire Latham by flagrant mlsjudgment called Rohe aafe at borne la the elxth inning of the opening game with I the fialnta Friday, giving the visitors the tansy that won the game. Tnta waa oniy one choice bit of Arlle'e rank umpiring, but tta crulal Importance made It stsnd out beyond the rest. Robe had alngled himself to flrit all right, and had atolen second. Then Osrvlu doubled to left field, but Stone had the ball back In. ao far ahead of time that Johnny Oondlng fairly laid It upon the eliding third baseman's feet, away from the rubber. "Safe." aatd Latham, and the game waa loaf. The declalon was ao plainly wrong .. . ... .... I inai even joncuy uouo.a ui. i and Johnny la not a player who asks an ... . ... .i a t .... k. - umpire lor anyimug. ne eiim uaiuaui uj i the blue shirt and shook him fiercely, but "Thafe my declilon." aald Latham, and that aettled It. mis was iut ail aw. in I they were up againet it again, ana tney were disheartened. Ther could not tie the acore. It eeemed almoat uaelesa to try. for . ... ... . . i ANle aesms to oe loomng me omer way or lumping at conclusions that cost Omaha dear. In the eighth and ninth each the " . ... I Omabaa got a man on br..e. out ne was lOl oaiiea iu. alio vuye uuuuk mil mw I i eond aame that they have won In real- - . " - i i mm seance ai num., .uu iu., ... ... .v when the more fortunate Cowboys are climbing along. The rlsltors ecored yea- teraay Dy nuncning ineir mis. . umana i . . . . I . A I . A I piayea aa errurieee a,.u, nuui occmM i that the boys had won It clear In the Bret, I when they , bomcaraea tjninn ror nre singles, meaning three tallies. The Balnts fielded like whirlwinds, but made some bad arrora. ' acore: ST.' JOSEPH aB. R. H Ox- A. 13 2 1 1 10 1 110 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 8 0 113 5 0 0 4 3 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 "I "5 27 14 R. H. O. A. 1 S 1 0 0.1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 13 1 110 8 0 13 3 0 0 0 3 0 13 3 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 "s "8 27 14 Maher, ss Braehear, lb...... Belden. if Hartman, cf...... Koth. c Rohe, Jb Hall. 2b Garvin, rf Chlnn, p......... .,& 1 3 I S 0 ...4 1 1 10 1 1 ..5 110 0 1 ..5 0 I Z 1 0 .2 0 0 8 0 1 ...1 .3 0 1 0 0 0 .4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals S4 OMAHA AB. 6 5 5 4 ... i J . i Stone, If Carter, rf.... Genlns. cf... Calhoun, lb. Polan, ss.... Stewart, 2b.. Illckey. 8b.. Oondlng, c. Oraham, p..-. vl'homaa .... Totals .35 Batted for Oraham In the ninth. St. Joseph .... Omaha aaaa AAA. I ..U V V V a V V V ..3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 I Earned runs: St. Joseph. 4: Omaha. 1. Two-base hits': Maher, Belden, Garvin. Passed ball: Roth. Sacrifice hits: Bra shear. Hall. Stolen bases: Maher. Rohe, Oondlng. Double plays: Bras hear to Hall, Hartman to Rohe. Left on bases: . St. Joseph, K; Omaha. 8. Bases on balls: Off China, 8; off Graham. 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Chlnn, 1; by Oraham, 1. fjtruck out:. By Chlnn. : I 2 :lu, ..Umpire: Laths py uranam, s. lime lam. " Peoria and Milwaukee Tie. PEORIA. June .Today's same waa canea at tne ena oi me nintn inning on i rnmint nf darknfoa with the menr a tie. I The field waa muddy and In bad condition an. I lha a-arrtM waa wlthnut acnaftvtlnnal fa. I turea. Attendance. bM. Score: R.H. IS, Peoria 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3 11 2 Milwaukee .... 000000030-383 Batteries: Peoria, McOIII and Wilson; Milwaukee, McFheraon and Lucia, Denver Beats Springe. COLORADO SPRINGS, June .-Today s Amt wss replete with features. The ioca's ltd In several departments, but the visitors hit hard when hits counted. Park Wilson was ejected from the field by order of the umpire. Scote: R.H.K. Denrer 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 7 10 3 Colo. Springs. 021000008 93 Ti. .. i . j ...p... nell: Colorado Springs, McNeeley and Baer- wald. Kansas City Wlna. utw Muint.s, june . ine Daiiina: nun- ttv of tha visitors rave them an easy V1C tory over Des Moines today. The game was nevertheless an exciting one. Attend ance. 800. Score: H.H.E. Kansas Cliy.O 00020113 13 3 Des Moines. ..3 00000000-38 2 Batteries: Pes Moines. Wllklne and Han som Kansas City, weimer and Messitt, Standing- ot the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P.C Kansas City Omaha Denver St. Joseph Colorado Springs. Milwaukee Peoria 40 SO 24 24 1 IS 13 13 12 10 7i .. 87 ,. 38 .. ii .. 88 .. 8S .. 8 .. 88 m -11 4 10 23 22 24 28 474 .371 .83 Des Moines... .!06 names todav: St. JoeeDh at Omaha. Kan sas City at Des Molnea. Denver at Colorado Springs, Milwaukee at reoria. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Hew York and Ptttsbarg Battle for Eleven Innings and 4nlt 7 Tie. NEW TORK. Juno C The New Torks played an eleven-Inning game to a tie with Pittsburg today. A triple play In the ninth Inning by Rltchey and Wagner was a feature of the game. Matthewson aave way to Lvans In the box in the ninth Inning. Attendance, 6.4uQ. Score rlTTSBURQ. HEW TORK, K H O A E I . k.H.O A X. TVaWa. rt ... 4 4 14 llDuna. rf....'. 1 114 4 Cesrur. rt... 4 4 4 4 ( Bean, aa 4 1 4 I 4 Clarke. If.... 18 14 l O Smith, lb 4 4 I 1 1 eteeanoat. et 4 t 4 4 OlDorle. lb.... 4 0 10 4 4 Wasner. as.. 1 1 T 4 I Laua.r. lb... 1.8 4 8 4 Brenaf-ld. lk 1 I II 4 1 Riuher. lb.. 4 1111 leaser, o.,.. 1 l l e O Haaes. rf.. 4 4 14 4 Utsk. lb.... 4 1 I 1 0 jacaaua. cf.. l 1 I rt. Smttk. s. 4 4 T 1 01 Lob ear. s... 4 4 4 4 01 Jenea. If 4 110 4 Malbewaoa. p 4 1 4 8 4 Evana. 4 4 4 1 4 'bawertaaa . 4 4 4 4 4 Totals ,4 I H II 4 Totals ... 4 14 M 14 1 Batted for Matthewson in the eighth,. Pittsburg 0001030000 K'ew York ... 0000800300 04 Earned runs: Pittsburg. 2; New Tork, L .rec oase on trryu . riuiDjii. . new I org. o, ueii on uaaes: rumours;, a; jxew ion, 13. iwn-oaee mie. i lame. Bean. Three-base hlta: Wagner, Leach. Stolen bases:. Clarke tl). Branafleld. Jack. on I Triple play: Hltoney to wagner. nits: Matthewson, 2: off Evans, 1 i.iia; jMiiinw.wii, a, v . a. Bactifloa hit; H. Smith. Beaumont. First pase on Datta. un iuncny, e, vi .a.v- 170D 1 1002 Buy C.LY t!a CEIiVINE. MarU Paving) ffl-J?1 EAU DE COtJOCNC la bv atl Bcnel of Suropw. Tke aaoel faaklunatftle etwot of to-cUy, i or refrealung, iaeung. tsau an 4 delicate t nte- duwes aa atmoaubere of far mating, eTquialte r. oemenc. V.ll 1ITNI. BtMV JUPIJaeJe aaiui jia ia ctirope. For sale by W. R. BENNETT CO. sV. W. Cor. Uia gad Ha may Stg, thew-on, . Hit r pitched all: Fy Doheny, 1; by Matthewson 1. "truck out: Pv Doneny, ft: ny im!----", : y Kvans, 8. Passed ball: H. -mith. Time: t:9). Umpire: Cantlllon. Phillies Beat it. Lnuls. nttti . -.wt mT 4 tune a -Jit T.Allla nilLAULurnin. - - could not hit Vcmrhees to any advantage, while Philadelphia W successful In bunching hlta. Attendance. 1.3. S. Score: PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.E ST. LOVU. R.H O.A E THnmaa rf. 1 1 I 0 0 Ferrell. 2b... I Donovan. ft.. 1 rtioot. cf.... 4 Herder. It... I I Itrewifte If... 1 I 1 1 1 t Douilal, IB. 1 I e Barry, rt ... 4 I 0 0 J.okllferh. e. 0 1 I 0 Kni,r, aa .. t 4 nraehear, 1. I It Hnlrvltt. as. 1 1 I 1 Mailman. II. 1 I 1 I I Hartman, lb. 0 I t T 0 ChlMe. lb. .. 1 I 4 0 J O'Neill, e. 1 Voarheaa. 1 Terkee, ....t I " 1 . n'w.l J .-.sill -" 1 Totals It!! ll l Bttd for In ninth. Thomaa out. hit by oattea pan. PhlladelDhla 2400OOIO Ht. Louis 00008000 J 8 1Lmd runl' L Two-bam hit: Browne. Three-base nit: Douglas. Sacrifice nu: urowne. uouun play: Chllda to Douglaa. Left on bases: Philadelphia, I; Ht. Louis. 9. First base on balls: Off Voorhee. I; off Terkes. 4. Struck vjt: By VooTheee. 4; by Yerkes, 4 Passed balls: Jacklltsch. & Time: l:6o. Umpires: Powers and Brown. Catenae) Defeats Bridegrooms. RROOtCLTN. June . Chlcaao won from Prnnlilvn tnAa v hv hlinc.htne; hits In the fourth Inning. Attendance, J.wO. Bcore: CHICAOO. , BROOKLYN. p u n A a I R.H. O A K. si.iie. if. Ilia CiDolan, rf.... 1 1 4 0 0 0 6 0 Ke)er. rf.... I 1 4 a a i a a hra. If. e I 4 4s Jones, el eiianoa. rf baiter, tb 1114 4 4 14 l.McCreerr. id. s i e w tens s. n-ci. 4 Fables, as... 1 1 4 I 4 I Flood, lb.... 4 4 14 4 vim. a- .. 1 1 i l sbaefer. lb.. 1 i l 4 , Irwin.- lb 4 Ahearn. e 4i Hughes, p 4 14 14 4 14 4 4 fT'V i 1 i 4 4 4 1 1 Bu Vraia. p. a 4 4 I 9 Totals ..inn a l Totala ... S t 7 S chlcaro 1 0 0 4 0 0 o 1 o Brooklyn 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 o-i Earned rune: Chicago, 4; Brooklyn. J- rt on DMMs: 1 e. oivukj... v. s - wn - hana hits: Kilns Keeler (2.. Ahearn Three - base bits: Bhaefer, Dahlen. Home run: Tinker. Stolen bases: Jonee (2), Uowe iwr Va.i.r 2i Hheckard 2). Ufiuble fe v . iA v"" o Dexur. Tinker n LXwe lo lexier. ottcruitn mi: ton. First base on balls: ort Hugnes, . UlL Dl. V Tl. Oil UV1V WUK J . I, h. l Vrain. s. Time: 1:47. Umpire: Emslle, . m. i i . nit . hi vnn DoTa Boston. . BOJTTON . June -'"c'"na" Jil. pfayed"latleasly at the bat and In the field. Aitenaance, ocuro. .i..TV!H IT. BOSTON. u a tE I R H O A.C ri i' . a'i..h et 4 4 4 4 4 Dobba. If.... 4 4 1 Brrk. lb 4 1 II 4 lTenner, lb. I 4 4 l:Lons. ea 1 4 1 4'Coolejr. If ... 4 4 T O'Oram'i'r. lb. 4 1 5 lTarnar. rf... 4 1 14 4 4 4 4 I 4 1 1 I 1 4 4 1 Crawford, rf. 4 1 2 Masoon, lb . o I l Corcoran, as. 4 4 1 I 3i Damon t, lb.. 4 I I 0Klttrlla. . 4 4 1 JlMalarkay, P. 4 I 14 4 114 4 14 Stelal'dl. lb. lie Plan, e ,4 I I Tblelman. a. 4 1 4 - "Courtney . 1 1 4 4 "4 10 V 14 i Totals Totals ... 1 IT W Ratted fnr Malarkev In the ninth. Cincinnati lJ152i2?, Boston o w " Earned runs: Cincinnati. 1. two-dbsb ft.t... Ub 9rkv. HiCa. neis. Sacrifice hits: xmg. Uobbs (2). .Double plays: Demont to Long. Corcoran to Pleta to Beck. Crawford to Pleta. First ban on balls: Off Malarkey, 3: off Thlelman. 8. Hit with ba 1: By Thlelman 1. Btruek oiit: By Malarkey, . time: un.i.i-. v Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P-C S25 621 Pittsburg Chlcsgo ....... ...40 37 40 S9 8 .600 .42 Brooklyn J"ew York .... Philadelphia ., 'Boston .437 .427 Cincinnati .... 30 .385 .378 St. Louis tnriav ..27 Cincinnati at "Boston. Chi- .avfft C, f HTflflK I T 1 1 W (1 KBLlTlB I rilUtUU.K v-aj - - BWi.lh. at ew iur, ou jjuu.e a uri,. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Cleveland Finds Prentiss) lor Twenty. Ons Hits, Wavlklasr OS with the Victory. ' ri.iPVTeT.AND. June 1 The Clevelands tm.nj ti'inii and Prentiss for twenty-one ft.... .AAft. miinnlne- with . Wrlffht kept the hlta well scauereo. awbukuv, a,. bcors: m vwi.avn BOSTON. R.H.o.A.E.f n.n.u.a a.. ptrharlna. ill I I I OlDouanertv, 111 I I f Her. It...... I I a v w aw... " - rikk. rf 1 Lajnte, lb.... I 8 4 4 O Slaht. cf 4 1 1 S S 111 liFrremas. rf . 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 0 Parent, aa... 4 1 I 1 asS (I'TAl-h na lk.. 4414 Hickman, lb. l Bradley, lb.. I (ochn'er. as. I 4 4 4 I Farrla. lb.... 4 4 114 Wood, s 1 Wrlibt. p.... 1 14 4 'Werner. 0.... 14 14 4 4 1 OiWIotara. p... 14 4 1 Iprantlaa, p... 4 14 4 Tolsls ...14 II n 4 1 Uleaaoa .... 4 14 4 Totals ... I 14 84 11 Batted for Prentiss In the ninth. ri.vai.nd 0003(140 '14 Boston i " w v"' VArnAA' rieveland. 1. Two-base hits Fay (3). LJole, Hickman, Dougherty Th..hau hit: Hickman. Stolen bases t.ini. iMnfa-ArHne Rtv. Hradlev. Douxherty, Double playa: Oochnauer to Hickman, Ferris to Parent to LaChance, Ferris to LaChance. First . baae on balls: Off fright 3; off Winters, 4; off Prentiss, 1. Hit oy pitched bail: By wngni, i. eii on Cleveland, 11: Boston, 8. Btruci out: py ti-.u. 1 U'llH nltnh' TrenttSS. WHIDL .ii'i'm - . . . . Time: 1:40. Umpires: O Latugnun ano Johnstone. g tana la sT of the Tensas. Played. Won. Lost P.C, Philadelphia 3o n l Boston .v J! J l-ril-OBA 3o 20 15 829 696 .8 Baltimore ? IS S? .474 Waahlnaton ' " .4 a, i.iT. 84 18 1 .47 Detroit JJ " " Cleveland 88 IS 2b .441 .842 n.m.a tnrlRV! Baltimore at Cleveland ra7s.ftiir.rinn iLt Chicago. PhlladelDhla at Detroit, sosion ai oi. ixjui. In Sontnern Lraagne. At Shreveport Shreveport. 7; Binning- narn, 4. .. a. . At Mempnie iNBsnviiiB, ai wotim.w, . ii TjttiA Pork-Little Rock. 4: Atlanta. At New Orleans Chattanooga, 3; New Orleans. 3.. 1 IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Millers Take Two Game from Brew ers ky anerior AJl-Ronnd Ball.. '' . ; r imktv APOT.TS June . (.Minneapolis I won both games with Milwaukee this after noon by superior neiaing ana oiier wot all round. Curley had his thumb split open in the first game. Grant, formerly of Mil waukee, played witn tne locaia loaay. a." tendance, ccore. MINNEAPOLIS. ItlLWACKEB. R.H.O.A.lM R.H. O.A. . Curler, lb... 1 4 4 8 4IThlel. lb... 4 4 1 t t Brere. lb.... 4 4 4 1 tlHallmaa. rt. 4 1 14 4 lhle. lb.... 1 14 1 liRunkle. lb... 4 111 I Lynch, el.... 4 4 11 s atcurioe, ei.. i o Warden, lb.. 4 4 II 4 4!Dunan. If... 4 1 1 4 4 Wlltnoi. rt... 0 4 3 4 0 McAn4 s. lb t 4 4 8 J M.Farl'4. It. 4 4 I I olritnsman, ss. 1 4 8 8 1 Grant, as 1114 4 Speer. e 4 1111 Zaluakr. s... 114 4 11 noma, p... a a e nssew'sr. p. 4143 4 l , .owls f I nu a Tot la . 8 4-M U if Thomaa out la third on bunt strikes. I Minneapolis 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0001000 0-2 Minneapolis. Three-base usauMi Earned hit: Phyla. Base on balls: Off Flgae myer 1; off Thomas, 3. Hit by pitcher; By Thomas, 1 Struck out: By Thomaa. 1; by L'iD..mvr 1. Ift on bases: Mlnneaoolia. 4: Milwaukee. 7. Double plays: Lynch tn ia. U)WaUltH, I, uuuu.a riar. ijl urn la z'aluaky, Thlel to Hangman to Runkle. H.crlnce nits: opeer, i-ynun, r iggemyer. Stolen oases: rcunaie, jaicAuursws. lime? 1:30. Umpire: Ward. . . score etwna feooag Gnsae. MINNEAPOLIS. I ' MILWAl'KEg. . P. H CvA E l ft H O. A. I I Qulllra. sa.v 14 4 1 1'Tblel. tb 4 4 111 Phyla. Jb ... 1 I s i naumen. n. e s 1 t s Lynch, cf ... 1 1 4 4 4 Runkle. lk .. 4 no 4 1 Wareea. lb., t I 11 4 4 McBne, ef.. 4 4 1 4 4 Wlliaot. rf... 4 4 1 4 4 Dwnsan. If... 4 4 14 4 Mcrarl'4. If. 4 1 14 4 aKAea we. lb 4 8 I I 4 Oram. Ik... 4 4 6 1 4 Cllnsaiaa. all 1 I I aaluakr. ... e 4 1 a 4 speer. e 14 4 4 New I la. p.... 4 14 1 4 Ueraaa. p... 4 14 4 1 T eta La ... 4 " 3T M 7 TetaJa ..."i"l 14 14 1 Minneapolis I 0 0 1 4 IVllwauaee i t 00 Earned runs: Minneapolis, 3- Two-base hits: Phvle. Werden. Wild pitch: Her. man. Base on bails: Off Newlln. 1 Struck out: By Newlln, 1; by Herman, 2. Stolen base: MoKarland. Speer, Runkle. Left on bases: Minneapolis. 3: Milwaukee. 1 Double play: Quliiin to Grant ta Yterdeg. Time: 1:30. Umpire. Ward. Indlnne Loao o Toledo. TOLEDO. Jui.e C Toledo won today's I game from Indianapolis by better all-round VUjlcg and good bllUcg. Uugtiox gave tne bare on ball, but none counted for a run. Attendance, i.uw. score: TflLIDO . INlANAPOt,lS. R.H OA CI R.H. O.A E. noil. It.... 0 t 4 0 HnsTierer, rf 1 Pure, lb.... 1 I Smith. .... A 1 1 OlKuhaa. If ... 4 I 0,0'iirKn, as . . 4 1 OlKlhtn. lb.... 1 0 a i I 10 v.well. rt. I I null, lb ... 1 1 t HHabb. Sb... 4 Mnn, m ... 4 1 4 Oiroulter. cf.. I e Ilia, ef I 4 Tni. lb 1 t i l t leinnw. c. 1 a I 4'Hladen. t... I Hush- p... 1 1 4 O.KIIIen, .... 4 Graffiua 1 4 4 4 4 1 Totals ... f Iirzi 11 1 Totals ... T II IT T 1' None out when winning run was made. Hatted for liugney in tne nintn. To'eflo 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 37 Indianapolis 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 Two-bese hits: Burns. Coaswell. Meyers. Ollks. Klelnow. Home run: Fox. Sacrl- ce hits: Cognwell, Fouts. O Brlen, Babb. tolen bases: Mevers. Klelnow. Kinm. f ox. Struck out: Bv Klllen. 1: by Hus-hey. R. Passed ball: Klelnow. Bass on bslla: Off Huirhey, 4: oft Klllen. 1. Wild Pitch: Bv Huancy. nit ty pucner: uy iiugney, i. Time: 1:66. umpire: Hsskeu. Ralats Beat Kaaaas City. KAN8A8 CITT. June . Cbgan -pitched a jnerb same today and re unnort. MrDonald went to Dlecea In the fifth and was tilt hard for three Innings. Score: . ST. FAIT.. I KANSAS riTT. R.H. OAK R.H. OAS. Geler. lb 1 I I I elft'Brlen. tb.. 4 0 14 0 Bnar. as..... 1 S 1 a o r.ene, ct.... I 1 I 1 v Plllard. If... 1 14 4 Oiorarir. lb.... 1 4 11 1 4 Keller, lb... 14 11 0Oear. If 4 114 4 Husslna. Ib .l 14 4 BaTllle. C. ..1 114 1 Shannon, rf.. 4 114 4Rottifnaa, rf. 4 8 1 4 4 Lumlar. rf.. 1 1 1 1 0 Leewo, as.... o 1 1 a Plrrt. e 1 1 4 I 4 MrBrlde. lb. 0 1114 Conn, p 1111 I McDonald, p. 4 4 1 1 4 Totals ...14 II IT 14 0 Totals ... 4 II 14 IT 1 St. Paul 00105130 -10 Kansas City 00100100S 4 Earned runs: Kansas City. 3: St. Paul, 6. Two-bail hits: Oradv. Rothfuss. HUKKlns. Cogan. Three-base bit: Hugglns. Sacrifice nu: fierce, oioien dhsb; iet wc. uunum flays: O'Brien to Grady, Shay to Hugylni n Kellev. First base on balls: Off Mc Donald 2: off Cogan, 7. Hit by pitched ball: By McDonald, 1. Struck out: By Cogan, 3. Time: 1:45. empire: nndin. Colonels Dorn Columbus. COT.l'MBITa. June Pfelster was knocked out nf the box 111 the second In nlng today, the Louisville batters scoring six nits and six rune oeiore ne was re lieved by Bailey. Coons kept Columbue from ever becoming dana-erous. Attend ance, 1,974. 8core: LOUISVILLE. 1 COLVMBUS. R.H.O.A.I.I R.H.O.A.E. Kerwls. rf... I 110 4 Hart, rf 4 13 0 1 Clrmar. cf....t 1 I 0 0 Many. rf 4 110 0 Oannoo, lb. ..I t II 0 0 Vlos, If 4 114 0 Oanael. lb....l 14 1 40rlra. lb 0 0 14 0 Flournor. lf..o 030 0 Evaua, no 1 1 1 l 0 Tanneblll. sa.l 1 111 0 Turner. lb....O 1 I I I dolee. e 1 1 I 1 4 Naureee. aa. .1 I I 1 4 schaub. Jb... 1 1 0 i. oroi, a s s 1 1 Coona, p 1 14 11 Mr ere. 4 14 4 4 rteiaier, p....v e w v e Totals 11 11 r II 1 Bailer, p 4 1 4 0 0 I Total I 11 14 4 4 Louisville ....0 7 0 0 0 3 0 1 11 Columbus ....0 0000030 13 6tolen bases i Nattress. Coons. Clymer. Two-base hit: Meany. Three-base hits: Nattress, Gannon, Oansel. Double plays: Nattreea to Orlm. Tannehtll to Gannon. Tannehlll to Oansel to Gannon. Struck out By Pfelster. 3: by Coons. L Bases on balls: Off Pfelster. I; off Bailey, 1: off Coona, 1. ... va.ivj, a. u.ft vuuita, a. 1 Hit by pitcher: By Bailey, L Time: 1:44. impure. uDrignt. standing of the Teams. I Played. Won. Loet P.C. I Columbus .41 2 22 24 22 19 16 12 16 .635 1 Indianapolis .... Louisville St. Paul 85 38 37 38 37 36 13 16 15 19 21 24 28 .629 .618 .6115 Kansas City ... .600 .4.12 Milwaukee MlnneaDolla .... .333 .22j Toledo , .26 8 Games today Minneapolis at Kanaaa I doS.1.0 " Games nt Field Clnb. aftenreno'on.t Pthe OmghTVffli Club grounds Detween tne uia uuara or ine Omaha Field club and the Bank Clerks, Following la the line up; Rank Clerks. "Old Ouard.' CreiKhton. .... Catcher Crawford Pitcher Gordy Pendergaat. McCaffrey.. Murphy White First Abbott Second . , Third . Right . Left . Center , e- Neville Toder ".r" i.'"Hoagland '..'... Mclnttre McNamara. Hughes Bolen. Short The Field club's first base ball nine playa the c. m. wavene team neyi oaiuroay. a tola city, about T o'clock tonight. The en Save'bntre'ngrhd V? eTcA V. Meade, and Fireman Land- ef Crelghton university and Lee Rennard man jumped, the former receiving' internal of the High school. Line-up Field Club. Positions. C B. Havens. VsnCamp First base.... n.irS Knox eecona oase... Mclntyre Third base..... Malone Shortstop ,. Drtscoll Laedy Tippery-McShane..Rightfield. Hoagland Centerfield..., Reed Leftfleld , Johnson Butler Remington CreiKhton Catcher , Clarke Pitcher Whitney Wausa Takes First Leatrae Game. WAUSA. Neb.. June gfSneelal Tele. gram.) The first league game was played at Wausa with Coleridge and was won by tne hnrrtA ream hv a arnra nr z tn 1 It 2:30 p. m. the Wausa Cornet band, headed by the Wausa improvement club elephant, he,"t,.lThelrk'whle"emneP finest Karnes of ball ever witnessed In this part or tne country was pulled off. Bcore: Wausa ...0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 -J la 0 Coleridge 1 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 01 8 3 Batteries: Wausa. Fosbersr and Drver: Coleridge. NOyes and Wood. .Struck out: By Fosbera. 6: by Noyea. 6. Umpire: Will uarroii oi ireigmon. oamo on tno i ommona. The Omaha Rubber Shoe comnanv and I" "l?m Z.ZXr ?JlnL . "f? Grant streets this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The line-up Carpenters. Position. ....Pitcher ...Catcher ..First base .Second baae...... ..Shortstop ..Third base ...Leftfleld ..Centerfield , ..Rightfleld Oraahaa. Levlne Setterqulst .., Smith Sullivan Frank Butler Jones Krler Kotyia, l nana . Foil Howe Whitney .. Owens . Kaufman Stem Hendryx Waaoo Beats the Iadlaas WAHOO. Neb.. June I fSneeial Tele. gram.) Tht Wahoo Greens won the second game from the American Indians here to day in a close and exciilns- struxKle by the I score of 4 to 5. Adams twirled a guod gsme for Wahoo, but errors at critical moments . helDed the Indians to most of their runs. jansas aliround good playing at second case was a. icaiure oi tne game, score: R.H E. Wahoo 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 48 3 T Indians 0030010 16991 Batteries: Wahoo. Adams and Under- camp; Indians, Green and Johnson. Um pire: neene. Too Much for Little Chiefs. ONAWA. la.. June (.-(SDectal.i Ander. son's Onawa leaguers defeated the IJttle Sioux team In an Interesting aame of base ball here today before an audience of 300 peraona, by a score of f to 1 Both pitchers played good ball. Brown making eight strikeouts and Long seven. Wilson of the Onawaa played a fast game at short. Bat. terlea: Onawa, Brown and FYeese; Little Sioux, Long and Lille. Umpire: Anderson, . Dabols to Captain Iowa. IOWA CITY. Ia.. June 6.-(Speclal Tele- gram.) Walter Lynn Dubois of Rockwell City was unanimously elected captain of ine owa oaae uau team toaay. He lead the better coaching to be provided will give lowa a good base ball team next year. Boxer le Discharged. BOSTON. June 8. The Chlca.n knr Tommy Dlron. who was arrested here on U.V 7- tn ftW fhft rt.ath r.r TAmm Noonan of Chelsea, whom he had knocked out In a boxing bout, waa diacharged from cuatody today. The medical examiner do - n iwi i r . r Ajrvftnan ni.ii -r aia. ...... r ... ft.-ift. Fort Dodge Out hnte Algena. , rt)BT no DOE la.. Juna a Rneciei T.i.. gram.) Fort Dodge defeated Algntia here today, ine i score was no j. The local pitched a fine game for Fort Dodge. Bat- lories; Fort Dodge, Boyle mil YNblitemore; Aiions, nurna ana nurue. Athlon Easy for Salats. ST. EDWARD Nab.. Juna 4. lSnclal Telegram.) St. Edward defeated Albion at I Isthmus of that name In Mexico will corn base ball today on the homo grounds by I pete with the Panama route and the Amer- a acore of Si to 1. Batteries: St. Edward, I loan overland lines lor a snare of the ship Wilkinson. Vlssard and Martin. Albion, I ments between tha' Atlantic seaboard and L . wia ana nooenca. fiiaata si. Vmmmm stirk.. wABniNUTun. June a hod Hiewetr. ror three years one of the Ditchers of the Georgetown university baae ball club, hse I York and Coalxacoalcos, the Atlantic tar signed a contract to play with the New I minus of the road, and between Sallna i org Kiimui league lean. Bieweu is youpg ma of 33, whose tuuia Is a. Fen f In law from Georgetown next Monday. Three-I Leagae. At Evan-vllte Evansvllle. 12: Decatur, 0. At Terre Haute Bloomington. 6: Tcrre Haute. 1. At Davenport Rockford game postponed; rain. RAIN SPOILS EPSOM RACES King Edward and Other Xotahlea At tend. However, In Down, poar of Water. LONDON. July 6 Ladles' day at Ep-om was marred today by the weather. King Edward, the prince of Wales and other members of the royal family started for the course In a downpour of rain and con sequently the roads leading to the Downs lacked much of their usual picturesque ap pearance. A majority or tne race-a-ncrs preierreq to travel by train, but a ano.l sprinkling- of people adhered to the time-honored custom of attending The Oaks in coaches and other conveyances and nt intervals be tween showers tne inciosures were gay with bright dre-ses. The race for The oaks stake or 4.50O sov ereigns for 3-year-old fillies, about one mile and a half, was won by R. P. Slevlers' bay filly Sceptre. Colonel H. McCalmont's chestnut filly Glass Jug was second and Simoon was third. Fourteen horses ran. The bet tlnr. waa 6 to 2 aaralnst Bcentre. 10 to 1 against Glass Jug and 25 to 1 against the Simoon filly. Sceptre, In April last, won tne guineas stakes, and In May captured thu l.OuO guineas btakes. Sir J. Blundell Maple's bay filly, Simony, led to the straight, where Sceptre, which started well, took command apparently at will, drew to the front and won easily by three lengths. A lenarth and a half separated the second and third horses. Balluntrae was fourth. The time waa 2:46 3-5. The race was run while the rain was falling. . Mr. Bievler ana scepire received a rare ovation. The Acorn stakes were won ny uaronees Lafieche, ridden by J. H. Martin. With the Bowlera. In the Individual nlnepln tourney last night on Clark's alleys the following good nr. ires were made: 1st. .6 2d. 4 8 6 4 5 A 6 a 10 3d. Total. Charles French J. J. Beruer .... .. B. is. Davis .... W. Whlttaker , .I..6 .... ....9 ....6 ....6 ....4 ....8 L. O. Shrader , I. S. Hunter ... J. Clark W. D. Eck .... David Cole ..... GIRL WITH BEAUTY WINS CASE Gets Verdict for Injury to Cornell- neess and Supreme Court Affirms It. ST. PAUL, Minn., June 6. The supreme court ot Minnesota has decided that a girl's beauty la not to be counted against her and that If a turv Is Influenced bv the - comeliness of a galr plaintiff It la not for .0urts to deprive her of her natural advantages. This ruling was made Indirectly this morning In the case of Emma Kopltts againet the City of St. Paul. The girl was Injured by an accident while on a coach lng party and aued the city, alleging a de fectlve road. She waa awarded a verdict of 1300 and thj eltv annealed, allealna that her beautv V" jury The supreme stands. COLLISION ON ALTON , TRACK Express and Freight Trains Smash, Fatally Injnrlng Engineer and Hnrtlng Others, KANSAS CITT. Mo.. June. 6. Tie Mis aourl State express on the Chicago Alton ra,lroas du- here at 7;15.i collided with the rear end of a freight train standing pn the track near the Blue river. Inst east of injuries which will prove fatal. The Ore I man waa only slixhtlv inlured. Two tramns Mike Doyle and Jim O'Donnell, from Springfield, III., were so severely hurt as I to require hospital treatment Although all the passengers were shaken up none was Injured. The track was cleared In a short time. FIRE RECORD. Farnhamvllle Badly Scorched. FORT DODGE, la., June 6 (Special Tel egram.) Farnhamvllle was swept by a dls I astrous fire on Thursday night Ths total eed. .20.000. PrUy covered by In surance. The postofflce, the general stores l 0f C. B. Rhlnehart and H. J. Cook and tn harness shop of L. Luthlan were de stroyed and tne restaurant ot M. L. rlcbt I and the barber ahon of C. Ia Clearwater hadlv damaged hefora the flames were extinguished through the efforts of the vol unteer bucket The fire orlricatad ,n the MJll offlCA 0Ter tne Rbine, . B I hart a-eneral store, from soma cause un known. Several Farnhamvllle citizens were I badly burned while fighting the fire, I , Pavilion nt Toronto Burned. I i I tokontu, unt. june e. i ne pavilion I In tha Hnrtlriilmrel eardena tha aer.Anil I largest auditorium In Toronto, waa burned I lo me irounu eany itwar. a no cooacrvs' I torv adloinlna. In which were many valU' able and rare plants, was also badly scorched and many of the planta were tr reparably damaged. The loss la heavy, Prudential Building. PUEBLO, Colo., Juno 6. Fire In the Pru dential building on Sixth street shortly after noon today did 350,000 damage. The heaviest loser la the Crews-Beggs Dry Ooods company, which occupied the fourth floor 'as a warehouae and whose loss will reach $30,000. V Chamberlain Still In the Lend. PORTLAND, Ore., Juna 6. Complete re turns from the entire state with the excep tion of twelve precincts give Chamberlain, democrat, a majority of 234 over Furnish, republican, for governor. The remaining preclnts cannot change the result tnatert- I ally. In the First congressional district Tongue, republican, has a majority of 6,031, aa increase of 3,012 over his majority of two years ago. In the Second congres sional district J. N. Williamson, repub lican, has a majority of 8,713. May Heqalre Official Count. ATT, A VTA r.n June 8. Latap veluena nlht a estimated result, with the exception ot tbe nomination for congressman In tbe Tenth district W. H. Fleming, the present I representative, and T. W. Hardwick, his annnnant Ivnlli claim this district 'hut the .... , . .,.. .... tha official rm.nt win I " -- ' - " lb required to decide tt. I . I Brakemau Killed In a. Wrack. I , T ,... - t . . DLLLfUiiAinci, gum a. A spe- I clal horse train waa wrecked four miles I wast of here today, killing Brakemsn Jim I Borden and severely injuring Engineer I Daniel Kunkel and Fireman George Boyen Several boraes also perished. The cause ot I the wreck waa a delect in toe track. Kew Lino front ocean ( Ocean, SAN FRANC18CO. June s.-"By June 1 of I 19o3 tha Tehuanteoeo - railroad across I ha i ine i-acino coast. inn statement waa made by J. J. Allen or the Ity of Mexico, I general traffic manager of the road, who la I in thle cltv. lie u.lnO aaid that it wua the I Intention hatwua now and June 1 nf nal I vtar to have a atmmnrMine iw..n K!.w airus. tat faclaa tenuous. gd 6aa t. u I cuco, . ...... Lec. Wis. He aradustrs PEACE HELPFUL TO TRADE Settlement of South African War Will Quicklj Benefit Commercial World. GAIN IN RAILWAY EARNINGS UNABATED Distribution Less Interrnptrd nod Footwear Sales Increase, While Bltnmlnone Coal le Abnor mally Stimulated. NEW TORK. June . R. G. Dun A Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow says: Peace In South Africa has greatly Im proved the outlook. Forclan Industrial markets will qukkly benefit by the develop ment ot that country, wnne a return to active gold mining will have a hclptul In fluence In monetary circles. Owlna to the nresi-nt exceptional home consumption producers In this country may not De uDie m laae auvantuKe oi uie op portunity Immediately, but even the In direct effects must be beneficial. Domestic conditions still have but the one drawback of labor disputes, which have reduced the earning power of a large force. Outside the limits of this case there is little cause for complaint. Distribution Is less Interrupted by tne hortaare of cars. Railway earnings for May snow an Increase ot six-eighths of 1 per cent over last year. Contrary to expectations the leading pro ducers maintained their conservative posi tion by making no advance In the price of teei rnlls for delivery In 1W3, notwitn tandlna: the very material rise that has occurred In pig Iron. Much new business nas Deen placed during the past week, al though rni.mimri huv frtnnd difficult v In Tlookliig orders for delivery in 1902. Tills Is especially noticeable as to structural ma terial and railway supplies. Interruption of work id blast furnaces was not wholly averted, but the lose In out put did not reach a largo 11 sure, owing to irompt concessions on both sides. Prao ically no orders were accepted for Die Iron, however, owing to the uncertainty as to the extent of the strike. In tubes, nine and foundered lines there Is much activity. witn quotations runy maintained. Bituminous coal Is abnormally stimulated by the anthracite coal shortage and the output of coke In the Connellsvllle region s estaDiisning a new record each week. According to the latest report less than 4 per cent of the ovens are Idle. Sales of footwear have materially In. creased with the advancing season. Jobbers reporting especially lavoraoie conditions. A temporary season of acttvlty occurred In leather, hemlock sole selling in moderate quantities, but the shops soon secured all the desired material. Belting butts were he most sat sfactorv division of the leather market. Drlces being strong mil demand sustained. Unlet prevails In hides. Textile roods are firmly held, with stocks well under control. Buyers show a dispo sition to hold back orders, yet better terms are not Indicated by the conditions of sup piles. The fall print basis has been established at least for the time. Inquiries are larger for export grades of cotton goods, but sales in all lines are limited. Oulet condi tion, are elan nnrt.4 In cancellations following the better deliveries oy mine recently idle through strikes. Satisfactory weather In the nrndnclna- r.. g!ons had a depressing Influence on grain quotations and laat week's advance was lost Cash prices were slow to react owing ' ine extremely strong statistical post Hon. but the new crop positions fully re fleeted the progress at the farma. Failures this week in the United 8tates were 218. against 194 laat week. 192 the re ceding week and 185 the corresponding week tasi year, ana in uanaaa is. against Z0 last wee, is ine preceding week, and 20 last year. BRADSTREET'S REVIEW OF TRADE. Crop Prosneets Brilliant and General Situation Animated. NEW TORK, June 6. Bradstreet'a says: Crop prosneets taken aa a whole are really brilliant, railroad earnings are enor mous, despite the small grain tonnage, the bank clearings are quite heavy, not withstanding the speculative dullness and failures are fewer in number than in re cently preceding years. The ending of the Boer war, it Is thought, will have a ten dency to stimulate export business In manufactures, though interfering with trade in horses, mules and other articles of export. On the other hand, the Industrial situa tion, although Improved by the ending of Diasr. iurnace ana teamsters strikes, is yet a pressing one, owing to the coal strike proving a long ana bitter one, threats of a strike In the Virginia bitu minous fields and the general unrest noted mong workers In a number of Industries. In connection with the industrial un rest, it Is to be observed that many of the demanda made now and for some time past have been based upon higher prices for food. Corn and cotton crop reports are ex cellent and in atriking contrast with a year ago. winter wneat is turning out better man expected in such states as Kansas, though recent rains have interfered with harvest ing In Oklahoma. Fruit crops promise to be very large and a favorable reflection of this Is already noted in sugar prices, which are firmer. Vegetables and other country products, shortened a year ago, promises a heavy yield. . Oats, barley and hay are doing splen didly in the west and northwest. Spring wheat advices are optimistic. Warmer weather and stimulated spring reorder business in dry goods, rather more activity being noted by jobbers the coun try over. Reports from the west favor encouragement Eastern shipments are 8 per cent less than last year for the season. Leather is rather aulet. though Arm. ex cept for off grades, and shoe factories are not actively employed. Rather more Is doing in men's wear woolens than of late and overcoatings have been sold well ahead. Woolen ma chinery is actively employed except where labor troubles exist, while wool is quiet, with but a fair Inquiry. Industries are active except where In terfered with by strikes. The feature In the steel trade is the conservative action of producers, who have fixed the price of steel rails for next year at 828, this being partly caused by the carrying over of large orders, delivery of which Is impos sible this year. A large volume of new business is also reported In this line. Steel bars are also reported strong. Agricultural Implement men have re placed most of their orders in finished products a year in advance, and are now freely bidding for pig Iron for next year's delivery. The nominal price for steel plates will not be advanced. Pig iron for Immediate delivery is really as scarce aa ever. Pig iron and billets are being more liberally bought Coke is 25 per cent higher. Light and heavy hardware and kindred lines report unusual activity. Wheat. Including flour, exports for the week tseven days), aggregtae 4,6u0,066 bush els, against 8,900.645 for five days last week and 6.044,644 In this week last year. Wheat exports July 1. 1901, to date (forty-nine weeks), aggregate 238,0.5,135 bushels, against l!9.4o7,36o last season. Corn exports aggregate fo.sna nuaneis, against 71,478 last week and 2.4u5,102 last year. July 1, 1901, to date, corn exports are 25,967,115 bushels, against 106,419,63 last season. Business failures for the week in the I.'nited States number 163. aa against 163 last week. 163 in this week last year. 184 In 190, 178 in 18!i9 and 2.1 in 1898. For Canada, seventeen for the week, against eleven last week. 4 Asking Too Much. Washington Star: "Some people," re marked tbe druggist to fcla clerk, "are frightfully unreasonable." 'Ia the man who just left an example? ' 'Yes. He wanted me to give him some thing to cure a cold." 'That'a very simple." 'Yes. But he wanted me to give bim a guarantee that the medicine wouldn't make him feel worse then tho cold did." . No Mystery About It. Chicago Tribune: "By the way," re marked the man from the east, "it seems to me I bave beard tbat my old neighbor, Jske Billufus, who came out here some "PURE" & "SILVER CLOSS" for the Laundry 3 ives finest Finbb to al) delicate Fabrics. for aale by all flretwclaas crocare years ago, disappeared completely and mysteriously not long after his arrival." 'He disappeared completely 'notigh," re plied Rattlesnake Bill, "but not myster- jiousir. tmnsipr. Ho wua ridin' on dyna mite wagon nen me Din a sue prue. CRITICISES THE PRESIDENT Alabama Representative Takes F. xc e p -tlons to Part of Roosevelt's Memorial Day Speech, WASHINGTON. June 6. General debate on the anti-anarchy bill closed today. The Incident rf the day was a speech by Mr. Richardson, an Alabama democrat. condemning the president In aevere terms for tho references in his Memorial day ora tion at Arlington to the epithets applied to Lincoln and Grant during the civil war and for bis allusions to lynching In the south. He declared that tbe president's remarks violated the proprieties of the occasion. Mr. Richardson, during the course ot some remarka upon the bill, caus tically criticised Trestdent Roosevelt's Memorial day oration at Arlington. He re called the visit of the late Preeldent Mc- Klnley to Huntavllle, Ala., a year ago, the reception given him by the confederate and union veterans. The noble sentiments Mr. McKlnley uttered upon that occasion, Mr. Richardson laid, endeared him to the aouth and he told ot the great sorrow felt there when Mr. McKlnley fell at Buffalo. Re luctant aa he waa to do so, Mr. Richardson said, he felt It his painful duty to contrast Mr. McKlnley'a sentiments at Huntavllle with Mr. Roosevelt's remarka at Arlington May 30. "I doubt whether there Is," said be. "a brave federal aoldier within the sound rf my voice who would have uttered the senti ments expressed by tbe president, even in the heat of debate, much lees upon Memorial day. I say the proprieties ot the occasion were violated when tbe presi dent referred to what had been said about Lincoln in the heat of blood when men were aiming at others' lives." Mr. Llttlefleld made a legal argument ot an hour and a half Jn closing the debate on the anarchy bill. The section ot the senate bill providing a bodyguard for the president waa stricken from the. eenate bill aa a precaution In case the house substi tute failed. An effort waa made to strike from the first section of the substitute the words "limiting the crime of killing the president to tbe president tn his official capacity," but the motion waa lost 63 to 89, Mr. Hull of Iowa, chairman of the com mittee on military affairs, reported back tbe resolution requesting Information aa to salary or other compensation paid to Gen oral Leonard Wood during the occupation ot Cuba. Tha committee recommended that It lie on the table. Mr. Richardson, tha minority leader, asked if the resolution waa not debatable, When the speaker responded In the nega tive, Mr. Bartlett of Oeorgla, formally made the point ot order that being a reso lutlon of Inquiry, and not having been re. ported to tbe house within a week after Its Introduction, It became privileged and debatable. The speaker overruled ths point of order. On a rising vote there were 77 votes tor Mr. Hull's motion and (6 againet It, tha division being on party lines with tha ex ception of that of Mr. Oroavenor of Ohio who voted with the democrats. Mr. Hay of Virginia demanded tha ayes and jiays ana tne roil was canea. The resolution was laid upon tha table. 100 - to 72 a strict party vote, Mr. Oroa venor voting with hla republican colleagues for tbe motion. ' NOT A POLITICAL QUESTION Construction of Canal, Saye Senator Banna, is a simple Matter f Business. WASHINGTON, June 6. After transact lng some routine business today tho aenate resumed consideration of the Isthmian canal bill, Mr. Hanna of Ohio continuing hla ar gument In support ot the Panama canal, The Ohio senator declared tbat no political considerations were Involved In the canal problem. He presented the opinions ot eighty-three shipmasters and pilots In favor ot tbe Panama route as against the Nicara gua roue, for many reasons which they cited. He urged tbat the construction ot tbe Nicaragua canal waa beset with unknown difficulties, while tbe construction of the Panama canal was "an open book." He laid particular stresa upon the danger to the Nicaragua route from volcanoes and urged that it would not be good policy to Ignore those dangera In expending $200, 000.000. Mr. Hanna appealed to tha aenate to consider tbe matter aa a business proposi tlon, and, with some feeling, repudiated the suggestion tbat those favoring the Panama route were not in favor ot any canal. Mr, Hanna referred to some comment made by Mr. Mitchell of Oregon, In which the senator had spoken of the advantages ot the Nicaragua route, while 'the "Hanna commission" had reported one la favor of tha Nicaragua route Mr. Hanua said he took "exception to the insinuation that this was Henna's com mission." "I consider," said he, "that I am here to do my duty to my country, and when I am placed on an important committee, with which is charged an Important duty, I am determined to discharge that duty faith' fully and conscientiously." Mr. Morgan, chairman of the committee on lnteroceanlc canals, presented a letter from Secretary of State Hay, enclosing copies of letters received by tbe State de. partment regarding earthquakes and riots in tbe Department of Panama. The letters enclosed newspaper clipping describing the earthquakes. The secretary ot state said tbat tbe report of tbe riot would cover 1.000 typewritten pagea and the department could not furnish It within a month. Tbe newspaper clippings, which were read, described In detail the damage done by the earthquake in 1883. The documents were referred to the com mlttee on lnteroceanlc canals, "in order that the committee may determine," aald Mr. Morgan, "whether it is necessary for the secretary of atate to bave the month' work done on tbe report ot riots." Bills were passed aa follows: To ratify a supplemental agreement with the Creek Indiana; ratifying the act ot the territorial legislature of Arlsona; providing a fund for the erection ot additional buildings for the University of Arizona; authorizing the trus tees ot Navajo county, ArUona, to refund $43,000 of tta bonded Indebtedness t S per cent, and a large number of pension bills, President of FrcscU Chamber. PARIS, June .6. M. Leon Burgeols radical republican and former premier, whe June 1 was elected proveslonal president Qf the. Chamber of Deputies, was today formally elected preaident of the chamber, ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver PiUs. Must Bear Signature of ee FaoSI-ille Wrapper Below. Very null sat a sea Kakaaa inna rcrVuiimexc. ' nt BlZZINUSe rOI BlUQUIBEil. ran TQRPIB uvcr. FOR eOMTIPATIOir. 4 fni uuc w .., rcumcoMrtiXiO" 18raryTrrtaMaWH CURK 10K HEAOAOtI -r" 1 Good enough foranybody! -AlL Havana Filler V a a l 45?1 TLORODORA'BANDS are of same value as tags from 'star: 'horse shoe: 'spearhead: standard navy: 'OLD PEACH &H0NE&k and CJ. T.' Tobacco .THE fj IDA Oft GERVICE OF THE Great rock Island Route IS BETTER THAN EVER. $ WHY?, it You can leave Omaha every evenleg at 6.03 and arrive Chicago 8.20 a. m. You can leave Omaha every morning at 6.00 and arrive at Chicago at 6.30 p. m., a PAST day line. Besides the finest equipment la Pull man Sleeper and Free Chair Cars, both trains carry the best dining car service in tbe world. vhiW.. Our rate to Chicago and return, June 16, 17, 21, 22 will b I$D4oS 4 Return limit September 15, 1902 ' Ask for details of the very low excur sion rates effective this summer to Colorado and tanrorria.a, J. '. ft . -a.''.fXe r'iT-v Bee Want Ads Sell on Their Merit Ho free gift la necessary to make them worth tbe price we ask. The Bee has tbe circulation that's wby. CURE YOURSELF Use hli tir unnatural,Aj(t-Seeii-atioiie, imtelious wr aluetetlotta of a see as sieirbreoea. PemUea. an auts4liaa lTMMu4Qi'CiPa. S r su..Uft)ftiS. M4ts.Ti,o T" " 1 ? arust.sia, V- a. a- r r ft 1U. i.uJ r rffa a I t er Ml. ui I botiloe. I MB- I Bl lyniua-iau him iiiuat Jjrwt. I y te I , g J eaeraatme g set ft. abnalere. , B B rravaale 1 ftalft. ... o ; ;.t ' : i tr 'X u i