Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells drug
Stockert soils carpets nd nigs.
Leffert, eyeaigh. specialist. 23 Broadway.
Taks homo a brick of Vetiger's Ics
cream, vanilla, zsc; rieopoinan. c.
) Born, to Mr. and Mr. C. W. Gould. 1127
(Seventh avenue, yesterday, a daughter.
I The Woman' Relief corps will meet this
afternoon at 2.39 o'clock in Grand Army
Mra. Ada Kaln wii grunted a divorce
yesterday by Judge Wheeler from A. J.
i Unity guild will meet thla afternoon at
the home of Mra. John Uretier, tu6 East
Pierce street.
i During the heavy rain laat night the
torm sewers on tfouth Main street be
irima r, locked and the street In the vicinity
of the Burlington depot waa flooded. The
motor cars were unable for -a time to pass
the tracks.
Vacation la here. Plenty of time now
for the young folks to learn music. Don't
I put off buying a piano rrom ytar to year.
Buy one of Hourlclus now and It will last
for twenty-five years. L35 Broadway, where
the organ stands upon the building.
Earl Garman of Omaha, who shot his
(father during a dispute over money mnt
i tera at the family home In Olenwood. waa
i sentenced yesterday by Judge Thornell In
the district court at Glenwood to five
year In the penitentiary. Young Garman
pleaded guilty.
A. Rapn waa arrested yesterday, the
grand Jury having returned an Indictment
aaalnst him on the charge of stealing a
I sign board belonging to H. M. nargeni
i which had been blown down during the
heavy winds In April. The value or tne
1 em t
Ign noara was piacea mi
'. Mrs. Clara Kelley, wife of J. H. Kelley,
s 10 Graham avenue, died yesterday morn
S Ing. aged 12 years. The funeral will be
K Saturday afternoon at t.M o cioca irora
l the residence and burial will be In Fntr
l view cemetery. Besides her husband she
i la aurvlved by four daughters and one aon.
s Lightning yesterday morning burned out
the "booster at the electric light station.
Involving a loss of from 11.000 to Sl,tri0. The
booster ' la a machine used to regulate
t residence of Alderman Fleming at 10
Fifth avenue, but the damage done waa
Uiommai. .
Puck'a Domestic soap la best for laundry.
j f oauniuter Tremor Receives Letter
j I from Conaresamaa Imltli to
That Effect.
j ' Hon. Arthur 8. Hatelton will succeed I.
i M. Treynor aa postmaster of Council Bluffs.
) 'word to thla effect waa received yeaterday
I i by Postmaster Treynor In a letter from
Congressman Walter I. Smith.
, Mr. Treynor waa appointed postmaster
I by President Harrison In 1S89 and served
4 ''until the spring of 1894, when he waa suc-
, ceeded by Hon. Thomas Bowman, who waa
I appointed for the second time by President
' Cleveland. ' Mr. Treynor was reappointed
by president McKluiey.
i Mr. Hatelton came to Council Bluffs in
1 1884 and a few daya after his arrival was
i elected principal of the High achool to fill
' a vacancy. Thla postion he held for one
j year. In 1888 he waa admitted to the bar
and served as oity solicitor from 1802 to
' 1898. In 1800 he was sleeted state senator.
Mr. Treynor was a candidate for reap
pointment and his friends ' felt ' confident
.that be would he named by President
Roosevelt, but Mr. Hatelton had the sup.
port among others of Ernest E. Hart, na
tional committeeman from Iowa and the
plum now falls to him.
Puck' Dontfttlo soap la beiu '
Davis sells glass.
sfudso Wheeler Penlea Petition of
Creditors of the Officer at
Pusey Bank.
At the conclusion of the bearing yester
day afternoon on the application for the re
xnovtl of John Beresheim and Louis F.
Murphy as receivers of the Officer & Pusey
bank, Judge Wheeler denied the petition.
In giving his decision Judge Wheeler aatd
there was nothing to show that the estate
of the bank was not being managed to the
best advantage and he did not believe the
affairs of the bank could be any more ex
peditiously or advantageously closed by a
new receiver; that a change at this time
would require time for a new receiver to
become acquainted with the details of the
state and that in bis opinion the manage
ment would be just ss expensive. Judge
Wheeler also said that while be would like
' , to comply with a majority of the bank's
' creditors, to remove the receivers at this
time would be to cast a slur on their man.
agement, which the court felt was not in
any way deserved. '
. Plumbing and beating. Blxby t Son.
Cssadr Falls to Secure Bonda.
Sheriff Coualna returned yesterday morn
ing from Chicago having in cuatody James
; N. Casady, jr., against whom a charge of
t mbexslement had been filed In Justice
t Bryant's court, On reaching the city
'Casady was taken to the "county jail and
later before Justlos Bryant where he was
arraigned and bla hearing aet for Thura
'day. June It. Hla bond waa fixed at $1,500
In default of which he waa committed to ths
county jail.- Up to laat night none of hla
friends bsd offered to furnish the necessary
Gasady's arrest was brought about at the
Orand Pacific hotel, when be called for bla
'.matt. When Sheriff Coualna called for him
at polios beadquartars in Chicago Wednes
day, Casady said he was glad to go back
to Counoll Bluffs and that ths suspense was
ever. . Hs sstd that ths tension under
which be bad been since leaving Council
- Bluffs bad almost driven him distracted.
While be was ostensibly arrested on the
charge of embeiilsment preferred against
blm In Justice Bryant's court by the
Soottlsh Vnloa and National Insurance
company, It was directly brought about by
bis bondsmen In the cass la which hs Is
charged with embexxltng 1 800 belonging to
Joha Farrell, a resident of the east end
of the county, and oa which bs was tt
have been tried at this term of court
Qravei roofing, A. H. Read, 541 Broadway.
TJss aay aoap so Its Puck's soap.
X? clean. Vie Puck's Mechanic's soap,
' Carls sells paint.
toe Chttdraa. Motkar Orar. tor yean a auras la toe
CaiMreo'o Home la Near York, treats children Mo
rs sat uiiy srltk a remedy, bow protoxo4 u4 ,iac4 la
tke drag stores, salted afoihar Orar'a Sweet Powders
tor Ckildrea. Ta.y are a&rsnlees aa Batik, slsoaaut
to take and savor talk A oortala euro for feverish
esse, ooootlpalloo. keadaehe, leolblng sa4 atoasask
teordere and remove worm. At ail dnigglsta, iee.
boa t aceee asy subetltvto. Bample seal t'ftsa. Ad
areas. Alios a Olaiatea. Le Hoj. ft. I.
, Tyed enl pressed. Special attention
given ladles' garment. Also rhenllle
curtains neatly cleaned, dved end
t,reaed. 'Pnone L-4WS. Iowa Steam Dye
worst, avs ruaawey.
(8 Jocowor to W. C. Estop)
M rKAJU. TattT. Tksas 7.
Overpower Jailer Martin and Wife Just
After ths Sapper Hour,
William Thompson. Charged with
Buralary, Evidently the Leader
of the Ganar Others Make
Ko Effort to Leave.
Seven prisoners made their escape from
the county jail last evening after over
powering George Martin, the jailer, and hla
wife, whom they forced Into the corridor
around the revolving cage and abutting the
door on them made a dash for liberty
through the front door into the court house
The prlsonera who escaped were William
Thompson and E. O. Jones, charged with
breaking into Maloney's cigar factory; John
Enbrlcht, charged with breaking Into
Scbott'g drug stare; Andrew Thompson,
charged with breaking into Currie Bros.
store at Underwood; H. Fiehburn, charged
with the larceny of a bicycle, and Mike
Fahey and Mike Sheehan, charged with as
saulting and robbing Fred Goth in the rail
road yarda. All seven were awaiting trial,
indictments against them having been re.
turned by the grand jury Wednesday.
The men made their escape a little be.
fore 7 o'clock, a few minutes after they had
finished eating supper. How they suc
ceeded in picking the lock, one of the
tumbler pattern, on the gate .of the Inner
corridor, la not known. There were eleven
prisoners in the corridor which encircle
the revolving cage in which the men are
confined at night, During the daytime
they are kept in the corridor. Entrance
to the corridor from the hallway of tne jail
is through an iron outer door and then
through a steel barred gate. This gats was
locked with a tumbler padlock, but the
outei door was unlocked.
Surprise the Jailer.
Jailer Martin bad just finished hts supper
and waa placing away aome bread in th
bread box which stands in the hallway
against the wall next the outer door of the
jail proper. While he was stooping over
the box the door was thrust open, striking
him upon the top of the head and almost
knocking btm down. Before he had time to
recover himself Andrew Thompson rushed
out, followed by the other six prisoners.
Thompson, who appeared to be the ring
leader, seized Martin by the throat and at
tempted to force him back toward the cell
door. Martin struggled and nearly sue
ceeded In freeing himself when the other
six men jumped on him and they forced him
round the stairway and back to the cell
door, through which they thrust him. Mar
tin called to his wife to get him hla re
volver, which was in the bed room off the
hsil. Before Mrs. Martin could do so, bow.
ever, two of the fellows seized her and
forced her after ber husband through the
door Into the inner corridor. They then
shut the door and turned the handle, but
were unable to lock it, not having the key.
One of the men ran into the bed room,
seized the revolver, which. was lyinlg on the
bed, and all seven , then made a daah
through the outer door Into the court
house yard. Three turned down ths alley
into Sixth street, while the other four ran
south on Main atreeOevidently intending to
reach the railroad yards.
Jailer Martin succeeded in opening the
door in a few aeconda and started in pur
suit, but remembering that the prisoners
left behind were not locked in returned to
the jail. The other four men who were
confined in the corridor, James Casady,
Harry Caley, John Plumb and Charles Cole
man, made no attempt to escape.
Search for the Escaped Prisoners.
Martin lost no time in giving the alarm
and Sheriff Cousins and his force of dep
uties were soon on the scene. Search for
the escaped prisoners was at once begun.
Andrew Thompson, who is a big, mus
cular man, appeared to be the ringleader.
He waa judge of the kangaroo court and
waa acting as "monitor," in which capac
ity be served out the meals to the other
prisoners. That the escape had been well
planned waa evident from what was learned
from the prisoners who did not attempt to
escape. They claim they were not in the
secret and did not know anything about
it until ths men made the dash for the
gate. Tbey said that aa they were finish
ing their aupper the aeven men who es
caped went to the end of the corridor where
their coats and hats bung on a line and
put them on. When Jailer Martin-waa
heard in the hallway Thompson said.
'ready," or aomethtng to that effect, and
awung ths gate open. The men who re
mained behind say they did not see. the
lock picked.
Plumb, one of the men wbo remained.
was Indicted with Sheehan and Fahey for
robbing old man Goth. He insists that bis
partners told blm nothing about their plan
to escape.
This makes ths third time that pris
oners have escaped from the county jail
since its erection. Four men got away
August 14, 1898, during Sheriff Morgan's
term by sawing through ths bars of a win
dow on the main floor, and during Sheriff
Haien'o terra several escaped in a similar
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
Roeeptloa to Grsvdaatea.
At the reception to the graduating elass
by ths High School Alumni association at
Royal Arcanum ball tonight thla program
will be given:
Piano Solo Value Arabesque Leeh
Miss Maude Mueller. 00.
O. 8. Blanchorcl. 'OA
Vocal Solo Life Blumenthal
unarles Haverstock. '9&.
Recitation A Cutting from "Wanted, a
Mrs. Kdvth Thnmii Waltora 'fift
Vocal Solo Punchinello Malloy
-t. iauas f. Lewis.
Preceding the program the reception will
be held and the evening's festivities wilt
be brought to a close with dancing. Re
freahments will be served during the even
ing. These constitute the reception com
mtttee: Misses Maud Robinson, Flora Jud
son, Grace Blgafoos, T. B. Lacey, jr.. and
W. F. Richmond.
Paris Board Offers Coanproswto.
At the meeting yesterday of the county
supervisors Secretary Schmidt of the Park
board offered to pay the county 1100 for
the portion of the Huntington lot which
It Is claimed bas been fenced in as part of
Fatrmount psrk. Mr. Schmidt said ha bad
been authorised by the Park board to make
this' offer to svold any controversy, al
though ths Park board believed that ac.
cording to the original survey the land be
longed to the prk and not to the Hunt
ington lot. The board took ths otter un
der consideration, but it Is not expected
that It will accept this sum. Jt had asked
1160 from the Park board. Tbo lot stands
ths county In over f 1.200 snd was supposed
to bsvs a frontage of I&0 feet, but now it
appears that thirty-lour feet bas been ab
orbed by ths park
Dr. N. J. Rica aka appointed physician
for the poor of Kane township for the un
expired term of Dr. A. V. 8tepbenson, who
baa gone east
An offer from Owen Cunningham to deed
to the city hla property, consisting of one
lot in Casady'a addition, on condition that
the county will care for him and hla wife,
now an inmate of the Insane ward In St.
Bernard's hospital, for the reet of tbeir
Uvea and give them decent burial, waa ac
cepted. Cunningham la an old man and
practically a county charge.
The board will take up today the small
pox bills incurred by the city.
Rain Haa No Terrors for Those Who
Are Interests In Younsj
Despite the heavy rain, every seat in
the High school auditorium was occupied
and extra chairs had to be plsced down the
slslee at the graduating exercises of the
senior class last night. The spacious and
handsome auditorium was tastefully deco
rated with the class colors, white .and blue.
The members of the school board and ths
class occupied seats on the rostrum, as did
Superintendent Clifford, Principal Ensign
and those who took part in the program.
This program was carried out:
Class Song-
Graduating Claas.
Rev. William S. Barnes.
Music (a) A Fair Good Morn Nevln
(b) Nights Murray
Miss May Caldwell, Hupervlsor of Muslo
In City Schools.
Address Praise and Prise
Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp, Boston, Mass.
Music Let the Hills and Vales Resound
Senior Double Quartet.
Presentation of Diplomas
Mr. B. M. Sargent, President of the
School Board.
Music Goodnight
Graduating Class.
Rev. James T. Thomson.
Misses Marian Benton, Edith Butler,
Cherrie Wells, Anna Bollinger and Kenneth
Barnes, Will Cornelius, Horace Haverstock
and Norman Fuller comprised tbo double
quartet. The class song was written b
HeIen Wallace an(J the musto ,.
composed by Frederick Dullard. .
The claas comprised thirty-four young
women and sixteen young men, aa follows:
Leah A. Allbaufh.
Masgta Austin,
Mablo C. Batoa,
Edna E. Bll,
Jennie Benton,
Marian I. Benton,
Anna E. Bollinger,
Edith M. Butler.
Fsnnle J. Davenport,
Frederics A. Dorland,
Helen L. Foley.
Hilda B. Fronardt,
Alleane Ooodwln,
Dorothy o. Green,
Maude Hart,
Helen F. Hollenbeck,
Bessie P. Howlette.
Myra B. Hutchinson.
Marsrette E. Jardlna.
Josephine A. Jennings,
Bessie Martin,
Lotta E. Mrronnell,
Bertha McFadden,
Inst E. Psrsons,
Grace E. Riley,
Florences Ksta Robinson,
Edna O. Bchweden,
Etta Schwengen,
Verna M. Bhedd,
Evelyn Thomas.
Helen E. Wallace,
Cherrie Wells,
Harry E. Ball,
Kenneth B. Barnes,
Will R. Cornelius,
Floyd Fllcklnger,
Norman J. Fuller,
Samuel E. Olllnakr,
Rollln 8. Grason.
Horace T. Haverstock,
Esrl Hooker.
Joseph A. Leonard,
Waidron R. Morgan,
Carl Pryor.
Clarence M. Royer,
Roy L. Smith,
neuie Merrlam,
Enrln Spot man.
Lenerl ,'snsie Morehouse. Robert t. Bwalna,
Following the commencement exercises
the juniors were entertained last night at
the residence of Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Han
chett on Sixth street.
The graduating exercises of the volun
teer kindergarten teachers were hell yes
terday afternoon In the High school audi
torium. The graduates were: Miss Ethel
Watson, Miss Stella Royer, Miss Ida Casady,
Miss Alyda Lorlng, Miss Belle Robinson
and Miss Daisy Cooper. Each graduate
presented ber own class and gave an ex
hibition of the work it was capable of
doing. The exercises were under the super
vision of Mrs. Lulu Hardman, supervisor
of kindergartens. Each of the graduates
will now be placed on tbo rolls as regular
kindergarten teachera at a salary of $35 a
At the close of tbo kindergarten exer
cises Superintendent Clifford addressed tbo
teachera of the city schools, thanking them
for tbelr co-operation during the school
year and complimenting tbem upon the
efficiency of their work.
The examinations in ths grade schools
were completed yesterday.
Real Estate Transfers.
Theaii tiatsftrs were filed yesterday In
the atmart. title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl stteet:
1Roy Monroo and wife to Martha
Klixanetn ueborn, a4 sw4 and s4
nw4 sw4 27 and e 6 acres seU sev
28-7ft-43. w. d I1.1SD
Jennie L. Rice and husband to J. W.
Hrll, lota 13, 14 and 15, block 4,
Wright s add. a. c. d 1
Archibald Whltelaw and wife to C. O.
Owen, s s feet lots 8 and 17, and n
26 feet of lots 9 and 16, block 2, Glen
dale add, w. d 1,250
Total, three transfers
t 4.451
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Are.
B. R. Davison, Council Bluffs 2
Lena Ohge, Boone, la 24
Frank J. Yates, Omaha , 22
Marie Lenehan, Omaha 19
Burllnaton, Cedar Rapids A Northern
Becomes Intearal Part of
CEDAR FALLS, la.. June . (Special.)
At a meeting of the directory of the Bur
lington, Cedar Rapids 4V Northern railroad
held here today the proposition to leass
the line to the Rock Island system for a
period of ninety-nine years was accepted.
An overwhelming majority of the stock
holders 'were represented at the meeting
and the proposition was accepted by a large
The effect which today's action will have
upon the Burlington, Cedar Rapids k
Northern, Its employes and the offices here
will be widespread. While It Is announoed
that the officers and personnel of the Bur
lington, Cedar Raplda tt Northern will re
main unchanged for ths preaent It la be
lieved that widespread changes will bo
made with the absorption of the road by
the Rock Island system.
It was announced here this afternoon that
the old fores of officials would be retained
for the preaent, but thla arrangement la be
lieved to be only temporary. It la expected
that Robert Williams, general manager of
the Burlington. Cedar Raplda ft Northern,
with headquarters at Cedar Rapids, will
be transferred to Chicago when ths new
consolidation Is effected.
The Burlington, Cedar Rapids A North
ern railroad is one of the best known and
most profitable roads la this ssctioa of the
west, tapping a splendid section of country.
The main line extenda from Burlington,
la., northweat through Cedar Raplda and
on to St. Paul and Minneapolis. Branch
lines run from Vinton, la., to Sioux Falls,
S. D., and from Ellsworth. Minn., to Water
town, S. D. C. J. Ivea baa been president
atnee Ita Inception and haa built the road
up Into excellent property.
Danish Baptist Convention.
CEDAR FALLS. Ia June .(Special.)
The state conference of ths Danish Bap
tists, which' held a session of one week
hero, bas completed ths business sssaloa.
Ths conference next year will be held
at Oak Grove, Ia. Ths following officers
were sleeted: President, C. H. Hennlng
son, Harlan; vies president, A. H. Bach
enbach. Council Bluffs; secretary and
treasurer, O. P. Andersen, Newell; ss-
slstant secretary, Joha CArUtsnssa, tas
State Convention to Meet at Pes Koines on
the Third of September.
Merlins of World's Fair Commlaaloa
Called Ictson Balllett Foind
Guilty of tains Malls
to Defraud.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, June 6 (Special.) Ths
democratic state committee held a meet
ing here this afternoon to fix tae time and
place for the democratic state convention
and other matters. There were present
Chairman McConnell, members Hoffman,
Roberts, Halllgan. Jackson, Romans, Max
well and Carr; also Charles A. Walsh, Iowa
member of the national committee, and
some other democrats. The memDers of
the committee expressed themselves as
hopeful of political conditions and desirous
of harmony in the party. It Is the inten
tion to make an aggressive fight in some
of the congressional districts of Iowa thla
year in the belief that a few democrata
can be elected to congress. The sllverltea
have control of the commltttee and they
declare tbeir readiness to drop all discus
sion of the silver question ' provided the
gold element does not show a disposition to
keep up the discussion.
Des Moines was unanimously decided upon
aa the place for holding the state conven
ton. September 3 was fixed upon as the
date for the state convention, which will
be five weeka after the republican state
The following were selected aa temporary
officers of the convention: Chairman. V.
C. Taylor, Davis (county; secretary, Fred
C. Navey, Scott county: assistant secre
tary, C. D. Elder, Wright county; reading
clerk, Edgar Brown, Mills county; sergeant
at arms, E. J. Eankey, Decatur county.
Mr. Taylor, who will be temporary chair
man, la a lawyer of Bloomfleld, one who Is
guaranteed to deliver an address that will
not be offensive to any brand of democrats.
He bas not been prominent in state af-,
fairs at any time but has acted with the
party at home for many years.
St. Loots Commission Called.
The Louisiana Purchase exposition com
mission for Iowa has been called by Gov
ernor Cummins to meet in Des Moines July
1 next for the purpose of effecting an or
ranlzatlon. The commission consists of
thirteen members, one from each congres
sional district and two at large. The legis
lature appropriated $125,000 with which to
make an Iowa exhibit at St. Louis and the
commission is expected to organize and get
to work at once, as there Is much work that
can be done thla year. It is expected
that ex-Governor William Larrabe" will
be elected chairman and that he will de
vote considerable of his time to the work.
There are several who are candidates for
secretary of the commission, Including Ora
Williams, Des Moines; Bob Moore, Ottum
wa, and J. S. Crawford, Cherokee. Several
others were considered but all others have
withdrawn. - -i
Joined the "Strollers.''
John Loveridge,'' son of an alderman of
Des Moines, has-; created a sensation by
running away from home and joining "The
Strollers" a ttuefeal company touring the'
country. Once before the boy ran away
and joined another company and bis father
brought htm bach. : He is said to have a
very fine voice and is Infatuated with stags
life. .f
State Examinations.
Sixteen applicants for state teachers cer
tificates underwent examination at the
office of the state superintendent today
under the direction of Miss Alice Altoona
of the State Board of Education.
Chairman Cownle of the State Board of
Control bas gone to Davenport to attend
the commencement of the school at the
State Orphans' home. Ex-Governor Larra
bee, who presented a handsome pipe organ
to the school, will also be present at the
The Klron Mutual Hall association baa
filed articles of Incorporation with the
secretary of state; capital $10,000, by G. F.
Schneider, F. A. Burrows and others.
The Waterloo Country Club Building
company has been organized with capital
of $3,000 by C. T. Fowler, C. P. Brantnober
and others.
Parr base Valuable Coal Mine.
George W. Secvers, general solicitor for
the Iowa Central Railroad company at
Oskaloosa, haa purchased the valuable
Hocking coal mine In Monroe county. Tbe
price paid was $550,000. Tbe coal mine is
a comparatively new one and one of the
beet In tbe state, having been operated
by the Hocking Coal company for sev
eral years. It la supposed tbe purchase
was for tbe Iowa Central Railroad com
pany, which bas developed several new
fields in southeastern Iowa in recent years
and does a heavy coal business.
Gnard Company Locations.
The adjutant general is engaged just now
In finding locations for three companies of
the Iowa National guard. The companies
at Independence, Oelweln and Hull nave
been mustered out. There Is a movement
to organize a new company at Independence
and if thla Is done it will be given Oelweln's
place in the Forty-ninth regiment. Cresco
and Decorah were both anxious to get into
the Forty-ninth regiment, but Cresco will
be given tbe Independence vacancy. For
the place in the Fifty-second caused by
the failure of the company at Hull, there
are several candidates. It will go either
to Spencer, Sheldon, Estberville or Eagle
Grove, all good towna and neither ever
having had a military company.
Boy Dies of Lockjaw.
BOIES. Ia.. June 6. (Special.) Henry
Heldman, the son of a well known farmer
of this county, who was terribly Injured
j- f. . 1
in a runaway accident two weeks ago. died
yesterday of lockjaw. The boy was driving
a four-horee team to a pulverizer and fell
in front of the machine. The knives cut
him in several places and almost severed
one leg from his body.
Majority of Stork In Des Moines A
Fort Dos'ce Adverse to
Preaent Lease.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, June 6. (Special Tele
gram.) At the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Des Moines ft Fort Dodge
railroad today W. L. Stow, Edwin Hooley
and Nathan Seeley were elected directors
to succeed George W. Cable, Robert Mather
and F. E. Hayne, the latter Rock Island
men. Just previous to this meeting F. E.
Hayne and J. I. Dllle had been placed on
the directory to fill vacancies caused by
the resignation of A. R. Flower and H. H.
Holllster. and the election of officers had
taken place, the officers being favorable
to the Rock Island Interests. C. N. Oil
more, superintendent of the division, was
made president. The majority of the stock
represented and voted waa antagonistic
to the Reck Island interests and thla is
taken to foreshadow an early termination
of the Rock Island lease of the road.
Prominent Sioux City Merchants Ac-
eased of Conducting; si
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. June 6 (Special Tele
gramsThe members of the firm of David
son Bros, of Sioux City, operating one of
the largest department stores In this sec
tion of the west, were indicted this after
noon by the federal grand jury for using
the malls to promote a lottery scheme.
Davidson Bros, have for the last two years
made semi-annual distributions of about
$3,000 to their customers, tickets being is
sued with each $5 purchase of goods. These
drawings were advertised by circulars and
other printed matter sent through the
malls. It la alleged, and for this offense
the indictment was returned.
I'nlon Republicans Enthusiastic.
CRESTON, la.. June 6. (Special.) The
republicans of Union county met in dele
gate convention today for the selection of
delegates to the judicial, congressional
and state conventions. There were a large
number present, every precinct In the
county being represented. J. M. Jacksou
of Lorlmer ws made chairman and Will
W. Pearson of Creston secretary. There
was no contest for congressman In this
district, nor for tbe position of judge, Hon.
W. P. Hepburn being conceded the nomi
nation for congtess and Judges Towner
and Parrlsh for judges. The convention
adopted resolutions commending the state
and national administrations and the work
of Judges Parrlsh and Towner, and in
structed the delegates selected to vote for
these men at their respective conventions.
While the committees were out preparing
the list of delegates the convention was
addressed by Judge H. M. Towner of
Corning and Father Yancy, a Methodist
minister of Creston and an old wheel-horse
of tbe republican party, who though past
85 years, spoke In a clear, plain voice and
created much enthusiasm.
Electrlo Line Asks Aid.
ATLANTIC, Ia, June 6. (Special.) Rep
resentatives of the Atlantlc-Vllllsca elec
tric line are working in Douglass town
ship, Montgomery county, endeavoring to
secure the farmers of that township to
vote a 2H per cent support tax. An elec
tion will be held on June 10. An election
will also bs held in Washington township,
Montgomery county, on Monday, June 9, on
a similar proposition. Washington town
ship Is just south of DouglaBS. Jackson
township, in which VUllsca is located, bas
already voted tbe tax. Promoters of the
road will begin work in Cass county as
soon as tbe elections are held in Mont
gomery if the tax Is voted as desired. It
is believed that there Is little opposition to
the voting of the tax.
Danes Have a Bla Time.
CEDAR FALLS, la.. June 6. (Special.)
The delegates to the' national convention
of the Danish Lyren society are receiving
a hearty welcome from the citizens. Last
night they were given a free ride about
the city by trolley, and to Waterloo also.
Today the celebration waa in honor of the
act of Frederick VII, freeing the peasants.
The Lyren society was organized In 1882
and now consists of twenty-seven lodges,
with a total membership of 2,335 in the
United States, to which Its work is confined
Crop Conditions In Iowa.
SHENANDOAH, Ia., June 6. (Special.)
Crop conditions in southwestern Iowa are
In splendid shape. The rains are coming
with the right frequency to keep every
thing growing at a magnificent rate. Wheat
will be ready for cutting the last of the
month though a fear Is expressed by some
that the luxuriant growth may damage the
small grain crops by causing It to fall and
rust somewhat. Corn Is being plowed the
second time and the fields are In tbe very
best of condition.
Paae County for Hepburn.
CLARINDA, Ia June 6. (Special.) The
Page county republican convention, held In
this city today, waa presided over by Ellis
Tucker of Shenandoah. Ed English, waa
secretary and Alexander Plnkerton assist
ant secretary. Resolutions were adopted
deploring the loss of William McKlnley,
endorsing the administration of President
Roosevelt, commendatory of Governor A.
B. Cummins and Congressman W. P. Hep
burn, and instructing tbe delegates to tho
congressional convention at Creston, Juns
10, to support Hepburn for renomlnatlon.
Iowa Collese President Resigns.
SHENANDOAH, Ia., June 6. (Special.)
On tbe first of tbe week President Calhoun
of Amity college, Amity township, this
county, banded bis resignation to the col
lege Board of Trustees, snd with It made
an explanation that he thought it beet to
resign and again engage in work in ths
Presbyterian ministry. Amity college Is
Mother & Child
arboth ben fitted by
thetyso of
The u e ttf 'thia.f Oroepyoduipt brio 8
Mbust;h6fllllt,io. alii )Mrtoo
extract atvdae4uavfl
Abaplut4ly 'notAnt6to'&8- a?d
positively rtreothenln wndtnvig
oratiag. TyocfictroomxaoA--lU .fa "at. 4lrMf
the Institution from which Its president.
T. J. Kennedy so mysteriously disappeared
about eight years ago.
Runaway Ulrl rosss In Omaha.
curvivtviU T ttina .S ( Rnartal l
. i i ij.i n ii i rj nil, -, ... - r -
The first of the week Miss Jessie Gllmore
and Hannah Strom ran away rrom noma
snd to Rlvetion to board a train to escape
their patents. They went to Hamburg,
spent a day there and learning that efforts
were being made to detain tnera over tne
telephone left that place going to Missouri.
f .t. n.. a tho I rl nlrkerl 11 n In
Omaha by a brother-in-law of Mlsa Gll
Two Added to List of Persons Bitten
by Mad Canine at Ells
worth, Iowa.
WEBSTER CITY, la..-June . (Special
Telegram.) Tbe mad dog - scare In Ells
worth haa not 'yet subsided. Two other
persona", Conrad Charleson and Floyd Lakln
have been bitten, and were taken last
evening to Pssteur Institute, Chicago.
This makes aeven persons from Ellsworth
now in the Institute, reports from the
five who went Tuesday are fairly favorable,
but by no means reassuring.' Ths town
is still In a state of aeml-pantc.
City Leases Llaht Plant.
COLFAX. Ia., June 6. (Special.) The
Colfax city council has just concluded a
long time lease with ths owners of ths
electric light plant, with a privilege pur
chase clause attached. Under city manage
ment and possibly city ownership it Is be
lieved that the number of private users of
electric light will be largely Increased.
Record Breaker for Beeves.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., June 6. A new price
waa paid on the Sioux City market for beet
today. Two loads of beeves sold at the
high figure of $7.15 which waa 15 cents
higher than ever before paid In this market-
Sabbath School Convention.
SHENANDOAH, Ia., June 6. (Special
Telegram.) The twenty-fifth annual con- I
vention of the Page County Sabbath School
Workers convened here yesterday and con
tinued In session until this afternoon. Tbe
convention was well attended.
Fire at Farnhamvllle, Iowa.
FORT DODGE. Ia., June 6. (Special
Telegram.) Fire at Farnhamvllle today de
stroyed the postofflce and other business
buildings. Loss Is estimated at $20,000.
Comment of the Iowa Press.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil: As the census
reports show that Iowa has more button
Best Line to-
Lv. Omaha 5il5 p. m.
Ar. St. Louis 7:00 a. m.
1)11. W. A. COOK,
Discoverer 'of
tbe famous
"Cook Cures'
(or Dlasucs of
If en.
have cured to stsy cured, which had been abandoned by family physicians and
so called experts. What we have done for otheis we can do for you. If you
cannot call, write us a full and truthful statement of your symptoms. Our
borne treatment is successful and strictly private. Address,
. llO svnd 112 S. 14tk St., Omaha, Neb.
o)0 mm
account of Its frightful hldeousness. Blood Poisoning Is commonly callsd
ths Kin, of all DlaMaea. UX
of any
4vtori sLrtHsf rtU beat.
ftfnieM.cooiAiu rvuL
CM llTa lit imw ; iiw m
its on the Face or uoar, 11 1 no uiuoio. w wuiu, - -
roat?nBwollen Tonllir Allln. out of hair or Eyebrows and Anally -a P"
rAUlt OI Ilia lOrK. 1 1 tUIl V-WHSl VS uanasi wuo ussn -
The th. tW'nSsK thV tn" ."nd thaho.. system a",.
&an"d. pained and restorsd to perfect health, and the patient t"
for the duties and P essures of life. BROWNS BLOOIJ tl.Mr., ?'". OOtlla,
&ts ona month. afADE BY DR. BROWN. KB Arch Htrset .U.delphla
Stld only by Sherman A MeConnell Ursa Vu ldth and Uodgs Sis., Omaha.
factories than any other state In ths union
it mlsht be well to put tip a button palaee
Instead of a corn palace at the Bt. Louis
The Hampton Chronicle mnkes blunt an
nouncement that It Is useless for people to
bring to It pnetry for publication unless
they have desire sufficient to pay for It at
the Inflexible rate of 10 cents a line. It Is
almost nee.llrss to add that the Cbrenlola
has been much engsged In practical poli
tics. Mnrshalltown Times-Republican! dome
of tbe country newspapers of northern
Iowa are Inclined to think too much talk:
is being made over high meat prices. In a
number of the towns and villages all cuts
of beef, mutton and veal are selling at the
same prices which prevailed a year agn,
while the cost of the meat on the hoof has
been materially Increased to the meat man.
Sioux Cltv Journal: Ths Polk county
Woman s Christian Temperance union was
right in its determination not to crltlolfo
the Iowa supreme court for Its ruling In
regard to the Interstate commeroe features
of the prohibitory law. The Iowa court
was not only sctlng '.n scrordanoe with ths
pmvlnlons of a law for which congress was
responsible, but It was following the pre
vious rulings of the United Statos supremo
court In Interpretation of that law. Re
sponsibility for neither the law nor ths In
terpretation thereof should rest with tho
lowa supreme court.
Creston Gazette: Among other matters
of which a stranger naturally takes note In
a community Is tne number of Its churches
and the men who srrace ths pulpits. In this
respect Creston may well plume Itself that
for scholarship, for forensic attainments
and for the peculiar equipment so neces
sary In the doing of the Master's work Its
pulpiteers hsve attained to a worthv emin
ence. The demand for these qualifications
in Its preachers denotes a high standard of
Intelligence In a community, a desire for
Intellectual as well as spiritual stimulus.
There Is no excuse along these lines for
non-attendance at worship in Creston. AH
the pulpits are ably filled snd It should re
dound to the credit of our community that
these able and godly men should be given a
generous hearing each Sabbath.
Man with Nerve.
New York World;. Senator Burrows sat
in hie committee room when a man hs
knew allghtly came In and asked for tho
loan of $1. He bad a good story nd tbe
senstor was Inclined to give him tbo
money. He found, though, that the small
eat money he had was a $2 bill.
"You take this down to the restaurant,
buy a 15-cent cigar, take $1 yourself and
bring me the change," said tbe senator.
In a few minutes the man came back,
smoking a cigar, and handed the senator
85 cents.
"Did you mean I waa to have tbe cigar,
too?" he asked the Senator.
The senator was equal to the emerg
ency. "Certainly," he said; "but now that 1
come to think of tt I am sorry that I put
a 15-cent limit on the cigar. A man with
your nerve should never smoke cigars that
cost lees than three for $1. Get out!"
Industrial Mission Work.
Today's session of the International Mis.
slonary union was occupied with addresses
and discussions on 'Industrial -Mission
1601 Farnatn Street
New City Off ice
O. A. P. D.
Cured in ft days (to stay cured)
We want every man afflicted with Varicocele. Con
tagious Blood Poison. Nervous Debility, Stricture, or
allied troubles, to come to our office where we will ex
plain to him our method of curing these diseases. We
Invite in particular all men who have become dissatis
fied with treatment elsewhere. We will explain to you
why you have not been cured and will demonstrate to
your entire satisfaction why we can cure you safely,
quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost you
nothing and our charges for a perfect cure will be rea
sonable and not more than you would be willing to pay
for ths benefits conferred.
Is what you want. Ws will give you a written legal
guarantee to cure you. or refund your money. We can
and will cite you, by permission, when satisfied that In
formation la desired by sincere people, to cases that we
I" V.,,CO A".1 torrf Scrof
crrr vhtxrtnarian.