TOE OMATQ. DAILY BEE; SATUTIDAT, JT7NE 7, 1002. i m P. ATTACKS BIS ORDER'S FLAN Entd Oonml Hortboott Modais Wood mra Art Wrong. ADVOCATES STEP RATE ASSESSMENTS Maes MrHlM OaU Velaafcers Mstra te Ortn't Chief Tell Them fiia.Ceacl aeteae ea le Head Consul W. A. Northeott cf the Modern "Woodmen of America hu made rjllgrlmage to Omaha and In a speech at the Crelghton-Orrheum Thursday chopped a few chips out of tba present plaa of as sessment of that order and biased th wsy for a chsng. la addition to tba address of tba bead consul, members of tbs local camps ren dered a musical and literary program which was not only enjoyable but was credit able. Thoae who took, part in this were Will I am Dodaon. Jar Northrop, a quartet composed of G. R- Sutherland. J. B. Smith. T. U Broadburst asd E. G. Rostie; George A. Varney and Nelson C. Pratt who acted aa master of ceremonies. Mr. Maguey welcomed tbe bead consul In an eulogistic talk of tbe work be bad done for tbe order and be did not fall to throw a few boquets at what tbe order baa done for Itself in tbe west. : Mr. Nortbcott was Introduced br Nelson C. Pratt and during tbe course of bis re marks took occasion to ear that Omaha ia tbe aecond largest renter for Modern yVoodmen In tbe world and that ia Nebraska fewer members have' died In proportion to membership than in any other state. Tkmr of Hea4 CoaeaL After speaking of the wonderful growth Of the order, especially during tbe laat Are years. Mr. Nortbcott launched Into a dis cussion as to wbr tbe present plan of as sessment should be cbac red. ' "After twelve years of experience with rur society," be said, "I bare come to tbe conclusion thst our plan is not sufficient and that it will bring ns trouble In a Tery few years, and I believe that some remedy 01 net be adopted to preserve this order." Conttnulag Mr. Nortbcott stated that at the present time tbe younger members of tbe order were paying more than the actual cost of their insurance and the older mem bers leas than the actual eost.- "Vp to tbe present," be ssid. "our deficiency baa been paid by tbe younger members, and It has act been a burden to them. But our cost la bound to Increase, and then the coat to the young man will become a burden. He rill become dissatisfied at the Increased assessment, and will seek some younger society. It will not t possible to secure tnough young members, to meet the de Iclencies as tbey accrue with the tnereaaed age of our member." From tablea prepared by tbe committee Mr. Nortbcott ahowed what each member sr tbe order paid for bis lnsursnce and what tbe order loat or gained by the difference In the actual cost of tbe Insurance. He looks of the several lodges that had been compelled to cbazure their plan of assess cent from those similar to the plan of the Toodmen. He advocated the establishment tf a reserve fund and the assessment of a ember according to bis age, tbe age de termining the risk. ' The member were trged to give tbe subject deep thought and ke prepared to instruct their delegate to (be next head camp, at which time it will e attempted to change the plaa of asaeaa Bent. Gees to Llaeela Teelacbt. Mr. Nort hoott ia making a tow of the rartoaa camps In this, s action of the coun try and will apeak at 1J Drain tonight.'' II same to Omaha yesterday from Reck Island, til., and waa met at the station by a dele gation trees tbe various camp of Omaha, South Omaha and Council BluSa, beaded by t. H. T. Reipen. He was taken to tbe Millard hotel and waa kept bmy most of the afternoon meeting the neighbor who called. Last night he waa escorted to the theater ft the several teams of the local camp and gas greeted by - full house. .' - FEARS FOR JHER DAUGHTER straw Ida Prlea Aake C lease relies to Look Tp Mrs. Olca C barrelU. Mrs. Ida Pries has requested tbe Chicago police to find her daughter, Mm. Olga Churchill, nee Pries, stating that aba feared the girl bad come to aome unfortunate or harsh end In the metro poll. Aa a conse quence the night detalla from every police headquarters there were Instruct laat bight to look for tbe girl, her remains, or some traoe of her, whereabouts, while new, paper men In tbe Windy City were on a Beree atill hunt-of their own for a clue as 'to the present abiding place of tbe blue tyed young wife. Been messagea of Inquiry to Omaha started a similar Investigation bar, and, Harry Churchill. Olga'a bus band. Ire seen. Bald be: "Olga has been seen In Omaha, near ner Kther'a home within the laat two weeka, I It stands to reason that Mra. Pries knew tbe girl waa In Omaha. I myself have not eeea Olga alnce last August, and Jo not wish to, but I am told that aba baa been In this city aome time. t "I took my wife from, bore to Chicago tn April, 1901. two months after ws war mar lied la Council Bluffa. I aecured a posi tion aa aaslatant steward on a Goodrich tin boat, running out of Chicago on the lake, and during tbe summer I kept my rife with me oa the steamer. But la August she fell la with a German eye loctor on one of our trips, and deserted ID for him. She said she waa going bark to Europe with him. I have never aeea her alaoa except twice ia Chicago shortly afterward when I paaaed her en tbe street." . Barry Ch archill row lives tn Omaha with bis mother, Mra. Harriet Churchill, at III Fmrnam atreet. He is steadily employed here aa the western representative of a Chicago house. Mra. Price ia living at Ctt North Nineteenth street In April. 101. Harry and Olga, both greatly under age, caused a great seaaatioa hers by cross ing to Council Bluffs and being married, againat the will of tbe pareata of both. Blare thea their career has been more or lose faithfully followed by tbe linotype. The girl waa extremely prepeeeesing. and Churchill la a good looking fellow. LowCoughs At first a t high cough, all in your throat. You neglected it. Now it is down deep in the chest. That , means a low cough, a lung cough, bronchitis.' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral controls the inflara- ation, heals the torn mem branes. Talk "this over with your doctor.-.,- ' Only half bottle of Ayrr'a Cherry Pectoral cured ma of a dreadful couth lasted for over fear wears.' Mr. J. L. Johnson, Winnie, Va. aat,Mt,SLW. . X C.AT8 (ft. LYNCH WILL JGO TO LONDON Wilt . Attempt to Take Bis Boat ta Blue aa4 eaa tee Ceeaeeeeeeee. PARIS. Jone . The correspondent her of tbe Associated Press learns that Colonel Arthur Lynch baa decided to go to London early next week. He will go straight to tbe House of Commons, attempt to take his seat there and abide tbe consequences. Colonel Arthur Lynch Is accused of having fought with the Boers In South Africa. In November of last year, however, he was elected to the House of Commons to repre sent Galway. It waa announced in London January that Colonel Lynch would be pre vented from taking bia seat In the house, and that aa soon aa be set foot on English sell be would be arrested on a charge of treason. It la said that warranta for the colonel' arrest are In tbs bands of the London police. Colonel Lynch baa been living In Paris for some time. LONDON. June I. Colonel Arthur Lynch In a letter to William Court Gully, the speaker of the House of Commons, in which he announce bia Intention of taking but aeat in the bouae, aays tbe end of the war In South Africa opens a new era, that bs anticipates general amnesty and that be would aay to those hostile to him: "Do not atrlke me, but hear me." Woman's Work. At the meeting of the Woman' Chris tian association, held at the Young Men's Christian association Tuesday morning, for mal action waa taken to broaden the scope of tb work now being done by making tbe Old Ledtea' home, supported by tba as sociation, a bom for both old men and women, the Institution to be known In fu ture as the Home for tbe Aged. This action will provide for a much felt want In the state, which up until this time baa had no auch institution. Tbe management and rules of the home will be continued as tbey have always been. Five applications were reported by tbe admission commit tee of old people wishing to enter the In stitution for life, one aged couple being accepted. Tbe institution Is now full. No tice was given of proposed changes Is tbe constitution to be acted upon at tbe next meeting, these having been made neces sary by tbe extension of tbe work. The as sociation is arranging to bold a straw berry festival soon to help defrsy tb sup port of the homo for tb summer. Mis Stearns, general secretary of the Toung Women's Christian association of Lincoln,-was In the city Wednesday. Tbe annual meeting of tbe Nebraska Ceramic club was held on Monday after noon at the home of Mr. G. F. Bergner, tbe annual election of officers being the chief business. Mrs. J. C. Comfort waa re-elected president. Mra. G. F. Bergner, vice president; Mrs. Frank King, aecretary; Mra. F. M. Wagner, treasurer, and Miss Edith Sandberg, custodian, A committee waa appointed to prepare the course of work for next year, their report to be accepted at a called meeting to be held next Monday morning. All member and friends of tbe Toung Women's Christian association are invited to be present t a maaa meeting to be held at tbe rooms at S o'clock on Monday evening In tb interest of tb project for securing a sew permanent home for tbe association. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Saturday morning. . - Mra. Brers, the general secretary, spent part of last week at Tabor, la., where abe went to give her reading of "Sky Pilot" at the Christian Endeavor convention. Tbe ticket selling contest tor the basket ball game between the members of the gymnasium classes resulted in favor of Miss Lula Mllllman and Mlaa Edith Baker, sea son gymnasium tickets being tba reward. Tbe membera of tbe gymnasium elaase had the first of their summer's outings oa Friday, when the party, twenty-three in all, drove down to Bellevue, where tbey visited the college and enjoyed several hours at tennla. Mlaa Margaret O'Connell la expected home from Iowa Monday, when aha will resume tbe extension work of the associa tion. Now that the garden flowers have be come plentiful a request la made that all who have flower that can be spared con tribute to the work of the Emma Flower mission. For many year this memorial to one of Omaha 'a best loved young women baa carried weekly cbeer to the sick of th city, being regularly distributed among tbe hospitals and aick rooms. Every Thursday morning of th year flowers are left at the borne of Mra. George A. Hoagland, 411 South Sixteenth street, where tbey are sorted and arranged in bunches and then distributed, and those baring the work Hn- charge request that all having flower to give will bring them to that address oa Thursday morning or telephone No. 1 where tbey can bo called for. 1 Tb members of the oratory department of the Woman' club nJoyd their annual all-day picnic Tuesday at the home of Mr. B. F. Carpenter on South Thirty-seventh street, tbe affair proving wholly delightful. In addition to tba membera of tbe depart ment the retiring and new officers of tbe club were present, also the delegates wbe recently attended the Los Angslee biennial. Th member' i Home Queen' Circle met for the fin this summer at Mount St. Mary's aca Wednesday afternoon, about twenty n being present. The session waa oc t entirely with busi ness, a general t of the. year's work being made by scretary. Bine the opet of tbs school of do mestic science a A. Catharine's academy about 100 puptla have' received Instruction la the cooking classes, the circle having aided by creating aa Interest Is ths work. t'pon suggestion of ths exeentiv board It waa decided that tbe eoclety be divided according to tbe Catholic parishes ia which the membera live, one woman from each being appointed ta keep alive ths Interest In ths organisation during ths summer months. Meetings of these supervisors win be held at latervals. and It la hoped that the work will be resumed heartily In the tall. Tbe regular monthly meeting of the Omaha Charity association, operating th Creche, was held Thursday morning in th parlors of the Creche. As a majority of ths members ar now out of tb city there waa a business asids from that immediately concerning the conduct of the Creche. Meveaaeats af eeaa Veseele Jtat S At New Tora Arrived Lanreatlan. from Glasgow; Kola, from Bremen: Germanic, from Liverpool- Bailed Oroaser Kurfurst. tor Bremen, via Boutneanptoni Columbia, tor Hameurg. via Plymouth and Cher bourg: L Aqutlalne, fur Havre. A I Coronet Arrived Hksel Branch, from Liverpool, lot Baa Franciere. JlI Liverpool Arrived Ksmidlan, f rem Montreal; Weetertand. from Philadelphia; 1 rem la. from Boston. Balled Cn men wealth, for Boston; Ixtminloa. for Moat real. At Naples Arrived AUsr. from New I or a. Tor ueiws. At Plysaouta Arrived Fueret Bismarck, from New York, for Cherbourg and Haas, burg, adrlpbla. At Uueenstown Bailed Teutonic, far New Tot a: Harolaaa, for hiiartelfihia. saw a ttvia wajm HOSOR VISiraG PRELATE Ken of AJ1 Oreedi Pay Tribute of Earpect ta Eight Bishop Spalding. GUEST TAKES "PATRIOTISM" FOR TOPIC Character af the Gathertas; Brians Fresalaeatlr lata View the Growth af a Taleraat "pint Aassg the Pee pi. Catholics, Episcopalians, FreebTterlanB and Baptists turned out In the rain to brnor a Roman Catholic bishop. From the standpoint of diversity of th religious belief represented, it waa a remarkable assemblage that touched albowa at the Omaha club last night, and Right Rev. John Lancaster Bpaldlng. D. D., bishop of Peoria. 111., to whom the complimentary dinner waa given, waa moved to his moat lofty flights of eloquence In praise of tbe growing spirit cf tolerance that bad made possible such a gathering. It was said that in all. aeven denominations were repre sented. The laity and the clergy, the business and the professional man were there, and throughout all the addresses rsxg clear tbe notes of patriotism, charity, spirituality and love of fellow man. Those who responded to toasts were Blshoo Bcannell. "His TTortb is Warrant for His Welcome:" Bishop Spalding. "My Country, 'tla of Thee;" Hon. Charles F. Manderson. "Not What We Gain, but What We Do;" Hon. Mel Vhl, "There's a Chiel Amang Te Takin Notes, and Faith He'll Prent 'em:" T. J. Mahoney. "But Faith Ordalna that Dearest Friend Must Part." Informal addresees were also made by Dr. George L. Miller and Rev. T. J. Mackay. John Rush acted as toastmaster. Bishop Scannell waa the first speaker. Hie remark were very brief, being confined for tbe most part to extolling the guest of honor. Bishop Spalding, to whom he paid a glowing tribute. "He is a man of well defined ideas," said be, "of firm convictions snd he has tbe courage to proclaim tbem. Therefor let his worth tonight be a war rant to the welcome we extend him." In introducing Bishop Spalding, tbe toast maater said in part: "We do not extend him thla spontaneous burst cf welcome because he la celebrated among church men, but because hi work for good, for tb elevation of moral, christian cltlren sblp and right living are manifest wher ever hi great Influence la felt." Trae Aaserlcaaism (a West. Hie keynote of tbe bishop's address was patriotism, as hinted by tbe toast to which he had been assigned, and he spoke with special reference to the great central west. "The typical America, tbe real America, shall grow up, not on the Atlantic seaboard." he eald. "but here in the heart of our country far enough away from Europe, far enough away from Asia, thank God! with ita effete and stationary populations where it can get the pure air of freedom to inspire the highest alma of American n-anhood. America is tbe garden of tbe world. Our great corn belt feeda the world feeds it with pork, with beef or what ever it may need. But Is there an American who aay he love hi country because It produce more acres of corn than any other, because lta herds are countless and Its wheatflelds boundless? No; that la not tba ideal. That is not the life germ that was merited br our fathers. Our Ideal la a spiritual one. It must have been a spirit ual ona or w could not have attained our present material supremacy. Matter la but tbe symbol of thing. Man 1a man by rlrta of hi eoul. and hla power to think and act disinterestedly. "He who has exceptional endowments, whether Intellectual, moral or spiritual, unless he would warp Into m nonentity of selfishness, unless he would shrivel into a cipher in tbe great sum of humanity, muat give himself to others. (Applause,) "So far as I am concerned, I have no eyes for foreign conquest. W are not here to perpetuate the might of material things. Tbe great man ia not tbe war rior, not the millionaire tbe great man to be who has ths deepest insight, the broad eat sympathies, and the clearest concep tions of truth and virtue. The nations who have produced a lasting Impress upon the world have not done so by their wealth or by their powers of conquest, but by their spiritual prowess truth. Justice, hope. love, raith. I would dedicate America, to these groat principles." Warla Mara Taleraat. "The World Moves' waa the refrain of General Manderaon' address. "I see evi dence of H." aaid he, "In the growth of tolerance. There la leas animosity between exponents of different political bellefa, and a spirit of Christian charity for those of different religious faiths. Why, wa all remember when a gathering like thla, given In honor of a Catholic prelate, would be criticised, yet now It 1 taken aa a matter of course I see Taft has presented tbe literary works of President Roosevelt to the pope, and I can say that If there Is anything calculated to rejuvenate that illustrious gentleman it la the works of Theodore Roosevelt. I can aea him now, inspired by their fresh. Invigorating atmosphere, and I can see him coming over here with hi rifle, and going up into tb Rockies to shoot mountain Hons in emulation of Theo dore Roosevelt. Thla is one of tb evi dences of tolerance. "I can remember of reading when I wa a boy la that part of tba Episcopal confes sion of faith where it referred to tbe pope aa 'anti-Christ,' and aa a 'son of per dition,' but the Episcopal church has can celled these terms of odium. It makea lit tle difference whether I worship at one church and yoa at another so long aa we remain true to the principle which 11 at tbe basis of ths Christian faith." Mel Uhl road a brief paper entitled. "The Moral Influence of th Newspaper." T. J. Mahoney referred feelingly to several epi sode In tbe life of Bishop Bpaldlng. Dr. George L. Miller spoke of the early days of Omaha, extolling the efforts of the Cath olic mission arlea, and referring to Count Creighton'a. benefactlona. The program closed with aa Informal speech, by Rev. T. J. Mackay. These were present: Itt. Her. Rlrhai Bcanae!!. Jnhs Kadi. aw. M r. uewms. lllla Bii Count Jobs a Craif atoa, rr Brraal, Joss S ttbak. WUllaai StalL Dr. a X Bpaalataa. T. i Kolaa. Joeapk MarSaa. D J. O'bnaa. imm HaMir, ke.. T. r. Hater. Tar mi I C Brraa. Jiaa r. Xd 11. Gaaeral Joea C. Cwia, Sr. JoSa Jeaneua. br. Cors h. Miliar. C. i. Barta. lit J. dm A. Haras, rra&a T- nanaoav In. Flrs aloCatar. C. X. Ton. Dr. Jl. c. Caaaoa. J K. Connor. W. D. McHusb. r. C. Haalw. Dr. W. o Henry, J A. Uoaaar. K. A. cuaacy, r. a. A. B. atrcsaaell. rataw MeGovaro, Dr. A. W. ait7. T. 1 aUhaaar. r. J. o an an. M a. Murphr. Jaaa row, J wash Cvaa. ' sii k Cltiw ntsaaa. Bt. r J. Burt,.,. raai. aiaa.. axvar fat.Taaa. r J. atnanhr. a a. ItcbaraMU. William kUreaa. aa Uml I hi. r. ). ktnrianr. Slot. T J. Macaar. r J. MrUrala, - Oaa Caaa T anaaiaaa Jeaa riraa. ax. Bw. Bukos Spatiaia. The following rtlsmen, being unavoid ably abaeat. aent written regrets: Judge Wakeiey. Rev. John Wllllame. Q. af. Hitch cock. Edward Rose water and Ear. Edward F. Trofx. Nothing equal to Prickly Ash Bitters for removing that sluggish, bilious feeling so common tn hot weather. It crsataa atreu-ta Jvior( appcuta n4 -cheerful, spirit, SAYS WHOLE ST0R t IS FALSE ember af rrawfsrd Family Demies Detalla af Bsakerl-Osw. fersl Beaeatlea. KANSAS CTTT, June . According ta Henry Crawford of thi city, one of the brothers connected with tbe tig Humbert Crawford sensation in Farls, France, the awindla wherein several minion dollars were secured from Paris bankers on ths strength of a supposed 120,000,000 estate left by R. H. Crawford, tbe whole atory was founded on a fraud. He aaya there was never an R. H. Crawford in the family; no mem ber of tbe family ever died possessed of a $26.0i0,000 estate, and there waa never any contest over any estate in th Crawford family. Henry Crawford la an ex-ehy auditor of thlB city and baa been for years prominent in local political circles. He baa lived here since 1SSS. His brother, Matthew Crawford of Louisville, was formerly a resident of this city, where he waa president of the Aetna National bank. "Whoever is responsible for the swindle." ssid Crawford tonight, "evidently knows the details of the Crawford family, but the fundamental facta regarding tbe svindle how that it la based on a fraud pur and simple. There can be no connection be tween our family and th parties to tbe swindle. In tbe first place, we never had a Robert Crawford In our family. Robert ia not a family name. The dispatches say that the uncle who died waa named Robert and that there were four nepbewa. of whom a Robert waa dead. These statements are en tlrely wrong. There wer only three broth er of us and two of ua never have been abroad." GEORGIA NAMES A TICKET Dean or rats Bead State Xeaaiaatteais with J. M. Terrell far Gertrssr, ATLANTA. June t. Inoomplet returns received tonight from tbe democratic pri maries held throughout Georgia today nom inate the following for governor and state officials : Governor J. M. Terrell. Secretary of State Phillip Cook. Comptroller General W. J. Wright Treasurer W. E. Wright. Attorney General J. E. Hart. Associated Justices of the Supreme Court A. J. Cobb and Samuel Lumpkin. Cnltel Slates Senator Alexander 8. Clay, renominated ror the six-year term. Tne following candidates were chosen for congress, each candidate receiving renom ination. except T. W. Hardwick. la th Tenth, who won over W. H. Fleming, tb present representatives: R. E. Lester, J. M. Grlgr. E. B. Lewis, W. C Adamson, L. F. Livingston, C. L. Bartlett, J. W. Madflox. M. W. Howard, F. C. Tate, T. W. Hardwick, W. M. Brantley. The result of today'a primary la virtually an election, aa no other political party In the state will plsce a ticket in tbe field. Tbe election will be held in October. FINALLY LANDS NOMINATION atoha Doanherty Ksm4 by Mlssewrt Praaeerats After Fear Rasdret ssl Thlrteea Ballets. ' FLATTSBURG, Mo.. Juno . John Dougherty waa renominated for congress from the Third district here tcnight on ths 418th ballot. WAXAHACHIE, Tex.. June . JBealle waa nominated for congress by the demo crats of the Fifth congressional district todsy, to succeed D. O. Woolen. ' LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. June t. Tbe 4emo eratic convention of tbe new Bevehlb. con gressional district at Camden today nomi nated R. Miner Wallace for congress. NASHVILLE, Ind.. June C Francis M. Griffith of Vevay waa today renominated tor congress by acclamation by the Fourth district democratic convection. HERKIMER. N. T-, June 6 J. 6. Sher man of Utlca was today unanimously re nominated for congress by tb republicans of tbs Twenty-seventh district. Dry Ticket la Kaaema. ' M'PHERSON, Kan, June . At the stats prohibition convention today tbe following ticket was nominated: Governor, Rev. F. W. Emerson, Swaneo county; lieutenant governor, George W. Buffing-ton; aecretary of state. George Holalnger, Wyandotte county; audlto S. P. Gould, Barber coun ty; treasurer, F. A. Kennedy, Harper coun ty; auperintendect of public Instruction. Mrs. Lena Wallace, Wyandotte county; attorney general, F. M. McHale of Law rence; congressman -at-large, H. M. Ran som. It was decided to appeal to th peo ple of the state for a campaign fund. STREAMS REACH MAXIMUM Rivera Over Be w aa4 Da Great Ttaas a-ef hat Went Is Believed te Be Over. TOPEKA, June t. Tbe high water In Kansas rivers continues. Tb Arkansae river ia yet very high, and much damage to property has resulted. It is thought, however, that th stream haa reached lis highest point and that a fall may be ex pected within th next few hour. Ths Cottonwood and Neosho rivers In Lyon county are far above tbe high water mark. The water has overflowed the bank to auch an extent aa to ruin many acre ef corn, and drown much small stock oa tbs farms. A washout on tba Santa Fa near Em poria thla afternoon tied up all th trains en the main line. On tba Argentine-Emporia cut-off no tralna at all can be run. GUTHRIE. OkL. June 6. Four inches of rain in western Oklahoma laat night haa again swollen th streams beyond the dan ger line. The North Canadian la doing great damage all along the routs. At Gran ite alxteen feet of th bridge waa waahed out and Rock Island "tralna were tied up until lata today. Throughout Cuater county the rainfall baa been 1"H inchea sine th floods began. PLANS DEATH AND FUNERAL Oae-Tiaae Mllllssalr Cw am salts g el dee Beeaase' af Bast aees Treablea. KANSAS CITT. June .-John W. Howry, ones a millionaire lumber dealer of East Saginaw, Mich., and who had Boston con nection, died at a hospital her at 4: to thla afternoon from the affects of a dose of morphine taken with suicidal intent at a lodging house on Monday night. Howry was 70 years old. Hs planned hla death deliberately and hla condition was not discovered by the police until Tuesday morning, whan he was found ua conscious. Ha had written a nets te a local undertaker giving instructions far ths cars of his body and had drawn up a met sag to his sons, J. H. and H. K. Howry, who were associated with him la th cat tle business at Nara Visa, N. M. Hla not coatlnued: "I took morphine. Can, busiassn troubles with my son. J. H. Howry." Howry had beea unconscious most of th time. One of hla eons en ravte from New Mexico, is expected here losnorrew. aaallea ter Asiatic tetaea. NEW TORK. June I Laden artth tOO tons of supplies for the ships on the Asiatic ststloa Lhe cruiser buffalo has sailed for Manila. Tbe ship also rarrted 700 aaliora to replace those anose terms of service oa th ahlpe of tb Europeaa and Asiatic sta tions have expired, buflalo wiU n direct trin. ta Manila ia .et-gdaja. 1FFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Osttl Outlook Erported to Bo IitOTirritg frm I very Standpoint LINCOLN PURCHASE A SHREWD MOVE Ceatrel af Feedlaar Tards There May Overate te Divert Merh Baslaeee ta the teeth Oasaha Feehers. Will Tag 1 back from an extended western trip. He says that cattle are put ting oa fat rapidly and that tbe rangea are la better condition than three years past. From tbe condition of cattle on tbe rangea atorkmen are confident that grass tuff will be sent to this market fully a month earlier than usual. Th unusual number of young stuff Best up from Texaa haa restocked the ranges, but the cattle to come now will be ma tured stock held back last summer on ac count of the rapid variation in prices. "By securing the Lincoln feed yards." said a well known stock dealer last night, "tbe fnlon Stock Tarda company has made a great atrlde toward securing bus iness for this market. By having a rep resentative at Lincoln all of th time it 1 thought here that Mr. Kenyon'a in vestment will soon pay for itself. Ship ments of stock will doubtless be diverted from other points to tbla market and that la what the packers and tbe com mission men here want. This market and th yards can handle all of tbe stuff com ing in and there la a constant demand for mora. Good price are paid here and with the shutting off of tbe shipments to markets on the south it 1 predicted that top notch price will prevail all tb time." Caillar far Bids. Th chairman of the buildings and grounds committee of tbe Board of Edu cation la advertising for bids for the lots owned by tbe school district at Twenty seventh and M street. Several times in years past an effort haa been made to sell this property and In fact tbe board has been offered cash. Now there seems to be a change aad the board wants to sell. Tbe price tbe board has held these lots for has alw&rft been considered too high by those who talked of purchasing. Now that tbe board wante tbe money to use for building purposes In tbe eastern part of the city a Bale may be made. When the first tender waa mad it was for a long time lease with the understanding that a lumber yard would use tbe ground. Then the Vnlon Pacific wanted the triangle and tbe property now advertised, but tbe board decided for aome reason to post pone the sale and the railroad made other arrangement. Ceaeral satlsfartlea Expressed. The eettlemest of the strike In Chicago In connection with tbe teamsters and packing houses appeared to give general satisfaction to the people here. It had been rumored that unless a settlement was mad soon the trouble might spresd to other packing centers. While tbe worklngmen here, and especially the teamsters, are, according to statements, well paid, a demand from tbe Chicago end of the union would have resulted in the men here declining to work. Tbe notice that there ia an end to tbe trouble seems to aatlsfy business men, the packers and the laboring men as well. Fight Davis CI a I am. Rumor haa it that L. A. Davis wants aome more money for drawing the plans for the proposed High school building. He haa paid 11,900 already, but tbe agree ment was to pay him a 'certain percentage on the cost. Ths building haa never been erected, and yet Davis, so It la reported, wants more money. Ha alleges that there la still J1.000 due him for tbe plans. Aa the plane were accepted the board will doubtless have to settle, but ther la going to be a strong protest from tax payers. Exaaatatasr Board. . President Miller of the Board of Educa tion said to a Bee reporter yesterday that Messrs. Pan coast and Fleharty bad with drawn their resignations aa members of tbe board. He stated that when tbeae members of the board learned that there was aome opposition to their appointment tbey ten dered their resignations. Tbe opposition baa it waa stated been removed and tbe mem bera will remain. The examinations will commence on June It. Odd Fellows Mr mortal Day. Tb two lodge of Odd Fellow will ob serve their annual memorial day on Sunday, June a. Members of the lodges are request- el to meet at tbe ball on Twenty-fourth and M streets at o'clock and proceed to Laurel Hill cemetery where the raves of seven former member of the order will be properly decorsted. After the decoration of the graves services will be held at the ball. Local Packers latereeted. Managers of the packing bouses her ar considerably Interested In the settlement of a question of rates, especially aa per tains to the hauling of refrigerator cars. The car are owned by private corporation and the roads have been doing the hauling at a certain rate, now It ia proposed to make a change In th rata and thla will. If the agreement la made, add money to the treasury of the railroads and at th same time cut off a portion of the revenue of the concerns owning refrigerator cars. Aa a rule about ninety car of meat leav South Omaha every day. A ear costs about 1 1.000, lasts ten year and under the mile age system would pay lta owners back orig inal coat and Interest In four year. Ordlaatlea Bervtee. At II o'clock en Sunday ordination ser vices will be held at Bu Martin's Episcopal church. Twenty-fourth and J streets. Ona candidate will be admitted to the order of deacon and two will be advanced to tbe priesthood. Arrangements have been made for additional seating capacity at the church on thla occasion. Magis City Geeata. Frank E. Scott of Sioux City la her visiting relatives. J. M. Robertson Is making srrangements to erect a dwelling at Twenty-slxth and D streets. D. B. Parkhurst has returned from a western trip. He reports cattis In excel lent condition. Quit a number of entertainments billed for last night were postponed on account of the storm. Mra. B, A. Carpenter baa returned to her home st Butte, Mont., after a alx weeks' visit with friends here. It is etated that plana for the library will be held back until eome arrangements can be made about tbe grading on M atreet. THOCBLEBOatE stltCITIOXB. Far Which Meaat Pelee aad La, tea frlere Are Besaaaalble. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "George, dear, why Is it that the scientific persons don't try to investigate tbs inside of the earth V "I suppose tbey consider it beneath them, my love. ' "There. George, you are trying to Joke again. I'm serious about this real serious. It seems to ma thst it would be doing the world a great service if somebody could find out lust what It ta stuffed with." "That is tbe woman of It, my dear. Ton want to get at the eotlon batting and the sawdust. Tea, you do. Tou sr consumed by a ruthless curiosity. Tou want to find tbe funny business that makes th doll say 'papa' and mamma.' It a the destructive Instinct that all women poeaeaa." "Why, George, you're horrid!" "Ob. I know your era. Wa ve had sev eral women In our family. I knew all about you when I married you. But suppose you could get your destructive little scissors Into th Inside of (be globe. Would It do you n fteo4 ttt AaA ouL j.&al Ui cottaa bsttlna vms runcotton and th sawdust "Oeorse you are a mean thing T don't care vhe littlest bit what s Insifle the old earth. Only It doe seem as If we oi.sM to knnw. Ferhane we couM gusrd scalnst thins better If we knew what to expert." "l ooh. rroh. my bear. The rhsnce ar If you knew what to expert you wouldn t sleep a wink afterward Your head would he filled with the wildest apprehension. Tours ear would he strained to catch th hollow trash that foretoid the end of everjthliia Tou d walk puev-f ooted for fear of hrraklna- throush the cruet. Tou d have a sulphur reanirstir snd s lsva cellar and a steel umbrella thst would shed cin ders. Oh, you d enjoy your Inside knowl edge. I don't think." "fleorre. I m nvt g-olrg to ugget any thing serious attain Tou make light of everj-thlns All 1 had In mind was a hoi bored df'wn Into the earth far enough to enshl us to know what going on cown there." "And I uppoe when you found out you'd pull th bo.e up and fold it away for future use?" "Oeorge, I'm not going to say another word to you." COLLIERY GUARD SHOOTS BOY Precipitate First Berlea Disorder, Which Assesses Grave Aspect. WILKESBARRE, Pa.. June The spirit of unrest which hss beea msnlfestlng Itself more or less In thla city and vicinity dur ing the last frw days over the miners' strike broke out In earnest In two place In thla city last night. A boy was dangerously if not fatally shot by a guard at the Stan ton colliery and a considerable portion of th fence around tbe Murray colliery was destroyed by fire. There has been consid erable trouble around the Stanton colliery, which is operated by the Lehigh Wlles barra Railroad company, controlled by the Central Railroad of New Jereey. The col liery is located in the southern part of tbe city. Several nights ago a portion of tbe fence surrounding the place was burned and also a small building on the culm bank. Since then other attempts were msde to Bre tbe fence. The guards since then hsve kept a close watch. Last night while Charles Mc Caun, agd 13. was walking along the field outside tbe fence It Is said a guard on tbe inside fired a revolver or rifle at him. The bullet struck the boy in tbe back. The shot was beard by the people In the vicinity and It looked for a time as though there would be serious trouble. Tbe boy was quickly removed to tbe Mercy hospital and tbe police notified. Crowd la Dengereaa. The chief cf the Wllketbarre police, with a squad of men, went to tbe colliery to ar rest tbe guard, and after some trouble the chief and his men gained an entrance. Tbey got tbelr man, but the crowd on tbe outside was so large and so threatening that the police did not dare take him from the place. At a late hour the crowd was still hanging around tbe colliery. Shortly after tbe shooting the crowd sought vengence on the company's prop erty and some set fire to a trestlewor. Tbe fire department was summoned and with considerable difficulty put out the blase. At the Murray colliery, also operated by tbe Lehigh A Wilkesbarre company. In tbe eastern part of the city, a crowd of boye succeeded in burlng about 400 feet of a high board fence that surrounds tbe com pany's property. The fire department ex tlnrulshed tbe blaze. Tne chief of police made an Investigation and finally placed the blame for tbe shoot ing on four coal and Iron policemen who were located near th place where the shooting occurred. Tbey were taken from the colliery by a circuitous route and landed at tb lockup at midnight, Fresaatare Eatbaslaasa. , The Philadelphia Times says that Clem ent A. Griacom telle a atory of the mayor of Portland. Ore., who, upon reading that Portland, Me., was in Same, dispatched the following message to tbe mayor of the stricken city: "Portland, Ore:, bleeds for yon. What can we do to aid you?" Tbe mayor of Portland, Me., replied: "We need food and clothing, and money to buy both." The Oregon man immediately called a meeting of the city council, but the coun cilman were so Indignant that the mayor had dared wire without consulting tbem that they adjourned without action. Tbe mayor was in a quandary, but be felt that he had done his duty, and aent forthwith tbe following to th mayor of Portland, Me.: "Thanks for your prompt reply. I asked only for information." So Mystery Aboat It. Chicago Tribune: "By th way," re marked tbe man from tbe east, "it seems to me I have heard that my old neighbor. Jake Blllufus, who came out here aome year ago, disappeared completely aad mysteriously not long after his arrival." "Ha dlssppeared completely 'nough." re plied Rattlesnake Bill, "but not myster iously, stranger. He wui ridin' on a dyna mite wagon when the hind axle broke." ' fh )t W. B. -Erect Form "Summer CORSETS Time for your summer corset saw before year thia dresses arc aiadc. Your caatumc will fit twice as well ever the new corset. Tbs W. B. Erect Fans summer ssodcls give desired Erect Form figures, release all tbe strain from th bust and abdosaea and ars aa light as a feather. Made of fine wr.he linen batiaia in the following models : tO far slight figures i 11 .M 171 let medium figures i 1 Jl 73 far developed figure lja 1 for medium figures 2 J HI lor stout figures .St If your dealer ca.iaot supply Jm sea pnot cat coram Scatred to WEINGAETEN BROS. 177 BrwatVay, R. T. lfst sua. at oaaaa a aa wand W. B. Corsets are sold by all-stores in Omaha. THERE IS HOPE FOR EVEN SUCH AS HAVE GLIMPSES OF THE DARK VALLEY. Paiiie's Celery Compound Tbs Medicine That Saves Life 2nd Restores Lost Health. A merciful providence atill keep th spark of life la thousands of wasted and feeble bodies. The fitful, flickering spark will burn with decreased power aa the hot days of summer approach. Ther Is still hope tor even those who are now catching glimpses of the dark valley. The use of Paine a Celery Compound during the month of June will at once arrest the pro grace of wasting disease. It will su-engvhen the weak and Inflamed nerves, rid tb body of morbid wast material, make tbe blood pur and give bealtby action to the stomach, liver and kidneys. Nervousness, sleepless, nesa, rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kid. nay troubles quickly vanish when Iir. Pheli'S' marvelous prescription is u4. Mra. Alice Terry Wood, ii Highland atreet, Helena. Moat., says. "I can aay to all that I believe Paine' Celery Compounl a great medicine. I should have been in my grave If it hadn't been for the wonderful curing virtue of tb Com pound, and I can say to all who ar tired and run down, to try it, and tbey will find relief at once. My trouble waa general weakness, lack of appetite, and heart trou ble. I have taken four bottle of Palna'a Celery Compound and feel like a near per. on. Now I have a good appetite, de all of my work, and feel well." $9.60 Omaha to St Paul Minneapolis and Return Jan 1st to 14th. Return, October list. Fishing la best during; June (n the MINNESOTA LAKES. Particulars at City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam St, OMAHA. Many people Imagine-that is merely a superior grade of laundry soap. Thst idea it wrong. Cudoma is a bath and toilet soap and it is just aa good for those purpose as for waihing toitkmt shrinking flannels, wool em, laces, embroideries, col ored goods, and other things for which ordinary laundry soaps are nor adapted. Thrac ebes laundry, aaet bath end nile c J seal Writt tor boaklet ah oaring Cueoaaaa aiasy ma. 1 5 Thi CtDAHr Pacxiko Co. Omaha Kaaaai City. All ("Snap; Ic&nfind 'alnxyfrfor! voti niiirkl Ji r - - ' ill U'ltityUiny prfialSu, It ili U.WWheaton Jr jUj emexrma i isusn Mgrioi a at rrVl aVaTaa- A rmUbim l-av ia Irurtt) 3 SIB 4 ,- eM.-.-"- taa avk. w vmtm BasAa. 1 - - aL a ne 4Jfc