Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Etelley, Stiger & Co,
fetor open till 9:30
The Apparel Helps
Proclaim the Man
Email Items in a men's dresa are fully aa Important and necesssry a large
ones. It costs no mora to wear tba correct style of collar, or a taaty, dressy tie.
r a stylish shirt We are prepared to abow you these things at popular prlcea In
the lateat styles. .
Men's Negligee Shirts
We bare tbe beat negligee ahlrt for $1.00, and the moat attract Ire atylea. Includ
ing a large Una of White Bhlrts. Madraa. Plaited Boaoma. etc. Established In 1840.
Tbe STAR SHIRT. The one we aell for $1.60. None better. Black and white la tbe
rage. We have a fine assortment of pattern.
" Men's Underwear -
As a special we have a very fine, light balbrlggan garment; allk finished and
veil made, at 75c a garment.
Also a blue mercerized silk union suit that Is cheap at our price, $2.25 each.
Men's Summer Night Shirts
The moat comfortable night ahlrt for hot weather la made of very light cam
bric and Is without a collar. See our window for styles and prices.
Light weight Suapendera for 25c and 60c a pair.
Fancy Hose In all new styles, at 26c. 35c and 60c a pair.
' Men's snd boys' Belts, at 25c, Wo and 75c each.
Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c each.
Fsmsm snd 15th Streets.
Head Consul Explains to the Lincoln
Memberi Proposed Changes.
' v
tadeata ef Hick tenool Hold Mm
' Media; te ladaca Principal
Davenport fa Remain
la Lincoln.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 6. (Special Telegram.)
W. A. Northcott of 'Illinois, head conaul
of the Modern Woodmen of America, was
glren an ovation by the Woodmen lodges
In this city tonight. Ha Is here In the
interests of the Woodmen readjustment
plan. Tonight he was eseorted from tbe
Lincoln hotel by the uniformed rank of
the order to the Auditorium, where
, speeches were delivered. . n
"The curfew ordinance Is a good thing.
: Tell me how and I will gladly attempt to
.enforce It." .' .
Thla was the answer - of Chief- Hoaglaml
when hla attention waa called to the re
marks of Alexander, Hogelsnd, the father
of all Nebraska enrfews, who declared In
. a recent talk at Bt. Paul's church that the
local offloera were not trying to enforce the
measure against the. youth of tbe city and
. it would be much better for everybody if
MlhsycdJd.,,' . . ..
' "The curfew la a .dead letter unleaa re
inforced by, statute." he continued, "and
tor thla reason we hare cesadd our efforta.
Tbe parenta, the Very persons benefited by
the ordinance, generally- fight us. There
Is no. such thing as flalng or punishing
a child -under. 16 except by sending the re
fractory one to tbe Reform school. So
there can be nothing done with the children
that persist In violating the cyrfew."
Coiner Commencement.
The thirteenth annual commencement ex
ercises of Cotner university opened this
evening with a. program given by the
Matheslan aoclety at tbe college building.
Following are the remaining evente sched
uled for commencement week:
: Friday, June 6, S p. m.-Matheslan pro
gram. Sunday, June 8, 11 a. m. Baccalaureate
sermon. ...
Monday,. June , p. m. Phllomathtan
Tuesday. June 10, 10 a. m. Clws day.
TuesdHy, June 10, t p. m. Recital of
school of music.
Tuesday, June 10, I p. m. Recital of
school of oratory.
Wednesday, June ll.-.10:Jp a. m. Com
mencement exercises.
Wednesday, June 11, 8 p. m. Alumni aa-
Class Dar
in vocation
Chancellor ' Aylsworth.
Piano Duet International ' Fantasle..'..
- Kpstein
Misses Carrie and Taylor.
Oration Our Are
Daisy Elsie Altken.
Oratlon--8lence and the Classics
Elmer Everet Meredith.
Voeal Solo The Orioles Garner
Constance Lell Lourks.
Oration The Triumph of Peace
Harvey Melanchthnn Johnson.
OrationAltruism and IHIIltarlanlam..
. s Earl. Eugene Boyd.
Piano Solo Air de Bullet Mfesowskl
Berths. 'Viola Owlngs.
Oration Aa to the Filipino
,' , Charles Arha 'Blae.
Oration Valedlctor, "The' Leadership Of
Educated Men"
Frsd Forest Meredith.
Flano Solo Valse Chromatique Oodard
( Louisa Keutser Bull.
. Commencement Day.
A Spring Song f....... Plnsuti
Piano Duet I. Lombard! Vleutempa
misses nuinsn and owing.
Vocal Bolo Scene are Aria from "Der
Frelsrhlnts" ,. Weber
Constance I .ell Loucks.
' Commencement Address
Dr. Harry Orannlson Hill, Omaha, Neb.
Violin Solo t'olonalee, John Lauter-
bach. Op. 10
Eva Burner.
Presentation ' of Diplomas and Confer
ring of Degrees
Chancellor A via worth.
"On to the. battle. On" Gaul
The graduates of IS" J are:
College of Arts Daisy Elsie Altken,
Eugene Boyd. -Harvey Melanehthon John
son, Fred Forest Meredith, Elmer Everet
Meredith, Charles Abra mas.
tfk-hool of Miili- Louisa Keutser Bull
Helen Currte. Bertha Viola Owlngs, Alma
r ranoes lay lor.
English Bible Wayne Leslie Lodwig.
Imntr School at t'albertsoa.
CvLbERTSON. Neb..1 Juoa . (Special.)
The Summer Normal achool has been In
full blast aloes Monday. The lecture rourss
opened yesterday afternoon with aa ad
dress on "Our Common Schools and Their
Mission." by Hon. W. E. Andrews, auditor
tor tha Treasury department at Washlug
ton, T. C. In the evening tbe same apeaker
delivered a historical lecture on "Chrtstlj
ClvilUaiion." Thursday Deputy State Su
perintendent J. -L McBrlea visited the
schools and In a brief talk during chapel
hour In the morning, and a longer address
this afternoon, made some valuable prac-
him suggestions to tne students. About
100 leathers are already enrolled and many
more are expected.
Sheltaa Will Onacrve the Foarth.
8HELTON. Neb.. Jane . tSpecial.) A
Fourth of July meeting waa held last even
ing and arrangemeaia mads and commit
tees selseud for the biggest celebration
which Sheltoa has ever had. Special rate
the rallroada wUl ba asked tor.
aturday Night
Hold Mass Meetinf to Devise Means
f Indaclna Hint to Re
consider. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
, LINCOLN, June . (Special.) The stu
dents of tbe Lincoln High school expressed
in emphatic terms this morning their de
sire that Principal Davenport atay. and
their beat efforts will be directed towarda
Inducing him to change his mind.
They met In mass meeting at the ad
ministration building this morning at 9:30
to express their appreciation of his work
and to devise means of securing his with
drawal of a resignation formally filed with
the secretary of the Board of Education
yesterday. Systematic plana were outlined,
petitions will be circulated, the Board of
Education visited, and all other available
means used to secure a reversal of the
expressed Intentions of the principal.
The annual commencement exerciaes of
the Lincoln High achool were held tonight
in the High achool auditorium. Diplomas
were given to 180 graduates. The oration
was by Chancellor Andrews, who spoke
from the text "Excelsior."
Articles of Incorporation of the N. 5C.
Cattle company of South Omaha were
recorded In the secretary of state's office.
The company la capitalized for $30,000. Its
incorporators are: J. K. Baker, Peter
Burke and A. R. Kelly.
Secretary Royse of the stats banking
board today Issued a call' for a statement
of tbe condition ft all state and private
banks In Nebraska at the close of business
on June it.
Fremont Forces Compromise.
FREMONT, Neb., June , (Special.) Tbe
republican caucuses for the selection of
delegates to the county convention, which
meeta here tomorrow, were held last even
ing and were well attended. For the last
week a bard fight has been going on be
tween the Schneider-Hammond faction,
which wanted W. D. Holbrook Indorsed for
lieutenant governor, and the Rlcbarda-
Swanson forces, who were opposed to an
Instructed delegation and favored Crounse
for governor. The , matter waa settled by
a compromise, the delegatea being equally
divided. In the county the asms plan was
quite generally carried out. The only con
test In the city wss over state senator.
for wfilch B. W. Reynolds and J. M.
Shlvely are aspirants. The Shlvely forcea
carried the Fourth ward and Reynolds the
Second, with other wards pretty well
Hnmholdt Postnl Service Enlarges.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. June . (Special.)
The latest, move of the department In es
tablishing a new rural mall route from
thla offlce servos to keep Humboldt on the
list as the banner rural route station
In ths country. Tbe new route which is
to be started July 1, Is No. S. Notice
hss also been received by Postmaster
Bants that the Humboldt once has been
raised a notch, owing to Increased business
and will hereafter pay $1,600 a year, being
an Increase of $100 at this time or a total
Increase .during the present postmaster's
term of $300 per annum.
Wikss Mar Get Swedish Academy.
WAHOO. Neb., June (.(Special.) At a
recent meeting of the Wahoo Commercial
club resolutions were adopted indorsing ths
action cf the faculty of the Swedish Lu
theran academy In regard to tbe comple
tion of the school at a cost of about $25,000.
A largs psrt of this has already been
raised and ths work on ths new building
will begin ss soon ss ths remainder of the
money csn be rslsed.
Shlekley Girl ta Missing.
SHICKLEY. .Neb.. June 6. (Special.)
Linda Nedrew,. the 11-year-old daughter cf
Simeon Nedrow, left home ' Wednesday
morning aad her father Is now endeavoring
to locate the missing girl. Hs offers a
reward for information of her whereabouts.
Shs hss a light complexion and brown hair
and when aha left boms wore a red straw
tat. ; : ' .
l.lKhtalaaj Strikes a Dwelling.
GRETNA. Neb., June (.(Special Tele
gram.) During tha electrical storm yes
terday afternoon lightning struck the
Charlea Cottrell home, two milea west of
town, and completely destroyed one side of
tbe house. The quick work of the members
of the household ssved It from destruction.
Noe of the occupants were Injured.
Money far Bancroft's Celebration.
BANCROFT. Neb., Juns . (Speslsl.)
Bancroft wfll celebrate the Fourth thin
year In a Siting manner. Four hundred
dollars has already been raised. Several
committees on-entertainment have been ap
pointed and extenslvs preparations are being
made. . -
Haatlaata Slaters Fall Dsns.
rAIRBl'RY. Neb.. June I. (Special.)
Falrbury and Haatlngs base ball club played
a game yesterday at tbe FalrburT park.
Tbe score was Falrbury, 15; Hastings, .
Batteries: Falrbury, Bean aad LaFrance,
Hastings, SchauSelberger and Plexneo.
Mrs. Moos
Heads Tsmnrane Vataa.
HOWARD. Neb.. June .(Special ) The
Clay county, Womana Christian Temper
ance union, closed a very Interesting two
days' session, at the Methodist church, last
svenlng. Mrs. Charles Mooa from Sutton
being reflected, couatjr president. ,
Eleven Inches of Water Falls at Cortland,
Neb., in a Few Honrs.
Crops Dsmaaed. Railroad Tracks aad
Bridges Washed Oat aad Trains
Are Delayed for Many
(Continued from First Fsge.)
storm hall fell and broke windows In tbe
residence and business psrts, although more
damage was done In ths former. as the
storm came from the north.
Within four hours after the storm wss
over the greater portion of the water
down town was carried oft by the sewer
and the water Is slowly receding In other
psrts of the city. The long-distance tele
phone line is not working out of Mitchell
and there are but two lines of telegraph
working out of Mitchell, these being to
Sioux City and St. Paul.
The greater share of tha water which
fell In tbe cloudburst In this vicinity this
morning hss disappeared from the streets
down town, although no attempt has been
made to remove tbe water from the base
ments and )n the greater majority of eases
It will have to be pumped out by hand.
It has been practically impossible to
secure anything definite as to losses en
tailed by the business men who had goods
stored la the basements. Losses In this
direction will run from $100 to $500.
No lives were lost during the storm, al
though It was reported that' a farmer, one
mile east of town was killed by lightning.
He was badly Injured from the shock.
Not near so many windows were broken
by the hall that accompanied the rain at
the outset as was supposed would be tbe
case. Reports from the country within
a radius of ten miles of Mitchell shows
that crops have not been injured in the
leaat. Good rains are reported from all
parts of the county, but they were not
accompanied by any hall or wind. The
storm seemed to center on Mitchell
snd about two miles la each direction.
Vivid flashes of lightning and great booms
of thunder occurred all during tbe storm.
TYNDALL. 8. D., June 6. (Special.)
Fine showers fell over this section Wednes
day night. The crop prospects are fine.
COFFEYVILLE. Kan., June . One of the
heaviest rains ever experienced here fell
this afternoon. Water tilled tbe streets
until they resembled lakes. Cellars and
basements were flooded and other damage
was done. Tbe Verdigris river hss been
high for a week, but the rain yesterday
and today have already put It out of Its
bsnks and great damage Is being done to
tbe wheat.
Nice Shower at Sheltoa
SHELTON, Neb.. Jane (.(Special.) A
splendid rain fell here last night. Three
quarters of an inch of water came down.
The ground was getting quite dry on top
and thla moisture will complete the filling
of all fall grain and insure the best yield
and .quality this section of Nebraska has
ever had. Harvesting will commence in
about two or three weeks. The first crqp
of alfalfa is being cut and many fields are
cutting as much as two and a half tons
to tbe acre. ,
ST. PAUL. Neb., June 6. (Special.) A
fine rain, amounting to 1.05 Inches, fell
here Thursday morning and all are pleased
with the splendid crop prospects.
WAHOO. Neb., June (.(Special.) A fine
rain visited this vicinity last night, about
1.60 inches of rain having fallen. The
rain was much needed and will iusure a
very large crop of small grain in this
county. The corn Is In ss good condition
aa at any time In the history of tbe county.
KEARNEY, Neb., June 6. (Special Tele-
gram.) About .95 of an inch of rain fell
In this locality last night and makes as
surance doubly sure on tbe small grain
crop, and corn Is already coming to tbe
WEEPING WATER, Neb., June (.(Spe
cialsDuring the last twelve hours about
two Inches of water fell. In some, localities
planted corn has been wsshed considerable
and the potato crop, which needed moisture.
Is now assured. Nearly all farmers re
port a splendid stand of corn. ,
BANCROFT, Neb., June (.(Special.)
The continued drouth of tbe last month
was broken at 4 o'clock Thursday morning
by a stesdy downpour, which continued
most of the forenoon. This la the firs:
rain since April and was most timely for
pastures and small grain, which were be
ginning to show the effects of the hot, dry
weather." Corn la an excellent stand and
the fields were never in a better condition.
OSCEOLA, Neb., June (.(Special.) Polk
county received a four-inch rain laat night
and people are rejoicing over this boon to
potatoes and other crdps.
HARVARD, Neb., June (.(Special.) The
amount of rainfall slnco yesterday morn
ing, as reported by Observer Fleming, Is
1.81 Inches. Every condition seems favor
able for a good yield of wheat and spring
sown small grain, while corn Is getting a
fine start.
Fear Overflow of Nemaha.'
ELK CREEK. Neb., June (.(Special.)
During the heavy rain that fell at this
placs last night, 200 or 300 barrels of water
ran Into the cellar under tbe achool build
ing, doing considerable damage to the
walla. The rain waa a very heavy one
and aa It was still heavier north of here
It is feared that the Nemaha river will
come out of Its banks. It Is running al
most bank full at present and rising rap
ST. PAUL, Neb., June (.(Special.) The
heaviest rainfall observed here for years
i commenced laat evening about 8 o'clock-
preceded by dark heavy clouds, thunder
snd lightning. During the evening and
night the fall amounted to 8.83 inches
about three Inches of which fell between 8
and 9 o'clock, flooding the streets snd many
cellars. The rain waa accompanied by aome
hail, but not enough to do damage here. It
Is reported this morning thst several
bridges over creeks In the county are out.
rne rainiau yesterday rorenoon make a
record of 4.88 Inches for the last twenty
four hours.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. June (. (Spe
clal.) Water to the depth of 3 81 Inches
fell in Merrick county the lsst twenty-four
hours. Ths yield of grain Is expected to be
a record-breaker.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., June (.(Special.
Thla section waa visited during laat night
with a drenching rain estimated at nearly
four Inches. The downpour wss accom
panted by a brilliant electrical display,
but as there was no wind no damage la
reported to growing crops. Ths Nemaha
river la almoat bankfull from the recent
ralna and the Indications are for further
precipitation. Farmers along the valley are
worrying tor fear the stream may over
flow, which would mean much damage to
crops along ths lowland. The wheat so
far la looking fine and with seasonable
weather for a few weeks mors tbe yield
will be almost up to that or last year.-;
ALBION, Neb., June (.(Special.) An
other good rain fall upon the crops of Thayer
county last night. They were not really
suffering for rain, however, but thla shower
will strengthen them and adds fresh hopes
to tbe farmers.
OSCEOLA. Neb., June (. (Special Tele
gram.) During a heavy rain and thunder
shower last night the barn of Nela Jarmln.
Juat east of town, was struck by lightning
and totally destroyed, together with Its cm
tents. There were seven head of horses
that were burned to death. The loss Is
over $1,500, while the Insurance only
amounta to $150.
DECATUR. Neb., June . (Special.) A
much needed rain fell In this aection early
Thursday morning, of great value to the
growing crops.
Gradaates at Gretna.
GRETNA. Neb., June (.(Special Tele
gramsThe graduating exercises of the
Gretna High school took place this evening
In Treckel's hsll In the presence of 3W
people. The hall was beautifully decorated
with flowers and flags snd the nine gradu
ates delivered their orations In a very able
manner. At the close of tbe exercises Rev.
A. J. Markley, In a brief but appropriate
address, presented the diplomas.
A. O. I'. W. Memorial.
GRETNA, Neb.. June (.(Special Tele
gram.) Gretna lodge No. 250, Ancient Order
of United Workmen, held a special meeting
tbls evening and made prepsratlons for
floral day, which Is next Sunday, and will
celebrate the day at the various cemeteries
In honor of the deed members. The cere
monies will tske place at S o'clock. A
number of prominent speakers have been
- Jefferson Connty Mortgage Record.
FAIRBURY. Neb., June (.(Special.)
Jefferson county's mortgage record for May
Is as follows: Farm mortgagee. 49 filed;
amount $33,115; cancelled, 30, amount $34,
113.25. City mortgages, 10 Bled, amount
$4,035; cancelled, 11, amount $3,626.50.
Chattel mortgages, 60 filed, amount 114.
454.64; cancelled, 26, amount $11,219.4.
Says Apoplexy tasted Death.
BEATRICE. Neb., June (.(Special Tele
gram.) A coroner's Inquest waa held today
over the remains of Levi Payne, the old
gentleman found dead on bis farm near
Plckrell laat evening. The verdict rendered
was to tbe effect that death resulted from
a stroke of apoplexy.
Responds to Reqaest from Host as
to General Wood'a Com
pensation. WASHINGTON, June (.A letter from
the secretary of war appears In the report-
submitted todsy by Chairman Hull of the
bouse military committee, with -reference
to the resolution of Mr. Bartlett of Georgia
asking for Information as to the compensa
tion paid General Leonard A. Wood while
governor general of Cubs.
Secretary , Root .. states that Secretary
Alger made an allowance to General Brooke,
out of the revenues of Cuba, of $7,500 a
year, and coctlnuee: "There has been no
change since thst time, except that when
General Wood's commission as major gen
eral of volunteers expired I msde an order
for a further allowance, equal to the differ
ence between the salary of major general
and brigadier general, so ss to keep his
total compensation at the same figure, the
combined compensation received as an offi
cer of the army and as governor of Cuba
being always $15,000 per annum.
'I see that the Cuban House has voted
thst President Palma's salary shall be $25,
000." Secretary Root says tbls has been fully
made known to congress in former reports
and. neither house haa made any objection.
Secretary Root says In his letter, as to the
legal phases of the subject:
'I should hardly auppose 'that the house
of representatives would wish; to' adopt a
resolution which implies Ignorance on Its
part of the authority of tbe president of
the United States, under the law of mili
tary occupation, to appropriate and expend
the revenues of the government of tbe oc
cupied country."
Five of the democratic members of the
military committee unite in a minority re
port, which ssys In part:
'General Wood Is an officer of tbe United
States army, and as auch officer was gov
ernor general of Cuba and commander of
the United States forces in Cuba. His pay
and emoluments of office were flxedby
statute as an officer of the United States
army. Tbe pay of a brigadier -general of
the army Is fixed by statute at $5,500 per
annum, and 10 per cent thereof for serving
beyond the limits of the United States."
Tbe report then cites the provision of
the law that no allowance shall be made
to officers In addition to their pay.
Democratic Floor Leader Introdneea
Measare Amending the
' Sherman Act.
WASHINGTON. June (. Representative
Richardson of Tennessee, the democratlo
floor leader, todsy Introduced the bill re
viving the trust bill which passed ths houss
in the Fifty-sixth congress and failed in
tbe senate. It amends the Shermsn act by
making more stringent restrictions against
contracts and combinations in restraint of
trade, gives a civil right of action to any
one injured in business by such a combi
nation, forbids the use of the malls In
furtherance of the business of a combine
and provides for prosecuting those who
ship trust-made goods from state to atate.
It la understood that tbe Introduction
of the bill Is In pursuance of the recent
action of the democratic congressional
committee in naming a special committee
of Nseven members to devise means for
making the trust question one of the fore
most Issues In the coming csmpslgn.
Chairman Payns of tbe ways and means
committee said today he did not at present
contemplsts Introducing a resolution for
the sdjournment of congress, as no definite
Ideas could be formed on tbe prospects for
adjournment until the senste bad deter
mined Its course on the Nicaragua" canal
and Cubsn bills. At the ssme time he be
lieved that business of congress would be
shaped ao as to permit an adjournment
about July L ,
Bstaranlss Proposes Plan.
WASHINGTON. June (.Secretary Root
has received an unique and Interesting
letter from Felipe Buencamlno, tbe Fili
pino who has Just presented his testimony
before the bouse committee on lnsu
lar affairs. In his letter the
Filipino statesman summarises tbe most
urgent needs In ths Philippines, as
developed by him before the committee,
and then proceeds to outline a future. Tbls
Includes the sending of Filipino students to
the United 8tates to learn facts which h
believes will be of assistance to his people,
and aa Individual propaganda to correct
American misconceptions of the Philip
pines situation. Incidentally the writer
accounts some small matters of complaint,
principally as to house rentals, which be
desires corrected. ,
Mllltnry Snrgeona to Incorporate.
WASHINGTON, Juns (.At today's ses
sion of tbe Association of Military Sur
geons of ths United States a committee
wss appointed to confer with the Judiciary
committees of congress as to tbs best pro
cedure for incorporation of the associa
tion. Specific action of congress Is neces
sitated by tha fact that all of ths members
are in government employment. Lieuten
ant Colonel Valeery Havard read hla prise
thesis oa "Tbe Most Practical Organisation
for ths Medical Department. U. S. A., in
Active Service." Moat at ths delegates
spent ths afternoon la aa excursion down
laa rlvar oa Us covsramsot vessel Dolphin.
Allows Him to Select Delegates to ths
Third District Convention.
Dakota Selects Delegates to State,
Congressional and Legislative
Conventions, bnt Gives
TCo Instructions. '
COLUMBUS. Neb.. June (.(Special Tele
gram.) At the republican convention held
In Humphrey Thursday the following
named delegates to the state and congres
sional conventions were named by H. A.
Hansen under resolutions sdopted. State:
Carl Kramer, Ed Haa re, W. A. McAllister,
R. W. Hobart, Fred Meebel. E. H. Cham
bers, Charles Kelley, J. H. Evans, E. It.
Funk, George Falrchlld and E. A. Broabtll.
Congressional: Carl Kramer, Ed Ha are,
C. J. Garlow, W. W. Frank, Chris Meebel,
J. G. Reedcr, R. G. Streother, R. 8. Dick
inson, J D Stlres, Henry Lamb, Philip Ben
der, William Cornelius, B. R. I. Martin,
Henry Ragatt, E. M. White and F. F.
The convention Instructed the delegates
to use all honorable means to secure H. A.
Hansen's nomination for congress).
Tbe convention adjourned to meet In Co
lumbus on call of chairman to nominate
county ticket.
Dakota's Delegates.
DAKOTA CITY, Neb., June (.(Special.)
The republicans of Dakota county held
their Convention at tbls plsce Wednesday,
wltb D. C. Stlnson as chalrmsn snd J. J.
Enness secretary. The following dele
gatea were chosen to the diffetent con
ventions: State, Jesse Williama, T. C.
Clapp, John McConahey, W. II. Ryan, J. W.
Hazlegrove, B. F. Sawyers, A I. Davis, J.
C. Smith. Congressional, T. C. Balrd, J. J.
Elmers, R. E. Evans, C. H. Maxwell, John
Daley, Ben Bonderson, R. D. Rockwell.
Representstlve, C. J. O'Connor, L. Kryger,
M. A. Schmled, John F. Sld, W. W.
Renlnger, Joel Frost, J. M. , Le1om, Bert
Barnes., Senatorial, B. McKlnley, L.
Kryger, Altee Hart, James Flynn, George
Cook, Woods Hllemsn John T. Spencer,
Neil Boyle. C. H. Maxwell and D. B.
Stedwortby were re-elected chairman and
secretary respectively of the county cen
tral committee.
Harlan Delea-ates for Lowe.
ORLEANS. Neb., June (.(Special Tele
gram.) The Harlan county republican con
vention met here at 1 o'clock thla after
noon. Every precinct was represented.
Delegates to the several conventions were
named aa follows: State H. J. Hill, W. E.
Dixon, J. D. Martin, J. A. Piper, E. L.
Means, George Davis, James Morrison, O.
W. Wallace, J. B. Billings. Congressional
E. J. VoDg, A. S. Murray, R. A. Damskln,
J. C. Alter, Nicholas Nellson, J. D. Smith,
C. A. Luce, T. L. Porter, A. H. Gould.
Senatorial A. N. Shumard. R. M. Swindell,
C. F. Brown, Theodore Schrack, W. R.
Beddeo, George Abbott, E. Cassell, W.
Fensener. Allen' Elliott.
A. M. Shumard was nominated for repre
sentative and A. M. Bereford for county
A resolution was passed instructing the
delegates to present the name of E. Lowe
tor congress. The time for holding the
senatorial convention In the Twenty-eighth
district has not yet been fixed. .
Harlan Endorse Black.
ALMA, Neb., June (.(Special Telegram.)
The Harlan county republican convention
was beld at Orleans today, with a full' rep
resentation from each . township. - A. N.
Shumward of Ragan was nominated for
representative and A. M. Bersford of Or
leans for county attorney. The following
delegates were elected to the state conven
tion: J. A. Piper, J. B. Billings, O. W.
Davis, George, Wallace, J. D. Martin, E. L.
Means, W. E. Dixon, J. 8. Morrison and
H. J. Hill. To the congressional conven
tion: Joseph Alter, C. A. Tuce, T. E. Porter,
E. J. Noring, A. S, Murray, Nicholas Nllsen,
J: F. Smith, A. H. Gould and Ralph Daua
klne. A resolution was passed Indorsing
the candidacy of J. P. A. Black for gov
ernor. A motion to Instruct the delegates
to use all honorable means to secure the
nomination of E. E. Lowe for congress was
Industrial Mission Work.
Today's session of the International Mis
sionary union was occupied with addresses
and discussions on "Industrial Mission
Singled Out
Ths only one of a klndV
and tho best Is tha unique
status f
As Iidicaled kj
Its Immeise
For tha physical
needs of women,
when recommend
ed. It Is the purest
tonlcal stimulant.
old t alt nrot-clM efM an4 j Jobrft.
w a. u.iiBA m. tun, wins.on, atu.
$5.00 A MONTH
cf MEN.
1) yean la Omaha.
cured by the QUICK.
EdT, safest and most
natural method that
has yet been discovered
Boon every sign and symptom disappears
completely and forever. Na iJHs.AX INtJ
OUT" of the dlseasa on tha skin or faoa.
A curs that la guaraatssd to ba pennaasul
for life.
UiniAftAri F cured.
Method new,
IHniUUULLli without cutting, pslnl
no detention from work; nenuaosnt curs
WKAtC MKJf from Ezcsasea or Victims
to Nervous Dablllty or SUhauatlon. Wasn
tng Wsakaaaa with Snarly bscay la Young
and Mt'ldls Ad. lack of vim. vigor an)
strength, with organs Impaired aad weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Hons
TntmDl No pain, no detention frorg
bvislnsaa. Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
Csasaltntlaa I res. Trnatsnant ay Ms4
CHiHOEl LOW, 11 S. 14th .
it. Mil. MlirliliiiM
1 m
i n
r i
Dr. Hartitiati Gives Free Advice to
Suffering Women.
Dr. Hartsnan, the Famous Gynaecolo
gist and Inventor of Pa-ru-na Of
fers fo Treat Women Free During
tne bummer Months.
America Is the land of nervous women.
The great majority of nervous women are
so because tbey are suffering from some
form of female disease. By far the great
est number of female troubles are caused
by catarrh.
Women afflicted with pelvic catarrh des
pair of recovery. Female trouble Is so
c6mmon, so prevalent, that they accept It
as almost Inevitable. Tbe greatest ob
stacle In the way of recovery Is that they
do not understand that It Is catarrh which
Is the source of their Illness. In female
complaint, ninety-nine cases oui of one
hundred are nothing but catarrh. Peruna
cures catarrh wherever located.
The following letter was recently re
ceived: 188 W. 38th St., New Tork City.
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
Gentlemtn: "What bread and meat
means to the hungry Peruna means to
the sick. It is an especially valuable
medicine for alck Women. I have found
that nq medicine so quickly restores
health and places tbe body In a normal
condition. I but voice the sentiments of
women who were once sick, but are now
In perfect health.
AH women who are In doubt as to what
their trouble Is should write Dr. Hartman,
Columbus, Ohio. Give him a full des
cription of your trouble, previous treat
ment, symptoms and age.- He will prompt
ly reply with full directions for treatment
free of charge. This Is an opportunity
which no ailing woman should miss. Dr.
Hartman has become renowned through
his success In treating women's diseases.
His experience in these matters is vast.
Correspondence is strictly confidential.
No testimonials published without written
consent. Dr. Hartman relies principally
upon Peruna in these cases. Peruna cures
It is anything but pleasant to have a
and August. The time to remedy this 1
There Is no building in Omaha so we
fort of its tenants in all kinds of westher a
fountain Is not only a source of delight t
and the thick walls and soutbesst exposur
There are not many vacant rooms 1
out of ths building bas left a few of th
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee Building
Par Montis,
flOOBf Hi ux43 tact. Faces Beventsenta street an, haa windows along tba
alley. This is a large, light room, al.d tha rental price Includes beat,
light, water and Janitor service. It baa aa eutxanco both, on Ihe its
building Court ana bevemeonih st rest ., , Price M&M
First Floor.
IUITB lot i Thsrs Is no Oner offlce suits In Omaha than tola on. It IS located
Juat on the right nand of tba great marble stairway, and has unusually
large wluuows looking upon ths front entrance way of ths building. A
fronts on fr'arnam sueet. One room is 17x1 and the other sxJ. It haa a
burgiar-prool vault, marble mantel, plsce, hardwood floors, and will ba
frescoed to suit tenant Price 7f.M
ROOM lt4i Tbls room la Just at tha head of the main stairway on tba first floor.
It would b a vary uealrable ottios for soma real estate . nuta or con
tractor. The floor space U itxi test Price UQ.0S
ROOM 308i This room Is ZlxS feet and la very convenlsntly located near tha
elevator. A sign on the door can ba readily seen in stepping oft the eleva-
tor ... frica IU.0S
UOOM 3ai This room is 17x21 feet and will bo divided to suit tha tenant
This room is particularly adapted tor soma coiictrn needing large Uoor
Space and is a dec.dediy handaoms ottice, having an enuauca faoliuj the
Court and windows looking out upon seventeenth street. It hax a very
Urge burglar-proof vault, hard wood floora and la ons of the choicest offi
ces la ta building srtca M id
Fourth Floor.
ItOO.M 401 1 I5xij feet This room Is next to the elevator and faces) court It
has a largs burglar-proof vault and la well ventilated. Has good light,
and tor tns price fuiiuahea hrst-clasa accommodation Price
IVITB 514i This is a very large room. 17x41 feet It face west but la vry
light and well ven mated. It la, vary seldom that space of this slse Is of
fered in Tbe Bee Uulldlng. It could be used to advantage by aome firm ,
employing a largs number of clerks, or requiring large floor space a ,
wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer s agent, who would like to b. In a
hre-proof building, or it will be divided to suit the tenant ....Price bt.te
ItilOM sail This room faces ths court and Is Uxli feet It has a burglar-proof
vault, and as it is near the telegraph office and on the same floor with a
number of grain firma, it would be a particularly good room fur a grain
firm desiring flrst-clasa accommodation lice fc.0S
SUITE) 610i This consists of two-rooms,
large burglar-proof vault, have bee
where any business or professional
tlte two, .'
Rental Agents.
unc aicv mmicAki
catarrh wherevsr located.
Mrs. Alex. Johnson, 256 University ave
nue, Kingston, Ontario, Can., writes:
"I Iiavo been a sufferer for years
with bearing down pttns and back
ache, and got no relief from doctor's
prescriptions. I -commenced taking -Peruna
and after taking the . first
bottle I felt nsuvh better and within
a month 1 was a well woman, and
heartily recomaiend it to any wo
man who is in as poor healtu as I
Miss Mabel Meyers, Argentine. Kansas,
collector of the Kansas Temperance Union
writes: "Peruna has proved a friend to
me for it cured me when I waa sick and
the least I can da In return Is to ac
knowledge its value to tbs public. Slnco
I was 17 years old I bave suffered with;
headache, backache and pains In tho
shoulder - blades. I caught cold easily
and my lungs were weak. Catarrh of
tbe lungs wss what the doctors called my
trouble. I took their medicine for eighteen
months wlthoui. any benefit and hearing
about Peruna I decided to try It. I used
nine bottles and was restored to health.
This waa two yeara ago, and I am now
In perfect health."
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna.
write at once to Dr. Hartman,' giving a,
full statement df your case and be will bo
glad to give you hla valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
hot office in which to work during July
s now.
11 constructed with reference to the com
s The Bee Building. Ths court, with Its
o the eye, but furnishes perfect ventilation
e make It an Ideal summer office building,
n the building, but ths movement In and
very choicest rooms at your disposaL,
both lSxim. Each ef them has a
n newly decorated and are rooms
man may ba com or table. Price for
Ground Floor
Bee Building