Tlir OMAHA DAILY BEE: . S AT U It DAY, JL'XE 7, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES' will aa (ikri aatll IB a. f ta tmlai ealtlow aw aatll ft So a. aa. tin, 1 1-S" wrera Brat UMrtKti la a eeera thereafter. Nothlea takea fa lese thaa 2fte far the farst taset ttaa. These alt rrllitatili mast raa eeaseeatlvely. Advert leer, ay reaeaetla; ft vni krr rkk, caw have awen ad fa a a an be re tetter la ear The Bee. AuKtri a reeee will ha ellverg a ay areeeatattaa af the tank a air. BITTATION WtnXU. A STENOOftAPHER. When you want one call the Remington Typewriter offl'-e. Il8 Farnam st. Telephone 1573. A 7!5 J25 WASTED MALE HELP. 1& FOR HALF A DAT H WORK. If you live In uie country or in a (mall own and nave a goil acnuair.taiice unong tna larmera ai.a etc-r. in by lour or iiv hour won. Vtnte us atiid w will nu jour uui' prouoBiiion. Ine Bee ruolining Co., ulli.iioi nepi., Urotlu. Net. B M-iJ WANTED, a good man In every county to taa uicr.puuii tor 1 he Iwentieth Century rainier. Our ttgcDiH make noon wage averywnrre.- Meicienue lequ.rea. Auures Iwenuein Cental y rainier, Umaim, Nco. i bii " THREE of four good men wanted; ll'H) per BBunih. Call tki Mitun biutit. n et a. R. RATHBL'N give private lessons In Dookkepir,g. Koom lit, Commeiciai Na. Uonai laniL H -t PCSHINO aaleemen can iearn something lo their auvwiiato by writing Tne hwu urery tu duisiutrc, v t.m. B 1S5 J14 WANTED, harntssmnkers; . will guurante stewdy impiuynieni. uie year rounu. AJ (IreM W auate, Blnllb Co., U to m Went Waier tM... Milwaukee. la. B MX&l 11 WANTED Forty good stonemasons im mediately; Omaha ahops, bioui City.' UuuU wagsa. ueorge w. Grant, biuux City. '1. il Alii iu BALE8MEN wanted to sell fruit tree; po sition permanent; pay ween. y; write lor parucuiara., Aoorebs western .-Nursery Compaay, Sales Dept., Lawren fM.u' B li j ulj i" CARETAKERS wivnted for the Healn at Ferguson bauliar.uni, l-3 N. 14tfi St., Janaaa Cit, Mn.' B m: lir MEN Free transportation to Denver to learn barber traue, tooia furnianed; posi tion guaranteed; opportunity to ram board; wage nhtle irarning; largest bar ber college; jnoat healthiul climate In the world: write for parilcutura. Moler's Ber ber College, Denver, Colo. Beware- of lako l?Z??K?br''ariZ'-l no college in Nebrabka. b-MiJif. WANTED, an office boy, about 17 years of age, who live at bom. Answer In own handwriting. C 12, B.e. B 3"C WANTED Good pajit maker; steady joh year round. J. A- tsougu, r'erry. la. i ; B-M314 7 , - WANTED Carpenters; 2 50 a. day. Ad dreaa Joepb thlelger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. . B-M31- WANTED, aa ail -around butcher for town of l.zuu; right man can find steady eni- ployment; write at once. J. B. Dentley, : oakiana, i, ti-jnsxn i SALESMEN, $50 per week, permanent posi tion. Hlxenbaugk, 500 Ware block. - : , B-H25 WAITED, estimator And woodworker for planing mill work. Address C 16. Bee offloa. B B TWO prs feeders wanted for 3 revolution jaw f s ..i , m..vm cw.w, i r v-1 Aaaresa x. v..mi too, eioux A-ity, la. x i WANTED, by wholesale supply house, a ahlpplng clerk who has had some -ex- . perlence; also an office boy. Address C SALESMAN for oils, to sell as a side line. on oommlsaiont ear raw silk machine wiperw; enraper ana .oener suDsutuie lur CO I ion wasie; wman sample, . sales un-I limited,. Address American Bilk Mfg. Co.. Philadelphia. Fa. . B-iB f WANTED, for V. S. army', able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and Sa, rnarnea men i Detwecn age oi a ana js. omsens or i-miea Biaies. oi gooa cnaracier i tin irmperwie na,uiis. who iiii riraa, ren.i and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge st., Omaha, and postofflce building, Lincoln, Keb. - B WANTED, men, good references. . to hlp organise locally, everywhere, the Peo ple' L'nlveral Trust. Addres Walter Vrooman, 81 Century bldg., Ksnsas City, . Mo. , B M34B 7 PAINTER and paper hanger by the yesr; 8ood prices paid to the right man. Ad ress C 21. Bee. . B-Mlit 7 A SPLENDID chance Is offered men to laara tbe barber trade new by a abort i and thorough system. . Y ears of appren ticeship ssved. ' Our splendid reputation has rained others to Imitate us; beware of fake college and 5-ctnt shops using our name; our onlv branches are New York, Chicago. St. Louis, San Francisco, Minneapolis, New Orleans and Omaha; we offer constant practice, expert in- not be had elsewhere. Tools donated. wum. anmnn. ....r.t.t...i Write today. Moler Barber college. 1623 . ramam bl . B M3&7 12 WANTED, reliable traveling man who can sell blankets and dress goods to retail town and country trade. Schuvlkill Mills, box 1192, Philadelphia. Pa. B MiksJ 7 WANTED, a flrst-cias. mok w.... i , Elite Dining HaU. Fort Dod la BM363 11 WANTED, man living In Nebraska to travel, advestise, distribute; salary, 81500 lr wurn uiu r&iK'iiflBi, rajwrirnw un necessary: references; self-addressed en velope. F. Glllis, 85S-S60 Dearborn. Chi cago. B MIS 7 SALESMEN" WANTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line af (riM and ornamental treee; pay weekly; outfit : free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law- , rence, atn. - se JUr- WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, iwn young lady students to learn aalrdresulng. manicuring and chl- topedy and cintinc maaaiage.. Call or inn xioom M, ,tte Bldg. c- 100 Glrla. Call Canadian office, tth A Dodge. C s-u WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle, man take Ufe schoisrahip In Ouiaha beet tmaineas ana nor ma no college 'and pay fur II when cuurse la nnlhad and position a cured. Address L Bee. c-aso WANTED. a teacher te Instruct tea French language to a class of three, twice a week; state terms. Address z St, Bee. C-MC6 WANTED, experienoed aaleBladie in glove. VfiUug and Orgs trimming department. J. L Brandets sons, Buslun klture. C Ml S3 WANTED. Isdy to glvs conversation Icg auus lu French tu young soman cm eveairig each week, blew tartua. Ad- V dress. B ii. bee. . C 74 Wanted. bJ Mason girl for general housework, fee C 43 JvV ANTED." young auras girl. Apply f.7! a, . Zslh sc , . ' . . C Mj4 WANTED, gtai to assist in general house work. Apply 671 e. ik st. C Mi WANTED, tea ladle to demonstrate starch. Applr Kta Farnam Et. C SZk WANTED A, good girl at once for general housework: good wages. Mrs. R. B. WU cox. Hi Wirt at, : C Mili 1 COMPETENT COOK WANTED: beet agist,- siuall Ismlry. 124 8. 24tk st C-M32J WANTED, a tolored gtrl te assian tn btruse work. Apply with rf.. at 5:: a. IMh st. C-S38 8 WANTED, .8 cnaiaber girls, must arstst In dlrrtng room, lis prr month. The V Earilng. Spencer, la C M356 tr WANTED, gtrl fo general housework: emaii ignuiif. Vluuk Trimble. 4J3" r-r--. - f u -ail a W e-v v WiHTED-TElUB HELP. LiniRB and eentlemen to travel, salary and nppriMi payable wekly. Call Bat. and Monday, room i". ner vtrano noiei. C Mar FOR KETT-HOlK. VANS and burr:? wagons. Tel. 11. D-S4S UnilCCC In or ritjr. in o. nUUatj r. dvis Co.. sm Be bi. TO MoVe right rt Omaha Tan S'orsre Co.; office lail'e nmtrn, or aei. jm-.. i nig SEE PAYNE. BOPTWICK CO.. for choice house. tK-1-2 -N. . Lit Bid. Tel. l"i. D-8M FOR RENT. -ronm, modem, detached house, newlvt painted ano papers, '. VCl Capitol Ave. Tel. S7J. B. H. Rohleon. D W FOR RENT, modern- hoti- Tiear Hijrn chooU The O. F. lavia Co., tiff n as. U 7 JSAOGARD Van Storag C3. Tel L W D S6S Hou6ES etc F- t). Wead, Ui4 Douglas. D 857 B1X-R06M flat, all modern. 1U2 Bo. 11th. fXEOPALER crntrnl. modern. 4 and !- room nata. inara. au iv. wa ri. FOR TIE NT, .new modern brick. room. S3o5 Burt. uJW - FOR RENT, nice 6-room cottage, rear of 1141 N. lTlh. u f HOL'SES. atores. Bamla. Paxton block. HOUSES and flat. RlnfwaJt, Barker block Li Til GOOD 8-room modem houae. Siei Blondo. - D M317 SEVEN-ROOM cottage, Sl' B J4th St.. WB; no furnace. J. it. jonnson, . x. u. D Mt 11 TkD tlTTVT 4wtmm MMt at - 4m tPlsa nW Dunsanr Yuartrncnt hoUw, iotb and Pierce atreeta, all modera convenience; ' newlr oatiered. t. per month. Inquire of H. J. Windsor, 151S Dodge bt D-JT7 nnnn c-rnnm house. AddIf 2304 Grace. RFMT n,n,,rfKim furnished house with lawn, for threa month. St. Marys. Un a- S"! MARCT St.. rooms, all modern. In good neighborhood, J per month. GEORGE COMPANY, lftl Farnam St. D M vti 13 MODERN. 5-room cottage, lawn and shade. at 2124 Miami Bt. ji aijoi s FOR RENT FIRMSHED R ELEGANT rooms, finest location. (n the cHy Capitol ave. E M836 DEWEY European hotel, J8th nd Farnam. , OOP TWO housekeeping rooms tS. 2S2J St. Mary's Hi iff J J-O NICELY furnished room or rent; also for llzht houaekeenlna. 2B10 Douglas, E M247 T FOR RENT, large, pleasant south, front rooma. newly furnished, private family; term, moderate. 2214 Canltol Ave. E 34! S FOR RENT, furnished room, south front. gentleman. 1706 Davenport si. 7 E MS64 I 8 NICE rooms for light housekeeping, fur nished. 1112 B. 11th. t mh Fl RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam. comfortable summer home. Tel So. OVJ VERT desirable rooms. 212 8. 25th t. F 600 HAVE one nice cool front room, -suitable for two men. 1918 Burt si. F 561 rOR RENT TNPTRNI SHED ROOMS. DESK room space. 85 ve notn. ground - Tha R KuJIdln. facing .Tr-i, . .roWnae or iXhL heat CT- lan tor service. L C. Peters . st Co.. rental aaenta. Bee bulldkia. G lit. CENTRAL. 8 choice rooroa. 830 N. 23d Q 41 I?n nflTnJalTerl000!? ""th JJrtet Q-w: lreet- u ia .riia?1! parlor furnished or unfurntshea; modern; references exxnsngea. u i. unn st O M307 11 THREE unfurnished rooms, betng entire parlor floor; reasonable. 8563 Pt Mary's ave. " jt aiono a FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee st 816 Farnam at. It has four stories and a bement which was formerly used as The Bee press room This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. , C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, 'tor In Crstiaas location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peter Co., ground floor, Bee bldg. FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise brewer or party aouig ousinee in wnuiea&je aistnct- in quire Hene k Co., sis Farnam st. 1 Mffl4 I TO LET. offices In Pax ton block and Mc- Cague bldg. W. Farnam Smlia Co., UJO I arnam at. 1-5.2 DESK room for rent at MS N. T, Life bldg most r When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two oi tne pen to mention tne tact that you saw ths sd In The Bee. A (ENTS WAITED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscrfplloas to THIS TWENTIETH CENTL KY FARMER; teady employment with aasured good Income: agents In the country wita borso and buggy especially desired; can vassera make eaatly 860 to 81t per month. Aadree Century Farmer Soticilors' bureau. Bee bullolng, Omaha. 213 AG ENTS wanted to make 810 00 a day sell ing tbe . "Cylcena" Rotary Hand Fan. greatest seller known, big prunta. Writ today for agents terms. Sample post paid. 25c. Enterprise Fan Ck. 154 Lake sc. Chacaga. J 3,q f WANTED. peclal representatives: guar anteed money-making proposition, no capital required: permanent position; all your It ne not nec. asary. Royal lfcvefcl ment company. Los Angeles. Cal. J MS48 7 WANTED TO IY. WANTED, two er three axod vacant lota. ultable for residences or flats; must be good locations and price reasonable; sil caik snd no xtrs expense of selllna. Addreas direct to buyexa, H lii, rare Bee N Unit W A XT ED a - ban d clothing for cash. 1307 Farnam. Is M2t Jy. 8 WANTED, ta our, a aeeeaal hand lai fountain, complete, with Iron basin pre- terrea. Aaerees ii, tie. n ast FOR SALE Fl RMTIRE. CH1CAOO Furniture Co.. J410 Dodge. Tel. us. New awd BMond-aand. baught, sold. eaensbgea. u sal FOR SALE HORsES. WAGONS. ETC. FOR SALE, cheap, a Cotteorg euggy. 1 h ana tjiniua. f i FAINTING and repairs en wagon, ete.. our specialty, n rruet. itta as Leav gworia. Tea. 1H7, ". " JT-gal IFOR I4I.E-HORIE.S WASO ETC. FOR PALE, burgle, phaeton, runabout. new and secondhand, at cut price. Re pairing, painting and trimming; also put on rut. her tire, i-Teiner, ana Leav enworth Bt. F 777 JJ4 SEVERAL fine driving harden. Walter Phelps, Boom U. r. Y. uie Bicg. FOR BALE Horses, wsgnns. etc.; pood extension top csrriage fur aale at a sac rifice. tee jonneon at Booeni, jonn Deere Bldf., loth and Leavenworth sts. f-MU jei,- FOR S ALE MI ( ELLA EOt S. ZD HAND aafe cheap. Bchwarta, 114 B. lth. FLEBCHER aell bicycles. 1&2 Capitol Are. 2D HAND aafe cheap. Dertght, 11H Famam. 4 urn VM BTY1J:8 tmaae; catnlogje Xree. Sber- mam A Mr( iinnfll Drui lo.. 1ST n ana Dodge, Omaha. Q M7 BICYCLES and chonorranha on easy pay ment to down, il.' per -ee; 2nnna wheel. g:i. and l"; new wneeis, io. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Pts. WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, hitch post, tree guard. wire v orxa. oi. s. ltttn bi. xei. law. TOR BALE, phonograph, superior to any other musical instrument; a up. i nt Wittman Co., 1C21 Farnam. W FOR BALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap, inquire m nee Bldg. y msh SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables; taX. renamed a "la .toTof ar hxtre clrar counters etc nckXlkeonenoer Co I Sfo billiard tabli cheap ba The Bru South 10th. Q 516 HKV: arid 2dhand typewriters. 1119 .Faj- ii am. f w t'A FOR SALE, secondhand desk, chairs snd walnut office counter and railings. a- bash office, 1415 Farnam St. W M14S INDIAN goods and relic 1119 Farnam, Q C2 FOR SALE, fine Imported harness, brass mounted and trimmed; cost when new I3S0; will aell for I.v: can be seen at Doty A Russell s barn, 30th and Leavenworth streets- Q J9 OLD wheels taken In trade on new ones. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th and Chicago St. y mjhi WHITE aawdust: season checked oak tim ber cheap; hog fence, etc. St'l Douglas. Q m CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass st B 8.4 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. HM. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. loth, r 7. x flitia j ii MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor. R 2. PERSONAL. Mlddlemtss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. u j&.u j DR. ROY,, chiropodist, corns and superflu- ou hslr' removed by electricity. R. 12, FTenser block. L .6 PRIVATE hospital, befors and during con finement, babies adopted, asm urant st Mrs. Uardels. Tel. F-u&i c b.i FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. u o.o HAIRDRESSINQ. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladle only, in connection witn The Batnery, 216-ax) Bee bldg. u . RL'PTURE permanently cured In 20 to 60 day: seno lor circular. J. o. vt oou. m. D., 521 New York Life bldg., Omaha, Neb. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 & Douglas, GRAMOPHONES and supplies, . w holesale snd retail. Collins hnano CO., 121 uoug- las. L ' ' TTT CHIROPODY a pecia.t y. In connection wrun ;ine uauiery. room rooms 216-220 Bee bldg. ieL 1,iB- U SS3 BHAMPOOING and halrdressing. 25e. In I connection with The Batnery, 216-ZJti Bee building. Tel. 1716. L 8M PRIVATE home for ladle, before and dur- ln confinement; babies adopted. 2620 Burdette. Mra. Burgee U M21S J16 VIAVA, wonmnj. way to health, Home treatment. Booklet free. 346 Bee bldg., L o Omaha. ' ELITE PARXaORS, 615 S. 16th .ttloor. DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from Capitol avenue to nat over uranam s Orug store, nortneasi corner i weniy- fourtn and f arnam streets, u M752 jj rOl'ND, best Ice eresm soda In city, 6c Bhrader's store, 24th and Seward. c 43 J10 MME. SMITH, baths, 11S N. 15, 2d floor, r 1. u M2J3 J 16 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side pleating. 1 ne ooiaman i'leating Co., aiJ Douglas blork. U M7S1 EMPIRE RUPTl'RE Cl'RE 932 N. T. Lite mag , umana. oena tor circulars. U 468 Cigare on Ice. Gentlemen, you can never enjoy a mok to tne run extent until you try tbe STOECKER CIGARS which are kept on Ice.' U-Mil7 7 FREE TREATMENTS. To convince the afflicted of the wonderful power of vital magnetism, the Frlbbenow Institute, for a limited time, will treat any sufferer i or I times absolutely free. Call at 213-216 Karbach block. 2o H. 15th at. Phone. B2!M U M270 Jy2 By agreement between employer and tm- Poye. ALL JOB PRINTING OFFICES CLOSE AT NOON SATURDAY. June T to September IS. E. M. BIRCH. President A. P. T. C. V 844 QEORGE: Pag 83. June What to Eat, till snow your nausn. aouit U-M347 7 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4A4j PER CENT on business property. a per cent on resiaence property. options ta pay w bole or part any time. v . a. utmix, tot a. istn ai. W- MONEY' to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-ixive Co., suy t I3tn. WANTED, city loan and wsrrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam st. W 868 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. T. L. W FARM and city leans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank bldg. Tel Ikifi. W- WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co.. 17uC Farnam St., Bee bldg. W 891 LOW RATES Private' money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Mam loor . z. Lite Bldg. W-if92 W A NT E D M.000 soaa en gilt-edge Inside property, renting for 874 per month. Ad dress C ii. W -M-TSJ a 4H TO P. C. money. Bemla. paxton blk. 6 PER CENT loan Farnam. Garvin Bros W 1H4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas W I1J0 UP. low rat. Prtchard, 1713 Frnm. w Mil BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala T Co., tU North l h MOSRT TO LOAX CHATTEL. 10 YEARS In our present lotlon. Ieal with an old NEBRASKA Collection company (incor reilable firm and establish a credit tht I poratedi. New York Life bldg. Phone, will be of uee to Jon In the future. W make loan on Furniture, plun". Iive Btork and to Sal.-rled Ivople. tur ra'e are aa low a any and much lower t'mn many. Our motton l, "Tiy to p.eaee. " If you have dealt with un anj are pl aeed tell others, u jtu are rtlppleaei tni as. OMAHA MflRT;E 1)A.N CM. IIS Board of Trade Bldg., 306 S 16th St. Established in 1S'2. Tel. .s. BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Lon t let your debt worry you, CALL ON t'8 ami we will make veil A SALARY LOAN. We loan to honest employe I P N THEIR PERSONAL NOTE. r to S100 without security, endorser or publicity. OFFICE HOIKS, S a m. to i RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. Room 3"3. Paxton Block, Third Floor A MW LARGEST prSINFPS IN 11AN? TC. SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc . without se curity; easiest terms; 4i) office In prin cipal cltte. Tolman. 440 Board of Trade Bldg. A Chattel and Salary LoairS, PHOENIX CREDIT CM.. Successor to J W. Tavloe. Tel. 745. . 3 Paxton Blork X 27 J2 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rute. 614 1'axton block, me J. a. jiuiton co. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co.. sue. to Duff Green, i Barker Block. X-R'l MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, lew- elrr, horses, cows. etc. C. t. Heed. 31t s S11 S IS. X-!xi (SALARY AND FTRNITl'RE LOANS. Do you want money for long or Fhort terms at rates rareiy equaieo iy runiiifiii'irp : "Its our business to supply it. A M h. K i - CAN LOAN CO., Third Floor. Paxton Block X 9"0 B15INESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411. Mccague Buiiamg. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quit., see j. 11. Johnson, b43 N. i'. Ufe. Y Ml. DESK ROOM, Tll-top desk and "phone service. J. 1. Johnson, til I. lAte. Y 4 Enterprising Man with lo.twu ca.i acuune ontralling inter est in a rpialy increasing ana piontaDie legitimate manutacturing pualiieaa; in vestigate thta proposlliuu. ,1. H. John son, js. x. L. au FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock of Jewoiry, crockery, musical inkirumeiius. sewing machines, notions, etc., aooui I 6,5ou; also good brick building, XxllM, I with lot 26X1O0; stock locateo in good ; stock located in good iwn, northweaiern Iowa; county seat to stock excaDtJon&liv clean, running and aouig good business. Flue opening. Ad dress M. Cusady, biuux city, la. i ja Jio- w.n a ii r ..,. 1 . i.k.n. 1 11 h nnt Grace street, omana. Apply to tne Standard Faving Co., Chicago, xu. 1 jaj.i je.. FOR SALE, furniture of a 10-room house, full of gjod paying ooaraera, i diocx from Harney, Dodge and Farj'iam cars, 4 blocka from 16ih; cash offer oniy con sidered. A good thing for ths rigut per son. Houje rent reasonable. Aaarets C 7, Bee. i -w HOTEL WHITNEY for sale or rent; newly refitted; furnace heat; failure 01 neeiin. Address R. U. Whitney, Tiiacn, seo. WILL TRADE for good land in eastern Nebraska or sell far caant. a paying hub tneaa in one of the - Ast .lowni In eastern Kebrssaa: new." creanT groceries. dry goods, shoes nd general merchan- dlse; value about 5,(K; dorng-a business bf gl.oou cash per montn oeatues pruuuuc, population about ,(; w oi eaucauonai fuclllHea: ttartv owns double brsr-k store building; location best In the city fur trade, which he is about to dispose or reason for felling, building can be rented; splendid cha.hce for progressive man to enlarge business. Taks this up quick, us It won't last. For Information address C IS, csre of Bee. i-m.sus s- MY PRINTING plant can sell It outright. Frank Famam. be leased, or will Brown, 13th and Y 343 6' BLACKSMITH SHOP ror gaie chear. Address Box S27, Alma, I Veb. Y M362 7 10-. v nun Y-M360 BAKERY and confectionery business wanted in city oi ..w iu iv.w, uiupl be paying proposition and a bargain AU- dress C 2". Bee. , Y-M3..H FOR KACHANIsE, WILL good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 48, Bee. it Mail) FOR BALE REAL. ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, farm, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Beml. Paxton block. he ail LANDS In th Mouse River valley are of the beet in sunn jeaoia; gouu uii. splendid climate and good water; surtace level, with ocx-aaionaily small strip of roHlilg prairie, not hilly; well watered with runnina small streams and dotted with little lake, land is increasing in value at a rapid rale. Homesekers and i?y over" i ore Vtuln. .1-- here. Par- call and we will take pKasure in answer uri ucunut ....... tng all communication, a .so snowing our lui.ria. we nave liaieu uum gvrueii lauui lit, , aVkers-wril-do wwTto notify US wncn 10 txpeci uitm, so we can be tirepared to show lands. Yours for Business. Hl'MPHKEI & bLAl'GHTER, Norwich. N. D. KE J5 Jy RANCH and firm lands for sale by the Union Facinc xtanroaa cumjiauy. x. ja McAUester, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, vmana, .-nco. RE 808 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property ana iarm lanui. lotu r . Davis CO-, tvoom iw, wuunmm. RE 12 quality highest, prices loweai. ationai OH and Paint company. 1015 Jones St. RE 53 Jrit EE PAYNE. BOSTWICK (X) for choice bargains, eul-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. U'16. THE OMAHA REALTY CO- I'M Douglas St., upstairs; small souse lor sale; cbeap building lota. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on ey terms. Kt-ail IF YOIT wsnt one of the nlrest s-room homes tn Hsnscom Place 1 will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must Bell. e. ii. fcUcrwooa. sui i. i. l- xtiug. KE M15J GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, anort- aaao. rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE la WILLIAMSON fa" nam street. RE 810 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the " acknowledged leading eclalikt In diseases oi women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed sceommodationi before and during confinement and his treatment for Irrrgulariiaas. no matter what cause. Call or adureas. with stamp, It. Pries, Arlington Block, lj!3 Doge. Omana. a. When You -Write" to Advertisers remember It eaiy take an extra trok or two of the pen to met. lion th fact that you saw tne aa in tne pee Fl SI A lit ME R8CPAIRIN4.. I FXRST-CLA3 wwk. taU rarnass, Tel lial. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BUUman A Prlc. attis. law. collection. . P. Lliils. notary, 28 L'. 8. Nat. TrL LJU. IU all Damage suit proeecutea. me col lection of claim, larre or email, mad anywhere In the United Ptte or forrtpn loumriM bv bonded attornevA No col- it-rtlon, no rhara-e. Bank reference fir- rlahed on application. U41 J'J' P. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, m&- MS"1 chlniet. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wk. make a ape- ciatv of fire eecape ahutter. door ana ie. U Andreen, llop., 1"2 8. 10th ft. SHORTHAND AM TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT achool. 717 N. T. Llfa. SO BOYLE8 college, court reporter prlncltal. N. . Life. kJ2 NEB. Business & shorthand College, Boyd Theater. J2 ACCORDION PI.EATINO. REDl'CED prices In plektlngs. ruchlngs. tucKinas ana appiiqueins. r or run in formation Inquire Ideal Pleating Co , 1510 Howard ft. 772 J7 NICKEL HUllMl. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2538. KiZ CARPENTER ANI1 JOINEHg. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T . Ochiltree, th and Lake ftreets. 37 8TAMMERIN AKD STI TTERING. Cl'RED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. y-4 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. TEAM DIE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suit cleaned, pressed. iuie eairia, ouc &i iMn sl 0 J3'i PIANOS. $250 "WALTER" ffi5 5250 NO MORE NO LESS. Ask Fred R Walter for terms. 3lli California St. Catalogue on request. M353 8 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention th fact that you saw the ad In Ths Be. UAH HAG E. ANTI-MONOP0I ANTI-MONOPOLY' GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vauita, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16. jei. li.V. !C'6 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. . oj JINK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1301 Douglas. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw me aa in The Bee. ANNOINCEM ENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. Maai Ml SICAL. C. B. SHAW'B new studio open all summer. -Tnt J17 STORAGE. STS. 3-J OM. Van Stor. Co.. 15114 Tarn. Tel.. isaMfli. rrRXIXVRE stored during summer for , Address C 14. Bee. - M-M324 6 LAlNDRl. OMAHA Steam Laundry; hlrts, 8c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. MY -933 RT,BT UlIndrv The Chlcaao "Dhone 2T6 j BEST laundry. The Chicago, pnone zn M6SJ ACTOMOBILES. -,,. irTOMORttra n.n.h.-. EfuCRrImAJ,ISt . 'sSJ 11U Farnam htreet. ' LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. I. I. Wk... 1401 Howard. FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1424 BoUth. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 1042 Farnam. IH Jl'P PLI MBINQ. D. W. DUDGEON. 2S10 Farnam. Tel. lii. -auii jy- LOST. LOST, a small blue and brown Scotch ter- r er dui. ucenae taa ao. i-ua: rewara is offered if returned to 816 N. lid or 1810 Chicago. Lost M340 7 LOST, coral necklace near loth and Doug- las it. Return to 11)16 Dodge and get re. ward Lot MW6 7 OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. V ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. suite Mt, i. Lite Biag. iet. iH. LR A. T. HUNT, all McCagu Bldg. TeL 2352. 817 DR. MRS. MU81CK. Douglas Blk. Tel. 2!2t " HIS 2tZ STAflHOPES RUNABOUTS TEHICILARLT STYLISH. HAKXSI8" TO MATCH TUB VEHICLES. Drumtnond Carriago Co. I8tb and Harne; Sts. ) Taaa-t Haaee Oppositi ;::,v rary COTERNMENT NOTICES. TRKAS1RY DEPARTMENT. OrFICK Superislng Architect. Washington, D C . Mav 24th. lii. BEALKD 1 RoPt'SALS Will be received at tbl ofilce until I o clock p. m. on the 'th dav of June. 1"2. and then opened for the extension and rhne lni idental thereto, of the low pressure and exhauet team heating and mechanli'al Xentliatlng ap)artti. etc. In the 1'. 8 courthouse. jtti.m bouse and postofflce at OMAHA. NEliRAFKA. In accordance with the drawings and specification, which will b furnished t the discretion of the Su pervising Architect on application t this office, or at the office of the Superintend ent, Omaha. Nebrasks JAMKs KNuX TAYLOR, Supervising Arrhltct. MyZ7rtteod TBEASfRT DEPARTMENT. OFFICE of the Sjprlsiii Architect. Washington, D. C. May 29. lmc Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until 2 o do. k p m on the 2lh day of June, 1!2. and then opened, for the Installation of a con duit and electric wiring system for the extension of the I". S. Court House. Cus tom House and Postofflce at OmahH, Ne braska, in accord inc with the drawing and specification, copies of which may be Obtained st this office or St the office of the Superintendent of Construction st Omaha. Neb., at the discretion of the Supervlslng Architect. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Fujervlslng Architect. J3-&-7-10-1J-HM CHIEF Ql' ARTE RM ASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Neh . Jjne 8. 19u2 Sealed pro- IKal. In trlnllcate. will be received at Ibis office and at offices of Quartermaster hi stations named until 10 a. m.. central Ume. July 3, inc. for furnishing oats, bran, hay and straw during year com mencing July l. lot, at Forts Crook. Nio brara nd Robinson. Neb . Omaha depot. Neb., Jfferson barracks. Mo , Forts Iyeav- Ark., Reno and 8111. Okl. Proposals for delivery at other points will le entertained. I. 8. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or, any part thereof. Information furnished on application hers or- to qusrtermaMer st stations named. Envelopes containing prnoals should be marked " Proposal for Forage.'" addressed to undersigned or to quartermasters at I or to ouartermasters at I posts MAN above named Jull W. PI LL- C. y. M. 6td 4-6-6-7 Jy. 1-1. . I CHIEF UI ARTERM ASTER S OFFICE Omaha. Neb., June a, lmci. Scaled jiroposnls, I in triplicate, will be received st this oniee I snn ny quartermasters at posts namea, i until 1" a. in., central time, July 5. 19"2. for I furnlshlng wood during the fiscal year end- I ing june ju. it is, at I on ctoor. rseo.. sua Fort Reno. Okla. Proposal for delivery at I other joints w ill le entertained. L . S. re- serve right to re. I cot or accept any or all propal9. or any part thereof. Information uiiopoT-o nil a j'l'in a v ion liri r, ill iw uubi- termakter st stations nam.H contHlnlnc nrnnnvtli shonM bs marked 'Proposal for Fuel." JNO. W. PlI.L- MAN, C. Q. M. J5d4tJyl-2M - CHI EF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFIE ...ii.,juw.,iw seaiea propu.a . ,V.T,,w?,,S1'k. T.,,,.U"' C"n 1 1 a. m . central standard time. June 20.1 lfii for the construction of a frame hand tand at Jefferson Barracks. Mo. Full In-I form lion furnished on application to this omce, tier specmcationB may oe Men, or to the Quartermaster. Jefferson Bar- racks. Proposals to be marked "Pro- posals for Band Stand." JOHN W. PL'LXe- MAN. Chief Uuartermaster. 6t De-i-s-io-17-UM ST. PACT,. Minn., June 7. ISO!. SEAIj:D I KUi'OBALS. In trlpllcste. wUl be received here, or at following named posts, until 11 a. m., Julv 7, for furnishing such CORN. MATS. BRAN. HAY and STRAW a may be required during the fiscal year .oiiiiiiiL iu rfUli .i, it ci. x a ui aou ri.ii i-iieiinia:, Jiinn. run laien, ; Camp Merrlt and Fort Asslnnlbnine, Har rison, Keogh and Missoula, Mont.; Fort Yellowstone, Vyo., and Fort Meade, 8. D. Inatructlons furnished on application here, or to Quartermaster 'at the oosta named. V. 8. reerv right to accept or reject any or an proposal or gny part tnereot ur.ti. K FOND, C M ji J7-9-10-11J J'5-f.M LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S SALE Clothing, hats and caps, gentleman's fur- nlshlng goods, furniture and fixtures. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the order of' the United States district court, sitting in and for the district of Ne braska, In the matter of the Continental Clothing company, a bankrupt, on Wednes day, the 11th day of June. Itw2. at 10 o'clock a. m.. i win sen at pudiic auction to tne highest bidder for cash at the northeast corner of Tougla and Fifteenth streets. In the city of Omh. Douglas county, Ne- braska, the entire stock, furniture and fix- tures of the Continental Clothing company, said stock conelstlns of nan a and boys clothing, hats and caps and gentlemen's furnishing goods. All of said stork-1 to te offered for sale In bulk and In Darcela. and sold to the highest bidder for the property in bulk, or lo me lliKllvvi amuri . o. . no muDiwii ub M.rm.n. nr Tr.-ela Ttrnvlrte t ha total bids for such osrcels exceed the highest bid for tne property in tiuia. Stock inventoried by oraer or court snows value of U4.61Z.M: lurnltur and fixtures cost over 8.,6uO.0u. H- F. KUBEKSON. Receiver. M3dlutMaE poSTorncE notice. (Should be read DAILT by all interested. a changes may occur at any time.; Foreitm malls for tbe week ending May 81, WZ, will close (PROMTLY In all cases) at tne general poeiuuice as iouows; rar- eels post malls clone one hour earlier than Closing lime aiiot.ii vtius, x-ari:eis puai mails for Germany . close at i p. m. Monday. Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary mails for Europe and Central America. via colon, close one nour later at foreign station). Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER AiLBDAi At .urn a. m. ior jvt.iiii.K- LANDS direct, per a. s. Kynuani ,mall must "be directed "per a. s. Ryndani '); at 8.( a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per Vr TOVvrArruior DENMARK direct, per A a. Island iraail must be directed "per s. s. Island"! : at 11:30 a. m. isupplementarv i p m.) for El KOI t, per s. s. Lucania, via Lueen- town. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This stesmel take Printed Matter, Commercial Paper and Samples for Germany unly. The aanie cias of mail matter lor other prt vt Europe will not be sect cy mis ship un less specially directed by 11. After the closing of tne supplementary transatlantic mails named ebove, addl- tional uppiomeniar malls are opened oa the pier of the Aui'n-n, English, French and German steamer, and re- main (pen until within ten minutes of thai hour Of sailing of steamer. I Malls fo Soatla nasi tcatral Amer loa, Weet ladies, Etc. SATURDAY At 8 A m. for BERMUDA pt.r s. a Trinidad; at 8 a in. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. . Cuamo, via San Juan: at a. m. (supplementary 8:30 a. m.) for CURACAO snd vl.ezieia, per s s. Maracalbo (mall for Eavanilla and Carta, arena must be directed "per s. s. Mara calbo"; at 8.30 a. m. (supplements ry 1:S0 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, 8AVAN1LLA. CARTAGENA and GREYTOWN.. per s. a. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must ds oirectea per A s. Alene"); st 10 A m. for CUBA, per s. a. Mexico, via Havana. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North aSydney. and thence by steamer, close st this otttce daily , at 6M p. m. (connect ing close here every Monday, Wednes day ana naiaruay. siaus ior saiqueion, j hy rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this oflc dally ai t.1 p. m. Malls ior Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, exoept Thursday, final connecting closes, . . . - m . r . . 1 . h . fort Tiimt nn U,r- days. Wednesday. ar Baturuays at days "snd Saturday at . p. 'm. Malls e,.e Vfkico 1 ltv. .overland, mtuta ata. daily addressed lot dispatch by steamer, com at this office J any except Sunday r-T Z 7 ",rTV w.-.i. .r,-' .a1 Rica, Be Use, Puerto (.or tea snd Quale- niala. by rail to isew urieans ana thence by eleamer, cloe at thl eflice daily ex - cept siunday at 13 p. m.. Sunday at 1:00 p. m. (connecting cioae ner Muu day lor Bellse. Puerto i-ortcs ana uuate maU. and TuesUays for Costa Kicai. Heglstere4 ttU cioseg at, l:ou p. m. viuu aay. TraaspaeiSs Mails. Mali tor Tahiti ' and Marquesas Islands. via San Francisco, caw here dally at l.iu p. m. up lo June 4. Inclusive, tor a ai patch per . a Australia. Mat: for Australia (nwH West Australia, wbtrh Is forwarded via Europei. New Itaatand, Fiji, gamoa and Hawaii, via ban FrsarUKo, c.. aaily at 6.jy P m. after May 24 and up to June inclusive, or on arrival oi a s. ciruna, due at New York J un 7. tor alanstcB per s A bierra. I Mail for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ( i'iu jAianaa, vx baa FranCiSvw, j POSTOFS It E NOTICE. hre daily at 3o p m up to Jure 7, Incluslte. for ditpaich pt r s. s. City of Peking. MmIIs for China and Japan, vis Vancouver and VK-ton. H . .. cl here dally t t...) p. m. ui to June s10. inclusive, for di ltch per s. s. tmprss of Japan (regis tered mail most be s,wtiall addressed. Menhar.lise for the L'. 8. l'ost! Agency t Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada t. Mmis l.r tne Philippine Islands, via San Francisco. here dally at . p. m. up to June 11 e.-luslvs, for dlspaUh i. r I". 8 Transnori. Malls for China and Japan, vl. Seattle, close h're dally at p. m. up to Juno 11. inclusive, for dispatch ier a. To Mnru Regiiered mall must bs directed. "via Seattle ). Malls for China and .'span, via Ttoomx, close here dally st .So p. m. up to Juna l.v inclusive, lor uispatcn per a. a. init of Fife. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco. rl"S here dally at r- m. up to June is. Inclusive for dlsnatch oer s. s. Alameda. Mails for China, Japan and Philippine Isl ands (also specially aoitrcssed mail rr Hawaii), via Ban Francisco, close hera rinllv at 6:30 n m. up to June 1S. In clusive, for oinpatcn iht s. s. t.aenc Malls for Australia .except West Aus- trslla. which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, clos here dally at t.y J. in. after June 7 Dd up to June ""II, In clusive, for dispatch er . . AorangL Transnaclflc mall are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule nt clos- in is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overiana transit. Registered mall closes at (:0u a, m. pre vious dsy. CM KNELT IS VAN COTT. l"otmater IA1LWAT TIME CARD. INION STATIOR IOTH AND MARC1. Chicago, Rack Ult aaa PaelSe. EAST. Leav. Arriv. Chimin Davllcht Lira- ited a S 00 am g t 45 am rhicaro Davllcht a 7:00 am :& pra Chlcero Exuvss bll:l am a : pm Des Motne Local a 6:20 pm bil:60 am Chicago tasl tiprm t :ia pm iiJtpn WEST, Rorkr Mountain Llm- ited : Sni g 4 Jok am Luuoln Colo Springs. i vn.tin and V est 1:80 pra a 5:43 pm rolo Texas CaL k iikiahoma Flyer a 1:20 pra a!2:40 pm 1 " aDaaa. I St llUlB "Cannon Ball' I Express a 6:15 pm a, 8:10 am I Ft Louis Local. Council I Bluffs .alOiOO am a 10:10 pra I ( hlca.e. St. Paml. ,-,,. iimi,.d a 1:00 tim al:0iam Cblcaio ft Omaha Ex..b :U am b 8:e0 p- lnio 1'aclao. Leave. Arrrva. Overland Limited.. .a 8:40 am a 1:80 ant 1 Fast Mall a 8:60 am alto put I California ti press a t:zs pm I Pacific Express pm I Eastern Express... ...... a :86 pm Atlantic ExDresa a 7:00 am I Llncoln-Siromaburg Ex.b 4:06 pm bU.iO Dm I Grand Inland Local 6 t:o pm a am Mlssuari Pariilo. Bt Loul Express al0:0A am a 1:15 pm K C. BC L. iLxpiwj.aioiso pm a I. la am llilaals Itatral. Chicavgo ixpresa. a 70 am a 6.19 pm I cnicaao. Minneapolis I gt. A-'SUl Ulnl'W a 7:50 pm a 6:06 am Minneapolis St. -aui Ikxpress D am bl0:8i pm Chicago Express tuO.'ii pm Caiiagu ak. Awirtsi'wesierai. lhe Noithwetrn Una" I Chicago bp:iu topoviai a i:lt am all JO pm cuicaee r i"ger t.u pm a a.vw son bslaiu jaxpress alouw aoa a 4 u put eastern cpeciai ...a :bb pm a i u pm iraneuilBSciuri Luniieo. s:w pm t ut Atau - no a 1.40 pm utuaba-ciucag L I a. ..a put, a t.M am Ic ast Mail a .u ata I i.aar xvapios Fas. a :sw pm i win city fcxproa.-....a 7:0s am alujs) pm iwiu city j-imi leu a Vies pm a . aw biuiu. vii iucai a .is am a pm WEBSTER DEPOT AbTM A WEBSTER moat, Elkkera A Mlaaaerl Valley. Leav. Axrtva. Black Hills, Deadwood. Hot Springs ai.wOpm tklipia Nouilng, casper and Douglas d 1:00 put g i.00 pm, York. Davta City, auperior, inuata, hUeier and Reward.... o 8:0 pm b (:00 am Norioik, Llnoola ana Fremont o : am t10 Jt mm I f-amonl Local c luw am I , .g. BUaSSII rSCiaa. Nebraaka Local, Via Weeping Vvaier b 4:10 pm a!0:2 am tkicsgo, st. FasuV, sllaaeapeiu aa Oawaaiaw Twin City Passenger.... a 8:30 am a 8 .at) pm a.uersuB Loiaa. ...u s.ew iu a s.s am BLRLl.NGTO.N ilOf4-10TH aV HAkog Chicago. Burllagteaa A tgalaer. - Leave. Arriva rhtcaea PDooial a iiw am a -tn i.m I i'hi, aauuuled nVx..a :v bm at:tia cnicagu Local a aw aiiw pm Chicago umiua a iiu a J.4o Am I ast a pm i ,il..i. M. Mlsaaarl River Wymore. Beatrice ana i-lncolll ..I:49B bU:65 ana Neuiaaava Express..,-... :y aa a 76 pm lenver uiuiitu .......... im yu. a s.tai aiu iiiack Kin and Fugei aounu Jfekpress aua pm a .ou pm Coioiaao vcsUUuioa Flyer a 1:00 mm Lincoln Fast Mail b 1:00 pm a 8:17 am Furt crook auu piatta mouth b 1:20 pm bll:0S am Beilevue A Pacihc Jet. ..a 7:40 pm a kM am rriuevu a Facltto Jet. ..a :00 am Beuevu -i.uiu -n...a e.wu nui Kansas City, mu Jpai at CeaaclJ Ulafls. E"--: !S r.J!rf ,jM fc-V'itu am a 8:05 pm an all: 15 am A.ansas City -Mht Ex.. pm a 6.1s am a Dally, b Daily except Bunds, e Sun day ouiy. d Daily except aaiuraay. Daily STEAMSHIPS. ANCkOK LiNa U. A aAie-CTSAMBAg Ball: of rosauu-lr hetwaoe SigW YORK. LONtMiNtlEKkY QLAkQOWj KW VUKK. OlilKAl.1 AA A NATIAA. . !T. 71.7. i -T". atali 7-TZ Tr ag sjwmumA. I smi or kuau Trt tieketa lautd kemn Ne York aaa scou. Kugliak. lriah ui all Prtsaiiisi reailBtwial tmua at ausaoaiv raiaa Far (ic. r saoaral uuirraaiw. asvir v nnuwwa aava Lkiiasu. or any LOCAL AUSNT. laVAILINfta i rwraT DAY TO Fmmt how Vf74twfl L,'a!u':'a.S TWIH'SOPO W mt w as eiM.lM. Lam a-XPOSS skoaMlaaakeaa Wtral . MmM8) Hau "a. g- -I luaJ" Tor r7 Tkar. fu J aVXOflSlrtwJr i.fottaallaa rail or vrlt S a. a. Sst-a.i aa.,iiinalai HAJtKY K. MCXlkla. lilt raxuaa St. t. A M'MALLT. UXI SX., rint Wal l ktasA daUkog S aSn.jiT mt lima Be ai. a. joata. iaa rarasa aa. M ( la) FOUR SEPARATE AXO C CUT1X5T .EtViCES. I Fast Twla-tcrea Passenger It earner aall tng regularly from Boston, Portland ana Montreal to Liverpool, also Bote t I Medlterrahewa pert. Send tor booklet. -MedlUrraneaa Tllustrated." For rates. 1 .... "PP1 ent ct oempaay s - I ofScA OS Daerkars St Chaea-. II L oosaeeeeoeee Best Always the Cheapest That's by The Bee has the best newspaper pat-ronaj-e Best subscribers Best advertisers.- ftj -.,-. . -.ia. n