Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1902, Image 1

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Daily Bee.
tirnsniiiNQfjo PECEivcoMMrrrtE
titer, 'JLbandoia 1 pkn of TWt-LfiiiM
". p-vw "
fdtementrand JadignationvPreraHi Orer
j-Puiri'W'cTiDdirg 8mall Bj
'ariiiac WIrtU Pledares Co.opw.
tUmlrttl . Office m tm Preeatlm
"tr'OTt.At sa Part jjPt ,
strike- 87m tatklnr., . ,
, ' "J
' TfEWTORK, June .Tns HoarS Of
sTrado and, Transportation received ft tele
strain from President Roosevelt today ap
prising them that be would be (lad to re
ceive the committee appointed by the board
fond appoint a committee to take ateps
looking toward the settlement ot the an
Ithraclte coal miner' strike.
I The telegram, which waft signed br
(George B, Cortslyou, secretary to the presi
dent, pointed out that the law empowering
he president to act in Instances similar
the anthracite miners' strike was re
pealed In 1838, but added that the presi
dent would toe glad to see the committee, If
U was decided to visit him.
After considering the fact that the law
liad been repealed the committee decided
pot to Tlstt the president.
' WASHINGTON. June 6. After ft confer
ence with the members ot his cabinet to
Haf President Roosevelt decided that there
Is no legal ground for interference by him
Jn the settlement of the dispute between the
fcoal operators and the striking miners.
The resolutions ot the New Tork Board
gf Trade and Transportation, requesting the
(resident to appoint ft commission to visit
the anthracite region and Investigate the
situation, were discussed at great length.
but as the law of 1892. which conferred au
thority upon the president to appoint such
n officer, baa been repealed, the president
has no desire to assume the responsibility
which the New Tork board ot trad sug
gested. .
Rlota Llhely Oeenr.
"WILKESBARRE, Pa., June C The shoot
ing affray at the Stanton colliery at South
fr'llkesbsrrs last night, in which a 11-year-eld
boy waa aerlously wounded by coal and
Iron policemen, has stirred up this com
tnunlty more than any other hsppenlng
Since the coal strlks began nearly four
weeks ago.
Although the region Is quiet today, there
Is an ugly feeling among the thousands of
men. The strikers have the utmost eon
tempt for the deputies and Iron police
sd trouble can be started at the least
provocation. The condition of the boy re
mains critical.
' The police were fortunate In getting the
four men who were accused of doing the
hooting safely away from the colliery.
A crowd of several thousand persons re-
rnalned In the vicinity for hours after the
Shooting, not aware that the men had been
quietly taken from the place. There was
also a throng at the police station at
midnight, waiting for the prisoners, but
. the men were hustled into the station so
quietly that the crowd could not get the
men. At t o'clock today another coal and
Iron policeman was arrested for coming out
Of the Stanton colliery and flourishing a
revolver in a threatening manner.
Companies Tall om the Sheriff.
Sheriff Jacobs of this county, hsd ft par
ticularly busy time last night. He we
called upon by several companies to pro
tect their property. Men were sent to some
localities where trouble was looked for pre
pared to read the riot act, but this was
not done.
The coal operators hereabouts deplore
last night's occurrence, but they feel that
the coal and iron police cannot be held
responsible for what may take place. There
have been many attempts made at arson.
Hundreds of yards of fencing surround
ing collieries have been burned by boys
sad young men. The coal companies' offi
cials hold the mine workers' responsible
for all the disturbances. ' They argue that
if the strikers wish to keep the peace they
should prevent their sons from starting
There was no changs today as far as the
Strike of the engineers, firemen and pump
men la concerned. President Mitchell had
nothing to give out.
The sheriff called ra President Mitchell
today for the purposo of enlisting the aid of
the national strlks leader In preventing any
further overt acts upon the part of the idle
men and boys. Mr. Mitchell assured the
sheriff that he would do all In his power
to have the men keep the peaee, and that
Striking miners would be asked to help
guard company property from destruction
. All the local unions, at the request ot
President Mitchell, today appointed
guard" committees, whose duty It will be
during the period of the strike to prevent
persons from destroying property, and
more especially to keep children away
from th collieries. Mr. IMtchell. In
speaking of the appointment ot the com
mittees, said:
It Is unsafe for children or anyone else
to walk along the street, cv roads boraer
lna collieries, and for "vat reason, particu
larly, we decided to have committers kep
persons away irom the mines. The city s
responsible men, who nave been employed
by the companies to do police duty, are
not to be trusted
Shotting Does Small lertest.
8CRANTON. Pa.. June Shutting down
ef the small screens and culm waaherles
erected at some of the refuse plies of long
abandoned drifts and tunnels is now engag
ing attention from the coal strikers of the
Lackawanna valley. There are perhaps a
core ot these, working with sis to ten men
each, and their trade is chiefly to farmers
and some small industries. In every sec
tlon where these eilst the several local
unions thereabouts have begun their elos
lng. Thoss at Carbondale, Jeremln, Peck
vllle and Tsylor were ail reported today as
being dosed.
The Luserne, small screen In North
Bcrantoa. was closed yesterday, but its
owners, put oa a new forvs ef workmen to
day aad are equipping them with guua and
old tbess to work the place at all hazards.
It screens shout 100 tons dally, moat ot
which go to ths Scrantra Railway com
The strikers la North Scrsntoa plan
inarch en the place this afternoon and are
confident they will close It up. Some per
sons look far troubls. District President
Nit bolls ssld reports continue to coins of
iOooUaued oa Second PagX
HadeVlT-;'?l. Combes. Premier, P:
erraslTa Repablt' m aad Ei
3IeePresrder ''.'eaate
PARIS, Suno 6. Senator U '
lvs republican and ex-vice pre .
eenate. who yesterday accepted the
forming a new cabinet, has been ena-
all day today In conferring with politic,
friends and tonight the formation of a
mlnlsVy 4s assured. After a meeting held
at 9 o'clock tonight at the ministry of posts,
which wss attended by the cabinet, M.
Combes was asked to Join the cabinet, which
then semi -officially announced, as fol
M. Combes, premier ana minister of public
Senor Valle, minister of justice.
M. Delcasse, minister of foreign affairs.
General Andre, minister of war.
Deputy Maruejoulee, who was minister of
commerce In the Brlsson cabinet, minister
of marine.
Senator Chaumle, minister of publlo in
Deputy Pelletan, minister of public works.
Deputy Dernourge, minister of Industries.
Deputy Troulllet, who was minister ot
colonies In the Brlsson cabinet, minister of
Deputy Mougeout, minister of agriculture.
Deputy Rouvelr probably will accept the
portfolio of minister of finance.
M. Combes will meet M. Rouvler again
tomorrow morning In this connection, as he
Is anxious to have him aa financial minister.
The difficulty In M. Rouvlers accepting this
post lies in the progressive Income law,
which the radicals have put In the front
rank of their program but which M. Rouvler
opposes. M. Combes Is endaevoring to ar
range ft compromise on this point.
The ministry thus formed bss ft ivery
strong radical and radlcal-soclallat element
In It, M. Delcasse, M. Rouvler and M.
Chaumle representing the purely republican
The decrees announcing the appointment
of the new ministers will be published In
the official journal next Sunday morning.
The ministerial declaration will be very
explicit regarding the application of the
law of sessions and will urge the necessity
for reform In taxation, which is demanded
by the radical majority. It will also take
Into consideration the possession of rail
roads by the state.
Tolavcale Oatbarata Appear to Cola
ride with Changes of
the Mooa.
PORT DE FRANCE, Island of Martinique,
June 610:15 a. m. A volcanic outburst
from Mont Pelee today resulted In the
formation of a heavy cloud, similar to thst
of May SO last, though It was not so dense.
No stones fell, and when the cloud had
spread over Fort de France, half an hour
later, there waa no panic here.
It is noted at Fort de Franca that the
volcanic outbursts coincide with the
changes of the moon.
KINGSTON, Island of St. Vincent.
Wednesday, June 4. Vessels leaving the
Island of Martinique have experienced up
heavals and agitations of the sea point log
to submarine eruptions, between Mar
tinique snd St. Lucia.
In the Island of St. Vincent the shining
fleece clouda which have been continually
rising and spreading in the direction of
the Soufrlere volcano since May If and
which have been mistaken for tropical
clouds have proved to be steam emitted from
the crater, from which flashes of flame
are Issuing nightly. This, combined with
renewed vibrations In the fire xone, has
Increased apprehensions that there may be
another eruption of the Soufrlere shortly.
The eruptions at Martinique seem to re
lieve the St- Vincent volcano materially.
Connection between the two volcanoes Is
Indisputable, as every eruption in Mar
tinique Is accompanied by seismic and at
mospherto disturbances here.
Edmund O. Hovey. assistant curator of
the American Museum of Natural History:
Dr. Thomas Augustus Jagger, assistant
geologist of the United States geological
survey, and Oeorge C. Curtis are endeavor
ing to aacend the eastern side ot ths
Soufrlere. They are today still awaiting
an opportunity to make the ascent.
Ho avast Other Oflleers, Hswever, Say-
that They Will Be Glaa to
Get Back Heme.
HAMILTON, Bermuda, June . The Boer
officers who hsve been living in the prison
camps on the islands near here have been
allowed their liberty on parole. Several
of them came ashore hers today and were
Oenerals Cronje, Weasels, Botha and
others were very reticent, but they said
they were glad the war was over and
would be delighted to get back to their
It Is understood that the rank and tile
of ths Boers will be allowed ashore ia
batches of ten. The officers have been in
vited to an "at home" at Government houae
LONDON, June 6. The War office has
cabled congratulations to Lord Kitchener
on the energy, skill and patience with
which he conducted the long campaign In
South Africa,' and has asked him to com
municate to the troops the government's
profound sense ot their spirit of endur
ance, bravery and discipline, and lso of
their humanity, shown throughout the try
ing period. Lord Kitchener replied. In be.
half of the army in South Africa, tendering
his sincere thanks for the congratulations
of the government, which, he was sure
the troops would receive with great sat la.
Lyaea to Be Arrested If He Attes
to Take Beat la Par
LONDON. June . According to news
agency. Colonel Arthur Lynch, whs fought
with the Boers in South Africa and was
elected 1ft November last to represent Oal
i' la the House ot Commons, and who, it
was announced last night in a dispatch to
the Associated Pram from Paris, bad de
cided to go to London early next week and
attempt to take his seat la the bouse, will
not bo allowed to carry out his Intention.
He will be arrested. It is said, on the
charge of treason Immediately after landing
In England. A sharp watch is being kept
for Colonel Lynch and if be reaches West
minster it will be by st ra legem.
rhatleasjca to riftht DaeL
ROME, June As a sequel to a heated
discussion la ths lobby of the Chamber of
Deputies, oa the subject of Eritrean (Italian
East Africa), budget. Sgr. Fraachettl. a
member of the chamber, baa challenged
the foreign minister, Egr. Prlacttl. to fight
ft duel. .
EleTen Inches of Water Talli at Cortland,
Feb., in a Few Hour.
ft Damage, Railroad Tracks and
Jridgrs hashed Oat aad Tralas
Are Delayed for Maay
I , Hoars.
BEATRICE. Neb., June . Speclal Tele
gram.) Later particulars from Cortland
concerning the cloudburst are that eleven
Inches of water fell between 4 and 10 p. m.
The Union Pacific roadbed between
Princeton and Plckrell Is badly damaged
and over D00 yards of track washed away.
Passenger train No. 43 is stalled between
Cortland and Plckrell and freight No. 55
northbound is tied up at Plckrell.
Oving to a washout on the south end, the
Burlington sent its main line trains through
here last night and this morning.
The Burlington bridge north of town is
under water and unsafe. The morn
ing parsenger for Omaha got through all
right, also a stock extra.
Beatrice Is practically isolated. Tele
phone and telegraph service Is interfered
with considerably.
The high water from Cortland reached
here at 6 o'clock this morning flooding
the residence district along the creek bot
tom. Inhabitants had been warned, how
ever, and they escaped with their effects
before the tidal wave reached the city.
The water is still rising and much damage
will result In this vicinity.
It is impossible to estimate the damage
done by the storm at this time, but It will
doubtless reach ft large sum. It is esti
mated that at least seven inches ot water
fell during the hour of rain.
St. Paal Flooded.
ST. PAUL, Neb.. June . A rainfall of
between three and four Inches within four
hours has caused a flood in this part of
Central Nebraska. The town of Dannebrog.
ten miles from here, was inundated by a
rise of Oak creek. At o'clock this evening
the water stood three feet deep in the
streets and waa steadily rising. It was en
tering the DrBt floors of stores snd resi
dences and people were moving to higher
ground. The railroads are suffering, the
Union Pacific having its tracks washed out
and the Burlington losing a bridge between
Farwell and Ashton. Much stock has been
drowned, 1
low SasTers Severely.
DES MOINES, June 6. (Special.) Dur
ing practically oil of Thursday night anj
until daylight this morning there was a
rainstorm prevailing all over Iowa, one of
the heaviest ever known in the state. Not
all sections of the stste were affected alike,
but from nearly every part of the atate
the rainfall was reported unusually Urge.
In Des Moines there was 2.15 inches of
water fell during the night. It came stead'
ily, so that at no time was the city flooded
and no serious damage was done. The
Weather bureau reports 5.24 Inches at
Clarluda, which waa the heaviest in the
stse. At Carroll the rainfall reached a
total of 3.10 inches, ana wnne no reports
were received from several points to the
northeast. It was evident that the heaviest
part of the storm occurred along the line
of the Great Western west of Dubuque. At
Glad brook and Relnbeck the storm waa so
severe and came with such violence thst
the was: on and railroad bridges were
washed out In great numbers. At LaPorte,
on the line of the Burlington, Cedar RapldJ
at Northern, a railroad bridge was swept
away. The trains on the Tama branch of
the Northwestern had . to be abandoned.
No trains csme into Des Moines from ths
north on the Great Western until late to
day. The Illinois Central lost a large
amount of track near Masonvllle. The
damage near Dee Moines was confined to
crops. A brilliant electrical display ac
companied the rainstorms here and else
where. The heavy atorms have done some injury
to the fruit crop of the state, though the
reports for June 1 indicate that the crop
was generally better than for the preceding
month. The percentagea reported to the
secretary of the State Horticultural so
ciety were: Apples, 61: Amerlcsn plums,
17: European plums, 85; Japanese Slums,
85; cherries. 48; grapes, 70; currants, 70;
red raspberries, 42; black raspberries, 57;
blackberries, 47.
Great Damage to Railroads.
WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. June . (Special
Teleeram.) A veritable cloudburst struck
ik, fit v t SO last nla-ht: rain fell in
eheeta for half an hour and was followed by
a high wind and an electrical storm. The
Baptist church waa struck by lightning ana
the steeDle split from top to bottom.
FORT DODGE, Ia., June . (Special Tel
egram.) Anthony Sheker, a prominent
farmer of Elkhorn township, lost six bead
of horses valued at $300, which were struck
bv llahtning Thursday evening. The bolt
struck a cupola and followed the track ot
a hay fork to the horses' stalls. Mr. Sheker
hsd Just left the barn when the accident
happened. The loss is covered by insur
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. June . This
section of Iowa is literally deluged and
great damage to property and growing crops
will result. A cloudburst occurred at Glad
brook, washing out aeveral miles of rail
road track on both the Chicago A North
western and the Chicago Great Western
It also did greet damage to crops. The
bridge on the Northwestern was washed
out near Gladbrook and came rushing down
the streem, collided with the Great West
ern bridge, carrying It entirely away. All
trains on both roads are delayed many
Heavy damage ia reported on other roads.
The Iowa river is higher here than for
years, submerging crops and threatening
the residents ot low-lying localities. Corn
fields In many parts are four feet under
water. Stock ia being rescued by boats.
Bonlford Langdon, a 7-year-old boy, tell
from a tree top while trying to cross
creek and was swept awsy aad drowned.
Devastation at Mitchell.
MITCHELL. S. D-. June (.(Special Tele
gram.) The worst rain storm that has
visited this section In years descended on
Mitchell this morning st 4 50 o'clock. A
violent wind storm came up first and the
rain followed. Immediately after tbs rain
fell in torrents and with beating force
for three-quarters ot an hour.
The streets were turned into a run
ning river, as the sewer was inadequate
to carry off the Immense volume ot water.
Practically every basement on Main
street is full of wster and lmicense
damage is dons to stock stored ia them.
In a great maoy residences sltusted on
low landa ia ths city ths water stands
in the cellars about svea with the floors.
Considerable damage was dons to trees
by the wind and hundreds of them are
lying oa the ground. At ths outset of the
JCeatluucd. Ttixd Fage.
Did Set Aathorlse Stary that Ho Was
Ordered to Wasblagtoa by
CHICAGO, June 6 General Miles left for
Washington over the Pennsylvania road at
6:30 p. m. He was seen at the Auditorium
by the Associated Tress correspondent Just
before he left and said: "I have been mis
quoted. I did not say that I had been or
dered to Washington. I did not say that 1
would not attend tho exercises at West
General Miles refused to be further In
terviewed. WASHINGTON. June 6 Secretary Root
stated that General Miles has not been
summoned to Wsshington. The general, it
Is said, is now enroute from Fort Riley,
Ksn.. to West Tolnt, In response to an
Invitation to attend the centennial cele
bration there next week.
The statement attributed to General
Miles In Chicago, to the effect thst he wss
called to Washington, was exhibited to
every officer of the Wsr department, who
could by any possibility have handled any
order to General Miles, and by each and
ail of them positively denied.
It is stated that no person connected
with the administration has sent sny order
to General Miles from Washington since
his departure on his present trip, nor has
the War department communicated with
him. The intimation Is that any recall,
such as referred to by General Miles, must
have come from some of his friends or
It Is said in another quarter that Lieu
tenant General Mllea only desired to see a
portion of the field gun testa at Fort Riley,
which took place the first day. He In--tended
to come east again to West Point,
stopping at Chicago to look into some pri
vate matters, and at Syracuse, N. T., Where
a reception Is to be tendered hltn.
Famous RtTrrmaa-Hamorlst Galdea,
While Coaateas de nochambeaa
Christens the Best
ST. LOUIS. June 6 Mark Twain at the
pilot wheel for the last time on the Mis
sissippi river and the Countess de Rochera
beau christening the craft with the name
of the world-famous Mlssourlan, thus im
mortalising the old boat, were the stirring
sights on the river excursion today in honor
of the Louisiana Purchaae exposition's dis
tinguished French guests. Mr. Clemens'
farewell to the historic steamer was Im
pressive. He was at the wheel for nearly
half an ' hour. Soundlnga were taken by
the captain of the vessel and the result
of each throw of the lead was called up
to the pilot house In the usual way. the
pilot responding as was tho custom la
the days, forty years ago. when Mr. Clemens
was a pilot on the river: M-a-r-k T-w-a-l-n,
q-u-a-r-t-e-r. T-w-o, fl-v-e. A-n-d o-n-e
h-a-l-f, a-l-x. F-e-o-t.
The steamboat used for the excursion
was the city's harbor boat, an old craft
that baa been used for washing ths levees,
extinguishing fires on tho river front aad
doing other municipal service for -many
years. The christening of the boat w.u
Mayor Rolla Wella' idea. .
The trip waa made up and down the
river front, the boat going as far north as
the Junction of the Mississippi and Mis
souri rivers. The excursionists embrsced
the Rochsmbeau party, a number of Mr.
Clemens' relatives and personal friends and
representatives of tho city of St. Louis
and the Louisiana Purchase exposition.
A luncheon was had on the boat during
which Mark Twain, David R. Francis, presi
dent of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
company; Mr. Michel, commissioner gen
eral from France to the Louisiana Purchase
exposition; Mayor Rolla Wells, M. Guilte
mln. first secretary of the French embassy
at Washington, and Alexander N. Ne Men 11
of St. Louis made speeches.
Stream of Hot Air Isaacs from Cracks
la tho Moaatalas of Sew
ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. June . Dr. C.
L. Herrlck, from the New Mexico uni
versity and one ot the most eminent
geologists in the west, after carefully ex
amining the supposed volcano crater, fif
teen miles from Gallup, gives a description
of the locality and says:
Here there is a fold and fault, which is
Interesting because of the metamorphlsm
which is going on. From the cracks in the
sandstone overlying the lignite there issues
a constant stream of bested air. sulphurous
oxide snd vapor. The solfataric action may
be attributed to the slow oxidation of
shales in the presence of water. Fjom this
point eastward is a series of cracks that
have been filled with iron and lime, serving
still more to show that along this fold and
break water at one time ascended.
Dr. Herrlck does not believe there is any
possibility ot dangerous eruption from this
SEATTLE, Wash.. June 6. Mount Re
doubt, Mount Ulama and Mount Augustine,
In Cook inlet. Alaska, havs been throwing
off smoke and steam for the last several
months, according to advices brought down
on ths steamer Bertha. Mount Redoubt
threw out a sprinkling of ashes that fell
around Bertha ten days ago.
I'alea Pacific laereases Its Hold lags
ot Boathera Pacific by Ft flee a
NEW TORK. June Ths Evening Post
today says: "The Union Pacific Railroad
company haa Increased Its holdings of
Southern Pacific stock from 175,000,000 to
$90,000,000. '
"It waa Intimated today that the additional
purchases had been made to provide against
the probability of several Interests secur
ing a block of Southern Pacific shares to
the detriment of the Union Pacific property.
"No formal announcement has yet been
made ef the new purchases. Aa officer of
the compsoy admitted, however, that the
stock had been secured, sdding that ths de
tails probably would be given out at the
next annual meeting."
Coafesaea KllUac White Woman aad
Is Strang I'p by
CHARLESTON. S. C. June . Jim Black,
a negro, implicated ia the murder of ths
wife ot J. K. Jones, a section master ot
the Atlantic Coaat line, was hanged near
Ravenal lata last night by a mob of men
who secured him from a posss of officers
enroute to Jail.
Black committed the crime some weeks
ago and escaped, but was captured near
Savannah yesterday and waa belag brought
to Ravenal for confinement. The negro
confessed bis crime, aaBili.g aaoiher ftcgrs
as aa aovillva
Wrtet a Constituent that H Em Had
Enough of Publio Life,
Says He Cannot Stand Hard Cnmnalaa
Inc aad Is Willlig to Give
Other Ambitions Mea
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON. June . (Special Tele
gram.) Representative Stark of the Fourth
Nebraska district will not be a candidate
for renomlnatlon to the Fifty-eighth con
gress. This decision was reached af'er ma
ture deliberation and Is no sudden deter
mination on the part of the Hamilton county
congressman to quit public life. In a let
ter directed to F. J. Blrss ot Hebron Judee
Stark, In stating he la not a candidate for
any nomination, among other things, says:
"I am not unmindful cf the fact that tor
ten years the office baa been held by a man
from Hamilton county and while appreciat
ing all the kindly thlnga that have been
said and done for me. It is only fair that
other counties In the district hsve a chance.
While I was born and reared In the eaat It
tas no particular charm for me. I am of
the west western and personally shall re
joice when I am only an elector In Nebraska,
there to act my part as best I csn and at
last be Isid awsy In the bosom ot the state
that I love so well. Whoever our people
select as the nominee for congress I shall
do all In my power to help elect him.' but I
am not a candidate."
Gives Others a Chance.
Judge Stark apoke feelingly today of his
resolution to quit the halls of congress.
He said he knew that herculean efforts
would be made by the republicans to carry
the Fourth district, but he believed he
could be elected if nominated, but by a re
duced majority. This, he said, bsd no
hand in helping him to decide not to run
again, but the fact that ho was getting
along in years aad he could not stand the
strain of hsrd campaigning aa he once
could assisted blm in making up his mind.
"Then, again." said he, "I believe in giv
ing other parts of the district a chance.
My party has been exceptionally good to
me and their loyalty is very dear to me.
I make this announcement so that when tho
congressional committees of the people's In
dependent snd democrstlc parties for the
Fourth Nebraska district meet in Seward
next Tuesday to arrange the time and
place for holding the congressional con
ventions, they, will know of my determina
tion to quit the active, busy life of a mem.
ber of congress for the quietude of my
When Judge Stark's determination to
leave congress at the end ot bis term be
came known both republicans and demo
crats came up to ebske his band and wish
blm success in the life he haa 'planned for
himself, which ho quaintly says will be
practicing some lew, writing life and fire
insurance, baying a few farms and making
loans on ths finest farm laads In all out
doors, i
Pre Delivery at York.
The postmaster genera has ordered the
establishment ot free delivery service at
Tork. Neb., on September 1, with three
carriers, one substitute and thlrty-slx let
ter boxes.
Tho free delivery which will be instituted
at York on Septe ber 1 was largely brought
about by the activity and ability of T. M.
Sedgwick, who went about meeting the re
quirements of the Poet office department In
a most systematic manner. When Congress
man Stark called up the papers yesterday
In the case It was found that Mr. Sedgwick
had anticipated all requirements of the de
partment. These changes in salaries of presidential
postmasters in South Dskota were an
nounced today: Increase Brookings, Faulk
ton and Groton, $200 each; Aberdeen, Alex
andria, Armour, Beresford, Brttton, Can
ton, Centervllle, Chamberlain, Clark, Cus
ter, Deadwood, Dell Rapids, Desmet, Elk
ton, Flandreau, Gettysburg, Hot Springs,
Howard. Huron. Lead. Madison. Millbank.
Mitchell. Parker, Pierre, Plankton. Red
field, Slsseton and Woonsocket, 1100 each.
Decrease Beadle and Eureka, $100 each.
Miss Lucy A. Blslr of Pierre. S. D., has
been appointed cook at the Fort Shaw In
dian school, Montana, and Miss Sarah M
Castle of Winnebago appointed cook at the
Winnebago school, Nebraska.
Tho comptroller of the currency baa ap
proved the Tootle-Lemon National bank of
St. Joseph aa reserve agent for the Farm
era' National bank of Pawnee City, Neb.
A poatoffice has been established at Big
Muddy, Converse county, Wyo., with John
C. A. Stowltts aa postmaster.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska S. L.
Usher, Hewitt. Sioux count, vice C. H.
Grewell, resigned. South Dakota Nels
Haugen, Hartford, Minnehaha county. Wy
omlng C. Nevln, Wail Rock, Sweetwater
Captain E. Hapton, Twenty-first Infantry
Is relieved of duty at Columbus barracks
and, upon expiration of his leave, will Join
his company la the Department ot Da
Haaletoa lie Sarprlse.
The recommendation of State Senator A.
6. Haxleton for postmaster at Council Bluffs
in place of I. M. Treynor did not come as
any surprise tQ those in Washington who
have been following the drift of Iowa poli
Senator Dietrich made the following
recommendations for postmasters today: L.
S. Callagbas. at Germantown, reappoint
ment; John H. Waterman, at Beaver Cross
ing, reappointment; J. C. Frahm, at Malmo,
vice J. P. Frostrom. resigned.
Miss Gertrude Dietrich, daughter ot the
senstor from Nebraska, has Joined ber
father here, having returned from her
school at Bryn Mawr today.
Hall Goes oa a Visit.
Representative Hull ot the Des Moines
district has gone to the famous Geneseo
valley In New York as a guest of Represent
ative Wadswortn of Oeneaeo.
Charles S. Goodrich aad his bride, who
ars oa their honeymoon, are In Washing
ton seeing ths sights. They go from hers
to New York and thence up the Hudson.
Among the surgeons from the Missouri
valley In attendance upon ths annual meet
ing of the Association of Military Surgeons
are Arthur L- Wright. Iowa National Guard,
Carroll, Ia; J. M. Barstow, Iowa National
Guard, Council Bluffs; D. S. Fstrehlld, Iowa
National Guard. Clinton. Ia.; Carroll D.
Evans, Nebraska National Guard. Columbus,
Neb.; R- Harvey Reed, Wyoming National
Guard, Rock Springs; M. K. Newell, Wyo
ming National Guard, Sheridan.
Bills introduced by Senator Kittredgo
were passed by ths senate today incrsasing
ths pension of N. W. Wads to til and that
of William D. Stlteo to $20.
Five OSScers Drowned.
GIJON. Spain, Juns . A boat containing
tight Spanish artillery officers waa run
down by ft steamer today and five ot ths
oiaotrs war dxowhod.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair in North.
Hhowers snd Cooler in South Portion
Saturday. Sunday Fair.
Temperatar at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Dev. Hoar. Df.
A a. m ...... 1 p. m ...... TH
a. m a X p. m '
T n. an 4 3 p. m T,!
ft a. m......0 4 p. m ?!
a. ra 8H ft p. an
10 a. m tm e p. m 7"
11 a. m 71 T p. m TH
la as 71 St p. m 7I
p. m 74
Travelers Select Contention Place aad
Choose Fall Corps ot
O Ulcers.
PORTLAND, Ore.. June 6 The nationsl
convention of the Travelers' Protective
association today selected Indianapolis as
the place of meeting In 1!03 and elected the
following officers:
President, Howard W. Peake, Texas; first
vice president, Robert W. Simons, Califor
nia; second vice president, E. W. Donhem,
Ohio; third vice president, Robert Lee
Wllley, Georgia; fourth vice president.
Louis Ochs, Louisiana; fifth vice president,
D. R. Havener, Minnesota. National di
rectors: J. W. McDonald, Missouri; Ben
jamin G. Thompson, Indiana; C. Frank
Wiiton, Illinois. Chairman committee on
railways. J. D. Stacy. Jr., Illinois; chairman
press committee, R. G. Hodgln, Nebraska;
chairman hotel committee. Nelson Gray,
Kentucky; chairman employment commit
tee, George W. Smith. Mleeourl; nstlonal
chaplain. Rev. Virgil Tovls, Indiana.
Illinois Attorney General Insists the
Ort iDiulloa Is a
CHICAGO. June 6 (Special Telegram.)
Attorney General Hamlin has begun ac
tion against the Western Insurance union,
which be charges with conspiracy. J. M.
Decamp of Cincinnati is president and
John Marshall, Jr., of Chicago, secretary
of the union. The attorney general will
seek to enjoin Its control of fire Insurance
rates snd the test suit has been started
in Belleville. 111.
The union, which includes 110 companies.
is declared to be a trust by the attorney
general. He says the companies hsve com
bined in violation of the state antl-trnst
law to keep up rates at an agreed level.
Affidavits frotj! ' o companies that were
forced by the union to pay fines of 11,000
for cutting the agreed rates are said to
be in the bands of the attorney general to
he used in evidence.
Plttabnrar Doctor Astonishes Magee
Estate with Slse of
His Bill.
PITSBURG. June . The bill ot Dr. W.
C. Browning of Philadelphia, for (190.070
for professional services In attending Atate
Senator Chris L. Mages durlitg the lone ill
ness which resulted In his death, came be
fore Judge Over of the county orphans'
court today. The executors had refused to
pay the bill, averring that It was exorbi
Counsel for Dr. Browning stated before
the opening of the besring thst Dr. Brown
ing's claims against the Magee estate ag
gregated $350,000, but he would not make
public the items which go to make the
claims. Attorneys for the estate say they
have received no notice that the claim had
been Increased.
Accident Kills One Man and In
jures Maay Men and
cial horse train on the Cleveland, Cincin
nati, Chicago A St. Louis railroad was
wrecked near Mix station, killing one man,
injuring several others and Injuring about
twenty valuable boraes out of the ninety
one on the train. Brakeman James Bor
den of An:nla was killed and Engineer
Daniel Dunker and Fireman George Boyer,
both of Bellefontatne, were badly Injured.
The following horse owners were injured.
none serious.
H. 8. Argyles, Nashville.
J. O. Ogles, Fort Worth, Tex.
J. M. Garth. Charlottevllle, Va.
J. W. Pangle, Washington, t. C.
Ths special express was enroute from
St. Louis to Fort Erie and jumped the track
at high speed.
Margaret Taylor, Stolen by Aaat Pons
Years Ago, Glvea aa
CINCINNATI. O., Juno I. Margaret Tay
lor, who waa kidnaped from this city ovei
four years sgo, arrived here today, ac
companied by her parents and her brother.
Edward, aged 1 years, whom she never had
seen till they met In New York this week,
When ths party reached their boms ia
Cumminsvllle. there was an ovation of
neighbors and sympathising friends.
Interest now here centers in the extradi
tion of the aunt, Clara Taylor, from Italy,
and ths application at Columbus for the
Dardon of the grandmother and Miss
Frances Taylor, another aunt.
Wcstcra Miners Itefaee to Affiliate
with Amerleaa Labor
DENVER, Juns . Ths Western Federa
tion ot Miners, in convention hers today.
rejected an Invitation to affiliate with the
American Federation of Labor, from which
organization they broke away In UH.
Action which probably will bring the
western miners Into closer touch with the
United Mlns Workers' of America was
taken today when the convention voted
for Interchangeable cards between tbs two
Report lays Santa Po Official Re.
slgaed to Accept a Pasltloa
la Earape.
TOPEKA. Juns I. There Is a well-defined
rumor hero la Ban La Fs railroad circles
that Third Vies President Kendrlck has
resigned aad has accepted a position as
European representative of the Westing
house Air Brake company. Nona of the
officials of ths company hers could confirm
ths rumor tonight. It Is rsported from
Chicago also and Is believed by local rail
road xaou M bo true.
Amends Inrwer to Uandamui Issued at
Instance of Bee Building Company.
After Exscutivs Session with Msmbsri of
tie Board New Answer is Tiled,
By Implication 8ayi Ttey Wert Considered
in Making Assessment.
Intimation that Hallroads Will Cos
tend This la an Assessment of
the Valne of the Fran
chises of the Roads.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June . (Special.) In a doc
ument filed In the supreme court this art
ernoon the Ststs Board of Equalization sets
forth that In fixing the railroad and tels
graph valuation of the state it took Into
consideration and did assess the value ot
all the properties of the various corpora
tions, snd that in making up the valua
tion or assessment It examined and con
sidered the returns made by the eom
paniee, together with reliable information
cbtained from other sources. It is further
represented thst the board did not believe
that under the law defining its powers and
duties It had authority to value and assess
extra corporate franchises of tbs corn-
pan Irs separstely and apart from their
tangible property.
The ehowlng is Jisde In ths case lnatltu-
tuted agslnst the board by Ths Bee Build
ing company, and la In the nature of as
emended answer to an slternativs writ of
mandamus. This alternative writ reautrea
the board to reconvene and reassess tho
railroad and telegraph property, and to In
clude the franchises In the valuation, or to
appear in court and show cause why It
does not do so. The attorney general filed
an answer to the writ lsst week. In which
he gsve the court to understand that tho
board had declined to either value or as
sess the franchises of the companies. Tho
reason given for the declaration was thst
the board doubted that It had authority to
assess anything but tho tangible property.
Result of a Conference.
The action of the board la filing ths
amended answer was ths result of a con
ference with representatives of the vari
ous railroad corporations. Tbs meeting
was held in the governor's office, begin
ning st 10:30 and lasting until nearly 1
o'clock this afternoon. The amended ans
wer will take the place of the original doc
ument, which will either be withdrawn or
allowed to die in the court files.
The railroad representatives cams to-
plesd for relief from thst section of tho
attorney general's original answer which
declared that the board bad declined to
assess the franchises ot the corporation.
They contended that the board had con
sidered and assessed the franchises, not
withstanding the attorney general's state
ment to the contrary.
"There ia a wide difference of opinion as
to what constitutes a franchise," said one
of the attorneys. "We want the board to
show to the supreme court that It took
into consideration the returns of ths com
panies as to tangible property, that It con
sidered the earnings snd revenues of tho
companies snd. In fact, all reliable infor
mation that could be obtained regarding;
the valuation. Then we will present our
argument to the supreme court as to what
constitutes the franchise. We insist that
the franchises have been assessed, but that
Is for the court to determine."
The particular clause of the attorney
general's first answer which aroused tho
railroads follows:
What Roads Objected To.
The respondents further show to the
court that at the time said E. Rosewater,
representing the relator herein, appeared
ben re eaia Doara and reauested and de
manded these respondents as such board
to axsens the franchises of the corporations
menuor.ea in me omaavu or tne relator
they had, and still have, -doubts as to
hether they had the leaal authority under
the sections of the statute referred to to
vslue and asseva the franchises of said
corporations, and for the reason that said
board had such doubts of Its Jurisdiction
and powers It declined to comply with said
request ana aemana or relator's representa
Those who attended the conference were
Governor Savage, Auditor Weston, Treas
urer Stuefer. comprising the 8tats Board
of Equalization ; John N. Baldwin of Coun
cil Bluffs, representing tho Union Pacific;
J. E. Kelby of Omaha, representing the
Burlington; Ben White of Omsha, repre
senting the Elkhorn and Omaha roads; J.
W. Orr of Atchison, representing tbs Mis
souri Pacific; Frank Ransom, representing
the Pullman company; Attorney General
Prout, and aeveral railroad tax commis
sioners. The deliberations were behind
closed doors.
Tho meeting waa entirely unexpected to
outsiders. Auditor Weston said bs waa .
notified by ths railroads at t o'clock last
night thst they wanted a hearing this morn
ing, but insisted thst he knew nothing of It
before that time. Mr. Baldwin and another
attorney arrived at the stats bouso a few
minutes after 10 o'clock and went directly
to the office of Auditor Weston. Mr. Kslby
bad already arrived in ths department.
The three attorneys then went to ths ex
ecutive department and without waiting to
be announced entered tho governor's pri
vate offlce. They were Joined a few min
utes later by Ben White and Treasursr
Stuefer, who csme In together, and later by
Auditor Weaton, Frank Hansom and Mr.
Orr ef Atchison brought up tho rear of ths
procession. The attorney general was later
Stuefer Did Kot I'nderatand.
Treasurer Stuefer said this afternoon that
he was unable to say what had transpired
at the meeting. "Ths lawyers talked over
legal questions and I cannot tell you what
they are, because I don't understand thsm,"
replied Mr. Stuefer In response to aa In
quiry. Auditor Weston exhibited mors knowledge
of the proceedings, however, and declared
that tbs board bad agreed to ths filing of
an amended answer, which would show la
detail what the board had done. "I am
atlli ot the same opinion regarding tho
duties and powers ot ths board." said bs.
"Ths hearing this morning was not for ths
purpose of getting a reconsideration, but
simply to hsvs an answsr filed la tho su
preme court which sets forth the tacts."
Briefly stated, the action ot tbs Board of
Equalization today amounts to this: Ths
new answer sets forth that the board, la
fixing tbs valuation of railroad and tele
graph property, took Into consideration all
returns msds by the compsales. together
with all other information that waa ob
tained, and gives the Impression that tho
franchises were included in ths considera
tion. This ah 9 wisg la suUUtuta tor l&ai
vv r