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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Fill DAY, JUNE 6. 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES 4Tmlrairtt far thee eelaasa will V tafcea aattl It am. for the niif A ItlBa awd aattl a. AO av. am. for aBor-alaa iW lar edit tea. State. 1 4-S a word r( UrH1a, 1 word t be-reaMer. Retklaa takes tlew. These n4irlliBrU BUI A re mil trlf. Advertiser. 4y roejaeetlae; a Wtrt rkMk, ni Wave tn ad mtri fa a a a a W red letter la far of TA Boa. laiwrn a allrmH erlll W delivered oa pre ta Ilea at t wave at a air. SITl ATIONS WniED. A ITESOGRAPHER. When you eanl one tail the p.emirg-ton Typewriter orhoe. I'lr arnara c Telephone 117. A '.Hi. Jl'fc WANTED Py fr,S, rustling young man a chance to learn pr.r.ter troe; nve rnorith experience.. Addres Outiook, Cedsr P-apioa, N b ; best oi ref erenoe given. A MHiiii 6 AMtD-UE HELP. (a FOR HALF A DAYS WORK. If )d il v in tbe country or in a imtll l4ri and h good acq jair.tance among tr.e iarn,rp ana pic-- raiperp in the neighborhood you ( an rnpke wearily by lour or five hours a orx. V rite MP and ae aiii eena your our proposition. Tbe lee publishing to.. Solicitors oept.. umu4 . rven. WANTED, a rood man to every county 10 take subscriptions for 1 be Tetntieth Century tanner Our tigem snake '. wagep everywhere. Keiererice rrjd.ri-Q. Aourrpp Twentieth C'tntury Farmer, Omaha. Neb. B tug THREE or four good men wanted; j.rr month. Call (L. i a.xu.ii block, h it G. R. RATHEl'N g?ves private lessons in -bookkeeping. Boom ii. Commercial N bank. . . B Pa FUSHING salesmen can learn something to their dantge by writing Trie Heek N uratTy Co.. )luaJut, Mia. B lbi JJ4 WANTED, harae.fiEma.kerc ; will guarantee steady cmbio) rueui Uir eavr rwuiia. AJ 6rp W Hiii-t, Bziiilb at Co.. kl lo S vat Water 6t aUaaukee. U 1a. B iifta 11 WANTED, men to Jeara baxber trade, rjew bnd lor bur (Tuoukiec, ae tii idu at 4noe; ben iroiuhiUun ever tiflrrra, etgtit atka iireiitrep ou for Jii net my juti. Write locaj. Jloier irrtr Cfiivge. ju Faj-uam pl ii jn.uil e- W ANTED Forty good tonemacm lro meaiatei) ; ciUikha tboa, biouk City. Oood a.;ea- irt-orge j. ( Eioux C4t. la. b HUM in SALESMEN aantei Jo aell fruit tree; po aiuon ixmaiitDt; j.y aeeki; ante lor J-Ucuiara. AOurewp Weriero turnery t onH'auy, galea lvpt La rt-net, ku aa. 1 ljulJ A CXXjD coa.Lmaker tr iiania and veat maker at tuce. C ttrutz. AtiaLUc. 1- B J&t fc TRAVELING aajepman to aell enplnep; mjt have had eferierice and be able lo furnihb relerenc - p. to the rig tit man a permanent position la offtraa. Aa orexp. naur.g gutuactuaiii ana aaiary exj-ctei. C . L M; s CARETAKERS a anted for tbe Heath A Ferguaon banttarium, IkJ N. ath St., Ka.iit.aa Cit. Kan. B MiH IC KEN Free tr nepcru tioa t Ierver to learn barber traoe; tooia furnipbed, posi tion guarantewi; opportunity to earn IKiard. aagea ahlie iT-aruiug; .argept bar ber colief t , men ht aJiitiui climate in ttie world; ante lor particuiara. joler' Bnr ber Collere, uenver, Colo. ieaare of lake catalog jc and misleading crBere; ae hava no oouege In Nebrasaa. B M&tt k WANTED Colored oook to cook for four teen people unaer tents, ae make aeek piard, plate icaept paiary. Wanted, band men uf a.i adnda, to travel aitb a medicine company, under tents, must b a-uilr.g to aora around the tents; "no sports wanted;" Bohemians or Ver roana preienea; state loaeat aaiary in tirat letter. Address bchneilers Med. Co., Olroa-a, Neo. " B WANTED, an offloe boy. about 17 years of age. aho lives at heme. Anaaer in an handa-nilng. C 11, Bee. B H WANTED Good pants maker; steady Job year round. J. A. Uough, ftrry. ia. B-klSi 1 WANTED Carpenters ; CHi a day. Ad dreaa Joseph fchiesigar, contractor. Tutan, Neb. B Mill JOB PRINTER a-anted, capable ft taking charge of metbanlcal end of aeu qu!pje4 country office; good a-fcga, teaoy Job; reterenoep as to rharactei and samples of aora required. Repub lican, St- I-'aul. Neb. B MUlp WANTED, an all-around butcher for toan of l.ZtHi; rtgbt man can find steady em ployment; BTlle at once. i. B. Dentiey. Oakland, 1a B MaJ 7 SALESMEN, InO per aeek, permanent posi tion. Hixenbaugh, sou Ware block. B-S3 WANTED, estimator and woodworker for placing miii aork, Address C 1. Bee cfliOe. BZ2i s TWO press feeders wanted for t revolution Hot preppes; union ecale, tlO.Ki jr week. AAiJreaa p. 6. Box Z&, fiioux Cltv. la. B iOt t WANTED, by wholesale supply house, a shipping clerk aho hap had some ex perience; also as offioe hoy. Address C . la. Bee. B Mioi 7 SALESMAN for oil, to aell as a side Une. n commission, our raw ailk machine wirars; cheaper and better substitute for cotton a apt; small sample; sales vn l! mi ted. Address American Silk Mfg Co Philadelphia, l a. - B SJS 6 ULEtMEI HAtfED. SALESMEN wanted for full ne of frutt and merneniai trees; pay weeklv; outtt free. Laarenc Nursery Company, Law. retire, Kan. Jiy WAITEDwrEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn haiKdreeetr manicuring and chi ropody and Bc-ienunc niaaeagt. . Call or rue Room !U, Bte Bicg. C MS Oirla- Can Canadlaa offioe. lith A Dad re. C-k5 WANTED, deaervlng young lady or gentle man to take life sc noifcihip in Omaha's bast buaineas and Pborthand college and pay for it when course i ftnn.hed and position secured. Adareps A 1, Bee. C-K0 WANTED, lunth aanrefaes Aj.ply ta Mr. W aoarr, d toor. W. K. Bexibett Cm. C WANTED, teacher to lriptruct the French language lu a claaa of three, ta-ioe a wek; aiate lerma. Addreaa Z S4. Bee. C-llCf WANTED, experienced salepladt- in giore. vtLiLi and drra trtnim-cg dvpariajent. i. Lv Brandeis 4l Son, boston Mart c m:k WANTED, lady to giv oocvcrsat'oa lea sons tn French tu jounf sumu on veaing each aeek- Sials U-rma Ad craas fi 4k, Bee. C'H WANTED, girl lor general bouse work ! J alaaoa aU. C A1 WANTED, roung nursa glrL Apply f.T s. 2th St. C-aU4 WANTED, girl to aasiat la general bouse- uck. AAply i:x &. Lk ai C alau A GIRL for general houeewurk at ti GaKirg-ia ave. C fC WANTED, tea ladies t demoritrt svaroa. Apply Ci ftrua St- C i7a GIRL wanted lor general housework al lUiT Win. c a WANTED A rex-d girl at ones for reneral bouse. wa go4 aageA aira. R 3 Wli ri' Wirt u CMi J T COMPETENT COOK WANTED: best aea. asnaS taouiy. IU S. Uik at c-atra ' ANTED, a eolored girl to assist ta bausa-wfc- Apply with trl . at iTI S. rth at. - C S! SELF WAITED. S7ANTED. advertising aoudlor, latfe or awmiratiaa. l..t Ai-jl 4 for rent not ses. i VANS and raggags wagons. Tel. J;.1 D A4 ' w w F. It vip CO., K4 Bee JJ I,h0 TO MOVE rutM gt rrma-ha Van P-ore Co.. office lriJS ' irrikm. or Trie. )!: '. D MC SEE PATNE. prFTWJCK CO . f'T ch'lce houw. g-.a-j N. V. Die Bwg. Tel Hit.. D-fci2 FOK RENT. a-r("m tm5T.. Oetschd boute. realv jairted snd paperefl. Uu. 2tiJ Capitol Ave. TeL IT. B. H Rcbi"n. FOR RENT, modern f'se nar Hlxh p he oi. Th O. F. Darip Co, si Be P rtg. D-TS t'ESlRAPLE HOT'EES. K1 Marry pu. t rooms, ail modern. In go-d neigLborbood, CU. i-r month. FLaT. 143 S inb at., 4 rooms, Hi per ronnth. GECRGE A COMPANT. Fsrnam Ft. D MtSl s FOR RENT. P-room cot la e. JM Parlfle t. Char.f Hanley D Mi41 r MAGGARD Van A E'origi Co. Tel 1. D shS HOl'fES. etc. F. D. Wead, liT4 Dour's' D T 6IX-RO0M flat, all modern- Bo. yh. D M WEBPTER, 11 rooms, modem. 4f.; f rooms, modern and barn, Li; others. Ring-wait Bros., Barker P k. D-ic I'N'Et'ALED. oeritral. modem, 4 and s flat. Tixard, Z N. r.d St. D "&4 FOR RENT, new modern brick, rooma. SJiii Bjrt. D J01 6 FC'R RENT, tiles t-room cottage, rear of liU N. lTth. I H f HOUSES, stores. Beala, Paxton block D2W HOUSES aDd Hats. RintTwalt, Barker block D Ml GOOD B-room modem house. Blondo. F EVEN-ROOM ccttace. Ti B. Mth rt., 3k no furnace. J. H. Johnson, X. T. Life D Mil 11 FOR RENT, one first floor flat Jn the nrw IunsacT apartment house, 1(1 b and pierce streets, all mortem corver.iencep; nea iy papered. Ufc.t' per month. lnQulra oi n. j. v rindsor, Dodge St. D-J?7 GOOD -rotm house. Apply 2&A Grace 1 S3!- 7 FOR HEM-rlBMSHED Hw. S. ELEGANT rooms, flnept location in tha city. CApuol ave. E MKii THE LANGE HOTEL, m S. l.tth pt. E IS'iit J DEWET European hotel, ISth nd Famsm. L t.;.!- TWO housekeeping roomi $5.. 162? Ft. Mary NICELY furnished roams or rent; also for light housekeeping. SS10 E MJ47 ? ROC-MS, firpt-class board. 2T4 Famem E Ml'71 EE'EN-RCC'M fumlshed house for two or three months. South Omaha, three block of 14th pt car, to man and wife who will board oaner; references. B EL Bee E MA & Fl RSISHED room akd board. Merrlkm, comfortable summer home. Tel Ri. F SBy "ERT desirable rooma. ZI2 6. Sth st. . F o80 HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable tor two men. wis uurun r mil FOR BEXT-IHFIRSISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, tb pe nor-ic ground Door rxiom U-IU Bee bui taig . pacing rarnam street; na expense .r light, heat or janitor service. K- C. leters A Co.. rental agents. Bea building. G lis CENTRAL, I choice rooma. zxt N. 23d. - G Ml FOR RENT, entire second floor of reai oetice. -unfurnished. All modern. 422 S. Mh street. G si,: I housekeeping rooms. Davia, tie N. Kih THREE unfurnished rooms, being entire parlor floor; reasonable. 5t bL Marys ave. G MiSa 4' TW O ROOMS for light housekeeping; back parlor furnished or uniurmpnea; modern; references exchanged. bJX N. lmh st. G MJU7 11 FOR REST STORES ASO OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee st Ht Farnam St. It has four stories and a bement which was formerly ased as The Bee press room. This will 1 rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once to C. C Rose water, secretary, room Mb, Bee building. 1 2fcl FOR BENT, store in flrst-claaa location; rent reasonable. Apply R. c Peters at Co.. ground floor, Bee bldg.. 1 Hut FOR RENT, desk room or large apace suitable for merchandise tir.srr or party doing business in wholesale tstrtct. In quire Hene A Co., V14 Farnam st. . i-iia TO LET, office in Psxton bloc and Mc Cagae oldg. W. Farnam Smiitj Co Farnam si. 1 (72 OFFICE ROOM LArge room fronting on Mtih st.. first floor. Board of Trade bldg., road light. 1 7 per month. Gaorga A C6. ifcJi Farnam t. I-MiUXt When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tha fact that you ww the ad in The Bee. AOEtTI WAITED. WANTED, canvaasir.g agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE T WENT I ETH CEXTl'HT FARMER, steady employment aith PureC gooa; agtbis in the country aith horse and buggy especially desired; cn-am-rs make easily tw- to II ptr month. Aodresa Century Farmer Solicitors' bureau. Bee SHiildirig, Omaha. ZA HOMES and hotels, schools cMleges and ffcclorie ahx.uld t proieied ailh tha I'nderarlter s Fire Exiir-ulKher. They hav saved millions of collars worth of property. Agents wanted here; exrtuniva territory Address Kr.lfbt A, Bop ton. Milks. J MS-1 s AGENTS wanted to make 110 6t a day sell ing tbe . -x It-one" Rotary Hand ran. greatest selir known, big prods Writ tkday for agents terrnp. Samj.l post paid. Enterprise Fan Co. 144 Uki St.. Chicago. - J'il f WAITED TO REVT. WANTED, room or room ana board in private family, north piae j.referrea ; will exchange rt. Add. C A Omaha Bee K-Ml-4 f WATTED TO Bit. WANTED, two or three good vacant lota, suitable for residences or fiats, must 1 guod pnr-auona-and prioe reasonable; all abd bo rxira eipanae of at-:iing Address direct a bcyeea. B la, care Ba efhee. - N Mett WANTED M-hana clothing for cash. 1ST Famam. N-MiaC Jy. WANTED, to 'buy. a seen-hai laws fountain, cetspiete. ja-Jta irtm basin pre- irnra AgoiTM C 1.. e. F SALE Fl RalTt RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. J4l roda Tel. S aad aci4-hAJA, troaht. so.d. FOR StLRHORES. WAGONS, KTC. FOR F4LE. cheap, a Concord buggv J6-k and Vln-on P lit FC R BALE burg-lep, phaetonn. uiA Tt(W and secondhand, pt cut prk-ep Re pairing, painting sr.d trlmrr.lig; sipo J'Ut on rul.oer tires. PleiSer, rrtb and Leav er.worth Fts. P 777 JH FAINTING arid repairs on wagona. etc., our specU'-y H Fropt, j4h and Leav ena orth. Tel. 3447. P da SEVERAL fne driving hnrs-p Walter 1'beips. Room D. N. T. Life Blflg i-Msa FOR SALE Horsep. wagons, etc.; good exiension top osmsge lor sale st a sac rifice. Pee Johnson A Roberts. John Deere Bidg, P'th and Leavenworth Pis. P-Mta Jel7' FOR SALE, two Shetland ponies, well broken for drtrlr g or rtdlr.a. John H Hsrte. room D, N. T. Life Bidg. C-maha, Neh. f M23 4 FOR SALE IIM ELLAEOl . XTjHAND safe chfap. Scow ana, in S. lth- FLEPCHER sell bicycles. 162 Capitol A-i-e. EDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Famatn, 1" PTTLES trusses; cataiogae free Sher man A McConnell irug Co.. 161 ta and Dodge. C'mihi. Q S67 BICTCLES and pbonogTaph on easy pay ments 17' down. per week, idhand wheels. tt. H and l)f ; new ahee-lp. lib. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16tb and Chicago Sts. W MH6 M IRE fence for poultry, hog. Ua-n and .yard, hitch posts, tree guards Wire Works, 617 6. 16ih St. Tel loHo Q-M972 Julr FOR SALE, i.honographs, superior to ar.y other mupical Instrument; i'u up. The Wtttman Co.. 1U Farnam. w W FOR SALE, scholarship, in an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 2X2 Bee Bidg. Q-Mfnt- SECONDHAND billiard and pool tablep; Millard tabies repaired; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigsr counters, etc The Brunpa-lck Balke Coliender Co.. 4"7-t South Hth. Q-,14. NEW and Sdhand typewritera. Hi Far nam. W "71 FOR SALE secondhand depks. chair arid aalnut office counter and railings. bah ciJRce. 2415 Farnam St. v M14! FOR SALE Chesapeake Bay poppies; finest retrievers on a-ater fowl; reasorf sbie prices. A. J. Hayne, -"4 N. 2Sd st Q Mil Jes INDIAN goods and relics. lliP Farnam FOR SALE, fine imported hamesR. brass mounted and trimmed; cost a ben new t3;i(.: will sell for lb. can be seen at Doty A Russell s bam, Ji'th and Leavenwonh streeta. Q IJS OLD wheel taken in trade on new one. Omaha Bicycle Co.. 16th and Chicago Su WHITE sswdust: season checked oak ttm bers cheap; bog fence, etc. Ka Douglas. O an (LAlRtOIAJIL MRS FRITZ, clairvoyant. C14 Cass st. 6 S74 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH. bAtha. :ii 2d floor R. X. I 72-J- MME. AMES, vapor baths, li'4 N lMh, r T M41K J 17 MME. SMITH, bath. US X. 15. 2d floor. R i T MK36 Jy f PERSONAL. Middiemisa, trail paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. U-M742 JT DR. ROT. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. B. jX. Frenaer block. C 874 PRIVATE hopprtal, before and during con finement, babie adopted. 23i6 Grant St. Mrl. Gardeia. TeL f-UtO. L' p77 FLESCHER wUl fix your bicycle right. V 871 HAIRDRESSrNG, manicuring and chlro jiody, for ladlep only, tn connection with The Bathery, 14-2 Bee bldg, U "7 Rl'PTt'RE permanently cured In to to rtayp; send for circular. O. 6. Wood, M. D., id New Tork Life bldg., Omaha. Neh. U au ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. c. Mark, 17 A Doug its, U Hed GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale snd retail. Coillna Piano Co., 36J Doug las. L CHIROPODT a ppecialty, In connection with Tbe Bathery. room Ii6-2Si Bee blflg. Tel. 1714. .. Uttsi SHAMPOOING and hairdresslng. ir. In connction a-ith The Bather.v, JU4-2 Be building. TeL 17i&. U M - PRIVATE home for ladies before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. IKK) Burdette. Mra. Burgee U Mil6 Jl V1AVA. woman's way to health. Honaa treatment. Booklet free. S Bee bldg.. omana. L ELITE PARLORS. Ci S. 16th St.. Sid floor. v t M7ii J7 DR JAMES H. PEABODT ha moved from Capitol avenue to flat over Graham's drug store, northeast corner Taentv fourth and Farnam streets. V M7i2 J7 FOUND, best ice cream soda in city. $c. Shrader More, J4th and Seaard U Ml J19 MME- SMITH, baths. Jl N. 15. 2d floor, r r L-MSi J 16 LOWEST PRICES in accordion and side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co.. 2 Douglas block. U MTU EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE Sr. X. T. Ufa bldg., Omaha- Bend for Circulars. i. U 46 Cigars on Ice. . Gentlemen, you can never er.Joy a smoka to the full eent until vnu try the STOECKER CIGARS ahich are kept on ire U-M27 7 THE CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE of Omaha. IMh and Ohio pta.. desires homes for eight bey babi-s and seven g-irla from 1 to 1 months bid. also three girl it years old. VLM V FREE TREATMENTS, To convince the afflicted cf the wonderful poser of vital niagnetitm. the Pribbcnow institute, for a limited time, will trtat ar.y sufferer 2 or 1 times absolutely free. Call at Zlir-Zi Karbach tilock. S. 15ih st Phone. rti4. V MT7( Jyt vi nat to ui-MUUJL. l M3-2 4 MdLLIE: I ran drive that war. Pag ICa. June What To Eau Gorge. VXSi t OlEl TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. V( PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence property. Options to pay a bole or part any lima. v . a. MEIKLE. 1 8. st - W MONET to lnaa on improved Croaba real stale. Brcnnan-ixv Co.. sa a lath WANTED. cJtv loans and s arrant a W Farnam Smith A Co.. 1230 Farnam st W PR1VATE money. Sherwood. sW N T L. W-atS FARM and cltv loaca. low rates W H Tbomaa. 1st Nat- Bank bldg. Tel Imk W M WANTED, city and farm loan; also bonds and aarranta R C. Petera A On- 17ut Farnam sc. Bee b.dg. . W Hl LOW RATES. Prtvste money PATNE 1-NitsIMLST OOMPANT. Main Flwr N. T. Liie Biog W-MSkt WANTED . loan on srilt-dce Inside iriiy, rt.Ming lor lit per m, Ad raa C U. B. W-Mttt MONET TO LO A EAL ESTATE. 4S TO 4 P. C. tnorer. Brnip. Psi:n b'k. W". 4 PER CENT ' loses Garvin Fro . I'M Fsmsm w SM FRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 15.' Tour r 1VN C UP, low rale. Prichard. 1712 Famprn. j W-Miiv MONRV TO IO AN C"H 4TTELS. 10 YEARS. In cur present location. Deal aith an eld reliable firm and establish a credit thM will tie of us to y"u In the future. We make loan on Fumlrure. Pianos. IJve Stock and to Salaried People Our rale sr ss low as ar.y and much Itfaer thin tnsny. Cur motton is. "Try to p ease " If you have Oee't with us and are p)ed teil others. If you are displeased tell ua. OM AHA MORTGAGE l'iS CO.. 11 Board of Trsa Bldg., . 6- ;6;h Ft. Established in PdC Tel. 21". X KM BEWARE Of VhEAP IMITATORS. Don t let your 6 t'ts a orry you. CAUL. ON I S and we will make voa A SALARY LOAN. We loan to honest employes UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE -J0 to EJiTi without security, endorser or publicity. OFFICE HoURS. 4 a. m. to t P' "RELIABLE CRmiT CVPANT. Room 8. Paxton Bk-k, Third Floor X-MKH7 LARSEFT BT'FINEF? IN LOANS Tn SALARIED PEOPLE, merchar.ip. team strs. boarding houses, etc.. ai'hout se curity; easiert terms; 4ii offlces in prin ctja) cities, Tolman, 4 Board of Trade Bldg. X-C Chsttrl tnd Salary Loans, PHOENIX CREDIT C.. Successor to J W. Tayloe. Tel. 745. 63S Paxtor. F'ork X-J-Ji Jrl MONET loaned on plain note to salatiod peoplt : business confloertla! ; lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Huuon Co. X R!S MONET loaned on furniture, live stock. Jeaelrr. to salsried people. Folev Loan Co.. sue. to Duff Green, t Barker Block. X !'! MONET loaned cn piano furniture, iew elry, horses, cowa. etc. C. F. P.eed, r. S is. SALART AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or short terms at rate rarely equaled by rompfM'ors? 'Its our business to supply it." AMERI CAN LOAN CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Block. X Mi Bl SINEWS CHANCES. TO GET rn or oat of business call on Wil liams, Room 411. McCaajue Building r-4 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick, see J. H. Johnson. MJ N. V. Life. T Ml 75 DESK ROOM, roll-top desk snd 'phone service. J. H. Johnson, MS N. Y. Life. Y 440 Enterprising Man rith i,.(in' m. acquire voniro.kne inter est in a rapidly tncreiiKiiig ana profitable legitimate mariulaciurir.s Out-its, in vestigate this proposition, j. ii. John son, .-v. y. Lv y MJ FOR SALE, food, cloar. up-to-date stock of Jcat:ir, uockery, aiuilciu mkLrurxieiiia, seaing machines, noiiona, etc., about 16.KW, good brick building, UiiXllM, with lot Jlvus'; stock located in good county su-i town, norma esitrn loaa; stock excepiionaiiy cieaoi, running ana aoir.g gooa business. Fine. oieuiiig. Ad ore t. Ii. casaay. fcioux city. ia. . . , y tai Ji5 FOR SALE. 4 acres of, well improved land, 7 miles west Cedar Rapids, Boone to., Neb., -i' acres u-irup, ail fenced, hiack soil, iou acres jut:hiw and pus ture. .A tme farm. A ar.ap ior cash. Ad iress the ea ner. IMt ' -vonh 2th st - Omaha '. V Mni2 i FOR teALE. auaeit. nth and Grace streeta. Omaha. Apply to the Standard l aviag Co., cJuoagu. Jll. A Mia Je- FOR SALE, furniture of a 10-room house . full of d paying boarders, 1 block from Harney, Inidge and Farnam care, 4 blocks from 16th, cash offer only con sidered A good thing tor the rigut per son, liou-ie rent reasonable. Aa ires C 7. Be. y 2tD HOTEL WHITNEY for fcs'.e or rent; new'y refitted; furnace beat; failure of health. Address B- G. Whitney, Tiidtn, Neb y M2S6 WILL TRADE for rod land in eastern Nebraska or sell for caah. a pa .vine bus iness in one of the best paving towns in eastern Neb-apk; nea. clean, groceries, dry gooes, shoes and general merchan dise, value about tii.tK: doing a business of 4T.01K' cash per month beaiaes jroduce; population about IA-, beet of educational facilities; party owns doable brick store building; location best in the city f:r trade, ahich he is about to dispose of; reason for selling, building csn be rented; splendid chance for progressive man to enlarge huainesa. Take this up gunk, as It-aon't last. For Information address C 18, art of Bee- Y Mil A t! FOR E1CHAI6E. WILL exchaxra rood oak wardrobe tor folding bed. N til, bat. Z MSlt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHY 1 UVE IN KOUNTZE PLUCE MAJOR WILCOX'S REASONS Omaha, My 8, 1902. MR. G. H. PAYNE, CITY. - Lar Sir: In reply to your in quiry ss lo why 1 decided to buy in' Kountze Place would siy 1 think Kountze Place tor me is the best residence locality in the city fine streets, ail or nearly all paved, splendid homes, no disreputable tumble-down shan ties a fine intellectual class of people, splendid drive to business, good schools, eight churches, no saloons and never will be, perfect drainage arid therefore gwd health. No other portion vt the city be gins to offer such numerous advantages for the .money invested as KounUe Place. Touts very truly, R. S. WILCOX. W are agent for Kounta Place. We hai c lot fn uua beau:;? m audition from f-iu vp. Fine lots from tww lo fl.luu. riig Boulevard corner at 4i.tU. If you waul a lot in ACouiiixe I'.act CLE Li PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. RU MJ1 6 P-OUSES. lots, farms, ranches, loans; also firs insurant. Be mis, paxton block. RE 1 LANDS In tbe Mouse River valley are of the best :n North Dakota; good aoiL ' splendid climate and good water; surlaoe level, with oci-.upJ smail strip of . rolling prairie, not hilly; well aatered with running small streams and dotted ailh llttie lakes, land Is lncreaaii.g in tain al a rapid rate, hamraekm and nveatura a lu do aell to koa tnis rocn Iry over before settling alar a here, par tin aesiniig lnformauon may a rile up or rail and we will taa pleasure in nr Ber ing all communlcationa, aiko ahoait.g or landa. We have listed botn deeded iandi and relinuipnmeias fur sale at reason able prices Land seekers will do aell to tiotafy up when to expect them, so w cac be -prepared ts shos lancis- Yours for i Business, HUMFHRET A aLAUGHTER ' Nursiih. K. D. RE DA J;I RANCH and fana lands for sale he the Union Paiifte Railroad eosnpany. R. A. McAllesier, land conumasioner. I'riion Pa- . clhc Headquarters, OmaAa. Neb. RE tA HOi'SES and lots tn All parts of city; also . acre property and farm landa. The O F Iavta Co.. Room iiX Be building RE 12 BUT beat bouse paint, varniahea. etc : a usUujr big nest, prices L.w ac National .Oil a-u4 pAUUi ObsvpaAi', lli-i Jones 4t tUe-ast JcZX FOR S4LL REAL ESTATE. FURNAS COUNTT. NPbrafVa. cn tbcw j 'U ih- growing crot In the Plate, the li.ggept a beat and tbe largest srre hff .uai.y larmers r'-w Claiming lort l uphlp to tbe arre. Thousanda ii acre cf a.lai.'a ready to cut lor t.rt crop. Have Lad ditoie smount of normal rain fan f Maj. Lands are very reasonable in priie. t ut a 1,1 ixm he bocmir.g ip ard. if jou a ant to mak profitable in vestmentp come at once- V rite us ror ht of isnds. Smith A Dsvts. Beavar City. Neb. RE MM 4 fh'E PATNE. POPTWJCK A CO. for choice bargains A'l-I N. T. Life Bicg. Te4 p6. RE Hi 4 THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. lfn Douglsi Pt . tips: airs, pmall houses for ssle; cbesp builaitg lots. Caii for catalogue and price list Private money to loan on easy terms. RE Kl IT Tea" want one cf the nicest 4-room homes in Hanscom Place I will give you a bargeln. owner left city. Must selL J. H. frberwood, J7 N. T L. Pick. RE Mlat GEX'RGE G WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown Mock.. RE f MODERN COTTAGE. A brand new t-room cottage, porcelain tub, closet, assh bowl, hot and cold water, gas. cemented cellar; convenient to Lurch and school; owner snxious to sell, may ae not show you the property whether you buy or not? FINE CATTLE RANCH. We hare a 1.76"-acr ranch in northern Nebraska, all deebed land, except a sec tion of school land; enough free range adjoining to mk 1 WX' acres under fence. Su flowing Bells, rood ranch buildings, near creamery If tmerested come in and let us give detailed Ir. S rtnation. Would consider an exchange fcr oeetr able Omaha Improved property. bHIMER A CHASE. A Bee Bidg. Telej hone 1441 Kb-kUM t FOR SALE, one section of school land; has twenty-two years to run yet; good rang adjoining it. is good alfalfa land; wood trade ior catt.e Write me for price, W. C. Williams. Burwe.ll. Neb. RE--MS64 4 WILLIAMSON fSHS- RE P10 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tbe acknowledged leading specialist in diseases cf women in Ompba, would cail the attention of suffering ladies to his unsurpassed accommodation before and during confinement and hts treatment for lrrc-g ularlties. no matter a hat cause. Call or adores, ailh stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, Out Dodge, Omaha. til When You Write to Advertisers remember it omy take an extra strok or two of the pen to mention tha tact that you saw the ad in The Bee. LAW AND COLLECT ION 4. suilman A Price, att y, law, collection. A. P. Luna, notary, it L. S. Nat. TeL 17Hul 4i Wit NEBRASKA Collection company (Incor porated), X-A New York Life bidg. 'Phone, b. Da.mage suit prosecuted. Ths col lection of ciaims, large or small, made ar.y a here in the United State or foreign countries by bonded attorn ya. No col lodion, no charge. Bank reference fur nished on application. aUKi Jilt BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. tU North 16th. 0s OSTEOPATH T. G1D K. A ALICE JOHNSON, oSleopAthA ulte Bib, N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. It. 16 IR. A. T. HUNT. 612 McCagm Bldg. TeL 17 . DR. MRS. MCSICK. Dougla BUt. TeL 23. HP MAM FACTORING. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma chinist. Mfi OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make 4 pe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and sale. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 B. ltth St. Mt SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'i achooL 717 N. T. Life. tn BOYLES college, court reporter prlncrtnal, N. Y. Lift. 1C2 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Bora' s Theater. A2 ACCORDION PLEA TINS. REDUCED price in pleating, ruchlnrs, tuckings end appliquelng. For full in formation inquire Ideal Pleating Co.. 1610 Hoa ard St. 772 J7 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Elflg. TeL 2715. HS2 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree id h and Lake streeta. 47ii STAMMERING AND STt TTERANG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4J RAtn Bldg 014 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. llt Farnam. TeL VOX 6end for price list, cut flower and plant. , MH25 STEAM DTE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suits cleaned, pressed, H-Ufa. La cue akirta. ouc 4i4 S. ifith St. L 41) jy PIANOS. S20 "WALTER" fg 5250 NO MORE NO LESS. Ak Fred R Walter for terms, mi California St Catalog ua on request. M215 When You Write to Advertisers reman. U-r it only takes aa extra, strok tar two of tha pen to maiuta tha fact that ou pa w uhe ad In Tha Bea. GARBAGE. ANTI -MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. clean cesspool and vaults, remove garbage ar. dead anlrr.a is at reduced price, d X u TeL 177k EDI CATION AL. FRENCH. Epaniah, fenelhg. -. N. Jfh St. Ms- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co.. 14 Jackaon. Tel 244 :t? J14K. ALPIRN buy all kinds Af crst Iron snd m ta.i. til Dougla St. TeL 2474 -Jit PAWNBROKERS- EAGLE Loan OfTine reliable, aceomnaodat ing, ail confidential. Uta DougiaA When You Write to Advertisers remember It or ly take an extra streka or tao of tli pen te mention tha facA that you saw ths ad in Tha Bea. AIIM XCEMEKT. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phob kJM. AU awutfe TiarunbiA street Ft R N ITI RK REPAIRINt. FIRST-CLASS wor A J"1 FarrAm Tel lrl. iirL C. B. SHAW'S new studio cnri si: si mmr. "S J!7 WTien You Write to Advertisers rrraember it only takes an extra streka se tws ef tha pen ta mention tha tact thai yea saw tha a tn Tb Be. STORAGE. PACIFIC Stwrage and Warehouse Co , KS F14 Jones, genaral storage and forasrdmg OM. Van Swar. C-o lu1 Far. Tel. lBa(-3. TURNITURE stored during summer for use ft part Address C 14. Bee M-MK'4 LAt NDRY. OMAHA St am lAtindry; hlrt. ic: rolls. 2c; cuffs. 4c 17h LeavenwcrtA Tel M7. SCi BEST laundry. The Chicago, phone V . M1S ATTONIOBILES. ELECTR1CT MOBILES. Derlght a. lilt Frrm street 2a LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. J, I Wka , 14 Hoa srd Mr: 4 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tannerA 14U So. IS h. "l DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy. 2(42 Farnam. PLl SASING. D. W. IUDGE0N. 2810 Farnam. Tel. 34. Mat Jy4 LOST. 1XST. a small blue and brcan Scotch ter rier dog; lire rise tag No 243, reward i oflered ii returned to tl N. 22d or lsl Chicago. Loat MS4( 7 GONERNMENT NOTICE. CHIEF WU.ARTERM ASTER S OFFICE, Omaha; Neb. June A 1X: Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received at this office and at oftioes cf quartermaster st station named until 10 a m . central time, July 2. lSKfi. for furnishing oats, bran, hay and straw during year com mencing July 1. IKE. at Forts Crock, Nio brara and Robinson. Neb, Omaha depot. Neb., Jtfleraon barracka. Mo., Forts Leav enworth ana P.lley. Kan.. Logan H. Roots, Ark., Reno and S11L OkL Proposal for delivery at other point aiU be entertained. V. 8. reserve tbe right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or to quartermaster at stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposal for Forage," addressed to undersigned or to quartermasters at post above named. JOHN W. PUL1 MAN. C Q. M- Sid 4-e-4-7-y. 1-L CHIEF QUARTERMASTER 9 OFFICE Oma r.a. N et... June a. lixip. Scaled prtiuns i. in tniloata, will be received at this office and by quartermasters at posts named, until 3fi a. m.. central time. July a, 12, for furnishing wood (luring the fiscal vear end ing June JMi. ii., at Fort CVook, Neb., and Fort Reno. Okla. Proposal for delivery at either KlntB will b entertained. U. S. re serve right to reect or accept any or all ?roposal. or any part thereof. Information umished on application here, or to quar termasters at station named. Envelote containing proposals should he marked Proposals lor Fuel." JNO. W. PULL MAN. C. Q M.. Jld4tJ j J--M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER S OFT1CE Omaha, Neh., June 4, llsC Sealed proposal, Jn triplicate, subject to tb usual condi tions, waU be received at this office, until X a nv, central standard time. June Su. 1032. for the construction of a frame band stand at Jefferson Barrack. Mo. Full in formation furnished on application te this office, a here specifications may be seen, or to the Qiiartermapter, Jefferson Bar racks. Proposals to tie marked "Pro posals for Band Stand." JOHN W. PULL MAN. Chief w uanermaster. St D4-7-S-10-17-1SM LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S SALE. Clothing, hats and caps, gentlemen's fur nishing good a furniture and fixtures. Notice la hereby given that sjiursuart to the order of the United Statea district court. Bluing In and for the district of Ne braska. In tbe snatter of the Continental Clothing company, a bankrupt, em Wednes day, the 11th day of June, lKut, at 10 o clock a m-, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the northeast comer of Douglas aod Fifteenth ttreeta, in the city of Omaha. Dougla county, Ne braska, the entire stock, furnrtur and fix tures of tbe Continental Clothing company, said stock eonaipung of men and hey' clothing, hats and cap and gentlemen furnishing gaoda. All of said stock I to be offeree for aale in buJt and in parceia.' and aoid to tb highect bioder for the property in bulk, or to the highest bidder lor the eiffepent A partmentA or parcels, provided the total bid for such parcel exceed the highest bid for tbe property la balk Stock Inventoried by order of court shears a value of alcditi, furcduir and fixture cost ever S7,smv.ju. H. F. BOBERSON. Receiver. MSddlOtMAE POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, A chAXigea may occur Al aty iime.j Forelgw mail for tbe week ending May H. 1M2. will close PROMTLT In til oases) At tbe general fotoffloe aa follows: Par ceia post malis cktae ene hour earlier than cioslng time abeati below. Parceia post mails for Germany dose at t p. m, Monday. -. Regular and supplementary mall close at foreign stauon half hour later than closing time shewn below (except that supplement ary for Europe and Central America, via ColMi, cloae one hour later at foreign itkn. Trwaaatlaatle Malls. , SATURDAY At A m. for NETHER LANDS direct, tier a. a. Ryndam maii must be directed -"J-er a. a. Rvndexn ';; at . al a. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. a. Fumessia tmail must a directed "per a-. s. f urneaaia ") ; at U a. IB. for DENMARK Uceci. per a. a. Island (mail must be directed "per a. a. laiand"); at Li a m. supplemental- ! f an ) for EUROPE. tt A V Lucara. via Cjueen toa rp . PRINTED MATTER. ETT.-Thl irtemi taAe Printed Mat une. Cotaaaercial paper and feempie for Germany only, i he aa m clas tut mail cnatter for other ptr; of Europe a m not be . Cy this ship uti les (penally dsreeta) by it After tb dosing of Vne EppleBaentry tranaatiatitx; mail named ebove, adai tionai eui'Pi"entary mail are opened on tb roer of the.- American. English, French axid Geroaaa teAmar. and re tnaln open until ai uhm ten minutes of the hour M sal.u.g of steamer. Matla e SwatA auad Ceetral Aaaee- trA, WmI ladles.' Etc. FRIDAY Al 12 t MEXICO. jr a. a. Matatiaaa. na Tampioe (mail sauat be direcw-a "Per at. . Matanaa "i; at 11 K1' P m. for INAGUA abd HAITI, per a. a pelome. SATURDAY At a. an "for BEPMTPA per a a Trtnidad; at t a m. for PoRTO RICO, per a. a ems. via San Juan; at a' m. tary r:k) a. na i for CURACAO and N' LK E2 U E LA. per a a Maracalbe (mail for Savanlua and Carta gena irrupt be direcied "per . Mara caibo); At S:" a tn. (supplementary le al) A m.i ior FORTUNE ISLAND JAi MA1CA. SAVANILLA. CARTAGENA and GRKTTOWN. Jr s-e A lens email tur C(u Rica must ' be 'directed "per . a. Aw-ii "t. at 1 a- in. ior CUBAper a. a. Mexico, via Havana. Vili for Newfoundland, by rail te North Sydney, abd Uiaai by stcamor, lce at J ( 1 .. , . 1,..- B, I K, . ' " - - au. , ui. mw. I li.g doe her estxy Monday, Wednes day and Saturday... Mal.s lor MloeiuB, by rail to Boston, and tneno by staamer, cioe tt tha ae dsny i 4.10 u. na Maiid ior Cuaov ty tali Is S"K-i&. and POTOFFKE NOTICE. for dtspat r. via Port Tampa, on Mon days. 1 eci.erta s at.d pi ro . at M rn ; lor dipth via Xi.ami, on M'.n da and Saturday at 4 .V p. m Mali for M(kco City, oteriand utiles spe cially ddre-ed for ( h by stepnier jce at this crT.ce di'r t Sunda at l. p re and 11 p. m. Surtdaja at 1 i p. sr. and il ( p. m Mal.p for net Rica Beltae Puerto Cortex and Guate mala, bv rail to New Orleans, and leno br steamer, close at this office oaLy ei cept Sunday st "1 JO . n . Sunday al "1 p rr. (connerring closes here Mon day tor Belise. I'uerto Corte and Guate mala, snd Tuesday for Costa Rtcai. Registered tTiail closed at 4:W p. m, in. vlou bay. TraaspaelSe Mails. Mall for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands va San Francisco, close here dally at 4 SO p ra. up to June . inclusive, for dispatch per a a Australia. Mali for Australia Vest AuPtralla, ebtch if forrdea via Europei, New lealanfi. Fi.1l. Samoa and Ha alt vi San Francipo. cl.p nerc OaitJ- at 4 X p. tn after May -i and up to Jun 7, Inclusive, or on arrivsl cf s. Ktrurla, due at New Tork June "7. for dispatch per a Sierra. Mail for Hawaii. Japan. China nd Phil ippine Islands, na San Francisco. ios br daUy at p. an up to June -7. Inclusive, for flrajiatch ir A a. jity t.i Peking Malis fear Chin and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C close her daily at 4.S4 p. tm. up to June )0. inclusive, for dis pstch J-er a. a. Errpresa cf Japan (regis tered mall must be speoaa!!v addrensed. Merchandise tor tbe V. 8. Poptal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada i. Malis for the Philippine IslsndA via Saa Francisco, dose here dally at . p. tn. vp to June 1L ..-.luaiv. for dispatch per U S Transport. Mall for China and Japan, na SeattVe. clciae here dai.y at f;o p. m up to June "L inclusive, for dispatch jer A a Tnsa Mam (Registered mail mut be directed "via Seattle y Mali for China and Japan, via Tiociin, t-los here daily at 4 AO p. m. up to June m. Ibclusive. i r dlspaich per a a Duke of Fife. Mali for Haaai' via San Francisco, close here daily st .Sc' p. m. up to June 14. Inclusive, for dispatch per s s Alrmeda. Malls for China. Japan and Philippine isl ands (also specially addressed mail for Haa-alii. vis San Frncloo. close here daily st 4. SO p ra up to June 14. ru cluslre. for dispatch s a. Gselic Mkiis for Australia tetcept West A up trali. which goe via Europe, and New Zealand, ahich goes via Sas Frartclscol, and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Vic tor.. B C. ciose her oaily at 4.I0' p. tn. after June 7 and up to June In clusive, for dlFj.atch per s. a. Aorangl Transpsclflc malls are forwardefl te port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arranged cn the presumption cf their uninterrupted overland transit. "Registered mall close at 4 flO p. m. pre vloup day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofnce. New Tork. N. T- Mr 21, lttil. JAJLWA TIME CARS. IMOJ STATION-IOTH AND MARCY. t hirage. Reek Islrad mm PeclAe, EAST. Leave. Arriva Clilcago Daylight Lim ited a I-flO am a 4 45 era Chicago Iwyllght a 7:00 am a l a fa Chicago Express ....... .bll:lf m a 4SN pra Te Moines Locsl a b M pro bllifav am Chicago Fast Express a 4:04 pm a IJb pa WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 4S6 ant a 4iS am Lincoln. Colo e'prlnga, Ienver. Pueblo ana Wet a 1 JO pm a 1 .41 pra Colo. Texas. Cal. at Oklahoma Flyer a 4.20 pm all. 40 pm V abash. St Louis "Cannes Ba!T Expresa a 4:11 pm a 4. Kara St. Louis Local. Couactl Bluffs al0:00 am a 10:R) pm 4 hires. Hllwaake A St. Past. Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm a 4:04 ara Glilc-Plo A Omaha Ex..b Joi am b t:4il pra laita PariAe. . . Leave. Arrlv Overland Limited. a : am a 7.30 pa Fast Mail a t:s0 am a aa turn California Express... ...a 4:I pm Pacific Express all., pm Eastern Expresa a . ni Atlantic Expresa al-Miam Linooln-Stroanpburc Ext 4 f0 pm bl2;2v pot Grand Island Local ....b 4 .so pm b axa Mlasearl faelt. St. Loiii Kxpree aie.-OD am a 4:24 pra A C 4 at L Kxprwa-i.alvw pm . a tot ata AiAAaaue AeaitraA. Chicago Cxpreaa a fJX sua a 4 JO pa Chicago, Minneapolia A St. Paul Limited a 70 pxa a 4:( am Minncapou A PL Paul Kxpree o 7 JO am bl0:5 pm Chicago Express pn CUae A kaitanrpitra. ""i'h AorctiB txtern aJna Chicago kpedai am aUJt pia Chicaae p-aaauiger a l pia a 4;uv am Kastera AXre.........aiu.j a us pm Awastern bpeciAi. .a 4 -a pm a 4 as pia i ran lulaaouri 1, Ami lea. :u pm , ul j,aii a .u ua, a 2.4V pm uuiaha-(.iacaTu Llfl...a i.e au a Sjmi am cast Mau sljtaai C eaar rcapio Paa a Jay pa lain C-ii hipreai a 7:1 am elu-A pm iaui CJiy AAiruted a :u pm a .p am auoua. uity aci ...a kia am a pm WEBSTER DEPOT AST H A WEBSTER Freaaeat. ElkAera A Mlsaearl VaUey. Leave. Arrlra Block Hills. Dead wood. Hot Spnngw a 1:0 pm a 4.-04 M Vi yemitig, cASper and Dougla .......4I.wbb e 44 pm Hap ting a, A ark, David City, euperaor, Geneva. Exeter and steward b t.-vs pm b 4.-0S mm NoriciA, AJUiools ab4 Fremoat . . 7 JO am blJ4 am Fremont Local c 7 Jo Am rmeAAa. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping b 4 :14 pm aiO:X am Afcieagi aauV JauuaaieaaeiAAa UaaahA. Twin City passenger.... 4 JO am a tm pm tuoux oiy i'aeciigar...a ia pm all j am aaacrsoB iwcax... ...o . pjia a 4. SlluUlCrtll lailO-lTH A Maaur Chkea. Rarllaataa A SkeUae-r. Leave. ArrtrA Chicago Special 4ita h.kc. C plead o ksiuixuM ax.aAia at a am cuicaao Local a t.i am alliov pm Chi oag a iAauteA a 10 pia a 7:44 am ' Jaat AiaiL A g.o m tariAatea A MAaaweurl atlver. Wytsorc. Beatrice And i - ...a 140 am hit -ft n Neoraaaa Liprea. a .u am a 7 J6 am tiiitr iinutaA -a 4- pre a . Am Aiwca fauia and Pudat auid avxprea vaUit pm a tm bra Ctiorado Aatinulad Flyer a 14 pm Lincoln Fast Mali b 1:0 pm a a7 am uri crwoa aaa Piatia- mouta b I.JO pra fcuHX am BaiicvB A Pacific Jet... a T.eb pm a 4 Jo am Beuvu A JHacihc Jet... a 4:i am kUasaa City, St. JeeepA A Cwaaeli Bla. . . Eaxsa City Day Ex.. ..a JO am a Sim am fee Louis- fler a a.iu pm all 1 am a. a naa a City Nifht Ex...AuJ pm A 4.1 Am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun day omy. d Paul- except Seturaa-. Daii. STEAMS4UPA. ARCmm uaa-v win jrmMm n 'ti. mmupi t4rw tora LoKiM-xaa t a cuasaow, KKW I Ok. blbAaXtAA A XAPLAA tallaw Owiaina. gMarf pi lr ta om;urt at ior aa jm sin .a dui ar A4 trt uoaac lau4 htwe a. Tar J4 SuacA AaMMUk. lna u priacisW C Bur Bouus ai arrl itie rmt puipm er ai auAvnaatia w,ir p IlAux' vu (P... m ear lo 1 ut.vT. FIAa baaatc aiavaaae 41 rasa. KANSAS CITY, Jun . Southern 4r.t,g trvatti are (till rising today, t-auaing mert or lea serious damage ta crop asd rall roaSA Near Panacea water tand several feet deep in macr baniae, while at Burling ton, wher the Neothe river it aaid ta be twenty-Ss feat higher thaa aormal. tb bottoms ar Hooded and water st rwtn-ing tore bAAcsaratA Ta Nohe river it aail to hav broke through the Lev at sv era! polata ta Leiu and Naoche roan. tie, la the southeastern corner of the atat. x4 they hav roundels much land and ruined cropa. - krsftr Aa hot IlL THB HAGUE, June 4 There St a fetia datloa for tha repar that Mr. Krnaer at Ul- Ob ltd' caairary. aa at tiiwlu aaud