Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
liftr Tbtnumd Pornd Toted s lw-raru by
the Hook of Common.
On Eame Dat TLtm Ye art Ago Parliament
Toted Him Large Donation.
iadmand Charge. JaitcLener with Zeath
of rifloen Thousand Children.
Sulsullat LrUn'i tpmk la Dle
taatrfwl te Eagllsa Rrattn, Vkt
eek te that (It tbe
Critical Drhatc.
LONDON. June 6. la accordance with
ElL Edward's rueKKape to tie House if
Commons yesterdaj . tbe government lealnr,
A. J. Balfour, In the Bouse this ilifrmirai,
asked tor a vote of 5(i.000 to Lord Kitch
ener. As a remarkable coincidence. Parlia
ment, on this Car three years ago. voted
lu thanks and 30,000 to the same general
lor tie services Is Egypt
Mr. Balfour. In supporting the motion, re
ferred to Lord Kitchener a rapid proniotlun.
He said It had tecs r;vtn to few uuslie
aervanta to oompaai ao much work f'T tclr
country In so abort a time a lord Ktib
ener. v bo, besides being commn1er-in-chlef
in South Africa, was commander-in-chief
of India. He found the army In Brutb
Africa In a state of disorganization. roue
euent upon the ill-success whi-ii attended
the British army at the aarly stage ct the
campaign, and be euc'J'.nl duty with
admirable energy and skill. But it n set
till Lord Roberta left mat -he claims of
Lord Kitchener on Ma countrymen reai he?
their present Jiajii'itl". i.ord KMcbnerJ
had to Kent itb utljus tUTiniltiet . He
had erected no f.w-r thsti 4 'X'U rlocV
bouses and in -he "onl'ict cf te ran pa gn
had shown the fertile range of hit re
ourcea, bound by courage and reaolut'on,
and to tbeae qualities Great Britali owed
the term sa Jon of the Few Eitiisb
generals had contended witn greater dtffi
cultiea and emerged from thexa ia a niaie
triumphant and brilliant "vay. M. Ballojr
concluded with formally moving the to'a
of 60.000.
The liberal leader. Fir Henry-Campbell-Bannermas,
w ho seconded the motion, paid
a warm tribute to Lord Kitchener, aa a
oldler and a stateman.
Joha Dlllea Leads OppMltlra.
John Dillon, Irish nationalist, led the
oppoaitioa In behalf of ths nationalists.
Mr. Dillon aaid he and hla frienda eb
aolutely objected to the vote, becauae
they were opposed to the policy of the
war in South Africa and the conduct of
the campaign, which involved wholesale de
valuation of the country, tbe burning of
farms and aaciinoe of Ufa.
- William Redmond, Irish nationalist,
cauaad a scene of (Teat disorder by remark
ing that Lord Kitchener would go flown to
history aa a general who had "made war
on women and children.' Thla remark
called forth loud cries of "Withdraw" and
appeals to the chairman to caU Mr. Red
mond to order. The chairman aaid the
expression uaed was not dlaorderty, but a
majority of the house refused to listen
Any further to Mr. Redmond and inter
rupted him with all kinds of shouts.
Mr. Redmond aaid that he desired to re
peat that Lord Kitchener was responsible
lor the death of 11,000 children and that he
had warred on women and children. That
was his absolute conviction and he refused
to withdraw the words. The country waa
living in aa atmosphere of hypocricy. When
at man spoke the truth he was gagged,
edmaad'a Hot Chat.
During his speech Mr. Kedmond Indulged
to considerable violence of language and
had ta be refreshed by a drink brought by a
friend. He said that an additional reason
why he objected to the vote waa bee us
Lord Kitchener had violated the tomb of
the Mahdi at Khartonm and asserted that
Lord hvitcheaer and Lord Roberta during
the Booth African war had been guilty of
snore disgraceful conduct than any of the
Other general a.
Then turning te the ministerial benches
Mr. Kedmond shouted, "Ten allow the wo
men and children of soldiers te starve la
sirdar to honor the favorites of your cor
rupt aaciety."
This statement waa greeted with ahouta
erf "ait down." "name him" and "divide
whQe the Irish members Jeerlngiy advlacd
the ministerialists te call la the polios.
It a Itii
Amidst the din Mr. Redmond was heard
ta say that the house was disgracing itself
In compensating the commander of the
loroaa in Eouth Africa while allowing the
tnea who had fought there to drift lnta ths
workhouae and that tbe house waa iirtt
iteelf ridiculous in the eyes of tbe world
cy motion pretending te celebrate aome
a' ! fast of arms. Gruana and persistant
yells drowned any further attempt at apeak'
lng until the closure was vated.
The chairman replied ta Mr. Redmond's
avppeaj fur a fair hearing, thai 11 was tm
xmatlhio ta control the house, to which his
epaech appeared dia tasteful.
After a quarter of aa hour spent by Mr.
Redmond la fruitiest endeavor u obtain a
-hearing, the closure was moved and adopted
toy 171 te lSg voles, and the grant to Lord
Kitchaner waa carried by SKO ta votea.
The minority oonaisted of Iriah national lata
eutd two or three radioala.
When Mr. Balfour arose to move a vota
if ehaaka to the officers and mea of the
army of Sous Afrioa, tbe uproar waa re
newed by the lrtah naUocalisla, as a protest
a-alnai the trout went of Mr. Redmond.
The speaker of the House of Commons.
William Court Cully, thereupon appeared
and aaked tbeta te dealat la the interest of
'freedom at debate, ts which John Redmond
retorted tbat it was exactly in the interest
ft euth treedoa that the Irish national lata
Italfear Aisaereel ao rstah
Mr. Balfour waa then allowee ta proceed,
said there waa M exact parallel for the
motion. Kever before had Great Britain
ent ao vast aa amy beyond the eeaa.
fervor before had aha fought such a great
campaign without allies and she sever had
beea ao aided by her volunteers and colon -
la) troupa, whose valor and humanity he
air Henry CampbeU-Bannermaa eeeendea
the xoouaa. He aaid be fceped there weald
ot he a larnng sole la the partUaiaeaiary
apurertauoa of the servioea of those whs
ino-ie the valor of the Brtuah army ta
4outh Africa.
Mr. Balfour's amiioa, which -"TtatnH aa
Caraially BwUi Toy the re a
Preeeats l-ettrr treat tfce
F.0XE. June t The pop today received
Judge Taft. civil governor of the I'hilip
plne islands: Bibop Tbomaa O'Gorman of
Floux Fall. 6. D ; Juflce Smith and Major
Porter of tbe Judpe advocate's department
at Weahlnrton.
Judge Taft presented to hla bollneas a
letter from President Roosevelt and a box
containing President Roosevelt's literary
works, and the pope expressed his thanls
for Mr. Roosevelt s friendly greetings.
Bishop O'Gorman acted aa interpre,
and Major Porter read the president s lei
ter. Tbe audience lasted forty minutes.
Judge Taft subsequently met Cardinal Ram
polla. tbe papal secretary of state, and
opened tbe flierufesion of Philippine mat
ters. While talking with tbe pope. Governor
Taft reviewed in a summary way, tbe ques
tions in tbe Philippines which require set
tlement. He pointed out to his holiness
thst tbe readjustment of the returns of
church and state in the islands was not
an indication of hostilities to the Catholic
church, hut declared, that such a read
justment was merely a necessity under the
American constitution. Governor Taft re
ferred to the prosierlty and the freedom
of the Roman Catholic church in the
Vnlted States and cited these conditions
as an assurance that tbe Vatican had noth
ing to fear from tbe extension of the au
thority of the I'nlted States over the Phil
ippine inlands.
Replying to Judge Taft, the pontiff ex
pressed the greatest pride in the R.omas
Catholic church In tbe United States and
intense interest in the great republic. He
said he earnestly desired to help the Amer
ican administration of tbe Philippines In
every pnseible way and be assured Gov
ernor Taft that the Vatican would ap
proach all questions raised in the broad
est and most conciliatory spirit.
The pope said albo that matters of de
tail. In connection with the questions to
be decided would be referred to a com
mittee of cardinals where they would he
considered at length and that all the is
sues would be treated with the aole aim
of reaching a settlement satisfactory to
all partiea concerned.
Tbe poie appeared to be in excellent
health during hla interview with Gov
ernor Tart and was of vivacious humor.
He referred pleasantly to ArchblBhop Ire
land in what he had to say concerning the
Roman Catholic church in the Vniled
Former Premier is DrlrrnJar4 to
(nmi ta Fastaia Same
t Radical Party.
PARIS. June I M. Henri Brlsson. the
former premier, who is a radical repub
lican in politics, went to the Elyaee palace
today as a result of President Lou bet 'a
Summons and was asked to form a new
cabinet, but M. Brlsson declined.
After leaving tbe Elysee palace M-
Combee conferred with M. Walderk-Roue-aeau.
the former jiremier, and the presi
ecrta tf the Senate and Chamber -of DcD-.
trtiea. ' He will begin Ills negotiations for
ths formation of a cabinet at once and ex
pects to be ready to announce his ministry
in Sunday's issue of the official Journal.
It seems that M. Caches will be premier
and minister of the Interior in the new
cabinet, that M. Ielcasee. General Andre
and M. Leiguea, formerly ministers of for
eign affairs, war and public instruction, re
spectively, will be retained, and that the
tallowing deputies. M. Troulllot. repub
lican; M. Etienne, republican; M. Rouvier,
republican; M. Dubief. radical republican,
and M. Doumergue, radical republican, will
also be given portfolios.
While the appointments of most cf these
last named are considered certain, there is
some doubt regarding the selection of M.
Ronvler, who is slated for the post of
minister of finanoe. This doubt arises from
M. Rouvler'a position on the income tax
In any event M. Combes seems deter
mined to fulfill his mission, aa failure would
be Interpreted as an admission that the
radical party is Incapable of assuming the
responsibility of power.
British aa Caleaial Oev-erameate to
Aid tbe Liverpool Irs.
a irate.
LONDON, June I. The negotiations of
ths British and Canadian governments and
aome of the other colonial governments
with ths Cunard line and other lines com
prising what is now termed ths Liverpool
syndics te, which is opposing the Morgsa
shipping combine, contemplate, according
to tbe Westminster Garette, both a fast
service of mail and passenger steamers in
conjunction with the Canadian Pacific rail
road and fleet of fast freight steamers.
The mall steamers whlth it la proposed
to build will be of enormous site, eapable
of steaming twenty-five knots an hour and
will be fully equipped for use as armed
cruise ra. carrying eight quick-firing 6-lmh
guns forward and aft and broadsides of
three 4.7-lnch guns. The freight steamers
will be sixteen-knot vessels, carrying .000
te 7,000 tons, dead weight. Ths West
minster Gasette thinks H probable that Mil
ford Haven will be the port of departure
of the fleet.
Tbe B'-heme contemplates a line of
steamers running te China, Japes and Aus
tralia, from Vancouver, B. C. Canada and
Auatralia are exported te Join la paying the
subsidies. The draft of the scheme in
volves the home government guaranteeing
a email interest on ths capital involved.
This would have te be ratified by the House
of Commons. w here," says the West
minster Gasette. "It will probably meet
with opposition."
f CasaaJtieo ay
Baer IS ar
Over liartr-wvea
LONDON. June 6. An official statement
Issued by the war office thia evening shows
that the total redurtkon of tbe Brttlaa f cross
ta South Africa up te May B0 of the present
year was 7.477. This Includes killed,
wounded, prisoners, death from disease
and men invalided home. Of these many
have recovered and rejoined their regi
ments, leaving SMJ4 dead or permanently
Incapacitated. The total number of troops
killed la action, or aha died .of wounds,
la T.t. while the total number cf deaths
disease is UJl&O.
VasaUr aareJ L-4a ta rsmetewr.
PaULAPELPHlA, June I Oasar Webb,
eolored, eurla a family quarrel today shot
and killed his wilt and her mother is Ger-naatoe-a,
a euburb of this city. He thea
turaea the revolver ea !.
fatsi wouad-
Bbvi It it Cheaper, Better, Befer and Kore
Practics.Ue Than S
Deelares Ttlrarearaa. TAaate Caald Tiat
Be Operated at Tttsa. Ai voeatet
FjMteaer Plea (saferrlag Par
raaoe Pavrer aa Prwleeat.
'JVAFHIXGTOV. June E. In further coe
'..'Vv''n of the isthmian canal project
" f. beard today two speeches.
nei. f.'f:,i:u was
Hanna . '".vror
completed. Mr.
of tbe Ppooner
amendment ' Z"1 the president
tuthority to pw .he tichts rtf tbe
Panama canal romp. .f a valid title could
be obtained, otherwise be shall decide tipen
tbe Nicaragua route. Mr. Mitchell sup
ported tbe Hepburn bill for the construc
tion o? the canal by the Nicaragua route.
Seldom has a senator been accorded a
more attentive hearing than that given Mr.
Ktnna. The Panama route he considered,
much to be preferred to the Nicaragua
route as 1t provided an lnter-oceanic water
wav much shorter and one that could be
traversed at less expense than the Nica
ragua route. He maintained that the
Ccited States was to build the canal to
sccommodste the commerce of the world
and said that fart must be taken Into con
sideration. Mr. Mitchell urged that unless the Nica
ragua route was deiernilned upon definitely
by congress it would mean the Indefinite
and perhaps the ultimate postponement
of all canal 1 rein 1st ion. He insisted that
tbe Nlcararuan route was entirely feasi
ble and practicable, while the Panama route
Involved difficulties which could scarcely
be surmounted.
The senate passed the military academy
appropriation bill providing for extensive
tmrrpvements at West Point.
A bill to redJvide the District cf Alaska
into three recording and Judicial divisions
waa passed.
Vkavat (ialrkeat
Mr. Hanna in his canal speech said the
American people having become accustomed
te the rapid transit of the railroads, now
demanded quicker transportation on tbe
seas. Tbe experimental stage had been
parsed, and tbe cuestlon presented was
that of the le&t route by which tbe canal
was to be constructed. Mr. Hanns said he
had shared at first in tbe common belief
that tbe Nicaragua route waa tbe only
cue to be considered. Tbe Tntted States
had been deterred from embarking on that
project and in the light of events the fates
seemed to him to hsve interfered to pre
vent us from making a mistake. The Pana
ma route was only forty-nine miles long
while that of Nicaragua was IBS miles in
Tou build your canal. said he, "to pro
vide for the passaee of ships from ocean
to ocean in the least possible time and
with the least expense."
"We are to build this -canal for the
world," said he. "We are to build a canal
for the commercial trade of the world, and
we owl take into account tbe business at
tracted to it from the world."
ftetemlr Dietarfcaaoea a Drawback.
Mr. Hanna referred to the seismic1 dis
turbances In the canal region and sug
gested that tboee disturbances ought to
cause the American congress to pause and
consider the suggested dangers seriously.
He maintained that the cost of the Nic
aragua canal would be immensely greater
in point of construction and operation than
tbe Panama canal and said he was pre
pared to demonstrate thst the Nicaragua
canal could not be operated at nlcht. Mr.
Hanna said that in many respects the same
conditions applied to both the Nicaragua
and Panama canals.
Discussing the Spooner substitute, he de
nied empathically that it waa a subterfuge
Intended to delay and procrastinate.
Mr. Hanna, after speaking an hour and
a quarter, pleaded fatigue and, saying be
would continue tomorrow, yielded the floor
to Mr. Mitchell (Ore.), another member of
tbe lnteroceanic canal committee.
The Oregon senator declared that tbe con
struction of the canal was demanded by the
American people i a tone that could not be
misunderstood. He asserted that unless the
Hepburn bill were accepted it would mean
tbe indefinite postponement of any canal
legislation and tbe possible defeat of the
canal project. He maintained that the Nic
aragua route was absolutely feasible and
A bill appropriating $ftt),Df0 for the com
pletion of a lighthouse and fog signals In
the Patapsco river, Maryland, was passed.
lalrr. feaai Ivaala, Trews Meattre
sa Heeesssrri Load. Cailfarala,
Opaoaee It aa I aaemaary.
WASHINGTON. June h. The house today
proceeded without preliminary business
with the consideration of the anti-anarchy
bill. Mr. Sibley of Pennsylvania, the first
speaker, earnestly favored the passage of
tbe bill. In the course of his remarks Mr.
Sibley aaid:
When loring hands ronelgnefi to mother
earth the mortal remains of William Me
Klnley that sense of Justine which is ao
predominant in American character demon
strated in unnilKtbkabie terms that there
should tie made me clear and distinct
declaration tliat those who plotted treason
to tbe government and advocated murder
of ruler should find that a land eurtc:tid
by the blood of patriots and martyr is too
small to hold those who should conspire
for Its overthrow The patriotism of our
nation believed thai airnovt the first act
of the American conpwn would be ao to
legiHiate Uial in the future neither a
Jonaiic Moat nor an Emma Goldman, the
more responsible author of such crime,
should fra; punishment.
In closing he said:
In the strength of our purpose and en
dowed with th co j rare of our convictions
we will send to auarchy aud all its brood
ttw meaaage that Gartteid once delivered
when ujkiu the death of Lincoln thin nation
was plunged in panic and oeepair. "God
reigns aud ths government ai Washington
still lives."
Mr. Sibley was warmly applauded when
he concluded.
Mr. Loud of California opposed this bill. He
said he sympathised with the motives which
prompted the proposed legislation, but
nevertheless he believed congress waa about
to act upon impulse. If the matter went
over until the next eeasiaa he did not think
it would ever be heard of again. If he
could bring himself to believe that there
was a word or line in the bill which would
protect tbe lift of the president hs would
accept the remainder, had as it waa.
The hill was unnecessary, bs declared.
No assassin of the president had ever es
caped the death penalty and oe one ever
would. Mr. Loud referred la his re
marks te the intemperate criticism of the
president sometimes Indulged in by public
mea ta eongress and by the preea. which
tended to inflame the public anlnd. and
aaid that this was one of ths lessons to be
learned fro in the assassination of the late
president which public x&aa 't1"-,!!
Attends CeBifereaee of etaeaaelaers
af Calc-aere at K art a westers
Railway Cmsaay.
CHICAGO. June I W. K Vanderbilt and
other prominent representatives cf the
Vanderbilt railroad Interests, met here to
ds y at the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Chitaga . Northwestern
Reilwsy company.
W. K Vanderbilt. Senator Chauticey M.
Depew, H. MrK. Tombley. Presi
dent W. H. Newman of the New Tors Cen
tral rail s ay and Vice President W. C.
Brown cf the same road, arrived early
in the morning, and together with the
old directors cf the company, approved the
annual statement of the tompacy.
Mr. Vanderbllt's preeenpe at the meeting
was considered specially significant in the
light of recent rumors of The probable con
test of the Yoore, Leeds and Vanderbilt
The financial statement of the rompary
ending May n. 1902. shows gross earnings
from operating 4fi.Bit4.tiM: operating ex
penses, JS.4l'4.fT4; taxes, etc., tl.41G.Uk:
interest, etc., $f..4(Kl.r2; construction and
improvement expenses, M.W.fifi; total ex
penditures aside from dividends. J41I42.
1PJ; dividends, f per cent on preferred and
7 per rent on common stock. 4.f,24 468;
surplus, tl.Mflr.T. The percentage of
operating expenses, includltg taxes, to
earnings, was 64.-6. '
The stockholders declared tbe regular
quarterly dividend of 1 V Pr cent on tbe
preferred stock and an xtra Clvidend of
1 per cent, also tbe regular semi-annual
dividend of 1 per cent on the common Ftock.
eith an extra dividend of 1 per rent.
Tbrre was no contest at the election and
the following officials wore chosen ; Marvin
Hughitt, president; E. E. Osborn, vice
president and secretary; E. O. Howe, treas
urer and assistant secretary; J. B. Ked
field. assistant secretary and assistant
treasurer; R. H. Williams, assistant treas
urer and second assistant secretary.
The following were elected directors for
a term of three rears: W. K. Vanderbilt.
F. W. Vanderbilt. H. McK Twombiey. Mar
shall Field,, Byron L. Smith and Cyrus H.
The executive committee eoneists of Mar
shall Field. Marvin Hughitt. C. M. Depew.
H. M. Twombiey. H. M. Kimball. W. K.
Vanderbilt and James Fargo.
Pallmaa (n4ir1n Have Grlrvasee,
FT. LOVIS. June . The Post-Dispatch
todsy aars that a petition setting forth
their grievances and demanding an ad
vance of wages is being circulated through
out the country, among the Pullman con
ductors and now has It. 000 signatures.
The petition demands that all new con
ductors be paid &i per month the first
six months of their servioa, 170 tbe oecond
six months and 1R0 after they have served
one year. After all the Pullman conductors
have been given an opportunity to sign the
petition, it will be presented to President
Robert T. Lincoln of the Pullman Car com
pany, at Chicago.
Packers" Repreaeatatl ve tars Tory
W1U Risridly fiber aa
Co art's Order. -v
NEW TORE, June 6. A. B. Boardman
of counsel for the meat packers, against
whom Justice Chester at Albany granted
an injunction yesterday, -will be quoted in
the Tribune tomorrow aa saying:
We shall not attempt to vacate this In
junction. The order means that each
packer will henceforth carry on his busi
ness independently of every other packer
and will not consult credits and price lisle
of other firms before preparing his own.
No attempt, direct or indirect, open or
secret, will be made to violate the court's
order. The packers will, of course, con
tinue business. The restraining order con
cerned only their managers, agenta, attor
neys and servants from fixing and deter
mining by a combination the price to be
charged and the regulation of the amount
of meat to be brought by them into this
Not long ago Judge Grossrup of tbe
Vnlted Statea court granted an injunction
In Chicago. This order was issued to
packers and their agenta throughout the
counu-y. .o attempt lias been made to
vacate that injunction.
Attorney General I vies sought similar
relief for this state at Albany.
He acted under the Donnelly law. which
concerns only New Tork state. The at
torney general dealt with the situation aa
when the meat reached here. The orders
of the court deala with the interstate fea
Meet lastaat Death ta Collialoa af
Two Freight Traias aa
Miaaaarl PariAc
EEDALIA, Mo., June E. Freight train No.
TS. with Engineer D. E. Mercer in the cab,
ran Into the caboose tif local freight No.
112 on the river route of the Missouri Pa
cific at Nelson. Saline county, tonight. Joe
Barth or Boone vllle and Robert Anderson of
Black water, the only passengers in the lo
cal caboose, were instantly killed and En
gineer Mercer waa eertoualy ltjured, one
leg being broken and the body being badly
The wreck occurred in a cut near the
river, with an overhanging bluff on one
aide and It was impossible for the engineer
te see that the train ahead of him had
been stopped. At headquarters here the
blame for tbe wreck has not been fixed, but
tl is supposed that aome obstruction on the
track caused the local to come to a atop.
Telephone reports from Boonevllle aay that
the too trains are badly wrecked, and that
there sere- others injured than those re
ported. One unidentified dead man is said
ta have bees found in tbe wreck of the
Kemlaate Candidates lor Coagcress
aad Elart rvleatee ta
tate Ceavesttoa.
PHILADELPHIA, Juns I. Republican
congressional, county and aenatorial' con
ventions were held in this city today. The
following candidates lor congress were
First district. H. H. Bingham; Second
district. Robert Adams. Jr.; Third district.
Henry Burke; Fourth district. Robert jC
Foerderer; Fifth district, Edward Mor
reil; Sixth district. George D. McCreary.
All the congressional candidates are re
nominated except McCreary, who is the
candidate is the new district created under
the apportionment bill paased by ths last
It waa announced today that the eighty
tour delegates to the republican state con
vention chosen at last sight's primaries are
a unit for Judge Samuel W. Pensypacker of
this city lor governor. Tfce convention wlU
bm t Bamaourg aa seal WeCijfaada.
ICinert Lxpect White House to I" crust
Solution of Trouble.
rk Trala Lir4 with fteaoalo
Mea la Derail, oat
Ost Is Bart la the
WTLKESBARRE, Pa., June l The atten
tion of the ctriking miners today w-as
turned toward the While House at Wash
ington. A new hope has arisen in tbe
breasts of tbe men that tbe president of
the Vnlted States, at the suggestion of
tbe New Tork Board of Trade, may take
up the task of attempting to bring miner
and mine owner together.
There is a strong belief here that Presi
dent Roosevelt will take up tbe matter and
try to woik out a solution of the problem.
Mine workers about striae headquarters
feel that the great roal companies can
not turn a deaf ear to tbe thief magis
trate, and that if he can be prevailed upon
to step into the breaih it is not improb
able that the operators would recede from
the stand tbey have taken. Tbe miners,
it is known, are willing to arbitrate.
President Mitchell had nothing to say
when aprroached os the new move te have
the president take a hand Is the settle
ment of tbe strike.
Mill Lemtas: E-BgiBeera.
The coal companies continue to lose en
gineers, firemen and pumpmen. Many of
the men w ho are now quitting are doing
so through fear of harm. Reports
come into WilkeBbarre almost hourly of
men on their way to or from the mines
being attacked. Tbe attacking parties in
most cases are boys and young men and
tbeir favorite method is throwing atones.
Several men have been hurt, but aa yet
no serious injuries have been inflicted os
The coal and iron police, of whom there
are more than S.000 in tbe field, are keep
ing very quiet, remaining Is seclusion
within the lines of company property. Tbe
thief of the coal and Iron police of one
big company aaid today:
If there is going to be any trouble the
strikers must start it. So long as they
remain on the ousiue of the company lines
there will he no disturbances, but we will
not be responsible lor what happens if the
miners cross the line.
The entire Wyoming valley is very quiet
Strikers MaVe Demoxtstratioa.
SCRANTON. Pa.. June 5. The Lacka
wanna valley had It first cemonstration
against the working engineers, firemen and
pump runners today. No serious disorder
attended It, but it was efiective in inducing
a large number of these men to give up
their employment ai ibe mines in and
about Olyphant. where Ui Delaware A- Hud
son company had been fairly aucressful in
keeping its steam plants in operation.
The march was the result of a meeting
last night of the five local unions of that
section, and began shortly after t o'clock
this morning, the marchers intercepting ths
men going to the day shift or returning
home from the night's work. Thet. were
takes in tow by pickets and persuaded to
meet the leaders of the marchers, who
finally got tbe men to Join their rank.
There was no attempt at violence. The
company expected aome move of this kind,
but it special policemen were wholly in
adequate to block the plans of the march-
The Lackawanna company also suffered
the loss of its steam men at its Brisbane,
Cuyahoga and Manvllle mines this morn
ing, and at strike headquarters tbe claim
is made that tbe company will not have a
dozen old men working by the end of tbe
District President Nicholls also had re
ports that many of the new men, unused
to the work of firemen, are also deserting
the companies.
4taiet at Haaletea.
HAZLETON. Pa.. June E. The strike
situation in thia region is quiet today. A
man, claiming to be one of the special
officers brought up from Philadelphia,
called at mine workers' headquarters and
Informed the offloera that it was the desire
of the seventy watchmen quartered In the
Torktows atore building to return home.
He asked tbe assistance of the mine work
era In getting the men back. Tbe mine
workers are looking into the matter. A
foreman and timekeeper at Tork town quit
today when asked to take the places of
HARRISBURQ, Pa.. June B Sheriff Reiff
swore in a email force of deputies today
for duty In the Lykens valley coal region.
Trouble is brewing at Lykens and Wlcon
lsco and the sheriff Bays trouble is likely to
occur at any moment. Three hundred men
congregated on the outside of the colliery
at Lykens today and tried to prevent the
firemen and pumpmen from going to work.
The striking miners refuse to serve as
deputies and the sheriff waa foroed to se
cure deputies in this city.
Wark Trala ts Derailed.
PTTTFTON. Fa., June E. Ths Erie com
pany's work train, carrying nonunion men
to the mines of the company, was derailed
in Hughestoan todsy by running into an
obstruction of rocks which had beta piled
on the tracks. No one waa Injured. All
tbe nonunion men at work In the varioua
collieries of the Erie company are housed
in one building and are distributed every
morning to the mines by special trains.
It is supposed that strike sympathisers
placed the rocks on the track.
SHAMOK2N. Pa., June E. Owing to the
acarcity of nonunion men here, the Vsion
and Mineral Coal companies were forced
today to put main office clerks to work la
the boiler rooms of their collieries. The
strikers made no demonstration against
them aa they walked into the boiler houses.
The Ninth district Vnlted Mine Workers
headquarters today reports all collieries ta
the local district free of union men, while
a number of nonunion mea are aaid to be
deserting from ths mines.
Wit area TeatlCea that Holy Spirit
Brvraied Home af Bis
tea's Slayer.
SALT LAKE, June E. James Sharp,
tather-ia-law of Jamas R. Hay, who was
murdered last December, took ths witness
stand today is the trial of Peter Mortauaea
for the crime and testified that God had
revealed tbe guilt of Mortenara te him.
Testifying ta his talk with Mortenses ths
day after ths disappearance of Hay, Sharp
'1 charged Peter Mortenaen with the
murder of my aos-m-law because I knew
he waa guilty. God revealed it ta me.
He appeared to aoe by the Holy Cheat aad
put the words of His spirtt into my mouth.
I also aaw ta a vision the trail of blood
leading from the railroad track ta where
my sou -la-lav waa hurled.
TV-erset fnr Neri-Hsks hrwe-ii Frids.
lxce;t Fa:r ir Northwest Portion. Batur
oay i'rouabiy Fair.
Tesaaeratare at Omaha leeterdari
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Memhers of the Preach mmleslea
Are Visiters at the wtrll't
lair Crown da.
FT. LOns. June E. President Dsvld R.
Francis and s delegation of Louisiana Pur
chase exposition officials called at tbe
Planters hotel this forenoon and met tbe
members of the Rochambeau-Lafayette
party, who arrived lat night.
After the exchange of greetings the party
entered special electrical drawing room cars
which conveyed tbem to tbe Administra
tion building on the world fair elte. Ar
riving there the visitor were taken In car
rlagea for a drive over tbe grounds, the
progress in tbe work being explained at
At tbe conclusion of the drive the
Couctrst de f;oehan beau was escorted by a
aommtttee of women to tbe residence of
Mrs. J. L. D. Morrison lor luncheon. A
reception folioveti st tbe home of Mrs
George D. Fhlild In the meantime the
party proceeded to the country, where
luncheon was served.
Michael Lagrave, general commie t-lnner
from tbe French republic to tbe world's
fair, who will consult with tbe exposition
officials during his stay in St. Louis on
tbe spsce to be given his country, ssys
that France, a the first nation to accept
the invitation to participate in tbe fair,
should have first place.
Jew Tork TDiviae Kamed te lad
Caagreatatloaal Hone Mis
sionary Society.
PTRACrSE. N. T., June 4 Today's ses
sion of the Congregational Home Mission
ary society was Devoted to reports and elec
tion of officers.
The treasurer s report ssys the year be
gan with a net debt of ICS. 38, which has
since been completely extinguished. Tbe
receipts from all sources were S34G.S4E; ex
penditures, J2SS,06S.
The report of the committee of fifteen ap
pointed at the annual meeting at Boston
last year was accepted. It recommended
tbe adoption of two amendments to tbe con
stitution of tbe society. The amendment
make it more atrirtly representative of the
Congregational church of the country and
it is believed will give the society a larger
Jurisdiction than it has hitherto enjoyed.
Tbe following officers were elected : Presi
dent. Rev. Newell Dwigfct Hlllis, New
Tork; auditor. George 6. Edgell of New
Tork. Among the viee-presidents lecte9
were the following": Rev. Charles R. Brown
of California. Rev. Michael Bumham cf
Missouri. Justice David J. Brewer of Wash
ington, D. C.
President ssasert Commaader af
Army af Betraying Of
ficial secrets.
KANSAS CITT. June E. Lieutenant Gen
eral Nelson A. Miles, commanding tbe army.
passed through this city todsy on his w-sy j
from Fort Riley to Washington. Tbe
journal tomorrow will aay that the gen
eral has been summoned to the capital by
the president, who has susplcloned him of
betraying official secrets, and for which he
has threstened a prompt court-martial.
General Miles went to Fort Riley a few
days ago on official business. He Is hur
rying bask to Washington and so great
was his haste that he did sot even take
time te provide himself with a sleeper
When shown a dispatch from Washington
to the effect that the president contem
plated the action above mentioned the gen
eral refused to commit himself. While
here he remained is tbe Union station. Hs
waa unaccompanied.
w'emaa aad Two C hild rea Evidratly
Killed far Their
ST. JOSEPH. June E. A careful investi
gation today into the death of Mra. Belle
Smith aad her two children at Hardin,
Mo., who were yesterday found dead in the
ruins of their home, revealed a triple mur
der which had preceded robbery. Mra.
Smith was a widow and kept in her home
tl.000 received on an insurance policy car
ried by her late husband. Tbe victims had
been murdered by a hatchet which was
found is the ruins of the burned home
today. A gang of tramps were la the
vicinity of the crime the day before. Offi
cers have no clue.
Latest KVrraras Pat Demarratie Can
didate (ar ie eraor
Thirty Ahead.
PORTLAND, Care. June E. Practically
complete returns from every county is the
state, except Curry, have been received
and the figure show that Furnish, repub
lean. Is 144 votes ahead of Chamberlain,
democrat, la the race for governor.
la IfOO Curry county gave McKiuley 1I
plurality. It will undoubtedly require
final count to decide the contest, as it is
believed several small errors have occurred
in reporting ths returns.
12 80 p. m- Another prectaot from Har
ney county and one from Malheur Juhi re
ceived put Chamberlain, democrat, thirty
votea in the lead for governor.
heg-ra Wssiel far Alleged Harder aa
held ta Be la Omorr'a
WARREVEBURG. Mo.. June l It waa
given om hers today that Boasie Francis,
negro, who is wasted for the murder of
Miss Mary Henderson ia this county last
summer, has been captured at Hugo, In
dian Territory. Pi cruras of the suspect
were received by Sheriff Koch today and
they have beea positively identified by Mra.
Chap Hyatt, sister of the murdered woman;
by Mra. Hyatt's daughter and by neigh
bors. Persona whs know Francis will gs
ta Huge u look At the nnaimac.
?AiuBteri' Trouble wiih Fackext it Solved
Uct A'J KrLi Oeiierenne,
EsBult Biipwi a Partial Victory for tbt
live Hundred a:l've,
Cexpraniat it Exacted on Tar fcoale Bat.
- isfactory to Both.
Vrfero ewe of the frettlemeat lte
" Mo l frelees !en
laiaa Driver aad Severely
Beats Kim.
CHICAGO. June I rive hundred team
sters assembled at Corcoran hall, near ths
siock yard at noon ratified unanimously
the agreement made between tbeir repre
sentatives and the pac kers at o'clock this
morning The document wa signed ty Al
bert Toting,, prendent of the Nstional
Teamsters' unum. and by John Meyers,
president of the local union.
It was then taken by PTealdent Job of
the State Arbitration Board to the sev
eral packers for tbeir signature. The ut
most harmony prevailed, the occasion as
suming the character cf a Joliflcatlon over
tbe settlement of the strike. The mes de
cided to return to a ork tomorrow morning.
Rrsalt af AU-Mght (eafrrraw.
The packing teams: ere' strike, which has
disturbed the pesce of the city lor nearly
two weeks, and which yesterday caused the
motit aerious rioting that has occurred slnoe
the American Railway Vnles strike of lfcM,
came to an end st 4:15 o'clock this morn
ing as the result of a secret ronferanc
between the packers and teamsters at ths
Grand Pacific hotel which has bees la
session since i. o'clock lain night.
The agreement reached at the confereao
le a partial victory for tbe teams: era, ta
that the packers have declared that they
will not discriminate against members of
the union. The scale agreed upon 1 X
cents lower than that demanded by the
men. It is as follows: Cart drivers. It
cents an hour; single wagon. 20; two-horse
wagon, 22H .' four-horse. I71; alx-horaa.
SC. The men are to be paid full time from
time of leaving bars, with a deduction of
half an hour for lunch. They wlU not be
required to w ork on Labor day.
Ifil of the AimaraL
The document as draws up is as follows:
At a conference held at the Grand Pa
cific hotel on the night of June 4. iwa. be
tween ivjiresentatives of the Chicago pack
ers and their pactlng house teamsters,
heid at the suggestion of Carter 11. Harri
son, xnayoa ana the Slate Board of Arbi
tration, it was agieed after due d.lltera
tion to recommend to tbe two parties to
U coutrovi try now catering between the
said loamsif r and the salt! packer:
Thst a compromise of tbe aaid differences
tie eflocted by making the following aug
gresTtona for a compromise:
First There ehell he no discrimination
afrainst union tea.msters.
Second The acaie of wages for teamstera
shall be fair.
Third No teamsters shall be compelled to
work on Lehor day
Fourth Any tnamsunr receiving mora
than the scale of wafres ststed shall not
suffer a reduction of wages after this
agreement goes into effect.
Tbe above and foregoing provisions wore
agreed upon at aaid meeting. Ths follow
ing persons represented the respective In
terests: Thomas J. Connors, Armour A
Co.; John Meyer. Armour teamsters; Louis
F. Swift, Ewift and Company; W. T. Mc
Naughton, Swift teamsters; Thomas F.
Wilson. Nelson Morrai A Co.; E. T. Laid
low. Morris teamsters; S. W. Wilder,
Srhwararbild aV Sulzberger; Bert Glynn,
Ecfawarschlld A- Sulzberger teamsters; Ed
ward Tildes. Ubby. McNeil A Libby; Ed.
ward Gastrich. Libby teamsters; F. A.
McClean. Anglo-American Provision com
pany; David T. Gibbons, Anglo-America
teamsters; Edward S. Robhlna, Omaha
Packing company; Charles Miller, Omaha
teamsters; M. J. Coiiiber, Upton sV Co.
William Wlseley, Llpton k Co. teamstera,
Waat a Driver severely.
Apparently ignorant of the strike settle
ment, men sympathizing with the team,
sters today dragged a meat wagon driver
from his seat, beat him severely and thea
demolished the wagon. The driver waa
Robert Allan, employed by Irwin Bros.
Tbe strike being practically Battled and at
that hour swatting only the ratification af
the Teamsters' union, the firm sent out the
wagon without a guard. At State aaS
Harrison streets a mob bad collected, ap
parently expecting a repetition of yester
day a disorder. Allan was horribly
beaten, but at tbe hospital It was aaid he
probably would recover. A second wagon
had been sent out by Irwin Bros., but upea
bearing at the disaster that bad vetallea
his predecessor the driver turned back.
Victim of the riot were reported as being
well toward recovery today. Only a few
who were taken to hospitals remain there.
Tbe most seriously injured are sanguis
of being out within a few daye and there
ia no likelihood of fatalities, ao far aa
Chief of Police O'Neill la aursing a
bruised leg, having been hit la one of the
Fifth avenue not. Inspector Hunt, whs
led the police during their sine hours af
fighting, was hit three times and wa limp
ing today as wc!! as displaying bumps oa
his head and a lacerated cheek ant Jaw.
Many policemen resumed their pasta to
day, wearing banduges and plasters, but
otherwise none the worse for wear.
strike la Averted.
NEW TORK, June At agreement aaa
been reached between the manufacturers
and Pulp Workers' union whereby a threat
ened strike has been averted is the paper
mills of the east Tbe workers will re
ceive as advance of 10 per cent, but several
minor matters remain ta be settled. It lg
estimated 15.000 mea are affected.
will Hat Aeers It aa Uf aa Other
Casaa haldiere Are I apro.
rid ad Par.
HAVANA, June I. General Maxima
Gomez has published an open letter hero ta
which he refuse to accept the annual pea
aion of .0o0 provided fur aim la a resolu
tion which is now before the Cuban House
of Representatives.
General Gomea aaka tl friend to aefaat
this resolution, aay lng It would be
to him to accept money ao long aa tbe other
Cuban soldiers have not been provided for.
General Goatiet aasorts be baa a bill against
the government for war nervier which
aome day will Lave ta be paid, but that he
ia wlllaig ta wait until auch time aa Caaa,
caa jj all her eeidjci.