TIIE OHAITA DAILY BEE; THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1902. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES ATrttsBat far eolomae HI takes til IS as, far th oalaar edltloa aad !! VSO a. saw far saaralagr Saadar ltloa. Bates, 1 l-2 a weed Srat lartla, Sa a mr thereafter. Rothlasi takea far ! thaa Sda far tka Seat laser tlaa. TkrM ad vertlsesaeale aaaat he In esaseeatl vely. kered ebeek, east kave aaawara ad dressed ta a kfr letter la ear t Tka Baa. Aaawara aa aaaraaaea will ta delivered aa araacatatlaa at tka kaak oalr. 8ITL AIIO.S WASTED. A STENOGRAPHER. WVii you want on call lha Remington Typertier office, ISIS Farnam Bt. Telephone 15TS. A 7s JM WANTED Br good, rustling young man a chance to icarn printer a trade; live month experience. Address outlook. Cedar Rap las, Ntb.; besX (it reterencee given. A-13 S WAtiKll-SALli! HELP. S FOR AiALF A DAYS WORK. Ii you uva in lua country or ta a amail town and nava a good acquaintance (wu in Ujiomi aua atoua raisers In tue untauoriiuvu you can uiaae o caaiiy by tour or ay iiour wot. Vvrlia aa and w will siia your our proposition 'in baa A-uolianibg Co., boucAiora' tXiul., Viuaca, B WANTED, a good bu in arary county to ta auoauripuoua tor In AwcniieiA e'en tury luumf. uur agui wa good !( everywhere, lia.eieuve raquireu. Aaoreaa IsnuUoLh Century carsucr, cinana, iteo. THREW or tour good mea wanted; Iioo per noma. CaU Mi faxio-11 oloca. B AA-i O. R. RATH BUN give private lesson In bookkeeping. hMm ii, commercial Ns llonai bank, ttMt PUSHING nUtmen can learn of something to tnclr aovautag by writ. rig in icawaa ssuraery wo., Milwaukee, Wu. B ISS J14 WANTED, harnessmakers; wilt guarantee ateaay employment ine ear rounu. Ad tire w Waliacvs, bmith k Co., U to n West Water St., Milwaukee, AVIS. B M&H 11 COLLECTOR, permanent position, wanted at oaoa, Htxenuaugh, aw Ware dock. B WANTED, mea to larn barber trade; new field lor our graduate; we want ivo at a nee; beat proposition ever offered; eight wei-a prepare ou fur ail weeaiy joo. Write today, Moier. Barber College, ltd Farnam su . B Auw3 WANTED Forty good stonemason Im mediately; Omaha shop. Sioux City. Oodd wages. Ueorge J. Grant, Sioux City, la. B M134 10 SALESMEN wanted to sell trult trees; po altlon permanent; pay weekly; write tor particular. Adureea western Nursery Company, Bales lepl., Lawrence, hii aa. B Is julyl- L GOOD coatroaker or panta and vest maker at once. C P. tttru, Atlantic, A. U-M2,t D TRAVELING salesman , to aell engines must have bad experience and be able to furnish references;-to the ngnt man a permanent position' I offered. Ad dress, stating qualifications and salary expectea, c . Bee. a Ml a CARETAKERS wanted for the Heath A r erguson sanitarium,. iJ .N. lttn St., asnui uw,iuub., a man ltr MEN Free transportation to Denver to learn barber trade; tools furnished; posi tions guaranteed; opportunity to earn board; wages while learning; largest bar ber oollege; most heallhiul climate In trie world: write for rm.rtleu.ars. -Moier' Ber ber College, Denver, Colo. Beware of take catalogue and misleading offers; we have no college in Nebraska. B M-M3 WANTED Colored cook to cook for four teen people under tents; we make week tanda: state towest safarv. Wanted, band men of ail Kinds,' to travel with , a medicine company, under tents; must be willing to worn around the tents; "no sports' wanted;"- Bohemians of Ger mans preferred;, state- lowest salary 'in ' first leiter, , Address) QcnneileYr Med.. Co.pMowa, Jvb. WANTED, an office boy, about 17 years of age, who. Uvea -at home. Answer in own handwriting. C 12, Be. B 1 WANTED, comedians, tumblers and all around performers for medicine show. Address at once, stating salary, George . Townsend, Staple hurst. Neb. B-302 4 WANTED, for V. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 35, cilliens of United States, -of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 1 16th and Dodge at., Omaha, ana -posioftice building, Lincoln, Meb. B WANTED Good pants maker; steady Job year round. J. A. Gough, perry, la. - B-M3H 7 WANTED Carpenters; 12.50 a day. Ad drs Joseph bhlesiger, contractor, Yutan, Neb. .. B MJltt JOB PRINTER wanted, capable of taking cnarg 01 mecnanicai end or weu quipped country office; good wages, steady Job; references ss to character and samples of work required. Repub lican. 8t. Paul. Neb. - B Mill 6 WANTED, an all-around butcher for town of l.luu; right man can find steady em ployment; write at once. J. B. Dentley, uaaiana, ia. 11 mus 7 SALKSMaCK WANTED, SALESMEN wanted for full line 'of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law ranca. nanw tM ji WAkTaifct kita.AdM MhlAJr. WANTED, two young lady tudonta to - Warn hairascMiug,' aiamcuring and chi " ro pody at d aviautitlo maaaaga. Call or . writ Room Uu, Bee Blag. C JS41 latQlrls. Call CanadMD office, lilh A DodxZ C' WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle auan to taae life scholarship to Omaha's beat business and snorinaud college and Say for It whan course la finished, and position secured. Address A 1. Be. - . C 44 WANTED, lunch waitresses. Apply to Mr. Wunur, Id flour. W. K. Benooil Co. C WANTED, a teacher to instruct th French language to a class - of thr, twica a wa; tata tersas. Addrea AH, . bee. C MC WANTED. xi He need salesladies In flov, vailing and urea irlmuiin; uepartuieuc J. L Brandeia boos, Boston bio re. . - C-M1 WANTED, lady to give conversation ls ons la Frvnch tu young woman at v.nlng aoa week. State term. Ad- , drs ii 43..B.. C 74 WANTED, girl 011 Mason BU for general housework. C 4l WANTED, young ours girl. Apply 67 8. lath SC -. . C M4 WANTED, girl to assist In general houae work. Appiy 1.1 aw Ut at, . O Msg , k GIRL for general housework Georgia ave. at MS C-41 WANTED, ten ladles to demonstrate starch. Apply Mi Farnam 6C - C i; OIRL wanted mi Wire for general housework at . C-27S1 WANTED A good girl at once for general housework; good wage. Mr. K. H. WU- ox, liu Wirt st C Mill 7 COMPETENT COOK wag; small family. WANTED: U4 3. Juh st best . C-MS21 WANTED, experienced work. M Lvdge ac . girl for second C uta IJKLP WASTED. WANTED, advertising solicitor, lady or gentleman. 12lt Farnam. M22 f FOR RENT HOUSES. VANS and baggage . wagons. Tel. list D-at HOUSES 1?. all narta f city. Th ta f. ivav-u Co.. U Be bldx. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Ptirag Co.: (Oct t amain, or aeia. io-a. BEE PAINE, BOSTWICK CO. for ch '.lea bouses, tul-l N. 1. U' o'os let. luia ' ' D-iot FOR RENT, s-room modern 'attached Capitol Are. Tel. 171. B. U. Rohlson, i uia FOR RENT, modrn house nar High school. The O. . uavui co sua. Be ttMg. D T9 DESIRABLE HOVBE8. mil Marcy at., i rooms, all modern. In good neighborhood, xjogermonin. ll 8. lth St., rooms, tie per month. GEORGE A COMPANT. 1601 Farnam St. Lttum t FOR RENT, i-room cottage, st. Charles Hsnley. Wig Pacific D M9I1 MAOGARD Van A Storage Co. HOUSES, tc F. D. Waad, ISSt Douglas. , . D-ta SIX-ROOM flat, all modem. 1111 So. luh. 1 M1 H WEBSTER. 11 rooms, modern; 4311 Farnam. I rooms, -modern, and bam. 12ft; 2T6 Davenport, rooms. II; 1G1I I Howard, 7-room flat, modern. 2S. Othra. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker blk. D-M914 UN EQUALED, central, modern 4 room Cats. TUard. 220 N. 2M SL STRICTLY first-class modern l-room cot- tag, newly papered and painted Inside; excellent; 116.00. 2731 Seward; key 20 Seward. ,. - - D-259 4 FOR RENT, new modem brick. rooms. 1Mb Burc b- FOR RENT, nice (-room cottage, rear of 1141 N. 17th. : D-304 V HOUSES, stores. Baratav Pa a ton block. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block u III GOOD 8-room modern house. 3504 Blondo. D-M317 SEVEN-ROOM cottage. 21W 8. 14th St.. $20; no furnace. J. M. Johnson, is. x. lAie. D M116 11 I'OH HENT FIR.MIUEO ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. 1S0 CapUol Ave. E MU THE LANGE HOTEL, S04 8. Uth St EM7U Jl DEWEY Iburopeaa hole), Uth and Farnam, u Jt NEWLY furnished rooms, wtth. good board. au M. zatn bu . ... -M TWO housekeeping rooms ts. MS St. Mary'a. ja rei jats- NTCELY furnished rooms for renrj also for light housekeeping-- 23H Douglas. E M247 7 ROOMS, first-class board. 2224 Farnam. , E-M71 i SEVEN-ROOM furnished house for two or three months. South Omaha, three blocks of 24th st. car, to man-and wife who will board owner; references. J3 SI. Bee. E M9J6 6 KtHKISUED ROOMS AND BOAHO. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 8. r o VERY desirable rooms. 211 B. Kth St. F 560 ROOM, wtth good board. 625 8. list Ave. F M17S T FOK HE.VT-lkrtMXItUkll ROOMS. DESK room spaca, ti par mcntn, ground floor room In The Bee building, lacing Farnam street; no expense tor light, heat or Janitor service. M. c. meters st- Co.. Rental Agents, nee building. .': laai CENTRAL, 3 choice rooms. '220 N. rid. 0--241 FOR RENT, entire second ' floor of", resi dence, unfurnished, all modern, sa a. th I housekeeping rooms. Davis,' 41 N;' 16th u l THREE unfurnished rooms, being .entire parlor floor; reasonable, z&bx Bt. Jiary ave. .. G Mis4 6' TWO ROOMS for light housekeeping! back parlor furnished or unfurnished; modern; reference exenaugeu. aaa . inn av G M307 U FOIl RIS.tT STORES AND OFFICE. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at lit Farnam dt- . It has lour stories and a basement which "was formerly uaea u The Bee pre room, 'ibis will be ranted very reasonably. If Interested apply ac ODC to C. C. Roi water, secretary, room 1W. Bee. builaing. 411 FOR RENT, store la brst-class location; rent reasonaoie. Appiy R. c i-eters 4 Co., ground lioor. Del Bldg.". '. 1 166 FOR RENT, desk room or' large spac suitaoi ior meicnanaisa Drover or party doing btuineas In wholeaal ulstrtcL In- ttutr liiii m Co., Kg Faxnan ctt. . . . . .... x-Mat OFFICE "ROOM. Large room fronting on 16th st, first floor. Board of Trade bldg., good . light, 176 per month. George A Co., 1401 Farnam st. ... nun TO LET. office In Paxton block and Mc- Cague Bldg. W. Farnam Smith Co.. laW Farnam be lof When' You Write. to . Advertisers: remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention in tact that you saw tna ad in ine Be. AGENTS WAITED, WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscnpilens lo TH IE 'rv-. .TM l'Tu ntKi'rl'UV pmuru steady employment with ; .assured good Income; agent in th country with hone and buagy especially desired: can vasra niaku easily too to 1104 par month. Adore Century Farmer solicitors' Bureau. Be building. Omaha. Ill HOMES and hotels, schools colleges and! factories snouid ue protected with tne Underwriter's Fire Extinguisher. . They have aaved tnllllona of dollars' worth of property. Agents wanted here; exclusive territory. Address Knight A Thcirrme, Boaton, Mass. J Mill 6 WASTED TO BEIT. WANTED, room or room and board tn private family, north side preferred ; will exenange ret. Add. c a, umana dm. WANTED TO Bl'Y. WANTED, two or tare good vacant lots. tillable for residence or fiat; must be good locations and price reasonable: all! caah and no extra expense of aelrlng. Address direct to tur. B 19, ear Bee , elUce. N Mtt WANTED, hotel of good capacity, In llv Nebraska or iowa town; will buy furnl- tur at bargain. Address c . Be. . . . . timn WANTED M-hand clothing for oaah- 1107 Farnam. N 1U3I1 Jy. 1 FOR SALE ri'RNITCRR. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodsa TaL 2v. New and secondhand, bought, sold. xcoangau. u u OAK chamber ult. sideboard, dlntng table and othr household goods. 1126 So. th C O 29 FOR SALE MORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE, buggies, ahaaton. runabouts. new and secondhand, st cut price. Re pairing, painting and trimming; also put . oo rubber una. jrTrta, l ia. and Lv- . eowerut cl. - i.i j . rH Al.l HOItSRa, WAObA,' kt.' PAINTING and reralrs on wagons. to.. our specially. H. I rose Mia and Leav enworth, Tel. 141. I ail SEVERAL An driving horses. Walter thelp. room D. N. 1. Life bWg. r-a FOR BALE Horses, wagons, etc.; good extension top carriage for aale at a sac rifice, see Johnson Roberts, John Deer Bldg., lvth and Leavenworth Sta. r-MUl jeii- FOR SALE, cheap, a Concord buggy. l'h ana vinton. . x im rOR SALE, two Shetland ponies, well broken for driving or riding. John H. Harte, room D, N. T. Life Bidg. Omaha, Neb. i Mi FOR SALE MISt ELLAKEOV9. ZD HAND safe cheap. Bchwarts. 114 8. Uth, W III 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrtght. Ull Farnam. 10O STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man Mccennell lrug co itn ana Dodge, Omaha. Q 114 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument; . at up. in Wtttman Co.. 162. Farnam. l RirTCI-KS and thnnocrarha on easv Dar- ments to aown. i.oo per. wees; ianana wheels, $3. 18 and $10: new wheels, tla. Omaha Bicycle Co . lilth and Chicago Bts. WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, bitch posts, tree guards, wire Works, 417 8. loth SL TeL lo. Q M7i July! FOR BALE, echolsrshlp In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire tsz nee Bidg. w MW RETONTIHAVD hllllard ini! nnol tablea billiard tables repaired; a large stock 01 cheap nar fixtures,.. rtgar counters, tc The Brunswick. Balke, Collender f"o.. 4W7- Bo. I0tn.. v oi NEW and idhand typewriters; 1U Far-Q-MTQ nam. FOR SALE, second-hand desks, chairs and walnut -office counter and railings. Wa bash affice. 1415 Farnam st, . Q M14S FOR BALE Chesapeake Bay puppies; finest retrievers on water fowl; reason able prices. A, J- Hayne, 3S24 N. 21d at. Q-M527 Ji INDIAN goods and iUca. 1111 Farnam FIR timbers for hous movers, etc., M to 71 leei; rr 10 Ding ana nog leuc. ui juiiiim. 1 FOR SALE, fine imported harness, brass mounted and trimmed: cost when tie $360; will sell for loo; can be seen at Doty SM. nuHieu 1 parn, join anu . a-eavenwnrin streets. u fj 1 I OLD wheels taken In trade on new ones. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago St. FLESCHER sells bicycles. 163 Capitol Ave. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass Bt. a I1 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 21i N.16, Id floor R. &, X S-Ja MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. ISth.. r. 7. 1 aitis jii PERSONAL. Mlddlemlss. wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1719. U-Mitt Jl DR. HOY. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed oy electricity. R. 12, Frenser block. - , ysu PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; Daoic aoopiea. out unnt , Mrs. GardeW. Tel U'-UKi ; ' ut2 FLESCHER wBl fix your bicycle right ' U K' , - - -.11. 1 fc. HAIRDRESSING, manicuring': arid cblrjar pody. for ladles only. In. connection with The Batnery, iee twig. . usci RUPTURE permanently cured In; 10 to ' days; send tor circular, u. o. wood, M. D Ml New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb, u a-'i ACCORDION pleajng, cheapest, best and q.ulcaL jars. A. axara, i at iougiaa. GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesal 1 . 1 . . 1 n n - ii.nn rA i j--) t. . . . aim ici.ti. wwi.um . -.,, wub- s. . . u K CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with Th Batnery, rooms xio-xiw tee Bidg. TeU lil. o w SHAMPOOING ' and hair dressing. tSc. In I connection wun in ca-.nery, ntys.v uee I building. Tel. 1716, . U Ul PRIVATE home for ladle before and dur ing connnemeni: oaoie adopted. aj I Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U MZ16 J16 VIAVA. woman's way to health. Him. 1 1 Tx llll3a t ww vbuv a a ww. wsw v joavx Omaha. IJ A.U Dior rtoa ik a , . w m C at(u J f PR. JAMES H. PEABODT has moved from Capitol avenue 10 nai over uranam s drug store, northeast corner Twenty fourth ana arnam aireeus. u at ax J I FOUND, best lc cream soda In city, to. Buraaer s ciore. inn aua Dewara. U-841 J10 MME. SMITH. baths. Ill N. 13, Id floor, r. 1 u MZZ) J II LOWE8T-prices in accordion and aid fco DoSgia. biockT 7" tf-itSl EMPIRE RUPTURE CURB SB N. T. Lif Bldg., umana. bend ior circulars. u Cigars on Ice. you can never erijo ill extent until vnu t Gentlemen, you can never ertjoy-a smoke to tne run extent until you try tne STOECKER CIGARS - which ars kept on lc. . U--MH7 T THE CHILD 8AVINO INSTITUTE of umaha. loth and unio sts.. desires homes for eight boy babies and seven girls from ! 1 to 6 months old. also three girls It . years old. ,L M26S 6 FREE TREATMENTS. To convlnc the afflicted of the wonderful pomer of ital magnetism, the Prtbbenow Institute, for a limited time, will treat . any sufferer 1 or 1 times sbsolutely free. Call at 215-216 Karbach block, 2( 8. Uth st Phone, B.-M. U MZTu Jyl GEORGE Oo to the ant Page 2?S June What to Eat MOLLIS. U A1312 MOXEY TO LOAX REAL ESTATE, tV PER CENT on Business property. I per cent on residence properly. Cpuon to pay whol or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 4ul B. Uth St. . . . w afc MNEY to loan on Improved Omaha real esUiie. Dreuaan-cve Co.. aJ b. utn. w-us WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. t arnam emun CO.. um sarnam st W-13S PRIVATE mony. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L, W 144 FARM and city loan, low rate. W. H, Thomas, 1st ac Bank Bidg. 11. 14. W WANTED, city and farm loan; ajao bond and warrants, r. c. reter at to., i,u Farnam Sc. Bee Bldg. W 441 LOW RATES. Prlvste money. PAINE 1 iVtOTMENT UlHrAHI, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. - W M40S WANTED IS. two losn on gilt-edge Inside property, renting for 4 per moath. Ad dress C 1L Bee. W-M1 4H TO t P. C. money. Be mis, Paxton Blk. II PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros. 1004 1 arnam. w aw PRIVATE money. F. P. Wead. 1U4 Dougla i w o UuO UP, low rate, Prlchard. 1711 Farnam. n jaiiw MO!tKT TW LO.4 "CHATTELS. 10 YEARS- In oui uwit mm3uvii. lxi si.iu aa old reliable nrui aua aiaDiisa a creuit mat win Im of u to you In in fuiur. We mane loana on t urulture. Piano, Liv Block and to Salaried feopl. Uur rales are aa low as any and mucb lower than many. Our motto la. Try to pleas. IX you nave dealt with us ana mi pieased tU others. If you are ulspieased ten us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Ul board ot irade bidg., B. loin SL EstablUbed Ik laU Tel. X-V. X Aioi BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don I 1st your deois worry you, CALL UN U8 and w will make you A SALARY LOAN. We loan to honest employe UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE. 110 to S10O without security, endorser or publicity. Oilf lCh. HULKS, t a. m. to I n-. niblAOl.!. LiiLuii vi'Mriiii, Room lut, Paxton Block, Third Floor. X MtU LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAR1EU rtiun.it, mercnanta. team ster, Doardlng bouse, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In pno- cipal ciues. loiruan. w uoara of iraae Bid. X t Chattel and Salary Loaits. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to i. W. Tayloe. TeL Tlo. 33 Paxton Block. X-27S JyJ MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connaentiai; lowest ratea. si faxion Dioca aa a. at. nnuun 1.0. MONEY loaned on furniture, llv stock. Jewelry, to saisnea pcopi. r oiey coaa Co., sue. to Duff Uretn, Bataer Block. jl ant MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, eto. yi r . iteea, sis a. uv SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or short terms gt rates rareiy rquiiHcu luiiiptrwioia. "Its our business to supply It." AMERI CAN LOAN CO.. Third Floor, Paxton Block. a mow BlblXESS CHAMEl, TO GET In or out of business can on WU- Uajas, Room tu, atevague ouiiaing. 1 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your business or property quica. sea J. H. Johnson, 141 N. 1. Life. Y M175 DESK ROOM, roll-top desk and phone service. J. ti. jonnson, bu im. x. ljio. x mu Enterprising Man mrtth & . ap.inirb . intrnliinif tutAP. eat In a rapluly increasing and profitable legitimate manjiaeiuriiig uunineaa; in' veatlgate this proposition. J, H. John son, an. Y. L 1 MS2! FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock Of Jewelry, crockery, musical instruments. sewing machines, notiona, etc., aoout Iti.ftuu: aUo good brick - building. Zxl'Ju, with lot 2&xiau; stock located in gooa county seal town, northwestern Iowa; stock exceptionally clean, running and doing good business. Fine opening. Ad dress. P. M.'.Casady, Sioux City, la. FOR SALE. 4S0 acres ol well improved land. 4 miles west Cedar Rapid, lioone Co.. Neb.. Z10 acres In crop, all fenced black, soil, . ' acres meaaow and pas ture.- A niM farm. A. snap lor casu. AH dnss . lha. owner, 1106 .-.(orth 2uth st. Omaha. . Y-M42 i FOR SALE Asphalt plant. Utii and Grace Omaha. Apply to the btaud- sra saving CO., cnicago, 411 x nut JU FOR SALE, furniture of a iO-room house full of g xxl paying Doarders,. 1 Dioca from Harney. l)oda and Farnam rars. 4 blocks from 16th; cash offer only con sidered. A gooa minx ior ins rigm per son. Houjo rent reaaonahle. Address C X J3B. .. ., ...... HOTEL WHITNEY f or ssUe'.jSr Yent ; newly senttcd; furnace Heat;-. latiur or neaitn. Address Ji. u. WitnX. Tirn. Neb. -er WIL1 TRADE- tor good land in eastern Nebraska or sell for cash, a paying dim- In.,. In nn et the -heat DStlnx towns In eastern Nebraska; -new. -clean, groceries. dry, goods, shoes ana general . mercnan dlae: value about 1&.000; doing a business of 11,000 caah per month beetd produce: noDulation about .: beta of educational facilities: nartv owns double brick store building: location best In .the city for trade, which he is about to dispose of; reason for selling, building can be rented; splendid chance for- progressive man to enlarare business. Take this up quick, as It won't last. For Information address C 13. care of Bee. Y MluS S FOR EXCHAXuI. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 4, Bee. x, muw FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHY I LIVE IN KOUNTZE PLACE MAJOR WILUOa 5 KbAbUiNb Omaha, May 8, 1902 MR. G. H. PAYNE, CITY. Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiry as to why I decided to buy ift Kountze Place would say I think Kourltze Place tor me is the best residence locality In the city fine street, all or. nearly all paved, splendid homes, no disreputable tumble-down shan- I ties, a fine intellectual cass of people, splendid drive to business, good schools eisrht churches, no "saloons and never will be, perfect drainage and. therefore good health. No other portion' of the city be gins to offer such numerous advantages for I the money invesrea as Kountze na.e Vnnrs verv trulv R. S. WILCOX. Wi are avents for Kountse Place. We hav lots in this Deautuui auuiuon irtua up. Fine lou irom tlwo to n.iou. Big boulevard corners at ll.tmu. II you wan A lot In Kountse Place . . SEE U8. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO Main Floor N. Y Ufe Bldg. . KU M291 HOUSE8, lots, farms, ranches, loana; also ma insurance. Bemis, ruws sioca. HE-i6t LANDS' In the Mouse River valley are of the bed In Norm uaaoia; gooa sou anindtd climate and good water: surtac level, with occasionally small strip of rolling prairie, not hiUy; well watered with running small streams and dotted with llttla lakes: land is Increasing In value at a rapid rate. Homeseekers and Investors win do well to look this coun trv over before settling el&ewhere. Par ties desiring Information may write ua or call and we will taae pleasure in answer lug all communications, a. so showing oui land. We have listed both deeded land and rellnauUhmeras for al at reason able nrlre. I -and seekers will do well t notify us when to expect them, so we can be prepared to snow lanus. tours ioi Business, HUMPHREY A SLAUGHTER, Norwich, N. D. Klu6 Jyl FURNAS COUNTY, Nebraska, can show you the finest growing crops in tne stat, tha.blaarat wheat and the largest acre age. Many farmer now claiming forty bushela to th acre. Thousands of acre of allalfa ready to cut for first crop Have had double amount of normal rain fall for May. Lamia are very reasonable In price, but will soon b booming up ward. If vou want to make pro it labia In vestments com at once. Writ us for list of lands. Smith A DavU. Beaver City. Neb. RE M BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO. tor cboic bargaii,, uW ti. X. uu oidg. let. lull Rai it HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acr properly ana rrm iana. Th O. jr. Devi Co.. kovai ki. B building RE Ml BUY best hous paints, varmahes. to t quality bl(hc prlcas lowesc National Oil and Paint Co., loli Jonas SC RE 431 Je21 RANCH and farm Unas for sal by th Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUeater. land commissioner, union Pa cta lisacouartera, Omaha, Nb. RK-KS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 13"! Dougla St., upstftir; small house for sal: cheap bulldlcg let. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money to loan on ay terras. RE fc; IF YOU want one of the nicest s-roosa komes in Hansoom rise 1 will give you bars-sin. Owner left city. Mu ut sell. H. Sherwood. S37 N. Y. U Bids E V REMISS THREE CHEAP IXDT8 NEAR 1'PPKR FARNAM STREET. For sale. Three lot southwest corner .Vth snd Dodge streets. These are east tront lots, two of them ar at grade, the aouth one requires some filling. Can offer all three for tt.ym. These are the only ehcrtp east front lota left between list and SPth streets, ar.d there Is at least I2.00i quick nmflt In them. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO.. 126 Board of Trad. RE- GEORGE O. WALLACE, real eetate. mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown niocx, RK MODERN nlTTAtlE. A brand new s-nwrn rottape, porcelain tub. closet, wash bowl, hot and coin water, gaa. cemented cellar; convenient to church and school; owner anxious to sell: may we not show you the property whether you buy or not? FINE CATTLE RANCH. W have a 1,760-acre ranch In northern Nebraska, all deeded land, except a sec tion of school land: enough free rang adjoining to maki Six flowing wells to make 1.000 acre under fence. s, good ranch buildings. near creamery. If Interested come in and let us gtve detailed In.v.rmatlon. Would consider an exchange for desir able Omaha Improved property. SHIMER A CHASE, PA Bee Bldg. Telephone 1442. KE-M&D t FOR SALE, on section of school land; has twenty-two years 10 run yet; goou rang adjoining It; Is good alfalfa land; would trade for cattle. Write me for price, W. C. WllUams, BurweiL Neb. RB-MM WILLIAMSON, FsrrrTsfree ' RE 381 LOST. LOST, a white horse, T cut on left front loot. Return ior reward to rrea etaarg, Benson. Lost ZoJ 4 LOST. Scotch collie dog. 1 year old. yellow. Ish brown with white breast and wnit stripe around neck. Reward for return to J. H. McCulloch, 4641 Dodge. Lost-2l 4 LOST. Elk's tooth watch charm. B. P. O. E. on one side, cerres sices on other. Liberal reward if returned to F. U. Caldwell, Undell hotel, Lincoln, Neb. Lost-PS 4 MEDICAL. DR. PRIE8. the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women id umana, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Pr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 91? When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tne pen to mention ine iact inai you saw tne aa in ine e. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the besc bale, reiiaoie. laxe no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. , Ask your druggfjt. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Stlllman A Price, att'ys. law, collections. A. P. Lillls. DOlary, U U. S. Nac Tel. i;ju. 4i Jl NEBRASKA Collection company (Incor porated). a New Xork Life bidg. -phone, 623. Damage suits prosecuted. The col lection of claims, large or small, mad anywhere In the United States or fotelgn countries by bonded attorneys. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur r.ished on application. MW1 J2S MAX V FACT I RIX G, P. MELCHIOR, Uth and Harney, m . . M1U cbiniac OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka.. make a spe cialty ol fir escapes, snuusrs, door ana safes. Q. Andreen, Prop lux S. 10 tn Su M171 UtlttiHA.MJ AAA) TlPaatoAiiAlAU. A. C, VAN S ANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Lite. BOYLES' college, court reporter principal. M. X. LAI. JDO NEB. Business a Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. mi ACCORDION rLEATlKG. KEDUCED prices In pleating. ' ruchlnga, tucaing ana apptiqueing. a1 or iiui in formation inqjlr Ideal pleating Co., lait Howard St. 771 J7 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co.. Be Bldg. TeL J535. 171 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. t. T. OChlltre. aoth and Lake streets. gi STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 4s Bamge Bid FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1611 Farnam. TeL UfA Bend for price list, cut nowers ana plants. M7a STEAM DYE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suits cleaned, pressed. 11.00. Ladles' skirts, 60c 116 N. 16th St. ,0 J?) PIANOS. $20 "WALTER" PRfgg $250 NO MORE-NO LESS. Ask Fred R Walter for terms. 3112 California St. Catalogue on request -M215 When You Write to Advertisers member It only takes an extra, stroke or two of the pen to mention th fact that you saw the ad In The Be. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans ctespool and vault, rmova garbage and dead animals at rcouoea one. i n. ia Tel. 177. -M EDUCATIONAL. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 401 N. Mth st. MM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 A Jackson. Tel. MM .'ii JUNK. ALPIRN buy all kinds of scrap iron and metals 13 uougiaa at. TI. ZilA. us PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing ; su business connaanuat. Ubi jjougia. i When You Write to Advertisers remember It only-take an extra strok or two of th pen to mention -in iact thai you saw th ad la The B. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tela- pbeo lis U fteuiA ThlrtaaaUi street. Atkt BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale tie Co, til North lih, 74 OSTEOPATHY. OID E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite U&. N. . .Life Bldg- Tel. 1664. DR. A. T. HUNT. U McCague Dldg. TeL xx. DR. MRS, MU8ICK. Douglas Blk. TL Z1 470 FIRS1TVRE RF.PA1RIIQ. First-class work. 1X1 Farnam. Tel. S4SL -TJ JeI2 MISICAL. C B. SHAW'S nsw studio open all summer. 140 J17 - When You Write to Advertisers remamber It only take an extra strok or two of the pen. to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehour Co., III 114 Jones, general storag and forwarding. , -161 OM. Van Stor. Co., 1U1H Prn. Tel. IV-"63. WJ FURNITURE stored during summer for use of part. Address C 14, nee. M-M124 6 LAtSDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, ftc; collars, lc; cuff. 4c. 17?o Leavenworth. Tel. 6U. -17 BEST laundry; : Tfie Chicago, 'phon M AUTOMOBILES. ELBCTRICT MOBILES. Farram street. Derlghts, 1U9 2X3 LAWS MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. 1. 1. Wka. 1406 Howard. M314 FIR DBEbSINU. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1414 So. 13th. 171 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIE8. Mlaa Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. w Iio PLIMBIXG. D. W. DUDGEON, 1 Tarnam. Tel. 1M6. -M315 J-4 JL STAI1II0PES RUNABOUTS aad everythlas; also VEHICILARLY STYLISH. "HARNESS" TO MATCH . THE VEHICLES. Drummond Carriage Go. ISth and Harnif Sts. 1 (Toar. Heaaa Pwbll Library Caaaty Jail SlWt1 j as to ' POSTOFFICK NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any tlmej Forelen mails for the week endlnsr May 11. 14, will blose (PROMTLY In all cases) at the general postofflc a follow: par cels post malls close one hour earlier than closing tiro- shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. Monday.) r .t Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below-(except that supplement ary mails lor Europe ana central America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign station). Traasatlaatla Malls. THURSDAY At T a. m. for FRANCE. BWlTZfcHMNI', ITALY BPAIN, PORT UGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAK QUEZ, per s. s. L'AqultaJne, via Havr (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. L'Aaultalne"). SATURDAY At 7;30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. itynaam (man must be directed "per s. s. Ryndam "); at i30 a. m. for" SCOTLAND direct, per s. s.' Furneesla ' (mall must be directed "per s. s. Fumesala"); at 11 a. ra. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must be directed "per . s. Island"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary n m.) for EUROPE, per . a. Lticania, via Uueens- town. . . . , .. ..',.. PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter.- Commercial f arers and Samples for .Germany only. The same class of mall mailer for other parts ot Europe will not .be sent by this ship un less specially directed oy it. After the closing of tn supplementary transatlantic man naroso shove, addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the . piers ot - loo American, f-ngiian. French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of the hour dialling of steamer. Malls far Soatsi aaa Ceatral Amer ica, West ladles, Ete. THURSDAY At a. tn. for CUBA. YUCA- TAN. LAHfLLrlK. TAUABCU ana CM1- ' APAS, per s. s." Havana (mail for other paru of Mexico must be directed .' per a. a. Havana ): at 10 a. m. for HAITI. per . a. Prlns Wm. V. (mall for Curacao, Venesuela. Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Prlns Wm. V"); at 10:30 a. m. for BRAZIL. ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per s. s. Tennyson, via Pernam K . i ... . llahla Vlk T . n.lrn n rl H n , m.ll . for iSorthern Brasll must be directed "per s. s. Tennyson"); at 11 m. (supplementary 11:10 p. m ) for BAHAMAS, GUANTAN AllO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Segur- anca: at 13 m. (supplementary u.si p. m.i for BAHAMAB. per s. s. Antilia, via Nassau (mall must be 5ircted "per s. s. Antilia"): at 1:10 p m. for JAMAICA, per s. a, Admiral nampson, irom uosion. FRIDAY At 11 m. for MEXICO, per s. - Matanxas, via Tamplco (mail must be directed "per. s. s. Matanxas"); at 13:10 . p. ra. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. g. Paloma. iTl'sniT-ll 1 a m fnr RCDUI-ni per s. s. Trinidad; at li. m. for PORTO RICO.- par s. s. coamo, via Han Juan; at I a. m. (Supplementary 1:30 a. m.) for ci'RACAO and vl.nuueu. per s. . Maracaibo (mall for Savanllla and Carta gena must be directed ''per s. s. Mara caibo"); at 1:30 a. m. (supplementary io;io a. m.) for foktcnk ihlanu, Ja maica. SAVANILLA- CARTAGENA and GREYTOWN, per . . Alene (mall for Coata Rica muat ba directed "per s. s. Alene'); st 10 a. ra. for CUBA, per s. Mexico, via Havana. ' Malls for. Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence, by steamer, close at this nfrlca dallv at 6:30 o. m. connect ing close her every Monday, Wednes day ana aaiuraay. staus ior atiqueion. by rail to Boaton, and thenca by s learner, close at this office dally at jo p. ra. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and theaoe by laamra, are dispatched dally. ticmt Thursday, final connecting ciosea. for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Mon day. Wednesday and Saturdays at a. m. ; for diapatch via Miami, on Mon days and Saturdays at . p. ra. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless spe cially addressed for dispatch by steamer. close at Ihla office daily except Sunday at 1:10 p. m. and 11 lo p. m., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and 1110 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bells. Puerto Cortes and Quata mala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at tnia omce dally ti cent Bunday at I:30 p. m.. Sundays a "1 00 p. m. (connecting close her Man 'days tor BetUe, Puerto Cortes and Dual POSTOFFICE NOTICE. mala, sn.1 Tuesdays' for Costa Rica). Heglttered mall cloaes at 6:tV p. m. pr vious day. TranspaclSe Mall. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Island, ' via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 p. m. up to June 4. Inclusive, for dispatch rer s. s. Australia. Maiia for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). New Zealand. FIJI, r-amoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. after May "M and up to June 7, inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Etrurla, due at New York June 7.' for dispatch per a. s. Sierra. Malls for Hawaii. Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Frsjiclsco, clcse) -here dally at 6 30 p. m. up to June 7, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. City ot Peking. Malta for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, clo here daily at M p. m. up to June 10, Inclusive, tor dl- fatch per . s. Empress of Japan (regis tered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for the U. 8. Poetal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via, Canada). Malls for tne Philippine islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at f JO p. m. up to June "IV '-elusive, for dispatch per U. 8. Transport. Mails for China and Japan, via Be til. close here dally at 6:10 p. m. up to June It. inclusive, for dispatch per a. . Tose, Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Beattle ". Malls for China ana Japan, via Tacoma, close her dally at 6:30 p. m. up to Juno 13. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Duko of Fife. Mails fur Hawaii, via San Francisco, cloa here dally at :Sw p. m. up to Jane 16, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Mnils for China, Japan and Philippine Isl ands (also specially addressed mall for Hawaii)., vU San Francisco, cjose here) dallv at : p. m. up to June It, in climlve. for dispatch per . s. Gaella , Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which sroes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at t:ft) n. m. after June "7 and up to June 21, In clusive, for dispatch per a. s. AorangL Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dailv and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland trans! C Registered mall closes at 6 XX) p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New Tork, N. Y.. May . BOl GOVERNMENT NOTICE. CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OrriCB. Omaha, Neb., June 1. lWfl. Sealed pro posals. In trtplloate, will be received; at this office and at offices of quartermasters st stations named until 10 a. m., central time, July 3. 19TI2, for furnishing oeta. i-an, .hay and straw during year com mencing July 1. 1C, at Fori Cro.k. Nio brara and Robinson, Neb., Omaha depot. Neb., Jefferson barracks. Mo., Fort Leav enworth and Riley. Kan., Logan H. Roots, Ark., Reno and Sill. Okl. Proposals tor delivery at other points will be entertained. U. S. reserve the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application hero or to quartermaster at stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should b marked "Proposals for Forage," addressed to undersigned or to Quartermaster at posts above named. JOHN W. PULL MAN. C. Q. ' M. ltd 4-4-4-7-Jy. ' 1-S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE of the Supervising Architect. Washington. D. C, May 29, 112. Sealed Proposals will be received at thl office until 3 o'clock p m. on the 2&th day of June, IMS. and then opened, 'or the Installation of a con duit and electric wiring system for th extension of the U. 8. Court House, Cus tom House and Foetofflce at Omaha. Ne braska, In accordance with the drawings and specification, copies of which may be obtained st this office or at the offlco of th Superintendent of Construction at Omaha, Neb., at th discretion, of th Supervising Architect. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Architect, J3-4-7-10-11-I4M TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE SupervlHlng Architect, Washington. D. C, May Uth. llsi. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office iintil 3 o'clock fi. m. on the loth day of June, 1901, and hen opened for the extension and changes Incidental thereto, ol tb low pressure and xnr si steam nesting ana mecnanicai vents, ting apparatus, etc., in tn u. a, cot .houae,- custom house and postofflo at OMAHA. NEBRASKA, tn accordanc with th drawings and sjecincation, wnicn win be furnished at the discretion of the Su pervising Architect on application at this ofllce, or at the office of the Superintend ent, Omaha, Nebrs-ka. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, 'Supervising Architect. Majmaweoa - CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., June I, 1902. Sealed propose la. in trlpucai, win do received at mi orac snd by quartermasters at' posts named. until 10 a. m., central lime, July , mux, far urnlahlng wood during ine nscal year nd n June 30. 1L at Fort Crook, Neb., and ' Fort Reno. Okl. Proposal for delivery at other points will be entertained. U. B. re- . serves right to reject or accept any or all roponal, or any part thereof. Information urnlshed on application here, or to quar termasters at atauuna naniru. envelopes containing . proposal should be marked "Proposals for Fuel." JNO. W. PULL MAN. C. Q. M. -JSd4tJyl-m LEGAL NOTICE. RECEIVER'S SALE. Clothing, hats and oarja. nllcmen'a fur- - Dishing goods, furniture and fixtures. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the order of the Untied Ststes district court, silting In and for the district of Ne braska, in the matter of the Continental Clothing company, a bankrupt, on Wednee- ' day, the Uth day of June. 1M2, at 1 o'clock a. m., i win eu at puouc auction to tn hlgheat bidder for cash at th northeast corner ot Douglas and Fifteenth streets, : In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne braska, the entire stock, furniture and fix tures of the Continental Clothing company, - said stock consisting oi men a ana ooys clothing, hats and caps and geuil man's furnishing goods. Ail of said stock is to o ottered ior aaio In bulk and in parcels, and sold to th highest bidder for the property in bulk, or , to the highest bidders for the different de- -partmenis, or parcels, provided the total bids- for such parcels exceed the highest ' bid for the property In bulk. Stock Inventoried by order of court shows a value of S-'4,6U.S4; furniture sad fixture coat over $7,600.00. . 11. Jr. KOBEKiHJN. Receiver. MSOdlOtMAB ' STEAMSHIPS. ANCHOR UWgg. A tll.-TSAJUIBS Balling racularl set, HBW TOKJC LuTdXiNUEKNt . A OLASOOWi MSW YORK. oma.Al.TAA A MAT Laa. psrter tiisswlilliin Bxeellsat Calais, S)iy nsar far Uu comfort at nm r staUleualr sldored aa4 araollca. Siagl or Kouu Trip ticket lasue Mtsm w Tork aa Scote. Basllah. Irtak a4 all rrlnal Caollnmtal pelat at altrMtlv raw Per lloko sr sonar! iaiormatloa avyif ta HXNDaBauN (.kicaso. m aay u u auaerr. DAYS HAYRI At 10 AM,' PAR FMBl MOYf Xll fc?i7i 9rJi 5 Mntumm Caaturr . Cowan naa br I WlnmifOt9W War JiMiplla. Luxartou phoaaolaeabtaa. Wlroloaotoi. OtOMmOPB fraphrauBaralas. Salllasn K.XOUMVOIJ intoneauo sail r writ B. W. I fl.tii -ii- 11 .11 --ii----all ,rMil. HAKBT A MOOKSS. Mil raraaw St, A A M'NALLT. 1XM raroaai Sc. rust NaT! CKORUg g. ABBOTT, liU faraaai St. W. A JOMCa, 1M Faraaa Sb FOUR SEPARATE AX9 DISTIXCT SERVi:U. Fast Twln-Screw Passenger Steaasrs sail ing regularly from Boston, Portlasd ami Montreal to Liverpool, also Bostoa to Medlurraneaa port. Send lor booklet, "Mediterranean IllostraUd." For rat, te, apply to local ggent or compasys Ac. OS) Daarkorst St Caleago. I1L Seata Dakota. M4ical Saelety. TYNDALL. 8. D-, June 4. (Bpoui.) Th 8tt Medical roc let y will uet at Scotland on Wdnady sod Thursday of tbls wek. Tb vUlters will b ntertlnd with s concert and s daoce. Dr. W. B. Moors, s promlDat member of th organi sation, will he greaant from tkia city snd glv of th papers.