THE OMAHA DAILY liEiE: THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1002. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Sew York Crowd Leads Chicago Corn Bears Lively Settion. SWITCH JULY TO SEPTEMBER OPTION Httht RMrllon Follw Fonr Days of Bear liprrmarr, hot nolle Are Forced to FIstM for Errrr I'olnt. CinCAOO, Jim 4 Rnlla switched with surprising rnpldltv In the rorn pit today anil ret all traders to gucsHlng what th next bit of manipulation by the New York crowd would be. Hear changed from under the action of the bull leaders, and although a natural reaction might have been expected after four day of almost constant declines, yet the action wag re markably erratic. July corn closed WW higher. July wheit "i.c up. Corn, of all the pits. the greatest attraction of the combination. The feature of the trading wns the switching; of the big bull leaders irom mining juiy "v-;'' " to active support of Heptember. This crowd, with Its Wall street affiliations. Is aiippoeed to be long more than twice the amount of Julv stuff obtainable. It has been the talk of the floor that July was to see a rabid bull market and several times adventurous shorts have been pinched by this contingent. At the outset today many of the bears who had been selling short for the last four days became aware that they were a little over-confident and on fairly steady cables, lighter receipts, bullish government crop reports and a re stricted Interior movement covered freely, nutting the prices up somewhat. The bill crowd let In this movement by supporting July well for a time. This option started He htghter to He lower, at liH4c and In a few moments Jumped boldly to ffi'dc. When the market had a fairly firm basis -the bull leaders dumped large quantities Bnd began taking over September rapidly. September sold from 54c to fMc before the crowd realized what was being done. Then July dipped and fluctuated erratically. At the tiose the feeling was tense and the tone strong;. July closed N'Tj'Ac up, at 61fjfil7(iC. and September tyfile up, at Receipts were 195 cars. Wheat displayed considerable strength, of the stubborn manner In hi,h the advance was fought by the bears. The local crowd started the upturn iiu rnvrrlm of the large number of short arrounts that resulted from recent bear ish markets. Tenter the corn bull crowd nj ilnvninr Interests were good buyers. rtecelnts were small, clearances large, the taii Homnnri ernod nnd the seaboard re nnrteri the einort business better. The government report of crop conditions was hniMah tivpr cables were not considered bearish, because they were not as weak. aa expected. The local crowd, however, nut on a bear pressure all day and although m noturnl rni-t1nn rnme after the Sev ami ituv decline, it was nnlv after hard work by the bulls, with the assistance of the coin pit. July opened a shade to M,(lt Uk iiii at TlV.i&'71'A. sold to 72c and closed firm, He up, at 71VET2c. Local receipts were onlv seven cars, three of contract trade. Mtnneannlls and Duluth reported 148 cars, making a totnl for the three points ot 155 cars, against 140 last week nnd 4X9 a year ago. Primary receipts were 271,000 bushels, compared with 675.WO bush els last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour equaled "jd.OoO bushels Oats were strong, but the market was far from active, except In July, which comrnnnded the bulk of attention. Receipts were verv small, at ninety-two cars, and the leading bull who has been buying dally of late was In the market again. Shorts covered freely In July, Influenced largely by the action of corn. The crowd was not Inoltned to sell shorta and on restricted offerings1 the price of July Jumped frorrt 3tvc to a strong close, lHc up, at S8M,c. The government renort atated that oat vera not progressing aa well as of late. The weather, however, was good. The harvest In Texas la over. The Ohio June rrnn renort makes a condition of .81. Provisions were dull and listless early, but late In the day. Influenced by the grain strength and a continuation of the recent buying by brokers, strong advances were made. It Is now generally conceded by all traders that the packera are sup porting the pit. Ribs were In excellent demand. Trade In lard was lightest. Thi lin situation was bearish on liberal re taints and caused an early weakness In tiroduct. Julv nork closed lRc UD. at 117.15 July lard unchanged, at 110.15, and July rib. 27Uo higher, at 110.15. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, S cars; corn, 23a oara; oats, 80 ears; hogs. neai. The leading future ranged as follows: Artlcles.1 Open. I Hlh. Low. Ciobs.I Yea'y, Wheat July i Sept. 1 Dee. . Sept. Deo. Oats 6. July b July n. Sept. Sept. bDec. ' Sent. Sept. Rlbs- I iuly , Sept. 71,4j 70 tSlfffH b74iY WWW 2H 61 67 43 S7i6a4 44 84' 3674 84Si 36 2914 SS! 27H1TN 27H 29H 30 29fl30 JU I T 20 804' 30 17 20 3014 17 40 17 85 17 45 10 25 10 30 10 IS 10 05 17 20 17 30 10 25 17 tm 11 27H 10 20 10 25 10 so WJO 10 S2V4 10 22 10 27Vi 10 00 10 26 10 10 9 R7V4 J82V41 9 82 i I No. 8. a Old. b New. I Cash duotatluns Were aa follows! I KLOt'R-Eusy; winter patents. tl.tMf i.00: winter clears. I3.20fl30: spring six" cluls. 34.4.40; spring patent, $3.6iX&3.U0 Snrlur straights. 33.0003.30. WHEAT-No. 3 spring, 71iCi No. 3 red, ('nnN-Nn. J vellow. 21c. . OATS No. 2. 416Nl.e; No. I white, 44'4 44 H,-: No. 3 white. 43q)MC. RYE No. I. E8',iftoc. , BARLEY Fair to choice malting, sac SEED-No. 1 flax. ll.M: No. 1 northwest em. $1.76; prime timothy, J6.0o4j4.35; clover, contract grade. 3S.S5. fROVlSIONS Mesa pork, per bbt.. 317.35 17.40. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $IOKUfin0 25. Short ribs sides (loose), 310 OOfi 10.20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). JK Xi)8.50. Short clear sides (boxed), HO.iOtfi 10.80. f The following were the receipts and ship moms yesterday: I Arncies. Tluur, bbls... Wheat, bu... Vurn, bu...... Outs, bu Ttye, bu.; liarley bu.,.. Receipts. Shloments sn.ono 19.000 34.000 74.000 32.0 9,000 2ti7.O0O 173.000 11. 000 22.000 On the Produce exchange todsv the but ter market was steady; creamerlea, liQ-i: dairies, lJVyi'Jc. Cheese, steady at 10j12c. .xgs, nnn; rrenn, iac. JklfiW YORK GENERAL MARKET, Qaotalloas ot (he Day o Varloas Commodities. "NEW YORK. June 4.-FIiOUR-RecelntB, '.M bbls.; steadier and a trifle Inactive. Winter patents, Vi.uO4j4.10; winter straights. Vi.VuSao, Minnesota patents, $3.('xi4.1o; winter bakers, $3 15'3.SO. Rye flour firm; fair to good, $3.8:ii'3.45; choice to fancy, fJWnS.TO. CORNMEAL Steady: western, yellow. 11.30; city, $l.2S; Brundywlne, $3.454j3.55. K Ye No. 2 wee tern, 4 Wc, f. o. b. afloat. WHEAT Receipts. 34.525 bu. Spot. firm. No. 3 red. uc. elevator; No. 2 red, 7SVi i''.4c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du blin, 814c f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Man itoba, Mm.-, t o. b. afloat. Throughout the day wheat was firm and a shade higher, Influenced by scarcjty of off-rings, attempts to rover short sales, a bullish Ohio state report, small receipts and export rumors. Liberal clearances also had an Infljenre. Ihe market cloned flrra at "Ac net higher. July, 77'V7 l-lc closed at 7V; Septem ber. 7f.Vi"i'c closed at 75Tc; December, luHfllV'ae, elcsi'd af 77Vc: CORN Remduta, 18.100 bu.; exports. 2.SV) bu. Spot. firm. No. 3. OVfcc. elevator and gt'e. f. o. b. afloat Corn opened firm on an alter receipts, sold off under local real ising sales, but rallied again with wheat and rinsed firm at mc net advance. July. O'H ji4o, closed at 67c; September. 630 4c. .closed at 6Jc; December. ('g'.a7jc. closed si (i.c OATS Recelpta, 75.000 bu : exports, 15. ISO bu. Siot. steady. No. 2, 4-!Vjc; No. 2. 44c; No. $ white, Wfec-. No. 1 white, one: track, mixed western, 454j47c: 'rack, white, 4kl Btc. t unions, quiet, but firmer with other markets at.d a cash demand. . )l AY Dull; shipping, tVsjjojc; good to Choice. 3t4rj HOPS oulet: state, prime to choice 19oi crop, 14 c; 1S00 crop, HjgtV; olds, 5dScj j'acltlc ciuiHt. lliiL'r; olds. W0!c HIDES tfteady ; Qalveslain. 20 to !i lbs., llic; California, tl to Xi lbs , 19c; Texas dry, to 3" H'B . 13c. . I.EATHER-hlrm: acid. 24tc. ' PROV18lON4 Beef, firm; family. $15.50 15i: Mcs. $14.00 Cut meats, quiet; pickled tellies, lint) 14c; pickled shoulders, fitlc; plikled hams, 11V,'(j12c. !.ard. steady; weet ru steamed. $IO.tt10 85; refined. Bteadv; contbieat. 1"M; South America, $11 M; ri.mtiojnd, $s5itK.75. Pork, firm; family. X&.Z. ; '.lis 50; short clear, fid 874'u 11.25. AULITJOl-Recelpts, T.49J pkga.; steady; state dsirv, I'WV- eresmery stat, yj 22Vic; creamery, lmliatio, li:; fac tory. I.ttlto. CHEKSK Receipts, l.23 pkgs.; Irregular; fancy, large, Vol"c; fancy, small, new, sta'e. full cream, colored, choice. 1'VnlOc; white, Hr. KOU9 Receipts. IS, 414 pkgs.; Irregular; state and 1'ennsyivanla, LVic; western, storage packed. 17iil7Hc. TAI.LOW Hteany; cuy 2 pet pkg), t'ic; country (pkgs. free), t'Vjtc. HICK Steady; domestic, lair to extra, 4''(6Hc; Japan, 4ii.M'. METALS The quoted rates for spot tin nt New York were lifted to $-t fr.j2,.4i. lut at London a loss of 10s was noted, for soot, wlil-h closed at 131 15s, and future" at i;i2M Ins. Copper was steady, but quiet and unchanged hero, with standard spot to Ai gust quoted at fll.taVUll.tiVsi laae, $12.2VrU2 62'i;. electrolytic and casting. $12.00 (i12 2j. 'Ihe London copir market was about 2s 6d lower, with spot chasing at ul and futures nt 4:54 Is ad. l.ead was steady as last quoted at 4.c. London was about 2s 6d higher at 11 8s 3d. Spelter gained about here, closing at 4?i?. London whs unchanged at IH os. The new York Iron market ruled steady and quiet at former prices. The foreign markets were steady. No. 1 fojndry, north ern, was quoted at $" No. 2 foundry, northern at tlt.&Mi-aO.SO; No. 1 fonndrv, southern, at fla.MW.9.30; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, at 18..;'I9.50. The foreign markets were lower, Glasgow losing ut 64s 4d and auddieeDorougn at 4D su. OMAHA WHOl.t.SALR MARKETS. ondltlon of Trade and QsvXallons oi staple and Fancy l'eodaee. EOOR Including new No. 2 cases, U'.iej cases returned, 13c LIVE POULTRY Chickens, c; old roosters, according to age. 4"ioc: turkeys. Mi 11c; ducks and geese, 7c; bnullors, per lb., :oc. WTTER-Paekmg stock, lOic; choice airy. In tubs. Wqf. separator. 22'32ic. FRESH LAUIIIT ush - iroul, c; rapples, 10c; h. rrlng. 6c; picRetvl, c; pike. 11c; perch, 6c; buffnlo, dressed, 7c; suntish, 5c; bluefins, f.c; whlteftsh, 11c; catfish, Uc; black bass, lsc; halibut, 11c; salmon, lc; addock. 11c: codfish. IZc; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe. per pair, 35c; pllt shad, per lb., 10c; lonsters, polled, per lb.. 25c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c. PIGEONS IJve, jier doi., &a VEAI t'hoice, 6(&Sc. CORN 1 He. OATS-4HC. URAN-Per ton. 117. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hav Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upland. 3S.50; No. 1 medium. H; No. 1 coarse, $7.50. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices are for hay of good color ana quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per dor, 75c. POTATOES Northern. 80iSS5o: Colorado, 90c; new potatoes, per bu., X41. GREEN ONIONS rer uoa., according 10 .. f hiinehe. irf7 20C. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per uoa., .w f; , Ct vl In tr. rir l-ioinouee, nrt uui., wuiju, LETTl'CK Hothouse, per do., 25c. PARSLEY Per dox.. 3K-d35c. RADISHES Per dux.. &J025C. WAX BEANS Illinois, per box. $1.50; per U-bu. box, 7bc; per market basket, 7oc; string beans, per H-bu., 76c; per bu., $1.50. GKfJr.. friAS rer pll uu, unnnci, luu RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 1C. I' A RHAOE California, new. 3c. ONIONS New southern in sacks, per lb.. TOM A TO KB r lonua, per o-oaeaei craic, $3.50; Texas, per 4-basket crate, m.ivai,w. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Per 24-a.t. case, $3.00 CHJSKKlKH ceniornia, per pox, ti.wo 1.50. OOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, 32.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida. SO to 36 count, 3J.60. bananas per Duncn, accoraing to Blze. 32.2f'il2.75. okanues vaiencias, 4.w; Meaiterran- ean meets 33.76Cn4.00. LEMONS Fancy. 33.50S3.75: Choice. 33.25: MesBlnas, 34.UWa4.60. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. t2.75Q-3.00. CIDER Nehawka. per bbl.. $3.26; New York, $3.50. IllMtD V 13a IVk Rai Biallail Bj NUTS Walnuta. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; hard shell, per lb.; llvic; No. 2 soft shell, 10c: No. 2 hard shell, tu; Braills, per lb.. 14c: filberts, per lb.. 12c: almonds, aoft hen. lttc: nara sneii. uci pecans, large, per i3.'io. id., izc; small, ioa; cocoanuis, per sack. HIDES No. 1 green, 6 6c: No. 1 salted. 7Mc: Nt ,c; No. 1 green o. 2 salted, 6o X .e.A I 1 n lOU lbs . 8c: No. i A J. A cx i , 9 HI '7V veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c dry hides, 12c: sheen pelts. 75c: horse hides. 31.bO-Ir2.50. OLD METALS A. U. Alpem Quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton. no : 'iron, stove Plate, per ton. 37.60 copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.. Vfcc; prass, ugni, per id. v.; leaa, per id., dc; sine, per id., jc; ruooer, per id., bc. St. Loots Grain ss Provisions. BT. LOUIS. June 4. WHEAT Higher: LOUIS, No. 2 red cash elevator, 76'tc; track. 76-a 77c; July, taMni4j9Vkc : September, cSTfec. No. t hard. 77V4874c. ' CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. G2B2i4c: track. 63Vrc; July, tioVic; September, 56c; De cember, 4bc. OATS Higher: No. S cash. 41c: track. 414(S42c; July, 32c; September. 27&C No. 2 wnlte, 45c. , RYE Lower, 57VIC. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $3.56 3.70; extra fancy and clear, $3.Z5'3.35; clear, $3.0063.20. SEED Timothy, out of season; nominal. CORNMEAL 8teady at $3.15. BRAN Weak; Backed, east track, tVAc. HAY Timothy, higher at $12.0O15.5O; prairie, easy at $8.00(11.50. AVHISKY Steady at $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES Steady at $1.05. BACIQINO Steady at 6Vd6Ha HEMP TWINE c. METALS Lead Firm, $3.5tf 3.97V4. 8peL ter Strong, $4.o. POULTRY Chickens, steady; springs, 2Hj26c. Turkeys, c. Ducks. 6Vic. . Qeese, 44 'AC BUTTER Steady J creamery, lt23c; dairy. 15(0 19ct EOGS-rilgher, 14v,o. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats. firm, higher; boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs, $10.25; short clear,- $10.37H. Bacon, firm, higher; boxed lots, extra shorta and clear ribs, $U.12Vs: short clear, $11.26. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oata, bu 4,00 8.000 ..32.000 ..33.000 ..61.000 21.000 44.010 11.000 Kansas City Grala sad Prorlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. June 4 WHEAT July, 64'c; September, 66a66c; cash, No. 3 nard, iiij704c; cash No. 3 hard, WViC; No. 2 red, 7Ko,lVt; No. 3 red, 70c. No. 2 spring, 70c. CORN-July, 67i0)57c; September, 51V4 EolSc: cash No. 2 mixed, 60c: No. t white, ic; No. 3 white. 61c. ' OATS No. 3 white, 45c. RYE No. 2. 670O&C. HAY Choice timothy, $1150312.00; choice prairie, lo.u"a 10.50. BUTTER Creamery, 20c; fancy dairy, 18c. EQGS Higher; new. No. 2 whltewood cases included, 14c dog., loss off; cases re turned, 13Vjc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oals, bu ,.7.2oO 98,000 ...fiS.wiO . ...20.0U1 Toledo Grain as)d geed. TOLEDO, O., June stronger; cash. 7!c 74c; September, 73Sc. 4 WHEAT-Dull, June, 7Hc; July, CORN Dull, firm; cash, 62c; July, 61140; September. 694c; December, 44c. OATS Fairly active, nrm; cash, 42c; Juy, SHVc; September, 29c; new July. $c; new Heptember, 21c. SEED Clover, dull, steady, easy. $5.12Vi; October, 65.17V Philadelphia Prosset Market. PHIIA DELPHI A, June 4. BUTTER Firm, V:jlc higher; extra western cream ery. 23c; extra nearby pr.nta, tic. EOOS Sieuay; fresh nearby, 1714c, loss off; fresh western, lfc loss off; fresh south western, 17Vac.' loss off. CHEESE N-w Tork full creams, prime, small, llVc: New York fair to good, loXf HVc. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 4.-WHEAT-July. 13-yc; September, aSg68ttc: on track. No. 1 hard. 764c; No. 1 northern, 74VkU74Hc; No. 3 northern, 72V- FIa.1'R First tiatenta, S3.TOQt.tO; second patents. $3-S0y3.S(; flrBt clears, $2.4532o; second clears. $2.20. URAN-lu bulk. $14 0061415. Mllwaakaa Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. June 4-WHFAT Higher; close. No. 1 northern 7ti7c; No. 3 northern. 7i''q76c; July, 'ilc. RYE Firm: No. 1. 64c AKLEY-Steady; No. t, TOc; sample, IN July. tlc. Peoria Market. PEORIA, June 4. CORN Easier; No. 3, 0c. ' OAT8-F1rm No. I whit. 4T,tl'-UVc billed througn. WHISK Y Ott Hko baals ( H-M lor flu lahed aooda. . KEW YORK STOCKS ASD BO!DS. Wall Street Operators Fear the F.ffert of iMhnt Troubles. NEW YORK, June 4 -The stock market today was still confined to Its narrow pro fessional rules and lacked even the few special features which var-d the mono tony yesterday. The general tone was rather heavy. The losses were small and were caused by very light selling. 1 he ostensible explanation of the heaviness was the report received Irrm the anthra cite regions this morning that some ot the coal mines were suffering Irom me enui- Ing down of the pumps. The rioting in 'hicsgo over the teamsters' strike had the effect of somewhat sharpening apprehen sion over the subject of labor trounies generally. The effects of the coal shortage are In the meantime growing more acme and the possibility of the sort coal miners becoming ultimately Involved In the dis pute Is always kept In mind. This possi bility mnv have accounted in pnrt ror ine rather marked heaviness of the United States Steel stocks. The decision to main tain the present price of steel rails for 10, and reports of large orders already received, running into the yenr. did not irevent the selling of united States steel. especially of the preferred. The weather Diireau s report oi tne damage oy irosi lsst week to corn and the delay to the planting of the crop and Its backward cul tivation by reason of unfavorable weather helped on the undertone of depression. The extraordinary favorable outlook for the cotton crop reported py tne same au thority was the motive for .nine buying of cotton carrying railroads, and espe cially Kansas A Texas and St. Louis & Southwestern. Southern Railway was also one of the firm .stocks In the market. A sharp reaction In Canadian rviclflc after ts recent sustained ailvanv had some sympathetic effect on the market. Con tinental Tobacco preferred also lost all of Its advance, which has accompanied the activity In the Consolidated Tobacco bonds. U money was somewhat easier, but held at 3 per cent or above. exchange continued to advance. The firmness of ex change In spite of the higher rate for call money and the selling by American holders of British consols to take profits ts attrib uted to a demand by bankers to cover against previous sales of exchange bills made In the course of borrowing abrond. The market closed semi-stagnant and heavy. Bonds were rather ifcure active than stocks and the movement was Irreg ular. Total sales, par value. $2,720,000. United States 3a declined U and the 2s. regular, per cent on the last call. 1 ne commercial Advertisers London financial cablegram says: There was a thin attendance for the exch-Mge today on account of the Derby. Th tone was dull throughout, closing at the lowest. Profit-taking continues. Consota sold at 90. American shares were qu:te unsup ported and sagged from start to finish. Canadian Pacific, which declined to 141i, was the only feature. Oold to the amount of 37,000 has been received from Paris, 20.000 from Turkey nnd 63.000 in bars has beeii purchased. Copper Bold at 54 the ton and Rio tlntos at 45V ine ioiiowing are tne closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: AtrhlKin nVs0. Pacific 61 do pfd liVeo. Rllwr 17 Balttmor 0 106V do pfil 4 o P'a 6 Texas A P.rlOc 41'A Canadian Pacltlo .1J1 Toledo, St. L. A W. II Canada 8o "V, do pfd . ST Ches. A Ohio Chicago A Alton... 4H;Unlon Pacific ....104H .... 88 .... 26 H .... 41Vt .... 12 .... 14 .... 27 .... 4 ....100 ....221 7S It 14V, aa 162 do pfd do ra , Wabaah Chlcafo, Ind. A L. do pfd do pfd Whael. A L. E. Chlcaio A E. III... do td pfd Chlcaco A Q. W... do lat pfd do td pfd n M 4 Wla. Central .... do pfd Adama Kx Chlcaio A N. W C. H. I. A P... Chicago Ter. A 4JVI American Ex-.... I'nIteKl r.tatea El Wella-Pargo Ex. Amal. Copper .. Amar. Car A F.. do pfd Amar. Lin. Oil . do pfd Amar. B. A R.. do pfd Anac. Mln. Co.. 171 ....114Vi Tr.. 10V, ....too .... 9 do pfd C. C. C. A St. L.. Colorado Bo , do lrt pfd do. Id pfd Tel. A Hudaon.... Pel. L. A W Denrer A R. O ... do pfd Erla do lat pfd do td pfd Great Nor. pfd.... Hocking Vallar .., do pfd Illinola Central .., Iowa ('antral do pfd Lata Erla A W... do pfd L. A N Manhattan L , Met. St. Hr , Met. Central , Met. National .... Minn. A 8L L Mo. Paclno M., X. A T do pfd 14. J. Cantral .... N. Y. Central .... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pannaylvania Reading do lat pfd do td pfd St. L. A 8. P do lat prd.. do td sfd .. 3a ..104 .... aivt .. S0 .... 90 .. 70 .... v .... (04 .... 48V .... 88V4 ....116Vt 41V4 .. 41 f Drooklrn R. T. . i'VCalorado Fuel A t'N Con. Oaa .... 68 I... 9Vt ..t20V ellaiCon. Tobacco pfd ..128 ..110 1H1 Oan. Electric .. 844 .. Mi ,.161', ,. 4rvt Hocking Coal Inter. Paper .. 17-4 .. tO',, do fn .. 75 .. 86 fnter. Power , Lacleda Gaa National Blacult ... .. 474 ..lit ..117 National Lead No. American Pacific Coaat Pacific Mall People's Gaa Preaaed B. Car .... .. I2Vi ..12144 ..111S ..J4 .. tt .. 18 .. .. 40 ..101U .. 474 .. M Vi ..HOW .. ?a do pfd Pullman P. Car.... ..134 .. ltv Republic Steel .... .. 174 .. 73V .. Ion, do prd Sugar Tenn. Coal A 1.... Union Dag A P.... do pfd U. 8. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steal do pfd '. Weatern Union .... American Locomo.. do pfd ..184 127 1 8 ..1MV4 15 81 12 .. tm ..148Vt .. 84 .. 81 . a .. 7 .. 89H .. 81 .. 804 St. U Bouthw do pfd Bt. Paul .. 17 .a 3 K. C. Southern ... .. 224 .. 04 ..iavti do pfd New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Juno 4. quiet at 3V, per cent; paper, 4M4i per cent. -MONEY On call. prime mercantile STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with an. tual business In bankers' bills at $4.87 for demand and at $4 8844 for sixty days; posted rates, n.oo ana; commercial bills. $4.84a4.8o. - 8ILVB:R Bar, 52Hc; Mexican dollars, 42c. mrD Easy; refund Ing 2s, leglstered, 10NV4; coupon, 108; 3s, registered and coupon, 107V; new 4s, reg istered and coupon. 136: old 4s. resrlstered and coupon, 108 Vi; 6a, registered and cou pon, IUCh. ine closing quotation on bonds are aa roiiows: U. 8. ref. la, rag....l0IViL. a N. unt. 4a.. ...lOIVi do coupon 10S' Mx. Central 4a... do la. reg ...IOT41 do lat inc do coupon loVM!nn. A Bt. L. 4a. do sew 4a, reg lit M., K. A T. 4a... do saw 4a, coupon.. 114 I do la do old 4a. reg 104 N. Y. Central Is. do old 4a, ooupoo.. I1041 do gen. !4e do 8a. reg IU6V4 N. J. C. gen. ta.. do coupon 1034 No. Pacific 4a Alchteon gen. 4s Iu84 do la , .. 81 ... II ...106 ...108 ... 8JS ...1044 ...108 ...118 4k ... 71V, ...1014a, do adl. 4a .. n N. at w. cos. 4s. ..102S Reading gan. 4a... .. 4Vi8t L 4 I M C. k, ..KrlSalSt. L 4 i f. ta. ..lot gt. L. 8. W. la... ..loaval do ta .. 81V 8. A. A. P. 4a Baltlmor A O. do IVta do conv. 4a... Canada 80. ta.. Central of Ga. ...100 ...U8Vt ... ... HK ... MV( do la ina Chaa. at Ohio 4V,a. Chicago at Ai 8Vta. C, B. at Q. n. 4a. ... l ... 88 .108V 80. Pacific 4a ab So. Rallwar ta ....llMVt ....n', 4V. Taiaa at Fac. It T , 8t. L. at W. C. M. St. P. g. 4S.U6V as.. 88 ....lot (J. N. w. a. TS...118 C. It. I. at P. 4a... .Ill C C C at 8t L g. 4a. lot Chicago Tar. 4a 88 Colorado Bo. 4a 96 Panvar at R. 0. 4a.. 104 Union Pad He 4a. do conv. 4a.... ....107, Wabaah la ....118 do ta do deb. B ....111 .... 74V W'eat shore 4a.. 115 Erla prior lias 4a... .1004 Wheel, at U E. Wla. Caatral 4a Con. Tobacco 4i 4a.. 84Vt ao ganarai 4a 88 .... 94 48 r. W. at D. C. la. ..1131,, Horklng Val. 4Vta. . .11044 Close: Money on call, steady at 2H34 per cent, closing bid and asked 2'u3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44 per cent: sterling exchange, firm, with actual busi ness In bankers bills st $4.874 or demand at 84 M'rn 6it ror sixty aays; posted rates $4 86V4 and $4.8; commercial bills. $4.M( i.; Dar stiver, ovc; Mexican dollars, government bonds, firm. Boston Slock Quotations. BOSTON. June 4.-Call loans. Z'W per cent; time loans. 4S6 per cent. Official closing ot stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon 4a Oaa la Mai. Cantral 4( 10J'4 Allouci a . Mm Amalgamated t . ai jUingnam 80 . 54V,(aluinet ft Hecla....t70 N. E. O. C. Atchlaon . 78", Centennial lVa da pfd . i-opper Mange Con... 88 .10 'Dominion Coal 138 .! Ir-ranklla 11 IU lale Hovel 13 Boat on Boatos n N. T.. N. Albany. Ma H at H Pltrhburg pfd .1434k! Mohawk 4!Vi Pnlon PaclBe lo44knid Dominion toVi I Mei. Central American Bugar . oaceola 8i 1174k I Parrot 30 1184 Uulncy 180 do ptd Americas T. at T .11 j Santa Pa Copper t romlalon I. at S. Maea. Klectrtc ... e4T 7'amarack ...178 .. 41 Trlnltr .. S, l olled Btataa ..108 ll'tah , .. 44 I Victoria .. l4kwinona .. B4 Wolverine ..107 1 tailed Copper .. UVil ... 1I1 ..."SOv, ... ll'i do Bid I'nlled Prult .... Iialr Weal V. 8. Steal ... 4H ... tv. do pfd ... 88 Weating Commoa ... 85't Advanlura .don Stork Market. LONDON, June 4.-4 p. m.-Cloaing: Cone., money 8 Norfolk at Weaters. account... . .aa a-iab ao pta tVOntarto at Weaters 88 Anaconda Ati-hiaon da pfd Baltimore Ohio. . fcjPennfrlvanla .101 Reading .lOH'k ,TV :.S ! . 4JI, . 8JV, . 7V 85 ,. 14 .184 .14014 ,. JeV, ,. 40 So lat pfd do td pfd .. 42V, Canadian PaclOc .. ja rkeaapeake A Obis Chicago O W C . M. a Bt. P Denver R. O.... do pfd Brio de let pfd td pfd llllnela Central I-oulpYllle Naah. at . K. at T do pit K T. t antral Southern Hr .. .. So ptd .. 7 Southern Pa'IHe.. t'nton Pacific do pfd V. 8. Steel do pid Wabaah do pfd Bpanlak 4a Hnd Mlnea Debeera ..H1II4J .. 4l.4 .. 81', .. 4Si .. -.8i .. i:4 .. 4JS IMS, BAR SILVER Stradv: 24 1-lfid per ounce. MONEY'J4h per cent. The rate of discount In the open market, for short bills Is KVyrv, per cent and for three-months' bills 2h13-l per cent. ik ( Irariegi. OMAHA. June 4. Bank clearings day, $1.34t.5rJ 49; corresponding day vear. I122B.220.U: Increase. 1: 18.263 M. to- last CHlCAiiO. J una 4. -Clearings. l.tVt.tOl; balances, Sl.&M.I 22: posted exchange. $4 SS lor sixty days, I (4.M on demand; New York exchange, pKiiilK premium. NEW YORK, June 4. Clearings, $228,515. 206; balances, 432.34?. BOSTON, Jur e 4. Clearings, $:4.718.728; balances. $1.817.' 1. PHILADELPt 11 A. June 4. Clearings, $21,Mw.f.ii; balnt ,ces, $2.55;,J'i money, 4 per cent. BALTIMORE, June 4. Clearings. $4.7, tKW; balances. $71 S.Sol: monev, b per ctnt. CINCINNATI, June 4. C:carlngs. $4,5P9,. !i0; money, 4fi4 per cent; New York ex change, 2c prero luin. 8T. lAMMS J ine 4 Clearings, $ balances, fl.45.19f 0; money, steady, 46 per cent; New York exchange, 25c premium. New York: Mining) ttuointlons. NEW YORK. .June 4-The following are th closing prlct a on mining stocks Ailima Con . . . iLIUI Ihltf ... (intaiio , .... 11 7M ....110 .... .... S .... 11 .... 11 40 ....2 Alice Iirree bruuawlrk Con ... I'otDstork Tuunel Con. ('!. A V.., lieadwood Terra... Horn Fllr Irun BIlTrr Lcadvllle Coo at 4.1 lOi'hlr . I phoenix . IH PMnal .13J jHavasa .101 iMerra Navads .125 Small Hupec .. . Vt Standard , i I Forelg it Financial. IXJNPON, June .1. The domand for money was brisk today. Discounts were easier. Owing to the attra ctlon of the Epsom races the attendance on. the stock exenangi was small and business was restrlcteu to a stream of realizatl nns. Americans were ir reguiar and the declines were mostly frac tional. Er! 8 and Ontarios were firm United States steel shares were depressed. The close was quit -t. Canadian Pacific re covered. Gold ptremluma are quoted: Buenos Ayres. 42.3); Madrid, 37.66; Rome, l-PARIS. June 4 1 p. m. Three per cent rentes, lolf 9;c fa. the account. Spanish 4s closed at Ml. 47. BERLIN, June 4 Discount rates, snort bills, 2 per cent; thme months' bills, ZH per cent. .... PARIS. June 4. Tlie onicnai list oi siocks hesitated at the o icnlng c the bourse today. Later business boc.-ie animated. owing to numerous h uylng oruers. Most of the lorelgn securities rose, especially opan- lsh 48 and portuaiese, wnne uuoman bunks were ostentu.tiously purchased on the announcement o the Impending pro mulgation of an Imperial lrade to nego tlale with the count dl of foreign bond holders regarding a TVirklsh loan. Russian industrials milled. BO!onov; rising suo stantlally. Thomson-Houston ere firm. Metropolitans stronger-. mo iinios were easier, owing to the unsatisfactory state of the New York market. Kaffirs were week, rallied later on and closed harder. The private rate of dlsoaunt was 1 15-16 pef cent. LONDON, June 4. Th a,-int of bullion taken Into the Bank af Engmnd on bal ance toilay was 120,000. BERLIN. June 4. Business was null on th Bourse today owing to unsatisfactory London and New York advices. Condition of th4: Tresasry. WASHINGTON. June 4. Today's state ment of the treasury balnnees In the gen eral fund, exclusive of 'the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption. shows: Available cash balances, $196,339, 9o9; gold, $,48t,618. Cotton Mnirket. NEW YORK. June 4. "-COTTON Market opened steady and 1 to If points higher on a small scramble of locaJ. shorts to secure profits. After a momentary pause. In which prices settled back a few points, there was further forward movement, in which the bears and Investment demand competed for the winter months. Nevertheless, bus iness was at no time particularly active and the trade was, as a Whole, skeptical of any pronounced rise In prices so long as the new crop continues, to prosper. A sudden rise to 9.25c for July In New Orleans caused a commotion among local snorts at midday and on a fresh wave of buying July here worked up to 8.76c, while August sold at 8.49c. During tha rest of the day the market was quiet. The close waa quiet and steady, with prices net unchanged to 13 polnta higher. Total sales were esti mated at 100,000 bales. Spot closed l-16c hlKher: middling uplands 9Hc: middling gulf, Vftc. Sales, none. Futures closed quiet and steady. June, 8:91c; July, 8.72c; August, 8.44c: Heptember, 7.86c: October. 7.80c; November, 7.70c; December, 7.6Sc; January, 7.69c; February, 7.71c; March, 7.75c. GALVESTON. June 4.-COTTON Nom inal at 94c LIVERPOOL. June 4. COTTON Bnot In fair price, l-32d lower; American middling, fair, 5 7-ltid; good middling, fl-32d; mid dling, 5 1-3M: low middling, 4 15-16d; good ordinary, 415-164; ordinary, 4 16-16d. The sales of the da were 12.000 balea. of which 6,000 were for speculation and export and included 10,700 American; recnptB, none; futures opened and closed quiet and steady; middling, g. o. C, June 4 65-4) N84 61-64, buyers; June-Jury, 4 53-64(94 64-64, buyers; July-August, 4 61-644 62-64d, sellers; Au- gust-September, 4 44-t4d, buyers; September-October. 4 29-4d. sellers; October-November, 4 21-64d, sellers; November-December, 4 18-64d, buyers; December-January, 4 17-64d. sellers. NEW ORLEANS. June 4. COTTON Steady; sales, 1,675 bales; ordinary, VAc; good ordinary, Sc; low middling, 813-140: middling. 9V4c; good middling, -16c; mid dling fair. 101-lOc: receipts. 1.573 bales: stock, 130.694 bales; futures, steady; June, 9.14c; juiy, v.zmiic; August, s.oz'n 1.0.1c; September,- 8.01ft!i.O2o; October, 7.6ofa7.6c; jsovemoer, 7.Mi7.tioc; uecemDer, i.wai.xc: January, 7.54ii7.6ttc. ST. louis. June 4. cotton Dun: mid dling. l-16c; sal -8, 100 bales; receipts, 59f bales; shipments, none; stock, 24,631 bales. Wool Market. BOSTON, June 4. WOOL Quotations are nrm: strictly fine, 4?iff50c, clesn: fine and medium, 4446c; ataple, 52c; me dium, S840c. Texaa woola are firm, but offerings are light and trade la not active. Fall, cleaned basis, 43oH5c; twelve months', 4S350c; six to eight months, spring, 46&lo; fall, 40c. Fine washed fleeces are In small offering and hold very firm. Pennsylvania XXX. nominal. 2in;fl)e; xx and above. ? 27c: X. 24(5 25c; Michigan X. 2224c. The market for delaine wool Is very quiet, owing to ugnt nnenngs. out prices are nrm. onto fine delaine, 2S29c! Michigan. 25427c: No. 1 washed comoing, zbVkW.ic; mo. z, -awnc: coarse, 23&26c. There is aome demand for Australian wool, though trade Is limited bv the small supplies available. Prices have been well sustained on fine wools. The local market Is very strong at quotations. Comb. Ing. choice, scoured basU, 7274c: good, 6i)i70c: event ac. 67(H68c. ST. IOriS, June 4. WOOI-Actlve and nrm; medium grades ana comDinr. iqpixc; light, fine. 12ait4xc; heavy, fine, lOiglSc; tub. wasnea, iDijioc. Oil nnd Rosin. SAVANNAH. June 4.-OIL Turpentine, firm, 46Vjc. Rosin, firm; A, M, C, D. K, $1.25; F, $1.32V4; O, $1.40; H. $1.65; I. tl 95; K. $2.45; M, $2 26; N, $3.10; WO. fct.26: WW. t3 56. NEW YORK, June 4 ML Cottonseed, quiet. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, steady, 48Vri49c. IX)NbON, June 4. Calcutta llseed, spot, M'4c. Linseed, S2s ?3-d. Turpentine spirits, 36s 4V,d. OIL CITY, Pa.. June 4.-OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.20; certificate, no bid; shipments, 93.113 bbls., average 89,960 bbls. TOLEDO. O.. June 4 OIL North Lima. 8Sc; South Lima and Indiana, 83c. I,ONIK)N. June 4. OlL-Caleutta linseed. snot, 64Sd; linseed oil, 32s 33d. Turpen tine spirits, job 4va. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. June 4-WHEAT-Spot dull; No. 1 northern spring. 6 Vd; No. i California. 6s d; futures steady; July, 6s loo; September. 6s V,d. corm Moot, stesdy; Air.-cin mixed, new, 6s SKI ; American mixed, old, 5s td; futures steady; July, nominal; September, 5s Id; October. 5s td. PROVISIONS liacon Cumberland cut. firm. 52s fid: short ribs firm. 53s: lone:, clear middles, light, firm, 64s; long, clear middles. heavy, firm, 52s d; short, clear-backs, firm, 53s 6d. Shouldrrs Square, steady, 3a td. CHEESE American finest, white, new. Btendy, 51s. OIL Turpentine spirits, strong. 35s td. CoBee MarUrt. NEW YORK. June 4-COFFEE-Market opened steady, with prices 510 points lower, and thereafter did not vary more than 5 Points. Importers continued to offer coffee or late months' delivery. The msr- ket closed steady, with prices net 5TilJ points lower. Total sales were 41, bio bales, including Jjly at 4.95c: September. i.Pxa n ine; ocioner, 6 15c: liecemner, s auna 4'c; JhnJSiy. 6. 45c; March, 6.6orna.6uc; May, t 65c. Spot Rio, dull; No 7 Invoice, 6 7-lGc. Mild, steady; cordova, 84jllV,c. Sngrar Market. NEW YORK. June 4 -SVOAR-Raw. firm: fair refinlna-. 2'o: centrifugal. ( teat. 3 7-16c: molasses sugar. 2c: refined, firm; rruehed. 15c; powdered. 4.5c; granulated. 4tc. NEW ORLEANS. June 4 81 OAR Steady: open kettle, JV4'(3 1-I6c; open kettl centrifugal. 3fc3Vc: centrifugal yellow. t'c; seconds. 23 S-ltk-; molasses sugar, dun: centrifugal, teicc Urr Goods Market. NEW TORK. June 4 Conditions In Ihe local dry goods msrket show f w changra compared with previous days of Ihe week. Prices hsv been made for fall prints snd show a alight reduction, principally for tha purpose ut inaucing 111 trsue. (.fuisie os this little cao be noted In th way of de velopments. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Medium Weight 8teeri in Demand at Strong Fricei. Good HOGS OPENED WEAK, BUT CLOSED HIGHER Only Three tors of Sheep on Sale ssd Frellag Waa Weak, So that Gen eral Market t'oald De Qooled Weak to Dime Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. June 4 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Ottlcial Tuesday Official Wednesday.. 2,6jo 8.8.0 8,761 6.. lte.ii; 13,1(15 2,2.9 Three days this week ,286 35.163 2.,('1 20,248 2o,W6 2)i.616 2 . 3.1.11 9.543 10,5tW 6,M Same days last week. 6.609 6.413 8.3wi Same week berore Same three weeks ago Same four weeks ago.. Same days last year... RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tbe receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year 10 aate, with comparisons wun last year: 1902. 1901. Inc. Deo. Cattle 31ti.d42 IKi. iW 2(.8o6 Hogs l,12o,149 1,041. asi 8.,:, Sheep 86.I.M0 475,311 l(9.4TO Ihe following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omana market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: Date. 1902. 1901.1900.!1899.189S.1897.189. May 13... May 20... 7 12V4 T 11 7 0 ( 4 6 lOi 3 C5 4 351 3 611 3 12 6 73 - 1 J a a a. 6 03 I 4 26: $ 6j 6 06 3 62 I 3 &2 3 OI May May May May May May May May May May May 21 6 t 3 03 3 03 3 02 23... 24... 26... 26... 27... 28... 29... 30... 7 03V. 6 63 6 61 7 (18 7 05 6 01 3 6o 4 331 -6 041 3 621 3 251 3 45 5 67 6 631 6 04 IMI 17 3 4 3 04 9tVi 4 99 $ 661 4 18 3 391 2 M B ' 5 0I 3 601 4 20 3 34j 3 93 7 01T 7 (AV 7 W4 7 11 W m 6 63 14 35, 4 031 3 34 2 !2 3 W 2 93 6 ill 4 90 I ) l(36 3 39 $ 401 8 32 6 69 1 4 85 3 67 4 10 31... 6 711 4 83i 3 6 4 14 4 21 June 1.. June I.. June 3.. June 4.. 6 701 4 sa 3 50: I 4 83 3 58 3 86 2 & 1 07V 4 121 7 Jl 7 It 5 70 " I 3 03 4 03 3 36, 2 86 6 72 4 83 4 10 $ 32 2 87 Indicates Sunday. The ottlcial number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.H'ses. C., M. ft Bt. P. Ry 3 O. ft St. L. Ry 4 Missouri Pacific Ry 11 Union Pacific system... 21 C. ft N. W. Ry 8 F., K. ft M. V. R. R ... 18 C, Bt. P.. M. ft O. Ry.. 19 B. ft M. R. Ry 63 C, B. ft y. Ry 4 K. C. ft St. J 12 9 3 8 6.. 22 .. 1 15 56 3 1 1M 14 13 !! I .. .. 1S6 9 "l C, R. I. ft P., east 7 C, R. I. ft P., west 1 Illinois Central 4 Total receipts ..165 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neaa inaicaiea Tlnvera Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. 427 647 463 631 2.028 3.263 3.264 3,715 Swift and Company , Cudahy Packing Co , Armour ft Co , Omaha Pack. Co., K. C. 49 476 1,654 Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C 211 149 170 8 1 117 34 1 3 86 4 70 801 126 Q. H. Hammond Co 448 Armour ft Co R. Recker ft Degan Vansant ft Co Carey ft Benton Locman ft cp Hill ft Huntxlnger Huston ft Co Livingstone ft Scballer.. H. L Dennis & Co B. F. Hobblck St. Louis D. B. Co Wolf ft Murnan Fowler Pack. Co 418 Other buyers 408 Totals CATTLE There were .3,773 13,134 2.17 a few more cattle on aaJe today than yesterday, but In eluded In the receipts were 16 cars direct to packers, ao that the actual number on sale waa practically the same as on Tuesday. For the first half ot the week there la an Increase over the same days of last week, but as compared with the same days of last year there la not much change. The .steer market was not particularly active today, but still desirable offerings changed hands quite freely at good, steady prices. Medium weight cattle seemed to be In better demand than the heavy cattle and In a good many cases good to cnolce medium weight steers sold a little stronger. The heavy cattle, how ever, unless they were something very facy were a little slow and the feeling If anything was weak. There was not much change from yesterday, though, In the prices paid. A new top wit put on the market today when a email bunch of steers sold at 37.46. The cow market was also Just abou steady. It was evident, however, that the prices paid were rather uneven, for while some salesmen were calling the market atrong others thought It waa weak. It Is safe to say, however, that good to choice dry lot cowa ana nelfers sold at fully steady prices as compared with yesterday. W hen It came to the medium and grassy kinds the market was uneven, slow and no more than steady. At this time of the year the tendency always Is to pound the market on the com moner grades of cow stuff, 'ind this year is no exception to the rule. There was not enough chatige In the prices paid for bulla, veal calves and stags to be worthy of mention. Oood stuff was In active demand, but common grades were neglected. Blockers and feeders were In light sup ply again today, so that anything at all good met with ready sale at ateady to strong prlcea. Tub Inferior grades were slow and hard to sell at any prices, the same as usual. Representative sales: BEEF SJTEER8. No. At. Pi. No. At. Pr. t tso t It 11 not t 70 1 410 I 00 It U4t t 10 14 797 4 40 11 1190 t 80 11 690 4 7t 14 Hit 80 1 70 I 00 10 1114 4 80 t 841 I 00 It. a. lit! t 80 I 1140 t 40 11 131t t to 11 871 I 60 1 6 1231 t M 4 826 i 70 14 1361 t 80 4 1134 t 76 It 1291 I 86 tl 1041 I 84 12 1368 4 St it 108 t 80 31 not t 98 44 106S t 80 M 1118 7 00 t 1026 4 00 40 12f8.!00 34 1164 4 00 It Ill: 7 00 10 Hit I 00 14 1123 7 00 t 1310 I 80 It 1417 7 06 1 1060 4 M 120 1336 7 OS 1 880 t 00 It 1177 7 10 I lltt t 00 tt 1368 7 10 101 84 4 IS 19 1327 7 15 t 810 4 80 It 1320 7 It 11 tit 4 80 16 1366 7 IS It 1248 t SO 84 1311 7 20 t4 1111 4 40 to U74 1 ft 44) 1101 t 80 64 14.15 7 IS II 1111 t 88 16 1335 7 It It .'....1171 t tO 41 1389 7 10 It 1200 t 60 66 1881 7 80 It 1171 I 46 It 18"t 7 10 It 1100 4 44 21, 1321 7 tt 16 1241 t 64 12 1497 I 40 14 1104 4 66 t 1741 T 48 tt lint 4 70 t 1374 1 44 cows. 1 780 1 tO 1 970 4 00 J ISO 1 M 3 150 4 00 1 790 I 18 i 1180 4 00 t 80 t It t lilt 4 25 1 640 I 38 3 920 t tt 1 030 t 28 1 1010 4 It 1 800 t 28 1 1040 6 IS 1 610 I SO It 861 4 2S 1 lOf.0 t 80 1 1017 4 tt 1 860 t 80 16 1070 4 IS 1 1014 1 66 17 847 4 40 1085 i IS 1 1030 4 SO t 926 i 78 ' 18 108 4 80 1 780 I 00 1 1170 4 80 1 1010 t 00 1 1280 4 80 1 860 I 00 4 1391 4 80 1 112 t 0 11 1066 4 84 4 171 t 04 17 kf9 4 80 1 HI 181 t 1116 6 60 1 11M t 10 11 1071 4 60 t .1000 I 10 1 1111 4 16 4 941 I It 4 1010 4 16 1 1044 I tt It 821 4 75 1 140 t ! 14 B4 4 80 1 670 I II t 83 4 80 t 1021 t IS II 1011 4 86 1 784 t tt 1 1180 I 00 1 1070 t li It 928 t 00 7 904 t IS 11 725 I M 1 740 I tt t 860 10 3 646 t IS tS 1047 t It 1 64 I 26 I l?lt t It 4 107 I 50 7 1104 t 2t t 1011 I 80 1 1064 t IS 4 866 I 84 I mo t 15 1 180 I tO t 1306 t 10 1 1120 I 10 I U"0 I 60 t 686 I 80 t 10 I 10 I tout I 68 11 1161 t 65 1 Ill I 16 1 1114 t 68 I 648 I It 1 1180 I 75 1 190 t 0 I too t It t 1040 t 00 1 1230 I 90 t 1081 6 90 t 13KS I 00 t low t aa 1 1490 00 BULLS. 1 lOOO I 25 t 1180 4 04 1 ll I tt I lt"0 4 I int I 48 1 1616 4 to 1 980 t 86 1 604 4 84 I 1120 I 64 1 1600 t 2f 1 1106 I 60 1 1M0 t 25 1 1108 I 10 1 104 t 48 1 1404 I It 1 1760 I 45 1 434 t It 1 1IM t 45 1 434 4 64 1 1304 I tt 1484 4 84 COWfc AND HEIFERS. U IM 4 is st 878 4 34 HEIFERS 1 84 I tt 8 788 4 48 1 844 3 44) $ 744 4 14 It 7n I tt 1 4 78 I Tn.t I 1 ." 4 78 4 Ill M 1 KM 4 7S 1 825 t 41 1 " 8 00 4 I-Jt t 4 I..! "' 00 8 s I 4 t ' 4 M I 75 I 05 8 OS t 8.1 8 75 U " 8 7 I 78 I I".'" 8 J. 1 830 8 T8 I W 8 S 1 81 4 an 1 1010 8 80 1 1030 4 V. CALVES. 1 .,.... tD 4 OS t K5 4 4 I 170 4 80 1 150 4 40 18 it 4 T8 1 1' t K 1 IN I 00 1 1M 4 80 1 180 t 00 . 1 HO t 80 i 110 4 J5 STOCK COWg AND HEIFERS. 4.... 4.... It 1 17 t.... I ... 1.... 8.... 10.... tl.... t 7 18.... It.... . KM , 818 . 814 I en t 75 I . 841 I 10 i 13 S3 I 4 . t 75 41 H J 460 to., 11. 10. I 00 I IN) 821 PTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . 4t . 400 . 480 . 40 . 84H . oi bso . 700 t 78 I 00 I 00 1 00 t 80 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 18 4 25 I!.. I.. , 7.. 48.. 11.. 5.. t... tl... I.. 7.. 157 4 30 .. 8:10 .. 8M .. " ..10O4 .. 4K0 . (38 .. 8M .. 7l ..1084 4 .18 4 !l 4 80 4 5 4 70 4 70 4 70 8 00 4 80 t. 846 4 tl. HOGS There was another htavy run of hogs here today, so that the receipts for the three ditvs of this week are consid erably In excess of the same days of Inst vtek and also of last year. The market started out a shade lower than yesterday, but sellers did not cut loose to any extent and. the same as yestiday, the market turned up after the first round or so. Trading became quite nctlve and as the morning advanced tbe market gained in strength until on the close It was strong to bc higher than the opening or a shade better thn yesterday's close. Th bulk of the good weight hogs sold from $7.20 to 30 and as high as $7.35 was paid. The medium weights went mostly from $7.15 to $7.20 and the lighter loads went from $7.10 down. Everything was out of first hands In good season and today's advance carries the msrket to the high point of the year to date. No. At, fill. Pr. No. At. 8h. Pr. 6 141 140 1 It 68 HI 40 7 16 11 227 120 7 16 17 241 80 T 16 (0 t3 320 1 it 70 117 40 7 16 68 121 40 7 16 7 188 80 7 16 68 238 80 7 16 ,2 828 80 7 16 83 811 40 T 15 73 281 1!0 7 17V, a 288 10 7 17V, 4 141 160 7 17 6 148 120 1 17' t 278 80 7 17V, 61 tf. ... 7 17V, 17 122 ... 7 17V, 60 268 1 20 7 17V, 60 m ... 7 20 61 262 80 7 20 tl 2f.2 80 7 20 67 141 ... 7 10 61 241 ... 7 20 70 225 120 7 20 86 232 1 20 7 10 68 236 SO 7 10 66 267 ... 7 10 66...- 278 160 7 SO 38 11 ... 7 20 64 258 40 7 20 68 146 80 7 20 87 160 40 7 10 eg 110 ... 7 tfl 66 t(,4 40 7 20 68 244 80 7 10 68 260 200 7 10 80 Ill 80 7 10 (6 t6 180 7 20 71 221 120 7 10 76 Ill 10 720 41 117 40 7 20 (5 230 84 7 10 70 tit ... 7 10 70 238 80 7 20 71 216 120 7 20 76 221 ... 7 20 72 221 120 7 10 70 2" 40 7 20 72 235 ... 1 10 SO 221 tO 7 20 60 296 ... 7 22V, 71 276 80 7 2!', 60 240 80 7 21V4 89 146 120 7 11V, 61 298 80 7 22V, 65 273 ... 7 324 66 287 ... 7 22V, 7'. 141 ... 7 25 60 4 ... 7 26 66 268 ... 7 IS 67 15t 10 7 IS 48 146 ... 7 28 71 263 1M Iti 6 271 120 7 25 10 Ill ... 7 IS II 801 ... T 26 tt 467 ... 7 26 66 177 ... 7 25 40 266 80 7 24 72 241 ... 7 26 44 274 104 7-lt 41 275 ... 7 25 61 824 ... 7 16 S3 115 ... 7 25 62 383 ... 7 26 44 808 ... T 28 64 ...2t 80 7 IS 66 217 M T tS tl 164 ... Tit 49 ISO M 7 IS 80 171 ... 1 15 C7 830 ... 7 It 42 236 160 7 26 63 255 160 7 26 70 268 180 7 25 70 IM ... 7 17V, 16 4S9 ... T 10 67 276 ... 7 tO 46 288 ... 7 30 66 290 ... 7 10 St 386 160 7 If. 18... 182 141 ......147 1(1 I7J Iff 17 180 183 104 108 184 301 tot 184 S02 220 lo7 211 214 207 108 213 tot 104 127 204 .' 211 211 201 ......let to t no ... 4 80 110. 88.. 80.. 84.. C4.. 81.. 62.. 78.. 84.. to.. 78.. 74.. 83.. 41.. 48.. 78.. Tt.. 84.. 78.. 74.. 76.. 78.. 71.. tt.. 47.. 78.. 70.. 84.. 88.. t 46 4 l) 4 t?Vt 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 t 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 05 7 07V, 7 07' t 10 7 10 7 10 1 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 T 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 t 10 7 10 T 14 7 14 7 10 t 10 7 10 1 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 12V, 7 11V 7 124 7 12', 7 12V, 7 12', 7 12V, 7 12i 7 ll'i 7 12V8 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 18 7 16 7 16 T 16 7 16 7 16 1 It 7 16 7 It T 16 7 16 t IS 7 18 7 It 7 16 T 16 7 It 7 It 7 It 7 1 7 tt 7 16 7 It 7 16 7 IS 7 IS 7 16 7 It 7 16 7 It 7 It 7 IS 7 16 7 It 7 16 7 IS II.. 40.. 44.. ..188 ..228 ..181 70. 24 200 28 207 74.... 88...., 77.... r.e.... 75.... 7.... 88.... 74.... 87.... 42.... 47 38.... 72.... 66.... 6J.. 68.... ..16 ..186 ..107 ..111 ..124 ..127 ..tfit ..127 ..128 ..248 ..140 ..231 ..185 . .131 ..112 ..138 70.. 46.. 78.. 82.. 48.. 71.. 10.. 70.. 76.. 77.. 71.. 81.. 71.. 74.. 48.. ....137 ....118 ....:ot ....211 ....241 ....246 ....262 ....20 ..'..114 ....tit ....tit ....110 ....lit .-.224 ....117 ....8 44 78 41 .133 84 268 42. 268 (I... 81... 76... 73... 48... 71... 30... 76... 70... 71... 47... 84... 70... 76... 48... tl... 81... 70... 74... 161 tit ....K)7 ....tit ....III ....231 ,....244 201 1.11 ,....240 ....244 ....233 ....148 ....101 ....234 ....218 ....117 ....221 63 148 7 IS SHEEP There were nine cars of sheen on sale this morning, but six of them were consigned direct to local packers, so there were only about, three cars with which to make a teat of the market. There were some more of thi same sheep and year lings on sale that brought 35.85 yesterday, but today they sold at $5.70. It was claimed, however, that they were not quite as good aa the string that arrived yester- Lday. It was evident, however, from that aaie uiai ma ict-iiiiK wun veui ana ine eneral market could perhaps best be de scribed by calling it weak to a dime lower. Quotations for clipped stoca: Oood to choice wethers. $S.75jj6O0; fair to good, $6.50 64.76; good to choice ewes. $5.00&5.25; fair to good, $4.6oo.00; good to choice lambs, $6.25 64.60; fair to good, $5.6m&.00. Wooled stock Bella about 25350c above clipped stock. Choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.7507.26; fair to gocd, $6.50.7S. Representative antes: No. - A Pr. 29 clipped ewes 101 5 25 471 clipped sheep and yearlings.. 93 6 70 3 cuppea ewes ana yearlings.. 13) t vt 17 clipped lambs 107 6 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Ten Cents Higher Hog Prices Remain Rtea CHICAGO. June 4. CATTLE Receipts. 11,000 head. Including 1,000 Texans; active, 10 6'15c higher; pood to prime steers, $7.25637.76; poor to meoium, tom" 1 00; Blockers ana feeders, I2.uujrjo.zo; cows, tl oc;t.uu; neirers. 2.5j6.60; canners, $1.6ora2.50; culls, K.wa .55; calves. $2.60(56.60: Texas fed steers. $4&6 10. HOUS Receipts, 33,000 nesd; estimated tomorrow. 32,Ouo head; left or, 1,350 head; opened ateady to 6c lower. Closed firm; mixed and butchers, $6.904j7.37v4; good to choice heavy, t7.Jo4ji.4S; rough heavy, $7.00 r'7.Z5; light, $6.8067.16; bulk of sales, $7.00 35. BHEEP AND LAMBb Receipt 8, 17.000 head; sheep, steady; lambs, lower for bulk; good to rnoice wetners, to.ou'ao.zo; fair to choice mixed, $4.50(iri6.40; western sheep, $5.25(6.25; native lambs, clipped, 3.25U'7.10; western lambs, 3o.2uy7.10; spring lambs, $7.85. umciai yesieraay: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 3.416 ) Hogs 17.071 924 Sheep 11.607 285 Kansns City Live Sloek Market. KANSAS CITY, June 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,700 natives, 1,950 Texans, 350 calves. Rest grades active, mostly loc higher, others steady: choice export and dresea beef steers, $7.0o"g7.60: fair to good. $5.2.Vij) 6 95; Blockers and feeders, $3.0065.60; wl-ern-fed steers, $4 506610; Texas and In.lltn steers, $3.15fc5 25: Texas rows, I3.tXiru4.23: na tive cows, t-.owti.iio; native neireis, ta.ic 6 4o; canners. $2.0063.00; bulls, $a.006j.26; calves. $3.01 65.60. HOdS Receipts, 12.600; msrket 6c lower; top. $7 42V,; bulk of sales. $7.06i74O; heavy, 17 2ivi7.42V4: mixed packers. $7.10'rj7.40: llnrht. $6 567.10; yorkers, $7.uo&tl0; pigs, $6.;06 6.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1 4O0; msrket stesdy to strong; nsilve lambs. $5.iVfj7.20; western lambs, $.".3t61 70; native wethers. $5.2oli.00; wextern wethers. $1.(0 fib.; fed ewes, $4,065.56; Texas-clipped yearlings, $5 IS'. 6 65; 1 exas-cllpped sheen, $4.256550; Blockers and feeders, $2.5061.26. II. Joseph live Block Market. ST. JOSEPH. June 4.-CATTI,E Re ceipts, 9t; steady: natives, t5.35't735: rows and heifers. $1.25it6u; vesls. $3.2565 60; stcrkers snd feeders, $2.5066 40. HOOS Reeetpts. !.; steady: light snd light mixed, $i6fj7174: medium and heavy, $;.lKfr7.37V,; pigs, H.w.lO. SHEEP AM) LA MRS Receipts. 300; steady; top spring lambs, $725. fttex-k tn Mant. The following table shows (he receipts of cattle, hogs snd iheep at the Ave prin cipal markets for June 4: tsitie. lings, enren. South Omaha ... ( 'hicsgo '. Kanaaa Cltv St. Ixiuls St. Joseph Totals ., 3.741 2 279 ..11.0m) .. 4. .. 4.6-0 .. l)0 sa.fion 1.-J 6.0 t,00 17.000 2.400 t.ono kiO .24.261 74.365 36.479 t. Lnnla Llto Stork Market. BT. LOUIS, June 4).-CATTLE-Rtcelpts, 4 "0, Including J.J.W Texans; msrket dull, steady ; native shipping and export steers, h ivi ; .30; dressed beet and butcher xt-eis. t-ViO'jinflO; Blei-r under l,t4 lbs.. $.': 5 "i "; stoekrr. and iceilrrs, $i.iTj7 4 7:.; row :i"ii hi llcr. $J Jo .j ." :i ; runners. eJ.t"H.Vti; cti'St, $.!.in .5"; caivca, $.1 i.ri ;.ryi; Texas tmd In dutn steers, fed. ll.Vah.oo; grass, $3.3tYtl !.;; cows and heifer. f!.;Mi 1.25. HOUS Receipts. Him; market 60 lower; pigs and light. $6;5i6Pi; packer, tn.!' : butcher. tT.OO.i ; i.. SHEEP AM) LAM As Receipts. 3.'Xrj market nctlve, uliout stendv; natlro mu;-. ton. $ 5i,i,V5'i; lunibs. tS.ntft7.3.V rulla .md bucks. $a.5t'n 1 (; stucker. $J.ttit I .,. . 'w YrU Hie Stork Vnrlirt. NEW YORK. June 4-HKEVES-Ur-reipis. ?.(.".(; fair to choice steers, i nn nt 10c higher, medium and common, strmlv to lower; hull and cow, stendv t. strona; Steers, $5 1Mi7.40; bull. f.t.R'.Vii.VtVi; cow, t.' .-0 i.V2: exlrn fat. $6. FAii :.: cable, steely: exports, 3m quarters of bref ; tomorrow, 11 ca t f ip. CALVES Receipts. tVW; Veals, st-a-lv lo 15c higher; vrnls. $l5""d;.5o; tops. $ite': city drrssed veal, SVjfillr. SHEEP AND I.AMR3 Receipts. .': sheep, slow to shndo l.jwer; yearllnas, stendy to strong; lambs, firm to h;id higher; shttp. J:i ikvi 5tm ; yearling. $"i.'"il ".00; Inmh. $7.0o4.75: choice. $ HOCS Receipts, 4.11!): market neiik; statu hogs, $i.4"(i7.54;' western, nominal. Ions. City Live stock Msrket. SIOl'X CITY, la , June 4. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 30 head: steady; breve. $H.OiKiii;.s; cow, hjlls end mixed, $2.50t'S 50; Blockers and feeder. $J.o 64 40; yearling anil calves, $3.5041 4. 4. MOOS-Receipts, 4'M head; steady to weak, selling at $.SOi7.15; bulk, $6.Sxii.0o. Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fralta. nr.n lunn, june . ine murKct tor evsporHieo nppies snows a snsniiy firmer tone and sn Increase In demand, though o'd 'i lira Rriirmnj I ill-. i-iHH ei.M 1 1 IUI II IU good. 7fiD4c; prime, il-ValOc; choice, I''if i"c; isucy, 11c. 1 runt's are in active ex port demand and prices are firm with an Advance tendency. Supplies of 70-s0s are limited and prices a shade higher; apricot, III ill uiivi iie'vuiH ncii 101 rA'"ii, j'c-tiiurn, quiet and steady; nulnces. 3,e; boxes, loi W14c; bngs. lOVjiiiilc; peaches, peeled, 14'ol6c; unpeeled. sVo loVtc. MINISTER CONFESSES ARSON He ts Now In Custody and Will lie Examined ns to Ilia "anlly. 8ANTA CRUZ, Cal., June 4. Rev. James Laurler Rogers, formerly a well l.nown Baptist minister, who recently embraced Mohnmmedlsm, has confessed himself guilty of arson, and la now in custody. He set fire to several buildings at a dairy, where he was working, for Ihe benefit of his health, as he explained. His motive for the crime, he says, was revenge on those who had compelled him to do menial service. The fire destroyed his library, three ministerial suits and a gold watch pre sented to him by his former congregation at Ocala, Kla. While in charge ot a church at Jacksonville he taught English to many Cuban refugees. He will be ex amined as to his sanity. For years this remedy bas been the standard nerve restorative. Thousands of happy men owe their newly found strength to its use. - Bexine Pills replace weakness and exhaustion with strength and vigor; the brain becomes clear; the nerves steady and calm; gloomy forebodings are banished and perfect vitality is ful ly restored. If you are suffering as above, try a box; you'll be encouraged by its effect to take the full course of six boxes then if you sre not entirely cured, we will refund your money. This satis factory offer is one of the factors of our success. 11.00 per box ; t boxes (with guaran tee tocure or money back), $0 00, mailed in plain packages. Book free. For sale by Kuhn ft Co., Omaha. Dlllcn's Drag Store, South Omaha. Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluff. ia, S5.00 A MTil Specialist la 4U1 DI6EA6E3 and DISORDER of MEN. 13 years la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by tha QUICK EST, safest and ic st natural method that has yst been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BREAKlNq OUT" of the disease on the skin or face. A cure that la guaranteed to be permttnani for life. MIBIOnPCI C cured. Method new, YAnlbUwLLte without cutting, pain; no detention from work; permanent cure guaranteed. WEAK MKIf from Excesses or Victims, to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor aul strength, with organs Impaired and weak. BTRICTl'RB) cured with a new Horat Treatment. No pain, no detention from business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Onnanltatlon tre. Treatment 8r MaUlti CHARGES LOW. 110 8. 14th tt. Dr. Searlss & Searles. Omaha, Neb. DR. McGREW (Aga 53) SPECIALIST. Diseases and Ulswstaaaa ot Blast Oatly. g Tears' Eiacl4BC4. 35 Venrs ta VARICOCELES frjX2Sft safest and must natural that has yet been discovered. No palu whatever, no culling and d4e not Interlace wit works or busi ness. Treatment at office or at borne and g permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment (or SypHilis And all ttloud Diseases. No "BREAKING OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the disease disappear at once. A treatment that 1 more successful and ftur more satlalaetory than the "old ot and at leas than HAL TUB COoT. A cure that Is guaranteed ta Ue permanent for life. OVLK 20,000,y?urio.. ot ViW. ,.u all tluuatural weeUosaaea tnen, nuicturs, Utaet. Kidney and liiaddar Dis- f liyaruoals. urod lieruia-ueauy. . .. . ' . ..u lUtilLI ATION r It a, la. Treatment by ansj. r. ' Office over 21 . 14th ,ru. "TJJ a&s twain 1 - BLOOD POISON Is the wcrst disease on cartu. yet the easiest to cure WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on the akin, sores in tha mouih, ulcers, falling hulr. bone pains, catarrh; don't knew it la RLOOM I'OIeON. bend to DR. RROWN, 935 Arcn St, Philadelphia, pa., for BROWNS BIX)OD CLRH. $:.00 per bulla; lasts onu month. Sold only by Hhermsn & M-'Cnnueli Drug Co., 14th and I "luie di , ... ... . .... ek I i ...I., furaa 1 louge Bts . uiniiia. Wen ina few day Dl U fill 4 UOUOUIB Druj,' tMoro. loU aa lij niuiu, Oodgcdi. DC j",; I1:,1; M ;' Mra.ahi'iiwii urn pabtiaat -4