Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaiia Daily Bee.
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pally Bee and Bunday, una Tear 4.W
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fctunaay (iff, una tefir
Baturuay nee, one tear l w
' 'i'wentleih Century 1'armer. One Tear. l.Ou
Pl!y Ilea (without Sunday), per copy.. 2c
pally Hem (without bunoay), per wevK..12c
pally Bee ( including Hund:vy, per'o
uniay itee, per ropy c
Lvemng Bee (without Bunuay), per week.loc
fevening nee (including bunuay), per
weeK loo
Compialnta of irregularities In delivery
anouid be addressed to City Circulation
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building, Twen-ty-rmh
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Council Blurts lu Pearl Street.
Chicago imv Unity Building.
.'ew York Temple Court.
Washington 6ui fourteenth Street.
Communlcallona relating to newa and
editorial matter should be addreaaed:
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Business letters and remittance should
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Only K-cent stamps accepted In payment of
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
Oeorge B. Tzschuck, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
aye that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening ana Sunday Bee printed during
the mouth at May, 1802,. was a follows:
1 21,H 17 80,500
21,4At 18 StD.SUO
2D,52o i ait.uao
4 2,USO 20 2U.UOO
30,20 Jl 2ft,04O
BO.aoO 22 28,B(H
1 8O.7W0 23 29,470
2H.NHO 24 2,SMO
20,700 25 20,540
10 20,480 28 29,540
21,5S 27 20,530
12 2O.05O 28.. 20,500
M 20.63O 29 20,4.10
1 20.0.IO 30 20,000
20.570 Jl 20,010
IS 2U,ftOO
Total S1U.AMI
Less unaold and returned copies.... 10,700
Net total sales D0N.H80
Jfet daily average 20,310
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before me tills 31st day of May, A. D. 1901.
(Seal.) m b. H UNGATE,
Notary Public.
Omaha's city council has evidently
adopted as a new motto "Let there be
If the days of railway pools are past,
congress may as well ring off on all
those bills to legalize pooling.
We trust It will not come to the need
of armed Intervention between the war
ring officers of the local Boer relief
President Loubet has eleven places In
bis cabinet to fill. 11 ere Is where the
French president gets ahead of the Amer
ican president
Our supreme court commissioners are
complaining that they are overworked.
We note, however, that none of them
re threatening to resign.
Senator Dietrich evidently does not
yet fully appreciate the necessity of
swathing his remarks In cotton so they
will not collide too forcibly with the
senate rules.
At the court remarked In the recent
decision In the Omaha police commission
case, all litigation must eventually have
an end but the end Is sometimes ex
ceeding long drawn out.
Mayor Moores should not stop with
Yetoing ordinances that create overlaps.
He should refuse to sign any warrant
for claims against the city In excess of
the limits fixed by the charter.
The passing of the Philippine bill by
the senate demonstrates one pleasing
lesson. It shows that that august body
can cut off the oratory of Its windy
members If It once makes up Its mind
to do so.
City Treasurer Henntnga' enumera
tion of the various extra services he ren
ders the public for his regular charter
salary entitles him to the top place on
the roll of honor of conscientious public
The government crop report continues
to give favorable account of Nebraska's
crop conditions, assuring prosperity for
the farmers In all our surrounding ter
ritory. The trade of this section for the
coming season is going to be something
worth competing for.
American horses had little show to
win out in the Derby against the en
tries from the British stables. Con
sidering the triumph of the American
mule in South Africa, howeVer, the
Britishers may count themselves still
behind in the international score.
According to the report of the state
auditor, more Insurance companies are
working the Nebraska field and more
Insurance business is being transacted
la Nebraska than ever before. Put
this down as another straw pointing
the way the prosperity wind Is blowing.
A piteous lamentation comes from the
Omaha Bridge and Terminal company
for fear it may have- to pay city taxes
a the same basis as other property
(Within the city. The Bridge and Ter
minal company has been evading Its
taxes successfully so long that it wants
perpetual exemption.
' Shareholders In Sir Thomas Llpton's
corporation are blaming the smallness
Of their dividends to the over Indulgence
of tne bead of the concern In his pas
sion for yacht racing. But these share
holders overlook all the free advertis
ing Sir Thomas has gotten In whose
benefits they are to reap, if the LIpton
company paid for one-tenth of this ad
vertising at regular newspaper rates,
it would defer all dividends for some
time ta come
State TreaKurer Stnefer's exhibit of
the nuanclnl condition of the state for
the six months ending May 31, 1002,
conveys Interesting Information to the
taxpayers of the state as to the receipts
and disbursements during the last six
months and the balances remaining in
the various funds. For purposes of
comparison with the balances In the
treasury December I, 1001, which Mr.
Stuefer has placed side by side, the ex
hibit Is of little or no value. It simply
shows that there Is now over 3O0,0OU
more money in the state treasury than
there was December 1 last year, and
that fact Is due to Increased remittances
from county treasurers. Incidentally
TreasurerStuefer'B exhibit shows that
the state has received $4,730 In Interest
on deposits and has invested $706,022.38
in county bonds and Interest-bearing
state warrants.
Of a total of $3,121,F.&0.73 now held
by the treasurer in trust securities for
the public schools and university $1,020,
001.00 represents interest-bearing se
curities purchased since the advent of
the present republican state Administra
tion, or nn Increase of over $800,000 In
vested by the preceding administration
during the same period. This creditable
showing was made possible by the col
lection of $657,233.72 from the sale of
school lands and the redemption of more
than $200,000 of county bonds held by
the state for the permanent school fund.
While Treasurer Stuefer points with
pride to the fact that the Interest placed
to the credit of the state by him on
funds deposited In banks since January
31, 1001, amounts to $12,377.45, and ex
ceeds by $2,037.02 the Interest paid on
deposits for a similar period by his pred
ecessor, he does not disclose In what
banks the state funds are deposited and
the amounts deposited in each bank.
The exhibit also falls to show the ac
tual debt of the state and the total
amount of state warrants held by the
state treasury among permanent school
fund Investments. The statements of
the state treasurer should be Just as ex
plicit as regards the resources and lia
bilities of the state as are the periodic
statements of the secretary of the
treasury concerning the national debt
The bill providing for a transpacific
cable will soon come up for considera
tion In congress, this being one of the
matters which the president Is under
stood to be particularly anxious to have
disposed of at the present session. In
regard to the question whether the ca
ble should be laid and controlled by
the government or by a private corpora
tion opinion In congress has appeared
to be about equally divided, but we are
inclined to think that a further discus
sion of the subject will strengthen the
support for a government cable. The
weight of argument is certainly on that
side and perhaps the strongest reason,
as the New York Tribune points out, is
that it Is necessary to. make the entire
cable system a purely American , one,
which would not be the case with either
of the private companies which are ask
ing congress for a contract to lay the
"From California to Luzon," says the
Tribune, "the cable must be under ex
clusive American control and at every
landing place it must be on American
soil and under the American flag, and
It must be free to be extended at will
from Luzon to China and Japan. No
charter should be granted to any com
pany that is not free from even a suspi
cion of 'standing in with' alien con
cerns. If no private company can com
ply with that requirement, then the
United States government should itself
take the enterprise In hand." Neither
of the companies proposing to lay tht
cable under contract with the govern
ment meets this requirement and it it
manifestly one that congress should con
sider. In any event, however, the proper
thing Is for the government to lay and
control a transpacific cable.
The bill that passed the senate, tem
porarily to provide for the administra
tion of the affairs of civil government
in the Philippine islands and for other
purposes, will probably be passed by
the house Of representatives without ma
terial change and without unnecessary
delay. The measure has been most
thoroughly discussed in the senate, the
country is familiar with Its character
and purpose, the necessity for such
legislation, if American sovereignty in
the Philippines Is to be maintained and
American principles of government es
tablished there, is very generally con
ceded. There is no apparent reason,
therefore, for giving prolonged consider
ation to the bill in the bouse.
That this legislation will prove benefi
cial to the Philippine islands and people
there cannot be a reasonable doubt It
will extend civil government there, it
will promote industrial devolopment it
will induce the Investment of capital
and stimulate trade, it will advance pub
lic improvements and its Influence will
be In the Interest of peace and order.
It is an essential step leading toward
the establishment of a popular and rep
resentative government The measure
passed by the senate extends to the
Filipinos the bill of rights of the con
stitution of the United States, with the
exception of trial by Jury and the right
of the people to keep and bear arms.
It contemplates a liberal participation of
the natives In the administration of civil
affairs. It provides for the protection
of the people In their property rights,
enables them to secure homesteads and
safeguards the public lands from ex
ploitation by corporations or syndi
cates. In a word, the bill provides a
most elaborate system of civil adminis
tration for the government of the Phil
ippines, which in its practical opera
tion it is believed will develop the ma
terial resources of the islands, advance
the industrial Interests of their in
habitants and promote the civilization,
peace and prosperity of the whole peo
ple under American sovereignty.
The opposition to this legislation de
mands that t&e United States shall re
linquish all claim of sovereignty over
and title to the Philippines and shall
continue to occupy and govern the
Islands only until the peoP1 thereof
have established a government and
given sufficient guaranties for the per
formance of our treaty obligations with
Spain and for the maintenance and
protection of all rights which have ac
crued under the authority of the United
States. This Is a policy which there Is
abundant reason to believe Is not ap
proved by a majority of the American
people. Indeed it may be confidently
asserted that It would be overwhelm
ingly rejected If submitted for a popular
verdict. The people of Oregon have
Just shown what they think of It and
we venture to think that the Judgment
of the people of that state reflects the
opinion of most of the country. The
democrats In the senate have labored
most assiduously to make political capi
tal by denouncing the Philippine policy
of the government even attempting to
dishonor the army which is upholding
American sovereignty In those Islands.
They have failed and upon this Issue
their party will continue in the minority.
Again the practice of pelagic sealing
Is receiving attention at Washington, a
bill having been introduced in the house
of representatives in regard to the mat
ter. This provides that If the United
States and Great Britain cannot agree
upon a plan to suppress pelagic sealing
the secretary of the treasury shall be
authorized to have all the seals on the
Frlbilov islands excepting 1,000 males
and 10,000 females killed, the proceeds
from the sale of the skins to be covered
into the treasury. A proposition of this
kind was mode several years ago, but
did not receive much consideration.
Now It Is favored by the ways and
means committee of the house and Is
therefore likely to receive serious atten
tion. The Seattle Post-In telllgencer thinks
killing the seal not the most satisfac
tory method of settling the matter. It
says that the position which the United
States has heretofore taken in regard
to pelagic sealing has not only proved
untenable, but its only effect has been
to destroy a thriving Industry in which
American citizens were engaged and to
transfer the seat of that industry to
British Columbia. Laws were passed
substantially forbidding American ves
sels or American hunters to engage In
sealing on the high sea, with the re
sult that the Industry was transferred
to the Canadians, who It seems have
recently been carrying it on with more
than usual vigor, threatening the ex
termination of the seal herds at no
very distant time if a stop Is not put
to the practice.
This matter has long been a source of
more or less irritating controversy and
It would seem that our government
should take some firm and decided
stand for the protection of Its rights.
The proposition to slaughter most of
tho seal on our islands sounds like a
surrender and should sot be adopted
except as a last resort The piratical
operations of the Canadian seal hunters,
in their Indiscriminate slaughter, It
should be possible to put a stop to and
every effort should be made to do this
before seriously considering the proposi
tion introduced In congress.
Representatives of the fire Insurance
companies assert that insurance ratings
In Omaha can be improved by thirteen
points providing the causes for high
rates are removed. The thirteen points
scored against Omaha are as follows:
1. Water works not commensurate to
demands by reason of Insufficient stor
age capacity three points.
2. Fire hydrants too far apart, as
schedule requires them to be 150 feet
apart two points.
3. Insufficiency of fire department
equipment two points.
4. No fire coroner two points.
5. Slack enforcement of building laws
two points.
6. Overhead trolley system two
Each polnt.representa 2 1-7 per cent In
the rating; therefore the removal of all
the defects would cut off 27 6-7 per
cent of the standard. Most of the points
raised, however, do not seem to us Jo be
well taken.
The storage capacity of the water
works is ample. The settling basins
hold 00,000,000 gallons and in case of
fire water can always be pumped di
rectly from the river. There is no dan
ger that all the pumps , will at any one
time be disabled, hence the 10,000,000
gallons in the high pressure reservoir
afford no ground for an extra charge.
In the greater portion of the business
center of Omaha fire hydrants coma
within the distance fixed by. the
schedule, but Inasmuch as Intermediate
hydrants can be placed at $10 a year
the lack of hydrants within the business
section can be supplied.
It Is an open question whether a fire
coroner is of any special benefit to pol
icy holders even with the promised re
duction of 4 per cent A firs coroner
sctlng for the insurance companies
would be a detriment to the Insured.
In any event the city is In no position to
create sn additional salaried office.
The more strict enforcement of the
building laws U desirable and the build
ing Inspector is endeavoring to enforcs
them as far as the law permits. It is
doubtful, however, whether the fire un
derwriters will ever be satisfied either
with the building laws or their enforce
ment For the present and for some years to
come the abolition of the overhead trol
leys la out of question, so that the two
points charged against them must re
main. The efficiency of ths firs department
has been materially improved and the
equipment will soon be increased up to
full requirements. It remains to be
seen, however, whether Omaha policy
holders will get any benefit in the snaps
of reduced fire rates.
If that moaa-grown claim of Tom
Kennard's which has run ths gamut bt
legislature and courts in Nebraska for
nearly a generation has been given a
final quietus, the attorney general will
have earned a vote of thanks from all
taxpaylng citizens, who have no sym
pathy with Jobs and grafts of the kind
represented In this claim. It Is to be
hoped the failure of Kennard to get his
hand into the treasury will operate to
discourage similar attempts by other
claimants with trumped up bills for pay
for services never performed.
Just because ex-Senator Allen first un
furled the banner of William J. Bryan
for governor, Judge Edgar Howard dis
countenances the suggestion with unre
lenting firmness. If the populist veteran
should come out for Judge Howard, the
latter would doubtless Indignantly re
sent the proposal. When ex-Senator
Allen took Issue with Judge Howard
on the color of the halo circling over
the head of T. Jefferson's immortul
shade, he committed the unpardonable
Krupp, the great German steel mas
ter Is said to have perfected a projec
tile that will pierce and destroy tho
best and thickest armor plate he has
ever turned out Ilerr Krupp la an up-to-date
manufacturer. First he devises
an armor plate no shell can pierce and
then a shell to pierce the armor plate
and will then again work up an armor
plate that will resist the new projectile.
This beats ping pong to say nothing
of the profits.
An Illinois man has been found will
ing to accept the post made vacant by
the death of the American consul who
succumbed to the outpourings of Pelee
that Inundated St Pierre. Had there
been any difficulty In securing an eligi
ble volunteer, we feel sure that Iowa
would have come to the rescue as a
last resort
While explaining where it stands, the
local reform organ might define Its posi
tion on the action of a handful of
Omaha populists appointing themselves
without caucus, primary or convention
to cast 128 votes in the state convention
that is to determine the makeup of the
"reform" ticket for Nebraska.
One Thins; Agreed On.
Chicago News.
At any rate, everybody is agreed that the
Philippines must never be admitted to the
union. That la about all that has come
out of the debate In the senate.
Where the Statistician Comes In.
Indianapolis News.
To demonstrate how severe the Brltlsh
Boer war has been the statistician shows
that the Boers had a fighting force In all
ot 60,000 men and that they lost 78,4001
Try In ST to Follow Oar Dave.
Chicago Chronicle.
Lieutenant Richmond Pearson Hobson
will find that he can't klas his way Into
congress. Numerous though his admirers
may be they unforunately have no votes.
Has on the Toboajaan Slide.
. Brooklyn Eagle.
The keynote of the current play or novel
Is the incapacity or humiliation ot man.
Woman domlnancy ts the theme ot drama
and the foible of fiction whlob Is not very
far oft from fact
Blaarnantmons Crooks.
Washington Post.
It is so noble and magnanimous in Mr.
Gaynor and Mr. Greene to offer to return
to this country and stand trial provided
they are permitted to select the court.
They probably have their eyes on the
tribunal In which those Philadelphia ballot
box stutters were so handsomely vindi
cated. Mercer's "Pork" Barrel.
Philadelphia Record.
As agreed upon in conference committee
the omnibus public building bill carries
$19,425,450. or nearly $4,000,000 more than
the original measure reported to and passed
In the bouse ot representatives. No log
rolling "pie" legislation of earlier days
can match this. Public building "graft
era" in congress twenty or thirty years ago
were content with a bill carrying $7,000,000
or $8,000,000, but that was the day of small
things. When the looters survey the field
and measure their opportunities they are
doubtless astontshed like Warren Hastings
In India, at their own moderation.
Growth of Postal Bastaess.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Nearly 1,000,000,000 more postage stamps
have been Issued to the poetofflces of the
United Statea since July 1 last than were
Issued during the whole of tho previous
fiscal year. This is not necessarily indica
tive ot a great Increase in the postal busi
ness. From lack of other facilities for the
transmission of small sums of money by
mall, stamps have come to be extensively
used. But the extraordinary increaae In the
demand for stamps must reflect not only
the existence ot Improving conditions of
prosperity among the people, but a marked
tendency ot small trade through mall orders
to expand.
Shelve tho Pooling; Bills.
Springfield (Maas.) Republican.
Congress evidently might as well drop all
pending bllta legalizing railroad pooling.
The question is already moved back into
the past as one of practical Interest, for
even the railroads now manifest no great
concern in the matter. They have found
something more effective for the abolltloa
of competition. As E. H. Harrlman said
the other day at Omaha: "The days of
pools and combinations are past Other
conditions are coming to take their places,
and the principal of them will be the cen
tralization of ownerships." And be might
have added that over the centralization of
private ownership will stand a closer gov
ernment control than ever.
Lea-rollers In Conajreos Fear tho Pres
ident's Wrath.
Philadelphia North American (rep.).
The political grafters la congress, who
purchase support la their districts with
public funds, are perturbed by rumors that
the man In the White House may head
up the "pork barrel" by vetoing the river
and harbor grab and the public buildings
steal. The promoters of these rotten swin
dles are scurrying around for votes to pass
them over the prealdent's veto and "teach
him a lesson."
There Is no other possible Issue between
a log-rolling congress and the executive
oa which President Roosevelt could better
afford to go before the people. If he will
veto the bills, and give his reasons la
good, plain, Roosevelt English calling
things by their right names and rowellng
the ribs of thieves who exploit the public
treasury for political profit public oplnloa
will back him up aad teach congress a
, leasoa th( it sadly needs.
Spartans of the Veldt
Lose and Gain.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
England won has won oossesslon of th
South African republics at a fearful cost;
tne Boers have lost their Independence,
but have won tha avmnathv of I he wnrM
and in the end may bo stronger In South
Africa than the victors of today.
Something- Do In a; Alt the Time.
Minneapolis Times.
Well, the Boers have the satisfaction of
knowing that they brought England to a
full realization of the fact that there was
a fight on. Every little while for nearly
three years there has been something doing
and the Boers were doing their share.
A Noble Saerlflee.
Baltimore American.
The Boers have been conquered, but the
world will always award them the highest
honor for their noble struggle against
such awful odda. They have made a noble
sacrifice in the cauae of human liberty,
and have taught Great Britain a lesson
which will never be stricken from the
pages ot her history.
Possibilities of the Fntnro.
Minneapolis Tribune.
Why should not the future be theirs
some day, when the British empire has
begun to weaken under repeated shocks,
and some sea power has grown up which
may do for them what France did for ua?
The beautiful dream of the United States
of South Africa has been eclipsed; but
observers of history regard such eclipses
with the eye of science, rather than with
the superstition of savages who look upon
the sun as blotted out forever.
Britain's Loss of Prestige.
Br, Paul Pioneer-Press.
The Hon of familiar fable whose paw
has been caught In a trap, too petty to
do serious harm, but Just strong enough
to hold. Is not for a season more help
less than has been the British Empire for
thirty-one months. The loss In men, money
and material Is as nothing to the visible
loss ot prestige. This Is all balanced by
the loyalty of the colonies, the proof of
tbolr readiness to support the empire and
the new cohesion ot a vast fabric, which,
as In all welding of states, could only be
made one by blood, iron and the blows ot
battle on war's smoking anvil. The gain
ts much. The loss also is great.
Seeds of Racial Hate.
I Minneapolis Journal.
The great mistake in the terms of peace
In South Africa Is the refusal to grant com
plete amnesty and' citizenship to the Boer
rebels In Cape Colony. The day will como
when this refusal will be bitterly regretted.
It will keep alive more than anything else
the hatred of the Boer for Briton. If all
causes for trouble between the races could
be removed England might hope to amalga
mate the Boers and British in South
Africa. But with a perpetual cause for
hatred of the British the Boers will keep
themselves separate from the Britons.
Politics in the reconstructed states will
follow racial lines.
A Calamitous Straggle.
' Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
The British triumph over a people that
all counted did not equal the population of
a third-rate English city, has been won at
a terrible and unprecedented cost The Boer
war has cost England In hard cash nearly
twice as much as did all her wars against
Napoleon, the - present estimate reaching
the vast sum of over $1,000,000,000.' Her
sons have been slain by the thousands. Her
fiscal needs have finally compelled the
making of a breach In the commercial sys
tem under which she controlled for a cen
tury the foreign trade of the world, and she
faces the economic struggle of the future
with less of strength, compared with her
great rivals, than ever before. Finally, and
worst of all, England In these two and a
half years has come to be hated by Europj
as she had not been in a century. And even
in America, where the old animosities were
Significant Ctterances of Mr. Harrl
man at Omaha.
Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette.
Railway Magnate Harrlman, In an Omaha
Interview, sees tbe passing ot the day of
pools, mergers and combines. "Other con
ditions are coming to take their places and
the principal will be the centralization of
ownership," said Mr. Harrlman, and the
greater and the leBser railway magnates
with him said amen to their chief. The
difficulty which Mr. Harrlman sees in the
present situation of railway affairs Is in
the hostility of legislatures a hostility not
visible to the naked eye of tbe ordinary.
all around citizen and he Insisted that
railway legislation should be baaed on lines
of aid. Instead of hostility, for, said Mr.
Harrlman, "the railroad man la In better
position to know what railroads need than
legialatures generally." There has been
no overwhelming amount of stuttering ob
servable on the part of tho great railways
in making their wants known to legisla
tures, but that railway men know what
they want and generally get It there
Isn't the slightest ground on which to
base a dispute.
The statement of Mr. Harrlman, outlining
a new and Important move by the' great
railways, received additional strength from
the conference which followed between
himself. President J. J. Hill of the Northern
Pacific, President Hughltt of the Chicago A
Northwestern system and other omclala
holding high positions In tbe railway world.
It Is Important In view of the recent state
ment of President Hill of his belle-r that
the suit against the Northern Securities
company would be decided In favor of tbe
government and against the magnates In
terested In the attempted merger. It is
most Important in the fact that It means
that railway magnatee instead of mere con
trol of the great trunk lines and all their
connections, are aiming at absolute owner
ship a scheme only to be accomplished
by wrecking processes. In which tne smaller
stockholders will get the worst of It if
they get anything and that what compet
ing companlea may not do, under the law,
by mergers they may do because of one
common ownership.
It legislatures will not come down to
the demands of railways, the railways will
rise above legislatures and congress. If
they are to be disturbed In their schemes,
no matter of what character, tbey will ef
fect a change of present ownerships and
take a short cut to a merger, which, tber
believe, will be congress and legislature
proof. The railways are big things, but tf
they persist In running risks with legis
lative and Judicial buzzsaws, they are likely
to come to grief In a run that will not be
ao very long. The Ohio republican plat
form takes the right view ot just such
propositions as that of Mr. Harrlman. It
recognizes tbe necessity of co-operation to
meet new conditions In tbe Industrial
world, "but all combinations that stifle
competition and control prices, limit pro
duction or unduly increase profits or values,
especially when they raise ths prices of the
necessaries of life, are opposed to publlo
policy and should be repressed by a stroag
Aad Uncle Sam's hand Is muscular.
being forgotten, this war has done nothing
but inflame popular feeling against every
thing British, and It Is the cold truth to say
that by crushing a republican nationality
that had the stalwart Teutonic beginnings
of a vigorous and noble civilization Eng
land has made two enemies In the vast bsdy
of the American ' electorate where one
existed before. There are those who say
that England comes out of the war
stronger than she was at the beginning. But
that cannot be, unless water may run up
hill and men have lost all sensitiveness to
the moral law. The war has been a cala
mity to the whole English-speaking race
and to the world, and no amount ot gold
dug from the South African mines can ever
efface the fact. It may be hoped that the
future has In store for the British empire
no similar relapse Into barbarism.
A War of Conquest.
Philadelphia Record.
Whatever provocations may have been
given by the Boers, ths war ot Great
Britain on the Dutch republics was es
sentially one of conquest undertaken by
a strong, bullying power against a small
and heroic if retrograde and uncultured
people. Civilized public opinion has put
such exploits under taboo, and the war
was deplorable as a lapse into the Inter
national Immorality ot the eighteenth
century or earlier periods of human history.
Great Britain can clean herself of ths dis
honor Incurred only by the most honorable
after-treatment of the conquered people;
and even In that case a stigma will remain
upon her name.
Problem of Reconstruction.
Chicago Tribune.
Great Britain has disposed of the first
great problem, that ot compelling the Boers
to lay down their arms. There now awaits
it the second great problem, that of gov
erning the men whom only the direct need
has driven to submission. It Is a problem
the solution of which calls for the greatest
tact, delicacy, gentle firmness, and many
other qualities needed for the successful
government of an unwilling people. There
have been occasions when the British gov
ernment or Its agents have been lacking In
these qualities. Until it shall have been
demonstrated that the English are able to
Anglicize South Africa It will not be ex
pedient to assume that Boer independence
Is dead.- It may be merely sleeping.
Opening; Africa to Trade.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The sympathy of nations has always been
with tbe burghers and the memory of their
heroism will mark a permanent place In
history. Economically considered, however,
British domination will give an impetus to
the civilization of the dark continent that
promises much for It and for the world.
It means free trade In Africa, and It means
that anyone la welcome to help in the task
of development under fair and liberal laws.
The work that has been done in Egypt and
the Cape will be pushed further, and In
time we shall learn If so large a part of
Africa Is adapted to civilization as has
been claimed by Cecil Rhodes and other ex
ploiters ot its vast resources.
J A Costly War.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The Boer losses cannot be ascertained,
but they probably did not have more than
70,000 men In the field, and at least 8,000 of
these remain, and there are many thousands
of prisoners In the hands ot the British.
Up to January $1 last tbe losses of the
British by death or permanent disability
numbered 25,305. and the total of casualties
Included 6,240 officers and 100.701 men. The
war. Instead of being a "pig shooting pic
nic," lasted tor two years and nearly eight
months; brought mourning into nearly
every household In Great Britain, and cost
the people more than $1,000,000,000. For
this sacrifice the nation gets possession ot
the gold . and diamond fields, and can turn
them over to speculators, who will proceed
to fleece tbe gullible public of whatever the
tax collector may have left them. That is the
glorious outcome of the war, so far as
Great Britain is concerned.
A large batch ot Missouri officials have
been indicted for playing penny-ante on a
fishing trip.
Tbe late Dr. Thomas Dunn English will
have a suitable monument erected over bis
grave by the Society of American Authors,
of which he was a vice president.
Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) will
have conferred upon him the degree of
L.L. D. at the commencement exercises at
the State university, Columbia, Mo.
Mr. Asqulth, tha English statesman, said
in a speech at a recent press banquet that
nearly every member of the present British
cabinet, from the premier down, had
worked for the press at one time or
William D. Arnold of Ionia, Mich., and
Walter D. Arnold of Ionia, his twin brother,
a" few days ago celebrated their seventy
sixth birthday In the home ot the former.
William had been a farmer all his life,
while Walter has followed mercantile pur
suits. The late Thomas Dunn English left a re
quest that no reference to "Ben Bolt" be
made in ths Inscription that Is to grace
his monument. And yet nineteen out of
every twenty persons who view his grave
will say, "He wrote 'Ben Bolt,' you know."
Fame of this sort stlcketb much closer
than a brother. j
Pension Commissioner Ware has made It
a practice all his life to preserve his let
ters. In his office at Topeka be bas a great
letter file containing more tbaa 25,000 let
ters of a private character and another file
containing about as many of a business
character.' He has these letters Indexed
in such a manner that he can turn In
stantly to any one of them by name, date
or subject matter.
Another Big Drive In Ladles' Handkerchiefs.
100 dosen corded centers and plain hemstitched fine linen and swlss f"
good value for 10c or 15c each our price, each
g for 2&c.
60 Beaded Chatelaine Bags, steel and Jet beads
Ins Bags, steel and Jet beads
our price, each
100 dozen ladies' fast black cotton hose, full
In manufacture, but an monoea regular ioc quality uur y
1,000 pieces sll silk taffeta ribbon, soft finish every sbado and color 'E?f
on the calendar widths 6-1-9. at. per yard Jw
1J-U-M, per yard 10c
40 and SO, per yard 150
10 yards best domestic delaines in all shades and fast colors CAm
per pattern ' .....UUU
10-4 white crochet Bed Spread, nice marsellles patterns worth 75o 49C
Taney batiste in a variety of patterns worth up to 10c yard,
at, per yard -
V. R. BENNETT CO., 16th and llarnoy
To Cure Woman's Wstljdls E.
rinkharrrs Vegetable Com-
yonnd Succeeds. Mrs ranlino
udson Writes t
"Era Mas. FnacsAiti . 8oonafter '
any marriage two years ago J found
mvself la constant pain. Ths doctor
said my womb was turned, and this
caused the pain with considerable In
flammation, lie prescribed for toe for
MRS. tAVtrtm JTTDSOif,
Secretary of BcharzaeTborn Golf Club,
Brooklyn, Vew York,
four months, when tsy husband became
Impatient because I grew worse Instead
of better, and In speaking to the drug
rist he advised him to get Lytlia Is.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
and Sanative Wash. How I wish I
bad '.aken that at first I it would have
saved me weeks of suffering. It took
three long months to restore me, but
It is a happy relief, and we are both
most grateful to you. Your Compound
baa brought Joy to our home and
health to me."-- Mrs. PAixnrs JcDsojr,
47 Hoyt Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
tSOOO forftt If esse ttlmcnUl not fsiwae.
It would seem bjr this state
ment that women would save
time and much sickness if they
would aret Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound at once,
and also write to Mrs. Plnkham
at Lynn, Mass., for special ad
vice, it is free and always helps.
Chicago Tribune: "A man." observed
T-'ncle Eph'm, "la des' like a postage stamp.
He ain't no 'count when he gits badly stuck
on hlsse'f."
Ohio State Journal: Excited Wife Waks
up. Henry! The house la on fire!
Hleenv Husband (treat heavena! Now
we'll have to move again!
Washington Star: "I alius try to be a
fentleman," said Uncle Eben. "Mighty
ew people succeeds, but de fact dat any
body s ma kin' de effort counts a heap to
hla credit."
Detroit Free Press: "An awfully kind-
hearted man."
"Yes, I saw him pick a bumble bee out
of the water one day."
"How lovely of him!"
"Then the bee stung him."
Judge: "Did you make these pies?"
"Yes; and I auppose you are going to say
you'll have to get a hammer to break
"No: there's only one objection."
"Pshaw! Perhaps thev're not like those
your mother used to make?"
"Wrong again. They're not big enough.1'
Philadelphia Press: CTushlngton Ahl
your wife Is a most remarkable woman. ,
Henpeck Think ao?
Gushlngton Indeed, I do. Don't you?
Henpeck Well, Bhe certainly Is able to
make more remarks than any other woman
I know.
Baltimore American: "A king.'" T say
to the Interested listener, "Is merely an
accident of birth, and so la a hod carrier."
"Doubtless," puts in the quibbling per
son, "you are correct, but did It ever occur
to you that the parents of the hod carrier
never possess an accident policy?"
Ere I can frame an anawer of sufficient
lntenseness he haa flitted away.
Cleveland Plain' Dealer: "It Is said that
the queen of Holland eats six meals a day
and a great deal between meals besides."
"Isn't that lovely?"
"isn't what lovely?"
"Why, to be a queen and eat all you
want, or can, without having anybody re
mind you that beefsteak coats money.
Brooklyn Eagle: "What makes him glare
1n such a painful way? Why, It's worse
than the bicycle face of which we used to
hear so much!"
"S-s-h! That'a the swelleat expression of
the day. It's known as the automobile eye."
Washington Star.
I am waiting, sadly watting, for the very
worst to come,
I am waiting for the wildest, weirdest woe
of all the sum.
They've monopolized our bread and they
have cornered all the beef.
Our coffee, tea and sugar they control be
yond relief.
And all the luxuries of life are drifting
past our reach.
And It doesn't do the slightest good to rise
and make a speech.
But while the prices soar aloft like gay
and light balloons,
We pauae and all are glad there's no
monopoly on prunes.
It is a steadfast friend that clung when
fickle fortune strayed;
That stalwart fruit has stanrhly stood
when others fled, dismayed!
Though mentioned In derisive glee; though
jeered at and despised,
In moments of necessity how truly Is It
The saccharine embellishment in which it
lightly rests,
Is nectar for Olympian gods to place be
neath their vests!
And yet It holds no haughty pose; at morn
ings, nights and noons.
The simplest and most frugal board Is
proudly graced with prunes.
Oh, mighty men of money, for whose favor
kings must sue,
Pray, spare this precious viand for another
year or two!
With golden bands our railroads tie. like
mighty sheafs of steel;
The ox, likewise the porker, place beneath
a giant heel;
But this, our Joy In fleeting youth, our
prop in years mature
Cv let us feel that for a little while It ts
secure! .
Though all our other comforts fly, as wax
and wane the moons,
In thla one case have pltyl Don't put up
tha price of prunes!
regularly sold at 75c
regularly sold at 75c 4 8C
fashioned slightly damaged