THE OMAHA DAILY IJEEi THURSDAY, JUNK 5, 1002. KEEPING POLITICS DARK Fopnlitt Object to Telling Registrars Their Party Affiliation. DE FRANCE ASKS COURT TO ENJOIN BOARD Aetloa las C'oinnif Last Spring; and Is Revived at Opealaei of the (atnpalaa for State . . . ftaierra. (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. June 4. (Special.) Can the the registrars rf election compel a mm presenting himself for enrollment to tub Dili to being questioned as to his party a (TiHat Ion ? The populists sty n", and Charles Q. DeFrance, their state chairman, in Judge Frost's court thla afternoon Insisting that the court ought to perma nently enjoin the registration officer from propounding that queBtlcn. The action was originally begun last spring, when Mr. DeFrance was, -a candidate for the cutincil Id the 81th ward and wanted the registrars out there enjoined from asking that ques tion. Ben Williams, -colored, locally known as "Five Spot," was temporarily transformed into a moving target thla morning at about I o'clock in the kitchen of the Lindell hotel and In the alley Immediately ad joining. Robert Williams, a colored helper la the culinary department, was the un successful .marksman. He fired two bullets at "Five Spot." tut merely Inflicted a flesh wound on the thirl and fourth fingers of (be left band of the victim. He tnlssrd ut on the aeoond hot and "Five Spot" plunged Into the alley and succeeded in lodging further shooting. t'itjr - Librarian's Reytart. The annual report of Jane H. Abbott, city librarian, submitted to the board at list evening's meeting, coutains some Inter sating facta. " It contains the following: Number of book added during the year, 1,347; of these 2,117 were purchased, 153 sere bound periodicals, being those sub icribed for the library; 77 were magazines ind unbound volumes donated to the li brary. Of the bboks purchased the vol ames in the different classes number as follows: General works . Philosophy Religion Bocinlogy Philology '. Bclence I useful art. Fine arts Literature n History Travels ...; Wography Foreign books ( hlldren'a booka Fiction 15S IB ! 1(4 7 93 M 138 16 65 " 27 U9 Total . '. 2,117 The library has teen open for the cir culation of books 304 dftvs; 1,978 persons, an average of 165 per month, have been registered as patrons; 28 cards have been canceled, making total registration of patrons C.645. Teachers' cards have been issued to twenty-six teachers. Usvrrsor't Daughter We.ta. The marriage of Miss Emllle Msclot Sav ge, daughter of Governor and Mrs. E. P. Savage, to Mr. Adrian1 Royal Harvey of Dmaha was celebrated at the executive mansion at I o'clock yesterday afternoon. Reverend C. E, .Bentley read tha service in the presence of a small company of rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey have gone to Dklahoma to visit Mr.-Harvey's parents. Governor Savage returned this afternoon from Custer county, where, 'It Is reported, ha trade an unsuccessful effort to control or Influence the .action , pf J.he republican county convention, which was held yester day. The governor was asked to address the convention and for his remarks he was given a vote of thanks and. In addition, the convention, endorsed his administration so far aa it affected the finances of the stats. It is what the convention did not do that disappoints the governor, The fact Is not concealed that Governor Savage aspires to be permanent chairman of the state con vention, but It was desirable first for him to get on the delegation of his home county. This he failed to do. ' It was announced bere two or three weeka ago that the gov ernor's friends In Custer county snd those of Frank Currle were preparing for a clash, the Currle forcea making no secret of their opposition to Savage. Whether the expected fight was aa aerlous as antici pated la not definitely known here, but cer tain It Is that the governor was not put on tha county delegation. Tha governor made the trip to Broken Bow especially to attend the convention. Mr. Currle. one of bis lead ing adversaries, presided over its delibera tions. The annual oratorical contest of the In tercollegiate Prohibition association was hald In - thA Auditorium tonight Vlrr prise waa rlvan to James E. Durham of Chicago, second to" Herbert Ehattuck of Cornell college and the third to Platte Amstuts Of Wooster college, Ohio. Other contestants were: H. T. D. Button of Drake university, Des Moines; C. A. Nlcoll of Tarkto. college. Tarklo. Mo.: Minnie Throop of Nebraska Wealeyan.' I'nlversity Place; Edward Montgomery of Belolt college. Be lolt; E. E. Taylor of Parker college. Win nebago. City; E. M. Moore of the University sf Michigan. Ann Arbor; Slwood 8. Mln chtn of Pacific college, Newberg. The (udgea were: .Dr. I. K. Funk of New Tork Slty, Mrs. Francis E. Beaucfcamp of Lex ington. Ky.. and Rev. Qulacy Lee Morrow 9t Indianapqlla. . Holdreae ta Celebrate. HOLDREGE. Neb.. June 4 (Special Tele ram ) Ths citizens of Holdrege are mak ing extensive preparations to celebrate the " Fourth. Besides the usual sports several novelties are premised to make the day at tractive. Clay Ceanty Fusion Call. . CLAT CENTER. Neb., June 4. (Spe cial ) The populist and democratic county central committees were here yes terday and selected June 19 ss the date for holding their county conventions. Sa lastrartlaaa la Seward. SEWARD. Neb., June. 4 (Special Tele rrani.) The republican couaty convention jcld here today selected the following dele lates to tha state and congressional con rentlons: State Frank Smiley, Q. Q. Hurl- You have doubtless heard a great deal about Aycr's Sar saparilla how it makes the blood pure and rich, tones up the nervous system,' clears the skin, reddens the cheeks, and puts flesh on the bones. Remember, u Ayer's "is the kind you want the kind the doctors prescribe. u Ayer's Pills arc a great aid to Ayer's SaraapafiUa. Theat ptUs are liver pills, sbfe for the patent, snd just as sat . for the children. Purely vegetable. 1 1 AVU CO UsL ftass, jriyers burt, J. P. Corwln, A. Campbell. V. Zim merman, C. J. Cooper. E. J. Newton. Frank Houderaheldt, M. Stream. Thomas Tldyman. James Lemon. General Care, L. O. Howard. George Merrlam. John Oekea. J. M. Dslley. L. C. Johnaton and Thomas Corr. Con gressionalCharles Hlckrcsn. L. A. Rutan, O. F. Hurlburt. Richard Jones. C. D. Alf-x-ander. C. A. Fetterman, F. M. Andrews. W. F. Nlehaua, J. F. Newell, F. M. Doreey, H. C. At wood, W. C. Smiley. J. F. Haver stock, M. Hulshlier. F. B. Tipton, J. M. Smiley and William Rcdford. END OF PUBLIC SCHOOL DAYS brarlaatlnat Exercises Farshh Prin cipal Tople of Interest la ( FREMONT. Neb.. June 4. (Special.) The graduating exercises cf the Fremont High school were held at Love's opera house last evening. The atage was set with palms, rcses and peonies, and ths class colors, yellow and white, conspicu ously displayed. A chorus of forty little girls under the direction of Miss Ella Max well furnished the music. In the place of the usual essays and orations an ad dress was delivered by Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp of Boston. The diplomas were presented by C. C. McNlsh. the president of the board, and the benediction waa pronounced by Rev. John Doene. OSCEOLA. Neb.. June 4. (Special,) The First Methodist Episcopal church of Osce ola was never more beautifully decorated than it was last evening in honor ef the graduating class of our High school. The colors are asure and white, and the flower was La Franca rose. The program consisted of music by Miss Nellie Pheasant, Invocation by Rev. Will J. Scott, the Methodist Episcopal pastor; vocsl solo by Emll Oleson of Stromsburg, address by Rev. Luther P. Luddrn of Lincoln, vocal solo by Mrs. Dr. L. M. Shaw, presentation of diplomas by Dr. Carrie L. Heald and benediction by Rev. Knox Boude. the pas tor of the Presbyterian church. BEEMER. Neb.. June 4 (Special.) The alxth annual commencement of the Beemer High school took place at the opera house Monday evening. There were four glrle and one boy graduated. Tbey acquitted themselves with honor In their orations, Mr. Earle Brlggs, the only boy among tbem, having the valedictory. , PIERCE. Neb.. June 4. (Special.) A good-aired audience assembled in the opera bouse thla evening to listen to a program rendered by the graduating class of the High school. The program consisted or vocal and Instrumental music, recitations, orations, esssys and the class history and prophesy. All were nicely rendered snd enjoyed by the audience. The exercises closed with a song by the class. The grad uating exercises will be held Friday night In the opera house. DRUGGISTS HAVE A GOOD TIME Mia Pleaaare with Bastaess sit Their Anaaal Convention at Colaaibai. COLt'MBVS. Neb.. June 4. (Special.) The annual meeting of the State Pharma ceutical association is in session bere. with about 300 visiting druggists la attendance. The first session was held yesterday after noon, when President Stransburg delivered the annual address. In the evening there was a large gathering at Maennerchor hall, many eltliens being present to extend a welcome to the visitors. Tha city band furnished music and Mayor Dickinson de livered tbe keys of ths city to ths drug gists. James Reed of Nebraska City responded to tha mayor and the "welcome on behalf of the local druggists, to which C-L. Still man gave sxpresslon, was responded to by Henry Gerlng of Plattamouth. Short addresses were made by tbe few charter members present, tbey having wit nessed the growth of the Infant to Its maturity, tbe organization now being 21 years old. The first of a series of contests for tbe amusement of tbe visitors waa a hat-trimming match, in which four prises were of fered, and tbe masculine ,ptll-maklng mill iners furnished seven sorts of fun by their ludicrous achievements in hat trimming. Women's and misses' bowling contests, a ball game between the Fullerton and Co lumbus nines and tbe regular business ses sions of ths association filled in the morn ing and afternoon hours and tonight there was a plllmakers' vaudeville entertainment at tbe North opera bouse, witnessed by an Immense audience. Tomorrow is tbs last day of ths meeting, closing la the evening with a grand balL Y. M. C. A. Balldlaa: at York. YORK, Neb.. June 4. (Special.) Ever since the Young Men's Christian association convention, last February, tbe citizens of York have felt the need of the association and a good building providing rooms for rsllgious and social meetings for young men and boys. A committee has been quietly at work for some tlms, ascertaining tbe sentiment and probable support of tbe citizens. At a large meeting beld last night It was decided to make a determined effort to secure a building, or build one for Young Men's Christian association work. Committees of solicitation will ba at work soon and it la hoped the enterpriss will be carried through promptly and suc cessfully. Pareata Save Girl's' Life. FREMONT, Neb., June 4 (Special.) Grace Allen, a 11-year-old daughter of Thomas Alleu, living en East Eighth street, undertook to take a drink ct corosive subli mate last evening but was prevented from doing so. The girl went down cellar and bringing up the bottle containing the poison poured cut a part of it liito a glaaa snd waa just In tbs act ef raising it to her lips when shs was prevented from doing so by her parents. It is not thought that shs contemplated suicide ss she Is a bright, active girl and her family relations are pleaasnt but that she intended ta drink a little of it In a spirit of bravado to see what effect It would have. Ftae Crop Prosuerts. TRENTON. Neb.. June 4 (Special.) Crop prospects at present are the best they have been for several years. . Alfalfa is very heavy and the first crop is being cut. Small grain of all kinds Is In prime condition snd with no unforseen danger the jleld will be one of the heavieat ever marketed. A large acreage of rane ta In and coming up nicely. Tbs small amount of corn is doing well. No damage haa yet been reported by Inserts. Bandar irtocl (eaveatlea. HVMBOLDT. Neb.. June 4 (Special ) Tbe seventh anuuel eezslon of the Rich ardson couuty Sunday school association opeced at Dawsoa Tuesday evening at 5 o'clock with a praise aervlce snd will continue uril Thursday . morning. The weather Is floe and a large number nf dele gates are present from different parts of tbs county. An Interesting program ha been prepared snd Is being carried out. Paaseaster liaia Jaaapa Track. FREMONT. Neb . Juns 4 (Special.) Train No. 1 ou tha Elkhorn. the Missouri Valley and Lincoln passenger ran off the track at Arlington this morning. The rauae Is supposed to have teen soms defect la tbe ralla. Fortunately the train was sot moving tsst and afur bumping the ties for a short dtataace cams to a stop. The passengers were not hurt and tbe dam age to track and car was light. MANY COUNTY CONVENTIONS Valley Ptits Oat Peter Mortenien as Candi date for State Treasurer. SHERIDAN INSTRUCTS fOR WESTON Ceilar (assly Officially Pats Jenal la Congressloaal Rate la the Third District rirnl l n la st met rd. ORD, Neb., June 4. (Special Telegram.) The republican county convention met at Ord today and selected the following delegates to the State convention: John Wall, P. W. Rounds, Truman Hooncld. Samuel Graham, C. A. Brink. H. E. Ole son, Guy Dann. A. M. Robbins. The dele gation will be for Petvr Mortensen for state treasurer. Hon. F. M. Currle was allowed to select a delegation to the con gressional convention at Crawford. He named E. P. Clements, John Wall, M. L. Fries. V. Kokes. D. A. Card, Will Gowen. E. J. Babcock and H. D. Leggett. M. L. Fries of Arcsdirt. candidate for stste sen ator, was permitted to select a delegation to the senatorial convention. HARTINGTON. Neb.. June 4. (Special Telegram.) The republicans of Cedar county met In convention at Hartirgton yeatrrday afternoon. The convention was one of the largest and most enthusiastic and harmonious In the history of tbe county. Ce-11 P. Boughn of Randolph was nomi nated county attorney, and O. C. Dawson commissioner for the Second district. Among other things the resolutions adopted commended the action of Hon. F.ra P. Savage In withdrawing from thi race for governor and demanded that in th? future no person be nominated for ofQce who is guilty of the betrayal of bis trust as a public officer. Jule F. Jenal, candidate for congress, by unanimous consent of the convention was given permission to select tbe following delegation to the congressional conven tion: H. A. Miller, Z. Boughn, L. H. Bruner, F. O. Robinson, J. M. Mills, S. O. Reese, S. W. Mosher. O. G. Ritchie. W. F. Schwerin, Tom Turnbull, A. E. Ward, Frsns Nelson, Fred Barnhart and W. S. Weston. George T. Nelaon, candidate for state senator, was permitted to select a delega tion to the senatorial convention. The following delegate were elected to the state convention: i. C. Robinson, J. W. Unkhart. J. F. Jenal, A. H. Burynell, E. R. Williams, George L. Nelson and Stan ney Martin. Dr. F. O. Robinson was elected chair man of the county central committee for the enautng year. Numerous speeches were made and en thusiasm wss at Its highest pitch through out tbe meeting. Dawes County I nln.trnrted. CRAWFORD, Neb., June 4 (Special Tel egram.) The republican county convention was beld bere today. Resolutions were adopted endorsing the platform of 1!M0, de ploring the death of McKlnley and congrat ulating tbe country upon the Cuban and foreign policies of the government and the country's prosperity. E. M. Slattery of Chadron was nominated for county attor ney and the following delegates were se lected: State C. D. flayers, J. E. Porter, F. Currle, W. S. Glllam, H. H. Sprague and W. A. Btrdsell. Congressional E. C. Harris. W. J. Darrow. J. A. Haleffer, W. T. Wilson, D. S. Effner, J. Howard, 61m Wright. Senatorial W. H. Fanning, J. M. Young, D. S. Effner, J. E. Lovejoy, Frank Currle. - For representsttve convention, Frank Currle of Whitney was permitted to select the delegates. George G. Dunn was re-elected chairman of tha county central committee. No delegations are lnstructsd. So Favorites la Webster. RED CLOUD, Neb.. June 4. (Special Tel egram.) At the Webster county convention beld here today E. U. Overman was nomi nated for county attorney and Charles Hun ter for representative. Delegates to te state convention are: A. J. Hayes, W. F. Renkle. G. M. Albln, C. H. Potter, George P. Catber, G. G. Holt. Joseph Saladen, C. H. Kaley. A. Galusha, A. D. McNeer, C. E. Hlcka. I. B. Hampton, Charles Relgl. Con gressional W. C. Richards, J. R. Mercer, J. H. Crary, O. L. Lindgren, J. C. Rose, T. A. Wilbur, Charles Bennett, F. A. Sweezy, W. Garner, C. Spencer, E. E. Ladd, John May, J. E. Jackson. Senatorial J. A. Bailey, J. W. Mclntyre, J. R. Crazier. J. R. Grunhalgh, Robert Harris, E. E. Burr, John McCulum. J. T. Mills. J. B. Stanzer, N. L. D. Smith, Ed Garber, Charles Hodge. No instructions were given. RUSHVILLE. Neb., June 4. (Special Telegram.) The republicans of Sheridan county met In convention today. The present county central committee was re elected. R G. Easley was nominated for county attorney, J. H. Edmunds fcr judge. Both are strong men. Delegates to state. congressional, senatorial and representa tive convention were selected. Delegates to the congresslonsl convention were in structed to use all honorable means to se cure tbe nomination of M. P. Klnkaid and that be be not hampered by any promise or obligations. Delegates to the stats con vention were Instructed to use all honor able meana for the renomlnation cf Stats Auditor Chsrles Weston. Resolutions adopt ed were In praise of the present adminis tration and endorsement of every act of our president; express pride in noting the prosperity we are enjoying and tbe satis faction In nothing the rapid dissolution In the fusion forces; also a tribute to our army and navy. raaalDa; Haa Xo lastraetloas. WEST POINT, Neb.. June 4. (Special Telegram.! The republicsn county con vention met In this city this afternoon and elected the following delegates to the state convention: D. C. Giffert. O. S. Brooks, E. K. Valentine. A. D. Beemer, T. C. Kirk, William Ferley, H. E. Kelso, G. G. Mullin. Herman Zeblin. W. Mortenson, Gus Frunke, Jasper Rewey. Congressional: E. K. Val entine, Martin E. Kerl. J. C. Elliott. Georgo Nl.or. F. J. Buck. Chrla Meyer. Frank No vak. C. VV. Sass, J. O. Copple. N. T. Dudley. C. A. Anderson. William Crunks and S. S. Hall. The convention was harmonious with tbe slight exception of a difference of opin ion which arose as to the manner of se lecting the delegates. State Treasurer Stue fer waa present during tbe proceedings. Tbe delegations go to the respective conventions unlnstructed. Sheriff Sells Brick Black. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. June 4 (Spe cial.) The Fitzgerald property, consisting of a three-story brick building at the cor ner of Main and Sixth streets, the corner room being occupied by the First National batik, waa sold yesterday by Sheriff J. D. Mt Bride ta James Manahaa ef Lincoln for the sum of tt.SOO. subject ts the taxes, which amount to about $8,000. Hot a Bay la tha Class. BANCROFT, Neb., June 4. (Special.) The commencement exercises of tbe Ban croft High school were beld la tbs city hsll last evening. W. 8. Collett addressed ths class and presented the diplomas. The fol lowing were graduated: Winifred C. Park, Buena M. Valdcr. Hattle L. Harvey. Mar garet E. Burke, Laura D. Perdee and Mary L McDermott. Date far C. A. ft. Beaalaa. CAMBRIDCE. Neb., June 4 (Special Tslegrsm.) At a meeting of tbe citlscns aa4 old soldiers tonight li was dscided to hold the southwestern Nebrsska district Crand Army of the Republic reunion Auguat 5 to 30, Inclusive. Una ad ta Have Pool Room. HVMBOLDT. Neb.. June 4 (Fperlsl ) At the regulsr meeting of the city council Isst night tbe license controversy was sidetracked long enough to allow a con sideration of the billiard hall matter. The city has hsd no billiard or pool room for three or four years. I'nder the ordinances of the city the power of granting li censes of this character rested with the mayor, who Is opposed to doing so. A psrty named Shaffer applied for a permit and has the endorsement of three out of tbe four councllmen. The request was refused. One of the members then Intro duced an ordinance having for Its purpose a repeat of that section which gsve the mayor discretion In the matter, and leav ing it with the rouncll Instead. The new ordinance was promptly passed under a Suspension of the rules, and the mayor just as promptly vetoed It. The three majority members of the council then too up the measure snd passed It over the veto. Coart House Bonds Defeated. COLUMBl'S. Neb., June 4 (Special Tel egram.) Returns from all but two town ships on the special election yesterday, to vote bonds for a $65,000 court house, give 620 for and 1,64? against tbe bonds. The proposition was defeated by an agitation In the northern part of the county for the removal of the county seat. Child Drawn la narrow Pit. GERING, Neb., June 4 (Special.) The 7-year-old son of Wiley Hale, section fore men of tbe Burlington at Minatare, ten miles east of Gerlng. was drowned in a barrow pit beside the railroad track Sun day evening, falling In by accident while playing there with another lad of his own age. Bays a Vrbrs.ka Pahllcation. CLAY CENTER. Neb.. June 4 (Spe cial.) The Poultry Investigator, a monthly published here tbe last year, was pur chased yesterday by the Commercial Poultry Publishing company of Chicago and will be consolidated with their pres ent publications. Bad Windstorm at Beatrlee. BEATRICE, Neb.. June 4. (Special Tele gram.) This section of the state was vis ited by a terrific windstorm last night. Many outbuildings were overturned, trees uprooted and telegraph and telephone wires badly damaged. As fsr as known no fatali ties occurred. Sarpy Pioneers to Have Picnic. PAPILLION. Neb., June" 4. (Special ) At meeting of the officers of the Old Settlers association of Sarpy county, held at the court house In Papilllon, it was decided that tbe annual picnic be beld Saturday, June 21, at Springfield. Hand Crashed la Feed Grinder. NORTH LOUP. Neb., June 4. (Special.) A young woman named Palo, living a few miles south of here, while assisting at a feed grinder got her hand caught in the machine and crushed so badly it had to be amputated. Site for Library Balldlasj. BEATRICE, Neb., June 4. (Special Tele gram.) A site for tbe new Carnegie library building bas been purchased by the library board bere. The lots are 100 by 140 feet, centrally located and cost $1,600.' Coart Adojaraa ta Cass. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. June- 4. (Spe cial.) Judge Paul Jessen finished tbe business of tbe May term of': district court today and returned to bis borne In Nebraska City thla evening. v FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Showers, Thaaderstorms and Cooler Weather Thursday la Ne braska. WASHINGTON, June 4. Forecast: For Nebrsska Showers; thunderstorms and cooler Thursday; Friday fair In west, probably showers In east portion. For Iowa Showers and thunderstorms Thursday and probably Friday; cooler Thursday in west portion. For Missouri Showers and thunder storms Thursdsy; cooler in east and warmer in southwest portions; . Friday showers. For Kansas Showers and thunderstorms Thursdsy; warmer in southeast and cooler In western portions; Friday fair In west, showers in east portion. For South Dakota Showers, thunder storms and cooler Thursday; Friday fair In west, probably showers In central and east portions. For Illinois Showers and thunderstorms Thursday, cooler In central and south por tions; Friday showers, with warmer in extreme northeast portion; fresh east winds. Local Reeori. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, June 4. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1902. 19"1. 1900. IK. Maximum temperature .. M M 2 Si Minimum temperature.... F9 60 70 Mean temperature "S "I 71 74 Precipitation 00 .84 .00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1!H: Normal temperature 67 Rxceas for the day 9 Total excess since March 1 3K9 Normal precipitation 17 Inch Denciency lor me aay it mi n Total rainfall since March 1 4.46 inches Deficiency since March 1 6. Tl Inches lu-niiencv for cor. period, 19"'l 3.t" inches Deficiency for cor. period, 19j0.... 2. ui inches Reports frosa Statloaa at 7 P. Bf. Ml A ft -i c 2 is : e : 3 CONDITION OF THE WEATHEK. : 3 : Omaha, cloudy soi M; ."0 Valentine, clear " (', .7U North Platte, partly cloudy 8t, S; .00 Cheyenne, cloudy 74i 82 .ou Salt Lake City, clea,r 7C 7t!i i Kapid City, partly cloudy 7H' , T Huron, clear 7S W'i T Wllllston. clear 62, 7S T Chicago, cloudy .' W 70. .no St. Louis, cloudy t T pt. Psul, clear . 7'.' 74; .00 Davenport, partly cloudy 7i M Ml Kansas City, cloudy Os 74 1 .3S Havre, clear C Helena, partly cloudy 5 5t .It 'Hismarck, clear 72 76 .(m Ualveaton. partly cloudy 6u; W .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. n:i o-iv.r.t that ts required to have thU dellclou drink In your home. Is to call up telephone 13J. We will deliver It to you FRANKLIN ALMOST BURNED IP Tire Eweeps Away Over Half the Business Part of Town. IRON BUILDING CHECKS THE BLAZE Vilsd (haaaes parlnsr Progress of t'oaflaaratlca and Carries Flames Directly Throaah the Beat Ballt Section. FRANKLIN, Nth.. June 4 (Special Tel egram.) A most disastrous fire occurred ihere last night. Two eDtire blocks, con jsistltig of fourteen business houses, with most of the stocks of goods, are a total loss. The origin of the fire wag In the Peterson meat market, starting in the basement. When discovered, about 10:30 p. m., it was a very small blaze, but the smoke was so dense It was Impossible to save the build ing. In less than thirty minutes five buildings were a mass of flames. This was on tbe east side of Main street st tbe south end snd a heavy wind was blowing from the south. Every indication was that the entire business Ionian would bo burned. The wind changed to come frrm the east and soon buildings on the opposite aide of tbe street were on fire sud the only thing now to be done was to save the north half sec tion of the business portion. Fully BOO peo ple were on the ground and everybody was helping in every wsy possible. The Fager furniture building, which was Iron-covered, checked the flames. The fire was under control before the north wall fell. List of the Losses. Tbe following table shows the buildings and stocks burned, with loss and Insurance: Loss. Insurance. Austin building Jl.mut I 5i0 Fagai & Son 1kj ,0uG Thomas Gettle bjlldlng and stock 3,?) 5"0 Hunt rtock 2.0"0 Peterson s'ock 6"0 4a) I'pton l.lwO Grnnd Army of the Repub lic and Woodmen of the World, together FA1 V. perrv, building anil stock"rt 8V Zeedlke bulldins l.( 400 Gregg Fto.-k 4" Giirrett building l.tH Gadsey building Hancock stock f0 X) Smith building 1.8"u 0 Doner building and stock... 3.5"0 1.2U0 Douglas rtock 3"0 Simpson building and stock llutchlns stock l.(0 500 Gorham stock 3.000 2.0no McElmer building 1,000 600 Christian and Episcopal church, supplies 200 There were many other losses In money and goods. The exchange bsnk, which was burned, has a force of carpenters at work and will have a temporary building ready to occupy by tomorrow. It will erect a brick build ing at once. No one was hurt. Consrrrstatloaal District C'oaveatloa ULYSSES, Neb.. June 4. (Special.) Tbe thirtieth annual convention of the Columbus District association of Congre gational churches met here last night. The opening eermon was preached by Rev. Monroe of Columbus. About fifty delegates are here now and more are ex pected on every train. An excellent pro gram haa been arranged, with some of tha best speakers In tbe state on tbe list. Tbe closing sermon on Thursday evening will be preached by Rev. Dr. Herron of Omaha. , Boy Injared While Inlaalag. .- PLATTSMOUTH. . Neb., June . 4. (Spe cial.) Dr. Schlldkecht was called to see John Gillen, the 12-year-old won of Robert Oillen, last evening and found bis Intes tines protruding through a four-inch bols In tbe abdomen. The boy said be had been swimming in the Missouri river and fell on something, he did not know what. Tbe lad is in a critical condition. Tear Down and Build Lararer. . ULYSSES, Neb., June 4. (Special.) Lewis Spelts of David City bad a force of men at work the last week tearing down hU elevstor at this place. He will begin at once the erection of a new elevator, equipped with all modern Improvements. The new building will have a capacity of 20,000 bushels and will be completed by July 4. Al! the New W SUMMER MODELS are in the stores now. They are wonderfully made corsets, so light that the figure does not feel their weiffht and yet sturdy enough to gire the most satisfactory wear. All W. B. Summer Erect Forms are made of our owa special white batiste which is as tough as canvas and as cool as net. Choose from the following models : 531 for slight fijrures i 70 for medium figures f 72 lor developed figures 9C1 for medium figure i t) fur stout figures : $1.01 1.M 1. 2. M 2.56 . If tlr ranMt '..' u jjr yU KOl diJCt U WtHGAITm BIOS. J77 ftnaswsy. H.T. -AZ B. Corsets are sold by all stores aha. unday night Irvine! What can you suggest that ill tickle the palate mors than a bottle Rlue R'.bbon Beer with 'i pimnsia ay uijj is TTJ 1 Mi i " VymFORM I m w. iu On r i of our I j your tn lunch oa Sunday night or In fact any night. All MEDICAL EXAMINER Of the United States Treasury Recommends Pe-ru-na. The Women Also Recommend Pe-ru-na. Miss Planch Grey, 174 Alabama street. Memphis, Tenn., a society woman of Mem phis, writes: "Io a society woman whose nervous force is often taxed to the utmost from lack of rest and irregular meals I know of nothing which is of so much benefit ss Peruna. I took it a few months ago when I felt my strength giving away, and it soon made Itself manifest In giving me new strength and health." Miss Blanch Grey. Mrs. X. Schneider. 2109 Thirty-ssventh Flsce, Chicago, 111., writes: "After taking several remedies without result, I began last year to take your valu able remedy, Peruna. I was a complete wreck. Had palpitation of the heart, cold hands and feet, female weakness, no appe tite, trembling, sinking feeling nearly all the time. Vou said I was suffering with systemic cstarrh, and 1 believe that I re ceived your help in tbe nick of time. I fol lowed your directions carefully snd can ssy today that 1 am well again. I cannot thanl: you enough for my cure." Fefuna cures cstsrrh wherever located. Peruna Is not a guess nor an experiment It is an absolute scientific certainty. Pe runa has ro substitutes no rivals. Insist upon having Teruna. A free book written by Dr. Hart man on the subject of catarrh in its different phases and stages, will be sent free to any address by 'Ihe Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Catarrh Is a systemic discsse curable only by systemic treatment. A remedy that cures catarrh must slm directly at the de pressed nerve coalers. This is what Pe runa does. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from tbe use of PerUna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a ARE YOU A FISHERMAN ? If so, before -making any plans for your summer fishing trip, you should write or call on ua for Information pertaining to the Lakes of Minnesota. There are ten thousand lakes In the State of Minnesota, which are filled with Bass. Pickerel. Crapple. Muskalonga, ate. Remarkably low round trip tickets with long limits, will ba on sale all summer. Information regarding fishing resorts, hotel rates, and round trip tickets will ba cheerfully furnished by, W. H. BRILL, 4 01 Fsrain St liit.rViii. At.. Iu. Cnt. K. t. BROWNELL HALL Graduates of nva of the 'best known olleres ef America, Included In corps tjt Instructors. Music, Art and Modern Languages taught by women of extended reel- Shi-iT- OUt-dr Prt ISS? Ppro'manal "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUaa, FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH A POL MOVE BEFORE It Is anything but pleasant to have a and August. Tbe time to remedy this I ' There ts so building in Omaha so we fort of Its tsnants in all kinds of wsather a fountain Is not only a source of delight t and tbe thick walla and southeast exposur There are not many vacant rooms t out of ths building haa left a few of th List of vacant rooms in The Bee B Ground Floor. Ken taL ' Fer Month. flOOM Hi laxU mC Facts Seventeenth street and haa windows sJong Ui alley. This is a large, light room, ad tbe rental price lncluo beau light, water and Janitor aervlce. It has an entrance both oa XL Le Building Court and beventeenlb street Price W.H First H.IT1 I 1011 There Is no finer office suits 4uat on tli. riKht nand of tha areat large window, looking upon the tronl eittrauuu wy ot the ouiiUlng. it lronia en Farnam itiui. One room la 17x1 aud iko oilier Sxik. it Laa a burgiar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, aad will te frescoed to ault tenant Irlco ITa-M ROOM lti This room is ust at the head of the main aUUrway on the cxai tioor. It would be a very aeirabi otnc fur sums real iat aua ut uia tractor. Ttia floor apace u lbxit feet ffice (20.01 Third Floor. ROOM SOS i This room Is 21x1 feet and Is very conveniently located near tha elevator. A aign on the duor can be readily seen iu sieppiiijt uH tiia eleva tor iJi ice 115.31 KOOM aaaji This room Is 17x31 feet and will be divided to suit lbs tenant. This room is parucuiarly adapted tor sume concern neeuu.- large uoor space and la a orCided.y handsome othco, having un tuLmiice lacing itie court and windows looking out upon Beventeinih street, it h&r a very luge burglar-proof vauil, hard wood Hours and is one of tnv inolcckt oui ce in Ute buiiuUog fitcait Fourth Floor. CtOOM aoii 15x11 feet. Tula room li osxt to tbe elevator and faoes court It haa a large burglar-proof vault and la well ventilaieU. 11 Kocxi light, soul ler me price furnishes lirst-class aocommoUuiiuut i'l.c. 17.1 Fifth Floor. I CITE 3141 This Is a very large room, Ux U feet. It faces west, but is very ilght and well vcnulatea. It Is very seldom that apace ot tela six Is ot tered in Tbe Bee building. It could be used to auvantatfe by some firm employing a large number of clerks, or requiring iarga floor euacw-a whulesale Jeweler, or manufacturers agent, who weulil like to b In a flr.-proof building, or It will be dlvt ded to ault the tenant pries !A. MiOaI This room faces ths court and Is 16x14 feet. It has a burglar-proof vault and aa It ts near tbe telegraph office and on the aame floor with a number of grain firms, it would be a particularly good room for a rU.i firm desiring hrst-clase accommodation a'nes r0. Sixth Floor. VITB OlOi This consists of two rooms, both lSVtxllit PV?h of them r.ra a large burglar-proof vault, have been newly deu-iau. and are roome where any busintta or professional man may be cw.!cT-.xcie. I rice for the two .t R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. rase and he will be bis valuable aivlet gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tin Harttnnn Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. R. LLEWELLTN JORDAN. Medical Examiner of the V. S. Treasury De D partment, graduate of Columbia College, and who aerved three years at West Pol at, baa the following to say of Peruna: "Allow me to express my grati tude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One short month has brought forth a vast change and I now consider my self a well man after months of suffering. Fellow sufferers. Peruna will cure you." Tcruna immediately Invigorates tbe nerve centers which give vitality to the mucous membranes. Then catarrh disappears. Then catarrh Is permanently cured. y .v - J ADfmjffa.- jtj 21 r V --I V ' IT IS HOT. hot office In which to work during July a now. II constructed with reference ta tbe com a The Bee Building. The court, with its o tbe eye, but furnishes perfect ventilation make It an Ideal summer office building, n tbe building, but' tbe movement in and very choioest rooms at your disposal. uildin Floor. In Omaha than this or.e. It la located marble stairway, an. ba unusually Ground Floor EecBuildin full statement of j.-vt pleased to rive you l y .. 7Ji s