Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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XUulroadi Switch from Mileage to Pit Disra
Basil for Payment
Ibetter show for owner of cars
VrUn Iterentlr Adopted Will Provide
Fixed rhir for tsa of Bor
rowed nolllna; stock aa
Certain Flarore.
In Omaha today will be held a meet
ins of operating official of a doren
railroad! of tbla western territory for the
purpose of Interpreting locally the new per
diem car asrrlce agreement of the Amer
ican Railway association. This will be
easily the most Important conference held
lln Omaha for long time, as the change to
the per diem system from the mileage sys
tem of car service Is a most radical and
weeping one.
Heretofore, for thirty years and more,
the railways of the United States hare used
the mileage system. By this a railroad
"which Is using the cars belonging to an
other line pays for them at so much a mile
iused, 7H mills a mile having been the rate
tef recent years. The- new scheme will com
tpel the roads to pay for these foreign line
cars ai mo mum xor every uny iury bwij
them. Twenty cents a day is to be the
iprlce at tho start, with a probable reduc
tion after the plan gets In good working
Borrower Had Control.
-The objection to the old scheme was that
Aba road which had the cars had the whip
land all the time. It was left entirely to
that road to report to the road owning the
.cars bow many miles they were moved,
Urbether 100 or none at all, and tho owning
pads considered that they were In many
cases subjected to misrepresentation of tbe
actual uso of the cars, while tbey bad no
fway to ascertain or keep track for them
selves, It being Impossible to send a man
along with every car sent out. According
to tbe new scheme the road sending out a
jcar to another Una will simply mark tba
date of Its departure and that of its return,
and charge the regular rate for each day
Intervening, whether the car moved or not.
For many years the American Railway
association baa been endeavoring to secure
method of exchangeable car service more
atlefartory than the mileage plan. Tbe as
sociation holds meetings twice a year, and
the matter has often been agitated at these.
Finally on April 24 last, at tbe last regular
meeting, tbe per diem plan was adopted by
ta large majority vote, a great proportion of
tche railroads of tba country entering upon
fthe method. It la to go Into general effect
Vury 1, and tba meeting bera Thursday Is
'that tha roads hereabouts may enter upon
common understanding of tie agreement,
j Those Wio Will Come.
I General managers, superintendents or
(Operating officials of soma sort from all
me roaas piaying mio umana, ana in mama
cases several representatives from each,
will attend the meeting. Many of them
are already gathering, among tha outsiders
who wera In tbe city today being C. M.
Ratbbun of Atchison, Kan., division su
perintendent of the Missouri Pacific rail
way. Superintendent of Transportation W.
Watroua of tha same road from St.
uls, and Division Sunperintendent H. C.
arllng of tbe Chicago 4b Council Bluffs di
vision of tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
aul road from Marlon la., with these men
,wtll meet General Manager Dickinson and
uperlntendent of Transportation Bucking-
am of tba Union Pacific railway. General
(Manager Holdrega of tha Burlington, and
General Manager Bldwell and General 8u
hnerlntendent Hushes of tha Fremont. Elk
porn and Missouri Valley railroad, besides
joiners yet unknown.
r At Kansas City will be held a similar
and simultaneous meeting Thursday, the
participants being the representatives of
Ufca roads running Into that center,
(f Wasters Car Service) Assoalatlon.
f A meeting of the executive committee of
the Western Car Service association was
field 1n tbe office of General Manager Dick
llnson of tha Union Paclflo railway yester
(day morning. Those present wera O. W.
'Iioomls, chief clerk to General Manager
I Holdrega of tba Burlington; C. M. Rath-
un. division superintendent of tba Mis-
taourl Paclflo railway at Atchison, Kan.;
pH. B. Earllng, division superintendent of
Uhe Chicago, Milwaukee Jb St. Paul railroad
:At Marlon, la., and Mr. Dickinson.
J This session was preliminary to tba gen
ieral meeting of tha Western Car Service
.association, which occurs today. At
It hat tlma several matters of considerable
importance to tha roada of' tha association
Will coma up as a result of tbe coming
adoption of tha per diem car service system
(on July 1. There must be some schema of
adjustment adopted for governing tha treat
ment of care which will be out at tba tlma
iishen tba change is made.
This will be the last meeting of tha as
oclatlon before July 1, so all arrangements
must be made at this tlma. A large attend'
ance of railroad repreaentatlvea Is antic!
I?ated, and tha exacutlva committee yester
Is sweet. No other Cereal
Coffee is, unless made so by
artificial means.
The sweet in Figprune Is
.the natural sweetness of
the California fig- and prune.
It is fruit sugar and will not
disturb the most delicate
Give the little folks a
warm drink with their food.
They will enjoy
Removes Tw, Pimples.
rrwklM, Moth Fatah..
lUd ana akin ai.
(Maoist ea Mnuty,
I sail
tioa, it a
the Ml ot .
Ir.ars. ana Is sa
htralM we tans
It as be sute
Is properly no entatae.
If tit of similar
fnaraa. Pr. 1
' aarra sals a It
er of ta. saut-tea
ta aatlaaUi
"A vou ladle, will una them. I recom
rieni XiOUKaUD'a CRKAU' as tha least
armful ot ail the bkln preparation " or
tale or ait uruvfiai. ana raocjr vieeoa
In too U. a and Europe.
KMI. T. UOrKIMS, rtsst
S3 Great Jooas aV.
a I
day was plotting various ways for the
manipulation of situations to arise locally
as a result of tba change to the per diem
plan, these schemes to be submitted to the
general meeting today f consideration.
Northwester Stock Tarda.
On July 1 (he Chicago A Northwestern
railway will take over the operation and
management of Its own stock yards at
La Fox, III., and a western man has been
hosen as superintendent. Ha Is W. L.
Fox, who has for several years been trav-
ling agent for tha Northwestern line In
the western range and mountain territory.
with headquarters at Denver. Mr. Fox is
well known to railroaders In Omaha and
throughout tbe west. Ha waa In Omaha all
day Wednesday, having just been east to
La Fox to Investigate tha plant of which
he will soon have charge. He say the
capacity of the yards 1 such that 40,000
beep can easily be fed there at one time.
Mr. Fox is now going west once more to
lean up matters at Denver, when ha will
return to La Fox to stay. The Northwest
ern has never before managed Its own
yards, the plant having been leased to P.
E. Sherlock since lta construction soma
twelve years ago.
Railway Notes and Personals.
E. B. Prvnr. assistant auditor of tha
Wabaeh at St. Louts, Is In Omaha.
A. B. Smith, assistant general freight
agent of the Burlington, has gone to Chi
A. B. Ritchie, traveling passenger aarent
of the Vandalla line at Kansas City, Is In
George M. Entiikln. division frela-ht
agent of the Wabash, baa returned from
St. Louis,
W. H. Melville, northwestern nassensrer
agent for the 'Frisco, baa returned from
bt. 1X.U1S.
F. C. Matthews, traveling rmssene-er and
freight agent of ths Burlington at Denver,
is In Omaha.
MlfUll -TV. D.IHCIII, ii auiu lU.iiDdcr Ol I lie
Central Coal and Coke company at Kansas
L'lty, Is In Omaha.
The Western Passenger association has
uthortzed a rate of one fare from Denver
and Cheyenne and points east to Boston
for the Christian flclfnce convention. The
dates of sale are June 11 to 18, good for
return till June 31, Vlth privilege of an ex
tension to July 81 on payment of 60 cents.
A special tralnload of eastern delesatea
to the national convention of the Ancient
Order of L'nlted Workmen at Portland.
Ore., will pass through Omsia Thursday
ai nuun, vumini in ovrr me vnicago &
Northwestern railway from Chlcaao and
going out over the Union Pacific railway.
Via Illlaols Central Railroad.
Tbe Illinois Central R. R. will sell round
trip tickets, good for return until October
81, 19C2, from Omaha to tha following
Tickets at rates named la column (1) on
sale June 1st to 16th Inclusive; In column
(2), June 16th to SOU) Inclusive.
(1) (2)
St. Paul ........ 1.60 112.63
Minneapolis .60 12.65
Duluth 1160 16.65
The Superiors 11.60 ' 16.6$
Ashland, Wis 18.60 16.65
Bayfield, Wl 13.60 16.63
Madison Lake, Minn 7.60 10.6S
Elysian, Minn....... 7.60 10.63
Faribault, Minn 7.60 10.6.1
Northtleld, Minn 7.60 10.65
Randolph, Minn 7.60 H0.65
Cannon Falls, Minn T.60 10.63
Red Wing, Minn... 7.60 ' 10.6S
On Juna 16-17-21-12, we will sell tickets
to Chicago and return at rata of $14.78,
good for return until Sept. 16, 1902.
In addition to tha above, wa will sell
round trip tickets during tha summer sea
son to eastern points; also via Duluth or
Chlcsgo and steamer via tha Great Lakes.
Special arrangements tor securing steamer
accommodations in advance.
Write or call on tha undersigned for par
ticulars. W. H. BRILL,
Dlat. Past. Agt., 111. Cent. R. R.
No. 1402 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
A 8 mi me r Trip Uaaarpaesea on the
The trip to Salt Lake City or to tha Pa
clflo coaet via that point oter the Denver
A Rto Oranda and tbe Rio Oranda Western
Is tha most beautiful In America. No
European 'trip of equal length can compare
with It la grandeur of scenery or wealth
of novel Interest. Then Salt Lake City It
self Is a most quaint and plcturesquo place
and well worth ths Journey. Its Mormon
temple, tabernacle, tithing office and church
Institutions; Its hot sulphur springs with
in tha city limits; Its delightful tempera
ture, sunny climate and it Great Salt Lake
deader and denser than tha Dead sea In
Palestine are but a few features of Salt
Lake City's countless attractions. There
are parks, drives, canyon and beautiful
outlying mountain and lake resorts. Imag
ine, if you can, a bath la salt water a mile
above sea level and In water In which the
human body cannot1 sink. Inquire ot your
nearest ticket agent for low tourist rates
to Salt Lake City, or wrlto for Information
and copy of "Bait Lake City, tha City ot
tha Saints," to 8. K. Hooper, general pas
senger agent, Denver, Colo.
Many Rates East and South at Wabash
New City Office. 1(01 Farnam street.
esanmnaaVtaxnsxr BaxanMamaaak
Diamond betrothal ring. Ed holm, Jeweler
Via Wabeaa Railroad.
Boston and return, $31.75, on sale Juna
11-12-1J. - , . .
St. Louis and return, $11.60, on sale June
16-17-21-22. . .
at Niagara Falls. For berths and all In
formation, call at Wabash comer, new city
office, 1601 Farnam St.. or address Harry
E. Moores, Genl. Agt. Pass. Dept.. Omaha,
Neb. '' '
Wabash new office 1601 Farnam street.
Mlchlsaa Cammer Resorts.
Bpend your summer vacation In tha caol
woods of tbe lake region ot Michigan.
Write H. F. Moeller. O. P. A., Pare Mar
quette R. R., Detroit, Mich., for Illus
trated booklet, sent free to any address,
which tells of a hundred charmlag spots
In tha resort region. Full Information con
cerning hotels, etc. . Four original photo
graphs ot Mlchtgan scenery, x$ Inches In
site, sent postpaid to any address tor tie,
stamps or coin.
Juna wedding gifts. Edholm, opp. P. O.
Omaha Plattdutscber Vsreln will give a
picnic Juna 8. Sunday, at Rueer's park.
Train will leave Webster street depot at
I, returning at 11 o'clock in tha evening.
All Invited to participate. COMMITTEE.
Shampooing and hair dressing, tba, at tba
Bathsry. 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1T11
Crnaaeaaaaa at a gsavwalaw
FOB SALE Latest modal type. A. a
combination grapbopaoaa, which olaye bath
large and small records: list price. $M.
This la as pac tally designed for concert pur
pases, having a tblrty-stx-lach bora and
stand. It also laeludea twenty large Edi
son records and carrying case of tweaty.
four records. Tba macules la entirely new
and has sever beau used. Will sell at a
bargain. Address X 88. la car of Tba Baa.
Shirt walat buttons. Edholm.
Velcana ta Banth Aaaeriea.
NEW YORK. June A Tbe Valparaiso,
ChlU, correspondent of tha Herald says
that two villages have been destroyed and
eeventy-Ove persons billed by tba eruption
of the volcano la tba territory of Cbolco.
Tha serious empties of tals velcana con
Local Association Arranging to Erect Its
Own Building.
Five-Story Rtrnrtnre to Accommodate
the Association and a Few Ten
ants Is the Plan Most
It begins to look as though the new
building for tbe Toung Woman's Chris
tian association of Omaha is assured. For
over two years the present quarters In
the Paxton block have been entirely In
adequate to the demands of the member
ship of 1,000 women and tbe several hun
dred more that dally patronize the noon
rest and lunch room, and tha board of
directors has been endeavoring to secure
a building suitable and equal to tha de
mands of a city the size of Omaha.
Owing to the lack of funds it was not
deemed advisable to undertake to build until
a few weeks ago wben the board called Into
consultation a number of the city's busi
ness men. They were asked to meet at ths
association rooms during the noon hour
that they might gain an Idea of the
crowded quarters and the necessity of the
new ones. The meeting was held and the
sight of the several hundred women In
the crowded lunch room, an Investigation
of the system that makes It possible for
the association to furnish a substantial
meal at a trifle above its actual cost, and
the rest and reading room taxed to its ut
most to accommodate the many business
women who would snatch a few minutes
rest before returning to their afternoon
duties, did more to convince the business
men of tbe value of a properly equipped
association than all the petitions and ap
peals that could have been drawn up and
at the consultation with the board, which
followed, they advised that the association
put up a building to meet Its requirements
promising substantial support to the enter
prise. The board has held several meetings of
late to consider ways and means, locations
and building plans. It having decided to
raS $00,000 and build a new building.
Nothing definite has as yet been decided
regarding location, though it will be neces
sary to secure a lot convenient to the bus-
!r.T-jrtlon of the city. Among tbe most
favorable plans being considered is a five
story structure, the front part of the two
lower floors of which can be rented as store
and office rooms. It also Includes an audi
torium with balcony, a gymnasium with
balcony, office rooms, parlors and rest
room, bath and dressing rooms. The entire
top floor is given over to a dining room and
kitchen, the elevator arrangement render
ing It most practicable.
A mass meeting of association members
Is to be called at the association rooms for
Monday evening and all members and citi
zens Interested In securing a new building
are urged to be present.
Wabash new office, 1601 Farnam street.
A lfew Fast Train, Chicago to Sew
Commencing Sunday, Juna 16, tha pictur
esque Erie railroad will run a solid vestl
buled train, comprising Pullman sleeprs,
standard coaches and dining cars, leaving
Chicago dally at 10:30 a. m., arriving New
York next afternoon at 8:80, also carrying
through sleepers to Albany and Boston.
This train will be known as the "Sea Side
Limited" and no excess fare will be
For full particulars, see any ticket agent.
St. Fanl-Mlnaea.n'OIIe.
Composite Buffet Library Cars now In
service via "The Northwestern Line" on
tha "Twin City Limited" at 7:66 p. m.
1401-1403 Farnam St.
Chleaa-o ISO Miles Rearer.
Tha "Transmlssourt Limited" on ths
Northwestern line only makes tbe trip in
Omaha 8 p. m., arriving Chicago 7 next
City office, 1401-1408 Farnam st
Can't Miss If.
Wabash new city office, 1601 Farnam st
Tla Wabaaa Railroad.
Chicago to Boston and return, $19; via
New York, $22, allowing stopovers at Ni
agara Falls. Tickets on sale Juna 12, IS
and 14. For all Information call at Wa
bash new city office, 1601 Farnam street
or write Harry E. Moorea, general agent
passenger department, Omaha, Neb.
Send articles of incorporation, notice ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tha Bsa.
Wa will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone, 238.
Publish your legal notlcaa Is The Weakly
Bee. Telephone 228.
flbampooing and hairdresmng, zoe, at tba
Batbery. 216-220 Bee Building. TsL 171C
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported at the office of the Board of
Health during the twenty-four hours end
ing Wedneeday noon:
Births John F. Llllle, 1253 South Fifteenth
street, boy; George Luce. 1716 Cass etreet,
girl; Lawrence Quealy, 2561 South Thlrty
flrst street, boy; Otto Peternon, 8212 Lake
street, boy: Monte Fax. 2i"30 Charles street,
boy; Jeff Raumuesen, 3514 Parker street,
girl; Charles Cohen, 1641 North Twentieth
street, boy.
Death Mrs. Gertrude Schlater, 2718 Far
nam street, aged do years.
' 3obann d&aria Sarina
in Kola.
For sale by
S. W. Cor. 16th and Harney Sta.
If . do you wan! I
I ' itoSellit? I
ij I can find! ilj
Va I abnywforl , f
you quick! y j
l j.WWheaton Jr., 1(1
Interest increases daily in the sales of the
Des Moines' Finest Dry Goods Store.
The bargains are beyond belief such high grade and .desirable merchandise
was never before subjected to such severe price cuts. Its a sale without an
equal. Still more bargains tomorrow In addition to those previously placed
on sale. Every department In tbe store offers Immense values.
Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s
for Thursday at
In the Basement
One lot 6f S.-H.-LeV. Co.'s ladles'
tailor made suits In Btons, Blouse,
etc., of all different cloths and col
ors, worth up to 25.00,
rth up to $3.00. )Qq
All of S.-H-LeV Co.'s black and col
ored dress skirts of brllllantlnes
and novelty cloths, wide y C
full cut. $2.60 values, at... JL OC
All of S.-H.-LeV. Co.'s ladles' jackets
of cheviots, serges, Venetians, cov
erts, etc., all colors, some full silk
lined, Etons, etc., $3.00 aw JJ
and $4.00 values, at iOC
Children's $1.50 spring jackets of
good black cloth, cheviot, etc., all
colors, with large collars, box
backs, etc., many EI ,
worth $1.50, at OOL
Over four hundred trimmed bats in black and colors, large and medium sbapes,
Including the Cape May drooping effect, now the leading feature of Eastern
millinery shops. Among this splendid collection of trimmed bats
we have Included a splendid assort ment of our regular f
$7.00 goods, Thursday 0'"0
For Thursday's rapid selling we have arranged several of our large section
tablea In the Millinery department with a choice assortment of good ideas in
ladles' and misses' trimmed hats In both black and colors. These -goods are
artistically trimmed by first-class milliners, and are draped with very choice
materials. Every hat of them worth fully $3.50 4 Qg
Thursday YJkJ
$2.00 LEGHORN HATS 69c
98 dozen large leghorn flats as fine as you can possibly imagine, brought from
Italy by a leading importer to sell at
sold In any store at less than $2 Thursday
SERTIONS From the Seeley-Howe-LeVan
Co. stock, all widths, nice
fine qualities, a great variety of neat
styles, worth up to
25c yd., on sale n IT mm I.
at, yd mnu.mmf m-rmmr
PEARL BUTTONS Fancy imported
pearl buttons, hand carved, all
slies, Seeley-Howe-LeVan f
Co. sold them for up to y.ifj
25c dox., our price, doi aaan
The Greatest Wash
25c Wash Goods 10c Yd.
One big table all the finest 2.'c dimi
ties, dotted Swiss, corded lawns, lace
lawns. Imported ginghams, in all the
new and nobby patterns that have
been selling all the season 4 -
for 25c, from the Seeley- I I IC
Unv..fAVan Pn itnrk vit a
Ho Extra Charge
We mean this, no whining about the size
of the package, the amount of your pur
chase, where,,you live or the hour of the
day or nlght wben you want anything In
the drug line, .call ub up and the goods
will be there. AT OUR advertised prtce
IN OMAHA or to depot if out of town.
Don't forget our Saturday Specials for
Juna 7th SATURDAY ONLY, we will sell:
$1.00 Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure 60o
$1.00 Temptation Tonic 20c
1 bottle only to a customer of above. .
25o Hires' Root Beer Extract 12o
25o Warner's Root Beer Extract lOo
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder 11c
25c Eekay's Food 15c
35o Oenulne Castoria 19c
$3.50 Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe$2.25
TeL 747, S. W. Cor. lata and Ckloago.
Ot ft btwnrtfa! tte.rl halt. And hlf
tha hatrtta haaatv i Thaae haaauflAal Tlaiaaa
1 Ctata, rkft troac fthadw, nUw fold ffctst
1 1 i chcttaut kiMM, r prodiacar! mUjt by tha
Imnorlnl Uolr Donronorolor
lucua. 11 an iiG&GUG.a.ui
fTMaMftftdtwa M alf coloring rat tjaf or l-wcfte Wtka tb- htr tasA anJ rrtowy. Saapi
4trf yoMf tulT coUn-g fr . Scnd far pnp6Uc
Imperial Chemical Co.. 135 W. 23d Bt.t N. X
Men and
Big Boys
Wa manufacture the "Onlmod" $3.50
and $2.60 shoes for Men and Big Boys
Many buyers who started in a few
years ago wearing our big boys' sizes
are now full grown men and they
still wear the "Onlmod." Is this not
proof conclusive that we offer a bet
ter value and a larger assortment of
late styles to select from than does
the ordinary shoe store?
Shoe Go
205 S. 15th
These preparations will promptly cure
tlfe varlcua diseases of the dog. They are
la use In the principal kennels of tbe
Clayton'a Dlstemperlne 50o
Clayton's Vermifuge &c
Clayton'a Condition Pills 6tK
Clayton'a lilood Purifying Hlia , 50o
Clayton'a Mange Cure 6uc
Clayton'a Bkin Cure
Clayton'a Cure for Fits 6oc
Clayton's Tapeworm Expeller 60c
Clayton's Diarrhoea Cure 50a
Clayton's Laaatlve I'm 6uc
Clayton'a fcya Lotion , Ux
Clayton'a Canker Lotion 50c
Clayton'a Bhauipoo 2nc
Clayton'a Dg Soap , , 25c
Flra-l-ctde aoap ,., 25c
Qormol ,,jjft'jj-0oi
Hycrs-Dillcn Drug Co.,
16th and Farnam
Suits, Skirts and Jackets
Unheard of Prices
On Second Floor
S.-H.-LeV. Co.'s wash skirts of duck,
crash, linen, pique and coverts,
some trimmed and flounced, worth
up to $1.00
go at
$2.00 sblrt waist suite made of good
lawns, percales, etc, with stylish
blouse waists and flounced
skirts, all colors, 25
Choice of S.-H.-LeV. Co.'s $7.50
misses' and small ladies' suits with
Eton and Blouse jackets, silk lined,
skirts with flounce, taf- EZLf
feta and moire trimmed.
$15 a doien, and never af0-t
Bfeley-Howe-LeVan stock, made of
fine lisle and cotton, two clasp
style, all sites, assorted 4 f
colors, 40c values, I
per pair " v w
WOMEN'S CORSETS made of fine
quality summer netting, all standard
makes, Including rtralght front
effect, Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.
sold them for 60c, PA
and $1.00. on sale Z.1COIIC
tomorrow at tv vww
Goods Sale in Omaha
15o Wash Goods at 5c Yd.
One big table of the finest quality 15c
dimities In all the absolutely new
fiat terns, one big lot of regular lbc
Ight and dark colored lawns In all
neat effects, Seeley-Howe-
wvan tjo. sold tnem at
15c yd., on sale now, yd
Hen's Oxfords $3.50
As a general rule $3.60 Oxfords are
not the up-to-date shoe a man wants
to wear. But here you will find a
line at $3.50 that combines style, wear
and comfort. Tbe patent colt Oxford
we had last season gave universal
satisfaction. This year we have the
same quality leather In the new
styles styles that you will not find
at any other store. We're fully 6
months ahead of them alL
By the way, have you seen the new
Plcadllla freak, tbe latest Oxford.
Droxel Shoo Co.,
Oataka'a Ea-te-aafe Baea Heaae,
A Good Wife and Health
are a man's best wealtn, and he can eon
tribute to the health of himself and wife
by using Mets beer. It is pure, healthful
and nutritious and is a delightful beverage
at any season, and during warm weather
there Isn't a thirst quencher that can
equal it,
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel. Si. Oat a ha.
Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Neumayer
Hotel. Council UluSs. Iowa,
Postal Card Will Get It
Twentieth Century Farmer
The Bast Agricultural Weekly,
dress, Omaha, biea.
Some Very Special
Offerings Jor
A GRAND assortment of women s
j wash dresses and waists, priced to
produce immediate and eager buying.
new blouse waist and new flounce skirts, handsomely trim
med with lace and braid VALUES UP Qfl
Women's White Dresses made of fine white sheer lawns,
"dressmaker-made," handsomely trimmed with black or
white lace, you must see them to appreciate their value
VALUES UP TO 112.00 07 -ill
Wash Waist Specials
69c INSTEAD OF $1.00 made of su.
perb quality dimities and other wash
materials, profusely tucked, all the very
latest and smartest effects, including
Gibsons in a number of styles posi
tively worth $1.00 Thursday 69c.
95c INSTEAD OF $1.50 white waists
of fine sheer lawn, composed of rows of
hemstitched tucks, bishop sleeves, cuffs
and stock trimmed to match, fastened
in front, back or side these waists rep
resent some exceedingly great values
and are worth $1.50 Thursday 95c.
$1.90 Women's
are of the highest character, the styles and shapes .are the
very newest and most correct. They are absolutely the
best oxford value in the city.
A Very Fine Vehicle
at a Very Low Price.
Runabouts, Etc.
Kingman Implement Company,
Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets.
Put oft tha cara of their eyes until they suffer much
inconvenience. Our optician Is a specialist and will
correct the eye strain with properly fitted glasses. Spend
a few minutes at our store. Loclc for the name
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
1516 Douglas St.
(rata tlma to time are for sals at tba
publicatloa office all la good coadl-
tleo law prtcas.
Try one, then notice the fine Aroma ot our present Havana
Tobacco and compare It with hlajh prloed Imported Cigars.
JC XW Bid atarCftaaUa UZ Cft, aUa.aaUWafa, ftU UtUttV Vatoa "..
Women's Wash Suitsmade of excel
lent quality Garner's percales new
blouse waist with lapel and tie, trim
med with two rows of insertion, skirt
with nceordion pleated flounce
Young Ladies' Wash Suitsmade of ex
tra good quality plain chambray and
figured lawn, blouse waist trimmed
with white braid and tucking, skirt
with new flounce effect
Women's Wash Suit in figured lawn,
plain linen and mercerized chambray,
Oxfords $1.90
Every Careful Woman
with good taste in the matter of
shoes should be familiar with our
fl.90 oxford No equal oxfords
can be found at t"he price outside
of "The Nebraska." The leathers
Depot Wagons,
ii i .iiimiLU I'M m .. 1 '