Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Corn Bnlli Obatinat to Bearish Tendency
and Strengthen Pit
Opening- Wrk la All Pits, bat Sop
port of Cora Aets as Incentive
to Firm Tone la Other
.. I.I nee.
' CHICAGO, June 2. Btilln on corn were
Very spunky today, Under very discour
aging circumstances they bought heavily
.and turned a weak market strong. Wheat
'.was helped Home by the firmness of coarse
ig'alna and recovered from early losses.
At the close July wheat gained a shade,
"July corn gained Valc and July tvts
were He up. ITovlslons closed 6c to IWit
10c higher. ,
' Everything at the start worked against
better corn prices. Wheat was weak, the
'shot session at Liverpool resulted In
slower cables, the country sent in 2.,3 cars
of corn and promised 620 for tomorrow
,and the crowd was bearish. A dull mar
ket prevented much early business and
Uuly started 41isc down at lc to 6fc
sand hovered around the low prices for a
itlme. Hears, who had the market all
their own way for three successive days,
Iplucked up courage and began selling still
'further short, when suddenly the bin bull
Lnouse that Is supposed to have control of
lJuly stuff started In to the support. Prices
steadied from the decline and soon the
shorts began to cover. The support was
Increased, offerings drying; up, everybody
wanted to buy, and the pit became a scene
of a seml-panlc. July corn Jumped 20c
to 62o and shorts were badly pinched.
Toward the close there was an easier
feeling and at the close July was lfcH,c
up at 62Sf2')c. Country acceptances were
reported very small and. helped In the
bull movement. Kansas City was a de
pressing Influence, being 2Hc down on July
Bind 2o down n September. Good crop
reports prevented a great many of the
email bulls from buying.
Wheat was helped materially by the
trength In corn As In the corn pit con
ditions In wheat were very bearish early
In the dav. The general sentiment favored
Belling, Iri spite of the fact that there had
been good declines for three days. Yet
rabies were weak, the Bouthwest sold on
Its good weather and general report of
forcing weather everywhere after heavy
rains, commission houses were sellers and
the crowd naturally followed suit. Sep
tember soon began to pluck up strength
on buying by spreaders who Bold July. A
fairly steady trade kept prices up after
the early dip. but it was free covering
by shorts late In the day on the corn
situation and liberal seaboard clearances
,that turned the price up. July opened
'aV4c- to HteSo down at 71Sc to 71Vic,
JaTlled to i2q. and closed firm and a
shade up at 72c. Local receipts were 27
leors, 2 of contract grade; Minneapolis and
Duluth reported 348 cars, making a total
for the three points of 376 care, against
.S74 Inst week, and ! a year ago. World's
ahlprm.nta were 7,712,000 against 7,672,000
buneis last ween, ana n.sia.uuu ousneis
lust yes.r. BreadstufTs on passage de
creased 1.208.000 bushels. The visible Biip
jlv decreased 2,025,000 bushels. Seaboard
clearances In wheat and flour eoualed 923.-
K)0 bushels, primary receipts were 43.000
bushels, against DlZ.uuo busneis last year.
Oats shared In the general depression
at the opening. Crop reports were very
promising, oats were moving to market
better, the May bull scare was out of the
wav and commission houses sold here and
there. Trade was light all day owing to
the restriction by heavy receipts. Tne
corn strength helped prices late and July,
which had sold at 36c, advanced to 87c
and closed firm anil Ha up at 36c. Re
ceipts were 352 cars.
Trade in provisions was restricted and
without' much Interest. Opening prices
were lower on a free movement ot nogs,
Nik nrlces. which were weak early,
strengthened; and on a good support by
packers and the grain strength the pro
vision list went up and closed: July pork
7Ho higher at 117.17", July lard 6c up at
$9.25 and July ribs 7ft10c higher at $9.82.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: vt neat, so
cars; corn, 620 cars; oats, 246 cars; hogs,
21,000 bead.
Articles.! Open.l High. Low. Close.8at'y.
Wheat t I
July 71HTW4 72'4 V4 72'41 72
Sept. 70fi!0V, 70V 70 7Hi72ff'724
-- Dec.. - 1VW, WWii . 71 71 70V3i
Corn I
July 60401 62 60 (3i?H 1
Sept. IW4H 6W MHIaSfiS 61
Deo. 44 43 43' 69
a July ; 84 . 85 S 84 494
bJuly .W3NHV4 87 36 36 34H
a Sept, 27fcr 28 21V, Zl 36Kra
bBept, 80V4 29 29'4 27
Dec. 80 804 2830 30 30
PJuf 17 06 17 171 17 00 17 17 17 10
Sept. 17 la 17 30 17 10 17 30 17 20
July 10 20 10 25 10 12 10 25 10 20
Sept. 10 20 10 30 10 20 10 30 10 22
July 9 76 82 9 70 9 82 9 75
Sept. 9 75 80 9 70 9 80 9 72
lea $11 6"; compound, $. 75. Pork, firm;
family, 119 Sn-ii' .00; short clear, $18.6"j21.00;
Hi'TTER Receipts. 8.8t7 pkgs.; stale
dairy, 18-21c; state cresmery, 2S22e;
Imitation creamery, 1Sic; factory, I,
t'HEESB-rteceipts. 4,oo pkgs.; steady to
firm; fancv large, colored, 8c; fancy large,
white, lor; frincy small, new state full
cream, colored, choice, 10c; fancy small,
new state full cream, choice, white, love.
EGOS Receipts. 24,360 rkgs.; firm; stats
and Pennsylvania, l"JflHc; western un
candled, storage packed, nHtflHc.
H L(MK Haw, qjiet; rair renning, zc;
centrifugal, 96 test, 81-lSc; molasses sugar.
i'Vi: refined, steady: crushed. 6.16c; pow
dered, 4.75c; granulated, 45c.
t'OH KK Dull; NO. 7 KIO, bY,C.
MOLASSES Steady: New Orleans, 33(7
POULTRY Alive. Bteady: broilers, ZZ
25c; turkeys. VraUc: fowls. 14c. Dressed.
steady; broilers, 23fc2c; fowls. 13c; turkeys,
MKTAI.R-The exnorts of cooner for the
month of May amounted to 15.SS9 tons, thus
making a total since January 1 of 81,229
tons, against 39.897 tons for the same period
last year. The local copper market was
Bteady. Soles amounted to 50,000 pounds of
casting ror tne tirst nair ot June neuvery
at $1125. Closing prices were: Standard
spot to August, H.i(jl2 lake, izzm
12. K0; electrolytic, 12.0"u 12.30, and casting,
$l2.0txH,12.25. The London copper market
was 12s 6rl higher than it closed last Thurs
day, with siKit and forward delivery quoted
at 64 12s bd. Tin ruled quiet locally, with
spot standing at $29.60'&;to.00. London tin
declined 1, to 135 for spot and 131 2s 6d
for futures. Local lead prices were un
changed at $437, Ixindon declining Is 3d
to 11 3s 9(1. Spelter was unchanged and
nominal at H 7b and at London unchanged
at 1 6s. The local iron market ruled
steady, but quiet, at former quotations.
Warrants were nominal. No. I foundry,
northern, was quoted at $19.6o20.o0: No. 2
foundry, northern, $19 6wg21.6; No. 1 foun
dry, southern, $18.5"rH 19.6c; No. 1 foundry,
southern soft, $18.60(19.60. The Glasgow
market Closed at o4B u ana Middlesbor
ough at 49s 7d.
No. t mixed. 9fi8nc; No. 2 white, 6K961c;
No. 1 eoc.
OATS No. I white. 44'i44'c.
RYE No. 2. 67tjf8c.
HAY-Cholce timothy. $12.00(312 50; choice
rairle, $10.51311 00.
BUTTER creamery. 20c; dairy, fancy,
Three nays-
Receipts. Shipments
Corn ..
Oats ..
' No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash quotation were as follows:
FLOUH Easy; winter patents, $3.8Sa
100; winter clears, $3.20(33.60; spring spe
cials. $4.80i4.4O; spring patents, $3.&u3.tK;
spring straights, $3.0t33.30.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 7172c; No. 3
red, 78r78c.
CORN No. 2 yellow.' 81p2c.
OATH No. 3, ,39S41c; No. 2 white, 43
RYE No. 2, 49c. -'
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, BR69c.
SUED No. 1 flax. $1.68; No. 1 northwest
ern. $1.70; prime timothy, $6.30(gC36; clover,
contract grade, $8.36.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.20
4317.26; lard, per 100 lbs $10.22310.25; short
ribs sides (loose), $9.759.86; dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $8.00ra8.26; short ribs
allies (boxed). $l(t.2C(S10.S6.
WHI8KY On basis Of high wines, $1.30.
The following were tbe receipts and ship
ments yesterday:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 26,000 90.000
Wheat, bu 87,000 868,000
Corn, bu.....i 377,000 300,000
Oats, bu 378,000 272,000
Rye, bu... 10,000
Barley, bu 33,000 2.000
Condition of Trade and Quotations oa
Staple and Fancy Prodnee.
EGOS Including new No, 2 cases, 13c;
cases returned, 13c.
LIVK POULTRY Chickens, 8c; old
roosters, according to age, 486c; turkeys,
8ft He; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per
lb.. 26.
BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice
dairy. In tubs, 17yiSo; separator, 23c.
FRESH L'AIOHT (1SH - Trout, c;
crapples, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike,
11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunllsh,
6c; blueftns, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 13c;
black bass, 18c; halibut, lie; salmon, 16c;
haddock 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c;
roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe. per pair, 85c;
split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled,
per lb.. 26c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c.
PHI EONS Live, per dos.. 5o.
VEAL Choice, 6&-8C.
OATS 48c.
HRAN Per ton, $17.00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay,
No. 1 upland, $9; No 1 medluri, $8.60; No. 1
coarse, $x. Rye straw $6.60. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair. Receipts light.
EGG PLANT Florida, per doi.. $1.25.
SQUASH Florida, per doi., $1.00581.26.
CAULIFLOWER Southern, per box, $1
POTATOEB Northern. $1; Colorado.. $1;
new potatoes, per lb., 2c.
GREEN ONIONS Per dos.. according to
size of bunches, 1620c.
ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dos., SO
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos.. 603750.
LETTUCE Hothouse, per dOl., 35c.
PARSLEY Per dos., 30G3&C.
RADISHES Per dos., 20(u)26o.
WAX BEANS Illinois, p-r box. $1.50; per
-bu. box. 75c; pc; .naraei basket, 75c;
string beans, per -bu.. 75c; per bu.. $1.50.
GREEN PEAS Per half bu. basket, 76c.
RHUBARB Home grown, per lb,, lo.
CABBAGE California, new. Sc.
ONIONS New southern In sacks, per lb..
TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baiket crate,
$4 25
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.
STRAWBERRIES Per 24-Qt. case, $3.00
CHERRIES California, per box. $1.25.
GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.00.
PINEAPPLES-Florida, 30 to 38 count,
BANANAS Per bunch, according to
size. 12.26I&2.75.
ORANGES Valenclas, $4.50; Mediterran
ean sweets, x3.MKBq.76.
LEMONS Fancy, $3.50; choice, $3.26; Mas
slnas, $4,0044.60.
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. $2.75a3.00.
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26; New
POPCORN Per lb. 6e: shelled. 6c.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
12c; hard shell, per lb., llc; No. 2 soft
snell, 10c; No. a naro sneil, 9c; Brains, per
ib.. 14c: Alberts, per lb.. 12c: almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per
lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoanuts, per sack.
HIDES No. 1 green. 6V4c: No. 2 green,
ou; ru. x vpueu. c; i-u. 4 saneu, n1.
iNo. 1 veal cair. 8 to ny, ids., sc: no. z
veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., ttc; dry hides, 8
jc; eneep pens, 10c; norae niaes, ti.wr.ou.
OLU M ETA IjS A. B. Alpern quotes tne
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, iiu; iron, stove piate, per ton,;
copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
8c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead,' per lb.,
8c; sine, per id., 2c; ruDDer, per id., (c,
' On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market, wxa steady. Creameries, mm
22c; dairies. lhifflSc. Cheese, easy at lotf
iuc. a.ggs, nrm; wean, niaioftc
fsaotalloaa of the Day oa Varloaa
NBWffJlilC. Juno . FLOUR Receipts.
E9.8H2 bbls.; exports.. 24,604 bbls. Fairly
active and steady; winter patents, $4 v,
(.20; winter straignts, w; Minnesota
patents, $4.004.16; winter extras, $3.164j3.30;
Vllnneaota bakers. 83.liXif3.20: winter low
grades, $B4tia.lO. Rye flour, quiet; fair to
good, I3.16U'3.40; choice to fancy, $3.603.65.
CORN MEAL Dull, easy; yellow western,
$1.30; city, 11.Z8: Branaywine, x3.4cxaa.t1e.
RYB Firm; No. 2 western. 6c, t. o. b.
BARLEY Nominal; weatern feeding, 64
ISc, c. I. I.. New xora; mailing, o.'a'.JC,
a i. f.. New York.
WHEAT Receipt, 186,750 bu.; exports.
I7Z.71 bu. Bpot. steaay. no. s rea, 7MHc
levator-. No. 2 red. tfuVc. f. o. b.. afloat
No. 1 northern Duluth. 81e, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 hard Manitoba. 844hC. f. o. b.. afloat.
Early wheat was dull ana weak,' Influenced
by . lower ..cables, peace rumors and favor
able home otod news. Becoming oversold.
however, the market rallied on a large
visible aupply decrease and export reports,
closing Arm at 'VtO net decline. July. 7)
tiTHVc closed. 7ttbc: September. 75Wa.6,c
closed, 76c; December, 76Vo77c, closed.
CORN Receipts,, 2,100 bu.: exports, $.770
bu. Spot,- steady. No. 2, 68c, elevator,
and 7oc. f. o. b., afloat. Option market
started out weak and lower, following
bearish ' crop newa and large receipts at
t'Mi-Biio. Later It rallied on covering and
closed firm at Vfl0 decline. July, 6
67c, closed at 67c; September, 34,c.
closed at 64c; Decern be,-, 9660c, closed
at 44c.
. , . . , r. ...... Mta w. . . n
137 bu. Spot, steady. No. 2. 47c; No. J,
46c; No. 2 wnite, cue; wo. wnite, oec;
truck, mixed weetern. 464148c: track, white,
44x00. Options easy at first, but recovered
with corn.
. HAY Julet; shipping, 0fSa; good to
Choice, 9u.o4t6c.
HOPS Firm; state, prime to cholct 1901
crop. lltUMO; ivuu. miqioc; oias, o-usc; ri
cino cosHt. jxji crop, nwn; iw, uik
nmF.S-Clteadv: Galveston. 20 to 28 Iba.
18c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry
at to 9 ids. , no.
7 I. v.ATHER Steady: acid. 24ftI5o.
WOOL Oulel; domestic fleece, 2425c.
i TALLOW Quiet; city ($2 per pkg.), c
cnunlrv tnkss. free). 64M4kC
. KICK SleaJy; domestic, fair to extra.
iioLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open
Vvttl uood to cholre. 23i41e.
PROVISIONS Boef. quiet; family, $18 00
ft 14.60; mess, n ': neer nam, wj
tf.uo; packet. $a.UVa 18.60; city extra India
wei. U6.0ii?7.uo. Cut meats, dull: Dlckled
belllas, 110 iul0 Ttii pickled shoulders. $8 26
c-ia; picaiea nam, in fan'". LMta
Z . u . u r .. (.... liAAminU,
Cuid. turn ownUiiOBi j 8S Buuilt Amar-
Liverpool Grata and Provlelons.
American mixea, 01a. quiet at oa ya.
peas Canadians, steaay at 6a 10a.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm
at 8s 9d.
HOPS At London (Paclflc coast), nrm
at 4 1f,9lWR
PROVISIONS-Beef, dull; extra. India
mess. 98s 8d. pork, steady f primes mess.
western, 76s. Hams, short cut, ,14 to 19
lbs., steady at 63s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., steady at 62s: long clear
middles, light, 28 to 14 ids., steady at uss;
lona clear middles, heavy. 36 to 40 lbs..
steady at 61s 6d: short clear backs. 16 to
20 lbs., firm at 63s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16
ids., steady at bza so. enouiaers, square,
11 to 13 lbs., oulet at 38s. Lard, aulet:
American refined, In pafls, 62s: prime west
ern, in tierces, quiet at 01s va.
buttkk Nominal: nnest united states
nrm at ws.
TALLOW Prime city, firm at BSs 8d
Australian. In London, dull at 83s Sd.
CHEESE Steady : American finest white.
old. steady at bw: American nnest white
new, steady at 5U; American nnest col
ored, oia, 69s; American nnest coiorea
new. nrm at 63s,
The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last
week were 96.800 quarters from Atlantic
ports and 10.000 from Paclflc ports and
12.2u0 from other ports. 1
The imports of corn from Atlantic ports
last week were 2.400 quarters.
Following are the stock of wheat and
corn In store end on quays (railway and
canal depots not included) : wneat. 1.937
OuO centals: corn. 4K8.000 centals.
The following are the stock of bread
stuff and provisions In Liverpool: Flour,
45,000 sacks; wheat, 1.666,000 centals; corn,
603.000 centals: bacon. 11. (mo boxes: ham
6.200 boxes: shoulders. 4.000 boxes: butter,
2.000 centals; cheese, 1.700 boxes; lard, 1,300
St. Loale Grata aad Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Juns t WHEAT Iwer
No. t red. cash, elevator. 76c: track. 76(9
76c; July 69c; September, 9c; No. 2
naro. 7Y"'ff 4c.
CORN-Hlsher: No. 2 cash. 62c: trsck.
esc; juiy, eiijjtuc; oeptemDer, osftc; De
oats Firm: No. l casn. 4114c: track,
41U42c; July. 32c; September, 27c; No
wnite, 44"(U16C.
RYE Dull at 69c.
FLOUR Easier: red winter patents. $3.55
j 3. 70; rxtra fancy . ana clear, li.i&r43.3b
clear. $3.004i3.30.
SEED Timothy, out of season; market
CORN MEAL Steady at 12.16.
BRAN Weak; sacked, east track, 85flS7e
iiai imiuuijf, iirungfr av 1IAK0'14.DU
pruire. weaa at j.uuoiim.
WHISKY Steady at $1.80.
IRON COTTON TIEa-Steady at $1.05.
BACKHNG-Bteady at 6iHe.
PROVISIONS Pork, shade better; lob
bing, old, I17.; new. IV7.70. Iard. h rher
$10u6. Dry meats, strong; boxed lots, extra
shorts and clear ribs, $10.00; short clear,
$10.13. Bacon, strong; boxed lots, extra
snorts ana clear riDS. iu.7; snort clear,
ill to.
METALS Iad. firm, $3.9&?3.97. Bpel
ter. firm at $4.66.
POILTRY Steady: chickens. e
springs, 23ir30c; turkeys, 9c; ducks. 6c
geese. 48c.
Bl'TTER Steady; creamery, 1723c
dairy. Jbuinc.
EGGS Steady at 14c.
Reoelpta. Shipments,
Flour, bbls ll.ftW 14.000
Wheat, bu v. 88,0i
Corn, bu 48.000 74.000
Oats, bu 89.UU0 68, OuO
Kansas City Gvala aad ProvUlons.
66kie6c; Beptembet, e6Qkic; cash, No.
I hird. 70c: NO 1. 6taj Mo. 1 rea. 71J,lWc
No. 8. nu7vc; No. 2 prlng. ioc; receipts,
20 car. 1
, CORN-JuLv. S7c; Be,
ptembet, e6gc; cash, N
Jo 3. 6t4: No. 2 red. 7l71
c; No. 1 1 prlng. ioc; receipt
'. 67c; sfoXember. ttc; cas
41, 6.0
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. June 2-What-Pull. steady;
cash, 79c; June, "U'tc; July, 74c; Septem
ber, 74c. . ,
CORN Active, strong: cash. 62c; July,
62c; September, f9c; December, 44c.
OATH r airly active, steany; rasn, in' i
July, 36c; new, 37c; September, 2c;
ovember, ao'tc.
8EEI Clover, dull, steady; cash, C.12c;
October, 6.17c.
Philadelphia Prodnee Market.
Firm. Kood demand: extra western cream
ery, 22c; creamery nearby prints, 23c.
KUOS-Firm, good demnno; rresn nearo.v,
17c, loss off; fresh western, 18c, loss off;
fresh southwestern, lic, loss on; ireau
out hern, 16c, loss orf.
CHKKHR Knjiler: New York full creams.
prime, small, llc; New York fair to good,
Visible Supply of Grain.
NEW YORK. June 2 The vlBlble supply
f rnln Ralnr.lnv Mnv 31 n comnlled by
the New York Produce exchange la as fol
lows: Wheat, 28,204.000 bushels, decreiiso
425.000 bushels: corn. 4.427." 00 bushels, ue-
rp.o 7ft ft hnahpln- oats. SaK5.(ioO. Increase
41.000: rve 722.000. decrease 222.000; barley,
689,000, Increase 30,000 bushels.
Minneapolis Wheat, Floor nnd Bran.
3c; September. 69Sj69'4c: on track. No.
1 hard, 61c; No. 1 northern, 74'5'i4c;
No. 2 northern, 72S73c.
FLOUR First patents. l.i.vo'aa.Bii; secona
patents. $3,504(3 9 ; first clears, $2.852.95;
second clears,
BRAN In bulk. $14.00(814.25.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MIT.WAT'Kir.R. June 2. WHEAT
Steady; No. 1 northern, 77c; No. 2, 76c; July,
kik-lOwer; iso. 1. okc.
BARLEY Steady : No. 2. 7171c; sam
ple, esesc.
lUKji-juiy, wise.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. June 2. -CORN Easy; No. 8,
OAT9 Quiet: No. 2 white, 42c. binea
whisky on tne basis 01 si.w ior nn-
Ished goods.
Dnlnth Grain Market.
DULITTH. June 2. WHEAT Cash, No.
hard. 76c: No. 2 northern. 71c: No. 1
northern, 3c; July, 73&73c; Septem
ber. 70(g70c.
OATS Sep temper, Bf'AC.
Elgin Bntter Market.
PTni Til T.,na 9 TJTTTTTm Afuptret
I . , uui.a ... LJ 1 j . . .... .
rm. Sales, 26,620 pounds at 22c.
South African Peace Declaration In-
able to Activate Market.
NEW YORK. June 2. None of the new
eveloDments since the Stock Exchange
closed on Thursday afternoon availed to
Induce any activity In the trading. Neither
tne declaration 01 peace 111 tsouin Airica
nor the acute stage awakened any Interest
In the stock market. There was some de
mand for grain-carrying roads, owing to
the large advance In net earnings reported
for April over those of last year.
The very Hgnt movement 01 grain, espe
cially of corn, owing to last year's crop
failure and the promising outlook for a
full crop this year, gave added force to
this showing.
Union Paclflc. Burlington. Canadian Pa
cific, among the grain carriers, and Read
ing, Lehigh Valley and Norfolk & Western,
among the eastern lines, show increases
In the net earnings from $100,000 to near
The languid response in tne peace news
was In accord with the London market
itself, but there was undoubted realizing
on the part of speculators who have
bought for several days In anticipation of
peace, ints does not alter tne importance
to the financial world of the ending of the
war, the stoppage of expenditures from
the economic standpoint and the promise
of an early renewal of the supply of money
metai irom tne nouin Airican goia mines.
The conviction Is general that the money
market must be kept clear until fall. The
heavy borrowings abroad which must be
met and the probability of an active trade
demand for money into the interior of the
country incites to caution until the attitude
or . tne foreign oorrowers at tne period
of renewals becomes evident. In contrast
to the feeling In New York that demands
may be made upon us by foreign creditors
is the feeling In London financial circles
that New York may make further heavv
demands abroad for the relief of her
money marKet.
The London ntatist points out "that for
several years paBt America has accepted
payment in securities for Its produce and
manufacture, but with money less plenti
ful In New York It may this year elect to
take payment In cash. The Statist sees
the .possibility that America mav renew
the loans on that side in addition to taking
goto ior expuriB. ine wnoie prooiem turns
ot course on the size of the coming cotton
Bonds were dull and lrresrular. Total
sales, par value. $3,125,000. United States
8s and 4s declined and the new 4s V per
cent on the last call.
The following are the closlna nrlces nn
xne New ion oiuca exenange;
do ptd
B. A O
do D'd
Can. Paclflc
Can. Southern
Cha. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton..
do ptd
Chi.. Ind. A L...
do Did
Chi. A K. Illinois.
Chicago O W
do lit ptd
do id pfd
A N. W
C, R. I. A P
Chi. Terra. AT...
do ptd....
.. o!8t. Paul pfd 1S
.. f8Vi:So. Pacific 6H
..104 80. Rallwar
.. K do pfd ti
..lSHITai A Paclflc 41 "4
o- 1 oiao. m. 1.. at w., 21
.. in
.. 75
.. M
.. 46 4
.. II
C. C. C. A St. L.. 104j
Colo. Southern.
do lit pfd ,
do Id pfd
Doi. A Hudson...
ti.l , U. A W
Denver A R. O..
do pfd
Erlo ,
do 1M pfd
do td pfd
Or. Northern pfd.
tioraing vaiir...
do pfd
in. Contral
low Central
do pfd
Lak Ert A W..
do pfd
Manhattan L
Mt. at. Rr
Mcilcan Contral.
. . 70
.. 41
.. 41
.. '
.. 61
.. 44
.. !
.. 4
.. ao
do pfd..
I'nlon Paclflc
do pfd
do Pfd
W. A Lak Erie..
do td pfd
Wla. Contral
do pfd
Adama Ex
Amorlcan Ex
t'. 8. El
Walla-Fargo Ex...
Amal. Coppor
Am. Car A F
do pfd
Am. Linseed Oil...
do pfd
Am. 8. A R
do pfd
Anaconda M. Co...
Brooklyn R. T....
Colo. K. A I
Con. Gas...,
. 44 '.4
. 35
. 4ti
. 64
. 11
. toVa
. 48't
. s4
.11 4
. 46
ast month of $S4S.40$. The debt Is reeapltu-
ated as follows: Interest-bearing debt.
$li31,OTO,u4o; debt on which Interest ha
ceased, since maturity, $1, $01,830; debt-bear-
ng, no interest. Il.iW6.447.hN2: total. i,32,
81H.402. This amount, however, does not
ncliule lva,KlR.i in cert flea tes and. treas
ury notes outstanding which are offset by
in equal amount ot casn on nana wnicn
s held for their redemption. The cash
n the treasury Is classified as follows:
Uold reserve fund, f lnO,"i0,00Q; trust funds,
IW.m.iW; general fund, Including 1124,.
HH2.ii4 In national bank depositories, $275,
H19.822. Total, $l.2S7,8i,911, against which
nere are demand liabilities outstanding
of $K12.455.(181, which leaves a cash balance
on hand of $345,350,229.
Kerr York Money Market.
vtr-w vnn 1.- T n ttovpv ri ,it
firm at 35i6 per cent; closing bid and
BKKea, ;nn per cent; pnme mercantile
paper, 4Vfi4:V4 per cent.
1 rki.i iNi txcHANue-steaay, wnn
ctual business in bankers' bills at $4.874
for demand and at $4.8I4.84 for sixty
days; posted rates, $4.854.88; commercial
bills, $4.TVri4.Jt4.
SILVER ilar. 63c; Mexican dollars,
HON Do Government. weak: state,
trong; railroad. Irregular.
The closing Quotations on bonds are as
'. 8. ref. Is. rrg...
do coupon
do 3a, reg
do coupon
do nw 4n, reg
da new 4s, coupon.,
do old 4s, r?g
do old 4r, cuupon..
do 6s, rg ,
do coupon
Atch. Kn. 4s
do aaj. 4s
. & 0. 4a
do 3'4s ,
do conv. 4s.
Canada 80. 2s
Cen. of Georgia 6s..
ao 1st inc
Chos. A O. 4s
Chi. A Alton 314s...,
H. A y. n. 4s....
M. A St. P. g. 4s
N. W. c. "s...
R. I. & P. 4.1. ...
C C A St L 1 to
Chi. Terminal in
olo. & Southern 4.,
& R. O. 4s
Erie prior lien 4 ...
do gen. 4r
F. W. & 1). c. In...
Hocking Vsl. 4sr....
London Stock Market.
LONDON, June 2.-4 p. m.-ClosIng:
Consols, money. ..04 11-14 Norfolk ft Western.
Consols, account. .86 16-161 do pfd
Anaionla Ontario & Western.
Atchison KlVPennsrlvanla
do pld 101-V
Baltimore A Ohio 100V
anadlan Psclne 143S
'hesspeake e Ohio.. 4ft
hlcago O. W ao
., M. & St. P 174S
fienver & It. 0 43'.
do Pfd :
Erie 38V
do 1st pfd 70
do 2d pfd 64
Illinois Central 157
l.oulevllle A Nash. . . .141
M., K. A T 26'
do DM 60
New York Centrsl . . . .160'jl
BAR SILVER-Steady at 2315-16d
MONEY-22V per cent. Rate of
count In open market for short bills,
per cent; tor three months' bills, 2
Adama Con
Alice ,
Brunswick Con ....
Comstork Tunnel ,
Con. Cat. A Va....
Deadwood Terra..,
Horn Silver ,
ron Silver
Leadvlllo con
Con. Tobacco pfd....l2.l1
Oen. Electric 820
Hocking Coal n
Inter. Paper lo'J
do pfd 74
I .arises Oas 86
Nai l Blacult 4?T4
Nat' I Lead 22
,ionn American 1x1.
111 racioc L oast as
.147V Paclflc llall 40
. 26V4 Peoole'a ftaa
Nat'l Ry of Mexico.. H'4, Pressed Steel Car.... i
n.Mu. v ov. b iiu ao nia am
Mo. Pad He V Pullman P. Car 234
M . K. a T Jt Republlo Steel 17 U,
u viu. .......... . uo Din 171
J. cantrat 1S4 sugar n
N. T. Central 166V4 Tann. Cosl A Iron.... 4
m rf DfVjiniun ti. az r. 10.,., 15
do pro as do ofd iiu
wniario m w... its u. iMin., i
Penaerlvanls 141 I do pfd M
aeaaing 42T4,U. 8. Rubber 14
wu . -1 yia sz1 uo pio gs
do Id Pfd 4HW.C. 8. Hlael An
St. u. a 8. f as do pfd
do 1st pfd $414 Western I'nlon tI
dO 2d Pfd ft Am. Inmn.l.. oTx
b.. wuii w ir qo pia bs
do Pfd 64 IK. C. iiu
8t. Paul leSSi! do pfd 41C
Boston Stock Qaotatlona.
BOSTON. June I. Call loans, 45 per
cent: time loans, 400 per cent, umcla
closing ot Biocas ana nonas:
Atcbteoa 4s
O.s Is
Mei. Central ...
do pfd
Boston a Albans.
Boston Maine...
Boetoa Elevated .
PHvhburg pfd
tlalou Parlflc
Mex. Central
Am. Sugar
ll! Amalgamated
4 Bingham 34
. si lai. necia....D7tAX6w
tOHlCentennlal lii
6. Copper Range t
241 ir.omlnlon Coal 1S'j
14 iFranklln 11
...16S Isle Royal It
...116 IMohawk 42
...104Hold Dominion 20's
... 24 Oeoeola 61
izsv rarroi so
do pfd lli(lulncy 130
Am. Tel. A Tel 17 Santa Fe Copper 2
Dominion I. B taismsravk ill
General Electric II TrlmounUto 100
Mas. Electric 44. Trlnitr 11
do Pfd M it'nlted States 204
N B. Oa A Coke... IS t tab
I'nlted r-rult lusts ior is 4
V. a. Steel 40 Winona t
do pfd I f noiverin so
Westing Common ...101 Dais West ia
Adventure 4 I'Blted Copper 16
tatesnent mt Paklle Debt.
WA8HINOTON. June I The monthly
statement of the public debt Issued by
the Treasury department todays shows that
at the close of business May 81. 1)2. the
debt less cash In the treasury, amounted
to e4A7a, aecreasa aa compared wlia
1074, I
102 I
L. A N. unl. 4s
Mexican Centrsl 4s..
do 1st Inc
Minn. A St. I.. 4s...
M , K. A T. 4s...
do 2s
N. T. Central la...
do general 3a...
N. 1. C. gen. 6s....
No Pacific 4a
do as
Nor. A W. con. 4s.
Reading gen. 4a
"St L ft I M c 6s.
Ht. L. ft 8. r. 4...
St. L. 8. W. Is
do 2a
8. A. A A. Pas 4s.
So. Pacific 4s
So. Rsllwsy 6s
Texss ft Psctfio ll.,
T. St. L. ft W. 4s.
Union Pacific 4a
do ronv. 4s
Wsbash 1
do 2s
do deb. B
West Shore 4e
W. & L. E. 4s
Wla. Centrsl 4s..,.
1 'on. Tobscco 4a....
. 2
. 22
. ss
. 7J
. t
. S6
. SOvi
. 63
. 2
. 76
. j
. 4
. 46
Ex-Intcrest. Offered.
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Southern Ky
do pfd ,
Southern Paclflc
I'nlon Paclflc
do pfd
United States Steel.
do pfd
do pfd
Spanish 4s
fland Mines
De Beers
, 42
ex int.
He vr York Mintage Waotatloas.
NEW YORK. June 2. The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks: .
.. 24
.. 46
.. 6
.. 6
.. V6
Little Chief ..
Ophlr ,
Sierra Nevada.
Small Hopes .
Receipts were: Cattle. Hog, uneep.
Official Monday J.tx 6..M 2.o2S
Hame day last week I, 5, ill 3.6"0
Same week before 1.5MS M
Same three weeks ago... 3.M3 8.1)70 3,'vl
Hame four weeks ago.... l.Wi 4.w2 3 aib
hame day last year 2,.is b.Mti 3 '145
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at Mouth Omaha for
tne year to date, witn comparisons wnn
ast year:
11X12. 1901. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 320,(111 2V6.629 23.3X2
Hogs l.tD.bt7 l,021,4r.!J 74,1!
Bheep 361,6J 471.86a 110.1K9
The following table snows uie uveiags
price of hogL sold on the South Omaha
market tne last several aays, wun com
parisons with former years:
Date. I 1802. 1901.1900.1899.l898.18ij7.lS9.
May 1..
May 8..
Mav S .
May 4...
May ..,
May ..,
May I..,
Mutf H
May ..
nay iv..
Mav 11.
May 12.
may id.,
May 14.,
May 16.,
May 18.
may 11.
Muv iu.
May U.,
May 20.
May 21.
May 22.
May 2.
May 24.,
May 26.,
Mat, VA
May 27.
jviay zn.
M u V 'M
4 ,r Oil
May 3l!
June 1..
June 2..
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. June 2. The amount of bullion
taken Into the Bank of Enaland on bal
ance today was 53,000. Qbld premiums
are quoted: lluenos Ayres, 131.80; Madrid,
37.67; IJsbon, 26.50; Rome, 1.62. Money was
in gooa aemana today in connection wltn
the consols settlements. Discounts were
steady. Operators'' on the stock exchange
were excited by the news of the conclusion
of peace In SetKh Africa. South African
securities openoT-i active and higher, but
neavy realizations tnrougnout the day
brought prices down to below those of
Saturday. Consota hardened owlna to
strong foreign demand. Home rails were
sympathetically buoyant, but reacted later.
Americans were dull on account of the ab
sence of New York quotations. They were
firm at nrst and men became easier owing
to an Indisposition to operate. SpanlBh 4s
were weak. Rio tlntos were firm.
PARIS. June 2 Business opened ani
mated on the Bourse today owing to the
announcement of the conclusion of peace In
South Africa. There were several sharp
advances, but later the' market became
uleter on realizations of Kaffirs for Lon
on account and there was a reaction.
SpanlBh 4s advanced considerably on the
statement that the exterior debt coupons
would be accepted hereafter In the pay
ment of customs duties, which are paya
ble In gold. Argentines were in strong re
quest. Brazilian were firm. Banks were
strong. Metropolitans and Thomson-Hous-tons
were firm. Sosvonlce was freely of
fered and finished weak. Rto tlntos were
well disposed In sympathy with copper.
DeBeers were conspicuously flat. The pri
vate rate of discount was 1T4 per cent; 3
per cent rentes, 101 f. 5ie for the account;
exchange on London, 25f, 23c for checks;
Spanish 4s, W W.
BERLIN. June 2. The conclusion of
South African peace caused very little ex
citement here. Banks and locals hardened
considerable In repurchasing. Transvaals
were firm. Exchange on London, 20 marks
49 pfgs. for checks: discount rates, short
bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, ZH
per cent.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. June 2. Bank clearings today.
$l,45.6f8.87; corresponding day last year,
$1,224,183.79; increase, $241,474.86.
CHICAGO. June 2. Clearings. $29.5?3.rSS:
balances, $1,666,197; posted exchange, $4,864
sixty days, J4.88 on demand; jNew xorK ex
change. 20c to 80c premium.
NEW YORK. June 2. Exchanges, $11S,-
861.107: balances. 7,4iiy.5i44.
BOSTON. June 2. fcixenanges, IILZIO.-T:
balances, $1,201,400.
ST. Imis. June 2. Clearings. $10,462,026:
balances, $1,224,906; money, steady, 4M!3
per cent; isew lorit exenange, sue pre
mium. .
VMtT.ADRT.PftTA. June 2. Clear In a
$18,463,534; balances, $3,270,072; money, 4 per
CnAT.TIMORE. June 2. Clearings. $4,869.
814; balances, $788,274; money, 6 per cent.
CINCINNATI. June 2. Clearings, $6,177.
850; money. 4ft per cent; New York' ex
change, 2U30e premium.
Condition of the Treasarw.
WASHINOTON. June 2. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances in tne gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available casn oaiance, i,u,z.n
gold. $96,554,31)2.
Coffee Market.
T?lo dull: No 1 Invoice 6c: mild, firm:
Cordova, SifiUHc. The market opened
steady In tone, with prices unchanged to
6 points lower, and for the rest of the day
followed an Indifferent course, with trad
ing comparatively tame and quite of a pro
fessional cnaracter. 1 lorriaii maraei
news was rather disappointing, while re
ceipts In the crop country were very much
beyond expectations. The msrket was
finally quiet and net unchanged to 10 points
lower. Total sales were s.iau nags, inctua
Insr Julv t 6.0jwfi6.10c. September at 6.25c
December at 6.26c, January at 6.55c, March
at d.wxuo. IUC.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts
APPLES The market continues steady
and without notable change In any partic
ular. Demand on- all grades Is very mod
erate at the moment. State, common to
good, Ta sc; choice, orgiic: tancy, 11c.
a. fair tobblna? and export trade was re
ported at steady prices. Medium sixes of
01a iruu in nrm nanus sou iu mir eipun
request. Apricots on spot, steady and
quiet. Futures neglected. Pesches in good
rlmand and itenlv to Arm. Prunes. ItK'it
6c; apricots, boxes, K414c; bags. I0a
12c; peaches, peeled. 14&ltic; unpeeled, t
Baaar Market.
vn-w TnDL- v.. m BITrilP T .
I . . . , Ullll , , Ulir a. . ...... ,,
quiet; fair, refining. 2e: centrifugal (4
test. 8 7-1dc; roolusses sugar, 2Sc; refined.
flte&dv. Ooen kettle. fWtf3!-16c; open ket
tie centrifugal. 3jac; centrifugal, yellow,
34c; seconds. 2(tfa $-16c. Molasses, dull;
centriiugai. kh-isc.
M'ool Market.
8T. LOl'ia, June 2 WOOL Active and
nrm. Medium grades and combing, lMlc:
light fine, 12'3l5Vsci heavy flue, lOityUc; tub-
1 wasaeu,
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows the number Of
cars of feeders shlDDed to the country Sat
urday and their destination:
H. Evans. Marne, la. R. I J
E. M. Parsons A Sons, uarroii, ia. t. y . 1
C. W. Spargur, Vllllsca, la. y 1
The official number of cars of b'ock
brought In today by each road was:
Cat. Hogs. Sheep. Hr .
C. M. & St. P. Ry.... 1 5
Wabash 1
Mo. Pac. Rv
Union Pacific 16 5 12
C. & N. vv. Ky 4 ..
F., E. ft M. V. R. R..11 1 7
u., ot. r., m. - 3 : :
H M. R. R. R 17 13 1 1
C, B. & Q. Ry - 1 f
C, K. 1. t f., ease... 4 o
t:. K. I. di P., west i
K., C. & St. J 13 ..
Illinois Central 2 4
Total Receipts ....87 76 9 S
rr-i. ji V. a ,1.1. rtnts WXS
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num-
per 01 neaa iiiuic-Kicu.
Omaha Packing Co...
O. H. Hammonu v.o
Swift and Company
'urlehv Packlna Co
Armour & Co
Vansant & Co
Carey & Benton
Ixibman & Co
W. I. Stephen
Livingstone & Schaller.s
Hamilton & Rothschild
H. U Dennis & Co
B. F. Hobbick
Wolf & Co
fnwlpr Packlnar Co
Other buyers
Good to Cboioa Eeef Bteen Sold Strong to
Ten Higher, Others About Bteady.
1 t
Desirable Grades of Sheep and Lambs
Brought a Dime More Than They
Did Last Week, bnt There Was
No Demand for Feeders.
i vim
T OH.,
7 03
7 uu
1 08
7 Ot'Ts,
7 08 I
7 U
7 UWi
7 0ii
7 W
7 12V4
7 11
7 07141
7 03Vi
7 tut
7 Oil
6 96A
7 OlTsI
7 09!
7 10V.I
7 ll'
7 07 I
6 $41
6 71
6 72
t 86
I 8l
6 tl
0 4
6 b6j
6 ol
6 6
5 68
B 71
6 b,
6 72
6 73
6 73
6 67
5 631
6 Cl
6 7i
6 62
e 1
6 60
6 63
6 6
6 6
6 711
6 701
6 17
t 24
6 82
6 16
6 14
6 17
6 21
6 23
ft -V
6 11
6 10
6 03
6 08
6 01
6 04
t 04
4 W:
4 35
4 86
4 83
4 8i
4 83
2 (U
8 k
8 U
I 6
2 M
8 tti
$ 61
3 tki.
2 b
8 65
2 H
3 62'
3 66
3 621
8 68
8 65
8 (SOI
I 60
3 671
8 67
3 601
3 68
8 $01
8 871
1 83!
a mi a 7vi 2 m
3 71
a ii
t 6i
a 04
a 12
a ia
2 21
3 8tl
a 31
$ ss
8 851
8 87
4 18
4 M
4 U
4 25
4 4ui
4 28
4 36
4 6
4 Zti
a I
4 33
3 25
4 17
4 18,
4 2i
4 0S
4 10)
4 141
4 211
4 i
a 71
a ss
a 67
a Mi
8 fc:
a 6i
3 601
3 62
3 61
3 62
3 66
a 11
a it
a i
a 17
a an
a u
a 21
a a
a 11
a 12
a 0;
a 03
3 52 3 03
1 a 0-4
8 451
8 401 3 04
3 38 2 98
3 341 2 93
3 34
3 36
2 2
2 06
2 93
3 39
3 4" 3 86
A 321 2 80
,.. 167
.. 37
,.. 881
... 447
.. 118
... 47
... 63
Hogs. Sheep.
600 ....
Total 2,095 6,773 2,376
r a tti rr There was a very light run
nf cattle here for a Monday and. the re
ceipts at other points were also very
small. As a result the tendency of prices
was upward and active markets on de
sirable grades were experienced.
There wan a large proporion of beef
steers included in the receipts this morn
ing and the quality of the offerings was
also good. As high as $7.40 waa paid this
morning, wnicn ia m iiibii iu.i '
vur. and a aood many cattle, as will be
seen from the sales below, were good
enough to bring from $7.00 up. The de
BlrabTe grades were picked up early In
the morning at prices that ranged strong to
a dime higher than the close of last week.
After tne peuer imu" imi-hcu
out, however, the activity was largely
gone and the common and medium kinds
sold only about steady with last week.
Practically everything, though, was dis
poned Of in gooa seawon.
Th.r. worn eighteen or twenty cars of
cows and heifers on sale, but the quality
was far from being good. The more de
..raM. trades sold freely at steady to
strong prices, but the common grades were
no more man sieauy. uruuuiu, How
ever, was In fairly good shape, so that
the pens were cleared at a reasonably
early hour. , ,
Bulls, veal calves and stags changed
hands quite rapidly where the quality was
satisfactory, but where it was not the
market was slow.
There were quite a few stock cattle on
sale this morning as compared with the
total receipts, and as a result the mar
Vet was very uneven. In some cases sales
were made, that looked stronger, while
others sold considerably lower. As a
general thing the best bunches were not
much different from tbe close of last week.
but common Kinas were very niru iu ui-
pose of and the market was undoubtedly
lower. Representative sees:
At. Pr. ho. At. Pr.
... 110 I M K10 I a
... 4l0 4 00 10 1201 t as
... 440 4 It 87 1240 4 St
.1140 4 40
.!! 4 40
471 4 15
122 4 80
12K4 4 40
1302 T 00
1166 T 10
Kl T 20
1472 7 25
11S6 7 40
1 .
it ait t 00
1,,, iuiu a 10
t 71 0
10 44 m
s iuj s w
1 1630 4 00
I 10f.2 4 00
jj 1146 4 2S
0 1035 n
14 iut s Z9
. 70 I 25 I 14 i 40
1? " 144 I 40 14 106T 4 60
.. 440 1 60 1 10 4 04
.... 440 I 25 1 4i4 4 00
..... s6 I 40 11 14 4 00
I.... 406 t 40 I 6 4 00
1 1010 2 60 w s w
......... . in'trt . m
1 S.W W .................. . .-v
1000 I 60 1 70 4 IS
J . 220 1 o n n 4 2s
... 484 I 60 11 0 4 40
.... aw 1 10
.... t6 t 44 17 1002 4 40
.... 674 I 00 1 112" 4 60
.... 610 I 00 4 40
.... sot I 00 1 1100 4 60
....1034 I 06 "46 4 60
.... 421 4 40
.... 414 4 4U
.... 472 4 18
....103 4 76
....10:10 4 16
.... ISO 4 76
....1140 4 Tt
....10T.4 4 20
....1120 4 HO
....1144 4 40
....1122 4 st
....1134 4 16
....1100 t 00
....120 6 00
....U7i 10
....1024 I 16
1012 t ii
....1176 i 60
21B4 6 60
....1270 t It
....1010 t 75
....1220 t 76
....1620 7 10
184 I 16
68 t 20
10U0 I 25
420 I 25
123 I 25
1100 I 25
1 00 I 25
11 74 40
1 450 t 40
l! 440 I 40
7 442 8 40
64 446 I 46
10 4S0 I 60
1 10 1 60
J 464 I 76
1 110 I 76
I M 111
1 460 I 7i
11 ll I t
1 100 4 00
I 160 4 04
1 1060 4 00
11 414 4 00
6 414 4 Cf
11 k4 4 75
726 I 60 4 654 4 60
"" 710 4 00 1 710 I 64
" 470 4 00
A 11U 1 IS 1 s so
1 101 It
1 1040 I 26
J' 176 I It
1 UO I 40
130 I 40
1 1O30 I 60
J . 710 I 60
1 1210 I 40
1 1N54 I 40
127t I 40
: .... sit i 76
.it trea
, 64 I 00 I 140 I 19
a IM 4 71
J 110 I 00
J 11 I 24
1 210 I s
a 171 71 1 150 04
I 160 4 74 I 144 t 0
f 166 4 0 I IN IN
1 tN IM 1 444 $
.... 430 4 26
....1304 4 4V
160 I 40
....I'll 160
....!T0 16
. ...1M0 I 40
....170 46
....1S0 I 46
....1270 4 46
....166 146
....1610 I 40
.. 11 4 76
.. 122 6 71
,.110 T 40
..144 7 00
..140 1 04
7 71 I 10
1 470 I 10
1 40 I Ik
I t0 I 41
1 6.-0 I 60
11 Ill 1 26
1 fl I 7
4 sn t 1
1 too I 7
1 10 I 00
4 35 I Ik
1 7H I 25
I 7:i l tt
1 1140 4 76 1 1870 60
1 270 I 16 47 M7 4 00
i no 4 on
1 M0 2 0 7 7M 4 f
4 410 I 60 I "0 4 00
1 IIJO I 50 1 400 4 10
I 250 I 10 4 731 4 10
1 440 I 60 II 746 4 20
5 ?5 I 15 4 716 4 2S
2 ;r.O I 15 I 4 40
lo 96 I 76 1 100 4 40
1 46 I 76 10 714 4 to
1 401 I 71 24 432 4 60
1 730 I 76 22 7J 4
1 710 4 04 7 744 4 0
1 76 4 On It 110 4 60
104 416 4 00 12 781 4 40
2l 416 4 00 ,
HOOB There was a liberal supply of
hogs here today and the run was also
large at the other principal market points.
For that reason th tendency of prices was
downward. There was a good local de
mand, however, so that packers did not
take oft very much here. The general
market waa weak to 6c lower ss compared
with lat Haturriay. Trading was slow on
the start, as packers tried to take oft 6c or
lc, but "when they raised their bids sellers
began to cut loose quite rapidly, so that
the pens were cleared by the middle of the
forenoon. The bulk of the good weight
hogs solil from $7.10 to $7.25 and the me
dium weights went largely from $i.00 to
$7.10 and the light stuff from $7.00 down.
Representative sales:
No. At. Bh. Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr.
ll 154 ... 4 ao hi ill ... 7 0714
19 17 140 4 M 74 ill 20 7 0714,
46 169 ... o io 242 ..: 7 10
4 212 110 4 6 76 232 100 7 10
1811 120 4 15 71. ...... .222 240 7 10
71 114 ... 4 45 43 234 140 7 10
2 ...174 40 I 45 134 132 10 7 10
62.... .,..201 120 I 5 64 264 220 7 10
1.. 1N7 200 I 45 71 235 144 7 10
73 192 200 4 ?5 71 250 140 T 10
66 1X2 60 4 46 44 210 10 7 1 0
78 191 80 7 00 72 241 120 T 10
40 102 0 7 00 132 206 ... 7 10
72 110 120 7 00 48 212 ... 7 10
75 201 20 7 00 67 230 80 7 10
tl 201 120 7 00 74 228 140 7 10
48 208 SO 7 00 44 232 ... 7 10
t 202 120 7 06 14 287 ... 7 10
72 221 210 7 06 19 252 140 7 12V,
fj 211 60 7 06 71 2f7 ... 1 12V
20 202 ... 7 05 48 234 40 7 16
to 214 ... 7 05 46 2ti3 40 7 15
81 211 80 7 06 II 2.'.9 80 7 16
73 2u4 80 7 05 6" 2.r.4 80 7 15
11 217 40 7 05 40 264 ... 7 16
61 212 60 7 05 69 242 80 7 16
84 218 200 7 05 67 2M 160 7 It
71 211 ... 7 06 64 2i"2 820 7 16
70 216 160 7 07l 49 229 ... 7 15
74 2t 160 7 014 80 251 80 7 17V
44 236 240 7 07', 18 260 40 7 10
64 22.1 2O0 7 07", 67. ...... .263 ... 1 20
71 217 120 7 07i, 63 271 10 7 15
83 22J -... 7 07V, 66 J03 120 7 l
W 212 ... 7 02V, 42 802 ... 7 25
SHEEP There were about ten cars of
sheep and lai.ibs here today and as the
local demand was of liberal proportions the
market on good stuff could safely be
quoted about a dime higher. Some clipped
lamba sold as high as $6.40 and clipped
wethers brought up to $5.86. A good pro
portion of the offerings, however, con
sisted of grass sheep that were not fat
enough for killers and there was little or
no demand for feeders. This sec ma to be
a between season period for feeders and
for that reason commission men are ad
vising their customers to hold back the
stuff that Is no good enough for packers
until there Is an improvement In the de
mand for feeders.
Quotations for clipped stock: Good to
choice wethers. $6.75'e6.0O: fair to good, $6.60
4(5.76; good to choice ewes, $6.00g:6.26; fair to
good, $4.65(3:6.00; good to choice lambs, $6.25
46.60; fair to good, $6.60&6.00. Wooled stock
sells about 25Q50C above clipped stock.
Choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.75(7.76;
fair to good, $6.60(6.75. Representative
No. Av. Pr.
1 buck 80 3 00
39 wethers 84 3 W
261 Oregon wethers 81 4 10
6 yearlings '. 12 6 00
26 cull lambs 69 6 0)
1 wether 1C0 6 00
82 western lambs 71 6 SO
708 clipped sheep and yearlings. 92 6 86
293 clipped lambs 73 40
Cattle and Hogi Strong; Sheep Steady
and Lambs IIlRher.
CHICAGO, June 2. CATTLE Receipts,
7,600 head, including 250 head of Texans.
Shipping and exports. 1525c higher; others
steady to strong. Good to prime steers,
$7.00(67.55; poor to medium, $4.75g.76; stock
ers and feeders, $2.60(i34.60; cows, $1.50fi6.76;
heifers, $2.O0fa6.00; canners, $1.60(S,2.60; bulls,
2.60to6.3tr- calves, $2.0oe.60; Texas-fed
steers. $o.26&6.40.
HOQS Receipts, 40,000 head; left over,
4.000 head. Opened 610c lower, closed
good to choice heavy, $7.2oB7.40; rough
heavy, $6.757.25; light, $6,7047.15; bulk of
sales, $6.954jT.30.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000
head; sneep cteaay; lamns, goon, ug'ie
higher; good to choice wethers, $0.6006.26;
fair to choice mixed. 34.50ia6.25: western
sheep, $5.25fg6.26; native lambs, clipped, $5.00"; lamoa. fo.axQi.w.
Official yesterday;
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 122 721
Hogs 11,209 1,343
Sheep 128 208
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 2,300 natives, 2,200 Texans, 320 calves.
Market active and steady on best beeves;
common and mixed, loft 20c lower; stock
ers and feeders, steady to 10c higher;
choice export and dressed beef steers,
$6.90fi7.30; fc'r to good, $5.00(&45.BO: stockers
and feeders, $3.694&.90; western fed steers,
$4.55ti.70; Texas and Indian steers, $3.25
6.25; Texas cows, $2.254j4.75; native cows,
$2.00ti6.40: native heifers, $3.506.25; can
ners. $1.76413.00; bulls, $3.4C4l6.5o; calves,
HOGS Receipts, 4,700 head. Market weak
to 6o lower; top, $7.40; bulk of sales, $6.80
7.25: heavy, $7.2iKi(7.40; mixed packers,
$7.107.32Vt; light, $6.65(87.10; Yorkers, $7.00
4V7.10; pigs, $6.006.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.100
head. Market 15(5 20c lower; native lambs,
$6.267.30; western lambs, $6.30476.80; native
wethers,' $5.2t)4i.O0; western wethers, $4.25
4)4.00; fed ewes, $4.6oti.0O; Texas clipped
yearlings, $6.4(Xij5.9o; Texas clipped sheep,
$4.20416.60; atockers and feeders, $2.604pl.60.
Tiew York Lire 8 rock Market.
ceipts, 2.482; steers, firm to 16c higher;
bulls, steady; cows, strong. Steers. $5.75
7.40; bulls, $3.6"4lt-75; cows, $2 664)6.20; ca
bles firm for live cattle; refrigerator beef
unchanged; exports tomorrow, 750 cattle,
l,02o sheep and 2,740 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 6,624. The market
opened firm to 25c higher and closed easier;
vesls, $4.60t87.60; few tops. $7.62: butter
milks, $4.0U(g5.00; city dressed veals, firm
at Sttft'llc; few extra, Uttc.
HOGS Receipts, 8.357; firm, state hogs,
$7.0S1.46: mixed western, $7.00
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 11,500:
sheep and ' yearlings, steady; medium and
common, slow; good to choice lambs, firm
to shade higher; common, dull. Sheep,
$3.00((j6.00; choice and extras, $5.254.60:
fancy export wethers. $6 60; yearlings. $5.00
4j7.0O; culls, $4 12'..: Iambs, l6.404jS.t5.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
v . . , r. H1TTT E Daulnll
BT. IjKJIIO. J'ie v . . ....
5,100 head. Incluulng 3,8j0 head of Texans;
market steady. Native shipping and ex-
port steers, ko.wyi.p, mwim u.," .ww
pOUnOB, "i.OJ',!T) ' , UI rrrru w n . m
$5 6(i4j6.80; stockers and feeders. $3.25ff4.60;
cows and heifers, $2.2&4j.O0: canners, $2.00$
8 00; bulls. $3.1o45-00; calves. M.0otjj.50;
Texas and Indian steers, fed. $4.30a.UO:
grass, $3.25414.30; cows and heifers, $2.604
IIOGS Receipts. 4,600 head; market 60o
lower. Pigs and lights, $6.75477.00; packers,
$6.96'"(-7.15; butchers, $7.007.40.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2,700
head; market steady. Native muttons, $4.60
4i6 80- lambs, $5.u04j.76; culls and bucks.
14 OOfi'6.60: Blockers, $1.u04j3.00; Texans, $3.70
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 550 head; steady to 6c higher; na
tive, tr, 2.r.fl7 26 : cows and heifers. $1.269
640j veals, $3,604)6.26; stockers and feeders,
HOGS Receipts, 4.100 head; Bteady; light
and light mixed, $6. 4541 7. 27 H; medium and
heavy, $7,104)7.36; pigs, $4 OGfiAOO.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,350
head; steady; top spring lambs, $7.60.
glows City Live Stork Market. .
SIOUX CITY, June 2 (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.2i0 head;
stockers, strong; killers, 10c higher;
beeves. $6,764)680; stockers and fee-dent,
$3 i; yearlings and calves, $3,004)4.66.
HCKjS Receipts, 3.0u head, 64710c lower,
$6.8o4l7-10; bulk, $6.8u4i7.00.
Stock la Slbt.
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hegs snd sheep at the Ave prin
cipal markets for J'tne t:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha I.6&6 6,781 2,628
Chicago a, 4t,0 la.OtjO
Kansas City 4.5nO 4.700 i.MO
Ht. Lc uls 5.1"0 4.6O0 2.700
Bt. Joseph 660 4,100 1.850
20.806 t,181 21,87$
Oil aad Koala.
OIL CtTT, June l.OII.- Credit bal
ances, 130; certificates, no bid; shipments,
May $1, 133.631 bbls., average 104.662 bbls ;
June 1. 61...74 bbls.; run.. Mav .tl. 12.1. '44
bbls., average M,6u2 bbls.: June 1, 6.649
SAVANNAH. Oa., June 2. OH. Turpen
tine, steady at 45c. Rosin, firm; quota
tions: A. B. C, 1, E, $125; K, $1 32V. .
$l.4; H, $1.6.V I, $196; M, $2.90; N, $3.30;
WO. $.(.J0; WW, $3. 60.
NEW YORK, Juns 2-OlL Cotton seed,
steady; etroleum, steady; rosin, steady;
turpentine, steadv.
TOLEDO, O.. June J.--OI ! North Lima.
SSc; flouth Lima and Indians, 83c.
L1VERPOOU June 8.01 L Petroleum,
refined, Jd; cotton seed, Hull, refined, spot
weaker, 26s 4',d.
LONDON, June 2. OIL Calcutta Unseed,
spot, 54s 6d; petroleum. Amerlcsn refined.
13-16c; petroleum, spirits, 7d; turpentine,
Cotton Market.
closed quiet at l-lfic lower; - middling up
lands, 9 7-16c: middling gulf, 9 ll-16c; sales,
11,400 bales. Futures closed quiet; June,
8.93c; July, 8.82c: August, 8.53c; September,
8.(c; October, 7.87c; November,' 7 77c ; De
cember, 7.76c; January, 7.77c; February,
7.78c; March, 7.80c.
at V.
ST. liOriS. June COTTON-Qulet;
middling. 9ne; sales, ill bales; receipt, 84
bales; shipments, 793 bales; stock, 24,894
small business; prices Arm; American mid
dling, 6 6-32d; the sales ttf the day were
e.otio bales, of which 6u0 were for specula
tion and export and Included 6,200 Ameri
can; receipts, 7,ti0 bales; no Amerlcsn.
Futures opened steady and closed firm;
American middling, g. o. c, June, 5'-6l J
6 32-64d, buyers: June and July, 6dM5 l-64iT,
buyers; July and August, 4 62-4d, buyers;
August and September, 4 64-64d, sellers;
September and October, 4 89-64d, buvers;
October and November, 4 29-64d, buyers;
November and December, 4 26-4d, buvers;
December and January, 4 25-64d, buyers;
January and February. 4 24-64474 26-64d, buy
ers. NEW ORLEANS. June . COTTON-Fu-tures,
quiet. June. 9.064T9.10O; July, l.l
s.isc; August, s.ooc; pepiemoer, susr; Ucto
ber, 7.574) 7. 6Sc: November. 7.6SW7.59c: De
cember, i.77fj"i7.78e; January, 7 68fi7.6tic. Mar
ket easy; sales, 2,450 bales. Jlnarv. 7;c;
good ordinary, 8sc: low mM, 4l3-16c;
middling 9c; good middling l"-1c; mid
dling fa(rt 10 1-Tfic. Receipt sP 233 bales;
stock, 134,788 bales.
Dry (Sonds Market.
There has been a very quiet market on
the spot today after the holidays, but a
fair business has been done on mall or
ders. Brown cottons are unchanged In all
respects. Bleached muslins are dull, but
quotations are unaltered. Denims scarce
and firm; plaids alno firm and well sold.
Other coarse cottons without peatures.
Prints were In quiet request and ging
hams scarce and firm. Cotton hosiery and
underwear are without new feature.
Arkansas River Is Falling;.
WICHITA, Kan., June 2 The Arkansas
river here and at Hutchinson Is falling
tbday and all danger of a serious flood Is
now believed to be over. The river at
Wichita Is still three feet one Inch above
normal, but lacks three feet of reaching
the danger line.
Date for Second Trial Set.
NEW YORK. June 2 Justice Scott In
the criminal branch of the supreme court,
today set September 22 as the date for
the beginning of the second trial of Ro
land B. Mollneaux, accused of the murder
of Mrs. Kate Adams.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday,
June 2:
Warranty Deeds.
L. D. Morse to Margaret K. Young,
lots 11 and 12. block 5. West End
add $
J. W. Akin and wife to Mary A.
Cotter, wH of eH lot 3, block 2,
Reed's add :
J. F. Btlberg and wife to Julia O.
Inman. lot 8. block 14. Walnut Hill.
II. A. C. Johnson and wife to H. M..
Paulsen, nH lot 15, block 2, Hage
dorn's add
Joseph Dolash and wife to Barbara
Poppenberger, lot 4, block 6, Van
Camp's add ,
Alfred Bloom and wife to H. 8. Eng
lund, lot 7, block 2, Idlewlld add...
J. V. Kudrna and wife to Patrick
McConnell, lot 3, block 35"., South
Peter Kelly to Sarah McConnell, lot
4 block 357, 8outh Omaha
William M. Johnsop and wife to J3. ,
A. Soderberg, ett of n4 block 8,
nnmoy rmce
John Brazda to James Bratda, sH
lot 22, block 3. Potter & C's. 2d
Rlvervlew Investment company to
M. F. Martin, wi lot 6, block 360.
Omaha -j
J. A. Holtrman and wife to C. R.
Chamberlain, lot 7, block 22, Flor
ence , , '
K C. Morehouae and wife to Sarah
A. Morehouse. sH lots 1, 2 and 3.
block 13. Highland Place
Atlantic Realty association to William
Bunch et a I, lot 3. block 8, Bemls
nark .'
Thomas Dugdnle et al to J. J. Ku
cerek et al, lot 22, block 7, Brown
E. M. Morsman, Jr.. trustee, et al.
to Charles Turner, lot 4 and wty lot
3, block 147, Omaha
National Life Insurance company to
P. J. Haas, lot 16, block 7, Hanscotn
Atlantic Realty association to J. P.
Barnhart, east 11 feet lot 10, block '
6, Bemis park
Qnlt Claim Deeds.
Jsmes Brazda and wife to John
Brasda, lot 22, block 2, Potter &
C's. 2d add 1
E. C. Garvin to Fannie I. Bogue,
lot 1. Pruyn subdiv , 1
J. B. Hodge and wife to Elisabeth
F. Bogart, south 3 feet lot 9, block
3, Dwlght & L's. add. , 25
United States to Frederick Juulland,
patent to ne4 6-16-11 ..j .....
Chemical National bank to Mary Gu- .
lick, lot 10, block 357, South Omaha.. 250
Bav State Trust company, trustee, to
Midland Realty company, lot 8,
block 87. Omaha 125,000
Total amount of transfer!
Supervising Architect, Washington. D. C,
May 24th, 1902. SEALED PROPOSALS
will be received at this office until 2 o'clock
p. m. on the 3oth day of June, 1902, and
then opened for the extension and changes
incidental thereto, of the low pressure and
exhaust steam heating and mechanical
ventilating apparatus, etc., In the U. &
courthouse, custom house and- poatofTlce at
OMAHA, NEBRASKA. In accordance with
the drawings and specification, which will
be furnished at the discretion of the Su
pervising Architect on application at this
office, or at the office of the Superintend
ent, Omaha, Nebraska. JAMES KNOX
TAYLOR, Supervising Architect.
of the Supervising Architect, Washington.
D. C. May 29, 1902. Sealed Proposals will
be received at this office until 2 o'clock
p m. on the 28th day of June, 1902, and
then opened, for tbe Installation of a con
duit and electric wiring system for the
extension of the IT. 8. Court House, Cus
tom House and Postofflee at Omaha, Ne
braska, In accordance with the drawlnga
and specification, copies of which may be
obtained at this office or at the office of
the Superintendent of Construction at
Omaha, Neb., at the discretion of the
Supervising Architect. JAMES KNOX
TAYLOR, Supervising Architect.
00 Opens...
Stocks and Grain
Send lor free booklet xplslolog our 01 w
which com bine a Urge p amber of small sc.
counts Into one large, strong, effective trading
power, putting you In the position of a capitalist,
25-27 Chamber of Com mere
Cbtaage Steck EscbeBre.
Calsage boar; el Trade.
Nrst V era Wires aad Cennectlons.