Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Outrun Constable and Eecnrea Freedom
i with Kuch Ease
ifeld Them Half Interest la a Myth
y leal Dee- and Pony "bow and
v . TTnen Arrestee Had lit Ha
i. T ramble la Escaping.
ft JimM F. Riley, arrested for swindling
two young lad from Iowa out of $106, mad
bis escape from Constable Kins leto Satur
day afternoon, and How has every police
Iman and oncer la tbe city on his track.
Riley had been arraigned In Justice Fos
ter's court and waa allowed to go out with
Constable King to secure a $200 bond. Tbe
Jtwo drove to a pawn shop at Sixteenth
and California streets and there was where
the escape was effected. While the officer
was tying his horse Riley leisurely saun
lered Into the shop. When be reached
tba center of tbe room, and the officer was
t the front entrance, Riley took a hitch
In his trousers, bucked up like an enraged
automobile and made a daeh for a aide
door. So did King. Riley reached It two
lengths ahead and kept a lengthening. Be
fore a block had been run Riley had set
tled down to a good, steady two-minute
ellp and King hadn't reached a second
fterm'. pace. In the second quarter King
took a spurt, but couldn't keep up the
pace,, and was shut out in the third block,
Riley' breaking and running through a sa
loon. King kept the road and reported
the race to Judge Foster.
; Riley is charged with a crime that has
made Iowa rural I ten famous, the "marks"
this time .being Edward H. Nelson and
bis brother' Henry. Riley sold them a
dog and. music show, which they say be
didn't have, for $105, which they want
back. The two boys came from tba coun
try precincts of Iowa recently and were
present at a dog and pony show held here.
Enthused by the dress suit of the ring
blaster and the uniforms of the tentmen,
they yearned for the easy, get-rlch-qulck-life
of ' the show man. They returned
borne, sold their prospects for a wheat and
Born crop and came back to Omaha to
look up a show. They mot Riley and
Riley did the rest. He was the proud
pwner of the finest dog and pony show In
all the world, so he said, and It Included
tducated monkeys, goats that wouldn't eat
tin cans, a patent medicine machine that
toads a steam caliope ashamed of Itself
and It took two men to take In tbe money
St the door. Besides ail these, the boys
said, Riley had a license to ehow In Avoca
nd that tie expected to make a mint of
money there, and It tbey would hurry it
would only cost the boys $105 to get in on
the ground floor with a half interest. The
boys got. First securing Riley's promise
to pay a small board bill they owed In
Bouth Omaha and for which their baggage
was held aa security. Later the boys
called for their baggage and learned that
Riley had failed to pay. Tbey got sus
picious and had hira arrested aad have
promised the officers that they won't go
out with Riley any more.
$100,000 bankrupt stock
of Seeley-Howe-Le Van Co.,
tes Moines' finest dry goods store.
Bought for $36,360.
v " Now on Bale.
Boston Store, Omaha.
Prominent Shrlnere Es Route to San
The following are among the prominent
8uVrBe"TetnpIeB passing over the UNION
PACIFIC on their way to the annual ses
sions of the Imperial Council at San Fran
cisco: Al Koran, Cleveland, O.; Syria, Pittsburg,
Pa.; Medlnah, Chicago, 111.; Lu Lu, Phila
delphia, Pa.; Murat, Indianapolis, Ind.t
Osman, St. Paul, Minn.; Aladdin, Colum
bus, O.
Information about, the arrival of these
Nobles and their friends can be obtained
cn application to City Ticket Office, 1324
Farnam street, where prompt application
should also be made for reservations.
- fJvasBopaoae at a Kriala,
FOR ALB Latest model type. A. 0
combination graphophone, which plays both
large and small records; list price, $9.
This Is especially designed tor concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx-lnch horn and
stand. It also Includes twenty large Kdl
on records and carrying caae of twenty
four records. The machine is entirely new
aad has never been used. Will aell at
bargain. Address X . la car of Tbe Bee.
Chicago jow Miles Wearer.
The "Transmlasourl Limited" on the
Northwestern line only makes the trip In
Omaha I p. m-, arriving Chicago 1 next
City office. 1401-1401 Farnam st.
Send articles or Incorporation, notice ot
tockholders' meetings, etc to The Bee.
rVn will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone, 23$.
gnampooing and nalrdresnng. toe. at the
Batasry, 211-130 Bee Building. TeL 1T1-
Publtah your legal notices la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone Ml
, Wabash new office, 1601 Farnam street.
tody of A red Victim ot aa Accident
' Laid to Rest at Holy
I ' . gepalcare
' The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Brennan
srae held at 8:0 yesterday morning from
It. Patrick's church, Father Smith, as
listed by Fathers Jennette and MeCarthy,
of a large crowd
lluuilutuBi ' .
of friends. The remains were Interred at
Holy Sepulchre, after services at the grave
conducted by Father McCarthy, assisted by
...v.... st.mnn snd Jennette. The pall
bearers were Jamea Leery. John Rush, Dan
McMillan. Michael Ryan. J. .
mtiiii. u.mrn and Peter MeCaan. Mrs.
... -
- ai-a vriHa moraine: from the er
feet of Injuries received by being struck by
a, motor car. j
Bav a bottle of Nan's Dyspepsia Cars,
It w. 11 absolute! y cure the w orst kind
Of aoesaoa trouble. While tt will
are fee minor oases at ance, still we ,
prefer tbe worst obrouie cases to ax.
Uteojc those wtu have been wash
tng" thaauMxtaah, who must diet, end
those who are dlernetea with Us
treetxnenss they have been taking.
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Is different from the ordinary Dys
pepeta Tablet, Pepeine and Rods
peeps jUuue, Send liTT TT
to aa lor a bookiet X2LfiU
ftxm RAU, 203 Broadway. N. T. Cfty.
, 4 M a aettiei heweeler IUA, .
hermaa ateCeaaell Draft- Ca,
lata and Dodge Bta.. Omaha. ,
aad WadUig druggists.
Matters TTIilrli W1H Cease Refers ae
Grand Lad at Ita
The Masonic grand lodge of the state will
convene at Freemasons' hall, Omaha, June
4, with Judge R. 19. Brans of Dakota City
presiding. Tbe session will have consider
able interest to the craft In the state, as
several Important questions) are to be con
sidered and some of them may be finally
settled. One of the most Important matters
to come before the body will be the orphans'
home. For some time a fund has been
maintained for the purpose of providing a
home for the orphans of Mucins of this
Jurisdiction, but no steps have been taken
looking towsrd an expenditure of the money
In the manner contemplated. The Income
from the fund has been used In charitable
work, at least In part, and tbe question of
continuing to set aside a part of tbe In
come will come up on a proposition to de
vote the entire Income to charity. While
such a proposition might prevail under
ordinary ..conditions, a suggestion will be
made at the grand lodge meeting for the
location of an orphans' home and the ex
penditure of the principal sum In the way
originally contemplated. It Is understool
that aa offer will come from a town In the
central part of the state to have the home
located there upon tbe donation of a cer
tain part of the money necessary to equip
tbe institution. It Is now certain that
neKher of the propositions will be accepted
at this meeting, but It may be considered
and passed over for another year.
At the last meeting of the grand lodg
resolution was Introduced making Omaha
the permanent seat of the grand lodge.
This matter will -probably be settled at
the coming meeting and it la not Improb
able that the resolution will prevail, as
In tbe opinion of many of the members of
the grand lodge a permanent location is
Is desirable and no place Is aa easy of
access as Omaha from all parts of the
At the present time there are 251 lodges
entitled to membership in the grand lodge,
and as each may hare three representa
tives it will make a body of about 800
members. Including past grand masters. It
Is expected that of this number 60) will
be present at tbe meeting, which will prob
ably continue for three days.
Previous to the meeting of tbe grand
lodge on Wednesday there will be a meet
ing of the Veteran Mason's association of
Nebraska. Several candidates will be ad
mitted to membership, a luncheon will be
served and officers elected for the ensuing
$100,000 bankrupt stock
of Seeley-Howe-Lie Van Co.. '
Dee Moines' finest dry goods store
Bought for $85,380.
Now on Bale.
Boston Store, Omaha.
Another "Corner" Established by the
Local Geald Ticket and
Freight Ofllce. '
Yesterday morning Harry Moores' brace of
blooded bulldogs ambled down to the Wa
bash city ticket office at 1415 Farnam about
11 o'clock as usual to sun In the big front
window, as they do each day. To their
astonishment tbey found the door closed
and, looking up, saw a sign reading "Wa
bash New City Office One Block and a Halt
West." So the Intelligent animals trotted
up Farnam street hill to the Board of Trade
building, where they found their master In
stalled In a new office and beaming out
upon the world from amid a chaos of desks.
chairs, ticket racks and counters not yet
disposed in permanent localities about the
The new Wabash office is large and
flooded with light from the two fronts; one
on Sixteenth street, the other on Farnam.
Tbe handsome new mahogany funlture.
which Is being made for it to special order,
is not yet completed, but is expected from
the factory soon. Till then the fittings
from the old office are being used. The
office opened up for business yesterday,
as was announced, and Mr. Moores hopes
to be all settled wHh his new fixtures In
few days.
Long; Delayed Work Waa Commenced
Last Evening; aad
The street sweeping season waa naharad
In last evening, when, at . i . o'clock
two street sweepers, two pickup wagons
and sprinkler, worked by thirteen men
under Sheperd Cox, foreman," began opera
tions. The first district to receive at
tention was bounded by Eleventh. Six
teenth, Harney and Dodge streets.. Tbe
streets running north and south were
cleaned the first night, and those running
east and west the second night, and this
schedule will be followed throughout the
season. The force will clean about thirty.
six blocks per night. . .
The crosswalk gang went to work yester
day. It will lay forty-five crosswalks-, orders
for which were made last year, before un
dertaklng new work.
Next week the work of repairing danger
ous places in streets will begin. Two gangs
of six men and three teams each will be
gin operations Monday morning, June ,
and will probably finish the work In about
two weeks..
Par Warreat KrU Cs Tatll Its Slse
Has Beea. Properly De
termines. "'
The salary ordinance for May, 'appropri
ating aa aggregate ot $!3,$JT, was passed at
special meeting of the city council held
at 11 yesterday morning. The only change
made In tbe original draft was the can
cellatlon of the item of 1250. being the
salary of Fire Chief Salter for May. This
was done as the result ot a mlsunder
standing aa to whether .Chief Salter Is to
draw $1,000. per year, as ths ordinance
provides, or $$,000 per year,' as fixed upun
by the Board of Fire and Police Com
tnlsslooera. It Is proposed lo hold up bis
pay until the matter caa be adjusted. Ex
Fire Chief Joha Redell. Salter's predecessor
received $1,000. per rear.
Kaasas City Paeklas; Ceaaaaay Hi
Two Months la Waiea ta Get
New tlaarters-
Pursuant to a reeommeadatloa recently
made to the elty ceunell by tbe mayor that
tbe Bohwarsscblld ft Sulsberger Packing
company be requested to desist from trans
acting' business from a freight ear and
shed near Seventh and Jaeksoa streets, as
It amounted to unfair competition with
other paoklag companies wuiea maintain
permanent buildings, the elty clerk has
looked up the records, and has found that
the leass of the company expires about
tbe mlddls of August.
"As soon as the lease expires." said the
mayor, "the eompaay will be requeeted to
tsar down that abed, and If the company
doesn't de It the elty will."
Wabash new omce-im Fernem street.
Mia VoOes So Longer Yitita County Jail
on Lord Day.
Representative af Woman's Christian
Temperance Union Csierlakea ta
Dictate ta City Mlaaloaarr with.
Reealt of Cessation af Service.
Another Sunday has passed without the
bound-over prisoners In the county Jail
having Miss Nellie McOee present at their
religious services, and It begins to look Ilka
some time will be required In patching up
the differences that resulted a few weeks
ago In open clash of authority. Incidentally
Sheriff Power has taken a hand and de
clared that nobody baa a monopoly ot the
work of evangelization among the prisoners.
The aged Mrs. Jardlne did the first reg
ular systematic work at the Jail for tbe
Woman's Christian Temperance union and
when she retired because of growing fee
bleness Mrs. E. H. Shlnrock was selected by
the organization to be her successor. Later
Miss McOee, who, as city missionary for
the City Missionary association, Is giving
all her time to work among unfortunatee
and criminals, was commissioned by tbs
same organisation to work at the county
Mrs. Shlnrock and daughter. Miss Ora,
retained tbe large hall of the Jail as their
field of operation and Miss McOee was
given the barred and screened quarters, In
which are the colored men and the prison
ers who are awaiting trial or have particu
larly bad records.
Services Long Successful.
For a long time the arrangement seemed
to work satisfactorily. Every Sunday
afternoon the two organs would be brought
down from upstairs, one placed In tbe main
corridor, where Mrs. Shinrock and her as
sistants would conduct services, and the
other in the west wing, where Miss McGee
and Mrs. Charles Williams would lead.
The Jailer had Informed tbe prisoners that
he would like it if all. would Join in the
services, but that be would not make It
obligatory, only requiring that they at least
be perfectly orderly. Most of them Joined
in with a will and there was never any dls
sentlon on their part.
But It is told that one Sunday, about six
or eight weeks sgo, Mrs. Shlnrock decided
to exebsnge posts with Miss McOee, and
directed her to work In the mr.ln corridor.
Miss McOee, It is further said, demurred,
ssylng that she had gotten in touch with
those In her department, had gained their
confidence and sympathy and thought she
could best work where she was. Mrs.
Shinrock, having behind her the declaration
of the Women's Christian Temperance
union that Miss McOee must work, If at all,
under her direction, insisted In her de
mand. It Is said, with the result that Miss
McOee left the building and hasn't been
back since, except to make frequent calls
on the prisoners through the week and
perform those services that made her par
ticularly popular with tbe prisoners.
"I alnt klckln' on Mrs. Shlnrock nor Mrs.
Williams," said a prisoner, "but we . had
a special llkln' for Miss McOee. You see
she brought us something beside gospel
tracts and a promise salvation If we re
pent. She brought us clothes and dally
papers and news of what s going on In
tbe world. Many a poor devil this winter
would have been without underclothes If
bo hadn't trotted the town for him until
she found somebody who would give what
be needed, and I even suspect that some
times she paid for tbe things out of her
own little pocketbook. She still comes to
see us on week days, but she won't ever
tell why she doesn't come Sundays any
more. We all s'poee there's a row, but we
don't know what It's about"
SherlS Plays No Favorites. '
Sheriff Power regrets if any differences
have arisen, but said to a reporter for The
Bee: "I stand by my original declaration
that nobody Is to have any monopoly ot
the religious works at the Jail. When I
took the office I laid down the rule that
any good, responsible person who wanted
to go In there and talk to the prisoners
about religious matters should be free to do
so as long aa the prisoners cared to listen,
and that rule still holds good."
Can't Miss It.
Wabash new city office, 1601 Farnam at.
$100,000 bankrupt stock
ot Seeley-Howe-Le Van Co.,
Des Moines' finest dry goods store.
Bought tor $35,360.
1 Now on Bale.
Boston Store, Omaha.
New Faet Train, Chicago . to
Commencing Sunday, June IS, the pictur
esque Erie railroad will run a solid vestl-
buled train, comprising Pullman sleepers,
standard coaches and dining cars, leaving
Chicago dally at 10:30 a. m., arriving New
York next afternoon at 3: SO, also carrying
through sleepers to Albany and Boston.
This train will be known as the "Sea Side
Limited", and no excess fare will be
For full particulars, see any ticket agent
Via Wabash Railroad.
Chicago to Boston and return, $19: via
New York, $22. allowing stopovers at Nl
agara Falls. Tickets on sale June 11, 11
and 11. For all information call at Wa
bash new city office, 1801 Farnam street
or write Harry E. Moores, general agent
passenger department, Omaha, Neb.
t. Paal-MlaacKsraile.
Composite Buffet Library Cars now
service via "The Northwestern Line"
tbe OTwla City Limited" at 7:66 P.
1401-1403 Farnam St
Many Ratea East and South at Wabash
New City Office, 1901 Farnam street.
French clocks carefully repaired. Edholm
Elkaora Officials Well Pleased with
Oatlook Aloaa- Their
General Manager Bldwell of the Fremont.
Elkbora tt Missouri Valley railroad, to
gether with General Superintenlent Hughes,
Chief Engineer Marsh and Oeneral Freight
Agent Kuha of 'be earn ) road has juat
returned from a week's Inspection trip over
the system. Tbe railroaders bring back
most flattertag repor's of the prospects In
all departments, especrWly li live stocg
They say that throughout wsatern Nebrsska
and In Wyona'ng there arj being t-ii great
numbers of cattls brought from Texas. The
range Is ot tbe beet, and the stock is fat
toning at a great rate, o that the animals
will be all tallow and bids when they get
to market.
As concerns the railroad Itself, Mr. Bid.
well reports everything in good roitlae
running order, with the substitution of
hesvy steel rails between Stanton and
O'Neill progressing rapidly towards com.
pletton and the work on the Verdtgrla e'
tension being pushed all the lima,
! '-' U V
Tlio Greatest
. that has ever taken place In America. The first fiaj's sals ot tba stock ot
Des Moines' Finest Dry Goods Store
(Bought from the receiver)
has drawn such crowds as we have never drawn before. The quantities are so
large that all the goods advertised In Sunday's papers on sale tomorrow, be
sides the following still greater bargains. The stock la Immense sad wa
cannot begin to advertise all the bargains COMB AND YOU WILL, FIND AS
$1 Wash Waists 25c
All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's.
11. W walstlngs and wash goods In
linen colored batiste and French
lawn, satin striped and lace
insertion, silk embroidered
floral designs on linen colored
grounds, also silk embroidered
crepes, In pink, light "e?
blue and black, all nC
go at, yard a!i-rw
Skirts, Waists, Suits
All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co' a. $2.50
rainy-day skirts flounced pm
and tucked, black and ZjC
oxford A
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s $11.50
and $15.00 tailor made cloth suits,
Eton and Olbson effects rfi
choice on second 35
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's. $100
white and colored shirt waist, every
one this season's styles, f
on main floor bargain MnC
Wash Goods, Muslins, Linens, etc
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's wash
goods, no matter what their price
was, whether 10c or 25c, dimities,
percales, shirt waist madras,
white lace lawns, etc., e)C
all go at, yard
All 8eeley-Howe-LeVan Co's. fine
summer wash goods, dotted Swiss,
dimities, gingham. Imported
batiste, etc., their price lllC
up to 75c yard, all go at, yd. v
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's. fine 25c
dimities, nne lawns, nne batistes.
their price up to 25c, all go in
one Dig lot, absolutely me
newest styles, at, yard ....
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's, 1Va
and 15c 3ft-lnch percales, llgnt p
and dark colors T .
yard J'
Coaaty Attoraey Will Be Bnsy Sains
on Recognisance Bonds
for av Time.
Martin Shields, policeman, was to have
been tried yesterday for assault on V. B.
Walker, but the case has gone over until
Thursday because Charles Mars, a witness,
did not appear. "Johnnie" Wright of South
Twelfth street was on his bond for 200 ana
the county attorney's office threatens to
sue Wright, the bond being declared for
feited, but it is said that the subpoena was
left at Wright's saloon for Mars and not
served on him personally.
Ths county prosecutors are also stirred
over a report that Joseph Hennessy has
departed for lands unknown, and a capalas
was Issued, it being tbe desire to nuni mm
down. If possible, rather than sue on his
$500 bond, signed by J. J- Ryan. Hen
nessy is one of the lads charged with as-
suiting Anna Weesenburg of South omana
and has been fighting the case stubbornly.
first on the error of Police Justice King in
tlpulattng In the bond that be appear at
next term of district court, and, next, as a
plea In bar that be should not be further
prosecuted, ss ths Information against htm
was filed while the grand Jury indictment
was sgalnst him and that this Indictment
1 later polled by the county attorney.
Judge Baxter overruled the first objection
and was to hear the plea argued Wednesday.
Shampooing and hair dresstng, 26c, at the
Bathery. llf-120 Bee Building. Tel. 171$.
Silver baking dishes. Edholm, Jeweler.
Mayor Mooree Objects to Omatbaa
Reeolatloa Passed by the
It Is authoritatively reported about the
city hall that Mayor Moorea will veto the
concurrent resolution adopted at tbe last
council meeting, according to "which the
electric light company is directed to place
ninety-nine additional arc lamps, and tbe
gas company 100 gas lamps, tbe locations
to be selected by each councilman for his
respective ward. The mayor Is reported
as saying that this would not bring about
an equitable distribution of light through
out tbe city, as some localttlea need more
light than others. He also objects to It, It
Is alleged, because so many lamps would
be too heavy a draft upon the lighting
Pure and
tabae, caa and oo-U-
sdf equal fbe health giving
tixaditica of combined fruit a
and prin. 4 What one laxka
tne other xoppliea.
California gM aad prnnei
i hi Ta? ned -wltn elected
train by ma neoal proces a
makes a AmKrtemt Cereal
Coffee, ricSa In nxTtrimecd:
andpleaofcog to the taate.
for a 3xaple oi J
$1 Ribbons 10c yd
The entire ribbon deoartment
from the Seeley-Howe-Le Van store
goes in one big lot, they are mostly
satin taffeta, all silk double faced
tafcota, liberty satin ribbons,
striped, plaid, and fancy ribbons.
Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co. sold them
as nigh as 11. UO. on one
big bargain square,
at, yard
Umbrellas & Parasols
Children's Parasols that Bee- 4 g
ley-Howe-LeVan sold for llC
60c, on sale st
Men's and women's umbrellas that
Seeley-Howe-LeVan sold g
for $1.00 on sale OVlC
Men's and women's fine silk umbrel
las and paranoia that Seeley-Howe-LcVan
sold for up to g -
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's. 3S-lnch
wide muslins, cambrics, etc,
worth up to 12o rtC
go at. yard a-
All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co's. wide
sheetings. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-i, 4 f-
all the best grades, lijC
at, yard a-w
All the prints from the See- yl
Icy-Howe-LeVan Cos. -f:
stock, at, yard i
All tbe Linen Napkins from the See-ley-Howe-I-Van
stock, all In one
lot, that sold for $3.60 OK
doaen, all go at, I
All Seeley-Howe-Le Van's 25c, 35o and
60c Turkish Towels in one 4 p
lot, bleached and unbleacb- I Jjtj
ed, aU go at. each
A thorough "House Cleaning" of ronr
system occasionally is a necessity if you
value your health and good feeling.
Located along the River Rhine in Ger
many, famous the world over for their
wonderful cures of wasting diseases,
dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney
troubles. The cures are effected by
the administration of the juice of the
grape in certain combinations. In
Mull's Grape Tonic you have all the
best parts of the Traubenkur and yon
can purchase a large bottle ot your drug
gist tor 60 cents.
Gentle yet sure in Its action, pleasant
to the taste and marvelous in its building-up
powers, regulates the liver, stom
ach and kidneys and purines the blood.
Invaluable to invalids, sickly children,
women and those suffering from want oi
nutrition and wasting diseases.
Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co.
S W. Cor. 16th and Dodje Sts.
How Arc Your Floors ?
If your floors don't Just suit you,
tell you what to do. If there are
K1LL.KR 25c per box made on purpose
for this. It wont SHRINK after filling
as tt would If you use putty. If the floor
is rough and "open grained," we have
Liquid Filler, which makes It smooth and
ready to take tbe finishing coats of paint
or stain. We of course have the FLOGK
PAINT for everr-day floor painting. This
enmrs In eight shades and DR1K8 hard In
(this Is varnish stain for floors)
which comes In oak. mahogany, walnut.
rherry, rosewood and ebony. Floor-Lac
stains and varnishes at one operation. If
your floors ere ALL RIGHT NOW In sur
face and color but need RENEWING a
bit get some of our DURABLE FLOOR
VARNISH (made for floor and nothing
else, mind you) and apply one coat. Or
If you have a HAKDWtM D floor and want
It WAXED, we sell the WAX all ready to
t ALu rJtl tUlAJlt V.AKU.
Sherman &McConnell Drug Co.
Sixteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha.
Postal Card Will Get It
Twentieth Century Farmer
The Beet Agrleultural Weekly,
dreea, Omaha, Ken.
rH i
j mm juamai aiw; ms
Men's Summer
"What! ttm pcrft in men's flanirri cast and pant urntn
last jear "vroiilil stand poor -coinparistm with the standard
of perfection -which Nebraska QotLes" has this jear at
tained. There's more art" in the cut, there's more swing and
grace to the clothes and we're pushed ahead further to
ward procuring the neatest and snappiest patterns.
"Wool crashes homespuns blue serges flannels
In plain and striped clothes that feel right look right,
and are right made up into the lightest weight garments
man can wear.
rrices, $4.50, $5.00, $5-50, $at)0.
Men's Shirt Waists
We are showing a most varied and complete assort
ment of men's nhirt waists. Made of madras, cheviots, per
cales, of unimpeachable qualities The assortment con
tains a most beautiful assortment' of patterns all the lat
.est kinks of shirt making is represented in our MEN'S
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50,
J..PM.IS u.. --WHS ji-iji....auaAai. ajmiu WW. 11a stwi iswsasy
1316 Farnam Street,
Suits, from $30100 to$65t 00. Trouaers from to $ldOU
When yon are In need of glasses our optician Is a
ppeciallst who would be pleased to test your eyes if you
will spend a few minutes at our store. Look for the
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
1516 Douglas St.
These preparations will promptly cure
tife various diseases of the dog. They are
in use- In the principal kennels of
Dent's Dlstemperlne
Dent's Vermifuge
Dent's Condition Pills
Dent's Blood Purifying Pills
Dent's Mange Cure
Dent's Skin Cure
Dent's Cure for Fits
Dent's Tapeworm Expeller
Dent's Diarrhoea Cure
Dent's Dftxatlve Pills
Dent's Kye Lotion
Dent's Canker Lotion
Dent's Shampoo
Dent's Dog Boap
Flea-l-clde Boap -
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
16th and Farnam
Phone 160.
There's an attraction
about good beer that critical people admire,
and wnen it's Met Bros.' beer it's ad
mired all the more because of the knowl
edge that It a PUKE as BEER CAN BE
MADE, perfectly aged and of excellent
One quaff will convince you that it's
the beer to please your palate and tickle
your taste.
Aletz Bros., Brewing C.
. Telepboae 11D. Omaha.
Or Jacob Neumayer. Agt., care Neumayer
Hotel. Council Bluffs, la.
Sneaking of dogi. aa referring to an aJ
in "Notice No. 1, It wouia iriKe one m-
... i.l. a.-tsi nss a rrettv nnrti
mlllaVr TV am.- T . " C .
nroponition to find a more windy, ehort-
r a eA thun ths arivrttMtr
e 'ill iiuru iii i'ic - -,r ...... .... -
of No. 1. This does not refer to the BKE
ii m h. wrntA the ad so much "ONE
Carter's PlUs
Castorla 25c
Peruna w
Cutlcurs Soap ,
B. 8. 8 "C
8. 8. 8., large $1 -25
Plnkham's Compound tc
Pierre s O. M. D &c
Kennedy's Discovery
Talcum Powder lc
Extract Beef c
14th ii Douglas Streets.
Try one, then notice the fine
Tobacco ami compare It wttn
g. JL JUea Mis atna Oaaa1 On Msaa
Hisses' and
Low Shoes
A neat one-strap Colonal tie In
Fatent leather or vlcl kid a light sole
or warm weather sizes 6 to 8, at 1
8 to 11 at 11.36 HH to 2, at .f
The nobbiest low shoe ever shown
in Omaha I our new two-button
Fedora a vlcl kid with patent tip
sixes 6 to 8, at $1.50 8V4 to 1L at II. io
n to 2, at 2.oo.
The same shoe in woman's sites, ZVi
to 6 with spring heels, et $2.50.
Nothing as catchy has ever been
shown In footwear.
Drexel Shoe Co.,
Omaha's t-'p-to-deTe Shoe Hoase,
Why Was It 7
That almost every down-town drug store
window und bIho those of the most prom
inent rural oim'S have been filled with a
certain Hulr Tonic madu In Oimiha, ami
for which these drunKlts asked, at first
$1.00, and then a universal price of iic?
they were all told thnt It would not be
sold to that MEAN DRUG STORE ON
ltiTH AND CHICAGO that Schaefer could
not get their Hair Tonic for love or mnnfy!
We got it of course, but why did THEY
put the price down to 49c? must have
been a big profit in that Tonic (?).
ri.oo Klnney'H Hair Tonic (want it?).. 4c
aue Doan's Kidney Pills 4ijc
$1.00 Prickly Ann Hitters ?r,0
ffic Palmer Almond Meal too
fc! .00 Chichester a English Diamond Brand
Pennyroyal PIIIh $1 fto
$2 00 Chester's Pennyroyal Tills $1 Ou
Sck; Pmsonl Fhce Powder J5o
$.150 Marvel Whirling Bpray 8vrlnge..$3.25
.1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed). 7i.o
Tel. TeT, . W. Cer. luta aad Chicago.
Aroma of our preent Havana
ruTi pn coo nunoU voie.
. aw "WW- Yrfaaa
rsr nirasa. a, w
8 S 'if b
1 &Sm
. -1