Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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, flaw Flaw of Telephone Company t Becura
Needed Floor Space,
IMaa for Braorh Kiebanse -o Aban
doned, bat Main Will Be
Made Twice Freaent
Within the next thirty days the Ne
braska Telephone company will break
ground for the erection of another three
story brick building, adjotolng on the west
the company'a present headquarters at the
corner of Eighteenth and Lkuglas streets.
The building Is necessary In order to admit
of a larger operating room, new and Im
proved switchboard and other apparatus to
accommodate a growing business. The
structure, which will be almost a counter
part of the one now In use, will cost ap
proximately $100,000 and must be finished
by tha end of the present year.
An officer of the company bad this to say
of the proposed Improvement: "T. C. Ford
of Boston, chief engineer of the American
Bell Telephone company, has been here
looking over the situation and has given
na advice upon which we shall probably
ct. For several years the Nebraska Tele
phone company baa been confronted by the
problem of how to extend Its present plant
to the best advantage, and It presented
tnsny difficulties. The plan was to build
two stories on top of our present building;
that was the cheapest way of getting the
necessary room, but there were objections
to it. The oolse and dirt would Impair our
nresent svstem and our 4.700 Omaha sub
scribers bad to be protected.
"Then we thought of building a separate
and detached building, sixty-six feet west
of the present building, on land recently
acquired by the company, but that also has
been abandoned. Our present plan is to
erect a three-story brick building, 66x66
feet, adjoining the present building on the
west and fronting on Douglas street. Be
tween the two structures there will be an
reaway running three-quarters of the .way
back to the alley and the buildings will
probably be connected by a bridge at about
the third story. This will enable us to put
In our new switchboard and other apparatus
without interfering with the operation of
the present one. It will also leave us the
lot, 66x182 feet, adjoining the proposed atte
on the west, to be used for outdoor storage.
"The two lower floors of the proposed
building will be used for storage, manufac
ture and shop rooms, and the third atory
will be used for operating.
"This building haa nothing to do with
the branch exchange which the company
proposes erecting somewhere In the western
part of the city. The building of the
branch is still under contemplation."
Koblea of Tangier Temple.
Made final arrangements for the
grimage to San Francisco on Friday even
ing, May 23, selecting the Union Paclflo
as the OFFICIAL ROUTE, thus disposing
of all misleading statements on this point.
In making this selection the following
facts were borne in mind, namely: The
Union Pacific Is the only line running
through trains via Denver and Salt Lake
to California; that it la 278 miles ahorter
to San Franclaco, and 16 hours quicker
than aay other line, and that, as less time
la consumed via this route, there are
fewer Incidental expensea on the trip.
Nearly all of the prominent eastern Tem
ples will pass through Omaha over the
Union Pacific.
Full information cheerfully furnished and
reservations made on. application to City
Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam street.
Prominent Btarlnera En Roil to Snn
The following are among the prominent
Shrine Temples passing over the UNION
PACIFIC on their way to the annual ses
sions of the Imperial Council at San Fran
cisco: Al Koran, Cleveland, O.; Syria, Plttaburg.
Pa.; Medlnah, Chicago, 111.; Lu Lu, Phila
delphia, Pa.; Murat, Indianapolis, Ind.t
Osman, St. Paul, Minn.; Aladdin, Colum
bus, O.
Information about the arrival of these
Nobles and their friends can be obtained
on application to City Ticket Office, 1321
Farnam street, where prompt application
should also be made for reservations. .
Nebraska Travelers Will Be Second In
Meeting- at Portland, Where Aa-
aoclatloa) Meets This Week
Nebraska delegates to the national con
vention of the Travelers' Protective Asso
ciation of America left for Portland, Ore.,
Friday night over the Union Pacific. Port
land will bo reached by the morning of
June 3, so that the delegates will be there
In plenty of time to attend the grand ban
quet which will be held that day, which la
always the opening feature ot the national
convention. The. Nebraska delegates are:
John I. Percuplle.. prealdent of Post A; R.
F. Hodgln, secretary ot Nebraska division:
Will O. Carpenter and H- O. Fredericks ot
Post A, Omaha; George Eoff, Post B, Fre
moot; AV. Whiting, Post C, Lincoln. Ac
companylpg the delegates will bs Mrs. John
1. Percuplle, Mrs. W. G. Carpenter and
daughter and Miss Mabel Hodgln, daughter
of the stats secretary. .
There are now thirty-three state divis
ions and 20,457 members, which makes a
representation of about 275, the largest in
the history of the organization.
There will be some Important legislation
brought up In the way of amendments to
the constitution. One amendment Is to
limit the membership to 25,000, so that all
applications received after that number Is
enrolled will be withheld and certificates
Issued only oa a vacancy occurtng in the
membership. ' Another will be the Increaae
ot salary of tbs national secretary from
12,400 to $3,600 per year. Another Is to
make the age limit 65 Instead ot 60. An
other to classify the membership accord
ing to occupation, and base claims tor ac
eldent Indemnity on this plan. Another
Important amendment la to abolish the sal
ary of the president, which is now $900 per
year, and to give Instead $25 for each meet
Ing ot the national board ot directors at
tended. -
Portland is preparing to entertain the
delegate la a royal way. and special at
tentlen will be glvea to the entertainment
of women. One of the trips to bs given
the delegates will be a trip by steamer up
the Columbia river to the Cascade Locks,
which la said to be one of the finest bit of
scenery in the world. Another will be
trio down the Columbia by train to Astoria,
visiting the salmon canneries, which will
be in full operation at that time. There
will also be a fish dinner given by ths clt-
. liens of Astoria.
Nebraaka expected . to win ths Texas
prlie horns for the largest Increase is
membership, but it la aow conceded that
they -wilt be given to New Tork division.
which brought last enough over 200 to malm
It eligible in the contest, and tbey made
gala of about 103 per cent. Nebraaka will
bs aecoud with, (4 per oent.
t. raal-MlBarasells.
Composite Buffet Library Cars new la
service via "The Northwestern Una" oa
the "Twin City Limited" at 7:54 p.
itca-110 Faraam Bu
y laelat on Aiding; Mayor
Moorea' Matrimonial
Every mall brings to Mayor Mooree re
newed evidence that the matrimonial
bureau Infant which was left on his door
step by a facetious newspaper two months
ago, is growing Into a lusty youngster of
cosmopolitan nationality. From a Joke it
has developed In a serious proposition.
Started as a Jig. it baa swelled
into a grand organ symphony and
now the mayor thinks, he may have
to Issue some of those photographic albums
after all In order to quell the clamora
which arise from the congested districts of
Savants of the Old World capitals have
chosen It as a theme for treatlsea; emigra
tion agents see In It a chance for lucrative
speculation, while in the eagerness with
which some of the women seise this bubble
there Is something almost pitiful.' Some of
the newspapers treat It seriously, others
satirically. It baa moved the Lokal
Anxelger of Berlin 'to call Nebraska a
"love drunk community," and a paper in
Constantinople to aay that this dearth of
women Is at the bottom of the American
antipathy to polygamy.
Otto Almqulst, 6 Johannls Gatan, Stock
holm, Sweden, wrltea aa follows:
Tin Borgmnstaren, Nebraska, Omaha,
America: In readinar the Daa-llst Allehanda.
1 saw the inclosed clipping. If It Is true
and nonestiy meant i am satisnea mat tnlould be reauested
girls of the north would be preferable to
those of many other countries. I would
therefore like to aeslst you on the follow
ing conditions:
Those who want wives from Sweden call
on mayor and deposit $400, whereof $200.
with photograph, would be sent to bank in
Sweden, where prospective wife could see
picture, receive ror trip ana expenses,
balance commission to me. If the tiartv Is I
nut BtmputMi wnii wii wnen gria meieiare owners or. nomea or are nuying mem
she will receive the IM deposited with
mayor to pay her passage back. If ehe
suits party I want $50 extra commission.
1 want to un aii means to ascertain that
wives are treated well after about twelve
are disposed of before going Into the busi
ness any heavier.
Profoundly German.
The clipping from the Stockholm paper
which recently appeared In the London
Times, and was republished In The Bee.
The Lokal Anzelger of Berlin sizes up the
situation rather ponderously as' follows
In these days of marriage announcements
and the boom of the International marriage
market It Is understood that oners and in
aulrles for new and original forms should
be sought after. In courageous America
It seems the genii have received their pass,
especially In one poor district where such I
companions for life are to be provided.
eucn a love-cirunK aistrict ine Deauiuui
Nebraska, with its capital, Omaha. Then
tne want or dear, sweet girie is aurn tnat
it la desirable to obtain tne overproduction
or other more fortunate countries,
- The mayor of Omaha himself. Mayor
Moo res, has teKen wi active part in tnis
to neip nis reuow cuizena. ne nns imucu
an album for circulation for the entire
world. The album Is beautifully arranged
ana contains a
the state of N
Ins a gallery of male beauties of
PhiAI.. VfJh- Zrh3
of nil ells-ltda eltlepna of thrt enuntrv who
have not so far entered the ranks of matrl-
mony and are looking for a wife. Under
me picture or eacn man is it i b name, kkc
nationality, family Connections, charncter
and an approximate estimate of his worldly
possessions, together with a deecription of
! nosslble that In Germany thta Idea will
be reproduced. Every single woman who
Is without male protection In her little
home and 'la often assailed by fear of
tramps, housebreakers, etc., is also given
good advice irom across tne ocean.
l.nn ladies emnlov such deceptive mettv
ods as the placing of men's hats In the
corridor. This Is an effective method of
a-ettlna rid of fresh beggars. An aged post
mistress In a little country town went eo
far as to place the hat of one of the finest
(policemen) on her table In the hall. AH
this would be unnecessary If Mayor Moorea'
matrimonial project snouia meet witn suc
cess. v
StlU Keeps It VP.
"During a period of poor health some
tln:e ago I got a trial bottle of DeWitt's
Little Early Risers," says Justice of the
Peace Adam Shook ot New Lisbon, Ind. "I
took them and they did me so much good
hsve used them ever sines." Safe, re
liable and gentle, DeWitt's Little Early
Risers neither gripe nor distress, but stim
ulate the liver and promote regular and
easy action of the bowels. ,
Women of Caster Relief Corps Re
member Those Who Died
at sen,-
An Inspiring subject for a poem might be
found In the work. done by a committee
from the Woman's Relief Corps of Custer
post on Memorial day. It bad been- re
marked at the meeting of the corps that.
wbtle the graves ot dead soldiers are dec
orated with flowers each year, the hundreds
of equally heroic aallora, who died in their
country's honor, receive no Such tender
recognition. Slice ths , bodies of a great
majority of these He at the bottom of the
the problem presented difficulties that
seemed almost Insurmountable.
During the discussion one of the members
suggested a plan, ths alluded to the cus
tom of the Hindoo maidens of going at sight
and sending leaf -lamps afloat on the tide
ot the river Ganges and praying while the
lamps remained alight. It was decided to
act upon this bint. Several large baskets
were laden with fresh -cut flowers .and
turnea over to a committee. At noon on
Memorial day these blossoms. In their
wicker caskets, were cast upon the turgid
bosom of the Missouri and ths committee
watched them and prayed as they danced
down the eddies toward the sea where the
dead sailors He.
Saturday Mht Meeting; e( the Club
Falls to Preduee a
Speaker. -
The Jacknlaa club meeting announced
for Saturday night failed to materialise, as
J. Smyth, the epekker of the evening.
had been called out of town during the aft
ernoon and of the very tew prtaent none
cared to assume the responsibility of
speaking Just at this particular time.' None
of the South Omaha belligerents were pres
ent and the impression prevails that they
will all take their medicine like little men
without any further trsuble.
Orawkepnonn at m Batrstnla-
FOR SALE Latest modal type.' A. O.
combination grapkophene, which plays both
large and small records; list price, $.
This Is especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx-lach bora and
stand. It also Includes tweaty large Edi
son records and carrying case of tweaty-
four records. The macblsa Is entirely new
and has never been used. Will sell at a
bargain. Addreas X $(. la care ot Tha Bee.
Popular as he Is for wedding rings, Ed-
holm LEADS la fine diamonds.
ifcieaao oi MUee Rearer.
The "Transmlssouri Limited" on the
Northwestern line only makes the trip la
Omaha t p. m,, arriving Chicago T next
City office. 1401-140$ Faraam sC
hampoolng sad batrdroasiag, zsc,' at the
Battery, 111-220 Bee Buildlag. Tel. 1714.
Baby spoona. Edholm, opp. P. O.
Wabash new offloe. 101 Farnam street-
Tnn't NIm It.
Wabash new city office. 101 Farnam st
Shampooing and hair dreasug. See, at tbs
Battery. Ut-tt Be BullOUg. Tel. 171$,
Chicago Strike Not Likely to Affect the
Local Fackert.
Men Not Inclined to Go Out oa Sym
pathy Strike Nor Qalt
Work Except for
Good Reasons,
The teamsters' strike In Chicago, which
from press reports appears to be tying up
the meat handling trade, does not appear in
the least to worry the packers in South
Omaha. As a general thing the packers
have contracts with local transfer compa
nies for the handling of their products and
therefore they say they have no interest In
the affaire of the teamsters now going on
In Chicago. It la true that each packing
house maintains three or four wagons of Its
own, but it Is not understood that the
teamsters are in any manner Inclined to go
out on a sympathetic strike. In fact It Is
stated by persons in a position to know
that the teamsters hero are better paid
than in most cities.
There was a report from Chicago yes
terday to the effect that unless a settle
ment of some sort was made by Monday
assistance from the western packing bouses
Very few laboring men appear to know
anything about the alleged request and at
the present time there does not seem to be
any Inclination on the part of the employes
of the stockyards or the packing bouses
to make any demanda at this time. A large
proportion of packing bouse employes here
and these say that something serious must
occur before they will go on a strike.
Shippers to this market appear to be well
satisfied with the prices paid and the man
ner in which stock Is handled and a number
at the Exchange yesterday expressed the
AntiilnH tt ft. -er-1 itf Ik, rhln.m OImV
v.,. . ,,, . .,..
Veteran Pastors.
In the last isaue of the Presbyterian Ed
itor Merrill calls attention to the fact that
three of the pastors of South Omaha
churches are veterans of the civil war and
also members of the Grand Army of the
Republic. These pastors sre: Rev. M. A.
Head of the First Methodist church. Rev.
,.,,. r,iu ,v. it-iJ t .hi...
Aouj" Renwlck of the United Presbyterian
ccurcu auu nev. u. uidb or. lao rirsi v;nns-
tian church. All of theae veterans partlcl
bated in Memorial day services.
Children's Entertainment.
A children's entertainment will be given
i( . ...
tne troo armory on Monday and Tues-
aay evenings or this week under the aus
pices of St. Martin's guild. Rehearsals have i
ben going on for some time and the chll-
dren who are to take part are showing a
great deal of interest. There will be a Mar
. , . , ... .
nole dance- a sailors' drill, minuet and
scarf drill and some good music. It was
reported yesterday that the sale of tickets
had already been quite large.
Placing; Equipment.
A number ot carpenters are now at work
placing saddle hooks and other belongings
of the cavalry In the troop armory and
within a few days the equipment will be all
located so as to be handy for the troopers.
What will not be needed at the present
time will be packed and placed in storage
In a room In the basement of the city hall
building. The racks for the carbines will
be forthcoming within the next week or so.
Monday Evening; Recital.
On Monday evening Miss Ellsworth will
give a recital at the First Methodist Epis
copal church. In this she will be assisted
by the advanced pupils In ber claas and by
Mrs. H. D. Andrews, Herbert Elliott, Wal
ter Dale and Miss May Lovely. If Is re
quested that children who attend be ac
companied by their parents.
Blda Opened Monday.
On Monday night the council will open
bids for the repair of No. 2 Ore hall. The
Insurance company has agreed, as per the
terms ot arbitration, to pay $824 for the
remodeling of the building. It will bs
necessary therefore tor bidders - to con
fine themselves within this limit. There
Is a demand for the Immediate reconstruc
tion of this Ore ball, as now a portion of
the city is left practically unprotected.
Settling; Insnranee.
Representative of lnaurance companies
visited the Jettcr brewery yesterday to
view the pile ot burning embers. An effort
'til be made to have the Insurance ad-
Justed as soon as possible In order that
reconstruction may be commenced, u.
Jetter, as soon as he arrives home, will
direct that the stables be replaced at once.
Brick will be used In the construction.
Nothing definite has been determined about
the rebuilding of the cooper shop, but this
'111 come probably at the same time the
stables are rebuilt. Of ths amount of les
In storage about 1,800 tons will be saved
and the Insurance companies will permit,
this to be moved In out of the sun at once
In order to prevent further loss. Two ot
the Insurance policies carried by the Jetter
company on the burned buildings expire on
June 1 and another on June 3. Arrange
ments bad, however, been made to renew
the policies.
Jtn Parkins; Scheme
Since the property owners started the
movement to park Twenty-third street as
far south as J street the owners of real
eatate on Twenty-second street bsvs taken
up the matter and bow they want their
atreet parked from F street on the north to
a majortty- of property owner, request-
t am f -nut h a natition sienefl
Ing tor tne cnange or tne euro lines, etc.,
must be made netore tne omittance can oe
signed by the mayor.
Too Ureal
n Rlak.
In almost every neighborhood someone
has died from an attack of collo or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could be
I Drocured or a physician summoned. A re-
liable remedy for tbeae dlaeases should be
kept at hand. The risk is too great for
anyone to take. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has un
doubtedly saved ths lives of more people
and relieved mors pain and suffering than
any other medicine in use. It can always
be depended upon.
1 A Kew Fast Train, Chlcngro to Hew
Commencing Sunday, June IS, the pictur
esque Erie railroad will run a solid vestl-
buled train, comprising Pullman sleepers.
standard coaches and dining cars, leaving
Chlcaao dallv at 10: JO a. m.. arriving New
York next afternoon at I:$0. also carrying
I through sleepers to Albany and Boston.
This train will be known as ths "Sea Side
Limited" and no excess far will be
For full particulars, see any ticket agent.
Homeaeekera' Exeurslena.
Tuesday, June $. will be tha next date
on which tbs Missouri racinc win aeu
round trip tickets at low rates to certain
points in southwest Missouri, Kansas, Ar-
aaaas. Texas. Oklahoma and Indian Ter-
For furthae Information, rates, etc.. writ
or call at comDsnr's offices. 8. E. corner
14th snd Douglas streets. Omaha, Neb.
V . . Pass, aad Ticket Agent.
General Order Decreasing; strength to
60,407, leaned T Secre
tary noot.
WASHINGTON. Jun 1. By dlreclon of
the president. Secretary Root has issued
a general order decreasing the strength of
our permanent military establishment and
changing the ratio of Its makeup as pro
vided In the general order Issued last May
to carry out the army reorganization law.
t'nder the general order of last May the
total strength of the army was fixed at
77,287 men. The order Issued today re
duces this figure to 66,497 a reduction of
In the cavalry branch of the service the
old order specified twelve troops of eighty
five men each to a regiment; the new or
der establishes twelve troops of seventy
five men each. This will decrease the total
strength of the fifteen cavalry' regiments
from 15,840 to 14,040.
In the artillery branch the coast con
tingent will be kept at Its former strength
of 126 companies of 109 enlisted men each,
or a total of 13,734, but the field artillery
will be reduced from thirty batteries of
160 men' each to twenty-eight batteries
(twenty-five light and three mounted) of
120 men each.
Provision is made In the new order for
two siege batteries, each with a strength
of 160 men, which. In addition to the light
and mounted batteries, will give the ar
tillery corps a total enlisted strength of
17,743, aa against the 18,862 men provided
in the former order. The new order re
duces Iho number of men in infantry com
panies from 104 to eighty, and our thirty
regiments of twelve companies each will
now give a total Infantry force of 29,880,
instead of 38,620. The strength of the en
inMr t,ranrh remains aa formerly, as does
also the strength of the staff departments.
It will be the plan of tbs War depart.
ment hereafter to divide the army, as pro
vided in the order issued today, Into thirds.
having one-third of the entire establish
ment In the Philippines at all times and the
remaining two-thirds In the United States
and elsewhere. By this plan an enlisted
man, Uklng six years as a basis, would
serve four years - In the United States
proper, or in Hawaii or in Alaska, to every
two years served In the Philippines.
Presidential Nomlnntlona.
WASHINGTON, June 1. The president
yesterday sent the following nomination to
the senate:
Army Colonels, to be brigadier generals:
Samuel M. Whiteside and Sumner H. Lin
coln. Infantry Lieutenant colonels, to be
colonels: William Qulnten and Jesse C.
Chance. Majors to be lieutenant colonels:
Ralph W. Hoyt and George H. Cornish.
Captains to bs made majors: Charles II.
Bonesteel, Lyman W. V. Kenne, William
Lasslter, Charles O. Morton. First lieu
tenants, to be captains: George F. Baltzell
Edgar T. Collins, Seaborn O. Chiles and
Lyman W. Welch;, and also George W.
Blnee, receiver of public moneys at Ore
gon City, Ore.
Confldenee Men Dlacloae Overtures
Made to Them by City
MINNEAPOLIS, June 1. The first of the
police bribery cases was taken up in the
district court yesterday. Irving A. Gardner,
special inspector, Is charged with having
recetved a bribe of $500 from confidence op
erators, guaranteeing In return police pro
William ' Edwards' testified that Gardner
bad demanded of him 11,000, which Gardner
satd was to go to Mayor Ames and for
which the confidence man was to operate
unmolested fer ten months. In addition,
Edwards testified they were to pay Gard
ner $50 a week and the same amount to De
tective Norbeck. who Is also tinder indict
ment. ' ' " '
Edwards and bis associate. Link Cross-
man, and the witness finally compromised
on $500. They were to nave ten - aieer-
ers" and 'agreed not to swindle any Mln
neapollo or St. Paul man. They were also
to prevent any victim, as far as possible,
from complaining at headquarters. - They
were to furnish lists of their men, so that
the police should not molest "protected
It was established by the evidence of the
mayor's secretsry that Gardner had been
appointed special dettctlve.
Rises Sixteen Feet In Three Boars,
Overflowing; Large Area,
of Ground.
ANADARKO, Okl., June 1. In three
hours last night ths Washita river at this
point rose nearly 'sixteen feet, carrying
dozens of tents and outbuildings on the
lowland's and flooding the town to a depth
of four feet or more. People In the bot
toms had barely time to eacape to high
ground and a number were forced to climb
trees. Boats were secured and several
people In perilous positions were rescued,
one woman with a l-week-old baby being
takea from the branches of a tree.
It Is believed no lives were lost.- though
many people are homeless. Toaay tne
water Is receding.' The flood Is ths worst
in twenty years. The river north of Ana
darko Is a mile wide and la overflowing,
destroying crops. Ohe mile ot track on the
Rock Island road waa -washed out and the
Presbyterian Indian mission grounds and
the government Indian school and farm are
I under water,
William R. Gray, Omaha. Pioneer.
i , w- i -
, Red 0ak-t T- died thore Friday after-
noon, and bis remains were orougnt to
Omaha Saturday for Interment In Proapect
Hill cemtery, where they were placed at
once. Mr. Gray first came to Omaha In
1856, and waa here all during the young
growth of the city. He waa 91 years S
months ot ags. He leaves three daughtera.
Mrs. George M. Gray of Red Oak, Mrs. I
V. Manning of Denver and Mrs. E. A. Har
ris of Marshalltown, la.
940.00 to Portland, Oregon
from Omaha and all other Missouri river
points. Tickets on sale May 27 to June 8,
limit sixty days; July 1( to 21, limit Sep
tember 15. These rates apply through Col
orado and Utah via the Denver Rio
Grande and Rio Grand Western, "the
Bcenle Lias ot the World." which
passes the most famous points of In
tereat In the Rocky , mountain region
and you should see that your tick
ets read via this route tn order to make
your trip the most enjoyable. See your lo
cal ticket agent tor tree Illustrated liter
ature or write 8. K. Hooper, Q. P. A T. A.,
Denver, Colo.
Many Rates Eaat and South at Wabash
New City Office, 101 Farnam street.
Publish your legal notices la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone JM.
Marriage Licensee.
Marriage licenses were Issued Satur-
day to:
Name and Residence.
Joel Oleon. Louisville, Neb
Hedwtg band, Louisville. eD...
... II
Frank M. Beeen, Omaha
Molile Lund, Omaha
V III T n hi Br. ... K rtmaha
... a
... it
... 22
Annie aeverln, oouta Omaha,
eeaeeeoeeaeea A
Informal Bexwption for Nw Tork'i Exsou
tivt Held at Omaha Club.
Trip Across Continent, Made to Es
cape Worry of rolltlcs at Home,
a Source of Continual
For three and a half hours Saturday aft
ernoon Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., governor of
New York, waa In Omaha and entertained
at ' the Omaha club by Horace G. Burt,
president of the Union Paclflo railroad,
who presented a number of prominent Ne
braskans who called In a somewhat In
formal way. With the governor were his
wife, bis father, now 77 years old; bis
mother, his sister. Miss Odell; Senator T.
E. Ellsworth, president pro tem of tha
New York state senate, and H. K. Bird,
the governor's secretary, who Is known at
Albany as the "official bureau tor the sup
pression of information."
Been Boay for m Month.
The party left New York on April 20,
went to Atlanta and New Orleans, then
over the Southern Paclflo to California,
where the governor spent some time In
roaming about from Los Angeles to Santa
Barbara, from Monterey to 'Frisco and
through the Yosemlte valley. The arrival
here over the Union Paclflo was at 4:30
and they left at 7:55 to go to St. Paul and
then to Montreal over the Canadian Paclflo,
reaching Albany June 4. President Burt
telegraphed the governor an invitation to
stop here early yesterday morning and the
Invitation was promptly accepted, because,
as the governor satd, "this Nebraska town
Is worth visiting, not only because of Its
early history, but because ot Its probable
future." Mrs. Burt took Mrs. Odell for a
drive, but the governor went directly to
the club and was there until 6 o'clock, when
he returned to his car. There was, of
course, no time for dinner or speeches
after the reception. '
It there had been the governor probably
would have stayed at his car, for he is
trying to make this trip as much of a
recreation and rest cure as the tour ot
the executive of so great a state could
Jnat Out for Pleasure.
"I am out for a pleasure ride, nothing
more," he said. "I am glad to meet peo
ple, but let no man say politics to me. My
principal business Just now Is . to forget
politics and I wish to talk of the other
matters Just anything that Is diverting
and worth while.
"If I were to make a speech tonight it
wouldn't. be about the prospects of my re-
nomination nor about the effect of the con
fusion In Tammany Incident to the retire
ment ot Mr. Nixon, but it would be about
the folly of .those people who go to Europe
to spend their vacations. This trip leaves
me wondering why they do It. I have en
countered tn six weeks' travel all the vari
eties of climate that can be on this con
tracted globe, scenery to match anything
that can possibly exist In Switzerland;
more baths than a man could try If he took
Ave a day for a month; the people well,-1
even found aome kinds that we haven't tn
New York. When I get back to my state I
am going to preach the new south and
stalwart west. There are eyes to be opened
there to the possibilities of the one and
the progress of the other. Both were far
beyond my greatest expectations."
Very Enthualaatle All the War.
Other members of the party who beard
the governor speaking said, with smiles:
He has been Just that enthusiastic for two
weeks. Everywhere be haa found some
thing more to wonder over and to praise.
His friends at home will have their cre
dulity taxed, for he is quite carried away
by what he has learned not bear stories,
but statistics and discoveries of bis own.
Everywhere we have stopped he has been
a veritable interrogation point, asxing
prominent people all manner of questions
stout the various Industries and the his
tory of their respective localities.
"As for his political prospects, they are
not worrying him at all. In his message he
took a firm stand for such development of
the other aources of the state's revenue
as would eliminate altogether the direct
tax, for state purposes, on real estate and
personal property and he expects the people
to be with him. Lewis Nixon s bolt from
the Tammany chair pleaaes him, because
ot the muddle it has left the democrats In,
but be would have been quits as serene if
it bad not happened."
As he left the club the governor paused
a moment at his carriage door to reward
the long wait ot The Bee's staff pho
tographer. 1
3obann AarU Jarlna
in Koln,
gases r
1$ til Senulna, Ask Connol$s$ar$.
l or sale oy
8. W. Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
City Taxes
Real and
Are Nov Dud
The Tax Books for tbe
rear 1902 are In my office.
Large property owner
will kindly band In list at
ibe earllst possible mo
Respectfully, A. H. HENNINGS,
City Treasurer.
Whd Does It Mean!
The word GUARANTEE has been ham
mered around ao Indlacrtmlnately that
many people have absolutely lost confi
dence In its meaning. Many merchants,
for lns'ance. use this word so much In
their TALKS to their customers and III
their advertisement 8I.MPLY An A TRADE
WlNNtlR. with no Intention of making It
food. That the public cannot be blamed
or their general LACK OF STOCK In the
word. Now, we are not claiming to be
better than everybody else, but we have
several preparations In our store which we
DO Oi'.KANTEK to do what la claimed
for them. Doubters are Invited to ex
periment AT OUR EXPENSE, juat to aee
if we are Joshing.
Cramer's Kidney Cure (guaranteed).... 4c
Parisian Hair Tonlo (guaranteed) Tac
Butler a Female Remedy (guaranteed).. 73
R Pile Cure (runranteed) 36c
German Klmmell Bittera (guaranteed).. 76o
Beef, Iron and Wins (guaranteed).,..,. 4uo
Celery Nervine (guaranteed) 6c
Stirsaparllla with Iottidea (guaranteed)., two
I'ncle Sam's Tobacco Cure (guaranteed) fc"C
Our Own Cough Cure (guaranteed).. Joe
Egyptian Lotua Cream (guaranteed for
chape) ....................... 10c
tntmcrctvc cut mice
Tel. T4T, a.W. Cor. lt aad Ckteaae.
1 1MW
O Tn
Brewed in a plant a clean at the cletneit home kitchen always open to
m your io pec
gA and Return
lv2? My 27 to JuneS I (rh
I I August 2 to 10 I j
I I Three TroJns Dewily F
On,, Una Mi
Running Through Trains t r';0
r?i from Omaha JS'
Y$ 16 Hours Quicker
k Thexn Arty Lino
A disordered digestion makes Itself manifest
Jo a maddy or blotchy complexion, nervons weak
ness aad Irritable temper. The right remedy Is
Prickly Ash Bitters
It Is the best beautificr oa earth because It goes to ths root of
the trouble, la the liver and bowels and removes it entirely. Im- -,
v, parts freshness and bloom to tha complexion, brightens the eye,
promotes good digestion and cheerful spirits. , ,
If-so, before making any plans for
your summer fishing trip, you should
write-or tCsJI -on us for Information
pertaining to the Lakes of Minnesota.
M-iuim i 11 m. 1 vnnm iiiiiawaweansaMnng mm maimm mm mi minim
There are ten thousand lakes In the State ot
Minnesota, which are filled with Bass, Pickerel,
Crapple, Muskalonge, etc.
Remarkably .low round trip tickets with long
limits, - will be on sale all summer.
Information' regarding fishing resorts, hotel
rates, and round trip tickets will be cheerfully
- furnished by, ,
402 Farnam St . fiULPats. Arl., III. Cent. R. R.
It Is anything but pleasant to have a
and August. The time to remedy this
There' Is no building In Omaha so well constructed witn reierence to tne com
fort of Its tenants In all klnda of weather as The Bee Building. The court, with Its
fountain Is not only a source of delight to the eye, but furnishes perfect ventilation
and the thick' walls and southeast, exposure make It an Ideal summer office building.
There- are not many vacant rooms la the building, but the movement In and
out of the building haa left a few of the very choicest rooms at your disposal.
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee Building
Ground Floor.
Per Month.
NO OH Hi Uxa feet. Faces Seventeenth street anf has windows along the
alley. This Is a large, light room, a'..d the rental price Includes, beat,
light, water and Janitor aervlce. It has aa entrance both on Ihe ilee
Building Court and Seventeenth atreet Price Sw Ot
First Floor.
ICITB JOli There Is no finer oHlce auite In Omaha than thla one. It Is located
lust on the right Band of the great marble stairway, and lias unusually
lnrse windows looking upon the front entrance way of the bulltllnif. it
fronts on Farnam sueet. One room Is 17lt and the oilier sxl. U U a
bursiar-proot vault, marble man let- piece, hardwood floors, and wl J .tj,-M
frescoed to ault tenant v ,,rlcB 'au'
OOM lost Thla room la lust at the head of the main stairway on the first Hour.
it would be a very deslrabfe otnoe tor aome real eatate man or con
tractor. The floor apace U Mxls feet 1 "'
Third Floor.
ROOM 80Si This room Is 21x8 feet and U very conveniently located near the
elevator. A algn on the door can be readily seen in stepping u ui ,1Ju4
ROOM 3r This room la 17x31 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant
This room is particularly aaapteu iur ai-iue cuiicnu , -,iT;
i"a"e and la a decidedly handsome oflice. having an 'c'i' .il'
court and wlndowe looking out u(.ou beventecnth , .J ",f.
large burglar-proof vault, hard woo d lloora and U one of tlie choicest om
ces in the buUdiug 1"u!'
Fourth Floor.
ROOM 401 1 UxlJ feet This room la nex t to the elevator a faces 1 irt:
haa a large burglar-proof vault and la well ven Hated. Has ood light,
and for the price furnishes lirst-cU aa accommodations Piles 117.5s
Fifth Floor.
I CITE This Is a very large room. 17x feet. It faces west but v?7
n 0 and well ventilated. It la very seldom that apuoe o thla alia U of.
i.rwi in Thi Be, 1 Building. It could bo used to advantage by Arm
QvJ&IlW? requiring largo floor syace-a
who eaalJ T Jeweler, or manufacturer s agent, who would Ilka to be In
. rroof bulldlni. or It will be divided to suit the tenant............ Price K.0
aVIOM Ml 1 This room faces the court and Is ltxl feet. It ha. a b u rg la r-proof
vault and as' U 1. near the telegraph ofti.e and on the same r rnhh rn
number of grain rirme, It wouiu ue 1
firm desiring nrst-claae acconuuodatluu
Bl'ITB SlOi This consists of two rooms,
. . large burglar-proof vault, have be.
wnera any Business or pruie..iuim
the two
Rental Af ents.
non 58,971 visitors last year.
p. i
IT IS 1101.
hot office In which to work during July
is now.
a parucuu,,. . --- - j r---
both JHxllH- Each of them has a
newly ;?Mortubl "'5
, man Hi. 04
Ground Floor,
Bee Buildin;.