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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JUNE 2, 11X2. SPECIAL NOTICES Advmteeaaeeia tweee eeletea erlll bo lakri aattl IS aa. ler tke tfalif rltln Bag aatll AM V aau for Korvtii', ad Sa4ar edltlea. Ik. l 1 -i ward rat taarrttea. 1 ward krftrr. Awtklea"' Itkta far lees 1 ku f,Ve for tk A rat larr tla nm eTrtleaBte a mat be m MIMTItlttlt, A4 vertkeeT-a, rriinllii a aaae berad ekeek, ewa ka (Mitrn ad-dreeae-d ta a akrrr4 letter la ear f Tk ktoe. Aavswers a a 4 4 rrur4 will W delivered preweatatloa ( tba tkHk etaiy. SFTCATIOAS WILTED.' STENOGRAPHER you want me cal, lb RtcaoiT run oSce. "1 F amain Be ife.fcab.n ialTe. A 74 J WANTED. I by ti.gbly ed..e-.ed Germes young Mi 9 y of It a Pvfri( . ts c of lnr- rucuj.g all branches. aio music 1. ;taa end tini lug. would 'rfi a poeiiAm as buse kr; wiBfc .g , leave tj. Aodreae ir Inquire Ljk. .jbjUi --.b fct. A fb jtl- W ATED M.UK HLL-. it -Vt A 1AI 6 v xr.a. U you ma ui m iku. u m i ! ana tan a ooj au4aa.0n.aa.uc aiUUlig hJUa XiU aUaJ eu.a Uica J kikera 11 lute we.ktfttaiMMi you can tt.k-kt at, tsaajif y ivuf or ttve kvtra aula- Vinu ua aNU a-jii eeaa i-r ai pi oufciu,u. ia n f awl iaiii na wu. BmitCMta ttL, imana, Jea. . 4 as WANikXt, a tou man in e-tr- cbaiii u tajL aauviiwu amkt ilia awc&ueui iuly IwbtT. Vaf afck Utaajr aWka Aauieaa aiaUalil Veaikii r;iuu, is C41. 13 aa 2 H h or lour cood xaea vanted, L.v per Cawxiu. ajli a-a.a.UMU iiioca. iaUa C. K. KTbll.N tJTf frlvata iu miL.x'yu.g. a0ba la, i4tsmnti iku Su- l.tuai tia-a Fl tHUwJ fumfa cajt W-r ol tamtztaus IS lI-iT tlkH.kt l TlU4 lit lulkt i.OZ5, Fttafl: bc- vaLlri. C'lnata Bus iiEN FTt-a trai-onau&ii 10 Lt-nv-r to ixam Uarttr ua.o. tcwa tari.iki.ea, pi aiuuiia fro'.wo, i.jjiurtuu: to em itaaro; tt tniiiif. utTft tar- t-er rolHt. xuewt toimkLe Ui ixtt or.a. rntt i:ir inrUL Mum i baraar Coi.e-, winei, c-i..u. bfir laavc raLaj'.'je aal mikeaalug uce:; e bave Io (wiie.c is trbraku.. jflS.4 WAKTED. j ounr a&ati ' ta fciU cJi-r lor ntn ui, ani-a ev is .a n' tana ntii, ataau a( aa sa-arjaLHa. a 4,, i,c ; , WAKTED. ha.rrjraamak.rr. ai uaiactet leaoy rxtij'iw sm tii jt-ar rcuija. Aj urtma l..c, fcm;it a Co., fci le w. U eat wuof Mnaaukrr, Mia. b JuiQi It WANTED, two firat-caana horooUj ut tera. Aadra. naiuj a-. ei rrifciicfc. etc.. F. u. axis H, J4a-ujte-. i la.. CC'LLDCTCiR. j-eranaarni j!lloii. atcied at aiot. riiTri-fcaujJi, ativ v are bit a. . ,J B IHi WANTED; mt-n to irn barber trace, new fcH 2vr o-r traaaiea -ae aarji j(m at cnoe. tn-at j'ropotiKion ever otlered; eiftit aru iirejiare you for li wai) joo. rit voqb. Muter ikjtr CtilJepe. jtOS Karnain at. i n- WAJfTED. hrkrr. or boj- that ha. ten tu ?hop about ture- rekiai. Joen u. ba6e, Waboo. Keb. B MS4 I W" ANTED Forty oo3 atobnnaacrit lro-mafliatrij-; umiLt ahoj-a, tbaut Car Ono4 majea. ourte J. Grant BIoje Otr. la- , B M1M lt 6ALE4MEN amta! ta aril trult tree; po ltloB jirrniaxetit; pay arerkjy; arritr jor Jiarticuara AAdrnaa Weatern Numery Coxcpac), Kaiea DepU, lAwrencr, Kii au & -u. . . . . 1. VPOSITIGN SECURED Ftr Uluarratftra. ad aniera, jpuroallrta boavkk.rt(era. lerj(.rrpber and j.raji re3rr. prorioed ubey ara mtmbrri of oor lnatltotr; iy tia no tuitxm tar unul r have aocurrd lor you a position; wrji at o&c, meotn.tuiif thr aubjicl cu aush ta nuoy. Correapotiorm lnaltut oX Anertca, Bos t-t Scram on. Pa B Al.EMlkJk W AikTx.Il. VAJLE6J4EX a ajiled tor luli Una -ot fruit and or iik men 'Aj irta; py aeraJy; outlit lraa, Ia wrrboa Nuraery Cumpaxy. -raiioa. avao. -siaf Jik Vk AaTai.l a.alAjuaL UiviUr. WiJillD, la OkU.g iadf students ta teara tUk.rureaa:jjMS ij.aawxii auua ciw rvpoar ai a acaei. lUu; all or akla Room iJa. aat c U Chris. ranadisn offioa. iita 4k DoJia. wanted. amiLf yoacc iai or scuua- lua ta laaa ill atiitouu in Omaha s beat buamcaa aad uorUiait oel.ea ai.a pay tar it when ctura is t.muoa ana paaltiio aeeuraav Aiaraw A L iaa. C 4 WAKTED. a tasachar ta instruct lb FrabtA lanauaaa A a oiXka . el three, tarxa a oecai; a lata tarma. Adarea Z K ba- C aiaJk WANTED. xpnij-a aAlealaaica In iov. vaiunf ana rea oepaxiiucnL. i. X Arandeis at boua, iauavon sura C JaUat WANTiD. iadr ta siva ooBvcrsaUos ieav aous m y YtLica vu y 00114; emu una vcnltiS cacb eeA. eiaia terma. A.d- atraas s ta. zvea. c iM WANTED A coBipetamt arcond firl. Mrs. V. b. CAid eU. aalt bo. Jjth. alkta I WANTED. cxpariatioaB apr In tamliy of t&rr. k4,oa fa. Inajuara turn tinuev fct C MtJS WANTED, a cuol -lrl fur general house work., no jooa aary Adra. F. &. Oven, rul Atuaneit at- C JuX J WANTED, rlrl for rrrieraj houaea-ork. Saul alaaon et C aal WANTED, yonct tiurae gin. X.pp'.r ti . - . C-MJui WANTED. rrl t aeit kn fenera! houaa uik. Aj- 4 S.l fc. Itnh t. C Miia WANTED, fiftj firla to make ahlrta. pants. vera.n aria cta. elotanc;. A;u t fiyrti A Kamnit Dry Uools Co.. II". h ar.d Heaaau-o. atrarta. . C Ws i A GIRL, far feneraJ beaeea ork at MS GeunT nra. . c iC WANTED Good f t-ceraj r:rl. good atn 112 ol cm. C Mia AtKLP WAklEA. WANTED, iatelii!.!. etihusiaslc Jut a a&1 0310 tu la.. oraera !.t a (ic".t bouk that ha. Veec HkJieriy am-3 tj thooaaxid ef lrOoiD-. A t petj. e M1-h-a. Darin lumii iuaur U Ihe Bck-jt F.giii for FooL, the .mji. rraphlc. authomauva. ardent aj.uuia of one of tb granoat luiue-fr td acs.d has atB of a Ira peopi io sikiri'kin their i"n- Kara ta ix W truib at laat air al Iron direct aouita. ui.muUit..e4 ajd aia)CXitore4 i f bnutt n-ntori r pr Jucaoad aairrikriorideaia tVjoe-aa ake't k n. a.eaera traa any auak la AVD Mi ifc.E Fa.K DAT. ix-t-r a swa-ih!sera, riciiv. aa saka a reanaLiaa a;'t-al ta lb la bors leva cf frtvdLASs akich l.vea ta everv Aibancaai beat Ao!t-ea Fuhk 4k Waa na-i Co., Llke.i Fiaoc, New Tra. -K3 t fit". pSJkT ajOlkfe-S. TANS an4 ktaxvaga wajpxav TwL IX TO MOVE rifM get Omaha Vaa Morar Co-; cJhoa ii-.w lamavaa, ur ! ljaa-aa. - Lirl CCC in ali parts a cry Tb O. aa C.t. fcj aaac B.&c EE FaTNE KTaTVriCK 4k CO tocec; ruia U-t X. I. L.1 idt To. 1 D Jl HOL'SES. Moraa. BcaUa. Fasto block D 3 BOUSES est Vmia. fULgaalL Burner black &' '! taoCarw It-ea 4 rOR RctT-HOIfCt. ' FOR F.EVT. r-Twm. modern, e tacbed j b-'u. tiy pe.rvd kM iwa, He. I Jala Capitol Ave. Tel. E-H-RrieoB. 1 I-MJk i houses, it r. d. wea. it:i Dour-a j i- a , FOR R.EXT, f-roora tw:itfc ITiS Pa-",c MAG SARD Van fori re Co. Tel. : lt I'Ejip.aele Horsrs. fKi Merrr t. . t rwit. ali mrdem, in l;t:d iie-ftitxtbocd. if r nioa'.h. 34.T f 3Me at.. I reoma tit per Man':. iii.CRi CuKf A.VI, Frrtn Ft. FC'R F.EM. m-.fl'm brmar -rear H-rj eobooi. The O. F. I 'ana Co, K Be El-c. D ?Ki fX-R-cC'id rt, all TnoOem. ml o 5:vh D JdH FC'R RENT. rnci6rr T-rtn flat at 411 X. 2i-ih feu Inquire SCS Haraiit t-. D S Jl t2'l TVEBS-TER. 11 rornna. c.arri; CI Farntm. rcoma. irmoern, air.d barn. fS'. ri.fe Ia.r'rt, rw.m t ; J(r Hen :d., n"4ern. l. thrii. Fatigaait Broa. . Barker bia t M6 VNEC.VALED, ceitral. isejere Dd -room tUta. TIbatO. 138 N. I2& rt. D l-ROC)M cpttatr. S. E. etimer 3d and Clark D-77S FC'R RENT 114 6 it t U rima, jnculern. fc 2h Capltnl tv( . rootna, modern. IT; iJ4N. ;Kh t.. rcv.rc. cttT faS E. i. FULUVAN, M.VI. Ule B,ir D-M7M ! rOK BEST riaHllBEO ROUMa. EI-EaANT rooms. TlneaH iocatios in tba city. !. Ca;ot Ave. - B MSBi FOR RENT, a noe large f arrurbed froi.t roc m. a.ih atcore. 7a at. kbth it E-MO THE IANGE HOTEL (.1 6. ITth rt. E M'C J IEWEI EuropeAn hoteL liLb Famam. NEWLT furr.irfced rooms, with good board 'T N. .-.h fet. E Mt TWO fcouRekt-ei.lng rocms li. 2fiuT Pt. Vsrr a E71C JJt NICE ructn for eentiemaa; privsie Imnl'r; close in. B 4fr. Be. E ?.l LARGE frotil rwm, riew and mooem: elo teie;.hone. private famiJ. )LL Dougias t al!w i TWO front rooms. snciderTu walking Sie- ttncf or tall biock Fartiajn tr. 1 5.0. S.ih Ave. E M114 f THREK newly furnished rnonta. roodeTn: r'.nf ie or enauile. ibui. Ioage Ft , third floor. E MJU5 J NJCEL.T furnlhed rooms for rent; also for lifht bouar keeping. SSlb tour!an. - ; ' ' E Mi7 7 FRONT, EO&M, 11 furnished, tool; iw other roomers, walking olf-ancf Aflflresa C 1. Be. E I KC'MS. furnished or.iuif urnishefl, modem. 272 Famam. E M.217 8 N1CKLT fuenlshed front room. wi?h al cove. y.t N. l!ah E Mil' 4' rlKMJHtD aiOOMk A 6 JBoiatO. Merriam. comlonavbie aemmer boat Tel ka. VERT desirable rooma. 211 8. Bt F-66 HAVE one nlue cool trort room, rultshla lor two mtn. inn Bart 6t. F-S1 TO arentlemen. nlatlr ftimlaavecl eutheat from room with aioove, iuiiatrs, botrd. 7u So. 2!th 6t " F SIS J5 TWO rooms and koard tn rTte family at HJ4 60. Jilb Ave. bew Hiisrom F'ark. F MI Jl KOQM, -lth good hoard. fi. nrt Art ... F M17t 7y J'ERT desirable south rooms, wwth board; , rrfercrx required. ihJ N. iu : . T-Miss r Oat Kal-JkrMkAAklUkU atUHiMa. AEK rwora vpaoe. St per snontA. ground Soor room in Tb laee kuuaiba;. lacii.g . amain atreel; a aspanaa) lar usvau heat or janitor aenic. it.. C level a Co, Keiiial Ageiita. Be buiidiag. G lit CENTRAL. obeaoc raona. ZMi it. 2td. .... G-Ml t LARGE modert. front "roams for light houM-keeid" aiao 1. furslabt-d room b2 N. U-.h fct. ... . Gu Jl FC'R RENT, entire weeoTid Stor of rerl Oerioe. unlurxUshed, ail tmaaera. .431! S. l'fih street , . & &67 FRONT room, sirltatile for two. with or without board JO -ehario t 1 '-- . g am 1 " - y , ' FOR Kh-ST 8Ttata.S AD OmiGa. FOH JULNT, tb building former. ccu pieii by The Bee at fci i amam t. It has lour storaBa and a baacmant which was lormerly uaea as I be e pra room. " Tiua a ill b re iiia vary reaaonablr. it ' iniertaiu-d apply al one t C. L. Koae aater. aacrtta-, rooia lliu, Bee buiiaiLg. FOR RENT, rtorc Is brst-ciaaa locaUon; rent reaaOLAbla. Applr - R J, Feoers at grouiKi soar, n mag. FC'R RENT 6eek room or Urge spaoe suitable for sei chandiac broker or party ooiiig bucibeaa is whavlesata ulrtraci. la uii ilei 4t te avk i ki naia fet. 1-lUt OFFICE ROOM. lArr room tronuig on lt'Ji - rt.. rt r ... Board or lraa feting., good light, ti per moath. Oaorjp) 4 e.. )ui Farnam at. -' . 1 Mad t TO LXT. oftioes la Pa-ivca tork and Mc Cagua Blcg. W. Far nam fcmtth Oa.. Farnam fet ' - J 71 FOR RENT, bnrk rtore room. Na. 1411 Cuming uret-t. I2d (. HOWARD KENNEDY SKJK. Real Ertate, Ixan, Rerrtal and Wneral lrisuikiio - agenta. rccirias and 2-, Flrn National BiCg 1 Mill f AUKtTi WAITED. WANTED, convaasliiK ai-ta . la- erery couuir to alicil sut'scr-utiobk to TH Hi liM.l.IH CE.MLH1 x A ttat LK: staauy en-j-ioyintH aiUl aaakrred good; tiriiU in ' the ccurrtry wnA kura and iuagy efcecikiy Aaavrad; can. tiuHt eaaily W ia Sat -r msntav Aaaraaa tantury. arsars bwlaciters Bureau. Be bkAiamg. CsnaXa. LJi WASTED TO St EST. WANTED, two or thre wo vacant lota. for reaudeiiMar ir fiats, b uat i good locationa and itTtf reaaor.aV e . all taah and na extra expense cl aeiLng;. AQdraes cUref ta buyers, fc Hi. rare Ba of-KLi. N M WANTED, to buy. tenty-flv feet oak efhee railing leet high. Address B af.. C'lutu bw. , N-Mime 1 WANTED, bowling alley, complete, in gciod conoiuiT,; state pnc craied lor t.lp meiit A Id re a F. Lt. Jeffrey. Th-roopo-Wyo. N MJ J WANTED, hotel of good capacity, in tlve Nebraka ec ioaa tea n. will Vt-r furni ture at baugain. Aocita C i. Bee x-M?a Ftst t ALk f( at ITT at. CHICAGO Fttrtutur Co. lilt Loo re. Tat. '1Xi New aa4 aaoonohano. bought, acia. eachatigwd. ' 4 gj rS SAL AsOaSES, WA4V4AS, SIC PAINTING and repairs OB wagon. etc our apeotaJt. H i roai. lata) aba Lek v envortb Tk laC f J SEVERAL j clnm.g bore. Walter I ha. pa. room D. K T Lf biax F-M14 FOR SALE Oood amarr'ietax esrv broke. lJ-itit bays, areisht 1-0' pounds oacfA. !ca4 trareier'. kacy can orrvw them Aa- FOR SALE phaataat. Cohjmbua Buggy Ca. SbaAa, in good oacdltitan. rubtaar Ura. vary chaan. 4ftnraai B Bea f-ma r FOR tiLC-nogE, i1l, ETC. rOR fALX. rrk-r priaetr-na. mr.abr-a. rew atid aecnrariartd. at cut price rt J;r!nt. palnTir.g sr.d;:ir.g ; aiao I-ut or, ruter lire Ileiffer. i7th ar.d L-kv. nworth f.u, F 777 J2t FJK ULE-Hi" a ,. waeTta. ete. : 'ral Ter.ipT' top carriage lcT sale at a aac r:fir. F A R-r-rta.. ioria I-eere E lg . lith aDil tUra-era m-th Fta P M43 Je:7 FOR ALE cbeaf.. a Conrord 5 and VirTr-n. F 4 FOR PALEL two FheHand ponje. well brcken for finrlrg r rtdlntt Jch.n H. Hane. rcKm D. N. T. Life Bior cT.trm, Nth. F-M-:a a FOR S ALE MIM EXLAJk EOl ft. ID HAND aai cboaj). Schwanx, 114 B. 1-Ji. FLESCUER Mils bicycles. 1&3 Capitol Are. tX'HAND rafc cheap. Derigbt. liil Farnam. B1CTCLFS and phonographs on easy pay meets 1 oewn. RW per week; idhend wbe'iB. fc. It and !.'. new ebeel. tla. Omaha Bicycle C , iaih and Chicago f la. 1W STTL.ES truss: catalogue free. Sber sian A MoConriell Lrug Co, lath a nd Dodge. li lit FC'F. SALE a meJodian In good mT!'Tl"n. Address B S. Bee. G-MTst. ! FC'R BALK. pbonrie-rarh. sapertor la any Cher musical Inrtrument; (a up. Tba Wlttman Co., 1CL Farnam. Q ti WIRE lerrc for potj'try. hog. lawn an yard, h.'tco pcta. tree gxsrda. Wlr Work. tu7 a. 16-h Ft. TeL li Q MFT! July FOR BALE, acholsruhlp In an Cmaha eriorthand achooL cheap, lcauire f,ea Bidg G MXA CLOSING ouf honeebold good and stove cheap. Ill Dodge Bt. MaSl XI TTPEWRITERb. later Rrmliip an. Bmth-Fren-.ler. Lenrmore.. re-ro"d r THE r.VLERWCiC'D; ic yrlce Rentals. tlM to 4 J-er month A. B Workman Ca. 1&.7 Farnam. Fhone 22k. G MaSl SECONDHAND billiard ani pnol table billiard table repaired; large stock of cheap 'isr fixture cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick. Baike. Coliender Co, 7- Bo. Huh. G-i NEW ajid Jdhand tjpe writer Far nam. & M7C FOR SALE. aecrir.fl-T.and dek chairs (.nd walrut offioe counter arid railing. We baah cSce. Itlt Famam St. g M14 FOR BALE; Chesapeake Bay pappie; finet-l retriever on wner foel; reason atile price. A. J. Hayne, IM'4 N. ISd at. Q MLT7 JeS INDLAN goods and tt'Jcs. nil Farnam FIR timber for boose merer, etc.. 10 to 71 feet; mooing and bog fence. ui ' uriaa. FOR SALE, fine Imported harne. bras mounted and trimmed; cost a ben new tS.i('; mill sell for gii: can be seen at Deni al Rutsel1 barn. Stnh and Lejavecworth streeta. G-r FOR SALE OR TRADE Good safe, ser eraJ detks snd Belg-isn hare; account ab sence from city during rummer. Address B 41.. Bee. Q-MKJ f C'LD heels taken in trade on new ones Omaha Bicycle Co.. ICth and Chica-rc St. . g mm ret SALE, a bakery and conJectlonery busiiiee In a good town of IMH lr.habi tanta doing big paying business, for aae at a bargain; rekaon for selling, poor health. Ad ires a Bos 4. Omaha, Neb. G-TT 11 CL.AJKVOTAXTS. FROF. LEAH-IE PARLOE.S. 1611 DODGE Claln-oyant and Palmist tells you ail yen want to know, erery hope, tear .nd a ikh of your life, faults, quality, capability, trad f profeaaton you are belt suited I'ir; fortunate and untort uri te xrioaa of life; breaks evli lnCuenoea; how to win the one you love, conquer enemies restore lost affectloii; aivioe on tiuslneaa. health, butiii civoroe. etc Hours. 1 is . S-Mant Jl - MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. lCt Cass Et. s sa MME. GTI.MKR, genuine palmist. Ci 1 a avLSCTBUC latEATMEAT. MME. SMITH, baths. Ill U Soor R 1 T 72S-J6 MME. AMX1&. rapor bath. 124 N lith, r 1 1 M4 JU rivet SOX ax. Middlemiaa. wait paper cleaxier. Tel 17U. w aa . at 4 1 DR. ROT. chiropodist, corn and sunerSe cue hair removed by ciectrlcily. R IX Fiwaamr block. VtSt PRIVATE bosriltaL before and daring eon hnement: baiilr aocpted. Slot Grant fet. Mr taaroeia. lei r-ljJO. FLEISCHER will fix Fwur fcacycla right. L" 26 HAIRDRESSING. manlrurlng and chiro pody for ladle only, in connection with Tb Bathery. nt-Ob Bt Btdc U-at R1PTVRE permanently cured la M t il C-aj a. send for nlrrular. O. B. Wood. M. It. aa New Tork Ltie Bidg.. Omaha. Neb. UtZl ACCORDIOJ plear.g. chea peart, beat autd sjuickaat. Mr A. C Mark. 17 A Dougik. L Sia GRAMOPHONCS and oppHes. wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co. l2 Ua. Xjta CHIROPODY a speelalty. in eonnecuon with Tb Betbery. rooma Tiavaii Bee Blag. TeL lTlt. U kAV SHAM POO LNQ and bairdrcawirig. c la oaucusa wlifc Tba Bathery. .-tlu Be buiiaing. 11- 1.1a PRIVATE bom for iadiee before and our. lng cot.nnement . btuea adopted. V'Jk Burdetta. Mra. BurgeL V ilSLi Jw VIAVA. woman's war to health. Home treatment Booklet free, ta Bee Bag- U-aa BEE Proctor, fm picture. Alt &n ISth. U Sk Jl ROOMS. 10i So aiAk St. "phone 111 v ta jf ELITE PA&LO&aV CU ft. ISth at , Id floor U-M7ik J7 LR JAMEa H FEABODT ha moved from Capital avenu 10 tat over Grahams Cxkg store. n'e-Uieast corner Taenjy. fourth and Farnam streeta. U MTil ji FC'L'ND. beet ioe cream soda in city, ac Shrader'a Store. i'-h and Seward U-il JH MME. SMITH, hatha. Ill N. U. Id f -Kir. r. X LOWEST PRICES la aoeordion and nd pieatin:. Tb Goldman Fitatii.j Ct... Do-glkJ block. L M"B EMPIRE RtPTTRK CTRE K2 N. T LiX BICg. Ganaha. Send for circulars. HENRIETTA O. C: Wrii ta aame roat ofnoe ks. V.amma U 13 t SEND Kar for corer.t)on button. T-H-uglaa Prtntir.g Co. Ur Hcward St. rmr. Neb. I -Mids r Cigars on Ice. Gentlemen, rou can Merer enjoy a amok to tb full extent vutll von trv tb STOECKER CIGAR which are kept es ice f-MB7 7 MOSS V TO IOtS St If Ali CiTATK. Pa PER CENT oa oaamsa property, a per oent oa rioeno property. Cpuce u Ml bni r pert ei.y t w. at ul S. lath St W XX MONET t loaa r isnpr,tve4 OcaaAa roel eataia. BrrnJaJs-Lea Co, Idk av. AkiA. W-iM WANTETX city koana ar 4 waJTaxaav W. B7. aTk A. . ROtET TO LOA HEAL TATE. FFUVATE money, ftheraood. 87.7 N. T U FARM and city leajia. lew rata W. H 2bomaa. 1st Nat. Bank Bidg. 3 el. ietK. w WANTED, dry an 3 farm loan, also bo- d and warrant R C Pvtars Jk Co. 7vA Farnam St. Be Bids. eV 441 LOW RATES rrvat n-7 FAINE INVESTMENT COMFANT. Main Fioor N. X. LU ' W-MiS H TO I r. a money. Bern.. Fax-. -is B k. t FER CENT loana. Oarria Broa . Ida) Farnam. W PRIVATE money. F. Iu Wead. laH Dct-gias ll CP, lew rate. Frichard. 2711 Fs'fam. W Mil MOET TO tflH-ttHiTTEL. 10 YEARS In can lvaeni iwuikn. iliu r.ia aa old reliable nrm any eaiabih a c-t-oji that wlil 1 tl use 10 you lu the Me make loan cm 1 uruiture. Flanoa. L. v Stock And to eiaoaxana F eopie. cur rate ate as tea as any aiid mch Icaer than many, our motto la, "Try to pieaae." if j 011 have cealt with us ana are pieeeea teil t'tbers. If ycu are aiepjeastid ie4 ua. OMAHA KC'RTiiAGK lOAN CO . O Board of 'Jraoe Bicg.. v lth Si. itlbuhed In iaU. TeL A Jaibl BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don l tet your orbia worry you, C ALL. ON I S and a will make you A 6ALART LOAN We loan ta honest employes IPCS THEIR PERSONAL NOTE tl to COO witnout security, endtoner or 'uMicity. OFFti-E HOURS. A m, to 1 ' RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANT, Room , PkAton Block. Third Floor. X XA6U LOANS on CHATTELS and b AT.AR1KA PHOENIX CREDIT Cu. uoceacrs to i. W. TATltC'E. CS I-axtoh Eiock. TEL. 7i. To aooommodate our COVNCti. BLTFFS patron w bar ertabUkhed e.egait of itce at ROOM 24, WlCaLHAM BLDG. intersection Broad a ay at I earl Sua. TEL. . LARGEST EfSINEBS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, roercnar.ta inam tera. boarding houaeA ate . without se curity, easiest terma, ii offices m pi m c;pel ciUtA Tolman. Board of Trad BitAV Ikf-ktli BALART AND FT"RNITT"RE LOANS. Do you want money for long or boil t"-m at rate rareiy equalled ry cximpelltora. "It our buslnes to supply It." AMEF-I-CAN LOAN CO. Thud Floor, f 'kit oa Block. X-MMti MONET loaned on plain note to aalaried peopte; butanes oor.fider.tikl. lowest r ' e. L Psxton block. The J. A. Button Co X 13 MONET loaned on furniture, live stock. yr-mrirr. to salaried ix-onle. Foley Loaa Co. sue. t Doff Green. 1 Barker Block. X-bO MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, boraes, cows, etc C F. Reed. 11 6 IS. X4t rlME CHlit E. A RARE BARGAIN. For Sale, stock of grocerie, sales amount to oxer 1110 a day. Owner Cleared 512,00a la t year. Lock ti on beat In ciu : no trade. B. R BALL, al N. I. LIFE TeL B-UllS 1 SU I TO GET tn or out of hunineu call cn WLW liama. Room aU. MoCague buLOing. r-tui FOB BALE, tb best fcardwar rtock in the b at afiricuiiural aecuon et loaa; large annuat trade; stock, will invoice about tlij.Ouii; profits laraa; must dose uu aa estate ictereat the -&))' reason for t.UngL . i,4 , Al T 1 v ... ZF TOU wast to BUT or SELL, real ea taia call r write. . NEW tSNOW-CHl'RCH CO., 4tb Hoar N. T. Life Bidg. Omaha. k'-Bt WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your buaines or property quick, aee J. H. Johnaon, Ml X. t. Life. T-M17 DESK ROOM, roll-iop cock and phone atrvic- J. H. Johnaoa. tS N. T. Life T l Enterprising Man with t-.lni can acquire controlling inter est in a rapidly increasing and profitable legitimate manafartunng business; in vestlgkte this propos-Uon. J. H. John- son. T. L T MS3 FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock of Jewelry. rockery, musical Instrument, sewing machines, nouorta, etc., about MJaef, aiao good brick building. 2xiu. with lot Sii.. stock located la good county seat town, northwestern lows; stock exceptionally ciean. running and doing rood busine-aa. Fine opening. Ad orees I. M. CaaaCy. feioux City. la. T-CS J1S FOR SALE, 4S0 acre of well improved land, 7 mile west Cedar Rapid. Boon Co.. Neb. acre in crop, all fenced, black soil. SAO acres meadow and pas ture. A fine farm. A snap for cash. Ad . dress the owner, lit North IC'-.h u, Omaha Y-MM. t DRUG STOCK. SLMA, fin location, la cttv, paying busines. no fixture to speak of; will consider good bouse and lot in cttv. J. H. Johnson. N- T. Life. T Mil I FOR SALE Asphalt plant. LUit and Grace sts.. Omaha. Apply ta the Stand ard Paving; Co. Ch-oago. X1L T M2Q Je3 rrP-NrrrRE of 10-rwm brick flat, fine Vocation; no reasons ble offer rejected. Bee me quick. J. H. Johnson. N. T. Lite T MZ4 X FLOITUNG MILL At barrels ceipaeiry. latest patent prooea, fine locatlaat in Ne braaka; staying business: a ill consider land In B E. Dakota N W. Iowa or N E. Nebraska; value tlCOBa J. H John eon. N. T. Life. T-M2bi J rOK EltHllkX, WILL exchang good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 4. Be. Z FINE IMPROVED FARM. BP acre near town, in Ce-ntraJ Nebraska, to exchange for clear tmprovwd Income property tn Omaha or Booth Cmana. Call on or addresa Owner. .4 Bee Building, Omaha Phone 1441. X Mla I rOU SALR HEAL ESTATE. FOR BALE, desirable T-room bouse. Na. mil Locust tree i. bath room, etc; owner leaving city, a bargain. Hi.' WARD KENNEDY A BON. Real Estate, Loan Rental and General In- lnsuranc agt-nts, rornns St and St Firat National Barik Bidg. RE Mill f HOT." EES. lota. farm, ranch. kn: a la fl-.-c in a. ranee. Bemia. Pax taa block BE AS) Fl'P-NAS COUNTY, Nebraka cen kow you the Aneat grc wtug crops m the state, the ii-ggeat ebeat and the largest acre age klkr.y lanners now lorty oahels t tb acre. Tbouakao of sera c-f aiialfa ready to cut for firat crop. Her had doutu amount of normal rain fall for May. Land are very retaonati in jtio. but will soon be booming up- aid If ) oa ant to make lirotitabt in veatmects com at on. Unit us for lirt of landA Smith 4 Davis. Beever Cuy. Neb. RE MM EfTE PAYNE. BOSTW1CK A CO. tor choice aargalxjv. im-l N. X. La Blag. TeL lint. BJf-ieji BOVEES and lots la all parts of city; aiae acre property and farm -and. Tb O. F. Davul Oi. Boom iLt. Bee building be aa BLT best bouee pamts. varsuabea. etc ; c-aiitr bigheat. t n ota loweat National Oil and 1 aia Ca. IJ-i Jones sH. RE-OI Je3 GEO RGB a. WALLACE, real estate, morv gkgt. rental, inavwnce. Brews block a v . , RANCH and farm land for sals by tbe I nioa Pacific i.aiirae4 eempaar. B. A. McAlierter. lawd cmmiigBkiar. Uaieei Fa- evue JaM4qk4l4tra. ua. !. 4kb- rOA LE OK4X EfTiTE. FOR BALE, one section of -hor! -snfl; b tveniv-tac yer to ruo ? f,'!" s '-.'"'.nl'-r. it, tr g"x4 :.; lanl: pv d trV l-'T catt.e t rlt n lor rric- . C. Williams. Burweii. Neb RE Men i ACRES net far cut. with r-ue and rtatue Wim'iJ fade thi lr. on improved city I'rojrty. ro m bouse. r-rd furnace. poerelafn hath. . sr-uth ffet. pved Ftreei. iare brr. lT)c. II t-room. good pottare. n In. be gas and aewer ct-nre tiona. lipf , fi '. Vacant )f in Pm. IL2"". J. H SliERW OC'L'. KC N T Life. RE-MiU t WILLIAMSON. f.Rrt.Rm M kb a THE C MAHA F.EALTT CO.. 11 Douglas St., c;itor. mi. houses far saie, cheap buiidurg u U CkJ lor rataiogu and iTice l.rt iTirata money ts loaa or easy terms REV--7 BENSON More borne are being built lr. Benson than in all other suburb combined This If almp'T because 11 offers lb ad ran. tagea. II y ou a ant to know how to get a lot oi a heme on eary term call on BENSON A CA P.MICH A EL, 4l PAA3CN LoULkl RE iU iT TOU want one of the rw-iett borne la Hanacom Flaoe 1 Will giv rat a targln. Oentr left oty. Must rail J. H nherwood. ATI N. T. A. B dg. RA-Mlal FCiR SALE Alfalfa farm Hi' sere. 17 acres now growing: cut four crt'i a year without irrigation; Z. acre In tim othy; can il I irr, rated. f!J improi ed and cloae lo toe n. Frank Breirier. Cistud. Neb. RE Mime r COTTAGE with six large roorx on IT-foot corner lot; thre Mock from car; hous newly painted and ha new root. It lr a btrikin at Fi 1 and can be bought with payment down, talano to suit G K-Turking-ton, h Bee Bidg. RE MIS! FARMS If von wih to buy a rrain, fruit or stork farm, ret my list of wertera M!ch.gen dower penlnsuia) bargains; write today; they are goir.g rapidiy. S. V. R. Hayes, Grand F-apid. Mich R-M(t JT GPEAT BARGAINS IN PEAL ESTATE House and lots in all parts of the rlty from $' up. We have soma properties that icjf! It soil. Call or write for our lltt- SPEC1AL BARGAIN. Good lot and modern cottar, an firJbS In hardwood. fnor lDcJuoed. Onlv n.iwu. Bf.EN N AN -LOVE CO . South l?th St. RE MKIO t CAJLPEKTERS ADD JOIKEB.. ALL, kind of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaed to. i. Z. loth and Lake streeta g7 ACCORDIOI FLEATMS. REDUCED price la rucalngs, tucking and appUqueing. For full in form k Lion Inquire Ideal lie Ling Co . lilt Eo ard St. 771 J7 S1CKEL rLATISia. OMAHA PU-tlng Co. Bee Bidg. TeL IMt OSTEOPATH T. CID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, ostaopalha. Suit La. N. X. Lite Bidg. TeL lea. DR. A. T. HUNT. L2 McCag-u Bid. TeL DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas B'Jl. TeL 2E2X . LAW AID COIXECTIOAS. Stillman A Prior., att ya. lv. collection. A P. Liliia, notary. 3 U. 6. Nat. TeL l'ao. 476 Jit NEBRASKA Collection company itnoor porated'. lit New Tork Life bidg. "Phone. 621 Damage ults prosecuted. The col lection of claims, large or small. m anywhere in ttie United Stat or foreign countries by bonded attorneys. Ne col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur r if bed or rpllcTon. M10 J2 PAW tBHUKESX EAGLE Loss Office, reliable, accommodat ing ; all busineas confidential. IMto Doug aA LOfT. LCST. a pocketbook. on Hanacom Park car line. Liecoretion day. containing Ka and aome charge. Return to 42 Douglas block or aca Charles. Reward. Lost in r LAITOST. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shtrts. Ac; collars, Ac; cuffs, aa 17ai Leaven worth. TeL k4l. BEET laundry. The Chicago, phone via. STAJSMEBUAG AID ITTTTEUIG. CUBED. Julia. Vaughn, tl Ramg Bid Si FLORISTS, L HENDERSON. Farnam. TeL 1JEJ. Send for pnoa list, cut flowers and plant, M-a SOT1CC, rAPEtt HAIGEBL OMAHA Steam Pasts Co, ansnufactuer of paste fear ail purposes; la barrela and hal ' LaiTCla. Writ fur pnoes. nil) Cuatung STEAM DTE WORKS. THE CANADIAN, suit cleaned, pressed. tl.UO. Ladies' akirta. fcdc kit N. 56: h St. 7 ! PIAAOS. $2S0 "WALTER" . rKso $2S0 NO MORE NO LEU. Ask Fred R Walter for term. 113 California St. Catalogue oa request. -Mrs AA AOl ic esEin. WATERS PRINTING COMPANT. Teas pson ntO. tu South Thirteenth street. -Mlil 4.ARBA4.1C AN'Tl-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO.. clean eeaspooi and vault removes garbage and dead animate at reduced prices, all N 11 Tel. 177k at EDtCATlOSAL FRENCH. Spanish, fencing, tut X. - at. -aim LAWS MO WE At A. SlArpened. ref Aired. L L W as. M Howard. ' Mill FX at DttEktlXC. O. B. GILBERT CO. tanswra. 14b4 Sa. Utk. IHORTHAID AAD Tt rCW UTlAta. A C VAX BANT-S achooL 717 N. T. Life. BOTLES oulge, court reporter prtnct.aj. a. uie NEB- Busunes At Stiorchand Cotg. Boyd Ibeaier ktrr TOttACsL PACIFIC Starag and Warahoae Ca.. tn, fc.4 Joaa. generaJ auarAgs and CM. Fan Blor. Co. lClfe Fara. Tela. Isat-faO. DBEASMAKIA4a. IN Fi MIT J FS Mia Sturdy. aVO Parnaat. 7RN rn al a-ad cf ecrr rca d teas VJ Doug, a et T1- N.A 13 roet FI RklTt KE RET AIRING. Flrst-ciaes work, Sm rarnam. Tel. IMKi. a: Jeu: II SICAL C B. EHA WS new studio open all vrir.rneyJ Z. Jii MAtl FACflJIitQ. P. MELCHIOB. kith and Harney, ma- chinlst. M271 OMAHA Safe and Iron Hit . make a spe cialty of fire vara pee. ahtitte-w, door and safea. G. Andrein. Prep. Iii S. lh Sl Min BALE TIES. ronD. MARE Ten miles vert Dodge St Frd Weneer MST MACMTTIC HE At. I AG. MOST oucceful mamellc hesllng at Pribbn'W lTisutute. ili-Lt Karharh B k. M-m' Jrj LEGAL JkOYIlE. RICCEIVERB SALE Oolhlnr. het and car, gentlemen' fur nihirg gooak. furniture and Lxlure. Notice i hrret y y'ven that pursutrt to the order of the l",lted State dirtnct court ,rtmg in and for the district of Ne braska, in the matttr of the Cortinental Ctcthirs rcmnary. a banarrut't. on Veine day. the 11th of June lH"u. at 10 o'clock a m.. I will sel! et public auction to the htgbert bidder fr caak at the ccrtheat corner r.f Ioi.gla and Fifteenth treeTti, in the city oj Omaha, t'ougla iwunty. Ne braska, the enure rtork. lurtilture and fix ture ;.f the Ccintlrierital Ciothtng company, said stock consisting of men r and boys' clothing, hat and cape and ft-n tiemen furnishing gorid All of aaia tock is to be cSered for rale In bulk and In parcels, and sold lo the highest bjdoer for the property In bu.k. or to the Lighest l.idders for the fiiff'rtnt de partment., or parcels, provided the total bio for such parcel exceed the tigbeM Md fur the jro;rty In bulk Stork inrerinrted by order ef court shew a value of !i4.fcJ.M. furniture and fcxtbre cost over 17 .' !. H. F. ROBEF.30N Receiver M.IUdlttMA-E BC'NT'S FC'R SALE Sealed bldf will be receh ed bv the trus ee of the -rillkga board of Bufwell. Neli . up to t o'clock p. m.. June loth. IWtL. for the purchase cf enter bond of said cltv amounting Id t4.0.iO Said bond will eight n numty. of fXi each, ail cf vhich will le April 1st with tn op tional jiaymrbt In fve year, with Interest payable ennutlly at per oent April 1st cf eh year at Nebraska Fiscal Agencv. New Tork. N. V . In the curenry ol the Vnlted Stares Said bond are dated on the lt cay of Aj-rii. and are duly registered. Bioder are required to deposit certified check, payable to the treasurer of the vil lage of Burvell. In the amount of U'W a guaranty that the bond will be taken If bid is awarded Esch bid rmirt be Inclosed in a sealed envelope, marked 'Proposal fir Bide." The village board reserve the rifht to reject any nd all bids. For general in form on address A. C. ALGER, clerk FOTwell. Neb. MavSMCtM postWfice SOTICK. (Should be read DAILY by all lnteres-.ed. aa change may occur at any time. Foreigi, .-ivlls for the week ending Vv S3. liC wi ctose (FROMTLY In sll ovfl at the gmtikl posuifCoe a follow: Par tieis post mails close one hour earlier than closing time shewn below, parcel post mail Jor Germany close at i p. m. Monday. Regular and nrppltmentary mall close at foreign station half bour later than closing time (bown below 4scept that supplement ary mails for Europe end Central America, via Colon, clufce one bour later at lorelga stationj. Trewaatiaatlc Mails. TTEaTDAT' At MP a m. for"lTAl.T direct, per a. a Cut a di Miiane (mail must be di rected "per a a. Citta di Milano"K st 10. a. m. sup(iaementjiry il ml for EUROPE, jaer a. a. Kronpnns Wiiheim. via Plj-moath. Cherbourg and Bremen WEDNESDAY At 4 Jti a. m for EI ROK. Ier a. a St. Paul, v n Southami'ton nmui for Ireland must be directed "ix-r a. a. St. PsuT't; si k. a m. (supplementary lit a. m I for EUBOPE, per . a Mawstle, via tiuieenetiown; at le a. m. lor BELG1L M direct, per a. s. Zeeland imail must be decteai "per a. s. Zeland' j. THlFtSHA Y At J a: m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT I GAL. Tl RKET. EGYPT. GREECE. FR1T1FH INDIA and LOF.ENZO MAK WVEZ. per s. . LAquitatne. via Htvre maii for ether pen of Europe must be dimcend Ter a L'Aquitslne ". BATIRDAY-At 7an ss-m. tor NETHB LANDB direct, it . . Rynaam irn-ui murt be cirer ted "per s. a. Byndtm "i; at JO . an. tor SCOTLAND direct. rr a . Ftirnefisia email must be directed "per a . Furneaaua ; al 11 t. m. fur DENMARK direct, per a. a. Island imtil mint be directed "per a a. Island"! ; at 11 a. m,. (supplementary 1 p. ml for El ROPE, per a. a. Lucania, via wueena towa. PRIKTET MATTER. ETC. Thi steamer .takes Printed Matter. Commercial Paper and Sample fur Germany only. The earn iaaa of mall mrttcr for other Jart of Europe will not 4e sent by this ship un less apociaily .directed by 1U After the closing il the supplementary transatlantic man named above, addi tional tuppicmtzrtAry mails sre opened oa the. piers of the American. English. French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of lbs bour LI Balling of rteamer. alia dor baatk at C ealre.1 Aaarr lea. West ladle. Etc Tl tSDAT At f .K' a m isappleroertary 10 a-- m for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Ricaj and SOUTH PA CIF1C PORTS, ler s. s. Oris ha., via Colon (mil for Guaiemala must te di rected "per e a C'rlstba t; at 10 a m. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per a Sl!via; at 19 a m. for ST. VINCENT, GF.ENAIA. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per, a. Maraca; at t.ll' p. m. for JAMAICA, per a a. Admiral Wwey. from Boston: at J :SP p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s Beacon, from Philadelphia WEDNESDAY At 30 a. tn lor FOR TUNE ISLAND and HAITI, per s s Valencia; at II a m for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per . a. Elena: at U m. ar BARBADOS. BRIT ISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA (via Brbado. and NORTHERN BRA ZIL per . s Hubert, via Para, Maran l.arn and CearA THURSDAY At fi v. Tor CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHI APAS, per a Hraiis email for other pans -of Mexico must be directed ' per a e. Havana c at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per A a Fnn Wm V. 'mail for Curacao, Venexueia. Trtnidad. British and Dutch Guiana' must be directed "jr a pnn Wm. V : at 1C.'. a m for BRAZIL ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARA GUAY, per S- Teesyaoa. via Pernaro buco Bahia. Rio Jaaeil and Santca ' ma.ll f or Ncarthers BrakU mut be direc ted "per a Tennyson '); at II m iu'pieTOnBry It.' a m.) fear BAHAMAS. GUANTAN AMO.Arid SANTIAGO, jwr s Seg-ur-kiici; at 12. m. i upplemer lary 12.10 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, par s Antilia. via Naerau imali must directed "ier A A Aauua'i; at l p. m. for JAMAIl A, ir a Admiral Smjon, frc m Boston. FRIDAY At 11 na inr MEXICO, per a a Mktansaa. ia Tamplco (mall must if directed "tier s . Mttsnaa"?; at HJ p m. 1 Fa loma m for iNAGUA and HAITI, per s. a EATURX'AY At t a. n. for PERM,"D A. per s. Trinidad, at k a. m. lor PORTO RICO, i-ct a s Oramo. via San Juan; at a m supilmenterr t.Mi a. ra for CURACAO It." VlTTZUrLA. per s Maracklbe (mat! for Bavaniila and Ckrta gena muart b directed "l-r a Mara caioo'i. at t-Sv a m (T-r'plementry 34.s a ml for FORTUNE leLAND JA MAICA FA VANILLA, CARTAGENA and OREYTOVk N. lr a. a Aien (mail fur CcaMB Rica must be directed "'per a. s Aieti"i; et 10 a m. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havens. Mall fur Newfoundland, by rail ta North S.'dney. and iIk-iky by iemrr. cl' at thi cfflo daily at g.t o- m. fcorinert iug c.ce Sere ery Macaiy, Wednes day and BktarSay. Milt for Miqueion. ty rail to Beaiuri. and thence bv sieamer, riofc at ma fbo dai.y ai p. m. Mails fur Cuba, by rait ts Florida, and tax-no 1 y (learner arc dift(hd dkj.y. except Thurssay. (ral cot ckokea. tor c-liaicA via port Tampa- oa Mcoi daya. t-".ta4, and Baiuidays at .a a m; for ej;tch via M:bju. oa Mon oaya and katuidsyg at S.AV a. aa. Mans ALF roYtrFKE OTHt. f -r Mfi-i-o C't . ccr'iii ur.le ; -aTy o.:--ser. ' tf'.s,:-E by rt-ner. Ci.'S at 11 is ci ce ci y t;t kt 1 r in .itKt u .i. p. n. s'.in.taia at 1 MO p. tr snail. sop ni Ni.n lit t wi K'', 1-ielir. lm forte Guate tna.a ly rail lo New tt-ar. arid 'beocw It ieac-er. no at tr.i cat r ex cfjt Suiiiiey 1 1 ; :. p m . Stnaa' at i ( p m ( ' r-.c l,er Mrs. days Iir Beltsr Puerto C--r; r,i Guste-r-.k.a and a uesaays for ( n-ta Rica. i. ".Hi gi ered tr.aii cioset at a. m. pre vious day. TraaapaelBp Ataita. Mail for Tah'tl and Marq-aeaas Trleaa. vi San Ianctsoo ci"e lie- dai:y at .:" p. m tp to Je 4 lnc-iasiee, for cis;tch per . a Australia. Mat lor Austlia fetctpt V, est Australia, a htch 1 lrwarded via Eurojei, New Zwla-d. F.1L Samoa ard Hawaii, via Skti rrancisco. cios here oaulr it (a m afttr May it and vp le'jine T. iiirlurtc. or on artivat e4 s a Etrurta. due at New York June "7. for curpatck I-er a Fierea XIa!! for Haeaii. Japan. China snd FhU ippice Island, vi tn Francleoo, n bete dai.y at f p. m. Vp vo June "1. iioiutlv, for dif patch per a. a, Oty ol Pekir-s Mali for Ch'.n and Japan, via Vanoevvar and Victoria, B C. estaie here daLy at f :A p. m up to Juri id. inc uaive, for din patch per a. a Ertroe of Japan 'regis tered mail must b speciallv addressed. Mcrthktiaiw lor the U S. l"onal Agencv at Siianghtl cannot b torwaroea via Carta ua i. Msiis f,ir tre Ftlllrrrne Islands, via Sea Iranctisco. vlos hvi da!:y at Jt p rr . vi. to June 1" r-iufis, for aUtpaUJk per l S TranBoort Mail for Chirs and Jspan. via Besttle.. ci'ioe here dal y ai f :oi p a up ta Ju il. lnclosive. for dispatch per Tosa Mru iRerirtered mail mum be directed "i ie Sesttie '.i. Mails Jiu ChtTiB and Japan, via Taooma, close her dkUy at t .K- p. m vp to Jin "I. lTiciutlve. for olspatcJi per a. a. Ims of F.:e. Malls leu Hawaii, lis San FVsnrlco. arloa t.'rr ca!!y t f ,H p m ur to June t, locturtve. dl-na-cb per s s Alsmfda Muil for Chine. JT' aid Fk Pfrlne 11-s-rflF islso siecial'T sdd-esscd mail for Hawaii', via. Ssn Fr.ncrsc-i. close here daily at t ;ic p. rs tin to June 5S ln c iusue. lc r di-ptch jr s st. Gaelic. ' Mails for Australia eiccpt Wet Aus tralia, ahirh roes via Europe aid New Zesland hi"h rk v ia Ssn FTTciec. and F.; ls.ards ii Vancouver rd Ylc toria. B C . c.oee here ciailv t t.Hf' n. m June " and v? to Jane n In cuFtve. for dispaith per .. s Aoeacri. - Transpscific n.aiis are forwarded Je port cl sailing dtiiv and tie schedule r,f tlos ini is srranred cn the presumption cf tl.eir unlnterr-.-ptea oveilsnd .transit. RFlrtered mu.1 ( luae a: i p. an. i re- f.T.f. CCP.NET TUS VAN .-TT. Fosrtrssie PostofTice. New Trk. N. T.. May S. lid. pAIIuWAT TIME CARD. TKIOH VTATIOK IOTB AID MARCT. Ch It-a a, ItaeVr Nltat aal Pari east. Le r. Arrive OWirn Daylight Lim- lied .klim A C at aa Chicaro Darlvght . 7-en am a .8I pnt Chlcsro Kxpros ..Ml'lS am a f : prn Te Molne Local a F:? pm till :W ara Chicago Fast Expre-s klffi in a 1 Z pra TCEFT. Rockv Mountain Llm- " lted I l:Se ta 4:EStm Linoolr.. Co Brrings. Denver, Piieblo and West a 1; rm a:pm Coin . Texas CtL at ' Oklahoma Flyer .....s 8:!0 pm all:40 pra Wabash. Bt Loul Cannot BaH ' Express a J :1S rm JO am S' Loui Local. Council Bluffs alCtlw am a lft-JO pra ( klrasa. A St. Faai. Chliago Limited a :M) pm a 1:1 sra Chicago A Omaha Ei..h 7:1 am b 1:40 pin t Bloat Peel Sc. Leave. Arrive. Ovwrland Limited ...a 1.40 am a 7:15 pm Fast Mail - a I V aaa a 1 pra California Express ..a 4:2a pm PBcifie ETpreas .. allw pm East ere Express... a S pm AtlanUc E-x preen a T:0 am Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex b 4-tlE. pm. bi?:10 pm Grand lalsnd Local ...b t JO pm b t.Ha am Miaeaart PaeikVa. Bt lis Express aIOtD am I B pm K C Ac St. L. Expreae.aasiB& pm a am . illiaaia C-araA. . .. .... Chicago Express.... ...a luWaVm A tilO fna CV( , . . . ' . . t . in, m m w. w i ' n.'kywuv Bt Paul Limited a Minneapolis at et, Paul 7i50 pm a l.-Ot am Express b 7 JO am bH'.IS pra Chicago Exrea. alA:SS pm Cktc-suxa 4k A e-b. aa eat era. Ts Northwostera Line " Chicago Special a 7.10 am sJIjn pja ChlckATO Pat.ser.ger a 4:15 pm a 1:00 am Eastern Elxprees... BIO. i am a 4 06 am Eastern Bpociaa. a .aa fra a t (a pm Tranrmlssoun Limited. t-vC juu Fast Mall Z Vb tm a 1:40 pra Omal.a-CnlcAg L t 7.a pm' a m-it am Fast Man . a IJaJ am Cedar Rapid F'aaa...... a a JO pa Twin City Ex press.. ....a J.-OS am alo JE ta Twin City Limited. a 7.61 pm a t:4 am Bioux City Local. . t.ii em a list pi WEBITEB DEPOT ISTH A WEBSTER Freaaaat, ElAAara at. Mlaeaarl Tallsy.' Leave. Arrlva. Black Hills, Doadwood. Hot Spring a l;0 prs a t:Bt pm Wjomlng, Casper aaa Douglas ............-..d AiSC pm t;00 pm Hasunga, York. DsvlS City, oujienor. Genera, Exeter and Seward.. ..b S.AV pm a t-SD cm Norlo.A Lintota sad " FTomont .. b T.K) am bin jf . Fremont Local ..-.e Tja am Btlaaeeri PaelAe, Nebraska Local Ala Weeping Water -b tot) pm alC Jl u tkl ess a, St. Fas MlaaaLia ie Qaaaka. Twin City Paase ng sr... .a f.K) am a t.-Oe pm &IMH OH faui4er..a li na alljdaia kaertoB Local.. b i.a .m i, k.ti am BrtVLtACTOaT SI aTIOA lwTH at MAkoa; Ckarage, Barllsgrtaa 4k tt 'lMr. I fsTe Chlcage Special t;ta Chicago estibulod Ea a e.ue pas i iucko Local A J0 am Chitn Limited.... a Sm sua AM? a 4.i pm s f at am all .00 pm a : am pia Fast MaU.. . sajiiastas 4t aiaaasrl AVtv Wymore. Beatrlos and Lincoln -a t at am NebraaAA Express. a .v am L'ttver Limited - A 43 pm Biack Hjii and Puget tuund AApreas all lit pm Culurauo YasUbuled Flyer . . Lincoln Fast Mall. b 1:00 pm fort Crooa ana Fiatis- mouiA ...b tjo pra Be.ieeu A Paclfle Jci a pm Beiievu 4 pacihc J .... Aav am kaatai ttty, St. alewepii A a -a am a 7 .k pm a am a l.-oo pm a I -40 pm a t-J am bli-oi am a tJO am Atlaata. Karma City Day Ex a I JS am a t.-flt pm fet. Loul Fier ,a i:i pm all.ii aa AAnsas City NLsht Ex alt' .Id pm a 1 11 am a Dally, b Deny except Sunday, c Sua day only, d Lany excaii Saturoajt. a Ialiy STEAMMUS. aCavoA nix 1 a an, kiv,i.t Bkillii sasaiaiir batvaak Klw votk. u,iuMiiit a OLaaacrsTi T V W.t, uinaaLIaA A kartk. Smartor aooaBiaaaaa gifaiktnt 4Huitaa. Baarg ro "11 lur taa juiilurt at i m i j a al aamiiaia k4 pram nan. aiksa ar Laut 7xis vioaaKa ta - hataaaa Kas Tk ki.4 tcuuik. kLgliaa. iraa aa aU PtaMtka! f ai,i lUki-iki aaiuta al etiteixj raia Wm ti sr ! ikkaraaaiikk aSSU, a "Itj, ffli siiiu'a. ' lr -i- ei ati !' a L k-faAVT. Call and a' Bee Advertising will call on you to get a Want Ad or a Half Page. up 238