Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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leading lull Adranci Trie tf Cereal
Hetrly Sii Cents.
Corn Contlaaee Downward aad Wheat,
Thoash Flrar for a Tim! Weakene
with Carn Break Frorlelons
Taka t'ptnrn.
CHICAGO, May I1.-A11e from the ter
mination of the successful corner In May
oata and the accompanying- flurry and
tlher price In that pit, speculation In
a-rsins today wan again under bear domi
nance. For tha third successive day corn
howed marked weakneea and Influenced
the other araln markets. July wheat
closed Ho lower, July corn tj'c down
and Julv oata c down. May oata cloaed
6Se higher than Thuraday and at the top
price on record Provlalona cloaed firm
and 6c to 74W10o up.
Wheat for eome time fairly held Ita own.
The opening Influencea were of a strength
ening nature and prlcea made some fair
advance. Cables were firm and Argen
tine shipments showed a markedly bullish
decrease at 132,000 buahels, compared to
l.lW.orio bushels a year ago. The prospects
are that Monday'! world a ahlpmonta will
be small. These Incentives started July
wheat a shade to 4iC up at 721-fi721c
and sold at 724072SC. The buying that
resulted In thla Firmness soon gave way,
however, to a dull scalping market and a
gradual decline ensued. Crop prospects
and weather were favorable, counteracting
the bullish news and Inducing the local
crowd to sell short. Advices southwest,
however, told of too much rain. As corn
broke there was further selling and July
'wheat broke to lla, closing easy and MiC
down at 72Sc. Local receipts wera 21 cars,
1 of contract grade; Minneapolis and Du
Tuth reported ill care for the two days,
inaklng a total for the three points of 3!2
cars, against 132 one day last week and
418 cars two days a year ago. Primary
receipts were 687,000 bushels, compared to
t7.0ii0 bushels last year. Seaboard clear
ncea In wheat ana flour equaled 351,000
Corn continued Its down turn today and
completed a slump of 31e since the first
of the week. . The opening trades were at
a fair advance on 11 rm cables and small
country acceptances. It waa the Increased
receipts and the fear ef a continued heavy
movement from the farmers toward this
market that pushed prices down. Receipts
were heavy at 412 cars for two days and
the estimate for Monday waa especially
bearish at 500 cars. There waa some short
selling on crop prospects and the generally
bearish sentiment, but the decline camo
mainly from the absence of support. Most
cf the session business was active, but of
a local nature. July opened a shade lower
at 2t4c to 62Vic, and sold up on a little
support by the leading bull house to KHc
Persistent bear argument brought a slump
to 61tgic and July closed weak and V
4? down at 61Hc
The termination of James A, Patten's
uccessful, corner In May oats brought a
picturesque close to the business of the
week and the month. For aeveral months
the May deal haa dominated the oat pit
to the exclusion of any very active busi
ness In other futures, Exceptionally clever
manipulation by lr. Patten secured for
Mm a line of long stuff at about 37c,
amounting to between 10,000,000 and 12,000,.
000 bu. Prlcea were pushed up methodically
from week to week on the corn scarcity
and held at a uniformly high price until
May 1, when Mr. Patten began buying
the cash stuff and soiling It out at a good
advantage, but at tempting figures.
Local atocka were practically depleted,
deliveries were taken In by the shorts who
wanted to deliver, but the price hardly
wavered from Its strong position. Many
shorts settled personslly with the big bull
without going Into the pit. Today Patten
himself Bid prices up, nobody dared sell
what they would have to buy from him
and the result waa an advance today of
to over yesterday and a tightly cornered
close at the top prices on record for Mav.
4!)V4c. Profits for the leader are estimated
at a ntue snort or The trade
in other oata was dull and uneventful.
Crop prospects are good and with corn
weakening oats sold off. July closing weak
and 4c down at Xc. Receipts were liberal
at 291 cara.
Provisions again felt the serious aspect
of the strike of the packing houae team
sters at the yards. Curtailments of ship
ments of live stock haa kept hog price
up fairly well, but the crowd was afraid
to oo mucn ousinese. The nrm hog situa
tion was augmented by a--little packers'
aupport and prices closed firm, July pork
Sc ud at 817.10. Julv lard in hla-ha -1
810.20, July ribs 7Hfil0c higher at .72fc
Estimated receipts for Mnndavr Whni
9 cars; corn, 600 cars; oata. 88t) cars- hogs'
CI IWA . L. . I. .CAAAA .
The leading feature ranged a follows:
Article. Open. High. I Low. Close. Thur.
May July
a July
b July
a Sept.
b Bept.
July 1 Bept.
72! 7274
72T4 ' 7S
72V4'3" 72HeH
7i van 7ik, w
71 4724"i4
71,fi 4,7045
' I Til L
- V- T. I I
1 I 61
' MTs
17 c5
10 15
10 174
9 674
17 10 !
17 10
10 20
IT 06
17 1241
17 224,
10 224
17 05
17 16
10 15
10 20
17 174
10 15
10 20
10 36
10 H4
I 674
9 75
No. t a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were follow;
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 3.V&
4.00; winter clears, 83.20&3 60; spring spe
cials. 34.30ff4.40; spring patents, $3.6o3.M;
spring straights, $3.00ft3.$0.
WHEAT-NO I spring, 7!ifl731"c; no, I
SDrtnr. 694734c: No. i red
IUKN-iso. ( yenow, oinjtic.
OATS-No. I. 3Vif4l4c; No. t whit. 4B40
44c; No. 3 white, 42444c. "
RYE No. 2. 6S4c. I
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 689
SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.68: No. 1 northwest
ern, $1 76: prime timothy, $4.30(36.35.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $1710
J17.15. Lard, per loO lbs.. $17.15. 8hort ribs
Ides (loose). 310.124. Dry salted shoulder
i boxed), rJ.704j9.KO. Bhort clear sides (boxed),
WHISKY On baal of high wihe. $1.30.
The following were the receipt and ship
ments yesterday:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
F''ir. bb'..... 12010 130X)
WKeat. bu-... 2.00 7a.0"0
Corn, bu......
Oata, bu '. ...244.000 247 00
Rye, bu 1.0.4) tliOO
Bsriey. bu k M.OuO 4.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa nrm; i'o-:c,
dairies, 17W&19C. Cheese,-steady, 10ilc.
Egga, ttady; fresh, 16Wc '. ,j (
it. Loal Grain aad Fravlstens! . .
en t rM-Tfl 1. .. . m Tt'Utf IT W..I.
No. 1 red cash, elevator. 764c; track. 7r
T7c; May, 7ti4o: July, 684c; September,
Sc; No. t hard, 734W75C.
CORN Lower; No. ' cash, 62c; track. 63c;
May. 63c: July. 6Wc: Beuiember. &B4o.
OAT8 Ixiwer; No. 3 cash. 414c; track.
4142c; May. 414c; July. 324c; September,
S'71ci o. a nii, itiwc.
K VK Nominal at 6Hc.
FLOUR Easy ; red winter patents, 83 60
extra tancy .ana ciear. w. j-i.e;
clear, $3.C'a3-20.
SEED Timothy, out of season; nominal.
COHN'KIEAI-Bteadv. 83.16.
RHAN Lower: Atkad. east track. 87fl90c
HAY Dull and steady ;. timothy, $li.0ix3
14.00; prairie, l Wfl 10.00.
WHISKY-Bteady. $1.30.
IRON COTTON T1EH Steady. $1.05.
BAOaiNO Steady. i46Hc.
PKOVISlONn Pork: Hlaher: lobbing.
817.26 for old. 117.66 for new. Lard: Lower
at I9.1U4. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed
lota, extra aborts and clear ribs. $10; short
clear, $10,114. Bacon, steady ; boxed lota,
extra short and clear rib. $10,874; short
clear, 811.. .
' " - Receipts. Shipments.
Itour, bbla IO.OOO 7.000
Wheat, bu I, ..164.0u 5S.0U0
Corn, bu H6.m) 4o,ui0
Oats, bu 102.000 32.000
METAL8 Lead: Steady at 83503-974-
Bt'eiter: tils uer at its.
Voi'LTRr Steady; chickens. 94c
springs, 2utf?7c; turkey. 9c; duck. 64c
ea,e. 4 7t4c.
BUTTER Steady; ' creamery, l&J2Sc
dairy, lb!c.
EGOS lllgher at. 14c.
Ltverpool Grata aad Prnvtalona.
LIVERPOOL.'1 May- 81-WHEAT-Spot.
dull; No. 1 l ailfornu. n 44a; ino. 1 norm
em. spring, i 14d: future, nominal; May,
nninil: Julv Lm lPaid: BeDtember. 6 4d.
CORN Snot. Araer.caa mixed, new. ouiet,
5s 9d; American mixed, old. steady, 6s 4c
future. nomlaaJt July, m 41; October,
km 24ud.
I.Var.nilliii. ateadv at 8a lOd.
FliOCB St. Loul fancy winter, firm.
a 9d
HOPS-At London (Paclflo coaat), firm,
t.fiiiukioira-SitA fluiii mrra rfi3
pork, steadyt prlgae, mess
wxatern. 7ii. Hams, snort cuw i io n
ih aiarlv. Me M. Hacon. Cumberland cut.
M to 8" lbs., steady, Us; long clear middles,
to 24 Irs., steady, aim; long ciear mianiea,
l.g'nt M to 14 lbs, steady, ts: long clear
middles, hesvy. 35 to 40 lbs., steady, 51s M;
.hnrt rlear hncks. 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 62s
41; clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 62a 6d.
Bhoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 3Ss.
Lard. Quiet. American refined, In paila.
61s 9d; rlm weatern, In tierces, quiet,
Dls M ... . .
BUTTKK iNominai; linear united suites,
firm. 9f!.
Austrellan, In London, dull at 3.1s 9d.
CHKEHE Steady; American finest white.
old, steady, 6Sa; American finest white,
new, steady, 62s; American flneat colored,
old, 6s; American finest colored, new, firm
at 63. 1
Condition of Trade and Quotations
Staple aad Fancy Prod nee.
EOQB Including new No. I casea, 134c;
cases returned, 13c.
LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 8c; old
roosters, according to age, 4(ac: turkeys,
hi; 11c; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per
lb.. 25c. ,
BUTTER, Packing stock, 164: choice
dairy, In tubs, VdKc separator, Mo. 1
crapples, 10c; herring. 8c; pickerel. 9c; pike,
11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunnah,
Dc; bluefins, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; catfish, 13c;
black bass. lHc; halibut, 11c; salmon, ISc;
haddock. 11c; codnsh. 12c; red snapper, 10c;
roe ahad, each. 75c; shad roe, per pair, ISc;
split shad, per id., iuc; lorjsirra, oouea.
per lb., 2oc: lobsters, green, per lb., 23c
fr'lUt.UIsa UVf, per oui., ibv.
VEAL Choice, 68c.
OAT8 4c.
BRAN Per ton, $18.
hay Prices ouoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association) Choice hay.
No. 1 upland, ; no 1 meniutn, s.w; i-ct. 1
coarse, 8. Hye straw 86.60. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair. Receipts light.
EGO PLANT Florida, per doi.. $1.25.
BUL'ABH Florida, per oo., $1.0051.28.
CAULIFLOWER Southern, per box. $3.
PUTATOKB Northern, $1; Colorado, . $1;
new potatoes, per lb., 2c.
a RE EN ONIONS Per do., according? to
ise of bunches, 15ar20o.
ASPARAGUb Home grown, per oos., i
64WC. eMrr.n
LETTUCE Hothouse, per do., 30c.
PARBLEY Per do., 3o36c.
RADISH EB-Per do., 2o4J26c.
WAX BEANB Illinois, p-r box. $1.50; per
u..hi. bor 75e: dc: .namei MsKet, 76c;
airing beans, per 4-bu.. 75c; per bu.. $1.60.
UKb-KIN rn,J er nau uu. -.
RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 14c
CABBAGE California, new, 3c.
ONIONS New southern In sacks, per lb.,
1T6maTOES Florida, per 6-basket crate,
NAVY BEAN 8 Per bu., $2.
STRAWBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $3.00
CHERRIES California, per box. $1.25.
GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.00.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 34 count,
BANANAS Per bunch, according- to
slse. $2.25$2.7S-
O RANGES Valenclas, $4.60; Mediterran
ean swtete, 83.5iKij3.75.
LEMONS Fancy, $3.50; choice, $3.25; Mes
slnas, $4.0034.50.
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $2.753.00.
CIDER Nehawku, per bbl., $3.26; New
York, 53.50.
POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled, 6c.
NUTS Walnut. No. 1 oft hell. per lb..
12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft
shell, luc; No. t hard shell, c; Brailla, per
;t)., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, lac; pecans, large, per
lb., Uc; small, loc; cocoanuts, per sack,
HIDES No. 1 green, $4c; No. 1 green.
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 8c; No. 2
veal calf, 12 to 16 lb., 6c; dry hldee, 8
12c: sheen pelts. 75c; horse hides, $1.60ra.DU.
OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $7.60;
copper, per lb., S4c; braaa, heavy, per lb.,
64c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.,
$4c; zinc, per lb.. 2c; rubber, per lb., ec.
Wool Market.
LONDON. May 81. WOOL The third
series of wool auction sale cloeed today.
A representative catalogue, consisting of
8,224 Dales was offered. There was a fair
attendance. Competition for fine grade
waa good and price generally were steady.
Americans bought good greasy clothing.
The total withdrawals amounted to 6,600
bales. When the series opened merinos
advanced 74 per cent and cross-breds 10
per cent. Merinos further Improved and
closed 10 per cent above tne .March prices.
During tho series 244 good ball were cata
logued, of which 216,000 were bold and I8.O09
held tver; The continent purchased 107,000
bales. Following are today' sales In de
tail: New South Wales, 8,100 bales; scoured,
6ft'10d; greasy, 44 'q lid. Queensland, 800
bales; scoured, 94d'l 6d; greasy, 44
U4d. . Victoria, 300 bales; greasy, 64t)9d.
South Australia, luO bales; greasy, 614d.
New Zealand, 3,400 bale; scoured,. 5fot,d;
greasy, 44&'104d. Cape of Good Hone and
Natal, 200 bales; scoured. 1 Id&la 3d;
greasy, 64W7d. ' Punta Arenaa, 200 bales;
gieasy, 4joA,d. - The arrivals for the fourth
series of sales number 168,649 bales. Includ
ing 68,000 forwarded direct to spinners. The
Import of wool during the week were a
follow: New South Wale, 6.104 bales;
ueenaland, 1,5; Victoria, -9,333; South
,,. H . C tUV2 Tama1 lift- V.w V
land, 14,904; Cape of Good Hope' and Natal,
u; cnina, l.ssz; Hamourg, z.vw; else
where, 1,626.
ST. LOUIS. Mav 31. WOOL Firm and
higher, with active demand; medium
gradea and combing, lJjlHc; light fine, 124
Cotton Market.
limited demand, with prices steady ; Ameri
can middling, 6 6-32d. . The sales of the day
were (.000 bales, of which 600 were for
speculation and export, and included 2,900
American. No receipts. Futures opened
steady and cloaed quiet: American middling.
une. 6d. sellers: June-July, tez-era, buyers;
July-August, 4 59-61ig4 60-64d, buyers; Au-
ust-BVDtember. 4 63-tHQ. seller:
Beotember-October. 4 36-64d. seller: October-
November, 4 27-64d, buyers; November-December,
4 24-64d, buyers; Decern ber-Janu-
ry, 4 73-64(1. buyera; January-February,
82-64IS4 23-64d buyers.
BT. LOUIS. May 31. COTTON Quiet ;
ujii -..1.. . . n. . 1 0-
bales: shinments. none: stock. 24.&M bale
Quiet and steady: sale. 1. Vfr. ordinary. 8c:
good ordinary, 84c; low middlings, 8 15-lftc;
middling, eo; gooa miaaung, i-ioc; mia
dllng fair, 10 S-lic. Recelpta, 2,447 bales;
stork. 137.686 bales: futures.- steady; June,
34a9.26c; July, .31f?8.32c; August. 8.7H9
72c; September, 8.HS8.18c: October. TSli
82c: November. 771&7.72c: December.
j.iiUJ'(.ic; January, ,
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. O.. May 31. WHEAT-Dull. but
steady; cash and May, 80c; July, 744o;
September, 74c.
CORN Active, firm; cash and May, 63c;
July. 614c; September. 594c: December, 46c.
OATH Active, strong; caan and May, tic;
July, 35Sc; September, 284c; new July,
S74c: new September, 31e.
BEE l) Clover, rainy active, nrm; casn,
$6.15; October. $5.30; No. 1, $4.60; timothy,
Minneapolis Wneat. Flenr nnd Iras,
3lc: Seotember. 69d69c: on track. No.
1 V. A "VI, M 1 ..... H -n 1 LtrfT. IL V rt
I umiu, iu , ..... . ..v. , -
1 northern, 724tj"2Sc
FLOUR First patents,; second
patents. $3. 60$ 3 60; first clears, $3.loig3.9i;
second clears, $2.20.
BRAN In bulk. J14.0O4P14.35.
Fklladclnklm Prod nee Market.
Firm; extra western creameries, 224c;
extra nearby prints, 2Sc.
EGGS Firm and In (air demand; fresh,
174c; fresh western. 18c; fresh southwest
ern. 17c: fresh southern, 16c.
CHEESE Steady; New York full creams,
prime new. Unfile; New York full creams,
tair to guuu, j iu
Mllwankee Grain Market.
close: July. 73c; No. 1 northern, 7777c;
NTK Hull. IMO. 1. DWC.
BARLEY Weak; No. 2. 71C714ct
Kanaaa City Orals and ProTlalena.
KANSAS CITY. May 11. EGOS Steady :
new No. 1 white wood cases Included. 134c
do., loss on; case returned, te.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 440.UM 44,400
Corn, bu 8.4 64.4u0
Lata, bu W.000 23.1MI
Foreign FtnanelaL
irvvnoK' rv 11 The amount of bul
tt.n i. kn Into tha Bank of England on
balance today waa 11.0. Oold premium
are auotea as follows: uiu Arm
xi m M&drld. 17 67: Lisbon. W; Home. 1.8
There were considerable movement In the
j2jouy market todajrJn coaicUao. wiin
mess, 9s M.
call for pew Issues of cpltal and the fiay-
ment or l,00n,om of India pins, nates ror
money were steady. Discounts were easier.
Business on the Stock exchange was quiet
and oterators were confident that Monday
will be a red letter day. a pea " South
Africa la expected to b then announced.
Prices were generally firm and fair busi
ness waa transacted la rertstn quarters.
Governments and Canadian Pacifies wefe
cheerful. Home rails .were strong. Amer
leans were listless, transactlona being de
terred by the holiday in msw ior. 1 ne
tone, however, was good. In eympathy
with otner sections. In Kaffir moderate
bulnea was done and there were several
Improvements. 'Argentines were tne fea
ture of the strength of the foreign market.
PARIS. May 81. Prlcea on the bourse
today were firm, owing to the settlement
being most favorable and contangos light.
Braslllana and Argentine were in consid
erable inquiry and rose sharply at the
finish. Industrials were Inactive. Rio
tlntos were steady. DeBeers receded to
persistent rumors that an unsstlsfactory
dividend would be declared. Kaffir were
firm In expectation of peace In South
Africa, but they were Inactive, Tho pri
vate rate of discount wss 14 Pr cent.
Three per cent rentes. Wlf 60c for the ac
count; Spanish 4s, 29 30.
BERLIN, May 31. Exchange cm London,
20m 49pfg for checks; discount rate for
short bills, 2 psr cent; three months' bills,
24 per cer.t.
BERLIN. May 31. International were
firm on the Borse today. Bank had a
good tone at first and then became irreg
ular. Austrian credit shsres were weak
owing to the Austrian premier' appre-
nensions regarding tne Ausgtecn negotia
tions with Hungary. Mines were easier
on realizations. Canadian Paclflo and
Transvaal certificate were firm.
Aggregate of Business Transacted by
tho Associated Baaka.
NEW YORK, May 31. The following
table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the
bsnk clearings at the principal cities for
the week ended May 30, with the percent
age of Increase and decrease as compared
with the corresponding week last year:
CITIES. Clearings.! Inc. Doc
New York $1,2S3.834,T37 20.4
Chicago 163,061, 4H6 24.9
Boston 121.132,791 17.5
Philadelphia 114.7IW.362 41.4
St. Louis 47,253,439 38.6
Pittsburg 44.299.235 29.0
Baltimore 23.616,911 26.8
Ban Francisco 23,601,332 28.7
Cincinnati 19.442,0i0 26.8
Kansas City 17.178,161 21.4
Cleveland 13,860,876 40.8
Minneapolis 10,184.257
Minneapolis 10,184.257
New Orleans 11,447,758 18.0 ......
Detroit 8.664,(107 ,22.8
Louisville 8.706.631 19.6
Indianapolis 8.322.076 67.4
Providence 6,350,7) 88.1
OMAHA 6.9"6.33 33.1
Milwaukee 6.040,624 19.1
Buffalo 6.241.630 . 6
St. Paul 4,964,741 32.0
St. Joseph 4,230,406 2.6
Denver 8,796,677 20.7
Richmond 3,776,216 46.4 ,
Savannah 2. 848,656 6.1
Salt Lake City 2.838.467 41.8
Albany 1,713,694 46.4
Los Angeles 4.733.613 126.3
Memphis 3.015.640 14.6
Fort Worth 2,311.304 14.5
Seattle 2,970,802 42.1
Washington 3.397.071 ' 60.7
Hartford 3.201.846 28.3
Peoria 2,288,768 25.6
Toledo 2.276.846 34.4
Portland, Ore 2,338,837 68.4
Rochester 2,66.533 15.8
1 Atlanta 1.913.812 27.2 t
Des Moines 2.043.316 47.4
New Haven 1,470.89 26 9
Worcester 1,370,661 13.4
Nashville 1.624,167 40.6
Springfield. Mass 1.391.843 2.1
Norfolk 1.215.600 2.9
Grand Rapid ' 1.072.33 6.9
Scranton 1.410.738 26.9
Portland, Me 1.197.326 28.0
Sioux City 1,341.382 48.5
Augusta 827,907 6.1
Syracuse 1.075,337 70.0
Dayton, 0 1.365.610 62.7
Tacoma 1.376,261 21.3
Spokane 1.619.928 89.6
Topeka 1,021.681 56.6
Davenport 739,816 8.6
Wilmington, Del 1,060,061 61.2
Evanaville 1.266,998 36.0
Birmingham 1,235.781 - 62.2
Fall River 766,943 44.9
Macon 627.000 16.8
Little Rock 6-9.318 48.8
Helena 469.319 8.3
Knoxvllle 717.906 40.8 ......
Lowell 424.690
Akron 646.700 38.4
Wichita 4S4.808 1.41
Springfield, III 608.514 86.2
Lexington 429,682 29 6 ......
New Bedford ' 413.475 61.3
Chattanooga. 624.1.1 48.7
Youngstown 681. 70 i 60.4
Kalamasoo 488,682 64.4
Fargo 283.26 33.4
Blnghamton 804.800 9.7
Rocfcford 404.638 35.1
Canton 446.300 73.5
Jacksonville. Fla 343.926 4.1
Springfield, 0 832,K'2 36.6
Cheater . 341.240 64.7
Qulncy 822.628
Bloomlngton 292.732 49.7 ,
Bioux Fall 216.628 80.1
Jacksonville. Ill li,r.l 71.9
Fremont 195,474 30.2
Houston 10.671.123 43.7
Galveston 6.040.000 10. T
Columbus, 0 6,969.500 81.
Wheeling 643,162 8.7
Wilkes Barre , 812.416
Decatur 261.616
Decatur 220,607
Totals, TJ. 8 $2,007,496,160 23. 2
Outside New York.. 243.661,4231 8.6
Montreal ,
$ Z2.6I7.703 11.5
14.729,S!0 64.T
, 1.743.866 86.2
. 1,82S,22 ...... 11.6
768.111 11.0
52,61 5.0
693.964 13.4 ......
407.694 ...... 1.9
'' 1.63T.701
$ 46,036,2411 43.6
Vancouver, B. C.
St. John, N. rs
Victoria, B. C
Total, Canada.
Not Included In totals because containing
other Item than cleaiinga.
Not Included in tetal v because of no
comparison for laat .year. . ' .
Lat week's total.
London Stoek Market. ','
LONDON, May 11. 4 p. m. Closing!
Consols, maney
4o seeount..
1 l-U
Norfolk a: MOT..i 4
.17 t-14
.... Its'
.... 4
so pro. ..I, .........
Ontario Weatern... (44
Ancon4s . .
do pfd ,
Baltimore A Ohio...
Canadian Pacific....
Chaaapwko A Ohio
Chicago O. W
O.. M. St. P....
Danrer R. O....
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do M Did
Fanoaylvani ... nv,
R.adlns - S3H
144 W
da lit pfd 4i
do M pfd W
Bostkorn Ry...t......
do pia., vi
175V, Boutharn Pcl4o 4
Ul'slon Paclflo ,,
3V. I 40 td.. SO
U'V. I. Btesl 414,
70V I do Pfd l
(4 iWakaak 14
Ml do pfd..' 444
Illlnola Cantral
Loulirllla Naah..
14l4 epanian a
riWRand Mlaaa II
. K. A T
do pfd
iDaaears 41 H
T. Cantral 140H1
RAR BIT.VFR 23 1-1M rjar ounrav
MONEY 2a2U ner cent.- Rate' of dis
count In open market for short and three-.
months bins, zt'ov per cent.
Bank Clearlna.
OMAHA Mar 81. Bank Clearing for the
week ending today show an Increase of
$466,986.21 over those of the corresponding
week lust year, ana aauy ngures reaa:
1901. ' 1901.
$1.17.496.81 $1,087,876.71
Tuesday M
1.10u,2ll. 84
Wednesday ,
979. 117. Jl
1.108,379 .87
"Friday In 1901.
..15,784,574.67 l6.n7.5S8.l6
11. Clearing. 1M.4S0.788
balances, $1,168,478
posted xchange. $4,154
tor sixty aaya ana ti u an cmanu,
NEW YORK. May 11 Clearings, $217.
$ll,7wJ; balances, $11. '65,661.
BALTIMORE. May IL-Cjaartngs, $4,740,
PHILADELPHIA, May- si. clearings
BOTJrn, May si. visaruias,
h,l.nna SI Mil 147. I
BT. LOU 18. May ji.a--ienring. i,nu.-
r.i. balances. $1,907,100: money, steady at
44 per cent; New Tork exenange. oc
premium. .
CINCINNATI. Mar tl. Clearing. $t.M
100; money. 34 6 per cebti New York x
change, sac premium.
Weekly Bank Statement.
NEW TORK. May 11. The statement of
the associated banks for five days and for
the week ending today snow:, joans, wt.
692.600, lnorwaee $16.108. Iu0; deposits, $948,
324.4. Increaae $14.576. 40ti circulation, 831.
146 o Increaae 874.600: legal tenders. $?1
474.0UO. Increaae I1.U1.800; specie. $176,634,100
I - 1 . . r . tlM&iit. IA.
crease $1.771. 4u0; reserve requlved, 37,tdl,aj0.
Increase. 84 1.85o; surBlg. tll,l2,000, de
crease Xa,JUl,Z4e.
Condttlen el tkn Treaanry.
WASHINGTON. My L Today' aUte-
meat of U IdsnAury Dainac ia too acn-
eral fund, exclusive of the $150.ono.noo gold
reserve In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance. $19,4.0.222;
gold, $9.&88,.
Ken York Money Market.
NEW YORK. May 81. MONEY Prime
mercantile paper, 4&44 per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at $4 87
for demand and at $4 844 for sixty days;
posted rates, 4 864 and $4 88; commercial
m ki.u, luiiiiuciviKi 1
SILVER Bar," 51Sc: Mexican dollar, I
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lamb All
Hold Steady.
CHICAGO, May 31.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
200 head: steady: anod to crime steer. 16 90
tr7.40; poor to medium $4.7bf60; stnrker
and feeders, $2.60t6.X: cows, $1.406.75;
heifers, $2.004J00; canners. $1.4042.60; bulls,
$2.70tro.36; calves, $2.OOl0O; Texas fed
steers. $5 25&.76. .
muub neceipis inaav. iu.imj neaa: esu- 1
matea Monnay, a,tiu neaa; lert over, z.iwi
head: steady: mixed and butchers. $9.Vu)l
7.40; good to choice heavy, $7.26&7.45; rough I
neavy, i.'"-u; iignt, uuia oil
sales, $7.007.80.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
neaa; steady; good to cnoice wetners, n.ftO 1
6.26; fair to choice mixed, $4.5n36.26; west-
ern sheep, $5.2.Vrj 26; nstlve lambs, $6,000
7.00; western lambs, $6.25iS7.0O. I
Official yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 1,878
head; hogs. 14 654 head; sheep, 2,865 head.
Shipments Cattle. 1.461 iiead; hog. 1.448
Kansas City Live Stock Market. 1
Ipts, 60 head; market unchanged; choice market the last several day, wlto com
port and dressed beef eteers. $6.86'67.40; parlson with former year:
fair to good. $4.253.86: etockera and feed
era, $2.8uii6.26; western-fed steers. $4.60rd
.66: Texas and Indian steer. $2.7535.85:
Texas cow, 13.00ig4.80; native cows, !2.7fVj
(.60; native heifers. $3.1064.76; canners.
$2.0033.00; bulls, $3.006.26; calves, 12.60; receipt tor tne week, ),m natives 1
and Texans. 1.300 calve. I
HOU3-Receipts. 2.300 head: market
sieaoy; ton ,.4n; duik oi aaies, ii.nte;Hf 7.
heavy. $7.324'S7.46: mixed packers. tl.t&U May 1.
7.874: light. 16.66(27.20: yorkers. $7.0M7.20;
pigs, $8.4Kg.90; receipt for the week,
W"'. I
BHEEP AND LAMBS No receipt; un-
cnangea: native iambs,; western I
iambs. native wethers, fd."iji
6.16: western wethers. 84.3OS6.00: fed ewes. I
8I.WK&4.16: Texas rllnned vearllnas. 85.40(9
6.00; Texas clipped sheep. $4.436.75: stock-
ers and feeders, $2.60i&4.65; receipt for the
wees. u,vw.
New York Live Sterk Market.
celpta. 483 head: no sales renorted: dressed
beef, steady; city dressed native aides, 94
in steers at 13Vi-ai5vc. Pressed welaht: I
today, partly estimated, 760 beeves, 4,600 I
CALVES No rerelnta: no trading: citv
Artutmtut v..l. no IK I
HOGS Receipts, 1,947 head; none on sale
alive. Market nominally weak.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1,503
head: effective sale all around at' about
steady price. Trade very Blow except for I
top grades. About seven cara "f stock I
carried over; sheep sold at 33.50S4.75 per I
HM ids.; rew export wetners. so.oo; year-
llnrs. 15.50.25: culls. 14.60: snrlnr lambs.
o.itu.2t; one nttie Duncn, .tx); cuns, xo.oo;
dressed mutton. MHOc rer lb.: dressed vear-
itiigs, tmnytvt urweea spring widdb, xifg
St. Loal Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, May Sl.-CATTLE Receipts,
100 head; market shows a decline from last
week; native shipping and export steers,
$5.75a7.60; dressed beef and butcher steers,
$4.8O4i.80; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.5KS.26;
stockers and feeders. $3.2594.M; cows and
heifer. $2.26S.00; canners, $2 003.00; bulls, follows, each buyer purchasing the nura
83.154j6.00; calves. $3.6iKfi6.60: Texas and In- ber of head Indicated:
dlan ateera, fed, $4.30yit.OO; grass, $3.10(9 Buyer Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
4.30; cows and heifers. 32.504.50
HUUB Kecelpts, 1,600 head
steady; pigs and lights. $6.76ii7.00; pack-1
era, $7.00&'7.2S; butchers, $7.107.46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS No recelDts: mar-
ket nominal; native muttona, $4. 0006.50;
lambs, $5.(MVn7.00: cull and buck. $2.60
4.76; stockers, $1.00(33.00; Texan, $4.40
Stock In Bight.
of cattle, hnvs and sheen at: thi rive nrln.
clpal market for MaySl:
cattle. Hogs, eneep.
South Omaha 119
Kansas City
8t. Louis ....
St, Joseph ..
Total ...
879 27.341 1,411
; Slonx City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. May 31. Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100; market
steady; beeves, $5.60677.00; cowa, bulls nd
mixed. $2.765.60; stockera and feeder., $3.00
4.60; yearlings and calves, $3.0034.60.
HOGS Receipts. 1.600: market 6o higher:
seiung, o.sob,;. duik, so.Kxaf.VD.
Sick Street Sweeper Reararded a;
.Case la Point.
Ia the discussion at the recent congress
of surgeon la Berlin, on flrt aid to the
,.". ., . . ,
wounded on the battleDeld It waa brought
out by V. Bruns, Bertelsmann and other
that the danger In modern warfare Is not than tney were a wee ago. cm weanes
. ,,-y, , .,.. 4.,i v. ,k- day of this week aa high aa $7.40 was pnld
bo much from primary Infection by the . K,,rK nr rattle, which waa the hia-h-
Bmall-callber projectile of rapid-fire rifle
aa from secondary Infection by contamlna-
,, , ,v. . , .,L,v, ,. .
Hon of the wound from the clothing or the
dust of tha battlefield. The effort of the
field surgeon Is therefore more to exclude
..ptio and tetanus germ, thaa to dl.lnf.ct
the wound. .; .
t. nn ...... hnn,. i
i xm At , . . . ' ' . . .
lean Medicine, the dancer of dust la em-
phaslied by tha report that New York City
ha w. aim .trt .w,n.a . aitr
list with dl....e. du. to the Inhalation of
uuocuoui uuvt. a numoer oi auociious ai-v
so commonly cocveyed In dut a to merit
the designation of "du.t dl.ea.e.;" of the,
cerebrospinal meningitis I of frequent oc-
currence la cities during the aprlng months.
a . a. i ... . . m a . a.
ia season an sorts oi noisome run-
blsh, the accumulation of the winter, in
cellars and back yards. Is aet out on the
treet to await the coming of the ashman.
whose course Is marked by cloud of duat.
Uttered street and dusty porches. Closed
can. wen adapted to tne removal or ar
ad .... .
bag have been Invented and the system
employed la the buslnesa section of put-
tlnr the street .w.enln.s In aacka la ad.
, . . , . , . . ZZ .
miraoie, out u remains ior xne sanuary
engineer to turn his inventive mino toward
devising a wagon capable of conveying do-
meat la rubbish and aahea without dispers
ing the lighter stuff along the routes.
Ready Wit, Ready Money.
The University of Pennsylvania ha not a
large endowment, relate the Philadelphia
Times, aad that It find tbe mean to pay
.. . . . . ...
In.. I. due la great mea.ure to It. provo.t.
Cbarle C. Harrison. His little black ub-
acrlptloa book la well known la many a
downtown office too well known, a prom
inent broker told him not long ago. Mr.
Harrisoa waa pleading persistently with
mm tor a subscription, but ia rain. Flaally
the broker said:
Be here, Mr. Harrison, I will glv you
something oa on condition."
"Very well. Mr. T ," .aid the provost.
"name It."
'The condition 1. that you promts never
to tuiue tu.,w iuy ontu again umu i aaa
you to do so."
"Certainly. Mr. T . I agree to that.'
.lit th. i.r..u. ... ..,1. . . ...
jl muaiu oc .o later toe eroaeg neara
knock at hi. deoc, "Com la,'' he called,
gad la walked Mr, Harrises, He aad th
black book under hi. arm, '
"Good morning, Mr. T ." he said. J
want you to help m with a llttl unlv.r
lty matter I am
"Look here, Mr. Harrisoa," tha broker
continued, "when I gave that last $1,000
wasn't It oa th expres eondltloa that you
wouldn't com Into my office agata until
I Invited your'
"Why yea," returned th provost. "X b
lleve that wa the understanding. But
dlda't you y "Com la' Just bow wbea I
knocked r'
They My th check this time was for
$5,000. ,
Week Closet with Beef Cattle a Littla
Lower Than the Frerioni Week.
... . v. . . . , ...
tbe Week aad Good Staff Held
Abont Steady, bat Common
Kind Sold Lower.
Recelpta were: CaUle. Hogs, bheep.
Cttlclal Monday 1 &.419 30
Official Tuasday 8,148 10.191 416
Official Weducaday 1,646 11,511 2.W
Official Thursday 1.870 1CS3? 1.3t9
Olncial Friday 1.465 lo.)7 1.3)
umcm saiurdjv 11a 7941 ij
Total thla week in 14.1 MISS 9 Tin
Week ending May 24. ...16,149 47.711 6.450
vveea enaing May 4b.:'.H U.4W1
Week ending May lo.... 10.227 49,334 13,87s
Week ending May 3. ...11,920 6l,w7 12,9,6
came week last year. ...16,442 62,743 lt.6"l
Total this month 60,646 222.246 4a,8"9
'total . May, 19"1 71.991 249,813 k6,s.W
Total May, It) 81,Vu9 244.9.8 72.&90
Total May, 1899., 6S.334 220.4M Ti.Hi'i
Total May, 1h 66.1K4 lxi.312 llo.AH
Total May, 1M97 bo.M 19.97 76.14
Total May, lest 3i.9U 121,876 60,450
Total May, 189 26.7b3 115.678 9.41o
Total May, 1894 68,617 187,870 17.645
Tha tnllf w1, t.kl. ,tiA nvAi'Btfa
price of hon aold on tbe South Omaha
Date. I 19U3. 1901. 11900.11899. 11898.1S97.1896.
May 1.
alav 1.
6 S4I I 24 1 C I I 791 11
May I..
so S V - x
i it
to 6 Mi
1 i ;i t 71,
May 4..
kiar t..
43, 1 9
I 44 II 93
1 72 I 24
$ eej I m
7 08 J
Ik a3i
IUr g..
e s s
4l iwilll
I 701 1 M
S 711 I 19
I 14
I 68
I 07 I 14
7 00 I 5 4i 5 loi
I 69
May 9.
7 (18 6 6 13
7 v)4 t l s loi
16 t 5 l
I 6 1 89
May 10..
1 IU W
I 3 I 97
May u.
May 12.
9941 16,
H 4 19 1 b4 I 17
8 6S 4 3i 8 to) 1 20
May u
7 08 I t 681 I
7 1241 5 U 6 17
T liV.i 6 Ml k 21
May it
May Is
I 61 all 8 21
May 16..
8 Mil 4 351 I 1
May 17...
May 18...
7 134
7 124,
7 11
7 07
5 20; 3 601 4 4ui 1 66i
6 3
t 11) 1 69 4 291 1 621 1 11
May 1.
6 li I 6
U l
5 031 i
4 36 1 2 61 1 I 13
May 30..
May 31..
May 23..
May 24..
I 73
4 2tt 1 62 i 07
6 6
4 26i
1 6ci 3 03
7 034i
6 63
6 1
6 081 3 62
1 62 1 01
8 03
1 451
1 40 II 04
T 08
7 Oa
6 01 8 65
6 04 1 1 621
6 041 I 68
4 33
1 26
May 34..
5 Hi
t 62
4 17
6 964
4 99 i 66 4 IS!
1 39) 2 99
6 9 ' i 6 601
i36(M4 2uil34il93
May 29
7 01 'A , I 63 14
4 15) 1 4 0 3 84 2 92
7 0941 6 62 4 80 I 60l I I 36 2 94
7 1V4 6 691 4 8& I 67 4 1V " I 194
7 114 6 71, 4 M 3 67 4 14 3 39
' "
Indicate Sunday.
The official number of cara of stock
brought In today by each road wat;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. M. & 8L P. Ry.
O. Bu L. Ry
Missouri pacinc kv
I I Tnlnn Paclfle. avstem.
I C. N. w. Ky .
r. B JU M V R. R
I t;., Bt. f., M. at U. rty .
B. A M. R. Ry
C. B. & y. Ry
K. C. & St. J. Ry
C. R. I. & P. Ry., east....
C, R. 1. & P. .y., west....
Illinois Central Ry
Total receipts
The disposition of the day' receipt wa
Omaha Packing Co...'
1 O. H. Hammond Co....
- 1,223
Bwlft and Company.
Cudahy Packing Co
I Armour A Co
Armour, Sioux City
Bwlft, Kansas City
Fowler, Bloux City
i b. ok h
Other buyer
..116 8,279 162
I Tha following list shows the number of
i car oi teeaera snipped to tne country
I yesterday and their destination:
A. J. Honey, can-oil. Neb, M. ft 0 1
P. E. McDonald. Tekamah. Neb. M. & O.. 1
Ed Yager, Woodbine, la. N. W 1
CATTLE A 1 generally the caaa on a
Saturday, there were not enough cattle
offered to make a test of the market. For
the week receipts have been light, a de
crease being noted both as compared with
last week and also wltn the same week ol
last year. The table above will show the
exact figures, not only (or the week, but
"UJ' ",, lVmHW,Tw. h
also for the month, with comparison with
Drevlou years
The market on beef steer for the week
has been In fairly good shape, and de
sirable offering have sold -at very satis
factory prices. Tuesday waa about the
high day of the week, and ever since that
time the tendency of prloea has been down
ward. Owing to the choice cattle that ar
rived the top prices did not show the
downward tendency. As compared with
the close of last week the choice cattle are
not very much lower and a , d'm would
safely cover the decline. The medium class
citti. however, and eatjeclallv those
that are not very fat, are 1620c lower
est price ever paid on the South Omaha
market outside of show cattle. In Chicago
prlcea broke In bad shape, as the decline
fher, put ,t eoc, as compared with
the high time of last week,
The cow market has not held up In aa
ft?? ty'lX
a week ago, and prime heifer have sold
as hls-h a $6.10. But aside from the choice
I fat cow and heifer the general market
I : i u
l B risn aruunu Gns tj rt m ivi in, t. t-j r. .
Packers discriminate against the grass
I cow to a marked degree ana tne cows
dry lot "cow." of in. SS
flesh. In cnicago cow are quoted ironi
$1 to $1.25 per hundred lower than they
'.'n"?," b'uU. u'tlso about a
quarter lower than they were a week ago.
Choice fat bulls have not suffered to any
I aa I n x mm uitfai UBva gwii lllouc mm ihbu
-- . trifle
I lower In aympathy with steers and cows,
but veul calves are fully steady. Choice
r"f" "V "'"rn rice, u also downward
nn .tockers and feeder. The choicer
I grades are probably not more than ltxgi5c
I Iaoish Vk inn W aWa BT nui I II R I1H II L H IU
l da are l&aac lowfr. The
I demand from the country Is very limited,
but a the uppiy at tni point naa not
been, excessive there hasbeen no serlouj
I break In pilces. itepresentauve pam,
At. Pr.
.947 I 40
. tOO 1 M l
. tl so . 1.....
.1464 4 00 1.
. 171 4 71 1
..Ml 0
..1114 I 40
..lilt l U
1M T 04
HOOB The ho market today opened
rather slow but steady to Btrong aa com.
I cared with yesterday general market. The
I- . . . j . . . p. A k.... than IriA,,
tW oSg.'than yEEE
I dav'a average. Trading waa not active at
any time, but still mot everything wa
disposed of In good season, aa the offerings
were rather light. Out of the 103 cars on
sale 16 cars were consigned direct to a local
packer, so that tne numoer on sate waa
small even for a Saturday. The bulk of the
."Zl' i.i-WV ho., sold from 87.15 to 17.30
I ind th medium weight went from $7.06
to $7.15. wnu tne iignier io.u u.u
"iSLl for the week .how an in
I crease over last week, but a decrease as
I compared with the same week or last year.
-Xne ISDie given DUW will aviaw anuw ...v
receipt for the month, with comparisons
with previous years. inn weea uiwi.
. ainmn In rjrlces. but since Monday
there haa been a Bteady movement upward.
I . ,h.t the week closes 6aiuc higher than
I v. rinu of last week and In fact prices
a i no.
At. h. Pr.
)M IK 16
lrt Ia0 4 M
IM 4 4 t
1W SO t S
Ill 144 T
in ... 1 014
114 804 t 01
124 ... 7 4
10 SO T Oi
114 40 1 U
U....II4 44 t 04
.....00 ISO t OS
Ot IS T Ot
04 It t 4
aa 1 M
10 T
d to t 014
Ill ISO t T4
, 11 1M 1 OTV,
, ti so t ef
, Ml SO 1 !4
, Ill to
, 120 4 1 10
ISO M t 1
34 tl
No. At. h. Pr.
II it loo 1 114
17 UJ 10 1 U.
1 124 , M 1 1
ii in a tu
11 131 100 T 1
II 140 tu T II
It 120 ... 7 1
0 II .100 T It
II Ml Mil
II Ml K 111
01 MS 10 1 1
SO 114 00 1 1
I 124 It 7 II
74 Ml 110 t 1
00 131 00 1 It
tl 14S 1 II
ii tu lie t it
ti tie ... t it
11 144 lot t u
0 Ml 40 t 1
tl 14 10 T 1
ti. la M 1 i
00 Ml 100 1 U
14 140 Mil
Tt. Ml M t II
44. W4 MO 1 II
It. .
- I rt.
I "t
...." T 1
... It t t 10
... U t'0 7 19
... sw too T l
...: m tin
....tit ... 1 ie
....tit 40 7 IS
....ill M T 10 .
... 2 l0 T 10
.. 4 t 1
.. 4I 1 II
..HI so 7 tl
. .10 40 t 174
..IM SO 1 17V
,.i4i mo 1 174
..144 IO 1 17t
..HT ... T 17ta
.! IN t 1TH '
lit too t 1
Ull 140 T 10
1 n
7 K)
123 10 7 114
i6 40 I 1f4j
no o 1 m
in no 1 114
Jo uo t f
.....277 SO t III
... 1
... t 4 .
M 7 tiv ,
o 7
iS 1 U
M. .
Ml. .
2 .
til 120 T lit
BHEEP Ther was only one car of
heep on sale today and that Bold at Just
doui sieaov prices, xner were natives and
be wethers brouaht 86.00 and the lambs
$6 25. For the week the receipts show a
decrease as compared with the same week
t last year, but aa compared witn laat
week there Is an Increase. The demand ha
been In good shape all the week (or de-
iraoie otTenngs, but the bulk 01 the (heap
11 a mm in on an e nave rveen 01 ratner in
ferior quality. On such kinds the market
aa been slow and for the week prices are
robably a cjuarter lower. The choice
rades, though, have not shown . much of
ny change.
Quotations (or clipped stock! Good to
choice wethers. $S.751i.00: fair to good. $5.69
46.75; good to choice ewe. 16.00$ 5.26 : (air to
gooa. S4 good to cnoice lamba. .25
i660; fair to good, $5.Anfr.o, Woolsd stock
if 1 is apout Z5r60 above CMODed stork.
Choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.757.3;
fair to goud. "$6 50J6.75. Representative
No. . Av.
4 no
I 80
6 AO
f 00
10 cull Iambs 68
20 native clipped ewe dt weths. 130
23 native wether 146
24 native wether 16
80 clipped lambs, native 65
1 spring lamb 60
St. Joseph Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, 400 head; Bteady: natives, $6.607.26:
cews and heifers. t2.2Mi6.4o; veals, , $3.60(j
6"; stockers and feeders, I2.60B6 40.
HOOS Receipts. 6.600 head: Bteady: light
nd light mixed, $7.0fK87.25; medium and
eavy, $7.r7.424; pigs, M.TSie.flO. rteceipia, ao" neaa; eteaay.
ample of Valvar Remarks that Pass
for Wit. , . '.
Among the thousands of good stories In
Irculatlon Is one which should be told in
cockney dialect about one 'Arry. who
wa. famous for hi. repartee. No one
could get the better of 'Arry. 'B wa.
quick a. a flash, 'e was. For' example:
One day 'Arry went to the clrcu. with 'is
Arrlet. 'E wa. picked out by the clown,
who shouted. "Hah, there, 'Arry, Hi gpte.
ye 'oldln 'and. with 'Arrlet!"
But the clown wasn't a match for 'Arry,
who fired right back. "Oo to 'ell,' you
blarsted fool," cries 'Arry to the clowa,
'or Hl'll .marsh your face!" "Arry wa. a
terror at repartee. 'E wa. quick ' a. a
flash, ' wa. No one could get tha bet
ter of Mm.
This story, which 1. sometime embel
lished with profanity, ay. the Saa Fran-
lsco Bulletin, Illustrate, the sort of
repartee which too often wins a man a
reputation for wit. There' are person.
whose station In life ' I. higher thaa
Arry'., but whose Idea of repartee 1. - of
the same . tripe a. that of the cockney
In the story... These person have a habit
of making offensive and extremely rude
remark, which pas. for witty repartee In
general and Indlsorlmlnatlng company. A
a rule tbl. bludgeon wit provoke, a laugh,
for the majority of people will laugh at
anything that causes discomfiture to oth
ers. Tho horseplay comedy in which the
humor consist, of .mashing plea on the
face of the dramatt. peraon.e and throw
ing the buffo into a trough -of real water
ha. never failed to amuse, and nine out
of ten person, will guffaw to ee a dig
nified gentleman fall Into a muddy puddle.
Bad manner In conversation should be
distinguished from wit, - but ' seldom are,
and the gentleman must suffer eclipse bow
and then from a louder and ruder, though
perhaps a duller man.
True wit is bitter and sharp only when It
aimed ggalnrt fraud... hypocrisy aad
things really evil. The wit of amicable de
bate and br (Unary conversation should not
violate the rule. of . good manner. "Like
Samson, I kill thousand at one blow," ex
claimed Voltaire, facetiously, aa be took a
bite of Limburger cheese at a dinner.
'Like Samson and . . with the same
weapon," said a certain abbe at the table,
the cleverness of whose remark gained
nothing by it. rudeness. , But one can for
give a little rudeness In genuine wit. It
1 against the sgltless rudeness, the stupid
verbal bludgeoning which poses aa wit, that
one protest most earnestly.
Ia congress the other day one of -th
member of the lower houae remarked that
his constituents approved -of his conduct.
Then they are easily satisfied." ihouted
Mr. Oroivenor, and there wa a laugh. The
remark was not-clever enough to make the
Insult excusable. Quite different was Tom
Reed's famous retort to the opponent who
declaimed that he would rather be right
than president. - "Don't fear, sir," laid
Reed, for you will never be either." A
harmles but genuinely witty remark wa.
that made by Rev. Sidney Smith, when he
had met with hi vestry to consider way.
and mean of building a wooden walk about
the church. "Gentlemen." aald Smith, "let
u put our head together , and we .hall
have 1L" . . 1 . -..w '.
Wit I an acid, but it ahould be o di
luted with charity and good humor that
It will merely polish and not corrode.
DR. r.i cG REW (Ai53)
Dtsoases anal Olaovna
Man 4aJjr.
M Yanra' Bsperien.
X. y Tnnrs Is
0?ic2vrd- Ho pain whatever, no cutvlig
and dose nt Interfere wit work r iMaaf
iies. Treatment at ooe or at hu and
ITpermaoeat euro guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatmtnt icr sypmt
r,A all Blood Diseases. "BIIBAKINO
fjUT" on the akin or feoe and all extt-na4
r.n. at the disease disappear at onoa. . A
...n,,n.nt (or life.
oyer 20l000a:bTs.yr,,,iot. yxzr,
ana all Jnnaiural wesAnna
aluioture. Cliaal. Kldnay and Bladda f
asses, Hydrooete. stired, trmanuy.
Treatment by !. F; O- Boa WJ
Oftos over HI - Mta U iZmV?
a4 EtnuK" - MaHa. M,
"Mao . want, but
llttl. b.r. b.low"
Said a morbid poet
long ywara ago,
I'm proa, to doubt
that and. nt aaa
When 1 look at Tb.
B.'a great "Want
Ad" ptg.'
Sore eattsiaetory U the 'old togm't
treatment and at lees thaa HALF THI
an at
cure taat is guarantees w e
Proof Positive
Ta neoaaiosial nsar
if Hill ar aa taiti as
tat anztiMaoazr will
!aloeref B1ATB"
geerurenri. nod pnr-
W II ai Drt Ojn
TM BPnm suggest,
pari! r4 k a tastsj
prve. tt
Export, Watnssv Prt
ftkt. Btoek, Maetoft.
I anon ar tha Braadav
Bach leader la ita
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Povdor
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century
(15 centa by mall.)
secures in 24
weeks each
section of -
the most remark
able work on
Natural History
ever published. .
More than a thousand
Animals Photo
graphed, including
Fishes. Birds and
Beasts. Interesting
" and instructive tt .
old and young as welL
Dills I Cotftfll lrcn Works
IM, M svnel ISO JaoBjsem
m. stefcrteaJ. Aireak J. Orwafl. Ms
at aaafaetarers aad oftoere 1 -
Steins and Water Supplies
Of AU Kind.
14 -
ELtl I ItlCrik. -.
AMtorn Electrics!
vv Company
JZUetrical Supplier
Bentrl Wlrtaf IU aad Oa. Iiaa
a. w. JOHNrON. Mr. W Bswafdjlt.
Omaba Tent and Awning Co,,
Oaanfca, Hen.
i Maau(acturr. of
TertTs sad Canvas
pnX toe Catalogu Miualr 1
1 -"t888 -