Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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ika DwBcrtrj KkO is oxgJx a tit
GaxaasAt lanuoos.
i?zai Acnyrrr inavn au cakps
r. Brett ee atwvelaesseet at
C 11 see rmmM with View ead "
ur ll4rae Pleat
CMn la.
MADOOD. Kr D.. June 1. (f pectal )
la ta port at dacerry tot (m ssaAe la
A ground of George Brt. Which la alt
hated m tbe Carbonate read, about eight
ilea aorthweet af this city. aad ow greaad
which bee Iwl worked tor tha pest alt
wars try tta srwstst mr.
Lift yea m begs a u apea wt en
ih paol vim a etrtagrr at good
Big are ea th aartace tad bad
Cm ewt ta kbnt thirty feet, wbe be
started a MiO uurt, wulea la mow about
Iweaty feet, treat where the open rut end.
Last Mniir a pat a rbot la the face e
law tmtl aad when tbe rack cleared
l way he was aarptleed ta tad that the
aatlra face mt K wss m ere. Wnert etM
:he rata, a wertieel. as about tear feet wide.
tad eerrn a load carbeaate ara arnica as
says tot eaacea ta rtlrer te the ton.
Miner aria here examined th fmtS
ur that th rvta look like a Strang ene
d gtrv wry tadieatlaa that it win
rid en oat vita a little mor derelopment.
Ca tract far ReAarta Piaat.
Tbe eeetract ior the erection of the
ireatmeni plant of th Hidden Haad Gold
Kiaiag company wa tat on TkK radar last
by th company ta Dearer partie. TVs
plant wtU be a we-4ea tret emshtag ryaa
Ida. aad will ba located tm tbe First ward
if tha cur om tba arte recently parchaaed
17 tba COmpeBe.
Tb contract callt for tba beginning f
arork Immediately aad tk taralag erer
of th plant to the coirp4.Br. complete
tad ready for rprratloa wl-h'.a f oar tnoaxka
frofn tka tt ca wtlck tk contract waa
Crwcad for tba v Jlat will k brakaa
tkia wk aad will ba naked aa taat aa
aaaa aad taosay aaa da tko work. Tka Tim
tan Railroad ronjmrr kai a liac of raad
atraady aarrrrad tb tb mlllalta aad tt la
a-torrstood that It wlU aiaa braia work ea
tkta cztraatoa tVU weak.
Mr. Majkam. vrw14t e( tka cwicpaar
wM ta Daadwood TtaJt woek aad wkllc kcra
paid a cood Bianr tbouaaafl dallari ta par
Uoa Interacted ta tka Colunibna rtro4 aad
otfeer claim lacladad In tka koldJaca at
tka H!dea Fertnae Co-apaay ta tka rlcla-
lty of Castral City. laraau aa taa par
ckaa price of the propertiea. aad wlU Va
back hara tbla week, wkea ba will make
iM final payroeau oa all tka prs party
raoaotly purhaaed by tba cojnpaaj.
fttace tjk Hidden rertoaa compaay basaa
oparaaoaa la tka Black Hills It kaa
paaded rear ll.Ooa.aoo la Cbe pnrrkaea of
rofertT aad Ita lBproreseau aad la at HI
pattlxg moaey lata tie (roaad.
Tka rat eoasigaoieat of a asa-toa atla-
aaa&t of mactlnery for tka Peaobacat Mia-
la oompaay of Garcia City will aniw
ta tkla city this week. Tka ahlptneat will
caaelst of ataBpa. enciaea, boUera, bat
lartoa aad ether oiacklaery far a wet
craaalac cyaaide plant wklch tke ttpaay
win erect at lta aiiaea la Gardea Ctty. Tke
aew holat wkic tka coatpaay Is ereattac
oa tke Beanzatlaa grasp ta aeartac cot-
lUoa aad aka-ald ba ready ta rna tala
week. Work oa this group aad oa tba
Peaabacot croap u pTogreaaiax ta a aat
la'artorr siaaaer aad ore fxwra tkrta bath
! be Killed la "the compaay'a' wa plaat
.befora the aiiriiia-tr i .erat. . .- .
Dea'tr tateewaawa.
Calorada paruoa raresUy took lease aa
ararai -praapa af claims oa prace (idea,
taa miles east treat tala city, laciudlaa
The grvsad af aaroa Doaa aad associates
aC thai rtty. the Belle EUdridce axoip. the
Lezlar-oa. tba tiaidiDara, tba Soxa Psora
aad the Cballemga troupe af aV-aee. Tkaaa
prapertaea an all weil kaawa, and here
ta tbetr time prodaced much good era
It la said that taa ceecpaay whlck kaa the
prepertiee nader boad will shortly begla
ezteeslTe deraioptDeat work apaa them
Tba ore which la fooad U three aaiaaa m
eyaaioe proposi tioc, aad caitiea valaea
taaglhg from M ta f It gold.
The Highlaad Chief eosspsay baa rareafly
placed ft fifly-toa craaida piaat ta repair
aad will start ap thai week aa ore trosa
ihe 11 ants da, cm tba aortk fork at f proem
ralck. The compear kaa baaa basy far
the last week ixlag p the reads aad baHa
lag are bias. It will also take ere . tram
tba Highlaad Chief mtaa which Is located
yaet abcea taa aaaspaay'a pleat- Esxrtag
tba greater part af last wiser tba om
paay"a piaat wa la aurraaafat aperacloa.
bat was coatpeUad ta clase am during
tba coctlBnaar af bad weather, aa it was
iapaaalhle ta baal aappllaa ever tba foade
ar ara ta toe piaat Tram tba mines. Slace
that time the plan has beaa aadergoiag
aTLeaale repaira. aad s-hea It agabt ataru
aa wa be la a trsflase cwadtuea aad
ready far ooatlaaaua.ranalac.
The Larky tUrlke oseapaay. which awas
greaae asar the recent rich strike ea Elk
Cfwrs, at Beachmark, started ta bast week
to do considerable devekranaaat werfc. The;
ceaopaay has a gaod showing at are ta are.
eral places ta tba greoad. aad aeeaa af
them feaee reeeived esianatea deeeiaaaseBt
to tba past. The are la a free-mil Uag
aewpeaiuoa aod af mora thaa average rich
esa. It la the tateauaa af tba eaaspaar
a pat ap a 10a-toa wet-crashing cyanide
antll aa he grosad as eooa aa tt rereteee a
little aaora derelapaseat. Fart af this
grovad waa warhed tweaty-aae years aga
aad tta are Billed in a little flre-atamp
njill. h ie the retarns frea the mlU were
eery good at that rime, enough of the ore
eaald net ba worked ta the bhB ta a day'e
run te aiahe It prcdtable. aa operations ia
this direct m were . aaspea&ed.' aad the
ground has beea idle, except far the aaual
asetsaaect. aeer staca
August Peterson, aba made tba rich tad
ta th-e camp, the aae which has awakeaad
renewed Interest ia it. Is working a amaj
force af nwra aa kis gremnd, aad the eela.
which he aaueesred la aa apaa cat. at atill
carrying tta rV knees aad ksnnum aireager
as work precaeaa ea hL Tha dBKrtct has
hwwa rrerraa with prase essrs and at the
at it ta tBpaaa.bla a and enAcaaat
Doat tell your friend of
It. They would think It to
arrange You see, they know
Ayert Hair Vigor checks
filling of the hiir, restore
color to gray hair, and Biles
, the hair grow. Then why
don't you use it?
A tww year aga aay hair go wary
dry and I cauii pull it nrai axai by tba
aaa&iiL AAsr a lew bettie af
Ayer Hair Vjjwt I ro relief. Mf
fcaar tie peed faULar gad 1 reccrred A
arw head of baa-.' Mm. G. Harrnr,
bLJasulat, Via. ,
gronad la tt encaat oa which te locate a
weU. It tkw itetri-t the tamooa Vacle nam
aew tba ceer Lrsf ajHe (a leewted. aas
tbeaa aew dswerwa are ber-4 ta be
cxteaaiaea af the eelna whtch arear ta that
lae. At sty rate, tV dirrrm la being
presperted as kt ae-reT baa beea be?are. aal
tt wee is net be at all aarpnatag abe-uid
arweral good aiiaes other thaa these new
bring warted be opened cn.
CrtTM CTTT. - D . mae L iprciaL)
The Grants Geld Mmtag oampaey baa
rereatly elded to its boi8i&gs by the pnr-
af aa addttmaal li acres -eg land
r tbta rrry. Oa thai groaad a ee
rick tee? eela of aaid guarta.haa beea
petted, aad a large forte of mea ai new at
wwrk getxlrg ant ore fee ektpmevt. tke rtcb
at the ore warranting tka naetbod
at treaaseat.
The eeta was recently aaapled, eigbeea
eaaipiea baring beea takes Tram the rarl-
eue apeaiaga along tha coarse af tba weia.
tha aeerage asssy retaras frata which
went aa high as ta the tea. The ahip
Beata which ara new being prepared tor
ara ta the naiare of a teat oa a big scale,
ad 1M tana of tba era win be sent te
Dearer tor treatmeat, - which, should the j
greraga af nchaeaa bald ap. wfli be the
caase af the company erertlrj g large
treatment plant of tu ' own apon the
grend. Aa at ia a haadaense proSt eaa
be made by this me bed of haadlicg the
era. aad the eetspecy will aaa the mm
which it' win erect ta treat the lower
grade af era. which hi being left atanittg
ta tb worklnga aad tha abipmaata of the
rich ara eoeuaned.
HI IX CTTT. S. D, Jane i Seec. al i
Tba Aberaaea Gold Mining aad JCJllng
eamaaay baa reccaUy beea do fug noma
ery axtanarva work ea tta groaai sear tka
City, and baa boea Batting eat some eery
rich ere. At a depth of thirty -frre feet ta
tha shaft wtkk the eompaay la ataklag. a
rela af tree -milling are has beea arrack,
which resembles ta . character, aad ta the
position tt accapiea wlU reference ta the
iUToaadlag fDrmatieaa tba rata which a
anmbeT of years age Bade the 1- 1L Bine
tamotta tbronrbeizt the Black Hills as a
producer af rich era. The boJdtngn af tha
Aberaeea oospaay adjeta thona of the J.
B company, aad aissy belie re that this
etla wkirh has beea struck ta tba Aher
Aeea abATt Is aa cztanaiOB af the tnmoaa
i- V weia. The ooaapaty ta dotig eoa
sidembie wwrk ia tba way of deralaptnexit,
and bare every hope that the press at eela
win drrelea tat a large eaa as depth is
attained. As it la. tba are takes treat tt
new ai tiled with free raid, aad tbt pros
pea looks, eery preen tslng.
Wbe raaca as Jtade wttk ffta Bloera
Aaa cat Afrteasi tywralises
stak.e Demaasa
(Coerrtgnt. BT. ay yres Publishing Ca)
L0VIX3tV. Juna 1- (New Tork World Ca
Wecraas flpecial Telegram.) a eeadltloa
of tease expectancy, tinged with, appro
banal aa. preralis here regardlxig tba prom
ised aaaasaeemeaf Ga-eeramaat Reader Bal-
toar la ta make la -the Patsia of Caanasann
Monday. Tba aeebeimlng eoarkrtioa
that peace ta aas and. This la not h
aaaaa e arming tangtbia hi knows any
where osuide af tha rabiaat about tba a
gotlatiees. bat beoaaaa tt ia Thought in
eredfae that the anaatters voulg allow
tha teelirg ta become -deep-reetad B they
felt it peaaibla that the people were doomed
te dssa ppn' -it aiea I- ' -
Tat tt la tally recand that this peace
acly anaaaa a cease tlod af expenditure aot
ta any way an end or trtmhla The aa
eanai layallau ta Sevth Afrtcyr ta wheee
behalf tha (aastrows war waa provoked,
aew acmaad the repeat af the teaautaikia
af Car Cosoay and tba aatnbHahiag of
miUtsry rale aa tba only anaaaa af keeping
-the Dwte ta pel luanept t?ecrloa. K
this ia refused, these "lorvltets are quite
epportanajta eaeugh ta Jota the tuteh la
war kief tor the eeataal i uiaaripatlon af
bri Atrtea tram British Tula ia aay
shape. -.-- . .
This problem la complicated by the fact
that the Din aadertthad That' they bare
beea premieed eeTpraaertn?Tea goeei aaioat
with la a brief ne. afcd if Tt Is grnated te
tbeai tt cannot be wltbbeid front Cape
Coloay. wberena, ea taa ether band, if
faith at broken wtfh 'fba Boera, tba con
Baeretioa wlH baraf wot afrseh.
Thla outlook ecfScea ta aacanxt far the
trepidatlea wlrb wirlch tha concluding at
peace at looked forward ta bora. -
Crate ed Mewat rvera Oat 6nat Ter
reate ef anee atwa aaa
rCST C r-a..vcr. Island ef laarUa
loae. June 1 7 a. aa At 1 as o'clock yes
terday the sasenarine cable broke again
aad At 1 e'fleek Moat Felae eras ia sioieat
erapoaa. aeparta ratalvad bare aay tha
Berth eratars ars peuriog great terra ts of
asad ta the glcectisa ef tlve. Tteterasy
evening there was aa taai iuaua etaptlua af
ataaai aad a abas Tkla aaaialiig a esrrw
apaadeat ef a Xew, Tork paper want ta Sc.
Pierre with the govern qtant party engaged
ia burning tba bodies af the victims ef tba
eruption, bat tba party waa norced to leave,
the valcaaa thrwartag eat welaatea af black
amnks aa( lead aatanatieao being beard.
Tha Kiviere Blanche at agaia. tba source
ef a torrent af tax mealy hat sr tI. g1tng
af steam aad falling lata the aaa. A Por
tias ef tba party which wast ta St. Pierre
this asorslkg waa ta caaatdarabla danger
aad tba enptaia ef tha beat which took
the aewspapea varrsapendeat aad his com
panions ta tha relnai tawa aaya be will
sot return there again. .
Cnitad Sistea Caasul Irma teak break
fast tala anaraiag wah apecial Eaitgate
Black, wbe a dss'rwaa that the people af
tba Caaaa Stales aheult believe that the
aathet tiles are acting aSeetively aad with-
Tba t a sent Kis anient of bastaeas ta Fart
da FT sac ht reatar-ag eacadeace aad the
work at reissrtag the distress ta diala
giatrtcta a Wtng effecUvaty camag eat
by a perfected argaaiaatloa.
as. Jeawph awd
pty. .
tT. JOCXFH. Mt, Juae L Oae af tba
aeeareet taiaataraas that, rear eatted tba
bUaaourl vsJiey aet ta at 4 e' clack tats aft-
aeea aad lor twe hears tha raialaa
trrrlfia At snaay aetata between kt Js-
arph aad stanaas Cuy aa the BmrUugtoa
railway tbera was a rainfall at six
Railroad tracks en hertaxa lands
aaoaed. Part ef tha Back lalaad tracat
east af tala ctty ware washed away, fcz
sf the dry sewers vara badly damaged by
TOPKALA. May 1L Bertoua asods ara
three least aa a result ef the high water ta
tba Arhttsae near. The' raSraad aa are
eloaaiy wau-hing tastr briugsa far fear they
may ba carried aaajr. Tba Arkansas rrver
res three foot ta Batchlnaea this after
baaa aad tba aat report aaid at waa at ill
riaiag, la I ara ad tha water Is aa high
that tba trains aa tha Basis lias af the
taa la Pa eeaaet eater tha taea aad aa
snail has bee received - tbsrs for three
Aaya. Meat af tha esafry berweea Lar
aed and Greet Bead a wader water, aad
as the Arkansas a natataaili rlatag the
atacb aernsd ever tbe eutcoma
alsadbarata ars taartM at St.
aUrya aad V) sseca
Foraal Opmiac of Erases sad Dfdicgtim
af lew? GLzb Erose.
aa Inlsalts beeae Dwrtag a
Levels- Afternoon aad
aritk tta membership limit of 60? nearly
reached, the Omaha field clcb bad Its sec
ond annual opening Saturday at Its hand
some premises. Th-rty-sixii and rVoolworth
areeua la the afternoon a large crowd
watched the tennis, base ball and gxftf
garnet; la the evening a larger out par
ticipated ia the ban.
It was really a beraee-wurBicg. aa the
clabbense is so much larger and aa much
iestly arranged thaa It waa
last year as to seem a different heme. Tba
new addltwa. about lMite. built te tba
west ef the original buCding aad eonaerted
with tt by a covered passageway, bat tour
bowling alleya ta Its basement, a caddiea
guarters at its west end aad a dancing floor
enclosed wi.h a balustrade aad roofed, bet
otherwise pen. occur yttg It epper pert.
This has made more room la the aid build
ing so tbst aew there are aa enlarged re
ceptioa room and woman's loockera la tba
eemthweet corner of the mala wing, con
venient to the secretary's oSce. which ta a
aew apartment North of the secretary a
office ia the buffet, while what waa form
erly the reception aad ballroom bare beea
given ever to the ca5a The removal of tba
bowling alley has alee made room tor mere
men's lockers and for the baths. Paint hat
beea applied te the entire Interior aad ta
such pane of the exterior aa seemed ta
reculre. For last night's festlvtKea gay
lanterns were twung from many tre. t and
aa orchestra of a dozen pieces clayed aU
nfteraooa and all evening.
Large Ftela far (pert a.
Of tba 1M acres owned by tha dab all
bat tea are reserved tor tha sporta The
teania grounds, aa formerly, ara oa tba
terrace nearest the veranta to the south, ta
plaia new from the veranda, aad the base
ball diamond is just beyond them.
Tba eld nine-hole golf course nearest tha
house ta the west was not need yesterday
aad may net ba tar a month, as it a pro
posed te wait until the graaa aa the bar'
rawed surface gets a longer growth aad is
better rooted- The new course, ever the
kin te 'the west, which will ba Joined ta tha
old later, waking the full eigfcteen-hole
course, was used yesterday aad pronounced
la a thoroughly satlxfaetnry condition.
riayera dotted It aa thickly as beea ta a
clover patch and aa cadie waa a loafer.
J. B. EahB carried oS the honors of the
Below are given tba results, which ara
the preliminaries ef tha era son 's tourna
ment. The first group of eight players
wtQ compete for the club cup. the second
for the caddie bag and the third for the golf
dub. The score la gives la two rounds,
as that play was made necessary by the fact
that only the nine-bole course was used.
St. Clair and Sberradea being tied, am
will be moved dowa when the other a su
premacy aseproeed.
First B-cobJ
Round. Round. Total
J. B Itahm 4ft B ia
A. E. hUnsier U b 107
It. Sumner . at U 11
H B MorrUl . 6! V 111
John Murphy a at IS
W. C ueeriaa4 fis C
B. I- Kemper ...a St 122
C. Bt "Clair 1 S ae 13
rr. Cberraden at U 13
C K..Urqubart .... at xtt
J E. Adams ta 64 I2t
W.". H Garrett ia
F. J. Hoel a at IS
J. B. Remolds M 71 13E
H. C. Towneend M 71 ZJt
i. W. Robb W C IT
George Entnaen 71 at ia
VT. O. Gilbert fit Lft
Fred Dufrese " 71 140
rt. Hunt 7g 64 leu
Fred Biake 7 e ia
N. F. Record 74 144
C. R Bone - 71 34
Q. B- trwia Jt 77 17
Hasktell Wist at Ttsala
la the first tennis finals J. N. Haskell
defeated A. J. Callett. 2-t. 4-C. t-i. g-X. l-g.
They battled royally and brilliantly, being
very evenly matched, and It was either
can's game ta the very last minute. Each
of them bad received a handicap of fifteen
from the scratch men. George hUlntyre,
Conrad Teang and F. J. Hill, the last two
of whoa will play next Eat aria y.
Because ef tha crowd, which made fet Im
possible ta entertain a visiting team, the
base ban game was played by two nines
from the club a tea ranks, picked at ma
dean. The team captained by K. H- Bprsgoe
defeated that captained by H. B. Kaox.
eerea Talrry-gla Pelasm, Calcese
TwraatT-bewea aat Wta
eaasta Si art era.
CHICAGO. June L Fire aestern later-
eoliegiass recores were broken and ane
eqoald at tbe annual meet of the Inter-
collegiate Athletic aseadatioB oa rdarshell
neia reaterasT. MUcbtgan woo the meet,
baring secured at pointa while Chicane
was second with X points aad Wlicocui
third with a total of It polata.
Tne recorcs lor tne lavrard nurdie. aae
and tero-mile runs, the noe rsult sod the
discus throw were broken, while tbe rec
ord in the few-yard eaah was equalled. F.
G. Moloney of Mtchtran lowered tne Ua
yard hurdle record formerly beid br him
self snd J. R. Richards of Waconsin by
twe-f nha ef a second, the time betcg IS t-i
seeonda. Tfce wwt for the l4b-rard dash
was equaJied by Kahn of Michigan, whe
ran tne datance in ten seconds la ths
ene-emie run G R- Keschie of Waconala
lowered the former record bed b- Cragia
of Lake Forest by 1 1-t seeonda Keecr ie s
time being XX -fc Krogg of Mtcsucaa
brokt ha former wwrt for the two-oLiie
rus m tne faet time of It St The htvwm
ttme was la the pole vsu't H. T.
CI. a p man ef Drake rreated tbe sensation
of toe dar by oefeacr beth Dvwraa ef
Mirhicaa and Mae ef Chicago, whe bad
wen pHuea as sore wiaaers la tnis ereat.
Caapmaa cleared the bar at elevea feet
sin sad a bait laches, watch Is a ha.f toca
betier than the . romnrr record baid by
Ivrak of Michigan, est secured second
pisre today over Magee.
Charlee ii Fenrt of lewa broke the rec
ord ef the facia threw formerly heid by
giar.gie of Uscoaia by one foot five
Inches bis record bemg 111 feet Bine iachea
is tne ene-auie reiay race, which was
parrtcipated m by Minnesota. Illinois aad
jerrnwaiera. te former ce.rge wea by s
good snargta. This result at tha race did
aet ftgore la tbe reeuits.
The eoore ef the vanoue colleges was aa
follows: Mk-hican. at; Chicago X: wls
coaaa 1. rrf to; M.saeeota,
t. Beiott. : liiiaoia. t; Notre Dam, i,
Iowa. i. 'orthweatera. I
Ia the OS-yard hurdje race Robinson f
Mich! ran fell bad.y and was oamed
taa Arid. It was stated later that ba left
leg was fractured snd that his left knee
was thrown out of joint.
gumma rtee:
One-Ku Run Wa by Kearhle. Wkexee
s. sacoad. Perry. hOrhlcaa: tmrd
Henry. luinots. Tune, t S-s. Tha area as
tne truervoiieglaM wetrn record Tne
t-arard run was won v td Memt.
Betott: ascend. Vufer Mirhlgae: trjLrd.
Tibbetts Minneso-a. Tlsaa. ay seeonda
Wa-Tard Daea Final heat won by Haha.
M-clitM. eucand. Kiair. Chioacs: third.
Moteary. Chaaga. Tim. It seeonda.
Ib-Tard Hwi TauU beet wa by
Moloney. Catenae: secand Berhman, Mia
neaeta. thirl. earMaaia. Wisconsin Tim,
ii 1-t Tlua breaas Uie western tuterces
r"ite record by twe-ftftha
The discus th-ewixg; was waa by Pa-! ft.
lewa; ai-cwed. fcaird. Kormweatera: ttiru.
Pise. Chicaga Losianca. Li fae tncaen
Ttos arcaas the wester intercaijcgiai
The as-rsHI aaal beat was wo kr M
. . . j: ... . . -
aa aariit, SMaOS'
it. tnird. Tim. S 1-e
Taa kia-aar threw waa waa aw PaX
A '
Imke: Long. Wieconelr.. eeeord: Bear,
Illinois, third. TJlstanee. 117 feet 1 inchs.
H-gh JumpStKrw and Barrett. Michi
gan; tied for first ' piece. Height, i feet
rV inches; QuantreTl. Chicago, third.
Running Broad Jctnp Wo by Horkins,
Chirage; second. Krate. IlUnoie, third.
Hener, iMcozjiiQ pistance, feet s
inches. .
Ltaeela a iai Field Meet.
UXCOLX. June L Special Telegram.
The Lincoln High school team won aa
easy victory in the fourth annual inter
acholaauc field meet yeetertiav. Ociy
three teams competed, Liscom. Beatrice
and Hebron.
lttt-yard dash: Manning of Lincoln wo:m
iohnsoa ef Bratnce second. Field of Lin
coln third. Tun: gtU.
Pole vault: Lswson ef Beatrice won, of Hebron second. Raymond ol
Lincoln third. Instance: feet toefcr
K.rb jump: Knode of Hebron won. Bur
russ cf Lincoln second. Boehmer of L.n
co.n third. Height; i feet 4 inches.
Half-mile running: Mstson and BenerSct
of Lmcfin ued- Tlae: 2J.7.
rxk-rmrii . . n - Winntrr of Tirrolw wn.
Furr of Lincoln second. Lswson of Beatrice !
ttlra. Time: ISt-i.
Hammer threw: Howaer of Beatrice won.
Uusa of Lincoln second. Case of Beatrice
third. ratanee: tt feet I mchea
6betput: Case of Beatrice won. Field cf
Lincoln second. Howeer of Beatrice third.
Instance: X feet I inches.
Low hurdie: Hagenoach of Lincoln won,
Rawaev of Lincoln second. Jshnson of Bea
trice third. Trme: . l-.
44b-yard dash: Manning ef Lincoln won.
Hewaer of Besmce second, Beckman ot
Lincoln third. Time: v.ZZ.
On mile running: Edmo-4s and 'Wneeler
ef Lincoln tied. Time: i.lT
High hurdle: Hawley cf Lincoln won.
Hagenbach of Xinooln second. Time.
b li i-i
Broad Jump: Hagenbarh of Lincoln won,
Hewaer of Beamoe eecend. Field of Lin
ro'.n third, tistance: 36 leet lis inches
Relay race, one mile: Lincoln won, Bea
trice second. Time: IJA
Total potnts for earn team: Lincoln, 71;
Beatrice, "A. Hebron. A
Ft. Dedgs aad Alsess Break Erea.
FORT DdTCE. Ia. Jane L (Special
Telegram r Fort Ioge and Alg'ma broke
even on games pisjed here Fnaiy and
feaxjrday. Fort Dodge won Friday in leu
innitgs. ecore. 1 to 1 In tocay s gear
Aie"ra won by bunching hits in the s:xth
and seventh iuttrJ : score, t to a Bat
tenea. Fort Dodge. Flene. Thompson and
V hiitemore ; Aigfna, Wciods and Jonea
Dates arias trass fleaa.
OSiWA. June 1 1 Special Telegram.)
The Onawa High school base ball ream
defeated the &oea H:gh acbool at Pioan
today by a scot, of J to A The winmr.g
run was made in tbe ninth Lining wuh
twe men out- Bat'eries: Ctswa Bobin
sa snd Copple: Sloan. Roainsos. Biair
aad Laughiin. Umpire: Daclort cit Rinin
bwki aWaattea rabeatea.
Buck's Beauoee won their atxth conseca
Cve game Saturday af ernoon. defratlng
the lata ef the Nearasaa Institute tor tbe
Desf. 1 te 7 Msrx-fcy and Rice did battery
work tar the Beauties, aad Bia'aAet!!iip I
ana curmngnam tor me oai iua ext
eiaturaay ! Bfiiitii Pay the Bensa
tram at TectA ana iorcas streeta.
talaabttaata kef aae te aire Iafersaa-
Uaa Ceaeeralag Marderer
mt a Satre.
WAEHTVGTON. June L Colonel Wagner.
aasatant adjataat general. C. a. A., aad
tortnerty adjutant general ot the Army la
tha Ftilipplnea. yesterday continued ha
testimony before the senate Philippine eom
aoittaa. He aall ba knew that one rHiage had
beea burned because the dtlzena would aot
gtve lafai aaliea sf tbe murderers ef a as
tir friendly ta the United P La taa He gave
a taa character ta General Ball aa a hu
mane officer. Ha said tha conduct af Amer
tcaaa ta tha Philippine had beea aniformly
kind and ceasiderat ta tb aauTe pra-
Colonel Wagner i.A aot agree with Gea
eral Bnghea that the wax la the Philippines
was aet a errClaed war. He said that ta
ths prertnees eemmaaded by General Ben
about int. aot people were gathered ia the
coaceo trails camp. Their property left
eats ids tba camps wss caafiareied aad the
wealthy people lest hsevrry. Hs did aot
batiav that aay aamp daaeribsd by aa aa-
saymeas osncar as a "aatarb af ha3
Wee "nd Morsel nf 1 ConPanv.
'o ty-Tr
fnd fret
TeazigieTi lfug to Ddliyer Tbtii Gaodi to
if Eoteli asi gtuArBiitti
People Will Be tritboat lea as Well
aa Meat Packers aad Employee
Betas t Held a
CHICAGO. June 1. The gravity of the
teamsters' atrie reached alarming propor
tions yesterday when the Ice Wagon Driv
eia' and Helpers' union decided ta co-operate
with the packing house teamstera. Tha
impossibility ot getting Ice la tha big
downtown botei! and restaurants, coupled
with the' crippled meat supply, gave a
menacing aspect to the situation which tt
did aot have twenty-four houra ago. Thua
far there ia absolutely as sign ot yielding
by either the packers or the teamstera and
the escape of severs hardship by the public
seems 10 be out ot the question.
Inars Get la Flat-
Serious trouble began for downtewa ho
tels and restaurants today, when members
of tta Ice Wagon Drivers' and Helperr
nnioa refused ta deliver ice te the Great
Northern hotel, the Palmer house. Kins
ley 1 restaurant aad the Heusaer Baking
company. Tha management of the Audi
torium hotel aad annex alas was notified
tfr.t no ice would be delivered after today
if meat from peckers aha have aot signed
the union agreement was.uaed ta the hotel.
Business Agent Flynn lr w7agoa
DriTers' and Heipers' union aaid the mem
bers cf hia erganiiation ware determined
not to deliver ice ta hotels and restaurants
that buy meat from the proscribed packer.
About 2.000 area and boy la the Bride
well aad the Jona Worthy reform school
w-21 be without meat tomorrow, according
ta a etstemeBt made today by Superin
tendent Eioaa. Mr. Eloaa held a confer
ence with hia acpply bouse today and was
told that tha tituatioa appeared ta be hope
less. . Eat Beaaa Instead.
These institutions hara been using half
a ton of meat a day. Mr. Eloaa today pur
chased tea tons af beans and LSQ pounds
of oatmeal ta aatiupauos of the meat
tamlna Tbe teamstera are allowing the
pack en to take meat to tha hospitala
At ntiinigtt the e.tuatioa throughout tat
city is estimated ta be at follows:
Proprietors af t per cent of the 1.600
markets la tha city have entirely ex
bsustsd their supplies. Of the &S res
taurants la tba eliy. tt is said "t per cent
wui be without mast f ur their customers
br Buaday night. All tbe meat markets 1
conducted by Jews, where kosher la aold.
closed fiawa tanlght and aa attempt will
be made te cpea them while the strike
lasta Tt-M leaves tt.OOO Jews la Chicage
wrthout their regular meat surply.
Tha large hetei are supplied for a few
day, but some at them will be la trouble
by Tuesday if there shall ba a chaagt
in present conditions.
talveewlry Prefeaaer a.trklaaj a Pa
BalltaeAa Freaeb People wltk
tbe Gruat krl
(Copyr-gfct. by Press Pubushing Ca)
PAAIE. June 1 (New Tork World Ca
blegram.) Special Telegram, A profesaor
ef the tor bonne. Ii Greard, is tn .cresting
himself ia the gaes" va ef what will be
called a Shakespeare theater la Puna If
be succeeds la toinding 1" tha plays af
hakes pears will be given there in ths tongue, glared by English eetar
I -a object will be te fnmilitnat tbe sta
ged af the university with the trgle
Eaxoa tengue. A theater has already beea
1 found. Lag Buoa Pansieaa, vher these
-aet tvj
until 1V r "em
Ps a"!Bt
' and gerrn I Peered
b Say
1 clara may be put on. but the trouble lies
j la the day wbea thtry will ba glvea. Sea-
day. The gr.glish actors refuse ta be gal
licised ta the point of playing ea that
day. M. Grsard hopes ta arrive at some
ratted Presbyterians Tate Against
atefarai ta Deefrlae aad
TZTTBBTB.G. Jnse L After a long and
animated discussion the forty-fourth
general assembly ef tha V sited Presby
terian church decided, ta cSsct. that the
time was aot rips te take acUsn oa
changes proposed aa the covenant mem
bers tip.
Tb memorial of the committee appointed
at the Dea Moines general assembly las',
year ta consider ths matter waa brought
up by the veneratle Rev. Dr. W. J. Beid.
v ho moved that the assembly, wot oa both
tha memorial from tbe committee and that
from the Lake presbytery. Tbe covenant
membership matter, baring refereace ta
distinctive points of church teaching a. bath
ta doctrinal aad disciplinary tenets, was
perhaps the moat important ot tha gnae
tiona before tha assembly. Tha wet of tha
assembly was III to 101, aot ta erertara
tbe memorial from tba committee to the
various prescyiene.
By aa or ere helming rota the assembly
rejected tha memorial from tba Lake prea
fcytery. which waa handed la aa a substi
tute tor the committee's memorial. Next
tb aasnh.y voted ta continue the matter
until tha meeting ef the aext aaaembly.
tha entire ensetlea t ba referred te a
commit' ee ta be named later ea.
The eSect of tbe voting hi t bold the
question ta aberaaea. Tbia was the eajy
work performed by tha assembly today.
Acre- ef Feraeer Deetessss aad
Latter lae 1 ease While gtaada
" Axe tVead.
CHICAGO. Jan L The Cora Bait. pub.
liched by the Chicago. Burltngtaa A Quincy
railroad, la tta Uses Monday arm aay:
Tom planting ta KebraakA was fioee
mainly between April 15 and May 2. bat
scm as lata as May 1. and reports ars la
from tan localities, bat tb planting eoa
tinned as lata as May It- Tha conditio ef
around at the time of planting was better
thaa last year, aad the present conditio
of stand is excellent- A alight decrease ef
acreage is reported, owing is a correspond
ing increase cf winter wheat acreage. All
reports shew the ooti tion of winter wheat
ia Nebraska good. Out ef Ml reports aa
tba oats crop ninety -five aaid good, ninety
fair aad aevecty-eigbt that tha proepect aaa
Feeei taaedl Fleet.
EEATSJCK. Neb, Jose 1- 1 Special
Friday occurred the anroal picnic af
tb is males ef tb Institute tor Feeble
Minded. which was attended by abeut W
children, ta charge af apenateadest Jeaa
aoa and teacbera. The picaic was bald aa
Waltham Watches,
"True as the needle to the pole,
or as the dial to the sun."
"TT Ptrftdtd Americ Witch." a OastrmUi book
of intertsUng biformj&on. hom4 suttdut, vO be sad
free upon rtquesL
JLmeHcm WttLtm WskA Cotoy
Wm&ksM. IZaJ.
Bear creek and the day was pleasantly
apeat tt outdoor sports of all Ve
V aaa. eaa Casnairtely. Oataeatca
eta C ear las at Pal te tar
arte ( EagUtk,
L0XTON. June L Tbe Amertcana' vic
tory la yesterday's teat pole match at Et
Ur.ghaan far the American cup was a com
plete surprise to all the experts and waa
all the more welcome to the huge gata
ering of Americans According to all pre
vious form, the Englishmen should have
won. but the American team roe spiea
uicly te tbe occasion and piayad a nearly
faultless game, much better, in fact, thaa
th'V ever piayed here before.
Wsterburr snd Kerne were the particu
lar stars ot the American tesm and agaia
snd agsin saved the gam The arrange
ments tor the great match were admir
able and there was one of the largest
gatherings of English soloists seen at Hur
ungbam for yeara The ground was rsthar
aort alter tfct rain of last night and ta
ball did not travel freely at any period.
What per bar was more artonisaing thaa
anything eise. wss that the America
ponies were at no time cutpaced by ta
Bngiieb, et some famous ponies were
piarln tor Era. and Walter Jones lent
'My Girl.' which a beistved to be the
best pony In England te Miiier and sis
lent to PatTeeeon Nicalis "Luna ' and
"Charmer. tbe former ot. which la a Hsr
lira nam prise
The hitting aad com Donation play ef the
Americans waa magnificent. The English
piayers were some Cm very close ta the
poeta and indeed repaatedly shot at tbe
goal, ret they nearly alwara ititaeed or
the baJ was returned to them. Only three
time in the wbaie play did Buckatastar
(English hsvo a bit out front behead bua
ewa lack Una Nine tune in on period
did the Americana nit ut of bound la
erdea- to save their goal. The reason for
tha waa that Waterttury a defense was
nearly perfect. .
The long practice cf team say toid aad
the Americans raced through their eppe
aents aa though tbe latter were oa'y
nov-lce. Aggaaais (American) riding off
Miller (Eigabi and Cowdm. Kerne aad
Waterbury (Ameruana) gaiorlr.g aaa paes
tng the ball trom back to forward with a
series cf spandid nearside forward strokes.
Thus Wsutrourys defense must be take
aa the mala factor ia tn nam lty. The
the American easnhiriaUoa pae waa mack
better thaa that ef the Hurting ham four.
Plaviea First, seaa aad Talrd ta
Fir p Kwat at Tatlabasia;
XSW TOBJE, June 1 The annual meet
ef the IntercG.leg-.aie Bicycle Eacng as
sociation was bed ca? tb N.
J . board track yesterday te decide tnssv
plecBhip for this year. The reareaer.ta
tires ef Tale earned everything befor
then, finiacing first, second and third la
au fir cf in events, and in two of tneas
tney captured all four pieces. Columbia
and Princeton unfeennri withdrew ther
antriea and beaiaee a.e. the on.'y euer
couge repreeented were the l"rrrertiy
ef pennsyHasia and coilcga
The potnts acared were eourted five for
first, three for second, twe lor third
snd one for fourths. Tie Beared si yMsse.
prnnsvlvsnia 1 aad (iaiiauoet 1.
Tbe winners ef tb several events -
Haif-eue: OX W. Butts ef Tala. Tins:
Cne mile: O. W. Butte f Tale. Time:
!. y-i
Quarter-Bill: C R- Elliott ef Talc. Tim:
Two-snOe: ML Moor ef Tala- Tlaae:
I 41 J-A
Ftr-en&i W. C. Lang ley f Tala. Tlaae:
V. IS .