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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1902)
T r-l no TITF 'OMAITA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1902. 21 i r FOR SALE MIL ESTATE. VHY I LIVE IN KOUNTZE PLACE MAJOR WILCOX'S REASONS Omaha, May 8, 1902. MR. G. H. PAYNE, CITY. Dear Sir: In reply to your Inquiry as to why I decided to buy in Kountze Place would say I think Kuuntze Place tor me I' the beat residence locality In the city fine streets, all or nearly all paved, splendid homes, no disreputable tumble-down shan ties, a fine Intellectual ctass of people, Iplendld drive to business, good schools, light churches, no saloons and never will be, perfect drainage and therefore good health. No other portion of the city be gins to offer such numerous advantages for the money Invested as Kountze Place. Yours very truly, R. S. WILCOX. 4 number of well known resident of. Kounu Place have at our request, set forth their reaaon for preferring Kountte Flare to any other portion of the city for their home. Major Wilcox rtuoni are given In the letter printed above; other letter! will be printed In this column from time to time. WATCH FOR THEM. NOW THE TIME TO 1NUW BUY A HOME. WHTT Because PRICES of Omaha real , estate are low. Why? Becauee TAXES are lower than they have been. . , VVhyT Becauee RENTS are hl(her and Undine upward. . WHY NOT ONE OF THESE? 9S.B00 for a new and modern attractive six-room cottage on tbth st, north of Pacific; paved street; fine view; good neighbors; near car; walking- distance; very desirable. 61,000 for nearly new Bemla psrk resi dence, on Cuming street; six rooms; all modern; paved street; good car service; newly papered throughout; a place to please. 0,400 for corner 42d and Ixard; seven rooms; all modern and In good repair; to-foot lot; close to car; small cash pay ment and $26 a month at per cent. P,000 for well built 8-room house, on 18th etreet. Just north of Lake, near Kountie Place; two car lines This Is a bargain at the price offered at; easy terms. p6O0 for large house en North 21st, be tween Spruce and Orant, gas, city water ana sewer, nne cellar; two car lines; lot. 29x140. O.000 tor 6-room house on South 31st at, near Bancroft: 45-foot lot: city water In house; two blocks from car. This must be sold soon. MOO for (-room cottars, at 16th and Ohio. Only $600; come and ask about this, and tail ua now you wouia nne to pay ior it THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Ko. 1.067-ThU Is a building lot, on Sid, just norm oi racinc; paving taxes an paia; east front: on Brads: lot. 10x168. with 20- foot alley In rear. A good location for a good noma, trice, only xa.zoo. RANCHES AND ALFALFA LANDS ff handle all classes of real estate; If you want to buy or sell, sea us. Platte Valley landa our specialty; aend lor our tilt. BEE VS. PAYNE INVESTMENT UO., Main floor N. T. Ufa Bldg. RE-J161 R. C. PETERS A CO., BEE BUILDING. FARM BARGAINS. 140 acres, Sarpy county, well Improved, t miles from bourn uraana, per acre. DO acres, half bottom land, fair Improve menu, 7 miles from South Omaha, In Bny county, sou ner acre. JW acres, near Gretna, fair Improvements, 166 per acre. S2V BA acres, near Gretna. 165 ner acre. HO acres, I miles from, Bouth, Omaha, $76 per acre. 140 acres, Dodge county, choice farm, well . Improved, ( miles from Arlington, 152.60 par aero. UO acre, Cedar county, well Improved, cnoic lug, per acre. Acra tract near South Omaha on easy terms. kju low i Large Residence Sacrificed. The fine property at 3016 Pacific will be dosed out Large grounds 0x14$ feet; buildings that could not be built today for less than 6,000.; permanent walks and paving all paid. $rot immediate sale the price has been reduced to $5,500, 'the original owner valued it at 112,000. Let us know your valuation. We are going to sell this property at some price this week. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Sole Agents. RE 188-1 RHIMT.R A CHASE. H. 600 New t-room cottage, gas. bath, hot and oold water, north part city. $1,800 Nearly new 6-room cottage, city water, north Dart city. 18,000 t-room house, modern except fur nace, built three years, north part. $8,600 6-room, modern house, oak ftnlak, on Dodge street, near 40th. 88,600 t-room modern house, 86th, near Jones St. MORTGAGE FOR SALE t00 first mortgag on Omaha improved property. ' WANTED TO BUY fWe have a customer for a 20-aere timber farm near r jorvnea r i,vuutu oiuui, Must be reasonable. Im and Tornado Insurance. Houses for Rent Shimer & Chase 604 Be Building. Telephone 1442. RE-- REAL ESTATE BAROAIN 8. Good lot and neat cottaae. on Blnner street $1,000 urn lot and four houses. Sth and Hickory streets 4,000 Modern 8-room house and lot, 62x138 feet, hardwood finish, on Dodge St.. 8,000 Full lot ana two nouses in K. v. Smith's Addition; rents $27. We want n offer. Full lot and neat cottaae. on caved street 800 BRENNAN-LOVE CO.. 308 South Uth St. KIU IO 1 THAT valuable residence, with grounds and fine shade trees, at got 8. 28th St. can be purchased for $7,600; original cost, 818.600. Inquire on premises. D. C. Patter. eon. RE 187 1 EIGHTY ACRES. Iowa farm. 60 miles from Omaha, to exchsnae for lmoroved dtv property or ranch land. Olve location of land or property ana price. h 62. Bee. KB 178 ! VIRGINIA homes. Tou csn learn about Virginia lands, soil, cllmste. fruits, prices etc., by reading the Virginia Farmer. Sub., 10c for 8 months. Bux W. Farmer Co.. Emporia. Va. RE-108 1 FOR SALE, desirable T-room house. No. 811$ Locust street, bath room, etc.; owner leaving city; a bargain. HOWARD KENNEDY SON, Real Estate. Loan. Rental and General Tn Insurance aaenta. rooms 208 and lOS 1 First National Bank Bldg. RE Mill 8 FOR ALFALFA OR GRAZING LANDS OO TO H. C. M'KIBBIN. LEXINGTON. DAWSON COUNTT. NEB. FOR SALE. 178 acres well set In blue grass and clover, well adepted for dairy busi ness, only 866 Der acre. For further par tlrulars call on or address Geo. F. Plerae No. !19 Decater St. B I have several ether rood farma. Vn know your wants, for I would be to locate you. G, F. P RE-8nl twenty-three acres gsrden i near riorenre. a-verytnin well. Slekneea cause for or addreea Geo. F. I'lerca, j-nsa. rascb ee. loans: else block. "v ii si wm FOR. SALE REAL ESTATE. D. V. Sholes Co. 110 N. T. LITE. TEL. 82. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS 1)4 S. 21st ava, facing Turner Park. 10 rooms, modern, up-to-date, well built In very particular, beautiful reception hall, parlors, dining room, etc., ail In oak. heavy sliding doors, fine mantels, com bination lighting fixtures, lavatory, fine plumbing. HOT WATER heat, laundry tubs, cistern water connected, Ave fine sleeping rooms second floor, large third story servants' quarters, all plastered, fine shade and a FINE ELEGANT HOME for lens than coat of house. Call and see It, or see us. LOWE AVENUE Eaat front, large two-atory, modern, 8-room nouse, between Burt ana California sts., high, slghtlv, 60-foot lot, stone walk, pav ing paid, ana4 at price, $8,800, best BUY In Weet Farnam district. Eastern owner Is going to sell. See ua quick. HANSCOM PLACE On Pacific, near list, a magnificent 9-room, strictly modern, up-to-date borne, MAG NIFICENT location, on car line, owned by another eastern client, who wishes to ell quick. It renta for 142.60 per month, which shows Its character of house. Th's Is going to be sold next week or we mis take our and your Judgment If you ae It VACANT LOTS 187x18. corner 88th and Howard, flneat large tract In WEST OMAHA district. MAG NIFICENT location, will make three fin building sites: it Ilea directly across me street from Kirkendall'a new home; Sena tor Manderson owns corner north, and Mrs. Gallagher la soon to build a hand some residence diagonally across the at FARMS, RANCHES 1,000 scree finest ALFALFA land on Re publican river, Hitchcock county, smooth and level, two sets building. 100 acres In alfalfa, balance mostly wild hay. A BAROAIN at the price. Lao acres. Harlan rnuntv. BOO acres culti vated, 700 acres pasture, 00 acres In alf- aira, living water; large nouse, cost i.e u; barn 44x44. cost $1,000: crib for 4.000 bti. corn, granery for 8,600 bu. grain; three wells and windmills; school and church close by; all fenced. Cheap at 114 per acre, 180 acres Rarnv ceunty. fine land, fair Im provements, Jftf.BO per acre; only three muee nortn or uretna. 180 acrea. Burt county, six miles from Te kameh; very finest hay land, small house. rrove, wen, etc. cneap at per acrm. Every foot can be broken. RE 229 1 WYMAN, SHIVER CO 1008 H. T. L. BUILDING. Below are a few of our small Improved properties that we can sell on very easy terms, most of them on, monthly pay ments, If preferred. New 6-r. modern cottage, 26th and Spen cer, I1.0UV. T-r. cottage, 'and barn. Decatur at, II,. 7-r. house, and barn, 27th and Spencer, $1,000. New 6-r.. modern,' Davenport St., 81,000. T-r., modern, N. 824 St., $1,800. 7- r., modern. West Fa mam at., $2,000. 9- r., modern, Hanacom Place, $8,600, 8- r., modern, Kountie Place, 83,000. 5- r. house, 88th and Douglas, $1,400. 6- r. cottage, 10th and Mason. $2,000. 6-r. cottage, Z2d and Grace, $1,000. 6-r. cottage, 22d and Clark, $1,200. 10- r. modern, barn, Blondo St., 82,000. 5- r., modern, N. 17th St., $2,000. 6- r. dwelling, 28th and Douglas, 81,500. -r., and barn. West Douglas. $1,600. 7- r. cottage, 86th and Davenport, $1,600, 7-r., 28th and Hickory. $2,000. 6- r., $2d and California, $1,600. 7- r., 27th and Caldwell, $1400. I.r and barn, 40th and Jones. 82.200. We have a number of fine residence In Kountie Place, Hanacom Place, West Farnam and High school districts, rang ing In prloe from $4,000 to $10,000. Also a number of very centrally located business properties that can be sola cneap. RE 204 X SOMETHING NEW Excellent cottage in Bemis Park, Just complete, 7-rooms besides bath; nickel plumbing, porcelain tub, marble wash stand, furnace, laundry, gas. Everything the very best Beauti ful location. Price $2,500. Off the market after this week. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO 1320 Farnam St RE 194-1 UNIMPROVED. 8160 for good lots In Carthage Addition, ajUnlnln Dundee Place and Walnut Hill. $700 lor nice 60xl22-foot lot south of Kountse Placa. 81,000 for 60x120 feet, south front, near 81st and Chicago, paving paia. 81.850 for 60x108 feet near 26th. and Chicago Hta . auirania Tor two nais. 81.800 for 182x194 feet, northwest corner of 86th Ave. and Jones. 84,000 for 88-foot front, trackage, Bear 8th ana uougiaa bis. mhuaii, 84,000 for southwest corner of Uth a Cass, uuxw ieei, oavinr paia. IMPROVED. $1,800 for 6-room house, 4839 Franklin, near car una. $1.8u0 for two houses on Burt street, lot 60x173, rental W yearly. $8,700 for 672 8. 27th St.. lot (0x181 feet, S rooms, saving paia: cneas. $8,600, West Farnam St., 8-room house. barn, corner 101. $S,sti0 for southwest corner of 15th and Cen ter, t-room nouse, 101 voxiw; snap. 18.760. 8-room. modern. Kountse Place. 4.000 for 1118 Park Ave. (2th Ave.), T-room nouse, lot euxiev teet. UM. two 6-room modern houaee, near szih and Harney Bts. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. a BIG NORTH 84TH ST. BARGAIN. 28 feet and frame store building at a bla aacnnca li taxen nuw, wnue tne eastern owner la here. Ask and full particulars will Da given, rrica ANOTHER at Cuming and 23d 2518-4-6 Cuming corner, former price. $12,600. Now. for a few days, ia,aoo. Tbla Droo erty waa mortgaged for llO.Ort) and la now an exceptional bargain, owner aon resident ana determined to sen. CHA9. B. WILLIAMSON. Thurman R. Huston, Baleeman. RE 2061 CHEAPEST LOT IN KOUNTZE PLACE. South front on Binney St., near 20th, paving taxes all paid, 5800.00. GARVIN BROS., 180( Farnam. Commercial Nat'l Bank Bldg. ns la i 6.120-ACRE RANCH. 817.600. Loup County, Nebraska, 8,60 acres deeded land, acrea sonooi iana controlling 80,000 acrea choice graslng land along Callmua river. Cash Income from ranch for last three years haa averaged about 81,760 per year In addition to pasturing over 1,000 head of cattle tor owner. Price, $17,600. ALFALFA LAND. 816 09 PER ACRE. 1.100 acres bottom land on Republican river. east or mccook, an auuauie ior auaua. Could be divided Into small farma and old for $20.00 per acre or better. Land all under fenoe. Large number of natu ral trees on place. One and one-balf miles from railroad atatlon. 400-ACRE ALFALFA FARM LAND, 88.000, Near Hartley, on o. 4k M. rt. K . all bot tom level ana exceptionally nne farm, good Improvements. Alfalfa now being cut on place that will yield two tons per acre. Price, $8,000. 40-ACRE FARM. Section land N. W. of Cedar Rapids, In Mud creek valley; leu acree under culti vation. Houae. barn, windmill, etc. Im provements cost about 81.800. Price, $ld. 600. utvnua 4k LvM rANI, 1D1 Farnam St. Rar-884 1 FURNAS COUNTY, Nebraska, can show you the nn at growing crops ra tne state, wheat and the largest sore- the blcaeet ace. Many farmers now claiming forty bushels to the acre. Thousands ef acre of airaira reaoy to cut ror nrst crop, Have had double amount of normal rain. fall for May. Lands are very reasonable In price, but will soon be booming up ward. If you want to make jTofUable In vestments coma at once. Writ ua for list of landa. Smith A Davis. Beaver City, Neb. RE MX KB PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. lot choice baraaioa. ul-8 M. X. Ule Bid. Tel. loit. xva. eai HOC8ES and lota In all parts ( city; alao acre property ana una lanaa i be u. r. Uevla i,o lUwai ee8, aWe button. W6-4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. MOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, RANCHES In the south part of the city. HANDY for people working in uaima or Buuin OMAHA, on a lot 190 feet long, two houses, one In front, the other In rear, 6 rooms and 8 rooms respectively, city water In yard, gas In front house, closets, pantries, good cellars, well fenced. THIS Wf.lf.K 12 bYt Here Is a good one, In northwest part of city, two lots, p-room nouse, nrwij painted, cemented cellar, city water, barn, about 26 fruit trees, lust the place for a nloe, quiet home, only $1,600 It sold at once. Residence lots In all parts of the city. Borne on the proposed new electric car line, $75 to $2S0 each; only $5 down and $S per month. W have others, 8300 to $3,000 each. Call and see ua. We can fit you out If anvoriA ran Good Investment Brick block paylnR per cent on $66,000; price, $S5,ooo. investi gate. SUBURBAN 10 acrea close In; some fruit, no other improvements, h roue to car line. 81.800. Several other nice pieces from 5 to 10 acres eacn, lust tne tning ror nitu ana CHICKEN FARMS. Come In and let us how themto vou. FARM 8 One nice farm NEAR OMAHA, loo acrea, can give possession in so days, 810.000. Ranches Sixteen hundred acres, all Irri gated, lots of free range, good buildings and corrals, In EASTERN WYOMING, 816,000. O acres EASTERN COLORADO, good buildings, lots of FREE RAN OB and WATER, only $26 00. H PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN on gut-eagea real estate security. Also write Are and tornado Insurance. GEO. P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. (Established WH.) Telephone 685. Paxton Block. RE 230 1 W. H. Gates, 618 N. Y. Life. A good home, with plenty shade, large lot, 60x140, east front, 8-room house. ' Bath. Barn and sheds. On 18th St south of Lake. $500 cash and assume a mtg. of 2,500. 66x116 s. w. cor. 37th and Marcey, only $550. 7-room house only $1,000 on small payments. RE 237 1 ACRES not far out, with house and atable. Would trad thla In on Improved cltv Drooertv. T-room house, good furnace, porcelain catn, gas, south rront, pavea street, larae barn. Price. 82.t00. (-room, good cottage, close In, has gaa and sewer connections, price, ii,oo. Vacant lot. close In. Price, $1,200. J. tX. BZUUAWUUD, il XN . X. Liie. RE um FOR ATTENTION OF STOCKMEN. X have for salo a great ranch In Laramie county, Wyoming, it consists of 4,uo acres deeded land, and there la a large range outsldo that Is tributary. This property haa two streams, two seta of buildings and yarda and 1,000 acres hay land Irrigated. Capacity, 6,000 head of cattle. Price, $22,600. A good Omaha resi dence, can b considered in part payment. 4. J, riper, .riamge .Block, umana, Met). . RE 220 1 RANCH and farm landa ror sale by the Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. MeAUestar, land commissioner, union Pa- cum Meaaquariera, omana, is so. RE 868 quality highest, prices lowest. National uu ana jraint t-o., iuu jonea uu RE 688 Je22 COTTAGE with six large roora on 80-foot corner 101; inree diocks irom car, nouse newly painted and haa new roof. It is a bargain at $1,100 and can be bought with payment aown. Daiance to auit. u. ta. Turkington, m 4ee aia. kjs 81218 WILLIAMSON, Fafree' RK 868 THB OMAHA REALTY CO., 1801 Douglaa Bi., upaiaire; email nouses ior sale; cheap building lets. Call for oatalogue and price usi. rnttu money to loan on easy terms. ntnaai BENSON More homes are being built In Benson than In all other auburbs combined. Thla la simply because It offers the advan tage. If you want to know how to get a tot or r nome on easy terms can on BENSON Jb CARMICHAEL. 642 PAXTON BLOCK. RE 2a IF YOU want on of the nloest 8-room homes In iianscom Plaos I will give you oargain. uwnir leu oiur. husi aeu. . u. bberwooa. sst m. z. Bid. , RE M168 FOR SALE Alfalfa farm 240 acrea, 170 acres now growing: cuts tour crops year without Irrigation; 26 acre In tim othy; can all be Irrigated; well Improved ana oioso 10 town. J) ran ureiner, irozao. neo. xvu r GEOROB O. WALLACE), real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance, ttrown block. RE 88 FARMS If you wish to buy a grain, fruit or siock isrm, get say list oi western Micn.gan tiower pemnauiaj osraains writ today; they are going rapidly. B V. R. Hayes. Grand Rapids, Mich. R M404 J2 FOR BALE, one section of achool land; has twenty-two years to run yet; good range adjoining It; la good alfalfa land: would iraae ror came, write m xor price, w u. v imams, uurweii, Men. tun mskh s GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. Houses and lota In all parts of the city from 8600 up. We have soma properties that must be sold. Call or writ for Our list. SPECIAL BARGAIN. Good lot and modern cottage, all finished u naraweoa, noors inciuaea. uniy ti.guu. 8u South 13th St. RE-M830 4 NICB MODERN HOME, on block north of Farnam, 8 rooms, bath, furnace and laundry; paving and permanent walka. Bee m Monday. Ed O. Hamilton, 211 8 17 th. RE 288 1 LOST. LOST, Maaonlo shoulder strap on Harney St., Between run and aotn sis. Keward for return to 1901 Dodge st Lost Mtotl 1 LOST, a pocketbook, on Hanacom Park car line, uecoration aay, containing :io and some change. Return to 42 Douglas block or K23 Charles. Reward. Lost 871 2 LOST, t weeks ago, breast pin, small locket ttaonea, witn picture or owners de ceased husband and child In locket. Finder will confer a gret favor by leav ing them at Be office, where they will be suitably rewarded. I was on 16th and Harney, 16th and Douglaa, Eighteenth and Wea Farnam street. Lost 190 1 LOST, a watch fob attached to black rib bon. Keturn ana receive reward. J. ii. Parrott. Paxton Blk. Loat 148 1 LOST Pair of gold-bowed apectacles In Bennett's store Saturday afternoon. Re turn to 41ui Cuming St; reward. Lost 21$ ! FOR RENT, f rooms, furnished or un furnished. 1616 aV 10th. E 238 1 NICE, modern room, private family, for refined gentleman, best location. 118 B. Uth KtK 1 1 ' 1 - LAW AKD COLLECTIONS. Stlllman A PTlce, att'ya, law, collections. L F. Ullla. notary, 28 U. Nat Tel 17. -470 Jl NEBRASKA Collection company (Incor porated), 80S New Tork Life bldg. 'Phone, 828. Damage suits prosecuted. The col lection of claims, large or small, made anywhere In the United States or foreign countries by bonded attorneys. No col lection, no charge. Bank reference fur- nlshed op application. M'Ml Ja rin8NukkHI. XAOLJC Loaa Offio. reliable, accommodat ing; all Vmine yaafideaUai. IMl Doug'aa FOR 9 ALE REAL ESTATE. $250. CASH BAL. $12 PER MO. FOR S-ROOM COTTAGE, ALMOST NEW, WATER, GAS AND FIXTURES, SINK, ELECTRIC BELLS, ETC. LOT 35X133. SPLENDID LOCATION IN NORTH PART OF CITY. RENTS FOR $1?. PRICE $1,250. MONDAY MORN ING IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. SWEET & HEADLEY TEL. 1472. "til J N. Y. L, BLDG. RE FOR REST-HOUSES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 119C D 289 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage wo.; omce loiii farnam, or ieia. lu6l-ya. , , D en Uni in all parte of city. The O, ww www uavis t-O., M Bee Bldg. SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. f or cholc nouses, evi-jf ti, x. IA19 mug. lej. iui6. HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block I 8-11 UN EQUALED, central, modern 4 and 6- room flats. 11 tar a, zm w. su l 3o 8-ROOM cottage, S. E. corner 23d and Clark JJ 77 FOR RENT, houee 9 rooms, modern. In- nntr. P.Mw.ll St Tt TTti T1 FOR RENT, 8-room, modern, attached nouse, newiy painiea nna papereu, 2621 Capitol Ave. Tel. 678. B. 11. Robtnon, D MJ43 HOUSES, etc F. D. Waad, 1524 Douglas. D-303 FOR RENT, 6-room cottage. 101S Paclflo D-M941 6 st. Charles Hanley. FOR RENT 1141 S. 31st et., 12 rooms, modern, $30. 268 Capitol ave., 9 rooms, modern, $:S. 2024 N. lilth sty fl rooms, city water, $l5. n. J. hullivam, bOtt is. x. i.tre lildtt. D-M7S4 MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. H96. U-3'A DE8IRABLE HOUSES. 3019 Marcy st., 9 rooms, all modern. In good neignoornooa, w per raonm. FLAT. 1 til a ia.k -. a ie mn-v GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Fnrnam St. D Altai 6 FOR RENT, modern house near High school. The O. F. Davis Co., 608. Bee King. 1 796 SIX-ROOM flat. all modern. 1112 So. Uth. DM 8ij9 FOR RENT, an 8-room modern house, racing namcora para. inquire A. U. f oster, Zliiu 8. 33d bU Tel. 1227. D-M831 1 FOR RENT, modern 7-room flat at 411 N, 26tn BU Inquire 2633 Hamilton St. D 38 Jl 2204 WEBSTER, 11 rooms, modern', 4318 Farnam. 8 rooms, modern, and barn. $26; 2706 Davenport, 6 rooms, $18; 1619 Howard. 7-room flat, modern, $25. Others. Klngwalt tiros., Barker blk. D MH4B TO RENT, aeven-rotim flat, modern con veniences. z&u tjnerman ave. Apply up stairs, u Maw i 8-R. MODERN cottage, 708 S. 88th; large nne tawn. inq. law farnam at. D M947 1 HOUSES TO LET. $ rooms 3866 Harney. New and modern. 5 rooms 6J1 Bouth Z7tn street. Modern. 6 rooms 1634 S. 27th St. New and modern. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. i i SEVEN-ROOM furnished house for two or three months: South Omaha: three blocks of 24th St. car; to man and wife who will ooara owner, fiererences. li ti, jtne. D 177 1 FOR RENT Furnished house, on "Th Hill, near West Farnam. during the aummer months; 8 rooms, modern, largo yara; oo a montn. iteierences required. Address, a ai, ate. u 9S 1 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 111S 8. 28th St, rooms, porcelain bath, furnace, laundry, nice lawn. first claa $27.60 sou tiarney, rooms, modern 60.00 29th Ave. and Harney, 6-r., modern.... 45.00 1338 8. 31st, 9 rooms, modern 20.00 819 S. 19th, 6 rooms 16.00 1337 Park Av., 6-room flat 16.00 1808 Corby, 6 rooms, city water 15.00 2421 Cuming, 4-r. flat 10 00 2213 N. 25th, 4-r., newly papered 8.60 2027 Center, 6-r. cottage 8.00 GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam St, Com'l Nat Bank Bldg. u163 1 1608 N. 28TH-7 rooms, $16. ley. Tel. 1472. , Sweet ft Head- D 174 1 FIVE-ROOM Miami St. cottage,' all modern. 2124 , D 168 1 FOR RENT, th house now occupied by Samuel Gamble, 206 S. 36th Ave., to a party who will buy the carpets and fur niture. Apply on the premises from 11 to z. D 9W ! FOR RENT, furnished, to courile, June and juiy, oeauuiui new ft-room nome, hard wood floors, electric lights and very con venient, a to, iiee, jj 993 i EXCELLENT 6-room cottao-e: bath. strictly good; newly papered and painted. AIM DCtl. DC W HI U . D-201 ! GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 8038 fl. 18th, 3-r., city water, $4. 1410 N. 17th. 3-r., city water, $7. 1304 N. 26th. 6-r., porcelain bath, etc., $18. Nice cool flat, 8-r., city water and closet, $15 2326 8. 18th, nice 6-r. cottage, porcelain bath, eic, exceii-ni snape, sib su. Mil untmin muievara tuemis Park), new B-r., Ai,Li Muuisiiji, oak nnian, 132 60. 03 8. 27th, 8-r., ALA, MODERN, FINE 812 N. 22d. FINE 10-R. ALL. MODERN, close In. $37.60. Good 10-r. all modern house, newly painted. We have a very nice furnished house. Safe Are and tornado Insurance. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO..601-J N T. Life, 1 243 1 8-ROOM new modern hotiee. 119 8. 84th Ed O. Hamilton, 211 8. 19th. Tel. A-31S2. D 239 1 rOR RENT, 22:2 Howard St.. 9-roora uuunc inuurm. arse 101. aoutii 00 and 602 8. 28th St.. 10-rnnm mn.n. house, cheap at $30.00, Including water CI . 2310 Webster St., t-room modern house 2225 N. 16th St., 10 rooms, bam, large 25e'3 Dodge St.. 1ft rooms, modern, $35 00 D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 810 N. Y. Life. Tel! 829. D 228 1 R. C. PETERS ft CO., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. 8501029 So. 3ith St.. modern, 11 rooms $0119 So, 84th St., modern, 8 rooms $TT.60 13M 80. 81st St., modern. 8 rooms $.T2.60 1737 Park Ave., modern. $ rooms' $:' 50 2107 Pinkney, modern, 9 rooms ' $ar 23 Capitol Ave., modern, 8 room v nave many others. Call and get a list D-214 1 FOR RENT, that cosy cottage N. W cor ner Z2d and Manderson, 6 rooms, good ,.,, iiij nu tiDicni wafer, gas, nlCi aw ii, ,,, ireev, anu anruonery, som rruu, very aesiranie, 1B. Apply C. C. m" urani si., or ai ine premise m iiu evening. U 22 1 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 8cj collar. -, tuna. k. now iMVfoworin. Tel. 647, -87 BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 2u6. M ai TAMMERIXO AND Tl TTERIKG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 480 Ramge Bldg 879 FLCJRISTS. L HENDERSON, UU1 Farnam. Tel- 1268. Send for jirlo list, -t Sower and plant. PERSORAU Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel 1789, U SBiU J I DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removea oy eieetricny. n. la, Frenser block. U 828 PBIVATB hospital, before and during con finement: bablcx adopted. iSOl urant Ht, Mrs. Gardels. Tel F-1182. U 824 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. HAIRDHESflNG, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, in connection wita The Bathery, 218-220 Bee Bldg. U-824 RVPTURE permanently cured In 80 to 80 days; send ror circuisr. u. b. wood. At. D., 6il New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. U-827 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. a v.. Mara, ii at uougias, U-323 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail, uoiune nano co., isa uoug iaa U-828 CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection with The Bathery. rooms ais-zzo Bee Bldg. Tel. 1718. U-830 SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. Vxs, In connection witn td tainery, 818-220 Be building. Tel. 1716. U-431 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing connnemem; Daniel aaontei. Zhso Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M216 J16 VIAVA. woman's way to health. Horn treatment, wcokiei ire. Me pee Bldg., Omaha. U 834 SEE Proctor, fine pictures, 618 Sv 16th. u j 1 ROOMS, UOtt So. 10th St 'Phone mi. U 82 J3 ELITE PARLORS, 5 8. Uth St., td floor. U M7S JT DR. AMES H. PEABODY has moved from Capitol avenue to nat over uranam s drug store, northeast corner Twenty fourth and Farnam streets. U MTU J7 FOUND, best Ice cream soda In city, 60. burauer Btore, za ana oewsra. U-848 J10 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15,.2d floor, r. 1 u M HZ J 10 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side pleating. The Goldman Pleatln Co., 200 Douglas block. U-M78I EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 832 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. Send ror circular. U-469 ) ta niacin, uiciiio auo, what brand of cigars a man haa been smoking, Er vergist sie alle after he once tries th STOECKER CIGARS. U-M738 Jl HENRIETTA O. C.i Writ to aama poU office box. Mamma. u 828 3 A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what he tells comes true; send luc and Dirtn- day. Prof. a. Garnot, Box Z179, Boston, uaas. u leu 1- A SCHOOL teacher, also farmer, never married, would like to correspond witn a lady willing to marry; no trlflers need answer. Atiuress, x si, tiee. u 119 1- INTELLIGENT and attractive American lady, worth 8700.000. wants immediately able, honest husband. Address, Era, 112 Clark St., Chicago, 111. U 985 ! ATTRACTIVE and unincumbered lady. aged 80, worth $75,000, wants good, honest husband. Address, Pacific, 69 Dearborn et, Chicago, 111. u as ! MINING, civil and geological - enolneer. agea 40, wonn wju,ih), want sincere, home-loving wife. Mr. Clark, P. O. Drawer 158, Chicago. U 983 1 RETIRED business man. Independently weaitny, never married, wants poor nut honest wife. Address, Mr. Weller. Real estate Board Uldg., Chicago. U 9S2 1 worm tHb.uuu, win marry immediately and assist kind husband financially. Belle, in vancuren Bt., cnicago, u sou 1- , BUSINESS man. middle seed, worth $90. uuu, aeeas at once sincere, nome-lovlng wife. Address, Mr. Hamilton, 403 Omaha Diag., cnicago, u Hi 61- SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and mole permanently removed by electricity: con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed, mis Allender, 1613 Douglas. U ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS, LADIES! No matter now young or old you are. wa en large It 4 to 10 inches; no appliance; no E olson; absolutely safe; $1,000 If we can't; ome treatment. Sealed particular 4c stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 15 Temple Place, BoBton, Mass. U 100 1 YOUR fortune told from cradle to trv wnat 1 ten you comes true; send dim and blrthdate. Prof. J. Myers. Drawer vim, cnicago. U 986 1 INDEPENDENTLY wealthy ladv. with cnarming personality, sweet disposition and lover of home, will devote life to Kino nueoano. 01 near, 13 Holland Bldg. Bt. jjouia, no. u 146 ! SEND lOo for coronation button. Douglaa r-nnung co., uos tiowara trt., Omaha, j eo. . u M106 z YOUNG woman, worth $15,000. wishes cor- responaence witn respectatiie man who would appreciate a good wife. Box 2538, luromu, viitiauti. u lae l WIDOW, aged 27. worth $40,000, would marry kind, honest gentleman of buslnees sonny. uioDe, 101 Micnigan et.. Chicago, U-148-1 SECRET SERVICE Private Work a Specialty. BEST OF REFERENCES GIVEN H. M. BOWERS, BOX 444, OMAHA. U 101-1 DEAR LADY, did you ever realise that when you Day $12.00 or 815.00 for a ha that we could sell you at $5.00 that the dear lady friend who highly recommends a certain place often gets a very large reduction In price for herself for the con sideration of her Influence among her friends T Our price strictly one price, and Ice water free. PENNELL, Millinery. 1514 and 1618 Doug las et., over tne singer onice ana una. say Jewelry store. U Cigars on Ice. Gentlemen, you can never enjoy a amok to tne run extern unm you try tn STOECKER CIGAR which are kept on Ice. U M217 7 WANTED, to exchange, piano lessons for Doara ana room oy leacner; tnirty years experience. Aaareu u 4, ties; U-241 ! SECOND-HAND SEWING MA CHINES FROM. $1.00 to 15.00 Tailoring machine that have been used at half regular price. We rent machine for 75c per week or $2 ner month. We repair and sell parts for every ma chine manuiacturea. , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Btreete. Telephone 1663. 834 Broadway, Council Bluff. Telephone B-818. (12 North Twenty-fourth, Bouth Omaha. U-KjO 1 MOLLIE His favorite book's mine. Page !1. June wnat 10 r.i. ueorge. U 218 1 buainera that will pay $50 per week, pi. nail Kmmii. LT.iani. 1. w. v. (f.wtna. . j a. 13 fit, D.. ff jC , Atturwi 0 w, ww w a- a STRANGER her desire acquslntanne of young lady, affectionate, easy disposition, fond of amusement. Address F. F. Kd ard, Gen l lllvery. U-a 1 NOTICE, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Pasts Co.. manufactuer of paste for all purposes; In barrels and half barrala vt nu ior price, aut cummg. TEAM DYE WORKS. th v CANADIAN, suits cleaned, ore $1.00. Ladles' skirta, swa. Ii6 N. l'h St -4.9 Jtt MOftsBY TO L4AJM-MavAJu hiaTAlai. 4H PER CENT on Business property. per cent on reionce properly. Options to pay whole or pan any Urn. W. B. khUlLLK, aV UU St W 8J8 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real stai. 8ireonan-iov Co., m n. l'tn. W-4M WANTED, city loans and warrants. w. Farnam Smith 4k Co-, 13W Farnam Bt W-838 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. L, W FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. Thomas, 1st Nat Dana tiiog. TSL 148. W WILLIAM8ON-CHA8. E., U08 Farnam at w WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds . . n ni-..u a. . , -. ana wtirsnu. rv. v.. 4 ci.i es y. tiva Farnam St. Bee Bldg. W-441 LOW RATES. Private money. ' 1 vv c 1 vt, roTU itxit. r'nuvlVT & A A . . . . - . . . ,u ... . . w V . . , Main noor n. x. xu M408 4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. W 840 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1S84 Douglaa w u 8100 UP, low rat. Pilchard, 1711 Farnam. w raiiu Wll ! lAMDNl CHARLES K.. 1203 Farnam street W MOMEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 10 YEARS In our presvnt location. Deal with an old reliaDi nrm anu estaDUan a creuii mi will be of us to you In th future. W make loan on Furniture, Pianos, lav Stock and to Salaried People. Our rate are a low as any and much lower than many. Our motto Is, "Try to please." If you have dealt with us and are pleas ad leu otners. 11 vou are aisDieaaea iu ua. OMAHA MORTAGE LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trad- "Idg., tuH S. lth St Kstablianea in lasi. lei. irm. X Mlb7 BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don't let your debt worry you, CALL ON US and we will make you A SALARY LOAN. W loaa to honast employe UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE. (10 tn flOO without security, endorser or publicity. OFFICE HOURS. 8 a. m. to I RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, Room 808, Paxton Block, Third Floor. 3 M641 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. PMOKNlJfc L'KEUIT tV.. uccesscr to J. W. TATLOB, KXl Paitnn Rlock. TKI 746. To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS patrons w nav taousnea eiegant or- flee at ROOM 84. W1CKHAM BLDG.. Intersection Broadway 4s Pearl Sua, TEL. 8. Jt-M LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO 8AUARIED rvovubi, msrcnanta team' aurttv: nasleat terms: 40 offices In Pirn- clpal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trad Bldg. WW 4 SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. Do you want money for long or short term at rates rarely equaiiea Dy wmutinaii. "Its our business to supply It." AMERI CAN LOAN CO., Third Floor. Psxton Block. X-M640 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried feopie; buslne connaenuai; loweei rate. 14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 82 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, iewolry, to salaries, people, roiey uomn :., sua. to Dull Green, t Barker Block. MONEY loaned on piano, furniture. Jew elry, noraes, oows, mum. c . nu, oi PIANOS. $250 "WALTER" p?ArSS $2S0 NO MORE NO LESS. Ask Fred R Walter for terms. 8112 California St. Catalogue on request - -M6 AKNOVNCEMBNTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tel pbon 2190. 611 South Thirteenth atreet M468 GARBAGB. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools ana vaum. remove garoag and dead animal at reduced prices, 821 N. It. Tel. 1779. -tat EDUCATIONAL. FRENCH. Spanish, fenolng. 408 N. 28th at M46S LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L I. Wka, 1408 Howard. M814 PCS DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., Unners. 1414 Bo. 13th. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. T. Life. BOTLES' college, court reporter principal. rt. x. NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 867 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 914 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. OH. Van Stor. Co., 1611 Faro. Tela. 1669-868. DBCIIHiKIXQ. IN FAMILIES. Mlaa Sturdy, SOU Farnam. no JINK. ALPIRN burs all kind of scrap Iron and metala. bu Douglaa at Tel. 3474. us fI'RNITI'RE REPAIRING. First-class work. 2301 Farnam. Tel. I48L 633 Je22 ML8ICAU C. B. SHAW'S new studio open all summer, -850 J17 TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN removed to 1411H Farnam St ji MANVFACTXRINO. P. MELCHIOR, Uth and Harney, ma. cblnlst M371 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty of Are escape, shutters, doors and eafea. u. Anarean, nep., iui m. 10th at. MI73 BALIS TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co.. SU North llth. 4 MAONETIC aUSALIHO. MOST Buccessful magnetlo healing at Prlbbsnow Institute, Z1&-816 Karbach Blk. M-0 Jl POl'ND. MARE Ten mile weat Dodge St. Fred Wenger. MS-f t - . 1 i ... Ui MATRIMONIAL. YOUNG widow, no chlldnta, own An farm and other property, alao 810 OuO cash, want kind, rellabl auabaoeV liaft. 3 fafk Ave., CtOttaga. POLICIES PtltCtlASKO. INSURANCE pollnlea, old-line rompanle. purcnaeeo. l oans on policies, can oa or write The Putnam Co., 604-6 N. T. Lif Bldg., Omaha, Neb. BRASS rOlHDHT, BRASS and aluminum canting, nickel plat ing and nnisning. specialty Mrg. Co., 41 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. STANHOPES RUNABOUTS VEHICt'LARLY STILISH. "HARNESS" TO MATCH THE VEHICLES. Drummond Garriago Go. I8tl) and Harney Stsu Opposite j Court Hoiit Pwklle Libras Caaaty Jail "jaw aali. We carry the finest line of Runabouts in Omaha, con sisting of our own and other manufacturers. A snecial conelanment of Studs- baker buggies, wagons and carriages, which will positively ha sold at cost uon t nuy until you ae tnia nne. A.J. Simpson & Son Co. - ESTABLISHED 1868. ' I407.M1 Oodxe SL TcL 1853. A1LWAT TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MA ROY. Cklva, Rock Mltnel and PaelSo. EAST. Leave. Chlcaao Dayllaht Lim Arrive. ited a 8:00 am Chicago Daylight a 7:0u am Chicago Express bll:16 am a 1:45 am a 9:16 pm a b:0& pm bU:W am a 1:6 pm Pas Moines Local a 6:20 pm Chicago Fast Express. a ;oo pm w bsi. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a s w am a i:m am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, uenver, ru.oio ana West .a 1:80 pm a 5:43 pm Colo., Texas, cat, at Oklahoma iyr .a 8:20 pm aUl:40 pm V aback. Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a :ii pm a a:zu am St Louis Local, Council Eluss aiu:uv am a iu:w pm Chicago, A. at. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago at Omaha x..b 7;li am t 3:40 pm Leav. ..a 9:40 am ..a 8:W am ..a 4:fc pm ...U,m pm Arrive, a T:8u pm a 8 He pm Overland Limited.., Faat Mall California Express l'acitlu i.xDrta Eastern Uxpress a 4:85 pm Allantlo Express a 7)00 am Llnooln-Sirumsburg Ex.o 4:06 pm bl3:80 pia Grand lalana i.ocal ,...o :w pm mi:a am Mlaawurt Pacltlo. Bt Louis Express '.al0:M am a 6:35 pm k. U a St L. Uxpreai.alo:aW pm a 6:1a am liaiuula Umul, Chicago Kxprcaa 7 JO am a 1:10 pm Cnicagu, Miniieapolla A Bt Paul Limited a 7:80 )pm a 1:08 am Minneapolis as at Paul Express b 7:20 am bl0:SI pm Chicago Express sU0:3i pm bswage at iittvmtri. "Th Northwesurn Una" Cbloago bpwiai ai.iuaui ail: 20 pm Cntvaau a-aaeeuger a :ia pm a mwU aul avaaieiu aJtpreaa ...alu:w uu a 4 W piu a,aaiaru byoviai ...a 4:iai pm a M put irarisuilaaouri Limited. :o0 pm a'aai Mau i.-M im a 2.40 pm uuuuia-v.&iumu Lu...ti;u pm a 9.i0 am at Mau a :w aut Ceaar jctapiua mYHu a .M fa Twin Ctiy Axpress .a :0t am aXuua pm 'I'wut City laauua a ):e pru a a;o am Die ox City ivcai a e.l am a )M put W KB 8 TER DEPOT 15TH St WEBflaaS , rremout, Klaavora & Miaaoarl Valley, Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:u9 pm a 6:00 pm W yunilua-. v-asper and Douglaa , d 8:00 pm a 8:09 pm Haatmas. York, David City, aupertor, Geneva, Kxeter and Reward. ...b 8:0w pm b 1:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am blOJS am Fremont Local 0 7:30 am Miaaomrl racist). Nebraska " Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pa alO:tf am Ckiuaao, t- Paal Mlaaeapolts 4 unaaaa. Twin City Paaanger....a 6:80 am a 3:00 pm Bloux City paaenger...a .uu pm aU:2u am avoiarsoit Laical. b 6:40 pm b : am BURLINGTON 1aTION 80TH e MASON Cktoagt. parllagrtoa b 4tlaey. Lav. Arrlva Chicago Special a J:ou am a 4:06 pm Chicago VeUbuldlCa-.a:uv pm a! :46 am cnicago Local a 9:30 am aU:w pot Chicago Limited. a 7.40 pm a 7:4s am jaai.Mau- a 8 .40 put atarttastoa Jk Mlssoarl Rlvar. Wymore, Beatrice and Uncolu ,: km bU:66 am Nebraska Kxpresa.. ,.... i.40 am a 7:e pm tisnvar LUmied a 4:S4 pm a 6:ie am Black Htiui and Puget bound kvxpreaa all:10 pm a 1:00 pm Colorado Vtaubulad Flyer a 8:00 pm Lincoln FaaW Mall. k 1:00 pm 8:1? am Fort crook ana Platta- moutk bl:pm bU:06 am Bellevu ae Paclflo Jet. ..a 7:e pm a 6.40 am Ballevu 4s pacldo Jet.. .a 8:00 am cLaasasvClty, bt. Jaeevk at Caall Bla's. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 1:80 am a 6:06 pm Bt Loula Flyer a 1:10 pm all:l am Kansas City Mht Ex...al0:W pm a 6:16 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. , Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally STEAMSHIPS. AMOMOM UNA 0 a HAH-TEAamaa galllag legularly eetvaea HIW TORK. lXiNDONLlKKaY OtASOOWj tew Toaa. uiuaaLiaa mafuu. apealae aeooauaeaatloaa. Kuallant Culalae, Nvary Iaar4 It taa ooialort el auaaugara staeieualy aaa 4a4 aa4 ftvAlfm. lasla er asua4 Trie Uckau laauae batvaaa New Jark ao4 Scotra, Bnfllah, Irlak aa4 all rnaolal atlaaatal ealats at altraaU ru Far tiakal ar saaaral lufuraiatloa apslr to HKMbCRaOM BROS., Ckicaae. ac aay UOCAk aukNT. FOUR SEPARATE AKD DISTIXCT SERVICES. Faat Twin-Sere Passenger Steam era ail ing regularly from Boatoa, Portland gad Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston t Bedtterraaeaa porta. Bend (or booklet, "Hedlterraaeaa Illustrated." For rat, t., apply to local agaut or oompaaya fftco. M Darkra It, Cklaaga, tu. ) I I.