Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 20

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m. a m , m a .
for me In this county were democrats. ihls
Even If this were true, does not he know I m
tbnt over 6.000 republicans voter expressed f
their preference In the republican primary
Didn't the republican primaries square'' ka
by more than 2 to 1, Instruct the
publican candidates from this co av
Tote for Edward Rrsjewater? Isn't were ae
fact? After I had aubmltted
publican primaries and ha
rent win
vii not content its ieay
submitted the queatlon "
declared In public.
to the primaries, ttaa'J.NS WAITED,
in ne-nnla unless - '
. . . .pher. When vott want one
represented Dy.J,,nfton Typewriter office, 161
not ni' accjt. lelepnone wis. -m w tn
Will '--l
. imrli nrMdtian tv tn.rt mechanical
artiumin. Aaaress a , 1
POSITION wanted by an Al all-round
office men, fully understands R. K. work,
.tariffs, eto.; shipping or bill clerk pre-
lerreo. a sn. w
WANTED, a position by highly educated
Utrmin young lady or is a governess; is
unihln of Instructing all German
branches, also musical, piano and sin)
Ins; would accept a position as house
keeper: willing- to leave city. Address or
, Inquire tit South 37 La Bt A-966 Je2
CXPERIRNCBD middle-aged hotel clerk
Is open for a food position In a first-clans
commercial Dotei as aay or nignt cur.i
inmn.tfit. tsmoarate. refined and re
liable; city reference. Address P. O. Box
127, Sibley. Iowa. a. lot -
Begins at the
I Commercial College
i I Northeast Corner 17th and
1 as i . . . a
Douglas Sts., Monday
Morning, June 2t,
'. Special Classes Organized.
1st. For Public School Children.
2nd. For Teachers Desiring a
Ird For those desirine? to become I wanted Forty rood stonemasons im
jro. ror uiuae uraiiiug iu uctuiuc i p,,,,,. Omaha shops. Sioux City.
Stenographers. Bookkeepers and
Telegraph Operators.
It will run for eight weeks. The tuition
is only a doliar a week. Ten teachers
will have charge of the work. Prof. W. 11.
'Alien of the otty puDllo eohools will have
.charge of ail me graue work. Our rooms
are cool and our accommodations nrsu
jiiass. Any branch of stuuy may be had.
Vau at Uis college lor particulars.
Rohrbough Bros.,
17th and uouglas Sts
tt FOR UAtk' A DAlfS WORK.
IX you live la uw wunuy or la a small
town and Have a good acquaintance
anions me larineia aud stoca raisers In
lam n.iguuornoua you can maae e easliy
py lour or uve aoure worn, write us
and w will sena your our oroouaitlou.
'Abe hmm fuollsiuns; Co., Moueiiors' lpt.t
.WANU'jED, a tood man In every county to
laae auoacuvuou tor me a wenueia cen
tury Jrarmet-. uur agents maae gaud
waves every wnere. Maierences requireu.
aouxess IwtnUeiJs Ceniury armer,
uinana ciee.
THKKJE or lour good men wanted; iiou per
mouiu. wu mi ruwa diog. tt jsiCM
a. R. RATHBUN gives private lessons In
sooaaeeping. jvooua in, vemmerciai hi
oonai Dana. U2t
PUaHINQ salesmen can learn of Something
to tneir aaveniege ay writing ine awM
Muraeiy axiiwauaee. wia.
B Lie J14
OOOD, stead boy wanted. Omaha Box
Co.. Kast omana. B 791
atlCN Free transportation to Denver to
learn barber trade: tools turnisned; po
sitions Huaranieea: ODDortunltv to earn
board; wagee white learning; largest bar
ber college; most healthful climate In the
world; write for particulars. Moler s
Barber College, Denver, Coie. Beware of
taae catalogues and misleading offers;
we cave no coiie-c in rteoraska.
B M904 I'
WANTED, physician to 'ravel as office
worker; one wuo is regiered in fe
braaka and can realster in other statss.
Write yuaker Med. Co., Plattsmouth,
tio. a i ji
WANTED, young man as bill clerk for
; short time; answer In own handwriting,
latum Me and salary wanted. B 47, bee.
.WANTED, harnesemakers; will guarantee
! steady employment the year round. Ad
drees W allace, Smith Co., U te u West
Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. B 11
vw wmuw. " w .1. u k LI... wfr-
I makers, ons pants maker; steady work;
' good prices. 4, H. epotu, Has lungs, N.b.
WANTED, two flrst-claas horsecollar cut
ters. Address, staling age, experience.
to r. u. atox at, aauwaukee, wis.
COLLBCTOR, permanent position, wanted
, at enoe. uixeiiDaugn, euu ware block.
' B-W
WANTED, meq to (earn barber trade; new
tleltl jor our graduates: we want lOu at
once; best proposition ever offered; eight
weeks prepares you for till weekly joo.
Write today, Moler Barber Colieg. l&A
9 arnaoi et. If AdveJ
DEPUTIES, men and women.
era, 415 Bee bldg.
The Oardea-
B MM 1
.WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied un.
married men between agee of 21 and 9a,
ftlsens of United States, ot good character
and temperate habits, who can pak. read
and write English, ror information auyly
S w. W,M .1111 VUU, .1..,
maha, anu postotUoe building. Lincoln,
WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, uo.
5 eaavasslng; good pay. Sun
tMirean, cnicago. a al !
WANTED, beker, or boy that has been In
WaLo Neb: X ' WusT1
MAN to solicit and take charge of city
uin. au t. 1. liii Duuoiug Monday.
B-96K 1
MBCHAK1CB auehfled for sdvancement.
pur free booklet, "Are Your Hands
TtedT" tells how thousands have doublad
or largely Increased their earning ca
pacity through 04 r spare time Instruc
tion by wall. Write to the International
Correspondence Schools, Box lou. bcran-
ton. Pa, or call day or evening Omsha
ffios, (Si psaton block. v 184 1
WANTED, young men and women te write
for eur flee booklet. "Are Your Hands
Tied?" It tells how we have helped thou
sands to support themselves while we
qualified them for high salaried positions
In engineering or architecture. Write the
International Cornsspondence Schools,
Box lies. Suranten. Pa., or call day er
evening at the Omaha Office, J7 paxton
oca. x im A-
LEARN proerreadlng; situations secured;
115 to $25 weekly. Home Correspondence
ncnooi. rauaeeipnia. . - a
MANAGER wanted: every large county:
"Game o' Skill" nickel slot mschlne for
drinks and clears 1 strictly lawful; takes
blare of forbidden slot machine, thereby
tilling a long-felt want. Rented or sold
. n easy pay men te. Sells at eight. Forty
thousand now In use. CMred Jackseu
veea ce., Cincinnati, u. At ili-a
- . . j i.rj nn,r.
Summer School of 1902
New York Life Building, Omaha.
Time to Enter Now.
Tfile course ouallfiea roune seosle to
positions as eooxxeepers, cssiuers, 0111
clerks, eto., and furnishes a fund of prao
tlcal buslneee knowledge exceedingly
valuable to every sphere of life.
Young- persons who acquire a proficient
Knowledge or snortnana ana typewriting
can always turn their services Into
money. Every graduate of this Institu
tion occupies a good paying position.
begins June 38 and continues six weeks.
Seeding, Spelling, Writing, Arlthmetlo,
rammar, History, Algebra. Tuition for
this oourse, $4.
Young people who are backward In their
eauoauon neea not neeitate to enter mis
college. They will find kind and courte
ous teachers, who take an Interest In the
students and assist them to the educa
tion tbey need.
Apply for Illustrated catalogue.
WANTED Reliable district managers and
local - representatives permanent posi
tion; good salary. Olve full particulars,
two references. American Bona Company,
217 Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.
WANTED, capable, energetic man to repre
sent manufacturer In Nebraska; sso per
year ana expenses. i.nciose seit-aa-dressed
envelope for reply. Room 7"2,
Star Bldg., Chicago. B iu 1"
AN EXPERIENCED middle-aged man as
night clerk In a medium-priced hotel. Ad-
drees B 69, care Bee umce. H 161 1
WANTED Registered
clerk. Ad-
dress, B S3, Bee.
B 168 1
CIGAR salesmen wanted: experience un
necessary; good pay, Emanuel & Co.,
station J, niw york. a
WANTED, five first-class salesmen; must
be well educated and give surety bono;
salary and commission. Call 606 Paxton
block Monday 8 a. m. B 997 1
TOUNG man to travel, advertise; experi
ence unnecessary; vi mommy ana ex
pensea. Address Klnkald & Co., Cleve-
. land, Ohio. B 141 1"
Oood wages.
George J.
Orant. Sioux
city, la.
B M 134 10
WANTED Traveling man on collections
ana sneriai work: ,m yearly to start ana
all expenses; steady work; regular route
to satisfactory party. Koaa Manager,
wj caxton aiag., cnic&go, in.
SALESMEN wanted to sell fruit trees; p
sltlon permanent; pay weekly; write f
particulars. Address Western Nursery
Company, Bales Dept., Lawrence. Kan'
sas. B 198 July3
MAN to control western office for an es
tablished first-clans eastern house. Al
line of goods. Salary and Interest In the
business. correspondence confidential.
A. R. Balcom. 64 N. Sixth St., Phlla
delphla. Pa. B 1471
WANTED Draughtsman, general office
work witn steady work; state salary ex
pected, ana experience. Address, j. ti.
Craddock, Lincoln, Neb. B 1971
WANTED, a high grade specialty man to
can on county retail trade with an en
tirely new ana up-to-date proposition
liberal contract to light tarty. Address
1616 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago.
B 107 1
CIVIL service government positions; (.889
appointments maae last year; prooftDiy
lfl.GuO this year. Only common school
education reaulred for examination. Cats
logue of Information free. Columbian
correspondence college, Washington,
u. i. ts
THOUSANDS are successful, gaming bet
ter salaries ana positions studying eiea
trlclty. mechanical engineering:, mechan
leal drawing at home by correspondence.
Thomaa A. Edison endorses institute.
Book. "Can I Become an Electrical End
neer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer
institute, jsew xom a
WANTED, salesmen, 180 per month and
expenses; immediate ana permanent; no
trinera; we mean business. First Na
tional Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED, four hustling specialty men at
once by responsible wnoiesaie house; T30
on each order, S to 10 orders weekly; cash
advanced on receipt of orders; no delay.
Hariis-Goar Mfg. Company, Kansaa City,
Mo. B
GOVERNMENT positions. Where they
are, how obtained, salaries paid. Ex
aminations soon In every state. Particu
lars free. Write for clroular 161. Nat l
Cor. Institute, Washington. D. C. B
W. F. Stlmpson Co., Mfrs., Detroit, Mich.
WANTED Men on commission, good refer
ences, ' to help organise locally, every
where, the People's Universal Trust. Ad
dress, Walter Vrooman, S16 Century
Biag., ivansas city, jao. a
8ALE8MEN wanted for full line of fruit
and ornamental treea; pay weekly; outfit
free. Lawrence Nursery company, Law
rence, Kan. v . 68 J 19
WANTED Five road men. one assistant
superintendent of travelers, one adver
tising manager, two district managers;
popular line; factory to retailer. Experi
ence In 11 n e not essential. Address,
Guenther, Schiller Bldg., Chlcsgo.
' -9791
WANTED Experienced traveling salesman
tor Nebraska. Must nave established
trade with dry goods and general store.
in repiy state age, experience ana rerer-
encee. box 014. cnicago. vit 1
INVESTIGATE vest pocket side line propo
sition paying pig money wnnout loss ot
time. Confidential. Address, K. Horn,
f. o. box ts. cnicago. yn i"
WANTED Salesmen to start branch stores;
the largest wnoiesaie tailoring house or
fers a fine opportunity to experienced
tailoring or clothing salesmen of goad
reputation. To such men they will fur
nish a complete equipment. Including
woolens in tne piece, to start a modern
merchant tailoring bualnees; no Invest
ment required on part of the salesmen.
Balarlea guaranteed to right parties
Many men who started In this way a
year or two ago are now well rated vmer
chanta. For further particulars address
enannon, Lock box a. cnicago.
SALESMAN-Wanted, hustling salesman
I -- J . " - ...
ale houae. High commission contract
with Kb weekly advance while traveling.
Jees H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich.
1T1 1
TRAVELING ealesman for Nebraska to
sell retail trade: attractive, salable line.
Kslabliahed. high-rated house. Box f-t,
Detroit, nicn. its i
WANTED Ex Deri. need salesmen, to rail
on all kinds 01 uuslness houses, manu
facturers, wholesale and retail etoree and
banks, to Introduce and sell our magnlfi
rent advertising calendars, comprising
over V different atylea, all original, late,
handsome patterns; nothing like them
ever eeen before. Customers went and
buy st onoe.on seeing them; really no
competition; wonderful worka of art.
Thoee giving tlm. m t h. wrk
readily make $luu to $150 every week. We
f;uaramre mem to ae tne beet side line
or traveling men ever heard of. WRITE
cess assured. American Novelty Co., Cin
ciiiuaii, 1JS 1-
WE MUST have an experienced, capable
trawuiiK wir,min m nu June 1 vacancy,
aa. . iir i-m , . ieveiana. o.
lJu 1
WANTED, aaleeman; $ monthly and ex
. peneee; permanent, a-erry A Misery Co
svocnesier, ei. x.
SALESMEN VM per week and expenses
guaranteed selling Chemical Herrlgerat-
butchers and merchants; cool all kinds of I
refrigerators rhesper than Ic-e; also Chem
ical ice creem r reeser; worn sistomaiic.
Write for territory: free sample. Chem
ical Refrigerator A Freeaer Co., Station
U. Chicago. 1311"
WHIP salesmen. We want twenty flrst-
daes salesmen, on commission, ac
quainted with the harness, hardware and
general store trade. Must have refer
ences. Will nay salary to men with es
tablished trade. United States Whip Co.,
Vtesineia, Mass. ii l-
WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of
grocer a specialties; good salary to ex
perienced, hard workers. Address Cox
417. Chicago, 111.
SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers;
uw per month salary and expenses: ex
perience unnecessary. Louts Ernst Co.,
et. LOUIS. MO.
$22 A WEEK and all expenses for men
with rtgs to introduce poultry compound;
straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, nan. 2U 1
WANTED, two young lady students to
learn hairdreastug, manicuring and chi
ropody aid sclentino masesge. Call or
write Room Bee Bldg. C 294
iu Oirls.
Call Canadian office, lith Dodge.
VANTED. deeervlng young lady or gentle
man to take life scholarship in Omaha's
best business and shorthand oollege and
pay for It when course is finished and
position secured. Address A L Bee.
C 890
WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the
French language to a class or three,
twice a week; stats terms. Address Z U4,
Bee. u-uut
WANTED, experienced salesladies In glove,
veiling ana dress trimming department.
i. L nranaeis at cons, .Boston store.
C Ml 92
WANTED, lady to give conversation les
sons In French to young woman one
evening each week. State terms. Ad
dress B 43. Bee. C "94
WANTED A competent second girl. Mrs.
V. B. Caldwell, 6J0 So. 20th. C M81
WANTED, experienced girl In family of
three; wages H. inquire iiuo uinney tit.
C M8Z 4
WANTED, a good girl for general house
work, no wanning, gooa wages. Mrs. t .
8. Owen, 2111 Emmett St. C M944 2
WANTED, girl
2912 Mason St.
general housework.
c sw
WANTED, young nurss girl. Apply 672 S.
ztun su 1-BI
WANTED, girl to assist in general house
work. Apply im b. ZBtn si. c mbo
WANTED, fifty girls to make shirts, pants,
overalls and duck clothing. Apply to
Byrne & Hammer Dry uooos Co., utn
and Howard streets. C 968 2
WANTED Toung lady to work in drug
store; 4 per week. Address, b 4, Bee.
C 167 1
. i'""."' ' i
we rurnisn an materials ana pay irom I
to $12 weekly; send. stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 4 Monroe St., Chicago, in.
C 988 1
LADIES copy lettera at home. $10 per; send stamped envelope lor applica
tion. Monarch Novelty Co., Dept. 89,
Chicago. c 119 l
LADY to travel in Nebraska, SfiO monthly
and all expenses to start; permanent po
sition if satisfactory; self-addressed en
velope for reply. Address 216, 62 Dear.
born St, Chicago. C-116 1
LADIES, we want a rood representative in
each locality and offer any woman who
win work a position wnicn win easily pay
118 per week. This is no deception and
if you can spare only two hours per day
address Miss jyiaoei ta. nusn, eecretary,
Box B, Joliet, 111. c 144 x
LADIES wanted to copy lettera at home
during spare time evenlnrs and return
to us; we furnish paper free and pay 10
per 1,000. Bend addressed envelope for
particulars ana copy. M. c, uenr. im.
Box 14U. Phiiaaeipma. c iw 1"
TOUNG ladles, 96.00 easily earned at home
evenings writing ror us. For particulars
send addressed envelope. Filbert Mfg.
Co., lept. 1st, box 1411, pniiaaeipnia.
C 140 1
$3 DAILT copying letters at home; either
sex; enclose two stamps witn application.
Illinois industrial union, Dept. a, cnicago.
c la 1
GOOD girl for general housework. 1K9 8.
zetn bt. c aw i"
LEARN proofreading: situations secured;
115 to $26 weekly. Home Correspondence
School, Philadelphia. c
A GIRL for general housework
Georgia ave.
at 545
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
best of wages, zsu roppieton Ave.
C 218 1
WANTED Good general girl; good wages.
IliS BO. SlSt. C V
LADT for office and take half Interest in
business that will pay i0 per week; gsoo.
nair casn. Balance paid out or pronta.
Address 11 ts. Bee. c a 1
GIRL for general housework
in a small
family, lis . met ave.
C 223 1
MEN and women to do copying at home:
a to tit weexiy wonting evenings' no
canvassing; enclose stamp. ung Mfg.
co.. warren Ave., cnicago. lyi y
LADIES and gents can earn from $S to $15
weekly to copy letters tor us evenings.
Address with stamp, Champion Mfg. Co.,
cnicago. na 1-
WANTED, intelligent, enthusiastic men
and women to take orders for a greit
book that ha been eagerly awaited by
thousands of freedom-loving people. Mich
ael Davltt's stirring history of "The Boer
Fight for Freedom. the complete.
graphic, authoritative, ardent account of
one of the grandeat strugglee the world
has seen of a free people to maintain their
liberty. Here Is the whole truth at last
obtained from direct sources, unmutllaled
and uncolored by British censors or pre
judiced correspondents, wide-awake can.
VHSsers can easily make $5 AND MORE)
PH.K dai. tioer sympatnisers, especially,
can make a resistless appeal to the In
born love of freedom which livee in every
American neart. Address runic & w ag
nails Co., 90 Lafayette Plaoe, New York.
-mm .
ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the
city. Iu9 Capkiol Ave. J&-alS3e
FOR RENT, a nloe large furnlahed troM
room, witn a 1 cove, 701 0. astn st.
B M476
JL al w we
DEW'ET European hotel, 11th and Farnam.
NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board.
907 N. Zbtn HI. It-UK
SOUTH front, aloovs room and side room.
2580 Hsrney. g M76 1
tWO housekeeping rooms $8. 262S St. Mary's.
4 .UN
NICE room for gentleman; private family;
close in. B . Bee. Kr sal jj-
LARGE front room, new and modern; also
telephone; private lamuy. en uougias
sc t-MJ f
FOR RENT, furnished rooms, modern; no
objection to nouseaeeping. uu b. Bin ave.
iu Aitsie 1
ELEGANT, newly papered and carpeted
front rooms lor rent, tab Harney street.
t. 192 !
TWO front rooms, modern, walking dis
tance or ball block Farnam car. 301 ho.
261 k Ave. E M114 1
FOR RENT, nicely furnished room, strictly
modern, near 29th and Pacific; no other
roomers, o x. nee. m m l-
TTngte or ensuile. Iu5 Dodge St., third
floor. E M302 2
NICELT furnished rooms for rent; also
for llgni Dous Keeping, bh iiougias.
K M247 T
FRONT ROOM, well furnished, cool: no
. otner roomer e; weiaing gistanoe. Aoare
C JL Bee fi-Uitf I
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, modern.
xsa remain. timai r
NICF.LT furnished front room, with al
cove. J24 N. lth.
E M2M8 4
Uerrlam. comfortable summer home. Tel. U.
a mm
VERT desirable rooms, til S.
Sth St.
T 660
HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable
for two men. 1919 Burt St F 661
TO gentlemen, nicely furnished southeast
rront room witn alcove, modern; ooara.
702 So. 291 h St F 81 J J
TWO rooms and hoard In private family
at line do. Kim Ave., near nanacom rim.
ROOM, with good board. 625 8. list Ave.
VERT desirable south rooms, with board;
references required. 20Z N. Utn St.
i Mies A
ONE large neatly furnished room, with
family table; quiet surrounding. Ad
dress C 2, Bee. F 212 1
DESK room space, fS per month, ground
noor room in ine uee punaing, iscing
Karnem street: no expense for light, beat
or Janitor service. H. C. Peters Co.,
Kernel Agents, Bee building. u ii
CENTRAL, I choice rooms.
220 N. 23d.
O 41
I LARGE modern front rooms for light
housekeepl-" also 1 furnished room. K3
ti. 19th Bt. O-40Jl
FOR RENT, entire second floor of resi
dence, unfurnished, all modern. 632 S. 28th
street. utmi
FRONT room, suitable for two, with or
witnout board. cnaries Bt.
U M94 9
THREE unfurnished rooms parlor floor;
ICtHUUBUie. ahm DU waif si . '..
U 116 1
FOR RENT, ths building formerly occu-
Lfieu uy Alia cca ah pi. s .ui.iu
lour stories and a basement which waa
formerly used as The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at once to c c. nose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
4 Ml
FOR RENT, store In first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply K. c. peters
Co., ground noor. Bee Bldg. 1 2W
FOR RENT, desk room or large spacs
suitable (or merchandise Droaer or party
doing business In wholesale district. In
quire Hene U Co., 91 Farnam St.
Large room fronting on 16th at., first
noor. Board or iTaae piax.. gooa nxnt.
275 per month. George A Co., 1601 Farnam
st. i-Bia o
TO LET. offices in Paxton block and Mc
cague Bldg. w. arnam umitn co., Ji-v
tarnam bt. A tu
. ... in .....
uuti rtcrs i, pricK store room, no.
Cuming street, 130 00.
Real Estate, Loan, Rental and General
Insurance agents, rooms zus and
First National Bank Bldg. I Mils i'
WANTED, canvassing agents in every
county to solicit suuscriptions to ina
steady employment with assured good
Income; agents In the country with
horse and buggy especially desired; can
vassers make easily 960 to $100 per month.
Address Century Farmer Solicitors'
Bureau, Bee building, umana u
AflKMTS make t0 a week selling dry
process letter copying dooks ana inn
to wholesale and retail trade; letters
copied without water, press, brush or
moisture pad; sella at sight; exclusive
control and permanent position to first
applicant from eacn county. Aaarese
Hull, 156 E. 23d BU, New Tork City.
J 1M 1-
AGENTS wanted to make $10 a day selling
the "Cyclone" notary nana an, greatest
nller known, bla profits. Write today for
agenta terms, eampies postpaid, 20 cents.
Enterprise Fan Co., lot Lake bt., cnicago,
AGENTS wanted, with horse and wagon.
in make Ido weeKiy selling to larmers a
household necessity that they are glad to
buy. Clean, pleasant, prontaoie employ
ment. Particulars free. Address, Mer
cantile Syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas City
Mo, J la 1-
AGENTS, atart mail order business with
your 8i-page or ato-page catalogue. Dam-
pies, 26c Circulars free. Rapid Mfg.
Co., Chicago, 111. J-981-1
AGENTS, canvassers, fair men, peddlers.
medicine men. we want a gooa agent in
every county in the United States to ad'
vertlse our Improved Sarsaparllla by sell
lng our lull ii sise u-ounce pottie rr
SSc. This Is the greatest seller on earth.
Every person needs it to tortiry against
the heat ana ouys rrom 1 to u potties.
Nearly 100 per cent prom to agents.
Write quick ror terms ana territory. j,
R. Greene, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago.
J 877 1
AGENTS, write now for free ssmple of
work and terms; star Harness Menaer
best 2Bc seller out. We make other aulck-
selling necessities. Columbia rsov. Mig.
Co., Bt, Louis, MO. e
WE PAT $20 a week end expensee to men
witn tig to introduce our poultry com
Sound; send stamp. Javelle Mfg. Co.
ept. 5-A, Parsons, Kan. J 987 1
ewiflA WERKLT selling our improved with
Or Wimout Dritcning oaiety cnait carrier
to all horsemen; sample, territory ana
circulars free. Osgood Mfg. Co., 24 East
Sixth St., Cincinnati, O. J 136 1
AGENTS, Amerlcus Leather Suspenders
sell themselves; -t to sou weexiy easy.
Exclusive territory to hustlers. Intro
duced by agenta only. Samples furnished.
Berry Mfg. Co., B so, Cincinnati, u.
AGENTS to sell household necessities,
oniric sellers. we nay large commis
si ons to right parties. An honest busi
ness. For particulars address, Eureka
Chemical Co., La Crosse, Wis. J Lie A
REPRESENTATIVE In every county to
handle la teat discovery; neeoea in every
home. Agents now averaging $30 per
week; both sexes. Clarke Electrode Co.
Wllkeabarre, Pa. J 126 1
ful. economical; blessing to nousaaeepers
trial convinces: price 2oc. Special induce
ment to agenta. Victor, Rose Co., 639
Wlllson Ave., Cleveland, 0. j 134 1
STOP RUNAWAYS Pocket hitching posts
nitcn norses sono instsntiy; carry in
pocket; sight seller; agents wanted.
Pocket Hitching Post Co., Richmond
Indiana. J 120 1
WANTED, special represent stives; guar
anteed money-making propoaition. m
capital required; permanent position; all
your time not necessary, noyai invest
ment Co., Los Angeles, cai. j 109 1
WANTED Manager in every city, county
to handle best paying business known
legitimate. new; exclusive control,
Phoenix Co., 15 W. 28th St., New York
J 164 1
AGENTB "Monopole" automatic fish hook
is a money maker lor eummer. tun are
caught by even touching the bait. Sam
ple 10c; three elree, 26c. Berner Co., 755
Lexington Ave., Brooaiyn, c. .
J-152 !
AGENTS, streetmen; 100 per cent profit
non-piCKabia ooor ana window lock
nickel plated: neither bolt nor key: sell
Ilk. hot nkH: lust out: patented: asm
pie. 10c. Imperial Novelty Co., 1917 Co-
umbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa
J-151 !
HOMES and hotels, schools, colleges and
factories should be protected with the
Underwriters' Fire Extinguisher; they
have saved millions of dollars' worth of
firoperty; agents wanted here: exclusive
ertitory. Address Knight A Thomas,
Boston, Maas. J 244 1
BOARD and room in private family by
young married coupie. Aaareea c i. Bee.
K-164 1
WANTED, by couple, two rooms or two
rooms witn alcove, lurnisnea, ror ugnt
housekeeping. In a good location. Ad
dress, J. E. McOmber, lilt Farnam St.
K 173 !
FAM1LT of two "ti." ' - --d
house for summer moouia. d ee. nee.
JUNE 1, 1002.
WANTED, two or three good vacant lots,
suitable ror reeiaencee or nam; must
good locations and price reasonable: all
oash and no extra expense of selling.
Address direct to buyers, B 10, care He
ofllce. N M449
WANTED, to buy. twenty-five feet oak
office railing Ift feet high. Address h k,
Omaha Bee" N-M9- I
WANTED, bowling alley, complete, In good
condition: state price, cratea ror snip
ment. Address F. D. Jeffrey, Thermono.
Us. Wyo. N-M199 i
WANTED, hotel of good capacity, in live
Nebraska or lowa town; win ouy lumi
ture at bargain. Addreas C , Bee
N M24S
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel
1020. New and seconanana, oougnt, soia,
exchanged. O 111
PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.,
our specialty. 11. f rost, inn ana Leav
enworth. Tel. 1447. P-312
SEVERAL fine driving horses. Waltsr
1-helps, room v, ti. x. Lite oiog.
, P M404
FOR BALE, buggies, phaetona, runabouts.
new snd secondhand, at cut prices. Ke
palrtng, painting and trimming; also put
on rubber tires. Pfelfler, 27th and Leav
enworth Sts. P T77 J24
FOR SALE Oood carriage team, city broke,
bngnt Days, weignt i,t pounue earn,
good travelers; lady can drive them. Ad
dress, B 62, Bee. P-M171 2
FOR SALE, phaeton. Columbus Buggy Co.
make, in good condition, rubber tires,
very cheap. Address B 64, Bee.
P-M996 f
FOR SALE, cheap, a Concord buggy. 16th
ind Vinton.
FOR SALE, two Shetland ponies, well
broken for driving or riding. John H.
Harte, room D, N. T. Life Bldg, Omaha,
Neb. P M233 6
FOR SALE Hones, wagons, etc.; good
extension top carriage for sale at a sac
rifice. See Johnson & Roberts, John
Deere Bldg., 10th and Leavenworth Hta.
P M421 Jel7
2DHAND safe chaap. Schwartz, 114 8. 12th.
W is
FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Ave.
W i
2DHAND safe cheap.
Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
Q 316
BICTCLES and phonographs on easy pay
menie o aown. si.ou per wees.; iananu
wheels, $6, $8 snd $10: new wheels, $15.
Omaha Bicycle Co , 16th and Chicago Sts.
100 STTLE8 trusses; catalogue tree. Sher
man Mcconnell urug co., letn and
Dodge, Omaha. Q 314
FOR SALE, a melodlan In good condition.
Address B 36, Bee. VI A1YM 3
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
otner musical instrument; s up. ine
Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 315
WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and
yard, nitcn posts, tree guards, wire
Works, 617 S. 16th St. Tel. 1590.
Q M972 July
FOR BALE, scholarship in an Omaha
shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Bee
Bldg. y MUSS
CLOSING out household goods and stoves
cheap. ui4 Dodge at. . tj mw j?
TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Smith
Premier, Densmore, replaced by THW
UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals, $2.50
to (4 per month. A. H. Workman 4 Co.,
loll j'arnam. pnono hash. y aibi
SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables
billiard tames repaired; a large stock ot
cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, eto,
The Brunswick, Palke, Collender -Co.,
ut-i no. loin. w oie
All standard makes at popular prices, $5.00
down and $1.50 per week.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha.
834 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
612 N. Itth St, South Omaha. Q 1000 1
NEW and Idhand typewriters.
1119 Far
Q M762
FOR SALE, second-hand desks, chairs snd
walnut office counter ana railings. wa
baah office. 1416 Farnam st Q M148
FOR SALE Chesapeake Bay puppies;
finest retrievers on water fowl; reason
able prices. A. J. Uayne, 3824 N. 23d
st Q M527 Je5
INDIAN goods and relics.
1119 Farnam.
FIR timbers for house movers, etc.. 10 to 71
feet; cribbing ana nog fence, sui . jougias.
FOR SALE, fine imported harness, brass
mounted ana trimmed ; coet wnen new
$350: will sell for $50; can be seen at Doty
tt Russell's barn. 90th and Leavenworth
streets. Q s
FOR SALE OR TRADE Oood safe, sev
eral desks and Belgian hares; account ab
sence from city during summer. Address
B 46, Bee. Q MS11 3
OLD wheels tsken In trade on new ones.
Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago St.
4 A1W1
SEVERAL very fine thoroughbred Belgian
harea, bucks and does. Apply or address
(17 N. itttn. w rc i
WANTED Driving horse to keep and u
during summer; first-class care. Call at
4163 Cass. R-102 1'
Clairvoyant and Palmist
tells you all you want to know, every
hobe. fear .nil wish of your life, faults,
quality, capability, trade or profession
you are best suited for: fortunate and
unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil
Influences; now to win tne one you love,
conquer enemies, restore lost affections;
advice on business, health, marriage,
divorce, etc. Hours, 9 to 9. B M693 J3
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass 8t
MMB. GTLMER. genuine palmist 115 S. 15.
Scientific Palmist.
Mme. Gylmer leaves Omaha for 4 tour of
ths west ana ner omce win be closed roi
an Indefinite period after June 1 Mme,
Gylmer la very appreciative of the liberal
fiatronaga which she haa received since
n Omaha, and deelres to sincerely thank
all ner patrons ana rrienas.
S-207 1
MMB. SMITH, baths. 113 N.15. 2d floor R 1
T 726-J 5
MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. r. T.
ALL kinds of earpeater work and repairing
promptly attenaea to. j. r. ucnut
Lake streets.
REDUCED prices in pleatlngs. ruchlngs.
tuckings ana appuaueing. ror f-jll In
. formation Inquire Ideal Pleating Co., 1619
Howard Bt- 771 J7
OMAHA Plating Co., Beo Bldg. Tel. M.
Northwestern Copper Mining Co.
After June Sth the Price of the
Be Advanced From
Cents a
Tho demand for this stock has been s o
so much of it haa been sold, and the time
running at the mine, that the directors
tinue sales at ten cents. For. with machinery on the ground, this stock
bo made June 16th.
said who have come in to make inquiries
OF THE OFFICERS, they have been very ready to Invest in this stock and hava
declared It to be not a speculation, but a REASONABLE AND AN EXCEEDINGLY
Don't delay Investigating this matter,
sold for the machinery and the necessary
be had at any price. If any more Is sold
Call and see the fine ores from the mine and get our extensive booklet
F. E. BROWN, Secretary.
603 N. Y. Life Building.
Bee samples of the ore in the window of Kuhn's Drug Store, 15th and Douglas.
For Bale, stock of groceries, sales amount
to over Hu a day.
Owner Cleared 512,000.
In ( years. Location best In city; no trade.
b. k. hall, vat n. x. Utli,
Tel, B-1229. X 613 1
TO GET In or out of business call on Wil
liams, Room 411, Mccague building.
FOR SALE, the beat hardware stock in the
btet agricultural section 01 lowa; targe
annual trade; etock will invoice about
$10,0uu; prohts large; must close up an
estate Interest the only reason for selling.
Address V 40. Bee. T-366
IF TOU want to BUT or BELL real es
tate can or write,
4th floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Omaha.
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
your business or property quick, see J.
a, see ,
Y M176
11. Johnson, $43
Y. LlfS.
DESK ROOM, roll-top desk and phone
1 - - T ft T I k. . 1 1 v ris
Y 440
HARDWARE STOCKS In good towns, $2,000
to $6,000; prontaoie business; asa aoout
them. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Lite.
Y 249 1
$1,000 PER year Income can be secured by
anyone woo win ikm uib irvuvits iv in
vestigate our plans; no gold mine or
gambling scheme; simple, straightforward
business proposition of unusual merit
CO., ulierion oiag., bu Louis,
MONET to be made in the stock market
through our safe eystem or trading; luuu
made on a $100 Investment. Write at
once for particulars. Morriasey & Co.,
62 Broadway, New York. Y 161 1
Enterprising Man
with $5,000 can acquire controlling Inter
est In a rapidly increasing ana prontaoie
legitimate manufacturing business; In
vestigate this proposition. "J. H. John
son, N. T. L Y-M329
WANTED, to interest party with from $300
to iw in uig muncy-fiiaains vinoi pi ib,
chance to double money in short time;
full investigation will prove thla. For
further particulars call at ofllce of Dr.
Walter, 203 Eaat Broadway, Council
Bluffs. Y-M834 1
FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock
ot jewelry, crocaery, musical instruments,
sewing machines, notions, etc., about
$6,500; also good brick building, 25x100.
with lot 25x150; stock locsted in good
county seat town, northwestern Iowa;
stock exceptionally clean, running and
doing good business.. Fine opening. Ad
dress P. M. Casady, Bloux City. Ia.
Y-35 J15
GROCERY STOCKS, in and out of city,
from i,ww to i,wu; win consiaer iom
land or city property for part. J. H.
Johnson. N. Y. life, Y-250 I
FOR BALE. 4S0 acres of well Improved
land, 7 miles west ceaar napias, uoone
Co., Neb., 220 acres In crop, all fenced,
black soil, 260 acres meadow and pas
ture. A fine farm. A snap for cash. Ad
dress the owner, 1106 North 20th st,
Omaha T-M942 6
FOR SALE Furniture ten-room house,
gooa location, rent cneap; run ot nrsi
class people. Owner wishes to leave
city. Address. B 67, Bee. T 1751
$324 EARNED and paid on every $200 in
vested witn us since January i, i"i. mis
company Is now actually earning and
I laying larger profits than any other slml
ar concern In the United States. No In
vestor has ever sustained a loss through
Investing with us. If you want to make
your Investment sensibly through reliable
and competent buslnees men whose Inter
ests are Identical with your own send for
free booklet which contains plain facts
and no "mysteries." $25 trial account sc
cepted. Davenport & Co., World Bldg.,
New Tork. T-153 1.
CITY, county and state rights' for sale;
handle Oervais portable electric cigar
Lighter and Twentieth Century Electric
Lamp: something entirely new; Inex
haustible battery: five centa per month to
run; eells at sight. For particulars ad
dress Oervais Manufacturing Co., 53
Maiden lane, New Tork. T 169 1
50 PER CENT average monthly profit under
our new system or turr speculation;
shares $10 each: dividends psld semi
monthly! send for circular. White A Co.,
83 World building. New Tork. (Mention
paper.) T 189 1
WRITE for our booklet "The One Way,"
It will pay you well. Profitable invest
ment. No speculative losses. Am.
Finance Co.. Prov'd't Bldg., Phila.. Pa
Y-117 1
GENERAL MDSE. stocks, located In live
towns, doing paying business, size j.r"u
to $10,000; some good Improved land will
do for part; give full partlculara of offer
ings. J. H. Johnson, N. Y Life.
Y 261 1
$250 INVESTED with us has returned an
average weekly return of over $12: If you
think an investment of this kind worthy
of your attention write for our circulars.
We can convince you that our "Safety
Plan" Is both safe and profitable. Specu
lating according to sound business prin
ciples, with good Information; returns
regular, satisfactory profits; our refer
ences, satisfied clients. Investigate and
satisfy yourself. We desire a personal
Interview with conservative, sensible In
vestors, where possible. Crawford A Co.,
11S Nasaau St.. New Tork. Y-146 1
$674.93 PAID on each $300 Invested with us
from August 1. 1901, to Msy 16. 1S02. In
clusive; our nineteenth consecutive divi
dend; these dividends exceed the invest
ment by a large margin; dividends paid
promptly every two weeks; highly en
dorsed by grateful and satisfied custom
ers who hsve profited by our efforts;
send for booklet snd official reports, which
give facte and figures; give us a trial
and be in receipt of a constant Income.
American Stock Co.. Inc. Nassau-Reek-man
Bldg.. New Tork. T-138 1
PROPERTY FREE offered you. Southern
Pacific railroad; traverses famous Beau
mont oil district. Write for plat map,
application blank. Address. Texas Col
onisation Co., Deed Dept., Chlcsgo.
Y 132 1
profits ran now be made in stocks and
grain on smbll Investments by our safe
svslem. Send for our book, "Modern
Methods for Safe Investments." snd our
special letters of advice free. M. B.
Flower Co., Rsnkrrs snd Brokers,
Chicago Stock Exchange Bldg.. Chicago.
WE WANT energetic representstive with
office and well established to handle our
eecurltlee. paying monthly dividend.
M K. A T OH Co., Laclede Building,
fit Louis. Mo. Yin is
Stock of This Company Will
10 Cents to 121-2
strong during the past two weeks, and
Is so near when the machinery will be
have decided that It Is unnneceesary to con
SPECULATE." a great many people have
concerning this mine. But a most witn
for as soon as enough stock haa been
further development work, no more can
after June 15th It will be at i:'j cents a
A CASH profit of $173.60 has been paid on
every $lti invested with us since first of
this year. Your capital doubled In three
months by moat successful, up-to-date
method known for quickly Increasing
moderate bank account. Weekly pay
ments. References. Free booklet. Hen
rhall, Bronner & Co., 1133 Hroadway,
New Tork. Y 157 1
DRUG STOCK, $2,600, fine location. In city,
paying business, no fixtures to speak of;
will consider pood house and lot In cltv. ,
J. H. Johnson, N. T. Life. Y-M252 2
TURNED. Send model or sketch for
FREE opinion as to patentability. Send
for our Illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest
publication Issued for free distribution,
contains 1(10 mechanical movementa. Tells
secured through us advertised without
Charge In the PATENT RECORD.
SAMPLE COPY FREE. We also eend
Evans Bldg. Washington. D. C.
WANTED An idea. Write the Patent
Record, 629 F St.. Washington. D. C, for
prlie offer awarded monthly for best In
vention submitted; sample copy of the
Patent Record, an Illustrated Journal de
voted to science and Industry, and list of
Inventions wanted, sent free. Y
WANTED, partner with $5,nno for estab-
nsnea department store. Address B 60,
care Bee. y
CIGARS. FIXTURES and S-chalr barber
outfit; splendid location; fine trade; in
vestigate this. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. IJfe.
Y-253 1
BIDS will now be received by the under
signed for all conceslons and privileges
for the Saengerfest, to be held at River
side Park. West Point, Neb., August 8, 9
and 10, 1903. Bids may be made for any
or all concessions. A great crowd will
be in attendance, and the attractions will
be of the best. Excursions will be run
from Omaha and other points. One of the
bands already engaged is the 22d I'. S. In
fantry band. Address all communications
to Fred Sonnenscheln, Chairman Com
mittee on Concessions. West Point, Neb.
FOR BALE Asphalt plant, lltli and
Grace sts., Omaha. Apply to the Stand
ard Paving Co., Chicago, III.
Y-M521 Je22
FURNITURE of 10-room brick flat, fine
location: no reasonable offer rejected. See
me quick. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life.
Y M254 2
& CO.
Manage ESTATES and other PROP
ERTIES and act as RECEIVER or
REFERENCE: Merchants National
Bank, U. S. National Bank,
Office 1320 Farnam St
T-193 1
New Investment plan; dividends at once;
real estate security; small investors' para
dise; write for particulars. Krause ft
Stowe, Rea Bldg., San Jose, Cal. Y
FLOURINO MILL, 60 barrels capacity,
latest patent process, fine location in Ne
braska; paying business; will consider
land In S. E. Dakota. N. W. Iowa or
N. B. Nebraska; value $10,000. J. H. John
son, N. Y. Life. Y M255 2
SIX PER CENT weekly earned on a safe
and profitable Investment, where your
capital la always subject to your order.
All dividends payable weekly. Write for
full particulars of our method of doing
business. Bank references. Capital In
vestment Co., Suite u7, 225 Dearborn St..
Chicago. Y 121 1
$109 60 NET PROFITS paid In cash on each
$100 account for the period of March 26 to
May 17 Inclusive eight week's operation.
Send for booklet and full partlculara how
!ir? "nd " n proportion.
Warner A Co., 32 Broadway, New York
T 165 1
WILL good oak wardroh tnr
folding bed.
rt 4.
Z MS10
ixlmanuk ror Omaha property, 107-acre
Improved farm In fruit belt of Illinois, 65
miles from St. Louis. F. M. Thomas, 8.
W. Cor. 97th and Fowler. Call any even
ing. Z-191 1
FOR BALE or trade for city house and
lot. well paying drug business. Address,
B 65, Bee. 21-166 1
520 acres, near town, In Central Nebraska,
to exchange for clear Improved income
property In Omaha or South Omaha Cxll
on or address "Owner." 104 Bee Building,
Omaha. Phone 1442. Z Mlib 2
Cut out this ad and send it, with 26c in
stamps or coin, to
LEAVENWORTH ST.. Omaha, Neb., and
he will send you postpaid a $1 box of
Magnet Pile Killer.
PEYTON. PH. O., absolutely guarantees
this article to give entire satisfaction or
your money back.
LADIES! Chichester's English rennyroyal
Pills are the best Safe, reliable. Take
no oi her Send 4e stamps for particulars.
"Relief for I -ad lee." In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist Chichester
Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
DR. W. HUTCHINSON. specialist oi
women snd children: 30 years' practlua.
Office. lt Cuming. Residence telephone.
F-2790; oltlce, B-2636.
LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de
layed or suppressed periods; It cannot
fill. Trial free. Parle Chemical Co..
Milwaukee. Wis. '
Suite 515. N. Y. Life Bid Tour rea
when yog
PR A T. HUNT. 613 H
i'tnl Av '