Omaha unday Bee. jjj EDITORIAL SHEET, fj PAGES 13 TO 24 ESTABLISHED JTJXE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1002 TWENTY-FOUU PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Mmnhy in fibs Attend Our Famous 30 Minute Sates rui 111! We Lave prepared for the greatest Bale of DllY GOODS this city has ever known having bought the entire summer stock of a Frovidenee, R. I. mill, together with the four stocks purchased from St Joe. Mo., we have added 60,000 yards from one of our Omaha jobbers. This gives us over 200,000 yards of fine foreign and domestic wash goods all this season's best' styles and colorings all the sheer and delicate tints, all t lie black and whites, all th linen and other colors. This is unquestionably the largest lot that ever came into Omaha at' one time twice as much as any other store west of Chicago could handle, that is why our low spot cash offer was accepted and here W6 may remark that never before, to our knowledge, so early in the reason, has such a choice lot of wash fabrics, silks and dress goods been placed on this market at July and even August cut prices AND WE DEFY ANY OTIIER HOUSE ON THE CONTINENT TO COME ANYWHERE NEAR MEETING THE FOLLOWING TRICES ON THIS SAME CLASS OF MATERIALS. ! No Peddlers, Dealers or Manufacturers Sold to in this Room. The 3 asm WSm V r ! 75c Wash Goods, Etc., for 10c Dotted and striped Swisses In white and colon, worth 25c; linen colored batistes with borderi and Persian effect, lace striped organdie. 75o and 60c; French organdies and batistes 2.1c; new crash batistes and chain lace organdies, em broidered swing muslins. 40-In. lawns worth 89c; Irish, French and Scotch dimities, satin striped batiste, embroid ered lino lace worth 29c; lace insertion batistes, genuine St. Gaul batistes and organdies always sells at 60c to 75c; plain white organdies worth 19c; plain k white madras, every shade made, all the )w black and whites snd silver grays, not a yard worth less than 19c and up to 75c, all go Monday at, f flft a yard ... IUC IQc, 15c, 19c Wash Goods 5c. Here are 15c and 19c organdies, batistes, demltles, stripes, dots, lace effeots and everything to make up a first class lot of 16c and 19o goods, all go tt at one price on this sale V C 10 c Corded Dimities 3!c. 32c 15,000 yards of fine corded dimities In alt the colors of the high priced goods and are guaranteed by the mill to be perfectly fast, at, yard . . 10c, 15c and 19c Goods 21c. On one large square, we will place Scotch lawns, fast colors; corded dimities, fast colors; 36-ln. morle skirting worth 10c; 10,000 yards of shirting print; 36-ln. linings, all colors, worth 9'm lOo, and all at &2W Extra Specials. 19c duck, 19c London pique, 15c crash skirt ing snd other goods worth Ea up to 25c yard, at U C 68-ln. Turkey red damask, regular 25c grade, at 6c toweling (checked), at 6o prints, on sale at I2ic ...3c 2k 19c percales, 36-Inch wide, at 10c black satin, at ..... 19c black satin, at Silks. 50c Kl-Kl cords, at $1.00 foulards In all the finest spring colorings $1.00 fancy silks, at Printed liberty satin, at ..5c 5c 85c 24c 29c 25c 71c Thousands of other bargains equally low prices. RATS. Ladles" Hats - at Children's Hats ftt 15c Andy Boys' hats at In silk at IQc 25c 25c HAMMOCKS. The finest line In Omaha from 60c each to CHOHIKT SETS. Over 500 sets In 4 balls. 6 bulls and both amateur and professional from 39c a set to CLOTHISG. Bovs' Knee Pat.t Suits, worth MB", at Boys' all wool Knee Pants at Boys' Long Punt Suits, in all sizes, worth 12.50, on sale at Boys' Long Pants, worth $3.50. at Men's all wool Pants, worth $5.50 and $4.00, at Men's all wool Pants, worth $3.00 and $2.50 a pair, at FrilSISHIXO OOI9. Ladles' 35c Underwear In vests and pants, with Ions; ana snort sieeves ana also union suits, at Children's 3oo Underwear In vests and pants at Ladles' and children's fast black seamless Stockings at Ladles' 10c Handkerchiefs In white and with fancy borders, at 5.00 balls. 5.00 95c 35c colors nnd .....50c 95c 1.50 1.25 nnts, 10c 10c 6c 3c Ladles' ffic fast black and fancy rol-lfla ored Stocking at lUw I-artlrs' 39c Corsets, In all sizes, 9C Corsets, worth up to $1.00, JjjQ I9c Men's 75c colored laundered Shirts. OQa with separate collars and cuffs, at.sft Boys' 75c Sweaters, in fancy stripes, jljQ Men's 25o Suspenders, In all styles, at Ladles' at ... Men's 50c I'nderwear. in plain and fancy colors, all sizes, at I24c ATTEND OUR FAMOUS THIRTY MINUTE SALES FROM 8 TO Hi.TO A. M. Wo will sell Shirting Prints, regular Be grade, only 10 yards to a customer, 11. at, per yard 1 36 FHOM Nl.'tO TO A. M. We will sell Lawns and Corded Dimities, fast colors, only 10 yards to a cub- I tomer, at, per yard IC FHOM 9 TO 0i3 A. M. We will sell 36-Inch IndlKO Tercales, regu lar 19c, goods, only 10 yards to a 9 If customer, at, per yard FROM i30 TO 10 A. M. We will sell Otitln Flannel, light colors, in checks and stripes, only 10 yards U to a customer, at, per yard IC FROM lO TO lOt.tO A. M. We will sell short lengths of Plmltles. Ba tistes. Organdies and Lawns, worth 19c to ;!ic, only 10 yards to a cus- OX tomer, at, per yard "w FROM 10 ISO TO 11 A. M. We will sl! 15-lnoh check Toweling, the regular Gic. grade, only 10 yards to a customer, at, per yard IC FROM 11 TO lliSO A. M. We will sell Turkey Red Dnmask, repular !"o grade, only 5 yards to a cus- Tim tomer, at, per yard I"W FHOM 1 TO liSO P. M. We will sell Hill's Muslin, a little fined and heavier than Lonsdale, soft finish and worth RHo a yard, only 10 yards to J J. a customer, at, per yard ."r8C FnOM I18O TO a F. M. We will sell Unbleached Muslin, reirular 5c grade, only 10 yards to a customer, II m at, per yard I"U FROM 2 TO 2iS0 P. M. We will soil all wdol Dress Goods, 64-Inch wide, ttc Henriettas, $2 50 Ptalds. $2 .50 and $3 00 8ultlngs, in patterns from 3V to yards, only 1 pattern to a cus- I Cm tomer, at, per yard 136 FROM 2i.tO TO 8 P. M. We will sell 5c and 7Ho Towels, only f M 2 pairs to a customer, at, each 16 FROM 3 TO 8t30 P. M. We will sell Simpson's Fancy Sateen, worth loc a yard, only 10 yards to a 41A customer) st, per yard 36 FROM niSO TO 4 P. M. We will sell extra heavy yard wide Un bleaclind LL Muslin, worth Ho a ynrd, only 10 yards to a customer, 9kt at, per yard fc-U FROM 4 TO 4i30 P. M. We will sell lOo Dimities. In all the new shades, only 10 yards to a cus- tomer, at, per yard 16. FROM 4i:tO TO R P. M. We will sell fine Bleached Muslin, regular 6Hc. grade, only 10 yards to a cus- QlA tomer, at, per yard a"6 FROM 5 TO Bl.tO P. M. We will sell 5c, 7Hc and 10c Towels, only I pairs to a customer, at, 41 A each 2 6 BE SURB AND ATTEND THESE) BAXEfvJ In Our Main Wash Goods Dept. Monday Stylish, High Grade Wash Dress Goods Slaughtered. PRICES ON THE NEWEST' FINEST IMPORTED FABRICS CUT AND SLASHED WAY BELOW REGULAR BARGAIN COUNTER RATES. THE BACKWARD SEASON IS THE REASON FOR THE PRICE SLASHING SALES WHICH WE C 0MMENCE MONDAY. All our Scheurer, Lauth & Cle. (France) Printed Alma-Gauze, 60c quality, Monday 15c yard. All our Oros Roman Cle. (France) Printed Embroidered Dot Swiss, 75o and 85o quality. Monday 48c yard. All our Alfred Severn t Co. (England) Black and Colored Grenadines, 75c, 85o and 1.25 quality, Monday 65o yard. All our Aug. Behmer & Son (German) Colored Walstlng Linens, 4uo quality, Mon day 25c yard. . All our Parisian Novelty Waist Patterns (embroidered), worth $7.00 to $10.00 each, All our 7-yard pattern 45-Inch Embrold ered Swiss, worth 75o yard, Monday $2.50 pattern. 6,000 yards Silk Mull, In black or white, the 45o grade, Monday 25o yard. 100 pieces 40-lnch Batistes, all colors (no black), worth 20c yard, Monday 10c yard. We also display Monday the greatest as sortment of all the new, up-to-date do mestic Batistes and Dimities In styles not found anywhere else In the 'west. For popular wear these fabrics are recognized as the best of all for real, genuine service and satisfactory in every particular for all around wear. Are priced at 15c yard. 3.98 pattern. MAIL. ORDERS Tou can find any fabrlo at Hayden's that has received favor able mention in any fashion periodical, an 4 wo gladly send samples and full particu lars promptly upon request. ' t llayden Bros Buy Shoes From two well known manufacturers at about 45o on the dollar. These goods are Bow arriving and go on sale Monday. The big store has offered you BARGAINS before, but this fortunate purchase enables us to offer you these goods at less than the cost to make. WE PURCHASED 10,000 YARDS OF SILKS FROM ONE OF AMERICA'S LEADING HILLS THE GRAND CLEARING SALE COMMENCES MONDAY BLACK. YARD WIDE TAFFETA, pure silk, sold regularly for $1.00 from the big mill purchase, at, only - -..50c COLORED TAFFETAS, colored clunas, both' worth 75c; fancy silks worth up to $L00, corded wash silk, white wash silk, Bengallnes and lining silks, big tot of one suns, an irom the great mill pur chase and on sale at 25c DOUBLE WIDTH BLACK GRENADINES, fine styles, good qualities, sell for $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 on sale E fl a for DUC BLACK, SATIN LUXOR, pure silk, war ranted to wear, worth $1.60, from the big stock, on sale Monday, at 100 PIECES OF FOULARDS this season's newest styles and the very best qualities, worth $1.25, $1.35 and $1.60, on sale for 69c Beason's ualltles, 75c Elegant line of foulards, both satin and twill, worth up to $1.00; One 27-ln. and SS-ln. white or black wash silk worth up to $1.00; heavy corded taffeta In black or white, worth $1.00; crepe de chenea and grenadines, worth $1.00, all on sale Monday at, only ALL FANCY SILKS from this great pur chase In the most elegant novelties ever made to sell for $1.60, $2.00, $3.60 and $3.00, all go on sale Monday, at, only 39c 98c at Wonderful Values in Black Silks for Monday's Sale anteed, 1.15 anteed. 1.00 BLACK TAFFETA, . pure silk, 64 Inches wide, worth $100, on sale 59 BLACK TAFFETA, pure silk, 36 inches wide, worth $2.00, on sale I I A IiIU 27 Inches $3.00 Men's Ylcl kid bals, worth $3.00 Men's bo calf bals., worth $3.00 Men's velours calf bals., worth $3.00 Men's pat. calf cong., worth $300 Men's sample oxfords, worth $3.00 and $3.60.. Women's vlcl kid lace, worth $3.00 Women's bat. calf or pat kid. lace, worth $3 . . Women's fine hand-sewed vlc4 oxfords, worth Misses' shoes, the $2.00 kind Chllds, shoes, the $1.60 kind Boys' fine satin calf bals., warranted Youths' of same shoe Boy. patent calf bals., worth $3.00. $2.75 Youths' patent calf bale., worth $3.00, $2.73 A big shoe sale all day in the bargain room. Women's tan and black oxford, worth up to $3.00 Child's dongola lace, worth 60i Women's dongola lace, worth $2.25 Women's sergs slippers, worth S5o Men's satin calf bals., fully worth $4.75 96 $1.4 , 1.00 , 1.S5 , 1.25 , 1.96 1.96 89o 19a ...$l-89 23o $1.00 Ladies' and i Children's Corsets furnishings and Underwear ak'idles' lisle thread combination suits, low Notvick. knee length, wide umbrella style, .whataes trimmed, worth 76c, at Sftc celvea n,Ie.tBretll Ye,u ln wnlu and Aud whf wlon' worth 25o 150 I Florence' n nlt drawers, umbrella style, that lont trimmed, worth 60e, at !&e ' with a ' A"16 parasols, plain colors, farcy shouldn't cnlfon trimmed, worth $1.B ate and t ' 98e money wli.n' Uk parasols In all the latest ting the na worth $1.60 and $3.00, at.... $1.91 Today, mcfttaht front batiste corsets at.. 49c carry on fner'a rust-proof tape girdles for .people ara and misses, $1.00 quality at....8o salaries ' W. shirt watot dlstender 60c ' ture Is flue belt eertfet snd the Nemo self- 'bilious ajang for-stovtflgures, at... $2.50 "syndicate 25o fast black and fancy colored ' plays arelngs at Uo . oratenesa 50c Use lisle thread stockings ln ago unthtfend fancy colors, at 259 j end unlst's shaw-knlt stockings, at ....l5o through UhUe and colored lauodried shirt i Therefore, regular $1.00 value,' at 4 So I rt Is nooe colored waists at 25o I H appeals- stocklnga In all slaes. at....UHo i instinct- i muslin drawers and gowns trim ; notice nltB i,M or embroidery, worth 0o, ' tlon qLm 49n adless' Dae nainsook corset covers and drawers trimmed with One lace Inserting and edge, worth $1.00, at 8e Ladles' ftne cambric aktrta. gowns and chemise trimmed with fine laoe snd em. broidery, worth $1-50 to $2 00. at.... (So ladies' fin nainsook gowns, low neck and elbow sleeves, trimmed with Sne valen. cennes lace and Insertion and embroid ery edges and Insertion, worth $1.50 to U W, at ' and Shirt Waistings and White Dress Goods Greatest sale of the season on shirt waistings and white dress goods will taks place on Monday. You will be sorry If you fail to see our large line before buying; it is the largest in the city, and on Monday we will make bargain day. New lot of white dotted Just re ceived; dots are ln all sizes, from pel yard tOo to 60i Dotted swlss, la all the latest colors, from, per yard 30c to C5c Persian Lawn, from, per yard. ...25c to 60c Opera Batiste, per yard.... 35c, 45c and 60c French lawn and batiste, 48-lnch wide, for, per yard 49c, 60c. 65c and 75o U'hUe organdies, 68-inch wide, 75c quality, lor White Organdies, 68-lncb wide, 90c quality, for 79o White Organdies, 68-Inch wide, $1.10 qual ity, for 89o 20,000 yards white goods, In stripes, open work and plain, from, per yard.lOo to S5c 10,000 yarde Victoria Lawn. 40-lnch wide, regular 15c. for 10c 10.000 yards Victoria Lawn. 40-lnch wide, regular 20c, for 20,000 yards India Linon, from, per yard 5c to-S5o Oxford cheviots, regular 40c. for, per yard w 25o Madras cloth, regular 60c, for, per yd..35o Damask shirt walstlng, regular 76c, for, per yard 45c f Bedssreads Two case full alse. bedspreads, each. extra heavy Three cases Marseilles pink. crochet ....69c blue and red ' bedspreads, each SLS&. worth $2 00 r vTwo cases, tt-lnch wide. i yds. long. fringed Marseille patterns, each $LS5. ' regular price JOu esse, extra Urge Marseilles bedspreads, each $1.80, worth I' M Two casea. full stie. extra heavy, crochet, Marseilles pattern, our regular $L2$. each China Department Beautiful line of colored glasses, vsses.lOc (-piece berry set, lire polished crystal. set 16o 1-piece cream sets, fine polished crystal, set lo Handled sherbert cups American porcelain plates, pis size American porcelain platea, tea slss..... American porcelain plates, dinner Amerlcsn porcelain cups and saucers. each lo American porcelain vegetable dishes. ...2o American porcelain meat platters 6e All sixes lamp chimneys e Gas and gasoline mantles 6o Complete brackets, with raoectors lie Decorated cups and saucers. Sow blue. each ....2H BLACK TAFFETA, pure silk, wide, worth $1.35, on sale at BLACK PEATT DE SOIE, wear guaranteed. 86 inches wide, worth $3.50, for only 75c 1.75 BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, wear guaranteed. 27 inches wide, worth $2.25, for only , . . 1.39 quality, 36 65c titty, 36 75c Jlty, 86 90c The name Winslow stands for the BEST WEA1&NQ TAFFETA that the world has yet produced. We 011 MAIL ORDERS on silks BLACK PEAU DB SOIE, wear guaranteed. 24 Inches wide, worth $2.00, for only BLACK MOIRE VELOUR, 36 Inches and worth $2i0 on sale at ride 1.10 BLACK PEAU DB CENE, 86 Inches wide and worth $3.00 on sale at BLACK WASH SILKS, finest Inches, worth $1.25, for only , BLACK WASH SILKS, finest quality, 36 Inches, worth $1.50, for only BLACK WASH SILKS, finest quality. 86 inches, worth $2.00, for ' only Furniture All we sek is for you to come and see. Take no one's word for It We are here to show you and are convinced If you will take the trouble to come ln this week we will show you the best couch ever of fered anywhere for $4-75 We have just secured the entire couch and parlor goods stock of a prominent manufacturer and place on sale this week 200 couches at $4.76 a couch that always sells at $7.60. What kind of a couch to It? Well, here yon are. It is made up witn me iuu num ber of beat steel springs; it has a canvas bottom and every button Is riveted on, not sewed. The upholstery Is the best grade of 2, S and 4 toned velours and every couch has spring edge. A $7.50 couch for $4.75. BEE US BEFORE YOU BUY FURNITURE. Table Linen 64-lnch Turkey red damask, regular 26c, for 16c 68-inch Turkey red damask, regular 35c, for 25c 60-inch Turkey red damask, regular 60c, for 35c 68-inch Bleached damask, regular 35c, for 19o 68-Inch unbleached damask, regular 37c, tor 22Ho 64-lnch bleached damask, regular SOc, for 39c 66-Inch bleached damask, regular 66c, for 49c 72-inch bleached damask, regular $1, for 72Ho 72-inch unbleached damask, regular 98c, for 72 Ho Great Curtain Sale We will place on sale Monday about 1.600 pairs of curtains ranging ln valus from 85a to $17.60; because some of these curtains are slightly damaged through the breaking of a water pipe, but the great bulk are as good as new, being only slightly ruffled; they, consist of fine Nottingham.. Swiss, Brussels, Irish point and other desirable styles; 1 lot ranging la value from 85o to $2.60 on sale at.. 45c Second lot, worth $2.60 to $5.00, sale price $1.76 Third lot, a grand assortment, ranging In value from $5.00 to $17.50, your choice at one price Monday $3.S5 Great sale on our regular drapery stock Monday at almost M. prevailing prices. Carpets Special sale on everything ln the carpet and rug lines. Big line of art squares ln all sixes and colorings from $2.95 up. Extra heavy all wool Ingrains at 59c Brussels carpets, per yard, 4o. 69c and.. 69c Wilton velvet carpets, per yd 89c Fiber carpet per yd, 35c, 60c and 60c Japanese matting per yd, 20c 25c and..30o Chinese matting, per yd. II He to 25c Special sale of Japanese porch blinds, 6x6 $1.00; 8x8. $1.40; 10x8 $2.00 Window Shades. 7-foot shades costing but 20c Ribbons on Sale Yes, Monday la Ribbon day. Tls said there Is a limit to all things, but we have not as yet reached the limit la Ribbon Bar gains. Monday the greatest bargains ever offered ln new, stylish, up-to-date Ribbons for less than Ribbons were ever sold be fore. No old style, bad colors or soiled remnants, but fresh, new, up-to-date goods. 4Vic for Ribbons worth 10c and 15o yard. 10c for Ribbons worth 25c and 30c yard. 15c for Ribbons worth 35c and 40a yard. 25c for Ribbons worth 60c and 75c yard. Napkins Bleached napkins, regular $1.25, for, per dozen 9So Bleached napkins, regular $1.50, for, per . doxen $1.35 Fringed napkins, regular 35c, for, per doxen 23o Fringed napkins, regular 75c, for, per dozen 49o Sheeting and Muslin 8- 4 unbleached sheeting, regular 18c, for, per yard IoViO 9- 4 unbleached sheeting, regular 20c, for, per yard 16V4c 8-4 bleached sheeting, regular 20c, for, - per yard 16He -4 bleached sheeting, regular 22c, for, per yard 18Hc 16 yards Old Glory muslin, for $1.00 7Hc bleached muslin for, per yard....5c English long cloth, 12 yds. for 85c Remnants of table linen, at reduced prices. Drug Prices Cut Best alcohol for medicinal purposes, pt., 40c Bay Rum, pint 40o Wood Alcohol, pint 15o Spt. Camphor, pint SOc Glycerine, pure, pint 40a 1 box of fresh Seldllts Powders 15c One-eighth os. vlsl of Quinine 15c One-fourth ox. vial of Quinine 25c The above drugs are of the best quality. Purity guaranteed. Grand Lace Sale Monday YOU MAY HAVE ATTENDED LACE SALES THAT WERE A IQitf PRISE TO YOU IN PRICES AND QUALITY,. BUT NEVER BEFORE HAVE YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY SUCH BARGAINS IN NEW LACES THAT YOU WILL HAVE MONDAY. - ' ' 2YjC, 5c and 10c for Waah Laces wortti 10c, 25c anil 3Tc per yard. Do not miss this solo. You cannot afford It RcaJly the greatest Lire bargains ever seen in the country. Ladies' Neck Ruffs new line Just received stylish and cheap the $25.00 each. See our line and get prices before buying. very latest novelties 9f- Velvet Ribbons All widths now In stock and at bottom prices. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings -A. 'N Sheet Music and Book Sale Tomorrow Monday we will place on sale Chopin Nocturnes, regular price 75c; our price 45c, by mall 60c Mendelssohn songs without words, regular prloe 81; our price 60c, by mall 70c. Loeschorn studies Op. 66, books 1, 1, S, regular 60c; our price SOc, by mail 32c. Ccerney Velocity Studies, Op. 299, 3, regular 60c; our price SOc, by mall 32c. Kohler's Practical Method, Vol. 1, regular 76c; our price 30c, by mail 35c. Hohmann's Violin School, comes ln 8. vol umes; regular SOc; our price SOc, by mail 32c. Czeeney Velocity Studies, Op. 299, books 1, 2, , 4, regular 25c; our price 15c, by mall 17c. We have the same works complete ln one beok, regular price 60c; eur price 37c, by mall 47c We have a choice line of folios, both vocal and Instrumental, we are selling at 48c. Some of these folios we sell right along at 60c snd 75c. Ask to see the nice line of lOo and ISo sheet music we csn show you. All kinds to select from. Mall orders filled the same day we receive them. Jewelry Sale Men's 16 slse gold filled wstcbes, guaran teed to wear twenty years; screw back and bexxel, absolutely dust proof, fitted with 15 Jewel, Elgin or Waltham move ment, Monday $13.50 Ladies' 6 sise solid gold watches, fancy en graved caaes, fitted with Elgin or Waltham movement, worth $25.00, Mon day $15.00 Men's 18 size gold filled watches, fitted with good American movements.... $6.50 Ladles' ( slse watches, guaranteed ten years, at $6.25 Men's heavy flat solid gold rings, in ruby, emerald and sapphire setting, at.... $2.88 Ladles' heavy solid gold rings. In ruby, em erald and tourquoiae settings, at. ...$2,98 1 MM "P rr uu jy uu luJ d V7e carry the INSURANCE- GASOLINE STOVE as safe as gas. The best on the market at less pries than any ordinary gasollns stove sold elsewhere. We have them with 3 burners with step, with best National over all complete (regular $15 stove) for $9.95 The best Junior 2-burner Cabinet Gasoline Stovs made, with brass standplpe (regu lar $4.60 stove) for $2.95 Steel gasoline oven 95o 40 different kinds of Refrigerators and Ice Chepts up from $4.95 The Standard Steel Range the best made xtra large, with high warming closet, gray Iron top, large 22x19x14 oven, as bestos lined throughout, very handsome (a regular $37. range) for $29.86 Extra fine No. 8 square-cast Cook, 18-inch oven, nicely nickel-plated (a regular $15 stove) for $10.49 Plain Screen Doors 65c Fancy Oil Doors 89o Adjustable Screens, hard wood 25c SEASONABLE GOODS, SEASONABLE PRICES. Coffee Was Never So Cheap as Now It is coming Into this country so fast that the coffee trust cannot handle It all. We will sell a good, sound, whole berry coffee for 7ft cents. We bought twenty-five ton of it. Good prunes So Fancy Santa Clara prunes 7tte Fancy Italian Prunes ia Fancy French prunes.. IOVio Washington prunes 12o California Santa Clara evaporated.. 15a . Fancy peaches 15s 3-lb can baked beans........ So 2-lb can string beans So Hasty Jelllcon 7Via Catsup per bottle 12Ho Mixed pickles . 7Mo Chow chow per box 7Ho Large Jar mustard 6o Olive oil per bottle 7Vio, Pure currant Jelly per Jar .....Co 2-lb can sweet corn 6a Good rice So 3-lb. can peaches ..12Ho 3-lb csn pumpkin ....7o 2- lb. csn mackerel ln spice 20o 3- lb. can syrup 9o Whole wheat flour So White or yellow cornmeal per eack....l5o Cheese Specials Wisconsin brick liUo Pineapple cheese each ...49a Van Kosem's Edam, each M....89o Wisconsin Llmburger ......Li..-18Vio Wisconsin full cream .124a 16-lncb Lawn Mowers ...... Hardwood Hose Reels Solid steel Grass Hooks ..... Garden Hoe Turkey Dusters Garden Rake , 4-tlne Manure Fork Galvanized Wash Boilers ... Universal Food Chopper .... Poultry Netting (galvanized. 2-feet wide, per yard , 8-feet wide, per yard..... 4- feet wide, per yard 5- feet wide, per yard -feet wide, per yard Guaranteed hose Grass Catchers 8-tle Brooms .. Grass Shears, solid steel .... Economy Cobbler Set 20-tlne Lawn Rake Japanese Bread Box 26-pound Family Scales Carpenter Clawhammer The best Wire Cloth made 24-inch, per yard 26-inch, per yard 28-inch, per yard JO-lach, per yard 86-Inch, per yard .. e $2.49 49o 1SJ 13o 10c 13o 39c 79c 95c after woven) 20 4c 5Ho 7o 8o 7Hc 490 ...16o ...15c ...42c ...29o ...39e ..$1.39 10c 8c Ic .10o .lie .12o Wall Paper and Paint The greatest bargains ever show a ta wall paper. Prices cot t clearstAck. Bent grades while tlaaka, Xc roiL rtae gUU at Sfce per roll. All other grades ta proportion. Beet reafy seised fjalnu par galIw....M m, gxeaUy Brta, Meats and Lard No 1 sugar cured bams. California hams Bologna sausage Pork sausage Pickled pigs' feet Boneless corned beef.... Pickled tripe 8-1 b. palls pure lard.... 5-lb. palls pure lard ...... ,M..1V' my u a. Fresh Fruits Fsocy Juicy lemons.... Large dates per pound. Choice sweet oranges each .. . . ..... 11a .So ...lo Butter and Eggs Fsncy sepaHit1 eemery per lb.. Choice da'H " 'r Strictly fl per dot. ...31a ...18o ...14o . Vh( .red Shopping i aellclous coe treaji cracker at o We are latroduelna; our decani tral eoa ajid ckaeolat ajid pare toeaa. l ad kers v Get a free i and a tas 4- ail hak Ir Goods Expert bak; tsser ln charge of this de partment, li) '.date stock of switches at reduced pried, 111 beautiful fine quality hair ln all ah ; l. Bwttcbes, vail 13.00, at. Switches, vat' "15.00, at Curly pompa(' , valu $3.00, at. ..$1.48 .. 3.98 Optiyiil Department DONT STRAIN TOUR EX KS by wearing Improperly fitted gl sea. We supply the right kind at popalar lev prices. Straight temple gold xUlrd frames, t year guarantee, flaa erywtal lessee. $ IvaJtae; t UK i r ft