Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, ,IU'E 1, 1002. Tomorrow Morning at 8 O'clock Begins the Sale of the IKIK5UIPTr i t 1 i 1 Des Moines Finest Dry Goods Store A LTHOUGH this stock was really worth $100,000 it was sold to us for $35,360. This is without question one of the most brilliant achievements in mercantile history. The character of the merchandise, which was the finest stock carried in Des Moines, and represents the products of the best looms and factories in the world, adds weight to the importance of the transaction. In disposing of this stock we will give you the greatest bargains ever known. This page of bargains illus' irates how the entite stock will be sold. Secley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s $2.50 Petticoats 75c All the petticoats from this stock in mercerized sateen, black and colored, Moire, black and coloi'ed, trimmed with many rows of ruflles, all this pJ peason'w styles, on sale on main J ifjCT floor, at Seeley-Howe-LeVan's $2.50 Dress Goods 69c In this great assortment of high grade dress goods are many etamiue, barege, silk melange, silk and wool novelties, etc., also imported exclusive patterns in voile, etamine, mistral twine Bilk and wool mixtures in tans, ecrues, castors, grays, etc. Ladies' cloth and camel's hair in black and jgT f colors your choice on front bargain square ' C3 zir at", yard ... .. W ' Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s Silks Seeley-IIowe-LeVan were known in Des Moines and the whole state of Iowa to carry the largest and most complete stock of high grade silks. We will place every yard on sale, including taffetas, brocaded silks, crepe de chines, foulards, chinas, etc. at 15c, 39c, 49c, 69c yd. SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO.'S Laces and Embroideries These aces and embroideries are clean and fresh All the torchon laces and Insertions in medium widths Seeley-Howe-LeVan's price up to 10c yard, go at, yard .". Fine wash laces from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, Normandy Valensclennes, wide torchons, headings, etc., worth up to 20c, go at, yard .. .3c 5c and in the most desirable styles and patterns. 5c All the narrow widths of French valensclennes laces and In sertions, very fine quality, from the Seeley-,Howe-LeVan stock their price up to 10c go at, yard 2c Embroideries and Insertions, nice fine quality, Seeley-IIowe-LeVan's price 15c go a i, yarn Swiss, nainsook and cambric embroideries. Insertions and headings, from the Seeley-Howe-Le Van stock their price 25c go at, yard All the finest embroideries from the Seeley-Howe LeVan stock in all widths their price up to 35c go at, yard All the fine Cluny laces and Insertions, black silk and cotton saloons stock worth up to 35c go at, yard 10c 15c wide Piatt Vals. from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan IOC 75c All Wool Challis 25c a Yard 75c imported all wool satin striped challis, plain colors, floral designs, light and dark grounds, at 25c yard. Also silk mous seline de soie, silk crepes with satin embroid ered polka dots, in pinks, light blues and black, 75c quality, all at, yard SEELET-HOWE-LEVASI CO. $2.00 Kid Gloves 59c All the high grade kid gloves from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, in black, $15.00 Paris Pattern Hats $6.95 107 fine Paris and New York pattern hats, the produot and artistic ability of the world's best designers. These hats must be seen to be appreciated, as no amount of descriptive phrase ology can convey their beauty and value Seeley-Howe- f f" LeVan Co.'s price (15 f" -J -our price JZ7J Trimmed Hats $3.95 Upwards of 400 trimmed hats that were marked to sell in Des Moines for $6.00 to $8.00, and are considered good values at those figures. These bats are all that can be Imagined as distinctively eummnr hats, mostly In bright shadings and black of Zephyr weight The lot con tains some handsome drooping soft body braid effects, profusely trim med with laces and flowers. Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s price $6 to $8 our prloe 3.95 $5.00 Trimmed Hats $2,50 pearly a thousand splendidly trimmed hats ' made up after copies celebrated models of both Paris and New York designers. Ideas sold In Des Moines at $5.00, this )lne of hats being famous throughout 'the state of Iowa as the best values for the money ever shown. These hats are all summer weight of light colorings. Eeeley-Howe-Le Van's , price $5.00 our price $3.00 Chiffon Hats 69c t dosen tucked chiffon and folded chiffon $3.50 Trimmed Hats $1.50 1.50 2.50 and silk combluatlo-n silk wire frames, In ' blue and other colors, Itowe-LeVan's price f 1.00 our price nd u.Je hats on c .stor, light 69c K vast assortment Of splendid ideas In ladles' and misses' trimmed hats, pro fusely draped with One, pretty patterns . In nets, silks, chiffons and flowers Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s price $3.60 our price $2.50, $2.00 and $1.50 Street Hats 25c and 49c 1,000 street hats. Including the famous Alice Roosevelt hats, made of fine white Jap. braid and trimmed with pretty straw quills, gold ornaments and black velvet, the brim being also slashed with black velvet, 8eeley-Howe-LeVan's price $1.60 our price 25c4 9 396 Boxes or' jIcc Flowers 5c, 9c, 12c 19c 25c Bunch including a great assortr 1,1 . of foliage, daisy wreaths, black satin violets, black silk roses, big bunches of it J can Beauty rotes, white Hyacinths, LUlies of the Valley, white violets and man; I !er spocies of flowers, bow largely used. eeeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s prices wtl hree t'xes as much as we ask 5c, 9c, l c, 19c and 25c, Bunch white and all colors, all sizes, their price up to $2 pair, go at , 59c lEELEy-HOWB-LEVAS CO. $1.50 Corsets 49c Corsets from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, including Warner's Kabo, Gage Down, Royal Worcester and American Lady, all sizes, their price from $1 up tp $2.50 go on bar gain square, at 49c SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO. Underwear Ladies' Summer Un dervests in white, ecrue and fancy colors from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, their price 2oc - "V each, go JLvJC at All the ladies' finest vests and pants in lisle thread and silk: mercerized from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock their price up to 75c go at All the ladles' lace trimmed union suits In lisle thread, Seeley-Howe-Le Van's price 75c go at 15c-25c 39c SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO. Hosiery Misses' and child ren's ' lisle thread hosiery, in plain and lace effects, all sizes, Seeley Howe LeVan price 26o go at pair , 10c Ladles' hosiery from the Seeley-Howe-Lc- Van stock in plain lisle thread and all-over lace effect tbelr price 35c, go at 18c Ladies' silk plated and silk lisle hosiery in black and fancy colors, Seeley-Howe-LeVan's price up to 75c pair, go at 29c SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO. 50c Sun Bonnets 15c Sunbonnets from the Seeley-Howe-LeVan stock, over 60 styles, all colors their price up to 60c, go at each 15c SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO. Handkerchiefs All linen handker. chiefs, in all - widths of hem stitched, Seeley Howe L van price price up to ZOo jro at. Swiss embroidered and drawn thread hemstitched and lace trimmed handkerchiefs, Seeley-Howe-Le Van's price 25c, go at 12Jc Plain white and fancy colored border hand kerchiefs, hemstitched, worth up to 20c each, on sale In j two assortments, 2 i SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO S Wash Goods, Linens, Etc All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's wash goods, worth up to $1 yard- including plain and dotted swiss, dimity, organdy, batiste, etc., most of them imported goods, go at, yd 10c 25c and 40c Turkish Towels 15c All 8eeley-Howe-LeVan's Turkish towels, bleached and unbleached go at. 250 and 40r 15c $2. 50 Bed Spreads 75c All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's fringed and un- frtnged bed spreads that sold as high as $2.60 each, go at 75c $2.50 Comforts for 75c All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's summer sllkoltne bed comforts that sold ' as high as $2.60 each, go at1 .' 75c All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's all linen Russia crash toweling their price 10c at, yard OiC AH Seeley-Howe-LeVan's, lOo dimity go at, yard 25c KSirffiT-T. Muslin Underwear at Just Half Price Muslin' underwear, handsomely trimmed with the finest lacea and embroideries, gowns, skirts, drawers and skirt chemise, their price up to $2, on bar gain couuter at ' . 69C and 95c J, L. UK AN DEIS & SON. $2.50 Ruffled Swiss fj T Curtains JL OC All the ruffled swiss and ruffled net, point de'esprtte and bobinet cur tains that gener ally sell up to $2.60, all go at, pair , 75c All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's 7-4, 8-4. 9-4 and 10-4 wide Fruit of the Loom -4 CT sheeting, go at, yard IOC All 8eeley-Howe-LeVan 36-Inch wide mus lins, every grade. Including those that are worth up te 12V4c yard, All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's 10c and 15c nain sooks, dimities, batistes, etc, . g? go at, yard OC All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's polka dotted dress ducks their price Jl SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO's. $1.00 Ribbons 10c Yard All of the ribbons from the Seeley-IIowc-LeVan stock, In cluding plain taffeta, satin taffeta, Liberty satin, wide sash ribbons worth $1 yd., fancy stripes and plaid rib bons, none worth less than 25c yd,, many -fl " would be cheap at f 1 yd., all of them all I I 1 silk and all go at, yard Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s $75 Robes $25. Choice of all Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s black Toint d'Esprile, embroidered, black taffeta and silk velvet appliqucd robes. These are the latest models, shown in dress (XI waist' and skirt 25 $35 Linen Colored Lace and Net Robes $8.98, Choice of all beeley-LTowe-LeVan linen and ecru lace robes elaborately trimmed with Renaissance and Honitan lace, entire robe, waist and skirt, in dress goods department 8.98 $1 Waistings 25c a yd. All Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s. linen colored batiste and lawn waistings with satin stripe and lace insertion, also satin embroidered linen colored batistes, guaranteed'! 1.00 quality on sale on main floor, yard 25c SEELEY-HOWE-LEVAN CO'S. Tailor Made Suits Skirts Etc All the Seeley-Ho we-Le-vat Co's. $22.50 and $25.00 Suits 15c yd., at go at, yard All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's 10c apron ginghams, go at, yd . C ...... 5c All Seeley-Howe-LeVan's 12VsC and 15c 86-inch percales, go at, C yard OC All Beeley-Howe-LeVan's print stock, worth up to 7Vic yard, A2V- go at, yard $2.50 Linen Napkins per dozen All Seeley-Hows-LeVan's napkins no matter how much they sold them for, no matter what they are worth. all In one lot, all kinds of purs linen napkins, large size many worth $2.50, go at, doien 1.25 IUUS V sww 1.25 SEELEY-HOWE-LE VAN CO 'S Men's Hosiery and Underwear All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co 's Men's 25c Underwear 121c All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Cbs Men's 60c Underwear 25c All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s Men's 75c Underwear 35c AH of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s Men's $1.00 Underwear 50c Men's 25c silk mercerized Hose in plain and fancy colors 12c , llOSTOX STOKE. Made in the new shapes, Eton, Blouse and Gibson effects, In new this season's ma terials, new colorings, trimmed and plain, some with silk drop lining choice Monday uiuiiunt sun 9.50 $15.00 Suits $5.00. All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.' tailor made suits. In etsmlne, basket weaves, serges, Venetians and coverts, with the new taffeta, moire and satin trimmings. In Blouse, Eton and Gibson effects, flounced skirts. These are positively the greatest values that we have C sassa ever offered, your choice Monday on 2d floor, at... $5.00 Suits 98c. Misses' snd children's two-piece suits. jackets and skirt, in mixtures, pin checks. dark coloring's in aces 6, 8, 10 snd 12 y e a r s. Seeley II o w e-LeVan price 15.00 and 16.00, on sals at 98c $5.00 Rainy Day Skirls at 12.85. $12.50 Skirts at $6.50, Choice of any of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'s $5.00 rainy day skirts made with flounce. tucked and corded, in the new shades of oxford and gray, on sale at All of Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.' 12.50 Rainy-day Skirls, flounced and stitched at 2.85 p x's 12.50 75c 1 1 - I . 1 , - - uuil-o oi me eeeiey-tlowe-LeVan Co.! silk skirts, taffeta, moire and peau de sole, all this season's shapes, at Ladles' light weight jackets, choice of ail the Seeley-Howe-LeVan Co.'. this sea son's jackets, made of broadcloth, covert and serge, Eton and Ping Pong, Blouse and Gibson styles, at " u vu aj 6.50 1.98-3.50 $2 White and Colored Shirt Waists 95c We offer you the choice of the finest waists from the Heeley-IIoweLeVan stock for 95c. They are worth 2.00 and 2.50. They are made of fine white lawns and the finest dimities in white and colored. A vast array of the very newest' styles beautiful ef fects many are hand psi somely embroidered QJl pnN -y and tucked a grW bargain at .... J. L. BliANDElS & SONS. J30STON STOKE. J. L. BKANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STOUE. BOSTON STOKE. i Itaearaoataa