TIIE OMAHA DALLY BEE: FRIDAY, MAY 30, lDOii. SPECIAL NOTICES A4trrllirifli far these eolassne will be UVr, til la ai. for the realae; edttloa a ad aatll f30 f. m. fer norilM and ""aday edltloa. Hates, 1 1 -S a word first Insertion, B ward thereafter. Nothing takes far lasa taau tlta for tha Srat loser tiaa. Theae advertlsemeats ant ba ran enaaeratlrelr. Advertisers, by reejaeatlass nm. bared eheek, caa have answers ex pressed t a a am be red letter la eara j ef Tba Baa. Answers aa addreaacd will ba delivered preaeatalloa af tba hack sals'. SITl'ATIOSS WASTED. A STENOGRAPHER. Wh'n you want one all the Remington Typewriter offlre, 119 Farnam St Telephone li'.X A-?.$ J26 WANTED, position by expert mechanical drtftiroan. Addresa B 4i, Bee. A M948 1 WaA ibD AtALC UELk. a FOK HALF A DAY'S WORK. If you uvt lu lus tojuiry or in a small lawn ana nave a good acquaintance among m tuiu,a auu stock raisers In - tne uttifcaixjriioou you can mane e esaby i Ay tour or uve noma wuriL t rlie ua and we will wni your our proposition 'Ana Bee ruuluinjii, to., boiicuura Dept., viniiua, Neu. WANTED, good man in every county to IAK euuecripuoiis lor Tne l weniielh cen tury sarmer. uut iigeiua make good wages everywhere lie.exences required. Aaaress iwuuLh century fanner, ouutna, Neu. B is THREE or (our good mca wanted; $loo per month. Can tit r axton ulock. il-ttii O. R. RATH BUN gives private lessons In bookkeeping. Room 16, Commercial Na tional bank. ti'M PUSHING salesmen can learn o( aomethlng to tneir advantage by writing ine AiAWks lsursery CO., Milwaukee. Wis. B-186 J14 COLLECTOR, deliver and salesman wan'ed at once- Ailxenbaugn, buo War block. B Mo43 MEN our catalogue explain how- we teach barber truoe in elant weeks: mailed ire. Moler Barber Coiiege, 1d-J r'arnam BI. B MtvU )' GOOD, stead: boy wanted. Co., East Omaha. Omaha Box 7K1 MEN Free transportation to Denver to learn barber trade: tools furnished; po aitluna guaranteed; opportunity to earn board: waicea while learning; largest bar ber college; most healthtul climate In the world; write tor particulars. Moler a Barber College, Denver, Colo. Beware of fake catalogues and misleading otters; , we nave uo college In Nebraska. B-M804 2 WANTED, physician to travel as office worker; one Who Is registered In Ne braska and can register In other stales Write busker Med. Co., Plattsmouth Neb. B-S1S Jl WANATED, Immediately, Cornice makers and sheet TOrtal workers; wages Hue -to Px per hour for competent meu; work hours per day; write, stating experience. Bt. Paul Rooting, Cornice fe Ornament Co., St. Paul, Minn. B-MKJ7 81" WANTED, young man as bill clerk for short time; answer in own handwriting, stating age and salary wanted. B 47, Bee. ' B-MS-'i 3 WANTED, harnessmakers; will guarantee steady employment the year round. Ad dresa Wallace, Bmith tc Co., 82 to 8X West water Ht.. Milwaukee, n. u 11 WANTED, colored man and wife to work In dance hall at Chamberlain, 8. P.; woman to do cooking and chamber work, wages $10.(Ai per wek; man to do yard work, wages t26.00 per month. Address . at once. Box 416, Chamberlain. Trans portation furnished- and 'deducted from 1 wages. B H38 29 TAILORS wanted, two first-class ' coat- makers, one pants maker;' steady work; aooa price. ., 4, xl. Bpoiu, Hastings, Neb. , v. B-j37Jl WANTED, men, good references, to help organise locally, everywhere, the People s UmvetsaL-Erust. AddseM Walter Vroo- man, 316 Century Uidg.. iwaruw. City, Mo, B M939 30 WANTED, two first-class horsecollar cut ters. Address, elating age, experience. stc. f. o. Box K4, Milwaukee, wis. , ' B M38 SAXEsMEA WAMTKD. t 8ALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; 'pay weekly ; outtlt free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law- rence, nt. , .-. . WANTiCU rWMALAl UbLT, WANTED, two young lady students to learn hairuresalug, uiaiucurlng and chi ropody aid ectenilllo luassage. Call or wills Rooui iuu, am Biug. c Zltt lwf Girls. Call Caoadla n office, 15th Dodge. ' ' ! ...' . C-t WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to take life acuohu-aulp in Omaha s best' business and shorthand college and pay for it when course la finished and position secured. Address A 1, Bee. WANTED, a teacher ' to Instruct the French language to a claas of three, twice a week; state terms. Address Z U, Bee. c mxu . WANTED, experienced salesladies In glove. veiling ana ureas trimming ueparuueni. 4. 1 Brauaeia k oon. Boston store. ' v" ' C-M192 FIRST-CLASS cook wanted; best wages; small family. 124 B. iHtu su c M656 COMPETENT alrl for ceneral housework. 1024 Park ave. , C M.42 2D . WANTED, lady to give conversation les sons in French to young woman one evealng each week. ' oteie terms. Ad dress B 43, Bee. C 794 GIRL for general housework at 645 Georgia ave. c t-su WANTED A competent second girl. Mrs. V. B. Caldwell. tJ0 8u. 2oth. . C-MS1U $ GIRL for general housework. 213 N. 18th. - v . . C-MH32 31 WANTED, experienced girl In family of three: wages $4. Inquire 2105 Ulnney St. C Md26 4 WANTED, 2U13 Mason for general housework. c WANTED, a good girl for general house work, small lamlly, good wages. 135 N. Slat ave. c Mi& xo WANTED, a good girl for general house work, no wanning, good wag . Mrs. r . 8. Owen, 2111 Emmett St. C M91I 8 WANTED, girl for general housework. Apply after 12 o cluck, 872 8. 2Mh st. C M;7 81 t'OH HKN1-UOISF.S. VANS and baggage wagons. TeL Ul. .D 295 TO MOVE light set Omaha Van Storage Co.; omce iau& rarqaru, or ieia.. labtf-aw. MO! IQPQ aU parte ef city. The a nVJUOCO F. Davu Co.. 63 Bee HJtig. HOUSES, stores. Bemis. Paxton block. D 298 IEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice bouses, eoi-3 N. X. Lite Bids. lei. I'M,. D 3v2 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt Barker block u Jl UN EQUALED, rentral, modern 4 room data. TUard. t N. 8sd st and 8- D-S99 CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON. 1303 Farnam Bt FOR RENT. a.room. modern, dotached house, nswly painted and papered. w. 3621 Capitol Ave. TeL 173. B. i. it. nooisuii. l BUtkl FOR RENT, $ and $ rooma, part modern.' m Ltu at. Pbone sjoh. . i u 8-ROOM eottage, 8. E. cerner 23d and Clark u ll FOR RENT, house reoma. modern. In quire 2514 Caldwell 8t D-77 Jl HOUSES, ete. r. D. Waad. 154 Dousla. . D $J$ FOR RENT,. l-room cottage.. Ul Pari 30 . at Chants Healcy. . UUlsHX FOR HEST-HOUEI, OWn modern Blondo. 8-room house, 75th and D 68 si MAOOARO Van A Storage Co. Tel. lin. D-i4 FOR RF.NT- 11(1 8 31st t., 12 room, modern, $:A Capitol ave.. 9 rooms, modern. f&. 20i4 N. J9Ui t.. 6 room, city water, $16. K. J. BULLIVAN. f6 N. T. Life Hid. D M784 DESIRABLE HOUSES, toil Marry at., 9 room, all modern. In rood neighborhood, l per month. 1J D. lOIII ,1.. W limmn, ft iiutii,,. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. FOR RENT, modern hmiw near Utah schooL The O. F. DAvla Co.. SOS Bee Fl is. D 79 SIX-ROOM Mat, all modem. 111J So. Nth. FOR RENT, an g-room modern house. rncinn Hanscom park. inquire a. c. Foster, !13u 8. 33d St. TeL 127. D-M8M 1 FOR RENT, modem 7-room Mat at 411 N. 26th Bt. Inquire ZS Hamilton nt. D m Jl 2204 WEBSTER, Jl rooms, modern: 4311 Farnam, S rooms, modern, and barn, r76 Davenport, rooms, IU; Iflil Howard. 7-room flat, modern, IZL Others. Rlnftwalt Bros., Barker blk. D M9W TO RENT, seven-rocm flat, .modern con veniences. 2M4 Sherman ave. Apply up stairs. D MDW ! 8-R. MODERN cottage. 708 8. 18th; large fine lawn. Inq. 1203 Farn&m St. D-M947 1 FOR REHT Ft'RSISHED ROOMI. ELEGANT rooms, finest location m the city. im Capkol Ave. E M836 FOR RENT, a nice lafge furnished froM room, wllh alcove. ?01 S. 26th at. . E M4TS THE LANQE HOTEL, 04 8. Uth et E-M74I J DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. . ( Br NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board. joj n. tn bi. a m SOUTH frort, alcove room and side room. 2530 Hirney. . E M786 1 TWO housekeeping rooms $S. 2633 St. Mary's. E 792 JM FIHNISHED ROOMS AID BOARD. Verrtam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 8a. VERY desirable rooms. 213 8. 25th St. - F-r60 HAVE one. nice cool front room, suitable for two mtn.-.lm Burt at. jr wu THREE desirable furnished rooms; home cooking; gentlemen preferred. 2M) Doug las St. F-M668 31 ROOMS, first-class board. , 2224 Farnam. TO a-entlemen, nicely furnished southeast front room with alcove, modern; board. 702 80. 29th Bt. J3- TWO rooms and board In private family at 1126 So. 30th Ave., near llanscom park. 1' Mi j 1- FOR HEXT LHFI.HMSUED ROOMS. DESK room space. $5 per month, ground floor room in me Bee Dunaing, iacing Farnam street: no expense for light, heal or janitor service. K. C. Peters & Co., ttemai Agents, iei Dunaiug. u xib CENTRAL, choice rooms. 220 N. 23d. t LARGE modern front rooms for light housekeeping; also 1 iurnisnea room. zz n. itn Bt. u Hv Jl- FOH RENT STORES AND OFFICE. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at l arnam at. it has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very "reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Roae- water, secretary, room iw. cee ouuuing. ztu FOR KENT, atore in first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. C Peters at Co., ground floor, Bee Bids. 1266 FOR RENT, desk room or large apace suitable ior mercnanaise Droaer or party doing business In wholesale ulstricC In quire neiie co., i arnam tn. A MJM OFFICE ROOM. Large room fronting on 16th at., first Hour, Boara 01 iraas Diag., gooa ngnt, $76 per month. George A Co., lbOl Farnam si. 1 hvi s BUILDING In best part wholesale district F. D. Weed, lf3 Douglas Ht. 1634 TO LET, offices In Paxton block and Mo- Cague Bldg. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St 1672 AGENTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suDScnpttons to lilt. steady emptcyment with assured good Income; sgents in tne country with horse And buggy especially desired; can vassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 213 WANTED TO BUY, WANTED, two or three good vacant lots. suitable for residences or nats; must be good locations and price reasonable: all cash and no extra expense of selling. Addresa direct to buyers, B 10, care Bee ofUce. N-M448 FOR SALIC FIRKITIIR8E.' v ' CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. zu.'u. rscw ana secuiiuusnu.. uousai, soiu, exchanged. ' O 811 FOR SALE MORSES, WAUOXS, ETC. PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc, our specialty. i. j-roat, mn ana Leav enworth. Tel. 1447. P $13 SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter t-neips, room u, rs. x, xais Diag. P M404 GOOD extension ton carriage at a sacrifice. Bee Johnbon t Roberts, John Deere Bldg., iota ana ieavenworin dib. P-M421 Jel7 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, runabouts. new and seconanana, at cut prioes, ne pairlng, painting and trimming; also put on rubber tires. Pfeiffer, 27th and Leav enworth bus. in J'4- tOR SALH-MISCELLANKOlS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. 13th. VI 311 FLE8CHER sells bicycles. 163 Capitol Ave. tDHAND safe cheap. Derlght 1119 Farnam. - . . y il loo STYLES truaaea: catalogue free. Sher man Mccotiiieii urug co., tain ana Dode, Omaha. Q-4U4 . BICYCLES and chonosraDhs on easy Day- menie-o oown, 4i.au per wees; zanana whwla, $5. $8 and $10: new wheels. Hi, .Omaha bicycle Co , 16th and Chicago Sis. i -aim WIRE fence for poultry, hog. lawn and yard, Mien posts, tree guaraa. wire Works. 617 8. 14th St Tel. 15U0. ' Q M873 July FOR SALE, a bakery and confectionery buslneas In a gooa town or i.uuu inhabi tants doing bis paying business, for sale at a bargain; reasona for selling, poor health. Address Bos 624. Omaha, Neb. Q-723 $1 FOR SALE, a melodies In food condition. Addresa D M. Be. 14 aMi FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instrument; M up. ine Wlttman Co.. VZ. Farnam. ' Q H FOR SAI Siberia refrigerator. In No. 1 condition. tiarawooa caae cnarcoai lined, holds 5 pounds 1f Ice; co.t $15.00, will sell for $4.00. Enquire at $414 Cald well atreet. TTPEWRITKRS, latest Rtmlnaton. Smith- Premier. Denamore, replaced By 1 lire iNtERWOOD; low price. Rentals. II. W to $4 pur month A. H Workman A Ce., Itll rVaam. 'Ptioae im. . . 4-U-l FOR I4LE MIX ELLAEOt 1 FOR SALE. Carrlase top trimmer's ma chine. Sinaer, good ea new; only been u"-d six months. Address Box KM. Hast ings. Neb. Q M221 FOR HALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire zx! Bee ttiag. vj MM CIX18INO out household gooda and storee cnecp. 13 4 Dodge tut. w mvsj Jt BTERCOPTICAN9 and moTln picture machines. 13. t. Wurn, 1401 t arns m sc U lt MIV SECONDHAND billiard amS pool tables bli.lard tables' paTr;!. stock of cheap ar nxtures. cigar countero. eta The Brunswick, RBIke, Collender Co., 407-1 Bo. 19th. Q 4ll NEW and Jdhand typewriters. naTn. Ill Far- Q-M762 FOR SALE, eecond-hand desks chfclrg and walnut offlce counter and railings. v a bash offlce. 1415 Farnam it. Q M14S FOR SALE Chesapeake Bay pupplea; finest retriever on water fowl; reaaon able prices. A. i. Hayne, S-24 N. 23d t. Q M527 J4 INDIAN gooda and telle. 1119 Farnam. J SIT FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to Tl feet; cribbing and nog fence. vi Dougiaa FOR SALE, fine Imported harness, brass mounted and trimmed: cost when new .toO; win sen for a; can be seen at uovr it Russell s barn. 30th and Leavenworth atreets. -- UUtt saw, on iriAUM-uoira saie, rv eral desks and Belgian hares; account at- sence from city during summer. Address B 4ft. Bee. w M.111 CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. LEAHIB PARLORS, 11 DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist . talis you an you want to know, every hose, -tear nu wlao oi your uio. faults. futility, capaolliiy, traae or profession you are best suited ,or; fortunate and uniortunate periods of life; oreaka evil lnnuences; how to win the one you love, conquer enemies, restore lost affections; advice on business, healtn, marria, divorce, ete. Hours, I to a. mnw 4 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Caas St. 8-831 MME. GTLMER, genuine palmist. 816 S. 14. ... KLECIHIO iHEATMKVr. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.lft, 2d floor. R. 1 7a-Je MME. AMES, vapor baths. 134 N. loth, r. t. fUHlUNAL. Mlddlemlss, ali paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. DR. ROY, cblropodiat, corns, and superflu ous hair removeu oy electricity. 1. 14 'renxer block. vU PR1VATE hospital, before and during con- I tinement, baoics auopiea. mu urant UU I Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-lliO. U 324 I FLESCHER will fU your bicycle right. U 32a HAIRDRESSING. manicuring - and chiro pody, for ladlea only, in connection with - Ins Batnery, lii-uo Ue Bldg. U Ut RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 4e days; aena ior circular, u. o. weoa, M. V.. &a New York Lite Bldg., Omaiia. N'eb, c sa ACCORDION pleaUng, cheapest, best and Quickest. Mrs. A. c. Mirx, u et Jjougias. U GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale I and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug , las. i . u Ks CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection . with The Batnery, rooms xia-sw Bee Bldg. ' lei. rue. u SHAMPOOING and halrdresslnir. 76o. la connection wun ine Bainery, Bee building, 'lei. laa. U 31 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies adopted. 1MM Burdette. Mrs. Burger. . u M216 J16 VIA VA, woman's way to health. Home . ..... ....... t W.,.,klt fM. AJL Uaa lt A Bldg. U-834 SEE Proctor, fine pictures; 616 80. nth. 1 U-6 J$ ROOMS. 610Ve 80. 10th 8t 'Phone 1811. - U-45S3 J r. m j a ru A AAVMVltU) U W BaSs AW , esU UUVI U-M758 Jl 7T TftT YD A TO T ADO sTI R a 1A s4 A DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from Capitol avenue to flat over Graham's drug store, northeast corner Twenty- fourth and Farnam streets. U M753 J7 FOUND, best Ice cream soda in city, to. enraaer s store, mm sua oewara. U-643 J10 MME. SMITH, baths, .113 N. 16, 2d floor, r. 8. U MSI J 16 LOWEST PRICES in accordion and aide leatlng.' ine Goldman bleating Co., 0 Douglas block. U M781 EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 932 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Send for circulars. U 4tW "Es macht nichts aus." what brand of cigars a man has smoking, Er vergist sie alle after he once tries the STOECKER CIGARS. been U-M733 Jl HENRIETTA O. C: Write to same post-I ofnee box. Mamma. u 823 j MONEY TO LOAM HEAL KSTATE. 1 1 ' 1 4e PElt CENT on buslneas property. s per ceni on resiuence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. a. axiukix.utu. 401 a. iota bi. W 836 MONEY' to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brrnnan-ivove co., b. liin. i W-434 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmllh 4k Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W-338 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, $37 N. Y. U W-J44 FARM and city loans, low rates, W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 148. W- WANTED, city and farm loana; also bonds and warrants. R. U. Peters A Co., 17u$ sarnam et., cee xiag. LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bids. W M403 4tt TO I P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton Blk. W iM $ PER CENT loans. Farnam. Oarvin Bros., 1604 w tw PRIVATE money. F. P. Weed, 1634 Douglas w-iu TO LOAN, $e0 private money, per cent Til N. X. llte Bldg. w-Mta si- MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 10 YEARS" In our present location. Deal with an old reliable nrm ana estabiun a credit teat will be of use to you in the future. We make loans on Furniture, Pianos, Live btock and to Salaried Peonla. Our rates are as low aa auy and much lower than many, our motto la, "Try to please. 11 you have dealt with ua and are pleased ten mere, it you are aispieasea ten us. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 118 Board of Trade Bldg., 3u6 8. Uth St tsiabiianed in lx il X M16T BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. Don 1 let your debts worry you. call un 1 a and we will make you A Salary loan. We loan to bonest employes UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE. 816 te 810A without security endorsee of publicity. OFFICE HOURS. 8 a. m. to I p. m. Room kA. Psxtoa Block. Third Floor. MONEY To LOAX CHATTFXs. LOANS on CJIATTEt-8 and SALARIES FUUK.NlA CREDIT CO., siiccesscrs to J. W. TATLOK, 6.a faxton Block. TEU 74n. To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS cstrons we have established etrcant of fices at ROOM 24, W1CKHAM ULDO , Intersection Broadway at fear l Bts TEU C X-4M SAIART AND FfRNITURE tANP. Do you want money for long or short term at rates rare it equauea oy compeinora. i "Its our business to supply It." AMERI CAN bUAN co., iwra f loor, rnxton Block. -MMU MONST aned on furniture, live atoclt f'rT. ff,!lr!!L , Co.. sue to DuS Green. 8 Barker Block. a sue LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO 8ALAK1EU rburbK. inercnanta I na ro tter s. boarding bouses, etc., without se curity; easleat terme; 4f offlces In Pi m- I clpal cities. Tolman. 440 Board of Trde Bldg. A. 4B MONET loaned on pianos, furniture, lew. elry, horses, cows, ete. C. F. Reed. a. ill b. is. MONET loaned on plain note to salaried people; business connaentwi; lowest rates. kit raxton diook. mi J. a. uunon X 3i.I BIBIXK8S CMAXCE9. A T?ARF RAR C A I N V 1 VH 1 Ly LniVnill FoT Bale ,tock of groceries, sales amount t0 over 10tt A day, . . Owner Cleared $12,000. . , , ... j I in e y'""; "'iTV kT V v v,,t i isir B. R. UAXJa 64 N. UI'E. Tel. B-12Z9. TO GET In or out Of business call oa Wil liams, Room ii. Aiecague ouiiuing. 143S FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the luii agricultural seciiou 01 lows: iarae annual trade; stock will invoice about iinaoo: Dronts larxe. uuh ciose uu aa estate Interest the only. reason for selling. Addreaa v u, Bee. iua IF YOU want to BUY or BELL real es tate can or write, NoiW Bftuvvt-noni-u vj., 4th floor N. Y. Ufe Bldg., Omaha. Y 868 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quica, see H. Johnaou, 643 N. Y. Life. Y-M175 DESK ROOM, roll-top desk and phone service. J. x. jonnauu, aw r. . u. S eJ FOR RALE Asphalt plant, lltli and Grace sis., omana. -ppiy to me Diana- ard Paving Co., Chicago, 111. x mail jea PIANO, t ood clear lots and cash for 00a piano. 4. ri. jemnson, n. 1. u. x naoii Enterprising Man with $5,000 cai. acquire controlling Inter est In a rapidly increasing ana prontaoie legitimate manufacturing) Business; in vestigate this proposition. J. H. John son, N. Y. L Y-M838 WANTED, to Interest party .with from $aw to $4u0 Tn big money-making enterprise; cnance to aouuie money in snori um; 1 full investigation win prove mis. or further particulars call at office of Dr, Walter, 3u$ East Broadway, Council Bluns. x ua 1- FOR SALE, good, clear, up-to-date stock of Jewelry, orockery, musical instruments, eewing macnines, notions, eic, tooui $6,600; also good brick building. 26x100. with lot ifsxiou; stock locaieo. in goou county seat town, northwestern Iowa; lock exceptionally olean. runnlns: and doing good business. j ine opening, au- dress P. M. Caaady, Sioux City, la. . . ( Y 636 Jl FOR SALE, 480 acres of well improved land, 7 miles west Cedar' Rapids, Boone Co.. Neb.. 220 acres in crop, all fenced, I , UUtlft evil, W vva mwvw "U ,' 1 ture A fine farm. A snSD lor caiui. Ad dress tne-owner, uvs florin run si., Omaha. 1 m e FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good aait t wardrobe for folding bed. N 49, Bee. k mui WHAT have you to exchange' for a lot at 42d and Mason street. Auuress b w, Bee. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' - WHEN YOU GET YOUR HOLIDAY, Memorial day. or Saturday afternoons. f look at these properties, everyone of them a bargain; one of them might make you a home. All are gooa investments. WALLACE, 311 Brown Block. 4003109 Seward, 4-room house, full lot, city water, rents $5.- With corner lot additional. 8650. Easy terms. 40x100," city" water, rents 86.50. fcary terms. $ 760 Buruette. near 29th, H lot, good cot tage. Darn, city water. 1 soo Suft Miami. 4 rooms, full lot. $ 860 S324 Larlmore, full lot, t-room house. $1,0003416 Blondo, ev-ioot tot, e-room cot tage. . . $1,200 8-room house, two lots, Larlmore, near 3.1a. . 11,4002619 Chicago, 33x132, 6-room cottage. $2,000 Four 3-room cottages, city water, zitn. near xairica atc, itiu uw a 1 vear: Well sell two for 81.200. $2,000 Cosy home, 1 block from High school $3,250 Nice noma, norm isin. $3',5u0 8. W. Cor. 24th and .Davenport, one OI tne pest investments 111 umim. Rents $U32 per year. Room for double building; on corner. CHOICE VACANT LOTS. 300 Spalding, near Hath, paving paid. 850 Meredith, near 28th. ua Houth front. Ames, near 23th. 400 West- front, 86th, one block south Leavenwortn. 860 Double front, Hamilton, near 42d. twi Mluml. near 20th. i otio Go-foot, east front; 18th and Burdette. 1,500 109x21 t good lots), 37th Avs. and (Irani $2,260 Finest and cheapest plat In the city fnr siihdtvlslon. Many others, everywhere, bargains. By the uv I need more houses for rent GEORGE O. WALLACE. 16th and Douglas. no-SIS 33 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Paoino Kanroaa company, a. A. McAUeater, land commissioner, Union Pa- cine Heauauarters, umana. Rg 366 FORTY seres, short distance west Flor ence Bumnina station, covered wun tim ber, an ideal place for summer home or for fruit. Only $3,000. F. D. Weed, 1524 Douglas St. RE o35 29 BUX Deal Douse piuw, vinniufi, viu. Quality nltnest, prices toweei. nauonai oil and Piant Co.. 101 Jonee St RE 538 Je23 COTTAGE with six large roorxs on 30-foot corner lot; three Diocas iron car; nowse newly painted and 4iae new roof. It la a bargain at $1,109 and can be bought with payment down, balance to suit. G. E. Turklnaton. kAt Bee Bldg. BE M213 WIIIIAMQHN CHARLES E.. 1208 IT ft WWAki'Af w A Fsrnam street. RE 363 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas buAdlng lets! Call for catalogue and prlos Hat Private money to loan on easy terms. na. w BENSON More homes are being built in Benadn than In ell other suouros combined. This la simply because It offers the advan tages. If you want to know how to set a let 01 r noma on easy iirmi can on BENSON CAHMlCiiAEL, 842 PAXTON BLOCK. RE-241 PLATTE VALLEY RANCHE. $,000 acres under fence, with first-class in me uuiiainas anu acres level al falfa land fnr 813.000. One mile to Brady Island on main line Union Pacific. 1.9J0 acres deeded, one School section and tome private land leaaea. Alfalfa land and Improvements are worth the price asked ior tne entire ranch. We have other bargains. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO..OMAHA RE M801 30 HOUSES and lots In all parts ef city; else acre property a no rn ianas. i ne O. . Devi Co., Aoom 51, Bee building RS-SO IT iou want ana oi me.bioeat a-rooaa omea in uenscom -iace i will give yoit a bai baigala. Owner lu city. Must sell. H. losrwood, $7 4. I. U Bids. i. rOR BALK REAL t STATE. F. HARRISON. GEO. T. MORTON. li New Tork Life. Telephone SA4. HAN SCO M FLACB DISTRICT. IMPROVED. 01 Woolworth, l-room, all modern. lot 34x100, on car line, $2,tm. VM South 29th 8t., a rooms, all modern, lot 2V4xl4, rent 837.60, $3,800. Offered for Investment. Tenant to remain. 8H raclMc, 0xl45.S, with 20-foot alley on side, 10-room house, 85,600. 1822 8. S2d, the most sightly location In Omaha, lot 80x181, east front, -room house, all modern, fine barn. . owner leaving- Omaha, must sell, 86,500. $4,000 for 8-room modern hotise fronting west on the fine plateau west of Hanscom Park, lot 60x19a The finest house fronting east on Hanscom Park and one of the best built and best houses In the city. large east front lot, house nw, $18,000. 84.600, fine property on Perk avenue, between Leavenworth and Mason. a-room house, up to date, hardwood finish, polished floors, fronting the park, good investment or nice home, $3,600. $5,600, 8-room, all modern, corner lot, almost new, paved street, etc. u rrj i ia nr " ' " . " J. 29th and Poppleton, T rooms, eaet front. $1,700 for quite an attractive place on newly paved street, handy to car. $5,200 for one of the moat up to date 8-room houses on Park avenue. HANSCOM PLACE DISTRICT. UNIMPROVED. East front, 28th, 60x140, $1,000. West front, 29th Bt., between Woolworth and Hickory, pavement paid, $2,000. East front, 29th, north of Woolworth, $2,500. East front on the park, pavement paid by city, worth $100, $73 a foot South front, juat opposite Shelly's fine residence, on boulevard, $50 a loot West front on' fine plateau west of the park, $1,800, make an offer. 64x160, fronting; Hanscom Park, near the pavilion, extra bargain, $1,200. Full lot on 30th avenue, near park, $1,300, 40x146.6, corner, 81st and Pacific, pavement paid, lies well, $1,800. West front, on Park Ave., near Mason, $50 a foot for short time. Double front corner, Park Ave. and Jackson, held at $70 till now, $00 a foot. East front on Park Ave., near Mason, $60. Three east fronts, on 88th St., newly paved, the three for $8,000, very cheap. Three east fronts, just oft the new boulevard, south of the park, $&00 each. $7x100, east front, on 31st St., near Marcy, right for grade, $700 today. $1,600, choice south front, near Hat, paved. $8,000, fine Cor., 26th and Woolworth, paved CENTRAL IMPROVED, Eight rooms, full city lot, near High school, paved street alley paved, $4,600. $15,000, three ' brick flats, One full lot. building- alone cost $15,000. rental $1,440 a year, rjronertv Imnravlne ranllv $22,000, coming business property, ' forced on the market, price very low. $16,000, corner, coming buslneas, ox Farnam and 20th, $32,000 once refused. Up to date 7-room house, new, near Hlsh school, east front, $3,700. ' 2532 Chicago,' all modern, 8-room " ' house, street paved and paid, .34,500, H city lot, house rented at $12.60, near 18th and Cass, $3,000. Full lot, 8-room house, near Madison hotel, non-resident owner, $3,000. 2215 and 2217 California 8t both wail rented, non-resident must sell, $3,500. CENTRAL UNIMPROVED. . Full east front lot on 35th, near St. Mary's Ave., paved street, $2,500. Full lot, 25th and Capitol Ave.. $2,500. 37x143, 26th and Douglas, $1,000. 48x140, two fronts, one on C. Turner park, the other on 80th, $1,250. I Choice building- site, 2$d St Davenport, $4,000. BUSINESS PROPERTY. $225,000, gross rental $21,000, net rental $13,000, finely built. $225,000, finest Improved corner In the city, fair rental, constant advance. $100,000, beet 16th St. corner on the market, can make a 10-year per cent contract to Improve tt. $30,000, choice corner On Farnam St. $100,000, choice Douglas St. property. paying fair rate of interest and. growing, Fine wholesale corner, vacant, located center wholesale district, can make long leaae to Improve It, set good return, $56,000, growing. Improved, Farnam St.- property, full lot. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. IMPROVED. 8-room, up to date houae, on 84th, near Dodge, $5,000. 10-room, all modern, large lot near Mr. Joalyn's. $5,000. 10 rooms, on 38th, large lot $13,500. $13,000, very fine house, near 34th. $6,500, $ rooms, all modem, fronts on C. Turner park, very, fin location. $30,000, one of the very finest homes on West Farnam hill. $4,000, neat place, near $6th and Howard. $7,600, good bouse, faces C. Turner park. WfeST FARNAM DISTRICT. VACANT. East fronts, on 84th St., 82,600 each. East front, on 86th, $1,700. . Weat front, but fine, on 40th, $1,800. : Double fronts, near 40th and Farnam, $2,600 each, want an offer. 17x168, top of West Farnam plateau, nothing better for view, all paved and paid for, $9,5oO, 187x110, Farnam and 83d, $8,500. $1,350, Harney and 84th Bt $1800, corner 81st Ave. and Davenport Eaat front, on 32d Ave., $60 a foot . $1,000, lot on Chicago, near 31st MISCELLANEOUS. Three ' large lots, good '7-room house, one mile west of park, $1,300. 180x300, on Florence boulevard, fine trees, water and sewer, $1,800. 63 feet, east front, on boulevard, $700.. 18 acres, on and near boulevard, $10,000. 80 acres, on Q street. South Omaha, 160 rods on Q, 4 mile from car, must be sold ask about It; good thing. 120, near Millard, $60 an acre. 93S acres Douglas county, finest trackage and feeding ranch in county, $40,tio. 20 acrea, -known as Griffin land, fine old trees, beautiful location, $4,000. Joining the above, the old Griffin homestead, 10-room house, etc., $6,000. to acres, on paved road, star Hanscom park, fine water system, -Urge house, barn, orchard, etc., would consider renting tt $ or I years. J ESU MB BEST BARGAINS. $7x144, on Doug!as street, $1,600. 80, near South Omaha, $ . $0 acres, Orlffln land, $4,000. 8100,009. 16th street business corner. $1.20, lot on C. Turner park. $1,800. 180x300, New boulevard. $1,200, three lots, 7-reom house, barn. C. F. HARRISON. GEO. T. MORTON. U New York Lit. Telephone $11 POIt S ALB REAL ESTATE. AN 'ALL mrwlorn "-room house, except fur nace, lot fcoxlAO, shade trees, good rieiau borhood. close, to street car and school, rents for. 8.4 ir month. $.'0. A good Investment ir somebody. A piece VI pn.peny lriliClliK e" imuiiir ... w-. per month, lit gooxl location, close to s-hoo4 and street :r, southwest art of town, will be offered for one week, t.ii'o. , very nice piece of property located on Capitol avenue, cloee to lllah school, btlna-s-an Income of $24 per month, al- wtva rerilt.,1. S2.rl10. A very nice K-room house and lot on I.o otist street Aietween lAlh and 17th. S1.6.S0. Lot JUX132. with two gmxl houses, on Wool- worth avenue, between 6th and 6th, brings a aood Income. tk.X). Lot 22x122. south .front, ZSth and Hickory, with three-room hojse, ;in0. Lot )xKi, good live-room house and barn. east front. IMS' and A streets, eoutn Ottiahni' $). FlvB-room brick house In good condition. lot 33x11. about three blocks to street car, amn, Four OBaurlftvl acres, located hifh and stKhtly, one block south of the Country cinb. ilOO. Two acres in Burnham Place, close to Ren- Son. ttneX A corner kit 28th and Davenport, south front, dose to the Hanscom l ark boule vard, "LMM. A house 22X22. arnod Well, all bricked, lot SOn 110. .nne block south of Lakf street. house needs some repairs, will sell for one I weea ror A very nice corner lot on Davenport street. two mocks wesr or jonivn a restaence. southeast front. '-Bond sewer connection. water, gas, surrojnding lots cannot be boukht less than 1.0j to $1,400; this lot can be bouaht for 8600. We will offer for one week only three lots 814x100, east front, on 27tn and cnicago streets, close to the new boulevard, for $i&0 on easy terms. . A. LOVUKEN &. CO.. 436-437 Paxton Btk. FOR SALE Alfalfa farm 240 acrca, 170 acres now growing; cut tour crops a year without irrigation: 25 acres In tim othy; can all be irrigated; well improved and close to town. Frank Brelner. Coxad, Neb. . . .. Kb miw r GEORGE U. WALLACE, real eatate, mort gage, .rentals. Insurance. . Brown block. RE So9 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire insurance. Bern la. raxton pi oca. R1S 360 BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. tor choice bargains. 601-3 N. X. Ufe Bldg. 'lei. mi. FARMS If you wish to buy a grain, fruit or stock larm, get my list 01 western Michigan (lower peninsula) bargains; write today; they are going rapidly, a. V. R. Hayes, urana. napias. Mien. RE M164 J3 , GREAT . BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATK. ITmiS.es and lots In all narta of tile city from S.1011 un. we nave eome Drnnrriica 1 that must be sold. . Call or write for - SPECIAL BARGAIN. Good lot and modern cottage, all finished In hardwood, floors Included, only 11, boo. BRENNAN-LOVE CO., ' - 309 South 13th St. ' RE Mt 4 LOST. LOST, bunch of keys. Return 1702 Farnnm. Reward. , Lost 639 29 , LOST, a pair of spectacles In case, between aotn and racinc ana man scnooi. re ward at 8016 Pacific. Lost Ml 30 LOST, bet. 26th and St. Mary's ave. and 16th St., -or In Bennett's store a ladles' gold watch, crescent caae, n-igin works, No. 1 1M 7i3 Return to Mrs. G. J. Hen- ' derson at City Steam Laundry, 211 S. . 11th and set reward. Lost M9.i6 30 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Mtillman A Price, att'vs. law. collections. A. f, ajiiiib, notary, o u. 0. nau . ,i,v. . 1 . . 1 . . . ti a r.i 1 . krrra8HA 'ollectlon comDanv (incor porated), aus new xork uie oiag. i-nuue, km Immure suits Drosucuted. The col lection of claims, large or small, made nvwhere in, the United States or forelun countries by bonded attorneys. No col loctlon, no charge. Bank reference fur nished on application. M4l Ji LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, 3c; CUBS, iC. 1I0 tvenworiu. hi, sii. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan -Office, Tellable, accommodat ing; all business connaenuau mux xuubus. .. OSTEOPATHY. GID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. bulte 616, N. X- Lilu Bldg. lei. 1664.. 868 DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 MoCague Bldg. TeL, ZdbX, DR, MRS. MUS1CK. Douslas Blk. TeL 2823. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. C. VAN BANT'S school. 717 N, Y. Life. BOYLE8' col. ego. court reporter principal, N, Y, Life. " . 366 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. aof STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 480 Ramgs Bids. 79 FLORISTS., I. HENDERSON. 1518. 'Farnam. TeL 1253. 8end, for price list cut flowers and plants. sata ' CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. At.f. kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. 1 ACCORDION PLEATING. REDUCED prices In pleatlnga, ruchlnga. tuckings ana appuqueing. or iuu. in formation lnuulr Ideal Pleating Co., 1519 Howard St. . -773 J7 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 913- 914 Jones, general storage ana iuiwruiui. co OM. Van Stor. Co., UVUVs Fern. Tela. 1569-843. NOTICE, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactuer of paste for all purposes; in oarreis ana nsn barrels, w rue ior prices. iu iuuiiua- 625 , ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATEltP PRINTING. COMPANY. Tele phone 2A90. all sou lit inirieeniB street. . M4L9 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools anu vauiu, removes garosge ana atse animais reuueeu .. ei Tel. 1779. itjs KDl'CATIONAL. FRENCH. Spanish, fencing. 408 N. 26th st Mltal " LAW MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. 1. 1. Was, 1408 Howard. ... . sRsAs FUR DRESSING. O. R GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 So. 13th. NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PLatlna- Co.: Bee Bid- TeL 2536. 878 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR, ChiuiaL Utb and Harney, ma. -M371 OMAHA aafa and Iron Wka.. make a spe cially of Ore escapes, shutters, doors and safes, u. Ahdreen, Prop., itf 8. loth Bt seas sis nRF.SSM AKIrj. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, C041 Tarnatn. :s i no rt J I INK. Al.riRN buys all kind of scrnp Iron nnd metaia. vu iuk1os St. Tel. ;i(t 12 KIHMTIIIK nlCPAIRIMO. First-class work. 2l Farnam. Tel. 24,SL l&i 3 nil e l laVkIirv. BEST lnundry. The ChlcKgo, .'phone 205. M J MX fit AU C. B. SHAW'S new studio open oil summer. 1 j 1 1 TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN removed to 1411Vi Farnam Bt 41 Jl BALE TIES.' OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 19th, -874 POSTOFFICK JIOTICF (Should be read DAILY bv all interested. as changes muy occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week enrltnir Xtsv $1, 192, will close (PROMTLV In all cases)', at the general postntflce as follows: Par cels post mails closo one hour earlier than closing time shown below, Paicela pout mans for uvrnmny close at 8 p. m. Wednesday. RoRular ami sunrlementarv mall, close, at foreign station half hour Inter than closing time ehown below (except that supplement ary malls for Europe and Central America. via i-yion, close one., hour later at foreign station). . . Transatlantic Malls.' SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, pel s. a. ia uaccgn,, via Havre tmatl tot other part of Eurone must be directed per s. s 1,1 ilnsmtim 1; at 7:30 a. in. for NETHKRUNlis dlrecft. ber a. a. Potsdiim (mail muat be directed "per s. Potidam ): at 6 a. m. for ITALY dl- . rect, per a. k. tlohvnxollern (mail must te directed "per , s. Hohentollern"); at h:30 a m. (supplementary lu a. m.) for' EI'ROPE, per a, s. Umbria, via (queens town; at 9 a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. s. Hpnrtun Frlnco (mall for Italy ' must be directed . "per-s. s.- Hnartan l'rince ; at .ao a, m. tor mui wmj, direct, per s. a. Columbia (malt must t4 directed "per s. s. Columbia"). ,rDivTim n, , t-ti-t-wi m.i. . . takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers inn Hnmnles for ISermnnv nn v. n ne lami class of mull matter for other parts ol Eurone will not bo sent by this shlD un less BuecUillv directed bv It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named bove, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of tht hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for South and Central Anter- , lea, Weat Indies, Etc. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. teuppltimentarjr 9:30 a. m.) for PoRTO RICO, CURACAO i and VfcNEKl ELA, per s. s. Caracas (nail for Savanllla and Cartngena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas '); at 9:SC a. m. (supplementary 10:.4o a. m.) tor FOR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and c A rta t kin A , per a. a. Alleghany (mail for Costa Klca must be directed, "per a. a. Alleghany"); at 9:30 a. m. (sup plementary lo:;io a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Alps; st 10 ' a. in. for MEXICO, per s. s. . Niagara, via Tamplco (mail .must be dirocted ''par s. s. Niagara"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. lor GRENADA. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per a. s. Muracas; at 11 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. S. Etona; at 12:80 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Oilnda, via Matan saa (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per s. s. Olinda". Malls (or Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, anu tnence ny steamer, close at this office dally at 6:20 ;. m. (connect ing close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturdav. Mails for Mlnuelnn. by rail to lloston, and thence by steamer, , nose at tnia omue amy ai :.ti p. m. Malls for Cuba, by lull to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dUuateliou ilmiy. except Thursday, final connecting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, un Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturduys at 5:30 a. m. ; for dispatch via Mluml, on Mon days and Saturdays at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless spa- " daily addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office daliy except Sunday . L 1 . A. J,, lilt, DUIIUal Mfc 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p. pi. Mails for Costa Rica, beilze, Puerto Cortes and Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this otllce dally ex cept Sunday at 1:30 p. tn., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. (connecting closes here Mon days for Belize, Puerto Cortes and Guate mala, and Tuesdaya for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6:oO p. m. pre vious day. , Transpacific Sfalls, Malls for Hawaii, via San Fr'nncisco, close nere unuy m p. . m. uu iu jauy io, Inclusive, for dispatch ner a. a.' Aornhal. Malls for China and Japan, via . Seattle, close here daily at : p. m. up to May 2&, Inclusive, for .. dispatch . per . s. a. Shlnann Maru. (Registered jnal must be directed "via Seattle"). Mails for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippine islands, via Han f ranclsco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to 'May "30, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. America Maru. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, . via nan irancisco, close nere onuy at 6:30 p. m. up to June 4, Inclusive, for dlsDatch Der s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn is rorwaraea via curope), rusw Zealand, FIJI, Samoa - and . Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close hero caily at 1:30 fi. m. after May 24 and up to June ncluslve, or on arrival of s. a. Etrurla, due at New York June 7, for dispatch ner s. a. Sierra. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine lsianoa, via- Ban Francisco, ciose here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to June 7. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. City of Pekins. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. c. close nere daily at 6:30 p. m. Up to June 10, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Empress of Japan' (regis tered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada I. Mslia for the Philippine islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. in. up to June 11, inclusive, for dispatch tier U. 8. Trananort. . Malta for China and Japan, via T&ooma, ciose nere uaiiy at o:o p. m. up to June 13. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Duke of Fife. Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goea via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here jJally at 6:3o n, m. after June " and up to June 21, In clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mlowera. Transpacific' malls are . forwarded to port oi sailing uiuiy anu ine scneauie oi Clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland . transit. Registered mall closes at 8:00 p. m. pre vious duy. Postofflce. New York, N. T,. May 21. 1903. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. GOVERNMENT NOT1CF.S. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER- master. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, May 2, 19. Sealed proposals, la triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., central time. May 31, 19o2, and then opened, for construct ing and extending water mains and con nections, aluo sewers, storm water drains. grading, macsaum roaas ana gutters, gran ollthlo walks and road crossings at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Full information and blank forms of proposal furnished on application' to tills office, where pians and ' specifications can be seen. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes should be Indorsed "Proposals for Water Mains, Grading, etc.," and addressed ei-aj--e-tt-ze-M STKAM8I1IPS. ANCIiOk UMfc U A UXlU-tttAMSHt Sali:oi rssulsrl ItetVMk KIW TORK UlKboMUkknt A OtASOOWj MEW YORK. UlUftAtTAK A NATL. Ssparior saeeounotfAtioss, CiMIUnt (Ttilalne, firsr j tesArA lor the eslsrt e pustassrs stuaiakly tea ldr4 ss4 prActlced. SihaI er Huu( Trip tickets Mwass tia N Totk ss4 bMci, Si'tll", l'la n H hrlncluAi I er buj ii.formAiiou tpvh i hexiKks'jn hmus.. Ceatuinuil poltitf st iiiik 1 KM.It,lA Al AltfAAJVA rAlaS. It, LkfeMX i ais as, er aaavia avmja. .....