Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily Dee
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Senator Ilanna's grip on Ohio republic
ans remains apparently unimpaired.
Mount Tolee seems go elated at Its re
cent performance that It Is reluctant to
Barring unexpected delays, the audi
torium will be enclosed by October 1,
but the unexpected is sometimes liable
to happen.
When It comes to defense against at
tacks on the front or from the rear, the
American army is usually able to take
care of Itself. .
, The Unitarian of New England would
like to have the -war In the Philippines
fought with feather dusters instead of
gatilng guns and revolvers.
' The president has signed the Terminal
bridge bill, but the bill he signed is so
disfigured that Its . father would not
recognize it If he passed it on Council
Bluffs' Broadway. '
City rrosecutor Thomas has taken a
thirty-days' leave of absence. Why not
let ex-Judge Gordon nil the vacancy so
that he can have . another legal claim
gainst the city in his' unemployed time?
President Palma will of course be ex
cused for Including In his first message
profusion of bouquets thrown at the
prowess and self-sacrifice of the Cuban
patriots over whose government he has
been Installed as chief executive. -
The council has ordered ninety-nine
additional lamps planted where council
men think they will do the most good.
Why can't the electric lighting company
add one more and make It a round hun
dred so as to match the gas company's
new Installment
; Twenty years ago Omaha set Its am
bitious designs upon a 1200,000 market
bouse. After fifteen years marketing In
sky parlor the great market house, so
much talked about and fought over, is
to be erected at a cost of $15,000, In
cluding architect's fee.
Sooner or later the taxpayers will be
compelled to enjoin the council from
Toting money out of the general fund
for contributions not authorized by the
charter, and not to be expended for il
legitimate functions of municipal gov
ernment, however meritorious.
Prospects re that Naval Constructor
Holwon of Merrlmac fame Is to be re
tired by. special act of congress. The
ostensible ground Is Impaired vision, but
the suspicion Is not absent that some
people Just bulow him In line of promo
tion may not be entirely disinterested.
Just to let ,youog Alfonso know that
be Is up against the real thing, all the
members of the Spanish ministry have
resigned. If that does not serve to con
vince him that royalty is no bed of
roses, a miniature luHurrectlon might be
worked up for hlut in Aragon or Castile.
It Is to be noted that In Ohio as usual
the republican congressman who enjoys
his position by grace of the party Is on
hand In force at the state convention to
five guidance and encouragement to the
rank and file. In a word, the men hon
red by the party In Ohio recognise and
realise the duties of leadership Imposed
upon them.
President Loubet has drunk' a toast
To the Reunion of All Frenchmen.
He will nave to follow this ud with
some kind of definition that explains
exactly what coustHutee a Frenchman
eligible to the reunion. How much
French blood Is require! to entitle
person to lay claim to French origin or
The most progressive of American
railway rongnates, E. II. Ilarrlman, has
taken the public Into his confidence by
prcarntlne his Ideas of the relations of
thf railways to the peorle and the duty
of the government to the railroads. Rail
way commissions and railroad pools, de
clares Mr. Harrlman, are obsolete and
It Is presumptuous as well as preposter
ous for lawmakers who know nothing
of railroad business to he given power
to make rules for railroads when there
are at the head of the railroads men
who have spent their lives in learning
the business.
"Why should not the managers of rail
roads, these dictators of their policies,
these advisers of their relations, be al
lowed to conduct the railroads according
to their own trained Judgment and dis
crimination?" asks Mr. Harrlman. In
ajmost the same breath the originator of
community of interests and railroad
mergers endoavors to clinch the question
by asking. "Is It because the railroads
take advantage of the people and of the
government under such conditions?
Have you not the whip hand and can't
you stop it with your legislation at any
time when you deem that the railroads
are abusing their privileges and taking
undue advantage of . their freedom?
Any time the people see a railroad get
ting the better of them or violating the
public trust they can stop it and It Is
wrong to place upon us needless and
harmful restrictions till that time."
Mr. Harriman Is not only a great rail
way magnate, but Is repined to be also
a student and scholar. He Is doubtless
familiar with Herbert Spencer's con
tribution to political philosophy em
bodied In his latest book, "Facta and
Comments,", in which,, discussing busi
ness principles, Mr. Spencer points out
the folly of conducting business on the
theory that everybody is honest and
everything Is going right, whereas the
maxim should be, Do not suppose things
are going right till it Is proved they are
going wrong, but rather suppose they
are going wrong till it Is proved that
they are going right. In support of this
maxim Herbert Spencer asks: "What
Is the meaning of taking a receipt if not
an Implied belief in the need for exclud
ing the possibility of going wrong? What
is the requiring of security when engag
ing an employe and what need is there
of detailed specifications of every con
tract and the naming of penalties in
case of non-conformance? These are all
recognitions of the truth that things
will go wrong unless they are made to
go right" :
This principle applies with equal force
to the safeguarding of the public inter
est In dealing with public carriers as it
does to the precautions taken for the
public safety through the criminal code
that provides penalties for all classes
of offenses. We do not wait until a
murder or a burglary, or a forgery is
comuii' licfore we enact laws to pun
ish poi. ..tor 8 of those crimes. Nor do
we refralu from policing a city until
after the riot has broken out or from
organizing a fire brigade until after the
conflagration has wrought its havoc".
It Is scarcely necessary to Impress
upon Mr. Harrlman that railroads are
public highways and the privilege of
levying tribute on the products aud peo
ple transported over them Is subject to
right of state and nation to impose upon
the chartered railway corporation rules
and regulations for the safety of the
public. Had Mr. Harriman been
familiar with railroad legislation in Ne
braska he would know that nothing the
railroads have asked from Nebraska leg
islatures has been withheld. .
Nebraska railroads insisted ; on being
exempt from, the ordinary mode of as
sessment and taxation and they have en
Joyed exemption from tax burdens
which by rights they should have borne.
In 1886 the people of Nebraska by an
overwhelming majority voted down the
proposition to create a railway commis
sion, but within three months a railway
commission wag created by the legisla
ture at the Instance of the railroad man
agers. That commission continued many
years to draw subsistence from the state
for doing nothing. And when the courts
decreed that the commission had power
to supervise and regulate railway traffic
the railroad managers had It snuffed out
by the supreme court , as unconstlta
Mr. Harriman's theory that the let-
alone policy would afford relief for all
the abuses from which the public baa
suffered at the hands of the railroads is
flatly contradicted by experience. No
relief has ever been afforded to railroad
patrons west ot the Missouri except as
the result of protracted agitation, legls
latlon aud litigation.
The Ohio republican platform Justly
declares that the republican party la the
only one that hag dealt courageously and
honestly with the trust question. The
anti-trust law of 1800 was republican
legislation. "Subsequent to the enact-
nieut of this law," says the Ohio plat
form, "the democratic party obtained
control of both branches of congress and
the presidency. It constantly asserted
hostility to trusts, but failed to. place
upon the statute books a single line of
legislation which would control them."
Furthermore, the democratic adminis
tration made no earnest effort to enforce
the anti trust law.' On the contrary. Mr.
Olney as attorney general did 'all that
he could to discredit that act He of
ficially gave his opinion that the law of
1800 was defective and Inadequate and
his successor, Judge Harmon, expressed
a like opinion and did nothing to enforce
the law. The trust question received
some attention In the democratic con
gress elected with Cleveland, but there
was no legislation which would control
the trusts and although two democratic
attorneys general had given their opin
ion that the existing law was lnsutfi.
clent no effort was made to remedy Its
defects or to strengthen It
The democrats are making an outcry
gainst trusts, for the political capital
there may be In It and are questioning
the sincerity of the administration In
the proceedings Instituted against com
binations believed to be unlawful, but
when that party had an opportunity to
strike at the trusts It did nothing.
The unanimous renomlnatlon of Con
gressman E. J. Burkett by the republic
ans of the First Nebraska district for a
third term Is unprecedented, no con
gressman from that district having ever
received more than two nominations.
The renomlnatlon of Mr. Burkett Is,
furthermore, a fitting acknowledgment
of his Industry aud fidelity in serving his
constituents and promoting their inter
ests, which have also won for him recog
nition at Washington in Important com
mittee assignments.
Since Mr. Burkett haa represented it In
congress the First Nebraska district has
shown steady gains in the majorities re
turned for republican candidates. This
is due not only to his efforts In behalf
of his state and district In Washington,
but also to the fact that he has kept In
constant touch with the rank and file of
the party at home. Mr. Burkett has
been no deadhead upon the republicans
of his district but on the contrary, has
been on hand ready to help out In each
successive campaign, whether his own
name was on the ticket or not He has
paid his campaign assessments and
shown an appreciation of his party obli
gations by responding to every reason
able demand made for his assistance.
The unanimity with which the nom
ination bos been accorded shows that
Mr. Burkett has the republicans In the
First district solidly behind him, and
with the united republican support his
re-election will be assured.
The provision in the pending Philip
pine bill relative to public lands in
the islands is being adversely criticised.
It appears that the democrats in the sen
ate Intend to concentrate their remain-
lug arguments to a very considerable ex
tent upon the land question. Senator
Bacon of Georgia attacked this provision
a week ago and Senators Dubois and
Patterson have followed on the same
line, the latter declaring It to be
monstrous, while the others have been
no less severe in their condemnation.
When the bill was taken up in the sen
ate Senator Lodge, chairman of the
committee on the Philippines, explained
that the provision regarding public lands
is a temporary provision. He stated
that the total area of the islands is esti
mated at 72,000,000 acres and it is 'be
lieved that not more than 6,000,000 of
those 72,000,000 acres are now in private
ownership. That leaves in the hands of
the United States, as the heir of Spain,
some 67,000,000 acres of public land.
The pending bill gives the Philippine
commission power only to make leases
of the phblic lands and restricts the
amount of land to be controlled by any
one, corporation to 5,000 acres. It Is
urged that the restriction being confined
to corporations engaged In agriculture
might not be held applicable to corpora
tions engaged, for example, in mining
and thus a trust controlling the mineral
resources of the Philippines might
readily be organized. Objection Is also
made to leaving the disposition of the
public lands practically in the hands of
the commission, since congress is al
lowed merely a negative power of de
clining to sanction or permit the grant
of any particular franchise or conces
sion. It Is certainly desirable that the Philip
pine public lands shall not fall into the
hands of great corporations or syndi
cates and It would seem not to be a
difficult matter to change the wording of
the bill so as to remove the objection to
It in Its present form. Of course It is
but a temporary expedient Intended to
attract capital to the Islands and stimu
late the development of their agricul
tural and other resources and to be
operative only until a proper land law
shall have been framed and adopted, but
In a matter of this kind it Is Important
to start right and thus avoid danger of
future trouble. These public lands
should be protected against land grab
bers and this should not be left to fu
ture legislation but done now. So far
as the power given to the Commission Is
concerned there is no reason to doubt
that It would be properly and Judi
ciously exercised and It Is manifestly the
only practicable way. at present f man
aging the matter. The critics of the
land provision of the pending bill should
suggest how It may be changed to avoid
the danger they fear.
The message of Cuba's president Is
practical. It indulges' In no fanciful
plans or theories, but states plainly what
Is essential to the development and pros
perity of the country aud the mainte
nance of the government President
Palma thinks there should be diversifies
tlon of agricultural industries and there
is no doubt as to the wisdom of the sug
gestion. Sugar aud tobacco will of
course always be the staple products of
Cuba, upon which its people must chiefly
depend for prosperity, but there Is, a
large amount of excellent land now un
cultivated that might advantageously be
utilized for other products which the
people require. Cattle growing, also,
could undoubtedly be made a very im
portant and profitable Industry.
President Palma appears to be a man
of progressive Ideas. There Is promise
that his administration will be devoted
to the promotion of Internal Improve
ments. He wanta more railroads con
structed and If the government Is rea
sonably liberal Cuba can have In a few
years all the railroads required. There
is an abundance of capital for this pur
pose If It be offered a fair Inducement
and given proper protection. President
Palma proposes that the public school
system shall be well cared for, remark
ing that the future of the republic de
pends upon education. The Cubans have
a much better Idea now of the benefits
of education than they had pr or to the
American occupation and undoubtedly
will be found most willing to give gen-
erous support to the public sthool
How the ordinary expenses of the gov
ernment sre to be met Is a problem
which President Palms has not yet
solved and which will certainly prove
perplexing to the congress. Under ex
isting conditions taxation In Cuba can
not be very materially Increased, the
people being already about as heavily
burdened as they can well stand. The
economic situation there Is undoubtedly
bad and early Improvement does not seem,
probable. Even If the United States
should make a reciprocity treaty with
Cuba It is not clear that it would be
especially helpful, since that government
would have to make tariff concessions to
this country equal to those granted by
the United States. Of course there will
have to be more taxation to
meet the ordinary expenses of the
government and the difficult thing for
the law makers will be so to adjust this
taxation as to make it as little op
pressive as possible. Of course the gov
ernment should be administered with
the greatest economy consistent with a
proper regard for the public Interests.
President Palma says that he will at
once seek the negotiation of a reciprocity
treaty with the United States and prob
ably a commission for this purpose will
soon be sent to Washington. Just now
the indications are not favorable for
the proposed Cuban legislation. Indeed
It is practically certain that the bill
passed by the house cannot pass the
senate, but it Is possible that a substi
tute for it may go through, though this
Is far from assured.
The committee of the council to which
was referred Document 1003, being the
report of the city attorney as to what
action, if any. Is to be taken to enforce
and protect the rights of the city under
its contract with the Union Taclflc Rail
road company relative to the construc
tion and maintenance of permanent ma
chine shops In Omaha, has after very
profound study and reflection concluded
that the Union Pacific foundry has not
been abandoned, but only closed for an
indefinite term, which may last any
where from fifty to five hundred years.
It would seem that the committee has
been overworked altogether and ought
to be allowed to take a vacation tour to
Portland or Seattle.
In their platform the Ohio republicans
point to a record of achievement in the
field of tax reform that has reduced the
general state tax rate from 2.89 mills to
1.35 mills and relieved the people corre
spondingly from the burdens of state
taxation. It Is to be regretted the re
publicans of Nebraska are not in posi
tion to match this boast as yet, but It
is to be hoped It will not be long before
they can make a showing creditable In a
similar degree.
No need of apprehensions for the en
forcement of prohibition In the refec
tories of the capitol. The willingness of
house members to vote themselves dry
only shows with what confidence they
rely on the venerable senators at the
other end of the building to protect them
from threatened drouth.
According to E. H. Harrlman, "the
days of pools and combinations are
passed; other conditions are, coming to
take their places." Those other condi
tions Mr. Harriman refers to are merg
ers modeled after Aaron's rod, which
turned Into a snake and then swallowed
all of the others. -
Stage Tkander Gome.
Detroit Journal.
Piiha. hr reason of her Indeneudence. has
deprived the democracy of a large slice ot
stage thunder. -
Seemed to Like the Game.
Chicago Tribune.
Notwithstanding the hardships of the
presidential Job, of which Mr. Cleveland
writes so feelingly, it will be recalled that
he hustled for It three times.
A Class by Themselves.
Chtcago Post
Fverr man who loves the Stars and
Stripe and who honors the Union blue
will be gratified to see that Waller and
Day have been placed In a class by them-,
Sad Mlsase at Mosey. ,
Washington Post.
The case of Gaynor and Greene will
naturally shock the American lawyers. The
Idea of our government's money being paid
over to the Canadtan barristers Is ex
tremely displeasing.
A. Tribate te Senator Haaaa.
Indianapolis Journal.
After all the abuse that has been poured
out upon him, It is a striking evidence) ot the
great confidence of the public In Senator
Hanna that he Is appealed to In every In
dustrial crisis as the most upright and
moat powerful arbiter in the country.
Pat Ksceki Iks Kettle.
Chicago Chronicle.
One of the humorous incidents of the sea
son Is the refuaal of the men barbers to
admit the "lady" barbers to tonsorlal fel
lowship because ot the alleged loquacity
ot the feminine chin scrapers. The re
crimination between the pot and the kettle
Inevitably suggests Itself.
Illasalaee a Naaghty Wtrll,
Baltimore American.
It Diogenea were living he would have
a hurry call to New Jersey, where a man
has given up his entire fortune to secure
the Interests of poor depositors In an as
sociation with which he is connected, al
though sot personally reaponsble for the
error Imperiling these interest. This good
deed shines far la a naughty world In which
the cornering ot the people's food supply
la just now the prominent exhibit.
l,o mm May They Twlae.
Chicago Poet.
The garlands which victory then twined
around the banners of France and Amer
ica have not withered. Tbey will ever re
main fresh and green la the memory ot
the American people. And the statu ot
Rochambeau which is unveiled today must
be considered but a email mark of the
gratitude which American feel, and al
ways will feel, toward their French broth
era who so signally assisted them In their
struggle for liberty and Independent government
Seeaes and laeldeate Sketched aa
the Spot.
Iowa' last contribution to the execu
tive branch of the government set an
example of strenuoslty as astonishing as
that of President Roosevelt At least the
employes of the Treasury department
watch with amazement and some pain the
persistent teal of Secretary Shaw In get
ting down to work at an unseemly hour
In the morning.
Shortly after he succeeded Lyman J.
Gage, Mr. Shaw startled the treasury
watchman by appearing at the department
promptly at 8 o'clock In the morning. The
door was unlocked for him, and the won
dering attendant concluded the secretary's
alarm clock slipped a cog. The next
morning the secretary turned up at the
same hour and he has kept up the prac
tice ever lnce. Few treasury officials are
able to maintain the pace set by their
chief. The letter's private secretary, Rob
ert B. Armstrong, come nearer doing this
than any of the others and he manages to
get at his desk somewhere near 8 o'clock
each morning. Only once he reported
ahead of the secretary, however. The lat
ter gets an early start. He rises at 6
o'clock every day, eats his breakfast at 7
and by the time the hands of the clock
point to 8 he Is at the department.
It is safe to say this Is something that
no other cabinet officer has done for more
than a few days at a time.
"I suppose our western country has fur
nished more funny things In the epitaph
line than all the rest of the world." re
marked ex-Congressman Lafe Pence of
Colorado to. a Washington Post reporter.
"I remember one that adorned the ceme
tery at LeadVlIIe In the nalmv rinva nt h
great mining camp. It seems that In the
course or a oar room broil one Jim O Brlen,
a well known character, had his existence
terminated prematurely. He was a enod fol
low In the main and not without friends.
One of the dead man's associates. In Wn
grief over hla demise, erected a wooden J
Biau over nis arave on wnicn ne nan writ
ten In large letters: .
Jim O'Brien departed for heaven at
9:80 a. m.'
"A local humorist hannened alnnv iimn
afterward and appended the following:
"'Heaven, 4:20 p. m. O'Brien not yet
arrived. Intense excitement. The worst is
feared.' " ,
The emblem known as "the president's
flag," which has been used on rare occa
sions for many years, will hereafter appear
with a changed design. The new flag Is
now being made at the Navy department.
The design of the present flag, which has
been so long in use, is simply the coat of
arms of the United State on a blue field.
Aside from the new arrangement of the
colors in the coat of arms, which will ap
pear In the president's flag now in process
of manufacture, the principal change Is In
the arrangement . of the thirteen stars
above the eagle's head.
It Is proposed to have a sunburst exactly
circular In form above the head of the
eagle, with the rays radiating from the
group of stars. The new design consists
otherwise of a pure white eagle, Its feath
ers heavily outlined with black, the con
stellation in white, with the rays In heavy
stitching of yellow on a blue ground. The
Dag is 'to be of bunting, 14xlOV4 feet, for
outdoor use, and of heavy taffeta silk, gold
thread and embroidery for Interior decora
tion. The president's flag Is used only at
sea on the mainmast of the vessel when the
president is on board.
President Roosevelt Is an enthusiastic
horseman. Almost every pleasant even
ing he may be seen riding in the suburbs
of Washington astride of a blooded animal
which easily distances all other horses. He
frequently is seen riding on the Conduit
road that leads to Cabin John bridge, a
resort ten miles distant from the city.
This road is one of the finest In the coun
try and is frequented by the people' of
fashion of the national capital. They ride
out In their carriages, automobiles and on
horseback and it often happens that the
occupants ot fashionable equipages are
startled by the appearance of a lone horse
man, who dashes past in a cloud of dust.
This is President Roosevelt, who after
working hard all day mounts one of the
several One riding horses in the White
House stables and, putting aside his offi
cial cares, proceeds to enjoy himself.
' Riding is the president's principal form
of recreation. He 1 a great lover of horses
and thinks there Is nothing finer than a
long ride on the back of a spirited trot
ter. He puts Into the exercise all the vim
and vigor of an ardent sportsman and
always return from his ride refreshed In
body and mind.
When riding the president wears a slouch
hat, riding trousers and a tlght-Btting
frock coat, the tails of which fly out be
hind him, flapping In the wind like sails.
Even the most ardent admirer of Roosevelt
as a rough rider could find nothing to be
desired In Roosevelt the president, at least
so far a horseback riding I concerned,
after he once ha seen the chief executive
galloping along one of the roads In the
outskirts of Washington.
L Now plump and rotund, and.iln fact, one
of the topnocher of the house in avoir
dupois, Mr. "Bob" Cousin of Iowa, was
once slender, relates the Washington Post.
Although over six feet, he weighed some
thing like 140 pounds. That was when a
college student at Cornell, la., and when,
by the way. be commanded a military
company of his fellow student. long before
he gained national fame a an orator for
hi speech on "Remember the Maine."
In those day Mr. Cousins was even
fonder of addressing public audiences than
now, and the Iowan were always delighted
to hear him-, out of which facts grew a
gleeful college prank. On Memorial day
the students went by railroad down Into
the vicinity of Tama, la., the home ot the
present secretary of agriculture. Nr.
Jame Wlson. There were exercise and
peaking, and on the way back a wait
at one of the railway Junctions. A great
audience was assembled , there for the
holiday, and bis fellow students, as well
as the audience, demanded that Mc. Cous
in tbould address them. ,
Borne mischievous boys, however, clam
ored that Mr. Cousins should speak from
the top of a box car standing In the yard.
The crowd caught up with the Idea read
ily and so Mr. Cousin climbed to that
eminence. But the aame mischievous boy
:Thc Perfect Food;
sj Malt-Nut contains the requisite bj
9 amount of nature's food elements
J so skillfully prepared that It has a J
H delicious nut flavor and four times sj
the nutrition of beef.
It Is a perfect food and can be J
sj served direct from the package sj
with half milk or cream or into a
number of dainty dishes.
H The Invalid who would regain
strength and the robust who
2 would remain strong will find it m
an Ideal food.
11 Leading grocers sell It
lip t
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls,
and muffins.
had also leagued themselves with the en
gineer, who quietly hooked his locomotive
to the freight train of which that car was
a part, and, without warning, started off
two miles into the country right In the
midst of Mr. Cousins' patriotic address.
He had no time to climb down and the
slender youth, while the crowd whooped
at the Joke, was compelled to submit to
an enforced Journey that bore him farther
and farther away from hia auditors.
Senator Mitchell's salmon lunch Is going
Into history as a piece ot special legislation.
Charles Passot ot Chicago owns one ot the
oldest types ot clocks in the world, which
ha been In the family for more than 400
years. .
Joseph M. Wade of Dorchester, Mass., has
a splendid specimen of a aacred Buddha in
bronze, which was presented to him by
Japanese Buddhists.
No doubt Wall street would enjoy a tussle
with the French financier who are said to
have made 112,000,000 with no other capital
than a bogus lawsuit and a few notarial
seals. (
Mme. Melba, the prima donna, is about
to visit her native city, Melbourne, Aus
tralia, which she ha not seen for sixteen
years, and the citizen are arranging a re
ception in her honor.
Charles Stewart Street, an American whist
expert, will teach King Edward the king of
all card games. The king and a small
party ot royaltie will receive their first
lessons during coronation week.
Congressman Norton of Ohio is the pos
sessor of a watch charm made from one
of the cannons captured by the first
Napoleon In his famous Egyptian campaign
and which was worn by the famous Mar
shal Ney ot France.
James Whltcomb Riley, General Lew
Wallace. Charles Major, George Ade, Mere
dith Nicholson, Booth Tarklngton, Mrs.
Catherwood and George Barr McCutcheon
will . appear Jointly In a program, reading
from their books, on May 31, at Indianapolis,
for the benefit of the Harrison monument
At the beginning of 1901 War Secretary
Brodrlck announced In the House of Com
mon that the combined armies of the
Transvaal and the Orange Free State did
not exceed 15,000. Since this statement
Lord Kitchener has reported the capture
of 14,287 Boers, besides several thousand
What 1 known ' a the "congressional
bridge whist band" consist of Speaker
Henderson, Representative Sherman ot
New York, Representative Metcalf of Cali
fornia and Representative Powers of Maine.
The members of the quartet are carefully
looking over the southern delegation tor a
member with wealth and lack of skill.
Former President Cleveland Is credited
with having Invested $260,000 In securing
all the land rights along Monument beach,
which gives him complete control ot the
shore rights of Buttermilk bay, an offshoot
of Buzzard's bay, on which Gray Gable 1
situated. The ex-president Is now re
garded a one of the largest land owner
In southeastern Massachusetts.
If one quality of character be more con
spicuous than another In Lord Salisbury It
la patience, a profound belief In the efficacy
of time. He will not be hurried. In all
hi diplomacy and under' all kinds of
pressure there will be found the same note,
the same tranquillity, the same confidence
In returning reason among ruler or people
whom for the time, In hi opinion, It haa
President Roosevelt ha fulfilled a prom
ise made by the late President McKlnley to
the widow of General Grant by appointing
Algernon Sartorls, grandson of the famous
civil war general, a second lieutenant In the
regular army. The commission which young
Sartorls received was the last one at the
president's disposal. He 1 a fine, manly
young fallow and It Is predicted for him
that he will make a good soldier.
with its parades, rausic, flowers, opening of parks and
other attractions will no doubt call for something "new"
in your makeup for that day, providing you have a new
suit. (If not and you are in doubt, let us advise you.)
You may need a tie or two, perhaps a pretty negligee
shirt and one of our neat narrow belts to put' on the right
touch of elegance. There are some new collars for the hot
days, just in, that are easy and comfortable. Plenty of
handkerchiefs, hosiery, underwear; then coats and fancy
waistcoats and straw hat's; all these help to brighten and'
make life pleasanter. Take a peep in our windows if you
are undecided.' You will see what is correct and ought
to be worn.
Store will be closed a part of Decoration day.
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers, j
. II S. Wilcox, Manager.
Detroit Free Press: Smith What do you
mean by swearing before my wife?
Jone Excuse me. 1 didn't know aht
wanted to swear.
Somervllle Journal: First the doctor
says to a woman: "Let me see youj
tongue," and then he always says. Im
patiently: "Put It 'way out, please.''
Chicago Poet: "When a man Is working
hard, why do they say he la digging
"Because, my boy, he Is after the root of
all evil, and how else can he reach It?"
Washington Star: "A man ought not to
keep his wealth locked up In a bank,
said the economist.
"No," answered the gruesomely flippant
person: "If the preeent tendency of prloes
for anthracite persists he'll feel obliged to
keep It In a coal scuttle."
Philadelphia Press: Mr. Sharpe Tes, he
has quite an Interesting history.
Miss Gush Oh! I'll be delighted to know
him. I'm always glad to meet a man with
a history, aren't you?
Mr. Sharpe Well, yes, provided h
doesn't have it to sell.
Chicago Tribune: "Have you ever writ
ten anything that you were ashamed of?"'
Inquired the aevere relative.
"No." answered the author. "But I hop
to some day. I need the money."
Brooklyn Eagle: "She's very popular In
the summer time. " think it's due prin
cipally to the Innate laziness of man. Sht
not only can row a boat, but she likes to
do It."
Washington Star: "She's a wonderfully
Intellectual girl," said Maud.
"How do you know?" rejoined Mamie.
"She is more anxious about how her grad.
uatlon essay is going to sound than she it
about how her hhlr is going to look."
Francis Miles Finch.
By the flow of the inland river.
Whence the fleet of Iron have fled, '
Where the blades of the grave-grass quiver,
Asleep are the tanks of the dead.
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day '
Under the one. the Blue,
Under the other, the Gray.
Those In the robing of glory.
These In tht gloom of defeat.
All with the battle-blood gory.
In the dusk of eternity meet.
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day
Under the laurel, the Blue.
Under the willow, the Gray.
From the silence of sorrowful hours
The desolate mourners go.
Lovingly laden with flowers
Alike for the friend and the foe.
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day
Under the Toses, the Blue,
Under the lillee, the Gray.
80 with an equal splendor.
The morning sun rays fall
With ft touch Impartially tender.
On the blosHoms blooming for all.
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day
Broldered with gold, the Blue,
Mellowed with gold, the Gray.
So when the summer calleth
On forest and field of grain.
With an equal murmur falleth
The cooling drip of the rain.
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day
Wet with the rain, the Blue.
Wet with the rain, the Gray.
Sadly, but not upbraiding.
The generous deed was done;
In the storm of the year that ara fading"
No braver battle waa won.
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day
Under the blossoms, the tolue.
Under the garlands, the Gray. 1
No more shall the war cry sever.
Nor the winding rtver be red;
They banish our anger forever.
When they laurel the graves of our deaS,
Under the sod and the dew.
Waiting the Judgment day
Love and tears for the Blue,
Tears and love for the Gray,
' Sobanrt d&arta Jatlna
For sale by
B. W. Cor. 16th and Harney St.