THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1002. IK I? lulMH a -J on JV 1 1 the finest body of water in the west bath houses, a beach unequalled anywhere in the west picnic grounds unequalled abundance of shade, lawns of Kentucky blue grass upon which the children may romp at their pleasure, in fact everything possibly desirable to make it an ideal spot for recreation and summer outing for any and every body N A j bo rxnrpZTP The Kursaal erected upon the pier offers a most charming view of the entire beach, lake and surroundfng country. It has wide verandas and sufficient seating capacity for onlookers. The Kursaal contains the finest bath rooms in the west. See them and you'll want to indulge in a bath in the surf of Lake, Manawa. Theatrical Performances; ,Fine Orchestra, Great Show 20 Colored Troubadours. The Casino Remodeled BALLOON ASCENSIONS . CO V ALT'S MANAWA BAND The finest concert band ever brought together in the west, organized expressly for the Manawa season, under directorship of the well known cornet soloist A. A, Covalt who has secured the finest musicians and soloists from all parts of the country. Concerts every afternoon and evening in standard and popular music; if you don't see what you want on the program, make your re quests known to Mr. Covalt. - Picnic With Your Friends OR MEET TI1EU AT MANAWA, EVERYBODY WILL BE THERE. Plenty of transports to and from Manhattan Beach, Refreshments For All Who May Desire. Everything of tho Best Quality. TAKE THE CHILDREN! TAKE YOUR LUNCH BASKETS FILLED. Omaha's old standby the Favorite Popular Summer Resort Special Attractions for Young and Old npf. O-. T ovfnMlr in their peerloM acts world' renowned wonder lhe rour Juatigioras iu the mot Daring Aerial Performances Balloon Ascensions Switchback Gravity Railway ONLY ONE FARE FROM ANY PART OF OMAHA OR SO. OMAHA Four Brand NeW Bowling Alleys, fine Orchestra under the personal leadership of Mr. Nordin, a guarantee of satisfaction to all. Nordtn's orchestra gives special concerts every afternoon and evening. N rv HAY 30TH DECORATION DAY. Grounds now open for the FREE INSPECTION of the public. The shide is perfect; better than ever; as fine picnic grounds as could possibly be desired by anyone and the grounds are clean and" free from any undesirable features. 5 . BATHING, BOATING, FISHING, BASE BALL PARK, BOWLING ALLEYS and other attractions. TAKE THE ENTIRE FAMILY Plenty of room beneath the fine shade trees for all who-desire to picnic. Remember the 4 new bowling Alleys. Refreshments of All Kinds. ADMISSIONS TO GROUNDS IQc ONE FARE CARRIES YOU DIRECT TO THE GROUNDS-5 GENTS. For Information Regarding Dates for Picnics, Gall on or Address JAMES A. GRIFFITHS, Lessee and Manager, 217 : First National Dank Building, Omaha. DES MOINES A HUSTLING LOT Joe Quinn'i Hard Workers Drop First Qame to Omaha. CONSECUTIVE HITTING OF ROURKES WINS Carter, Gentna, Stone, Dolan and Stewart All Buay with Their Little Bats at the Right . Time. Joe Qulnn goes on the theory that the tame Isn't out till its played out, aud the rejuvlnated Dm Moines (lunch 1 an out fit that hustles all the way through. Not a laggard on the team and every man ready to go at all -ttmee, one. man running home from cecond on a mlased third ttrlke, when the ball and John Gondlng were never thirty feet apart, being a sample of ita work. Omaha won the game, but did it by hard work. .Graham waa uncommonly wild, handing out pastes with great liberality, . but the fast work of the team behind him kept thla from proving dlaaatrout. Three fast doubles were executed and a fourth lost only because Dolan threw a little wide and Calhoun had to get off the bag to make the catch. . . ,.; The remarkable batting of Btone and Carter was the nicest thing about the game. Each made tour ' hits out of five times up and Stone had a double and triple out of It, while his other two were bit clean to the outfield. Carter had a double as well, aad with such .batting as that to - lead off with the team below could hardly help from doing the rest necessary. 01J reliable John Qondtng was reaponsl- . . ble for all three of the Hawkey runs, mak ing two surprising errors. As it chanced. ' however these tallies merely 'served to lend spice to the contest. Graham waa en tirely too liberal, as usual, hitting batter after batter and giving four bases on balls. He struck out a fierce grist, however, and held the Prohibitionists nicely to five hits, three in one Inning. ' Carter errored on a nice line fly In the eighth, which he took squarely In his hooka, belt high, and muffed somehow. For the Visitors it should be said that they traveled all day to get here aud Jumped from their train, which was two hours late, Into a van and were brought to the grounds on a gallop. They did not get any preliminary practice to speak of . and were generally in bad shape to play. This msy well explain also Morrison's Ineffect iveness In the box. The game did not start until C30 and was played swiftly, ending before 6 o'clock. Attendance, 2,500. Score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. B 5 8 4 6 & Carter, rf Genlns. cf Btone, If Lainoun, jd... Dolan. sa Btewart, 2b... Hickey. Sb...., Gondlng, c... Graham, p.... O. , 0 0 0 Totals 2.1 12 27 U DES MOINES. AB. R. H Clark, cf O'Leary, sa Warner, rf Qulnn, 2b Hotter. 3b Wilson, lb Backof. If Lobeck, c Morrison, p i O. 2 0 I 0 2 18 0 2 0 A. E 0 0 1 4 Totals S S 24 II t Omaha 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 t Des Moines 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 03 Earned runs: Omaha. 4. Two-base hits: Btone, Carter, Dolan. O'Leary. Three-base hlt: Ston. Sacrifice hit: Dolan. Stolen bases: Carter, Oenlne. Btone. Wild pitch: Graham. Double Dlays: Dolan to Stewart to Calhoun, Dolan to Calhoun, Dolan to Stewart to Calhoun. Wilson lunasHlsted). Bases on halls: Off Graham, 4. Hit by pitched Dan: By uranam, ; ny Morrison t. Struck out: By Graham, 8; by Morrl. M V riatr Km mMmnM Ine, J ., A InrliM l lenrth. What Aver'a Hair Visor has dona for raa I certain believe it will do for others." Amelia Pinionw, Oelrkh, S. Dak. Hair Vigor 4& 'Hft& f i i ft 1 1 n V.I ml . -. - I 111 " " ' larssatij Always Restores Color My hair waa turning gray very fast, bat Avar's Hair Vigor ass completely restored it to Its natural color. Mias H. Allbm, Ksllerton, Iowa. son, 2. Left on bases: Omaha, 9; Dea Moines, 7. Time: 1:25. Umpire: Latham. Cowboys Wis la Twelve InnlnaTa, KANSAS CITT. Mav 28 It renulred twelve Innings to decide the game today. .The locals played a loose fielding game, but were lucky. Attendance, 400. Score: R.H E. Kansas City 0 2000021000 l- IS A Bt. josepn U OllOZOlOOO 0 6 la I Batteries: Kansas Cltv. Weimar rH Messltt; St. Joseph, Maupln and Roth. Deaver Defeats Milwaukee. Tl XT' XT T 1." 15 . no . v, .. n j o. i j m gHiuo wan m slugging match, both pitchers being hit scattered, while Denver hit opportunely. Duffy was put out of the game In the first inning, Hansford going to center and Lucia to catch. Attendance, 1,500. Score: K.M.E. lenver 1 A A A 1 1 A A n Milwaukee 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 04 14 1 Batteries: Denver, Frisk and Wilson: MT.wa.ukee. flwnrnuttrll Hanrnn1 m r,A Lucia. Games Postponed. COLORADO SPRINGS. May 28. Colo rado errlngs-Peorla game postponed; wet grounds. - Standlna; of the 'Tearaa. Played.Won. Lost. P.C. Kansas uuy Omaha Denver St. Joseph Colorado Springs PeorU Milwaukee , Des Moines Games today: Des Moines st Omaha Bt. Joseph at Kansaa City; Milwaukee at uenver; reona at (..oioraoo springs, 81 24 7 .774 29 22 7 .754 29 17 13 .m 29 14 . 15 .483 13 17 .433 29 10 19 .346 27 8 19 . 2 28 8 20 .26 Crelarhton-Drake Ball Game. CreiRhton university will play Drake unlvernlty from Des Moines on Crelahton field Memorial day afternoon. The lowans are a fast aggregation tnis year, having al ready worsted Grinnell. Ames and Blmnson colleges. Crelghton has been getting Into good form this week and Manager Woodard la looaing tor a gooa exhibition or ball. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston Beata New York, Willis Ktrlk laaOnt Thirteen Men, the Record. B08TON, May 28. Today's game, which Boston won. was a Ditcners rattle. Willi struck out thirteen men, which Is the rec ord for this season. Attendance, 450. Score BOSTON. NEW YORK. H.U.O A t 111 I t K H O A B Lu.h. cf 1 Tnnr. lb.. Dvmont. lb.. S CooUf. It.... ( iror. .. Oram's''. b. Long, M S Klllradf. . 11 Willis, p S S 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 Doyle, lb . 0 Vlrke, rf. . 0: Smith, lb.. S BowtrmiD, 0 LuWr. lb. Totals 1 4 H 11 0 bean. ft. Jonas, rf.... Dunn, rf Jicktan, If. Taylor. Totals .. . 4 1 4 I 4 t I'M II Two out when winning run waa scored. Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 New York 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Demont, Rowermnn. Baciiflce hit: Tenney. Stolen bases: Clarke, 'Bowerman. Double plays: Lush to Ten ney. Lauder to Smith to Doyle. First base on balls: Oft Willis, 3: off Taylor, 3. Struck out: By Willis, 18; by Taylor. 3. Wild pitches: By wiius, l; oy Taylor. 1. Tlnw 1.34. L'roplre: Emslle. , Pirates Ontplay the Hess. PITTSBURO. May 28. Not withstanding the cold weather the same was a aood ona. Pittsburg winning In the ninth on Tanne- hill s three-bagger and Beaumont s single. Kour hits and two errors gave Cincinnati Its tnree runs. Attendance, . tscore: CINCINNATI. H HO A E PITTSBIBO. K H OA B I S I 1 I I I I I Pavla. rf 1 t'larka. it ... 1 haaum't. el.. 1 Wasutr. aa.. S Branal'14, lb I 11 Rlukar. lb.. I Larh. lb ... Smith, e Taaathal, a. t I 4 Hot. cf I Uobbs. U ... I Batsler, lb. I 11 I 1 lraw(oro, rf. 1 1 Masooa. rb. . I 8 8 t onorll, aa. 4 1 Si.lal'dl. lb. Plati. o 3 ThMloua. p. I I S I I I 1 8 1 1 I U Totals ... 4 I n IS 4 Totals ... I fa u One out when winning run waa made. Pittsburg t 1 1 0 1 14 Cincinnati 0 0 9 0 0 16 9 03 Earned run: Pittsburg. Three-base hit Taunehill. Sacrifice hits: Beaumont. Leach. Stolen bases: Clarke. Wamrr. Duuble play; Maguvn to Corcuraa to Beta- Jey. First base on balls: Off Thlelman. 8. Hit by pitcned ban: uiarKe, L,eacn, un man. Struck out: By Tannehlll. 3. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Powers and Brown. Windy City Boys Beat Cardinals. ST. LOUIS. Mav 28. Taylor kent the locals' seven hits well scattered today and Chicago won. Attendance, 1,200. Score: CH1CAOO. ST. LOU IB. H. H O. A. E l R.H O.A E. Millar, If.... 0 0 8 0 0 Farrall, lb... 0 8 110 Jnnca, cf.... till S Donovan, rf. 0 0 1 0 0 Deatar, lb... Ill 1 8 moot, cf.... 00100 Barclay, II.. 0 0 0 1 0 Coiisalt'n. rf 0 1 0 0 Chance, c... 8 3 4 1 0! Un, lb.... 1 I 5 4 0 Williams, lb S I 10 s 1 Tinker, aa... 4 0 1 4 1 Taylor, .... 4040 Krugtr, aa... 1 1 1 4 0 Braihcar. lb 0 1 11 0 0 Hanman. lb. 4 1 1 O'Nell. c. ... 0 4 8 I 1 Wlchar, p.... I I 1 Totals ...8 117 14 J Touts ...1 117 14 8 Chicago 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 05 St. Louis JO 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 Earned runs: Chicaeo. 2. Two-base hits: Hartman. Chance. Sacrifice hit: Ixwe. Double plays: Lowe to Williams (2). Stolen bases: c nance, Lowe (Z), w imams. Hit by pitcher: By Wicker. Miller. Bases on balls: Off Wicker, 3; off Taylor, 2. Strike outa: By Wicker, 7; by Taylor, 2. Left on bases; Chicago, 4; BL Louis, 7. Time: 1:5$. Umpire: O Day. Games Postponed. At New York Brooklyn-Philadelphia game postponed; wet grounds. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P C. Pittsburg ., (.nicago New York Boston Cincinnati Brooklyn rniiadeipnia Bt. Louis Games today: Philadelphia at 34 83 32 28 31 81 30 29 29 22 16 14 13 12 11 10 b 11 16 15 19 19 19 18 .S53 .,7 .5"0 .4"S' .387 87 .367 .345 New York at Boston, Brooklyn. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Bradley Gets Two Home Bona In C'leveland'a Victory Over lenators. Boston Defeats Browna. WASHINGTON. May 28-Townsends bases on balls, followed by the timely hits of Cleveland and the Inability of waanmgton nit joss, won today s game for the visitors. Attendance. 1,840. Score: CLEVELAND. I WASHINGTON. R.H. O.AE. K.H.O.A.E, Pickering, of 1 I 4 0 Hemphill. If 0 0 I 0 0 Plkk, rf lit Wood. lb.... 1 I II 1 Bonner, lb... 4 1111 Bradley, lb.. 1 1 I I 0 Gorhn'er. a 1 I 1 1 1 Bemla, e 14 8 10 Joea. p 1 4 0 Tola la ... T J It 14 I Ryan, rf 1110 0 Wolv't'n. lb 1 10 4 0 Deleh'tr, If.. 1 0 0 Lea. rf 4 114 4 foughlln. tb. 4 I 0 Carer, lb.... 4 4 11 1 Ely. cf 4 4 114 Ortb. aa. I 4 0 0 4 Clarke, e 4814 Towneeno, p. 4 4 4 I 0 Touts ... 8 4 IT II 1 Washington 10000100 02 Cleveland 40100010 17 Earned runs: Cleveland, 3; Washington, 1. Two-base tilt: Lee. Horns runs: Brad ley 12). Stolen bases: Flick. Wood. Pick ering. Sacrifice hits: Hemphill (2). Joes (2). Double play: Townaend to Ely to larey. rirst oaae on nana: urr Town' rend. 8: off Joss. 2. Struck out: Bv Town. send, 4; by Joss, 1. Left on bases: Wash ington, o; I'leveiana. rasaea ball Clarke. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Sheridan. Boston Defenta Browna. BOSTON. May 28. Boston had little trouble wlh Harper s delivery today, while "Winter was Invincible after the third In ning, and the locals won out easily. At tendance. 3.216. Score: BOSTON. i ST. LOl'IS. R.H O.AB.1 R.H O.A E Doagh'tr, if. 4 4 1 4 Burkett, II... 4 14 4 4 1IIS Hcldrlvk. cf. 4 4 8 8 McCor-k. lb. I 4 t 1 4 1 I Anderson, lb 1 1 11 4 8 4 8 4 Wallace, aa.. 4 4 8 I 0 3 14 Padden. lb.. 4 4 I 4 4 4 14 Malunojr, rf. 4 8 4 4 t 1 vausaen, c... 1 4 1 4 '0 111 Harper, ... 0 1 1 I 0 Col Hue, lb... I Btahl. cf I Preomaa. rf, 1 Parent, aa. . 1 Lai'h'cs. lb.. Parria, lb..,. W'arner, c... 4 Winter, p... Toula ... 4 11 M 11 1 Touts ... I U I Roston 6 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 6 Bt. Louis 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 Earned runs: Roston, 8. Two-base hits Burkett 2, Laths nee (2), Parent. Home run: wouins. Dtoien bases: Anderson, tarn. Bui rifles bits: Wallace. Harper, Parent. Bases on balls: Off Winters, t Struck out: By Harper. 1; by Winters. 2. fe-aaeu Dana; nirx BUgden. .36. L'mplrs; Johnstons. Athletics Win from Detroit. PHILADELPHIA. May 28 -The weather today was cold and raw and the ii.n,u,w. was Urht. The home team won handily I from Detroit. Plank s Bus pitchlnjr being I Time principally responsible for the visitors' de feat. Attendance, 1,051. Score: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT. R.H. OAK. R.H. O.AE. Hartiel. If.. 1 0 1 0 0 Caeey, 3b.... 1 1 I 0 1 Fulta, cf 1114 0 Davli. lb.... I I I 1 Oj L. Crnra, lb. 1 I 1 1 1 Key bold. rf.. Ill M. croaa. as. 0 1 a I ihreck, laatrn, lb. Plank, p... Totals . Harley, If.... 0 4 0 0 0 Yeaxer. If... 4 0 10 1 Marrtt. cf . . 1 I I 0 0 1 OIHnlmea. rf... 110 14 OlKlberfld. as. 0 1 I 4 0 111 liOleaion, 2b.. 0 6 4 0 I 111 0 Dillon, lb... 01410 .01110 Uuelow, c... 0 0 4 1 0 j Mercer, p.... 0 1 1 I 0 111187 11 1 Cronln, p....O 0 0 4 0 I Totals ... 4 I 34 10 4 Philadelphia 5 2 0 0 2 1 0 1 11 Detroit 2 0000100 1 4 Earned runs: Philadelphia. S: Detroit. 2. Two-base hits: Holmes, Caatro, Home run: Da via. Sacrifice hit: M. Cross. Stolen bases: Barrett, Holmes, klberfeld, Schreck. Double plays: Mercer to Elberfeld to Dillon, Castro to M. Cross to Davis. First base on balls: Oft Mercer. 6: off Cronln, 1; oft Plank. 4. Hit by pitched bail: rilberreiu. sit ruck out: ny Mercer, 1; by Cronln, 1; by Plank, 5. Time: 2:15. Umpire: Connolly. Chicago Defeats Orioles. BALTIMORE. May 28. In almost a freezing temperature Chicago defeated Baltimore here this afternoon. Attendance, 2,133. Score: IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Louisville Takra an Interesting; Pitch, era" Battle from the . Toledo Team. CH1CAQO. R HO A.E Strang, lb... 0 Jonea. ct I Green, If,... 1 4 Callahan, rf. 4 I Mertee, aa... 0 1 bell, lb.... 0 1 Daly, ib 1 4 SulllTan, c... 1 1 OrlfBih, p.... 4 8 Totals 6 11 17 11 1 BALTIMORE. K.H.O.A.V. 8elba(h, If. 1 I 1 1 0 Wllllame, 2b 1 1 I 1 1 Seymour, rf. 0 4 1 0 0 Mcllann. lb. 0 I s I HreHna'n, c. 0 1 Gilbert, sa... 0 oyler. Ib 0 Howell, cf. .. 0 lutgnca. p... o Roblneon .. 4 7 1 0 Totala ... 3 10 17 II 8 Batted for Howell In the ninth. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 13 Baltimore 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Sclbach. Stolen bases: Green 2), Mertes. First base on balls: Off Hugnes, o; on wrinun. i. mi oy pitcned ball: By Griffith, 1. Struck out: By Himhes. 3: I'y urimtn. 3. rnssed ball: Sullivan. Wild pitches: By Hughes. 2. Left on baaes: Chicago, 9; Baltimore. 9. Time: 2:ij. Umpires; O'Laugbltn and Carruthers. Standing;, of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. P.C Chicago 27 16 11 .55 Philadelphia 27 16 11 .5 Boston z:i if 12 .wis St. Louis 26 14 12 ifv'.S Detroit 26 14 12 .538 Baltimore 3 13 17 .433 Washington au 12 is .i Cleveland 30 lu 20 .333 Oames today: Chicago at Baltimore, St. Ixiuls at Boston, Cleveland at Washington, Detroit at Philadelphia. Three-I Lragse. Island Davenport, 3; Rock At Rock T .. 1 .. A At Bloomlngton Terre Haute, 6; Bloom Ington. 3. At fecatur Evansvllle. 7: Deeatur, I. At Cedar Rapids Cedar Rapids, 3; Rock ford, 1. LOUISVILLE, feated Toledo In afternoon. Both very effective un Attendance, l.itw. LOUISVILLE. K.H.O. Kerwln. rf... 1 Clymer, lb.. 1 Gannon, cf . 0 Rplea, 0 0 Flournoy, If. 0 Prhrlver, lb. 1 Tannehlll. s 1 Srhaub, lb... 0 Dunkla, p.... 1 I I 1 4 0 1 0 1 1 ? I 0 1 1 4 May 28. Louisville de a Ditchers' battle this Dunkle and McNeil were til the last few Innings. Boore; - i TOLEDU'. A. B. I R.H.O.A.K. Burria. ib.... 0 0 Miller, rf.... 0 .1 Smith, lb... 0 Turner, lb. 0 mike, ct.... lVlo, aa.... l'Foutj, U.... 0 Klelnow, o. 0, Mi. Nell, p... 1 0 1 11 1 0 I 0 1 Totals '. ..I T 27 11 a! Toula ... I 7 17 17 1 Louisville 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 05 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 Left on bases: Louisville. 4: Toledo. 12. Two-base hits: Kerwln. Clymer. 3'hree- base hits: Miller, Kerwln, Klelnow. bacrl hce hits; Oitnnon, Fouls, Double plays: Miller to' Burns to Smith. Clymer to Tan nehlll to Schrlver. Stolen bases: Flournoy, Gannon. Struck out: By Dunkle, 6; by McNeil, J. Hit by pitcher; Gannon, Bases on balls: Off Dunkle. 8; off .McNeil. 3. Wild pitch: McNeil.-. Tims: 1:55. Cniplra: Ebrlght. - Saints Conqner Millers. ST. PAUL. May-28. The home team won rom Minneapolis today by bunching their nita in me, nitn inning. Attendance, i,iu. Score: ST. PAUL. 1 MINNEAPOLIS. ..uunanl huoam 1110 l'Morrlaaey. lb 0 ' 0 1 4 1 14 8 Al'hyle, lb.... 0 114 1 0. Lynch, lb. ... 1 1 I 0 I l'Werd.n. lb.. 0 14 I 4 Hugglna, lb. 4 4 14 O WIImot. rf... 4 1 0 4 4 Shannon, !.. 4 114 0 Mi Karl' d. If. 0 1 I 4 4 Lumlry, rf.. 1 1 0 4 0 I aaalb'na, aa. 1 1 I I 0 Hurley, c... 0 14 1 llZalunky, c,.. 14 1(4 rarguaon, p. 1 0 1 1 Lulber.. p.... 0 14 4 0 Byerk .... 0 10 4 0 Totals ... I 1014 14 1 I Totala ... 4 111 II 1 Morrlssey out on bunt strikes. Dillard out for Interference. Batted for Luther In the ninth. St. Paul 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 -5 Minneapolis 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 14 Earned runs: Bt. Paul, 2; Minneapolis, 3. Phyle, Casslboine. Home Sacrifice hits: Hugglns. Hurley.. Ferguson. Stolen bases: Geler. Lynch, Werden. First base on bulls: Off Ferguson, 2; off Luther, 3. First base on errors: St. Paul, 2; Minneapolis, 2. Hit by f Itched ball: By Ferguson, Lynch; by .uther. Kelly. IWt on bases: St. Paul, 9; Minneapolis, 7. Struck out: By Ferguson. 2: by Luther, 1. Double plays: Shay to Kelly to (Jeler, Luther to Morrlssey to Werden. Time; 1:60. Umpire: Tynduil. Indiana Lose to Leaders. INDIANAPOLIS. May 28. Columbua won today through the wlldness of KUlen, who was relieved In ths sixth Inning. Bailey waa hit freely, but kept the hlta scattered In the latter part of th game when In three innings singles would have won the Oelor, lb.. Shay, aa.... Dillard, If. Kelley, lb. Two-base hits: run: Lynch. game for Indianapolis. Score: COLl'MBl'S. R.H.O.A.K. Attendance, 1,2?3 INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.K. 6 Hogrlersr, rf I I Kuhna. If.... 1 0 O'Brien, aa.. 0 0 Kltim. lb.... 1 1 lMhb. lb 4 1 Coulrer, cf . , 4 4 W. r'oi, lb.. 1 I Hayrinu. a. .'. 1 0 h I lien 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 0 8 4 11 1 i o I 4 4 I 1 4 4 4 p.... 0 0 4 I 4 . P. 1 1 1 0 ..0 0 4 4 4 4 0 0 4 4 Knoll, if ... 0 1 1 0 Meaily, rf.... 0 1 4 0 Lally. If..... ft 1 I Myera, lb.... 1 1 10 0 Evan. ?b ... 10 14 Turner, lb. .. 0 0 0 1 Nattreat, a. 1 4 t I o. ro, e.... s i t o Bailey, p.... 0 0 0 4 -r- Williams, Totala ...7 127 11 I Wondrul .Kellura V Total! ... I 11 T 14 I Woodruff bstted for Coulter In ninth, Kellum batted for Fox In ninth. Columbus 02082000 01 Indianapolis 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 04 First bsse on balls: Off Klllen, 4; eft Williams, 1. Struck out: By Williams, 2; by Bailey, 1. Wild pitch: Klllen. Hit by pitcher: By Bailey, Heydon. Kuhns. Two base hits: Klhm (2). Three-bus hit: Lally. Home run: G. Fox. Sacrifice hit: Kuhns, O'Brien, Klllen, Evans, Turner, Meany. Stolen bases: O. Fox, Turner. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 10; Columbus, 6. Time: 1:50. I'mplre: Haskell.. Breviers 'Beat Kanaaa City. MILWAUKEE. May 28.-Altrock held th Kansas City hlta safe at all times this afternoon. Wolf was hit hard and re ceived poor support. Attendance, J64 Score : MILWAUKEE. . KANSAS CITT. R.H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A.K. Ttilel, lb.... 111 01 Nance, cf.... Ill; Hallmaa. rf. 1 1 I 1 0 RoiMuee. rf. 4 t I I Runkel. lb... 114 1 0 Smith, If.... 4 14 4 4 A. McB'a. cf 1 1 1 0'OOrady, lb.... t 41 Dungan. If... 4 1 1 u 0 Rev Ilia, c 1111 MrAndr'a, lb 1 1 I 4 O'Brien, lb.. I 184 ( llngman. aa 1 1 I 1 0 Laewe. sa I 1 I i Bpeer. c 1 1 1 a n McB'e. lb 4 1 1 1 4 Altrork. p... 18 4 1 4tWolf, p...... I 1 f 'ki)r,m,n ... A A A A a iotaia ... s u it II o . 1 10 14 11 I 0-1 Koreman I 11 17 II 01 1 Totals Batted for Wolf In ninth Milwaukee 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 Kansas City 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Earned runs: Milwaukee 3: Kanaaa fltv 1. Two-base hits: Dungan, Cllngman. Three-base hit: McBrld.-. 8oln Bases: Thlel (2). First base on balls: Oft Alt rook, 3; off Wolf, 3. Passed ball: Bevlll. Struck out: By Altrock, 2. Double play: Thlel to Cltngman to Runkel. Sacrifice hit: McBride Left on bases: Milwaukee, l; Kansas City, 1 Time; 1:40. ymplre: Ward. Standing of the Teams. Won. Lost. 21 11 P.P. .'.'! .818 .571 .10 .448 .260 Played. Columbus 22 Loulsvills 29 18 H Indianapolis ., 28 14 10 St. Paul 28 1 12 Kansaa City 30 18 15 Milwaukee 2V 13 14 Minneapolis 27 8 19 Toledo 28 I 21 Oames todav: Kansaa Cltv at .Mllmaiilt Minneapolis st Bl Paul, Indianapolis at Louisville, Columbus at -Toledo. Grrahasn Loses to York. YORK. .Neb.. May 28.-(Special Tele gram.) Af Gresham today York city ball team won by a score of 7 to 8. Batteries: York, Jackson and Crawford; Gresham. Duffer and Wlegard. Tomorrow York will play the Nebraska Indians. Poor Little Sick Stomach ' It's oVcr-loaded; that's what's the matter, and if this boy don't get a Cascaret he'll be a sick boy all over. Too much of a good thingl That's what we are all liable to take. Grown up, sensible people will some times do it and make themselves sick. "In time of peace prepare for war," and have about the house a pleasant, perfect,: palatable, positive medicine for sour stomach, sick headache, colic, winds, belching, biliousness, furred tongue, lazy liver, constipation, bad breath, bad taste, all liable to result from over-indulgence in the good things of life. CascareU Candy Cathartic are what you want. Eat and drink what and as much as you please. A tablet after a big meal will prevent sickness, or a tablet at night before going to bed, after a good time, will fix you all right for morning, and let you get up clear as a bell, ready for business or pleasure. , Beat far th Be wale. All druggists, ua, ass, fan, Navar se14 ta Sulk. The gaauias tablet ataaiped C C C. OuaraaiMS te a are ar your aaeaav bask. Sample aa aaeSlrf free. ASeTaae aierliag Kerned Cemseay, Cklcage er New Vsck., lit