THE OMAHA DAILT BEE: THUKSDAT, MAY 20, 1002. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature of FBI IUUCSL rat iiznint. rci tiucnms. rsi Tcmi uru. rci CSKSTIf ATIBl rCIULUWSKII. rcimccunuuci Tstwtaldev'iM m'i lt- CURK ICK MEADACHtV ' Hunter Baltimore Rye Tha American Gentleman's Whisker The First Sought And The First Bought BsM at all SfwUetoM imfn n by JoWiem. wa. LaaA a su, bmwn, aa. World Famous Marian. . Tonic Most effective, agreeable and tellable Tonic Stimulant hen fatigued, or over-worked. All Drop-piste. Kefuse Subetltutsse. California and Return... First class round trip, epea ts everybody. 145, from Omaha is Los Angeles aad Saa Franc ieoo vis ths Great Rock Island Route. Ticket aa eale May ST ta Jam Hk. Cm la I-rtnrn far aira. tJ trala will leave Oatka Taeedey, Jaae 8, at -SiSO s. at. with Staadard aad Taarlat tleeeers. , For further information call at ar address. CITY TICKET OFFICE 1323 hmi St., Cn-ia, Keb. ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Fcr ncnnnATinn UUUUI1M I IUi. DAY . . Buy a bicycle. Tou can't put your money Into anything mora useful than to is vest in a U cycie, equipped with a cushion frame and cuastor braka. V e have some good guaranteed wheel fur tX and t. W take roar old wheel In trade, and sell en easy payments. s m down, t: af a week No on ahould be without a a heel on thee terms. Supplna and repairing at luseat xirtcee. At rim i ct IYT aa as ec Msasasepss m m CARTERS IP Only $45 SEM1HA SHELVES MAJORS lonser Dictator of that OcnmtT'i Politics Left Off Bute Delegation. FRIEND IS BtATIN FOR COKmrrTEEMAN Dates aai Fleece AiiMifH by e rtriitralnt far Heldlaar Eiul aatleae for Teachers LI fa Certiaeatea. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. May SR. ( Special. V While everything seemed serene aod unanimous, at yesterdsy's congressional convention thai renominated Mr. Burkett for the First dis trict one real fight was pulled off under cover of the political canopy that was de cidedly Interesting while It lasted. Cm the wall of the Lin dell hotel a placard was hunt up during the day reading: "Nemaha County Delegation Headquarters For Com mitteeman, Roy Nenl." This atrange de Tlca, indicating that a candidate tor com mitteeman had opened up headquarter! ebere even the candidates for congress did not think jt seoeaaary. naturally excited aome comment. Inquiry as to what It meant developed this situation: Nemaha county, aa la well known, ! the horns of the redoubtable Tom Majors, a ho lives at Peru and has for many years been wont ts pose as the eola repository for Nemaha county's political fortunes. It is aald that aa long aa Inhabitants can re member Tom Majors has been each suc cessive year one of the delegates sent to the republican stats convention, but he will not be there ss a delegate this year. In his owm precinct in the town cf Peru, where he had always heretofore been allowed to name his own delegation in the primary without opposition, his preference was not only ignored, but as anti-Majors delega tion sent to the county convention after a spirited contest. On Monday, when they entered the convention, they turned a deaf ear to Major's alternating pleadinga and threats that be be Included In the list of state delegates and politely invited him to stay at home. Not content with this the anti-Majors sentiment was packed in a grip snd carried along to Lincoln, where it was let loose to swallow up the aspirations of Roy Neal to retain his position on the con gressional committee. Rightly or wrongly, Neal was classed as a Majors champion. To contest with him Ed Tucker of Kowe, the home of Majors' old-time enemy, was projected to the front. The delegation got together and balloted to disclose the tact that. Neal had the votes of only four out of the seventeen delegates And so Nem aha county is represented by a new member on the congressional committee. Trarkm' Life Certiorates. Examinations for teachers' professional life certificates will be beld simultaneously In various places In Nebraska on June 10, 11 and 12. Superintendent Fowler has ap pointed the following board of examiners: Superintendent A. O. Thomas, Kearney; Superintendent D. C. O'Connor, Norfolk, and Dr. George E. Condra, Lincoln. The examinations will be beld In Lincoln, Fatr bury, Norfolk. North Platte. Holdrege, Cul bertaon, Sidney snd Tork. Tests will be made on each of the three days in this or der: Tuesday, chemistry, general history and English literature; Wednesday, plain trigonometry, soology, geology and physical geography; Thuraday, IntsUectual phil osophy, rhetoric Deputy Stats Superintendent McBrten said this afternoon that provision had been made for examinations in more places than usual because of the large .number of can didates. 'Ths department has located the exam inations where they will be of easy acoess," said he. "There ars mors candidates for certificates thaa usual snd for that reason It was thought best ts arrange for mors places of examination. released r Fralt Gelatla. Ptomalns poison la fruit gelatin caused considerable agony and much axcitement last night among the patrons of s social which was held la the parlors of the Sec ond Presbyterian church at Twenty-sixth and P streets. Several persona were tem porarily prostrated by ths effects of the poison, but an have passed the danger point and nearly all have completely re covered. Ths first symptoms wers discovered after ths first few courses of the supper had been served. Boms of the people hastened 16 their homes, others retired to secluded parlors la the church snd only a few es caped without experiencing acute sches snd pains. The bill of fare included cold meau. potted ham, beans, potato aalad. coffee, cake. ice cream and gelatin fruit salad. Physi cians unite, however, in saying that it was the gelatin that caused the trouble. Among tbose who felt ths 111 effects wers Dr. snd Mrs. Reyonlda. Dr. snd Mrs. Hull borst. Dr. Sherwln and Mrs. M. L Eaater- day, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shlnn. It waa reported this afternoon that Dr. Hull- horst'a condition waa growing worse, but nopartirular danger is expected. The official canvaaa of votes cast for offi cers of the First regiment for lieutenant colonel showed s majority in favor of Major John W. McDonnell of Fairburv. Lieutenant Colonel Tracy, sboae term ex pires this month, received nineteen votes, whlls Major McDonnell received twenty four. The board of election consisted of Adjutant General Colby and Colonels Hay- ward ana Archer. Articles of Incorporation of the Fullerton Mill company of Fullerton were recorded in ths secretary of state's office today. The company is capitalised for 130.000. and Its incorporators are: Edwsrd Johnson. Theo dora C. Keck, Edwin D. Gould and W. F Crttchfleld. Enataeat Speakers far fsastasasa DAVID CITY. Neb.. May la. (Special. V Ths David City Chautauqua assembly prom ises to be a far greater success than fea ture. Negotiations srs being mads with tal ent of national reputation, among tbtjm be- FlGPEMJNE CereeJ is in the perfect blending of fruit and grain. There it nothing but the choicest California figs and prunes and grains in a pack age of Figprune. Ask jrour grocer foe a sample. Boil 5 to 10 minutes Sasaplas sssd wi frees Tkaaas at I The Secret of the I Delicate Flavor of I I Our Cereal Coffee I A sm Ing: Congreaamaa C. B. Lasdis of In- flans. Colonel H. W. J. Ham, General Fits bugh Lee. Rev. M. C B. Mason (colored) of Cincinnati. Dean Wright, Cambridge. Mm; Fred High, humorist; Flak Jubliee singers. Dr. C. M. Ebepberd. Dr. Bowl us. Dr. H. G. Hill, Rev- James Monroe sad Charles Fordyce. UNIVERSITY CADET CAMPS Pwt lat First Day Flxlar t Crsaaii (sr Geverwor'a tasvertloa Tksrasay. CAMP B. BENJAMIN ANDREWS. SEW ARD, Neb.. May IfL (Special Telegram.) Under tbe moat favorable assplcee the an nual university cadet camp began yester day afternoon at Reward at the county fair grounda. The cadets formed at the uni versity armory, marched to tbe special train at 2 o'clock and reached Seward at o'clock. There srs about 250 Is tbe bat talion. Tents were up by ( o'clock on the grounds inside the race track, among ths trees. Between seventy and eighty tents are up. Tbe fair grounds ars surrounded by the Blue river, half a mils from town. Ths afternoon and evening was spent la getting the camp and tents la shape. Tbe guard detailed before leaving was posted cn arriving. After mess tbe cadets wers allowed their freedom snd many went ts town to look about. Lines were closed at 10 10. The regular routine will be taken up In tbe morning. Company A will have target practice la the morning and Com pany D Friday morning. Ths Seward peo ple welcomed the cadets and have formed plans for various entertainments. There was a reception tonight with a band con cert and a dance at the grounds. The ca dets were saluted by a mortar on arrival. Tomorrow is governor's dsy and Governor Savage and Adjutant General Colby will visit ths camp to Inspect It. Their train arrives at 11; 20. The cadets will meet the train to act as escort to the governor's carriage. He will mesa for dinner with the battalion officers. Inspection and dress parade follows. Friday night Seward people will give a theatrical at the grounds and Saturday night a dance. The daily program is: Reville, first call, S:6; assembly, t a. m.; police call, :20; breakfast, 6:30; sick call, 7 a. m.; squad drill, first call, 7:20; assembly squad drill. 7: SO; recall, Sa m.; guard mount, first call, 8:20; assembly, 8: JO; company drill, first call. 9:20; assembly, 9:30; recall. 10 a. m.; dinner, 11:80; battalion drill, first call, 4:20; assembly, 4:30; recall, E:10; dress parade, first call, 5:20; assembly, 6:30; sup per, 6:15; tattoo, t):30; taps. 10:30. SAVAGE AT CAMP LA WTO N Gsveratar Iaastevta Omaha Cadets, Who Eajoy Mock Arsay Life at vVeeplaB "Water. WEEPING WATER. Neb.. May 28 (Spe cial Telegram.) This was a busy dayvfor tbe members of Camp Lam-ton. At 10.30 this morning tbe cadets, headed by the band. Commandant Tfaompsett and mounted officers, msrebed to tbe depot to meet Gov ernor Savage. At 1:30 the governor was escorted to Camp Lawton, where he mads an inspec tion of the camp and equipment, finding everything in faultless ahaps. After, a few words to the cadets, who wers lined np for parade, the governor's carriage beaded ths march to the reviewing grounds All the cadets but a few who were in the guard bouse were in tbe line of march. The review was one of the prettiest sights ths cltisens have enjoyed for Tears, the cadeu going through their maneuvers with celerity snd accuracy. The governor then addressed them for several minutes, giving them a wbolesoms talk, reminding them of the necessity of education if they would make good sol diers. Hs Impressed on their minds the difference between s volunteer la ths United States and s country where one is compelled to serve in the army. The lat ter he regarded as an insult ts ths cltl sens which comprised it The governor's speech was received with three cheers by the cadets, after which they were marched back to camp. Governor Savage returned to Lincoln at 5:40 p. m. The cadets are highly enjoying them selves and the venders of cool drinks and pies are kept busy supplying their youthful customers. They are a most gentlemanly crowd and Commandant Tbompeett snd Prof. A. H. Waierhouse are keeping a watchful eye on their welfare. FOUND IN NEMAHA WATERS Body of ISra. Thomas Maxwell Itecov- ered by Searchers mmi Bariest at BsaikoUt HUMBOLDT. Neb.. May 28 (Special.) Funeral services were held this afternoon over the body of Mrs. Thomas Maxwell, who ca Monday night committed suicide by drowning herself in ths Nemaha river while suffering from temporary mental ab erration. Rev. Bert Wilson of the Chris tian church preached tbe sermon at the family home and a large number of friends and neighbors were in attendance. Many United Workmen attended from the local lodge, of which tbe husband is a member. Interment was made in the city cemetery. The body of the deceased was found about 4 o'clock yesterdsy after the party had been searching since early morning. Tho case seemed so clearly one of suicide that those directly interested thought an In quest was not necessary, therefore, tbe coroner waa not notified. ftarsty Drawrtli Apathetic. GRETNA. Neb.. May 28. (Special Tele gram.) At a meeting of the democratic county central committee held at Paplllioa today it waa decided that s mass conven tion be held at the courthouse la Paplllioa Saturday, June 14, for ths purpose of elect ing sieves delegatee to the state conven tion to be held st Grand Island, June 24. also ts elect delegates ts the eongreseioaa judicial and senatorial conventions, the time and place of meeting of which has sot boen set. There was set much Interest manifested la the meeting, ss only three of ths eight committeemen were oa hand ts dispose of the buslaees before them. Greta Raard Electa Teachers. GRETNA. Neb.. Mav 2t (Snarlal Tela. gram.) The achool board mot this svea- ing ana elected tae Ion owing teachers for ths coming year: John L Stlne. Auburn, principal; Mlas Alios . Lawless. Lincoln, grammar; Mlaa Ids Dunn. PaDiliioa lim. mediats; Mlas Ella Flaharty, O'Neill, pri mary. Mr. Garrett, whe has held ths prla rlpalshlp of the Gretna schools for ths last three years, goes ts Arlington, where he has accepted the poaitloa as principal. Eywsrtk Loasraera at Elvraad. ELWOOD. Neb., May 21 (Special.) The district Ep worth league is la ssaslon st this place. A largs number of dele gate are present from all over ths sooth westara portion of the state. Rev. Gregsby of MoCook p reached a vary forcible sermoa last svening. Teavehevo Ch a far Treat a. TRENTON. Neb May . (Special ) Ths Board at Education elected the tallow ing teachers far ths cess log year: M. a Pats. prlBcipal; Edith Wsodhara. Xwtt BCley aae Cants Bunas, ROOR ANDREWS IS TO GOT Said ts Hits Been Tendered CLexoellorilip cf w'isooTiEn Bute University. DECLINES 0 DISCUSS THE SUBJECT taaeats Hols m Mass Meela a ad Fetltlop strsreata to Rata (ku eellor'a Salary ts a Figaro Which Will Keep Him. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 28. (Special Telegram ) Stodeots of the University of Nebraska st a mam meeting this morning passed res olutions asking tbe Board of Regents to raise the salary of Chancellor Andreas to an amount sufficient to Induce him to re main at tbe head of the institution. This actios oa the part of the students was prompted by the rumor that Dr. Andrews bad bees tendered the presidency of tbe University of Wisconsin with a salary of 110,900 s year attached. Dr. Andrews de clines to say sbetber or not he has been offered the position in fact, will not talk for publication st all regarding tbe sub ject. In the discussion st tbe meeting It was proposed that aa annual II per capita as sessment be made among the students, the a hole amount raised to be applied on ths chancellor's salary. No action was taken, howe-ter, other thaa tbe paaaage of the resolutions to the Board of Regents STUDENT NOW PARAMOUNT Coaarirranl Eaerelaea ta Pablle sad Private Imatltatlesta Are la Fall Sway KEARNET. Neh May 28. (Special Tel egrsm.) The Kearney Military academy held lu commencement exercises yesterday and the cadets opened their afternoon with an exhibition drill, followed by battalion drill, guard mount ant individual drill for the Daniels medal, which waa won by Xanders. The field sports wers ss follows: One hundred-yard dash: William Johnson, Jr., first; David Clark second. Standing broad jump: Johnson won. Throwing base ball: Xanders distance 120 yards. Half-mile bicycle race: George T. Glover won. Running high jump: Johnson won. Running broad jump: Johnson won. Two hundred sad twenty-yard dash: Ash ley won. The department medal went to Ed Ash ley, scholarship medal ts Lester Hasselt and the medal for the best drilled cadet to Xanders. A bass ball gams between the Kearney Military academy and Kearney High school was won by the former by a score of 10 to 4. Bstteries: Kearney Mili tary academy, Xanders snd Johnson; High school. Ford snd Mclntyre. Tonight will end the school year by a ball and reception glvea by the officers of the academy. FAIRFIELD. Neb., May 18. (Special. V On Thursday evening. June B, the Fairfield High acbool will graduate a class of ten. The sermon before tho graduating class will be given Sunday evening by Rev. R. m. Oesill, pastor of ths Methodist Episcopal church. GIBBON. Neb.. Msy 28. (Special) The claaa day program of the Gibbon High school class of 1002 was rendered In ths opera house last evening to a largs audi ence. There are seven young women in the class. Graduating exercises will be held la ths opera house tomorrow night and Rev. Abbott of Hastings wiH deliver tbe address. PLATTSMOCTH. Neb., May 28. Spe cial.) The commencement exercises of the Platumouth High school wers held la Parmeles tbester tonight. Rev. Fletcher L. Wharton of Lincoln delivered an address There were thlrty-thrse graduate. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Mav 28. l The members of ths Humboldt High School Alumni saeoclatlon held their annual meet ing at Bohemian hall on Tuesday evening ana a gooa number attended. The first part of the evening was devoted to the - oelving into full membership of the class oi u.. Alter s business session the cozn psny adjourned to the Park hotel, where the banquet table waa inruil RMimi.. to the ball an Interesting literary program waa renoerea. GENEVA, Neb.. May 28. (Special ) The members of the class of 1&02 who do not deliver orations oa Thursday evening suc cessfully presented their class play. ''Dia monds and Hearts," last night. After the plsy a number of the young women gave a pantomime. "The Song of the Shirt." Mrs. Farmer of the Wesleyaa institute rendered vocal selections. TTNDALL. S. D.. May 28. (Special.) The tenth annual commencement of the Tyndall High achool will take place June 5. A class of ten will graduate. The bac calaureate sermon will be preached oa June 1 by Rev. J. H. Olmstead of the Con gregational church. Sew stractar for Create. CRESTO.V. la.. May 28. (Special.) De tailed and complete plans for the Masonic temple and opera house have been received and accepted, bids will be asked for at once and work on the erection of one of the handaomest structures In southern Iowa will be vigorously pushed. The building, which will include clubrooma, storerooms. Masonic hall and opera house, is expected to be ready for occupancy by the opening of the winter season. Baalaeaa Fail a re la Blair. BLAIR, Neb.. May 28 (Special.) Henry Helmer, who has been in tbe harness bus iness hers for about a year, left the city yeaterday, turning his key over to Attorney Herman Ays in ths interest of Mrs. J. N. Newell, who holds a mortgage on the stock. Liabilities srs about 12.000, which are mostly due to wholesale firma: value of stock on hand ta about 3800. This la the first failure la Blair for seven years. Elaaer Baaed Over. TORK. Neb Mar 28. ( Sneclal Tele. grans ) Deputy Postmaster George Mauer or Ores nam, charged with criminal inti macy with Mrs. Hawley, wire of Poaunaster Hawley. waa tried this afternoon before County Judge Taylor aad was bound ever CJugrjMomisiiPCB l pure. The critical ordeal throngs which the expectant mother mnit pas, however, ie so fraught vitn dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There ie no neceeaity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother Friend to prepares the tyttem for the coming event that it it safely pasted without any danger. This Treat and wonderful remedy is always appliexiezternally.and hat earned thousands of women through The IrxtUU tejulaUr Ca, Aetata, U. to the next term of the district court. Both Msuer end Mrs. Hswley wers active members of Grot-hem society sad were highly respected at the time of ths elope ment. Bwallewe patsaa Vy Mistake. PEATRICE. Neb.. Msy S8 (Special Tel egram Mrs. Anna Drew, aged 7. a resi dent of this city, this morning took a tea spoonful cf sronite by mlstske snd may die. Sbe hss been unconscious ever since she swallowed tbe drug and the physicians in attendance have little hope for her re covery. Marketlast Case Alfalfa. BEATRICE. Neb., May 28 (Special Tel egram.) Colonel C. C. Knapp of this city began marketing his first rutting ef alfalfa hay today, which is a very hesvy crop, demonstrating tbe fart tbst Gage county ie well adapted for the raising of this valu able forage. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Slight Chaaate la Marketlae: ths Past Week, Sbevrtaa- Might lacreaee Over PrteedlaK. CINCINNATI. May 28. (Spselal Tele gram.) Price Current says there It not much change la tbe marketing of bogs, Tbs total western packing Is 415.000, com pared with 410.000 ths preceding week, snd 555,000 lsst year. Sines March 1 ths total Is 4.680.000, against 5.4 70,000 s year ago. Prominent places compare as follows: Chicago 1.5R&.000 1.4.onr OMAHA bi. Kansas City 47tOiiO f.3. nnn K7i OiiO Ft. Josepn St. Louis Indianapolis XSl.nw !3iK) 2"l.w l.ik. (Km tt.tl0 re ono M.tftXt 41VHI0 tSn.fXW IHM.OOn ISO.ftO 1U.4KU 12n.0"0 V 0"0 K.000 Sioux City ft. 1'aul Milwaukee ... Cincinnati .... Ottumwa Cedar Rapids HYMENEAL La a a-Re vrley . BEAVER CITY. Neb.. Msy 28. (Special Telegram.) Charles Laub and Miss Lucy Rowley were married at the residence of Judge J. T. Sumncy In this city last even ing and left at once for an extended wed ding tour In California. Mr. Laub Is a wealthy well known farmer snd stock man of the Beaver valley and Miss Rowley is the footer-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sumney, one of the oldest families of the county. role-Keek. KEARNET, Neb.. May 2B. (Special Tele gramsFred Cole of Omaha, for many years a resident of Kearney, and Mary D. Keck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Keck of this city, were married at St Luke's Episcopal church this afternoon. Bishop A neon R. Graves officiating. They left for Omaha this afternoon, where tbey will make tbelr future home. Martla-DarrlaaTtea. FALLS CrTT. Netw Msy 28. (Special.) John C. Martin and Mies May Dorrlngton were married this morning in ths Catholic church. Mr. Martin is the son of Judgs Francis Martin, state senstor from this district, and is tbe official stenographer of ths First judicial district. The bride Is the daughter of W. E. Dorrlngtoa- IkcTlaae. PAPILLION. Neb.. May 28. (Special.) Andrew Uhe and Miss May Tim me were married todsy by Rev. Huaemaa, pastor sf ths German Lutheran church. Mr. The la a farmer living near town. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair aad Warmer Tharadar, Partly Cleadr sad Shovrera Friday for Kehraaka. For Nebraska Fair and warmer Thurs day; Friday partly cloudy, probably show era and cooler in north mest portion. WASHINGTON, May 28. Forecast : For Iowa rartly cloudy Thuraday snd warmer in east portion; Friday fair. For Missouri Warmer and partly cloudy Thursday; probably showers in south portion; Friday fair, with warmer in south portion. For Kansas Fair snd warmer Thursday, preceded 'by showers in southeast portion; Friday fair. Local Rresra. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. May 2. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding oay of tbe last three years: 1501. 1S"1. 100. 1899. Maximum temperature .. 73 79 85 77 Minimum temperature ... 51 M 66 ' SO Mean temperature 62 66 7S 68 Precipitation Ou .UO T .12 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha Jor thia day and sines March 1, 1H02: Normal temperature ti Deficiency for the dsy Total excess since March 1 352 Normal precipitation 16 inch Deficiency for the day 14 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 4. 43 Inches Deficiency since March 1 4 . inches Deficiency for cor. period. 19"1.... 3. OH Inches Deficiency for cor. period, lituu 1.71 inch departs from Statleas at T F. M. -3 ra 3? CONDITION OF THE WL.ATHEK. B Omaha, cloudy Valentine, part cloudy .. North Platte, part cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake, clear Rapid City, part cloudy . Huron, clear tMllision, clear Chicago, cloudy St. Louis, part cloudy .... rH. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, cloudy Havre, clear Helena, part cloudy Bismarck, clear GsJvuston. part cloudy TJ 73 . 74 76i . 64 70 .( 50; to; T K M .SO 7' 76' .In 76' 7t .00 M tu .( 541 . 7o . 76 .u 54 M1 74i Toi 7 .00 H6 KM 821 M SO .HO .OS T T indicates trace of precipitation. L A. WEIJ-H. Local Forecast Official. No woman's htppi. nee can be complete) without children ; it ie her nature to lore and want them much so as it to lore the beautiful and UUUUJJU.UUl&U Eg. IF TuoDddH DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? Thomas S Reath, President Detroit Travelers dub, says War ner's Safe Cure permanently cured him of kidney disease, ma laria and indigestion. A trial bottle of this great kidney and bladder cure sent absolutely free to every reader pf this paper who suffers from kidney, Irver, bladder or blood disease. ITS YOUR KIDNEYS If roa have pains In the bsck. rbeuma tiotn. rheumatic gout, uric acid poison, diabetes, Bright s disease, dropnr ece-ema. Inflamtnatton of the Madder, atone in the oiaoaer, torpia liver, sceiaing pains wnen you urinate, or. if a woman, fainting WARNER'S my entire system. I was troubled with ex petite, becsme Irritable, nervous and unab could do nothing- for me. Fortunatelv fo bottle of Warner's Safe Cure In the hous effects Immediately and I ordered a large b proving, and before the third bottle was u and strength hsd been given me. Mv ok) my appetite. Tour Safe Cure la Indeed I better than any other medicine I know cf. THOMAS S. RE Thousands of letters like Mr. Reatb a who have been permanently cured by Wsx CURES KIDNEY DISEASE Warner s Safe Cure Is purely vegetable and contains no narr-otlo or harmful drugs; It is free from sediment and is pleasant to take; it does ant constl'tale' it is s most valuable and effective tonic, and is a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver, putting the patient Into tbe very best receptive stuje for the work of the restorer of the kidneys. It prepares the tissues, soothes lnfjimmBUon and irrita tion, stimulates the enfeebled organs and heaUs st the same time. It builds up the body, gives it strength nd restores the enes-gy that is or hmr. been wasting under the bsnefu! suffering of kidney disease, it kills the germs. Warner's Safe Cure hss been prescribed by leading doctors for 25 years, and uned In all prominent hospitals exclusively. Warners Safe Cure Pills taken -lth Warner's Safe Cure move the bowels gently and aid a speedy caire. WARNER'S SAFE CURE is now put up in two regular sizes and is sold br aU druggists, or direct, at S CENTS AND tl.OS A BOTTLE. v Kefuse subs'Jtutee. There is none "just as good" as Warner's. Insist on tbs genuine, which always cures. Substitutes contain harmful drugs which injurs ths system. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE To convince every sufferer from diseases cf the kldnevs, liver. Madder and blond that Warner s Safe Cure will cure them, a trial buttle will be sent absolutely free postpaid, to any one who will write Warner's Safe Cure Co.. Rochester N - f and mention having seen this liberal offer In this paper. The genutneneea of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher of this paiwr. Our doc -or a 111 nend medical booklet, containing- symptoms and treatment of each diseasv. and many oonvlnciiur testimoniala free to every one. DDTP17 2 t ayavju CLOSING With sut paraxial fa tbs history of educational eatarsrtss has hasa the offer of ths AMERICAN NEWS PAPER ASSOCIATION ts ths thous ands of friends and readers of Ths Omaha Bee. Such aa offer should, aad doubtless wili, have your careful consideration. Ths merits of this liberal sad mam moth literary enterprise can ealy be judged by Investigation. Every reader of The Omaha Bes, therefore, is earnestly solicited ts gtes ths at tention to this offer, before It closes, that IU lmportaaos aad liberality deserve. It means that tbe hast aad here tofore most expensive Eacrcloaaedia Is sow within easy reach ot svea ths hoys sad girls. Pa rests, encourage yorr children ta habits of economy for ths noblest ef sll purposes, eoonomy for ths sake of education. Just think st It a saving ef 10 cfs a Day will secure ts you the great EN CTCLCPAEDLt BRTTANN1CA. which covers every department of knowl edge known ts mankind! Ns man needs any ether library, no man esa hsvs a better oas. Not only srs BelsstlSe sad Histori cal Subjects brought uy ts data ta this sew edition, but a vast fund of new Information is added, rslatlag to ths aaaterial, social, industrial aad educational progress of ths world, to gether with assay theasaad New Biographies set ta ths Ortctaal 41 tlsa The limited n amber of sets we were to distribute for the publishers it the special price will soon be exhausted. Prompt action Is necessary it secure this treat work at Less thaa Half Price and oa easy monthly payments, amounting ts ealy TBI CKBTS A DAT. Fill mmt sued aasUI this aaaiawa today fas aaatlaalaa-e of awe ars oas Meet dsaii.liMs.a, saaasue saoee aad ruU. pao-ticsuala erf leaf I it yi asaaartls aOas; sCs"essx ............... nm ffs DAccr sxa l-eVO. BROWNELL HALL Graduates of Ave of the best knows colleges of Aanenca Included In corps of Instruct. oca Muelc, Art and Modern Lang uaeee taught by wobmui ef eaiended real deuos in European capitavje, under tna Instruction of the best mastera. tiva e4 general education aad prepares tor any eoiiege open to omea- prlneiuaJ's uartiU. cau adJniia to colW-g. CiirOeur snorts. Splendid avmtmaiuta under Sirec'iun of va leaslobsi lunructac iaiad utrnir Iri 'nr'jral. r aB. Spells, painful periods or eo- c-aiiea female weaaneiae, your kidneys are fltneaeed. Tou should lose no time In sending for a free trial bottle of War ner's Rate Cure. 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