THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, MAY 28. 1902. ' will be SPECIAL NOTICES : J tTmlMBr1t tor Ikm Ibb II kk Mtn earll IB a. r th rrrU edit tea aad wsttl .. far serB aad a,,,- edlttaa. Bate. 1 1-Se a ward ret liwrtlra. 1 a sewed kkereaftee. katblaa; Itkri . - - an. Mt a.. , M Tl r . j u i , ... . - - BaM ; rwa eea see tt v et y; , iftrrtlwn. by rrCMlB( a aea fcinl rkrrk, eae kt ed '1 H rm il t a akfr4 tr la cere i e4T Ta Bee. a tlrmt will : V triltrn aa ymuutkM ( the , - 1 1 m ATJO WAITED. Wanted iitkn itw i kirtn rrr ekwtmt tiH.. ran nt rom liWf barge m( kii wtitk. AdOes B 4i W a tti rr A fTENOGRATRER Wint you ant one call the t Typ w (fir. ft. Ten phone 172. A 7. J::. M mJ l litk MALA MLLk. k roK half a dait s work. XI you Alts Hi uw uiubu r u t small eosn aiul Aiate a ftuta kCyuika'.kjujL I4ur or ttuutu uiil. kriLr ua WAJk'iil', a ttHxl mas' kt. tr com-ty k4v4 auUCTi'UiA i ur i U 4 tliLtf Ul oCSit aa vc!j mlxsj k.vciuua jrijUAiou. llthi.i or lour gaoC mei a ax. uo ; liau per atobUL cui ati f'axLuii tiHt-av tl Mai V Si- KAIH-buN !vh prJvai ieefuua is ueuju i-a o - 4 V- fHINO (kHXfii can kini ol numrixuiif . uj Miry v.fc.. kiiktuiut, u CPU JJCICR, Oellvt t aiiO Ftwnikii aiir al TON. itllfr.bun, k Marc WaKTED. tumi lor FaUroad rraaknc and omtr; ti nuti Aucrew k4Hii.cii rI"'a. Cn , xwtirara, Nrb. MN Our calaJoirur rztatnr biryc c Wark tiartx r -rraut- in ikik U . mumu trra. miHT arir l.iiiuet, rarnani atL. i kah. ' WANTED, c-nnd all around piumln-r and atc.amtinrr, mau Uph,' krora; fiH0 ava; arttt. aiviuc rrferenia. sviackJtiaii at Bruu r, anuikMiinti. ia. bM'.lSi Jin 4OX.)X. rtall!i' bry aauted. 1. t Umaba. Omaha Una kE31f TERED dru cltrk, traiwrate, 4iHi jwr mucLb. B 44., it. H ;nu 2 ARE joa dlerauetH-d -4th your a orkT Out tree booklet "Are Your Hand Tled7 teii eior i have Quntinea inoueanu m anre time tor aa,iaria pualtu.n in mete eojiktemal "'O mm M ora. i vk r ie liiverimt'cnal Oorreiniaente 1 Srhi.oik e.iix Iwa nt-rarrtii. ia.. or call I oat or evening, omtiia uffirt. fc., fumn blc-k. U"ANTEI Men, food reference, to he.p orcaniae l(i.l?. everywhere, tbe A'et Cie a I'nlvernai Ttjk AacrtM Walter rocman, 2ik CentuiT Bids., Jvunnu C'irj-, Mo. B Ms. f MEJ Free transportation tn Iener to loam barber trafte; tooi Turniohed , po aitioiia araaranieec. i.)i).i.rt un:i to earn board , w e w hile learnmr larreet iar ber oolleae; mim beanhtul climate in the worid; write tor partlrulara. kdi.ler a Barte.r Coliea-e. Iwnver, Cc.o Beware ol taAe rAtaH.c ue kJid muueadliia olTere; wa have no coilefe in ebi'ahka. . a mim i WaXTED-Men who are weak or dhwaaed te write lor free booklet edited hy the leading and nun aucn-eat-fui ieelaiiat in the L. B A 6 or em Nealon xiaihaway', M. DM 12 CoannM-.rcikl i-iout, eiiotia flj, la. - ... ... .- B-rMHUt W WANTETV-A boy VTtrYVrt U year "old. Afn-' Relch'hlre-mlth Co., Harney Bl " B MT 2k- kALEIIIk HAkriCQ. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and oriiamenuu ire; pa) weekly; ouUit tre. Lawretiua Kuraory Compaii' , Law renoe, ku. ukS iiif WE HAVE a number of agenciea la Ke braaka ajid weatera Iowa w hre nt uaa good men aeiiltig our Mtkiiuk.-d Stock 1 w.d to farmera nd feeoera; tbey muu baie uaDi acid kriva full tun to tbe buaineaa; tbey muct be men of bigb aiaauiiig. have aoma luiowieaga of live uck and jod butuneaa autinj, we fur tiiab wagetia for aurb men and offer f i oepuomu mduoementa t permaoent aaiea- C-E , bona requirea, aend lor aj.plica.tios biat-k. The F, E. bulbar comi-ai.y, OnuUia, Neb. - Mar Mk k A1 H Ik-1- k-ktAXA UALLf. AMED, twa .young laCy atudenta te kaaxn Jkkjrdretiali.g, nikuicuruig aoid ciu rouody ai aukatiLlbc maaaaga. call or wrua kkoona sat, rea Aiiag, 1 aim. Call C nadlaa ofnoe, Utb Iodga. WANTED, Amm young lady or gantla Bian te take lite aubotarahi. in Omaha a biat buaineaa and college and bay fur It whea t-vurae 4a fiuiahed an loattioa aecureo. Aadraaa A L lwa. C akO WAX7EX). a teaober to lnatruct tbe Frencb Iknguage lo a claae ol three, twkua a kA, ia.u terma. Addreaa Z is, atea. - C MiJk WANTED, ekperienoed aa lea ladle tc giove, veiling ana creea u-Ubmii.g oeparLOicm. I. 1 Brandeia 4k kuiia. iotua More: C M1B5 aSTED, good woman cook at once; preferred. Cvmjnerciai Aiotel. Hum purer. Neb. C MiJk f, FlRPT-CLASS cot e.ued: beat wage, ama.11 xanii.y. U4 s. JkktA at. c W ANTET A rh-1 fur aenerai faouaework. t In faml.y. t ue per w-eek aud a hue borne for a good guA- Ura Jti, J. AbraXam, ?i- kougai tu . . t. M7at ANTED, a caretaker lur the rhilctren at Child kUivktig luauiute. lath and Ohio eu. C Ja .w 2ic CJCMFETENT gill lyr generaJ housework liiik I ark ave. . C M'tf a WANTED, girl to work in kitchen. Apply Jk N atreel, biiuth unikl.k. C 7u; i. WANTED. Ufly to t ui.veraatlim kt-a- aon lu Fxiiick to youi.g iuu one eiwii. tli aeek. fctate kerma. Ad ArM A K le . C 7m WANTED. ' competent girl for gei.i ral buusework. fknu j ul I, ,,od kM Mr. Otbson, gul lru . c 7SS 2 ANTED A girl for feieral housework la a arua !1 family, lis roum Cm ... C alaut 2e W ANTED- V B. Calde-elt ka . yit... MKlk. I F, atKT 4t Sk-a. TANS and bagg-kg VkgBba. Tel liak L 3 TO MOVE rgbt ret "Omaha Van Siiraga Ca ; 4dbue lun laxbauu. or Iek l5ak-4 HO! 1QPQ u erta of city. The O. I1UU JLJ r. Lwvis C, kJ Bee Bicg, bOUEES. aUorea, Bemia. FWAtoa kvkock. It 2 (EE FATXE. BOeTWICK CO f nc ch t bouses, aul-2 X. I. LaIc t.dg. 7e) P'.k UO US LB and ftata. RlngwalJ, Barker block - 1-1 lN KCj V A LEO. reptral. madera. and k- rouk fiata Tiaaxd. 1 X. U ul CBAl E- WILLIAMSON. IKK Famam St. 1, in. fOR RENT, k-rookn. meAern, Aetscbed k' uee. newly j ni-d and papered ktu CapiUkl Aw. lei 77k .. ii- R iOkson. D klJki 23k" WTERFTER. mm snodern. act.: 4" Famam k nma. meters and ba-. we fvn Btll-BMIEl ITT. S.EVT I and I rc-ms, pt,rt tt.o3to, fejj lb st rbon ra i wsit to t-F.C''M cot;ir 1:2 jr month. S.2I Csid W'ei. Ft Enquire Jos. 0"'smlth. room la, fnliKfl ttate B:k ug. D TH r nOVPES TO LET k riKiin modem. i.21 SouTb nti, ft' r:.r.n.f ri; rr M'UiTi z tr. xtr. .an W. f arxiktx. Mnlth A Co., 7E0 Fr?. rn St, D - Rf'OM rcttkr. S E. corner Z.d khd C7rk FOR KEVT. tl; mooern. kw.n-rd'fli bouse, rl.eTt pc.gtbprbood. wt Hujr, echoo.. ITiU t V WV 7 t . 4k"' a-."; ' 1 - D k4"l-.4 1 ciuir A. 4 Caicrll l 77k Jl- 1'EgIRAI L.E HOVf EB. Jmk Murrr m. k rn .m. all raciiern. la foot j nei;l.lirhM)d. 4 jw-r rociuth. 3CI P 3fb rt.. r(Kn. t: pr mntith. GlX'SiE a: COM F AM. 1H rarnam Ft. I-M4l k HC"f ES. fit F. . Waaft. 1M ouA. 1 1 G"C'I moftfni k-rmini aouae. lo" h and Biotidn. t bfiS Si MAGGARI Van aV Ptorar Co. Tr'.. I'M. FvR RENT 14! 8 Sit at., U rfvorti mnflem. T 2ii (. apiin! ivf t rmima. infdprri. IK iuli4 N. imh t r'xmik. ft3 atr. n E J. 6LLiLJ VAN, n N. T. L,lf FI6c. D-M7M r F'.R RENT, modrm tiuae na.T Hlph bonl. Tb O. F. X)ai C".. M Bi. X7fi. SiX-RCM fiat, all nfipflrm. 1 Wfc EL.E3AVT rwima. ftnt locanoa In Um city, ik Caui Ave. K aliii FOR RENT, a n'oa larf farrrtabed frci,t roam. iLii aiccra. 7lH a. 28 tit at. M.7k THE LANGE HOTEL. fi. S. W.fc Ft r-M 4k Ji IiETET LurtijxwLE botei. 13ik and Famam. IWCi beauttfrl ponnctinf r-rltira. Tur-titi-hfid or unfu miabrd : mnclrm boror: larje laim. privllutt of Lrbt bouk:w- tiif. sr. a an. jk KEWLI fumli-bed room, with food board. BUT N. E.lh Bt. E4 SCTTH Trort, alccve room and room. Herne.r. E M7 J TWO houekeejiin room IS. 20 Bt Mirv'k. E 7k 320 rllkllHED ROOM AID BOARD. FRONT room and board. US California. F lit. M2 Merrlam. cumforiabic cummer bom Te! ta. F ai I TEET deairable rooma. 2 S. 2Mb St F 560 ; T " .. . . H A E one nice rot.1 front room, auitabi J"r two mm llilk Burt St. F 66i THREE aeeiraYle furnished room: bom pookinr. rentkemen jre.Ierred. i:n Iou la Pt. F-MfWa E ROOMR, frt-claa board. 2Z.'4 Famam F M7 2! FOB. CT-tirl (kltEED BiOOMI. I EEE room epa mi, b per tncntks, (round flex room Is Tbe bee building, facing Famam atreet; tie expenae for litbt. beat or Janitor aerrlca. K. C Fetera at Co, Hental Areata. Bee building. O il CENTRAL, I cbolo rooma. 23 X. Od. rOK BCKT TOBLEB AMD CkFFICBfi. FOR RENT, the building tormaitjr occo iiled by Tbe Bee at lia Far&am Bt. It baa lour alone and a baeement which waa lormeriy uaeu aa Tbe Bee preaa room. Xhla U 1 ceiitad very Jaaaai.atij. If lutereated apply At euua ta C. y. 1 oa-, aecreiAry, room Mb. Baa building. - i fc FOR RENT, store In Bxal-claa location rent reaaonabic, Apfij' B, C Petara 4 Co-, grooiio floor. Bee iiit. 1 MS FC'R KENT, desk room or large apaoa ultahie far mercbandiae broker or party doing bunu.ewa in wboieaala ulstrlcL la- iure .ciena 4k Co.. aik banian l J- M3al OFFICE F.OOM. Larre room fronting os ldih tt. first fionr. Bfiard el Trade bifta.. rood llcht. tTk per month, George it Co, Wul Famam at. a Ja4w FVXLTJING ta bertpart aiboleaale fllatrkrt. r. U. W ead. lto luglaa - - 1 mii a FOR RENT, brick artpre room. No. 4412 Cuming etreet. In Banner block. Howard Ktnnedy A 60s, First Nation Bank building. 1 Bit 28 TO LET, nffipee in Farton Work and Mr- Cague Bid a. . W. Famam Smith Co, 122b Farnam Be 1 c.7f STORE BOCM ON rT'OLAS STREET FOR RENT. VACANT ABOl'T JTXT 1 W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 12 FARNAM rTREET. I E7I AGEKTB WAITED. vs A 1 1UJ. rasvaaBlr.g agema la every cout.iy to solicit autmjuona to THE TWENTIETH CkaTl kl FAKME11 ateaxly atnulcyiBetit w ith aaaured- good Uioomr; ageuta la the eoutitry with buree and eeneeutlty .desired: can- vaMaers oUt eeaily pk to tliai per tnenta. Address oentury t artner auluiliors Bureau. Bee building, omens. AQL.MI wasted with bora and wuos te make SAa Weekly- seilii te farmers a household iiepea,iy thai are glad ta uu , clean, pieanam, prt.ntabie eniplcT- aner.t : ruruiart tree Aao Mercantile anuuAie, lept J, JkAoaaa City. Me J-M(kT 2 WAITED TO BEST. W ANTED te rent, 7-ronm furulahed, mod orii ccmiI bouse, I adults; reference Ad- flreaa B S. be. K 7M V. W A kTEDTU Bit. WANTED, two or three good vacant Jota, auitabe for residences or fiat . -must be good lucauons and prior reasonable: all earn and no extra expense of selling Aoa.-ee direct 10 buyers, B 111. care F4B AlJO-rtalMTlatE. CHICAGO Furniture Cm.. 1110 Iorc. Tet New and aeoondbkno, bought. ai..a. exxharged. O ell FeB SALE AiOBBEk, WA4VOBB, ETC PAINTING and repair 4a wagona, eta, 4ur (Kci..'t . H. trust, lath and Leae enwortb - Tel. 147. P Li SEVEKAL He drmng ' bo Walter 1 rooa D. N. V. Lite bidg P MAM GOOD exiension top earns- at a sarrtfloa. Sne Jol.nsnn A p.lrl, Juka Ieerc bocg.. liat and Leavenaorth St P MO JelT" FOR SALE burgre. pbaetnna. nmabovT. new and secoTidtiaad. at eut prices Re airitig. painting and trimming: ai put i,d robber tire. Pfeiffer. t7ta asd Leev er; sorts Ais. - 9 TTJ t4 ifk kAUU-MlMklkAkkeik ZD HAND aafs cbesp. Bchwartk, 1M B. uta, Vr--k FLESCHEB sell bicycle. 1C Capitol A 2DH AN D safe cheap. Xkartgbt, a Pkmata. lu STYLES trusses: rata lugne (re. Btksr mn A M cC onnell Drug 4Ja, AAh end Doag. Cunaha. ( LA B1CTCLES and phnnogrepha on easy pay ment AC aewn !:.( per week; Riband wkMMti. BE. kk and (10, new w heal. La. Omens' Lao u lu, lst and Caicags St W-Mi WIRE fence for pew'try. hog. k at and Jkrd. l.M'. iKts'ji tre gi.aroa Wir Wwrtkkk k; A. lath BL 7 si Use aira ikOys rCH tk(innrk. napmor ta arr c:tn-T niurxal iriftrumfnt. b up 7a w luinia ... )C Farrtam. SIBERIA rffriarmt'iT In Nb. 1 pinfl'tlpm- ctfiafitT h" j."ui.u if lit. lmjure at 14i4 CalOWfli HIWL w TTFEWRJ7 tF.. laixn Rnnlr.r'oR- n--!- I'MERWOil'; torn r-Tic. P.ctaia. t.i to $4 jr mortti A U Workman ft C a. 16.: Famam. Tbati -4-Tk. W-kO rOR J.IE;. ftTiin tnj trltr.mer mi rliln. H.t.t'T- co a nr ; ct.'j- roii ua : jncituha. Aflflraa Boi E Ht- FCR ALJ1. a bakrrr and conn-cttntwrr k-uninrtw in a r'd tp rf !. inhabi tant OiitTia- !!( Ji6 l:.f tutne!. lor a' at a barprlTi; rffcaoiif for i.ltic. iwot b'altti Addroa Htx C4. CUnara. fr U-72 (1 FOR "ALE. a mrloflian In rocd cmiflittrrn. Addrma ZL. far. W-M"i r TKR SALE, arholartship In an Omaha rtnr-.tana acboe cticaii. lu a iur S bi Blag. ft-Mk ETERiOFTJCAN and mrvlii pirtura macbinea. B. F. iltb, I4ia F amam W ai4 au CLOSING Pnt bmiiwhoid rtda and tpTa cncap. Hit i.oo t- W w J trrnvriAVTi Mlllar-a ana ml tablna bi'.ltard tablf rrf.ira : a larr' tock of rhap ar l.rtnra c-ta-ar ciurtpra, rtc Tba BrunwiclL. Balka. Coliender fik, iri-t Bo. ZOth. ua KEW and Sdband tnrrlirk. U Far- v M7S FOR SALE. anmnA-htnl fimka. rhklra and alno: r mc countrr and ralunra. w a baab otfice. ltll Faruam at. W Mlkf, FOR " SALE Oniik Bav papplw: f nt rrtrivrr on vaw fowl: rraaon jirlt-ra A. J. Hayne. N. SHd . O Mi.. JeB IXIIAN TX'd krid t-eUca. Hit Famam t-ZT. FIR tUnhrr for tiouf nrrera. etc.. tc Tl I eet; r-rlLiilnf and b'- lenoa. Bui Eo.ic iaa. J FOR KALE, fine Imported harnenR. braaa mounted and trimmed, coet aben new t:', a ili aeU for IVSi . ran be eeer. at Optt a RuaeeU a barn. th and Leavecon.b atreeta. u 62J" KM ALL fTorerj- atork for aale. Add"ea B Zk. iee. w h., 17- FOR SALE CR TRADE Oood aafe. arr eral -deska and Bri:lan hare: account k eenne T-orn city durlnit aummer Adflree B i. Bee. Q-JiSU 3 ruiivotitTL PROF. LEAHIE FARLOP.S. 1C IOIXjE Clairvoyant and Palmist teii you aii you a.nt to know, every bo, tear ieb tt your xuc. lauiia. duality, ca.tuilt. traae or proleaaion you are tmi.l aimed iui, furtuiiate uid unioriunaie ArioOa ol i.fe; breaka rvii ltiCunia. hi m to vis the one you hv, conquer enemiea. reaiore loat aBectioua; aaiioe on uuaiueaa, beaiin. marriaKa. tuvorot. etc taoura. t te a. 6 Makk l MRS. i KJT2, clairvoyant. ISit Cass St. MME. GTI.MER, gwnulne paOnilat. Ut B la. a u lZLX.TstlC TREATHkkl. MME. SMITH, hatha, 10 Ji. la, ii floor. R. 1 1 7i-4 MME. AMES, vapor hatha. 1M N. lttb, r. I A JkaJk 4i.t rKatbOSAAk MldfllemlfA, w I paper oksanar. Tel. 172k L MM B, KOT. chiropodist, corns and eaperfiu- oua Hair removes vj eiacuricity. v.. a. Arenaer Biooa. 1 rm PRIVATE boKpltal. before and during c on line roer.i , baoiea aO(t'ied. mm urant att. Mrs. ukardeia. Tl r-llMZ. . L i FLEISCHER will tut your xucy-cl ngbt. HAIRDREBSING, manicuring and chlrs- pody. tor ladies omy. tn connection with ( .. VtMtnjwr- '.' i A'.' Jt 1,1 k.n. 11 RVFTVRE permanently cared In aV to at) I cars: send tor sirruiar. o. m. Wont ka li, J New York LU Biflg, Omthi, Nea. U ts ACCORDION plea.ang. cheapest, best and tliuckest. Jkrs. A, Mark, li at AJougiaa. G RAM OPHON ES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Cuuine A ca, IB lKug las. C Uk CH1ROFODT a specialty, in oonnectioa with The statuary, rooma Klk-ZB je lei. 171k SHAMPOOING and halrdreasinc. BrfL la connection with ins Axa -nery , ls-zai tn buuoing. lax. l.ia k il PRIVATE home for ladies before and dur ing connnentenl, babies adopied. 2tl2k Burdette. JaUs. HurgeL L MHik JIC V1AVA, woman's way to bealth. Bum treatment DeskJet rree, ask Jee iiitj. tuikuk l akk SEX Proctor, fine pictures. CL &n 16th- v m jt ROOMS, Hifit Bo. 10th St.. 'Phone 1SU C asi if ELITE FARLX'RS. ftf B. 16tk mt.f Sd floor. V -Mi. JUtT f 4 Tift JAMES H PEABODT baa moved Tec. A. e.t t .1 At rt-llx4 Taa Tlk. t M 1'Afcr 11, tia en m drus store, nnrtneasl cornee Twen:v - lourth and Famam street. . - L. M. takZ all FOUND, best Ice cream eoda In city, ac I bnrkoer e aiuire, 2m ana aewara. L'-MI Jlfc MME. SMITH, baths, HI N. IE. kd floor, r. X. O AClk JM LOWEST TRICES la aooorfilaa and aide pies tins:. The Qoifimao Pieatinx Co.. 2u Douglas block C M7Q EMPIRE RUPTVRE CURE B3 N. T Lifs Bldg, Omaha- Send for circulars, j TOT'NG man, good character, good cir cumstance, desires ecqualBtance good lady matrimonially inclined. Lock it,, 1077 Tknarton. 6. U. C Mal 2S "Es macht nichts aus." what brand of cigar a mas ha been smoking. Er vergist sie alle after he once trie the STOECKER CIGARS. I M72I Jl MvhEl Tw 141 A b - al.aLAL avBTAl ak. sis PER CENT aa Business property, a per omit on residence property. option as pay wnute or pari eiiy kk . A. kkikLk ktu a. IkUi St. kk' MONET t loan on Amnrwved Omaha real ssiaia- tkrenaaa-4-Ok's lfc, AM a iliin. Vk WANTED, city luane ard s arrant. W. FamajB SmiLa A Ua, 121k Faruaa St- k- PRIVATE money. aVnervood, BIX I L W 44 FAF,M and dty loana. low rakes. W U. Itiumkk, 1st sat. Akank Bldg. lei i4k W 7lk WANTED, city and farm loans; aks band aad warrama R C. Peter A Ik, llul f kxtaa ki, kks LOW RATES Prtvte money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMTANT. Maia Fkoor K. X. Lite iiug k Mkut ia TO IPC money. Bemia, Fax 1 on B k W-A4t PER CENT loan Famsav . Oama Bros . lut kk PRIVATE asaary. F. IX Weak. UM Dot-i. OIET fk L4Ak ( BATILLA. aalabt and mxrnTti loans Is you want n.unA tor lung -r short lermg al raves rarely equalled t'i eun.pert;ors, lta our buame t aupply it ' AMERI CAN LCukJki cu, XAkiia Ftont. Paauaa fciuLA, X-Makk MOET TO Wkk-CIHTTELI. 10 YEARS- la tMtf iiauit ucuva. Ihu kruii aA bid reiiaAia i.rxfi aM aria.bltaii a CT-ralt ttiat vm lw tI ua va u in ue Mlh m niaar loan oti urmtur. Pianoa lva riort ana t Miarwfl i wip. iur ra-- ax aa a at. and cut. a krr taac nit.) Our icotlo n, "Trj .i ae ' li I'M ia' oralt nuj u ana ar ixeaara UU cUra. ros ar Gu-j.-k-d lru ua. li hnua tf jrof cias.. Is. )tit x iabliatira is 7- ziia X Mikl EEWkRE OF CHEAP IMITATORS. iKIE i Jt j nur Of t'ta wvrry i pu, CALX. cN 1 S and u. mkkt jou A AURI LOAN ; luas to hcurnt cni;Uoj- I PON THEIR FERS'.'NAL NCTE tin to COP -'-bPut pM-urlty rndcvarr or put.ll(-Jir. OFFiCE iiOLl. k a. m. to k REUAFLK CRTI'TT CC'MFANT. Rufim . Ittion Biook, Tbird Fli-or IL Mail LOAN'S en CHATTEL and fcALAEiE FHC AvMA cutuuii tu, u J. W. 7ATLOS. aju I'iiim Binca.. 'i EL. u T aooanuDOoaka our COVNC1L ELtTFB fatrona a Luv aaanuaDa r.rfLni m-!-n at KOVM 24, W JCikJiAM tLJ3 . inicTMction broad war at J ari f'A. TEL. a. LARGEFT BVEINEBS IN LOANS TO kALAiUEli f tUMJt, rerrcnaii ta tnanc atera. boarditic bouaea, etc., v-itbout a uritT: eimjueat tcrmt. 4 i.ffitx-a in P. n- r:;al clUea. To) ma n. 44k Baard tf Tra5a owe- MONET loaned na plain note ta aslarid jHK.r .r ; bualiiraa coiiT.aeniiai, iitwi ra'a. L Farton bioek, Tb 1. A Hutton Co WfiVET lnanvd nn rurntture. lrr nork. tfeuT, ta aaiariee rok"e- f iaa Co, auc to 1'uff Grmik k tiaraer Block MONET loaned on puknaa. fumltnrf, lew- elr boreea. cvwa. etc C F. f -eai 13 6 IA BlIEB rHIXEk. TO GET In or out of bumneak call o Wil- iiat&a. xkoon au. cui.ooi FOR SALE, tbe beat baxdaare rinck la the In at aru'UituraJ aecucm ol Iowa; lara atmuku trade; atocA w.ii in vuioa about aici.ik. crotita iarse, niuat ciua ui an tate Lnlereat tbe ouij reaaan for eeiKr.. Adtreaa V K IF TOC want te BUT or SELL real es tate call or write, vew fcKOW -CHURCH CO.. tb tuiur K. X. Li!e iaiug., Omkht I Id WHEN yon want to buy, sell or exchange your business or propeiu niuik, rr IL Johnson, Ht X, 1. Life. Y M17s IEFK KCOM, roll-top desk knd phone service, J. a- Joniiaoa, ex j. a. 111 e T for SALE- Ast.haJt Plant, and race eta.. Cmana. Apply to tne ciano- ard Paving Co.. Chicago, lu. 1 ana..i w t i. PIANO, 2 good clear lots and ckh for cood tuano. J. a.- rfouueou, 1. .Line Mimim FOR BALE A chattel loan bu"lne; well established: can be Doupni ior .' will net MW abpve expense moninij C-a r. Abbott, lis South lath, Omaha. I-6SC-27 IVVEFTIGATION This is aU w ask: will tirove tna.1 we are iw.'ins uu fn weekly aieidenQ than any otner ieg.i mate enterprlee in existence Equine Record Co, incorporated, 2u Broacwy New TPTk T-M7K7 3- rfW UCIUIha, WILL exrhai-r good oak wardrobe tor folding bed, kk, akea. o-jaaiv WHAT tiave you to exchange tor a lot At aid and ilaaon street. Auures a i.. ee. - - -Ma Zl A STOCK of general mdse.. all new the Cast year, te trade lor a tarm worxn L.uub and S1.00 tn cae r'-U.rm te be not more than he mlies from the Mo. river; store is doing fin business; on acrt. of health Jisve got to ouu.. Ad dree L. H. Battles. Nemabk, NeD. - a MB02 2f rOl BALE S.KAX EVTATE. RANCH and farm ianfls for skle by tbe Union ractnc . Milroad company. Ak A. McAliester, land commlsslotier. Lnioa Pe sihc lieacquarters, Onia tia. .Neb. RE U FORTT acrea. abort dirtance west Flor ence pumping station, covered with tim ber, an ideal plane for summer borne or for fruit. Only It.euu. F. It. Weed, lit Douglas St. RE LB 2k BCT best bouse pamta, rarniabea. etc.; ouaiity nignest. price loweei .sauunti oil and Jraint Co, luis Jones St. KE-t Je2 FIXE home, 7-room bouse and lot, for sale cheap. &u4 Marcy street. Uk oak XT' GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance, strewn block. RE ki HOCEES. lota, tarma, ranches, loam : also Are insurance, Benus, Paxton block. R-ja IT TOU hare a bouse and lot which yoa want te sell quick tor au caea you caa find a buyer by sending a full descrip tion of the property and price direct to the buyer; no extra expense for selling; nrloe must be reasonable. Address, with full description. 14, Be ofhre. 1 K1C M44B Bk 1 MM I I 1AM k.n ?rriAAijn. a., am i mrm a i-a . s - i w . ar ,.-. i 1 ----- iaku. as. street. LE SCI THK OMAHA BXALTT CO.. 1XH Douglas St, vueikirs; small nouses lor sale; cheap buildirg uta Call for catalogue and price hat. Private money te loan on easy BENSON More borne arc being built tc Benson than in ail otner suburbs oomnined. This 1 simply bees uss It offers the advan tages. If you want te know bow to get a lot ot e home on term call on BEX SON A CARM1CHAEL. fc2 FAJkTuN BLt-K-eL. LE 2ul COTTAGE with s:x largs roeis on to-foot corner lot; three blot as from car; bouse newiy pamted and ha new root. It Is a bargain at Si.luu ana can b bought with payment down, haianoc to eult G E. Turkington, auu be Bidg- iiE ktn HOLfeHlki and icts tn all parts of city; aise acre pcoperty and farm land. The O. V. Davis oe. Loom ku. Be buildir.g si sa FARMS If you wish to buy a grain, fruit or stack I arm, get my 11st 01 western Mich-gaa tiower liemnsuia) bargain; write today, they are going rapioiy. A. V. R Hayes. Grand Likpida. M-ith. KL MA Jl AF YOU want one of the nioest k-rsea fkomes m Hanacom Place I will give yea bargain, owner left c ! Must aeU. . AA. kikerwooa, BS7 J. X. L Bids t2 1 -MIAS CEE FATNE. BOSTWJCK A CO tor cheice bargauia. AQ-2 N. I. LAte Bjig Tel m.l PLATTE VALLEY RANCHE. l.t acre under feaxe wttb flrst-clas frame buildup and laO acres level al falfa land for til., Cm mile 10 Brady laland ea main line I 'nios Par the l.kta sxTre ikeoded. one echool aection and some private land leased Alfalfa land and Improvements are worth tn price asked for tae enttr ranch. We have otner br.ina PAYNE INVESTMENT CO..OV. AH A scE Mwa 20 FOR SALE Alfalfa farm 4 acre. 11t acre rxiw grown.: eui tour crop year without lmgaunti; atrrs ts tim othj ; can all be irrigated, well Improved and clus te town. Frank bre'ner nsad Neb RE-VIM r MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknew'iadged Wading epsciakst la dlsi sase of woaasz, 1 Cimaiva. wouid ca U Ui eitentiua of euBering ikd.k X blS kU. rpBkBfl fcCOUDAOOfcUika ktor akg dunitg eoannauxkant aad hi true isbji at for r -"in, ne Anattar wkat causa. Call or adrtaaa, w . : h ataaup Dr Pnea, AXkOMgua avksca. 1 k Locaal MAklFki tlaikft. aea Haraer. na- U71 obixuau CM AH A Ear arifl Iron WM., tnakv a ar- ciajty f fir nM4 RBMivra, or ana aalra. G Anfirrru. rroa l'A a l airj HBTMABD AID Tf FSW sUTLftCk, A C VAN S. ANT'S School 717 N. T. Lira. Bl'TI F.B' police, court reporter prtnr.;-!. jv. 1. A,;: a t NEB. Biialnea A Sfwthand, Bred a 7 heater ShT BTAMMEBUftO AID TtTTKaUKb. CVKEJJ. Julia Y'aughn, 49 Kamgs Bic Jics ?k FXOILIBTa. L- HENDERSON. Ulf Famam. Tel ISA kMiad tor price list, cut Due era and pianuk M7ii CAtrtklkkl AID JulKE7&a. ALL kind of oarpenter work and repklring prompt: attended ta. . A. ocnitrr, tb and Lake streets, 47k LAW ADD COLAJECTlOlke. SUIlman A Frica, att ya, law, roliectlona, l. V. Luiia, ttotkry. J L". S. Nat. Tel. 172U. 471' J lk CID E. A ALICE JOHNSON. osteopatbA ulW bia, JV. 1. LU iiag lei. Akkk C'R A T. HUNT. e!2 MoCagua Bidg Tak DR. MRS. MCS1CK. Xkougiaa Blk, Tel irk HICSkEL. rLATIKC. OMAHA Plating Co, Bee BidA. Tel S3k .k SOTICIL. FAFEK BAkCEki. OMAHA Steam Paste Co.. macufactuer af parLe fur au purposes; in barrel and ha,; barrels. t nut tor pnoea. itv c-uming AkkODCEIIElTk. WATERS FRIXT1NO COMPAVT. Tsle- pjkone lUJu. all boutb Ihineetttb street. M4u VAB.BA.I ANT1-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO., mean cesspool and vault, reoauve garbage and oekd animaia at reduced prices, all N. Ik Tei. 177k klk EDCCATIOXAL. FRENCH. Spanish, fencing. 4ut N. Ktb at, M4e LAWK BOWEEI. Sharpened, repaired. 1. i. Wkk. i Howard, Mli.4 rt at DatE.IlL O. B- GILBERT CO, tenners. 1424 60. 17th, -A71 STOBLACK. PACIFIC Storag-e and Warehouse Co.. U t,t Jones, ceneral euu-aga and torwarding. akl CM. Van Btor. Co. lEUk Farn. Tela. lEsa-MS. DBtEsSMAaUkO. IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy. Xt42 Farnam, kmv IMP LAVKDBT. OMAHA Btaam Laundry; shirts. Be; collars. Be; cuCs. sc. 17afe Leavenworth, Tel kkt. FA WKKKOK.KSLB. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aprwmmodau ixtg; all business contidecUaL XUQ Xiougiaa. -7 JI kkk. ALFIRN buy all kinds of scrsp iron and metals Kl Douglas St. Tel. 2474. U ACCOBtDIOS PLEATIBG. F.EDCCED prioa In plea tine, rucnlnga, tucking and appllaueing. For full in formation lnaalr Ideal pleating Co., 11 Howard St. 772 J7 PTKKITt BE KEPAIBIKG. First -c la a work, 2305 Farnam. Tel. 248L 132 JeiS LillORl. BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 3. M ski MIS1CAL. C B. SHAW'S sew studio open all summer. 21.1' JIT TALLOBI C JOE TOCSEN removed to 1471 Farnsm St il BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co, All North iota. j: POITOFFICE aOTiCK. (Should be read DAILT by all interested. as cnanges may occur at aiy tune.A Foreign mall for tbe week ending May XX 1ft. wiii ciose ipROMTLT in all ease) kt the general poeu'fhoe as follows: Par ciel post mail cioate bus hour earlier than closing time shown below. Faroe! post mail for Germany close at I p. m. W ednesday. Purular and supplementary mall close at foreign station half hour later than eioett, time shown below (except that supplement ary maiis tor ivuroji and Lentral America, via Colon, close one hour later at foreign ststlum. Trassstlsstk Mails. WEDNESDAT At t a. m for IRELAVD. per s s Ocanic, via ueensiown imail for other part of Europe must be di rected "per s. a. Ooeamc' ): at k:l a. m. for EUROPE, per s. a. Philadelphia, via Southampton: al 10 a m fur BELuII'M direct, per s. s Avensit.faon imalj must t directed ""per s a Krnalx.gion ". THl"P.DAY At .0 a. m. for EI'MOPE. per s. s. F. Bismarck, via Plymouth, C'nerbouis and Hamburg (mail for France must be directed ier s s F. Bksmarrk"i: at T a tn tor! FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. IT ALT. SFAIN. PORTl GAL. T1EEEI, EGYPT. GREECE BRITISH INDIA and LOR ENZO MARWIEZ. per a. a. La As voir, via Havre tmaii lor bitter parts of Eurnpc must be directed "ber a a. La Saroie ; at k. . m tor naly direct, per a a Si cilia (mau must be dirweted "per a a Sicl:ia'l. SATl RDAT At 7 a. m for FRANCE, per a a. La Gaacogne. via Havre (mail tar other jiartk ot Eurot-e must be dirscied "lr r s La GaacogDe"). at Ik a. m for NETHERLAND d.rect. per a a Potartkm .mall must be directed Ter s. s Potsdam 1. ai k a. m. tar ITALY 03- tw't per s. s Huhenaollern laail must be directed "per s s. H:.hetiaolm";; at k a. m iBupplemestary li' a. m l for El'RuPE, ir a. a. I'n.bna via wueert. lowi. . at k a m, for Atjktl ISLaNI'S. ier a. s Srartan Prince imail tor Ita.y must be directed "per a. a Spartan pniioe' 1; ai I -k1 a av for ACOTLaND liwt per a. a Columbia mail must be directed "r a. a. Columbia j. PRINTED MATTER. ETC -Tble steames take Printed Matter. Commercial Paper and fur Germany Tne sank cabs of mail matter tor other part id Europe wm not be sect by this Sals Ha ke ;uaukiiy directed by H After the ciuautg of the upplemestsry traBBatiantic malls named above, aedi ttonai suiH-ieeneutary soaik ar afned a tke tikers t to Abertcaa Eagbsa, frenkA and Gwraaa i rtksra. ai.d re- roTfFrir E W OTIC 17. main en a uwiH wtthte ten mirutee of the hour el ssklirrg of stearfarr. Mslls for koothi and Crakrwl Asser- lea. W ewt ladles. Ete, WEDNnFLAT At ir i m .nrpe- mitary I p rr. i t.w Tl F.KS ISL.kND at.d lo.'MIMCAN KErCBLlC. per a. C'herokee. at 11. .kl' p. m .eurvlemeriary 1 r mi for ST Thomas eT CRC'IV LFt WARD and WM'VARD 1T,.M'" BKlTiSH. lCTlH and FRENtTi Gl IAN A. j-er a a. Korima .mil fr Orenada Sad Trinidad must be directed "ixr a a Ronne"i. TTil'RSLAT At k a. m 1vr Ct'PA, TT"- CA7A.V CAMFECKE TARAStV and CH1AFAR. per . s. Turatan .mall fi oltrT xt f Mexico muet be direr: "d "lT e. s. Tucatan i; at It m. for SAN TIAGO, j-er a a Ydum. at 1 p. m for I EKNAMBl cK. SANTCS and SAO FAl Lai. ier a s Eslem Pnnoe (mail for other part 4I Brasil must be dc recteo ""per a a Eastern Frinoe i; at kkf p to Tor JaMAiCA. r , a Ad miral Rir.lev. from Boetnti. at 11 .Sti P m for NEWFV.l"NI'LANI Jr s s. Cerfhagtnlan, from i h iedelphia SATVJti'AT At Sam. isuppiemrrtary M' a m i Tor fURW' RICO. CVRACAO and VESEZrilA. -er s Caracas mail for f-vaiii and Cartagena mull tie direr; ed per a s Carsca i; at km1 a m tiippleme!taTT If. Hi' a, m l Jor FK'kt Tl'NE ISLAND JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CAhlAGENA er . Alierhany imail fer Cosia flira must be directed "per s s Alkvgha.ay"-; al k:n s m (up-1'iemertan- V : a ml for HAITI and SANTA MART A. per s a. Alj: at 1 a m for MEXICO. rer a a Nisgars, via Tsmplpo 'mall must be dire'ted "jier s a. Mhrara "i, at le a. m for crfiA, Mir a Mfxioo. via Hkvane; at 10 a m Ji.r-GRENADA -TRiNlI AD and C1VDAD BOLIVAR nee a blare ra: at 11 m. Tot ARGENTINE. VRl'Gl'AT and FARAGl'Al". tt s s. Etona; at p. m for CTHA. ier s. s. Olinfla. vis Matsn- sa iPTflrtiary m41 onh'. which musi be directed "per a a Olinda k Mail for Newfoundland, by rail ts North Si Amy. and ttience 1 steamer, cloee at thi office dai.y at t.Sk p. m. u-onnen- lna cieee her- every Monday, w eonee- day ana Sh; urdtj Mail for Miquelon. by rsii tD Boston and thence by steamer, nose at ifci ofhee Cany at .' p. m. Mail lor Cuba, by rati to Florida, and thence by neiimers. are dlFjiaicbed flai'y, expert Thureoav. final rnnnecting Closes, tor oiepktct in port Tampa, on Mon days. v-rotieiclev and baTuroay at t:m a m; tor cupairh via Miami, on Mon 6rr and Saruroay at ' p m. Mails for Mexico City, overland. unJee sje ckally addressed Jor dispatch by steamer, cloee at tin office flai'y Sunday at !: n. m and 11 .h' P. to . Sunday at lHW p. re and p. m Mail for Costa Rica. Bellre.. I'oerio Cone anf Guate mala t y raU to New (rleaii and thence by steamer, close at tbi eflice daily ex cept Sunday at "3 p. tn.. Sanoays at IMK' j. m. ipontiectlng closes here Mon day lor Iiellr.e, Puerto C-ortei and Quale mala tnd Tuesdays for Cofta Rica). "Regisiered mall ciuscs at :0 p. m. pre- vlouk day. TraaspaeiSe Vails. Mall for Hawsil. via San Francisco, close here aatlj at ".BO p tn. up to May "Jb, inclus've, for clpatch ler a. s Anrsngi Mail for China and Japan, via Seattle ciose here hail)' at Do p m. up to May I, lnclunne. Tor diBtietch per a. a. FhlTiano Maru (Registered mall must be directed "lis twsttie I. Mail for Hali. China. Japan and Phil ipplne liana. via San I'ranciaoc c' here flallv a; f p m. up to Mny "i. Inclusive, tor dlsjich per a. a America Maru Mail for Tahiti and Marquesas Island, via San Francisco. Plus here daily st p. m. Lp to June 4. Inclusive, for dispatcb per a. s Aurtralia. Mali Tor Australia (except West Austrtlla, whir. is forwarded via Europe.. New Zealand. F:.ii. Samoa and Hawaii, via San FranclS'-e. ci'e here daily at 30 n m after May H4 and up to June inclusive, or on arrival of s a. Etruna, due at New Tork June 7. for aifjaich per s a Sierra. Mail for Hweli. Japa.n. China and FhU- , ipplne Islands, via San Francisco, clone ; here dal:y at f:' p. m. up to June 7. Inclusive, for dii-patch per s. a. jity ol PekiTiS ' Mail for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria. B. C... close here daily st :: p. m. up to June "!, inclusive., for dis jistch per k k. Empress of Japan (regis tered mail must I specially addressed. Merchandise for the V. 6. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Ok in. da i. Mlls for the Philippine Islands, via Sao Francisco, il-we here dally at : p. m. up to June ""ll ii-dluslve. for dispatch ir I K Transnori.. Mails for Chins and Japan, vis Taeoma, close here dally at : p. rr. up to June iS inolnalve, far fllspatch r s. a. Duke of File. Mall for Australia (except West Aus tralia- which goes vis Europe and jvrw tVeaiatid. which goes via San Frenrlscoi. and FIJI Island, via Vancouver end Vic toria, B. C. close here daily at :IM' p. m. after June 7 and up to June """1. in clusive, tor tuspstcb per a. a. Mlowera. Transpaeifir mall are forwarded to port of sailing eeijy ana tne scneauie ni clos ing is arranged on the presumption of their -uninterrupted overland transit. Regisrered mall doses at k Ski p. in. pre dion day PostPffire New Tork. K. T.. May 2S. 202. CC'RNEXIVB VAN COTT. Postmaster. YEBS1E1T SOTlCEa. OFFICE CHIEF Ql" ARTERMA PTER Omaha. Neb.. May 21. lkxt. Sealed pro posals. In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will he received st this office until 10 o clock a. m.. central time. June 21. lktC. and then nned in tbe presence of atter.du.g biuders. tor repair required to a root cellar at Fort Robinson. Neb. V. S reserve right to re.lect or accept any or all rn-eposeis. Blank forms for bidding and circular giving full Information ana rei.ulrements will be fumihed on applica tion to tAiis office. Envelope containing proiKisal should lie marked "Proposals for Root Cellsr st Fort Robmsnn. Neb..' snd addressed to JNO. W. PVLLMAN. r-. Q M. iD24-2-27-2aJ elfc-lk TREAPrRT DEPARTMENT. OFFICE Supervising Architect. Wtshmrton. D. C. May 24th. imc SEALED PROPOSAL will be received at ihl office until I o'clock p. m. on the bib -osy -of June. lifC. and then opened for the extension and chance incidental thereto, of the low pressure and exhaust steam beating and mechanical veti.iatii.g apparatua. etc.. in the I". S. courthouse, curtom he-use and post office st OMAHA. NEBRASKA, In er-roraanoe with tn dirawiiiTs aad specification, which win le fnnusbed st khe discretion of the So- Ierrkaing Architect on application st this 1 conn try and the girl was brought kloag ba "r'". '! ltk-v?.'.'"f h?J?lrt?"S,,i: cause Rostmaa bad threatened te kill ber TATLOR, Aupervisit Architect Ms yr:fltod LEGAL. HOTICE. BONIS FOR SALE. The city of Pierce. Nebraska, win receive sealed propo 1 until 2 cun t p. m.. Mon day. June I. Vt for the purchase of nine thousand and eight hundred ilkXi tOi d'U lar rwenty-year A per 4ieht water tKinda of tbe denomination of II for tauo each, and 1 for 3.., Said bonds bear isiesest from Mar 1. itnf interest uayakne annually both prinr-J and Interest pavatue at New Tors Cry. option tc pay all after May 1. 17. The tight to reject any and all blAs is re served A onrtlned check for t per cent of amount of bond knust scpomjiary ea"h bid Address L. P.. HEBTERT. Ck-rk. M14 3 SkM Pierce. Nb lAXLWAY TIME C AAVD. tBIOk STATIOA IOTH ABD HABCI. CWkeac. aVork laacatA aad PaeatVc, EAST. ' Leava Arrtva Chicago Tey light Iab- lied ,...... .a I: em kid am Chicago I enrtTt. ....- k'S aa I K pa Chicago Expruui .bil l am a i:ui. pm De Molne Ltxal akJbpa bll :e am Chicago Fast Lxpress. e W pm a 1.2k pm WEST. Rocky Moustauk Lia- ttad a j aa tliitB Ltnooln. Colo S;j-ina. Iienver. Puebis aAid tk est ... a L pa a I tt pa Coin . Texas Cel. A Oklahoma FTyor klJDpa al2 pa W kkk Bt Louis "Ca&noc Bail Expraas A tili pa a 1:2 aa Bt Li'Ui Lacal. CoiUkril LiuBa alO SS aa a pa CWleagrsi. httlwaake A kt. PaaL Chlcaga Limlbad . pa a l aa Ciucago A cmkana avx. - -i aa a v pa takoa Ptive. Leave Arrive Overland Limited ...... A I 40 aa a 1 . pm Fast Mall a I :o am IS pa California txprwse.-...- - pra pacific Express aU .k l'U, Easuere ll wk a pa At-iaattc Eaprn a:Ska Linoaw-StrmauuJg Ex I ti pax kc2.s pa Uiand laiaiid loiai,- k-JC pa k.Jk aa i AILW AT TIM K C A RA ( t owe-A Mlsoowrl FaetAe. St Leal Express slow sra 111 pn AC C A St- L AJ4re' .al..kti ym a kok ata Illlaet CeslraL Chlckg Eipresa a Jk Aib a t.l pia ktiiuu. Mili'waiKiUS 4k St. Paul a 7 .it pot a 0 am M miieajHilie tt en. patal Express a i jr aa bir.Bi era CbiiAge Express ., a.k.a pm kAU-skgo 4k kertkemera. Tbe orthweskern Lin Cbickge Spee4w ki.AkakB all -IS pta kbices Asaeeiigwr a tit pm a k st aa Avast ef a Lxiress ale 3 am a 4 k pm i.asterD pciai jb pm a 4 is pa Iranrmlesoun Aimitew. k.w pa Fast saaxi - km a 2 40 pa omehe-i hicaga lit.. l.e pa t lnv aa Fast Mai a JS aa kikf r.apia i'aes a . pa jam City Lxpress -a 7:06 aa alejA pa ism city Aumveu a pa it aa auokut uiy ajpcau ...a t-A aa A tjm pa sEBITIB DEfOT-klTB 4 WEBSTER Preaswwt. Clksvora t Mlaeowri X aAlef . Lsaarw. Amvw Black Kills. Dead wood. Hot springs a t jm pa a s:sv pa W yoming. c-asper and ' Dougiae fi pa pa Hasuiiga, lork, ia via City . uperior. uieneva, Exeter and Seward.... w lite pa ttka Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont .I.I bW Jk aa Fremont Looal c M aa Miasowrl FaelAe. Nibraska Local. Via Wetpiug ausr s u pm aioji aa tklragw, St. raL BUaaeapeUs 4k i saaks. Twa City Passenger... .a IJkaa ilka auoux uiy mmmt n ... .wt pi auj aa kaersoa Love , --b kt pa k kiak am BVBLIT01i Si AiAUk 1CTH m XAkvl C'bkragwv, BwrUsigrtoa at ata-y. Leae. Arrive Chicago Special kika a 4 t pra C hiuao esui-uied Ex, : pra a T a am c'hicae Locau ..a tJtu aa aliiuu pm Chicago Ltmiied.. -..a 7 pa tlAika Tast Mai. a i. pm atsrliBgte A Mkaooarl BUrer. Wvmore Be trice ahd Lincoln a I 40 am btJiSaa Nebraska Lxpresa.., I k kia a 7 Jk pa ier vtj Limited a pm k f s am Black Hili and Pugei Sound Lkpres aU:M pm 1 t:K pa Colorado t.sUbuid Flyer a l. pa Lln;ic Fast Mai. b I:e pa a BJl" aa Fori crook and Piatts- mouth b 2 JO pm bllrfltam Believue tt Pacific Jet... a 7 40 pm a kJk am Be.ievue A Pauhc Jet... a IM am avaaaaa C ity, at. Joaepai A Caaell BlaSs. Kansas City Day Ex a t:2 am a : pra St. Louis Flyer a 0.10 j.m all :1k am Alans City .Mgbt Ex...ali'.au pm a i li am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daily except aWiutcul'. Daily STEAMSHIPS. KCLUItD-iCERIGA UStE New I oia-Kotieroam. via Avoukoga, - M. Nrw Twin-ecrrw a. a. of lil.uv tons regwxx. Twin-fccrew St! Ptt.CfilB Steamer May 24, U a ta. May L 11 a. m. Twln-Screw Steamer Twin-bcrew Steamer June 7, 10 a. m. Aoolr t Harik Javerea. Ul Farnam Street, J. S. AkcNay . Faruaa etrwsL; H, A Jones, lata ttriAS atreevL; Lsuis . Firei Nationa. li.k Omana AMCkkO LiXk t A llAlkr-gTkkBlgiaA BgulartT Ian a vrw Tots. iAiKii.iMkiir.T a GLasscnr; SKS lUtk (.UikAXlak A SaPkA. spsner sressUBadatlsna. kjrasIMni Cststaa, Bsef rasa's ar tar anion si 1 smaieaaiy ow sioretl auk ptmntia. amgl sr kfrank Trt tlnket awuns Set, ai Tst an aookca. kngliak. lru ank all rnscisal renlluantal solat al illrMUn rata Wmr tickai r cnaral mlnraatlna asrir te EXXtiUajk B&uk, tAicksa. f aa llf al. ikOKKT. HANGED FOR ATR0CI0US ACT lr(T Win Marker Woasaa Her Two Daatghte-r Pay tb Penalty. FHILADELFHI A, May 27. wmiam Har- nion Lane., colored, was hanged at 10 OS o'clock this mersing. Tbe rrime for wh'-b Lane today paid the penalty was particularly atrorlouk Oh tbe morning of April 1 be abot and killed Ella Jar den, by whom be was emplered as a servant, and ber two -osiurbiera, Mad el in. aged 12. and Elolar, aged 7 years. Lane bad stoles money from lis em ployer, and. fearing tbe ronseoueaoes of bis theft, be deliberately shot tbe woman and ber younger daughter la aa tipper room of their borne and tbea called tbe elder child from the atreet. where she had been playing, and shot and killed ber. After the shooting Lane escaped te Cam den N. J., but was arrested a few boors later. He confessed bis crime and was sentenced to death. Justice was not de layed in meting out punishment te the negro, and in less thaa ta s month after the rommlssloB of tbe crime be was exe cuted. MURDERS HIS SWEETHEART Criase la Com Battled by Ball Bawssaaa, a Beheaaiaak I'atk mt CHICAGO. May 2?. Emll RossmaA, aged 1, last sight shot and killed his sweet heart, Sophie Bat!, and tbea abet aim- ' self It ks believed be will die. Tbe girl was but 17 year of age. She and EbasmkB cam 1 Chicago twe month ago from wl'Ji an aunt of Koas man. Tbey were kweeHearl In Uut old and bimsrlf If shy attempt as thkdc t eepkrate them. The oppoaitioa ta the cnioa was due to tbe youth ot tbe pair. Sunday night both of them were miaeeS and yesterday the police were notified It was not till early today that tbey were found lying side by aids under a sidewalk oa tbe west side. Tbe girl was dead, with a bullet ia ber brain. Ross man was alse abot ia the bead, but he still 'breathed faintly. BENCH WARRANT IS ISSUED Fred W. leujeabela ( C Laat A eased f Bribe 1 aad Ea. kortkaa. ST. LOns. Msy FT. A bench warrant was tasked' tola lor the arrest oa the charge of bribery and ertertloa of Fred W. 2igabetm. whs served ss priest a secre tary 10 Lis father, former Mayor Henry ZeiArenbeim, during tbe last two years of but ttrm Judge Douglas of tbe ori initial caurt Issues tbe arrant at tbe tnrtaats of The grand Jury, whirs tfes been uvevrlgettng praotipas ' which prevailed la tbe fukyor a daring tbe Zeigetibcrm administration. Tbe us of tt j.ermit prlrUege, tb reaikaslea of tb pardonthg of workbemn prisoner and tbe methods in dealing with mercbAatg sn sought tbe pritikge of placing aigns aver their place of business were partkruiarly lavestlgated. Detaaltlaa I sakler kVeks Tea Tear. HELENA. Mont. May 27. Herbert H Mktteeon. the aeiauluug raabier of ti First National bank of Great Falls, whs pleaded gui.iy yeateroay ka tb (ederul court, aa today sentenced t ten year in th penitentiary b Jnds si -!- Mstteson sbortage a til. mat) . kit lust tbe money tn specuistiun, Faaatala, CwlaraAa, is eioAeA FOCKTAIN. Colo.. Msy r. The atrasAis of this town Were fioudrd to a aepib tw feet in many places aw the auibreak of Fountaia rrwA It kk report ttiaA th sertioa bou at Wigwam waa Cetroel and tb family drwne Over ake hi ad at cattle war urvwuee kiekX Buikea.