Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Slwrti Get Scared and Cora Market Qoe
Soaring Skyward.
rrTlltnt Join I" Ascension March
4 All riti Close with Price
Higher, Tkt(b Oat trow
la Nervon.
J li
CHICAGO. May 27-Corn prices went
tjllmblng today and aided other rains In
a sympathetic upturn. Many rondltlonj
favored better prices In all the pit, but It
was largely through the fear of the corn
shorts that the Ion predicted
coming that brought" the 'vanrea. July
wheat cloeed -u",c higher, July
JUo up and July on4a tlNc advanced,
jprovlefons closed Mt7'c to joe ilhej.
After making good gains yesterday corn
raelly took the lead again today. The ton,
throughout the eton waa particularly
l"rori? and the buying that put price up
iwaaV.f the very beet character. Cold
weather atarted the upturn, but ecreaaed
eUrcka. small - receipts, with "-mailer to
icome, higher denies and a good rash de
mand were the added Influences that iris'ht
nl the ahorta Into thinking their day of
reckoning had romo. Reports of liberal
country iceeptareres-about aiO.onO huahelK
and last night s bids had no effect on the
!demand. I-ate In the day came the great
est activity, when the big bull house began
to augment the demand of the , commission
hrtise by bidding freely and higher
Trices. This atarted a sharp flurry and
shorts covered at rather heavy sacrifices.
July corn opened to ,c up at 3c
!to ,&3H-. Jumped to 64c snd clos-d
J itrong. IhSi P. t M. Btock. J
decreased l.o&.ft'o bushels for the ween.
I Receipts were 167 cars. . .
Wheat rnade further moderate advances
today. The corn strength a much as any
thing was the factor. General sentiment
waa buliwh. but there was some bearish
Influence at wark. in the main the rom
jmlsslon houses are getting a mor
business from the country,, and the pit con
sequently allowed a monJrW rtiva rnn
Idltlon. Cables were slightly higher Crop
Irrospecta were still very good and cash
Xemand and the premium for cash over
:the nearer options, together with the .de
creases In stocks, were the principal bull-
Ish factors. nrttugni r. .,.'., .
showed a decrease of 2,779.000 bushels and
-Infiuenoed some advances July opPi a
ahade lower to a shade higher at 3Mr73c,
sold to 74e and closed firm, tWiiC up. at
. . . r- ,.... yl " a rm 1 pnnlrnrt: Mln-
I 4SC. jyqt .ri ., " ' '
'neapolls and . Duluth reported 99 care, a
I total for tne inree poinie ui oH.,....-.
188 last week and 315 a year ago. Primary
receipts .were 264.000 bushels, compared with
JM.OnO btwhels last year. Seaboard clear,
ances equaled 4,000 bushels. Local stocks
decreased 787,000 bushels last week. The
aoaboaro Deported the export Inquiry dead.
Trade In oats was slow, save for a sharp
upturn or) a few transactions In May
; stuff. Corn advances were an Influence.
(There was a decrease here In stocks of
477.000 bushels, the total contract amount
now being only 421.000 bushels. The crowd
waa very nervous. May sold up lHc. In a
'short time, but later simply showed fair
advances. Tlw fear of a squee In the
May deal" taept many traders out pf the
! market. July Bold to 87o and closed firm.
llo higher, at 37a37c. Receipts, 289
cars. ,
Provisions were very strong eatly on the
higher prices for hogs and on tha very
email offerings. The sentiment waa very
bullish for a time and there waa a good
markers' support. Commission houses did
aome fair buying. The selling was mainly
scattered for tha outside account In the
way of liquidation. Toward the close tha
profit-taking caused a loss of some of the
advance, but tha tone was still strong.
July pork closed HKs up at $17,074. July
Hard bQTSko higher a $10.17Vi and July ribs
IVfyQ'lOc up at 19.624.
Estimated recelpta tomorrow: Wheat, 20
cars; corn, 80 cars;1 oats, 146 cars; hogs,
,25.000 head. . ,,
The leading feature ranged as follow:
:Artlcle. Open. High. Low. Close.l Yes'y.
, Sept.
Corn 1
' May
May July
lb July
in Sept,
b Sept.
Pork .
July Sept.
'. 74
29-8 4
74 y
16 974
17 IS
17 27
10 20
10 274
65 !
16 974
17 074
1 974
17 124
10 124
10 16,
9 66
9 674
17 124
17 224J
10 15
eo 1
10 174
10 lb
10 ZO
9 874
9 624
9 W
V tit)
No. 1 a Old. b New.
Cash quotations wsre aa follows:
KLOUlt Steady; winter patents, $3.90
4 00; straights, 3.40rn.H0; clears, 3.20aaVi;
spring specials, HSW4.40; patents, (3.60
S.90: straights, $3.00i3.3O.
WHEAT No. i spring, 764754o No. 1
red, 824c
OATS No. white, 444c; No. I white, 444
RYE) No. t. 64E0c-
PARLEY Pair to choice malting, 69ff72c.
SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.69; No. 1 northwest
ern. fl.77; -prima timothy, f6.306.3S; clover,
contract grade, tS-3t.
PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $17.00
fi'17.06. Lard. per 100 lbs.. $10.1010.15.
6hort rlba sides (looael, $9.fV8.70. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), Short
clear sides (boxed), $iai010.20.
WHISKY On basis of high wines, $1.90.
The following were tha recelpta and ship
ments yestarday;
Articles. - - Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbl. 17,000 9,fnO
Wheat, bu 20.000 248.000
Corn, bus 119.0UO 1,000
Oats, bu 286,000 41X
Jive, bu 2.0CO 1,000
Barley, bu 18,000
On the Produca exchange today tha but
ter market waa steadyi creameries, At
Uo; dairies, 174S9c. Checsa, weak, 10'tf
lie Kggs, firm; fresh, l&tfU4c.
anotatlans t the Day en Tartans
i Commodities.
NEW YORK. May 27.-FLOTTR Recelnts.
11.918 bbls ; exports, 10.928 bbls. ; stronger
and neia nigner, out not quotabiy above;
winter patents. $4.taft34-26: Minnesota Det
ents, $4uoH.2o; Minnesota bakers, $3.1X4$
aoo; wmier siraigms, s.b&q.w, winter
extraa, w w; winter low grades, I2.960
$.20. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, l.i&
a.0; choice to fancy. $S.5(4rS.a6.
, CORN MEAL Firm; yellow western, $1.33;
RYE Srm; No. t western, atfc, f.
afloat: state. 8aj4c c. I. f.. rarlots.
o. b.,
BARLEY Nominal; western feeding. (49
so o. 1. 1. new xora; mailing, ,vy,Jo c.
t. t. New York.
t WHEAT Receipts. 132.100 bu.! exDorts.
4.M bii. Spot, Arm; No. t red, nominal,
.elevator (new crop), K!46e3Sc, o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, u4c, f. o. b.,
aflo&t: No. 1 hard Manitoba. 8b4c. t. a. h
afloat. - Wheat waa generally firm again
ail aay, oeing susiauiea oy me corn ad
.vance, light offerings, a strong cash dosI
tlon and general covering by local tradera.
The close waa Arm at HiiVC net advance.
'May, su'tftilo. closed at bio; July, 79 13-ltVjf
' 6040, close.! at t"Ho; September, 187$ T-I60,
Iclused at 784o; Decewbvr. 74tf794c, closed
at 7VHc.
CORN Recelpta. 6,260 bu.; exporta. 940
tu. Bpot, atroog; no. x, ue, elevator. Tic,
t. o. ,0., afloat. Optlona were strong and
more active, advancing over a cent 011
small reoelpta, vigorous covering and bull
sentiment generally, cloatng very atrong
and 14o net higher. May closed 734c; July,
ttMiOo, closed ' at TUo; September, toV
eo4a, closed at 664c.
OATS Receipts. 17.900 bu.: exports. 918
bu. Spot, firm; No. t. 4C4c: No. 3, 454c;
jno. s wniie, 010: rvo. s wniis. wc; iracK,
tnlxed western. 470-c; track white, 6mnrac.
Ontlons. quiet but firmer.
' HAY Firm; shipping, 60ig66c good to
Choice. IKxUwSo.
HOPS Quiet: state, prime to choice, 1901
crop, liilc; 1900, 14615c; olds, 6tt8c. Pe
rnio const, iwi crop, iivfc.'ic; jsuu, igi&c;
Oias, o'ifva. - -
11 ITkt M Viral. RalvMlAn XA t,i ,K 11a
California. U to $6 lbs., 14c; Texas dry, si
LEATHER Steady ; acid, 24ai3c.
WOOL Quiet; domestle fleece. 24'2io.
TALLOW Easy; city ($1 per pkg. Vtff
Wfkc- country 1 irwi, -uic.
w RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra,
SV.iUo: J nan. 4ViuAc
MOLA88ES Steady ; New Orleans, open
liuif (mw to cuoioe, uvue.
- PROV lblONa -. Beef, nominal: famllv
. lli.-0osflU.uS; mvsa, 114; beef hams. $21.0
L.uu: packet. le.orii6.6ft; city extra India
! nice. Via Owe 27.00 , Co,t meats, quiet; pickled
, bellies. $10OtflU7t; pickled shoulders, $160
476; pickled hams, $tl.6Hul2 50. Lard.
' steadyi western steamed, $10 66ft 10.60: re
! fined, steady; continent, $10 8o; South
1 1 1 KA. i. r. w. . ... A m 1: .j.: , 1 . t-
drat family, $19 bi 00; short clear. $l.iuij
felTT I E K Hac.elula. . I MS nVn rm
' ital 4Uiiv iewc; state crsamerjr,
1:4c; Imltstlon creamery, 14$4c; fae-
tory, Vhivc
FK8E Receipts, 9.71K pkga. ; nulet and
""HFKSIi Receipts, t.715 pkga.; q
firm; fnncy Isrge, colore and white, 10c
fancv small, nw state full cream, colored,
choice. 104c; white, oe.
K((fl Hecelpts. tl.7ix pkgs. ; firm; stste
and I'ennnylvanfa, 174'jjlac; western, stor
sgn packed. lift-IRc. . .
8f(AK Raw, steady; fair refining, 24c;
centrlfusal. M test, 7-16c; molasses sugar,
Jll-1c; rfflned, steady; crushed, 6.16c; pow
dered. 4 75c; granulateil, 4.6V.
COFFEE Quiet and Steady.
MOLA8SE8 Steady ; New Orleans, 33
POt'I.TRY Alive: Steady; turkeys, idtt
11c; fowls. 15c. Dressed: Quiet; broilers,
2X1S2c; fc.wls, 1244il3c; turkeys. 14l5c.
METAIJ The local copper market was
dull and with lower lake closed at $1!.87H
12 124; standard spot to August at Ill.TMi
12.00; electrolytic, $l.124'tri:i.374; casting.
112. 124', 12.2S. London copper market closed
be lower, with spot and forward deliveries
standing at 12 16s. The tin market st
New York was a shade better, closing with
snot at $90. VV 30. 15. At lxndon a decline of
.l wbb suffered, which closed spot at 135
10s and futures st 132 6s. Lead ruled
steady and unchanged hera at $4 124 and at
Ixindon was unchanged at 11 His. Spelter
was more or less nominal. London price,
!8 7s6d. Iron was steady at New York,
but not active, with prices as last quoted.
Pig Iron warrants were nominal. No. 1
foundry, southern. tl1.6CCpn9.5o; No. 1 foun
dry, southern soft, $1R.5oi&1.60. The Eng
lish markets were barely steady. Ulasgow
closed at 63s lid and Mtddleebornugh at
4s 6d. The copper committee of the New
York Metal exchange has decided that on
all applications for the listing of brands of
copper a sample piece, duty, branded, must
be deposited with the secretary of tha w-
change, he to have the sample "analysed by
s uuiy aiMimr'u anffnyer ana me piece to
be kept In the custody of the secretary for
future reference In case of dispute a to the
quality. The applicant shall pav the ex
pense of the assaying. The applicant shall
also pay a listing fee of $100, the same to
be returned should tha application not ba
Condition of Trade and Qaotatloaa aa
Staple and Fancy Prodire.
FXJGS Including new No. 3 cases, 134o;
Caere returned, 13c.
LIVE POl'LTRY-Chlckens. 84c: old
roosters, according to age, 4c; turkevs,
1?llc: ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per
lb., 2fc.
BfTTER-Packlng stock, 16164; choice
dairy, In tubs. 17S18c; separator, 23c.
rrappies. 10c; herring. 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike,
11c; perch. 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh,
Sc; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; ratflsh, 18c;
black bass. 18c; halibut, 11c; salmon, 16c;
haddock lie; codfish. 12c; red snapper, 10c;
roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, 35c;
split shad, per lb., Joe; lobsters, boiled,
per lb., 25c; lobsters, green, per lb,. 23c.
PIGEONS Uve. per dox., ?6c.
VEAI-Cholce, 6C.
CORN 614c.
OATS 49c.
P. RAN Per ton, $18.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay.
No. 1 upland, $9; No. 1 medium, $8.60; No. 1
coarse, $8. Rye straw $6.60. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair. Receipts light.
EGO PTANT Florida, per dog., $1.25.
SQUASH Florida, per dox., $1.0001.26.
CAULIFLOWER Southern, per box, $2.
POTATOES Northern. $1; Colorado, $1-10;
new potatoes, per lb., 24c.
GREEN ONIONS Per do., according to
size of bunches, lfo2oc.
ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dox.. $0
Cl'Cl'MPERS-Hothouse, per doi., 60g7So.
LETTUCE Hothouse, per dox., S&c.
PARSLEY Per dox., 30&S5c.
RADISHES Per dox.. 2092Se.
WAX BEANS Illinois, per box, $1.60; per
H-ou. Dox, toe: per maraet Daaxet, T6c;
tnng beans, per h-du.. oc: per du.. ii.w.
GREEN PEAS Per bu. box, tl.602.00:
per 4-bu., 6576c.
Kiii tiAKB noma grown, per. id., 140.
CABBAGE California, new. 8c,
ONIONS New southern In sacks, per lb.,
TOMATOES Florida, per t-basket crate,
NAVT BEANS Per bu., $2.
STRAWBERRIES Per 24-qt. tuts, $3.00
CHERRIES California, per box, $1.26.
GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.60.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 80 to 8 count,
BANANAS Per bunch, according to
lse, $2.26(92.75.
oranges Budded, $3.26: Mediterranean
sweets, $3.60rd3.76. ,
LEMONS Fancy. $3.60: choice. 23.26: Mes.
lnas, $4.0064.60.
HONEY Per 24-section case, $2.7538.00.
CIDER Nehawka. Der bbl.. 13 25: New
York. $3.60.
POPCORN Per lb., 6c: shelled. . Co.
NUTS 'Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, tier lb..
12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft
shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Braalls, per
lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per
lb., 13c; small, 10c; cocoanuta, per sack,
HIDES No. 1 green. 6ttc: No. X a-reen.
64c; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 2 salted, 64c:
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to lbs.. Ac: No. i
veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 89
12c; sheep pelts, 76c; horse hides, $1.60t$2.l0.
ul.u mt-iALfl a, a. a i pern quotes the
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton. $10; Iron, stove platd, per ton. $7.50:
wfvi iu.j 071, iieKvy, per id..
84c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.,
oytv, siui:, yer 10., c; ruDuer, per ID., SO.
St. Lonla Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Mav 27. WHfrATWtt.r.
No. S red, cash, elevator, 78c; track. 79a
7M4c; May. 78o; July, 71KT14c; No. 2 hard.
CORN Higher: No. 7 cash. 63e: track.
64&44c: May, 64c; July, 64c; September,
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash. 414c: track,
42(j424c; May, 42c; July, 834c; September,
284c; No. 2 white, 464c.
niiv uuiet at uuc.
FLOUR Steady: red winter natenta. xlflfl
id a. it ; extra tancy ana clear. X3.8oao.45;
clear. $3.00it3.20.
seed Timothy, out or season; nominal.
iunMfcAb Bteaay,
B RAN Steady : sacked, east track.
HAY Dull and easy: timothy. I10.00fi15.00:
IRON COTTONTIES Steady, $1.05. -
RAGGING Steady, 64fr64a
PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing,
ew. $17.60: old. $17.20. Lard, hirher. 110 (X.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra
shorts and clear rlba. $10: short clear.
$10.14. Bacon, steady; boxed lota, extra
enons ana ciear rios, snort clear,
METALS Lead, quiet, 3 9Cf3.974. Spel
ter. very strong, held above $4.60.
POULTRY Steady: chickens. 8Uc:
springs, 20j2&c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 64c;
geriM'B c.
niTir. k steady :
dairy. 15(f19c.
fcoos steady at line
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls. ,
Wheat, bu..
Corn, bu....
Oats, bu
6.000 9,000
67,OiiO 64,0ii0
...61.0(0 87,000
83.000 17.0U0
Liverpool Grain and Previsions.
No. 1 northern spring, dull, 6s 24d; No. 1
1 anrornia, sieaay, as Ki. f utures: Firm;
May, 6s; July, 6s 4d; September, 6 2d.
L.OKM nuoi: meaav: American mixea.
new. 6a 84d: old. 6a M. Futures: . Film:
juiy. ds 11,11; prpiemDer, bs aa.
PEAo Canadian, steady at 6a 16d.
FIXUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm,
8s 9d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast). Arm.
41 6
PROVISIONS Beef. Arm; extra India
mess, lUM 3d. Pork. Arm; prime mesa,
western. 76s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16
lbs., steady. 63 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut.
26 to SO lbs., steady, 61s 6d; short ribs. 16
to zt ids., steady, sis d; long clear middles,
light, 28 to 84 lbs t steady, 62a; long clear
miuuies, neavy, u to w ids., ateady, sis fd
short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 63s
clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., steadv. lis d
Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 8s.
Lard, quiet, American refined, in palls,
61s 6d; prime western. In tierces, quiet.
BUTTER Nominal; finest United States
nrm, e.
TALLOW Prime city, firm, at 80s 9d
Australian. In 1-ondon. firm at 84s.
CHEESE Firm; American finest white,
old. steady, 6A: American finest white,
new, o3s; American nnest colored, old. 60s
American finest colored, new. firm. 64s.
Receipts ef wheat during the last threo
days, 607,000 centals. Including 371. Ouo Amer
ican. Receipts of American corn during
111 ibi uiro uaya, nunc.
. Weather overcast.
Minneapolis Want, Klenr Lmi Bran
754c; July. 754c: Pentember. 7144j714c; on
track. No. 1 hard. 784c; No. 1 noribern. 764,
Wio'c; io. a nonnern, lo'mr.
FIXJUR-Flrst patenta. $3 8668.96; second
patents, 3.K03 7o; nrst clears, UKgiiM
WN ona clears. 9 au.
BRAN-lu bulk. $14.00(914.86.
Ckaagee In Available Snnnllea.
NEW YORK. May H-Soeclal cable and
telegraphlo communications to Bradstreet's
anew . tut lolioelng caangeg la avaUable
tipplles, aa compared with last accounts:
W HEAT United States snd Canada, east
of the Rockies, decrease, 4.679.010 bu. ; afloat
for and In Europe. Increase, i.nv.ow du;
total supply, decrease, 2,"7S.i'0 bu.
CORN United States and Canada, east
Of the Rocklca, decrease, l,165,0t bu.
OATS United States snd Canada, east
Of the Rockies, decreaoe, 9dS.( bJ.
Among the more Important decreases re
ports this week are those of bu.
st Msnltoba. 37,ono bu. st Chicago private
elevators, 132.0iiO bu. st t)msha and 1U,M)
bu at nonhwestern Interior elevators.
The leading Increases are tnose or i(."io
bu. at I'ort Huron and 120.000 bu. at Coleau.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
71c; July, wS4i9'c; cash, No. 2 hard,
3c; No. 3, i.'4c; rwo. i req, ii-aivc; ro. ,
.V'i734c; No. 2 spring. 73c.
CORN May, 62"tfe624c; Jly 614c; Pep
ember. 55Akc: cash. No. 2 mixed. B4fflj&c;
No. 2 white, 6Ao4c; No. 3. 64644c.
OATS No. Z white, 44W4o'iC
RYE No, 2. 69r.
HAY Choice timothy, $12.50; choice prai
rie, $10.
BUTTER Creamery. 20c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Steady: new No. z wnitewooa
cases Included, 134c dox., loss off; cases
returned, 13c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat 44.800 25.0
Corn 62.000 2M(io
Oats 1 28.000 7,(OJ
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. Mav 27. WHEAT Pull.
strong; cssh, 834c; May, 834c; July, "64c;
September, 76c.
CORN Dull, strong: cash. 634c: May,
644c- July, 644c; September. 61c.
OATS Active, firm; cash, 4&4c: May,
454c; July, 34c; September, 80c; new July,
384c' new September. 314o.
SEED Clover, dull, steady; cash, $5.05;
October, $6.1
Philadelphia Prodnce Market.
Firm, good demand; extra western cream
ery, 2Z4c; extra nearby prints, 23c.
EGOS Steady; fresh nearby, 17c: fresh
western, 184c; fresh southwestern, 17c;
fresh southern, 154filttc.
CHEESE A shade eaaier: New York full
creams, prime small, new, 124c; New York
full creams, fair to good, new, 114 12c.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
Higher; close: No. 1 northern. 78c; No. I
northern, 78tt784c: July, 754c.
hi e nteady ; xmo. 1. tvic
BARLEY Lower; No. 2. 73734c; sam
ple, 6M714C
Dalath Grain Market.
t-.tty jr. er Tt-T T IT IT rn m XJv
1 hard, 784c; No. 8 northern. 734c; No. 1
northern. 734c; No. 1 northern. 754c; May,
754c: July, 764c; September, 73c.
OA I B casn, 4c; cteptemoer, 40c
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. 111.. May 27. CORN-Flrm: No.
$, 634c asked.
OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 43fl44c, billed
General Drift Lower and Consplcnona
Activity in Canadian Pacific.
NEW YORK. May 27. Today' stock
market was an Irregular drift over a frac
tional range, below yesterdays closing
level. There were a few exceptions among
minor stocks. The recent demand ior
Wisconsin Central stocks continues, ac
companied by rumors of buying for con
There waa an UDward movement in Sugar
when the report reached Wall street of
a conference of senators to attempt an
agreement upon Cuban reciprocity, but the
stock dropped back when the conference
adjourned without action.
A rise of nearly 2 points In American
Locomotive seemed a supplement to that
of yesterday In the car stocks. Pressed
Steel Car reacted sharply over 8 points
on the emphatic denial of yesterday s ru
mors of a merger with tha American Car
Canadian Pacific continued by far tho
moat active stock In the list. It dropped
84 In the first few minutes of trading, but
iwaa rallied Dy arDitrage trading irom
Canadian centers, where the stock con
tinued at figure above tne New xorg
The absence of developments in the coal
strike situation did not prevent the re
pressive Influence exercised by tne strixe,
which Is emDhaslxed by the Increasing
scarcity of coal and the growing effect on
other Industries.
The money market ha grown so easy, at
or below 8 ner cent for call loans, a to
have lost Importance aa a factor. Opinion
Is by no means agreed In Wall street as
ti the effect upon this market of a declara
tion of peace In South Africa. The small
effect produced here In contrast with the
speculative activity abroad by the current
rumors of peace awakened conjecture here.
An awakening of speculative and Indus
trial activity abroad would be likely to
lead to the withdrawal of large amounts
of foreign capital now placed In New York
In bankers' loans. The effect could hardly
be salutary upon American financial af
Beginning today,' National Railroad of
Mexico will be substituted for Mexican
National In Wall street stock tables.
The bond market was dull and Irregular.
Total sales, par value, $1,790,000. United
States bona were an uncnangea on tne
last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atchison TH 80. PiolBo 444
do fa 80. Railway M4
Biltinors aV 0 1064 do pfd 4
do old..
vo Tnu ptcinc... 404
U84, Toledo. 8t. L tW.IMi
Canadian Paolflo..
Canada So
do Dfd . . .
V... t7-
Ctaaa. A Ohio
Chicago A Alton.
Union Pacllo
.... 87
.... M4
.... 4',
do pfd
Wabash ,
do pfd ,
Wheel. A L. B.
do Id pfd ,
do Did.....
Chicago, lad. A L.. 144
do ofd
Chicago A K. I1I....1U4
Chicago u. w
I Wl.. Central
do lrt prs
do Id D(d
18 do pfd ,
47 Adams El
34t American E
Chicago A N. W
c, k. 1. at r...
17l'.i 'nltd states Ex
Chicago Tor. A Tr.. II
Wells-Fargo Ex.
do pra
C. C. C. A St. L.
88 Amal. Copper ..
..105 Amer. Car A F.'.... 314
Colorado 80
.. 804 do pfd (n't
.. 7oyAmer. Lin. Oil 144
.. 414 do pfd (l
do lot ptd
do id pfd
Del. A Hudaoa 1"4
amer. s. at ft 4
Del., L.. A W
Dearer A R. O..
...MO do pfd MV
.. 41VAnac. Mining Co 118
.. to Brooklyn R. T U
do fd ,
..M 84i oio. ruei at I looi
.... m'-'Con. Oaa 121
.... 804 Con. Tobacco pfd....l2i
....181 Oen. Electric lis
.... 81 "Hocklne Coal 18
.... 0 Inter. Paper 104
do let pfd ,
do Id l(d ,
Great Nor. pfd..
Hocking Valley .
do pfd
Illlaola Central
Iowa Central ...
....uii . F'"
.... 46 Inter. Power ,
834 1 Laclede Oaa .
.... 44i-s Blacult .,
....IIS National Lead
....U84 No. American
.....1J14'P''I8 Coast ,
....wnttlPaciao Mall
. 74
. to
. 88
. 474
. J2
. 48
. 41
. 47
de pfd
Lake Erie A W
do nf d
Manhattan L,....
Met. St. P.7....
nei. central
... atvl'sople'B Gee
Na. Rr. of Mexico.. 18''hjl--eaead 8. Car
Minn. A St. L
liro do Dfd..
. M4
Mo. Pacific ....
M.. K. A T ...
. w VPullman P. Car.
. I-jUi"!'""'- sieei
. 174
do pfd
.. us
do Dfd..
. 74
H. J. Central..
N. Y. Central.
. 83-
Tenn. Coal A Iron
Norfolk A W.
Ontario A W..
.. M4
.. tl
Inlon Bag A P....
do pfd ,
V .8. Leather
do pfd
U. 8. Rubber
1 do pfd
v. 8. stMi ::
. la
. 81
. II
. 84
PennarlTanla .
00 let pfd....
de Id pfd....
.. 81
.. T
.. 81
. 14U
. 4
it L. A 8. r.
do let pfd....
de Id pfd....
t. L. Bouthw.
do pfd
8t. Paul
do pfd...
.. tl-etern Union ..
.. m I Vmer. Locomo...
..- 1 do pfd
..1M'-' C. Southern..
. .188 do PM
. 84
. 83'.
. 41'
do pfd
Last sale. Ex-dlvldend.
Boatoa Stock. Qaotatloas.
cent; time loans
closing of stocks
27. Call loans, ,445 per
, 4MO per cent, utnciai
and bonds
Oaa la
Max. Central 4a
N. K. Q. A C
de pfd
Boston A Albany...
Boatoa A Me
boatoa EleTeled . . .
N. T . N. H. A H.
Fltrhburg pfd
I'aloa PaelSc
Max. Central
Amer. Sugar
do prd
American T. A T..
Dominion I. A 8...
nn. Electric
Maaa. Bledrto
do pfd
If. . O. C
t'nlted fruit
lotted Copper
V. 8. ileal
10I4 do pfd tv
J iweetingb. Common, .loa'i
81 Adventure
84 Amalgamated ....
7V Bingham
tan talum A Hecla.
!(2 .Centennial
i0 ICopper Range ....
1M Dominion Coal ...
131 Ile Royals
MS I Mohawk
ltHVfc Old Domlnloa ....
liv Oeoaola
.. 84
.. i
.. 6S
. lf.
.. 1
.. 414
.. tun
.. ai
.. so
IMS: Parrot
Uanta Fe Copper
t'nlted Stetee ...
Daly Weat
.. 14
, MS
. t
. V
.. 14
.. il.
.. 44
.. ii
.. 44
Forelga Flaamelal.
LONDON. May 27 The rates for money
were nrm toaay. 1 nere was a strong under
tone, although the ultra aceotlcs construed
ths cabinet meeting as evidence that a
hitch had occurred In the South African
peace negotiations and the likelihood of an
advance waa arrested, liealings were mod
erate. The spurt In home rails was main
tained. Americans opened weak, the domi
nating factor being the roal strike and
fears of Its expansion. Prices afterward
improved ana business closed quiet. Ca
nadian Pacifies and Orand Trunks wavered
Kamrs were In fair request. Consols
closed below the beet prices of the dsy,
! Beers eased, but partly recovered, tha
loss. The amount of bullion taken Into the
Hank of Kngland on balance today was
A7.iA The sum of ).nno waa withdrawn
for shipment to South America. Oold pre
miums are quoted ss follows: Buenos
Ayres. 1.U.80; Madrid. 87.87; Lisbon. 26;
lome, 1 tut.
PARIS. May 27. Prices on the bourse
odav were firm on satisfactory London
advices. The rise In British consols snd
the expectation of Important statementa
after the meeting of the cabinet in Lon
don Impelled good buying orders. The
whole IIM of foreigners advanced. Rentes
were stronger on Investment purchases.
Spanish 4s Improved, owing to the belief
that the Spanish ministerial crisis has been
averted. Rio tintos were steady and Insc-
Ive. DeBeers were offered snd closed Arm.
Kaffirs Improved sfter the close of the
bourse, then suffered a setback and be
came easier. The private rate of discount
was 14 per tnt. Three per cent rente,
loif ?74c for the account. Spanish 4s, 7K..
BKRL1N, May 27. Kxchange on London,
2om 44 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates:
Short bills, 14 per cent; 'three months'
mis. x per cent. in tne Dourse louay m-
ermttionais were In good demand, owing
o the ease and abundance of money and
he advance In Kngltsh consols. Banks
were maintained. Iron shares were con
siderably higher on bear covering. In view
of the settlement. Navigation- shsres were
wen disposed, as the result or large Ham
burg buying orders, Canadian Pacific
were nrm.
ew York Money Market.
NEW YORK. Mar 27. MONEY On call.
steady st 241 per cent; closing bid and
asked, 2493 per cent; prime mercantile
pnper. vuo Per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.86'
for demand and $4.8.14 for sixty days;
posted rates, $4,854 and $4.88; commercial
Dlliw, M.e-'-H'ye.ivl'V
SILVER Bar. E14c: Mexican dollars.
HUNDS oovemment. steady: Mate, in
active; railroad. Irregular.
The closing quotation on oonas are as
V. 8. ref. za, reg....104iHorklng Vat. 44a. ..110
do coupon
...1MVU N. unl. aa lux
...luTHiMnlcen Central 4s... SI 4
...1074 do let Inc. 81
do 8a, reg
do coupon
do new 4a. reg.
do coupon Minn, at bt. aa...!"!-
..! M.. K. A T. 4a...
do old 4a. reg.
...llttVN. T. Central la.
do coupon .
....IIOV do general !4a...-ln
do Sa. reg loft 14 N. J. C. gen. Sa lt4
do coupon 1KV No. PaclAo 4s 1044
Atchlenn gen. 4s 101, do la 78
do a (li. 4a MVN. a w. con. 4a. ...101
Bal. A Ohio 4a. .....10114 Reading gen. 4a loo
do lHa MVi St. 1 M. e. sa.-imi
do conv. 4e 107 1st. L. A 8. F. 4b.... M
Canada o. 2a 108 St. L. 8. W. Is...
... 84
... MS
... 80
... 854
Central of Oa. 6a 10841 do la
dd is inc ksvb. A. a A. r. 4a..
Chee. A Ohio 44a....l0t4 80. Pacific 4a
Chicago A. IHa... 84Vi so. Rallwar Sa....
B. A Q. n. 4a.... H
Texae A Pac. la
C, M A Bt P g. 4a. ..US
T., St. L. ft W. 4a. 814
ft N. w. c. 7B... 88
union ractac 4a in
do cone. 4o 1074
C , R. I. P. 4a.... 1114
C C C dr Ht L. g. 4B.104
Chlraso Ter. 4a 0
Wabaah la 110
do 2 1114
do deb. B 75"
Colorado 80. 4a M4
P. R. O. 4a 103V
West Shore 4a 114
W. A L. E. 4a 84
Erie prior Hen 4b....100Vr
do general 4a M
Wla. Central 4a 84
F. W. A U. C. la.. .1164
ICon. Tobacco 4a 4
London Stock Market.
LONDON. May 27.-4 p. m. Closing:
Cona., rnoner 844fNorfolk A Western.. W
do account 8 do pfd
Anaconda 8 Ontario A Western
Atchiann 814!Pennaylvanla
. S84
. 74
. 114
. 42
. H4
. 374
. 874
. !4
. 80
. 414
. 124
. 27
do pfd 101, Reading
Baltimore A Ohlo....l0t do lat pfd
Canadian Pacific 142SI do td pfd
Chesapeake ft Ohio.. 47V Southern Ry
Chicago O. W t.
do pfd..
M. ft t?t. P 174
Southern Pacific.
Union Paclflo....
do pfd
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
do pfd
Denver ft R. 0 43
do pfd 8
Erie 374
do lat pfd 894
do Id Pfd 61
Illinois Central 1MV
Loulavllle A Nash... 141
. 45
Spanish 4 74
M . K. ft T 164
Rand Mines 127
DeBeers 414
do pfd an
N. T. Central -18041
BAR SILVER Quiet at 23d per ounce.
MONEY 2Hfi'V rer cent. The rate of
discount In the o. en market for both short
and three months' bills la 2(2 13-18 per
New Tork Mlataa; ajeetatlena.
NEW YORK. May 27. The following are
the closing prices on mining atocks:
Adams Con SS
Alice 46
Little Chief ....
... II
... 11
... 11
... 16
... 40
Breece 8
Brunawlck Con 10
Sierra Nevada
Bmall Hopea ...
Comatock Tunnel ... IH
con. ai. a va iso
Deadwood Terra 100
Horn Silver 130
iron Stiver 76
Leedviua ten s
Bask Clearings.
OMAHA.. Mav 2,. Bank clearinaa todav.
$1,029,206.86; corresponding day last year,
$1,024,732.02; Increase, $104,473.84. '
CHICAGO, May 27. Clearings, $27,435,210;
balances, $2,201,474; posted exchange, $4,854
tor sixty days, $4.88 on demand; New York
exchange. 3iic premium.
NEW YORK, May 27. Clearing. $246,
276.306; balances, $21,669,313.
UUSTO.N, May zi. Clearings, $23,028,275:
balances. $1.R4.534.
PHILADELPHIA. May- 27.-Clear1nga,
$20,863,196; balances, $2,226,097; money. 44
ner cent. - s
Dil.Tllinilll! M.v 97 Pl..rin. Um.
479; balances, $764,100; money, 6 per cent.
jixmcia j 1, may L'f. clearings, sj.zio,.
450; money, 4f per cent; New York ex
change, 85c premium.
ST. LOUIS, May 27. Clearings, $7,768,274:
balances, $766,332; money, steady at 4436
per cent; New York exchange, 60c premium.
Condition of the Treasary.
WASHINGTON. ' May 27. Todav' atate.
ment of the treasury balances In the s-en-
eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold
reserve in tne aivision 01 redemption,
shows: - Available cash balances. $180.849..
919; gold, $!H,&5,343.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Mar 27. WOOL Trade In the
market, while Irregular, has been more
active this week than at any time since
January, and the sales form a respectable
aggregate. The tranaactlon have been
principally In moderate slsed parcels for
Immediate use. Prices, however, are not
changed, but dealers now admit that the
outlook for the sale of wool Is better.
Territory wools are firm and choicest
staple territory on the scoured baals I
selling as follows: Fine. 60(S&c: fine me
dium, 47r48c; medium, 43c; the ordinary
grades scoured are quoted as follows:
Fine, 47(5 48c: fine medium. 43346c: medium.
$S340c; fleece wools have been well sus
tained on the small quantity orrered; Ohio
and Pennsylvania XXX, nominal at
29c; XX and above, 2G'27c: X, 24g26c:
Michigan X, 22324c; Ohio fine delaine, 28
fa 29c; Michigan. 25427c. and No. 1 comb
ing. 2&&27c. Australia wool are firmer
and are quoted a follow: Combing,
choice scoured, basis, 72674c; good, 69&7uc;
average, bitjboc.
LON1JON. May Z7. wchju urrenngs at
the wool auction sales today numbered 15.-
173 bales. There was a large attendance.
Merinos were In active request and the
American demand caused greater firmness.
A few parcels of South Australian greasy
were bought for America. The withdrawals
numbered 6.&00 bnles. Following are tne
sales in detail: New South Wales. 4.60O
bales; scoured. 6dais 8d; greaay,
Queensland. 100 bales; scoured. Is 44d;
greasy, 6;W74d. victoria, nsies;
scoured, f)diils OUd: greasy, 44diiills.
South Australia, 2.100 bales; greaay, 4Vd.
west Australia, ZOO bales; greasy, ovtMiu.
Tasmania. 1.300 bales; greasy, 6d4i1a 2d.
New Zealand, 4.100 bales; scoured, 64diSls
4d: greasy. 4Si9Hd. Cape of Oood Hope
and Natal. 700 bales; scoured, 7dls 3d;
greasy. ona.
ST. LOUIS, May 27. WOOL-FIrm and
active; medium grades and combing, l&d
171c; light fine, I2r15i4c; heavy fine, 10
124c; tub-washed, 16n26c.
Evaporated Apple astsl Dried Fralta.
APPLES The situation In evaporated ap
nlen remains about unchanged. It Is firm
in tone, with offerings limited and de
mand ouiet. State, common to goon. 7tr
94c; prime, 94ft 10c; choice, 104 104c;
fancy, lie.
emort and lobbina- demand continues fairly
active tor large sixes 01 new iruu. ana
old prunes snow a nrmer reeling, inougn
still somewhat Irregular as to prices; new
fruit steadv: new aDrlcots snd Deaches
steady but quiet. Prunes, 34JH4c. Aprl-
cota. boxes, 104il4c; bags, ivwaizc.
Peaches, peeled, 144 lsc; unpeeled, $4Uc.
CoaTee Market.
NEW YORK. Mav 27-COFFEK-8pot,
Rio, quiet; No. T Invoice, 54c Mild, quiet;
Cordova, lift 114c. The market opened with
prices unchanged and held a tolerably firm
front throughout the day on support from
commission houses and the bull cllaue. In
spired by better foreign msrket news than
expected, and the call for spot article.
The market did not vary more than $
itolnts throughout the session and closed
steady, with prices net unchanged. Total
sales were 31,600 bags. Including June at
S.OfKae.fftc; July, 6.1o6.16c: September,
$.35c: October. 6.40o: November. 6.45c; De
cember, B.5uy5.55c; February, 6.70c; March,
ajar Market.
centrifugal. 34?34c; centrifugal, yellow, 34
J ll.lUc ... X .. , ... T . i .1 Unl,....
, , ... a
dull: centrifugal. 6-518c.
NEW YORK. Mav IT.-fll'OAR-Ra
steady; fair reflnlna. re: centrifugal. 94
test. 17-lsc; molasses sugar, 3c; refined.
Bef 8teen Sold About Ten Cents Higher,
but Oowi Were Slow,
Receipts of Sheep and Iambi Con.
tlaaed Light, While the Demand
Was Active for Desira
ble Offerings.
Receluta were: Cattle. Hoas. Sheep.
Official Monday 1.906 6.219 3.&U0
Official Tuesday 2,148 10,191 41A
Two dava this week.. 4 ir.3 16.410 8.16
Same days last week.. 6,762 U.1 1.2M
Same week before 7.42 12.1K9 7.65
Same three weeks ago.. 3,463 14.9s9 8.3.'4
Same four weeka ago.... 6.451 16.KM S.3X4
Same days last year.... 7,729 17,b?9 6.276
The folio wlnx table shows the receipts of
cattle, hog snd sheep at South Omaha for
ine year 10 aate ana comparisons wnn laui
1902 1901. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 311.206 2X2.445 28.K21
Hogs 1.049.210 73,t0
Sheep 363,367 4M.786 103.419
The following table show the average
price of hogL sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, with com
parisons with former years:
Date. I 190$. 11901. jl900.lS99.1898.1897.l96.
May 1.... $04 $41 s 2C 3 1 $ 7l 13
May $.... 7 014 71 lai $ (01 $ $0 U
May $ ... 1 014 t 72 17 $ 6 $ 17 $ 71
May 4.... I 2 $ 61 $ 13 $ 72 $ M
May .... T0J 6 XI $ 62 1 $ (6 $ at. 3 14
May .... IN IH IN viIU
May 1.... 4 t I 21 lM$7ve0
May I.... 7 00 I M i 10 I (8 $71 $ II
May .... 101 66tUI66$8l 111
May 10... I 074 6 61tl6 362$953
May 11... IS I 16 $ 62 I 97 $ 67 11$
May 12... 6 lo $ 4 19 1 6, $ 17
May II... 7 0S $68 I6S 4 35 1 66 1 20
May 14... T 124 6 71 S 17 4 22 3 61 $ U
May 15... j 124 6 66 6 21 I 61 I 61 $ 21
May 16... 7 074 66 623 l63l42S 111
May 17... 7 134 fi 72 S 20 3 80 4 4" $ 65
May IS... 6 73 6 111 $ 69 4 29 $ 62 $ 11
May 19... 7 124 101 $ 65 4 35 3 61 I 13
May 20... 7 11 S 73 3 65 4 26 3 52 3 07
May 11... 7 07 6 67 5 03 4 26 3 65 3 03
May 22... 7 034 6 63 608162 162103
May 23... 7 08 6 61 5 01 3 65 4 S3 3 02
May 24... 7 06 6 671 6 04 3 621 8 2f $ 45
May 25... 6 62 6 041 1 58 4 17l $ 40 1 3 04
May 26... 6 964 4 99 3 66 , 4 18 3 S9 2 99
May 27. .. 6 9' 6 60 3 ft 4 20 3 S4 2 93
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country and
their destination:
J. E. Monroe, Billings, Mont. B. M.... 4
Kunsman K., Plattsmouth, Neb. B.
A M 1
M. 8. Moats. Shoals Siding, Neb M. AO.. 1
M. R. Sadler. Mitchellville. Ia. R. 1 1
Johnson Bros., Anita, la, R. 1 1
George W. Buchanan, Grlswold, la. R. I.. 1
The official number of car of stock
brought in today by each road was:
Catt e.Hoes.Sh'D.H ses.
C. M. aV St. P. Ry 2 13 1
Wabash 12
Missouri Pacific Ry.... 9 11
Union Pacific system... 11 18
F E. & M. V. R. R... 18 34 1
C, St. V., M. A O. R'.. 14 25
B. & M. it. Ky 1 J .. ..
C, B. & Q. Ry 6 6
K. C. & St. J 6
C, R. I. A. P.. east 7 17 1 1
C, H. 1 ft f.. west.... a 1 ..
Illinois Central 3, 2 .. 1
Total receipt 82 143 2 4
The disposition of the day' receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated;
Buvers. Cattle. Hogs. Bh'p.
Omaha Packing Co
O. H. Hammond Co
218 2,261
402 2,295 67
406 1,917 2M
90 311
6 .'.
Swift ahd Company
Armour & Co
Omaha Pkg. Co., K. C.
Cadahy. Kansas City....
Vansant & Co
Lobman A Co
W. I.. Stephen
Hill A Huntslnger
Huston A Co
Livingstone & Bchaller..
Hamilton A Rothschild...
H. L. Dennis & Co
Hobblck t
Wolf A M..,
Other buyer
Total 2,232 10,665
CATTLE There was a very light Tues
day' run of cattle here today, so that sell
er took advantage 01 me opportunity iu
force prices up a little. Packers evidently
had to have the cattle, a they were active
buyer at the higher prices ruling on
Receipt Included about the usual pro
portion of beef steers this morning and
unuer tne innuence 01 a iuuu unnwiu mo
hlghWt prices of the season were paid.
Bteera sold aa high as $7.35 and, as will be
umi from the sales below, there were a
good many bunches that were good enough
tO Dflng irom el.w up. t-uiiiiiarcu nun
yesterday anything at all desirable sold
right around a dime higher and as packers
were all anxious for sunblles the market
ruled active at the advance and everything
was disposed of in gooa season.
The cow market, on the other hand, was
hardly aa good aa yesterday. The better
grades of fed stuff sold In just about yes
terday' notches, but buyers did not seem
to take hold with much life. The com
moner kinds and especially those showing
gratss, were neglected and sellers In most
caaea were calling that class of stock a
shade lower than yesterday and In some
casea sales were made that looked frjjlOo
lower. . n
Bulls,, veal calves and stags all sold at
light around steady prices, where the qual
ity was at all good, but the common stuff
was of course neglected more or less, the
same aa uaual.
There waa a limited supply of storker
and feeders on sale this morning and as
the demand on the part of speculators ws
In fairly good shape sellers had no diffi
culty In disposing of what they had at
steady prices. The better grades In a good
many cases commanded stronger prices,
but aside from those It was no more than
about a ateady market. Representative
. Pr. No. At. Pr.
820 4 TS 18 1248 80
1W 8 40 It Ill t 85
87 I 80 tl 1271 8 88
883 I W 1 1Z70 80
811 I 80 1141 8 80
107 I 80 II 1128 84
1140 80 18 614 t SO
80 00 18 1278 8 8S
887 00 tl 1351 T 00
8S 10 18 1261 7 00
1010 10 4 12H 1 00
lutt 4 tS 18 1320 1 10
80 4 J It.' 127 7 1
878 10 tl 1481 7 11
870 I 10 II 1141 7 IS
87 I 10 40 1141 7 10
1061 4 It 17 1101 7 M
8i0 I 40 18...;, 1110 7 88
Ml 4 40 72..... UOO I M
lata a 7ft
4 ,
878 4 IS
7l 4 M
.1870 I M
... 84 I 40
...1101 6 16
, 884 I 88
. til lit
1 ,
I ,
I ,
... 80 t 80 4.
..1HJ0 4 H
...1000 4 16
... 141 4 10
... 86 4 IS
,..1800 4 86
...1017 4 40
...1110 4 10
... 85 4 60
...111 4 60
...1108 4 60
...1205 4 60
... 110 4 60
... 870 4 60
... 115 4 10
... 710 4 74
... 6S4 4 70
...1076 4 7
...llt 4 76
...;ot 4 16
80 I 80 1....
.... 715 I 85 I....
105 I IS SO....
.... 8W I SO 1....
.... 825 8 80 I....
.... 885 I 70 I
.... 840 I 11 10....
,...1010 I 11 1
,...11) I 15 I....
.... 810 I 15 4....
.... 885 I 85 1....
.... 880 I 80 1....
....10US I 80 4....
.... 840 I 84 I...."
,...10M) I 00 SO....
.... 880 as 11 ...
.... 8.11 8 08 8
.... M lit II ...
.... 845 I 15
.... 8el I II I...
....1180 1 .
.... 175 I It 1....
.... 860 I 50 ...
.... 848 I 60 1
.... 835 I 60 It....
.... 800 I 60 M ...
.... 80 I 50 4....
111 IU . IB....
4 IS
4 1
4 I
.10110 4 65
1060 4 80
104 I 0
1044 I 00
1104 I 04
1041 I 10
80 II
184 I 16
610 6 16
108 16
1026 I 40
1171 I 60
117 I 60
Ilu4 I 60
1011 I 60
100 65
1164 I 74
101! I 78
118 I SO
1016 I 1
1171 I 86
168 I 64
, 684 I 60
61 I 40
871 6 65
7 4 16
1084 I M
787 4 1
.... 840 I 00 1
....1800 I 75 14
.... 80 I 76 I
....107 1 76 I ,
.... 840 8 76 1 ,
.... 11 I 76
....107 I 85 1
.'...UJ0 4 80 I
....1U70 4 80
.... MO 4 00 I
....1066 4 W II
.... 8M 4 00 I
.... 75 4 16 I
.... 87 4 86 I
.... IH 4 16 .........
.... 780 I 60 I
.... 71 I 76 10
.... 70 4 08 SO
.... 84 4 16 1
....107 4 76 I
.... 800 6 08 14
.... 67 5 0 t
.... Ill I 4
....1808 I 8 1
....ID I 6 I
....tool I t
..186 I 71
..10 to
..14M 4 M
1.59 I 44
Ill II
iro I so
,.1J0 I 15
T8 I 60
1010 ? 80
1 105 I 75 1
I W0 I 6 .1 1 1 I 71
1 ISO 4 ?6 4 1 I 16
1 116 I M 1 160 4 18
1 150 I 10 170 16
1 110 t 60 4 1 I T
I l5 4 60 1 146 7 00
1 180 4 78 1 10 t 00
1 1110 4 76 1 11
1 550 1 16 I HO I 16
1 10 I 86 68 I 40
6 " I On II 44 1 40
1 620 I 00 I 0 I 60
t 616 I 10 1 60 I 60
1 870 I ! 1 64 8 80
1 660 I 25 1 860 I 65
1 M0 4 10 1 170 I 60
1. .,.!....'. .4110 4 16 1 10 I 60
1 650 I 26 1 Q 4 60
80 6M I 66 t 0 4 60
I !0 I 76 17 4 6
1 646 I 79 I T78 4 75
1 430 4 00 1 71 4 71
80 645 4 25 1 131 4 80
18 n 4 to
HOGS There wa a liberal run of hogs
here todav, which makes the supply for
the two days a little In excess of the same
days of last week, but hardly aa large as
the same dsvs of last yesr. The tsble of
receipts above will show the exact figures.
The market opened ro-ther slow this
morning and about 6c lower. Packers,
however, seemed to have quite liberal or
ders and It soon became evident that there
were none too many to meet the local de
mand. As a result sellers held their droves
for more money and the market closed
about steady with yesterday, so that the
loss of the early morning was fully re
gained. Trading waa active after buyers
and sellers got together, so that the yards
were cleared In good season. The bulk of
the good weight hogs sold from $7.00 to
$7.10 and the medium weights went largely
from $6 95 to $7.00 and the light hogs sold
from $6.90 down. Representative sales:
No. At. Sh. Pr. No. A. h. PT.
10 84 ... I 40 It m 120 86
92 It ... 4 70 S 114 180 I 88
81 16 ... 4 70 81 127 ... 46
71 176 10 75 Ill 40 61
104 166 160 I 75 71 Ill 100 I 85
101 186 120 t 80 67 M0 ... 8 86
78 168 ... M in 151 14 4 87i
44 182 ... 4 80 74 141 40 4 87-,
78 162 40 4 60 12 217 10 4 67V,
17 117 120 4 80 . 66 141 10 I 871,
77 Ill ... 4 80 72 217 80 6 87L,
18 11 80 4 86 82 2J 80 I 87tj
71 24 Id) III 0 246 60 6 17V,
224 10 80 71 22 160 I 87V,
76 K7 10 I 80 66 116 110 6 67V,
72 Ml 80 8 80 85 24 40 I 67V,
72 114 160 4 80 7 2 12S 60 7 00
18 164 40 I 80 II 2-M 10 T 00
12 t"S 140 4 80 88 tit 80 1 04
70.... til 10 6 8 40 246 10 t 00
76 to 120 I 80 71 114 200 7 00
50 m ... 8 60 70 241 80 7 00
62 ill 10 I 80. 68 141 140 7 00
16 116 120 I 60 68 26 120 7 00
1 104 ... 4 80 61 24 ... IN
4" 14 80 4 80 15 17 40 7 00
lit 2.11 140 4 80 80 161 110 7 00
46 110 ... I an 61 234 80 7 00
0 1M 40 I 80 80 268 ... 7 00
15 108 ... 80 46 250 80 7 00
4 t"7 140 4 80 34 241 ... 7 00
73 201 0 80 68 147 ... 7 00
77 111 120 I 80 41 240 10 7 00
80 207 240 4 61V, 41 20 80 7 09
'4 201 80 4 66 155 140 7 00
'1 165 ... 85 68 144 120 1 00
' 221 ... I 66 II 241 160 7 00
221 160 I IS 67 141 120 7 00
" 125 240 4 86 4 144 80 7 00
72 128 100 I 85 48 204 ... 7 00
45 227 ... 8 IS 72 231 240 7 00
10 221 100 85 ' 44 135 150 7 00
71 237 80 4 85 el 141 160 7 00
14 115 ... I 65 61 121 110 7 00
10 214 80 I 65 60 2H1 10 7 01V4
5 til 200 I 16 11 151 ... 7 01 ,
5 148 120 4 65 10 154 80 ' 7 01V,
4 221 ... 1 85 11 248 ... 7 02 V,
HI 24.1 144 I 86 62 244 80 7 02V,
"1 211 80 I 86 71 241 160 7 02 V,
W 121 ... 6 IS 65 24 ... 7 0S
55 22J 110 85 42 156 ... 7 05
4 224 ... 65 60 20 10 7 06
48 224 120 4 86 241 ... 7 06
46 238 160 4 86 17 307 ... 7 06
42 161 120 1 85 11 2M ... 7 05
43 246 140 86 46 285 160 7 06
47 247 80 4 86 67 147 ... 7 05
66 250 40 86 -68 154 ... 7 06
75 212 80 I 85 44 2.51 240 7 06
2 160 86 70 241 80 7 06
10 184 244 I IB 71 241 80 7 0B
l M0 ... 165 IB 280 140 7 05
47 226 120 86 66 184 ... 7 06
7 228 ... 6 86 80 171 ... 7 06
4 130 140 4 86 41 280 80 7 06
4' 214 IU IIS II I ... 7 06
" iva SO 96 SS...'. 9&1 1X9 V A
0 245 ... 85
25 ...til ... m
42 266 140 7 06
63 28 150 7 10
12 258 60 7 10
41 174 ... 7 10
67 114 40 7 10
45 12 80 7 10
70 177 ... 7 10
64 106 110 7 10
68 285 140 7 10
47 147 ... T 10
55... 141 ... 7 10
41 16 80 I 86 ,
47.. lit J20 16 '
2.14 60 6 86
51 244 tOO I IS
74 Ill 110 I 15
1? 13 ... 46
75 ,..121 120 t 66.
10 141 M 4 85
73 Ill ... 16 '
40 Ill 40 4 83
66 391 40 7 10
SHERP There was another very light
run of sheep and Iambs here today, and, the
same as has been the case for some time
past, there was scarcely enough offered to
make a test of the market. In fact there
was nothing offered with which to test the
market on- choice stuff, a everything on
' was no better than of fair quality,
while most of It was common stuff. About
all that can be said of the market is that
the few bunches on sale brought Just about
steady prices. It was the general opinion,
though, that choice sheep or lambs would
have commanded strong prices and would
have met with ready sale.
Quotations for cltpped stock: Good to
choice wethers, $5.75-86.00; fair to good, $6.60
i6.75; good to choice ewes, $5.0005.60: fair to
good. $4.6&J6.00; good to choice lambs, $6.15
(&6.40: fair to good, $5.60ir6.15. Wooled stock
S4-1U about 2$f50c above clipped stock.
Choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.757.2S;
fair to gocd, $6.604.75. Representative
1 buck .'. 220 $4 00
12 clipped ewes 130 6 00
25 wooled ewes 112 6 25
23") wethers and yearlings 83 6 50
29 wooled lambs 103 6 75
1 cull &o j 60
20 clipped ewes 83 4 00
7 ewes and lambs 8$ 6 00
Cattle Slow and Steady and Hogs and
Sheep Strong;.
CHICAGO. May 27. CATTLE Receipts,
4.000 head. Including 100 head Texans; slow,
steady; good to prime steers. $7.a37.nV;
poor to medium, $4.06.76: stockers and
feeders. $2.506.26; cows, $1.506.75; heifers.
$2.5ugti.00; canners. 11.4062.60; bulls. $2,600
6.60; calves, $2.00(g.50; Texas fed steer.
HOGS Receipts, 1S.000 head; estimated
tomorrow, 30,000. head; left over, 6,000 head;
opened slow, closed strong; mixed and
butchers. $6.Hfr7.00: aood to choice, hnw
$7.0G7.20; rough heavy. $6.8tg7.00; light,
j ; nuia 01 sues, eo.Nt7i
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; steady to strong; lambs, strong to
higher; good to choice wethers, Jo. 61X1 4 25;
fair to choice mixed. l4.76Mfi60- wcatem
sheep, $5.2511.26; native lambs, clipped. $5.00
vi.uv; western lamos, b.ou0;.uu; spring
lambs, $7.65.
Official yesterday:
, Receipts. Shipments.
Cattle 22,506 . 3,3J
Hogs 44 arm 7 or
Sheep 13,222
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 4.6u0 natives 15 Texans. 1SS calves;
best beeves opened strong: closed weak;
stockers and feeder higher; common cat
tle slow and weak; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $7.ufW7.60; fair to
good, 14.7666 90; Blockers and feeders, $3 50
66.66; western fed steer. $4.604.66; Texas
snd Indian steers, $3.25676: Texas cows,
$3.oo.25: native cows. $2.ordoo; native
heifers, $3.00ji6.66; canners, $2,254)3.60: bulla.
$2 755.50; calves. $3.0-6 60.
HOGS Receipts. 10.700 head. Market
weak to 10c lower, averaging to lower; top,
$7.30: bulk of salee, $6fa4i7 2: heavv, $710
t7 80: mixed packers, l7.tW7.20; light, $6 45
tyro;; Yorkers. $7.004f7.07v,; pigs, W.fctf
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.600
head. Market steady to higher: native
lambs, $5.4Oft7.60; wesem lambs. $5.60(0.7.00;
native wethers. $6,4004.16; western weth
ers, $4.30if6.00: fed ewes. $4 4oft4.15; Texas
clipped yearlings, $5.46ii.00: Texas clipped
sheep, $4.4047( 75; stockers and feeders, $2.00
New York Live Stoek Market.
ceipts, 1,067 head; dressed beef, steady;
rlty dressed, native sides, (VcrUc per in.
Cables quoted American steers at WiVR
1545. dressed weight: refrigerator beef at
llo-per. lb. k exports today, 760 beeves, 1,040
sheep snd 1,640 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 17 hesd. Market
weak; veals sold at $6.607.6J per loo lbs.;
city dressed veals, ',y&-llo per lb.
HOGS Receipts. 1,882 head. Market nomi
nally weak.
8I1EKP AND LAMBS Receipt. 1.304
hesd; sheep and yearlings, dull but steady;
spring lambs, dull and weak, except for
beat grades ; sheep sold at 13.00-84 8-1 per
loo lbs.; spring lambs, southern, st 7.iMj
8.00; culls, at $5.30; dressed mutton. 74(luc
per lb.; dressed spring lambs, 11410.
; St. Loals Live Stoek Market.
ST. LOniB. May V. OATTLE-Rerelpt.
$.100 head. Including 4.8U Texsns. Msrket
stesdy tor best native steers; steady to 10c
lower for Texans; native shipping and ex
port steers. $6 1647.50: dressed beef and
butchers' steers. $5.00&80; steers under
1 rtO lbs., $3.26436: stockers snd feeders,
$3.20J4.60; rows and heifers, 12 tba4 V: can
ners. $1 Va&; bulls. U36440: calves.
$5.04j4 .60; Texas and Indian steers, extra
1 1110 I 64 1....,
1 1MI I 66 I....
I 1J.10 I IH t....
t 11(6 11 1.....
1 1!HI I 05 1....,
1 loea I 75 1
fsncy, $6 0Af?00; fed. $4 4oU4.o; grassera,
13 6024 40; cows and heifers, I2.754N .
HOGS Receipts, S.fcO head Msrket
Steady; pigs and lights. $6i.80; bsckers,
$4 Tt'tfTno; butchers, $5 ,vo(7.lo.
SHEEP AND I.AMlta Receipts. R.SOO
head. Market strong; native muttons. Ss.uo
t5 5n; lambs, $6 Star? on ; cull and bucks,
$4.004 6O; stockers. $2.30f3 .25.
St. Joseph l.lve Stork Market.
ceipts 1.100 head. Market steady: natives,
$5 Stoft.fci; cows snd heifers, $1.76774";
Vfnla, $4 004i660; Blockers and feeders, $2.26
456 .25.
HUGS Receipts, H.IOO head. Msrket
steady; light and light mixed, $6.8687 074;
medium and heevy, $7.onij7.2R.
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 4.300
head. Market strong to 10c higher.
sioas City l.lve Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Mav 27. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 6ui; market
stesdv; beeves, $60046.76; cows, bulla and
mixed", $2..tOS6.60; stockers and feeders, $.ls"
(24.60; yearlings and calves, $376-64.40.
HOGS Receipts. $.000; msrket steady,
selling at lftV(j7.00; bulk. Hfi.0.
SHEEP Receipts. 800; market strong.
Stock la Sight.
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheen at, the five prin
cipal markets for May 2, :
1. sine. imitB. sneen.
South Omaha
Kansas City ,
St. Louis
St. Joseph ....
4.6 O
...18,048 63.791 23.816
Cotton Market.
closed firm, 1-lrtc lower; middling uplands,
9Hc; middling gulf, 9Ci sales, 924 bales.
Futures closed quiet and steady; M.iv,
12c; June, 904c; July, 8.93c; August. 8.Klr;
September, 8.06c; October, 7.92c; November
and December, 7.82c; January and Feb
ruary, 7.83c.
I 3-16c.
ST. LOUIS, May 27. COTTON-Qule t ;
middling. 9V,c; sales. 60 bales; receipts, 1.0'x)
bales; shipments, none; stock. 26.7R9 bales.
market, moderate business snd l-32d lower;
American middling fair, 6ld: good mid
dling, 6 7-32d: middling, $3-32d: low mid
dling, 6d; good ordinary. 47il; ordinary,
4Sd. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales
of which 1,000 were for speculation and
export, and Included 6.600 Amertcao; re
ceipts, 10,000 bsles, sll American. Futures
opened quiet but steady and closer! quiet ;
American middling, g. o. c. May, 4 60-641f
4 61-4d, buyers; Msy and June, IM-W
4 69-64d. sellers: June and July, 4 67 -Hid,
buyers; July and August, 4 66-641I, sellers;
August and September, 4 60-44d, buyers;
September and October. 4 S2-64W4 3S-4d, sell
ers; October and November, 4 23-64(g4 24-d,
buyers; November and December, 4 21-64d,
buyers; December and January, 4 2 -64d,
buyers; January and February, 4 20-64d,
Futures, steady; may, nominal; June, . 15c
bid; July, 9.28vt0.2!c; August, 86W8.70c;
September, 8.11q.12c; October. 7.7Vfi7.76c;
November, 7.Wo7.6c: December, 7.64ijf7.66c;
January, 7.65ti7.66c. Market stesdy; sales,
1,800 bales; ordinary, 7 15-16c; good ordlnarv,
8 7-16c; low middling. 8 13-16c; middling,
Hc; good middling. 9 9-16c; middling fair.
lOVkc: receipts, 1,874 bales; stock, 145,063
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITY, May 27. OIL Credit bal
ances, $1.20; certificates, no bid; shipments,
140,923 bbls.; average, I'O.Md bbls. 1 runs,
83,574 bbls.; average, 77,659 bbls. '
TOLEDO, O., May 27. OIL North Lima,
88c; South IJma and Indiana, K3c.
NEW YORK. May 27. Oll-Cottonseed,
quiet; prime. 45ff45VC. Petroleum, steady.
Rosin, steady; common to good, $1.67V,jfj
1.60. Turpentine, firm at 47-jHM4c.
LIVERPOOL, May 27.-OI l-Cottonseed,
Hull refined, spot, easy. 26s 9d.
SAVANNAH. May 27. OII Turpentine,
firm. 46Hc. Rosin, firm; A. B. C. D, $1.20;
E. $1.25; F, $1.30; O, $1.35; H. $1.55; I, ll.Of;
K, $2.46; M. $2.85; N, $3.25; WG, $3.55; WW,
IX5NDON. May 27.-OIL Calcutta Un
seed, spot, 64s 9d. Linseed oil, 32s 9d. Petro
leum, American refined, 6 15-164,
Dry Gooda Market.
msrket today has been quiet. Both homo
and export buying has been on a moderate
scale. Prices are unchanged In brown,
bleached and coarse colored goods. Print
(-cloths are dull, without change In price.
hiiks ana ri noons are nrm but quiet.
Dull, with a moderate Inquiry. Yarns
quiet, with a fair Inquiry. . , , ...
Barrows Grows Weaker.
OBERLIN, O., May 27. President Bur
rows of Oberlln college, who is suffering
with pneumonia, passed a fslrly comfort
ably night and this morning waa able to
take some nourishment. The disease ' has
not attacked his left lung. The right lung,
however, Is completely Involved. He Is
not quite so strong today as yesterday.
The bulletin Issued by the physicians early
today slated that the patient's pulse was
124; temperature, 100.4; respiration, '36.
American Women Robbed In Paris.
NEW YORK. May 27. A Paris dispatch
to the American and Journal says that Mrs.
Thomas Kensett and her daughter, Ger
trude, of Cornwall-on-Hudson, New York,
have been robbed of $50,000 worth of jew
elry. The Jewelry was taken from a trunk In
their hotel room, close to the Grand Opera.
Part of the Jewelry consisted of heirlooms.
There Is no clue to the robbers.
Suspected Men Released.
CHICAGO, May 27. Five men suspected
of knowledge of the shooting of Daniel
Hill, the wealthy Board of Trade man, In
his home Saturday night were arrested to
day. No one waa able to Identify them,
however, and they were released.
Engineer Killed In Explosion.
MANCHESTER, Va., May 27. The boiler
of a freight locomotive on the. Atlantic
Coast Ud exploded today, killing Robert G.
Wathmey. engineer, and probably fatally
Injuring flvs J.rlnmen.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tues
day, May 27:
Warranty Deeds.
State Bank of Nebraska to Charles
Parsons, nH iwU 20-16-10 $ 1
Jerry Allen and wife to J. J. Zeis, Jr.,
und'i of a 16-foot strip along east
side swK seV4 6-16-10 2$
Ellen F. Lynsm to T. J. Lynatn,
part tax lot 26 in 34-15-13 700
Peter Miller and wife to William
Gamer, lota and 9, block 8, C. E.
Mayne'a 1st add. to Valley 160
B. J. Scannell to Florence L. Mitchell,
lota 1 and 2, block 3. Bern Is park ... 1,000
II. F. Palmer and wife to Atlantic
Realty association, lota 1, 2. 3, 6, 7
and 13. block 6; lots 1 and 2, block
10, Bemls park 1
W. 8. Conkllng and wife to Marietta
Hammond, east 32 feet lot 11, block
X. Shinn's 3d add 660
Marietta Hammond and husband to J.
A. Anderson, same 700
RachH Berry and husband to O. D.
McLaughlin, lot 14 and north 18
feet lot 13, block 1, Jerome park,
and I feet adjoining 11,000
E. E. French and wife to IJnle M.
Hays, lots 22 and 23, block 2. Lake
view add. 1
Libble P. Smiley and husband to Clara
M. McLaughlin, lot 14, Freeman a
add $.000
Thomas Healy and wife to Patrick
Healy, lota 1 and 1, block 14, noutn
Omaha 2.000
Same to same. undV4 of wVi of cast
60 reet lot 1, blocs v. ssme z,vw
Margaret D. M. Malrhlen and hus
bsnd to Pauline W'ykert, nV, lot 10,
hlork I. Knuntia A R.S sdd 1.650
John Abrahamaon and wife to A. B.
Millard, lot , diock i. oeivearre
arid 1
Emma R. Williams and husband to
W. L. uelby. lot 17, oioca 1. w. i
Belby's 1st add $00
Qalt t'lalss Deede.
O. W. Roberts and wife to North
western investmn romimnj, lui
(, block I. Crelghton Heights 1
Frank Thompson, executor, to H1I-
aur unburg, 101 iu. mots u, ui'"""
United States to Alvln Saunders, 1
swi JO-16-10 i
Total amount of transfers $J6,t65
Iteiess 4, Hew York Life Bldaj.
Bought and sold for cash or on margin.
All telegraph, telephone or mall order
wUl receive csrefui aod prompt attention. a im. QUJULK T