Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Library Bondi Bold to BepmntatiT of
Toledo Financial Concern.
Walter Bump Die of lajarle Dt
eelvea by Beta Ram Over by
Inloa i PactSe Trala
Made City Gossip.
. Tha library bond bare ben sold at last.
John Dal, who represented to Stat
-Bank of Toledp,, Y'fiP th only bidder. Ha
offered a. premium i of .lid along with ac
crued Interest and a no. other bidden .ap
peared Mayor Koutsky,."who acted ai auc
tioneer at last, night' council meeting, de
clared that the sale Was made to Mr. Dale,
th representative of the Toledo bond bur
era. Thes bonds run for tea rears, bear
Interest at the rat's of per.' cent and were
Toted br tha people at the election 'last
November.' .
Chief Etter asked for supplies and also
requested that action .be, taken at once to
repair fire wagon' No i, as he says It In
In bad shape. The fire and water commit
tee will consider the matter when the doc
ument gets arouni). to, it.
The request tof Treesurer Howe for
money to aend to. ..the 'state fiscal agency
was referred . to the mayor and finance
committee and, there will be a meeting to
day to make, arrangements for the send
ing of th money,, a portion, of which must
be borrowed. .
Frank Plvonkg holds a Judgment against
th city and bas been! assessed $15-for bis
poelroom. He sent .tha council a notice
that he desired the rjty to deduct that
much from bis, judgment. Adklns. Br ode -rick
and Welsh. wUI have this to look after.
In order to try certain suits In the dis
trict court lb council employed W. C,
Lambert at a a- expens of $220. The pres
ent city attorney Is Interested on the other
side and therefore cannot serve as a. rep
resentative of the,; clty
Street Commissioner Miller was directed
to repair thd approach to the bridge at
Madiaon street at one. The Union Pa
cific company constructed the bridge with
the agreement Jthat fbe city keep the ap
proach In repair.
Myles Welsh broke In by offering a mo
tion to the effect that only union labor be
employed in the dty departments and that
union wages be paid. This was carried by
a unanimous vote and without comment.
Some bills and claims were ordered paid
ind then the council adjourned until the
aeat regular meeting.
Dies from Injarlea.
Walter Bump, whose home was at Twenty-ninth
and R streetsdied last night from
Injuries by being run over by a Union Pa
clflo freight train. Bump tried to board
the freight train near th foot of N street
and lost his footing. He fell beneath the
wheels 'and the 4eft leg was severed just
below the knee. Other Injuries of an In
ternal nature-resulted In his death. ' The
Injured man was taken to the Union Pa
cific depot and Dr. White, the county phy
sician, did everything to atop th flow of
blood, but the Injuries were too serious to
respond to treatment. The remains will be
taken to Brewer's, where Coroner Bralley
will most likely bold an Inquest as soon
as he can arrange for the. attendance of
th train crew. , . ........
Th deceased' was SO years of age, ,waa
married and leavea a wife and young
child. He was employed at Armour's In
th fertilizing department.-';' " '
Reeepttea -to Miaa Clark, ,
Friends of Miss Delia .Clark tendered her
a reception at th r troop l armory. . last
evening. A. great masy mom be r a of the
High school class, aa well a teachers, 'at
tended, and congratulated Miss Clark upon
her victory at' the state oratorical contest
beld at Grand Island last Friday. The
armory waa. handsomely decorated for the
occasion and the reception tended to. show
th esteem In which .Miss Clark la beld by
th pupils and teachers, of the South
Omaha publlo schools. -i Danoing occupied
a portion of the evening and a number, of
th members of the cavalry troop attended.
John Fits Roberts Rea;na.
Yesterday John Fits Roberts prepared hi
resignation and sent It to tha Jacksonlan
club of Omaha. It waa reported on th
trseta last night that quit' a number of
prominent democrat - would follow the
action of Nolan, McMillan, Parkhurst and
Roberta and resign from tha club. Th
question of organliing a permanent club
among - democrats'-' her Is now being dis
cussed and It. la expected that a' meeting
will be called sou for th purpose . of
talking matter over. Th democrats appear
to bo all split up since the action of th
Jaeksonlan chib on Saturday night and
many here now assert' that they will have
nothing more to do with the Omaha aggre
gation. "
Officers Elected.
y At a meeting held in Grand Island last
Friday night the follpwlng officers for th
Nebraska High. Sobool Declamatory- union
wore elected: J.vA. MAin, superintendent
of publlc'ichools, Soiltb,' Omaha, president,
B. B. Sherman, superintendent of achools,
Schuyler, vie ''"president; M. 8. Brown,
principal of school,, York, secretary. These
three officer Mo. constitute the executive
commute and hav Charge of the , nx:
stats contest.. .... ,t- .;.
. . (onmrgrtatnt Exercises.
Owing to the 'fact Chancellor -.E.
Benjamin Andreas coula not be present on
th evening -( un 'It, th graduating
xerclsea of the . IJlgh...acbool . have' been
postponed until th evenkig of Juno IK at
which time Chancellor Andrew will deliver
th address.
Th cloBtng-xwreie of th Grammar
schools will, however, occur on th evening
of June 12, as originally planned. Dr. W.
0. Henry of Crelghton Medical college has
contented to give the rddress. Miss Delia
Clark, who recently won first place In th
Hat declamatory contest, will favor th
sudlenc with a declamation, and the on
Decoration Day,
Friday, May 30th, 1902.
W beg ta-apB.outv that our store WIU, Bg CLOSED PROMPTLY AT II NOON
DECORATIOM DAY.' W appeal to the public to do their shopping lir: tlms to make
this free from dlaappelntmant to' themselves and our employe. When you pas our
ator Friday orvaly time when closed. DROP YOl'R ORDERS IN THE MAIL BOXES
lied to our doorways. ' Your orders 'will be promptly filled Saturday A. M.
A WHOLE Sl'ITE OP WINDOWS facing lth and Harney are being arranged
FOR A grand MEMOKIAL DISPLAY. Th curtain will be withdrawn from them
WINDOW TRIMM1NO. designed by and carried out under th supervision of ur own
.decorative artist. It-Kill be a display worthy the auspicious occasion.. We lnvlt you
1 com aad se O'.Alresdy ur wladoa
TRIMMED IN omaha Awn tme wKnr, -jni enon win. eclipse an ; previous at
tempts. VIKW Bt:tn?8 U NtHIN WEDNESDAY.
WJm -R. Bennett G6l
hundred and twenty or -nor pupils who
enter th High school next September
will, under. th guidance of Ml Ague
O'Connor of th city school, furnish th
mus'tc for th evening. ' "
The high school commencement will be
beld in th Methodist Episcopal church.
Twenty-third and N streeU; that of tho
Grammar schools In tba Presbyterian
church. Twenty-fifth and J streets,
Maajle City Gaaalp. . r ,
Mrs. J. B. Wat kin la rlsrUng at Excel
sior Springs, Mo. ,
Mrs. W. D. Godfrey Is visiting relatives
In Washington, I. C.
A. I Coleman, formerly of this city, Is
now located In Chicago.
Teachers' examination will be held tbla
year on June It, 10 and 21.
The Nebraska Telephone company. J
msklng a number qt improvements In its
cable lines.
Miss May Carlin. one of the clerks at the
city office, has recovered from a sickness
laming a week and la again-on duty.
Mrs. W. Brlggs has returned to her
home at Cedar Kaptrts, la., after a visit
with her son. Chief of Police John Brlggs.
Jsmes H. Brady, car accountant at th
stockyards, has returned from a two
week' vacation spent . at Poplar Bluffs,
Mo. . .
At the concert to be given at th Metho
dist church tonight for the benefit of th
local Young Men's Christian association
Miss Delia Clack will render the selection
"Mercedes." . - . . r
The Ladle' Missionary society of th
Preenyterlsn thurch will meet Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. E. H, Roberta, Twenty-third
and H streets.. ,
Rev. Thomas Stevenson, formerly of this
city, but now located In Colorado, Is here
visiting friends.- He will apeak at the Bap
tist church Wednesday night.
Weathers and Goodrich Have Some
Troable with Their Morse
lee Carriage.
John N. Wetberg, cljty. -comptroller, In
collaboration with C; J. Goodrich, has In
vented an automobile which It Is alleged
will climb a perpendicular walk -. The dis
tinctive feature -of It la that power Is ap
plied to all four wheels Instead of to lb
rear wheel only, and the steering device Is
also unique. Th wheels, too, are a third
larger than .those of th ordinary horseless
carriage. Aside from Its climbing proclivi
ties Mr. Westberg' claim for hia machine
a speed that will make it rivals look Ilk
drays In a chariot race and turn green with
an automcfrlious envy..- .
Tha new auto ha been in process of
building In a local machine shop for th last
alx months. Several times they had to tear
It down and do It all over again on account
of soma miscalculation. Once It waa found
that tha storage battery -which feed the
sparker for- the gasoline engine was too
weak; again they had neglected to provide
for th "differentials" In- the steering de
vice, and as recently a a week ago tbey
learned that they had th machine geared
ao high that they couldn't keep It on tha
ground. Mqpday all of these obstacles, ap
parently, had been removed,-and lata In the
afternoon Messrs.- Westberg aad Goodrich
took it out for Its initial trip. -
Though -no one was- present to break a
bottle of champagne on It the launching was
auspicious, and for the first ten blocks all
went well. '
- A remarkable burst of speed was devel
oped, and Glory, Mr. Westberg'a Great Dane,
bad to hump- herself to keep the machine in
It was at the Hop of tha hill at Forty
second and Lake streets that the Inevitable
aficldedt happened. After climbing the ac
clivity 'they had stopped to oil the bearings;
then both returned to the seat and gave It
the "crank start." It wouldn't move; the
engine bad balked.
'The spectacle of an automobile declining
to run down bill struck the neighborhood
as unusual apd a crowd gathered. Mr. Oood-
rich'enmbed -down to push, while Mr.' West
berg . acted a chauffeur, and Glory leaped
and barked about th sulky vehicle as
though-there waa something humorous In
the situation. A rabble of small boys fell
In behind and began to. give advice.
"Get a mule!" yelled on.
"Hey, you big stiff,! -Why don't you climb
down and help push!'V-,.':
Mr. Westberg .pretended -not to notice
these taunts. ,.
"What's the, matter with your old gar
bage, wagon?" ,
"Hey, Mr. Chumptrollerl Give 'er some
axel grease!" -.. .. . ,
And ao on, throughout all of that- dreary
trip back to the machine shop. Messrs.
Goodrich, and Westberg .'took turn about
steering and pushing. As to just what ailed
the auto there aeema to be some doubt.
One theory Is that It slipped an eccentric
and another la that the gasoline was damp,
but the Inventors promise to have It work
log again within a few day.
Mortality Statistics. '
The following births and deaths were re
ported at the office of the Board of Health
uuring ins iwcuijr-iuur uuun enuiius Tues
day noon:
Rlrtha Charles A. Morrison. 2537 South
Tenth street, boy; Harry Jones, S029 Em
met street, girl: Benjamin Allen. 1218 Cass
street, boy; Edwin Griffin. 1334 South
Thirtv-second etreet. boy: Harry Thacker.
120 South Twenty-fifth atrset, boy; Charles
Hill, 1220 South Nineteenth street, boy;
Frank Sahan, Forest Lawn cemetery, boy.
Deatha Charles Brent, 340S- Grant street.
aga 48 years; Mary weissenoorn, xwenty
thlrd and Fort street, aged 81 years: T. M,
TreveU, county -hospital, aged 67 'years;
A. ...... U . ,rl.n. CttMrn.. ......... .
aged 68 years; Gertrude Odenbaugh, 662
Hurt street, agea i year; wiiiiam K. Miller,
.s-'i uavenpon street, agea m years.
City Comptroller John N. Westberg re
turned yenterday from Stromeburg, Neb.,
where he waa called to the bedside of his
mother, who 1 reported to D seriously ill.
Nebraskans at the -Merchants: W. K
Merkly, Valley; J. C. Perry . Rising City;
Jamea Matthews. Osceola: H. O. Clark,
Craig; 8. O. Hamer, Kearney; IS. E. Urnlur
wood, Angus. y -.
M. A. Hall la making preparations to
leave' on a trip to London. England, during
the month of June. The visit to the Island
will ' be made for business and pleasure
combined and be will remain about two
Dr. John R. Nllsson. who has been con
fined to his bed for several weeks, wss
removed from hl- home. 171S South Tenth
atreet. to th Methodist hospital on Satur
day and Dra. A. F. Jonaa and E. J. I'pfle
graff performed an operation for appendl-
cilia xaunuay nivrning.
are -acknowledged to be- THE BEST
rotraction f Conference Offer Bo Sub
stantial Basis for Conclusion.
Lsslos Freas rosltlve la Its Aasertloa
That the Been aad British Will
Effect Amicable Bettlemeat
of Hoatllltlea.
LONDON-, May 17. Prevalence through
out of an optomlstlc feeling regarding the
peace negotiations Is hardly based on solid
facts. The protraction of the conference
at Vereenlglng is not necessarily a algn. '
The delegates to th conference, although
they have abandoned their hope of secur
ing Independence, still have many points
of difference with the government, while
an obstlnat minority still regard the re
sumption of hostilities aa the best outcome
of the present situation and at any moment
these points of difference may b - ac
centuated Into a refusal to continue the
It I most unlikely that those who ar
In favor of peace will throw up the sponge
ao long a a decent minority Is desirous of
continuing the struggle and all thes ele
ments must be taken Into account before
It I possible to give any sort of predic
tion a to th Issue of the present negotia
Cabinet Will Decide Detail.
The Dally Mall this morning say the
cabinet council to be held today will decide
Upon points of detail, mostly of a finan
cial nature, which have been raised by tha
Boer In the peace negotiations. Great
Britain's decision In the matter will then
be communicated to the Vereenlglng confer
ence by the delegate) at Pretoria, says the
paper, and, being the best obtainable terms,
they will almost certainly be accepted. The
results should be announced officially either
Thursday or Friday of this wek, probably
on Friday, the day upon which King Ed
ward's birth is celebrated.
Peace is quite certain, says the Dally
Mall, and the delegates at Pretoria are
only engaged In endeavoring to gild the
pill for the Vereenlglng convention to swal
low. Th Dally Mall saya further: . Our dis
patches from Pretoria assert that numerous
communications ar passing between Lords
Kitchener and Mllner in South Africa and
Lord Kitchener, although he la still full
of energy, is much aged In appearance in
consequence of the sever strain which he
has undergone. The concensus of opinion
Is that the recent negotiations have proved
Lord Kitchener to be a great diplomatist
as well as a great soldier.
It is difficult to appreclte the magni
tude of the difficulties Lord Kitchener has
had to contend with. The Boer leader
are deeply Impressed with bis personality,
and trust him Implicitly.
It Is understood that Lord Mllner (the
British high commissioner In South Africa)
has gracefully admitted that the ultimate
credit for the accomplishment of the great
task Is due to Lord Kitchener.
Hitch la Negotiations.
LONDON, May 27. Just before Parlia
ment rose, after midnight last night.
rumor reached the lobbies that a bitch had
occurred In the peace negotiations.- Noth
lng official concerning this rumor could be
ascertained, but the dispatch to the As
sociated Press from Pretoria, in which It
waa said that the prevalence throughout
South Africa of the optomlstlc feeling In
regard to the peace negotiations waa. hardly
based upon solid facta may be regarded, as
an Indication that such a b'tch Bgg pc.
curred. Little Information from Pretoria
has recently been able to pass the censor
That the government yesterday fully an
ticipated a speedy conclusion of peace is
believed to be shown by the postponement
from yesterday until Friday or later of
the budget bill In the committee stag,
with the view, a was frankly admitted on
the government aide of the bouse, of en
abling the budget to be recast in the event
that peace la secured.
. Glad to Drop Grain Tax.
The tax on grain has proved so unpopu
lar throughout the country and baa had
such an unexpected effect In reuniting the
liberal party with a most effective election
cry, there la little doubt the government
will welcome an excuse to drop It.
The belief that the . government Intends
to drop the tax on grain la so strong that
all members of tha House of Commons who
have leanings toward protection met In
formally last night and made an appeal to
tha ministers to dispense with this tax,
Another strong reason for the desire to
do away with thla tax la the effect it ha
had In the colonies, where it haa been re
garded aa an opportunity to demand pre
ferential treatment a demand which will
be strongly pressed at the coming confer
enoe of colonial premiers In London, and
which Is likely to cause the government
considerable difficulty by emphasizing a
sharply defined divergence of opinion in
the cabinet. There the Chamberlain party
la advocating a "Zollveren" policy and the
retenton of th grain tax, while tha Bal
four party advocate just the reverse. Sir
Mkrhael Hicks-Beach, the chancellor of the
exchequer, la said to be quit willing to
surrender tne tax on grain.
The Dally Nswe predicts that once peace
Is secured the present ministry will go to
piece In twelve months because of the
Irreconcilable dissensions between the
Salisbury and Chamberlain sections. In
the meanwhll Lord Rosebery la drawing
th liberal closer together.
THB HAQUE, May 87. It 1 said In Boer
circles here that the peace proposals made
to the conference at Vsrenlngen, Trans
vaal. Includes the condition that the Boers
In the field be allowed to consult with the
Boer delegates In Europe before a definite
settlement to reached. It la declared also
upon the same authority, that the British
government refused May 23 to accede to
thla request.
Punctured by Rifle Ball.
YANKTON. S. D., May !7. (Special.)
John Sogge of Marlndahl wa accidentally
hot In th back a few daya ago with a
22-callber rifle. He wa leaning on the
gun with the end of the barrel pressed
against bis side when It waa discharged,
the bullet penetrating his side. He la In a
critical condition.
JUwayt Something
m fo A hAffl YsfaM
I 5i
, ; ; mars?
Society Stationery
Our display a tba largest
Our Eooda tba proper tblng.
Sootetr Stationer. UOt raroam St.
Marble Faun, blttsr Sweet. Hla.-k Hock
Library edition, tba each. Writ or call
lor uai oi bargain.
ULt Farnaan Street. 'Phone 130.
Bandits rail la Attempt to Reh Bar
llnalea Trala Jlenr St.
ST. J08EPH. May 27. An attempt wa
made to hold up Burlington express train
No. 29 tontght at Roys branch, about on
mile north of the city limit. The train left
Omaha at 6 o'clock and It waa due to ar
rive here at 9:16, leaving for St. Louis
st 9:35. Engineer Fred Mudgett was star
tled by the explosion of two .torpedoes,
but looking ahead saw nothing to Indicate
danger. He ran 200 yards past the point
where the torpedoes exploded and looking
back saw a red light swinging nesr the
Conductor Samuel T. Tatum at once di
vined - the presence of train robbers and
signaled the engineer to proceed, which
he did cautiously, In order to avoid con
sequences of a possible error In judgment.
The train arrived at Union station ten
minutes late.
The police department waa notified and
a switch neglne was at once pressed into
service by Superintendent O. M. Hohl, who
took a strong posse of policemen to the
scene. The robbers bad disappeared, taking
with them the red lantern.
Roys branch has been the scene of many
successful holdups. - Pst Crowe and his gang
are believed to have stopped the two trains
here seven years ago and looted the expret
Maa Caught by Detectives Believed to
Represent the
People. .
NEW YORK, May 27. A rumor, which
could not be verified, was circulated at de
tective headquarter In this city that Cap
tain Titus' men bad arrested In - Jersey
City today the valet of one of the Hum
berts, the people charged with wholesale
swindling In Paris. The man's name could
not be learned.
It Is said that the New York detective
department received information that a
valet of the Humbert had preceded them,
presumably for the purpose of scouring the
ground here for a place of hiding. An ac
curate description was forwarded by the
Pari police and the New York plainclothes
men have been keeping up a keen watch
for thla man. They said he arrived her
on May 13. He was traced to Bensonhurst.
L. I., where his trail was lost. It was
learned there, however, that a man answer
ing to the description of the Humbert valet
had crossed over Brooklyn bridge Into
Now York and had been aeon In Jersey
City. .
There is an element of doubt that the
man In . Jersey City Is the fugitive valet,
but the Information comes in an official
way from headquarter that the arrest Is a
most Important one.
Federal Authorities ' Getting; Oat
Papers for Prosecution of
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.; May 27. It 1
reported that papera are being prepared by
the federal attorney in Topeka for the civil
prosecution of ex-Captain Peter C. Doming,
who was recently released from the federal
penitentiary by a decision of the supreme
court. ' .
Demlng, a -volunteer army officer! was con
victed of embezxlement by courtmartlal of
regular army officers. The supreme court
beld that a volunteer army' Officer could not
be tried by regular ahny officer.
John H. Atwood, Demihgw attorney, says:
The alleged embezzlement" was committed
la 1899 and prosecution lrf a civil court Is
barred by the statute of limitation. Any
way, Demlng would have to be tried In Cal
ifornia, where the offense rs alleged to have
been committed."
l larnrra Paid for 'Stock that Have
Never Been Surpassed la
Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY, May -27. Two record
prices for fat cattle were paid at the. stock
yards today. A Kansas stockman received
$7.40 for thirty prime heavy steers, averag
ing -1,636 pounds apiece, Thia price bas
never been surpassed at the stock yards
and waa equaled only, once, on June .10,
1S2. . ... , V
Two loads of 1,100-pound jteers sold for
$6.80, a record breaking price at the yards
here, and, weight considered, the highest
price paid at any market.. ..The cattle were
shipped from Walnut Grove, Tex.
Flowers (or the McKlnley Tomb.
WASHINGTON. May 27. A beautiful floral
trlbuta la to be sent from here tomorrow
by tho Department of the Potomac, Grand
Army or tne nepuDiic, m piano on me
casket containing the remains of the late
President McKlnley at Canton on Decora
tion riav. Quartermaster Davis of the de
partment conferred with Secretary Cortel-
you ana it was oecinpa to vena ine re
membrance to Mn. McKlnley for her to
take to the cemetery. A similar offering Is
to be sent from the White House.
To Care for Cabaa Interests.
WASHINGTON. May 27. At the reauest
of President Estrada Palma, Secretary Hay
has Instructed ail or ine unuea Biaies
consular officers to charge themselves with
any business that may arise at the places
to which they are accredited appertaining
to Cuban commerce. This 'Is a temporary
arrangement and will laaf only till the
Cuban government can appoint its own
consular omcera.
The Seventh Ward Pratt and Van Dusen
club will meet at 512o Center street Wednes
day evening. A large crowd Is expected to
be out and prominent speakers will be
There was no meeting of the executive
committee of the Commercial club yester
day. aa matter which may be brought be
fore It were not ready for consideration. A
special meeting will be called r rlday.
The force of clerks In the-office of the
city treasurer la being kept busy writing
out receipts for taxes, both personal nd
real, which are now being paid at a rapid
rate. The payment begun Monday, and ut
noon luesaay ziu receipts naa ceen issuea.
Three hundred yards of red and white
ribbon have been ordered by the Board
of Education, to be used in tying the diplo
mas of the High school graduating class,
which numbers 147 dud! Is. It is estimtted
that each sheepskin will require a yard of
tne rea ana a yara oi tne wnite.
The superintendent of construction of the
federal building has advertlaed for bid for
the construction of beating apparatus for
the west wing of the . federal building.
There will be no additional boilers, but fans
run by electric motors, neW screens, piping
ana raaiators are to do proviaea.
In the United State circuit court Judge
Mcmerson, over tne prrueata or th de
fendant, permitted tha plaintiff In the case
of Williamson apalnt lb Cudahy Pack
ing Company to tils suit without
lreludlce unon i.avment of costs. The next
cave called for trial will be that of Sarah
wnite against th city or Lincoln, a dam
age suit.
City employes were being paid yesterday
from the ofllce of the comotroller where
Iu warrant! await delivery. Since lesa
than one-third of the employes have per
mitted their warrants fur tha lust four
months to accumulate, the greater num
ber of persons lined lip In the waiting
room ar assignees, piayruiiy dubbed bodv
anatchers" by those who rhaved their
warrants. Two clerks are helnv wr,r hmv
handing out tha yellow slips and checking-
inem vn ine dooks.
John McOreal has aniwalAri eitm f h
dectaion of the Board of County Commis
sioners ' disAUowlng his 'claim ' of ' 7i for
service as esalstant ruumy poor agent for
viiw UK-nun. m i v.. r.i as vne or tne
heada that cam off when the retrenching
ax had Ita brief spasm of activity, but
he asserts that he was not officially notified
of hi dath until he had remained active
for the county a full month and more, and
inciiturv, nv aouiu oe paid.
"The Viasiagippi Babble" ii One of the
Most Popular of the Hew SotiIi.
Nebraska Is Represented la the Keek
by Two Songs Lending Magn
lae Are I s to the I seal
High Standerd.
"Th Mississippi ' Bubble," by Emerson
Hough. Is a fascinating biographical novel
founded on the life of "Joba Law of
Laurtston," and la selling rapidly. He was
the first great greenbacker; the father of
fiatlsrr.. Law waa the originator of that
wonderful financial acheme which, sloe It
collapse, baa been known aa the Mississippi
Bubble. Law waa not simply a money king
a promoter he wa a man of th world,
a gambler In tha daya when every gentle
man dealt the cards or tosaed the die.
He was a daring adventurer, a brilliant
talker, a famous beau. At Sadler' Well
Law meets Lady Catherine and Mary Conn
ylne, two really wonderful women, who
took a band with fate ' In shaping his
destiny. The love etory la out of the
ordinary, but holds the attention from the
very beginning. Law Is portrayed aa aa
exceptionally strong man In every way; a
man whom all obey a natural born ruler.
Because of trouble arising from a duel he
flees to America, where the author carries
him Into a new country, where his success
Is just aa great aa It waa among the first
people of ngland. The chapter on
"Maize" and "The Sacrifice" are Intensely
fascinating; probably the most interesting
of his life In America. After many thrill
ing experiencea be returns to England
searching bis first love, following the
game table as a pastime. And from then
the author tehs hi experience a a finan
cier. He was but one of the vast crowd
that flocked to Paris after the death of the
grand monarch, but In a day be stood out
from that crowd the focus of the eyes of
Europe. He knew the desperate condition
of the French treasury, be dreamed of that
nation's vaat possessions In the New World,
and with this knowledge and with this
dream he went into action. The regent
espoused bis cause. Law waa the man of
the hour. He became rich In a night, pow
erful in a day, and he scattered bis
largess with an open hand. His friends
grew rich with him and every man and
women in France was bis friend. It Is
only at the very last that Law succeeded
In hla greatest wish that of winning the
hand of the lady he loves.. The book Is far
above the ordinary. Published by Bowen-
Merrill company. '
"Songs of the Western Colleges" is a new
collection of songs published by Hinds &
Noble. It ha an Introduction by Horace
Gillette Lozler of the University of Chi
cago and Richard Walton Tully of the
University of California. All the world
lovea the songs of the lolly college student.
Many of them have become popular and
universal songs for male quartets. Many
of the old favorites have been Included In
thla book. Tbla has been don at the
special request of very many alumni and
alumnae, who wish to have some means of
living over again In the old familiar songs,
the old happy days, with their sweet mem
ories of alma mater. But the book la made
up principally of western songs. For many
years the western college have been sing
lng their college songs unnoticed. The com
pilers have endeavored to secure all of
these songs and place them in a book
which would not only reveal these . native
western longa to the east, but give to the
western colleges a book containing all the
songs familiar to their alumni aa well aa to
the undergraduates. Our own state 1 rep
resented in the book by two songs. One,
"Scarlet and Cream" University of Ne
braskaand another, "The Yellow and the
Broiwn" Nebraska Wesleyan university. It
la a collection which, through It cherished
and familiar melodies', will be welcomed
by many.
"Tha Gate of the Kiss." by John W.
Harding, Is a biblical story dealing with
one of the most eventful paasages In the
history of Judab the war between Heie
klab, tha king, and Sennacherib, the terri
ble ruler of Babylon. The prophet Isaiah
is one of the conspicuou figure. But the
hero Is a younger man, a poet and aoldier
of noble lineage, ' Naphtali, a favorite at
court and a friend of the king, altogether
a fine type of Jewish manhood. Sennacherib
Is envious of Judah'a wealth and power, and
1 plotting against Hezeklab, using aa toola
the reactionary idol worshiper", still strong
in Jerusalem. Naphtali la enamored of one
of . the Aasyrlan conspirators, Miraone, a
marvelously beautiful woman, who haa been
proscribed In Jerusalem for playing th
part of Ashtoreth at an idolatrous orgy.
She adroitly blinds the Jewtoh noble to ber
real character, and he la surprised while
making love to her at a rendesvous, by
one of bis comradea, Talmon, a military
officer, to whom Mlraone'a real nature and
purpose have been revealed by Vashtl, one
of ber servant. This maiden haa fallen In
love with Naphtali, and tries) to save him
from Impending disaster. Talmon is killed
In the struggle which ensues, and Miraone
1 saved from captivity. Naphtali la blind
to the truth, and bears ber to bis bouse
aa hla wife. There ehe haa every advantage
to continue the plotting against Judah, and
In a great battle the Assyrian bosta defeat
the king, and Sennacherib encompasses
Jerusalem. Meanwhile Naphtali bas been
deathly 111 of a fever, and, recovering,
learna from Vashtl, the servant who lovea
him, the true character of hla wife.
Miraone escapes to Babylon, becomlpg the
favorite of the king there. Naphtali swears
vengeance and proceeds with the devoted
Vashtl to Babylon, where he kills Miraone
In th preaenc of th king.
The faithful Vashtl, whoa unrequited
love for ber lord I the moet beautiful
element in the story, save him and her
self from tb tortures by entreating a kiss
as the last favor from Naphtali, when, with
a vial of poison concealed In ber llpa, ah
releasee both from the terrible ordeal.
Published by Lothrop Publishlag Company.
The June Century Is altks a man' and
a woman's number. For so-called business
men there are article on "Making Laws
at Washington," a searching exposition of
the machinery of congressional action, by
Henry Looml Nelson, th well-known stu
dent of public affairs, with attractive pic
ture by Keller; on "Tlrumpb of Amer
ican Bridge Building." by Frank W. Skin
ner, with picture of th most notable
bridge built by Americans; th second
paper by Ray 8tannard Baker on "The
Great Southwest,"' dealing with "The Des
ert;" "An Audience with Diaz," by Francis
E. Leupp, the well-known Wsshlngton cor
respondent, aad a curious article ' on
"Bloodhounds In America" and their grow
ing use la the west aa detective. Of par
tlcular appeal to women are th third
part of Mary Adams' much-diacuased "Con-
feeatona of a Wife," dealing with "Mother
hood." and "Th Koyal Family of Eng
land," by Prof. Oscar Browning of Cam
bridge, England, aettlng forth aotne char
acteristics of the royal family based on
personal acquaintance, with several por
traits of tha king and queen, two of which.
In tint, form the double frontispiece of the
number. The illustrations have great va
riety and Incfude some picture by Msx-
field Parrloh la ths series of the south
west, whose colored frontispiece Im tb
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May number will be remembered, portrait
Of the king and queen of England a prince
and princess of Walea, and some Interesting
autographs of the duke of Reirhstadt
(L'Aiglon), contributed by General Henry
M. Cist.
The publication, of the book, "What a
Woman of 45 Ought to Know," completes
the best and most exceptional series ever
published on avoided subjects. Mrs. Emma
I. A. Drake, M. D.. is the author and it Is
published by the Vlr Publishing Company.
The eminent commendation and universal
approval of reviewers in the religious, edu
cational, medical and secular papers have
awarded this aertea a place which bas
given It a circulation around the glpbe. The
only regret expressed In the appearance
of this scries Is that these books should
not have been written and published gen
erations ago. To take a subject. which ha
been abandoned to quacks and lm posters
for ages, and so to lift It Into the reslm
of pure and sacred thinking, that pastors
can and do recommend the series from their
pulpits, that missionaries translate the
books for use In tbelr work, that parents
can give them to their sons and daughters,
Is an achievement which will commend this
scries to every Intelligent' and thoughtful
Ih this latest and concluding book of the
series, Mrs. Drake baa equaled in atyle and
Interest the character of her previous book,
entitled, "What a Young Wife Ougbt to
Know," for which she received a prlie of
$1,000.. It la. written In. that wholesome,
sympathetic manner characteristic of all
the purity book in this series.
Scrlbner's Magazine for June shows, In a
strlklpg manner, both the progress of the
times due to the latest advances In knowl
edge and a wealth of original literary
material notably the two great serials by
the leading Amcrlcnn writers, Richard
Harding Davis and F. Hopklnson Smith.
These two stories, which reach the highest
mark In the achievement of each writer,
are entirely different rn scope and treat
ment.' One Is a atory of adventure and the
other la a romance of artlst-llfe in New
York. "The New Agriculture," by W. S.
Harwood, Is what the author calls glimpses
Into "the page of a book of magic." Few
people realise that a thousand trained sci
entific men are st work, and a million
dollars ar expended annually by the gov
ernment to support th agricultural experi
ment stations in the various states. Within
th last decade tb work of these men, tha
result of. which are freely given to the
public, has revolutionized many branches
of agriculture and added millions of dol
lars to the value of farm producta In the
United States. This article for the first
time set forth In popular form these won
derful achievements.-The Illustration shows'
some of th experiments in progress, The
artlQle will be an eye-opener to those
who believe that agriculture ha stood still
while other American Industries have gone
ahead. ;
That literary ability Is Inherited would
seem to be a fact judging by the list of
contributors . to' the June 8t. Nicholas.
Interest In the capital story, "Hunting the
Puma,' la increased . by . the fact that tbe
author-Illustrator la a seventeen-year-old
lad and a grandson of Edwin Booth;
Ethel ration, who contribute a charming
ballad of th old Puritan day, - 1 th
daughter of James Fartoa, the noted his
torian;. Rosaljnd Richards, who writes of
th wood in June, Is . th daughter of
'; iz; . !s54 . . ,
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Laura E. Richard, famoua a th author
of "Captain January," and there 1 a rather
remarkable letter In the books and reawif
department, the work of the 7-year-oH.
daughter of Louis Evan Khlpmatt. "Anothei
Chance." by Julia Trultt Bishop, the long
story, has to do ' with, life at a glrl'l
boarding school, always a popular theme
with young readers.. Not only I tt a very
Interesting tale, but it deals In a practical
way with some little problems . that f
schoolgirl must solva for herself; the ques
tion of choosing friend the necessity o
wallowing false pride and going half-way
In smoothing out misunderstandings th
ability to see clearly the pathway which
lies between prlgglshnesa and deception; la
short, this Is a piece of Action thai
teaches much without seeming to preach
"Another Chanco" Is the eighth of th
"Long Stories Complete in One Number"
series, which Is proving such a popular
substitute for the i-ntallzlng "to be con
tinued." . ....
The new (May-June) number of th
Book-Lover ia the largest and most satis
factory the publishers have ever sent out
The magaslne has been material!)
strengthened by absorbing the old-estab-'
llshed Home Magazine, but without any
change in the character or . form whlct
have endeared the Book-Lover to Its read
er from .the first. Simple pralse-annot
give adequate Idea of the good things ol
this periodical, and it occupies a field st
entirely Its own It must be seen and read
for one to understand how completely ; it
differs from any other magazine now belna;
published. There are sixty entries in th!
contents table of this, cno number.'" The
magazine Is for sal by the lending book
sellers and may be obtained through an?
dealer anywhere. Publication office,- 30-3!
East Twenty-first street. New Ycrk.
The first authorized statement that Jnhn
Alexander Dowie, founder of; Zlon City
and of the Christian Catholic church lc.
Zlon, haa ever given out to the general'
public is a 'Jlstlngulsblng feature of Les
lie's Monthly for June. This authoritative
account of one who la, certainly a remark
able man, at ths bead of a remarkable
movement, glvea those facts which arc
needed for a calm judgment of his career,
and supplies data which haa until now
been withheld from the public. ' The re--'
suits of a number, of recent and Interest-,
lng experiments dealing, with ths
effect which the proportion of molstur In
th air ws breathe has upon our minds
and bodies, and the remedy for 'tbe pres
ent unhealthy and Sahara-like condition of
the air In many. of . our homes, are well
told by on of ths experimenter. A de
lightfully amusing story of children, a rat
tling, anappy newspaper story, and a very
human love story, make up part of tb
fiction of the number, which is rounded out
by many lighter aketchea and verses.
The abovs book ar for sale by tb
Megeath Stationery Co.; 130$ Farnam street.
Too Urea) a Itlalt.
In almost every neighborhood someone
ha died from an attack of collo or cholera
morbus, often before medicine could be
procured or a physician summoned. A re
liable remedy for the diseases should b
kept at band. The risk is too great for
anyone to take. . Chamberlain' Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy .baa un
doubtedly aaved the live of more people
and relieved more pain and suffering than'
any other medicine In -use. It can always,
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twins do your work."
Louis. Maker of OVAL FAIRY SOAfV