Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
X trust Peloe Epeat Iu Violent DiacWgea
of Deadly Ltra.
Vassive Black Clouds and lightning
Eubet idd to Fright.
Heavy Snrf Beats Against Shoro for Period
of Several Honrs.
glabert T. Hill, tailed State Oeolo
Slat, Makes Dirim In vest Igatloa
( the Voleaao Activity
V .
la Martlala.Be.
' 1 1'
PORT OB FRANCE, Island of Martinique.
Monday, Mar $ P- m. Mount Pel la
again In eruption. Hug, inky-black cloud,
ar rolling over Fort de Franc In treat
masses. In which there are peculiar light
ning flasbea. The inhabitant are now flock
ing Into the great square of the town. It
tbe demonstration Increase a panic Is Im
minent. " A very heavy surf has been beating on
the shore' for the last two hours and an
enormous, grayish-yellow f loud, at a great
bright, is dimly risible in tbe direction of
Mount Pelee.
Tbe night la intensely dark and the stars
re only faintly visible.
For de Franc is In no danger from the
volcano, but ther la considerable appre
hension of a panic In the night abould the
grayish-yellow cloud reach here and ashes
and stones begin to fall.
There are no noises from tbe volcano at
Hasardoas Visit to Crater.
Robert T. Hill, United States geologist and
nead of the expedition sent by the National
Geographical society, baa just come in from
daring and prolonged Investigation of tbe
volcanic activity In Martinique. Prot Hill
chartered a steamer and carefully exam
ined the coast as far north as Port de Ma
couba, at the extreme end of the Island,
making frequent landings. After land
ing at L precheur, five miles north of 8t.
Pierre, he walked through an area of
active volranlsm to the latter place and
made a minute examination of the varioua
phenomena that was disclosed.
Prof. Hill la the flrat and only man who
baa aet foot In the area of craters and
Aasurea, and, because of his high position
as a scientist, his story Is valuable. In
addition to bis work of Investigation, tbe
professor rescued in his steamer many
poor people of L Precheur who bad ven
tured back after deserting their home and
found themselves in awful danger. '
Zoae of the Catastrophe.
He report as follow:
The aena of the catastrophe In Martin
ique forms an elongated oval, containing
on land about eight square miles of de
otructkm. Tlilt oval.-U-.artly aver the
sea. The- laud parr ia bounded by lines
running from L Precheur to the peak of
Mount Pelee, thence cur vine around to
Carbet, There were three well marked
First The center of annihilation. In
which all vegetable and animal life waa
utterly destroyed. The larger part of Su
Pierre was In this sone.
Second A sone of singeing, blistering
Dame, which also was fatal to ail life,
killing all men and animals, burning the
leaves on tns treea ana acorcning, out not
utterly destroying, the trees themselves.
Third A large, outer, non-destructive
one of ashes, wherein some vegetation
was injured.
Ths focus of annihilation waa the new
crater, midway between, the sea and tbe
Beak of Mount Pelee. where now exists a
new area of active volcanlsm. with a new
Mount Pelee, which now consists of hun
dreds of miniature volcanoes. The new
crater is now vomiting black, hot mud.
which is falling into the sea. Both
craters, the old and new. are active.
Mushroom-shaped steam exploslona con
stantly ascend rrom me oia crater, wnne
heavy, ash-laden clouds float horlxontallv
from the new crater. The old ejecta
tram, smoke, mud, pumice and lsplllo,
but no molten lavs.
The aallept topography of the region is
unaltered. The destruction nf St. Pierre
waa due to (he new crater. The excloslon
had treat su .erflclal f-rce. acinar In
radial directions, aa Is evidenced by the dis
counting ana carrying tor yards ths guns
In the battery on the hill south of 8t.
Virr and leaving the colonial statue of
tbe Virgin In the aame locality, and also
by the condition of the ruined houses In
bl nerr"
First Positive Boleatlge Stateaaaat.
This is ths Unit positive scientific state
ment, based on observed fact. Prof. Hill
has now started oa horseback for the vol
cano. Hs will study the whole affected
re and will try to get to both crater.
He will surely visit Morn Rouge and the
lop of Mount Pels. The undertaking ia
' betareous, as axplosioc msy occur at
an mcmeat, a on did Msy M. . Prof.
Hill know ths risk ho takea, but ssys tb
aly way te discover exactly what has bap
pened is to go to the crater luelt, or
near it a possible. H will be gone two
Fort de France It nearly deserted. A
w source of fright ia fear that a tidal
wave may coma. A wave eight feat high
would certainly destroy Fort d Franc
and probably cause enormous loss of Ufa.
The weather la warm and rainy. The
south wind carry the smoke and ashes
.Torn th volcano away from Fort d
ROSEAU. Island of Dominica. B. W. I..
May 17. During th whole of last night
ashes from the volcano on the' Island of
Martinique fell her la greater quantity
than ta been experienced etnee th out
iireak of Mount Pelee.
PARIS, May 17- In order ta avoid a poa-
elble epidemic among th 7,000 refuge
now at Fort de France It has been decided
.to distribute them among a number of th
Ta Cwleals it. Vlaeeat resale.
KINQ8TON, Jsmaela. May . Ths plant
ert her. Including th United Fruit com
pany, aa American concent, are warmly
supporting th proposal to bring hundreds
of th sufferers from tb volcanic out
break on th Island of St. Vincent to work
oa estates here and alaq to settle them on
'the crown land. Th government of
Jamacla ta being asked te make an offer te
'transport people from it- Vincent te
. Wracked hy Paris Hah.
J NEW YORK. May 17. A Paris dispatch
t the American and Journal say that th
American exchange ha been smashed by
an angry mob. Donald Down!, from New
!Trk. bad an altercation with on of hi
' French employe. Th latter became In
toxleated aad refused to lea th press
jlses, whereupon Mr. Downle discharged
him. An angry crowd quickly gathsred. as
,1 tuual In Paris, and. seeing blood Sowing
frotn a Frenchman, th crowd begaa by
uuaing ia winaow and naauy wrecaea
.the place. During the excitement LOO
heopi collected U the Rue tcrtbe.
Agitation far roastltatloaal Rights
I ta Be "oppressed by
BERLIN. May 27. The debate on th bill
providing for strengthening tb German
lement In the Polish province of Pros
la began in the lower house of the Prus-
Ian Diet today. The Imperial chancellor,
Count von Buelow, said the government
was compelled for the aaka of tbe security
of the monarchy to erect a bulwark against
agitation in favor of granting Poland con-
tltutlonal right.
The Poles would be safeguarded, but any
effort to change tbe existing relatione of
the two nationals ,, would be rigorously
suppressed. The ' ..""f object waa
to continue thi '.,'' "rated by
Prince Bismarck lb "'.r bill
waa only a circumstance. , ',.
ther measures would be Iu. !
strengthen the German element '
eastern provinces, including an lncreaa
aalarles of the officials of the middle and
lower ranks and thoae of the teachers of
the elementary schools.
The chancellor concluded with a plea
to the bouse to support th government
n Its protection of German custom and
Herr Fritxen, centrist, protested against
the expenditure of a qusrter of a milliard
of marks while questions of greater Im
portance were ahelved on account of th
bad financial condition of the atate.
Herr Szumann, a Pole, bitterly denounced
tbe government with not keeping faith with
the Poles, and at the conclusion of his
speech the Poliab member left the house
In a body.
Pleased with Visit, bat Drinks Toast
To Resales of All
DUNKIRK. France, May 27. Tbe French
squadron of warships which recently vis
ited Cronstadt, Ruasla, as an sscort to
President Lou bet arrived here today. M.
Loubtt landed at noon. He was welcomed
by the mayor and received an ovation from
th populace. The president proceeded to
the Chamber of Commerce and at a lunch
eon subsequently he expressed hi delight
at the extreme cordiality 'of the welcome
extended to him by both tbe imperial fam
ily and the people of Ruasia.
The strengthening of the bonds uniting
Russia and France would, he believed, have
tbe beneficial effect of causing Frenchmen
to forget their own differences, which were
more apparent than, real, and to turn their
united attention to financial, economic and
octal problem urgently requiring settle
ment. President Lou bet concluded with drinking
a toast "To tbe Reunion of All Frenchmen."
After the luncheon President Loubet pro
ceeded to Parla. Tbe president had a tem
pestuous voyage from Copenhagen. On
Sunday night the sea continually swept
th decks of the cruiser Montcalm, on
which he was a passenger,' broke over th
bridge aad made It necessary to lash the
sailors to tbe standing gear in order to pre
vent them from being washed overboard.
It was impossible to serve breakfast
aboard Montcalm on Monday, as the gal
leys were flooded and the president had to
b content with eating; biscuits.
Daaar Coroaatloa Proeesalaa Passes
' Aloagr the Whole Ieagth
of the lloate.
LONDON. Msy 27. A full rehearsal of
the coronation procession along the whole
length of th rout from . Buckingham
palace to Westminster abbey and return
took place this morning.
Tbe attendants and the horses were prac
tically all the aame as will take part In
the parade' June 26. The vehicles were
plain coachea and brakes, ' representative
of tb elaborate state equipages which will
be used on coronation day, and groom and
outrider represented tbe noble personages
who will rid In attendance on their
The first nine carriage will be occupied
by member of the British royal family.
They will be followed by vehicles con
taining their aultea. The great state
coach, which will rom last, waa repre
sented today by a big brake drawn by th
sight cream-colored Hanoverian which
figured In the procession at the time of
tbe late Queen Victoria's jubilee and th
occasion of her funeral.
The horse today wsr without th crim
son morocco harass with heavy, gilt
fitting and ornamentation which 1 being
made for th coronation. The rehearsal
Included th picking up of passenegrs at
Buckingham palac. their alighting at
Westminster abbey, etc.
Probably Oaly Peraoaa laved Who
Were oa British Steaaner
NAPLES, May 27. The German steamer
Koenlg Albert, bound from Yokohama and
Sings por for Hamburg, landed at this
port twsnty survivors of the British
steamer Camorta.
A dlapateh received at London May 14
from Rangoon, aald that a lifeboat belong
Ing to the steamer Camorta. overdue at
that port from Madras, had been picked
up In the bay of Bengal. It waa believed
that the steamer encountered a cyclone en
May (. Besides her (60 psstengers, who
wsr natlvea of India, th Camorta had a
crew of lghty-nln men.
Agrees ta Eatead Tlsae.
COPENHAGEN. Denmark. May IT. King
Christian, after a long conference today
with the premier. Dr. Deuotier. finally ac
cepted the proposal of the United State to
extend for a year th time limit for ths
ratlflestloa of tb Danish Weat Indian
This action wa taken In spit of very
heavy pressure upon ths psrt of the oppo
sition of the members of th royal family
Chlle-Ara-eatla Treaty.
treaty between Argentine and Chile (providing-
among other things, for a rratric
tloa at their armamcnta and general ar
bitration), will be signed tomorrow. The
text f th agreement, which I to last
ftv years, all! b published Juo 1 In both
teaaser la Saak.
SPOKANE. Wash , May 17 -A epecla to
th Chronicle from Wenacht aaya: Th
teamer Camana, wheat-laden, waa suns
In th Columbia river about nooa today.
L. B. Dol. on of the officers of tb
boat, waa drowned and H Is reported that
a number of person were Injured. At En
flat Kaplds. about twenty mile above
Wenachie. th boat got beyond control,
atruck a rock, tipped over and went down.
Camana waa an old boat.
Ohio Republican! Demonstrate Unanimity
of Sentiment for Hit Re-Election.
Oaly Oae Aatl-Haaaa Mas lacladed
la Sew State Ceatral Committee
aad He l finally
CLEVELAND. May 27. The feature of
the republican atate convention here today
was the unanimity of sentiment in favor of
Senator Hanna. He has been the center of
Interest since bis arrival from Waahington
last Sunday. When It came to the meeting
"f the delegates by congressional districts
fits afternoon the sentiment for him was
demonstrated in an unprecedented degree.
His friends had claimed eighteen out of
the twenty-one districts.
Interest centered In the selection of state
committeemen, as the new state central
committee selected today will have control
next year, when members of the legislature
are elected who will choose the successor
to Mr. Hsnna In the senate. It is claimed
tonight that there waa only one antt-Hanna
man elected on the new state commltteo
and that ha "has been reconciled."
The drift of sentiment In all the prelim
inary meetings was most enthusiastic for
the senator and in the convention the dele
gates would not rest till he got up and
showed himself, although he Insisted that
he would not discuss the Issues In sdvsnce
of the keynote speech of General Grosvenor,
who Is to be the permanent presiding offi
cer tomorrow.
McKlaley aad Roosevelt Portrait.
Above the plaform were suspended large
portraits of McKlnley and Roosevelt. Sec
retary of State Laylln, who will b renom
inated to head the atate ticket, and other
atate officers and leaders, were seated on
th platform.
Senator Hanna sat in th rear of the
large hall, but he was the center of attrac
tion even there. After the convention ad
journed ha repaired to bla home and to
night that place became the Mecca of del
egate and others.
While Senator Hanna declined to speak
today In advance of General Groavenor It ia
understood that he will respond tomorrow
and his speech Is anticipated with more
interest than any other event of the con
vention. While the Interest of Senator Hanna
were paramount tu the selection of all tbe
committees others were recognized In tbe
election of the committee on resolutions.
Seven congressmen, Dick, Gill, Hlldebrandt.
Nevln, Sktlea, Taylor and Kyle, .were se
lected on this committee and three mem
bers of the legislature, Harding, Patterson
and Cole. The dress parade at the con
vention of candidates for the republican
gubernatorial nomination continued Into the
district meetings, which favored tb re
spective favorites by placing Dick. Daugh-
erty, Douglas, Harding and Taylor on tb
committee on resolutions.
Taylor Decline Reasnlsstloa,
At the meeting 'of the' delegate of th
Eighteenth congressional district R. W.
Taylor declined the nomination for re
election a congressman on account of re
cent engagement as an attorney, but hi
friend were prompt In ststlng that thia
did not tako him out of th race for tbe
At tbe meeting of tbe committee on reso
lutions tonight it waa reported that moat
of the opposition to Chairman Dick' draft
of appeal form came from Harding, Daugh
erty, Douglas and Taylor. They wanted
the plank on Cuban reciprocity to Indorse
President Roosevelt's policy specifically.
rather than In terms of general Indorse
ment of tbe national administration.
With the platform completed tonight and
only three nominations for minor place
to ba mads, It la supposed that th con
vention will conclude early tomorrow, al
though General Groavenor will speak at
length and the time of Senator Hanna'
speech la something of which he himaelf
I unable to give any Information.
During the afternoon Chairman Durr re
viewed the history of the last state cam
paign and congratulated the party on the
outlook for thi year. Governor George K.
Nash was then announced a temporary
Speech of Coveraor Naah.
He waa tendered aa ovation upon being
Introduced and spoke as follows:
The most Important part of the business
of Ohio, mercantile, oommerclal. mining,
manufacturing and Industrial, is carried
on through and by means of artificial po
sitions created by the state and known as
corDoratlona. By them 'abor ia employed
and paid fair wages. They hsve developed
our mining resources, ereciea our great
manufacturing planta. constructed our rail
roads and transacted the business con
nected with our trsde and commerce, until
our stste has become very great and very
1 nese corporations .noma noi wjw
upon aa the enemies of the people, but ss
their friends, capable of still further de
veloping and making UHeful the great re-
aources of our stste and giving to labor
remunerative employment and to capital
aafe Investment.
The last legislature looked with friendly
spirit upon th presence of corporations in
Ohio. It believed that they should be
fostered and encouraged and not fought
aa the common enemies of mankind. It
equalised taxation by requiring corpora
tions to pay something for the benefit
which they receive at the hands of the
atate. It did all that it could to confer
upon such corporsttons valuable privileges
enjoyed bv like corporatlona in other states.
It has aent a cordial Invitation to millions
of expatriated capital to return to Its
former home, to be a psrt and parcel of
and the part creator of the future great
ness and prosperity of Ohio.
Party Coatrols Katloa' Dostlalea.
I congratulate you that the national re-
fubllcan party controls the destinies of
his great republic. In the dark and
gloomy daya of 18M It made promises full
of brilliant hope for the nation. The peno'.e
trusted and we have entered upon a career
without a parallel in the history of the
world. I congratulate you that In the
person of Theodore Roosevelt we have a
president from whose lips fell the solemn
pledge to pursue, without variation and
untarnished, the great and beneficial poli
cies of Wllllsni McKlnley. Our loved one
has fallen, but the nation and Its people
live to be blessed forever by his theories
of government.
One week aso todav the flu of f res
Cuba, a new republic, waa unfurled, float
ing over an independent nation. I con-
Eratulate you that thla has been, for thus
aa been redeemed a republican pledae.
riven by a powerful nation to a weak and
nearly exhausted people. I congratulate
you that our flag still wsves in the Philip
pines. There it will remain, the signal
nope of law and order for their people.
Our enemies may hurl their calumnies
upon our aoidlera and aallors and upon
the honored represents 1 1 vea of our aav-
eminent, but they cannot diminish ths
glory of our Msg nor retard the day when
the blessings of our free institutions will
be enjoyed py mat people.
Chaaa Kow Stat Coaasattteo.
Th tventy-on congressional districts
were called at tbe conclusion of Governor
Naah's speech and th selection mad at
th district meetings war announced for
member of th new tat commit taa. vice
presidents and assistant acrtar1a of th
convention., and also th mamber of th
commutes on credeallals. permanent or
ganisation, resolution, rule aad orders of
Ceaferee af Bath Hoaae Agree oa
the River aad Harbar
WASHINGTON". May 27. Tb conferee
of the two houses of congress on the river
and hafbor bill today reached a final agree
ment on that bill.
The exact flgure showing the aggregate
result of their work rov not been deter
mined, but It can be stated that of th $9,
500,000 appropriation added by th senate
only about H.iOO.000 wa retained, the pro
vision calling for th remaining 15.000.000
being disagreed to by the house conferee.
As the bill will be reported It makes a
total appropriation of about $65,000,000 In
direct appropriations and for work author
lied. j
The Important oenate amendments which
were retained Include the following:
Improving Point Judith harbor, Rhode
Island, $100,000; Curtis bay. Baltimore. $50,
000 cash and $146,000 continuing contract;
Galveston (Tex.) channel, $100,000 cash and
$200,000 contract appropriation, instead of
$200,000 and $400,000 respectively, as orig
inally made by tbe senate; Ashtabular har
bor, Ohio, $200,000; Saugatuck harbor and
Kalamazoo river, Michigan, continuing con
tract, $100,000; harbor at Dtiluth, Minn.,
$200,000; Oakland harbor, California, $100,
000 cash and $150,000 contintjing contract.
Instead of $868,203 continuing contract, as
originally provided for by! the oenate;
Tacoma harbor, Washington, 1100.000, con
tinuing contract. Instead of $222,000; Ana
costia river. District of Columbia. $150,000;
James river, Virginia, $300,000; Pascagoula
river, Mississippi, $25,000 cash and $100,000
continuing contract. Instead of $50,000 and
$200,000 respectively, a originally inaerted
by the senate; mouth of Sabine and
Naches rivers, Texas, $125,000; Galveeton
ship canal and Buffalo bayou, Texaa, fixing
the limit for captain of division 1 at
$600,000; Trinity river, Texas, i$100,000 cash
and $275,000 continuing contract, instead
of $125,000 and $100,000 respectively.
L'pper White river. Arkanoa. $2.0,000;
Walnut Bend, Mississippi, to repslr levee.
$90,000; Cumberland river, above Nashville,
$200,000; Tuges Levlsa fork of tbe Big
Sandy river. West Virginia and Kentucky.
$175,000 cash and $170,000 contract. Instead
of $200,000 and $250,000 respectively; Grand
river, Michigan, $250,000, Instesd of $125.
000, aa fixed by the bouoe; Mississippi river
from the mouth of the Ohio to the mouth
of the Missouri, $630,000 cash. Instead of
$600,000, fixed by the bouse, and fixing the
limit at $1,950,000, Instead of $1,800,000;
Mississippi river from head of the Passes
to tbe mouth of tbe Ohio. $2,200,000, an
increase of $200,000 over tbe bouse ' pro
vision; Missouri river from Sioux City to
mouth'. $175,000. instesd of $250,000, as
originally directed by the senate; Calaveras
and Mormon rivers, California $50,000 cash
and $175,000 contracts; Columbia river, ca
nals at Calllo Fall, senate language re
tained and appropriation of '$100,000, In
stead of $400,000, aa originally1 provided by
the aenate; for preliminary examination
and survey generally. $300,000, lntead of
$250,000, as provided by the hduie.
The senate amendments recajiring Donas
by guarantee companies from! contractor
and giving to the cretary of war discre
tion to extend tbe time for th completing
of bridge wa stricken out.
Most of th amendments mad ty in
senat for largo improvement wer . dis
agreed to and will go over for the bill If
the conference report 1 accepted. in
more Important provision which met thia
fate are the following:
Appropriating $450,000 for payment of the
Braxoa River Channel and Dock company
for Jettle built; appropriating $150,000 for
Improvement of, the harbor at th Ialand
of Guam; appropriating $45,000 cash abd
$239,625 for th Improvement of th Alle
gheny river at Natrona. Pa.; appropriating
$199,800 for - the Improvement of Coosa
river. Alabama; appropriating $650,000 for
Improvements at New Orleans Natchei.
Memphis, etc.; appropriating $52,000 for the
construction of reservoir on th Sioux
river, South Dakota.
That Coaatry to Bo Xo Longer Refuge
for I'nlted State
' Crlmlaal.
wttmvfiTOS. Mav 21. Secretary Hay
closed up one of th principal place of
refuge for criminal committing crimes In
the United State when he exchanged the
final ratification with Walker Martlnex,
th Chilean mlnlater here, of tho new Chil
ean extradition treaty.
i-ha tTnlted Statea never ha had such a
treaty with Chile and some of th most
notable defaulter and embezxler from the
United States hav found safety In that
country. It ha been difficult to secure a
satisfactory treaty and the negotiations
arhirh led ii n to the drafting of thi ar
rangement hav been In progress several
Twcatr Mlllloa Dollar Speat la Phil
ippine la Three Year'
WASHINGTON, Msy 27. In respons to
a resolution of Inquiry the secretary of tbe
navy today forwarded to the eenate a state
ment by the paymaster general of the nae-y
showing tbe expenditure of th govern
ment on account of th naval operation In
tbe Philippine from May 1, 1898, to date.
The statement place the amount in round
number at $20,000,000. Tbe expenditure to
November, 1899, were $6.(45.634; for 1900,
$5.(12.000, and for 1901, $6,213,000.
Tbe remainder of the $20,000,000 1 esti
mated for 1902, the exact figure for tb
present year being unavailable.
Brief roreaaoale at British Embassy
la Preseae of I -ate Ambassador's
Family aad .
WASHINGTON. May 27. A special sr
vie waa held at tb British embassy today
over the remain of Lord Pauncefot. It
wa vary brief and only th member of tbe
late ambassador's family and th embassy
staff wr present.
Bishop Satterle and ' Coadjutor Bishop
Mackay-Bmtth officiated aad read th
prayer for person tinder affliction and
other appropriate passages provided la th
Episcopal service.
Presidential Kamlaatlaae.
WASHINGTON. May 27. The president
today seat the following nominations to
the senat :
Army Francis J. Bailey, Oregon, asslst
aat surgeon, with rank of captain of vol
unteers. Navy Commander William Swift, to bo
captain; Lieutenant (Junior grade) R. c.
Bulmar, to bo lieutenant.
Lieutenants to b lieutenant commaader
Martin B. Ylagtoa aad Rooert r. Lopg.
Eochamboao. Mission Goes from Wert Point
to New York.
Warm Words of lateraatlaaal Frlead-
hlp Eiekaaged by the Mayor
aad Cambon la Their
NEW YORK. May 27. Count d Rocham
beau and other of the party of French
delegates, after passing most of the dsy In
journeying to West Point and reviewing
the cadet there, arrived la this city
snortly before 4 o'clock In the fternoon.
They came down the Hudson on the United
State dispatch boat Dolphin. A Dolphin
teamed up to the battery three salutes
were fired, two of thirteen guns esch for
Vice Admiral Fournier and Aeslstant Sec
retsry of State Peirce, and one of seven
teen guns for Ambassador Cambon. A re
ception committee awaited tne party at
the Barge office.
Arriving at th city hall the Frenchmen
were formally welcomed to the city by
Mayor Low and President Fornes of the
Board of Aldermen. Besides the French
men were the presidential delegate. Colonel
T. A. Bingham. Commander Raymond P.
Rogers and their aides. Among those in
the mayor's room were Ambassador Porter,
former Secretary of th Interior Cornelius
N. Bits, former Msyor Robert A. Van
Wyck and a number of city officials.
While the party waited in the mayor'
office for the aldermanlc committee to ar
rive, the mayor called the attention of the
Frenchmen to the writing table of Wash
ington by saying: "This is the writing ta
ble thst Washington used when he was
first president of the United States." The
visitor looked at it with great Interest.
Addresa of Welcome.
The visitors were then shown to seat
and Mayor Low began the welcoming ad
dresa. He said:
Mr. Ambassador and Gentlemen of the
Rochambeau Mission, Who So Worthily
Kepresent the Republic of Frsnce:
The mayor of the city of New Tork car
ries on hie official busineaa In the presence
of the portrait of Laiayette, who repre
sents to us Americans the generous ardor
of the French people for the Ideals of
political liberty. The representatives of
New York are glad to have the opportunity
today. In greeting your distinguished dele
gation, to acknowledge the services to this
city of the French nation through the co
operation of the regular army and naval
forces of the American colonies.
The decisive battle resulting from this
co-operation was fought at Yorktown, upon
the soil of Virginia, but it ushered in the
historic scene at Fraunces tavern In this
city, where Washington bade farewell to
the officers who had been his comrades In
arms at the end of the revolutionary war.
Thla fortunate result was directly due to
the co-operation of France, but even tho
service of the volunteer, Lafayette, and of
Rochambeau and DeGraase of the French
army and navy do not comprise all that
we owe to the generous nation whom you
Sapplled Slaew of War.
You freely supplied the American force
with the sinews of war and your help In
another form haa made the French name
of "Le Bon Homme Richard" as familiar
in our ears a Yorktown itself. These
things we of the city of New York hold in
grateful remembrance, but we do not for
get that France Itself has Interpreted their
permanent significance by the statu that
the people have placed In our beautiful
harbor of Liberty enlightening the world.
Thi is the deep and eternal purpose of
liberty thst It should throw light upon
the path that civilisation Itself must fol
low with the procession of the sun.
We of America do not owe more to
France in the domain of political liberty
than we owe to her In the fine example she
sets oi freedom in the domain of art.
Science today, in all lands, is happily free,
but the whole world goea to the French
school of the beautiful arts, but under the
free sky of liberty In the realm of art
r ranee has become the teacher of the na
tions. For all these reaaona and many
others that might be told I have the honor
to welcome you In the name of the city of
New York to our beloved city.
Ambassador Casaboa Replies.
Ambassador Cambon replied to tb
mayor' address, saying:
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Mayor and Gentle
men and Repreaentatlves of the Cuy of
New York: 1 thank you very much for the
kind, generous reception which you have
given to my countrymen, the members of
the French mission. The president of th
French republic has sent you the most dis
tinguished reprckentativea of the French
army, of the French navy, of French
science and of French commerce and of
French art,, because we know that France
is represented among you by the arts and
the sciences. We would be very glad If
we could live always with you In America.
We are very glad to have the honor to
know you and the other distinguished per
sons whom we have met here in America.
You know, the more we are In America the
better we like it. (Applause.)
I am sure that my countrymen, when
they get back to France, will ssy to their
countrymen in Franc that th Americana
are the finest people they know of. Thla
ceremony of . unveiling the statue of Ro
chambeau is tne remembrance of the two
nationa and the friendship which alwavs
exiated between Washington, Lafayette
and Rochambeau, and these ceremonies
also will act aa a remembrance to the sons
of France and America that the sons of
Rochambeau and Washington, the cltlsens
of the United States and France, are as
Rochambeau and Washington were, the
finest and best friends in everything in
every way and for all time.
Worth Ovrmaa Lloyd . Steamer Lose
Two ieamea aad Other Have
Harrow Escape.
NEW YORK. Msy 27. The North German
Lloyd steamer Kron Prlns Wllhelm. which
arrived today from Bremen, lost two sea
men overboard on the voyage and four
other had a narrow escap from a similar
Stormy weather was encountered during
th latter part of th trip and last Friday
six sailor, while on th upper deck try
ing to clos two heavy Iron door, were
caught In an enormous sea which swept
over tb deck.
Twa of them were carried overboard and
drowned. Th other four managed to slip
Into a gangway and so escaped. The alarm
was given and two Ufa buoy wer cast
adrift. The vessel steamed about the
buoy for an hour and a half before giving
up search for them.
W. H. Vanderbilt wa among th passen
gers on th Kron Prins Wllhelm. .
Charge of Craelty Aro Made by Mea
oa tho Army Traasport
SAN FRANCISCO. May 27. United
State Commissioner Heaeork . ha issued
warrants for th arrest of Cap tela K. F.
Martin aad First Officer W. C Harstedt
of tb rmy transport Buford on charge
of cruelty to a aallor on tho high seas.
Tb charge ar mad by B. Backkooter,
third cook of th transport, who claim to
hav beoa triced up for an hour aad a half.
Captala Martin aassrt that thi pualsk
maat wa oaly continued for Crises
Other charge war that th vessel's
brig, whsrs th men ' slept, waa over
crowded aud la aa assaaliary eoadltloa,
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Wsrmer
Wednesday; Thursday Partly Cloudy,
Probably Showers and Cooler in North
western Tortlon:
Tern per tare at Omaha Teaterd
Hoar. Dec.
A a. m ..... . 4(1
6 a. m 46
T su sa 4
8 a. m
ft a. m ..... . ST
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10 a. m Kt
11 a. ta AO
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Coatlnaatien of th Legal Proceed-
at Albany aad Jeffer
oa City.
ALBANY. N. Y., May 27. Tbe hearing In
th operation of tb alleged beef combine
wa continued today before former Justice
Judson S. Landon. as referee. William A.
Coffey of Troy testified that he was formerly
employed by the western packing house to
reprtaent them In Troy and to furnish them
weekly with a list of the retail meat dealer
In hi territory who failed to settle their
bill for meat delivered each week.
The object of this, he said, wa to compel
butcher who were slow In paying for good
delivered to pay cash for their meat until
such time aa they agreed to settle their ae-
couats aeekly. He said that he had been
notified last week thst there was no longer
any need for his services, as the working
agreement between the packing houses was
no longer In force.
Coffee did not know whether the prices
charged by the wholesale agents lu this
territory were uniform or not.
Attorney J. G. Kimball, representing Ar
mour & Co., asked it he might question the
witness, but objection being raised by the
attorney general the witness was excused.
John W. Houngan testified that he had
acted as arbitrator for the western packing
concern In Albany and that he had been
compelled to fine certain managers for vi
olating the credit agreement.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., May 27. Attor
neys for the Schwarxcbild & Sulxberger
company of Kansaa City today filed a motion
In the supreme court which is an answer to
the alternative writ Issued at the Instance
of Attorney General Crow for the ouster of
the defendant for being in the beef com
bine. The motion is tbe aame as filed In
the rase of other respondent. It alleges
that tbe writ was improperly issued in va
cation. The court en banc will probably
pass on the motion June 4, when It will
meet to render opinions.
Body of MIsalasT Doctor Is Foaad on
Bank of the
ST. LOUIS, May 27. Tbe body of Dr. Ed
ward L. Thuman, who disappeared Sunday,
was found today on th bank of the river a
few blocks oouth of the place where hi
coat, hat and valuable wer discovered.
J. J. Thuman, brother of the dead man,
who knew of no reason for the doctor's
suicide, said: '
While my brother wsa discouraged in a
professional way, he hud plenty of money
and see meo to enjoy iiie. -
Before committing suicld Dr. Thuman
bad written to hi father In England ask
ing him to send no more money.
Kerr York Governor Deflae HI Attl
tade oa tbe Presidential
SALT LAKE, Utah. Msy 27. Governor
Benjamin B. Odell of New York and party
spent the day sightseeing in Salt Lake,
leaving in the afternoon for Colorado
Governor Odell specifically denied the
report that he would retire from politic
to become the president of the Morgan
consolidation of ths southern roads.
Speaking of national politics, be said:
If President Roosevelt is a csndidste for
the presidential nomination In iH he will
certainly have my most cordial support.
Captala Charle E. Raasell of the
Eighth Infantry I a
MANILA. May 27. Captain Charle E.
Russell of tb Eighth Infantry is dead. H
wa- th first officer to die of cholera.
Up to tbe present In Manila there have
been twenty-five cases of cholera and
twenty death among th Amarlcan and
thirteen case and ten death among the
European population.
The cholera total to dat ar a fol
low: Manila, 105 case and ninety-three
death; province, (.001 case and 2,878
Lad Thlrteea Year Old Coafesse
Dealing Fatal Blow to
ST. JOSEPH. May 27. Jacob Graham,
aged 1$. a school boy, confessed to tbe
polic tonight that ha was responsible for
tb death of Robert C. Hunter, aged 14.
who waa found dead at hi home. Th boy
quarreled and Graham says be wa as
saulted by Hunter. In retaliating he struck
Hunter with hi fist, th blow taking effect
on the left tempi. Hunter fell, but arose
and went home, where he died from con
cussion of th brain.
Eastera Establishments Form Amer
ican Parkers' Asaax-latloa, with
Six Mlllloa Capital.
DOVER, Del., May 27. Th American
Packer' association, with an authoiixed
capital of $8,000,000, was Incorporated her
today. Tbe company 1 empowered to can,
pack and prerv for market all kind of
meats, vegeubles. fruit, etc.
Th company comprises all of th can
nlug establishments In Del max, th east
ra shore of Maryland and Virginia and
several In New Jersey.
Two Car of Cattle Sell tor Seven
rifty la Kaasaa City
KANSAS CITY, May 27. Another ow
record price for cattl at tbe Kansas City
stockyard wa recorded today when two
car, averaging 1,I7( pounds, sold at $7.60,
th highest prlc ever paid her. Yesterday
thirty prim heavy steers, averaging 1,638
pounds, oold at $7.40. which w th highest
prlc reached oa thla market sine 1M2.
Sentiment of Mr. Harriman on Government
Control of Railroads.
Financier Ak Why Paople Bhould Interfera
with Hit Soiinesa.
Legislation, if Anything, Should Compel
uommonity of Interest.
Preposteroa for Sara Mea a tcl.
lators to Regulate Oor Behavior,
ay Klatr of laloa
Paclflc System.
"Railway commissions and railroad noal
are obsolete," said K. H. Harriman at
I'nlon station yesterdsy afternoon. And
then the man who originated the rreateat
easatlon of any railroad age. th com
munity of interests, proceeded to psrtlcu-
tame nut position In uoholdln such
methods of railway management and In de
crying the actions of government In legls-
lawng 10 extremes resardlna- the ennduot
of rsllroads.
"It is preposterous for such men aa Icsta.
lators and member of railwar oommla.
slons to regulate our behavior," ba aald.
uj.uiie.iijr so. vi oy snouid men who
know nothing of the railroad business be
given power to make rule for It, especially
when there are at the head of tbe railways
men who have spent their lives In learning
the business? Why should not these man
agers of the operations of rsllroads, the
dictators of their policies, these adviser
of their relations, be allowed to conduct th
railways according to their own trained
Judgment and discrimination?
" 'Because the railroad taka advantage
of the people and of the government under
uch conditions,' do you say? But that po-
anion is absolutely untenab'e Why, you
have the whip hand and ran otep In with
your legislation at any time when you
deem it true that the railroads sr abusing
their privilege and taking undue advan
tage of their freedom.
When Prople Might Step la.
"So that Is no excuse. Any time a na
tion sees a railroad getting th better of
it or violating the public trust It can. stop
It, and It la wrong to place upon us need
less and harmful restrictions till thst Mm,
regulation which ar the product of bralno
unversed in the handling of railroad.
Such legislation Is very apt to Injur th
country far mora than we would with our
wont rapacity let loose, for It hinder
the development to th best end and
fullest capacity of the greatest Industry
there is.
"So t have no faith In railway commis
sions, neither do I believe in pools." con
tinued Mr. Harriman. "Combinations, how
ever, are all well and good. They are not
only Justifiable, but advisable. .Leglslatty
bodies should paso laws to compel com
blnations Instead of prohibiting them. By
combining railroad can facilitate traffla
In every way, and are certain to work
economy to both producer and consumer.
They can seed tbe business over th line
best adapted to carry It, tho with th
most advantageous features of profile and
territory and construction and equipment.
But you e. under many present existing
laws, economizing in this wsy Is no longer
possible Only such combination can effect
It, and theae are not allowed. Olve us a
chance and, we'll soon ohow you what rall
roada can do for th people If left un
trammeled to work out their own problem
in their own best ways." s
Other Magnates Here.
An effort to attach some significance to
the fact that President Marvin Hughllt of
tho Chicago Northwestern railway and
Second Vice President J. J. Harahan of th
Illinois Central railroad had com from
Chicago to meet Mr. Harriman waa given
an abrupt quietus by the latter. "Th
meeting means nothing momentous at all,"
he said. "I happen to bav some business
with each gentleman, and as I hav bee a
away from horn a long tlm they hav
com out her to meet m and sols this
opportunity of conferring with m. . I shall
bo greatly pressed for time when l finally
return east, and tbey hav adoptd thi
wise cours to catch ma at comparattv '
Mr. Harriman seemed glad to talk of th
Improvement on tb Union Pacific sys
tem. "W will soon hav a railroad to th
coast that will be superior In every respect.
We bav just bean spending several mil
lion of dollar on It between tbe Missouri
river and Ogden, and hsve now begun th
expenditure of $8,800,000 more between
Ogden and th Paclflc coast. 6everal mil
lions of thia latter sum will b Involved 1a '
th building of th new cut-off between
Ogden and Lucln. Thi will be a vast Im
provement over the present line, and th
new road 1 being built every day. It will
be finished In a year, and then traveler
will find themselves riding over Great Salt
Lake Itself."
Look Over New Shane.
Mr. Harriman waa In Omaha for two
hours, coming In at $ o'clock and going out
at B. Aa soon as be had concluded his first
round with th newspaper men th mag
oat wa taken down to tb Union Paclflc
hop. H looked them over in a general
way, noting especially the new building
and other improvement, and was highly
pleased. "That will be a grand plaat,"
said he. "It la easy to se wber tb mil
lion and a half of money that will b put
Into theae shop I going. The new struc
tures are of tbe highest order, and o will
be th machinery and equipment that will
All them."
When thla railroad king travel h take
house party with him. A hi special
train pulled Into the station six cars strong
bevy of women and children appeared on
the platform of th different car, ant
when they were Joined by th mea ther
wa a visible colony of very respectable
proportion. Mr. Harriman' two daughter
war among th women.
A a gathering of prominent railroad men
tb vnt was especially notable for Omaha.
Never before wer four presidents of great
trunk Un railroad assembled her, but
th trinity of th three allied line which
point th way from Chicago to San Prac
tise o. Mr. Hugbltt Of tb Northwestern.
Mr. Burt of th I'nlon Pacific and Mr. Har
riman of th Southern Paclflc, r all hsr
yesterday, together with Pros Id sat Stuart
R. Knott of th Kansas City Southern rail,
road, who haa been with Mr. Harriman 1
tb tlm.
Party I Porsaldahl.
Add to that aggregation th famed J. C.
Btubb. trams director for th Harrlmsa
llnsa, and i. fttaalsy Brown, Mr. Harrl-