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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1902)
SPECIAL NOTICES AitrrlUrairita for these ee-lei will ke take 1 1 1 IS m. for velT edltlen til 9 AO p. Ir Bnrilai aa4 4ar edltloB. Hairs. 1 3-S a ward flrt lasert Ik r laa. kra far lee tkaa'siV for tar Srat fa flea. Tkrit ilrttllirafiti saaat raa eoejpectlvely. Advertiser, fcy rraestle, a a kered fkffk. raa kave aaawrra rrMfi fa a akrrrf letter ser- ae f Tk Br. Iiiwtn aa addressed keek air. will tka ruj' bitiatioss. n inr.n. WANTED, position a chief engineer r't tam or el?rtric plant; can ts:e com plet charge ol all work. H 4:, A 77W T, V AA 1 lU-MlLt HLU. PL IVlU tl 1 I 1- . ... ....... . - If VOil ItVfli In I lui ...... i . i.r . -1 lean aul & a good mnie a ...a - 1UH BUU VlULft III Um neigauoHiwoo. eu tan ut eaaliy bp tour tr ue ituurb puijl rile ua and We will sei.. your vur propoaiuou. 'in Be r uuiUiiiim co.. boiiLiioi. Dtpu, W AN A ED, a 0--U man ln every county to las puucri. uoi.s ior lui iwentieia cen tury tkiiuti. our agents ,ood wae viyfcer. lieieivntes lejuileu. Auuimi wt,uia wcQiuijr A-atincr, viupdil, jeu. x pi. THREE or tour good men named; io per uoniu. v.,i , rftufn uioi. 1 O. R. RATHBUN gives private ltkPohs n Dooxaeepin. ioon. As, commercial .N- Itonei oana. Pt'fcHINO salesmen can learn of poinethlig to tneir advantage by wnur.g in iiawjcp B 188 Jlr WANTED Mi-n or work in the beet tVldP. A3arta Bianaaru Co., Ames. i L u. a AS4 27 COLLECTOR. flelivtr and paleman antra at once. H.xenbauin, pm are ooi- li M64 WANTED, teams for railroad arradlrg everal BianUit work: viin K.jj. tair and orfver; tree trankporluiiun. Adarena v inpion Droa. tjo., .MuorMxa, Neb.- ' B M5I3 29 MEN Our catalogue explains how wa teach barber traue In elgnt weeks; maliea tret. Moler barber Oomfct, ii f ariinm WANTED, rool around plumber and BtenmMUer; amaii ton; pukdy worn; Eood wagea; wrllt, ftvir.g references. iacklDan ft Brouwer, dbeiianduah, la. 1 n m:.o ja WANTED, good all around candy maker tor WTi7Tteaie trade. Clark Candy Co., Colorado KyrinM, Cc(lo. . . . Ji-MtlS XX . AD WRITIJCQ, llluptratlng, jiroofreadlnn, Journalism. bookkeepma, ptenofcraphy, taught by mall free. Graduates guaiati teeu positions, t'ay no lutuuu uixu we secure pr'Tnn"nt -mbloymenl. A rue tor free tuition contract,, mentioning: subject you wlpn to study. Correpponuence In stitute ot America, BISO, Sci anion, Penn. M Mitt! 14 D&t.nAli fOIlCTTOr waiiiM quick, em it U LJ I .4 . ' . , . . . . , . imMu-iici.iu fiutc, uiy janipee dik.. WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between rta or 21 and aa, rltlxens of Cnited Pistes, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writ English f or iniotmauon apply t RecrultUi Ollicer, Itth snd -odi ik., Omaha, and postomca Building, lulacoln. Nso. ALLtMEX WANTED. BALCSMEN wanted for full line of fruit nd orns menial trees; pay Weekly; outnt free. Lawrenoa Nursery Company, Law rence. Kan. ii Jit WB HAh, a number of agencies In Ne braska and western Iowa where w use good men selling our etanaard totk food to farmers nd feeders; they must have teams and gi-re full time td the business; . they must be men of hlsh landing, have some knowledge of llva stork and good business ability; we fur nish wagons for sjrh men and oiler ex ceptional Inducements to permanent aalea men: bond required; Bend lor application ttmiiin v. vuiaua, niD. W A.TK1 I KMALE HELP, WANTED, two young lady students to learn hajruresslug, matiwurlng and chi ropody aid seienilnc massage. Call or write Room tu, iiep Blug. C 34 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, loth A Dodge. C fie. W ANTED, deserrlng young lady or gentle man to take life scholarship in Omaha a best business and shorthand college and pay tor It when course u finished and position secured. Address A L bee. C !0 WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the French language to a class ot three, twice a week; slate tetms. Address Z St. Bee. CM4JS WANTED, experienced salesladies ln glove, veiling and dress trimming department. 1. L- Brandeis at bona, boatoa Bio re. C Mia WANTED, good woman rook at once; Ger preterred. Commercial Hotel, Hum phrey. Neb. C-Miau t, WANTED, girl for general housework' mall lamlly. Call at 1J N. Jlat Ave. C-557 3t VIR8T-CLAB8 cook wanted; best wages: mall famUy. m 8. 24tu sL C-Mabti W ANTED, gent in every town to sell Kaymond sheet tilueJng. 1 ship s rents the goods, they sell It and keep one-half the money. Address Raymond Blueing House. oX Edwarda, Neb. C MiOw WANTED A girl for general hojsework. 1 In family $4 5u per week and a fin home lor a good girl, Jlr. IL J. Abraham, ill .Douglas BL C-M7JU VIED'. Caretaker for the children st Child bavlng inptnute. lth and Ohio sts C ii COMPETENT girl for general hoVseworkT iu4 I'ark ave. c il, a . TAN'S and baggags wagons. TeL USi. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office il t arcaui, or Ipa. ioo-t4. D & UOUJtJ i,vu Co., iwt Bee Bid. . D U MOVBES. Mores. Bemla, faxton block SIB PAYNE. POSTWICK A CO. forcholc) t houses. SW-: N. Y. Iai Bidg. lei. D-ul MOU6ES and tints. Klngwalt. Barker block U Jul UN EQUALED, central. modrn and room Cats. Tlxard. M N. il sL i-jM CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. UO Farnam 8U Dt,j POR RENT, k-roon, modern, detached house, newly painted and papered. ti tea Capitol Are. TeL ST. B. It. KoMson. V USti f 1 . - . J04 WEBSTER. 11 rooms, modern. 4i; 4J1I Farnam, rooms, modern and barn, Uk; Others. Kingwali Bros., Barker Hik. . . . D-ia FOR RENT, I and I renins, part modern. Lake sL 'Vhone FJmv D Mii: ki e-ROOM oottage. Ili Per month, rrj Cald well Bt. Enquire Joe. Ooidsmllh. room U. Inited Btaus tank Bldg. D-71 r rOL'BES TO LET: rooms, modern. Ml South ITth, r t..'"!mi B"l,,ri. l-i- South 27th. fiit. Jrarnam tuinh at Co., iiS Fsrnsm Bt. It-ROOM lodging houae. South Omaha: -room eottag. 17th and J, 6o ith Omaha; e-rof.m cottage, rear of 1141 N. ITth. llmw, lt4 Emmet. D M7U V t-ROOM cottage, 8, E. corner d and'cisrk . D 77 FOR RENT, all cnoriorn. sven.riom house. eacellei:t k4.lgfcb..rh.xd. tear High school, rem rvducea. svi i. V. iM. Ba..din. D-lu .44 t FOR REtT-HOI ES. FOR RENT, house ! room, nv1ern. In. quire .oil Caldwell St. D 77J Jl DF.SlRAn.K HOUSES. 311 Wirry st.. rooms, ail modern. In good neighborhood, per raontn. FLAT H5 Th Pt.. 4 rooms. IK. pr month. GEORGE & COMPANY, ltl Farnsm St. HOUSES, etc F. D. Wad. 1&:4 Douglas. U4 G-il modern S-ronm house, 2Tth and P.londo. D Ws 31 MAGOARD Van A Ptorsge Co. Tel. H'. F'lH RKNT 1141 l sin pt.. li romp. modrrn. lv l-Vif ( Hoi svp . f rooms, mortem, fi. atl N. Uln t.. C ronip citv mster. $'. E. J. 6CLL1VAN, 5 N. Y. l ife Hldfr. D M7M 2 FOR RT-n RMSHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. 13 t.'aptiol Ave. E Msa LARGE, also smaller room. N. lth St, FOR RENT, a n'ce lsrg furnished froi-t room, wun sicove. wi m. ta st. E M47S ' THE LANGS HOTEL, X S. 13th PL E M74S Jl DEWEY European hotel. 11th and Farnam. TWO beautlfrl connecting parlors, fur nlFhed or unfjrnlshed : modern home: large lawn; privilege of light housekeep ing. &a twin. r Aiw4 NEWLY f irnlohed rooms, with good board. 4,1 -.w at . will PI. x, M SOt'TH feont. alcore room nd side room 2T Hrrnev. E M765 1 FIRXIIHED ROOMS AKU BOARD. FRONT room and board. 182S California. F-17 Mjs Merriam, comfortable summer home. Tel Sa. F u VERY desirable rooms. Tit 8. Xth Bt. F 560 HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable for two men. lUii Burt. St. F 51 THREE deptrable fjrnlphed rooms; home cooping; gentlemen preterred. -sjni Doug las Bt. F M6S6 31 LARGK furnished front room with hoard Urn! l'ark Ave. F M764 27 FIRST-CLASP board, lsre front roo rrlvate dwelling; rate reasonaMe. sipi r-t. Mary a ave. F M7KS 27 ROOMS, first-claps boerd. C24 Farnam F M7I6 81 IUK ltK.T LAFLli.MSUUU ROOMS. DESK room space, 15 per mcnth. ground floor room In The Bee buildlnc. farina Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service, it. c. l-'eters sic Co., neniHi Agenis, ctee Duuaing. u ut CENTIiAL. I choice rooms. 230 N. 2M. O 241 THREE large, desirable unfurnished iuvuib, wiiii ii-ove, une Aet, du d. in i n St. O 6S1 Z6 FOR RtT STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT, the bulldlna- former Ir txvu pled by The Bee at tit Farnam Bt. It has lour stories and a basement which was formerly uaea The Bee brea? rnnm This will be rested very reasonably. If iiiereetea appiy ai once to c. c Hose- water, Becrtary, room l'W. Be building, i-261 FOR RENT, store In first-class location . rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters ww., s'wuiju iiuur, ore rsiag. A 2wt FOR RENT,, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise broker or party doing business In wholesale district. ln cjune Hens it Co., kit Farnam 8c 1-M2S4 OFFICE ROOM Large room fronting on lSth St., first -noor, uoaro ot 'iraoe bldg., good light. $76 per month. George A Co., Xftn Farnam t. I M492 i BUILDING In bept part wholesale district -. n eau, Aougias BL 1 034 28 FOR RENT, brick store room. No. J411 . uming street, in Bander block. Howard Kennedy A Son. 2u First National Bank building. I 67 28 TO LET. offices ln Paxton block and Mn Cague Bldg. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1330 r ai uam DL ittt i STORE ROOM ON DOUGLAS BTREET r'Ji-t h.T. VAftKT ATr,lT IT'TT W FARNAM SMITH CO.. 1330 FARNAM i-ii-ir.E.1. 1 67J WATt;U-10 RKT. WANTED to rent 7-room furnUhed. mod ern, cool nouse, 1 adults; references. Ad dress B 2, Bee. K "SO 2 AUE.IiTS WASTED. WANTED, canvassing; epenta In every ,v .uiiui uu,ci ipiions to iritb TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good Income; sgenls ln the country with horse and butgy especially desired; can vassers make eaaily ItxJ to 1100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. 211 WAJtTKDTO BIT. WANTED, two or three good vacant lots. sun a me tor residences or nats; must be good locations and price reasonable: all car-h and no extra expense of selling. Address direct to buyers, B 10, care Be of Ice. N M41 FOR SALb FIRKITtRE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL I'Ai .New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O til FOR SALE HOSSES, WAGOXS, ETC. PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc. our specially, n. roet, Min end Liv enwortb. TeL 147. P 112 SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter rneipa, room x, rv x. LAI bldg. P M404 GOOD extension top carriage at a sacrifice. ree jonnson a Koberts, John Deere Bldg., loth and Leavenworth Sts. P-M421 JelT FOR BALE, phaeton and aewlng machine at u. racinc sc P Mi4s IT FOR BALE, bug pies, phaetons, runabouts. new ana seconanana. at cut prices. Re pairing, painting and trimming; also put on rubber tires. PfeilTer, X7lh snd Ieiv. enworth Ets. P 777 J?4 FOR lAlt MlCLi.t.At.Uls, ID HAND safe cheap. Schwartz. 114 8. 15th. U 411 FLESCHER sella bicycles. 1&T2 Capitol Ave. W-els ZDHAND safe cheap. Derlght 1111 Farnam. 100 STYLES truspep; catalogue free. Sher man & Mcconneu Drug Co., nth and Dodge. Omaha. Q 114 BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay- njv-iiis tn. wu. i pw per weea; zanand wheels. f. U snd !!!: new wheels, li Omaha Bicycle Co . ttia and Chicago Hia Q-al32W WIRE fence for pou.'try. hog. lawn and ara. n;icn poais, tree guaroa Wtre ,Voiks, 1 8. l.ih St Tel. lokvt Q M7I Jury FOR SALE, phonsgraphs, superior t sny iMoer niusic-ai laiu-viHni, SB Up. Ihl Wtttman Co., 1G27. Farnam. Q Jxi TTPEWRITeRB, la ten Remlnrten. Bmith- xiji;,-,. t'ri.morf, rep.aceo oy j tl K UNCERWOOD; low rnc. Rentals. f:.M to M per month A. H Workman A Co. 1(17 Farnam. 'Phone 243a. Q MU2 FOR BALE. Carrtafe top trimmers mi- ruin. D.uirr, as new; only been used six months. Address Box KM. Hast ings. Neb 7 M22 FOR BALE, a bakery and confectionery Duain in a g hhi town or l.sno Inhabi ts is doing Ug paying business, for sae at a barsaln: reasons for ae.ilr.g. tn.or oealtk. Address Bck C4, OciAha. Neb. - a-73 u FOR SALE. meJodiaa la good condition. THE OMAHA FOR SALR MISCELLAEOl S. FOR FAI.E, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 3 We Bldr. Q-MXS BTEir?:opTICAN and movlr.g picture machines. B. F. Wurn. 1401 Farnam FL Q 414 MK CLOSING out household goods an-! stoves cnap. : 4 Dodge Be Q 14 44 Jl SECONDHAND billiard an! pool tables billiard tables repaired; a large stock of chap ar Txturep. cigar counteni, etc. The Brunswick. Balke. Cohender Co., iT-l So. :-)th. Q 1 NEW and 2dhand typewrltera. 1111 Far nam. Q M72 FOR BALE, second-hand desks, chalre and walnut ofnee counter and railings. a bash office. 1415 Farnam sC Q M14S FOR BALE Chesapeake Bar parplrs finest retrievers on water fowl: reason sble prices. A, J. liayne. ;4 N. X3d t. y Jea' INDIAN goods and telle. HIS Farnam. VJ-217 FIR tlmbera for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 teet; cribbing and hog fence. SOI Douglas. FOR BALE, fine Imported harness, brass mounted snd trimmed: cost when new I.15i; will sell for ; can be seen at Doty A Rusnell's barn. :th and Leavenworth streets. Q 52 SMALL grocery stock for tale. Address E i. Bee. e 677 27 FOR SALE, one good as new l-4-quart Ice cream packer and one t-quart Ice cream ireexer, cheap. B S. Bee. Q-M7 r; I LAIR VO VASTS. PROF. LEAHIE PARLORS, llt DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist tells you ail you want to know, ever hope, fear na wish of your ufc, faults. Quality, capability, traoe or oroleasian you are bet t suited ior; fortunate and unfortunate perloda of life; breaks evil innuences; now to win the one you love, conquer enemies, restore lost afleclionp; adxliw on business, healch, marriage. vivwivc, viu. nuun, w to a, d ji&km 4i MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Casa St. 8-4.1 MME. QILMER, genuine palmist 215 8. li. , ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. BMITH, baths, US N.1S, 2d floor R. 1 T 738- J 5 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. r. 7. X M4l ill rERSOKAL. Middlemlaa, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 17M. DR. KOY. chtroDOdlst corns and sunerfln. ous hair removed by electricity. EL IX rivjicr viwa, r 171 PRIVATE boppltaL before and durinr rnn finement; babies adopted. 230 Grant St jars, uarueia. a ei. -uaz. U 34 FLESCHEK will fix j our bicycle right U SS HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring and chim pody. for ladles only, ln connection with me amery, ais-AW xee J3ia J r.' RUPTURE permanently eured ln to te V., bU New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb, ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quicaesu aars. a. jaara, li m. uouglaa GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana rctau. woiiins rmao co ina Doug laa. VXa CHIROPODY a specialty, in connection TeL 171&. U ao SHAMPOOING and halrdreeainir. la connection with The Ba tilery, IiS-fjo Be ouiiuing. lei. iu. J4H PlltVlTr hnrna fnr 1 .U- 1 . , .... ... . - . . . .v. .bu.v w.viv lull g J, iiu oiuiueiiicni, uauies actonied. xb'JQ VIAVA. woman's war to health. Horn treatment Bcjklet free. t4e iHee Bldg llmllu TT 1 i EES Proctor, fin picture. 4U4 sv 16th. U 6W Jt ROOMS, JlOtt Bo. 10th St 'Phone 1S1L U &i2 J3 ELITE PARLORS. CIS & lfith st.. 2d floor. U-M7i Jl DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved froa vapuyi avenue to nai over uraaim I drug 'tore, northeast corner Twenty fourth and Farnam streets. U MTU Jl FOUND, best Ice cream soda ln city, 6a oiose, tiLu ana oewara. U-Stt J10 MME. SMITH, baths. 113 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 1 C MJ3 Jit LOWE8T PRICES ln accordion and side leaimg. mi uoioman fleeting Co., KO Douglas block. U MTU EMPIRE RUPTURE rrRF-JM - J v i-i ie uiog., umana. send for circulars. U 4HS YOUNG man. good character. vnod ele. rummnwi, oesires acquaintance rood lady matrimonially Inclined. Lock Boa i 1 1 iiiiKiuu, d. C SaaiS 28 "Es macht nichts aus." what brand of cigar a man ha been smoking. Er vergist sie alle after he one trie the STOECKER CIGARS. U-M73J Jl MOSEY TO LO AS H EAL ESTATE. 4H PER CENT on business property, t per cent on residence property. Opticna to pay whole or part any Mm. W. B- MElK.Uk, 4vl tL 14th St. W 13i MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real caul. tuTDaaa-uin to., J u. lsth. W J34 WANTED, city loans and warrant. W, k i iMui Duum es wo., r arnam st W-333 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, SJ7 N Y. U W- FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. - I . " 4DI1I. J. CI IMS. w m WANTED, dry and farm loans; also bonds no -ii.iuh. rv. u, fever at t o., j7-jg Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 341 LOW RATES. Private money. a-Ajia iAtijit.M COMPANY. Main Floor Is. Y. Ufa Bldg W-M403 H TO I P. C. money. Bemla. Paxton Bik. W 341 I PER CENT loana. Oar-In Bros.. 1S04 a- prina. PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1S24 Douglag W 42 MOSEY TO LOAM CHATTELS. 10 YEARS In our present location. Deal with an old reliable nrui and establish a credit that will be of use to you ln the luture. We make loans on Furnltnre. Pianos, Lave Slock and to Salaried people. Our rate are aa low as any and much lower than many. Our motto la, "Try t please." If you have dealt with us and are pleased tell others. If you are displeased tell ua, OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trade Dldg., Sub S Uih St Established la UU. TeL Krti. X-M167 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. Beruania uaam sters. boardltg houses, etc, without eurltv .imi . n-. . aa m . . clpal citie. Tolsnan, board of Trad Ft i A ar -as- m .ak LOANS on CHATTELS and 8 A LA HI LA PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Puce wire te J. W. TATLOE, 4C3 Paxton Block. TEX. i Te aoooansMKUUB our COUNCIL BLUFFS patrons w have established elegant of. foe at KOOM 24. WlCKUAM BLDG.. rScUa wegr A j'earl Bta I s . DAILY BEEt TUESDAY, MOSEY TO LO AS CHATTELS. TEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATOR8. Don t let your debts worry you, CALL C'N IB and we will make you A SALARY LOAN. We loan to horest employe UPON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE till tn iinn without pecuritv .nitntw., publicity. OFFICE HOURS, I a. rn. to t RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, Room , Paxton Block, Third Floor. X Moll BAIARY AND FURNITURE IlAXs Do you ant money for long or short terms at rates rarely equanea ty coinwtn-rp "Its our buslneep te supply It." AMERI CAN LOAN CO., Third Floor, pxxton Block. X Mmo MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; bualneaa counaentlai; lowest ratea. 4 aaton oibCK. An . a. Aiutton to. X.-&2 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loaa Co., sua to pun ureen. parser jniocn. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C F. Reed, IV JC BVSISESS CHASCES. 14-ROOM brick flat, fine location, com pletely furnished, full roomers only; no reasonable oner rejeviea ior lurnuure. j ti. Johnson. 16.7 TO GET In or out of business call ca Wil liams, nocm im, ac-ague ouiioing. FOR BALE, the best hardware, stock ln the best agricultural section of Ioa; large annual trade; stock will Invoice about liO.000; profits large; must close up an estate Interest tne only reason lor selling. Address V sv. Be. Cm IF YOU want to BUY or SELL, real es tate call or write, NEW EN" O V -CHURCH CO., 4th floor K. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Y-554 WHEN you want to bur. sell or exchangi your business or property quick, see J 11 Johnson, 343 K. Y. Life. Y M17a DESK ROOM, roll-top derk and phone service. J. H. Johnson. k43 N. Y. Life. 40 FOR BALE Asphalt plant lltli and Grace ets., Omaha. Apply to the Stand ard Paving Co., Chicago, A it. Y-M521 Je22 PIANO, 2 good clear lots and cash for rood piano, j. ii. jonnson, is. i. Lire I Mb, 4 FOR BALE A chattel loan busineps; well established; can be bought for l.nxl and will net 3400 above expenses monthly Geo. F. Abbott. 115 South ltith, Omaha, 1 09O il INVESTIGATION This Is all we ask: It will prove that We are paying larger weekly dividends than any other legiti mate enterprise In existence. Equine Record co., incorporated, nroaaway, iew jora. a m.Si rOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. xm 4, Alee. a MilB WHAT have yeu to exchange for a lot at 42d and Mason street Address B 32. Bee. Z M6t 21 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. RANCH and farm lands for sal by th union r'ecinc taiirea company, a. A. atcAiieBter, iana commissioner, union Pa cifl lieacquartera, Omaha, Neb. RB-S5I FORTY acre, short distance west Flor ence) pumping station, covered with tlm. ber, an ideal place for rummer home or tor rruu. uniy pj.uuu. if. v. wead, 1524 uougiaa Bt. RE 636 2 R 1 TV Kaatft h.iiM . v. - - ... quality highest price lowest National uu ana iaioi ie., aui 4 ones r)t RK-63S Je22 FINE home. 7-room house and lot for sale meap. mil aaarcy screer,- - - lt BUS GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE IL HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loanr; alas nre insurance, lie ml a, paxton block. RE-360 IF YOU have a bouse and lot which you want to sen quick ror an cash vnu ran find a buyer by sending a full descrip tion vi tne property ana price direct to the buyer; no extra expense for selling; price must be reasonable. Address, with lull description, a 14. Be office. REr-M44l 28 WILLIAMSON, .RtreeEt- RE 863 FOR BALE, cheap, lands and ranches, with ptocK. Address wm. N. Parcel. North i'laue, ivel). HE M488 27 THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas upaupirp; aman nouses ior sale) cheap building let. Call for catalogue and price list Private money to loan on easy terms. MAC K7 BENSON More home are being built in Benson man in an otner suoutds combined. This 1 simply because It offers the advan tages. If you want to know how to get a jot vt r uvith on easy terms call oo BENbON A CARMICHAEL. M2 PAXTON BLOCK. RE 2a BEAUTIFUL home, I rooms, modern, south iiont, large lot. trice ti.&uu, small amount down, balance monthly payments, same as reut Bamla, Paxton tlx, RE M2tt COTTAQK with six larza rooixa on 30-foot corner ioi; inree oiocas iroia car; house tiewiy painted and has new root. It is a oargain at bi.iaw ana a te Dought with payment down, balance to euiu G. E. Turklngton, Bee Bldg. RE M213 HOUSES and loU In all parts of city; also ere properly ana urn tanas. 1 n O. F. Davis Co Boom &-, Bee building. KK 341 BEST building lot In Kountxe place; on t-uruvi oi Aoumse pars. n,a r. Hnvoen a N. llh st RE M4&3 27 FARMS If vou wish to bur a grain, fruit ili T i uij impi ox western Mlolugaa (lower peninsula) bargains; write today; they are going rapidly. & V. R. Uayes. Grand Rapids. Mich. RE MAM Jl IF YOU want one of the nicest I-room Mjsnsj in xianscom t-iaoe l will give you a bargain. Owner left dty. Must aelL J. U. Sherwood. S37 N. Y. L BidgT F-E-MlSS BEE PAYNE. BOBTWICK A CO. for eho ee IlM t-T Sk 1 (,1. a. 11 XI V T 4 X 1 P-T-.B afVA bb vA- . aa4v iiw. j ri. iuia RE 3a MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, th acknowledged leading In Ala m 4 1 . would call the attention of suffering lad ea to his u n rpaased accommoaations orfere and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cauea. Call or addreaa, with stamp O ha?. Arhngtoa Block, 113 Dodje, LADIES! Chlcheetefs English Pennyroyal a-w un owl. si, re.iaoie. xake ao o' her Send 4a stamps for aarUcular Relief for Ladiea." la letter by return anaiL Ask yeur druggist Chic healer Chen-.lcs.; Co. PhilkteibhJa. Pa. MASIFAC TLRlkC. P. MELCHIOR. Itti and Harney, ma. M371 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka, make a ape- r a BLiiim .Huiicn, aosrs and safe. G. Andrten, Prop., 102 B. hnh B' M373 STAMMERJSG ASD STl TTERISG. CURED. Julia VaughA, 430 Ramge Bldg. SHORTHASD ASD T YPEt RITISG. A. C VAN SANT A acBOoL U7 N. T. Life. BTIyI:JJLl,. 4surt reaorur prtneApal, KTbABUi Biah College, Boyd's - 4U MAY 27, 1002. FIS ASC IL. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Th owa Construction companv ofr for pplo 3.."otic treasurv stock of tne CreS ton t.lertrlc Rallwav, Light. Hest ad Power companv of t"resnn, la., for per share, par value 111"', 3JE. cash. t2i when five miles re graded, haianre 13 when one mi:e v the city system is In oeratlon. The company has a t went v-ftve-er fran hire for street railway, electric lights, electric power and hot water heating cf the city of roston. The eleotric raliwav Is forty miles In leneth, connecting Cres ton on the C. B. A j. Ry. and Wlntemet. the county seat of Maclison countv on the t .. it I. ft p Kv., pttsslna throuah or near Marksburg and two other towns to be locat.d. The seotlon through which It papers has no railroad. It Is one of the richest portions of Iowa. An Inexhaustible supply c.f Middle River limestone is avail able for shir-m-nt to som hwestern Iowa A heavy frelpht traffic between the two trunk lines, quirk and cheap passenger service, with revenues from power elec tric light and heatir.g system, wlll'mak the stock a dlvMend-paver from the start It Is a safe proposition, located In a rich tte. The business will increase ranldlv FAstern capitalists have financed he enterprise by the purchase of Iflfv.frti thirty year a per cent bonds, the proceeds to he used ln the construction of the power house, elertrlcal eaulnment: also ties tex.i rolling stock, station, etc. The company iv ii in- aot.,,,,.. ! in capita Btock to aasift In the eradln and hrM. Inx before commenctne to lay ties and rails me P.H4.1HV win ie ram out for this purpose. Any further Information deslr-d will be given by any of the officers of the company, who can be found at their offlne FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1T1S Farnam. Tel. 1253. - ""S uv-ieia ana plant. CARPEKTERS ASD JOISERS. i"i vi vsiiruirr wvri ana repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 9ith mnA t.k. ,1mm, LAW ASD COLLECTIOSS. Btlllman A Price, att'vs, law, collections, i. P. Lllils. notary, a L. S. Nat Tel. 1730. 4.D Jl MACFARLAND A MAY. 80S N. T. Ufe. 370 M27 OSTEOPATHY. GID E.A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. suiw pa i. a. laiie xiag. ei lwa. DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCagu Bldg. TeL at DR. MRS; MUSICK, Douglas Blk. TeL 223. 370 SICKEL PLATISG. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. TeL 2K. KOTICE. PAPER HAKGERS. OMAHA Steam Past Co., manufactuer of tui ior u purpose; in Barrels and nail ww. . aaw A.W. pi ives. MlVVUnUlf. . sis ASSOLSCEMESTS. waters printing company. Tei. puwua iijpj. u douib inirteenth atreet M4n GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean Kivn mm remove gamage and dead animals at reduced price. (21 N. 14, TeL 17iS. a-AtSi EDUCATIOSAL. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 4CC N. Kth it M4C LAWS MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Wka, 1404 Howard. M214 FUR DREbSISG. O. R. GILBERT CO., U riser a. 1424 So. 13th. 373 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., Sll- i auuca, inieni aturmge ana lorwarding. . -All OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farn. Tela. iBSS-ssi 3S3 DRESAMAKJSO. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Fsrnara. !W 110 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. Sc; collars. c; cuns, tc Aiaw Aeavenworth. TeL H7. 7S PAWS BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Offloe, reliable accommodau icg; an ousinesa conaaentiaL 1801 Doug as. -S JlllK. ALPIRN buvs all kinds of scrap iron and metals. 13 Douglaa Bt Tel. 2474. 12 ACCORDIOS FLEATISG. REDUCED prices to pleatlngs, ruchlnga. .Mva,ifia appiiiiueing. ror tun in formation lnqjlre Ideal Pleating Co., IMS Howard St .77. jj MISICAU a B. SHAW S new studio open all ummer. 2i0 J17 TAILORIKG. JOE YOUBEN removed to H11V. Farnam st Jl BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co ail North ltkv J74 Fl'RS'ITl'RE REPAIRING. First-class work. 2301 Farnam. Tel. 248L 6S2 J22 LAI SDRY. BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 2c. M eas STANHOPES RUNABOUTS VEHK I LAHLV STYLISH. HARSES8" TO MATCH THE VEHICLES. Drummond Carriage Go. I8tb and Harney SU. opposite r:::;ri'.b.v rary Ab POSTOFF1CE SOTICE. 4Should be read DAILY by all 1ntreted, as chsnges may cocur at any time Foreign malls for tke week ending May 31. lmc, will coae t PROMTLY In all ce.) at the gtneral postofhoe as follows: par rele poet malls close cne hour earlier tl.aa c-loe-ryj time shown 1aw. parcel post mals for Germany cloee at p. aa. Wedneaday. Regular and supplementary mall close at foreign station half bour later than closing FosTorncE sotice. time shown below (exeer that siipplemrT.- fy rnatls for Kumoe and cntral America, ia toion, close one hour later ut station). Tranaatlaatlr Slalla. Tl" Kg DAT At a m for ITALY di rect. iM?r p. p Uguria imatl most be di- Vt LDNESDAY-At a. m for IRELAND, per s. s. Oceanic, Mi (jjcenston tm.ili for other farts of Uur.jT must be di rected --per p. Ocanlc' i; at 6: a. m for EUROPE, per . s. Philadelphia, v a Southamrton. at 1" a. m lor BK1ASIV.M direct, per p p Kenslnrton tmall mut be directed "per s a. ktnslngton 'V THL F.F-DAY At i a. m. for EUROPE, per p. s. F. nismarrk. via Plv mouth. Cherbourg and Hamburr email for France must be directed "er a s. F. BiJmrck"; at 7 a. m tor FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, PORTUGAU T( RKET. EGYPT. OHEKCE BRITISH INDIA and IJIR ENo MARut EZ. ir p. p. 1-s Savole via Havre imall for e ther parts of Europe must be directed "per s. k. La Bavole' ; t :,s r. m. for Iialv direct, per s. p. Slcilla imall must b rilrerfea t-r m Flctlia "I. SATURDAY At 7 a. m for FRANCE, pr s. Iai Garmgne. via Havre (mail for T.L r Prt of Europe must be directed w I-a Gascopne' i; at 7i a. m. ior SHHERLANriH direct, per s s Potsdam 1 mall must be directed "per s. s. Potsdam 'I; at t a. m. for ITALY 11 rct. per a. p. Hoheni-illern (mall must be directed ' per a p. Hoheniollern") ; at t V-'t m 'urrlrmentarv K a. m t for tl ROPE, per a. a. Umbrla. via Wueens town; at a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per . p. Spartan Prince (mall for Italy must be directed "per a. p. Spartan Prince' 1; at S.30 a. m. for BCOTIaAND direct, rer p. s. Columbia imall must be directed "per s. s. Columbia ). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thlp steamer j Pfnted Matter. Commercial Papers and Samples for (termsnv onlv. The Sam class of mall matter for other parts of f-ri- win not t pent bv this ship tin lesp ppeclallv dlrerteil hr It After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mallp named above, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English, French and German steamers, and re. main open until wlihln ten minutes of th nour 01 nailing of fleamer. Mall for Sicrwth f'ratral Asner- Ica, West ladiea. Etc. A i. r.SL'AT At ;S0 a. m. (supplementary l:3i a. m) for CENTRAL AMERICA texceiit Costa Rir-al ami KOI "TH PA. OUC PORTS, per a. s. Finance, via Colon (mall for (luatemala must be di rected "per s. a Finance' ); at 12 m. for YlCATAN and CAMPECHE. per s s. Ravensdale (mall must be directed "per p.. e. navensdaie "); at 12 m. for GUADK LOl PE. per s. a. Talisman (mall for Barbados. lAritlsh. Iutch an French Guiana must be directed "per s. p. Talis man'); at : p. m for JAMAICA, per . . Aumirai rarraarut, irom rioston. WEDNESDAY At 12 3c p. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) for TX RKS 1SL-4ND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. e. Cherokee; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:80 p. m l for &T. HOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s s. Korona email for urenaaa and Trinidad must be directed per p. s. Korona ). Tlit'TtStnAV At ham f ..a nt A VI OA TAN. CAMPECHE,' TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. p. Yucatan (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Yucatan"): at 12 m. for SAN TIAGO, per p. s. Ydnm, st 1 p. m. for PERNAMBUCO, SANTOS and SAO PAL'LO, per s. s. Eastern Prince (mall ror other parts of Brasll must be di rected "per s. s. Eastern Prince"); at 4 30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. a Ad miral cniey. rrom Boston; at 11:30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. PlrthlBlnla. f -rt, Pl.lU-lnVln SATURDAY At a. m. (supplementary r.ov a. m i tor nmiu kicu, C C K AC AO VLk-r-,,l-l . J - c.. r., u r.iA. per . a. Caracas Cmall for fiavanllla and Carfaa-ene must be directed "per s. a. Caracar j: at :30 a. m. ipuptnementarv jc:t a. m.) tot ft irt TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANIIX.A and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Alleghany"); at :30 a. m. (sup plementary -10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MART A. per a. a. Alps; at 10 a. m. for MEXICO, per a. s. Niagara, via Tampleo (mail must be directed "per a. a. Niagara"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, fer P. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. or GRENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR. I-er . r Maracas; at 11 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Etona; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Ollnda. via Matnn tas (ordinary mall only, which must b directed "per a. s. Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 4:30 p. m. (connect ing close here every Monday, Wednes day and Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon, by rail t Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 6 i p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dallv, except Thursday, final connecting close's, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Mon days, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5:30 a. m.; for dispatch via Miami, on Mon days and Saturdays at 6 t p. m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless spe cially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m.. Sundays at 1:00 p. rr. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belize, Puerto Cortex and Guate mala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally ex cept Sunday at 1:30 p. m.. Sundays at 1:00 p. m. (connecting closes here Mon days for Belixe, Puerto Cortex and Guate mala, and Tuesdays for Costa Rica) Registered mail closes at S.00 p. m. pre vious day. TranspariSe Malls. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close nere aauy at B:so p. m. up to May -', inclusive, for dlsnatch ner a innd Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle', i-lose nere oaiiy at b: p. m. up to May a. Inclusive, for dispatch per p. a. Shlnano Maru. ( Registered mail must be directed "via Seattle "1. Malls for Hamall, China, Japan and Phil ippine islands, via Han Franclaco, close here dally at 4:30 p. rn. up to May 0, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. America Maru. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via aan ATancisco, close here dally at 4:30 p. m. up to June 4. inclusive, for dispatch ner s. e. Australia. Mails for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn is lorwaraea via Europe), New Zealand. FIJI. Samoa snd Hawaii, via San Franclsro, close here dally at e 3 f. m. after May 4 and up to June "7, ncluplve, or on arrival of s. . Eirurta due at New York June 7. for dispatch per s. s. Sierra. Malls for Hawaii. Japan, China and Phil ippine islands, via ban Francisco, ciose here dally at 4:3o p. m. up to June 7. Inclusive, for dUpalcb per a. a. City of Pekina. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, p. C, cloae here dally at 4:30 p. m. up to June 10, Inclusive, for dts patch per a. a. Empress of Japan (regis tered mall must be specially addressed Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San r rancirco. ciose nere cany at 4:9 p. m up to June 11. Inclusive, for dispatch per U. 8. Transport. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma, ciose nere cany at : p. m. up to June -"13. inclusive, ror dispatch per a. a. Duke of Fife. Mails for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goe via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria. B. C, close here daily at 4 3 . m after June 7 and up to June 21 In clusive, for dispatch per a. a. Miomera. Transpacific malls are forwarded te port of sailing dally and the schedule of clos ing is arranged on the presumption f their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mail closes at i0 p. m. pre vious day post on, ce offce. New York, N. T.. May 23 lfcjj. ORNELH S VAN COTT. Postmaster. Ct GOVERNMENT .NOTICES. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Omaha, Neb., May 23. li. eiealed pro-pt-aals, in irlpllcale, pubject to live usual conditions, will be received at this offliNe until Itfo clock a. m.. central time. June 21, and then opened ln the presence of attending bidders, lor repair required to a root cellar at Fort Robinson. Neb. U. 8 reserves right to reject or accept sny or all proposals. Blank forms for bidding and circular giving full Information and requirements will be furnished on applica tion to thla office. Envelope containing propeaais should be meiked "Propoeala for Boot telias at Fort Robinson. Neb.," and addressed to JNO. W. PULLMAN, C. Q M tD24-J4-27-2UelI-l ' CHIEF QUARTERMASTER 8 OFFICK Omaha, Neb. May lk. lSu2.-Seald pro posals ln triplicate, subject to th usual conditions, will be received at this ofrlr-e. uniu w a. m., centra st.od.rd time. May 2!, lisi2, for Installing shower baths and do ing necessary plumbing in roni.etlon there, with In live barrack buildings, at Jefferson r .car wia. run inrot auction furnished on appnowtlon to this offlcw. where specin catlons coay bv bp a. or to th Guartar. r.OtERtPT SOTICE. ; master JefTersm rsers--v Propsls te i l-e marked proposals lor shmi-r rin. snn aaiirjsa-.i t-i .Major jncV W. rii.l, MN. c hief t'.uirtermastc r 4tD usmr TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE Supervising Arc hit-ct. Waphmc'on. I C. Mv 24th. 1.'-.KALFI PROPOSAI 9 will be received Pt th:p ofTtre until J o clrw-k p m on the 'th iIbv of June. 19ns. and fien opened for the eitenplon and rhni;ii Incidental thereto, of the low pressure and exhaust Ptespn heat'na and mechanical ventilating apparatus, etc, la the U. 8 roortnotise. cismm hoii- end vnetofTtc-e at OMAHA. NEBRASKA. In accordance with the draalnas and specification, which will be furnished at the discretion of the Ri, erlslng Architect on application at thia office, or at the office of the Superintend ent Omaha. Nebraska. JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Supervisi-nc Architect. MayTTdCteod IAILWAT TlwB CARD. ISIOS STATIOS-IVTH ASD MARCT. (klrago. Rack Ulead PnelSe. EAST. Arrive. a 4 arn a 3:3k pm a k:(6 pm bU:S0 am a 1:31 pm Oilcago Daylight Lim ited a 100 am Chicago Daylight a 7:0 am Chicago Kxprcaa til 15 am lea Moines Local a 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Express. a 4:06 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Lim ited a 4.50 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, a 4:64 am Ienver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a l:tt pm a!2:40 pm Colo, Texas. Cal. Oklahoma Flyer . .a S.2fl pm Wakask. Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 1:15 pie a am Bt. Louis Local. Council Bluffs a 10:00 am a 10:30 pm I lo I'ariao. Leave. Overland Limited a t:40 am Fast Mall a 4:W am California Express a 4:2. pm Pacific Expre ss all -v pra Easterr Express Atlantic Express Llncoln-Stromburg; Ex.O 4:06 pm Grand Island Local ...b 4:30 pro Arrive, a t: pm a 3 pra a 4:31 pm a am bl2:30 pm b :34 am Chicago, Milwaukee St. Pal. Chicago Limited ...a 4 00 pm a 4:01 bit Chicago A Omaha Ex .b 1.1S am b 3.40 pi. Missouri PeriBc. St. Louts Express alOKK) am a 4:25 pm K. C A St L. Expre-.ai0:60 pm a 4:14 an Ilklnol CeatraL bl0:35 pm al0:34 pm tbtrag A Sort k veeeterw. "The Northwestern Una Chicago Special a 7:10 ara Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express al0:&5 am Eastern Special a 4.69 pm Transmlssourt 'Limited. 8:00 pm Fast Mail a pm Omaha-Chicago L t d... 7:4ft pm Fast Mali Cedar Rapids Pass Twin City Express a 7:06 am Twin City Limited a 7:6a pm Bloux City Local a (.14 am all . 30 pra a S.00 ara a 4 06 pm a 06 pm a 2:40 pm a t.Z0 aaa a S.30 am a i.30 pm eJ0.28 pm a 3:40 am a 8:60 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15TB A WEBSTER Frraaont, Elkfea-rat Jt Mlaaaarl Vally. Lear. , Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pra Wyoming, Casper and Douglas ................ .d 3.00 pm e 6:00 pm Hasting, York, David City, Superior, Geneva. Exeter and Seward b I.Ov pm b S.-OB nm Norfolk, Lincoln ad "m Fremont b 7:30 am blO SS aa Fremont Local -c 70 aa Mlssoarl Par IS. Nebraska local. Via weeping vtater D 4:10 pm al0:23 am Ikieago, St. Pa I. Mlaeapella A Owaka. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 6:30 am a 1:00 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2 0o pm all:20 am Avmersos awai.. o :u (,m b 4:4 aan BCRLISGTOS 51 A T1OS-10TH A MASON Ckleago, Rrllngtn A Qmlmer. Leave. Arrlm Chlcaa-o SDeclal a 7:00 am cm Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a :utr pnt a 1:44 am Chicago i-oc-Ai a :av am all .-00 pat Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mail. a 2:40 pm Barllufctton A Mtssowrt River. Wymore. Beatrice and Lancoin a : aa oil K am Nebraska Express. a 6:40 am a 7:3a pm Denver Limited a 4:2a pm a 6:4a am Llack Hills and Puget Sound t-xpress .ail:lo pm a 3.-40 nm Colorado V tatiUuled Fiver l e, Lincoln Fast Mall k 3:00 Dm a s IT am Fort Crook ana Platts- moutn o :j" pm bllro aa Bellevue A Pacific Jet. ..a 7:40 nm a k td an Bellevue A I'aclno Jet... a l.u am Kaasas City, Bt. Joseph at Coaaell Blas. Karaas City Day Ex. ...a 1:30 am a 4:0S pt St Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all: IS am Kansas City Night Ex...al0:30 pm a 43:16 am k. V-,nll.. . M . day cnly. d Daily except Saturday, e Dally STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA L1HE New York-Rotterdam, via Bouloeme, L ML New Twia-bcrew a. a. of 13,1AM ton iwgirW. Steamer " Statsndam May 24, 10 a. m. Twln-Screw Dntedem steamer I UloUOIII May 31. 10 a. an. Twin-Screw Dysnim Steamur HjllUulU June 7, 10 a. tn. AddIv t Harrv Idwuva. 1414 Firnan atreet; J. fi. McNauljr, tj Farnam street; a. a jones, 15U3 larnam atreet: LaHAkS Necee. First National bank. OmaAB, ANCHOR UKk-V S. atAil, I TKAMKJtS rjcSiog ragularly fcetwpai, 1" rK IajNDuKLiEP.RY A CLABOOWi k'EW iORk. blBBALTAA A KATtaA. . SarerUir aooomaodatlona, Exoalisnt Cuiaine, Srrarf ' raarA for tbe cpmiurt el sis nssra stuaioualy eaa Bioersd aofl practuwe. Bu.tlt ar Rous Trip tlckpta tasue betvasa Hp York pnA SraUB, Ensllsk. Irish aa4 all rrUMBpal Contlaantal xrtnuj at ptcractlTp ratsa. Tor tinaale BT M iolonsattou applr tp HKNLiKXSUN BJIO1.. CkuAS. ar aar CcXAi. AG&KT. FOUR SEPARATE AK3 DISTIICT SERVICES. Fast Twla-Serew PacBu:ger Eteamers sail ing regularly from Bos to, Portland aal Montreal te Liverpool, also Boston t Mediterranean porta. Send for booklet, "Mediterranean Illustrated." Fcf rate, et., apply te leal agent or eotcpany'4 offlc. (MP Dtarksra St Ckirag. lit AILIM6& EVERY OAY-S TO) TrtfRASaY HAYRC PARISl AT 60 A.M rLrr l(ie fKtfiCH LiriE i.-j 6iij Iu,i1 y rin avu ln&4M6Pn Cpcuiry aotrp. -. , , aii ,t T 1 o oev-opi tiuuniia lip as no t-JCDromm ot"'-r fr(iupi. t c WmaaUla O ISSAtiTXS-f CtM nwuuiu. asiiiuspfmai 7TV '"'F tiitofwuaiua esll sr erlts S RARRT C MOCiREt. 1414 rrnaj St. . A M'KAIXY, 1AU Carosia St., rtrat Kat'l Baakv (.KOkGK C. ABHU1T. jiii ruaai ac A A J0M1. uot tuua at. Siaaferd l alvrrslly Preteaser Reslgaa. BlAJNr-cjKl LN1VEKSITT. Ca!.. May 24. Waller Miller, protespor of classical philology and secretary cf tL faculty, has replgned front tap university and lua rea.g nation bas been act;. led by president Jordan. Prof. Miller is at present In Europe. His resignation h&a been in Dr Jordan's hands for over a year, but had ' not been accepted pretkuusly. Prof. Mil ler aad presented his reaia-nation aom tim ago as an act In Mb Judgment "de sirable in the tnt-rsst of the uiuppreit v." . u.. , vu ut. jaraau, "whll Oouotlup tho i.ut.roe ih of friction wllh.n the K.ri,Hm.h, a,'-a 1 1 . .. I . . Chicago Expree a T: gun a t.10 pra Chicago. Minneapolis A Sc Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 3.-04 am aninneapoua at dl 2 aui Express b T JO am inicago express 1 JffH I A 1 . r a w ui 1.1 poiouiary aaa at hi own Instance. "