Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Upturn Iatored by Bullish Statistic and
Cereals Make Gain.
Wrikn Ho Frodnets and Vnlnes
Drop Off, While Wheat and Cora
Close t p. with Oata
" ' , thmtf J,
CTTTCAOO, Mar 28 Bullish statistics, es
pecially big decreases In local stocks, and
continued small receipts Rave bull trad
era (food huylng Incentives today and fair
gains were made In grain price. July
wheat closed up, July corn, ii7mc
' higher, and July oats unonangea. rrovi
slona were weak and closed iVio to loc
lower. .
Wheat showed a good amount of
strength, although early In the aesalon
there was a short-lived dip on a dull mar
ket. Cables were weak, there was promise
' of better receipts from the southwest and
opinions differed about the weather eon-
' dltlons. July opened a shade to c lower
i at 73S73kc to 73VST3'4o. A fair commis
sion house demand helped prices along for
time, but prices early fluctuated very
: narrowly because of good crop prospects.
When the visible supply showed a de
i crease of 2,948,000 bushels and liberal de
I creases' In IochI stocks were taken Into
(consideration bulls began to lift prices.
' Blocks here during the week had de
creased 410.000 bushels and the northwest
i hsd lost 2.000.000 bushels. Traders who had
i been In the country Sunday talked of ex
Iceeslve rains In many districts. There was
I some fair late activity and July sold up to
I 73T4r74c,' materially aided by the strength
I In corn. The close was firm. Va-H" uP
, 73H&'i3c. Loral receipts were 22 cars,
: five of contract grade: Minneapolis and
Duluth reported 2S2 cars, making a total
for the three points of 274 cars, against
1X2 last week and 471 a year ago. On pass-
! age stuff decreased 84. K) bushels. World's
shipments were S.672,000 bushels, against
' a.finn.OuO bushels last week, of which a
large proportion was American. Primary
receipts were 3!l2.0fi0 bushels, compared to
877,000 bushels last year. Seaboard clear
ances In wheat and flour equalled 254,000
Nearly every argument favored an up
turn In corn. Receipts, although larger
than several days ago. were still much
mailer than necessary to renlenlsh stocks.
Cables were firm, cash business was goo
and the crowd rather than sen snort was
inclined to take all the scanty offerings
at better prices. Crop prospects were good,
hut rains were reported too excessive for
growth. The southwestern markets also
were bullish. . Manipulation pushed up the
rearer options, while the further deliv
eries showed firmness. The decrease In
stocks helped the bull crowd manipulate
July until the July-September spread wid
ened from 3 to 24c. July sold up to 63'c
and closed strong 44jC up at (663VsC.
Receipt were 99 carB.
Oats were quiet and relied on corn for
support. Fair offerings of May set the
price of that option back a little, but other
stuff was tightly held and prices were very
teady. Almost the only feature of the
Sit was the absence of desire to sell stuff,
uly sold at 37&37c and closed un
changed at 374c. Receipts were much
lararer at 219 cars.
Provisions had to contend against the
weakening Influence of a weak hog mar-
iket at the yards, urterings were liberal
and Drlces declined easily. In the day
, when the pit was dull there was a light
rally on the corn strength, but the close
was 10c lower for July pork at 116.974, "Vc
down for July lura at u.iurmo.iz4 ana
7Val0c lower for July ribs at $9.524i9.5:i.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
90 rars; corn, MO cars; oats, 300 cars; hogs,
23,000 head.
The leading; feature ranged as follows:
Articles.) Open. High. I Low. Close.l Sat y.
. July
: Dec.
Sept. .
m. July
b July
a Sept.
h New
73 74
63 '
29 4
16 90
17 05
10 10
16 974
17 074
17 J24
10 1241
17 20
10 20
10 124
10 16
9 55
10 224
9 624
9 524
V bo
9 674
No. 3. a Old. b New.
. Cash Quotations were as follows
! FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.90
4.00; straights, $3.40fr3.80: clears, $3.303.60;
spring specials. $4.304.40; patents, $3.50(9
x.90; straignts. .vwiti.i.ju.
. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 73?4c; No. 3 red,
- OATS No. 2. 43434": No. 2 white. 4449
454c; No. 3 white, 44yt4C.
BARLEY Fair ' to choice malting, 70
' SEED No. 1 flax. $159: No. 1 north
western, $1.76; prime timothy, $6.306.SS;
.clover, contract grade. $8.36.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $16.90
,ctl6 96. lara, per iuu ids., sio.ioraio.iz'.
.Short ribs sides (loose). $9.6Mi9.70. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), $S.O0&$.25. Short
clear sides (boxed), HUOtil0.20.
' WHISKY On basis of high wines. $1.30.
' The following were the receipts and ship
tnents yesieraay
Flour, bbls
. 'Wheat, bu ,
Receipts. Ehlpments.
.... 15,009 11.000
, 16.0m) 187,000
. 94.000 424,000
.223. Of-) 3.0.01 0
. 2.000 l.K)
. 16,000 (.000
rvorn, uu
jOats, bu
iTtye, bu )...
TBarley. bu
On the Produce exchange today the but
Iter market was steady; creameries. 1841
1214c! dairies. 174tM9e. Cheese, heavy, ll?i
uikC xgga, nrni; iresn, ngiac.
Qaetatleas of the Day oa Varlona
. NEW TORK. May 26. FLOUR Receipts
; 21,4 A) bbls.; exports, 11.660 bbls.; steady snd
more active; winter patents, H.owp s; Mln
Uieaota. patents. s4.004M.2u: Mlnnesot
'bakers. 33. 16i'K.&6: winter straights. 13.5tf
'.4.0O; winter extras, $3.16tt':.40; winter low
i grades. $3.94.20. Rye Hour, dull; fair to
good. $.1.150.40; choice to fancy. i.1.6utfl.1.63.
. CORNMEAly-rFlrra; yellow western, $1.83;
'c)ly. $1.31; Brandywlne. $3.4&(B3.U.
-HYE Firm; No. 2 western, 6rtc, f. o. b.,
afloat; state, KtitBc, c. t. f., New York car-
BARLET Nominal; western feeding.
8o c 1. f. New York; malting, iVfrtaitia o.
I. f. New York.
WHEAT Receipts, 28,275 bu.; exports,
89. OSS bu. Spot, firm; No. I -Ted. 87-V ele
vator; No. 2 red, t94c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
northern Duluth, S2I4C, f. o. b., atlnat; No.
1 hard Manitoba, bdWc, f. o. b., afloat. The
market was linn all day, except a brief
decline at tho oeniiig, owing to shortness
of world's supply unit cable, reports. Spec
ulative offerings were small ah day. indi
cating an oversold -market, and the vist.Ve
showed a big dncreasv. The close was Unit
.at 4Ulc net advance. May closed at 804c:
July, 79 1-Ifr79 H-loc. cloned at 794c; Mav
closed at 7svtc; Iiecember, 794$78Hc, closed
v CORN-Recelnta. 3,150 bu. Spot, Arm;
tIo. 2. 714ic, elevator, and 714c, f. o. b.,
.afloat. The market was generaly firm and
Advanced actively all day on decreasing
ittocks, higher cables ami an absence of
selling, closing 14c net higher. May. 71 'j
71c, closed at 71c; July. 674aSS4c closed
at 684c; September. 664i64c, closed at
tii4c; lecemiier closed at 614c.
. OATS Receipts. 42,aiJO bu. : No. 2. 45(n16c:
No. 3 white, 604c; No. 3 white. 600, track
mixed western. 47f4Sc; track white, 60r55c.
Options generally firm, but quiet, following
HAY Firm; shipping, tX&65c; . good to
crop, 19ij2i;: 19uo. 1141 5c: olds. &qAc. Pa
nne coast, ivii crop, i,a.ic; imxt, iJdJloc;
OloS. M)C.
1 J T T 1 1, hi ITIrm flalvMlnn SA In 9A IK Is-
.Callfurnla. 21 to Si lbs., lia; Texas dry, si
LEATHER Steady; acid. 242oc.
. WOOL Steady; doniestlo fleece. 24?5e.
; TALLOW Irregular; city ($2 per pkg),
tSc; country (pkgs. free), S0 7c.
RICE Steady ; domestic, lair to extra.
44u'vr-: Japan. voc.
' Mi)LA S6F.8 Steady; New Orleans, open
.kettle, good to c 110 let-, JJ'O-tlc.
, PKOVIblONS Reef, nominal: family
'$lil.(KU !: mr'j, SI4; beet hams,
rsuuu: pacaei,; cjiy extra inata
1 Ol Ktt 7 I llif m.B milAt nl.klA
bellies. $10.u4jlU.7S; pickled shoulders, $8.50
,i.7i.; pickled tiams. tll.&t.rl? 50. Ijird,
'steady: wnstern steamed. 810 ftuti 10.S6: re.
fined, steady; continent, $10.s5 11 HJ; South
America. ii; compouna. xs.ymjs.uo. fork.
Arm; family. $1 5(Mi2 00; short clear, $la.5otf
Il iv mens, i,
BUTTER Keceluts. 1.070 Bkffs. : firmer
atste dairy. n224c; rresmerv, state, IK J1
i:'4; factory, Imitation, 144U204C; factory,
CHEESE Receipts. 1.581 pkgs.: weak, de-
ctldeUly Uverj fauc, large, colored and
734 744
734 73Tft74
-2n 72
73&74 7i
61 62S4
eon coh
43 434
354 354
31 37
294 294
) 30W,i
17 00 17 024
17 10 17 16
10 15 10 15
10 174 10 174
9 574 9 60
9 60 9 624
while lc: fancy, small, new, state, full
cresni white snd colored loiy310c.
KRS Receipts. 20.371 pkss. ; strong; state
anil Pennsylvania, lT'VfVliw; western, un
candled. storage packed. Htflftr.
MuLAHHKS Firm; New Orleans, 8341e.
I'ori.TKY Alive. firm: fowls. ISc;
dressed, steady; broilers, 3M2f32c; fowls, 13c;
turkeys, 13'14c.
MKtAIjH The local market for tin was
very quiet, with quoted prices unchanged.
Spot closed at -J.&fi 30.95. The ixindon
market was steady, but quiet and without
Important change. Ppot closed at 4.135 b.
Copier was quiet here and slightly higher
for lake, but other grades were not es
sentially changed. A lot of 30.or) pounds
of electrolytic for September Bold at $12 75.
Standard, apot to August, closed at 112,
electrolytic at $12.50 snd casting at $12,124.
The London copper market was quiet at
56 for spot and future. Iend at New
York closed at $12,124 and London declined
Is 3d to lt 10s. Spelter was unchanged
here at $4 75 and also unrhanged abroad;
at Ixndon, 18 10s. The local Iron market
showed little chnnge In prices; warrants
were nominal: No. j foundry, riorinern.
19.S: No. 2 foundry, northern, 19 sis'ju .60; I
No. 1 foundry, southern. $1.6019.60; No. 1
foundry, soft, $18 ooj 19.60.
... mnft I Bmi "
Condition of Trade and Qnotatlona on
Staple sad Fancy Prodneo.
EGOS Including new No. 2 cases, 14c;
cases returned, 13Uc.
LIVE POULTRY-Chlckens. S(SS4c: old
roosters, according to age, 45c; turkeys,
8fillc; ducks and geese, 7c; broilers, per
lb., zsc.
itt'TTER Packing stock. 16c: choice
dairy, In tubs, 17918c; separator, 23c.
crapples. 10c; herring. 6c; pickerel, c; pike,
11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh,
6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh. 11c; catfish, 18c;
black bass, iso; naimui, jic: saimon, in-,
haddock. 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c
roe shad, each, 7oc; shad roe. per pair, 85?;
split shad, per lb., 10c lobsters, boiled,
per lb., 2f.c: lobsters, green, per lb., 23c.
I'lUC-UiNU WVP, per UUI.
VEAi-choice, egc.
OATS 49c.
BRAN Per ton, $18.
11 A v Prices ouoted bv Omaha Whole
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay.
No. 1 upland, $9; No. 1 medium, $8 60; No. 1
coarse, $H. Rye straw $5.50. These price
are for hay or goon color ana quauiy. jjo
mand fair. Receipts light.
EOO PLANT Florida, per doa., $1.25.
BQI ASH Florida, per dos., $1.(KV&1.25.
CA1'LIF1")VER Southern, per box, $3.
POTATOES Northern. $1: Colorado. $1.10;
new potatoes, per lb., 24c.
OREEN ONIONS Per dot., according to
size of bunches, 15fa20c.
ASPARAULS Home grown, per aos., so
er- ......
t l'L rMHK.Kn tiomouse, per uus., ovu iuvi,
LETTUCE Hothouse, per doi., 85c.
PARSLEY Per dos., 30035c.
RADISHES Per doi.. 20i26c.
WAX BEANS Illinois, per box, $1.50 per box Tbc: per market basket. Tbc:
atrlng beans, per 4-bu., 75c; per tn.. $1.50,
GKEKN rKAb-rer ou. box, ei.Duia.v'i
P"-b;':. v z
Mill . n A n liciiir kiuwii. i t m.f 7i.
CABBAGE California, new, 3c.
ONIONS New southern In sacks, per lb.,
3c.. ... t
TOMATO KB loriaa, per B-Dasaei craie,
3,75: '
NAVX BHiAiNB -er ou.,
8TrXwberRIES Per 24-qt. case, $3.06
t HKnttlfia t. all lornio, per uox, fi.o.
GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.60.
PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count,
BANANAS Per bunch, according to
slxe, $2.252.75.
oranges Budded. X3.zu; mediterranean
sweets, $3.50Ca3.76.
LEMONS Fancy, $3.50; choice, 93.11b: Mes-
slnas, I1.0O4j4.5O.
HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $2.754t3 00.
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New
York. $3.50.
POreoKN-per id., &c; sneuea, c.
NITTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 3 soft
shell, 10c; No. 2 hard sneli, 9c; tiraxns, per
lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per
lb.. 12c: small. 10c; cocoanuts. per sacs.
3.S0. .
H1DBS No. 1 green, ',4c; ivo. z green,
54c; No. 1 salted. 74c; No. 3 salted. 64c:
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 8c; No. 2
veal calf, 12 to lb ids., ec; ary nicies. Bg
12c: sheen pelts. 75c: horse hides.-$1.60a2.&0.
OID mktalb-a. is. Aipern quotes tne
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton. $10: Iron, stove plate, per ton. $7.60;
copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
84c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb..
3 Vic; xinc, per id., zc; ruoDer, per id., bc.
St. Loots Grain and Previsions.
Dl.. J 'L IO. nil, lllinAiXllKIIBI
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 78c; track, 794?
7Sc; May, 78c; July, 714c; September,
71c: No. 2 hard, 75477c.
CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 63e; track,
64&t44c; May, Wftc; juiy, wc; tteptemoer,
OATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 414c; track,
42rd42c: Mav. 41ic: July. a3c: September.
zsvic: wo. i wnite, 4a'gic.
kyk .Nominal at uc.
FIX5l'R Dull and weak; red winter
patents, a; extra rancy ana
straignt,; clear, j.wa.zu.
ttEU j imotny, steaay, ts.vutui.23.
CORNMEAIj Steady. 83.15.
BRAN Quiet, easier; sacked, east track,
HAY weak; timotny, iz.ourii.uv; prai
rie, 88.5012.00.
WHISKY Steady, $1.30.
IRON COTTONTIE8 Steady, $1.08.
BAGGING Steady, 644e,
PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing, old.
$17.10; new, $17.50. Lrd, lower, $9,974- Dry
salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts
and clear ribs. $10: short clears. $10,124.
Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts and
clear ribs, $10,874; short clear, 811.
METALS Lead, quiet; $3.9633.974. Spel
ter, entirely nominal; last sale, $4.30.
POULTRY Steady: chickens, 94c
springs, 20 25c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 64c;
geese. 4fa4c.
. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17Jf23c
dairy. 16ft20c.
F.OGS Steadv at UV.C
v Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 10,000 -8,000
Wheat, bu 82.000 M.Ot
Corn, bu 8,000 42.000
Oats, bu 128,000 22,000
Liverpool Grals and Provisions-
No. 1 northern, spring, quiet at 6sS4d; No.
1 California, steady at 6 id. Futures, dull;
Mav. 6slld; July, 6s; September, 6a ld.
CORN spot, quiet; American mixeo, new,
6a?d; American mixed, old, &s 84d. Fu
tures, steaay; July, Mitta; uciooer. Hia
PEAS Canadian, steady at 6s lOd.
FIXDUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm,
8s 90.
HOPS At London (Pacific coast), nrm,
PROVISIONS Beef, firm; extra India
mess, lol s 3d. Pork, nrm; prime mess,
western. 76s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 14
lbs., steady. 63s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut.
2 to 30 lbs., steady, 61s 6d; short ribs, 16
to 24 lbs., steady, sis Ha; long clear middles,
light, 2S to 34 lbs, steady. 62s: long clear
middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., steady, 61s 6d :
short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady. 62s;
clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 52a 6d.
Shoulders, squsre. 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 39s.
l.aru, quiet, American renneo, in pans,
'! fd; prime western, In tierces, quiet,
BUTTER Nominal; finest vntted states.
firm. 96s.
TALLOW prime city. nrm. at 30s d;
Australian. In London, Arm at 34s.
CHEESE Firm; American finest white.
old. 67s: American finest white, new. 64s:
American finest colored, old. 0s; American
finest colored, new, nrm, B4s.
The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last
week were 111.500 quarters from Atlantto
port. I6.000 from Pacific and 349,000 from
other ports.
The Imports of corn from Atlantic ports
last weea were i"v quarters.
Kansas City Groin nan Provisions.
TIHc; July. 69'iiu6W,c: cash. No. 3 hard.
734c; No. 3. 72ih7ic; No. 3 red. 73V.74'4c;
73'ic: No. 3. 7:!;i73c; No. 2 red, 73'l.74Hc.
CORN May, oj'.c; July, 60c; September,
64-ic; cash, No. 2 mixed. tHc; No. 2 white.
OATS No. 3, 44c.
RYK-No. 2. 60c.
HAY-Choice timothy, 312.60; choice prai
rie. $1000.
BUTTER-Creamery, 20c; dairy, fancy,
KGG8 Steady: new No. 2 whlu4
casee Included, 13V4C per dos., loss off; cases
. Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu ?70
Corn, bu 27,0 2i.&oft
Oats, bu 9.000 31,000
Mllwaokeo Grain Market.
Firmer; No. 1 northern. 77H6"8c; No. 2
northern. 76j77c: July. 73c.
RYK Steady ; No. L 69c.
BAKLKY Steady; No. 1, 73Hg75c;
sample. 6iv729c.
COKN-July, 63UC
Vlalolo Snnnly of Grala.
NEW YORK. May 2. The wUlble aupply
of grain Saturday. May 34. as compiled by
the New York Produce eichaue, is as
follows: Wheat, 0,fiDs.oft bu., a decrease
of I.MR.nnO bu.; corn, 297,nO0 bu., a decreae
of 12.t) bo.; oats, 4fl.i bu., a- decrease
of eo.OfO bu.; rye, 74.K bu., a decrease of
16. nm bu.; barley, t&9,uu bu., a decrease of
104,000 bu.
Toledo Grain and Peed.
TOLKDO, May M. WHEAT Fairly active,-
steady; cash. 83c; May, 83c; July,
7Me; September, 764c
CORN Dull, strong; cash, RJWic; May,
63c; July, 63c; September, 14o.
OATS Active, steady: cash. 44c; May,
44c; July, 8Xe; September, 30c; new July,
c; new September, 31c.
SEED Clover, dull, firm; cash, $3.05; Oc
tober. 30.10.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Slow, good demand; extra western cream- I
ery, ic; extra netii uy iiimn, , l
EOG8 Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, I
17e; fresh western, 174c; fresh southwest- I
ern, 17cj fresh southern, 16c. I
'HFKBkV KllBler: IVew TorK IU11 creams. I
,, i9i. v,i, fi
Mfll 1 nd il.'iSt2iie.
. -
Minneapolis Wheal, Flone nnd Bran.
74c; July. 744c; September 714S'714c; " J
trasK, jno. 1 nam, io-c; mu. i iiurineru, 1
760; No. 3 northern, 744c.
patents, $3.6n'3.75; first clears, $2.9lg3.0O; I
second clears, $2.30. 1
t i V I . . . 11. .1..-, w.t..v,n', " 1 ' ' .
BRAN In bulk, 114.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, May 26,-CORN-Hlgher; No. 8.
ATS Firm ! No. 2 white. 43io, billed
WHISKY $1.80 for finished goods.
Dnlath Grain Market.
DULUTH. May 24 WHEAT No. 1 hard.
7774c: No. 2 northern. 72Tc: No. 1 northern.
74401 May, Hc; July, H'.c; September,
oath casn, 44 a
Elgin Butter Market.
ELOIN. May 26. BUTTER Firm at 22rl
offerings today, 4,800 lbs.: sales for the
week, ids.
Market Enlivens nt Expense of Values
of Standard Stocks.
NEW YORK. May 26-There was rather
more activity In the market today than
during the latter part of last week, but It
was at tne expense or values or stannara
stocks. There were some specialties which I
made striking advances which would have I
served as a sustaining innuence under or- I
dlnary circumstances. Neither was there I
anv nnd news to account lor tne se lilnir. 1
The day's Immediate developments wero I
rather livunhU
There seemed to be a large speculative
line of St. Paul. Union Pacific and less
amounts of various other stocks whlcn I
IT.I D UlgOllli; flWTU ,1.1 MID, 1 HQ Ulll.V
Immediate news of a depressing character
was the spread of the coal mining labor
trouble Into some portions of the soft coal LONDON, May 26. The amount of bullion
field in Virginia and West Virginia. The taken Into tho Bank of England on bal
coalers themselves, however, were little ance today waa 49.000. Gold premiums
1 no raie ror can money weni aown 10 a
quiet 3 point basis without any notable de-
mand In the foreign exchange markets for
return of borrowed money abroad.
Bankers are Inclined to nurse their re-
serve to some extent In order to strengthen
i . .""" "'' iucii luium iitciH.
It is believed that the trust companies are
also disposed to build up their reserves. In
compliance with the Intimation from the
un n tne luitu 1
volume of outstanding credits ought to I
have greater reserves back of them than
those included in the bank s reserve alone. I
1110 icmiuw ui lire Huiinm " uWM n0 iarKe publlo buying while awaltln
the low level, despite the easing of the events. DeBeers have been steadily sol
money maritei, i me more remaritame in
Y'w.Pf he cPnBldr0' buying of British
,iTk ku, ,M!e .ar
'Wmnt 0lJK,i1fdl,r?,i crt'cate3,
fu-S .S?i S .J," h 8 """y. huve
k i; WTi. 1 . 1 . v. 1 . ... . . 11 I for American account, apparently in tne
bank which made the arrangement In thai, ,t,. t, i..
purchase of some 310.00ft.000 worth of con.
Jmfntr J ccount of yarlou hank
w...-.. 1
'Bsswsa a a aav,4iw vwiitiu uru IIO (cuittl IV
cf aomiih eA.i ti'
tteer? the rVen? domfnint rerV.t ' bH"
were a
cored a 9-polnt recovery on light trans
Among the Industrials, which were an
Irregular as the railroads. Pressed Stool
Car was conspicuous for a rise of nearly 6
Favorable news from the rrona enn
tlSued MncwgM "in raTlrold earXgs
ported for the third week of Mnv nn.i
generally encouraging news from all
branches of Industry, except the coal trade.
seemed to be Ignored In T the trading. The
market closed quite active and Irregular
but with many prominent stocks at about
ine lowest.
Th. hnn morv.e ... ...v.. ..n j ,
regular. Total sales, par value. 12.045 mm
United States bonds were all unchanged on
The following are the closing prices on
ifia new xora oioci exenanget
Atchlsea 74
ds pfd
Baltimore aV Ohio. ..104
do pfd
80. Paclflo ,
So. Railway ...
do pfd
do ptd
'. Hit
Canadian Paolflo
Canada Southern
Ones. Ohio....
Chicago Alton
do ptd
Chicago. 1. a L.
do Dfd
Texaa a Pacific
. 4v
. 117
.. 5H
.. 44,
.. 37 H
.. 1
T., St. L. a W
do pfd
t'nlon Pacific ..
do pfd
. 3714
. 44
do pfd
W. A b. E....
do Id pfd..
Wla. Central .
da pfd
Adama Expreaa
Chicago A K. 1 143
Chicago a Ot. W.... 2Vi
do lat ptd
do Id pfd
Chicago A N. W.
C , R. I. a P. ...
Chicago T. AT..
do pfd
. 47
. 11
Aroer. Kxprei
. II1
V. 8. Kipreaa Hi
Wells-Fargo Ex....
C. C. C. Bl. L....106
Colo, southern at
Amal. Copper
Amer. C. A F
do pfd
Amer. Lin. Oil
de ptd
Amer. S. A R
do pfd
Ana. Mln. Co
Bra. Rap. Tr. ......
Colo. P. A I
de lat pfd 70
do id pfd 41
Del. A Hudaon 175
Dal.. L. a W ...240
Denver a R. 0 41
do pfd SO
. 44.
Erie ItH
. 47H
lat pfd 7
.10 Si
do 2d ptd
"Vf'on. On
Ot. Nor. ptd....
Hocking Valley
do pfd
1 Con. Tob. pfd
' Gen. Electric
Hocking Co1
1" Infn'l Pair
44 infn'l Powar
' National Blacult ...
Nallonal Lead
12 iNo. American
138 Ifactuo Coaat
. It
Illinois Cantral
. 10
Iowa Cantral .,
. 70
so pfd
L. B. a W
do pfd ,
Ioula. a Naah
Manhattan L. ..
Met. St. Rr...
Max. Central .
Winn, a St. L
'Ji-PtilBc Mall .
.. 27
Hoopla's Gaa ...101
Preened steal car.... to
do pfd I74
Mo. racine ...
Pullman palace car.. 234
M., K. a T...
Republic Steel
73 Vi
do pfd
.. 66V,
do pfd
N. J. Central.
Taan. C. A I....
N. Y. Cantral.
Nor. a Waal..
.. 4W
U. B. A P. Co..
do pfd
U. 8. Leather...
do pfd
U. S. Rubber...
do pfd
da Bid
.. at
" 4
Ontario A W..
Penueylranla .
.. iv
... 47
so lat prd..
do 24 Md .
U. 8. Steal.
"" m
St. L. a B. r..
a. r , s, f no pia , to
pfd is western Union o
d pfd tin' Am. Locomotire .... 43
St. U 8. W..
27 I do pfd
do pfd ..
.... CHS K. C. Southern
... .1MV do pfd
t. Paul ....
New York Money Market.
YnwTf Mnv fHt unvrr r 11
steady. 2"V,(f)34 per cent; closing bid and"
a4.KILff)4 84V
SILVER Bar, 61c
Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, steady; state. In
active: railroad. Irregular.
The closing quotation on bonds are as
V. S. raf. ta, r....10;tu A N. unl. 4a..
ao coupon
do la, rag
do coupon
do new 4a. reg
do coupon
do old 4a, rag.,
do coupon . . . . ,
. do aa, reg
da coupon . . . .
Atchleoa gen. 4a
da adj. 4a
B. A O. 4a ,
do IWa
do eotiv. 4a....
Canada ao. la...
C. at O. la
do 1st Inc aie. iniral4a 82
1U7V do lat Inc 22
" "'""j L. 4a... 1.
.IMS, M., K. A T. 4a 101U
Ut'A do ta ay:;
HoS N. . C. la luiii
...I10,l do general
.lubwn. j. u r-n lm tuv
.!, No. PaclBc 4a '.Mi
iim,i ao la 73'
14 N. A W. e. 4a in
-- - " wa
84 L. A
uv u--,"i
oi. L. a B. P. aa
St. L. Southw. la
do la
S. A. A A. P. 4a
Chan. A Ohio 4a....l08
Chicago A A. I'ta .. f4S
C. B. A Q. B. 4a.... 4
C. M A St P s 4a...lU
C. N. W a. 7a... 134
C . R. I. A P. 4a ...111 v
so. PaclBe 4a'.. "".'
So. Hallway ta it'W
flexaa a PaclBe la. ..121
T . St. L. a w. 4a.. a?'t
ualoa Pacisc 4a 1M
do LOO
CCC. 4 I. L , 4a..l04J
Wabaab la ....
tblaago Tar. 4a
Colo. A So. 4a H
D. A H. O. a 1ui
Erie prior Man 4a....lu0
do la
do dat. B ...
Waat bhone 4a
W. A L. B. H
75 4
. 14
do aauerml aa 47.
Wla. Oaatral 4a
. t44
P. W. A D. C la....U4al0ea. Toa. ta
Hocking Valley 4Vaa .Ho
Bank t'learlags,
,..!" " , '"--12.600 bales: scoured, fjarais oa; g
STERLING EXCHANOE-Steady. with iW' Cape l 91. iX" ..v
actual business In bankers' bills at 14.87 for "al": 1W6 is : Tf"V. fjf
11 oj.. j..'. I 6id: Punta. Arenas.' 3.300 bales; scoured.
"' ."'"'S ur amy tin ya : I ..... ,.. i, ,..,.-.., A iin
isted rstea I4.Xai(fiAliS : r-,.mmor..iol 1.111. liuiiiu, imiy, i uiin-n,
OMAHA, May M Bank clearings today, I lera; October and November. 4 2-d. buv
31.167.496.91; corresponding da last year, I ers; November and December. 4 23-64d sel
31.0ti7.876.78: Increase. I,1.03. I lers: December and January, 4 21-4M3
CHICAGO. May 3.-Cleaj-tnas. t461.6fi3; I 4 22-64d. sellers.
balances, 32.646. 70i fiosted exchange. t4.eoS
sixty days. 34. aa on demand; New York ex
ch.1Sf ' 'cD.Prm!u.m- w , ,
ulilUAU HiA, aaay vvariuga,!; balances, $1,969,474; money, 44
per cent.
NEW TORK. May 26. Exchanges, $122.
45K.471: balances, $,-.4T0,6'a
BOSTON, Mav ?; Exchanges, $15,74.
742; balances, $1,445,873.
BALTIMORE, Msv 2 Clearings. $2,8i,
279; balances, $MS.22ti; money Vn per cent.
CINCINNATI. May W Clearings, $4,499.
5oO; money, 4ffj6 per cent; New York ex
change, 3.M! premium.
ST. I.OCIS, May 26 Clearings, $S,404,
B7S; balances, 328,833; money, steady, 4Va
rer cent; New York exchange, 60c premium.
Boston Stock 4taotatlons.
BOSTON, May 26 Call loans. Iff per
cent: time loans, 44tj6 per cent. Official
closing oi blocks ana oonas:
Atchleon 4i 103VAlvitur
Oaa ! f.. StVtlAllouea
.. 14
.. I
.. n
.. n
.. i
.. 11
.. 1J4
.. 4IS
.. to
.. SI
.. to
.. 1
.. 1H
.. 114
.. I
.. t
.. 44
M central 'is'.','.
1 AnulmmtlM .....
1IH lllnfhm
N. R. O. a C.
Atrhieon i uiutnM A Heels
do ptd ' centennial
Boston Albany rsi .fopper Rna ...
oomon m Mm ii imminina
Biaion Elevatsd lssi rrsnkiis
Ku.hburs pta wis ilsls Roysle
t'nlon PactAo
(I4 Dominion .....
Oweola .,
... M
... 4J'
... 4
... 4
... 40
... to
pitl i --
Com.' 1 s..!:
Hants rs Copper.,
))rn. Ei.iri0 ..,
hum. Eiectno ,
Daly West
I.. B. V IK Jf
l nltnl Fruit
t'nlie4 Copp
V. S. HtMl.
in Bid
Westing. Common
London Stock Market.
LONDON, May 26.-4 p. m. Closing:
Conaola for monay... 94
Norfolk aV Wtatera.
do ptd
Ontario Wssiarn.
do 1st ptd ,
do Id ptd
southern Railway..
do account ptm
Anaconda 41
Atchlann ....4 W
do Did J loiv
Baltimore aV Ohio.. ..lot
t'anadlan PacIRo 143
t hvaaiwaka a Ohio... 1
t.mcaso u. w iu
do prd.
C, M. A St. Paul.. 175V Southern TaelAo
Denver ft R. O
, 4St
Union PaclAe
do prd
. 3
do pfd
United States Steal.. 41Vi
do lat pfd
do Id ptd
do pro sa
Wabaah n
do pfd 4644
. 14
Illinois rantral
LouliYllla A Naah
hi., K. a T
fpanlah 4a TSVa
. net
Hand allnas 11
DaBecrs 41
ao pro
New York Cantral
BAH 8ILVKR Oulet at 24d rter ounce.
MONEY 2Wu3 nor cent. The rate of
discount In the nt.ii market for both short
ana tnree months' bills is 2 Va'2 w-itt per
cent. . , .
New York Mlatns; (taotatlens. -
NEW TORK. Mav 26. The following are
the closing prices on mining stocKs
Adama Con
.. Jo
.. 46
.. W
.. 10
.. IVi
Little Chief ...
Sierra Navada
Hmall Hopea ..
... II
... to
... 1)
... ao
... 40
Aiua .,
urunewicK ion...
t-'omatock Tunnai
lien. til. a Va...
- uT,-
t1" "
iadviu, con
Forelan Financial.
at Buenos Ayres 1.16 10, at Madrid 38.87, at
iJsnon 20.(11 and at Home 1.80, Money was
In good demand today and the stringency
prevailed. The chief requirements this
week are for the settlement of monthly
demands. Discounts were firm. Business
on the Stock exchange waa of a buoyant
ana noperui cnaracter, owing to tne peace
news from South Africa, Home rails were
strong. Americans were Inactive. Several
declines wero noted. Coalers were espe-
ciauy nepresnea. -tne re was a partial im-
Mnuom,ni into . .... iuh n,.i..
kafflrs were considerably excited, harder
Bni jn active request at first, but there
lately, owing to a rumor that the next
dividend will be 10s. half the past dividend.
Inquiry among bankers here shows that In
laat three weeks British coneola to the
vaIue of obout 10.000.000 have been bought
." L..".t- -.7" . J ' T"":j
by the National City bank haa been tor
a nrniin f rr int'rinr hnnka whn riMlrA In
Invest a part of their surplus funds In
ecurltles having an International market,
PARIS. May 26 -Prlcea on the bourse
today, opened, firm, with business, active.
Mi.t! V'.t.. J especially In Kamrs, owing to the increas
STSSSS WianS' !2SeSa " Prospects of peace In South Africa.
Ottomen banks were the subject of Inquiry,
owing to tne statement mat tne oanK was
about to lend the Turkish government
100,000 Turkish pounds, guaranteed by the
Income set aparc-ror Kiiomeincai guaran
tees. The less lhiportant diamond mines,
I especially Frank, owing to the discovery
ot a "A0. "2!t!' ."fe HPZ
were freely offered as a result of the fear
that the dividend would not equal expecta
tions. Kaffirs declined at the close. Rio
tlrlt08 were iulet' eBPte, ,,he Jlse ,n tha
Erlce coPPer- Dynamite shares were
flrm' -Ar",'ntl"e8 were har3e,r- Spanish 4s
1 " ' " " lvJ ' v..-..v......
I was 1 per cent. Three per cent rentes.
M"f 220. for the account. Exchange on
London, . 25f 21 He for checks. SpanUh 4s
ciosea at
BERLIN. Mav 26. Exchange oh London
JOm 47V,nffir for checks. The discount rate
for short bills was 1V4 per cent and for
I three months ZH per cent, prices were un-
1 aeciaen on ine Dourse roaav. iniernauormi
I were flrm. Banks were, In good demand
1 on Dear coverinp. LnnmiiHn racuicB werg
I buoyant, owing to New York advices. Iron
shares were dull as a result of realisations,
I Coal shares were maintained. The market
I waa generally firmer toward the close In
I sympathy with British consols. The weekly
I . - . 1. . T n. .plij I T)anl, r.9 Our.
manv shows the following changes: Cash
I" hand Increased 87,170,000m. treasury notes
Increased 640,000m, other securities Increased
I c".im ana noie 111 viicuikiiuii ucticu
I 49.040,000m.
Condition of the Treaaary.
WASHINGTON, May 26. Today's state-
1 tnent or the treasury naiances in tne Ken
I eral fund, exclusive of the 1160.000.000 gold
reserve In the division or redemption,
shows: Available cash balances, 3190,621,
192; gold, 394,563,968.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. May 26. WOOL The quota
tions on choicest staple territory on
the scoured basis are as follows
Pine. butUMc: fine - medium. 47048c. and
mediums. 46c. while the ordinary grades
I scoured are: Fine. 47fi48c; fine medium,
43i&45c: medium. SS'iitOc. Fine washed
I fleeces are thoroughly well sustained, with
1 limited orrerine-s. wnio ana r-ennsyivania
XX. nominal, lsajoc; jlx. ana loove, zti
sY-J&c: X. 24i25c: Michigan. IZffjMc. Le
lalne wool Is In very small supply, with
the market nrm. Michigan, zjwuzic; mo. ;
washed combrnar. ZU'MUZlo: no. 2. iwcr-ic
Australian wools, tirm; combing, choice
scoured, T072c; good, '676oc; average, 60
4S4 1 tjtc. .
1 ST. ljiiib. Mav Z4. wuuli Bteaay
I medium grades. 160il7c; light fine. 12C
1 16c; heavy fine. 10kvl2Vic; tub washed, 15
I 25c.
I I1NDON. Mav 26 WOOL The offerings
I . . . .. . - . . ,
I at ,ms wool auction sales were ii.iou oaies,
I Good scoureds sold freely. Merinos wer
I . ' - - ,,
1 In strong demand. Cross,, breds sold well,
I a few going to America. Cape of Good
I Hone and Natal waa steady. Followln
are the soles in detail: New South Wales,
4.60O bales; scoured. S'Jus'als greasy
4VdETla Id. Queensland. 4j0 bales: scoured
is Zd'uis twin: arreasv. loo'B is. victoria
3.100 bales; scoured. bjfilOHd; greasy. 5j
lOd. South Australia. 600 bales; scoured,
lid fi Is Wd: greasy. 6Vi'&9d. Tasmania, 100
bales: greasy, lifilOHd. New Zealand
ST. IXtVia. Mav 26. WOOIr-firm; me
dlum grades and combing. ItVnl'Isic; llht
hue. i''itic; heavy nne, hj-ci-c; iu
washed, lufaioc.
Cotton Market.
NEW TORK. . Mav 36.-COTTON Spot
1 elnaed nule.t atid ateadv: mixed UDland
19 1 -16c: m dd n arulf. 13-16c: sales. 6
k.iu .i.j Muv bi?c
I illn sittc- Jnlu S9-!c? Alienist. 82c: Sen.
I I" k. .::"A.7:k '. Jllc- Ku.mhr
I "-""!: "-""v-. witiuc . . .,
7.80c: February, 7.82c.
I nrm at a o-iwc.
I Steady; sales. 1.5n0 bales; ordinary. 7 1-isc;
I .A nrHlnnrv fi 7-1 A. ln mlrlrlltna- g tl-laicr
i mtuaiing. Kc: good miaailiiK. -ioc: mia
I dllng fair. lO'.ac; receipts. 1.165 bales; stock.
bales. Futures, steady: May, n
nal: June. .15c hid: July. 9 2fWi.29c: Ali
us!, 8.6MfiS.te; September,; Oc-
I tuber, 7.76ii7.77e: November, 7.657 7c; De
I cember. 7 66 a7.67c; January, 7-a?4l7.67e.
I moderate business. Drlces unchanged:
I American middling. 6'id. The sales of the
day were 8 000 bales, of which 2.000 were
I SDeculatton nn.t etnorl. and Included
I S 7u0 American. Ramlmi. 46.000 bales, in
cluding 33.400 American. Futures opened
steady snd closed barely steady. Amer
ican middling g. o. c. : May.. 4 4)-tw
4 62-64d. sellers; Mav and J- ne. 4 tf
4"-tld. rell-rs; J.vji Hn1 '!'. 4 6-4d.
I. nvcr?: Jul-.- and August. 4 57-4d. buyers;
AntiiM and Hentemhar I 61-fc4 4 52-64d. sel
lers; September and October, 4 34-4d, eel-
I BT. LOUIS. May 343. COTTON Steady;
- I sales. 10 bales; middling. 94ac; receipts. 347
h'P'nents. 887 bales; stock. 36,148
1 taaivw.
Seef Btetn Sold a Littl Lower, but Cow
Btuff field About Bteadj.
Fair Ron of Sheep and Lambs nnd
Market on Better Grades Waa
tteady, bnt Common Kinds
Were Slow and Weak.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
ftlclal Monday 1.9 6.219 8.M0
Same day last week l.ttl 3.22 60
Same week before 8.S13 3.870 3.9"7
Same three weeks ago.. 1.102 4,93 1.915
Same four weeks ago.... 2,4t 3.976 6.196
Same day last year 4,163 4.655 2.9.J
The following table shows the receipts of
rattle, hogs and sheep at South Urn a ha for
i lie year to oate ana comparisons witn last
ear: ,
1902 1901. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 309, US 282.693 26,425
Hogs 1,039,019 964,720 M.299
Sheep 3C2.9il 465,094 103.143
The following table shows the average
price of hogt, sold on the South Omaha
market the last several days, with com
parisons with former years:
Date. I 1902. 1901. 1900.1899.189g.1897.lS96.
May 1..,. KH, 6 641 6 3 Cl 3 79 3 13
May 3.... 7 01 6 71 6 W 3 o 3 90 3 U
May 3 ... T 014 t 73 6 17 3 66 3 s7 3 71
May 4.... t 6 6 26 3 681 3 93 9 12 3 2i
May I.... 703 6323 62 39536330
May .... I3 ItS 8 64 .J 93 3 04 3 M
May 7.... 6 W, 6 t9 6 21 ) w I 7tl I M
May 3.... 700 6646 10 369 3 71 3 19
May 9.... 708 t66tl2 8 66 3 89 3 11
May 10... 7 V7T, 6 61 6 15 3 62 3 95 3 6S
May 11... t 66 6 16 3 62 I 97 3 67 3 19
May 12... 6 99V t 16 9 60 4 19 3 M 3 17
May li... 7 06 6 68 368353o390
May 14... 7 12S 6 71 6 17 4 22 3 61 3 15
May :&... 7 lSVi 6 W 6 21 3 61 3 61 3 21
May 16... 7 07!t 6696 23 363425 313
May 17... 7 13fc 6 72 6 20 3 60 4 40 3 66
May IS... 6 73 6 11 3 69 4 29 3 62 3 11
May 19... 7 12Vi 6 10 3 60 4 35 3 61 3 12
May 20... 7 11 6 73 363 4 26 3 52 3 07
May 21... 7 07, 5 67 6 03 4 26 3 65 3 03
May 22... 7 TO 6 63 6 08 I 62 862303
May 23... 706 6 61 6 01 865433 3 02
May 24... 7 05 6 67 6 04 3 62 8 25 3 45
May 25... 6 62 5 04 3 4 17 3 3 04
May 26... 6 96 4 99 3 65 4 18 3 39 2 99
Indicates Bunday.
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country and
their destination:
A. McKeever, Valley Falls, Kan. K. C... 1
T. O. Heron, Perclval, la. K. C 2
H. Watklns. Shelby, la. R. 1 3
James Frost. Stuart, la. F. E 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought la today by each road was:
C, M. & St. P. Ky i
O. & St. L. Ry 3
Missouri Pacific Ry 4
'i 'i
5 4..
14 2
9 2 1
v. 'i -
69 12 "l
union pacinc system...
C. & N. W. Ry 8
F., E. & M. V. R. R.... 13
C, St, P..M. & O. Ry.. 7
4 M. R. Ry
C, B. & Q. Ry
K. C. A St. J
C, R. I. & P.. east.
Illinois Central ....
Total receipts.
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head indicated
Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p.
Omaha Packing Co
G. H. Hammond Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour ic Co
Omaha Pack. Co., K. C
Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C
Lobman Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill & Huntzlnger
Huston IV Co , ,
Livingstone & Bchalier.
Hamilton A Rothschild
H. L. Dennis & Co
Wolf tc. Murnan ,
Other buyers
Totals 2.007 4,529 2,312
CATTLE-cThere was a very light run of
cattle here today for a Monday, but as
compared with the same day ot last week
there Is not much change. When compari
sons are made with the same day ot last
year, however, the smallness of the supply
todav win te seen.
Although the receipts were lights this
morning the steer market was In none too
good condition. The main bear feature was
tne raci tnat tjnicago was reponeu us nav
lng 21.000 cattle and the market was slot
and a dime lower. That naturally had a
bad Influence on the trade at this point and
the tendency of Drlces was downward. In
some cases sellers succeeded In getting
rlaht around steady prices for the more
desirable grades, but aside from a few sales
the market waa a little lowet, Some of the
commoner grades sold as much as a dime
lower than the same kinds brought at the
close of last week. Although It was not
an active market still practically every
thing was disposed or in good season.
There were comparatively few cows and
heifers on sale this morning and not much
change In the prices paid was noticeable
Anything at all good met with ready sale
at fully as good prices as were paid last
week. The common and grassy cows were
of course neglected to some extent, but
still even those changed hands at right
around steady prices. There seemed to be
a good demand tor ouna, veai calves and
stags of desirable quality and the market
could be quoted steady,
Stockers and feeders were In light supply
this morning and aa speculators succeeded
in closing out aoout an tney nan on nana
lest week the market took on some life
this morning. and steady to Strong Drlces
were paid for the better grades. The com
moner grades oi stocKsrs ot course did not
sell as readily, but still they brought
steady prices as compared with the close of
last ween. Representative sales:
At. Pr.
....1010 I 4
,,,,1100 4 OS
.... 846 t 04
.... IM I 26
744 6 M
At. Pr.
130S 4 23
1124 4 40
1213 4 to
1200 4 40
ll6 4 40
1044 4 40
1411 4 40
1K0 4 46
1261 I 75
1072 4 44
1242 4 85
1460 T M
1387 T 00
1171 1 10
I. .,,
II. ...
110 IH
...... 764 I 60
, 1121 1 84
, M IN
1071 4 00
1120 4 00
1147 4 00
.,.1030 4 It
, 1111 4 20
C44 t It 4 146 i i
441 I 70 46 1(100 I 40
40 t TS
... 140 4 tS
... StO 4 2S
... S 4 14
...1210 4 60
...1001 4 64
...1041 4 41
...1180 4 40
... 710 4 10
...1174 4 60
...1067 4 10
...100 4 60
...1000 4 44
...1011 4 40
... 481 4 70
...1100 4 74
...100 4 76
...102 4 85
...1120 t 00
...1041 00
...1071 00
7 I 71
110 1 00
140 I 00
170 I 00
710 I 40
830 I 76
180 I 75
1137 1 16
820 1 00
1080 1 00
1020 1 00
1210 100
740 1 00
160 I 16
1014 1 It
1080 1 26
1080 I 60
760 4 60
106 I 40
vi. '.'.'.".".'
..1210 t 00
..1020 t 00
12J0 I 40
1020 a to
1280 I 74
1160 1 76
141 1 71
110 4 10
840 4 00
840 4 00
130 4 00
100 4 40
, 110 4 00
M0 4 00
, 1140 4 00
Kill t to
.1074 I 00
18- ....1114 I II
.; i 28
1140 I
1 1210 I 10
1. ........... lOif so
1 1870 t 40
4 106 I U
J 1410 I II
I li0 I 70
1141 I 71
' 1187 I It
I7 40
404 I 16 1 1610 4 71
171 1 ft 4 til 76
434 1 W T Ill 6
114 4 04 14 84 4 14
Ill 4 4
4 .
..1040 I 10
l... lino 4 06
. .U.KI 1 40
..11M I 40
..1064 I 40
.. 70 I 7t
..44 1 71
..10 I 84
1... lto 4 tt
.li0 4 76
...Mm 4 10
....I860 It
... lift M
....180 I U
....U70 I 40
.... ISO TI
.... 1M 4 76
.... 80 4 71
.... 1U0 7 00
1230 4 10
lot t to 1 ,
lat 6 00 1
....... 11 M 1
to 4 6J 1
1J0 76
.......1011 I 00
ID IH 1 748 II
Ill I 74 1 40 24
44 I 7 t 10U I 60
141 1 00 1 61 4 M
Ill I 00 16. 471 I 46
474 I tt 48 ,.. I4 4 64
, M 14 1"! 411 4 40
........ 44 I 14 .... 144 4 41
80 4 00 III 461 4 74
14 4 0 It 171 4 7i
41 4 44) 94... 444 4 44
f 4
414 4 K
insl 4 00
177 I Ot
MO 4 to
HOGS-There was a heavy run of h"gs
here today for a Monday, a good gain
having been made both over Monday of
last week and also over the ssme day of
last year Chicago had a liberal run and
the market at that point was quoted a dime
lower. Trading at this point stsrted out
verv slow and was generally a dime lower.
Packers did not care particularly whether
they got manv hogs or not, for the reason
that they were paying as much here as
thev were In Chlcsgo. The bulk of the
offerings, though, was disposed of In fairly
good season, but when Chicago was re
ported closing lotrinc lower packers at this
point lowered their bids snd the close
was Blow and weak with light hogs selling
liil5c lower thsn the close of last week.
The good weight hogs sold from $7 to 3710,
and as high as 37.15 was paid, which was
the same aa Chicago's top. The medium
weights went mostly from 3690 to 8. while
the light weights sold unevenly lower from
.... t li
.... i
.... mm 4 n
.... 14 4 40
No. At. Bh. Pr. Ho. AT. Sh. Pr.
r 1M ... 4 40 T 4 404 4 H
U IM 120 4 4S 77 211 240 4 4
4t 12 ... 4 40 no lit 10 4 M
75 114 100 4 S 74 224 1J0 7'
SO 197 ... 4 77 12 10 4 I7l
40 214 ... Ill 44 210 140 4 471,
to 190 140 4 44 47 231 40 4 7'
71 I 40 4 M 44 4 40 4 7i
T7 1 10 4 4 10 24 ... t 00
71 130 140 4 0 17 24 ... T 00
7 104 ... 4 XI 47 117 140 T 00
77 14 ... 4 40 t4 25 200 T 00
44. fi ... 4 40 70 Ill 40 T 00
7 KM! ... IN 7 2J l 1(4
48 220 M 4 40 44 141 80 1 00
74 Ill 120 4 40 77 217 120 T 00
7t 208 40 4 40 72..'. 231 40 1 00
71 tog 100 10 71 224 10 T 00
77 Ill 80 4 to 44. 232 ... t 00
75 201 80 I I1U 78 M 120 T 00
41 214 140 4 m IS 142 10 7 00
48 121 10 4 86 7 IM 110 1 V
72 211 80 I S 14 244 40 T OS
8Tt 226 120 I M M 11 ... 1 (
II 144 80 4 M 44 247 140 t 04
74 210 ISO H . IS 248 44 1 OS
74 214 80 M 10 201 ... 7 OS
II Ill 80 4 85 71 244 120 1 04
48 217 ... 1 95 70 141 ... t 04
41 115 ... I Mi 70 247 80 1 10
71 811 240 I W M 171 10 7 10
7S Ill 240 I M 88 IU 240 7 10
70 2?8 80 4 85 II 281 120 7 10
41 221 40 4 84 40 "4 ... 1 10
14 248 ... t6 14 Ill 80 7 10
14 210 ... 4 5 44 284 ... 1 It
II 231 140 4 86
SHEEP There went ahnnt ela-ht pars of
sheep on ssle this morning, besides four
earn direct to local packers. The quality
of the offerings, though was not good, and.
in iaci, witn tne exception of a loan or two
the quality waa only common to fair. Pack
ers took hold In good shape, however, and
the better grades sold without trouble st
Just about steady prices. The common stuff
was, ot course, neglected, and nara to 4"u
at any price. It was evident from the way
buyers acted that as previously stated there
Is an active demand for desirable grades
of both sheep and lambs, but that the
common kinds are very slow sale.
quotations ror r lrnen stocg: uooo to
choice wethers. 35.75&6.00: fslr to good. 35.50
6.76; good to choice ewes, 36.005.5O: fair to
good, X4.66'g5.00; good to choice lambs, vu&
t.40: fair to good, 35.61 "fM 16. Wooled stock
sens about anH'C above cupped siock.
Choice Colorado wooled lambs. 36.7537.?6:
fair to good. 36.60it6.75. Representative
No. Av.
2 75
3 75
4 00
4 76
6 00
6 75
12 cull 80
39 cull ewes 86
4 buck 112
112 western ewes 87
8 cull lambs 45
450 western yethers and yrlgs... 9)
Cattle and Hogs Lower, Sheep Stronc
nnd Lambs HIUer.
CHICAGO. Mav 26. CATTLE Receipts,
l,w, inciuuinK i,uw irjiaiiEi, uwiiidi,
to 15c lower; good to prime steers, 7.wxa
7.60; poor to medium, 4-90(iJ.75; stockers
and feeders. I2.50tir6.25; cows, 31.604jti.00;
heifers, 32.50tfr6.26: canners, 31. 5062.50; bulls.
82.506.50; calves, 32.O04j6.76; Texas-fed
steers, 35.40&6.5O.
hoos Receipts. estimated tomor
row, 22,000; left over. 7,600; slow, 10c to 15c
lower; mixed and butchers, .8W7.10i good
to choice, heavy, 37.00ro7.16 rough, heavy,
36.80a6.95; light, 36.504j6.90; bulk of sales,
BHriEf AINU LiAMBCj Jrieceipts, i,uwr;
steady to strong: lambs, steady to 25c
higher; good to cnoioe wetners, ts.imt.w;
fair to choice, mixed. 34.764t5.60: western
sheep, 35.254i6.30; ' native lambs, clipped, 35.00
(41.75; western lamos, i.a(a..u; spring
lambs, 37.40.
i mc , KAtiirnov!
Tlecelnta. Shin.
Cattle 48 678
Hoga 13,960 1,878
sneeD ; i, nou
Kansaa City Live Stock Market.
celpts, 2,600 natives, 2,100 Texans and 160
calves: market steady to strong: choice ex
port and dressed beef steers, 36.90W7.66; fair
to goon, e.ooii.tSJ stocaerw sou iwino,
33.004j5.60i western fed steers. 34.604f.65;
Texas and Indian steers, 3.304j4.8i): Texas
cows, 33.004j6.25; native cows, i.K'.jt.&; na
tive heifers. 13.754i6.15: canners. 31.75(S3.00;
bulls, $2.75i5.25; calves, $3.004j6.25. Today's
price for choice steers was tne nignest on
ihl, market Mince June. 1K82.
Hnns Recelnts. 2.700 head: market. Bi
lOo lower; top. 17.25; bulk of sales, 6.9"4f
7.15; heavy, 7.17V,: mixed packers. $7.O04f
7.20; light. 3655(67.10; yorkers. 37.004j7.10;
r.ira 14 lhfniHt.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.D60
head; sheep 104i-15c higher, lambs steady to
strong; native lambs. 35.4.rra7.05; western
ipmh, 15 604i6.flB: native wethers. tr.3'Xo !.10:
western wethers,' 34. 30&. so: tea ewes. i .
fi6.05; Texas clipped yearlings, o.u'(io.o;
Texas clipped sheep, 34.304j5.65; stockers
and feeders. 32.40&4.5s.
St. Lools Live Stock Market.
RT. TOT7IS. Mav 26 CATTLE Receipts
S.SoO head. Including 3,300 Texans; market
Strong for Texans; In the native division
fnir mmlltv beef steers were 10c lower.
with best butcher steers steady snd medium
steers weak: native snipping ana export
terra 16 0ivrr7.40: dressed beef steers and
butcher steers. 86.50u6.90; steers under 1.000
lbs.. 3l.004i6.40; stockers and teeners, ss.iow
4.65: cows ana neirers.; cannnii,
31.60S2.90; bulls, 33.004i5.60; calves. 36.0?i"7.50;
Tn nnd Indian steers, fed. 34.404i.25;
grassers, 33.5034.35; cows, and heifers, $2.60
474. S.
HOGS Receipts. 4,400 heAd; market 10c
lower; pigs and lights, 36 654T6.86; packers,
anuvninh- hntchers 16 9KS7.22U.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2 900
head: market strong and active- native
muttons. 35.004J6 00; lambs. 36.604r7.35; .culls
and bucks. 34.00414.60; Texss sheep, 34.00
New York I-tve Slock Market.
,n.v,r rMitf .. on TJ TT fT T IT" (3 T? t.
reipt. 8.4&0 head: t?erii tftly to 10e
UWrr. UUII3J iivji runs s,ciivi.4j .
5.70: -cows, 82.7641 4.90. Cables were steady.
exports tomorrow, tw ;aurc, jl.vw m..r
ano Z.W' nuBririn ui vr-i .
niririra i ,. a oei Vi m t market
active: veals 254Soc higher; city dressed
veal. H'Atjuic ptr id. ...
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 11.011
. u mnA u.B,iin nwrfifl nff arood
spring lambs steady; sheep, clipped. 33 .Mt
.no; culls, to; eiirinaj e-"w
.25; nv tne neao. -.n"-no.ui.
unriatii.inii HJi hfoA: weak at 36.85
7.8 for-tne wnoie range.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ot triRFPH Mav 2ft. CATTLE Re
...I,, ... 1 i head- ateadv: natives. I5.35
7.40; cows ana neners, ti.ioicto-ou. vnm, e
fi6.50i stockers and re?aers, xj.xoo..
HO?tS Receipts, 3.500 head; weak to 10c
lower; light and ngnr mum, tn -vu i
medium and heavy, 7.07fo7.30; pigs. 34.0f
at iVa
"" : - . kAA
RHFEP AN U lAMHtV-lPr-ipifJ. i.w
head; ninrkpt uteady to 10c higher: w-i-tr7
iamb, o Wftri.Jb, wesiern 4i..
Blovm City I'-t Stork Market.
cirAfTV ITV la Tilav 9A fl ft. I & 1 Ttl(
T r A TTf'r Qartalnia 1 9lVl" mnrkiwt
teadv: brevea. $.00M.80; cown, hulls and
mlxea. lJUimD.OU anient.. emu i . r ... . .
. ' ,, i I M lUb j M
474 o; vearunga ami ibi,
HtOGS Receipts. 3.500; market 10c lower;
selling, So.iS'a' t'. du. !wii w.
Stock la Slsat.
ri.. nitAwinff table shows the recelDts
of cattle, hogs and sheen at the five prin
cipal marKets lor May r . nmiha 1 tl"6 6.219
Chlosgo 1
Kansas City 4.7(rt 2..
St. Ixuls , 8.3"0 4.400
St. Joseph 1.000 3.500
.31.906 57.819 r.,VA
liftr Market.
vrar vnnv Mav M RT'OAR Raw
imiv! fair r-nnliur. 2Xac: centrifugal. 96
test. 3 7-lSo. Molasses sugar, 2 ll-16c. Rs
NEW ORLEANS May J6.-BlTaAR-Steady)
open kettle. 2Vi4K13-16c; open kettle
centrifugal. Sii3!c: centrifugal yellow. 3'J-4
4 1-lbr: seoonds. 2Sj4 3-16c. Molasses, dull;
centrifugal. 3 ic.
CosTeo Market.
NEW TORK. May 26 CO V FEE Soot
Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice. 5S4C. Mild,
nulet: Cordova, 84tllt4c. The market
opened steady and li'nli points higher on
active covering. mv foreign ouyins,
rlloue support and commission house buy
lag. TbrouKbout lbs forenoon lbs tnrkt
ruled firm snd active, with shorts made
rirrvous by higher Kuropean markets and
smaller receipts In the crop country. Local
sentiment was bulltshly Inclined. Yet at
the higher prices prominent Baltimore Im
porters were eager sellers of the Into
months, continuing to offer coffee to the
very close. In the afternoon there was a
lull In the O'ltslde buying and prices lout
a portion of the forenoon Improvement.
The market was finally steady snd net un
changed to 6 points higher. Total sales
were tx,0 bags. Including: June, 5.of"rtl
5.10c; July, (line; ftoptember, 5.9Mi5.40jr; Ot---toher,
6.4iffn.45c; Iecemter, R 5Min fH ; Jan
uary, 5.6Hi6.70c; March. 4.9t'a.S5c; April,
Kvaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Not much doing In the market,
but the tone continues firm, with offerings
num. mate, common to goo1, irov;
rime. BV&loc: choice. lOUSilot.o: fancv.
re firmly held and In brisk lobbing and
xport demand for large sixes new Santa.
Clara fruit; old fruit dull and Irregular.
Apricots and peaches remain stesdv In
tone and have a fair movement in Johblnar
wsy. Prunes. S-VdfiVac, Anrlcots. bnea.
10wi4c. Peaches, peeled, 14ii)16c; unpevled,
Oil and Rosin.
NEW TORIC. May 26. OIT, Cottonseed.
quiet. Petroleum, steady; Rosin, stendy;
strainea, common to goou, i.oiVi( tur
pentine, firm, Mnv M DTI North Lima. Sc-
South Lima and Indiana, 83c.
LIVERPOOL. May 28. OIL Linseed, 3?s
6d. Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, dull,
26s 9d.
SAVANNAH. Mav 26 OIL Tument ne.
firm, 45ViC. Rosin, firm; A. B, C, P. tl.20;
E. 31 25; F. 81 80; h 31 S5; H. 31.63; I. 1 M;
K. 32.45; M, 32.85; N, 3.26; WG, 33.55; WW,
I3.C5. -
Dry Goods Market.
quiet demand has been reported all day
In all lines of cotton Hoods in this market.
There has been no pressure to sell and
prices are unchanged. Print cloths are
inactive In all counts, without change m
price. Cotton hosiery In moderate demand.
dui ami underwear is slow. N
The following opinions will be officially
reported :
wio. Bender against Kingman A Co.
Error from Thurston county. Affirmed.
Klrknatrlck. C., Division No. 1.
1. Where a debtor transfers his nronertv
with Intent to defraud his creditors a
purchaser from such debtor will be pro-
ectea oniy to tne extent ot tne considers
Ion with which he ban narted before re
ceiving notice of the fraudulent Intent of
nis grantor.
i. Admission or testimony regard ni con
versations had In t ha nt H ,.,,-
chaser of a fraudulent vendor pending the
transrer ot tne property, charging him with
the notice of the fraudulent Intent nf hl
vendor, held not error.
3. The doctrine of constructive fraud, does
not obtain In this state, as bv virtue or
Section 20. Chapter xxxll, ' Compiled
Statutes, the question of fraudulent Intent
s maae a question or fact and not of law.
4. Fraudulent intent, declared tn he
question of fact by statute, does not differ
in aina or aegree rrom other questions of
fact, and when the evidence adduced In a
case upon the question of fraudulent In
tent is os conclusive that reasonable minds
cannot differ as to the conclusion to be
drawn therefro.n It Is not ' error for the
court to direct a verdict accordingly.
o. evidence examinea ana neia that t
peremptory Instruction given by the trial
court was properly given.
10738. Union Paclfir Railway - Comnnnv
against Cheyenne . County. Appeal from
Cheyenne county. Affirmed. Kiljatrtck C,
M v imiuil it. j ,
11362. Farmers' Mutual Insurance Com.
pany against Kinney. Error from Gngo
county. Reversed. Oldham, C, Division
No. 2. .
1. hen a mutual Insurance rnmnanv Is
organised under the prnvllaons of the laws
of this state, theprovlslons of the statute
authorising Its organization, the articles of
Incorporation and bylaws of the company,
the application for membership and the
certificate of membership constitute the
contract netween the company and the
pojlcy holder.
a. v nen a member of a mutual Insurance
company agrees In his application to be
?overned by the bylaws and rules "now In
orce or hereafter adopted by said com
pany," he will be bound bv stibsoournllv
enacted bylaws of his company, the same
as he Is by those In force at the time his
certificate of membership is issued; pro
vided, that such subsequent tylaws are
reasonable in their nature and properly
adopted In conformity with the authority
conterrea Dy tne statute upon such com
pany. . A oyiaw or a mutual insurance com
pany which provides that the company
shall not be liable for any loss that may
occur while a member is in default of the
payment Of a legal assessment Is a rea
sonable bylaw and wilt be upheld.
. w nere en tne property coverea py a
lollcy of a mutual tire Insurance company
s not destroyed. th receipt of subsequent
assessments by the company from a mem
ber who haa sustained a Iws while his
policy was suspended for default In the
payment of assessments, will not operate
as a waiver of such default.
11439. Brun against Brun. Apnea) from
Cuming county. Affirmed. Kirkpatrlck,
C. Division No. 1.
1. A husband, against whom divorce pro
ceedings had been instituted, conveyed a
valuable farm upon Which the family re-
elded to the wife, relying upon representa
tions tnat tne consideration tor the deed
was to be a home with his wife, permanent
reconciliation, and a life annuity of 12 O.
The husband could neither read nor write
the English language. The deed as finally
executed gave the wife the option of re
ceiving the husband into the home or ex
cluding him upon the payment of the 3200
annuity. Held, that the deed could not be
2. A deed from a husband to wife convey
lng the farm upon which they both reside,
the consideration being a home for ' the
husband and cohabitation for an Indefinite
period, or exclusion of the husband from
the home at the will of the wife upon the
titviwnt of a 3200 annuity for life. Is op-
Dosed to sound principles of public policy.
se being a contract calculated to bring
about a separation which has not yet taken
2. Evidence examined, and found to sus
tain the findings and Judgment of the trial
11269. State against Missouri Pacific Ran-
way company. j-;rror. original. Uis
mlssed. Sullivan. C. J.
1. The only authority this court hss to
take cornlsance of climes Is that given
by the constitution In the grant of appel
late jurisdiction.
2. When the legislative thought Is cast
In the mould of the criminal law, It will be
presumed, nothing appearing to the con
trary, that the remedies contemplated were
those renerallv used In courts exercising
criminal Jurisdiction.
8. The provisions of section 9 of the nee
or 1893, known ss the "Maximum Freight
Rate Law." being punitive and not reme
dial, are to be enforced in accordance with
the procedure or tne criminal code.
1. Intunction will not lie to restrain the
collection of taxes unless such taxes are
levied for an unautnorisea or illegal pur
2. Under the facts In this case. Held, thsf
the taxes, the collection of which is sought
to be restrained by Injunction, are not
Illegal or unauthorised.
00 Opens...
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Send for free booklet explaining our new
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