Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaha Daily Bee.
pally Be (without Sunday). On Year.MSO
VUy be and Sunday, Una Year i uu
Illustrated Btt. on Year '
Hjnoay Bo, Ona Ysar., 2
Saturtiay Bee, Ona Year 1
Twentieth Centu'y f armer. One Year. i-W
paflr Bea (without Sunday), per ropy.. 2c
frilly lies (arluiout feunuayt, par "i. Uc
Jjaiiy Bra (Including tfuuuay), par tk.lit
Sunoav Bee. per oopy 6c
Evening iiea (without Sunday). per week.luo
Kventr.g Bea (Including eiunuay. per
week lie
Coraplainta of Irregularities In delivery
Should be addressed to ClO Circulation
OmahaThe Bea Building.
Bourn Omaha City Hail tfulldlnf, Twen-t-nith
and M streets.
Council Bluffs 10 pearl Street.
Chicago lt40 Unity Building.
New York Temple Court.
Washington ul fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to' news and
editorial matter should be aadreaaeu:
Omaha-Be. Kdltonal Uepanmeiu.
BUSiNb8 Lh.'i ifcHn.
BuHr.Mi letters and remittance should
fee addressed: ihe Bee a'ublisulu' Com
pany, umaAL
Remit by dratt, express or postal order,
payable to Ihe Bee Puollsnlng Company,
only 2-cent atampa accepted In payment o(
mall accounta. pnraonai check, except on
p mail a or eaatern exchange, not accepted.
Vrlii UhJ -j"BLioHlM CUHfAitY.
State of Nbrka,-Dougtfc County, ts:
Oeorg B Txachuck, secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duiy aworn.
y that the actual number of full and
complete eoplea of The Lally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the monta of April, waa a toUowa:
1 ...2U,(MO 16 JW.500
8,. 20,03V n 2u,s:
( 29,630 U 3U.B40
4 2,S1U U 2U.6SO
t ....2t,5 ao au,no
29,7.0 21 Z,B0
2U.U10 34 8H.420
10 .. 2I,4SW 25 2,4W
11 2,olO 2 ifft.SUO
12 ...2,47u SI 2B.OOS
14 20,5M 2 UO.BSO
14 U,6K 10 21,20
Total &ptt,04S
Lbs unsold and returned eoplea... io,107
Net total rale 87U.S38I
Kat dally arerage muiT
- Cnbscrtbed In my presence, and aworn to
bftior tne this Kith day of April, A. U.
(.Seal.) M. B. HL'NQATE.
Notary Public.
Speculating on the date for conjrres
slonal adjournment Is e-t 111 a harmless
The Jackson Ian lnsurrectos of 1S06
and the Jacksouinn Insurgent" of 1902
can shako bands across the chnsiu.
. The scientists wbo have been visiting
the scene of the Volcanic disturbances
Jn the West Indies will now tell us bow
It all happened.
Among other beneficiaries of these
bountiful rains the riugrce potato
patches and posy gardens should be
specially thankful.
Tb latest is the merger of eleven
JofAgese steamship lines. Tbe Yankee
of the east la not slow at learning from
the Yankee of the west.
If it accomplishes nothing else, that
encampment of High school cadets
should scire to reinforce the refrain,
There Is no place like borne."
The late Ambassador Pauncefote has
Immortalized bis name by attaching It
to at least one importaut treaty sure
to occupy a permanent place lu history.
Before South Omaha plunges into
municipal ownership, prudence would
dictate a thorough investigation by ex
pert engineers of tbe probable cost of
the experiment
It's a poor congress In which some
member does not propose some bill to
restrict immigration that if in force at
tbe time would have shut bis own au
ceBtora out of the country.
TV violate no confidence in assuring
the public that the scbool book trust
will be perfectly satisfied with the re
tention of Superintendent Tearse at the
bead of the Omaha schools.
William Jennings Bryan and Tom I
Johnson have beeu conferring with ene
another. The early addition of the
Commoner to the Johnson literary bu
reau would not be surprising to many
of Lis friends.
Our amiable contemporary, the World
Herald, might at least have commemo
rated the enforced Jacksonlan exodus
by, a double-shotted and double-leaded
editorial such as it regularly bestows
upon subjects of much less vital im
jnrtance. A St Louis man comes forward with
the explanation that all the deaths at
Bf. rieire were due solely and exclu
lively to lightning. As none of. the
Tictlma can verify or contradict, the St
Louis philosopher is quite safe In
spreading his theories.
A German firm bas been trying to
corral a monopoly of the opium market
In China by an offer of a liberal cash
subsidy to the government. The vile
rh&racter of the opium trade cute no
figure with tbe advance agent of civili
sation when trade profits are in view.
Governor Savnge ts reported to be
Very anxious to appoint a police and fire
commission for Omaha. If this Is true.
vhr did the governor appear before the
supreme court, through tbe attorney
general, to oppose the applicants for a
mandamus to order blm to make the
Chile and Argentina are again to settle
a little difference by international arbl
tratlou. Arbitration has 'been applied
most frequently and more successfully
to disputes In South America than In
any other quarter of the world but then
.South America produces more disputes
'to be settled than all the rest of the
world. -
fTitL time run ACTIOS.
The consensus of opinion among all
r.irtlea Is that the people of Nebraska
have ontllved their constitution of IS".".
Experience has proved tho organic law
of the state defective In moot vital parts
and wretchedly Inadequate to twentieth
century demands. This Is espeHally
true with regnrd to the Investment end
safeguarding of the educational trust
funds of the stat and the strait-
Jacket Judiciary which has compelled
the employment of nine assistant su
preme Judges not contemplated by the
Two ways are open for the revision
of onr constitution. One Is by the sub
mission of essentlsl amendments
through the present legislature at tbe
coming election the other by the more
expensive snd long-drawn route of o
constitutional convention.
To carry out the first plan a special
session of the legislature would have to
be called, so that Ita work could be
completed by the end of July, In order
to comply with the constitutional re
quirement of three. months' publicity of
the proposed amendments . before the
election at which they are to be voted
on. If amendments are submitted
and ratified this fall the vote would be
canvassed by the legislature that meets
in January, 1U03, and the revision would
go Into effect at once.
A constitutional convention, on the
other hand, means postponement of its
benefits for at lesst five years. A con
stitutional convention cannot be ordered
until tbe question of calling it is sub
mitted to tbe people at an election when
members of the legislature are chosen.
If the legislature of 1903 should submit
this question, the people could not vote
on it nntll November. 1004. Should tbe
pro(ositlon carry, the legislature of 1905
would have to provide by law for call
ing the convention and appropriate the
necessary funds for Its estimated ex
penses. The election of delegates to
the constitutional convention could not
take place before the spring of 1905 arid
might wait for the regular election In
the fall of that year. This means that
tbe convention could not meet until tbe
fall of 1905' or the winter of 1905-6.
Tho revised constitution would be sub
mitted to the people at an election in
1900, either special or general, and
would not be put into effect until the
new state officers are Inaugurated in
Manifestly, five years delay of consti
tutional reform would be of Incalculable
damage to tbe state and Its Institutions.
A constitutional convention would en-
tall an enormous expense, probably not
less than $200,000, while a special legis
lative session seed not cost to exceed
$20,000. That amount would be saved
on interest of public funds aud the extra
salaries of supreme court commissioners
and their stenographers in one year.
The calling of tbe legislature Is at the
discretion of the governor. It is within
his power to limit the subjects with
which the legislature can deal at the
special session, and that wltbln Itself
enables him to curtail the expense in
curred. There Is still time for the gov
ernor to act but he must act soon or
his opportunity to render invaluable
service to tbe state will be lost
All the indications point to peace In
South Africa. Every dispatch that has
been received from that quarter for the
past week has conveyed the informa
tion that peace was in sight and the
world has been waiting for a confirma
tion of that report. The latest advices
warrant the opinion that tbe British
government is willing to make such con
cessions as will insure a settlement of
the whole difficulties. In a speech made
a few days ago by Lord Salisbury be
said that tbe British government would
not recede a single bit from the position
it had taken in regard to the South
African issue. This was generally ac
cepted by the world as meaning that
tbe British government would not re
cede from tbe position it had taken, but
subsequent circumstances seem to Indi
cate that it is willing to recede from
ita position and make certain conces
sions to the people of South Africa.
Tbe world will hope that the present
negotiations will result lu a peaceable
settlement of tbe conflict in South
Africa. While practically all nations
are in sympathy with the valiant peo
ple who have been fighting for their
independence in South Africa, it is uni
versally realised that their canse is
hopeless aud that consequently it is the
part of wisdom on their part to. give
up the contest. It appears to be the
opinion of most of them that this is the
wise and proper course.
Beyond question the diplomatic his
tory of the United States during the last
twenty-five years Is tbe most Illustrious
in tbe record of tbe republic. With all
tbe diplomatic complications which tbe
United States has bad In this period
we have maintained the policies snd
principles that for all the generations
before have actuated us. There-have
been some expressions of commendation
of the course of Secretary Hay In our
foreign relations snd on tbe other band
there have been criticisms of bis course,
but on the whole the verdict most be
that the United States has never bad in
all lu history a more thoroughly pa
triotic or conscientious public servant
than Jobu Hay.
Hon. Henry L. Wilson, the American
minister to Chile, who Is on a visit to
tbls country, said in an lntervew a few
days ago that oar. strong snd efficient
position in South America Is due in
very large measnre to tbe wisdom and
conscientious efforts of our secretary
of state. The work that Secretary Hay
bas done in bringing about better rela
tlons. between the United States and
tbe countries south of us will never be
understood In our time. There bsve
been policies snd propositions suggested
by blm.'sll looking to better relations
between the ' United States and the
countries south of us, which have tended
all tbe time to tat' creatkm of better
r latlons. In a word, the whole policy
of the government In the administra
tion of the Isst five years, hss been
to convince the states to the south of
us that our only hope and desire was to
promote their advancement, and pros
perity under our tuition.
rerhaps there Is no fact more convinc
ing against the proposition of a desire
on the part of the United States to ab
sorb countries south of it thsn the posi
tions assumed by our government In
absolute antagonism to such an idea.
There bas never been the lesst Intima
tion on the part of the United States
government of a desire or purpose to
absorb any of tbe territory of South or
Central America, but on the contrary
there hare been repeated declarations
of a purpose never to take any of the
territory of those countries.
All this Is to the credit of our diplo
macy for the Inst quarter of a century.
During all that period, and especially
In the last third of It, we have been
teaching the world that we are not an
aggrandising nation, but one which is
seeking to Institute ita policies and its
principles tho world over and Is willing
to make any sacrifice to accomplish
this. In this work there Ib no question
that our diplomatic labors during the
past twenty-five years are the greatest
1u our history ajid among those who
bave contributed most to tbe promotion
of this idea la the present secretary of
Commissioner Ostrom is to be com
mended for pressing through the county
board a resolution Instructing the county
surveyor to prepare a railway map of
Douglas county, showing all the nialu
tracks, sidetracks, culverts, viaducts
aud other terminal facilities, including
right-of-way and depot grotinds. Such
surveys should be mode in every county
and maps representing the exact railway
mileage and improvements should be ac
cessible to the commissioners la every
county. Efforts to compel such surveys
have been frustrated In various legisla
tive sessions by the railway lobby, evi
dently because they might be at vari
ance with the returns of the railroads
to the auditor. Douglas county has
more mileage of sldetrftcks and more
valuable terminal facilities than any
other county In, the state aud Its tax
payers are vitally concerned in knowing
Just how much railway property there is
in tbe county and what proportion of it
Is not returned for taxation.
According to the Washington corre
spondent of the local popocratic organ,
ex-Senator Thurston is to be invited to
participate in the oncoming campaign
and an effort will be made to have him
deliver a great many speeches In the
fusion districts of Nebraska. Whether
this piece of news emanates from tbe
ex-senator or from democratic leaders at
Washington is not related. Nobody in
Nebraska at this time is authorized to
extend Invitations to spellbinders, how
ever eloquent or persuasive they may
be. If Mr. Thurston should be engaged
for the coming season by tbe national
speakers' bureau he is not likely to be
In requisition for tbe fusion districts in
Nebraska, where the anti-monopoly and
anti-trust sentiment is too pronounced to
be igEored or defied.
Lincoln will today open formally to
the public its new Carnegie library
building, which should b a source of
pride not only to the Capital city, but
to the people of the whole state. Ne
braska's high rank for literacy is due
to its liberal support of its educational
institutions, and the public library is
only second to the public school in
influence as an educational factor. The
conditions of all of Mr. Carnegie's gifts
are that tbe community favored with
his beneficence show its appreciation by
proper maintenance of the foundation
and this should bring directly home a
realisation of tbe duties that go with
the Drivlleces. The people of Lincoln
are certainly to be congratulated on the
acquisition of such a magnificent public
Nebraska always has been blessed
with a suDerabundance of square pegs
that want to fill round holes. A glance
at tbe list of ambitious aspirants who
have rjrolected themselves Into the po
litical arena as candidates for state and
ennirresBlonal nominations affords strik
ing proof that the supply of square pegs
is greater this year than in any previ
ous year of Nebraska's checkered his
It eoes without saying that Omaha
aunt more mills and factories, but
these industrial concerns cannot be se
cured by merely passing resolutions in
the Commercial club. It takes capital
to build and operate mills and factories,
nit ra nl ta lists can only be inaucea 10
Invest in Omaha when they have assur
ance of lower taxes and favorable rail
road rates."
Strikta IM Pae
Waahlngton Poet
Cubs has four political parties and a
large atock of Web Daviaee. The material
for excitement down that way could hardly
be improved upon.
Twaal Leal Claata,
Philadelphia ledger.
If Attorney General Knox does not think
k. win data Dlentr of fighting before he
finally conquers tbe beef trust he Is not
the lawyer be la suppoaed to be.
Belated Heaora te Martha
Baltimore American.
Martha Waahlngtnn'e bead Is to go oa a
sump. If some dome tic history ts to be
believed, Martha Washington's feet often
did the same thing when they tut tbem
selves on reccrd.
Faaalltarltr wtk Aaeieate.
San rranclaco Call.
Senator Dolllver recently referred ia da
bate to an authority whnta ke called "Kd
Burke" and It took tbe crave senators rally
fifteen minute to catch on to the fact that
he waa talking about Edmund Burke.
Pelltleat Seevaaa;re.
minefield lMaaa.1 Republican.
. It the democratic manager are looking
for hidden scandals ta the late military
government of Cuba It U te be Loped that
their researches will go unrewarded. XbreJ.wU
la a brlnht apot la oar hlatorv. on tbe
whole, and It would be a keen dtasppoint
tnent to find that political scavengers were
able to dim Its bister.
Raarttoa ef Ike foal Treat.
Chicago New.
The atrocitlea committed by the coal
roads not only against the cooxumer of
coal, but agalnut the Independent mine
owner are endurable only becauae there
bas been no earape from them. Robbery
by resive freight rateo. a hard snd fast
combination by which the prlre of coal
la fixed arbitrarily without regard to Ihe
lawa of trade and all the other abomina
tions that go with the worklnga of a ban
dit trust have been revealed by the teetl.
mony presented to the Industrial Commis
sion. They are, Indeed, matters of com
mon knowledge and common eiperlence.
It Is tbls grab-all trut that works the
mlnere st ttervatlou wages and refuses to
consider their reasonable requests. It U
the rapaheaf of trust criminality, the moat
conspicuous of all the robber combine. It
Is lmpoeelble that the government can
continue to let this trust enjoy fair
weather. The anthracite coal road outrage
calls for prompt and effective treatment
and cannot be Ignored or put aside for
attention at eome time later. It should be
attacked at once.
Projected Merger of Soft Coat Mlaea
In Four State.
New Tors. World.
The news that a tSOO.OOO.Oon . truat Is
being Morganlzed to control the soft coal
output in Ohio, Pennsylvania. Illinois and
Indiana Is particularly dlnquletlng Juat st
this time, when the price of anthracite la
mounting merrily toward the 110 mark
under the manipulations of the Morgan
combination of 1900.
It haa been supposed, and it Is la a sense
true, that there Is too much bituminous
coal to be 'cornered. Thousands of Ameri
can farmers can dig it on their own land
but how does that help the small con
snraer? The private owner cannot buy
coetly machinery, and If he could he would
be unable to compete with half a dozen
men owning the mine that yield coal, the
railroads that haul It and the mills that
use It. The new trust. In fart, need not
control all the coal lands In Its territory,
but merely those that are considerable
factors in production, and for the present
It can safely disregard the vast Tennessee
and Alabama fields as too far from the
greatest markets.
What will Industry, to which coal Is a
vital necessity, do to protect Itself? It
may Insist upon the literal fulfillment of
the statutory ban upon "combinations and
conspiracies In restraint of trade and com
merce." It may insist that congress shall
remove the 67 cents ner ton duty on soft
coal. Industry united has nower to do
both, and it should be united.
How the Coal Combine Flnchee the
Philadelphia North American.
When is a ton net a ton? Tbls Is not a
catch conundrum. The answer Is: When It
la a carload of coal at the mine. Indeed, a
ton of coal never la a ton anywhere. In
some mines a ton demanded from the miner
la nominally 2,850 pounds, but as the com
pany ordains that each 100 pounds con
stituting that ton shall consist actually of
112 pounds, the true weight of the miners
ton becomes 3,200 pounds. When It reaches
the coal dealer the ton may possibly weigh
2,240 pounds. When It geU Into the con
sumers' bin It weighs 2,000 pounds.
Figures cited to show the labor cost ot
coal at the mine are generally confusing
and misleading, and the confusion la due
largely to the fact that the ton Is not a
fixed unit of measurement. The mine books
may show that a certain amount was paid
In wages for a certain number of tons of
coal, but the figures are alwaya) falae. It
is an easy trick to ao Juggle with such data
as to make It . appear that the miner re
ceives $1.63 for each ton produced.
The truth appears, however, when the
annual output of the anthracite district, as
shown by deliveries In the market. Is com
pared with the annual wage account. Last
year the anthracite companies marketed
66,000,000 tons and paid 336,000,000 in wages
to all aorU of workmen. That fixes the
entire labor cost of the production of a ton
of coal at 63 cents. The companies get out
of the miner something over 30 per cent
more labor than they pay for.
Tet the operatora complain that the
miner is unreasonable and arrogant in de
manding that a ton etaall be a ton, and that
It shall be weighed and paid for honestly.
A Moreateat f lacreaalaar Impertane
to City avad Coaatrr.
Minneapolis Journal.
The late Congressman Peter ' J. Otey of
Virginia delivered a good roads speech Just
before his death that was a rwerful ap
peal for the federal government to Uke
charge of wagon ' road building. It Is a
curious proof of the decay of the substance
ot the sutea' rights doctrine that the moat
strenuous advocates of such a local appli
cation of federal authority as the building
of country roads should come from the
south. The point made by Mr. Otey that It
1 as reaaonabl for the federal govern
ment to build and care for country roads
as It la for It to Improve navigation on
some unknown rill Is well taken. Much ot
the money spent for rlvera and harbors
might better be spent for country roads.
It is sometimes forgotten that there Is
good precedent tor federal wagon road
building. Though the strict construction
ists of the constitution fought it hard the
federal government In the P. rat part of the
last century built the famous national pUte
from the Potomac to St. Louis, 800 milea
long and traversing seven sUtes. This
road became the great highway of national
life and development In tbe twenty years
preceding the Introduction of steam rail
ways. It at once reduced the time of travel
from Baltimore to Wheeling one-half and
freight rate quite aa much. Often at one
tlma as many as twenty four-horse coaches
could be seen on one stretch of the splendid
highway, while broad-wheeled Coneatoga
wagons drawn by alx horaea carried with
esse a much aa ten tona. No better road
waa ever built to America than the old
national pike. With the Introduction of
ateam locomotion ita glory pasaed away
and Ita utility a an Interstate route cam
to an end. Ever since publlo road making
haa declined in efficiency In the Uoltea
SUtes. .
Yet for purposes of local transportation
good roada are now needed more than ever.
Almost all of the freight handled by rail
ways and steamablpa ia first hauled by
team either over country road or city
street, and there le bealdes the vast amount
ot local freighting that begins and ends
wtih wagon carriage. The lack of good
roada seems to be due to tbe failure to
provide a powerful governmental agency to
plan, build and care for them. Whether
this aaency ahall b provided by the states
pr the federal government makes little dif
ference so It t provided. Tbe local com
munities must be aaaieted by tbe larger and
wealthier communities. Heretofore we
have labored under the false impression
that a local road la of benefit only to the
peraona who us it dally. It Is oa the con
trary of benefit to tbe whole country. Oood
country roada mean more proaperou coun
try people and bene mors prosperity sad
Ming tor all.
Live Nebraska Towns
PONCA Pretty
Ponca, the county seat of IUxon county.
Is located In a beautiful and picturesque
valley at the confluence of the South creek
and Aowa river, about a mile south of the
Missouri river. It was founded In 18..
being one of the earliest settlements In
northeastern Nebraska. Like all frontier
towns. It went through the various vletasl
tudes of early days, bad booms and de
pressions, and the numerous experiences
Incident to the growth of a western town.
It settled down to a steady growth long
sgo. however, snd now has a population,
conservatively estimated, at 1.500. Tonca
Is one of the prettleat residence towns In
Nebraska. It has a profuse growth or
trees, part native and part planted by the
Inhabitants. Many modern and costly
dwellings bave been built In late yrara and
a large amount of building ta going on
this Miion. The principal business blocks
are of brick or stone. The citizens sre
enterprising, thrifty, Industrious, and many
of them wealthy.
Ponra bas an excellent system of rublle
schools, with ten teaohera and a modern
brick building erected a few years ago at
a cost of 320.000. The Lutheran, Preeby
terian, Methodist, Baptist and Catholic
churches are all represented with neat,
well built structure.
In the line of general Industries Tones
ts well equipped, having well-stocked
stores and groceries carrying the beet of
everything the market affords. The place
has two banks, the Security bank and the
Bank of Dixon County, whose last state
Rlpplea on the Current of Life in tbe
Sabbatarians In New York were treated
to a rude shock recently by the pastor of
a Catholic church, who took all his boys
to a bsse ball field on Sunday afternoon
and supervised a warm game of ball. It
differed from the average professional or
amateur game in that cheering was pro
hibited, swear words tabooed and scrap
nn fnrhMrien Even the umpire waa
treated with respectful consideration. In
n resnerta it was a model game, a rare
example of outdoor recreation and de
"All the boys work hard during the
week," aays the clergyman, "and need
recreation on Sunday. It is an experi
ment so far and If all goes well It will bo
continued during the summer. Boys might
do worse things on Sunday."
The Brooklyn Eagle commends the good
example aet by this clergyman and declares
that his views are shared by many paa
i nnt nf Ma faith. "Any BDort." says
the Eagle, "not wantonly Interfering with
the rational observance of Sunday, any
sport which take young men and Doys
into the suburbs and keeps them in the
open air and sunshine and away from the
saloons and the street corners should be
generally commended and encouraged. You
may hear some shouting, for base ball is
not as quiet as ping-pong, and occasion
ally your ear will catch fragments of lan
guage not employed in polite society, but
thse offenses against the accepted ideas
of Sabbath observance may be forgiven
h.n realize that In the recreation
Itself there Is nothing to degrade and much
to Improve. Sunday ball playing is a gooa
thing when practiced within reasonable
During th merry month of May the med
ical colleges of Omaha turned out aa fine a
Kn nf muiiM a ever doffed the mor
tarboard. Young, handsome, talented, am
bitious, energetic possessing an tne neo
eesary qualities to uplift and adorn tha no
ble profession. But In passing from the
theoretical to the practical mau, uoum
lesa. were uncerUln aa to the best route
to the goal of their ambition. The experi
ence of a New York doctor, now wen up
near the top, may be helpful In getting
there. He waa not a genius when he lert
college. In talent he admiU being Inferior
to many in hi class. But ne naa nerve in
abundance and skill in choosing time and
place to display it. "I resolved on leaving
the hospital," he saye, "that, since I was
not at all a remarkable person, my only re
course waa to make the public think I was.
I decided that If I could only lmpreas upon
i mat tha fact that I was a dread
fully busy man, they would In time come
to believe I was. so, no matter wnere t
ktnnnniui to be I always arranged ft with
my confederate to be aent for. If I wera in
vited to dinner, I had hardly seated myaeu
,h.n . hurrv rail came for my services
and, with conspicuous apologies to my host
ess. I would be obliged to ODey tne uisucr
...n nr nrofesslonal duty. I consistently
permitted my confederate to drag me from
tbe theater while tne moat tragic cm
on, thus giving th spectators an oppor
tunltv to learn how much my professional
services were In demand. I never made a
call that I was not hurriedly summonea oy
mntwltiui cat lent: the Joya of re
ceptions, of afternoon teas, ot social Inter
course of any kind were aometning
a stranger to for three weary yeara.
"It waa rather bard while It laated, but
It waa effeotual. People began to think I
was the real thing: that if there was sucn
a demand for my professional advice they
must have it, too. Thus mediocrity trt
nd manv better doctors who
started in with me are still prescribing tor
Italians and worklngmen at W cents a can.
It was at the Wild West show In Brook
lyn. A young man and his best girl eat In
front of the observer. Next to the man, oa
tbe other side, waa a Hibernian gentleman.
As the show progressed the broncho busters
came on. Ed Solder mounted the uglieit
pony In the bunch and Immediately there
..m.ihln rinln all over the fore-
around. Ed etuck manfully to hla saddle
until the beast. In a freniy of anger, ronea
with him. When tbe broncho had ceased
pawing the ground about the prostrate men
and had hiked off Into the gloom they picked
Solders up Insensible and carried him away.
H waa a blood-curdling scene. It Beared
the beat girl ao that aha grabbed the young
man by the hand and burled her head on
hla ahoulders. while he supported her with
hi arm. When it waa all over ahe recov
ered her composure and bluablngly reeumed
ber dignity. There waa a tenae alienee. At
last It was broken by the Hibernian gentle
man, who. nudging the young man, re
marked In a atage whisper:
"Say, lad, pray htven thot another wan
av thlra guys slta folred "
"Have a cigar," whiapered the young man
with an understanding look In hla eyes.
SnaootalaaT War' Fronslsg Front.
Boston Transcript.
It Is to' be feared that the time Is not
at band when "thry ahall beat their aworda
Into plowsharea and their spesrs Into
pruning hooks; nstlon shall not lift up
sword againat nation, neither shall they
learn war any more." But It la a promise
of a return of th day when tbe republic
dictated "peace to the world from ports
without a gun" when a fort is turned Into
a pleaaure ground, a transformation which
Is now conaummmated by tha favorable
action of both houaea of rengress in the
case of Governor's Island. The groups ot
children at play and of tollers resting In
the harbor breezes will make a finer fea
ture of th landarap than th bullying
enginery of war, even wbea they are eld
"ColumbU's." as useless ss blunderbusses.
as Its Name.
ments showed a combined deposit of nearly
a half million dollars. There are two news
paper located here, the Journal, founded
In 1873. being the oldeef paper In north
eastern Nebraska, and the Leader, founded
in 1S":. Both enjoy a good business. A
fine opera house, a good system of water
works and local and long distance tele
phone systems sre among tbe up-to-date
features of the plare. .
The largrst manufacturing Institution of
the city 's the Ponca Brick and Lime
works, employing fifteen men, and mailt),
an excellent quality of brick, which find a
ready sale both at home and In neighbor
ing towns. The Oath Brick works slso
employ a number of men snd turn out
good work. The Aowa Mill company,
whose riant is run by water rower, does
an extensive buslnette, aa does also the
Ponca Creamery company. The Ponca
Paint factory Is the owner ef leases on a
fine lot of ochre and other pigment depos
its. Pones has fine potter's clay, excellent
ocVre deposit, coalbeds that, sre believed
to be In paying quantities, and etrong Indi
cations of petroleum and gaa are found
along the river bluffs north of the city.
What Ponca needs is experienced men ef
means to develop her resources. Bvery en
couragement would be offered to such men,
with every probability of their being able
to do much for themselves financially, a
well aa adding a great del to the material
wealth ot the city.
North Tlatte Tribune: As the time for
holding tbe congressional convention ap
proarhea the. show of Judge Orimes re
ceiving the nomination Increases. The
people of the district are becoming cog
nizant of the fact that h is the logical
Dalnvlew Republican: Senator Young
seems to be the choice of the republican
editors of this district tor congress. All
or nearly all of them seem to think that
Congressman Robinson is a hard man to
beat and that Young would be the most
apt to defeat him.
Wausa Enterprise-Herald: W. W. Young
seems to be leading the candidate for the
republican nomination for congreaaman
from thta district at present. Mr. Young
Is quito popular among the people of the
"Big Third" and his nomination we believe
would mean election.
Beemer Times: Hon. W. W. Young of
Stanton, candidate for congress In this dis
trict, was in Beemer on Tuesday interview
ing our people and getting acquainted. Mr.
Young waa in the senate last year and did
good work for hla constituents and would no
doubt represent tbls district in an able
Clay Center 8un: If the Big Fifth gives
Clay county tbe rcngresslonal nomination
the popularity of the nominee, Hon. 8. W.
Christy, will give him an enormous vote in
this county and will give him a strength
throughout the district that It ia hardly
possible for any other candidate to aspire
to. There seems to be nc doubt that Mr.
Christy Is the strongest man in the field.
Wausa Gazette: As time draws near fpr
the congressional convention the situation
1 gradually simmering down to a race be
tween the two candidates. Brooks of Knox
and Young of Stanton. Mr. Brooks is mak
ing an aggressive campaign and Is ssngulns
of success. Knox county bas never before
had a candidate In the congressional field
and can be relied upon at this time to
spare no effort In landing the nomination
for 1U favorite son.
Western Nebraska Observer. Judge
Orimes is recognised as ona of th leading
candidates for congress from this district
and will go Into th convention backed
by the delegation from every county In
hla Judicial district. Being personally ac
quainted with the Judge, knowing Ms offi
cial record and high standing In tbe dis
trict and believing him to be the logical
candidate, tbey will leave no stone un
turned to secure his nomination. t
Valentine Republican: The republicans
of Cherry county should from caucus to
convention exert every possible Influence for
the nomination of Hon. M. P. Klokald for
congressman from the Sixth district. Mr.
Klnkaid Is well and favorably known In tbls
district aa a man of brilliant thought and
exerting ability which thoroughly qualify
him to equitably aerve his constituency. He
Is a man In perfect harmony with the peo
ple of the entire district and hi nomina
tion will simply mean his election by an
overwhelming majority.
Atkinson Oraphlc: Th large number of
prominent republicans seeking the nomina
tion for congress in th Sixth district indi
cates a general belief that the republicans
will wln out in tbe next election. Avail
able men like Klnkaid, Orimes, Cady,
Brown, Beemer and as many more who ax
seeking the nomination, are not found In
such abundance in many congressional dis
tricts. The Big Sixth could, If required,
furnish capable and' well-equipped repre
sentatives for all tha Nebraska congres
sional dletrlcU, and a governor besides,
without perceptibly diminishing th ranks
of splendid and representative republicans
who have their bomea within IU territory.
Haatlng Tribune: With all due respect
to tbe various candidates who ar after
th republican nomination for congress
from tbe Fifth district, th Trlbun Is
of the opinion that tbe strongest man la
tbe field today ia W. P. McCreary. This
la not said almply because he halls from
Haatlng; far from it, but because of bis
splendid ability, his excellent, inimitable
and effective campaign work. He haa
stumped the state for the republican party
for the last fifteen years and has always
worked for the election and advancement
of others; and hla only fault Is that be
has neglected to pull for himself Instead of
constantly booatlng for othera. . If th
republtcana who convene here In conven
tion on the 10th of June should honor Mr.
McCreary with the nomination it will be
placing honor where they rightfully be
long and they will never bave occasion
to feel otherwise than proud of their can
didate. Kearney Hub: Th Hub Is assured by a
friend ot A. E. Cady that he will not under
any circumstances be a candidate for tbe
republican nomination for governor. This
statement is called up by several para
graphs that hare recently appeared In the
Hub and that have called out favorable
comment from other republican papers.
Thla Informant states that he entered the
canvass for the congressional nomination
very reluctantly, but now that he is In it
la la to stay, and that he Is "not a man
who is likely to change a course of actios
after he haa decided upon It." Tbls being
the rsae it la of course uaeless to tslk of
Csdy and tbe governorship; snd this brings
us back again to the fact, or rather to tbe
feeling that tbe man who will b nominated
for governor t Lincoln next month ts not
yet la the field, although there ar several
candidates, either of whom would b ac
ceptable. 6uperior Journal: Tbe mors th repub
licans of tha Fifth congressional dlstrtrt
study the situation and analyse tb "Vote
given to Captain C. S. Adams in llbl, tbe
more cerUIn they fl that b 1 tb logical
candidal for W2- HI vot In 1393 abewed
a gala over th fuatoa majority of tha year
before of 6,t7 votes. In the campaign of
1?S Mr. Adams took an advanced position
upon the settlement of all questlona grow
ing out of the war with Spain. Every posi
tion taken by him and dla-tiascd by blm on
the stump the Cuban question, our national
policy in the Philippines, th building of an
Intwroceanlo canal, our commercial advan
,A avowing out of th algnal vlctortaa of
our army and navy, the maintenance of our
flag on all raptured territory, the prompt
reinforcement of our array and navy has
become the fixed policy of our government
today. Mis services as a soldier, bis prac
tical Identification with all western Inter
ests, his experience in agriculture, in stotk
raising, in irrigation and the handling of
the commercial problems which have atded
o materially In fostering and building up
weatern interests, have eminently fitted him
for a seat in the American congress.
Now doth the straw hat and the shirt
waist glorify the earth.
The lawyers did pretty well In the Fair
will contest In San Francisco, aecurlng
13.000.000 out of an estate of $17,000,000.
That Michigan philanthropist waa not far
wrong when he wrote about "Indignant
women" In his will. It appears he gave a
few of vhera the mlUen.
Immediately after Senator Hoar's speech
the senate went Into executive eeaslon and
discussed a sixty-pound as I moo Introduced
by Senator Mitchell of Oregon.
Murphy. MacMahon snd Gaffen are the
triplets controlling the deatiny of Tammany
hall Just bow. Begob." says Dooley,
"there ain't many Dagoes In that bunch."
Tha esteemed Mrs. Lease Is free-footed
at Isst, the courta of Kansas having
severed her matrimonial strings. Old Man
Lease waa wise enough to remain oa the
back seat while Mary Elizabeth did the
Msnjlro Karkahania. a Japansss naval
officer who haa Just died, was well known
In thla country. He waa one of s party
of shipwrecked Japanese picked up 'by s
New Bedford. Mass., whaler in 1839. He
waa educated here, and on his return home
translsted into Japanese a number of
valuable English books.
Dispatcher from various points In Canada
say a large number of Americans are
settling across the border, buying up farm
land, rattle ranches, going into business
and taking charge of factories. As a con
sequence the natives are chuckling over
the prospects for a boom. They seem to
like the visitors, too. Judging by their seal
In hanging onto Greene and Oaynor.
"Joe" Cannon and aeveral colleagues
were discussing the right kind of bait for
bass when a rather assertive and loud
voiced member laid down thla proposition:
"Tbe wise man Is he who hesitates; only
the fool la certain." "Ar you sure about
that?" asked Mr. Cannon Insinuatingly. "I
am certain of It." waa the dogmatic
party's reply, and It was soma time before
he understood why everybody smiled
Shortly before Andrew Carnegie sailed
for Europe a friend congratulated him
on the success of his new book and Jokingly
added that he bad heard the millionaire
Intended to write a volume of love poema.
"What nonsense!" aald Carnegie. "Why
not?" said hla friend. "You have been In
love, haven't you?" "Oh, yea." waa tha
dry reply. "I have also been seaatck, but
that's no reason why I ahould write a poem
about It, even If I had ability to write
Colonel Poaey 6. Wilson ot Alexandria,
Va., frequently Illumines the pages of th
New York Sun with letters, discouralve and
poetical, and adorned with words and
phraaes from foreign tonguea. The colonel
In his latest eruption expresses regret be
cauae the president did not select htm aa
special ambassador to the coronation. "I
cannot see," be eaya, "why President Roose
velt sends members ot the lgnoblle vu1k'
to see the crowner's questing of King Ei
ward, when I, a relation of the king's, am
willing to go and pay my fare, ex manu
mea." That sounds very much like the
Poaey that bloomed In Wyoming years sgo
and shed Ita fragranc In tbe column of
tbe lamented Omaha Herald.
Harvard Lampoon: Elderly Gentleman
(as freshman Jumpsi Have a oar!
Freshman (breathlessly) No, thanks;
Tve got troubles of my own."
Washington Star: "I see that our friend,
the politician, haa come out uncompromis
ingly for reform.
Well! well!" rejoined Senator Sorghum;
"I didn't know he had made money enough
to Indulge in auch luxuries!"
Philadelphia Press: "I want to get a
dog collar," said the customer. ,
-Tes, air," replied th cUrk who had re
cently been transferred from the haber
daahery department. "What slxe shirt do
you weart'r
Chicago Tribune: "How time doe drag!"
wearily ticked the pendulum of the clock.
"Oh, I don't know," aald the mercury in
the thermometer, rising to respond. "It
seems only a short Urn alnc 1 was in
th 'thlrtl.' "
Smart Bet: Mrs. Jon I don't see what
she wanted to marty him for. Ha ha a
cork leg, a glass y and fala teeth.
Mr. Smith Well, my dear, you know
women always did nave a hankering after
Chicago Post: "Th pleasing thing about
rour husband," they aald to the wife of
he man who had Just been elected to of
fice, "Ib that he haa a well-defined policy."
"Two of 'em," answered th wife proudly;
on for tt.OU) and on for tlu.OUO, not to
mention tb accident policy."
Washington Star: "Theres only on com
fort to be drawn from a volcanlo erup
tion," said the optimist.
"What 1 that?T
"It must grind th feeling ef th coal
barons fearfully to see auch an enormoue
consumption of fuel without being able to
collect a cent"
Philadelphia Press: Conductor Sixteenth
street! Ain't thl wher you git out,
Mia Ann Teelc Sixteenth! Wby, I told
rou Thlrty-alxth atreeb Bucb stupidity I
11 report
Conductor Bg your pardon, ma'am. It
must be I got to thlnkin' o' alxteen, be
kaae 'twaa nearer yer as, ma'am.
. Chicago Record-Herald.
It' over now; the blow haa fell at laat;
It seems a though the aun can t shins
no more, . -
And nothing looks the way It did before;
The glad thought that I used to think are
past !
Her desk's shut up today, th lid's locked
The keys where sh typewrot ar stUl;
her chair .
Look aad and lonesome sUndln' empty
Thla mornin' when fhe boa com la h
found . .
A letter that he'd got from her. and o
IT read It over twtc and turned around
And id: "Tb little fool's got mar
ried!" Oh!
It seemed a If I'd atnk down through th
And never peep no more I didn't though.
The chap'e a beau we didn't know ahe had.
1 rorae from out of town somewhere,
they say; .
I hope he's awful homely and that they
Will fight like cat and doga and both be
But ttui there. on thing makes m kind
of glad:
The long-legsed clerk must stair and
work away.
And though he keep pretendln" to be gay.
It s plain enough to e he a feelln' bad.
I wish when I'm a man and rich and
She'd see m tall and handsome then,
and be
B lamed sorry that ah didn't wait for me.
And that she"d hear th peopl cheerio'
When I went past and down thsr In to
'Id s her lookJa' at m aorrowf ly.