Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Puts the Minionairoi! in Hole Where Podge
AUowar Left Them.
Money-Barner t'aahls) to ! Anything
svlth Hoirkf Man Offerings,
While Daxrn All
Bat Well.
Will Plfher Owen was demonstrating
that "Podre" Alloway u Bot the only
Omaha twlrler who can hold the Mllllon
'alres to three hlta. aeven other Rourke
Rangers were Juggling on the ban the moat
deceptive effort of McNeeley, the atar
thrower of the visiting team, and landing
thera gently Just out of reach of the west
erner whenever they pleased. The reeult
aa that anothi-r ahutout waa administered
to Colorado Springs at Vinton Street park
.Monday and thla lwt game of the aerlea,
with lta acore of to 0, Illustrated more
conTlnclngly than ever the disparity be
tween the two teams.
Aside from Omaha's fusillade of timely
nd effective hits and the readiness with
which the Rangers fielded any kind of
play from doubles down the gam wai
devoid of unusual features on the Gate
City aide as far aa mass play waa con
cerned. The boy simply waded In and
batted out a victory In the first Inning, and
then took it easy, never playing loos
ball, however.
Omahn'a Knd of the Game.
But Owen s playing waa really of tha
double aaterlsk order, aa waa his fielding.
'Side by side with him atand Stone and
Dolan for their magnificent batting. Stone
with a double In the first brought In the
leading and winning run, also another. Ha
made three hlta out of three times up,
also a pretty sacrifice In the ninth, batting
1000 per cent for the day, and getting
m fresh hold on the league batting cham
pionship. Dolan made three beautiful sin
gles, two of them scoring runs. Carter and
Oenlns hit safely twice each, the latter out
of three tlmea up. It seemed that none of
those four could help slaughtering the awlft
ahoota offered by the beat twlrler the Mil
lionaire can boast, and a mighty good one,
too. Again, Thomas caught a very credit
able game.
There la no game today, but Dee Moines
cornea Wednesday, and with the arrival of
the Iowar.s ladles' day Is announced. When
the fane appear on that occasion they will
find 1.000 more aeata in tot west bleach
era and row of boxea decorating the front
of the grandatand. Wagonloads of lumber
began arriving even before Monday's game
waa over, and the only real sensation of
the afternoon waa caused by a driver from
the lumber yard trying to run his pair of
Percheron draft horses and bis open Stude
haker over Calhoun at first baae on the
gallop. Attendance, 1,000. Score:
' A . AB. R. H. O. A. B
Carter, rf 4 2 2 0 0 0
Oenlns, If 3 8 2 0 0 0
Stone, cf 3 2 3 1 0 0
Calhoun, lb 4 0 0 11 0 0
Dolan, aa 6 1 3 8 2 0
Stewart, 2b 4 0 10 10
Hlckey. 3b 4 0 110 1
Thomas, c 4 0 1 11 1 0
Owen, p 4 0 0 0 0
Totals . ..35 "i 13 27 14 "l
- AB- R- H. O. A. E.
Barrett, If 1 0 0 0 0 1
Hemphill, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0
Everltt, lb 4 0 2 12 0 0
Dratinen, rf 4 0 0 2 0 0
Granville, 3b 4 0 0 0 t 1
HolllngRwnrth, as 3 0 1 0 4 0
Ebrlght, 2b 3 0 0 8 1 0
Arthur, c 2 0 0 6 ' 1 0
ILcNeoley, p 0 0 0 2 0
Totala 28 0 8 24 11 2
Omaha 3 f 0 0 1 0 0 1 -9
Colorado Springs ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs: Omaha, S. Two-base hit:
Stone. Sacrifice hlta: Oenlns. Stor.e,
Stewart. Double plays: Thomaa to Dolan,
Stewart to Dolnn to Calhoun, Owen to
Dolan to Calhoun. Left on basea: Omaha,
1: Colorado Springs. 5. Bases on balls:
Off Owen, 10' off McNeeley, 8. Hit by
pitched ball: By McNeeloy, 1. Struck out:
By Owen, to; by McNeeley, 6. Time: l:2u
L'mplre: Latham.
Cowboys Down the Brewers.
KANSAS CITY. May K. Cable's effective
pitching and the timely hitting of the
locals defeated Milwaukee today. Attend
ance. 3W. Hcore: .
Kansas City ...2 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 -' 12 3
Milwaukee .....0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 03 5 3
Batteries: Kansas City, Cable and Mes
sltt;. Milwaukee, Barber and Lucia.
Peoria Beats St. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, May 2fi.-Peorla won to
d:iy s game by good stick work and a
cosily error In the seventh. Score:
Peoria 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 11 4
St. Joseph 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 26 6 2
Batteries: Peoria, McKadden and Roth:
SU Joseph, Hurt and Wilson.
' Dea Motaes Wins front Denver.
PES MOINES. May 2.-Up to the ninth
Inning the score In today's game stood a
to. 1 In favor of Denver. The locals then
f ot in their heavy work with the bat, mk
ng six runs in the last half of the ninth,
eoore: ...
Des Moines... 0000 1 000 7 11 't
Denver 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 10 8
Batteries: Des Moines, Barry and Han
sen; Denver, Eyler, McConnell and Wall.
. Standing; of las Teams.
Play ad. Won. Loat. P.C.
Kansas City 30 23 7 . 7(17
Omaha ...........2K 21 7 .751
Denver 2S 18 12 .571
St. Joseph J8 14 14 .fiOO
Colorado Springs 80 13 17 .483
Peorln 29 10 1 .845
Milwaukee 2 8 IS ,J7
Des Moines ....27 8 19 .)t
No Karnes scheduled for today.
Pats Lose by Lean Margla.
PIERCE. Neb., May 26 (Special Tele
gram. I A close and exciting gams of base
ball was played here thla afternoon be
tween toe r'ats and Leans. The game re
sulted In a victory for the Leans by a
S'-nre of 11 to 1". Batteries: Leans, Van
Wsrenen and Brands; Fats, McCrady.
OofT and Salts.
Detroit Playa Mara Ipklll Ball, oat
rhllllea Hold Their
hard uphill g
rally in the last I
visitors to tie the
Hartaal, it.... 1 0 1
Fulta, ef I 1
Pala. lb 0
L Crtw, lb. . t
a, bold, rf... 1
M. f'rmm, as.. 1
Pnwars, c
riitm, tb I
WlltM. t
A, May M. Detroit played
me today and batting
nnlng almost enabled the
score. Attendance, t,V4.
A Bl
o Vcttrr. lb
0 0 Harler, K. . .
U hrrt. rf...
ft'Hrtlm. rf...
O'PlherfeH. aa.
O'Oleannn. lb.,
omilon, lb...,
I MiOuIr. ...
1 Miller, p
K H O A E.
Tools.....! til T ll Totala t It 14 It 4
Philadelphia 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 8
Detroit 0 0 6 0 3 0 0 0 3
Earned runs: Detroit. 6; Philadelphia. 3.
Two-base hits: Bevbold (2), K Cross.
Three-base hit: Elberfeld. Stolen baes:
llarteel, Fultse, M. Cross 2, Castro.
Double play: Powers to L. Cross. Left on
bases: Detroit, 1; Philadelphia. 7. First
base on balls: Off Miller. 6; off Wlltse, 1.
Hit by pitched ball: Oieason. Wild pitch:
Miller. Time: 8:10. Umpire: Connolly.
Chleaajo Defeats Baltimore.
BALTIMORE, May 2. Fielding errors
behind Howell caused Baltimore's defeat
today by Chicago. Kellv received notice
today of indefinite suspension. Attendance,
3,086. Score:
B.HO.AB. R.ll.O.41.
Btrang, 3b.... t 0 Slharh. If.... 1 0 a
Williams, 2b. 0 1lt
0 0 Seymour, rf.. 0 0 0 I 0
0 t'MrOana, lb... 0 t AO
e Bitanahan. cf 0 1 1 0 0
t 0 Gilbert, aa.... 0 A 1 I 1
0 0 Ojrler. Ib 1 I 4 t 1
1 liRoblnaos, c. 1 1 t 1 I
I 0 Htwall, p.... 1 1 1 0
1 -
- I Tnfala S f IT It a
Totala t It 17 10 l
Chicago 1 1 0 2 0 0 4 0 08
Baltimore 0 020 1 00003
Sacrifice hit: Callahan. Two-base n't:
Tyler, Selbach. Three-base hit: Isboll.
Home runs: Isbell, Daly. Stolen bases:
Jones, Callahan, Williams (2. Mertes 2i.
MrKarland (2). Firrt base on balls: Off
1 '"-". .ff Oarvln, 2. . Struck out: Bv
Howell. 2; by Oarvln, 7. Left on bases':
Baltimore, 5; Chicago, 8. Time: 2:00. em
pires: Caruthers and O'Laughlln,
Browus Outplay Boston.
Jonea, rf
Callahan, rf
I'avla, lb...
Bulllran. lb
Mrta, If..,
Ithell. aa....
Oalf. ib
Mi Parland. e. 0 1 I
Garvin, p t t
t I
0 i
1 I
i I
Boston In every
catch by Htahl a
the featurea. At
ST. Long
Rurkatt, If....
Heldrlik, cf.. 1
M-Cormk, tb
Anttrraon, lb. 0
w.l i.e.. aa...
Padden. tb.... 1
alalonejr. rf . . 0
8tisdan, c 1
Povell, p 0
St. Louis outplayed
respect today. A running
nd Powell's pitching were
tendance, 8,841. Score:
A.B. R.H.O. A. IS.
0 0 Parent, as.... 0 I I 1
0 0 P'hl. cf t I 1
0 0 Colllna, lb.... 0 1 1 t
1 0 Fraaman, rf . . 1 1 0 0
1 0 Hickman. If.. 0 0 10 1
I 0 LaChanca, lb. 0 0 II I 0
1 0 Kerrla. Ib 0 0 I
0 Warnar, C....0 Site
1 O.DInaen, p I 0
Totala t I 17 I 01 ToUla Mfllt
St. Louis 0210000003
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Enrned rnna St Tinl T,.Kn Mt
Anderson. Home run: Padden. Sacrifice
nits: MoCormlek, Powell. Stolen base:
Wallace. Double play: Maloney to Ander
son to Sugden. First base on balls: Off
iJtneen, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Dlneen, 2.
Struck out: By Dlneen, 8; by Powell, 1.
Time: 1:32. Umpire: Johnstone.
Senators Lose to Cleveland.
WASHINGTON, May 2. Cleveland, by
making a couple of opportune hits In the
first Inning, won today a game from Wash
ington. Wright pitched good ball until the
ninth inning, when he gave way to Moore.
Attendance, 3,116. Score:
R.H.O. A. E.I R.H.O. AH.
Plrkarlng, ef. 1 1 1 0 olRran. ef 1 1 I 0
nempniu. u.. s i i a 0WolTrtnn, Ibl 1 M I
nick, rf till 0 Delehanty, If. 1 1 0
Wood, lb 1 1 14 0 0 Ktlatar, rf....O 110 0
nonner. tb.... Ill 0 ('ouahlln, 2b. 0 0 t t 0
Bradley. Ib... 1 I I i 0'r.arer. lb 0 1 15 0 0
Oorknauer, aa 0 0 I T 0 Ely, mm 0 114 0
Bemla, e 0 1 t 0 0 Cl.rka. c 0 14 10
Wrliht, p.... 1 10 1 OOrth, p 1 t 1 8 0
Moora, p 0 000
Totals t 17 If 1
Totala 0 17 IT 0'
Cleveland 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0t
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 03
Earned runs: Washington, 1; Cleveland,
5. Two-base hits Pickering, Wood, Brad
ley. Three-base hit: Carey. Home run:
Wright. Stolen bases: Hemphill, Keister.
Double play: Bonner to Wood. Bases on
balls: Off Orth, 2; off Wright, 3. Hit by
pitcher: By Wright, 1; by Moore. 1.
Struck out: 'By Orth, 2; by Moore, 1.
Left on bases: Washington, 9; Cleveland,
6. Time: 2.00. Umpire: Sheridan.
Standing of the Teams.
Played.Won. Lost. P.P.
Chicago 25 15 10 .800
St. Louis 24 14 10 .683
Philadelphia 28 18 11 .577
Detroit 25 14 11 .660
Boston 27 15 12 .656
Baltimore 28 13 1 .429
Washington 28 11 17 .8M
Cleveland 28 9 19 .321
Games today: Chicago at Baltimore, St.
Louis at Boston, Cleveland at Washing
ton, Detroit at Philadelphia.
Cardinals Trot Fast at the Close,
bat Chicago Passes
ST. LOUIS. May 2, St. Louis closed
fast today, but was one run behind Chi
cago when the game was over. Chance,
Her lining out a triple in the first, scor
ing two runs, was retired In favor of
Kahoe. Attendance, 1,300. Score:
chicaoo. rr. louis.
R.H.OA.xl R.H.O. A.K.
Miller. If 0 110 orarrell. lb ... 0 s a a
Jnnra, rf 1 110 0 Donovan, rf . O 110 0
uruer, id. . . v I I Bmoot, cr 0 1 I 0 0
t'onsalton. rf. J 0 1 0 0 Barclay. It 1 oil
Chanca. e 0 110 0 Kruaar, lb ... 1 10 10
Kahoa. c 0 111 Rraahaar, aa.. I 11 1
Lowa. Ib 044 OO'Neil, e 0 1 1 0
Wllllama, lb.. 1 I 19 1 Hartman, lb . 0 tt 1
Tinker. aa....l 1 I 4 1 Yerkaa, p 1 1
Mencfas, p.... Ill t Murphy, p..,.0 00
'Wtckar 0 0
Totals 10 IT II 4:
I Totala 4 I rr It 1
'Batted for Terkes In the eighth.
Chicago .' t 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 08
St Louts 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 01
Earned run- Chicago, 1. Two-base hit:
Brashear. Three-base hits: Chance, Jones.
Sacrifice hits: Dexter, Jones (2), Tinker.
Stolen bases: Congalton, Tinker. Hit by
pitcher: By Menefee, 1; by Farrell, 1.
Wild pitch: Menefee. Bases on balls: Off
Terkes, 8; off Menefee, L Struck out: By
Terkes, 8; by Menefee, 1. Left on bases:
. , .......... . a, -
Doctors Wv.
Can't cure an incurable disease. Nor can
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. But it has cured a
great many most desperate cases, chronic
cases, such cases as no other medicine in the
world touches.
The next time you talk with your doctor
ask him if knows of any. other cough medicine
that so quickly cures colds and coughs, even
the hardest kind of lung troubles. He will
give you an honest answer. Abide by it.
" I was given p to dit with quick conoumption. I rapidly lost in weight
from 138 lo 9S pounds. I had repeated hemorrhages, and at last went to bed .
never expecting to get up. I then tried Ayer Cherry Pectoral, and In nina
1 E
month .
had regained my old weight and waa a well man again."
Cha. . Uakt-an, P.M., Cifcbatowo. N. Y.
C Me-. II M.
J. C. AVER CO., UwsM, Mas.
St. Louis. 9; Chicago. 1 Time: 1:87. Um
pire: O'Day
Unanes Postponed.
At Pittsburg Pittsburg-Philadelphia
game postponed; rain.
ttandlaar ml the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P.C
Plttsburg h n i .848
Chlr-aso 11 21 10 T7
New York 31 IS IS .81
Boston W 13 13 .44
Cincinnati 30 12 18 .4"8
Brooklyn 81 12 19 .3x7
Philadelphia V 11 19 .7
8t. Louis 27 IS .83
Oames today: New Tork at Boston,
F hlladelphla at Brooklyn. Chicago at St.
LcjIs, Cincinnati at Pittsburg.
Kansas City Is hnt Ont by Milwaukee
Tkronsk Pitching of
Altrork. "
MILWAfKEE. May 2.Altrock shut
Kansas City OJt by pitching good ball and
lecelvintr perfect support. Weyhlng was
hit hard. Attendance, 100. Score:
R.H.O.AK. R.H.O.A.B.
Thl.l. lb 11110 Vane, ef 0 0 I
Hallman. rf .t 10 0 Rolhruaa, rt..O 1110
F.ourtrolM. It 0 1 1 0 (ISmllh. If 0 10 0
A Mc Brld.. cf 1 I I 0 0 Gradr. lb 0 1 10 1 0
Dunlin, lb...O 0 It 1 0 Berllle. c 0 0 110
V.-Anl w.. Ibl 110 OO'nrlen. tb...O 1110
riinaman. aa. 1 0 1 1 0 lev.. aa 0 0 4 4 1
'peer, c 1 1 1 1 OOMi RrMe. Ib 0 1 1 10
Altrork, p....O 0 0 T l Wrrnlng. p... 0 10 4 1
Totals T 10 17 11 ll Totala 0 0 14 It 4
Milwaukee 0 2 0 0 4 0 1 0 7
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Earned runs Milwaukee, 2. Two-base
nita: Hourgeoise, McAndrews. Hallman,
A. McBrlde. Three-base hit: A. McBrlde.
Sacrifice hit: Altrork. Bases on bajls: Off
AiirocK. s: orr weyning, z. stolen bases
Thiel. McAndrews (3). Wild Ditch: Wev
hlng. Struck out: By Altrork, 8: by Wey
ning, . l.eri on Dases: MiiwauKee, 6
Kansaa City, 8. Umpire: Ward. Time
Gnmes Postponed.
At St. Paul St. Paul-Minneapolis game
poeiponea; rain.
Standing- of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P.t
Columbus 30 20 10 .BR7
Indlannpolls 24 15 9 .628
Louisville 27 16 11 .M5
Bt. t-aui ZR is 11 .677
Kansas City 29 IS 14 .517
Milwaukee 28 12 16 .429
Minneapolis 25 7 18 .20
toieao J!6 7 19 . 269
Games today: Kansas City at Miiwau
Kee, Minneapolis at St. Paul, Indianapolis
at Louisville, Columbus at Toledo.
Stock Yards Kids Are Strong;.
The I'nlon Stockyards Kids went out to
Ames Avenue Dark last evenlnar to trv con
clusions with some of the senior team of
me Young Mens Christian association.
The boya expected defest. but with lots of
nerve they waded In and when it waa all
over It looked like 13 to 1 In their favor.
The boys put up a fast game, making but
one error. Adams' curves were puzzlers,
Caughev's batting waa a noticeable fea
ture. The association men were lined up
for the first time this season and showed
a lack of practice. Score:
R H E?
Stockyards Kids 2 S 1 0 818 7 1
Y. M. C. A 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 8 12
Batteries: Stockyards Kids, Adams and
Miller; Young Men's Christian association,
Hanson, Young and Karr. Struck out: Bv
Adams, 7; by Hanson, 6. Bases on balls':
Off Adams, 2; off Hanson, 8. Umpire: Elliott.
Hlsrhland Park Is Beaten.
OTTAWA. Kan.. May 26. (Special Tele-
tram.) The Highland Park team from
es Moines waa defeated by the local
team 8 to . The game waa brilliant with
errors snd chewing the rag. Both teams
made errors and Clark, Iowa's pitcher, is
responsible for the rag-chewing. He got
angry with the men of his own team and
in the fifth inning threw the ball down
and started to leave the field. He was per
suaded to return by his manager. Foglo
berg pitched his usual good game. True
blood, Peteraon, King and Thompson led
In the batting. Score:
R H E3
Ottawa 0 2 0 0 0 2 ( 1 08 7 "
Io a 0 10 112 10 0- 8
Batteries: Ottawa, Pogleberg and Peter
aon; lowa, Clark, Thompson and Ellis.
t'otoer Takes Eaay, Victory.
LINCOLN, May 26. (Special.) The base
ball team of Cotner university defeated
the second team of the University of Ne
braska on the state grounda Saturday. 11
to 6. The Cotner team played all around
their opponents. Score:
Cotner t 0 1 2 0 t 4 0 011
State 0 1 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 f
Batteries: Cotner, Lodwlg, Shuman and
Judlvlne; State, Thompson and Mullgin.
Errors: Cotner, 8; State, 6. Hits: Cotner,
18; State, 8. Btrurk out: By Lodwlg, 7;
by Shuman, 7; by Thompson, 7.
Pender looses to Visitors.
PENDER, Neb., May 6. (Special.) The
Sioux City stockyards baee ball team de
feated Pendr Sunday. The game was
snappy throughout and witnessed by about
300 people. Score:
Sioux City 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 3
Pender 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 12
Batteries: Sioux City, Schell an8 Rae;
Pender, Wheeler and Schumpp. Struck
out: By Wheeler, 7; by Rae, 7.
Sontbera Association.
At Chattanooga New Orleans, 7; Chatta
nooga. A.
At Birmingham Birmingham, 8; Mem
phis, 8.
At Nashville Nashville, 5; Shreveport, 8.
At Atlanta Atlanta. 7; Little Rock, 4.
Three-I League.
At Rockford Rockford. 2: Evansvllle. 1.
At Bloomlngton Terre Haute, 7; Bloom
Ington, 4.
Ellison's Colt Tnkes First Place In
tke Derby Wlthont
CINCINNATI, May 2.-Harry New. from
the stable of C. R. Ellison, won th La
tonla Derby today In easy fashion before
a crowd of 10,000 persons. South Trimble,
favorite in the betting, coupled with Martin
Burke a.a an entry, finished - ond. with
his stable companion third. Ate Frank, the
only ether starter, finished a poor last
The closing price on the winner was 8 to 1,
although at one time during the betting he
waa as good a to 1. There was a Mg
filay on Harry New and all the books quit
oeer to the race.
The Derby waa devoid of any sensatlonel
features. Otlr, who rode the winner, al
lowed his mount to lag along In third posi
tion till the stretch waa reached, and with
a little urging the colt came away from the
others and won by five open lengths.
South Trimble landed the place handily.
Abe Frank made a bid for the money at
the head of the stretch, but the heavy
Impost seemed to tell on his speed and he
dropped back steadily in the end. Rob
Baker, the trainer of South Trimble, thinks
that the horse lost becsuee Jockey Buch
anan waited too long to make his run. The
favorite wss last when the stretch turn
waa reached and the horse waa not equal to
the task of overtaking the leader when
called upon to do ao.
The winner of the race Is a black colt by
Imp. Pirate of Penxance-Barcelona, and
has been racing all season In ths colors of
Hops Laudeman, the bookmaker.
Starter Dwyer's work with the flag; was
perfect. Charles F. Price presided in the
judges' stand. The track, despite ths
thorough soaking it received during the
last few days, waa In fairly good condi
tion, but far from being fast. Results:
First race, six furlongs:. Death won.
Jack Ratlin second, Foneda third. Time:
Seuond race, one mile, selling: Jena won,
Nelse Morris second. Masterful third.
Tlmo: 1:44.
Third race, five furlongs, 2-vear-olds:
Lura Lighter won. Deborah second, Nancy
Blske third. Time: I:u3i4
Fourth race, the Lutonla Derby, net
value H.3&0, one and a half miles: Harry
New won. South Trimble second, Martin
Burke third. Time: 2:,.
Fifth rare, five furlongs: Sheriff Bell
won, Rosanco second. Burlap third. Time:
1:03 V
Sixth event, one mile, selling: Drum
mon l won. Chorus Boy second, Audiphone
third. Time: 1:43.
Skat Leaajue Officers.
DETROIT. Mav 28. The following officer
were eieciea looay ror me ensuing yesr
by the North American Skat league, which
is holding its fifth snnual congress In this
rl r v VwA iiiunili.. ru.Mi..
vie presidents'. Chrlntlsn Boheppach ot
irvt-mim ana raui ornneioer or 1 teve
land: treasurer. Otto Rusrh of Detroit;
secretsry, Theodore F. Osclus of Detroit.
Cleveland was decided on ss ths next meet
ing place. It was also decided to hold an
International skat tournament, open to ths
world. In Si. Louis In 19o4.
Our sales are enormous and continually
on the Incresss; Cook's Imperial Extra Dry
Champs go, it 1 the best on tha market.
what you
ajy la pa
TtierA M one certain way of curins Indigestion and Stomach troubles.
that Is; give your stomach a rest but etlll eat plenty of pood food to
keep up the nourishment for your body. You can do this by using
Kodol Drsr-ErsiA Ccrk because it Is the one preparation which d I pests
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It relleres that feeling of fullness, belching and distress after eating.
"I suffered with dyspepsia a great many years. 1 tried many remedies
without relief until I used Kodol Dybtepsia Cure. Mt health has
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It can't help but do you good
Prepared by E. C. DeWltt k Co., Chicago. The 11. bottle contain 24 times the Soc (Is.
When you need a soothing and healing application for piles, and skin dia
eases, use DeWITT'S Witch Hazol SALVE. Beware of counterfeit.
An Office With a Hard Wood Floor
The Bee
There Is nothing like a well kept hard
wood floor in an office. It Insures clesnll
ness, beside being a decided ornament.
Whenever a new tenant moves in, our
room are put Into perfect condlton, and
then they are kept that way. Would you
like an office In the best kept building In
Omaha T
Ground Floor. Bee Building, Rental Agents-
Fully half bar esaim Uss la ths glory
at her hair, ua
Hair Regenerator
I responsible for most of ths been tt ml
hh oi nair yon a lo-nar it is abao.
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able for Beard sad Mns'anehn. Sainpl
pf hair salored res. fcenAfot Psjhlat
Chemical Co. 1- W. u St., N. T.
Omaha 8 p. m. Daily
Arriving at
Chicago 7 a. m.
Sleeping Cars Only.
1401-3 Far nam St
Only $45
First clas round trip, open to
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Tlckete aa sale May 27 to Jane
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Special train srlll leave Omaha
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wltk Btaadard and Tonrlat
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MHITI DOVi CUt satar Jaiu waeatrer urn.
Ins Uir airvus ansa, uia ,wwul, iut vucb cua
ailat aicr saisaT Uiia raanadr. OItcs to wr Hqakr
vttu or wlUloul Kaoarlanta of aahUesll laalateaa; Sis
aucn&as a Mcvvsuau. siassiMSi hu w was
In Europ
Frank G. Carpenter to
In ves tiga te the Grea t
American Peril.
Beginning In June Tha Be will publish a remark
ble aerlea of Illustrated letter frem Prank O. Csr
penur on what tha Yankees are doing In Europe
and on tha change which ara going on In that con
tinent. Ths old Europe la fast passing away and a
nsw country and people ara taklna It nlaes. Trad
condltione are rapidly changing. Th peopla ara shaking off their Blp Vaa Win.
kl sleep of sees, and beginning to realise that the American Giant of th West
ha girded hi loins and Is ready to fight with them for all that la worth baring
of this world and thla world's good. Th fight indeed haa already begun, and
even at Its starting It Is In tha faror of th West. Tha greatest countries ol
Europe are attempting to combat It. Their parliament already refer to It ftl
"The American Invasion," tha Emperor of Senna ny haa called It th "Orsat
American Peril," and th Boards of Trade and Manufacturers of England
stand aghast at th prospect.
In Great Britain, Germany, Prance, Auaaia, Holland and Belgium aa wall a
In tha other countries of Continental Burop, thlg Increase of American com
raerce la teadtly going on. Tha Tanks Exporter has put on tha Seven Leagu
Boots of the Twsntleth Century, and It la going forth ilk an electrical dynamo
in breeches. He Is just now at tha beginning of his Journey and thoss who
know him beat are aura h will not atop until h has distanced all ethar on tha
groat race track of the world. To desorlbe ths new conditions and tha thou
sand and one changes caused by It Mr. Carpenter haa planned an extenslv
tour of the United Kingdom and th ConUnent. H la now In England and
later on will visit Russia, Gsrmany, Franc and other countries In th Inter
of our reader.
In England for Instance, ha will tall how TJnol Bam ha to
spoon-feed John Bull to keep him alive, how he clasps him
between cotton aheeta at night and how by mean af hi
new electrical machinery h Is preparing to carry him to
work on our modern street car. Ha will show how Ena-
land'a coal bids fair to giro out and how 'wa eventually
must keep our British cousins warm. Th Now London, th gigantic metro
polis of th world aa a trade oyster for th American to open will b pictured
and a comparison of th big trust af th "Tight LltO Island" and thoss af
our oountry be made.
OERf.lflHY I
In German Mr. Carpenter wilt Investigate th condition of
the American Hog and how how not th farmers, but th
rich land holder are fighting agatnat lta Importation. Ha
will deicrlba how Germany la trying to capture th Ocean
by building the best and fastest shins naw afloat, and win
make one letter on Kaiser Wllhslm aa th Orsat Interna
tional Drummer who la pushing Oerraany s trad and business in every way
He will picture Berlin a It la In thi year 1K, and traveling over eastern and
western Germany will compare their laborers with our workmen and describe
the wonderful technical aohoois which th Emperor haa Instituted to aid him in
making the commercial conquest of tha world.
Mr. Carpsntr letter from Russia cannot but be of tha greatest
Interest. Th Russians next to tha Americans ara tha coming
peopla or th world of tha future. Mr. Carpenter will visit th
capital, St. Petersburg and glv letter about th young Ciar and
hi government. Ha will Investigate for ua tha ohanarea which
are going on In Industrial Russia and will open up a nsw view of
the enormous public works now building. Ths Trans-Siberian Railroad la only
one of those. Russia haa canal and other undertakings In hand which are even
more wonderful. Russia la already a great manufacturing country and expects
to have a great share In tha markets of both Europe and Asia m tha future.
Ths Russians are now buying millions of dollar worth ef A merles n goods
Mr. Carpenter will tell how these are handled and how you how million more
can be placed.
rTiii: nnifiiTl
I Ilk llllllflasj )
Returning again to Germany, th Orsat Trad Rout Of
tha Rhine will ba described. Its factories, rather than
its castles will form tha material of Mr. Carpenter let
Ura and ha will carry ua along on boat loaded wttR
American meat, wheat and cotton ratbsr than on tha
acenlfl pleasure steamers of that famous river. North
ern and Southern Germany will give many out of tha way lettera and Hamburg,
the giat free port of Continental Europe, and lta vast trad with th United
State will b especially Interesting.
The Tanks la Holland and Belgium will fttrnlah
good material. With Mr. Carpenter wa shall as
how our cotton and wheat are used In the land of
"Dykes and Windmill" and learn whether our steel
cannot make a foot hold In tha beehive of Europe,
known aa Belgium.
' In hi tour of Franc Mr. Carpenter will Inolud tha allk dry mt
Lyons, where thirty mllllona of dollar worth of silk and vat-
vat ara mala every year. He will show how our own silk mill
ara faat crowding those of Europ and give Uncle Bam aotn
points as to bow to make his daughter' clothes.
wvww fSS.f
Mr. Carpenter' ability 4a a correspondent Ua,a
been well proven, in addition to having visited
every part of his own country, he haa scsioped
South America, has girdled ths Paolfla ocean
from th Aleutian Islands to Van Dieman's
La no, and haa mad three trlpa to Asia to de
scribe changea and conditions of that continent. Slam and Java, Burma h aad In
dia, Egypt and ths Holy Land. Turkey and Oreece are wall known to him aad m
this trip to Europs hs goes to lands which h has visited many ttmsa m tb
past and which be I now abl to dsscrlb In th new and changing condltione
of this year IK
These letters will not be confined altogether to commercial subject. They wilt tab
all matters of human Interest along ths lines of modern progress and will be so
written that they will Interest, net only tha laborer and th capitalist, but var
man, woman and child who wishes to keab abreast Of and t know what 1w
going on In tbs world of today. They will cover such a wld rang that they
will run for a whole year, beginning In June.
Carpenter Letters