TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEK: TUESDAY, 31 AY 27, 1002. 10 JOORESASDCCPID ARE BUSY his "ways are not dark HALF OF THE GRADING DONE London Time Lends It Dignified Column! to Advertising the Firm. GIRL IN FARAWAY RUSSIA WRITES Wants the lnror 1 Her "Str-ona-, Healthy, Geoa-Xatared . Man" for the Matrimonial Vai'KC. Mayor Moor' fame as a sociologist and aa the author of that charming little book "Heart and Hand" has found Its way to the Siberian wilds and the English public It reading about !t over tta afternoon tea. The story about Mayor Moores' matri monial bureau started originally aa a Joke. He really rc.vsr had any intention of start ing such a bureau, and the only part be took In the enterprise was tho passive one of re ceiving a letter from a Cleveland, O., pub lication asking him to forward 11 tbe names of young Nebraskans who might be induced to correspond with factory girls in the east ern part of the t'nlted States, object matri mony. He did not auswer the letter, nor ld he send any names, but the story that lie had formed a partnership with Cupid ob tained currency. Every newspaper that copied the Item added a line or so on Its own account tiutll now- the London Times Report Committee to larntlistt Condor! of Colored Lawyer. Tbe Ingenuity and ambition of Ignatius J. Dunn, "assistant county attorney In and for Douglas county," met with some more discouragement yesterday morning when the committee appointed by Judge Baiter to investigate tbe rondurt of Fred I Smith, a colored attorney, returned a report clear ing Smith. Dunn started disbarment proceedings. apparently In tbe hope or creating a sus picion that Prlnre Wheeler, a witness for the state in the case against rollceman Martin Shields, charged with assaulting V. B. Walker, was to be gotten out of town before the case came on for trial In district court. He filed affidavits of I Wheeler. Wheeler's wife, street fair terpslchorean performer, and John E. Tay lor, a colored neighbor of Wheeler's. In Progress of Work on Verdigrii Extension of Elkhorn Road. NEW LINE TO BE OPENED IN SEPTEMBER Three- Hondren Teams aad Five Hea- drrri Men at Work Eastern Lodges to TraTrl with Tangier to 9aa Franelsca. General Manager Bldwell of the Fremont, Elkhorn Missouri Valley railroad has Just returned from the scene of the Verdigris extension with the first news that has been had concerning the progress on that work for many weeks. "Thirty-six miles and a half of that line Is graded," aald he, "and therea only sixty-nine miles in all, so we are well along as regards distance. Then these affidavits it was made to appear that the heavy mile and a quarter of rock work Smith had called at Wheeler's bouse the I west of Niobrara, which was a bigger taak day Wheeler was allowed a few hours out I than all the other sixty-seven and three- of jail on Dunn's recommendation, and I quarters miles combined, Is completed to there offered to furnish the witness $40 for transportation. The Judge apolnted Howard B. Smith, A. C. Troup and H. V. Leavltt committee to Investigate, and a bearing was given last week. The Wheeler family and Taylor grade. I walked over the grade myseir. This Job was an enormous task, 100,000 ruble yards of rock having been taken out there. "Thus the building of this railroad has now ceased to be a matter of grading. That were put : i the stand and Dunn added tbe amounts to nothing now. It Is the bridging weight of his own rehearsal of events that which Is tbe big thing confronting ua. Thero he knew about and guessed at Smith's at- will be about fifty email bridges and the big H. Huttoo. John vl right. Captain Her and course be built in advance of the track. Wa Officer M. McCarthy and Charles Catlln. cross Tonca creek alone about fifteen times. The committee confldered the evidence We already have all bridges In between and reported to Judge Baxter yesterday that Smith Is not guilty and the charges against htm not sustained. Cut glass nappy, 13. Edholm, jewever. mint dlrnlned aDd veracious of dailies . c Kubat. called Smith. Dr. J. nn over tn Vlnhrara river. Theee must of charges Omaha's mayor witn trying u uo populate the British teles. Design on F.ncH fttrla. The Times serves It up aa follows: Nebraska's Matrimonial Offer Mayor Moore, of Omi.hst. V. 8. A., desires to re duce the surplusage of marriageable gills In Knglswl ana he ohb evolved a. solution for the problem c.auMd by the relative dearth of women In Nvbrask. lie has prepared an artistic book, containing half-tone pic tures of young Nebraskans matrimonially 4..ii.,.h i:,i,r nurh iiii'ture Is a descrip tion rvf' thr Individual's personality and t.rospeots and of his desires regarding a wife! The book will be circulated widely In Kasteru States and the manufacturing towns of the Kritlsh Isles. Mr. Moore; savs: "We would prefer factory girls and the so-celled highly born need not apply. (ilrJs coming here may expect to work hard as housewives, but will be well treated and will have the satisfaction of growing up with Nebraska aent it to his honor In a letter. She Wants No "aint. This missive from the land of "ovlchs and offskys" follows: IIjGOWA, Kowns, Russia, May 13. Mayor Moores: Dear Blr in reference to the Inclosed cutting 1 will Introduce myself as an American girl working for her living In the north of Kussla. (Very homesick Ian. i fihp knows how to keeD house, can mend stockings, can make hash and boll a potatoe: loves all animals and is not arram of a mouse or fun; can "stick" on a horse, Is not 30 years old, not ugly or very pretty. weighs less than I'm pounds and has a Verdigris and a point two miles west of Mo brara except the big one. and I think we will get them all in as early as we plan to. The road will be finished on September 15, according to present calculations. Three hundred teams and 500 men are being kept GLASS COMBINE NOT BROKEN busy " '. ' everything possible is being done to hasten It. Tbe sixty-pound rails Mr. Kennard Talks of the Agreement I for the track are being hustled up from the to Be Contlnaed Another I main line between Stanton and O'Neill, Year I where they are being replaced by heavier steei. "We are satisfied with our Lead City ex tension. It is a fine piece of railroad and we are proud of It. I understand that they now have at South Omaha most of the im portant pieces of Bteel for the bridges In tbe connecting line to our yards, and are now awaiting some minor pieces." Shrlner'a Going; to 'Frisco. Union Pacific passenger officials are F. B. Kennard has returned from Chi cago, where be attended a meeting of the American Flate Glass Jobbers' association, held roncurrrntlv with a meetinr of the It ia not likely that tne mayor wouia nave manufacturers. known anything about this, as tne nmea -There was considerable speculation over has few subscribers In Omaha, had not a tne resuit 0f the meeting of the manufac- Uttle girl named Addla J. Emmons, who turer- ,nd jobbers." said Mr. Kennard. "It lives up In northern Kussla, cut It out and wag believed that the understanding entered Into between tbe companies In the comblna- elated at the action of Tangier temple, the tion and thoBe on the outside would be broken, but on the last day they all got together on the basis of last year and all trouble was averted, on paper, at least. The independent manufacturers were pro vided for by being given permission to sell their proportion of the mock of the country. Tbe plan will work In. this man ner: There-are, say, tea firms manufac turing plate glass In this country. Their output will be 25,000,000 feet of glass. The annual sales of glass in this country local organization of Sbrlners. In choosing the Overland route as the official one for the' temple to the coming convention in San Francisco. Information has arrived tt Union Pacific headquarters that as a result of this change of plans the Omaha Sbrlners are to be specially honored by two of the most important temples of the east with an invitation to accompany them to the coast from Omaha. A large ma jorlty of the temples are going via the Union Pacific, and Lulu temple of Phila pretty figure she la told). She would amount to about 15,000,000 feet, so that each delphia Is one that has signified its inten- I y I ItllllUHi lirtMlllJi pmn.,-l. iu, . limn, not a ealnt and not too great a sinner, and who would try to love and appreciate a good little wile. Hearing that the climate is severe, per haps you will describe it in your reply. All her relatives live In America; her father Is now In 'Frisco, lours trjly, ADD1E J. EMMONS. factory will mil three-fifths of what it might manufacture. All orders from Job bers are sent to one man, a distributing agent In Chicago. He apportions tha orders among the factories so that each one will receive its Just proportion based upon Its total capacity. . This plan operated last tlon of asking Tangicrltes to ride with It, thus placing tbe Omahana in company with many of the most prominent members of the order. This move had been planned by the easterners some time ago, but when It was learned that the local shrine was going west on a different route from the Remarkable Sale of Fine Lace Curtains and Draperies THE entire stock of fine curtains and draperies bought of a well known dry goods store who discontinued the department on sale at less than one-half Ike regular selling prices. An unequaled opportunity for buying stylish drapery. $10.00 Lace Curtains $3.98 a Pair The finest curtains from thia stock. Including real Brussels, fine Irian Point, Arabian, Rococo, Cable Nets, etc., in the most beautiful pat terns and designs, worth up to $10.00 a patr on sale at 1 3.98 $6.00 Lace Curtains $2.98 a Pair 2.98 $4.00 Lace Curtains $1.98 a Pair 1.98 Handsome Irish Tolnt curtains, elegant Cable Nets with Imitation Battenberg borders, new Point de Calais, and nice light lacey designs In Kottlnghams, and fine ruffled net curtains with lace In sertion and lace edge, all In one lot, at, per pair Fine Nottingham lat e curtains. Cable net and Irish point curtains, also beautiful ruffled net and ruffled swlsa curtains, with wide Insertion and edging, tip to $4.00 values per pair ...' Sample Curtains 49c each Curtain corners of Irish point. Ren aissance and Brussels net, worth up to $20 a pair. These corners are up to 2 yards long, and were used as Drummer's samples, all go at each , Odd Curtains 15c each All kinds of curtains In all sizes and qualities, some In pairs, some odd, on sale at a very remarkable low price-each 15c 49c Draperies at Less Than 1-4 Price Denim, ticking and Hungarian cloths, cretonnes, sateens, etc. In full pieces, new and perfect goods, latest spring patterns worth up to 40c yard Cjft go at UW Colored dotted drapery Swiss and new Cathedral glass effect Swiss, worth up to 40c yard, go at Ow Drapery sllkolines of the finest qualities and in the newest patterns made to sell for up to f 14c yd., all go. yd 2W Opaque and felt window shades in all colors, mounted on Hartshorn self-acting rollers, com plete with fixtures, at .. 5c Tapestry furniture covering, silk, wool and cotton worth up to $1.50 yard a great variety of beautiful patterns all at, Qf per yard 37 Brass extension rods in all styles and sizes, formerly sold for up to BOc each on sale -4 f at lUC Wood curtain pcles, complete with brass rings, eti . usually sold at 25c on sale e at DC Roman lockets, new vine. Edhoim, jeweler. year, but some manufacturers complained I others it was abandoned, and Just reconsld- Best machine, Oldsmoblle. Ki Farnam st. MISSOURI CURRENT CHANGES of not getting their share of the business. I predict that there will be other complaints to follow and that with tha meeting next jfer the understanding will be dissolved. Already there are rumors of intended cut ting of the rates and the Ink Is scarcely dry on the agreement. At that meeting $40,000,000 capital was represented, mo that you see the plate glass business of the country Is beginning to assume large pro- portions." War Omaha Water Company la Anxlons for HIstb. Stage of Water. The Omaha 'Water company Is becoming Interested in the condition of the Missouri Ug jr JfJJ WESTERN RING JIVBr AIUl IUO yiuVKUIUI. irk I11BU piafto VI water thia summer. Yesterday E. M. J'alrfleld, manager of the company. Investi gated the snowfall In the mountalna and tbe conditions at tbe headwaters which would occasion higher water- He was Informed by the local weather forecaster that all hope for high water might be dropped, aa every Indication pointed to a low stage in the Missouri during the spring and summer. Mr. Fairfield aald: "Wo are not becoming alarmed over the low water, 'as under any conceivable condition we will have plenty of water at the Florence station, but we are looking up the condition of the river with reference to tbe Burt street pumping sta tion. If the river remains low this year it may cause us to put In work there which otherwise we will not have to do. Tbe river lias been forming a sandbar in front of the station for some time, and while our feed pipe waa In tbe current of the river at the tune the plant was constructed, tbe current Is now on the Iowa side. In addition to the trouble caused by tbe natural change In the channel the end of our suction pipe Is get ting Into a pocket, caused by the slag from the smelter which Is being dumped Into the liver and which Is forming a point. Right now there Is an eddy formed by tha point. bat It may become dead water soon. "If we had a stage of high water this spring It Is probable that the bar would be washed out. At the present time we can keep ths end of the suction pipe elesr only by running the pumps night and day. If the bars were gone we could run the pumps only when we desired ths water." Letter from Wyoming School Board O Atrial Aaklna" for a Teacher. Secretary Burgess of the Board of Educa tion has received the following letter from a Wyoming village which has tbe true western ring. Mr. E. U Patrick, the writer. Is a breeder of Hereford cattle, be sides being clerk of the school board, and he wants a teacher. It doesn't make much difference as to sex or age, but the applicant must have a certificate of some kind PATRICK. Wyo., May 24. Secretary School Board. Omaha: Dear Sir Can yon send me a good teacher here to teach a six-months school? Wages will be accord Ing to grade of certificate shown 440 to o0. At our annual meeting the wages were raised from $40 to et If we could get bet ter teachers. There will not be more than rive scholarH In the school. The teacher cm ret board within a half mile of the scriool at 115 and noasibly for tZ. We would like a teacher of good appearance and experience In teaching. Age no barrier up to middle age, i presume any teacner would ered since tbe announcement of last Fri day night. SAYS JONAS IS LIFE-SAVER Substance of the Allrsatton Made In Damage Salt AsaJnit the Saraeon. Dr. A. F. Jonas Is being sued In Judge Slabaugh's court for $10,000 by B. Kolmitz, as administrator of the estate of bis son. Isadore Kolmitz. The petitioner alleges that his son, aged 10, was suffering with sppendlcitis in October, 1900, and that Dr. Jonas sccepted a retainer of $5 to perform an operation, but left town for the day, necessitating calling another physician. Tbe boy died while under the other physi cian's care, the father affirms, and he holds Dr. Jonas responsible, contending that tbe latter could have saved the child by operating Immediately. Purity and Are must.be combined In beer In order that tt may be wholesome. If the name of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo., appears on the labels of tbe beer with which you are served you are absolutely sure of purity and proper aging. Bud- welser, Micbelob, Black & Tan, Pale-Lager, Faust, Anheuser-Standard, Export Pale and Exquisite are the brews. Orders promptly filled by Geo. Krug, manager Anheuser Busch branch, Omaha. olilea of Tangier Temple rather I Made final arrangements for the pilrlm- wrlte me first, but It Is not necessary to do age to San Franslsco on Friday evening, so. They can take the Fremont. Elkhorn May 23 Beiectng the Ualon Pacific as the & Missouri Valley train on Monday for . , ' " .. , , Lu.k, Wyo.. getting there Tuesday, and Omclal Route, thus disposing of all mis- leave there ednesday morning on mall I leading statements on this point. wagon ana get. nere same mgni. i ney could come by B. A M. railroad to Fort Laramie. Wyo., but they would have to hire a rig to bring them over the eighteen miic This In a aulet and resectable commu nlty and money In treasury to pay. Very respectiuny, tuu rAiKita, Clerk. How many mothers realize ffiat when the baby's advent is expected they need trecimi tor rvco lnsteaa of one. wont' ma, weak, nervous, "just able to drag around," find themselves confronted yrtxh coming maternity. They have tot strength enough for themselves, how can they nave strenjrUi to jrive a child f "We don't look for the birth of strong ideas from a weak mind. Why should we expect the Dtrtn oi strong children atom weak mothers? Xbe way to ensure health and strength to mother and child ia to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as a preparative for motherhood, it bring the mother's strength up to the requirements of nat ure, so that she has strength to give her child. It nourishes tbe nerves and so quiets them. It en courages a natural appetite and induces refreshing sleep. Favorite Prescrip tion " makes weak women strong and sick women well. There is no alcohol in "Favorite Pre scription " and it is tree trocn opium, co tadne and all other narcotics. I wlak to tat voa kaow the rreat benHM ny rtai arrived tBroaaa taking your ' Favorite writes Sir. Robert Harden, af L 1. . WAnilufaA Max t. "It WAA whf D irr hnbv cam. ' Bdheard aa mack of In making this selection the following facts were borne in mind, namely: Tbe Union Pacific is tbe only line running through trains via Denver and Salt Lake to California; that it is 278 miles shorter to San Francisco and 16 hours quicker than any other line, and that, as leas time Is LIKES LININGER ART GALLERY con8Ume(, " ,hl route' tnere Incidental expenses on tne trip, I Cheyenne Editor t'ratrs Visitors Omaha, to See the Art Collection, to I Nesrly all the prominent eastern Temples will pus through Omaha over the Union Faclfic. Full Information cheerfully furnished and reservations made on application. City Editor E. A. Black of the Cheyenne I Ticket Ofoce, 1324 Farnam St.; "Phone 318. Daily Leader shows bis appreciation of an I Union Station, 10th and Marcy; 'Phone Omaha institution hv devotinar nearly a iiamn t nil A column of his editorial space to a descrip tion of tbe Llnlnger srt gallery. "Tbe purpose of this brtef and Imperfect description of this palace of srt," writes the editor, "Is thst the readers of tbe Leader may take advantage of their next visit to Omaha and see thst In which ths I spend ten days In sight-seeing in the Rock Are You Going to the Moa Summer t If so arrange your vacation so that you ran go with the Iowa and Nebraska coal dealers on their special train excursion lesvlng Omaha Juns 25. This psrty will city takes great pride. In that broad, public spirit which chsrscteriies men ut liberal tastes, Mr. Lininger has enriched s large room In the public library with paintings snd other works of srt, to which he Is making additions from tlms to time." les snd will have a grand, good time. Tou can enjoy this opportunity and If you wish to remain longer your ticket will be good until October 31. Write or see R. E. Har ris, Secretary, 330 Board of Trade Bldg. Omaha, Large plain lockets. Edholm, jeweler. Aaaoaarrmeats of the Theaters. A matinee performance of "In Missouri, ' by the Ferris stork company will be given Wednesday afternoon. Wednesdsy night's performance concludes this bill. Tbursdsy the drama "Dentse." that aided Olga Keth- ersole t'o stellar honors in this country, will be given Its initial presentation In this city. Perfect diamonds. Edholm, Jeweler. mtr Rates Timely Satfarrstloas. The season of 1902 Is on at Hot Springs. South Dskots. A favorite resort for western people. The hotels, including the "Evens, under management of W. II. Dlldine, are all in first-class condition. Have you ever tried the Plunge? Write J. R. Buchanan, G. P. A., F., E A M. V. R. R . for rates. Tbey are low this season. voar medlria that any wife oeddrd to try tt (I atav my nty wife's age w tbirty-thfee ILm . i, h.r Srt caildt. eh oamrMaccd t take ' Itnte prwcriptioo t month be Ion her child u born, we how a Sac Htahliy iri. aad w beu that tbu waa mainly owing J.. A, Knnt Prcacntiooa.' taken udthnilly awtstdlng to directiuaa. W shall certainly roc- Low Roand-Trla Sai Via Chicago Great Western Railway to St. Paul. Minneapolis, the Cannon Valley Lakes, Duluth snd ths Superiors. Tickets good to return October II. For dstes of sale and other Information apply to any Oreat West ern agent, or J. P. Elmer, O. P. A., Chi. csgo. 111. St. Paal-Mlaaeaaolls. Composite Buffet Library Cars now In service via "The Northwestern Line" on the "Twin City Limited'' at Ti p. a dally. LOW RATES IN JUNE. 1401-1403 Farnam St. ' Dt. Pierce's Cotnmofl Beam Medical Adviser, paper covers, ia sent ret on receipt of at one-cent stamps to psy atmenae of mailing oa-V AOdres Du U. Y. J-icrcfh jVnrMo. ti. Y. , Chiracs 160 Miles leaver. The "Trensmissourl Limited" oa ths Northwestern line only makes tbe trip Id I Ramm. ELEVEN HOURS. Omaha I p. m.. arriving Chicago 7 nutt morning. City 'office, 1401-1403 Fsrsant st. - - We wish to thank our uiaoy friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted, us and for sympathy shown during the sickness snd death ct our wifs snd daughter, Ernestine CLAUS RAMM. MR. AND MRS. L0ESCK (acmpeolng end hair areas tog, Ske, at ths Ssthery. tls-XM Bee Building. Tel. lilt. TlSaay. wedding flags. , Ctholn, jewe!r.J Latest style Xobe. E-Olislia. jeweler. I EYE STRAIN Should be corrected at once to save Inconvenience and perhaps harm. Our optician Is a graduate, and will take great pains to furnish you with the proper glaawes. Spend a tew minutes at our more ana lei mm examine your eyes when you are down town. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, V 1516 Douglas St. (I) Sbrlners Will Travel. The Burlington Route and Its connections west of Denver will carry Tangier Temple, Mystlo Shrlners, to the Imperial Council, Nobles of Myetlc Shrine, at San Francisco, une 10 to 14. Two special cars have already been re served by . Tangier Temple and additional cars will be provided as reservations are made. It Is important that all Shrlners who will attend this convention make their reservations st an early date. The Shrlners will leave the Burlington Station, Omaha, 4:15 p. m., June 4. Den ver will be reached the next morning, and an entire day spent In Colorado Springs, one of the mort delightful of Rocky Moun tain resorts. Salt Lake City will be reached on the morning of June ti. and thst day given over to seeing the wonderful city of Zion. The party will arrive In ban Francisco at 8:45 a. m.. June 9. Tickets and reservations. 1502 Fsrnam St. Oravnopaone at a hargala. FOR 8ALE--Latest model type. A. O. combination grsphopbone, which plays both large and small records; list price. ISO. This Is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thirty-six-inch horn and stand. It also Includes twenty Urge Edi son records and carrying case of twenty four records, Ths machine Is entirely new snd has never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Address X 36. la care of Ths Bes. Shrlaers Special Train, Omaha to San Francisco. The Great . Rock Island Route has ar ranged tor the Nobles of Zubrlah, Osman and Elkahlr temples, a special train to San Francisco. This train will leave Omaha Tuesday. June 3. at 4:30 p. m. No bles and friends of other Temples ran join same at Omaha. For further Information call at or address City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnsm St., 0rb. Send articles 'of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc.. to The Bee. We will give them proper legal insertion. Bee telephone, 238. Publish your legsl notices la Ths Weekly Bee. Telepbose 23s, Shampooing and hslrdrssnng. 55c, st ths Bathery. 211-220 Bes Building. Tel. 171. New link buttons. Edholm, Jeweler. jOBBSB Men's Hot Weather Oothillg i J f sr , aa . iff 'M slW dfwi M f if 2sow ready for jour choosing. Xo . . k i i t l : 1 1 1 maucr now iiiucn nor now nun? Nyou wish to pav, the garments to lit vour idea are here for loss frfa money, we believe, than any- in the city. In ilannel pants, we are showing ? 4 what' is "iust richt." They tell r-wi ..... ITS. money, we coatK and pi yjuH we ore more right than any other store. In our clothing, see tion. on second floor, we are show ing a complete assortment of men's coats and pants in flannels and wool crashes, in blue, brown and swell green and olive shades, at $1.50, $r.00, $3.50 and f t.00. They all have that nhort, looe fitting effect' which in considered quite proper and dressy. We also have a.varied assortment of meu's blue serge single coats, at 11.73, 2.50 and r.?:.S3.25 Important to MotKers Tuesday in our boys' department we shall ofl'cr.at spe cial sale 1,000 pairs of KNEE PANTS Sizes to IS. in dark, .light and medium colors, in stripes, plaids and checks, in strictly all wool materials, for less money thaji ' the clotli would cost you. . Knee pants, good, stron g, and substantial ma- 4Q T terialSy worth 3 Jo to 50c at ... . .. ... C Knee pants, good, desirable patterns, actuals, O values 50c and 75c, at . . . ... tJtJLs Knee pants, good materials, good style, TknOa" well made, value 75c to 00c, a. TJiey go on sale luesday morning, at 9: SO a. m. WHAT'S THE USE? Why do you bother with insect powder or rust out the bed springs with corrosive HiibllmHtp or breathe the unDleaeant fumes of kerosene, etc., if you have bugs in your house? Don't you know that our Sl'RK DEATH and tli I.ONK SPOUT CAN is the worst enemy the bug kingdom ever run up againm? Comes In 15 Sc, Mo and 30c bottles; can free with 5uc and 5e ntze. or 5c extra wltn l&c or sc sue aeuverec in Omaha without charge, same as any thing elne in our etore. WATCH THH PATENT MEDICINE VK1CK8 Tl'MBLE thia week; many of them are being sold now at less than quantity cost, but that cuts no figure the combine are after our scalp 'cause we won't Join the trust. ?.5o Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .12.25 'fyrlan Spray Syringe for ladles Full Pint Hath Tub Knamcl, BlITCIt- WIN & WILLIAMS Tic 35c Caatorla (Uenulne) L'lc $1.00 Kwannon a Five Drops 73c ll.oi) Mother's Friend ":4o VIM Cheater s Pennyroyal Pills Il.tn) WE3 NEVER CLOSE. CUT PIRCE DRUG STORE Tel. T4T, 9. W. Cor. lata and Chicago. A SPECIAL We are NOT offering you the ordinary Rye or, Bourbon whiskey, but a SPECIAL brand of a malt made after the process of the old fashioned German "Schnapps," which is world-wide famous. These goods are to be sold to the consumer in original packages di rect from the distillery, and no where in tho United States can this genuine German malt (Schnapps) be purchased except direct from us. It is worth not lcsr. than 15 per gallon retail. HENRY HILLER, SCIIAEFER'S if Burn for cemeterr DlKDe ABRIENS Aurnat H . affed M yftrs.. Bun- tiv mnrnniff, &iny tVunoru 1 n,r.M eKa jrrtlltf "nMneii i "imin i will iiiv - - North lth st., Tuesday, May 27. at 3 p. m. Friends invited. DRUJK HARD Thoss wee patronise our New 10th Cen tury rounteln become HARD DRINKERS. , The reaaosi ta plain. We have.' ens serve ; nothing but the best. Have you eaan the . I0TH CENTURY klodt It is different from the eld tin oaa kind. It Is a beauty end the most cleanly fountain In the town. The syrups are kept ta bottles, la plain eight ef the drinker sad he eaa see yust hew elee avary boiUe la. That U eaytna mere than meet ef them can. ear eaa tell the truth. Be sere ed try one glass. gad yeu will come agala. PAINT PreecrlpdoA DragglM-a, VAEJAi.lAKER & BROWN "The Foremost Tailoring Route of America." BARGAIN 10-Gnllon Package tCo.iV! 6-Oallon J'ai-kuue li.nn 2-ttvillon Package 5.i 1-Uallon Package 2.iM All charges prepaid on two gal lons or over. All orders for this brand must he arrompanled with the cash. V. will not ship it C. O. D.) Postofflce money order, expreus order or bank draft. . , i An extra chnrge of 20 cents per gal. for bottling ihese goods In full l'iirt. Goods neatly packed In plain package with no marks to indicate contents. 522 N. (6th St. Omaha, Neb. Brushing up last season's suit may brighten It, but it cannot make the style right. Better decide to favor us with an order for one of our Made to Measure Suits Then you will stand in the front rank of well-dreaaed men. Our tailoring Is of the highest order. A choice assortment of Imported and domestic woolens to select from. SUITS made to CIO 50 measure vlJu" Only All-Woo! Cloths Carried by L's. OMAHA STORE: 122 s. 15th St. FULLER :r CO. MANY OF THE BEAUTIFUL HALF TOUE GUTS USED II THE ILLUSTRATED BEE from tlms to time are for ssls at the publication office all In good condi tionlew ertcee. A Good Wife and Hearth are a man's best wealth, and he can con tribute to the health of himself and wife by tiring Mets beer. It is pure, healthful and nutritious and Is a delightful beverage at any season, and during worm weather there Isn't a thirst quencher that can equal It. Metz Bros., Brewing Co. Telepnoa 119, Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Neumayer Hotel, Council Bluffs, la. SOAP SPECIALS 15c If. & H. Boap. 11.00 dns.; cake 9c 60c Booiete Hygienlque Soap (all you want), cuke 2" Kc Kirk's Juvenile Soap. 10c cake, box 30c ". 4711 White Roo Glycerine. k; box: cake 12o New size 4711 White Roue Glycerine, 65c box: cake " !.-. r.rk.r'. Tar Bonn, cake In: lie Pears' Unaccrued Boap, cake l-'o 2fc Cutlcura H'wp. cane 10c 2uc Hnaud's Violet Bi'iisatlun, 65c box; cake 2.V! Be Lifebuoy tnew), cake so Our White Tactile Boap, beet on earth. full 'i pound cakes (12 cskes or 6 pound). $1.00; eak We've V kinds of Soaps. Call for the kind you use. MYERS-DILLON DRUB GO. lta Farnnn Btraata. Omaha. rhone 150. Bee about a nurse. - ' jpyyrsg.iat WW A vt.mtu ' 1 sai an u fYTf'aa When Writinr to Advertisers Always Weatioa Tbe Bee. We have it now At leant six months shead of time tho ri-adilla Freak a man's I ow shoe. The freak is In the toe and it's a beauty patent rolt that has proven to be the bofct patent leather mode A military heel ajtd medium heavy sole. Like the women"s now oxford, theee are the real swell thing we rsn't de. scribe them they're so new you've got to see them to appreciate them snd the best of It all is they're only 2.cr a foot, or 11.00 a pair. Drexol Shoe Co., Omaha's I'p.to-dafe Sho Hease. lltt FARMAM STREET. w ' J' CP YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THG Tryone.then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana Tobacco and compare It with high prloed Imported Clgar. F. B. Bin Msrcaatlke Clear Co, MMUUcturerg. U Ixw'a. L'aioo Made. . ,j i