Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Jacksonians Vote Oecrare on Font Men Wbo
Bolted Loechner.
T.&. Smith is Champion of Srbool of
Correction and Kolas and Tark
barst Flaht Bark with
hoalder strokes.
Despite the earnest exhortation of
trio of Itl oldest and moot prominent local
members and In the fare of vehement pro
tes tat Ions of partr loyalty and faith by those
accused, the Jacksonian club Saturday
flight yoted censure by an overwhelming
majority upon T. J. Nolan, John Fltrrob-
,awis, u. d. iitiKuuivb ...... -
if South Omaha for opposing the candidacy
CI John Henry ioecnner lor maur m iun
last municipal election.
Four stormy hours were consumed In
jt.he process and during that time the turb
ulence alternated from gushes 01 seniimeni
to spasms of bitter animus. Every man
who spoke, and there were many, was
creaming at the top of his voice before
he had proceeded far. carried away by the
Intensity of his feeling.
The four wrong-doers had more noise
behind them, but the "other people had the
Totes. While the defiant utterances of the
ousriet which was on trial were applauded
Ito the echo by a majority of the assem-
kblage, It developed that most of the ones
who cheered tbe louaesi naa no votes uu
the question, o when the matter finally
came down to brass tacks there were
twenty-seven ballots from the more silent
portion of the crowd for censure and nlno
against It.
Xolaa Reslgvns at Once.
' ...
V Vr. Nolan at once presented nis resig
nation to the club. Captain Parkhurst
hook his umbrella defiantly In the faces
of the twenty-seven and requested them
dn shrill tones to "Are me and be d ."
(oeorge Parks of South Omaha was equally
bitter. He Is not a member of the Jack
Estonian club, but had accompanied his party
Idols to the scene of their trouble. Said
f "You 11 need South Omaha again some
lme., You'll be coming down there and
asking us to help you out. But you'll find
800 democrats who will tell you to go to
h . Don't get swelled up about your
selves. There's Just as good democrats In
! South Omaha as in your club. Censure
lour men, will you? Tou've bitten off more
'than you can chew tonight."
) Intense excitement was stirred up by the
fierce oratory of the evening and, repressed
so long. It broke in a storm when the re
sult of the vote was announced. The
meeting at once, without any formalities,
'dissolved into a general debating melee
'and It proceeded without a chairman from
that time on, the members adjourning down
',the stairway In groups as soon as they had
aid enough upstairs. There was no reg
ular adjournment and the confualon was
jcarried out into the street. Feeling was
trery strong and one of the leading mem
hers of the club, representing lta SsOiO con
servative element, sail.
"Till tonight the Jacksonian club has al
jways stood for decency. This action can
laever be so Interpreted. Ed P. Smith, told
jus that a failure to censure those men
.would be the death knell of the organiza
tion. The opposite la true. This unwar
ranted, 111 advised action means this club's
finish. When Jacksontana get to the point
Iwhere they censure men for being consclen
tlous and upright and honest In the highest
.sense of the word the period of usefulness
'V ataaa, vi auieaiiUH ess aanu
I Beautiful were the expressions of broth
,erly love which flowed from the mouths of
the men who strenuously advocated the
correction of the South Omaha four. Ed P.
'Smith, W. O. Gilbert, A. Hugh Hippie all
iWho took the floor In favor of adopting the
caustic report of the special committee ap
pointed to review actions af this quartet,
were profuse In the expression of great love
and admiration and respect for the four as
jnen, but they proceeded and urged with a
peculiar tenacity and an oratory that was
.more than Inspired, the chiding of these
same lovea ones, wno, as Ka smitn put it,
'"went In the night time with daggers up
their sleeves and slaughtered the demo
cratlc party In South Omaha." And this
expression brought. Captain Parkhurst to
his feet with a bound, declaring:
Parkhnrst Is Farloas.
' "I never went In the night. I never done
nothing In the dark. I did It all open-
Throw xae over your old transom If you
want to and be d d to you."
.. As a preliminary to the discussion of the
report urging censure by the president of
the club the following resolution was
adopted by acclamation and with cheers
"For the purpose of putting at' rest any
doubts which may exist with respect to
the attitude of this club toward the Kansas
City platform, it Is the sense of this, the
Jacksonian club, that the Kansas City plat
. form be Indorsed at ,the next democratio
state convention."
Ed P. Smith was the chief actor In the
attack last night and be both opened and
closed the discussion with pronounced vocal
fireworks. In which bitter personalities
played a prominent part. He said that the
constitution of the club provided tor the
support of candidates by Its members, ex
pulsion being the alternative. The action
mt these men was particularly reprehensl
bis because of what they owed the party,
All four had held office save Molan, wbo
was "fat and sleek with forty month's
money which his psrtner, E. E. Thomas
bad draws as deputy county attorney by
i (race of the democratio party."
i Kolaa Spouts Back.
' Mr. Nolan responded In a rousing speech,
saying that he had no apology to make
lther as a Jacksonian or as a democrat,
for what lis had done. He Insisted, how
vsr, on a strict Interpretation of the club'
rule. It provided plainly tor expulsion, and
' that gavs no right to censure only to ex
' pel. Nolan demanded that there be no cen
sure, but expulsion If the club so willed,
and he would take It as a compliment to be
expelled on such grounds after he had ex
plained his position. Hs tbn went after
Loechner hammer and tongs, and said that
while he himself was stumping over thirty
Bve counties of the state two years ago
Koecnner was peddling McKlnley buttons in
South Omaha. Mr. Smith also came la for
a. Uttle share of Nolan's wrath.
U, . H. Herdman has his own troubles
"Why have we such so overflow of edt
torlals in our democratic paper on this
; (natter nowT" said he. "Where was this
organ at the time ths Loechner matter was
In immediate Issue? Had one-halt the ed
ttsrlals that have been written slues this
censure matter has come up been devoted
to the same attacks on him before ths else
Hon, he never would have dared appear as
candidate." r
' Start far the Faar.
C J. Smyth said hs did not Intend to
Sobatin Aarl Jarfna
It ttl EottuIaJ, Ask Connoisseurs.
ur sale by
p. W. Cor. Mta and Uarney Eta,
dodge the Issue and came oat flatly on be
half of the four. "These are four aa good
democrats aa I ever saw," said he. "Do
you moan to say that you will censure them
for refusing to support a man who they
believe dishonest?"
J. C. Dahlman said that he would not
vote to censure men for bolting a man who
had twice bolted William Jennings Bryan.
"This .club has no jurisdiction in this
matter anyway," said J. J. Dunn. "It )s
a state organization and has no more right
to mingle thus in the local affairs of South
Omaha as It has to Interfere at Wahoo or
Waterloo. Our Jurisdiction Ilea in state
matters, not in city or county."
Then, after the other three men had
stated their pride at what they had dove,
Ed Smith loosed bis silver tongue for an
other brief Interval, and the vote was
Still Keeps It t p.
"Purine a period of poor health some
time ago t got a trial bottle of DeWltt'i
Little Early Risers," says Justice of the
Peace Adam Shook of New Lisbon, Ind.
t took them and they did ma so much
good I have t'sed them ever since." Safe,
reliable and gentle, DeWltt's Little Early
Risers neither gripe cor distress, but stim
ulate the liver and promote regular and
easy action-of the bowels.
Mlddlemla, wallpaper cleaner. Tel. 1739.
Shrlaers Special Train, Omaha to Saa
The Great Rock Island Route has ar
ranged for the Nobles of Zubrlah, Osman
and Elkahtr temples, a special train to
San Francisco. Tills train will leave
Omaha Tuesday, June t, at 4:30 p. m. No
bles and friends of other Temples can join
same at Omaha. For further Information
call at or address City Ticket Office, 1323
Farnatn at., Omaha.
Moat Inrlsroratlna- nath In Great Salt
The late Charles Dudley Warner author,
editor and traveler while bathing In Great
Salt lake, remarked to a friend that in
11 his travels he never before saw such a
plendid combination of salt sea bathing.
blue sunlit skies, pure mountain air and
pretty women and children. The climate
of Salt Lake City, while temperate the year
round. Is particularly delightful In sum
mer, with m sunny days and cool nights.
One, three and seven-day tours to the
mountains ran be made from Salt Lake
City. Tourist rates are now in effect via
the Denevr & Rio, Grande ("The Scenic
Line of the World") and the Rto Grande
Western ("The Great Salt Lake Route").
For beautifully illustrated pamphlets, etc.,
write S. K, Hooper, G. P. T. A., Denver,
Headquarters wedding rings.
Are Yon Going to the Mountains This
If so arrange your vacation so that you
can go with the Iowa and Nebraska coal
dealers on their special train excursion
eavlng Omaha June 25. Thla party will
pend ten days In sight-seeing in the Rock
ies and will have a grand, good time. Tou
can enjoy this opportunity and if you wish
to remain longer your ticket will be good
until October 31. Write or see R. E. Har
ris, Secretary, 330 Board of Trade Bldg.,
Tamely Sagarestlons.
The seaaon of 1903 is on at Hot Springs,
South Dakota.
A favorite resort for western people.
The hotels. Including the "Evans," under
management of W. H. Dlldlne, are all In
flrat-class condition.
Have you ever tried the Plunge?
Write J. R. Buchanan, O. P. A., F., E.
M. V. R. R.a for rates. They are low
this season.
St. Paal-Mlaneapolls.
Composite Buffet Library Cars now In
service via "The Northwestern Line" on
the "Twin City Limited" at 7:65 p. m.
1401-1403 Farnam St. ;
Shampooing and halrdressing, 25e, at ths
Batbery. 21-2?0 Bee Building. Tel. 1718.
Chlcaa-o ISO Miles Nearer.
The "TtanBmlssourl Limited" on the
Northwestern line only makes the trip In
Omaha 8 p. m., arriving Chicago 7 next
City office. 1401-1403 Farnam st.
William Colfax waa fha mnt nf Ma
sister. Mrs. W. L. Belby. last week.
Mrs. Elisabeth Colfax left last week for
t visit witn relatives In Centrevllle, la.
Mrs. Clayton Goodrich has been the
guest or her mother, Mrs. J. H. Parrott,
for a few days.
Dr. Van Gleason la Imnrnvtnr staarillv
at Excelsior Springs, Mo., and is expected
iiuine auuui junt l.
Dunns' the abaenea nf Rav 3 3. Tamna
Dr. Jenkins has charge of ths services at
me r-resoyierian cnurcn.
Mrs. L. S T-MVltt Un W T. Salhv.
jura, waaaea ana Mrs. j w. larr n n.
tertalned out-of-town guests last week.
Rev. Joseph J. Lamm la anandlna- several
weeks In the east, attending the meetings
of the Presbyterian assembly In New York
Mrs. Ioran haa milt altV
for a
few days, but is now Improving.
Mrs. J. Miller went tn Itmn Ta . rinHne
the last week to visit a tew days with
u icuiua.
Bervlcea will be held todav at the Metho-
uiai episcopal cnurcn at tne usual morn
lng hour by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Luce.
Krus's Park, aa a summer reaort. will
be opened on May SO. A newly orsanlsed
orchestra will furnish the music for the
MISS Dome firmer whn haa v(a(t1 at
tne nome ot tier sister. Mrs. Ben Morten.
iiiuming- ior ner nome in iiearney, mo.
J. McQulre. Rev. Mr. Lotman. C. 8tleer
and A. Ryan represented the old soldiers
of Benson at the state encampment of the
Orand Army of the Republic held in Omaha
last wee.
Mrs. Dickson and daus-hter Lucille left
last Wednesday morning lor Kanaaa City,
wnere mey will visit witn relatives berore
joining Mr. Dickson In HoUHton, Tex.,
wnere tney win make tnelr future nome.
Miss Badle Keller dellahtfully enter
talned a number of young friends at her
home last Tuesday evening In celebration
of the painting received by her during the
"May fair" as the moat popular young
woman oi me village.
The Modern Woodmen of America camp
ave a aance at us nail naay night.
Church services are belne- held nlrhtlv
at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. Camp
being in charge.
Mtaa Nellie Crotcher of Omaha was the
gueat of Miss Blanche Warller two days
or mis weea.
Rural mall route No. t will be started
from Florence July L Tory Purtell has
secured ma contract.
w. h. wan was a ousinees visitor a
Onawa. Is., this week on acount of the
w. r . ranter estate.
Robert Price of Johnson county. Ne.
braika, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. R.
Wan, for a lew nays.
Mrs. W. C. Lewis of Whitman. Neb., and
Robert Price of Johnson county are visiting
tneir sutler. Mrs. it. wan.
Mr. and Mrs Emll Weber and daughter
Oertle of 'Wayne, Neb. are the guests of
air. ana Mrs. ju.cvo nmr, sr.
A number of friends of Miss Ida Miller
met at her home Tuesday nlht for a social
time. Merreshments were- aerveo.
The public schools closed Friday at this
place and the event waa celebrated with s
picnic to the school children at Pries' lake,
Mrs. 1 mm, wife of La M. 1mm, manager
of the Florence Lumber and Cual cooiDaor.
arrived this weekv Mr. 1mm has Ten lad
the property cf Lou Urvbe on Main street
eud-wUl 11 v there for the prcse.U. .
Timet for Holding Primaries, and County
Nominating Conventions.
Committee Appointed to Fatch ip
Peace Between Members of the
County Commissioners Who
Are Now at Oats.
The county central democratic committee
decided, in meeting Saturday afternoon,
that at the primaries to be held June 13,
frum 12 o'clock noon to 7 O'clock, delegates
should be chosen to a county convention
to be June 21, at 1 p. m., this convention
to be made up ot three delegateo-at-large
from each ward In Omaha and South Omaha
nnd three from each country precinct, with
one additional for every seventy-live votes
or major fraction thereof cast for Judge
Oldham for attorney general In 1900, the
same convention to select delegates also
to the state convention at Grand Island
June 24, the congressional convention, the
Judicial convention, and to nominate a full
county ticket. Of the thirty-five commit
teemen present or voting by proxy only
three voted against this arrangement.
Other buslnee of the meeting was the
appointment by Chairman E. E. Howell ot
John Reagan, Patrick Ford and Hobart
Williams as a committee to wait on the
democratic members of the Board of County
Commlaeloners and ask them to coagulate.
This action followed an attack on Commis
sioner Richard O'Keeffe by Ford, whom
O'Keeffe had declined to boost Into the
office of county storekeeper, vice Thomas
O'Connor, whom Connolly doesn't like.
More Talk Than Business.
The business of the meeting occupied five
minutes In Its transaction. The talking oc
cupied an hour and a half, it being neces
sary for several democrats to tell what
they thought of some other democrats, and
for still other democrats to tell how cer
tain they feel that It Is going to be an
almighty hard Job for the party to get
anybody to run on Its legislative ticket
this fall or even to get delegates to go to
Grand Island to attend the convention. The
name of no candidate was heard, except
that of C. J. Smyth, who has a notion he
Would like to be governor. His came up
when Will McCoomb, first aide to County
Clerk Harry C. Miller, moved that Smyth
be allowed to name the delegates to the
state convention. Miller's former bosom
friend, but present declared enemy. Chair
man E. E. Howell, declined to even con
sider the motion and announced that It
could not be passed with him in the chair.
It died.
In calling the meeting to order Howell
thanked himself for the efficient work that
he and the rest of the committee had (lone
and said that be wouldn't be chairman
again even If somebody aeked him to, which
he admitted hadn't happened.
Squabble Over Katnre of Call.
The secretary read the call and J. P.
Connolly moved that the primaries be June
19, which will be Thursday, and the county
convention June 21, which will be Saturday.
L. W. Herdman moved to amend by Insert
ing the stipulation as to the business to
be done by the county convention, and Con
nolly accepted the amendment. L. J. Ptattt,
secretary to the committee, opposed part
of the motion, saying that it waa unfair
to the candidates nominated, as It would
'subject them to troubles for six months
the length ot the campaign." He said It
would be an unheard-of 'arrangement here
and seemed to consider that the prospective
ticket couldn't stand public analysis for so
long a time. Lee Herdman responded that
they are doing that way in Ohio. 3. 3.
O'Connor said It would be necessary, under
this arrangement, to put clean men In the
field, and while it would be difficult, he
thought it might be done.
It was at this Juncture that McCoomb
asked: "Have we a state candidate? and
upon being Informed that Smyth consid
ered himself such, moved to allow blm to
name the delegates to the atate convention.
but let the rest of the Herdman motion
Howell flared Instantly and said: "I
have no fear of that motion carrying here,
but I warn you that it cannot with me in
the chair. I'll resign first." The matter
was dropped, the chair declining even to
entertain the motion.
Ed Callely said he fsvored the Herdman
plan, as the fewer the primaries the bet
ter. "Every time you fellows In the city
have a primary and a squabble It costs
like thunder to fix It up," be explained,
Men Hard to Find.
J. J. O'Connor met the Piatti objection
to ths early nominating by saying that it
Is going to bs harder to get men to run
than It Is for them to get the nominations
in the convention, whenever it's held.
Somebody remarked that the other speak
ers were making no mention of the two
county commissioners to be elected.
Connolly, who was the only member of
the present board at ths meeting, aross to
say that the democrats could elect a mem
ber from the north district if they nom
inated a man he had in mind, as "all h 1
cannot beat htm," and that they can elect
the other one from the country, no matter
who Is put up.
The redoubtable Mr. Ford then inter
Jected his remarks about O'Keeffe, alleg
ing that the Utter had always been known
ss a crank, but an honest one, ana mat
he (the speaker) still believed blm honest
but that his first official act had been to
tie up with the republicans. He made also
the serious charge that O'Keeffe Insists on
knowing sll about everything before it goes
through the board and that be was tired of
him and believed Plattt, who used to cs:l
him "the grand old man," Is also tired of
Connolly tried to squelch Ford by rising
to s point of order, but the chairman liked
the wsy Ford was talking and Instructed
htm to go on.
I. J. Dunn spoks tn advocacy of the
Crawford system and 3. 3. O'Connor
against It. the latter taking the stand that
under that system all of the pie would go
to the city and the cry of sectionalism be
Somebody reminded the chair that the
Herdman motion waa before the bouse and
aavote was taken, three voting nay.
John E. Reagan triad to start dellbera
ttons bsck to the commissioners and W. H
Herdman raised ths point that Reagan was
not a member of the committee. Reagan
was allowed to proceed and finally made a
motion that the chair appoint a committee
of three to wait on the commissioners to
"see what's the matter and what can be
done." Plattl seconded it and it carried
without opposition.
"Mr. O'Keeffe Is up against it." remarked
the chairman with much dignity and Bow
sry rhetoric. .
"No, the chair is up agalnat It," sug
gested somebody elss.
"On ths contrary, ths chair takes pleas
ure In naming this committee. Reagan,
Ford and Hobart Williams will serve."
Mr. Connolly posed for the grandstand
and declared that it the committee met
with no success, as be believed It would,
be would propoee to Mr. O'Keefle that be
(O'Keeffe) name three disinterested demo
crats of the county and that whatever two
of the three should decide should be tbe
policy of ths board bs (Connolly) would
sblde by If O'Keeffe would. Ths grand
stand responded with applause.
Ths meeting closed after It baft been de-
elded that the primaries, June 19. shall he
held where they have been heretofore, ex
cept where the committee Is informed of
other arrangements being properly made.
Millard precinct asked to use the Millard
schoolbouse and Union precinct the Wood
man hall at Irvlngton.
Call on City Council to Consider
Ordinance Prepared by
Mr. Connell.
The following resolutions were adopted by
ron Molders' union No. 190 at a meeting
held on May 21:
Whereas. On Anrll 22. 1902. the city coun
cil at Its regular meeting passed the fol
lowing resolutions:
"Resolved, bv the cltv council of the city
of Omaha, the mayor concurring. That the
union J'acinc Kaliroan company De ana
hereby Is notified that the permanent shut
ting down of the Union Pacitlc foundry at
Omaha, as proposed and contemplated by
said notice. Is In violation of said con
tract, and Is In violation of the carrying
out of said deed, and thnt the carrying out
of said order will result In the reversion
to the cltv of Omaha of the real estate
conveyed by snld deed;" and
nereas, city Attorney Connell pre
sented to the Omaha city council at Its
meeting May 13. 1S2, an opinion directing
them how to proceed to enforce Its con
tract according to the agreement between
the city of Omaha and the Union Pacific
Railroad company, and Introduced an ordi
nance to be passed by the city council
which would direct the city attorney to
proceed agalnat said railroad company,
Resolved. That there has been srreat In.
ustlre done to the citizens and taxnavers
of Omaha by the neglect of the city coun
cil to report at Its last meeting the ordi
nance Introduced by City Attorney Con
nell; therefore.
Resolved, That we demand a report be
made at the next meeting of the city
council on the said ordinance, and that It
be passed He it further
Resolved, That a coiy of this resolution
bo sent to the press of the city and a copy
forwarded to the mavor and oitv council
of the city of Omaha.
Moat of It After Marriage and While
Divorce Salt Was Pending.
One of the prettiest romances in real life
with its principal scene laid in Minne
apolis has been completed st Evanston, 111.,
and the narrator can now say, "and they
lived happily ever after."
Harold W. Bennett, one of tbe chief act
ors in the romance, relates the Minneapolis
Tribune, was a Minneapolis boy, but he left
his native state a few years ago and took a
position in Chicago. While there he met
rene M. Graves, a pretty young woman.
well connected. The young people were
friendly and became fond of each other, but
there was no idea of an engagement up to
the time when Miss Graves went to St.
Paul to visit friends, early in 1899.
While the young woman was there Ben
nett took a run up home and then went
over to SU Paul to pay a visit to the young
woman. Tney met, and half In Jest, half In
earnest, a marriage was proposed and thn
young people, without the knowledge of
anyone, were married In St. Paul February
1899. After the ceremony they sep
arated with an agreement that no one
should know of it until some future time,
and there the romance ended for a brief
time. Bennett went back to .Chicago and
Miss Graves did also shortly afterward.
But while they kept silence, they cor
responded whenever they were separated
by distance, and all was well until a third
aotor appeared in the shape of the young
man the parents of the young woman
wanted for ber husband. Then in the com
plications that followed the Graves family
became aware of the condition of things
and there was trouble.
Pressure was brought to bear upon Ben
nett, and George L. Matchan and a young
attorney named Lewis were selected to
bring divorce proceedings, one attorney ap
pearing for each. Bennett brought the
action in Hennepin county through Lewis
and Matchan. appeared for the wife. The
cause of the action was desertion and
Judge Harrison tried the case.
Now the peculiar part of it all was that
all the time that this was going on tbe
most loving letters were passing between
the young couple. ' Not silly epistles, but
lovely missives, filled with endearments
that were gems of womanly and manly af
fection. Both were doing what they could
to please the old folks, but their hearts
cried out against their hard fate.
But for a Judge with a keen eye to facta
the divorce might have followed and the
young woman have been mated to the
wrong man. But things shaped themselves
right after all. The two hearts that beat
as one cried out in letters, and one of them
found Its way into court, so that in Judge
Harrison s findings be refused the divorce
on tb ground that it appeared from his
reading of human nature that tbe proceed
ings were friendly and that tbe young peo
ple were in the litigation to please the old
folks. So the divorce was denied.
Both the young couple were happy. They
wrote more letters. They were more In
love than ever, and finally the parents re
lented and they were allowed to see each
other. The result is that they are to be
husband and wife after all, but in order to
keep tbe whole affair from becoming publc
they were married Just as If nothing bad
happened. The ceremony took place at
Evanston, a suburb of Chicago.
Iowans Celebrate Golden Wedding;.
IOWA FALLS. la.. May 25. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Walthall ot this
county celebrated the fiftieth anniversary
or tneir marriage Saturday with a reunion
of relatives and friends of tbs family. The
old couple has resided In this county for tbs
last thirty years and a large family of
grown children has been reared in the old
homestead near Eagle City. Mr. and Mrs.
Walthall have been atesdfast members ot
the Friends church all their lives.
Perfect diamonds. Edholm, Jeweler.
Publish your legal notices la Tbs Weekly
Bee. Telephone ill.
Orashssaoas at sv atargalaw
FOR SALE Latest modal type. A. a
combination graphophone, which plays both
large and small records; list price, 190.
This is especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx-ineh bora and
stand. It also includes twenty large Edi
son records and carrying cass of twenty
four records. Tbs machine is entirely new
sad has never been used. Will sell at a
bargain. Address X SS, la care of Tbe Bee.
Roman lockets, new line. Edholm, Jeweler.
Cut glass nappy, $2. Edholm, jeweter.
Shampooing and bair dressing, See, at the
Bathery. 111-220 Bes Building. TaL 1711
Movements af Oeeaa Vessels, May 84.
At New York Arrived Fuerst Bismarck,
from Hamburg; Menomlnle, from London;
Philadelphia, from Southampton and Cher
bourg. Sailed-'Mlnneapolla, for London;
Statendam, for Rotterdam, via Boulogne;
Aller, for Naples and ttvnoa; Hawaiian,
for Ban Francisco; Anchorla, (or Glas
gow; Campania, for Liverpool.
At Yokohama Arrived Doric, from San
Francisco, via Honolulu, for Hong Kong.
At Liverpool Arrived Bovlc, from New
York. Sailed I.uranla. from New York.
At Havre galled L'Aqultaine, (or New
At Queenstown Sailed Ultonla, for Bos
ton; Celtic, for New York, both from
At London Balled Minnehaha, for New
At Las Palmas Arrived Mathilda, from
Tacoma, Callao. etc.
At Hong Kong Arrived Tacoma, front
Taooma, via Yokohama.
At Antwerp Called Frtesland. for New
J or a. arrived tsuutnwara, irom IV
Af. BaB Francisco Arrived -Leicester
Castle, from Hong Kong.
At Seattle 6Tled Big Bonansa, for
wauia; aiuaon Maru. lur ttooM iuav
City Has Difference with Iniaranoa Com
pany in Adjusting Lorn.
Local Grand Army Post Assigns
Speakers for Thursday Afternoon
Charity Bnll Nets Five
Hundred Dollars.
Trouble Is brewing .for somebody and
Just whether it is the city ot South Omaha
or a certain Insurance company remains
to be seen. When the fire hall at Thirty
first and R streets wss constructed Insur
ance to the amount of $1,500 wss secured.
Then tbe other night the building burned
and tho fire company has no borne. Three
appraisers were named, who went over the
remnants of the building and reported as
being in favor of a settlement for $824.
The council haa refused to accept any set
tlement ot this kind snd will either insist
upon the payment of the full amount ot
the Insurance or else the rebuilding of the
fire ball. It Is understood that the Insur
ance company has declined positively to
replace the building In the shape it was
prior to the fire. The city will not accept
the tender ot $824 In full payment ot the
claim and It looks now ss If the relations
between the company and the city would
be strained, to say the least.
There Is constant inquiry from residents
In the western portion of the city regard
ing the rebuilding of this hall, as now the
entire ( port Ion west of the trscks is left
Mayor Koutsky Is anxious to have some
steps taken to reconstruct the present
building or else, If this cannot be arranged,
he wants the insurance money paid" and
then the city will go ahead and erect a
brick fire ball. While there Is no money
In tbe fire fund at the present time, it Is
thought that an effort will be made to se
cure more money for both the fire and
police departments this year. In case the
levy will not prove sufficient for new build
ings a bond proposition may be suggested.
With bonds amounting to $26,000 at a low
rate of interest the city could construct a
fire hall In each ward in the city and equip
the same and thus give the protection to
property that Is now demanded.
Grand Army Details.
In compliance with the usual custom,
officers of Phil Kearney post No. 2, Grand
Army of the Republic, have made a de
tail of members to visit tbe public schools
on Thursday, May 29. Tbs veterans will
reach the school buildings about 2 o'clock
in the afternoon and will deliver' addresses
to the pupils on subjects pertaining par
ticularly to Memorial day. The detail fol
lows: High School Rev. Andrew Renwlck, Rev.
M. A. Head, Captain D. 8. Parkhurst, A.
H. Merrill.
Lincoln School Rev. Dr. R. L. Wheeler,
M. Maberry, John Condon, William Kelly.
Hawthorne School J. T. Robertson, 8.
W. Bilyew. N. E. Acker, H. Wlrrlck.
Brown Park School 8ylveeter Chesley,
Kdward "VVelner, Lyman Fuller, John
Lowell School J. W. McKay. John
O Hearn, Peter Cockrell, Amos Thurston,
J. U. Sawyer.
Albright School J. O. Eastman, James
Condon, J. D. Bennett, Peter Hlnkle.
West Side School John Molntyre,
Michael Queenan, E. L. Martin, O. K. Pad
dock. . Corrlpan School J. W. Cress. William
Anderson, H. J. Peterson. Patrick Lavelle.
Highland School James E. Aughe, Ira
F. Burroughs, David C. Condron, Michael
Jungmann School Fred J. Etter, John
8. Wood. George W. Miller, Edward Jones;
Dennis Purcell.
Charity Ball Report,
Mrs. Talbot of the South Omaha Hospital
association reported to the press yester
day that the proceeds of the annual charity
ball given for the benefit of the hospital
netted $512.95. The expenses amounted to
only $66. It is asserted by the board of
managers that it costs on an average $125
each month to maintain the hospital. While
the proceeds of tbe ball will help out for
BS sr. z )l I.
Brewed hi plant g clean gg the cleanest home kitchen always open to
your inspection- -5
if -
If pstent medicines ars not almost given away In the next few weeks, then we
are not prognostlcators. This Is how It hsppened: Tbs Omaha combine of re
tall druggists have so utterly failed in their effort to prevent us from buying goods
ever since last September, that they have called the chairman of the executive
committee of the National Association ot Retail Druggists out here from Phila
delphia to TRT and help them. He ca lied on us laat week and wanted to know It
we would consider ths proposition ot Joining ths association and raising the prices,
holding out the bait to us that ws could still PRETEND to be CUT PRICE
DRUGGISTS, snd thst tbs PEOPLE would never know ths difference. We po
litely told Mr. Holllday this chairman that there were enough PRETENDERS In
the drug business in Omabs and that tbe hold-up business was not our style that
we would not Join the association, but was perfectly satisfied to run our own busi
ness, and every other merchant hsd ths same privilege, so far ss ws were con
cerned. He looked wlss and ssid he was very sorry, but thst hs was out bers for
business and thought hs bad a schems w hereby, with the aid of the other Omaha
druggists, hs thought they could FIX IT so thst It would be Impossible for us to
buy sny mors goods, and then we woul d either bars to come in or close up shop.
Ws told him all right, go ahead; we certainly would not have a thing to do with
their trust gang and would shut up shop. It that was ths only alternative. Now,
. ws are not out begging sympathy from the public; that is not our style, either
but if the people of this community wis h to help this combine in their fight
sgalnst us, all we have to say la,-patron lie them. Their new spheme is to cut
tbs prlcss so low that ws can't follow, b ut we never have taken a' back eeat yet, ao
crack ahead, Mr. Omaha Drug Trust, e halrman and all, and as wll be here on
Jtn and Chicago to see ths finish! We busted your hot sir outfit ones and csn do
it again. Now watch and see If we are a prognoetlcstor.
Schaefor's Gut Price Drug Store,
15th and Chicago Street.
: ( .
a time, money Is constantly needed.
Friends of the institution are Invited to
send clothing, provisions or money.
Democrats Demand Oeat.
A certain portion of the local democracy
propose making a fight with the county
commissioners with a view to saving the
official scalp of Henry Oest. the present
superintendent of the poor farm. Oest Is
slated to go on June 1. but hopes that his
friends will have Influence enough with the
county commissioners to bold him In his
position. It is asserted that Oest is In
disfavor because ot his supporting John
Henry Loechner for mayor last April.
Delia Clark Itetnrna.
Miss Delia Clark returned yesterday aft
ernoon from Grand Island, where she won
the stats oratorical contest. She was met
at the depot by a delegation from ths
South Omaha High school and wss ac
corded a warm welcome. This Is the third
year In succession that South Omaha has
won the state contest. Miss Clark will re
cite "Mercedes" at the Golden Legend en
tertainment the latter part of this week.
Packers Buying; Eggs.
Agents for tbe packing compsnles are
scouring the country towns for eggs. The
eggs being bought are placed In cold stor
age and will be turned over to the trade
when the prices are higher. A repre-,
sentatlve of a packing company said yes
terday that as compared with last year
contracts were betng made at an Increase
ot about 5 cents a dozen.
Aid Society Entertains.
The Ladles' Aid society ot the First
Presbyterian church was entertained Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. William
Kelly, Twenty-fifth and F streets. Re
freshments were served snd there waa a
good attendance. The- funds collected will
go Into the society treasury and be used
for tbe benefit ot the poor.
Maa-lo City Gossip.
N. 8. Gibson Is out sgaln, after a serious
W. C. Lambert has gone south on a busi
ness trip.
Rev. George Van Winkle Is visiting In
St. Paul, Minn.
The average dally attendance at the
public schools Is 2,910.
Sixteen pupils will graduate from the
South Omaha High school this year.
Miss Kate Roberts is reported to be
rapidly regaining health and strength.
A meeting of Phil Kearney post, Grand
Army of the Republic, will be held on
Monday night.
Members of the MethodUt church are
making arrangements for the purchase ot
a new organ.
Mrs. H. lively announces her annual
summer sale on all trimmed hats, com
mencing Monday, May 26. ,
.The Knights and Ladles of Security will
give an ice cream social at Woodman hall
on the evening of June 2.
When the public school examinations are
over 125 eighth grade pupils will receive
certificates entitling them to enter the
High school.
W. B. Tagg ta home from an extended
western trip. He will remain here a month
looking after his live stock interests at
the stock yards.
The drawing exhibit of the schools at the
armory Saturday waa well attended. It
is understood that the drawings will be
distributed among the various school
An entertainment constating of fancy
drills,, a cantata and selections by the
Mandolin club, will be given by the mem
bers of St. Martin's guild on the evenings
ot June 2 and I at the troop armory.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone, 238.
Baldwin Ends Argument.
Jerry Canan added another chapter Sat
urday to the history of his career by re
turning to his home, 710 North Fifteenth
street. In a hilarious condition and enter
ing Into an argument with his 70-year-old
mother and his sister, who had both re
tired for the night. He struck them with
his shoe, which he removed from his foot
for that purpoee. The discission was
brought to a termination by the appear
ance of Officer Baldwin.
ARRIENS August H., aged 58 years., 8un
day morning. May 25.
Funeral from the family residence, 1533
North 16th St., Tuesday, May 27, at t p. m.
Friends Invited.
8971 yiMtorg litt yetx.
Ail Evidence
of Quality
Tbe Drlnklnf ef
dispels sll doubt as to
Its merit. A pronouno
ed Individuality with
every good quality.
The very taste of thts
beer 1 s conclusive
proof ot its merit.
(Non-Intoxlcsnt) Tonle. Druggists
or direct.
141 Dena-laa St. Tad. IMS.
Good enough
for anybody!
"ll Havana Filler
of same value as tags from
star; -horse shoe;
'spearhead: standard navk i
and Cf. T. Tobacco:
BANS anlckiresrs
uaneu, all rein It of aim.
naDiiouu. araine, ioMt.
I men and men intending
10 marry annum imd mvi. M.wuiniinia iwuii.,
mall wenk puna and luat puwer rciiored. SLUOat
Sherman a McOouncll, drugg-IMa, tstu and Dodge sts
(15 cents ly mail.)
secures in 24
weeks each
section of'
the most remark
able work on
Natural History
ever published.
More than a thousand
Animals Photo
graphed, including
Fishes, Birds and
Beasts. Interesting
and instructive to
old and young as welL
jt 1 arm aT
life "W 4
It p
. A