THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MAY 20, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Oorernment Report Deals Blow to Early Oram Market PRICES RALLY LATER AND PITS GAIN Cereals Start on Downward Conri bat Escellent Esport Demand lloll Valors to Gains Provisions RfroTfr Decllaes. CHICAGO, May 24. The araln markets were thrown out of gear today by the pub lication of the Rovernment report of iat year crop yield. The report was con strued quite twarlshly for a time, espe cially since foreign markets were depressed by l"t. In the end, however, an excellent export demand helped traders to view the revlited figures moat dispassionately and July wheat closed a shade higher, July corn c up and July oats a shade advanced, provisions closed bQlc higher. Wheat suffered materially at the opening. Cables were weak, the government report showed an Increase of 7w,OUO.0OO bushels In last years crop over the former figures, trade was light and the crowd was over bold on beautiful weather talk. Kansas fr olnts reported that harvest woum oegin n tan no vh mnri mat ine conamons in many places were fine, with prospects of tnirty-nve to tony uusnein iu Estimates of this year's winter crop ex ceeded 4iO.K),0rtu bushels. Under these in fluences and the bearish effect the govern ment report had on the curb last night opening prices were depressed. July V.W So to Hfrc lower at 73c to 72.c and hung between these figures dull for some time. After the market there weakened on stop loss orders coming out at 73c, the shorts and some leading bulls started In to do a lair business. Sentiment changed com pletely when a good export and cash de mand developed and prices rallied. The northwestern receipts, which have been running small for some time, were again curtailed, but advices were to the effect that a car famine in the west was prevent ing an otherwise liberal movement. July worked up to 73".ff'i3Vsc and closed firm, a hade up, at lc. Local receipts were 1 cars, no contract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported 126 cars, making a total for the three points of 132, against 112 Inst week and 260 a year ago. Primary receipts were 269.WJO bushels, compared to i6.oou bushels a year ago. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour equalled 816,000 bushels. New York reported 62 loads taken tor export. Corn was similarly affected to wheat by the government report. There was a break of Ho on the arbitrary Increase of 8,o9,lAiO acres In the area and 164,000,(i0 bushels In the production. The crowd, however, was Inclined to the view that consumption had been proportionately greater. Cables were lower and crop prospects good, with the exception of dry subsoils tn some districts. Nevertheless good strength developed and July rallied sharply to &!c, after opening as low as 81c. July closed strong, c up, at 824c. Receipts were 94 cars. Oata were dull and uninteresting. The early tone was weak under the influence of the other grains. Receipts were In creased somewhat and crop prospects con tinued to be favorable. After the early weakness a fair support developed and prices rallied. July oats advanced from ldo to 37V337Hc and closed steady, a hade up, at 37c. Receipts were 182 cars. Provisions recovered some from yester day's decline. The run of hogs at the yards was smaller than had been estimated, yet prices were lower. In spite of this and the grain weakness prices opened only lightly easier and upon the development of a good packers' support advances were made. July pork closed 6"e7V4o higher, July lard Mj7',c up at S10.17Wrl0.2u and July ribs 5c higher at S9.62H- Receipts of hogs for the week, 170,000. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 25 cars; corn, 95 cars; oats, 215 cars; hogs, 87100 head. The leading featureb ranged a follows: Artlcles.l Open, t Iligh. Low. Close. Tes'y Wheat May July Sept. Dee. July kept. a July b July a Sept. b Sept. 73H! 734 73: 734 74 aw i 61 62 Vi 614 614 60Vi, 434 434 854 85 37374?4 29 129 I&4 30HSV30& ora July Be tit. Lard July Bept. Ribs July Bepti 17 074 17 104 17 124 10 15 10174 9 674 60 10 20 10 224 624! No. S. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUK Steady; winter patents, 3.90JJ 4.00: straights, 13.404(3. SO; clears, S3.20ft3.6i; spring specials, S4.3tKfi4.40; patents, iti.iwi 1.90; straights, 3.0t&3.30. WHEAT No. I spring. 70C73c; No. 2 red. s0v;'p04c. OATS No. I. 43(5 434e; No. I white, 44 454c; No. S white, 4444c. RYE No. J. 59(8 60c. BARLEY Good feeding, 6970c; fair to choice malting, 704(ij72c. BEED No. 1 flax, Sl.KSf No. 1 north western, SI. 76; prime timothy, S6.30ig6.36; clover, contract grade, S8.S6. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. S17.00 f 17.05. Lard, per 100 lbs., Sio.17410 20. hort ribs sides (loose), 19.6nrg9.70. Pry salted shoulders (boxed). lS.Ontya.25. Short clear rides (boled), JlO.Vu 10.26. WHISKY On basis of high wines. J1.80. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesteraay: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. 11.000 11,000 20.0ii0 SO.iiOO 89.000 1K6.000 228.000 209.'HO 2.000 4.000 ..... 4.000 6.00 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, du.. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries, IS 114c; dairies, 1781c. Cheese, easy, 12C. . sieaay fresh. 16c KBW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. May 24 FLOUR Receipts in fxiit bbls.: exDorts. 52.725 bbls.: dull and easier: winter patents, $4.00(r4 25; Mlnne- ni natenU. S4.oo'd4.20: Minnesota bakers. $3 13 56; winter straights. $; win ter extras, $3.16433.40; winter low grades, Siyf-llJ JO. nye nour, ouu, lair to goou, tllb4i3.40; choice to fancy, $3 Mi3.65. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow weatern. 1132: city, 11.30; uranaywine, ij.4tK3.w. uVWKtndv: No. 2 western, tific. f. o. b. afloat; state, 6-'al3c, c I. f., New York farlots. BARLEY Nominal; western feeding, 64 6S0 c. I. 1 Mew ora; mailing, ovtU'3C a J. f. New York. WH EAT Receipts. 68.960 bu.: exDorts. 147,264 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 87c, ele- 1 valor; so. reu, eac, 1. o. d. auoui; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 814c, f. o. -b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 864c f. 0. b., afloat. A sharp decline oc curred In wheat this morning, due to the bearish crop report figures. Liquidation was also Impelled by favorable weather news and lower cables. Later, however, prices rallied a little on covering and fur sign buying. The close was steady at a partial Vc net decline. May. 7949794c, closed at 794c; July. 7&4Jj74c. closed at 7Sc; September, 77Vu77c, closed at 77Hc; December, 784794c, closed at 794c - CORN Receipts. 85.660 bu. ; exports, 6.100 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2, 7i4c, elevator and Cs4c t. o. b., afloat. Influenced by the crop report corn also suffered a sharp early break, but subsequently rallied par . ttally on covering. The market closed stuady at 4c advance on May and 4-Uc decline otherwise. May. 7l'y.'lc closed at 71c; July. )4'utji)4c, closed at 664c; Sep tember, 6440c, closed at 61c; Decent br closed at 614c. OATS Receipts, 60,600 bu.; exports, 49, (4? bu. Spot, easy; No. 2. 464c; No. S. 46c; No. 3 while. 604c: No. 3 white. r.Oc; track mixed western, 4748c; track. 60&SOC Oats were quiet and easier at first, but after which they rallied with the other markets. HAY Dull; shipping, 60&66c; good to choice, nCi6o. , . HOPS Firm: stste, prime to choice, 1901 crop, -Wafcic; 19iO. 14616c: olds. Mjv Pa cific coast, kM crop, 174021c; 1900. lBlic. olds, fwifec. HIDES Firm; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs., ISc; California, 21 to 5 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to So lbs . 13c. LEATHER Steady: acid. t4i&Sc. ' WOOL UUlet; domestic fleece, 2a9Sc. TALLOW Easy : city t! er pkg.), 6c; country (pkgs. freei, 6'f64c. RICE teady; domesilc, fair to extra. HV64e: Japan, 4'yoc. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open kitla. aood to choice. 3.11410. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family. $16 00 016 50; mfts. $14: beef hums, SJ1 OunJ'12 00; packet Si5.ul"6 16.60; city extra India mess l Mi?7 .60. Cut meats. aulet: Dickie! bellies. $1 01110.75; pickled shoulders, $8 60 49. 75; picsieu nam, ju-o-11 1; 00. uru. slesdy; western steamed. $10 56; refined, steady; continent, SluM; South America, til: eomo unl. $S.7(a9 00. Pork, quiet; family. .fu.00; short clear, Sl.5OO'iL00; iness. ll)tU SiUTTLK Jftrmeri creamery, I9422c; 73 T! TIT 72VTi73 73yH 72 72 (6i 72 72 73Hfr 7tl 73H 0' 1 60 SS' 62S ! 6VeS 80WB- W4S 434 434 43 344 86 84 2iK 29 2H SOHWVi ' ' 30 30 17 00 17 074 17 00 17 07V4 " 24 17 074 10 124 10 20 10 12V4 10 15 10 224 10 15 55 624 58 ( W 8 66 60 factory. KIP-He; renovated, 12f4c; Imi tation creamery, lStf-tc; state dairy, 14 CHEESE- Dull; new state, full cream colored, choice, 12c: white, 124c; large colored, l'fi'llc; white, 11c. nana Firm ; state and Pennsylvania, 18c; western storage packed, lijjisc; southern, 14 15c. METALS The metal markets were all steady today, with a moderate Jobbing trade going on. Tin was quoted at S-935'u iin 36. Copper was quoted at S12 for stand ard, spot to August; SU.664J12.I for leke, S12.3.Va 12 50 for electrolytic and S12.2wS12.374 for resting. Iad stands at 34.124- Spelter Is quoted at 34.76. Iron was steady and unchanged. OMAHA WHOLESALE, MARKETS. Condltloa of Trade and Qaotatloas Staple aad Fancy Prodace. EOOS Including new No. t cases, 14c; cases returned, 144c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 84'ff'; old roosters, according to age, 4j6c; turkeys, SJllc; oucks and geese, ic; broilers, per 10., iSc. BUTTER Packing stock, 17c; choice dairy, In tubs, ll'fl-ae: separator, 23c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout. c; crapplea, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 5c; blueflns. Sc; wbltefish, 11c; cat fish, 13c; black bsss, 18o; halibut. He; sal mon, 16c; haddock. He; codfish. 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 75c; shad roe, per pair, xc, split shad, per lb., 10c; lob sters, boiled, per lb., 26c; lobsters, green, per lb., 23c. PIGEONS Live, tier dos., 760. VEAL Choice, 6QS0. CORN 614c. OATS 4:ie. BRAN Per ton, $1800. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay, No. 1 upland, 19; No. 1 medium, 18 ; No. 1 coarse, S3. Rye straw, S5 50. These prices are for hav of good color and quality. Demand fair. Recelpta light. VEGETABLES. EGG PLANT Florida, per dos.. 11.25. bUU ASH Florida, per 001., CAULIFLOWER Southurn, per box, S2H0. POTATOES Northern, tl.OO; Colorado, $1.10; new potatoes, per lb., 24c UKEEN ONIONS Par dos., according to size of bunches, 15g20c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dog., 30 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doi., 60 76c. LETTUCE Hothouse, per doi., J&c PARSLEY Per dos.. 30. RADISHES Per dos., 20tf2&c. WAX BEANS-Ilitnois. per box, $1.50(9 2.00; per 1-3 bt. box, 75c; per market basket. 75c; string beans, per box, laOc. GREEN PEAS Per bu. box, tl.&vfctf.OO; per one-third bu., 65iar75o. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 14c CABBAGE California, new. Sc. ONIONS New southern onions. In sacks, per lb.. Sc. TOMATOES Fiorina, per 6-basket crate, 13.76; choice, $'.' 75(jj3.uu. NAVY BEANS Per bu . $2. , FRUITS. CHERRIES California, per box, $1.50 STRAWBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $3.00 (&3.2S. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 38 count, $4u0. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, $2.26Ctf2.75. ORANGES Budded, $3.25; Mediterranean sweets, H.5(X3.76. LEMONS Fancy, $3.50; choice, $3.25; Mes lnas, S4.0WS4.5O. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY-Per 24-section ease, $2.7503.00. CIDER-Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New York, S3.50. FOFCORN-Per lb., 5c; shelled. 6c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, c; Brazils, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., lac; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoanuls, per sack, la.oo. HIDES No. 1 green. 64c; No. 3 green, 64c; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. i salted, 64c: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to U4 lbs., 8c; No. Z veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, fcgLlc; sheep pelts. 75c; horse hides, $1.502.50. OLD METALS A. li. Alpcrn quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $10; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $7 50; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 34c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per. lb., 60. St. Louis Grain s Provisions. 8T. LOUIS, May 24. WHEAT Receipts, B6,iM ousneis; mantel nrm; mo. z re a casn, elevator, 784c; track, 79416804c; May, 78c; July, 71471c; No. 3 hard, 76(27740. JORN Higher: No. 3 cash. 644c; track. 64c: May. b3Vo: July. 624c: September. S34(ff6c. UAis-firm; no. j casn, 124c; tracx, 4:-te-t3c; May, 43c; July, 33c; September, 284c: No. 2 white, 46c. mis-Hteaay at tJc. FLOUR Dull, unchanged: red winter patents, $3.K5(j?3.80; extra fancy and straight, $3.3613.50; clear, $3.0OQ3.2O. uttii iimotny, sieaay, K.uwl2a. CORNMEAL Steady. $3.15. BRAN Steady; sacked. 8992c. HAY-Dull. lower: timothy. $12.00014.00: prairie, $11. vvnitsK 1 pteaoy, si. so. IRON COTTONTIE8 Steady, $1.06. BAGGING Steady, 64&64C HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork: Higher: iobblnr. $17.20 for old, $17.60 for new. Lard: Higher at iu.u.'t. iry sail meats tooxeai. nrm: extra shorts and clear ribs. $10: short clear. iiv.121. cacon iDojfai, nrm; extra snorts ana clear riDs, iiu.b; snort clear, in. hki AL Bieaay at'o3..4. Spelter: Nominal at (4.35. POULTRY Market steady: chickens. 4c; springs, 2ofc'Joc; turkeys, 9c; ducks, b4c; geese, a44c BUTTER Steady; creamery. 1723c; EGGS Steady at 134c . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7000 8,0n0 Wheat, bu 68.000 58.000 Corn, bu 50.000 33,000 Oats, bu 68,0o0 35,0u0 Liverpool Grata and Provisions, LIVERPOOL, May 24.4-WHEAT Spot, No. 1 northern, coring, quiet at 6s34d; No, 1 California, steady at 6s 5d. Futures, aulet: May, 6s 4d; July, 6s 4d; September, 6s 24d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 6s 7d; Amerlcon mixed, old, 6s 84d. Fu tures nominal; July, 6s24d; October, 6s 14a. PEAS Canadian, steady at 6s lOd. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 8s 9d. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm, 3 lie 4 15s. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; extra India mess,- 102s 6d. Pork, firm; prime mess, western, 76s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 63s 6d. Bacon. Cumberland cut 26 to 80 lbs., steady, 61s 6d; short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs., steady. Sis 6d; long clear middles. light. 28 to 34 lbs, steady, 62a; long clear middies, neavy, 30 to u ids., steady, bis tkt short clear bacKS, 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 62s; ciear Denies. i 10 10 10s., sieaay, us a. Shoulders, squsre, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet, 39s, Lard, quiet, American refined. In palls, 61s 9U; prime western. In tierces, quiet. bis n. BUTTER Nominal; finest United States, firm. 6s. TALLOW-Prlme city. firm, at 80s d; Australian, in i.onaon. nrm at i. CHEESE Firm; American finest white, old. 67a; American finest white, new, 64s; American finest colored, old, 60s; American finest colored, new, firm, 64s. Kansas City Cirala and Provisions. . KANSAS CITY. May 24 WHEAT May. 714c Ju'y. Mjt9c; cash. No. J hard. ii4U'ac; o. d, ijc; no. i red, 7iH4c; No. 3, i44c CORN May, 62ic: July. 594c: September. 544(U'i44c: cash. No. 3 mixed, W404c; imo. i wnue, oo"tr"ic; jmo. i, boijooc. OATS No. 2 white, 44tfH54c RYE No. 2, 60c. HAY Choice timothy. $11.50: choice prairie, Sloum 10.50. BUTTER Creamery. 20c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EGGS-Steady: new No. I whltewood cases Included, 134c per dos., loss off; cases reiurneu, uu. Receipts. Shipments. Whest, bu. Corn, bu.,., Oats, bu..., 29.euu 28.SUU 16.UU) 17.00 Toledo Grala aaiel Seea. TOLEDO. O.. Msv 24. WHEAT Dull. easier; cash,, 824c; May, 82c; July. 754c; oepiemoer, oc. CORN Dull steady: cash. 34c: Uir. 634c; July, 624c; September, 61c. tjAi Active, nrm; casn and May, 44c; July. 344c; September, i4e. SEED Clover, fairly active, firm; cash, S?4; October. S5.(t;4i No. I. 4.254?g.40. Mllwaakee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. May 24 WHEAT Mar ket lower: No. 1 northern, "Sc; No. i north ern, IJc; July. 734o. lYYE-flteeay; No. 1. s94'Soc. BARLEY Lower; No. X, 724373c; sample, 85St72c. CORN-July, 624c Peerla Market. PEORIA. 111.. May M.-CORN-Lowar; No. J, 2c. OATS Easier; No. I white. 434c billed througn. WHISKY On the basis of SI. SO for Sn Ished goods. Mlaaaspalls Hktat, Klaas ail Bras, MINNEAPOLIS, May K WHEAT May, 74Sc; July, 74Sc; September, 714c On track: No. 1 hard, 7'e; jso. 1 nortnern, 754'j;64c; No. 2 northern. 74,'ff74Sc. Kll;K hirst patents, .niuj. secona patents. $.16 3 76; first clears, S2 S'WJ.ou: second clears, $2 So. BRAN In bulk, $14. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Mar 24. BUTTER Steady, but quiet; extra wes'crn creamery, 224c; extra nearby prints. 23c. EGOS Firm, good demand ;' fresh nearby. 17c; fresh western, 174c; fresh southwest ern, 17r; fresh southern, 16c. CHEESE Firm, fair demand; New York full creams, prime small, new, 12(fJ13c; New York full cr ama, fair to good. new. 12124c. Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH. May 24 WHEAT Cash. No. 1, hard, 774c; No. 2 northern, 724c; No. 1 northern, 744c; May, 744c; July, 74497140; September, 744c. OATS cash. 4444c. MEW YORK STOCKS AND BOXDS. General Market Steady, but Canadian Pacific Makes a Record. NEW YORK. Mav 24 The onlv feature of Importance In today's market was the ouying or Canadian racinc, wnicn ns been in evidence for several days past and which was halted by the president s state ment that the general prosperity of the company was ail he knew of to account for It. The price reached a record figure today at This movement helped to keep the general market steady. There were a number of special movements In the less important stocKs, dui tne list as n. whole- was Inert and closed at small net changes either way. 3"he hopeful views of the peace outlook In South Africa did not alter this state of affairs, nor did the bank statement. There Is a disposition to await definite results In rtomn Arrica, ana a reeling mat mere might be a hitch that would again delay the situation. The outcome of the coal strike Is also awaited. Ths report that the control of Louisville & Nashville, and. In consequence, the Chi cago, Indianapolis & Louisville absorption protect are, in a measure, contingent and dependent on holdings under options was somewhat disturbing in the possibility sug gested of complications. 1 ne weainer map was consiruea as favorable to crop prospects, although showers In the northwest are not dried at this time. The bank statement shows an encourag ing recuperation of reserves, but neither the Increase in cash nor the reduction In loans was f 'illy up to the expectations formed by the street. The effect on the market was, therefore, scarcely perceptible. The market closed about steady. Business In bonds has not been large, but prices are well sustained. United States 48, new, declined 4, the olds 4 and the Ss and 6s 4 per cent below the closing of last week. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atcblaon .., 04 So. Railway 17 do pfd 4Ti do old Baltimore A o.. ..10yTxn A Pacific 44 do pfd Tolado, Bt. L. A W. 31 Canadian Paclflo .. Canada So , Chea. A Ohio , Chicago A Alton.., .138 . M . 4V do pfd I7U Union Pacific 10ft do pfd 874 . S4 . T64' Wabaali 274 do pfd do pfd 44V. Chicago, Ind. A l . 74 . (7 Wheal. A L. E 214 do . ptd do Id pfd 14U Chicago A B. Hi .1644 Wla. Central 274 Chicago A O. W.... 2S4 do pfd ,. 484 Adams Ex 200 American Ex 206 Inll.d Stalas Ex.. ..118 Walla-Fargo Ex K Amalgamated Cop.... 704 A mar. Car A I I04 do pfd o Amir. Lin. Oil 26 do pfd 10 do 1st pro do 2d ptd . at . 48 Chicago A N. W... .141 c.. K. 1. A r Chicago Tar. A Tr .119 . siv do pfd C. C. C. A St. L.. Colorado So .1064 . 114 . 70 do lit ptd do 2d pfd . 44 Amer. 8. A R 48 Del. & Hudson.... Dal. L. A W Denrer A R. O.... .176 .165 . 41 . 80 . 17 do pfd 7U Anac. Mining Co 1184 Brooklrn R. T 68Vk do pfd Colorado Fuel A I...1U2 Con. Oes 2224 Eli do lit pfd do Id pfd Con. Tobacco pfd....l204 Gen. Electric 118 . Ill .184 Oreat Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... Hocking Coal 18 . 824 Inter. Paper II do pfd . 90 do pfd 74 Illinois Central ... .1644 Inter. Power 764 Iowa Central 45 ILacleda Oaa 88 M National Biscuit .... 47H do pfd Laka Erie A W .... e ....116 ....138 ...Ail National Laa 11 No. American 121 Pacific Coast 6 Paclne Mall 41 do pfd L. A N Manhattan L. .. Met. St. Rr .1484 People's Oaa 1024 . 274 Pressed 8. Car 461 .112 I do pfd 8t4 . 844'Pullman P. Car IIS . W Republic Steal 174 . 864 4o Ptd 744 .10 Sugar 1184 .167 Taan. Coal A I 4 . (74 Union Bag A F IS .88 do pfd 81 Mex. Central Minn. A St. L Mo. Paclflo M . K. A T do pfd N. 1. Central ..... N. Y. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W PrnnayWanla Reading do 1st pfd do Id pfd St. LAB. r do let ptd do Id ptd St. L. Southw 124 U. Lwthor 184 144 do ptd 14 824 V. 8. Rubber 164 U do pfd , u4 884 U. S. steal 404 7 do pfd 804 81 Western Union $04 714 A mar. Locomotive.... 114 274 do pfd it 1714 K. C. Southern 114 isi 1 to ptd 414 66 St. Paul .. do pfd . . . So. Paclflo Offered, Blew York Money market. NEW YORK, May 24. MONEY On call, nominal; no loans; prim mercantile paper, 44186 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at S4.Sfi4gi 4.874 for demand, and at S4.844S4.844 for sixty days; posted rates, S4.664 and S4fc; commercial bills, S4.834ji4.844. BILVEf-Bar, (24c; Mexican dollars, 414c. BONDS State, Inactive; government, easy; ref. 2s reg. and coupon, fot4; Ss reg. and coupon, IOH4; new 4s reg. and coupon, 1364; old 4s reg. and coupon, 1104; 6a reg. and coupon. 10&4- The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. 8. nf. is. rI....1064'L A N. unl. 4s 1014 do coupon 108HtMx. Central 4s 8 do ta, reg 1074 do la Inc 824 do coupon 101 V Minn. A St. L, 4a. ,.10 do new 4a, rag U6ViM., K. A T. 4s 101 do coupon 13441 do la al do old 4a, rag 1104 N. T. Central la 1044 do coupon 1104 do gaaaral !4e....l08 do la. rag 104 N. J. C. gan. 4a 1184 do coupon ..10J ..11)3 11 ,. nt ..102I1 .. 84 No Paolfio 4s 104! Atchlaon gan. 4a.. do adj. 4n Baltimore A O. 4a do 14a do coav. 4a do 8a 73W N. A W. coo. 4a4...10l4 Headlna sen. 4a 100 3t L A I M e. 8a.... 114 at. L. A 8. r. 4a.... M .107 Canada 80. 2a .108 Central of Oa. I. ...1084 do la Inc 86 Chea. A Ohio 44-"-"1 Cbicaao A A. I4a... 84Vt at. L. Southw. la... 884 do Is 84 8. A. A A. P. 4a 0 So, Paclflo 4a 864 So. Railway 6a 1214a C, B. k Q n. 4a.... 8SV lexaa a r&cina ia...iai C. M A St p a. 4a. ..Ill IT., St. L. A W. 4a.. 824 C. A N. W. o. 7a... U4 union raome aa loe C, R. I. A P. '4a.... 1124 do conv. 4s 104 C C C A 8t L g. 4s.. 104 Chtcaao Tar. 4a 88 wanaan la uu da 2a., .11" ,. TS4 .lH'-t .. 8.14 . H4 Colorado Bo. 4a 86V, D. A R. O. 4s 104. Erie prior lien 4a....l' do general 4s 87 Si F. W. A D. C. la... 1184 Hocking Valer 44a.. Uo do deb. B Weat Shore 4a.... Wheal. ALB.' Wla. Central 4a.. Con. Tobaoce 4a., . S84 Boatos Stock Quotations BOSTON, May 24 Call loans, per cent; time loans, 444T5 per cent. Official closing 01 siocks ana Donas Atrhlaon 4a Oaa la Mei .Central 4a.., N. B- O. A C... Atchlaon .1024iAdTanture 23' .. 844;Allouea II1 .. 81 I Amalgamated 70- .. 64VUIngham 874 .. 8u Calumet A Hecla....6M . . 84 Centennial to ..lei Topper Range 84 do Ptd Boaion A Albany. Boaton A Me ... Knatna Elevated .in uominloa Coal 184 ..141 Pranklln 11 M Y . N. H. A H...13J lale Bojrale 11 Mohawk 424 yitchburg ptd. .lab Union Pacldo Mex. Central American Sugar .. .1008 uid uominion 11 . 27W Oecaola at .1; Parrot I04 .II8V1 gulacr U .178 Santa T Copper 14 . e4Tamarack 170 .114 Trlnllf 114 . 4"l nlUHl States II . 4iLUk . 4 Victoria 4W .108 Winona 8 . 404I Wolverine IS do pfd American T. A T. Dominion I. A .. Gea. Electric Maes, fclectrte ... do ld N E. U. A C t ailed mill V. S. Steel do pfd aoSIUnlted Copper ...... 44 W eating a- Common. .1074' Ltsdos Stock Market. LONDON. May 24.-4 p. m. Closing: Conaola (or mooejM l-14(Nortolk A Weal era. . do account 8 t-16 do pld , 114 , 81 , 84 , 74H 114 . 44 . . is . 7 4 . 84 .108-4 . 8VV, , 4i4 . H . 27V . 48 . 78 . 18 Anaconda 4W, Ontario A wi Alcblton 8I4 PeauayWanUt do nfd .lul .1084 .lUVs . 4 Read Ins Baltimore A Ohio.., Canadian Pacific... Cheeapeake A Ohio do let pfd do 2d pfd Soataern Hf Chluaao U. w 84 as ia . . C, at. A St. Paul. .1784 Southern Pacific. Denver A k. O.. alia. Colon Paclflo.... do ptd Brio do lat pfd da Id pld Ullaola Central Louiavllla A Kaah. la., k. A T do pfd . 88 do pfd . . 8e4 Cm tad States Steal. do ptd We been da pfd Spanlan 4a itaad Mines edeers . 84 .HI .141 . 18 V. . 414 N. T. Central .11 BAR SILVER Cu.-i at S44d oer ounce. MONEY 14624 i-a- tent. The rste of discount in the o,n Tiarket for both short and tnree-moi.ins diiis is 24 per cent. Coadttlaa at Ike Treaaary. WASHINGTON. May M. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the Sl50,000,ou gold reserve In tne division 01 redemption, shows: Available cash balance. ls.6oJs, gold, S95.567.S61. Weekly Bask tateaaeat. NEW YORK. May 24. The statement of tVi auoclaitd banks for the week ended todsy shows: Ixns SoTO isS SO0, decrease SSSasSOw; deposits tvll. decrease aaiiu.pou: clrculalloa UL170.M. decrease ll)2.4nt): legal tenders S75,Sl.!O0. Increase SI. 756.000: njrl,. S171.f-23.0oO, Increase H.W, 2J0; reserve S247.2.19 n Increase SlASi.MW; reserve required t-2.3i.750. decrease Sl.l"2, 725; surplus Sl4.Sol.3ju, Increase S0.;4.JJ5. Xew Tark MlatasT 4etatles. NEW YORK, May 24. The following ut the closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Con Alice Breece Prunewlrk Cod... Comalok Tunnet (on Cat. A Va... Peadwond Terra.. 10 iLlttla Chief ... Ontario ... 11 ...771 ...140 ... 8 ... 20 ... It ... 20 ... 44 ...128 . 8 ophtr . 10 l'honli . 84 Pot oat .146 flee .100 sierra Nevada .110 Small Hnpee .. . 78 sundant Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadvtlle Con Foreign rinanelal. LONDON. May 24 The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on bal ance today was 147,000. Gold premiums are quoted at Htienos Ayres at 136.80 and at Madrid at 37.87. There was the usual Saturday slackness of demand for money today. LMscounts were steady. The at tendance at the "Kaffir circus" (market) was unusually large for Saturday. The de mand for consols was unabated. Home mils were nrm on the strength of gllt-ed.eed securities. Americans were Irregular and fenerally higher. The movements were ractlonal and inactive and prices closed steady. Canadian Pacifies were In renewed demand. South Americans were fairly firm. Hamrs nad a firm tendency. Chartereds were In good demand. DeBeera eased a trifle. PARIS, May 24. Business on th bourse today opened quiet, with prices steady. Later transactions were more active. Numerous buying orders for Kaffirs, on London account, stimulated other pur chases. Rio tlntos and industrials were frlnclpally In demand, owing to'the jrrow ng belief of a speedy termination of hos tilities In South Africa. Toward the close Rlos were In good demand. The private rate of discount wss 14 per cent. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 25c for the account. Exchange on Ixmdon. 26f 21o for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 75.75. BEKUN. May 24. Exchange on London. 20m 47pfgs for checks. Discount rate for short bills, lvper cent; for three months' bills, 24 per cent. Prices were firm on the bourse today In anticipation of peace In South Africa. Banks were active. Deutsche bank was In good demand and Dlsconto Gesselchafft advanced on the dis solution -of the underwriting syndicate for Issuing new shares. Governments were Ir regular. Canadian Pacifies Improved In response to New York. Transvaais were weaker. Bank Clearlnscs. OMAHA, May 24. Bank clearings for the week ending today show an Increase of S314.347.46 over those of the corresponding week of last year. The dally figures read: 1902. 1901. Monday ... .11,209,603 02 . 1,131,059 15 . 1.025,057 93 . 1.1X8.130 68 . 1.144.812 66 . 1,199,606 00 11.244.131 22 1,101,1H 48 1,081,319 S6 1.061,217 62 1.047.43 65 1.048.45 15 Tuesday .., Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. Totals ma oao ieo u ta not C91 ca ivinia ........ . . .,o v"."-" Jt CHICAGO. Mav 24. Clearings. S24.9n9.2S9: balances. S2,3oO,685; posted exchange, S4.8o4 for sixty days, S4.88 on demand; New York exchange, c premium. NEW YORK, May 24. Clearings, S254,033, 212; balances, SU,903.9S8. BOSTON. Mav 24. Clearings. 20,624,S91; balances, SI. 830.016. PHILADELPHIA, May 24. Clearings, S18.492.031: balances, S2,858,791; clearings for the week. S124.864.037; balances, S16,534,653; money, 44 per cent. BALTIMORE. May 24. Clearings, S4.106. 684; balances. S489.774; clearings for the week, S21.649.814: balances. 13,667,931: money. 6 per cent. Wool Market. BOSTON, May 24. WOOL The quota tions on choicest staple territory on the scoured basis are as follows: Fine, 60UX)2c; fine medium, 47fy48c, and mediums, 45c, while the ordinary grades scoured are: Fine. 47&'48c: fine medium. 43fc45c; medium, 3Sii40c. Fine washed fleeces are thoroughly well sustained, with limited offerings. Ohio and Pennsylvania XX nominal, 1820c; XX and above, 26 28c; X, 2425c; Michigan, 2224c. De laine wool 14 In very small supply, with the market firm. Michigan, 25427c; No. 1 washed combing, 264027c; No. 2, 25&27c; Australian wools, firm; combing, choice scoured, 70 72c; good, 6768c; average, 60 366c. ST. LOUIS. Mav 24. WOOL Steady : medium grades, 1Wi17c; light fine, 12(9 154c; heavy fine, 10(gl24c; tub washed, lo 26c Oil and Rosin. OIL CITY, Ps.. May 24. OIL Credit bal ances. Si. 20; certificates, no bid: shipments, 82.040 bbls.; . average. 101,374 bbls.; runs, 92.164 bbls.: average, 79,511 bbls. NEW YORK. May 24. OIL Cottonseed, quiet; prime crude, nominal; yellow, 4bWj 46c. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York, S7.40; Philadelphia and Baltimore, S7.30; Philadelphia and Baltimore, in bulk, 84.85. Rosin, weak; strained, common to good, 1. 67401.60. Turpentine, firm, 474ir48c. TOLEDO. O.. May 24. OIL North Lima, 88c; South Lima and Indiana, 83c. LIVERPOOL, May 24. OIL Turpentine spirits, firm. 34s 9d. Rosin, common, steady, 4s lUd. Petroleum, refined, steady. 74d. "Linseed oil, firm, 33s 3d. LOInLHJN, May i. uiLr unseed oil, zs 14d. Turpentine spirits, 34s HHd. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, May 24 COFKEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 64c Mild, quiet; Cordova, 81&II4C. The market opened quiet and unchanged to 6 points lower, after which there were unimportant changes, with speculation almost entirely of a local professional character. The foreign mar ket news was rather disappointing and re ceipts In the crop country were far heavier than expected. Importers were liberal sel lers throughout the session and were still offering coffee at the close. The market was finally steady and net unchanged to 5 fioints lower. Total sales were 18,5u0 bags, ncludlng: June, 6$5.05c; July, 6.10c- Sep tember, 6.25Si5.SOc; October, 6.35c; Novem ber, 6.40c; December, 5.50c; March, 6.70 6.75c; April, 6.50c. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. May 24. EVAPORATED APPLES Continue firmly held, owing to the small offerings, but are slow. Prices remain about as last quoted. State, com mon to good, 7&4c; choice, 104S104c; fancy, loajQllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are steady and for new fruit In fair Jobbing request, chiefly for large sixes. Old fruit is dull and Irregular. Apricots and peaches are without feature and quiet and steady. Prunes 34if?6c. Apricots, boxes, 104Cjl4c; bags. 104Cal2e. Peaches, peeled, 14Q16c; un peeled, 84&llc Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, May 24. COTTON Futures closed steady; May, .22c; June, 13c; July, 9.03o: August, 8.70c; September, 8.11c; Oc tober, 7.95c; November. 7.85c; December, 7.84c; Januaiy. 7.85c: February, 7.85c. Spot closed quiet and steady: ml. Idling upland, 9 916c; middling gulf, 13-16c; sales, 3,250 bales, GALVESTON, May 24. COTTON Mar ket quiet at 3-16c. ST. LOU 18, May 24. COTTON Steady : middling. 94c; sales, 60 bals; receipts, 201 bales; shipments, 876 bales; stock, 26,698 Dales. Sugar Market. NEW YORK. May 24. SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining, 24c; centrifugal, 96 test, S7-16C; molasses sugar, 2 11-iuc. xte nnod. steady: No. 6. 4.10c; No. 7, 4c; No. 8, S.ftOc; No. 9. 8.86c; No. 10, 3.80c; No. 11, 8.75c; No. 12, 3.70c; No. 13, S.70c; No. 14, 3 70c; standard A, 4.4Sc; confectioners' A, 4 45c; mould A, oc; cut loar, 0.10c: crusnea. 0.10c; powdered, 476c; granulated, 4.66c; cubes, 4.90C. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, May 24.-DRY GOODS The market closed quiet In all departments. There has been a poor demand for most descriptions of domestic, the cosrse colored cottons, such as denims and cheviots, show ing the best results. Prints are quiet and unchanged. Print cloths are dull at pre vious prices. American cotton yarns are weak and Irregular for yarn In stock, but fairly steady for yarns to be made. Wor sted and woolen yarns are quiet at previous prices. Linen and Jute yarns are firm. Exports aad laaporta. NEW YORK. May 24 The Imports of dry goods and merchandise at the port of New York for this week were valued at ITiiwirtl of article from this port to all countries for this week aggregated S4o3.421 silver and S2.0OD gold. The Imports of specie this week were S2.ea gold and Si,ou snver. Sew York Live Stock Market. KFW vnnv Mav 24. BEEVES Re ceipts, 17 cars; dressed beef, steady at 4ft 114c per lb. Cables unchanged; exports today, 1.839 head cattle, 136 bead sheep and quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, none; feeling steady; city dressed veals unchanged at S'ol04c rur lh. HOGSRecelpta 684 head; feeling steady. SHEEP AND LAMbB Receipts, X.tM head: market very slow; every tning oe cllned from lie to Xc except choice spring lambs, which were about steady; clipped sheep, S3."nS26: choice sheep. 80.66; clipped lambs, SS&i4.76; unshorn lambs, choice, II. in: SDiinar lamha I6.6otf4.26: dressed mut ton. 910114c; dressed lavubs, 7013c; spring lauuba, Utfllo, OMAHA LIVE STOCR MARKET Better Oradei of Bteen and Oowi a Little Higher Than a Week Aeo, HOGS A LITTLE LOWER FOR THE WEEK BIsT Decrease la Sheep Receipts at This Point Prevented a Drop la Prices la Sympathy with the Break la Chicago. SOUTH OMAHA. May 21. Receipts were: Official Monday .... umclal luesuay .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Otncial Friday .... Official Saturday .. Cattle. Hogs, sheep. 1.562 l,ii BHD 673 2,1,8 7-U 1.866 6b2 .;2 10.17 S.712 7.017 7,748 3.6-'7 4.1W l.aM 3"S Total this week 15.149 47,711 8 4 0 Week ending May 17 12,!WU 46,934 11.418 Week ending May 10 W.iil 4,S4 la,71 Week end'tig May 3 ll.ttJi) 61.087 12.K76 Week ending April 26 14.406 41.136 13. 618 Same week last year 13.4S9 67.43 ls.6 4) RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South omaha for the year vo dale, and compaVoni with last year: . 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 3u7,il3 276.487 30.728 Hogs L033,!tH 951.853 1,94 Sheep 349,451 . 462.121 102.670 The following table iNwi the averags Dries of lions sold on the south oinana market the past several days, with corn- parlsons with tormer years: Date. I 1902. U01.;Ugo. (1839. 11898. 11897. 13S. April 28.. T074I April 29.. 7 0341 t 65 April SO.. 4 6 64 May 1.... I 9i4l I M May .... 1 U14 6 71 May 8 ... 7 014 6 72 May 4.... 6 66 May 6.... 7 03 May .... 98 I 68 May 7.... 6 9o4 6 69 May 8.... 7 00 6 64 May .... 7 08 6 66 May 10... 7 U74 5 61 May 1.1... 6 66 May 12... 6 994J May 13... 7 08 6 68 May 14... 7 124 6 71 May 16... 7 14 6 66 May 16... 7 074 6 69 May 17... 7 134 6 72 May 18... 6 73 May 19... 7 124 May 20... 7 11 6 73 May 21... 1 074 6 67 May 22... 7 034 63 May 23... 7 08 6 61 May 24... 7 05 6 67 6 371 S 6 1 wi a 7 8 79 a 761 a 26 a si a is a is a li a I 26 a 74 6 Wi I su S79 in 6 961 S 61 a a oi 6 la a & 617 S 66 a 8 6 26 6 S3 S 68 a 62 64 a 931 a 96 a 3 a iz a 66) a so a si 04 a 21 a sol a 70! a 30 6 10 s 6a a 71, a 19 a is a s 10 a 17 S 20 3 15 a 21 a 19 a 11 a 12 3 07 a 03 3 03 3 02 i 12 a 65 t a 3 63! a tr; 6 151 3 62 a 62 3 95 a 9; 6 16 S 15 e S 661 4 in 4 36 4 U a 4 26 IS?i a 68 a 3 61 a no 6 17 6 21 6 23 a 6i 8(61 S 55 a 63 S 60 3 69 6 20 4 40 ft 11 6 10 a 4 29 4 35i 3 62 3 61 3 65 t 65 a 3 62 1 65 4 26 3 62 3 60 3 52 e 3 45 6 03 4 2& a 4 33 6 08 5 01 6 04 3 62j a 25 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H ses. C, M. & St. P. By.. O. & St. L. Ry Missouri Paclflo Ry.. Union Pacific system C. & N. W. Ry F., E. & M. V. R. R.. C, St. P., M. & O.... B. & M. Ry C. B. & Q. Ry K. C. & St. J. Ry.... C, R. 1. & P., east.... Illinois Central Ry.. Total receipts .... 3 12 1 1 1 1 9 4 .. a 40 .. 13 1 11 1 7 .. .. 1 2 12 2 1 .. 13 111 2 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each bjyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co 1.4:2 1.8S1 1,834 1,904 3 Cudahy, Kansas City 287 275 Swift, Kansas City G. H. Hammond Co Armour & Co., Kansas City 85 Other buyers 1 767 Totals 95 7,808 662 CATTLE There were practically no cat tle on sale today, which leaves the re ceipts for the week a trifle In excess of last week, and also of the same week of last year. The demand on the part of local puckers has been In good shape practically all the week and quite a few cattle were also bought by outside pack ers, so that there was a ready outlet for all the desirable grades mat were offered. Beef steers made up the bulk of the offerings every day of the week and the Suallty was fully up to the average. The emand was best for the cattle that were well fatted and such kinds Improved Wit 15c during the week. Weights or quality did not seem to make as much difference as the amount of fat. When It came to the part fatted cattle the market was slow and prices on such grades are no more than steady for the week. The kinds that have advanced the most are those that were selling a week ago from 86.60 to 16 90. Choice cattle-, are quotable from 37.00 to $7.30, and they are also strong for the week. The commission men are calling the attention of their customers to the fact that cattle showing grass will soon be on the market and that they will come In competition with the half fat cornfeds. A widening range of prices is looked for from this time on. The better grades of cows and heifers were In good demand all last week and prices are a little higher. There was some very choice stuff offered, however, as Is shown ty tne tact mat as nign as S6-2U was paid. The better grades in a good many cases undoubtedly sold 1015c higher than a week ago. but still the situation can perhaps best be described by calling tne mantel strong ana active. Tne com moner grades are if anything a little lower for the week. Cows and heifers showing grass are now beginning to come forward and the tendency of prices is of course downward, which means that the common dry lot cows ana neirers must go down with them. Desirable grades of bulls commanded strong prices all the week and so also did stags. Veal calves are a little higher than they were a week ago, as choice grades sold as high as S7.26. The supply or stocKers and feeders was very light sll the week, and so also was the demand from the country. Good heavy feeders held about steady, but the ugnt stocKers, ana particularly tnose lack ing in quality, were slow sale and a little lower. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ....11M TO cowa No. S... I teo t 0 2 lis iti CALVES. 1 142 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 1060 1 60 HOGS The receipts of hogs were lib eral here today for a Saturday, there being a decided Increase over both yes terday and Saturday of last week. As the reports from other points came lower the market here dropped off Just about 60 on the opening. There were a few loads sold that were not over 24 lower, but these were exceptional. The opening was slow all around, but good hogs were In fair demand at prices right around 6c lower, and ranged mostly from S7.o6 to 87.16. and as high ss S7.224 was paid. Medium weights went irom to Si.oo and light trashy stuff from S6.95 down. On tho close the market strengthened up a little and a good clearance was made comparatively eariy. For the week tne receipts nave teen a little heavier than for last week, but there la a decrease as compared with the same wcea 01 lati year. trices nave fluctuated back and forth to some extent and for the week the average price has been lower, inursusy ana Saturday were the low days, so that the average today was 511 loo lower than the close of last week. Representative sales: No. 18.... 88..., 28..., 88.... 88..., 14..., 74..., 14..., Tl..., T8... 88... T8... 11... Tt... 82... 81... 84... 71... Tt... M... 47... 88... 88... 74... 48... TT... 84... T2... tl... 81... TO... 88... 71... 88... 78... 88... 80... Tt... 88... 82... 78... 12... 87... 87... 84... AT. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. II 12 228 ... 1 1 4 70 It. 220 180 1 Ol I 86 71 2-1 80 T OS 80 77 24 Ik) T 05 80 17 231 ISO T 06 80 84 248 ...lit I M 80 234 280 T 08 I 81 U 242 120 1 06 I 8 71 216 0 1 86 874 44 220 80 1 08 1 00 41 .221 820 T 08 1 00 88 240 40 T OT4 1 00 81 140 40 T 074 T 00 70 221 110 T 074 7 00 T2 227 80 1 074 7 00 64 247 80 T 074 T 00 Tl 248 120 T 074 T 00 14 l- 80 T 074 1 00 84 227 80 T 07 4 T 00 82 227 120 1 07 4 t 00 tt HI ... t 10 1 00 88 228 80 T 10 1 00 88 241 80 t 10 t 00 7 8 227 ... T 10 1 00 70 211 240 t 10 1 00 82 11 80 T 10 t 00 u 247 40 T 10 T 00 266 40 1 10 1 o 61 :u ... 1 11 f 08 80 242 160 1 10 1 04) TO tee 80 T 10 t M 81 211 80 T 10 t 08 Tl 28 IN 1 10 t 08 84 144 ... f 10 T 014 188 80 1 10 1 64 2r.O 120 t 10 T 4H, 60 270 110 I 10 1 0.', 88 mi 40 t 16 1 02 4 61 2 160 1 II T 024 T6 218 8 1 14 t Ol' 66 21 l' t 114 T 02' II 228 160 T 124 1 624 61 Ill 86 t 124 1 MSe 66 Ml ... T 124 t 08 T2 211 100 t 124 T 06 44 r SU 1 lis t 2 10 MX ... I le ....148 .....181 ....181 ....188 ....178 ,....11 ....! 2l)4 1H 188 218 218 220 .....218 I1T ' Ill I4 2.8 I3T Ill 214 211 214 284 212 118 117 lid 211 K2 2U2 18 211 M2 Ill 128 tit Ill 221 1M 811 118 241 14 40 40 180 80 m 10 '40 110 120 HO 140 20 80 120 140 80 io teo 1M 80 uo 110 120 18 80 40 Suo so 10 10 leo let 'si 80 80 too 1M .141 2'4 242 .224 .t .i. 4 T as f t 8 TO... 0... II .. 81... ... 83... 12... 48... 72... ...4 ...J6 ...2'T ...20 ...Ji ...21 .. 2JT ...ft ...228 .. 81 ... I II ... t 16 ... 7 II ... T 11 80 7 16 81 T 16 1 1 II 180 T 16 ... T 20 140 I :o mo T i" T n 20 120 T 06 1 1 T ( T 120 ..J'S ln ..r?4 l . 2 7 W T 06 80. 60. 60. ..tH 80 T 06 75 218 an 7 ol .802 t 124 SHKKP Tarn car nf sheen srrlved this morning, but they were consigned dlrcvt to a local packer, so that there was noth ing with which to make a test of the market. The supply all the week has been exceedingly light, and In fact has been the smallest In a good many months. A decrease of over 12.000 head Is noted as compared with the same week of last year As there hsi been only about 6.0W heal on sale all the week It Is difficult to tell muth about the market. On some days the feeling a little stronger than on others, but taking the week as a whole the market Is about steady on anything at all good. Chicago, however, broke badly the lust half of the week and weth ers are quoted 2f,j7 4oc lower for the week. Ijambs are 2oc lower In Chicago than they were the first nf the week. Old ewes snd common stuff of all kinds are quoted all the way from 5oc to SI lower than a week ago. Such reports from Chicago naturally have a bad -fri-t in. no thle market, and It Is hard to tell what prices desirable stiKT would bring. 1 . . . . 1 ., , I .... . 1 ,.r -llnn. a f cf V OoAit Irtl choice wethers, 3K.75jS0O; fair to good, 85.50 ii5.75; good tit choice ewes, S6.0iM6.frt: fair 'o good, S4 65'a5.C0: good to choice lambs, 86.16 fe6.40; fair to good, S5.6oS6.15. Wooied stock soils about 2.ifn50c above clipped stock. Choice Colorado wooied lambs, S6.75Q7.25; fair to good. Sfi.-TS. CU1CAUU LIVES STOCK MARKET. Cattle NomlnsU and Hogs, Sheep aad Lambs Steady. CHICAGO, May 24. CATTLTfl Receipts, SOO head; nominal: good to prime steers, S7.00fcr7.65; poor to medium, S5.0iKU'6.75; Block ers and feeders, t2.75aj6.2d; cows, 81.60045.00; heifers, 8-.6on45.26; canners, SI. 5002.50; bulls. S2.504i6.60; calves, S2.0mtj1.00; Texas-fed steers, So.50S6.75. HOGS Receipts, 13,000 head; estimated Monday. 33,000; left over, 6.000; steadv at Friday s close; mixed and butchers, S6.9o 7.30; good to choice heavy, t7.15S7.80; rojgli heavy, S6 9o37.10; light, StU54f6.95; bulk of sales, S6.96U'7.15. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,600 sheep and lambs steady; goon to choice wethers, S5.5(Ko6.25; fair to choice mixed, 64.7015.50: western sheep, 36.2Stri6.26; native lambe, Sa.00if6.90; western lambs, S5.2Sa6.90. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 1.300 1.501 Hogs 24.340 4.111 Sheep 4,308 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 175 head; market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, 86.90fl7.25; fair to good. 84.Oofi6.85; stockers and feed ers, S2 3565.10; western fed steers, 34 5o(f 6 05; Texas and Indian steers, $4.70u 2S: Texas cows. S3.0WJf5.0O; native cows, S2.00 6.75; native heifers, ?3.4066.25; canners, 81. i5 03.00; bulls, S3.1o3.60; calves, S3.2506.76; receipts for week, 18.400 head. HOGS Receipts, 3,000 head: market weak to 6c lower; top, 87.374; bulk of sales, S7.05 01.30; heavy, S7.ji .?74: mixed packers, 17.1007.324; light, 86.7507710; yorkers, 87.0001 7.10: pigs, S5.4oS.60; receipts for week, 41, 800 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; steady; native lambs, S5.4rt(fii.06: west ern lambs. 85-6006.95; native wethers, to. 30 06 10; western wethers, S4.Si0-5.9O; fed ewes, S4. 7506.10; Texas clipped yearlings, 86.5o0 6.90; Texas clipped sheep, t4.3O06.6O; stock ers and feeders, 82.4004.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, May 24. CATTLE Re ceipts, 125 head; steady; natives, S5.35j?,7.36; cows and heifers, S1.5O0tJ.5O; veals, S3.75 6.30; stockers and feeders, 32. 2606.35. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; steady; light and light mixed, 86 9507.224; medium and heavy. S7.1507.374; nigs, S4.O0&6.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,100 bead; steady; Colorado lambs, S6.90. St. Louis Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUI8, May 24. CATTLE Receipts. 600 head, Including 130 head Texans; mar ket steady for natives, with prices 10015c higher than the close of last wek for beef steers; Texans steady; native shipping and export steers, i6Oo07.5O; dressed beef and butcher steers, Sa.6o0'7.OO: steers under 1.000 lbs., S4.Oo0ti.4O; stockers and feeders. S2.9o9 4.55; cows and heifers. S2.2606.3O; canners, Sl.6o02.9O; bulls. 33.0006.60; calves, S4.0V3 7.60; Texas and Indian steers, fed. 84.4501 6.30; grasners, S3.6O04-4O; cows and heifers, 81.750 4 50. HOGS Receipts. 1,700 head; market 60 lower: pigs and lights, S6.650ti.9O; packers, 36.8507.10; butchers, 87.0007.324- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; steady; native muttons, 36.0006. 35 lambs. S5.oo0ti.75; culls and bucks, S4.0u2 4.50; stockers, 82.00020. Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. May 24. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 300; market steady; beeves, S6.OO07.OO; cows, bulls and mixed, S2.7505.5O; stockers and feeders, S3.C0 04.60; calves and yearlings, S3.OO04-4O. HOGS Receipts, 4,200; market weak to 5o lower; selling, 88.8001.10; bulk. . 86.8506.95. Stock In Sight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets for May 24: cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis St, Joseph .... Totals 3"8 7.748 662 200 175 600 125 13,000 3,000 1.700 6,000 1,500 2.000 1.000 1.100 .1.408 30,448 6,162 MIRACILOI'S FALLS. Remarkable Experiments In the Line of Dropping. They had been speaking of miraculous falls, long falls and falls from big places without serious injury, reporin 1110 n" Orleans Times. "I was on a swinging lad der on the outside of a Chicago building a few years ago," said one of the painters in the crowd, "and we nvere working at the time on the twelfth story, painting the framework of the windows. Down In the street below the cars looaea iim c,p"; hnv.i n,4 the men and women who rushed to and fro looked like animated dolls. My partner had been wondering how It would feel to go slazlng through the air to the stone pavement below, and all that sort of thing, wnen suaoeniy 1 iobji my uamiu- ouu over the ladder I went. I heard a fearful groan come up from the crowa in ine street, and " ... "And It dMn't kill your said a listener. "And my partner," continued the story teller, "rushed to my end of tne leaner, caught hold of the rope that was tied around my waist, and helped tne back on the ladder. vv.11 r didn't have anv string tied to me when I fell," said another member of the group, "and I was worsing on ine nip story of a Chicago skyscraper at the time, on.i was so fur from the earth that you couldn't see the street cars, men or any thing smaller than a building, without the aid of a mlscToscope, and when I struck I was landed In a heap." "How did you escape tne unaertaaert asked the quiet listener. "Well. It was this way: You see I was working on a scaffold on the Inside, and That reminds me of an experience I had some time ago," said still another member of the group, "when, with three other men, I was thrown from a freight train thirty miles above the city of New Orleans snd """Speaking of falling," said a chubby fel low In the group. "I took a tumble once from the very aiex of the tallest building In Chicago, and landed right In the middle S5.00 A MONTH Specialist la all DI8EA8E8 and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years la Omaha, SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest aad most natural method that has yet been dlacorerod. Soon every sign and symptom disappear completely and forever. No "BRHAKINd OUT" of tbe disease on the skin or faoa A curs that la guaranteed to be permanent for Ufa. VARICOCELE without cuuiog. pain! no detention from worn; permanent ours guaranteed. WEAK SCKl frotn Excesses or Victim to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wash inf Weakness with Early Deoay In Yeunf and Middle Aged. lack of vim. vigor anl strength, with organs impaired and weak. axRltJTtatSS cured with a new Homi Treatment. No pain, ne detention front buatneas. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. JaBealtatoai re4. Tswevtaaoat by Mai CMAHOBS LOW. lit) S. 14Mkt - Civ Statist & SurlivCr.:h3a.l.a!i, r s M K2 r.t 39 Tn IS W 71 77 of the psvement below. Did ft hurl me? Oh. tho Jar made my head n-he a little snl I came very near starwng to death on the way. ' "Imnglnary. Thotn.v," 0,1:0th tho quiet listener. "But." contlmird tho chubby man, "that was not a circumstance. I fell through an elevttor shaft; ono did of n painter's lad. dcr broke with mo. I tumbled over tlio eilge of a slxtv-toot nillrmul trestle and drooped through the skylight." "You ro Men of veracity seems tn bsve experienced somewhat of a fall also," said the listener. "Oh, 1 don't know." said the chubby man; "you see I exix-rlenceil these falls at dif ferent times and different places." Alleged Foraer llunnd Over. ABERDEEN, 8. D., May 24 (Special V Ed Anderson of Pickerel Lake has been arrested snd bound over to the United1 States court, charged with having forged the signature on a money order. Good enough for anybody! All Havana Fiulef TL0RODORA' BANDS are of same vatue as tags from 'star: 'horse shoe: "spearhead: standard navy: "OLD PEACH & HONEY" and U. T." Tobacco. DR. McGREW (Ago 53) SPECIALIST. Diseases aad Uisaiacra ot Slam Onlr. 86 Years' Experience. IS Years la Omaha. VARICOCELE 3S& Ijf'the QUICKEST! safest and must natural that has yet been discovered. No pain whatever, no cuttltuj and does not interfere wltn work or buai paas Treatment at office or at borne and a permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Diseases. No "BRttAKINQ CUT" on the akin or faoe and all externa sign of the disease disappear at once. A treatment ma-. . more satisfactory tban the "old form" of .raltment and at less than HAUT THkl COST. A cure that is guaranteed to be permanent wr UlUl ZUiUUU debility, loss of Vitality and all Unnatural weaknesses ef meaV, Stricture, tiloet. Kidney and 11 ladder IMaw km miui u -nr- lurmalUDtir. tUAMGfcig LOW, CONSULTATION WMlaa. Treatment by an 111. jr. y. o " Office ever tl . 14th street UB and Vt41aTiiae. MS. usana. . JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. UAMVWJor itAcfiiN a Jrf0 OBNsitAi, Bmrnmo a naciAivr IKON AND BRASS FOUND!. sal. isM aad I304J Jaekaea Street, Osnaae, Neb. TeL Ul B. Eabrtskla. Agent. 2. H CewgMt, Mg rflANE GO. 1. . Mas ufactmrers and Jobbers et Steam and Water Supplies Of AU Kinds. I414 and 101. DOUOLA T. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. U ostern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. leotrts Wiring Bells aa Oaa Uttat O. W. JOHNSTON. Mr. 1M0 JXowarl Ju AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Oaa suit a. Neb, Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. 9nd for Catalogue NunssVer 83 BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Roe a 4. New Yerkc Life Bids. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS ; Bout bt snd sold for cash or on mart In. All telegraph, telephone or mall order, will reoelve careful and prompt atteuUea. Taieybone luia. OMAiU. H H.