Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
TIIE Q3LAIIA DAILY BEEt MONDAY, MAY 20, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIKOR MKSTIOS. rav1s sells drurs. Stochert sells carpets and rugs. WoIlmn, scientific optician. t B'way. Leftert, eyesight specialist. 31 Broadway. Fractal sale of photo frames. C. E. Alex ander tt Co., 132 Broadway. Take horn a brick cf Metsrer's See cream. Vaiilla. 2Sc; Neopolltan, iSc. Inauranoe a- a"lirie stoves, absolutely safe. Cole-Ilrelsford Hardware company, 11 South Main afreet. Refrlgerstors and Ice cream freesers. Cole-Brelslord Hardware company, 41 South Main street. Remember we are headquarters for t'n and furnace work. C'ole-Breleford Hard ware company, 41 South Main street. House cleaning; dore. it is time now t.i st a piano at Bour'.clus Music House, 3S Lroadwsv. Where the organ stands upon the building. A motion for a new trial in the suit of Ernest Klopplng- airalnst Hans Peterson filed in the district court Saturday. Fourteen criminal cases have been listed for the consideration of the grand Jury which will rutonvrne Monday morning. A marrlaire license was Issued yesterday to John G. Ppatx. seed ZS, and Catherine 8. Stein, aped 2&. both from Heading, Pa. John Wallah reported to the police yes terday the theft ot a quantity of carpenter tools from a building on Oakland avenue on which he was working. Williams" photo studio removed to ground floor, opposite postomre. on Sixth street. Every sire end style of photographa at bout half price. Nothing; cheap, but the price. The teachers of the city schoole enjoyed their annual picnic at Lake Manawa Sat urday afternoon. They occupied two spe cial cars placed at their service by the motor company. Lton't forget that we have a big selec tion of croquet sets and also remember that we sell them at a reasonable figure. Tour Investigation will decide that. Petersen 4 1st hoening, Mernam block. Its a pleasure to mow your yard If vou have the right kind of a lawn mower. Have you seen that light running, ball-bearing, keen cutting machine at Petersen A Schoenlng's? It beats em all. No use to figure how cheap you can buy hardware when you want to build. Just leave your order at Peterfsn A gchoening s nd you can sleep peacefully that your hardware bill will be the lowest that any lirm can make it. The finance committee of cltitens ap pointed by Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army cf the Kepubllc, to secure funds for the memorial exercises started out soliciting Bslurday, and by evening bad secured the full amount needed. There is no art In buying a hammock If you go to the right place. It is to your Interest to so to Petersen ft Behoenlnaj s when you want one. They laugh competi tion In the face when It cornea to ham xnocka. both In styles and prices. From now on it will tax the wita of the people to figure out how to keel cool. The first step in the right direction Is to pur chase a refrigerator at Petersen ft Schoen Ing'a. They have what one might term the only one that gtvea universal satisfaction. Mrs. M. L. 'Williams of Madison avenue was called to Perry, la., yesterday by the Illness of her father, James Johnston, who left Council Bluffs Friday for Chicago, but was obliged to leave the train at Perry. Mr. Johnston's condition was reported to be roost serious. Hssel Irene, Infant daughter of Mr. and Vr F. Mauer. 2:12 Harrison street, died tturday, aarerf 2 months and 11 daye. j The runerai. wnicn win oe private, wiu vw Monday afternoon at t:M o clock from the residence and Interment will be In Fair view cemetery- William Donaldson, who was reported missing from his home since Monday, was In Omaha Friday, where Mra. Fremont Henjamln of thla city met and talked with him. Mrs. Benjamin at the time wae not ware that the police had been asked by his family to assist In locating him. The motion for a new trial In the per sonal Injury damage suit of Howard Ains .worth against the motor company waa sub mitted to Judge Wheeler in the district -c-eurt Saturday and taken under advlse ment bv him. Ainsworth recently secured " a verdict of ILIO against the motor com pany. Mrs. Alice 1 Patterson, living east ot Osklsnd. this county, was committed to Bt. Bernard's honlll yesterday by the commissioners on insanity, ner conauiun is due to overwork in nursing one of her children, who was critically in for several weeks. Her physical as well as her mental condition Is serious. It would take a page or more of thht fisper to go on and describe the Immense Ine of furniture and house furnishings at Petersen ft Scboenlng'a. They invite every conservative buyer to look over their stock snd stand ready for the verdict when they get through as to the quality of goods and economical prices. Lew Ketter snd T. W. Schults were ar rested Saturday afternoon on complaint of gam Goldberg, who charg-ed them with disturbing the peace. Ketter and Schults are sewing machine agents snd had trou ble with Goldberg over a machine they had sold him. It is alleged that they as saulted Mra. Goldberg during the contro versy. They gave bonds for their appear ance In police court Monday. Plumbing and seating. Bixby ft Sob. Beatea aa Rotebea by Ceaspaalama. FrlU Groth. a railroad laborer, was beatea Into Insensibility and robbed by three com anions la the Milwaukee railroad yards at an early hour Saturday morning. As soon as he recovered consciousness he reported the matter to the police and his three assail ants, who gave their names as Mike Sbee han., Mike Foley and John Plumb, were shortly after arrested. The money stolen from Groth was found in their possession. Groth lives in Omaha and was on his way Jiome from Marlon. la., where he had been working on the railroad. As a matter of 'economy he was traveling by the boxcar route. The three men who assaulted and robbed him were his companions In the car. Groth was severely beaten and bis right rye was nearly gouged out ot the socket. City . Physician Houghton was called and attended to his Injuries at the police sta tion. When taken before Judge Scott la police court the three men waived examina tion and were bound over to the grand Jury, which will meet Monday. Ia default of ball,, which was placed at $300 each, they were committed to the county Jail. Fabey and Bbeeban claim' to be from Chicago. Tahey gave his address in thst city as 4321 'Kenrle avenue, while Eheehan said his was !1M West Thirty-eighth place. Plumb said his homo was at 1601 English avenue. In diana polls. Davis 'sells paint. lasjaeat Scaalse, Msalsy. Coroner Treyaor, who returned from Dea Moines yesterday morning, will hold an In quest over Robert P. Schulie. the man ran -down and killed la the Northwestern yards Friday night, at IS o'clock a onlay morning. Schulse had been working on an extra grading gang and was headed for Miesoari Valley, where his pay check bad been sent by mistake, when bs met bis death. In n memorandum book found on him was written the name of It. P. Schulse. 1124 Fourth -avenue, Molina. 111. or Chicago. Also a note requesting that if anything happened to the owner to notify L. F. Von Dilobek, No. 4 jLoeck"-trasse, Los beck. Germany.: Gravel roonag. A. H. Read. Ml Broadway. It. T. Plumbing Cex. taWphaoe Kft. Davis sells (taaa. . ' CITS CLSAaET ' ' Dyed eat preset a. Special attention given ladles' garment. Aaso chenille curtains neatly cleaned, drsd and t ressed. 'Phone L-C1L Iowa Steam Dye v oraa. an tsrutdwey. LEWIS CUTLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR (accessor ta W. C Estop) s M riCAgU. TaVKKT. TkaM 7. BLUFFS. SOCIAL EVENTS OF THE WEEK Weaallans Past and Prospective Far Blsb F for Talk la the rlety 'World. The Evening Whist club met Friday evening with Mrs. A. T. Elwell. Mr. and Mrs. John Plumer have removed from I lrst avenue to their new home on Glen avenue. The regulsr musical of the Derthlck club will be siren Monday evening at Royal Ar canum halt S. J. Cook, a former resident of Council Bluffs, now living In Atlanta, Ga., Is in the city visiting friends. Mrs. Edward Murphy of Omaha Is visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Wick ham of Franklin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoffmayer have taken up their residence at the Stork cot tage on Harrison street. The marriage of Mr. Francis of Omaha and Miss Hoagland of thla city will occur the early part of the month. Mrs. Thomas B. Metcalf snd mother left the latter part of the week for Ohio, where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rsckrider of Racine, Wis , are guests of Mr. and Mra. F. J. Joehrendt of Knepper street. Mrs. E. A. Rlsser of Mill street enter tained at cards Friday and Saturday after noon. Fifty g-uests were In attendance. Mrs. T. M. Hopkins of Dubuque is visit ing her sunt, Mrs. L. B. Cousins This Is the first time tbey have met In thirty-four years. The Every Thursday club held Its reg ular meeting Thursday morning at the home of Mrs. Emmet Tlnley of South Seventh street. Mrs. J. Mlltonberger snd Mrs. 8. D Whiting of Lincoln Neb., are guests of their sister, Mra. W. 8. Cass of tt. West Washington avenue. Mrs C. Petersen and daughter. Miss Christine, will leave Thursdav for CtAmr Fals to sttend the graduating exercises of junt oiiiic ngrmil college. H. Beswlck Is the guest of his brother. Captain O. E. Beswick. He has been at tending the encampment of the Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic In Omaha. The members of the literature depart ment of the Council Bluffs Woman's club were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Dickey of Benton street. Dr. H. C. Deetken returned yesterday from Chicago, where he graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the medical department of the University of Illinois. The Tuesday Euchre club was enter tained the last week at the home of Mrs Walter gpooner. Prises at cards were won by Mrs. K. A. McKosson and Mrs Ray Blxby. The snnual election of the officers of the Ideal club, which was set for Tuesday afternoon, haa been indefinitely postponed owing to the absence of the president, Mrs Thomas B. Metcalf. The members of the boarding; department of 8L Francis" academy held the annual picnic at Falrmount park Tuesdav after noon. Owing to the heavy rainfall the party was obliged to return to the city early In the evening. The members of the Orpheus club gave a delightful concert at the Broadway Methodist church Thursdav evening The club, which is under the direction of Mrs Margaret Dillon, numbers about twenty five. Mrs. Elmer Doolittle was the hostess at a card party given at her home on First avenue yesterday afternoon In honor of Mrs. L. H. Greer, who will leave soon to make her home in the eastern part of the state. The marriage of Edgar Scott or Omaha and Miss Ellen Dodge, daughter of Mr and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, will occur at St. Paul's Episcopal church Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. The ceremony will be followed by sn informal reception to be fven at the home of General Dodge from to 11. Mla Nellie Edwsrds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Edwards, lino Fifth avenue, was married Tuesday morning at St. Peter's church to John Stelnhofel of this city, Rev. Father Thomas officiating. Miss Nolan waa bridesmaid and John Bprlnk acted as best man. Following the ceremony at the church a wedding break fast was given at the residence of the bride's parenta. Mr. and Mrs. Stelnhofel have taken up their residence ma Of Avenue B, where they will be at homo to their friends after June L Attack Powtooa Brldsje Property. The property of the South Omaha Pon. toon Bridge and Ferry company on tbo Iowa Bias or ui river was attached Saturdav bv the sheriff under an action brought by . a. watklns ft Co.. In the district enurt hero to recover t2.S26.17, claimed to be due for lumber and other merchandise. The property attached consisted of seven nnn. toon boats, a quantity cf loose lumber, wire came, culidinn. including a bunkhouse, cookhouse, blacktmlthshon and a enverad dance platform, and all the other fixtures ana property of the company on the bank of the Missouri near the east fww Unin. In Lewie township, Pottawattamie county. Rallroaft Maa Haa Aran Crashed. M. J. Sturrecka waa hrourfct in ah ft, Rock Island Saturdav afternoon from Mln. den with a badly Crushed arm, the result of a railroad accident. He waa taken to the Woman's Christian Association hnsnlt.t where it was found necessary to amputate nis arm near the ahoulder. He rallied from the shock, but his condition last night was said to be serious. Sturrecks Is a railroad laborer and aald his boms was in Columbus. Neb. He has a brother, Peter 8turrecks, living on North Twentv-elrhih atraet Omaha, but was unable to give the hos pital attendants the number of the bouse. Real Batata Transfers. These transfers were Bled yesterday In ths abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Heirs of A. R. Prentice to Adsm A. Prentice, nV sew W-7&-M. and part sV, se sei lJ-76-44. w. d 1,407 Same to same, part nwV J5-7S-4, q. c. d ; i Ells Jane Hey wood to Denver Hough, lots I to la, block 111, Cres cent, w. d Ii Mary E. Calvin to Edna Edrar. lot ii' block L Gates' add to Oakland, w.d. So Total, four transfers iTw CORN BELT EDITORS MEET Held Klwth Aasasl Seaslaa at Leasers and Haas OBJeei-s far Ea. salasi Tear. IJE MARS. Ia. May 15. (Special.) Ths ninth annual meeting of the Corn Belt Edi torial association was held ia this city Thursday and Friday. Hon. E. W. Cald well, mayor of Sioux City, gare an address at the opera house Thursday. Friday a business seaaloa waa held and a number of papers read and discussed. , The visiting editors were given a drive over the city ia the evening and a banquet followed. The next meeting of the association will bs held la SlOux City. The following officers were elected: Ferd Relrhmsan. La Mara, president E. W. Caldwell, Eloux City, secretary; D. O. Stone, Hawardsn, treasurer. RELIEF FOR THE SUFFERERS Tkree Tkssusi Dallas Raised ta Aid Vietlaas at Sever riaad. D ECO RAH, la.. May ti (Special Tele- gram.) A citizens' fuad for the sufferers has been raised amounting to U.O0 aad the philanthropic work Is still la progress. Ths total loss by Wednesday's flood la se ll mated at from tSOO.M to 1300.000. Two hundred students fro at Luther col legs have voluntarily Joined the ranks at tnose who are clearing the town of the debris. Train service is still Impossible ad mall, freight and passengers are cea eyed overland to Calmer, twelve miles aistaau - - MEMORIAL DAT IN SCHOOLS Bute Superintendent Appel for Better Observance of the Day. EXPENSE IN COLLATERAL TAX CASES The "Bey Marderer" la Fladtag Free das Pleasant Dea Molae Hotel Proprietors May Be flaed Rablea Assess; Stock. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May . (Special.) State Superintendent Barrett has Issued a cir cular to the teachers and educators of the stats urging upon them the genersl ob fervsnce of Memorial day next week. He refers to the special day programs which have been prepared for the use of the schools on that day and to the dste ot Me morial day. "In all ages and among all people the memory of the heroic dead has been revered," he saya. "Memorial day should forever find a place in our educa tional life, and be sacredly observed by all teachers, pupils and cltitens. The safety of our republic Is to be found In the In telligence and patriotism of the common people. Cpoa them we must rely for pro tection in every emergency." Collateral Tax Qaestloa. Attorney Genersl Mullan has rendered an opinion in answer to questions of State Treasurer Gllbertaon in the matter ot fees In collateral Inheritance tax cases. He holds that the additional compensation al lowed an executor or administrator ot an estate beyond that allowed by law Is not a debt which should be deducted from the estste before the computing of the col lateral Inheritance tax. The additional compensation is that allowed when on an order of court there is intervention. Both the present s Homey general and his pre decessor have held that only taxes due prior to the death of the testator may be deducted from the estate before applying the collateral tax. Wesley Elklaa la Happy. Wesley Elklns, the Clayton county "boy murderer," who waa paroled from the peni tentiary on a resolution passed by the legislature, has written to friends here that be Is now living quietly in Mount Vernon, Is., that he hat a comfortable home with Prof. Harla'n of Cornell college, who was largely instrumental in securing his parole, that be hat been at work earning tome money, the first he ever earned, as be was only 11 years old when he was sent to the penitentiary, and he Is preparing to take up a line of study preparatory to entering college work. S a areas a Coarl Derlsloas. The following are the decisions rendered todsy by the Iowa supreme court: Susan Brown against City of Cedar Rapids, appellant; Linn county. Judge Thompaon- action to enjoin opening of streets; affirmed; opinion by Waterman. William Peacock, appellant, against Ellxa Oleason: Plymouth county. Judge Wake fleid; action for services In drilling a well; affirmed; opinion by Ladd. 8. A. Hoyt. appellant, against Chicago, Milwaukee ft 8t. Paul Rallwav; Sac county, Judre El wood; condemnation pro ceedings; affirmed; opinion bv Deemer. George W. McDonald against Sarah O. McDonald, appellant; Linn county. Judge Trelchler; divorce; modified and affirmed; opinion by Sherwln. State agalnet Ellsworth Berger and Wil liam Phllllpa, appellanta; Mahaska county. Judge Scott; conviction for robbery: af firmed per curiam. Henry Slothower against MeFarland Grain Company, appellant; Guthrie county. ........ , .c.OTTu, vpiuiun oy Aic- PrevaJeae f Rablea. Reports COme tO the Stats Tftrrinlrlm that rabies is already prevalent among herds of livestock in various parts cf the ttate. a deputy state veterinarian waa sent to Greene county where it was found mat me csme on the farm of J. 8. Ander son were afflicted. A number of dogt had been seen on the farm and a few days ago the young cattle acted strangely. Investi gation ahowed that they had the rablea. The veterinarian ordered the affected ani mate killed as soon as the disease de veloped. Eight bead of cattle hare been thus killed. Xew Corporations. The following incorporation papers wera filed with the secretary of state: Express Publishing company. Red Oak capital. 112,500; by T. D. Murphy and Wil liam Cochrane. Antlartf In I - rv i .1 . , sourl alley; capital. HO.uOO; by J. B. Lyon and nth.r. ' Central Loan and Improvement company; lord and others. Coaaty B( ctest. A county neat contest In Worth has come to an early ending. Kensett, a town near tbo center of the county, sought to get the county seat from N'orth.nn ...a obtained signatures to a petition for re moval, ids number of names arunit ... 1.621. but In the investigation today this was ent down to l85. whlls Nortbwood presented to the board of supervisors a remonstrance signed by 1.582 persons. Ths special election to vote on the question of relocation will therefore not be held. A similar contest is likely to occur In Ring gold county, where the people will next week vote on a proposition to borrow money to build a courthouse, but this is compli cated with a movement for removal of the county aeat from ML Ayr. rialaa Aa-alast m Hotel. It Is learned bers that H. N. SUllman and Ben Wallace of Waterloo, bankers, who were tn sttendsnos at the State Bankers' convention last week in Pes Moines, con template a suit for heavy damages sgalnst ths managmement cf the Klrkwood "house In les Moines for being forcibly ejected from a room at an unseemly hour at night. They ciaim tney paid for their room in ad vance and bad retired and at a lata hour they were ordered to vacate and on their refusal they were put out at the point ot a revolver. They laid the matter before the bankers association, but no action was takes. Ths hotel managers laJm their ttory is greatly exaggerated and that the trouble was due entirely to a mistake. THIRD JURY CONVICTS IRWIN Callty f Harder f Oscar Miller, Mali. - imm ead Caavleted. Wall Oaa Is Cleared. CLAJUNTJA. Ia., May 15 (Special Tele gram.) After being out all night the Jury la the Page county district court early yes terday returned a verdict finding Wesley Irwin guilty of murder la tba second de gree for the death of Oscar K. Miller. He Is ths second person found thus guilty for Miller's desth, while one of the three al leged to have been together la ths crims was cleared. Vaaartk ksaastk keletaa. ELDORA. Ia.. May Special.) Whlls work men t were sinking: a well near Shannon City they unearthed the skeleton remains ot a mammoth animal which some what resembles ths Americas bit. The men first d Is covered petrified logs, fossils, coral and athar limestone formations be fore tbey struck the strata which contained the bones of the mammoth. The akail It very largs and thick aad the boms, which pre trade nearly sic vise from the band. are over fourteen inches in circumference at the base. Scientists who have examined the skeleton say that It Is a magnificent specimen of the Boa genus and Inhabited the earth at a very early period of the world's existence. BOY KILLED JJY MOTOR CAR Little Fellew at Fart Do-da Falls fader Wheels aad Meets lastaat Heath. FORT PODGE. Is.. Msy 25. (SpecisI Tel rgrsm.) Johnnie Hanley, 4-year-old eon of John Hanley, a laboring man of this city, was run over and Instantly killed by street car last evening. The boy was rolling a hoop and wat struck while trying to cross the track ahead cf the car. The wheels of the car passed over bis head. Iowa Stale Stsa Xetee. Fairfield has a yw-foot electric light tower which bids fair to exterminate all the birds In the vicinity. The cltitens cleim that after a foggy night dead birds are picked up at the loot of the tower by scores. At the funeral of Mrs. Mary Ann King, a pioneer resident of Cedar Rapids, six gentlemen acted aa pallbearera who were active pallbearers at the funeral of her husband forty-eight years ago. Mra. King came to Cedar Kapldt In from Penn sylvania. Mayor Brenton of Pes Moines has always been a care-free Individual, but his offi cial experience Is likely to give him plenty to worry over. He and some of his police officers have been sued for no.OOW because some bloodhounds they had tracking chicken thieves went to the home of re spectable cltitens, and the latter are so much hurt In feelings thst they consider their damage worth the above amount. Itess and Jesse Brundage, children of 14 snd 12 years of age, reapectlvely, appeared before Justice Sloan In Cedar Rapids and pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery which was preferred against them by L. I. Wagner. Sentence was sus pended during good behavior, but the Jus tice announced that should any further complaint be made papers will be sent to tne superior court lor reform school pro ceedings. The partially burned remains of a new born babe have been found in the woods rear Hamilton. Nearby was an empty beer bottle In which had been kerosene. A band of movers had been camped near the place a few days ago, and It is supposed that the baby was killed shortly after It was born by pouring oil on the rsgs and clothing In which the Infant was wrapped and then setting the pile on fire. It is not known in what direction the campers went. The coroner has been called to the place and the officers will make an effort to ap prehend the parties, who cannot be more than seventy-five or 100 miles distant. During a fit of Jealous rage Mrs. Lysis Russell of Oltumwa attacked Miss Gladys Lsmkln with a dirk on the streets of that city, cutting her victim's clothing to shreds snd seriously. If not fatally, wounding her. Mrs. Russell is in Jail awaiting the outcome of Miss Lamkln's Injuries. Miss Lamkln stopped Mrs. Russell's husband on the afreet and made an Inquiry regarding the progress of a trial now on In the dis trict court. From a window in her resi dence Mrs. Russell saw the action, and grabbing a dirk she dashed from the house snd made a furious onslaught upon Mlas Lamkln. in a few momenta Miss Lamkln fell, suffering from several severe gaahea and but for the timely interference of Mail Carrier John Hughes would probably have suffered more severely. She was taken to the hospital, and Mrs, Russell wss lodged in JalL A little child was almost miraculously saved from death by the engine crew of Keokuk ft Western passenger train No. i The train was bearing northward at high speed when It approached what Is known as the Rock Island crossing, near Prole and slackened up per regulations. 'When the train was near the crossing the engi neer was horrified to find a little tot peace fully sested on the crossing, entirely ob livious of danger. He applied the air brakes as quickly as possible snd reversed the throttle bringing the trains speed down ss rapidly aa possible, but still the little one waa In danger of being ground under the wheels before the train could be stopped by Engineer Harry Montgomery. Realising this the fireman leaped from the cab aa the train approached the crossing Ji..Clmei to .v8lower. pac nA funning forward along the tracks swung the HttlS pnf., ?m d""1" Jt ss the engine trucks rattled over the croaslng. The brave act of the fireman. Harry Caldwell, aupple- v'ed'ntetlld',glHf,!r' PrWnCe f mrnd' COMMENTS OF THE IOWA PRESS. Plenty of grass and corn, and plenty of grass and corn means cheaper beefsteak and more of It and there you are! Plenty rf.-.r.Ln men" Plenty of everything else that goes to make up the necessities or existence. The copious showers thst are falling these days are all right. R.lff JTibva- A Guthrie county farmer went into town the other day and did aome i;-"'"" " iorc wnicn naa a phonograph. door as he heard the music, "There comes a brass bsnd and I left the mules untied!" Mason We ere glad the Board of Education adopted the Joumal'a sug gestion and will have a regular old-fashioned commencement at the opera house. All the class orations will be delivered from the rostrum. It bests having some celebrity come and tell us what the scholars should do. Let them tell It themselves, then the patrons of the school know what they have been taxed for the past decade. Pes Moines Capital: You can't lose the Iowa man. Ubiquity, resourcefulness, get-there-activity, seem In largest measures to be his cardinal characterlatica. The Wash ington Post Is authority for the story to the effect that a man named Johnson was s candidate for a consulship, and the Iowa delegation were backing him for the place. They finally found a vacancy to which the president promised to appoint their candi date. Thereupon. Mr. Johnson went to the State department to undergo the usual ex amination aa to his ntneaa. He had no trouble until he reached the sixth question: "How many Hessians came to thla countrv to fight for the English T" Johnson didn't know, but he did not propose to be left entirely. This is whst he wrote for sn answer: "A great many more came than ever went back." Cedar Rapids Republican: That the Iowa building at 8t Louie ahall be a corn palace la an idea that seems to be meeting with great favor. Corn la king and If this fact can be brought out with due distinctness it would do Iowa no harm. But if the corn Idea Is to be the central one at the Iowa building It ought to be made ro prominent that It will attract the attention of the world. There Is no plant In the world thst can be rut to so many usee as the corn plant. It supplies hundreds of wants and the end Is not yet of mick uses. For in stance, it may eventually be found that cornstalka can be turned into paper. There la now a crying need of some fibre plant that the papermakers can Ub. since the timber lands are becoming scarcer. Iowa haa never had a more distinct idea em bodied in an exposition than the old Sioux City corn palaces. It ia one of the few thlnga that are remembered. All the state fairs an forgotten, but the corn palaces are still remembered and still talked of. The com palace at the PL Louis exposition Is at least worth thinking over and talking about. Nor Is it s small distinction to be the com state of the union, for corn Is the foundation of what may be termed the beat prosperity of the nation the cattle and hogs, as well as the more direct products of the modern king ot cereals. YOUNG KING RIVAL FOR KAISER Already a ' Aecaaaplished Llagaist, Matheasatlrlaa aad Clas siest Scholar. (Copyright. 190 by Preas Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Apropos of ths coronation of "Alphonso XIII a French Journalist calls attention to the fact that the boy king of Spain will cut no small figure among the accomplished sovereigns of Europe, not excepting the erudite kaiser. He has already given proof of his fluency tn Italian. English. French and German by the graceful reply bs made to each of the forelgu ambassadors, each in bis own tongue. He has read ths ancient classics, but his favorite Is Horace, seveial of whose odes he haa translated late Spanish. Besides this ths young king it a remarka ble - mathematician and an excellent de algner. It only remains to ask whsa shall we have bis first oratorio or bis first UaSedt , . - " fui ug a cynnaer containing one of Sousa s marches snd started up the machine, "Gosh all hemlock!'' cried the farmer, iumntnsr un turl mkin. k. PEACE IS NOT YET CERTAIN Indication! Great Britain Has Bmt t Coimtei Proposal to ths Boers. KING ACTIVE IN THE NEGOTIATIONS Said ta Have Ferred Thesa roa aa lawllllaa; Cabinet aad Reserved h Re-salt. (Copyright. 111, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Msy . (New Tork World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Peace or war Is still banging in the balance. The op timistic predictions Indulged In here must be taken aa colored by intense anxiety to end a war which bat only been fraught with humiliation, and if continued may pos sibly even now end In overwhelming de test. The World correspondent Is about to say that the main points of difference were to fixing a time limit for the establish ment of Boer autonomy, the Immediate re storing of their rights to the Dutch in Cape Colony, the using of the cable to consult ths Boer leaders In Hollsnd and the formal embodying of the terms ultimately agreed upon Into an Instrument signed by both parties. Ths British csblnet baa already refused to content to the firtt part of these proposals and If. as rumored. It la confirmed there was a refusal yesterday, then the chances of peace are seriously Jeopardised. From hints let fall however, from min isterial quarters. It Is probable that counter proposals affording a baals for a compromise were forwarded. , At and rate. It It clear that as the ministers have returned to the country for the week they do not expect to answer until next week. One feature of the sttustlon making for peace It the active participation in the negotiations by the king. Colonial Secretary Chamberlain remained in London at the king's request to communi cate all the news Immediately on Its ar rival. The king wants pesce at almost any cost and It it now known that the overtures from Lord Kitchener which Induced ths Boer leaders to come tn. were the result of a determined pressure by the king on an unwilling cabinet. If It Is peace It will be the klng'a peace, snd the World correspondent learnt that the king bat signified hit desire to make known personally to the nation the result of the negotiations If possible. The form these communications should take Is still undecided, but probably It would be a mes sage to both houses of Parliament. Superhuman efforts are being made to keep the secret, so thst the king shall not bo forestalled. RESUME OF HUMBERT SWINDLE Wo ma. Rapports Migsllettt a the Streaajth of Myth, leal Fort a e. Style (Copyright 1KB, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Msy 25. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) In connection with the famous Humbert swindle case, which Is engrossing sll Paris, an Interesting resume of the family, particularly ot the central figure of this fantastic romance, Mrs. Humbert, Is given by the Echo de Psrlt. This woman, who bat for years supported such magnificent stylo on the strength of the mythlcsl Crawford fortune, of which she wst supposed to be trustee, wis a Mils. D'Auvtgnac, Ebe was born In Toulouse In 1850, of a modest family of small merchants. Her mother kept a no tion ahop In th tamo house that M. Hum bert, pere, then ft professor of the faculty of lew. occupied. Neighborly relations brought on ths marriage between the son and Mile. D'Auvlgnac. The father aban doned the Instruction In law for politics, where he msde a magnificent fortune rap Idly. His son snd daughter-in-law shared It, The father wat elected deputy and did not delay to become minister. Ho was a member ot the Fallleres combination, where he received the portfolio of Justice (Jsnusry JO-August 12. 1681). This passing to the chancellory procured for htm the eminent pott of the president of the court accounts. Naturally he remarked the suddenly ac quired wealth of hit nation. Some say be was wholly Ignorant of its source. Others thst he was the first organizer of the scheme. M. Humbert belonged to that first group of political men who governed France from 1873 to 1885. An active Freemason, he played an important role. He was closely linked with M. Henri Brlsaon. who appears to have remained faithful to their friendship since the evening before fils de parture for Marteillea. When the Crawford case came on the tapis be bad withdrawn into the court of accounts and confided to some of hit col league the marvelous fortune that had befallen his daughter-lnlaw, feigning sur prise aad emotion. His son plsyed In Ufa snd In the affair a minor role, although an important one, since bs gave to bis wlfs necessary marital authorisation for innumerable acts ths passed to the aotariea. He was deputy and exhibited at the anion. The stsr part belonged to Mme. Humbert, It was she who conducted the affair. It was she who gave to ths family ths necessary pride to command credit for it In the world. She was never pretty nor elegant. Ebe ordered her toilets from the best dressmakers of Paris and paid her bills without regarding the details. Her greatest display of luxury was her residence, on ths Avenue ds la Grande Armee, bought but not paid for of the Count Branlckl tor 1400.000 francs, and ber Chateau Des Faux Vlvet, situated near Fontalnebleau. In the Hotel do la Grande Armee, furnished with rare fortune and pictures by old masters (copies, it it clslmed), Mme. Humbert hsvlng sold the originals, she gave receptions where the greater part of social Parlt crowded. At Fsux Vires they hunted. Mme. Humbert bed one of the best boxes of the opera, having borne it away tri umphantly from the Greek minister, M. Del Ysnnls. To be charitable was part of ber program. Ehs gsvs liberally to two brothers, who were but figureheads in ths affair. Mme. Humbert declared that the Crawfordt were inimical to ber because she refused te marry one of them. WANT THE PRINCE TO EXPLAIN Dahlia Gersaaas Are Barely OaTeaded t the Saab They Re ceived, LONDON, May 25. Ths visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to Dublin and bis refusal to receive a deputation of Germane created a rumpus. It la said, which shows no signs of abating. Ths address Included the sig nature of Count von Etc! berg and two well known German artists, while ths professor ot German at Trinity college, Dublin, acted as chairman. One of the members of the delegation is Quoted as saying: "One would naturally have expected that as tn New York one ot the first thoughts of the prince and bis raptaias would have been to shske bands with countrymen dom iciled ta Ireland." The Irish Times, the government organ, expresses ths bops thst some satisfactory explanation will be forthcoming, "for on the face of It. ths prince's treatment of bit fellow countrymen compares very unfavor ably with the almost undignified stability he displayed during bis visit t fh I'aited fitaua." CORBIN ANDTHE INVITATION Adjataat GeaeraJ Mistaken Oenaaa OHrer'a I tterasee, bat 'the EttUoka Brlgbt. BERLIN. Msy 25. Another mltunfler standlng bat arisen from the conversation that General von Plessen had with Adjutant General Corbln when Admiral Prince Henry of Prussia visited Washington. General von Plessen said courteously: "Wo should be delighted to hare yon sea our maneuvers. General Corbln replied: T should cer tainly be rourh pleased to go." General Corbln's Impression, as It now appears, was that this waa an invitation for the September maneuvers. General von Plessen seems ' to bsvo thought nothing more ot It until announce ment was received from the I'd 1 ted States that Generals Corbln. Wood aad Toung would bs designated to attend the maneuvers. This newspaper psragraph was followed by a cabled statement that the War department May 10 had formally given these officers lesve to sttend. Invitations to the maneuvers Is Emperor William's prerogative, and the foreign mili tary officers are bis personal guests. Ths custom always baa been for his majesty to pay the traveling expenses of the Invited officers in Germany, aad he lodges, mounts and entertains them. Nsturally General von Plessen cannot invite anyone to be ths emperor's guest, though quits properly be csn suggest this. It la understood that Von Plessen. since the publication of the War department's action, has done so and Emperor William doubtless will b quite ready to act on the suggestion. But the inventions are not yet sent. The regular time for issuing Invitation! is the end of June. THE XATTRAL BRIDGE. Project t Create a Rational Park la That Region. Representative Flood of Virginia, whose district embraces Rockbridge county and other mountainous territory, Introduced a bill In conarress last week providing for the purchase of Natural Bridge by the national government and the development of the land Just about the bridge into a national park. Like every one else In the stste, Mr. Flood regards the Natural Bridge as the equal of Niagara Falls, and looks upon It as a wonderful work of nature which should belong to the government and be Jealously guarded. In this he has the hearty support of many representa tives from other sections of the country and the entire Virginia delegation. In one of the house galleries, when Mr. Flood walked to the speakers desk and preeented his bill, was one of his constitu ents, who lives near the bridge. Charles H. Paxton. The latter was aa deeply, inter ested In the measure as Mr. Flood. "lP In Rockbridge." he aald to a reporter for the Washington Star, "the Natural Bride Is estimated as one of the most Interesting things in Virginia. Jefferson, who was its first owner, spoke of it as a famous place that will draw the sttentlon of the world.' John Marshall called It 'God's greatest miracle In stone." Clay said It was "a bridge not made with hands, that spans a river, carries a highway and makes two mountains one.' Those men visited the bridge at the cost of long, trying stage Journeys, but they were not the only ones attracted to Rockbridge to see It. Monroe, Benton. Jackson. Van Buren. Sara Houston and no one knows how many others under took the same Journey at the same cost. Today Interest in the bridge seems to have grown with the country. It haa become necessary for the railroads to build new stations and to adjust their schedules to include Natural Bridge, exactly as they long ago Included the great summer resorts on the main line. .... , . "Those who have seen the bridge do not require to be told about It. But for others I don't believe all the pictures In the world csn lndlcste Its solemnity snd grandeur. It Is a single block of limestone, with many ahades of color, wide enough to span Broadwav and high enough to throw In the shadow the turrets of Trinity church. The walls are as smooth as if cut with chisels. The height of the srch is almost US feet, about half that of the Washington monu ment. Its width Is 1K feet snd Its span is clear nlnetv feet. Blrda high In sir rass under the blue arch. The place is full of echoes. Lightning; struck the bridge In 1778 and hurled down an Immense mass of rock, but there Is no sign of its displace ment on the bridge Itself. "The history of the Natural Bridge it remarkablv Interesting. It was mentioned first. I think, by Burnaby In 1769 who spoke of It as 'a natural arch or bridge Joining two high mountains, with a con siderable river underneath.' A bloody In dian fight occurred near It about 1770. Washington, when a surveyor for Lord Fairfax, visited It and carved his name, where It can now be seen. During the revolution the French organised two expe ditions to visit it. "From their measurements and diagrams a picture wae made in Paris, which for nearly half a century was copied tn Europe end America as correct. The original tract was granted bv the king to Thomas Jeffer son tn 1774. After Jefferson became presi dent he visited the place, sun-eyed it and made the map with his own bunds. The next year he returned, taking two slaves, Patrick Henry' and his wife. For these two the former president built a log cabin An Office With a Hard UNION PACITIO to Ci p Galif ornia o I and Return " 1 1 I Kay 27 to Juni 8. I T' J V Three TreJns DeJIy V OnlVUBAV , I1! ttanfcna Tojmih'Trahiat tram Omaha. f . ."' 77 16 Hours Quicker Ck r X ThttJk Air Ltnr v 0 . TICKET OFFICE jr JT U4 Taraaaa M. T ,f The Bee Building:.., Ther ta nothing Ilka a well kept bar wood floor tn aa office. It Insures cleanli ness, betides being a decided ornament. Whenever a new tenant moves In, our rooms are put Into perfect condlton. and then they are kept that way. Would you like aa office la tha best kept building la . Omaha? R. C. PETERS & CO., Croifid Floor, Bee Bulldiac Rectil Afeata. with two rooms and directed one to h kept open for the entertainment of strang ers The slaves were never manumMted. Jefferson left her a large book for awntl ments' and the sayings of Msrshall and Clay I have Indicated were taken front that book. I'nfortunately the book waa accidentally destroyed in and only a, part of It remains. "Above the bridge la sn Immerse glen, probably once a cave, which extends for a. mile to Lace Water falls. There la much to see In this glen a saltpetre cave, worked for nltra during the war cf JSli and by the confederates In 1X and Lost river, a sub terranean stream which shoots out of a cavern high in the wait and disappears in another nearly opposite. Above the srch some one has carved. 'Whoever drinks bar shall return.' "Natural Fridge park Is a plateau I.M0 feet above the sea and comprises about row acre, it Is about two miles away, from- th James." COR l B1AA.IT1KS. A ralUnt Romeo of go In a New York; town ha had hia wedding indefinitely postponed because his coy and blushing Juliet, to whom ha hsd promised a littla love token of U.0U. refused to make him the happlnst of men unless tha cash waa paid in advancev William Halleck TVmlng. a wealthy eiil sen of San Francisco, called a friend up by telephone one morning and was much Im pressed by the soft and gentle tones of tba girl at th central office. He max scared to make her acquaintance, found that her en tire personality was rn close harmony with her voice, proposed and was eecepteil. Th former "heilor' girl will travel in Rurop with her husband thla summer, and Ban Francisco business men have lately notlcedt a strange sweetness In the voice ot th girls still in th central office. Miss We Lung- Fung, tha beautiful. CtJ neae slave girl, who was brought to New Tork three weeks ago to beoome tn wife of Una: Foy .a wealthy Ninth street tea. merchant, was kidnaped by highbinder last w-eek and intenae excitement prevail In Chinatown. The wedding ceremony was. to have been performed at th Joss hoaae. Mott street, and extensive preparations had bean made for the event, shortly after the news of the approaching marria- of th wealthy merchant was spread through Chinatown Ling Foy was approached by a. committee of the highbinders and aaked to contribute 11.000 for a great merry-making; emong his people. The merchant flatly re fused. His s'.ave wife had already cost blm about U.000 and he did not ae th necessity ot paying anything; to tha high binders. The wedding of Bertrsnd V. Hejl -of 'New? York City and Miss Beatrice oogs of ChllHcothe, O . Was the sequel of s ro mantic courtship. It is said that In win ning his bride Mr. Bell, who is a wealthy young man, a col lege graduates an athlete and a member of a number or prominent clubs, owd his success lanrely to th fact that he became a day laborer in the em ploy of the Baltimore A Southwestern rail road at the company's shops in Chllllcothe, After he left the workshop at night Mr. Bell took an active part In the town's so ciety. It was not long before he met tbo Mlssea Hogg, who are the daughter ot Marcus Bog-gs, ex -internal revenue col lector of the district of southern Ohio. The Boggs family Is on of th wealthiest in the Ohio capital, and the daughters, who spend much or their time driving through the shady streets of thoold town, attracted Mr. BelL At length the yoang New Yorker confessed his love for Miss Beatrice. She gave no Immediate reply. Not Ions; ago the superintendent of tha shops promoted Mr. Bell. The next even ing he contrived to tell Miss Bog-gs. "Can you take the rest of my career on trust T'" the young millionaire aaked her. The reply waa so enoourajring that they set about ar ranging ths details ot th wedding at once. All Sing Praises.;;;;;; Of the, good q-uallUes of our soda vmie fonntain. Ws have quenched tbo thirst ot a largo number ef Council Bluffs pec-pla during' tha last few weeks and bar-thfj first ons -to go away -cUasatltfied, HAVE A DRINK WITH IS . . . And see bow you Ilk, our tip-to-data flavors. Wo are making a apodal effort to please our customers and wa will treat you right. Ws make it pleasant for your lady companions and have good aeat so you can rest and enjoy yourselves. GEORGE W. FLETCHER, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. TELEPHONE 175. 10 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wood Floor