Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Airpinuit for OoTernonbip Vint the Capital
in Quest of 8npport.
Calling af Board ef Agrlsslter Prior
( toiftllltl sld I B
la Intereef ef J. ft
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Mar 25. (Speeial.) Lincoln
fjaa been visited during th weak pat by
Ave avowed candidate! tor the republican
gubernatorial .nomtnatloa. They cam In
Irleodlr queit of eupport and Influence of
toerty leader and It it hinted that com
Jourtlng. wa don with Lancaster county
delegate to the tut convention, not with
a Tlew to getting them away from H. H.
Wllion, but for th purpoae ot winning
their, favor a tecond choice.
Thoe who wr In th city were: J. P.
A. Black: of Bloomington, J. H. Mickey ot
jOeeeol. r. M. Wethereld of Hebron, J. h.
IMniruor of Sutton and W. O. Sear ot
Tekamah. Mr. Wllion. Lanetcr county"
rholce for th executive chair, wa In th
lty mot of th time, but devoted day
or so to a Uttl : field work In th tat
la hi own behalf.
For Dtaatnor' take.
It wa etplalned th! week that on
reason tor catling the State Board ot Agrl
culture to nuet In thl city th day before
th republican (tat convention wa that
Jt wa thought that a meeting at that time
would enable th member to conveniently
so a' Uttl rutllng tor J. B. Dlnemore, who
la president of th board. Secretary Fur
nas ld he expected to use hi efforts la
Mr. Dlnemors's behalf and was glad that
the board was to meat In th city th day
before in convention.
Th Lancaster county delegation wilt
stand faithfully byv Mr. Wllion, having
Blrdzcd themselves to hit support. Borne
of th men who were left off Mr. Wilson's
delsastlon have showed sign of soreness,
but it is not likely that their wounded
feelings win result In any serious harm
An examination ot th list reveals the fact
that for th first time In several years
not an officer nor an employ of the Jour
nal company has been appointed aa a dele
gat. To delegation as earned by Mr.
Wilson follows:
U B. Reee. chairman; I. M. "Raymond
M. B. Cheeney. C. M. Morrill. Paul F. Clark,
M. D. Ciary, J. C. Harpbam. H. K. Bur
kett, Slla Clark, C. J. Grady, B. B. Ste-
pheosou, A. W. Field, Joseph Teeter. John
M. Stewart, L. . L. Llndsey, C. w. Cham
Ws. T. C. Monger, John A. Orady, Lin-
coin Frost. Thomas Llesveld, John Watson
I. L. Lyman. W, O. Roberts, Frank R. Wat
ers, S. W. Burnbam, Ralph E. Johnson,
TJeoree W. Eggleston, J. M. O'Neill. An
tony Reed. E. O. Bohanan. W. C. Framp
ton. Frank Sleek. J. J. Trompen, E. W,
Brown. A. W. Lane. D. M. Butler, J. T.
Dorgan, Q. W. Anderson. L. W. BUllngsley,
A. L. Sullivsn, J. 8. Leonbardt, R, H. Oil
llep'.e, B. F. Johnson. H. T. Dobbin, J. W
Bowon, J. C. F. McKesson, Frank C. Burk
O. D. Herrlck. Henry Harkson. Dr. Fran.
els A. Graham, William Lawlor, A. B. Har
Commencement Exercleea Held la
r Maa To waa shew Goo stasd
. " ard at Work.
rTSMOUTH, Nab., May 25. (Spclal
TtUafara.) RV. A Sleetb ot the First
Methodist Episcopal church delivered th
bachalaureat aermcn In th First Presby
terlai church this evening to tha Platta
mouth graduating class ot 1902. The pulpit
waa beautifully decorated with flowers and
th church filled to Its capacity. The clasa
ronalsts Ot thirty-three. The commence
ment exercises will b h-14 In th Parmel
para house Wednesday evening. Rev
Fletcher L. Wharton of Lincoln will deliver
tha addrers, subject, "A Man."
SUPERIOR. Neb., May 26. (Special Tel
gram.) A class ot tan waa graduated from
th Superior High school last night at th
ooera house. Th member of th class
wera Lena L. Brokaw, Adellna McCorkle,
Ray Keaterson, Annie C. Templeton. WUma
Wright, Ben Glttlnga. Mertla Amberaon.
Lawrence Needham. Ina Glttlnga and Alice
. Burt, The program was unusually Inter-
.. eating.''
J3ROCK, Neb, May 25. (Special.) Th
people of Brock and vicinity gathered at
th Methodist Episcopal church Friday
evening and witnessed th commencement
, exercises. Th class waa small in number,
bat from th kind ot orations presented
It work evidently has bea thoroughly
accomplished. - Special prelae la due to Ida
Kauffman, th aalutatorlan. who handled
th subject, "Success in Lit." and Pearl
Norton, th valedlotorlan, who treated th
subject "Kite with Too Large Tails." The
music by Mr. and Mr. George Toung, Mrs.
Mae Roberuonv W. E. and L. L. Starr and
. Miss Pearl Shipley wa excellent.
FALLS CITT. May 25. (Special Tele
gram.) Rev. Ccle of the Christian church
preached the baccalaureate aermpn to tha
graduating elass at the Methodlat church
Sunday evening. Servlcee were suspended
by other Churches.
WACO. Neb.. May 28. (Special Tele
gram.) The commencement exercises ot
th Waco High school will be held Tuesday
evening at tha Methodlat Epiacopal church,
where there will be a claae ot three gradu-
' ate who will receive their diplomas.
Cattle Pos IatO Chadroa.
. CHADRON. Neb.. May 25. (Special. ) A
heavy rainstorm visited -this section Frl
Hay and the -weather remains cool. Al
though th spring ha been a little back
ward In other directions, th grass wa
saver better at thla time ot th year and
with th already soaked earth the prcarnt
Yale will assure a good crop of .gTaea,
Southern cattle ere being shipped In at tha
rata of 160 carlcada per day. to be a at
' tared through the country on th aplandld
range. Oraxlng land baa advanced from 22
par acre to It and IT per acre. Tha coun
try wa never more proaperoua or the people
more encouraged. The eprlng rcundap has
been scheduled to start the first week In
fune and will require about alx weeks'
oldlera oa Retire to Fort Crook,
- BLAIR, Neb.. May 25. (Special Tele
gramsThe detachment of United Siatea
oldlera, numbering about 200, who went
north about tlx week ago for target prao
tic on the Indian rteervatlon, are camped
In the City park tonight on their return
trip te Fort Crook.
' gait gotlleweM Set Aelde.
. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. May 25-(ipa
el.) la tha breach of promise eult b ought
by Mlse Matilda Houaemaa against Dr. E
M. Whltter Judge Jeasen auatainra tne me
tlon to set selde the settlement. The case
will probably be tried In the September
term ot court
Your Liver
win Ka vnaMd la Its natural datles
and your biliousness, beedacbe and
oooatlpattoo o carta u yuu w
Jccd'c Pills
U4 tf ail dtogglata. 25 Csuta.
Memorial Day Oratloa Oaaaha
Jarlat applaate th Rrg
la sersaea.
FREMONT. Neb.. May 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Memorial service wer held br
thl morning at th opera hous. Instead
ot the usual sermon aa address wss de
livered by Judge Le Estelle of Omaha.
Only Bfty-four veterans were In line, a
much smaller number than usual. Th en
gineering and signal corps ot the Nebraska
National gusrd also attended in a body in
uniform. Th building was appropriately
decorated with bunting, flag and palma
and music waa furbished by a gle club.
Th annual May feet and picnic of the
Turners was held today In th grove south
of thl city and was very largely attended,
delegations of active Turners being pres
ent from outsld town well as a large
number of members and other from this
city. Th progrsm consisted ot th usual
gymnasium work of th various classes,
followed by dancing. The weather wa de
lightful and an enjoyable time waa bad
by all.
Lieutenant J. W. C. Abbott, who has lust
been promoted to a flrsU lieutenancy In the
regular artillery, la a well-known Fremont
man. Lieutenant Abbott enlisted In th
Third Nebraska and waa commissioned sec
ond lieutenant In place of W. E. Thompson,
deceased. After th regiment was dis
charged he was commissioned second lieu-
tensnt in the Thirty-ninth volunteers and
served with great credit in a number ot
campaigns in Manila. Hla promotion la
specially gratifying to his friends hers
who hav known him from boyhood.
PAP1LLION. Neb.. May 26. (Special Tel
rgram.) Today' memorial services were
held at the Methodist. church at this place
and a very appropriate sermon was
preached by Rev. C. W. Davidson. Four
teen members of Dablgren poat wer pres
WEST POINT, Neb., May 25. (Special
Telegram.) Dr. R. M. 8ton ot Omaha will
deliver th oration at this place on Me
morial day.
Memorial services were held this morn
ing at th Grace Lutheran church, Rev.
A. B. Learner preaching the sermon. Th
local D. S. Crawford post ot the Grand
Army jot the Republic, the Sons and Daugh
tors of Veterans snd th Spanish-American
war veterana attended the services In a
body. Tha West; Point Rifles, under the
command of Captain J. C. Elliott, also ob
ecrved Memorial Sunday.
The annual'- commencement exercises of
tha West Point High school will be held In
th opera hous on June t. Eight stu
dnnt wfil graduate. Rev. E. F. Trefs of
Omaha will deliver th claas oration, "A
Life or a Living." Th class day exer
clses will occur on May 30.
BLAIR. Neb., May 25. (Special Tele
gram.) All th churches ot the city united
with John A. Dlx post and the Woman's
Relief corps of th Grand Army of th Ro
public in holding memorial services at the
opera house this morning. The choirs of
th different churches united In furolahlng
music. Rev. J. L. Vsllow of th Methodist
church delivered th sermon and was as
sisted In. prayer and reading th scrip
turea by the ministers of other churches.
Small Tornado Sear West Point Kills
Stack and Destroys Granary
and Fenoca.
, WEST POINT. Neb., May 25. (Special.)
A email tornado visited the aectlon ot
Country southwest of this city yesterday
afternoon. It could plainly be eeen from
thl place and caused great -consternation.
It first struck on the farm ot John Kloke
destroying a granary and killing aome val
uable stock. From there Its course wss
east, but the only damage done waa to
timber and fences. After crossing the river
It divided Into two parte and was lost to
sight In a aoutheasterly direction.
The weather juat preceding the appear
ance of the Stormcloud waa Intensely hot
and still. If Is feared the country north
and west of thla place has suffered, but no
nows can be obtained as the telephone
wires are all down.
Harvard Win OHv Wreath,
HARVARD. Neb.. May 25. (Special.)
Harvard laid aalde buainesa aa far aa pes
Ibis Saturday, while Ita cltlsene asslstsd
the student ot the public schools to enter
tain other school of the county In their
annual field day sports. A ball game was
played between Harvard and Edgar, result
Ing In favor of Harvard, I to I. Harvard
lso won the field event by fifteen points
The American Indiana played a game with
Harvard, but owing to darkness the game
waa called when the score waa to ( In
favor ot Harvard.. In the evening a publl
dance waa . given in Stokes"' opera house
J ad r Jeiiea Favor Defendant.
NEBRASKA CITTj Neb.. May 25. (Spe
elal.) Judg Jeasen yesterday handed down
hla decision In th ease Of Spencer et al
agalnat Scovllle et al, In whloh he sustained
the demurrer of the defendants to the pe
tition of the plaintiff. Which waa dlamlssed
and forty days given to prepare and serve
bill of exceptions.
Thla ia the caae wherein' Mra. Ella C.
Spencer and William Hawke seek to gain
possession of the estate of their sister, the
ate Mra. Mlnnlch Hawke Scovllle. The caae
will be carried to the supreme court.
Omaha Senator. Win.
BLAIR. Neb.. May 25. (Special Tele-
grain.) The second ball game ot the aea
aon was playsd on the Blair diamond this
afternoon between Tom jQulnlan'e Senstors
of Omaha and the. Blair Clothing company
nine ot thla city. The game waa lively
one from start to finish, with a aoore ot
9 to 1 In tavon of the Senators. Senators'
batterlea;. Peadergraat and Clark. Blair
Clothing company: . Noyee and Chaffia.
Umpire, Durant.
Will Wot Honor Keejalaltloa.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb.. May 25. (Special.)
Oevernor Herreld of South Dakota haa
blocked tha proceedings of County Attorney
McAllister for the arrest cf BberlDT Lewuon
and Deputies Griffith, Rabb and Holllday.
charged by the Turgeon brothers with as
sault and Intent to kill. Governor Herreid
refused to houor the requisition drawn on
blm by Governor Savage, which waa pre
sented to him by Sheriff Sides Saturday.
Torsi ' Clah Electe.
YORK. Neb.. May 25. (Spec'aU At the
Woman's club meeting held at the home
of Mrs. Clsrk on Friday evening, the fol
lowing officer wer elected for the ensuing
year: Prealdent. Mra. E. M. Cobb; vice
president. Mrs. Clark; treasurer. Mra. T.
B. MrPbereoni recording secretary, Mrs.
Worthtngton; corresponding secretary, Mra.
Chadroa Board Names Teachers.
CHADRON. Neb.. Msy 25. (Special.)
After a aerie of meeting thl week the
school besrd elected the following teach
er tor ttt ensuing year: Prof. C. P. Kel
ley. Mra. H. L. Fisher, Mlse Uchienberg,
L. P. Curtis, Misses Zanatta Dippery, Mar
tha Oberkotter, Ada Lambert, Meltnda Wag
ner and Ursula Oor.
Paator Leovce Fall Cltr.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. May 28. (Special.)
Rev. D. C. Smith, for two yeera paster ef
the Presbyterian church here, preached hla
farewell serai on Bunday morning t a large
I annsrecatloa. '
Million&irei Never in the Tight, Bare to
Ohaae tha Leather.
evea Thoaaand Peopls Watck th
Application of a Coat ot White
wash to Tommy Barn'
Money Berstn.
Seven thousand gaily attired Sunday fans
witnessed the perfect pitching ot "Podge"
Alloway at Vinton Street park yesterday
ad cheered lustily aa the merry-faced
twirler tantalised the Millionaires from
Colorado Springa from Inning to Inning
nd finally aent them to the atablea with a
white coat aa against 6 aatlsfylng tallies.
Alloway' work and the great crowd were
the featurea of the day, though there were
others. The crowd may have been a record
breaker, but "Podge's" pitching waa not
tor him, aa at Milwaukee early in May he
held the Angela to the same stingy trio of
hits that Bill Everltt'a gang acored yes
terday. - Thus were defeated the sarcastic
prophesies of those who said that Alloway
could never do anything like that at horrye.
Ail the way the game waa overwhelm-
ngly Omaha', but auch grand bass ball
was played by Rourke's men tbat the vast
assemblage went Into apasms after an
ecstacy of Joy. The contest Just showed
what little license Colorado Springs haa to
win any games from Omaha. Out-batted,
out-batteried, out-fielded, out-disciplined,
the Millionairea were not In the running at
any time.
That same assemblage, too, deserves a
second mention. With the grandstand one
vast embrace and the bleachera packed even
tighter, the crowd wasn't satisfied even
with that, and about 2.000 more of the
pleasure-seekers sprawled out In front on
the grass, and clear around the outflold
fence In the ahadow of the braces. It looked
for a while aa If Rourke would not even
have a diamond left to play on, but by
getting a line of policemen to squeeie the
crowd back the foul lines were lust about
cleared. Luckily there were no line foula
nor wild pltcbea, nor passed balls. Any
such loose leather would certainly have
meant a big killing, for the people filled
the paddock, quarter-stretch and scorers'
box, and then climbed on top of the play
era' hoods.
Two Great Catrhee.
Ed HIckey mad the catch of hi life on
Drennan's line hit in the seventh, for which
the third baaeman went away up into th-
clouda on a lefthanded alant. Drennan'a
running reception ot Dolan'a fly In the
sixth waa another big feature. Dolan took
batting honors of the day by making two
doubles, one In the first Inning after two
outa that brought In the first two and the
winning runs, another In tha third. Both
were timely, aa two men were on bases
each time.
Though the Millionairea beefed frantically
a few times from mere force of habit their
conduct waa on the -whole fairly well rep
resented, and only ohce did the pugilistic
tendencies so apparent In the visiting team
last Friday crop out. That waa in the third
Inning, when Leftflelder Barrett atruck out
to insisted that Johnny Gondlng waa to
blame entirely for hla own Inability to hit
Alloway'a teasers, and laid hands on the
local catcher in an endeavor to start some
thing. Gondlng waa scornfully Indifferent
to his spidery enemy, however, and It waa
combative BUI Everltt himself who rushsd
out from . the visitors' hood and. yanked
Barrett back to It lust a the police were
closing In on the home plate.
Today' game will be called at 2:30.
fifteen minutes earlier than the : regular
time, in order to enabale the Colorado
Springa men to catch an early train out tt
town. Lady'a day Wednesday. The score
AB. R.
..4 0
..4 0
::1 I
..4 1
,..2 1
.1 0
...4 0
...2 0
A. B
Carter, rf ,
Genlna, if..,
Stone, cf
Thomas, lb
Uoian, as
Stewart, 2b
Htckcy, 3b, c
27 10
AB. R. H. O.
...4 0 0 1
...S 0 0 4
...4 0 1 11
...3 0 0 2
...4 0 10
...4 0 0 1
.. 3 0 0 1
...3 0 0 2
... 0 12
A. B.
Barrett, If
Hemphill, cf
Everltt. lb
Drennan, rf
Granville. Sb
Hollingsworth, ss.
Ubrlght, 2b
Arthur, o
Gaaton, p
, 0
Omaha ..
..81 0 3 24 12 3
.3 0801000
.0 0000000 00
Colorado Springa
Earned run: Omaha. 4. Two-baaa hlta
Dolan (2), Stewart. Three-base hit: Gas
ton. Sacrifice hit: Oenlns. Btolen baaea:
Stone, HIckey . (2),- Stewart. Bases on
balls; Oft Alloway, 2: off Gaston, 4 Struck
out: By Alloway, 7: by Gaston. 2. Left
on baaea: Omaha, 8; Colorado Springa, 3.
Time: 1:25. Umpire; Latham.
Cowboy Beat Brewer.
KANSAS CITT. May 26. Kansas Cltr
won a close game from Milwaukee today
by bunching nua ana error oi in visi
tor. Attendance, 2.&00. Score:
Kansas City ...0 0200202 -10 i
Milwaukee 2 0100100 11 84
Batteries: Kansaa City. Nichols and
Messltt; Milwaukee, Mcpherson and Lucia.
Joe Joee Beat Peoria.
BT. JOSEPH, May 25. St: Joseph won
today b:
y bundling uieir
Attendance, 2,500.
elr hit and fast field
St. Joeph
Panria ....
10200001 1-6 13 2
Batteries: hi. josepn,
Peoria, Cox, Wilson.
Farvin, Roth;
Denver Beat Dee Moines.
DE8 MOINE8. May 28 The Inability of
Dea Molnea to hit in time ot need cost
It the game today. Denver waa able to
hit at critical time and every run waa
made after two men were out. Attend
ance, 4.000. Bcore:
Denver 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1- 4 12 0
Dea Molnea. ..0 100, 0 0000 11 0
Batterlea: Dea Moines, Hoffen snd Han-
eon; Denver, Whlterldg and McConaelL
Umpire: woran.
StaadlaaT tea Teams.
Played. Won. Lost P C.
Kansa City . 29 22
Omaha zT 20
Denver J
St. Joseph 27 14
Colorado Springa 29 13
Peoria - ;
Milwaukee 25 I
Dee Molnea 2a 7
Hahn, for the Rede, le Invincible aad
the Bridegrooms Are
ghat Oat.
May 26. Hahn waa
vincible here thla afternoon. The support
Tne au
of both Uame waa periect. irawiora
. h.m bv nuttlnar the ball eut for a I
baaaer and a triple with men on basas.
No umpire put in an appearance ana
tireck and Farrell officiated. Attandanoe,
6,0u0. Score:
U O A E I R.H.O.A.B.
n w 1 OS Dolaa. tl... t I I I I
fx.tha. If.... lit 01 Kaeler. rf.... 1
l.. Ik I 111 I Shraraard. at 4 I S
r(ri. rt t t 1 4 R.-Oiwr. Ill IU I
ih i 1 1 d 4 ralea. aa...4 1114
Coreoraa. aa 4 I 1 t Tlood. lb 4 18 4
Sttinfei. I I 1 4 t lf-ln. lb.... 1 1 4
P.lta. a 4 4 Ahren. c 4 I
Haaa. p ( 4 t hiHaabaa. .... 4 4 114
j-Wheele .... 4 44
Totala ....4 lltU l
Totala 4 4 14 II
Ratted for Huahea In th ninth
rinrinnatl 1 0 1 3 8
Urot klyn
Famed rune: Cincinnati, 8. Two-ba
i..- r-raatford fltainfi-ld. Threo-baae hit
Crawford 8tolt-n ba: Keeler, lie
reary. Double play: Husjhea to iicCreery
ua Uahn, 1; ult
tlril case vn "
Hughes. 1. struck out: By Hshn. 6. Time:
2i. L'mplrv-et Farrell and Breca.
Chleaao Wlna oa Batting.
CHICAGO. Mar .-The local detested
New York today bv longer and more
timelv hittin a irini. in the third, an
other In the seventh, and three bunched
slnale In the sixth scored Chicago's runs.
Two coneecutlve double gave the visitors
their only score. Attendance. I4.r00. Score:
R.H.O A B I R.H.O.A E.
WII1r If. .. lit ri!1ttM. rf.
r Jones, et. 1 1 0 Under. It ..l I I I I
reiter. lb... Silt I J Joaee. ef .. I S
Onnltoo, rf t t rior lt 14 1
K!in. e... 1 14 1 Pawemaa. 4 1 It
Lo. t.... t I I emit b. .... ft I
'Hgea. ID 1 111 SJtrkKA. II... Ill
Inker, m... t I t 4 l'Koan. 1 t 4
I. Vrala, . t s I 0 Dunn, t 1 I
ToUls ...."i"Tn It'll Totals I f 14 14
Chios to A A 1 A 0 1 1 0 -
New York 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 01
Left on bases: Chicago, 4: New Tork. 1
Two-base hits: Lauder, J. Jones. Three-
base hit: OHsaen. Tinker. uaonnce
hits: Lowe, Dunn. Stolen base: Miller.
Double play: Tinker. Lowe, O Hagen.
Struck nut: Tl fit V'raln. 5: bv Dunn. 2.
Bases on balls: Off St. Vraln. S; off Dunn,
Time: i:4. Umpire: o Day.
Miller Take Doable-Header from
Toledo Wlthoat Apparent
MINNEAPOLIS. May 25. -Toledo waa de
feated In both (tames here today through
me umeiy nitting or ina itimnriiuiii" i
and the miserable fielding of the vlsltora.
Pvle of the local waa the brlaht
locale waa tne Dnani siar
the bat. eecurlna- two trlnlea in the flrat
gam and a double and two singles In the
second. Luther was hit freely in the first
game, but brilliant fielding shut oft the
runs. Attendance, 4,0u0. Score:
R.H.O. A t. R.H.O A. K,
tK 1 111 1 Rurftl. tb S 1 I I I
Ph . in I 1 S I 1 Miller, n.... v l i i v
Lvnch, ef... 1 10 1 et smith, lb..
Wr1n. lh.. 111 1 0 Turner, lb.
1 1 1 1 t
i 1 io t t
wtlmot. rf.. t 1 1 1 onus. ...
McFarl'd. If 1 t 1 t O Myers, ss...
1 1 s s
; i ; i ii
Clb', ss. S t I I 0 Fouts. If...
Itiunkr. e.. 1 I I I l;KIinow, e.
114 11
mtntr, ... loss o nmn7, p..
t 10 rt 1 4( Totals
. i it rr is t
Mlnneapolla 2 0 0 1 0 Oxil 2 19
Toledo ,;..5 0 0 0 0 1 (K4 0-5
F.arneA runa- Mlnnaanolla. 2: Toledo. 1.
Two-baee hits: . Myers, Burna. Three-base
Burns. Basea on balls: Oft HUgney, ; on
J,uther. 8. Struck out: By Hughey, Phyl
Stolen hasea: Zaluakv. McFariand. Myers.
Smith, Turner. Left on basea: Mlnne
apolla 10; Toledo, 9. Double plays: Luther
to i-assiooine io -veruen, rvirmuw iu
Meyer. Miller to Turner. lime: i:e.
Umpire: Ebrlght.
Second Game.
Tha Incala fnunrt Pardee easy in the seo-
ftnd vame and hit him when they Dleased.
Myers at shortstop was hit In the eye with
a ball from Morrissey s bat at the atart ot
the inning and was badly injured, tscore:
R.H.O. A. K.I R.H.O.A.B.
MorrlMT. 2b 0 1 0 I l Burns, lb.... S I 0
Phrle. lb.... I 111 II Millar, rf.... 1 I I S
I.rnch, ef... 1111 VlSntltk, lb..
Wereon. lb.. 111 1 Turner, lb,
Wllraot, rf.. S 1 0 4Ollki. ef...
0 114 0
4 0 4 0 4
McFarl'S, II I 1 1 OIGrafflus. e.
0 0 14
CaMlb'na, as 0 1 0Mjrers, te..
Zaluaky, e... 1111 trouta, II.
Ntwun. p.
1 I t I , Klaln'w. .-st 0 111
IPardM. p.... 0 4 0 1 0
Tnt.l. I u II II li
ToUl 1 117 t 1
Casslboine out in third on bunt.
al'oledo .......
- a
i J f XT
" V v v
Earned runs- Mlnneapoll. 4. Two-base
hit: Phyle. Three-base hits: Zalusky,
Casslboine, Morrissey. Bases on balls: Off
Pardee, I; orr newiin, i. mruca oui: ay
Pardee, Casslboine. Left on bases: Min
neapolis, 7; Toledo. 3. Stolen bases: wer-
Oen, MCl ariana. uoudib piny
Lynch to
Werden. Time; 1:10. Umpire: Ebrlght,
Indians Coald Not Find Wolfe.
KANSAS CITT, May 25. Billy Wolfe
was In great form and held Indianapolis
down to tour hits. Bases on balls gave the
Hooslera ail tnetr runs in me nrsi inning.
Attendance, 4,uu. score:
R.H.O.A 1 R.H.O.A.B.
Nance. K....1 14 1 HerrleTar, rf 1 II 4 0
Rothfull. rf. 0 0 1 S OIKuhna. If.... 1 I 4 1
Smith. If... t 1 t 1,0'Brl.n, as... 11110
Orady, lb.., 1 t 11 1 :Kthm. lb.... 1 It 0
Uevllla. .. 0 t I 4 OIBabb. tb 010
O'Brien,' 2b, 0 0 4 4 Olcoult.r, ef... t t
Leewe, as. . .' 0 ' I 4Killn, rt.... III!
McOrld. Ibl-'O I 1 l Coi. lb t '
Wolf. 1 4 1 0j Heydon. . ... 4 4 0 0
, . Miller, p t 4
ToUls t... 4 I 27 11 lIKsllum, p.... 0 0 0 1 0
Total I 4 17 t 1
Kansas City 0 02010000-4
Indianapolis 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 02
Earned runs:
k-initi ntv. 4 Taiklnn
hits: Orady, Bevtlle,
Kuhn. Sacrlflc
. , . - T,n.v.r.. . k ' 1 1 . ,i v t.
nils. 11 Ulld, Jiuui i una, . , J
vllle, Coulter. Bases onj balls: Oft Wolfe,
4; oft Miller, 4; off Kellum, 1. Double
play; Ltwee to J urien to urany. oirucx
out: By Wolfe, 1: by Miller. 2; by Kellum,
Brewers aad Coloaele Even.
n.. ,, -
Loulavllle broke even In a double-header
thla afternoon, the noma team loalna the
first and winning the second. In the first
game r lanerty managed to Keep tne nits
well scattered. The second waa a pitcher'
tattle, Thomas allowing but tnre nit.
Attendance, .,ow. score, nrat game:
Botes, 'lb.... I t It 1
Thlal, lb.
1 I 0 I 1
rf. 0 I l o
tlyroar, ef.. t 4 4 S 0
Gannon, rf.. 0 t t S 0
Parrott, ir... S 1 1 S S
McBtid. ef.. 1 4 t 1
Gani.l. tb.. 1 1 t 4 1
r. It 1 4 1 OlDungaa, lb,. lit 1 t
r, e. 1 1 4 I OlMcAnd'wa, tb 0 0 1 1 4
II. all 1 I llcilntman. u It 4 I
Schaab. tb.. 14 10 OlRpMr. a 114 0 1
, p. S I 0 Elliott, p.... S 111
Totals .... 1 IT II l Total
Louisville .. 2 0 0 0
t It 17 It
2 0 0 8 18
..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2
Earned run: Milwaukee, 2; Loulavllle,
1. Twikhm hit: Cllnsman. Flaharaty.
First baae on balls: Off Elliott, 8; oft
Flaherty, 3. Hit by pitcnea nan; hc
Andrews. Spies. Btruok out: By Elliott,
: by . Flaherty, x. stolen baaea; xntei
MeRrlda. rinlaa (2). Left on basea: Mil
waukee, 13; Louisville, 8. Sacrifice hit
Flaherty. Time: 8:00. Umpires Haskell,
Score, second game:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.X1
Tkl.l. lb.... 4 1 4 4 4 Spies. 4444
Hallman, rf 4 4 1 S 0Clrmer, CI.., 1 s
Parrott, If.. 4 4 4 4 01 Gannon, rf... 4 4 4 4
McBrida. cf. l l l 4 j oana.1. lb... 4 11
Dunian. lb.. Ill 4 1 Flournoy, If. 4 4 1
U.U'VL Ihl 1 1 1 1
l!achrlTar, lb 4 4 14 4 4
Cllnimaa, uM I I liTanneh'll, ss 4 I 1 4
Croaa. a.... t I 0 Bnhaub. lb... 4 Mil
Thomas, a.. 8 4 I 4 Karwln, p.... 4 1 4 4
ToUls ...."I T ll ll Touts fit 11 1
Wlnnlna run scored with on man out
Milwaukee 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 11
Louisville o o v o u o o o
Earned run. Milwaukee, 1.
hit: MrRride. lilt bv Ditcher
Btolen bases: Hallmsn, Kirwin, epiea.
Htrnrk nut: Bv Kirwin. 3. Double uIhv:
Thlel to Dunaan. Left on bases: . Mil
waukee. 4. sacrifice nit: M.c Andrews.
Time: 1:86. Umpire: Haskell.
Leaden Down th Balata.
ot. PAT7L,. Mav 24. Chech save hla onlv
base on balls In the ninth Inning of today'
same wltn (Joiumous. i tie girt waa rol
owed bv a two-base hit and 4 lnl.
which enabled the visitor to cor two
run, winning (be game. Attendance, 1,16a.
columbis. I gr. raru
R.H.O. A. El R.H.O.A.B.
Knoll, ef.... S 14 0 Oaler. lb. .... I 1144
Meaner, rf..4 0 1 0 Of Dl I lard. If... 4 I i 4 4
Lalir. I' till siShar. ss 1 1 1 I I
Mrara, lb... 0 1 11 1 0 Kellar. lb... 0 1 14 I 4
Evana. lb... 4 11 4 Shannon, ef. 4 1 4 4 4
Turner, .lb.. 1
' ,b ' ! i ! !uun"7: li. ' ! 1 t
1 t I 4 liHusslna. la.. 1414
'-."J 4 4 I lcl'-, ::"e l 8 l l
. .... JJ4 J jLbaca. 21211
roa. a
Totals ....4 4 tl 14 l! Totals .... I 10-M It 4
One out when winning run wa scored.
Columbus 0 0 1 9 1 0 9 24
8L Paul 0 o o e o I l e l
Earned runa: St Paul, t Two-base
hits: Kellev, Hurley, Lally (2), Nattreea.
Karrlflc hits: Kelley. Meaner. Stolen
bases: Shay (2). First base on ball: Off
Chech, 1; off Bailey, 1. First base on er
rors: Columbus. 2; St. Paul, 2. Left on
baaea: Columbus, I; St. Paul. 7. Struck
out: By Chech, 1; by Bailey, 2. Double
playe: Huaglna to Kelley. Bailey to Fo
lo Myers. Time: 1:40. umpire: Tindiii.
Three-t Leag-ae.
At Davenport Davenport, 8; Blooming
ton. 1.
At Rock Island Torre Haute. I; Rock
Iland, 1.
At Cedar Raplde Cedar Rapids, ; De
catur, 8.
At Rockford Rockford, : Evansvllle, 9.
IleeB4rs Defeat Bea Hav Jnaler.
The Ben Hur Junior were beaten by
the Keeper yeeterday. the acora balng
10 to 1 Th feature were the fielding of
Coad and the ettckwork of Singer.
Proad Day for Blatraera.
The Sooth Sid Slugger smeared them
selves with raalant glory yeewritf - by
defeating buck e oauUa. li-J. t. ta th
forenoon and the Tremnnts, 4 to 3, In the
afternoon. Brown caught for the Blur,
aere. Lvnch pltrhlna the morning gme
end Haley the efternoon. Murphy toeefl
for the Beautle end Rice caught. The
Tremonta had Clair Ir. the box and Fagan
behind the bat.
Visitor Pat t Their Flrat Match
Gaaa and Errore Are
fifteen to 3 In favor of the Orlalnal Is
the story of the game yesterday between
the Original and the Columbus. The big
feature of the game w I.awlor'a fast
fleMIng and heavy hitting. The Columbu
players were toa-ether for the first time
thl season and for that reason they man
aged to do a big business in tne last col
umn. Score:
Aa R.
A. E.
Lawlor, ....
Hrsdford. 2b.
Welch, rf
jenon, ir
Taylor, cf....
... 1
::l !
::! i
Foley, lb
O'Keefe, c...
Creighton, 3b
Scully, p
AB. R.
4 1
19 2? 13
Taylor, 8b.
jones, c...
Baker, ci.
i.ohr. aa..,
MrMahon. 2b.
c,.kk if
9avanaueh " rf.".,
A,h.r.nn. lh
Jackson, p
Totals S3 2
37 10 12
Earned runs: Originals, 4: Columbus. 1
Three-base hits: Baker, Iohr. Two-base
hits: Lawlor, Bradford, Jones. Stolen
bases: originals, 7. Double piaya: Brad
ford to Lawlor to Foley, gtehb to lie.
"Mahon, Baker to McMahon. Time: 1:40.
Umpire: emitn.
Lnanberntea Defeat Commercial Col
lege snd I'nlqoea la One
Th C. N. Diet team had two aames
chalked up to their credit Sunday, the
Omaha Commercial college and the Uniques
being the loser. The former wa an easy
one, 13 to 2, and the latter wn close all
the way 'till the sixth. Both Davidson
and Oardy did themselves proud In the
center of the diamonda. The scores:
C. N. Diet ..1 1 0 0 1 T 3 0 -18 12 4
O. C. C 1 1000000028
Batterlea: C. N. Diets. Davidson and
Carf; Omaha Commerlcal college, Peter
son ana uray.
Unlnvie 0 0000 1 0001 8
C. N. Diets ..0 1001024 8 14 2
' Batteries: C. N. Diets, Oordy and Carr;
Uniques, Anderson ana uibaon.
Creighton Haa Easy Time
CREIOHTON. Neb.. May . (8peclal
Telearam.l Wausa a IS00 team of salaried
men was snut out nere toaay oy tne
Creighton Giant. Not a Wausa man
reached third base. The game abounded
In brilliant plays. Steele'a fine work In
the box for the locals, strlklnr out sixteen
men, was the leading feature. Tne large
i ii i r ot w iiuuiucicu uvea ouv. uvii c
Creighton 2 2 4 0 0 2 0 0 -10
Wausa, 0 000000000
Hit: Crelehton. 9: Wausa. 3. Struck out
By Steele, 16: by Klnael, S; by Rodgers, 1;
by cneatwood, 4. umpire: onaner.
oldlera Salnte Albright.
I The soldiers were defeated bv the Plain-
view stars ot Ainngnt in a wen piayea
game of ball on the Fort grounds today.
The feature on the soldiers aide waa the
excellent battery -work, but poor support
lost tne game to tne visitor. Bcore: ai
bright, 9; Fort Crook, 8.
Plattamoath Team Want Game.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. May 2R. (Sne
clal.) The Plattsmouth B. tc. M. base ball
team haa oraanlsed for the season and
would like to hear from any amateur team
In the s'ate. It ha an Inclosed srroumJH
Anyone wishing- to schedule game should
address tne manager, jame li. Arcner,
Plattsmoutn, web..
Box Maker Win
The Omaha Paper Box company' team
defeated B. Franklln'a All Btars, 8 to (.
Paper Box Co 0 1 3 1 8 0 0-8
1 All Biara
V 1 U U V V 0
I uaiiviiv., avi mjvij vv.. , . r .n .. .
i vMnK All Kiir wtuiui mnn HwinMin.
- .. -
Boa Hara goffer Defeat.
The Weat Omahaa defeated the Ben
Hura yeeterday by & score ot 6 to 2. The
batteries were Bpethman and Smith . for
the west Omaha and Knight and Bowser
- ilfor the Ben Hun. The feature of the
f "? w th work ot the We,t Omha
I ""n""'
hower Are to Brian" Brief
Period, with a Clear
WASHINGTON, May 25. Forecast:
For Nebraska, Kansas, Oklshoma and In
dlan Territory Shower Monday, cooler In
eaat portion; Tueaday fair. .
For Iowa Partly cloudy and cooler Mon
day, probably shower
In west portion
Tuesday fair.
For1 South Dakoto Fair In west, abowera
In eaat portion Monday; Tueaday fair
For North Dakota Fair and warmer
Monday; Tueaday fair.
For Montana, Arltona, Utah and Wyo
mlng Fair Monday and Tuesday.
For Colorado Fair in weet part; cloudy,
probably showers and cooler In east portion
Monday; Tueaday fair.
For ' Arkansas Partly cloudy Monday
probably shower. . thunderstorms an
4 cooler; Tuesday shower.
4 I ' ., .
For Missouri Fair in east, partly cloudy
probably ahowers and cooler In weat por
tlon Monday; Tuesday fair.
For Illlnola Fair Monday, cooler In north
nd central portions; Tuesday fair; .fresh
northwest to north wlnda.
For New Mexico Partly cloudy Monday
I and Tuesday; probably thunderstorms In
I -...k nnrtlon.
Ioal Record.
amaHA. Mav 25. Official record of tem
perature ana precipiutuun cumyarea wua
the corresponding day ot the laat three
yer: 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature... M 60 79 77
Minimum temperature.... BIBB
Mean temperature 61 42 70
rreclpliatlon 17 .00 -.00 .02
Record of temperature ana precipitation
at Omaha for thla day and alnce March 1.
Normal temperature
15 Inch
Kxcea for th day ..........
Total excess ainoe March 1
Normal precipuauun
Excea for me nay
.02 Inch
Total rainfall lnce March 1 4.43 la
.nvlency .r.c March 1 3.63 In
HtSclency for cor. period. m....2.83 In
t)ericlency for cor. period, 1)0....1.26 In
I ik he
Resort fros
tatloas at T P. M.
: c
: B
Ornatia, clear
Valentin, cloudy
North Piatt, cloudy ....
Cheyenn. clear
Salt Lake City. elar ....
Rapid City, clear
Huron, cloudy .............
Wllltston, partly cloudy
Chlcaito, clear
Bt. Iuia, clear ............
Bt. Paul, partly cloudy ..
Davenport, clear
Kansaa City, cloudy
Havre, partly cloudy ....
Helena, clear
Mlamarck, cloudy
Galveaton, partly cloudy
77 .00
at 70 .00
8 7 T
ft tl T
78 801 .00
60 62 .00
64 7' T
bt 62 .00
72 7 .00
78 84 .00
2 tH .00
Tl 7 .00
76 80 .00
67 64 .09
64 68 .00
64 M .00
80 82 .00
T Indicate trace of precipitation.
, LovtU Forecast OtUgUl.
v -
Abrupt but Brilliant Debuta Often Mde by
Obaotirt Congmsmtn.
Case of John K. Stewart ot Slew York
la Protecting District Aalat
Ezhorhltant Tasatlon
aa Eaample.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May 25. (Special.)
Sometimes men In congres proceed with
their ordinary duties yar after year with
out attracting any great attention and then
uddenly spring Into prominence by the
advocacy of or opposition to some Import
tant measure. This waa true In the cas
of John K. Stewart of New York, who mafe
fight In the houae against the orgsnlzatlon
ot what would have been a pretty etvere
tax upon the people of the city ot Wash
ington. Until a few years sgo there were
wo municipal corporstlons In the district,
on known a Washington and th other
a Georeetown.
In each of those municipalities there ex
isted a gaa company. Both of these com
panies are owned by the same people. The
capital atock of the larger company Is $2,
000,000 and tbat ot the smaller company
somewhere about $200,000. The company haa
phyalcal assets worth at a liberal eatlmate
$5,500,000, and It waa propoeed to console
date and capitalize at $13,750,000 without, of
course, the payment ot an additional dollar
In the treasury ot the combined corporation.
In other words, the gaa people planned a
nice little scheme whereby they proposed
to add about $9,000,000 worth of water to
their stock.
Hi workel day and night gathering atatla.
tics and Information and be convinced the
house tbat to enact this bill Into law would
be to set a dangerous precedent because It
would mean the endorsement of a trust
right at the national capital. Besides this
It would preclude the possibility of a reduc
tion of the price of gaa to consumers In
Washington for a generation.
Although there waa a clear majority In
fovor of the bill until Mr. 8tewart took
up the cudgel In defense of the people of
Washington, his arguments were so clear
and so forceful that he soon won the fight
and It will be a long time before another
ttemot will be made to force $9,000,000.
worth ot watered atock of the Washington
Gaslight company upon investors. It Is
worthy of note In this connection thst the
stock quotations show h falling off In the
quoted value of gaa light atock ot $1,780,000
since the defeat of the consolidation scheme,
Reform In Llqaor Law.
A reform movement haa been started In
Washington for tha double purpose of
more rigidly enforcing the liquor law and
bringing about the enactment of a law that
will cloae up business houses that keep
open on the Sabbath. A local organisation
tbat la leading in the agitation for a Sun
day law detailed acouta to patrol a certain
part of the city below Pennsylvania avenue
and take account of all places of business
that were open. ' Then scouts went over
all that part of Washington aouth
ot the avenue from Georgetown
to the navy yard and counted 830 etores
ODen and doing business. No account waa
taken of drug atorea and lunch rooms.
which are not included In the list ot places
at which the proposed law Is directed.
A similar canvass will be made In other
aectlona of the city and when the statis
tics have been aranged they will be pre
sonted to the house committee -on the Die
trlct of Columbia, in -charge of the Sabbath
observance bill,' as an indication of tha
need of such legislation. The canvass waa
made in order to refute the atatement ot
local officials that Washington business men
observed the Sabbath and that there waa
no occasion for action by congress.
Sentiment In the house haa not been as
eertained definitely, but the committee that
will paaa on the bill Is said to be opposed
to hasty action, so ths chances are that
thereform measure will not be reported
at this session of congress. Advocates of
a Sunday law say they will keep up their
fight until the bill la either passed or
The temperance reformers started their
movement against the saloons by having
the managers of the cafca at the capltol
arrested for selling liquor without licenses
For many years liquor haa been dispensed
to thirsty statesmen and others at both
the houae and aenate ends and although ef
forts have been made repeatedly by the ad
ocates ot temperance to atop thla practice
they have Invariably met with defeat, as
the senate, and houae Committees on public
buildings and grounds have supported the
managers of the cafea. At the trial of those
srrested laat week the point waa made by
counsel for the accussd that the alleged
offense waa committed on a reservation
over which congress had exclusive supervl
slon and that therefore the courta of th
District ot Columbia had no Jurisdiction
The caae are etlll pending, but the chances
are that a way will be found out of the
difficulty and that congressmen will eon
tlnue to present themselves at the bars of
the house and senate with astonishing reg
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It ia now an established tact that nervous
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Patne'a Celery Compound la pre-emt-
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Weariness, tired feelings, despondency
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Now is the time to strike at the root of
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The Immense and unprecedented demand
for Palne's Celery Compound earth'a beat
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Past experience and the happy reeulta
given by Palna'a Celery Compound all com
bine to make clear your path of duty. Be
gin today with Palne'a Celery Compound If
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the coming summer season.
Always Ask for Diamond Dyes.
Ir. Lyon'
Tooth Povdor
Used'by people of refinement
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wan up
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Bee Advertising Man
will call on you
to get a Want Ad or J
a Half Pake.
Campbell Bros. Groat
Consolidated Shows
Will Bsklblt a
South Omaha Monday, May 26
Caapprsaekabla la Wealth aad
With an antiralv naw ahow naar. -'-
gently ftnlsVed costumes aad wardrobe
Th Last af Bl Kiad.
Known to exist As large aa sia slsphaat.
pen at 1 and 1p.m.
BOYD'S I """""StiSSr
Tusadar, Wasaaa
Uy Mat. an Nllht,
In Hlzzcurl
Prloaa: Mats., a ay saat.
lc, 10a. Uc, tie
Colorado Springs vs. Omaha.
Nay 26.
Game called at 1:16. Take South Omaha
Car South.
y IIU I hla
and 63d St.
N. Y. City,
f-lreitresf Bsslaslvs
Msdersts Rates Aa-saalfcl
Eatssjslr Library V
Orcheeual Conesrts Bvery Srenlaa
All Cars fsas th B.afisw
Band for descriptive Booklet.
W. JOHN SON QVISI-1. Proprietor.
tStb snd Dosgla
12:S0 TO IP. M.
Is a epolal Millard faature.
J B. MARK EL, SON, Prop.
C. H. Ppl. Manaer. .
p. Paveoort. principal Clerk,
aa..., ,. ii m ' .''"