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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1902)
T .1 The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JTJE 19, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TRY TO RILL PRINCE Outhwi in jTharkoff, Eawia, Attempt to Assassinate Their Governor. LOOKS LIKE. CONTEMPT TO THE CZAR Threatened Official ii Recently Commended for Suppression of Riots. uaanannnua. RESULT OF UPRISINGS AMONG PEASANTS ,VWpping of Political Prisoners Continues in Spite of Intimidation. TROOPS FAIL IN EFFORT TO RELEASE MEN rmr(l with Dagger and Sticks 1 Townspeople of Ghlreel Liberate v a Scare of Prisoner Clairo- . ' Inn; Their Innocence. BT. PETERSBURG, May 25. A report has reached here of an attempt to assassinate Prince Obolensky, governor of th govern ment of Kharkoff, who was commended by the cisr for suppressing tho rioting among the pessants of that district. V Lieutenant General Von Wahl, governor of Vllna, whose assassination was recently attempted on account of his wholesale flog glng of political prisoners, many of whom were educated, and who, according to cus , torn, were, therefore, exempt from (logging, ; Justifies these punishments oil the ground ' that be was ordered to inflict them by M. i Von Blehwe, the minister of the interior. Peasant political prisoners have also been Whipped at Blelosotoolc and other Polish ' towns. Eighty persons who were arrested for taking part in revolutionary disturbances at Saratoff were confined In a private bulld- 1 Ing there. A number of rioters concen trated in the vicinity of the building, con- : templatlng a release. The rioters were charged several times by the troops before they dispersed, and the liberation of the prisoners was thus prevented. Armed with daggers and sticks the townn- , pople of Ohtrsel, In the Caucausua, have liberated a score of prisoners who claimed they were innocent. ECHO OF THE EVENT IN PARIS Given Abroad In Conaoaaaea with Ceremonies at Wash ington. PARIS. Mav 25. A largely attended Franco-American banquet was held at the Hotel Continental last evening. The re ception room waa ornamented with por traits of Washington, Rocbambeau and 'Roosevelt, surrounded by French and Amer ican flags, and by a model of the Rocbam beau statue. The banquet hall was deco rated with the Stars and Stripes and the trl-color of France and with banners bear ing the names of the various statea. Mayor Oullemote of Vendome, the birth place of Rocbambeau. presided. Those pres ent Included Henry Vlgnaud, United States abort d'affaires, ard the staff of th Amer ican embassy; Count Ouy d Rochambeau, a brother of th Count de Rocbambeau now In Washington; Marquise d Frass and Dur Chelle and t)u Chalffant. all three descendants of officers who fought In th American revolution; Mas O'Rell (Paul Boue) and many other distinguished Frenchmen and prominent Americans, be sides a delegation of the Polish Kosciusko monument committee. Mayor Oullemote gave, v sketch of Roch ambeau, read a cablegram from Secretary of Bute Hay a follows: ' Monsieur la Malre: On the Joyous annl versary the pres'cent requests me to send his cordial greetings to ths French and American oltlsens assembled tn Parts to celebrate the historic friendship of France ana America. ' 81gned.) JOHN HAT, M. Gullemot also read th following re ply , to Colonel Hay's cablegram: Have Just reclved your kind telegram . and read It to the Americans and French united at this table. We thank you warmly , tor your aina woras. present our re spectful homage to President Roosevelt. OUI LEMOTE, Mayor of Vendome. Mas d'Eetouraelle proposed the health of President Roosevelt In an eloquent speech. ,Th other speakers Inoluded M. Jules Sieg fried, M. Lasare Weller and Leopold Ma- bllleau, all three of whom dwelt with picas ur upon their recent visit to the United State. Th spokesman of th delegation of Kos- clusko monument committee also mad an address. In which he traced th career of Kosciusko. Spencer Pratt propoaed. In the course of a speech, th formation of a Franco-American league for the purpese of cementing and perpetuating the good rela tions existing between the French and American republics. Th Figaro thla afternoon gave a S o'clock In honor of the Rochambeau fetea. The ' guests were almost exclusively repre- Isantatlve members of th American colony, 1 A musloal and theatrical entertainment fol- lowed. I This morning th Figaro Issued an eight I page supplement, which also appears today I la America, entirely devoted to Rocham beau and Americana at horn and la Parts, with appropriate Uluatratlon. All th morning and evening paper pub' llshed good cable accounta of th Rocham keau ceremonies at Washington and many Of them print a picture et the statu. DANES WARMLY GREET LOUBET King Chrlstlaa and Ills People Wei. come the President of France. COPENHAGEN, Msy 25. President Lou bet, who paid visit to tba ciar ot Russia left Cronstad May 22 for Franc on th French cruiser Montcalm and landed hers today after a favorable and rapid voyage through the Baltic. As Montcalm drew toe niuvh water to allow It to approach Copen hagen, President Loubet wat transferred to th torpedo boat destroyer Cassinl, which aocompanted Montcalm. Cassinl waa tno recipient of tbunderoua salutes from the forts upon it arrival la th roadated here. King Christian, th Danish crown prince aad othar members of th royal family em barked on a launch and were taken to C as slain, where th king wa greeted by the president of France. King Christian wore ths uniform of th commander-tn-chlef of the Danish army. Th kins and th president then came aihore In the royal launch and war driven amid cheer to the 'Amlenborg castle, where , luncheon wa aerved to the royal family and th French visitor. Complimentary toaata were exchanged between th king and th president. Later King Christian and M. Loubet together drove about Copenhagen and then returned to the harbor. Th vis itors, accompanied by th king and th Danish princes, were then conveyed to Cas sinl. where th farewella war said. Amid aalutea and care Caaaini Isft her at iiX COURT MAINTAINS SECRECY Probe Arrest of Chicago's Officer la lenlre anil Finding Hot Divulged. NAPLES, Mar 25. The court of Inquiry being held on board the United States (miner Chicago to Investigate the arrest of certain officers of that crew at Venice Apr 1 16, continues ita sessions, but the strictest secrecy regarding the proceedings of the court Is maintslned. Orders have been received on Chicago from Washington that the findings of the court shall not be divulged until they are passed upon by the United Stses govern ment. MAN STONES ROYAL TRAI' Thief la Naples Itnrla Mlaall at Kin; and flsef and I Arrested. NAPLES, May 25. King Victor Emman uel and Queen Helena arrived her this evenlrg on their way to Palerma to open the agricultural exhibition. During the stoppsge of the royal train at the arsenal here two atones were thrown at the train by Vlnccuzenso Ouerrerlo, who was Immediately arrested. Ouerrerll has previously been convicted of theft. The assault of this evening resulted In great demonstration of loyalty toward their majesties from the assembled crowd. TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES Chilean and Argentine Governments Will I'tlllse Pencefnl Means for Settlement of Controversies. SANTIAGO DE CHILE, May 25. The Chilean minister of foreign affairs, Senor Vergara, and the Argentine minister to Chile, Joseph Antonio Terry, are complet ing the details of the agreement which limits Chilean fend Argentine armaments and which provides for the general arbitra tion of disputes between the two countries. Owing to this favorable situation, secur ities and bonds are very firm. Gold Is fall ing. Secretary Deerlng- Plays Tennis. BERLIN, May 25. Henbert Ouy Deerln. who has Just been appointed secretary of the British legation at Washington, is now In Berlin playing at the International ten nis tournament. Mr. Deerlng waa born here In 1867. He Is a son of Sir Henry Nevill Deerlng, the present British minister to Brazil. The new appointee was In Pekln during the siege of the legationa and dis tinguished himself there. Will Not Get Opium Right. PEKIN, May 25. The failure of the ef forts of a Oerman firm to secure exclusive rights of selling opium throughout the Chi nese empire for which privilege the firm tn question offered to pay the Chines govern ment 115,000,000 a year, appears to be as sured on account of the opposition to tha proposal by tho better class of the ministers and the palace officials. Police at Anarchists' Meeting. BERLIN. May 25. It transpired today t'uat .an anarchist conference attended by twenty-nine delegatea waa held at Mann helm last week. The police got woid of the meeting before It occurred and sent two officers to attend the sittings. As th proceedings of the conference were quite tame the anarchists were not molested. Chi LI Rebellion Snbdned. PEKIN. May 25. The rebellion In Chi LI province has been practical!- subdued. but the Inhabitants of the province are complaining loudly of the forces under Yuan Shal Kal, the governor of Ohl LI, and allege that his soldiers, in inflicting pun ishments, do not distinguish between the guilty and the Innocent. Martlnelll Reports to Leo. ROME. May 25. The pope has received Cardinal Martlnelll, who gave the pontiff an account of his mission and the aituatlcn of th church In th United State. Hundred of Cholera Victims. MANILA, May 25. The cholera record to date Is as follows: Manila, 1.144 caaes and 619 deaths; the provinces, 1,922 cases snd 2.774 deatha. CAUGHT ROBBING THE MAILS Kansas City Mall-Carrier Confesses to Theft and Say Debt Waa Incentive. i KANSAS CITT. May 25. Frank M. Stur geon, on of th oldest mall carrlera In the Kansaa City (Kan.) service, waa ar rested by postoffice Inspectors for stealing a bundle of letters. Sturgoon waa caught In the act In the postoffice. He confessed, saying that hi stealings bad coverd a period of eight months and that debt bad prompted the theft. He baa a family. DEATH RECORD. August H. Arrlea. August H. Arrlens, IBS! Sherman avenue, proprietor of the Omaha mills, died Sunday morning and will be burled at Forest Lawn cemetery at S o'clock Tuesday afternoon, under the auspices of a Oerman society of whl'h he waa a member. Deceased bad been a citizen of Omaha for nine years, having come to thla country from Germany. He waa prominent in Oerman clrclea and waa a member of the Masonic order and the Woodmen of the World. He waa 58 year of a a and leaves a, widow and three chil dren. Dr. William Craig Barke. CHEYENNE. Wyo,. May 25. Dr. William Craig Burke died last night In this city at the home of his son. T. F. Burke, United Statea district attorney, aged 90. He waa a graduats of Dartmouth college, class ot 18JS, and waa the oldest living alumnus He waa a member ot the church eounoll which tried Rev. Henry Ward Beeuher. The funeral will be held In thla city Mod day afternoon. Interment will be In South Norwalk, Conn. Mrs. Alsnena Hillock. Mrs. Almena Hillock, widow ot J. B. Hll lock, died at her home at 2151 Ames avenue Saturday morning, death being the result of heart disease. Mrs. Hillock wss sp parently tn good health an hour before her death and waa supervising work In the gar den. She started Into the house and wss nsxt found lying by th sld of the bouse unconscious. 6h died before medical aa- slatanc could be secured. Buaea C. Spaldlag. ATLANTA. Ga., May 25. Eugene C. Bpaldlng. vice preaident of th Atlanta, KdoxvIU Northern railroad, died at hia horn her today of aemmorbag et th lungs, PHILIPPINE BILL DRAGS Measure is Expected to Take Up Another Week in the Senate. no Vote probable for' ten days Saaar Mea Glad of Anything that Will Serve a an Obstruction to Bal loting on Bill to Reduce Cnbaa Tariff. WASHINGTON. May 25.-From recent In - lions the senate will devote another ;.f if not a longer time to eonsldera .V. ' V. bllipplne bill. Ths prediction ' t 'y '' 'hat a vote will not be rea- . v" '" of tn following week. . ; ". number of set soeeches pro.. bill and other senators hav no, .dlcated whether they will speak or nu. Senator Burrows will be beard tomorrow In advocacv of the bill and among others who are expected to speak during the week are Senators Patterson. Pettus, Bailey and Bacon, In opposition to the bill, and Sen ator Spooner. In lta aupport. When the set speeches are disposed of there will be an effort to secure two or three days' time for consideration of amendments, al lowing speeches not exceeding ten or fif teen minutea on each of them. It Is not expected that there will be any session of the senate on Friday, as that Is Memorial day and a holiday. The prac tice of the senate In the matter on adjourn ment on Memorial day has not been uniform and there may be an effort to keep the senate in session, but this effort will be antagonized. Other Bill on the Schedule. The continued deferment of the time for taking a vote on the Philippine measure has caused considerable abatement in the preparation of the discussion of the Nlcar aguan bill and the Cuban reciprocity bill, which will be taken up next In succession or jointly. The beet sugar people predict a month'a debate on the Nicaraguan bill, but this pre diction Is not In accord with th views of the advocates of tha Nicaraguan b'll cr Its opponents tn the Isthmian Canal committee. Both these elements are now claiming a majority and are saying that the sooner the vote Is reached the better they will be satisfied. The beet sugar men, however, are counting confidently on the co-operation of the side which finds Itself tn the mi nority in the matter of postponing the vote on the canal bill. In other words, the beet, sugar advocates welcome the Introduction of any question which will defer eonstdera tlon of the Cuban bill, alnce they think that there will be no Cuban legislation at all if the taking- ud of that question can be postponed until after the passage of all the appropriation bills. v Appropriation Bills. The appropriation bill should be passed before the first of July In order to supply money for the aupport of the government after that date and they consequently expect that considerable time will be given during th month of June to the appropriation bills remaining undisposed of. They. count confidently on th early ad journment of congress after the appropria tion bills are out of tha way and they hope that If, after that time there la an effort to pass the Cuban bill tt will be Incumbent on the friends of the bill to maintain a quorum In the aenate. "It would be hardly fair," said a beet augar republican senator today, tn discuss ing tba contingency mentioned, "to expect the opponents of the proposed reduction to assist In prolonging a session in midsum mer for the purpose of passing a measure which they do not want to see enacted Into law." There ta still a considerable republican element tn the aenate opposed to tariff re duction, and It la asserted by tho beet sugar men that forty-five republicans necessary to pass1 the bill have not yet been aecured. It Is declared, however, that the practi cally unanlmoua vote can be secured for a rebate measure. CHEROKEE NATION LEADS ' Contains More Farms and Improved Farm Area Thaa Other Terri tories or Couatle. WASHINGTON. May 25. The census bu reau ha isaued a report comprising agri culture statistics of the counties and In dian natlona in th United State. It shows that the Chickasaw ration, Indian Terri tory, lead In the number of farms, having 16.374. The following rank next: The Crerokeo nation. Indian Territory, 13,537 farma; Choctaw nation, Indian Ter ritory, 9.962, Lancaster county, Pennsylva nia, 9,437; Orangeburg county. South Car olina, 8,401, and Si Lawrence county, New York, (.353. Crow Indian reservation Montana, lead In farm area with 3,500,000 acres. It Is followed by Hartley county, Texas, 8,246. 335; Chickasaw nation, Indian Territory, 1,246,187; Wichita, Kiowa and Comanche In dlan reservation, Oklahoma, 2,600,670; Pecoa county Texaa, 2,158,547, and Cherokee na tion, Indian Territory 1.816,719. Hartley county, Texas, la the headquarters of large cattle companlea and some of the area aa reported as belonging to the county un doubtedly la situated In surrounding coun ties. Cherokee nation, Indian Territory, lead In Improved farm area, having 1,165,061 acres. It Is followed by cnicicasaw na tion, Indian Territory, 1,111.631 acrea; Cass county. North Dakota, 977.951; Fresno county, California, 786,337; Grand Forks county. North Dakota, 790,567, and Whit man county, Washington, 711,975. Cook county, Illinois, leads tn the value of land and buildings with (77.105.220 Ranking next are: Los Angeles county, California, with 170.981,930; McLean county, Illinois, 161,161.240; Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, 253,939,550; LaSalle county, I 111 nols, 151.539,040, and Livingston county. Illinois, 150,378,640. Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, leads In ths value of buildings with 123.147.S20. Chickasaw nation. Indian Territory, leads In th value of live stock on farma with 117.964,830. Cherokee nation, Indian Ter ritory, la next with 19,560,802; Creek na tion, Indian Territory, with 18.245,060; Cua. Ur county, Montana, 17,127.126; Wichita Kiowa and Comanche Indian reservation, Oklahoma, 26.908.133, and Choteau county. Montana, to.977.04L Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, leada In the value of farm production with 112,611, 415. Then follows Chickasaw nation. In dlan Territory, with 110.779.990; McLean county, Illinois. 110,681,045; St. Lawrene county. New York, 19.820.036; Dane county, Wisconsin, 19.303.989, and LaSalle county. Illinois. 28.169.267. Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, leada ta the amount of groaa Income with 19.110,. 116. Chlckassw nation, Indian Territory, comes next with 29.174.760; McLean county, Illinois, 18.131.516; Los Angeles county, Cal ifornia, 17.527.610; Champaign county. Illi nois. 27.111,102, and LaSalle coualjr, Illinois 17.201,557. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Operatora Treating; Are by Home Float at Largely Increased Rate. DEADWOOD. S. D.. May 25. (Special. ) Th Black Hills is now treating by home plants stamp mills, smelters and cyanide mill at the rate of 179,000 tons of ore monthly, and shipping to outside smelters 10,500 tons per month, making a total monthly production of gold ore ot 189,600 tons, by far the largest production of gold ore heretofore known from any gold camp or district In the United States. The following plants, owned and' oper ated by the mining companies named, are In constant operation, with their respective daily tonnage, as stated: Companies. Tonnage, llrmestake Mining Co., 900 stamps. free-milling I.SXiO Clover Leaf Mining Co., SO stamps, free milling 240 Holy Terror Mining Co., 20 stamps, free-milling 80 Tycoon-Ranger Mining' Co., 10 stamps, free-milling 40 North Star, and other Southern Hills, free-milling I") National Smelter Co., smelter 3) Golden Reward Mining Co. smelter 300 Golden Reward Mining Co., cyanide mill 2 Warp No. 2 Mining Co., cyanide mill.. 100 Hoineshoe Mining Co., cyanide mill...-. luO Ppearfish Mining Co., cyanide mill ? Peadwood-Rtandaril Co., cyanide mill.. 2i Portland Mining Co., cyanide mill 60 Dakota Mining Co., cyanide mill VXt Imperial Mining Co., cyanide mill 100 Highland Chief Mining 'Co., cyanide mtl M Alder Creek Mlnlna Co., cyanide mill. 50 Rosslter tunder lease), cyanide mill.... 60 Total 6.D70 Most of the above plant have large ora 1 reserves anf? ara not likely to suspend, ex cept from breakage or for necessary re pairs. Tho Clover Leaf company has re cently added forty stamps to Its mill, and at this time Is temporarily shut down for repairs to old machinery. The National Smelting company baa re cently completed lta new and modern smel ter, located, at Rapid City, and atarted up two weeka ago to run largely on custom ores, with a capacity of at least 300 tons per day. The Horseshoe company la ahlp- plng 300 tona of smelting ore dally to the Omaha smelter. This company on Thurs day last broke ground for a 360-atamp cyanide mill, which will have a capacity of 1,200 tona a day. Other companlea are opening and developing mines, with the object of erecting mills, and a conservative estimate at this time will place the output of gold ores from Black Hills mines at 8,000 tona dally before th close of the year. These figures do not take into ac count the large tailings planta for the re treatment of ores. There are other districts, It is true, which probably produce, tor the amount of ora which Is mined In them, ores carrying greater gold valuea than tho ores of some ot the districts of the Black Hills, but in no camp or district of the United States or on the American continent la there a district which produce so much gold ore. or which treat or ship ao much gold or monthly, aa doea the Black Hilts. While, for a greater part, the ores of the Black Hills are ot a comparatively low grade, there la produced gold ores which carry very high values, and cape daily Is this true of the mlnea ot tha southern Hilla, which, when added to tn rest of the orea mined, wt!l bring the average valuea up to, a fretty Jh1 figure. And,' then, the ores, as a general thing, occur In such vaat veins and deposits that the coat of mining la comparatively email when compared to those of other places where the or depoalts and veins are small, hard to get at and difficult to work. First Shipment of Ore. GALENA. S. D.. May 25. (Special.) The first shipment of ore from "thla camp by rail waa made on Friday over tha B. & M. narrow-gauge, the tracka of which have Juat been placed In condition for handling heavy freight. The shipment consisted of 200 tons of ore and concentrates from the Richmond mine, which la being operated by Bart Harris and associates. Tho shipment is being made to the National amelter at Rapid City. The putting In operation of the railroad has beea the cause ot starting up a lot of new work In thla camp, and many mine owners are now working ground which baa lain Idle, with the exception of doing the annual aaaeasment work, waiting for -such an opportunity in order to get their orea to the market, for there Is a vaat quantity ot ore In thla district that, while not giving very great returns, will pay to work If the excessive charge of wagon transportation Is eliminated from the cost ot treatment A large quantity of such or la now on the dumps at many mine In th district, and It will all be marketed, for th railroad com pany la putting In spurs to every mine which ha a showing of or to warrant It In building to It. Besides the ore trade which the railroad company la aura to get there will be an other aource of revenue which will amount to a big Item In a year, and that la the timber-hauling business which It will re vive. The road where it traverses the dis trict cuts through one of the most heavily timbered sections of the Black Hilla, and one from which a greater part of the tim bers which ar being used tn the Home- stake mlnea and other propertlea about Lead are aecured. All ot the freight com ing Into the district is hauled her from Deadwood, twelve miles distant, by wagon, and there are tlmea In the year when that method of transportation Is out of the question, but now with the railroad run ning there la very little likelihood of the camp again becoming laolated. International Mlnlna- Congress. DEADWOOD, S. D., May 25. (Special.) At a meeting ot the Black Hills Mining Men'a association, held on Thursday even ing last. It waa decided to send representa tives to the meeting of th International Mining Congress, which will convene at Butte, Mont., on September 1 ot thla year. A representative will be aent from every county of the Black Hills, and representa tive mining men will be selected In every Instance. The delegatea to the eongreaa will go Instructed to use every endeavor to hav tha next meeting of tha congress held In thla city. The Mintng Men'a association is on of tha strongest organlzatlona In tho Black Hills, and tncludea la Its member ship every mining man of Importance In thla aectlon ot th atate. E. R- Collins, on ot th successful min ing mtn ot the Black Hilla. a gentleman who has east bis fortunes with th coun try aver lnc I'.a occupancy by the whites, will leave thla week for Venetuela, to work some property In which he ts Interested there. His health haa been bad of lata and be la going there for a change of climate more than with a deslr to leave the coun try to better hi proapecta, for he will a'Ul retain bla large Interests la th Black Hilla. Ground wa broken Thursday laat for the new treatment plant of the Hors Sho company at Pluma. and work Is being pushed aa rapidly a condition will admit. The company hope to be able to hav th plant In operation by September at the very lateat. Ita ahlpmants of smelting ores, 200 tons of which ar being aent ta untaaa daily, will eontlau. DEATH IN WAKE OF TORNADO Six Dead and Several Injured by Storm in South Carolina. REFUGEES VAINLY SEEK SHELTER Flock to Structure for Protection Which la Shattered to Splinters aad Occupants Killed Out rlaht or Fatally Hurt. UNION, S. C, May 25. Six persons were killed and several Injured by a tornado which swept over this section rf the state this afternoon. The dead: MISS SALLIE HART of Union. MISS ANNIE LAWSON of Union. MRS. MAXEY SIMS ot Union. VERA SIMS. MISS LAWSON, killed at Jonesboro. ONE PERSON, unknown, at Facolct. Injured: Maxey Sims, broken fingers. Lee Sims, badly cut on bead and Intern ally Injured. William Mabrey, fractured ahoulder and bruised. Mrs. Mabrey. bruised. Two children of Mrs. Mabrey, slightly. The main storm came from the north. It ecems there was also one from the south west and that both met In this vllcnlty. The storm from th enorthwest was preceded by a heavy rain and with what appeared to bo a cloudburst 1C0 yards wide, which trav eled with great speed. One wing of the storm passed along Main street end blew In aeveral atore fronts, doing much damage to stocks. Seek Shelter and Ara filled. Kitting hill, south of the town, caught the full force of the tornado, which blew down the school house and two residence there, converting them literally Into kind ling wood. The occupants ran from one of the houses before it went to pieces and took refuge in another nearby, but thla also wa crushed to aplnters. In this house Miss Sallle Hart and Annie Lawson were listantly killed, Mrs. Msxey Slnvi died In an hour and her little daughter. Vera, died about 9 o'clock. Maxey Sim escaped with broken fingers. Lee Sims received several cuta on the - head from falling timbers and waa Internally In jured. Mr. i.abray sustained a fractured ahoulder and his leg waa badly burned by a atove falling on him. H waa also Internally Inlured and may die. Mrs. Lee Sims re ceived a had. but not fatal, cut on the bead. Mrs. Mabray and her two children escaped with alight Injuries. It took some time to get the victims from the debris. Every physician In town waa called and they were assisted by the cltl- sens In relieving the sufferers aa much aa nosaible. Everything that the families had waa destroyed. Jonesvllla reporta that the storm was fearful at that place and that a member of the family of Misa Lawson who waa killed there was oae of the victims. The property damage here will aggregate 250,000, divided among a number of stores and cotton mills. Pacolet alao reporta on killed and sev eral injured. TO COMPROMISE BOND. CASE St. Clair County Matter, for Which Judges Serve Time, ta Be Settled Amicably. KANSAS CITY, May 25. The famous Bt. Clair county bond caae, for which several county Judges have served Jail sentences because of their refusal to order a pay ment ot 2200,000 worth of bonds Issued in 1S68 to build a railway across that county, la to be compromised. Repreeentatlvea of the bondholders, who now have a claim against the county for U.S00.000, Including principal and Interest for thirty-four years, and the prteent Judgea are to meet at Osceola tomorrow and con sider a proposition from the bondholder which It Is stated will prove acceptable to the county officials. Jude Thomas Nevltt, who baa been in Jail at Maryvllle for a year for contempt In refusing to order payment of tha bonds, will be taken to the conference by a United States marshal. Judge Nevltt haa wearied of Jail life and apparently la willing to give In. 8. D. Peden, another of the three Judgea, la serving a sentence In the Warrensburg jail. Deputlea have been unable to cap ture Judge Walker, the laat of tha trio, who has lived in the brush since ho wss elected. SYNOD HELD IN BALTIMORE Triennial Meeting; of Reformed Church Largely Attended and Sun day School Work Discussed. BALTIMORE, May 25. Delegatea to tha fourteenth triennial general aynod of the Reformed church held a largely attended masa meeting In Ford's opera bouae this afternoon. The Sunday school and young people's work were discussed. Addresses were msde aa follows: "ffce Relation of the Sunday School to th Be nevolent Work of the Church," Rev, Theo dore F. Herman, Lafayette, Ind.; "From the Child's Standpoint," Rev. J. E. Bom- berger, D. D Cleveland. All the pulpita of the Reformed churches In the city, as well aa those of other de nominations, were occupied today by th visiting clergymen. A communion servlcs wa held during the forenoon In the First Reformed church. Services In the Interest of home and foreign missionary work were held In all the Reformed churcbea tonight. SHOOTS WOMAN AND SELF Chicago Politician Fatally Wounds Slster-la-Law and Then Dies by Own Hand. CHICAGO, Msy 25. Because bla wlfs had aougbt the protection of her relatlvea, Nels Johnson, a North Side politician, today shot and fatally wounded Mrs. C. J. Gullacksen. bla sister-in-law, and then committed sui cide by shooting himself In th head. Tho shooting waa th outcome of the sep aration of Johnaon aad his wife after a married life of nineteen year. Several years ago Johnson becam Inter eated in politics, and alnce then he has re fused to work. Laat week hia boma was aold by tb sheriff and Mr. Johnson went to her slater's boms to live. Johnson blamed Mrs. Oullacksoo for th separation and while Intoxicated and In a fit of re venge tried to kill her. Ta Enter oa Own Track. KANSAS CITY, May 25. Tha Chicago. Rock Island & Pacific railway haa bought property tn tb weat bottoms and Is nego tiating for more that will eoabl that road to reach th union depot over It own tracka It la atatsd that doe to 1500,000 will be expanded for this purpose. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Koffcast for Nebraska Shnwere Monday; In East Portion; Tuesday Fair. Trinprratnre at Omaha leterdayi Hour. Ilea. Hour. lies. R a. in n 1 p. m TT U a. m...... uo S p, m...... TT T a. hi (lit , S p. m TT 8 a. m...... l 4 . ni TH 8 a. m AS B p. m Tit lO a. ni Tl O p. m TN It a. m...... T4 T . ni 7T lit ni TS N p. m...... Ta It p. in UK W. T. VAN BRUNT WARMS UP Denounces Letter Ottering Place In American Association to Weil- ern League Men. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 25. (Special Tele gram.) Four players of the St. Joseph team today received letters from Minneapolis offering them flattering Inducements to jump to the American association. The let ter are typewritten and the signature of Watel Wllmot, owner of the Minneapolis franchise, appended to each, ta typewritten. The letters make sensational charges against the owners ot the Western leagut franchise and urge the playera to Jump at once and save themselvea "before the league disbands." President W. T. Van Brunt of the St. Joseph club said tonight: "This work is certainly villainous. Not a team In the Western league Is In debt that I have any knowledge of. All playera receive their money promptly and charges to the con trary are too silly to talk about. Tha ex cellent financial standing of the Western league la too well known to tha playera themselves to take any totlco of - these character assassins. Similar letters to St. Joseph players have com from Milwau kee." TO C0.0PERATE WITH FARMERS Walter Vroontan Pushes Concern to Dispose of Grain and Eliminate Middlemen' Profit. KANSAS CITY, May 25. Walter Vroo man of the Western Co-operative move ment has closed contracts for the purchase of six of the largest wheat elevators In the Kansaa wheat belt and two of the largest flouring mills. The price paid la said to have been 2750,000, and Mr. Vrooman, who haa left for New York to complete the financial end of the plan, says the present purchase la but the beginning of a move ment to center the farmers of Kansaa In a co-operative branch of the Vrooman Co operative company. The concern will be known as the Wheat and Flour Western Co-operative company. The farmers are to be taken Into the acheme upon the payment of 2100 each, for which they are to receive the market value of their wheat sold to the company and in addition will receive one-balf of the profit derived, the other half going to co-operative atorea through which the wheat and flour will be handled. "The plan," aald Mr. Vrooman, "ta to eliminate wheat speculators and the middle man. The farmers are in earnest aympatfay with the movement. . It ts the only way to head off the talked-of flour trust that la forming In New York." 1 ' It la Intended to ship to Great Britain, t be aold among the co-operative membera there, tha surplus product not disposed of In Kansas and Missouri. SKAT PLAYERS AT DETROIT Korth American Congress Convenes, with Delegations from Many Cities Present. DETROIT, May 25. SeaU for 750 skat playera were prepared in groups of four In Harmonle hall thla afternoon, and the annual play of the North American Skat congress began with every seat filled. From midnight laat night until this evening every train entering Detroit brought dele gations of Oerman devotees to the game to this city from nearly every city In th United Statea. The Chicago delegation numbered S00, Minneapolis sent 99, St. Louis 100, Cleve land 20, Erie, Pa., 18, Buffalo 15, Clnclnatl 10 and there were small delegations from Boston, New York, Newark, Grand Rapids, Mich., and other cltiea. This afternoon the eongreaa waa formally opened by Vice Preaident Fred Ouenther, who made an addresa extolling the virtue ot skat. Mayor Maybury and other mad welcoming speecbea. Two boura were devoted to the play to night, and th congreas will cloae at tb end of play tomorrow night. There are 106 prizes,, divided Into seven divisions, and the prizes will be awarded at the cloae of the congress. Tomorrow the visitor will be taken on a alghtseeing trip about tb city by local member of the league. VICTIM OF PISTOL ASSAULT Daniel Hill, Target for Three Assail, ants, Lie Seriously Woaaded la Chicago. t CHICAGO, May 25. Daniel Hill, a wealthy real estate owner of Morris, III., and a partner In the firm of the Oeorge H. Phillips company on the Chicago Board of Trade, wa shot and aerloualy wounded to day, aa ha lay In bed at hia residence, 797 Monroe atreet. Six shots were fired, three taking effect, one behind the left ear, on entering bla nose and the other ahatterlng bis right arm. Considerable mystery sur round the shooting. According to Mr. Hill, she and her hus band were asleep, when Mr. Hill waa awak ened by the forcing of a lock on th bed room door. He reached for his revolver, but before he could use It, three men rushed Into tba room and fired at him. The first ahot awoke Mra. Hill and she rushed to tb window and abouted for help. The police responded In a few minutes, but In the meantime the supposed burglara bad made their escape. OFFICERS AVERT LYNCHING Reiese Segro Who Fights with Whits Man from Angry Crowd la Colorado. FLORENCE, Colo.. May 25. A riot at a base ball gam here today nearly resulted In the lynching ot Jason Wilson, a negro. Wilson waa driving a buggy and trying to paas every one on tb road, which was crowded with vehicle. He collided with a bi'fiy occupied by Onnl Carroll, a whit man, and th two began a fist fight. Th crowd closed around them and finally began beating and kicking tb negro. A bait dozen officers reacued the negro barely In time to aav bis life, and thea only by ataadlng th crowd off with their rovolvera. OWE DEBT TO FRANCE American People, Says Cardinal Gibbons, Are Obligated by Bochambean's Valor. ELOQUENT SERMON BY CATHOLIC PRELATE Eefers to Washington's Compatriot ai Tlower of the Frenoh Army. MATURE IN JUDGMENT, WISE IN COUNSEL Loubet Delegates Put in Easy Pay and Leave Capital for Niagara. PRESIDENT AND PARTY ON HORSEBACK Like Similar Occasion Daring Prince Henry' Visit, Mr. Roosevelt aad HI Friends Are Drenched by Rain. WASHINGTON, May 25. Th members of the French mission which cam to Washington to attend the ceremonies In cident to the unveiling ot the Rochambeau statue finished their visit her today and tonight left the city for Niagara Falls oa their week's tour ot the east before sailing for home. There were no formal ovation on the program for the day, but the vis itors found every minute of their time occupied in attending divine services, re turning numerous culls, official and other wise, snd In drives about the city and suburbs. Ambassador Cambon accompanied tho membera ot the mission to St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock In the morning, where low masa was said by Rev. Dr. Manglen of Baltimore, Right Rev. Mgr. Rooker or the apostolic delegation and other prleata aaalstlng. The visitors wore tha uniforms of their rank. Cardinal Oibbons preached a ahort ser mon. He spoke briefly ot the French mis sionaries who had crexwed the seaa to America and preached the God-speed to the aboriginal inhabitants, carrying the torch ot faith tn one hand and the torch ot civilization In the other. Appropriate Thanksgiving. It waa meet and proper that ths aona of France should assemble tn the temple of God to give tbanka to the Almighty for the great things which bad been accomplished by their countrymen tn thla hemisphere In the cause of religion and civilization. Of Rochambeau, Cardinal Gibbons ssld In part: Without detracting from the merits of his brothers in arms, I can afllrm that Kfirhnmbeau whs tho flower of the French allied army. Mature In years, experienced in military cumpalgns, a veteran of tha seven yeara' war, calm, deliberate, aelf- possesnen, ne waa a man according to Washington's own heart the general on whose counsel and prudence he could rely more than on that of any other com mander. . When the American troopa unner waan- Ington and the French forcea under Rochambeau were on the march to York town, Washington gallantly prepared to give the post of distinction to the French army. Rochambeau gracefully declined the honor, and in doing so he followed th Impulxe of his own heart aa well aa the general Instructions h received fror- Ua government that he should alwaya subordi nate himself to the American commander-in-chief. , Cornwall! Hemmed In. The army of Cornwalll was surrounded on land by the French and American troops and waa prevented from escaping; hv tho fleet of Arlmtral De Grnsse. which guarded the Chesapeake bay, and thua the defeat of the English commander waa In evitable ana ne surrendered nis swora to Washington. The capitulation of Corn wallis was the most decisive event of the American revolution. May the friendship euDsisnng Detween Franoe and America a friendship co-eval with our history as a. nation a friendship to which we owe our very existence aa an independent, sovereign power may thla historic friendship be perpetuated. May it be strengthened and consolidated by the iron bonds of commerce and by the golden links of brotherly love. May the two great republics or the worm go hand in Hand In the murch of liberty, and progress and civilisation. And may the monument erected to Kochambeau in the capital ot the nation ever remind the American citi zen who will contemplate It of the ever lasting debt of gratitude which the United States owes to France. The weather waa very warm during tha afternoon and soma of tb visitors pre ferred to rest while others mad calls or took rldea about th city and suburbs. ' Several of the party. Including tb Count and - Counteaa de Rochambeau and tho Count De Lafayette, visited the beautiful Arlington cemetery and Fort Myer neai th city. They were escorted through tha grounds by Captain Lewla of the Second cavalry. Ride Horseback with President. A quite unexpected feature of the after noon, and one which pleaaed the vlsltorl very much, waa an Invitation from Presi dent Roosevelt to accompany Dim and sev eral otbera on a horseback ride. The en tire party assembled In front of th Whits House about 4 o'clock, the visitors In thels uniforms making a very pretty picture In the bright afternoon sunlight. A pho tograph waa taken of th group while there. The president guided tba party through th northern aectlon of the city until tbey reached the Zoological park. While in the park a storm began ta gather and th party cam home at a lively canter. The rain overtook them, how ever, and before reaching their stopping place the entire party waa drenched. Those on horseback were President Roosevelt, hia son Theodora and daughter Alice, Secretary Root and Senator Lodge, and the following member of the Rochambeau mission: Gen eral Brugere, Vice Admiral Fournier, Gen eral Cbalendar and Captain Lasson. During the recent visit ot Prince Henry of Prussia to Washington he waa th guest of the preaident on a horaeback rid. Oa that occasion also a heavy rainstorm over took them on their return and tbey wer obliged to hasten home. In the meantime getting a severe wetting. The party left Washington at 7:10 to night tor Niagara Falls via ths Pennsyl vania railroad. Those going Included all the membera of tbe mlaaion, Ambassador and Mme. Cambon, and the membera of th etaff of the French embassy and tbe presi dent's commission. WORK OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Two Million Cases of Disease, De clarea Carol Xortoa Cured by that System. WASHINGTON, May 25. Carol Norton, ta a lecture delivered before a large audience In the Columbia theater today, asserted that 2,000,000 cases of diseases hav beea healed In Christian Science during tb thlrty-flv yeara of Ita history and that la that time about 700 Christian Selene churches hav been established and ara now flourishing. He aald that Christian Selene wa not a faith cur, mind cur nor mesmerism, but that It heal th alck only through a aclo title understanding of uea's relation for God.