1 4. TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUKDAY, MAY 25, 1002, i ,v'-' GRAND RE-OPENING of Omaha's old stand by The Favorite Popular Summer Resort, n n n7 m b a m m r m ma o) io) ju U LMlivJLi I known far and wide, as the finest body of water about Council Bluffs and Omaha with it's numerous sailing craft, fine boat houses, picnic grounds, greatly enlarged; bath houses, positively the very finest known anywhere in the west; pavillions and many other beautiful special attractions, as well as the ever popular MANHATTAN BE A C H where one may bathe to their heart's content on the finest of fine sandy beaches, shaded, (after 4 pm) from the sun's hot rays by the IMMENSE KURSAAL which is built out upon the long pier and also enjoy the grand view from either the lower or upper stories; or a dinner or luncheon, as desired and listen to the strains of music from one of the finest orchestras in the west, n with it's most magnificent view of pretty Lake Courtland and one of the finest sandy beaches for bathing in existance, in the west. Balloon Ascensions always enjoyed by young and old. . Hpf-. r. r rvPrf wor renowned wonders, In their most: I Hw i-clllj lUI wonderful and amazingly N Daring Aerial Performances The Ever Popular Switchback Gravity Railway Numerous surprises in store for young and old. ni cim is WIT Decoration Day. Only. 5 days off. Next Friday is THE DAY. 'Sherman avenue cars will run direct to Courtland Beach; all summer, special street car service. Only One fare from Any Part of Omaha, South Omaha or Anywhere with proper transfer direct to Courtland Beach every day. Grounds open for in spection of the public this Thursday, May 29. Courtland Beach today, is in finer condition than ever before. The exceedingly large picnic grounds are much more beautiful than ever, The grand shade trees offer a most delightful . spot for family picnics and Courtland Beach was always noted for it's fine and well kept picnic grounds. !, Fishing, Boating, Bathing: 4 New Elegant Up-to-date Fine Music Afternoon and Evening. ONE FIVE CENT FARE CARRIES LORD PADXCEFOTE IS DEAD End Oomo to the British Diplomat at the Embassy in Washington. COLLAPSE FOLLOWS WEAKNESS OF HEART Loa and laeful Carter Filled1 Alike with Honor to Himself and the Country Which He Ably Represented. WASHINGTON, May 24. Lord Pauncefote. British ambassador to the United States, died at the embassy this morning at 6:35 o'clock. The Improvement which had been noted In his condition during the past week re ceived a sudden check about o'clock lest evening-, when It was noltced that be was experiencing difficulty In breathing. Dr. Jung, bis physician, was at once sent for and he decided upon a consultation with a local physlciau. In tbe meantime telegraph ing for Dr. Osier of Baltimore. In bis lead cam Dr. Thayer of Johns Hopkins university, arriving about o'clock this morning. The patient's pulse war still good and when Dr. Thayer left the em bassy at S o'clock for Baltimore the am bassador waa resting so comfortably that a cablegram waa sent to bis son-in-law, Mr. Bromley, In London, that there was no im mediate danger. ', Diplomat pies Peacefully. Soon alter t o'clock a distinct weakneas of tbe heart developed and bis pulss began .to collapse. He died so peacefully that It eurprised even bis -physician, who feared that the aathmatlo affection would prove 'troublesome when the end came. Aa soon as It became generally known that Lord Pauncefote waa dead flags were half-masted over tbe different embassies amd legations. At the Arlington hotel, where the visiting Frenchmen who have come to witness the Rocbambeau status un rolling are stopping, tbe French flag was placed at half matt. Right Hon. Lord Pauncefote, 0. C. B., 0. O. M- O., the first ambassador to tbe United , A FEW FACTS. It patent medicines are not almost given away In the next few weeks, then we re not prognostlcators. This is how It happened: Tbe Omaha combine of re tail druggists have so utterly failed in their effort to prevent us from buying goods ever since last September, that tbey have called the chairman of the executive aommlttee of tbe National Association of Retail Druggists out here from Phila delphia to TRY and help them. lie called on us lasfr week and wanted to know if we would conalder, the proposition of Joining the association and raising the prices, holding out the bait to us that we could still PRETEND (o be CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS, and tht the PEOPL8 would, never know the difference. We po litely told Mr. Holllday this chairman that there were enough PRETENDERS In the drug business in Omaha and that the hold-up business was not our style that we would not Join the association, but was perfectly satisfied to run our own busi ness, and every other merchsnt hsd the same privilege, ao far as we were con cerned. He looked wise and ssid he was very sorry, but that be was out here for business and thought he bad a scheme whereby, with the aid of tbe ether Omaha druggists, he thought tbey could FIX IT so that it would be Impossible for us to buy any more goods, and then we would either hive to come In or close up shop. We told him all right, go ahead; we certainly would not have a thing to do with their trust gan& and would abut up shop. If that was the only alternative. Now. we are not out begging sympathy from tbe public; that is not our style, either but If the people of this comjnunll wish (o aslp this combine la the'.r fight against us, all we have to say is. patronise them. Their new scheme Is to cut the price so low that we can't follow, but w never have taken a back acat yet, so crack ahead, Mr, Omaha Drug Trust, chairman and all, and we all be here on 16th and Chicago to aee tbe finish! We busted your hot atr outfit once and can do It again. Now watch and ae It we are a prognostlcator. Schaofor's Cut Price Drug Store,, 6th end Chisago Streets. imnw7 Bowling Alleys State and the dean of the dtplomatlo corps In Washington, waa born in Munich, Ba varia, seventy-four years ago, and was the Issue of one of the most ancient of British families, whose history is found in the Doomesday book. Educated aa a lawyer, his governmental services began in Hong Kong as attorney general in 1&65, and after much valuable colonial ezperlenoe, he came to Washing ton In 1889, first as minister and afterwards as first ambassador. His service here has been one unbroken record of successful di plomacy. The Bering sea negotiations were among bliS earliest works of Importance and it was his familiarity with that difficult sub ject that led to his selection by the foreign office for the post at Washington. ' Forerunner of Ureal Work. The arbitration treaty negotiated with Secretary Olney was tbe forerunner of the great work accomplished at The Hague, and -It may be said that It embodied some of the most important principles of the great general convention regulating arbi tration afterwards framed by The Hague conference. Tbeu came a number of reci procity treaties and arrangements Involv ing a vat amount of study and work, all of whloh were perfected as far as the ex ecutive brsnch of our government could co-operate with Lord Pauncefote. Boon after Secretary Hay assumed office Lord Pauncefote began the task which ht himself regarded as the greatest accorap llshmeut of his busy life, namely; to for ever set at rest the questions growing out of the old Clayton-Bulwer treaty, and be entered with energy negotiations, tbe re- emit of which waa the framing of the Hay- Pauncefote treaty, recently ratified. For these valuable aervlces the British government did Lord Pauncefote the honor to three times extend the term of his sorvlce at Washington, which would other wise have ceased when be attained the age of 70 years. Hay Takes Official Action. Immediately upon being notified of the death of Lord Pauncefote Secretary Hay went to the Wblte House and after a short conference with the president proceeded to tbe British embassy, where he made a for mal call of condolence as the personal rep resentatlve of the president, preliminary to nn Aw just completed for the edification of Omaha's men and women bowlers. Admission to Grounds, 10c. YOU TO THE GROUNDS the call which the president himself waa to make later In the day. Then returning to the State department Secretary Hay dls- I patched the following cablegram: DEPARTMENT OF STATE. WASHING- ' TON. May 24, 1902. The Marquis of Una- owne. London: Permit me to express my dp sympathy and sorrow at the death of Lord Pauncefote. His majesty's govern ment has lost a most able and faithful servant and this country a valued friend. JOHN HAY. The ambassador and his family expected to sail this month for England, going thence to the German spaa, where the am bassador was to take tbe mineral bath. In March reports came from England that the ambassador was about to be re lieved of his post here, and that Mr. Lyttle ton had been chasten as bis successor, but these were promptly denied and It was made apparent that Lord Pauncefote' j tenure at Washington lay entirely within his own wishes and, moreover, that the British government preferred that he ahould not quit the post where he had rendered such splendid services. , All Embassies Informed, By noon all of tbe embassies and lega tions were Informed of tbe sad event. Ex pressions of sincere sympathy and regret were heard on all sides and racial preju dices and national differences were swept away as tbe representatives of the other great nations of the world at the capitol spoke In terms of deep sorrow and high tribute of the deceased ambassador. Tbe office of dean of the diplomatio corps at Washington now devolves upon Mr. von Holleben, the Oerman ambassador and upon him will fall the duty of directing the dip lomatio body's action - on this occasion. Tbe entire diplomatic corps will attend ths funeral In a body. The late Lord Fauncefot will have a state funeral. Mr. Ralkes, the secretary end cbsrge of the British embassy, called upon Assistant Secretary Hill to advise with him respecting the funeral arrange ments and finally these were entrusted to Dr. J. Hill In their official features. A tentative arrangement hat been made. which must be approved by Lady Pauncefote before being put Into execution. In brief this provides that tbe remains of the late ambassador shall be taken from tbe em bassy at 11:45 next Wednesday to 8t. John's Episcopal church, where he wor shiped. At the church service will be held at 13 o'clock, probably conducted by Rev, Dr. Mackay-Smlth. Honorary I'allbearere. The honorary pallbearers will consist of the five ambassadors In Washington, Mr. von Holleben. M. Camboo, Count Casaini, Senor Asplrox and Slgnor Mayor dei Planches, Secretary of State Hay, Senator Frye. president pro tem of tbe senate, and Speaker Henderson of tbe house of repre sentatives. After the church services tbe remains will be conveyed to Rock Creek cemetery, es corted by a military procession, the de tails of which have not yet been arranged. and at tbe cemetery tbey will be placed In a temporary receiving vault. At first It . wss suggested that the re mains be permanently interred here, but ths wishes of the family of the deceased were otherwise and it Is the present Intention to have them conveyed to England to the an cestral home at Preston when the Paunce fote family returns to England. It will be determined before that time whether or not a United States wsrsblp shall carry the remains to England. ftewa surprises London LONDON. May ti Tbe news of ths death of Lord Pauncefote, the British ambassador at Washington, this morplng was conveyed by a representative of tbe Associated Press to the British Foreign ifflce and American embassy. Tbe officials tfera greatly shocked and expressed regret at the loss both coun.- tries have sustained. VEU SOLDIER OF FRANCE HONORED Statneof the Great- Marshal Boohambeau Unveiled in Washington. AMERICA'S FRIEND IN TIME OF HER NEED Ceremonies Recall the Past and Cement Anew the Friendship of the Two Great Republics of the World. (Continued from First Page.) blow In the war which started this coun try on the path of Independence among the nations of the eartli. (Applause.) 1 am sure that I give utterance to the sentiments of the people of the United mates; or every American to wnom.tne honor and glory of our republic In tbe past, as lit the preaant, are dear, when I say that we prise this fresh proof of the friendship of the French people, not only because It Is necessarily pleasing to us to have the friendship of a nation ao mighty In war and so mighty in peace, aa France has ever shown itself to be, but because It Is peculiarly pleasant to feel that after a century and a quarter of "Independent existence as a nation the French republic should reel tnxt in mat century ana a quarter we have justified (he sacrifices France made In our behaif. (Applause.) Birth of Another Republic. I am sure, my fellow cltlsens. that vou welcome the chance which brings It about that this embassy of the French people should come to our shores at the very time when we, In our turn, have done our part In starting on the path of Inde- enaence a sister repuouo me repuDiia or :uba, (Applause.) Mr. Ambassador, the American ceoole. peculiarly because they are the Ameri can people and- because the history of the United Slates has been so Interwoven with what France has done for us also because they are part of the whole world which acknowledges and must acknowl edge In a peculiar degree the leadership of France along so many lines in the march of progress and civilization the Amaricsn people inrougn me, extend their thanks to you, and In their name 1 beg to express my acknowledgment to the embassy that has come here, and to President Loubet and all of the French nation, both fur the deed and for the magnanimous snlrit that laid behind the doing of ths deed, and I thauk you. (Ap plause. ) Countess Vn veils Hiatus. At the president closed his remarks the Counteea de Rocbambeau drew aside the veils enveloping tbe figure, bringing Into view the massive bronae proportions of the famous French commander, standing proudly erect with arm outstretched, di recting the. fortunes of war on the field of Yorktown, A great cheer went up from Frenchmen and Americans alike and at the same Instant tbe Marine band broke Into the Inspiring strains of the "Marseillaise." As the French national hymn died away Ambassa dor Cambon was escorted to the front of the platform by the youthful sculptor, M. Hamar. who executed the statue. Then the ambassador, stepping In front, de livered a brief address. Ha tald: Address of Ambassador t'asuboa The art of France and the generosity of an American congress are Joining this day in the ere lion of a monument to the mem ory of Muiblial de Ri'thamlieau. This is a fitting tribute, paid to the Frem h military leader wliiy fought under Waaliington lor America a incit-pemlerice. Although tie American people had ' al ready consecrated the glorious memory of tnese young ana ntnuniauo rrencn pa triots. who. tired with an Inaulrstton wiitc but echoed the silent wih of the entire French nation, hud from the very dawn of the struggle brought their rwcrds with I.sfayette to the service of the thirteen colo nies. It was but iuiit that honor should be rendered also to those warriors who came liithor Dy order of the aovernment of France and who. understanding their duty, fulfilled it without reserve and made sure the Ansl succes of the patriotic enter-inie- In the oerson of Rochambeau we flurlfy Jointly wlib their commander the CO iUNJ DECORATION DAY "You'll have to hurry" only five days more Great Attractions Each and Every Day Entire Season ''Just starting, just-commencing going on all the time.V 20 COLORED TROUBADORS 20 COVALTS MANAWA BAND The finest west. Under the directorship of A., A. Covalt, the w ell known cornet soloist. This band waa orrrflniyn.l ESPECIALLY FOR TIIE MANAWA season and is composed of the finest musicians and soloists from all parts of.the country; some of the men having come direct from Berlin and this is their first American engagement. Every afternoon and evening in popular and standard concerts and if patrons don't see what they desire upon the program Mr.rCovalt will consider it a favor if they will make their requests known to him. THEATRICAL PERFORMANCE day and night; fine orchestra. NEW ELECTRIC LAUN CHES quick and safe service between the large pavillion and - Manhattan Beach. army of France, Its regiments, ltd officers, unknown, its obscure soldiery. It Is a great honor for me to speak here as ambassador of the French republic and to express to all who are prenent, the gov ernment, the maglstry and the congress of the United States, our appreciation of the homage which you are now paying to the man who carried to closing triumph the "Fleur de Lis" of ancient France. Today the French republic sends you a mission which Is .headed by the most emi nent of our general officers. General Ber guere. We must behold in htm the French army and navy, advancing with a sort of national piety, to celebrate the memory of their elders, devotees like themselves, of Ubery. Pledge of Union Between Nations. vi I. 1- .U-. Utm mnnnmant which in nniu nd to evoke the recollection of warlike deeds, because by the character oi mo iruii -recalls and of the man whom it glorifies. Is a monument and pledge of union between two nations. '1'oaay. jubi wiey years ago. the soldiers and sailors of France and of the United States stand side by side; they surrouna mis ohiuiuucui, thev march under one and the same com mand; they blend in one common accord the national hymns ana ceieoraie m tw mon, an example of fidelity and friendship. This friendship you have proven to us. The French Antilles have Jut suffered the shock of a tragic event, of a catas trophe tne liae oi wnicn me wunu ... and the American people vied with one ana anomer in ju uiujimc DW..U...B - -lief to our stricken countrymen. Permit me to avail myself of this solemn occasion m thank nubllclv. in the name of my gov ernment and country, you, yourself. Mr. President, ana tne enure uiuuu these United States. Speech of Ambassador Porter. Following tbe French ambassador Gen eral Horace Porter, the United State am bassador to France, spoke. Two years ago It became my pleasant duty to take part In the dedication of the statue of the dlatlngulBhed French marshal erected in his native city, Vendome. When mum that nrruyion I saw our country's flags everywhere displayed from the house tops, heard our national airs played through all the streets and witnessed the touching demoneirationa or tne people, wunuui re gard to class, expressive or ineir sym pathy for America, I felt that the effect of the treaty of friendship and alliance made a century and a quarter ago was till rtntent for sood. Upon returning from the land of Rocham beau it Is an especial pleasure to par- tic nate in the inauguration oi nis statue in the land of Washington. Two coun cries .laim a ahare in the alory which illumined his career. His remains repose on me banks of the Loire; it is fitting that Ills statue should stand on the banks of ths In the heart or tne nation s capital, in nraonr-. of thla vast assemblaKS of rl resentatlve cltlsens of the old world and ih iieu in memory oi a contest in wiui-ii French and American blood moistened the same soli In paining lor a common cauae. w mr to dedicate a statue in honor ol a hero of two continents the Illustrious liochumbeau. Ipeeeh of Senator Lodge. Tbe orator of the day was Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, who began his address as the French band concluded a selection Statecraft has a cynical maxim that ih.M la nn au.-h thine- aa fi-ratltu.de between nations. If w must accept this aa true of those practical dealings when sentiment comes into hopeless collision with self Interest we may at least say that no ua tlon really great will ever hesitate to mak nuhllr. ai-knowledyrment of lis obllga tlnna In nthara In tha liaat. The new World of North America has had a long and close connection with the people of France. At the verv dawn of the sixteenth century Breton fishermen had followed In the track of the Cabot" and were plying their danger ous trade off the coast of Newfoundland, Thlrtv v,an later ("'artier was In the Bt. I.amrence laying the foundation of New France by the mighty river of the north. Preaentiy It appeared that there was not room enough even In the vast wilderness of North America for the rival powers of France and England A few shots fired by sundry Virginians under the corainund of Ueorge v asnington, wnuae nu'. .us ing forth suddenly from the backwoods m-ua then drat haard 111 two continents, be gan a stubborn wsr which ended only with the rail or tne rrencu jxjwar anu u tri umph of England and the Kngllsb colonies One Hotter Relgtas bapreme. Thus was a new situation created In North America. Instead of two rival now era struggling (or mastery una relgvaad. concert band ever brought together in upreme from the St. UvrMpa tn FMnrlrta The danger from the north, dark with In dian warfare, which had so long threatened the Atlantic colonies, had passed away. i mo neeu oi tne strong support or the mother country against the power of ' ranee naa gone ana tne position or the olonles In their relation' with Ena-land was enormously strengthened. A blundering ministry, a few meddlesome nd oppressive acts on the part of Parlia ment, a departure from Walpole's wise maxim about America "quleta non movere" and mlBchlef would be afoot. It II came sooner than anvone dreamed. The rejoicing at the close of the victorious war had hardly ended, the congratulations to tne great commoner Had hardly ceased, the statue of Oeorge III was scarcely firm on Its pedestal, when the Americans rose lit wrath against the stamp England gave way sufficiently to make he colonies realize their power and vet not so completely as to extinguish sus picion and hostility. There was a lull, a penoa or smiling deceptive calm, tnen tne storm broke agf In, una this time there wua not wisdom enouKh left In London to allay It. The little minds which Kurka thouaht o ill suited to a great empire were In full control and the empire began in conse quence to snow an ominous and ever widening rent. France Playa Decisive Part. inin France aonears upon the continent where for so many years she had played such a great pari niw uu wmB'v bravely tvnd so unavamngiy tor o miun, w,. , . I,., V, A nr.ni. 1 1 wreak an ample vengeance on the power which hud driven her rrom unu. v not have been more or less human If she so satisfying to wounded pride and ao promising politically tjovertiy. at hid. w onles and after the surrender of Burgoyna at Saratoga the treaty of alliance was signed and Franc entered Into war with THE VERY LATEST Go look aiocnd--Oiorooghly Investigate th tjuallty and price on the different line of vehicle shown In the city Then COME here, where you get more of an assortment to choose from than can be found In tbe entire west. Th good ars new bought expressly to r this spring' trade snd going at price is low a yoa usually pay for last season's styles The VERT LATEST only can be found here 6e for yourself. ! Trap, Barries, Bit ales. Runabouts, Rend Waa-one, Physicians' Rlge. Delivery WaioM, Speed tarts, Dog (arts, Pbnelons, . Sulkrys, Kto. Auto mobiles The 1st one with steam gasoline or elec tric motor power Ask uc about our Automobile Livery. FREE PHONOGRAPH CONCERT AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS V H. E. FREDRICKSON, 15th and Capitol Ave., Bennett's Old C.rner. the Great Britain. The Frencn government aided, us with money and with men, by ' land and by sea, but the decisive force was that which landed at Newport in the long July days of 1780. , To that brave, well-officered, highly-disciplined army we ralne a monument today, by placing here In the nation's capital the statue of Its commander. For their service and for his own we owe him a debt of firatttude, for which we should make luti ng acknowledgment, one which will stand unchanged beneath the aunrhlne and the rain long after the words we speak shall have been forgotten. We unveil this statue In honor of a brave soldier who fought by the side of Vah ingtnn. We place it here to keep his mem ory fresh In remembrance ano aa a monu ment of our gratitude to France. But let us not forget that we also commemorate here the men who first led In arms the democratic movement which during a cen tury of conflict has advanced the cause of freedom and popular government through out the world of weatern civilization. French l'lay "Star Spangled Banner." As Mr. Lodge cloaed the French band played "Star Spangled Banner." The closing remarks of the day were by Gen eral Berguere of tbe French army. Bishop Satterlee brought the ceremonies to a close with a benediction, and'the French and American forces passed In review be fore the president. This afternoon tbe French guests visited the capitol and the congressional library. Former Mine Inspector Killed. JEWELL CITV. Kan.. May 24-John K eegun, stat mine ltiHiector of Kansas during Governor Llewellyn's administra tion, waa instantly killed at a coal mine three miles e&st of Jeweii City today. lie waa being lowered Into the shaft when a rop gave way, letting him fall 100 feet. Bicycles tOO Wheal bought at a forced sale; will go at a special sacrifice sale. A 1 1 well known and rellafile make. Th price will Interest yon. Phono graphs Edison' latest Improved machine nd new moulded records, making a louder and clearer tone than usual. Call and hear them. Columbia Was Heoords, 30c, regu lar 50c. 53jB3 - 1