it CO SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeaaeata for these eelatnae jut 1 1 fce take aatll IS f. fo veala edltloa mil 0 e. am. for Baeratas; u4 Saaday edltloa. Rates, 1 !- ver Srst lasertlea, la a war4 thereafter. Nothlasj takes for lees tfcaa Sfte for the first tnser tlea. These adTertlaeeaeate aaast ha ram eoe.eentlTely. 'v.-ii.u a,, reaaeetlaej a saai fcered eheek, eaa have aaewers ad dressed te a nasabered letter la ear ( The Ree. A -ewers aa addressed will he delivered aa areacatatlea at the tttek ealr. Nl M , , J r SITUATIONS WASTED. A HIOHLY educated 0rmm lady, 23 years old and musical, seeks a position a housekeeper, companion or governess. a. w., 62& south th st a t;a 26 WANTED. portion mechanical drafts-1 man; nave completed ine i. k. o. urtwim " courae and had one year In the Unlveralty of Nebraska; references. Address J. B. O.. Us Ball St., Beatrice, Neb. A-633 25 WANTED, position aa a bookkeeper or teneral office work. Addreaa A. D. B., 46 Q St.. Llnooln. Neb. A-636 25 LINOTYPE machinist-operator wanta posi tion, city or country. Address Linotype, 1208 Locust street, Des Moines, Iowa. A 760 23 WAKI'XD-HILB HCU. IK FOR HAL a" A DAY'S WORK. If you live In me country or In a amall town and have a good acquaintance I ' among the larinaia and stock miners in tne nignoornoou you can inaae ko easily by tour or nve hours' work. Write us and we will aena your our proposition. ' 5he Bee Publishing Co., bolicUora' Dept., Omaha, timu. o ao.i WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions lor The Twentieth Cen tury farmer, our agenta make good . waa-es everywhere. Keiervncea require J. Address 'Iwcnliatb Century Farmer, Omaha, NeD. B oiJ THREE or four good men wanted; $10u per anonm. Call 62? Paxton Olock. B M2&2 O. R. RATHBUN gives private lessons In bookkeeping. Boom IS, Commercial Na - tlonai bank. B 293 Pl'BHINO salesmen can learn of something to their advantage by writing Una Hawks , JNursery Co., Milwaukee, Win. . B-485 J14 WANTED Men fields. Address Ames. Neb. for work Standard In the beet Cattle Co., B M4M 27 .WANTED Wideawake young man with Small capital to take management ot . business which will pay luo per cent im- l mediately; no nsa: Dest oi reierences re quired. H IS, Bee. (Answer to number.) OOOD PRINTER WANTED Man capable f taking charge of ottlce. Address 'ihe Frontier, 0 eill, Neb. B MtOi 26 ALARY paid to agent for western Iowa lor old-line 111 Insurance Co. Call. b. Johnston, Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, B-Maa fc COLLECTOR, deliver and salesman wanted at one. Hlxenbaugh, 6uu Ware block. B M64U WANTED, teams for railroad grading; everal months work; wagea 13. go, team nd driver; tree transportation. Addreaa Winston Bros, Co., Niobrara, Neb. B Moil WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied un tnarrled man between age. of 21 and So, cttlsens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, wno can apeak, read and write English. Iror information apply te Recrultlna Officer, lath and Dodge si... Omaha, and poatofflca building, Lincoln, . IMsb. WANTED, estimator and woodworker for planing mill work. Address B 28. Omaha Bee. B-6M 26 CIVIL service government positions; .88 appointments made last year; probably lo.uoO thla year. Only common school education required for examination. Cata logue ot intormation tree, coiumoian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. B THOUSANDS are ucceaaful, gaining bet ter salaries and positions studying elec tricity, mechanical engineering, mechan ical drawing at home py correspondence. Thomas A. Edison endorses Institute. Book, "Can I Become an Electrical Engi neer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute. New York. B LEARN proofreading- situations secured; . $16 to $26 weekly. Home Correspondence School. Philadelphia. B GOVERNMENT positions. Where they are, how obtained, salaries paid. Ex aminations soon In every state. Particu lars free. Write for circular 151. Natl Cor. Institute, Washington. D. C. B COMPUTING SCALE SALESMAN. W. JT. Stltnpaon Co., Mfrs., Detroit, Mich. B WANTED Men on commission, food refer ences, to help organise locally, every- Hr th Pennl'B 1 TnlverBAl Trust. flress. Walter Vrooman, li Century I AO- bldg., Kansas City, Mo. B AD WRITING, illustrating, proofreading. Journalism, bookkeeping, stenography tauaht bv mall free. Graduates guar anteed positions. Pay no tuition until we aecure permanent employment. Write for tree tuition contract, mentioning subject you wish to atutiy. Correspondence In stitute ot America, B W, bcranton, pa. B 616 25 WANTED, mea who are weak or diseased to write for free booklet edited by the leading and moot aucceesful specialist in the U. 8. Address J Newton Hathaway, U. V., Commercial block, Slouz City, la. B 615 i!6 ERANCH office manager: $50 and commis sion. Reply wita stamp, avanitary Co., 8t Louis. S, HO. B 25' "WANTED, traveling man who visits the medium and smaller slsed town through out Kansas. Nebraska. Iowa, etc., to carry on commission a line of laces, em broideries and embroidered handkerchiefs. Address Laces, Box 8, 1364 Broadway, Xew York City. B u0 25 WANTED Reliable district manager and local representatives; permanent position; good salary. Give full particulars, two references. American Bond Company, 217 Broadway, Los Apgales, Cal. B 582 25 SALESMAN wanted to carry side line of dry goods and blankets direct from looms to country retailers. Oood line for com. petent man. The Lake wood Co., Box . di, Philadelphia. Pa. B-oi-2& WANTED, four hustling specialty men st nee oy responsiDie wholesale house; 73V n each order, $ to 10 orders weekly; cash TRAVELING salesmen for Neb. to sell re advanced on receipt of orders: no delay, i tall trade; attractive, salable line; es-iHarrts-Goar Mfg. Company, Kansas Cliy. 1 tabllshed high rated house. Box r&. De- Mo. B WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tacg Igns, distribute circulars, samples, eto.: no csnvaaalng. good pay. Bun Advertis ing Bureau. Chicago. B 649 26 WANTED All-around printer, capable of taking charge of mechanical department ef country paper. Address F. H. Porter, Holdrege, Neb. B MtK6 26 MEN Our catalogue explains how we tnach barber trade In eight weeks: mailed free. Moler Barber College, 1623 Farnam It B M642 v $31 A WEEK and all expenses for men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; iraigm aiary. imperial Mtg. Co., ivpl. 10, Parsons, Kan. B 696 16 WANTED, a good blacksmith, at once, on that understands plow work and general tTw:i. AU liL'ri'-Si'i." Superior. Neb. B 6SW 26 WANTED, good all around clumber and teamfltter; small town; ateady work; 100a wages; write, giving references. piacamsn 4k Brouwar, unenandoah. la. B M739 Vs WANTFTt. a good all around candy maker lr ..uirsaie trade. Clara canny Co., Colorado Sprtnga. Col ;oh. B-M772 27 ItfKCHANICfl qualified for advancement; tails bow thousands have doubled or largely increased their earning capacity through our apare time Instruction by mail; write to tbe International Corre spondence Sear ola, box li Bcranton. Pa., - er eall day or evening Omaha office, sal paxtoa block. - b lul 26 WANTED A competent Gordon feeder Booiat 14. PtUleieua IrViUdUkg. 17th, snj 1 BSbaAS, B 77 2s WASTED MALE HELP. LEARN MORE EARN M0RE Summer School of 1902 OF BOYLES COLLGE New York Life Building, Omaha. Time to Enter Now. BUSINESS COURSE. jhla course qualliles young people to fill positions aa bookkeepers, cashiers, bill clerks, etc., and furnishes a fund of prac tical buslnesa knowledge exceedingly valuable to every sphere of life. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING!. Young persona who acquire a proficient Knowledge or shorthand and typewriting can a 1 wave turn their aervloea Into money. Every graduate of this Institu tion occupies a good paying position. SPECIAL SUMMER TERM FOR PUPILS Or THE f LBLIC SCHOOLS begins June 23 and continues six weeks. Beading, Spelling, Writing. Arithmetic, Grammar. History, Algebra. Tuition for this course, $6. BACKWARD STUDENTS. Young people who are backward In their education need not hesitate to enter thla college. They will find kind and courte ous teachers, who take an Interest In the students and assist them to the educa tion they need. Apply for Illustrated catalogue. SALKfMHX WANTUD. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outut tree. Lawrence Muraery Company, Law rence, Kan. oSS Jin WE HAVE a number of agencies In Ne braska and western Iowa whexe we use good men selling our Standard Stock Food to farmers und feeders; they must have teams and give full time to the busineks; they must be men of high atanulug, have some knowledge of live stock and good bualnesa ability; we fur nish wagons for sjch men and offer ex ceptional inducementa to permanent sales men; bond required, send for application blank. The F, E. Sanborn Company, Omaha, Neb. MiS7 M2 WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of grocer's specialties good salary to ex perienced, hard workers. Address Box 17, Chicago, 111. WANTED, salesmen, $60 per month and expenses; Immediate and permanent; no irintrs; we mean business, f irst Na tional Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED, saleaman; S60 monthly and ex penses: permanent. Parry Nursery Co., Kocnester, n. x. SALESMEN Automatic copying book. new, needed by every business man; bonansa for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., eouin ttena, ina. WANTED, a high-grade specialty man to sell our lino to general store trade; ttrst class proposition to right party. Address leib Manhattan oiog., cnicago. bM zo TRAVELER wanted. State aire, refer ences and salary expected. Los Angeles Cider CO., Bt. LOUIS, MO. U8 26 WANTED Salesmen, exclusive or side line. for advertising Vans, blotters, specialties and large line of Duo-Tone and Photo gravure Calendars, life subjects, copy righted. Entirely new Ideas. Every mer chant a prospective customer. Address, Y sa, care Lord Thomas, Chicago, 111. W 26 SALESMAN Wanted, hustling salesman for Nebraska by well established whole' sale house. High commission contract wun i weekly advance while traveling. J eaa H, Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 631-26 SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers $100 per month salary and expenses; ex perlence unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co, St Louis, Mo. WANTED, salesmen; old, reliable maker or legitimate line of mdsn. wants brlerht keen salesmen to present his goods to Dest rated mercnanta; preiers graduatea ana teacnera ror a summer campaign references required, as samples are valu able. Address Jaa. Rich, list Dearborn St., Chicago. 691 26 WANTED, ten salesmen of successful ex perlence to aell advertising specialties new. great seller; salary and commls Ion. Address, The World's Department Store, 602 Bykes Block. Minneapolis. Minn, 33 WANTED, hustling, brainy, up-to-dat SDeciaity traveiinc salesmen or ioon id pearance and address to fill vacancy In thla state; permanent position to right man. Address cox ait, cnicago. 690 26 WANTED, two specialty salesmen to sll the trade: good money and Dermanen position; bond. Address Box 6H. St. Louis, MO. 684 26 WANTED Salesmen; patented article: quick seller; very attractive; work In Denver or on road. Write. 20th Century ecrap book CO., xui-m jrntn Ave. -6S5-26 WANTED Salesman to sell our makes of blankets, flannels and dress goods direct to the retailer on commission. Good side line. Frank D. UUunt Co.. Fhlla delphla. Pa. 683-45' WANTED, experienced salesmen to call on an kinds or business nouses, manutactur era. wholesale and retail stores an. banks, to Introduce and sell our maanifl cent Advertising calendars, comprising over 200 different styles, all original, late, handsome patterns, nothing like them ever seen before. Customers want and buy at once on seeing them; really no competition: wonderful works of art. WE PAY LARGEST COMMISSION. Those giving exclusive time to the work readily make $100 to $160 every week. We guar antee them to be the best side line for traveling men ever heard of. WRITE AT ONCE WITH REFERENCES. ALL COMMISSIONS PAID PROMPTLY. Suc cess assured! American Novelty Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. 637 26 SALESMEN for Omaha and Council Bluffs; staole line of dry soods and general mdse. trade. Address J. Preen, if 8. Commer cial St.. St Louis. Mo. -38 25 WANTED Traveling salesman of general experience to fill vacancy June 1; apply at once. M. T. Blxler Co., Ltd., Cleve land, O. 704 25 I iron, Mien. n I SALESMEN wanted, big salary or commla. aion nald to sell our a-oods. by samD'e wholesale or retail. Address Can-Dex Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. United States. -91 25 WAMTKU FBMALH UK LI. WANTED, two young lady students te learn haJrdreaslug. manicuring and chi ropody at d scientific maaaage. Call or write Room CM. Bee Bldg. C 394 109 Qirla. Call Canadian offlee, 16th V Dodge. C-66 WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to take life schoiarshlB In Omaha's beet business and shorthand college and pay for It whoa course is finished and position Beouxeti. Addreatg A U Bee, C 890 WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the j Frcn language to a class of three. twice a we.k; state terms. Addreaa Z 34, Be. C Mix. Fl RUT-CLASS waist and skirt makers. must be experienced, no other need apply. Address Heebtck s Dressmaking Depart meat Deadwood. 8. V. C 107 26 WANTED, experienced salesladies la glove, veiling and dress trimming aeparituent. j, oraoaeia as euua, suuui oiore. C-M192 COMPETENT girl for general housework. email family, aw eouin seta bu O 601 WANTED, good woman cook at once- Oer man preferred. Commercial Hotel. Hum. phrey. Neb. C M52U $ WANTED, a competent girl to cook, wash and Iron In ramilv or two; wages 6b a week. A ply 14 trout IlUt St C-66J Jo THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1002. WANTED FEMALES HELP. WANTED, girl for general housework; mall family. Call At It IN. net Ave. C657 M WANTED. 80 girls to make shirts, panta, overall, ana aura doming Appiy to Byrne A Hammer D. O. Co., l.ih and Howard ate. C Mil 26 FIRST-CLASS cook wanted; best wages; amall family, 124 a. X4tn at- u-msw GOOD gtrl for general housework. 1;J4 1'arK ave. c mao. w WANTED, girls; experience not neceaaary. Kimball Laundry, iii jacKson. c fc WANTED, agents In every town to sell ' Raymond's aheet blueing. I ship agenta the goods, they aell It and Keep one-hair the money. Addreaa Kaymond Blueing House, Bt. towards. Neb. c MjOU ii LADIES wanted to do embroidery and nattenoerg at tneir nomea; ateaay worit Chicago crocnet Co., cnicago, in. c LEARN proofreading; sltuatlona secured; Jli to 2o weemy. noma correspondence School, Philadelphia. C LADY to travel In Nebraska; $50 monthly and all expenses to start; permanent po sition If satisfactory. Self-addressed en velope for reply. Addreaa 216-62 Dear born at., Chicago. C 621 26 LADIES copy letters at home, $10 per 1.IM0. penu stamped envelope ior application. Monarch Novelty Co., Dept. 85, Chicago. C 619 26 FEW ladles wanted to do copying at home; no canvanning, guou sK-tary; euciupe stamp. Warren Chemical Co., Detroit, Mien. c si ACTIVE Catholic ladv to work at home: . pam ror u nays trial ; permanent it satisfactory. John Engwall, Lakeside bldg., Chicago. C 617 26 WANTED, lady to take charge of office and half Interest In business that will soon pay $60 per week. Addrejs B 26. Bee. C-67 25 WANTED A girl for general housework, S in lamiiy, 14.00 per week and a nne home for a good girl. Mrs. H. J. Abraham, 2V4 DOUglas L C AHZU LADIES wanted to copy letters at home during spare time evenings and return to us; we furnish paper free and pay $10 per m; send addressed envelope tor par ticulars and copy. F. M. C, Dept. 136, Box 1411, Philadelphia, C 6S8 25 YOUNG LADIES. $6 easily earned at home evenings writing for us; for particulars send addressed envelope. mnert JUig. CO., Dept. iii, iox mi, r-niiaaeipnia. C 68 25 PAY ladles at the rate of $16 a week to represent me In their locality: can work part or an time; experience unnecessary; weekly pay. Mme. La Pierre, 430 W. Ohio, Chicago, 111. C-97 25 GOOD girl for general housework. 1329 S. 26th St. C 727 26' WANTED A woman to assist In office and to solicit business. Address B 39, Bee office. c iH 2b WANTED Experienced laundry girls. City Steam Laundry. C M762 2a WANTED, a good girl for general house work. Mil foppieton ave. c 73 26 WANTED A nurse girl. 633 So. 29th Ave. C M755 26 HELP WANTED. GOOD live solicitors, either sex, wonted In I every city and community In the U. S. to handle big selling summer specialty; 60 per cent pront; xia to Jo weekly. Write today. H. E. Kiester & Co., Kansas City, Mo. 61125 BUSINESS man or woman; experience In Insurance; good appearance and educa- I tlon; as city or district manager; new organisation; no traveling or lodges; permanent work: good pay. Address, ox a. zm, ues .-vioines, lowa. 605-25 $3 DAILY copying letters at home; either sex; enclose two stamps witn application. liinois industrial union. Dept. 29. Masonic Temple, Chicago. 084 K WANTED Typewriters and others; $7.50 per ween. . worg at nome. uox nso, Beanie, vasn. a FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In tha city. 1909 Capitol Ave. E M835 LARGE, also smaller room. $08 N. 19th St. tt ltttt M26 TWO housekeeping Mary'. rooms, $8. 2623 St E M214 M26" FOR RENT, a nlca large furnished front room, wun alcove, mi a. zttn st. E M476 inci xaiuci nvicu m b. utn si. 1 1? T ' niN ri. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. Hi TWO beautlfvl connecting parlors, fur. nlshed or unfurnished; modern home; large lawn; privilege ot ngm nouseiceep lng. 2023 Burt E MS04 NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board. mil n. xom si. ju 46 SUITE of pleaaant rooms. 412 N. 16th st H, M1LI3 20- ONE large, front room for gentleman private family; near city hall. B 23 Bee. E-M512 25 WANTED, a man and wife to oocupy apartments In a beautiful home; can have use of kitchen and dining room If de sired; with widow lady and daughter. Ad dress B DO, Bee. E-r69 25 FOUR furnished rooms for housekeeping. with gas and bath, on South Omaha car line; a separate iiuur, 1567 N. 17th E 751 25 SOUTH front, alcove room and side room. 2580 Harney. E MTSo 1 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. FRONT room and board, 1922 California. l.U M26 Meriiam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. r ROOMS, first-class board. 2224 Farnam. m ROOM and board for one or two gentle men at northeast corner or win ana Webster sts. F-M499 26 VERY desirable rooms. 212 8. 25th St. F 560 HAVE one nice cool front room, suitable for two men. 1819 Burt hi. 001 BOARD snd room for two business women or two gentlemen in private mmiiy. ah- dress B $8. Bee. F-670 25 THREE desirable furnished rooms; home cooking; gentlemen preierrea. tJ"i uoug. las et. r moon ai- LARGE furnished front room with board. luui park Ave. r ai.w 11 f inoi-LiJiDa iMiu, 1.1 11 " 1 1 v 1 1 , 1 private dwelling, rates reasons Die zmi St. Mary's ave. F 770 25 FOR KB NT INFtHNISUED ROOMS. DESK room space. $6 per month, ground t.tf2,.r iffr'ht or Janitor service, rt. c. raters at co.. Rental Agents, ties puiiamg. u 11. SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. fit Ueorgla Ave. I Mai CENTRAL, choice rooms. 220 N. 23d. G 241 UNFURNI8HED rooms, single and en suits for iisnt nousexeepmx. v unneu building, llith and Harney sts. He Janitor. G M565 26 THREE large, desirable unfurnished rooms, wun aioove, June i.i, u a. mm m. U W1 u 4 OR I large, cool rooms, entire second hot water heat, deairahie location, mi No. lMh 6t.. $12.50. G M761 25 OSTKOFATHT. DID E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite 115, N. Y. Ufa Bldg- TeL 14. PR A. T. HUNT. $12 McCague Bldg. TaL eo Lit UM MUsllCK. Doualaa Elk. Tel. . .. - . FOR REST STORKS AND OFFICE. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 1 Farnam Ht. n nas four atoriea and a eaaement which was former v used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Intereated apply at once to C. C. Rose water, aecretaxy, room 100, Bee building. a ni FOR RENT, store In ftrst-claea location; rent reasonable. Apply K. c. peters Co., ground Hoor, Bee Bldg. 1 i FOR RENT, desk room or large space Suitable for merchandise broker or party doing buslnesa In wholesale olstrlct. In quire Hens Co., l arnam ot. i xa-M OFFICE ROOM lnrge room ironiing un imu pi.i iiiwvi . ., ,f,W .A Mm I floor. Board of lrana oiag., goon njni, i $76 per month. George & Co., 1801 Farnam I y492 6 wholesale district. c BUILDINri In best rart w F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas Bt. 1634 29 FOR RENT, brick store room. No. 2412 Cuming street, In Bander block Howard Kennedy & Son. 209 First National Bank I building. 1676 28 TO LET. office In Paxton block and Mr- Cague Bldg. W. Farnam Smith Co., f arnam et. i ' STORE ROOM ON DOUOIAS STREET FOB UK NT. VACANT ABOUT JULY 1. W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1330 FARNAM BTREET. 1675 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to aollcit . subscriptions to THE T W fc-NTl Kill CLNIl 1U FARMER; I ateady employment ' with assured good I Income; agents In the country with I horse and bunny especially desired; can- vasaera maku easily $60 to $100 per month. Adoress century farmer tsoucuora Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. -21$ OOOUtKXXH M OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUO O WANTED LOCAL MANAGER. O O WE WILL ENGAGE LOCAL O O MANAGER TO HANDLE OUR O O LINES OF SECURITIES IN OMAHA O O AND VICINITY. TO A SUCCESS- O O FL'L MAN. WITH SATISFACTORY O O CREDENTIALS, WE OFFER AT- O O TRACTIVE CONTRACT. O O O O WE DO NOT WANT A CHEAP O O MAN. MUST BE UP-TO-DATE. O O WITH GOOD REPUTATION AND O O LARGE ACQUAINTANCE AMONG O O MONIED PEOPLE. PREFERABLY O ONE ACCUSTOMED TO HAND- O LINO HIGH-GRADE DIVIDEND- O PAYING INVESTMENTS, AND O WITH AN EARNING CAPACITY O O O O 8 OF SEVERAL THOUSAND DOL LARS A YEAR. O o o 1 1 OUR BUSINESS IS EXPANDING RAPIDLY AND SAFELY. WE NEED INTELLIGENT AND CA PABLE ASSOCIATES IN VAKIOUS CENTERS. IF YOU DON'T MEAN BUSINESS, DON'T WRITE. IF YOU DO. ADDRESS WESTERN SECURITIES CO., BANK OF COMMERCE BLDG., MINNEAPOLIS. o 8 o o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQPOOOOOO IM546 2a1 THE Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.. Co. will open a ladies department in thla city june 1 and wants a nrst-ciass lire in surance woman to take charae of this de partment, will arive her blr contract. Any fairly educated. Intelligent woman can easily learn the work and earn more money than In any other kind of em ployment. Call on John H. Bowman, manager, euite rsee JJldg. J HOW I made $75,000 In three years; guar antee success if you take my advice: mv plan ior zuc in stamps; all puousners know me as reliable; employ 100 people; started w.-lthmit rnnllnl' rli-H fnriav rhanr. fn. ' - - , . ....... . you. frank it. carter, 12 -ast via street, xsew lorn. j $"5 A MONTH and expenses; no experience needed: position permanent: self-seller. Pease Sad Iron Co., Box 134, Cincinnati, O. J AGENTS, start mall order business with your own 340-page catalogue: samnle 26c: particulars free. Dept. 54, Rapid Mfg. Co., Chicago.- J 696 26 PORTRAITS finished for agents, photog raphers, merchants. In crayon, pastel. sepla; good work, prompt service. Write for prices. Hyde Art Co.. 459 Wells St.. cnicago. j obo 20 AGENTS, we pay 20 weekly straight salary ano expenses 10 men wun rigs to ad vertise ana introduce Poultry Compound; send stamn. Kovai co-unerativa mik. Co., Dept. us, xnuianapoiis, ino. j Z4 a STOP runaways; pocket hitching posts, hitch horses solid instantly, carry in pocket; sell at slRht. Airents wanted; par ticulars 1 ree. rucnei jiucning roni to., Kicnmond, ino. j 25 WANTED, agents for best selling novel ties; our agents all satisfied: good wages; 60c for samples and full particulars. Mon roe, room 1O8, Arcade. C.eveland, Ohio. J 6 IS AGENTS, Amerlcus Leather Suspenders sen inemseiveH jo 10 weeKiv eaav: exclusive territory to hustlers. Intro duced by agents only. Sample furnished. Berry Mfg. Co., a ltu, Cincinnati, O. J 612 26 WE WANT energetic representative with omce ana wen established to handle our securltiea. Paying monthly dividend. M. K. & T. OH Co.. Laclede Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. J 612 25 H AGENTS We have what people want. Lamp that makea Its own gas at cost of lc a day; sells for $1. Will send small model free to those wishing to work for us. Write today; mention paper. Em pire Gaslight Co., 150 Nassau St.. New York. J 627 25 WE PAY $22 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce Poultrv Com. pound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, nan. j oio zo- I AGENTS Automatic Washers sell them. selves. Do a washing In 30 minutes with out labor or attention. One agent took 10 orders in 46 minutes; 15,000 sold this year. Ureatest money maker known. Free samples and sole agency furnished good honest workers. Automatic Washer co., station v, cnicago. j 6WW6 canvassers to sen automatic screen door catches: make big money: exclu sive territory; aample mailed, 25c. Auto matic catch CO., cnicago. j 6o9 25 $8.00 EASILY earned; ladles, boys and girls; occupation genieei ior leisure nours. Ad dress Essex Securities Co., 44 and 46 Broadway. N. Y. . J 65 25 $3.00 PER DAY is very slow for our men: 11.00 Is an average wmcn we guarantee if you follow our Instructions. latest Methods Co., cnicago. J 648 26 AGENTS In every town to sell our magni fying photograph rrames; circular free: sample 26c; direct from factory. All Glass Co., Marlon, Ind. J 639 25 WANTED, manager In every city, county to handle best paying business known; legitimate, new, exclusive control. Phoe nix CO., 15 W. 2Sth St., New York. J-707 25 .WANTED Agent acquainted with best saloon trade to tans oraers ror our popu lar London Ale and Porter; bottled and In bulk. Barrett at Barrett Co., Kansas city, mo. J 94 26 AGENTS wanted with horse and wiron 10 mine ua weeaiy veiling 10 farmers a household necessity that they are glad to buy; clean, pleasant, prontable employ ment; particulars free. Add. Mercantile syndicate. DeDt J. Kansas City. Mo. J-6J9 25 AGENTS WANTED Either sex, for ready seller at eood Droflt In every offlce and home; everybody buys; send 10 cents for ruu-aised sample, prepaid, r-xl Madlgan, Liaraaviue, la, j im Ks AGENTS, men and women, we have some. thing that will bring steady Income the year 'round; goods sell In every home; ior particulars inclose stamp, star Novel, ty Co., Council Blurrs, la. J 771 25 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. I or S-room house, good loca tion, modern; good party; can rurnlsh best of references; State rent. Address B 26, Bee. K 641 86 WANTED, board and room In private fam ily by a voung laoy; tst or rerarence given. Prefer south side of city. Address B 84, Bee office. K 721 26 THREE grown persons wish a furnished I 1 m. .. , , , , . j. , 111' . ic 1 i, nouav nil tf.w . c Auurvao B Sa, Bee. K 749 26 FURNISHED suite of rooms or floor la detached house. In good locality, with private family of adults, for man and w1f B !T7, Bee. K '48 K II1CK1SLPLATIJ. $. I OMAHA PUtln Po.. Bee Bldg. TeL VM. I " ' ' " - FOR SALE FTTH! FIT It B. eiiiriivi Furniture Co.. 1110 Dodre, TeL 2ii20. New and seoondnano. oougni, poio. exchanged. - " WASTED TO BUY. wANTTrn. two or three good vacant lots. suitable for reaidences or naia; must ne good locations and price reasonable; ail cash and no extra expense of selling. Address direct to buyers, B 10, care Bee office. IN MW FOR SALE HORSES, WAOOJiS, ETC. PAINTING and repairs on wagons, eto.. our specialty. M. f rost, inn ana urmw enwortb. Tel. 1447. P-212 BtvtMAij nne onving ni " Walter Phelps, room D, N. Y. Life bldg. P-M404 noon etnlnn ton carrlsre at A sacrifice. Bee Johnson Koberts, jonn ueere mug., luth and Leavenwortn eta. r-nt2i jeu- FOR SALE, phaeton and sewing machine at 3017 Pacific at. P-M545 27 FOR RALE-rertv leaving city desires to sell handsome combination horse; price $260. Apply George Moore, People's Store. I D(U OI FOR SALE, a $ Snyder phaeton In good condition ror 4U. Apply ueorge ioore. People s Store. r oil o FOR BALES MISCELLANEOUS. IDHAND safe cheap. Bchwarti, 114 S. 13th. pLESCHER sells bicycles. 162 Capitol Ave. I Q 312 I . JDHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1112 Farnam. 1 O 316 inn HTTI PS trusses: rataloarue free. Sher man McConnell Drug CO., ifctn ana Dodge. Omaha. W BICYCLES and rjhonosrraphs on easy pay mantEn rinvn 1 1 hi I n r weeK! nnnnn wheels. t&. 18 and 110: new wheels. $15. vmana xiicycie u , oiu snu v,uu-apu Q M320 WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn snd yard, niton posts, tree guards, wirs Works, 617 & 16th St Tel. 1590. y M3z juiyy FOR SAT.R. nhnnnarranhs. sunerlor to any other mimical Instrument: v up. ins TVlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 316 FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha Inquire 232 Ree shorthand school, cheap. Bldg. TYPEWRITERS, latest Remlneton. Smlth- Frem er. Dcnsmore. replaced ry -ihhj UNDERWOOD:, low price. Rentals, $2.50 to $4 per month A. H. Workman A Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phone 243S. u M&si BTEITIOPTICANS and moving picture machines. B. F. Wurn, 1408 Farnam St Q 414 M30 CLOSING out household goods and stoves cheap. 1314 Dodge Bt. w M4a Ji SECONDHAND billiard and nool tables billiard tables repaired; a large stoca or cheap rar nxtures. cigar counteru, etc. The Brunswick. Balke, Collender Co., svi-s do. -vm. w vtv NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1U9 Far- nam. w i FOR SALE. Carriage top trimmer's ma- chine, Singer, good as new; only been used six months. Address Box S.M. Hast ings. Neb. Q M;22 Si" FOR SALE, second-hand desks, chairs and walnut office counter and railings. va- bash office. 1415 Farnam st. Q M148 r FOR SALE Chesapeake Bay puppies; finest retrievers on water fowl: reason able prlcea. A. J. Hayne, 3S24 N. 23d st Q M527 Je5 INDIAN srooda and relics. 1111 Farnam. FIR timbers for house movers, etc.. 40 to 71 feet; cribbing and hog fence. 201 Douglas. w i FOR SALE, fine imported harness, brass mounted ana trimmed; cost wnen new $350; will sell for $50- can be seen at Doty ft Russell's barn. 30th and Leavenworth streets. g 629 FOR SALE, good milch cow, fresh. 6 years old: also horse weighing about . Henry U Glbbs, 1723 Van Camp ave. Q M552 25 SMALL grocery stock for sale. Address B 29, Bee. Q-677 27- FOR SALE, a bakery and confectionery business in a good town or 2,000 Inhabi tants doing big paying business, for sale at a' bargain; reasons for selling, poor health. Address Box 624. Omaha. Neh. Q 722 31 SECOND-HAND Slbena refrigerator, ca pacity 60 lbs. Call 2414 Caldwell. Q-752 26 FOR BALE $5,000 worth of preferred stock of the Tully oil Co. at 10c on tne dollar if sold before June 15; dividends 12 per cent; stock fully paid and non-assessable; stock sold to obtain money for developing 2.0H0 acres of leases; references furnished till ID 1 ICBflCO, . I, ' D 1UI11I01ICU and full explanations to those Interested In making a aivioena-paying invest ment. Address A. Anderson, lock box 22, Lima, Ohio. y 703 2u A NEW WHEEL $5.00 All standard makes at popular prices, 85.00 down and $1.60 per week. NEB. CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la, K12 N. 24th St.. South Omaha. tj 00 zo FOR SALE, a melodlan In good condition. Address B So, Bee. y miou a- BIT .IT An, unftA ' mm new f.-4-n.UArt ice cream packer ano one 4-quart ice cream freexer, cheap. B 86. Bee. Q-M741 Tl CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. LEAHIE PARLORS. 1619 DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist tells you ail you want to know, every hope, fear end wish of your ufo, faults, quality, capability, trade or profession you are best suited for; fortunate and unfortunate periods of life; breaks' evil influences; how to win the one you love, conquer enemies, restore lost affections; advice on business, health, marriage. divorce, tit a Hours, 9 to 9. S AloWl 43 Gylmer, Scientific Palmist One more week Is all the time that Omaha people win nave to consult mine, uyimer. She positively Intends to leave the city for an Indefinite period after June 1st. Thla gifted woman Is unquestionably the greatest exponent of Palmistry who has ever been in the west. Her 6 years In Omaha without any complaint against her speaks volumes when we take Into consideration the fact that most life readers who have been in Omaha were fuklrs. Gvlmera prices are within reach of all. Parlors, 316 8. 15th, in Granite block. 2d floor. 8 3t 26 MR3 FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass St. B-wl MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist 816 & 16. ELECTRIC TRKATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 111 2d floor R. 1 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 16th. T.I. riANOS. ft9Cfl(Yl S2?0 00 JiZ)U.UU THE "WALTER" PRICE NO MORE NO LES8. Beautiful pianos up-to-date styles all hrrv woods to select, from; retail piano dealers charge you $300, $UKi. $4o0 and $5u0 for these styles. So eaay to buy eo easy to pay- You cn fT l1" monthly or 32 60 weekly. Catalogue for tne asaing. you can call day or evening. Fred R. Walter, Mfg. Agent, $112 California st -M74 26 NOTICE. PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co., msnufactuer ef raate for all purposes; in barrels and hall amia. Wrile for price. SUO Cuming H434 BISIXESS CHAKCES. Owns Five Claims. Eclipse Northwestern Copper Mining Company. Capitalization, 5100,000. Tt la verr sretlfvlns? to the directors ot this company that the people have re sponded so readily to their offer to sell some of the stock of the company that was first made about two weeks ago. Almost without exception everyone ha bought some of this stock who has seen our prospectus and samples ot tha ores. Bo quick have the people been to recognise this opportunity, and so small Is the amount of money yet needed for machinery and the necessary further development, and so near Is the time when the machinery will be running, that the directors have decided that IT IS UNNECESSARY TO CONTINUE THE SALE AT 10 CENTS, AND HAV1U DECIDED TO MAKE A 25 PER CENT ADVANCE IN THE PRICE, the announce ment of the definite date of which will be made the earlier part of this week. With machinery on the ground thla stock will be The points that have appealed most strongly to those wno nave ianen eiocg are. This mine, with a vein from 20 TO $0 FEET FROM 20 FER CENT TO PER CENT advantage, the assurance ot LARGE AND tages for marketing the product, the low capitalisation, the character of tne direc tors, the fact that A SMAIX. INVESTMENT STANDS ON THE SAME BASIS AS A LARGE ONE, and the fact that there Is not the risk In copper mining that there is in all other kinds of mining, as It has I .v... a i-trrvT our irwvtrn rtnir ntirn BUT GETS RICHER WITH DEPTH. Then i.k . mat mining, especially cupper ihhiiub, - offers GREATER OPPORTUNITIES FOR .......-. -u OTHER KIND OF INVESTMENT. There is hardly a wealthjf man who does not own mining stock, and a very great number of the large fortunes were made by mining or their foundations were laid by It, LOOK FOR ANNOUNCEMENT THIS VANCE IN THE PRICE OF THIS STOCK nrosnectua and see the fine ores from tha F. E. BROWN, Secretary, 60 N. Y. Life Building. See Samples of ore in Kuhn's window at 15th and Douglas. 14-ROOM brick flat, fine location, com pletely furnisneo, tun roomers oiuy: uv reasonable offer rejected for furniture. J. H. Johnson. x u sea: See Williams, 411 McCasue building. Y-658 25 TO GET In or out of business call on Wll- hams. Room ill. McCague building. Y sa FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the btst agricultural section oi ruwaj ' annual trade; stock will Invoice about $10,01)0; profits large; must close up an estate lntereat the only reason for selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y-3&6 ,F you want to BUY or SELL real ea- i tate can or wrue, I NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., iib flor n. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. jewELRY stock, good one, for sale 26 per cent discount. Bee imams, xvuuiu y McCague building. Y-6D6 25 FOR SALE, stock of hardware and har ness in town Ol 0"u propic 111 Buuui.c.L- em Iowa; stock will invoice about fo.Ouu. Address A 81, Bee. -MU8 Si CIGARS, fixtures and 3-chalr barber out fit. Blfiendld lOCSllon, paying uinmrn city. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. S, 25 WHEN you want to rmy. sell or exchange your business or properly quitu, U. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Ufa. Y-M175 1 HARDWARE stocks In good towns, $2,000 to $5,000; profitable business; ask about them. J. H. Johnson, jn. x. uie. X 6 t o 0 DESK ROOM, roll-top desk and Phone service. J. . gonnauu, o X 44U FOR SALE, a first-class harness snop; cause or saie aeain ui uwni. Thoma Kolouch, administrator. Crete, Neb. - Y M519 26 FOR SALE, only drug stock In town of 800; ..i,nru .ir. nt farming: conn UUU bsss 1 wm j t - - try: a bargain if taken at once. Address B 22, Bee. Y-Md14 26 HARDWARE and furniture siocr ior som. $50,000; business i.vw a , -ki-" : tunity for company. See Williams, ill McCague building. Y 6o7. 25 FOR SALE for cash, or trade for clear house ana 101 ip wi " T. u TT store, well located Omaha. Address B 13, VI, Y MnlO 26 FOR SALE Asphalt pant. ""."" Orace sis., uraann, i'i" ard Paving Co.. Chicago, lU I 1 I MY DEAR GASTON, if you contemplate I A- IKi. IV jru vi . T . ' 1 1 going Into business I advise you to call on Williams. 411 McCague building. Truly yours, Alphonse. a PATENTS GUARANTEED. PATENTS SECURED OR TURNED. oena mouti "-""j FREE opinion as to patentability Bend for our illustrated GUIDE BOOK . finest publication Issued for free distribution Contains 100 mechanical movements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT, HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT. HOW TO SELL PATENTS, LAW POINTS FOR INVENTORS, etc. Patents secured through us advertised without charge In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPY FREE. We l0 semi fr our LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED and a MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTORY. Address. EVANS. WILKEN8 CO.. Evans Bldg. Washington, u. c. LAUNDRIES, some gooa ones, m ; towns and one in umana, ior :" Hams. 411 McCague Bldg. Y-655 2o 81 000 PER year Income can be secured by t 1 1, . n l. , . V. , .mini. , c In, anyone wno win ... vestigate our pans; no gold mine or gambling scheme; simple, straightforward business proposition of ununual merit Jumlapa Co., Fullerton bldg., Bt Louis, Mo. PIANO. 2 good clear lots and cash for good piano. J. . jonnson, si. 1 . i""- Y Mffii WANTED-An Idea. Write the. Htent Record. 629 r Bt-, wasningiun, --. prise offer awarded monthly for best In vention submitted; sample copy of the Patent Record, an illustrated Journal de voted to science and Industry, and list of Inventions wanted, sent free. Y INVESTORS For safe and profitable In vestment, wnicn mm. 1 u 1 " ' weekly, where your capital Is safe and always subject to your order, write for full particulars of our method of doing business. All dividends payable weekly. Highest references. Capital Investment Co., Suite 831. 225 Dearborn St, Chicago. HAVE square proposition which will yield from to m wn vit ...17 Takes no time: absolutely above board; earnings remitted each week. Estab lished four years. Banking references. Amounts from $26 up taken. Endorsed by dally press. No mine, oil well, stock or grain gambling. Address. Belt Com pany, 69 Rlmback Block, Hammond, Ind. Y 607 26 AN OPPORTUN1TY-843 to profit monthly on an investment or aiui. uiviuenua uom semi-monthly. Trial Investments of $25 accepted. Handsome booklet free. Dale at Co., 234 Broadway, New York City. Y 26 25 THITNDER MOUNTAIN, Idaho's new gold camp; booklet containing lainat ana ui Information concerning Its character, ex tent and opportunities, mailed free. Adraln G. Hanuer, Spokane, 'Wash. Y 694 28 FOR SALE A chattel loan business: well established: can be bought for $6,000 and will net I4' above expenses montniy. F. Abbott, 116 South lith, Omaha. Y-660-7 Geo. HAVE you $M to Invest; will bring you lucrative weekly income; not speculation; unquestioned references; for particulars write The A. E. Griff Co-Operatlve Co., 411 Imperial Bldg., Chicago. Y-3 26 ROOMING and boarding houses, well lo cated. 10 to 42 rooms, well furnished, doing paying business; furniture for sale reas onable. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y 76 ONLY hotel In thriving northwest Missouri town of 700, to trade for good improved farm, rsox c, varnara, no. Y 687 26 BISI3EM C-HAtCIB. Mine. bncampment, wyo. worth several times that amount WIDE, CONTAINING ORE RUNNING COPPER, with Its many other pointa or QUICK RETURNS, the natural advan been the history of copper mining eountnea FOT7ND NOT ONLY CONTINUES DOWN. the people are appreciating the fact 1 . ., -nnA nmimrllM. - VERY LARGE PROFITS THAN ANY u..... - i., WEEK OF THE 26 PER CENT AD TO TAKE EFFECT SOON. Get our mine. Y- $10,000 STOCK clothing, gents' furnishing floods and shoes; 12.5-m cash, balance and. Lock Box 2, Central City, Neb. Y-716 26 UP TO 50 per cent paid monthly; we have always paid dividends promptly each week; safest, strongest, most permanent money-maker known; our weekly divi dends greatly exceed yearly dividends of the savings bank with equal safety to firlnclnal, which will be cheerfully re urned on demand; free booklet; refer ences. Henshall, Bronner, 1133 Broadway, New York. Y-646 26 CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream and notion stand, good location In city. $150 for it J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M672 26 $50 INVESTED has paid an average of $6.30 weekly; is this good enough for you? If so. send for Hints." Alfred Mitchell, 2 West 103d St., New York. Y-47 28 ROOMING houses and boarding houses, all sizes, best central locations, for rent with the furniture in them; for sale, reason able. Williams, Room 411, McCague Bldg. Y-650 25 GENERAL merchandise stocks, located in live country towns, doing well, will In voice $2.6U) to lio.imo; would consider some good Improved land for part. J. H. John son, N. Y. Life. Y-71 26 DRUG STORES in Omaha and country towns, $2,800, $3,000 and $1,600. Call on me. Williams, ill McCague Bldg. Y-653 25 $574.82 PAID on each $300 Invested with us from August 1. 1901 to May 16, 1902, In clusive. Our 19th consecutive dividend. These dividends exceed the Investment by a large margin; dividends paid Sromptly every two weeka; highly en orsed by grateful and satisfied custo mers who have profited by our efforts. Send for booklet and official reports which give facts arid figures. Give us a trial and be in receipt of a constant In come. American Stock Co. (Inc.), Nas-sau-Beekman Bldg-., New York. ' Y 664 26 HOTEL, furniture of 24 rooms. Only house In good live Nebraska town; low rent: domestic trouble cause for selling; $550 buys it If taken quick; worth double. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M675 24 $100.60 NET PROFITS paid In cash on each $100 account for the period of March 25 to May 17 Inclusive eight weeks' opera tion. Send for booklet and full particu lars how $25 and upward can earn In pro portion. Warner & Co., 33 Broadway, N. Y. Y-690 25 GROCERY stocks In and out of city, from $1,000 to $4,000. Will consider improved property on same. J. H. Johnson. Y-679 25 BAKERY, confectionery and restaurant In good country town, doing fine business. Price reasonable. See Williams. 411 Mc Cague building. Y 661 25 DIVIDENDS, and how to get them. New York Turf Syndicate, Incorporated $50,000. N. Y. state laws. Chartered for breeding and operat ing thoroughbred race horses and all track privileges. Will aocept subscrip tions of $26 and upward to operate on track; In our co-operative pools paying semi-monthly profits which exceed yearly savings banks' Interest. Subscriptions participate earnings from date received. Principal subject to withdrawal on de- . mand. Join us today. Booklet free. Everything confidential. Prompt services. N. Y. Turf Syndicate, 257 Broadway, New York. Y 663 26 "DOLLARS AND HORSE SEN8E." our new booklet, interesting reading and valuable Information showing permanent weekly Income from investments of $10 to $10,000; statement of proilts actually paid to date; extensive reference list from satisfied customers. W. W. O'H&ra, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Y-663 26 ICE CREAM and confectionery store for sale, $Koo; nice placs. See Williams. 411 McCague building. Y 662 25 BIDS will now be received by the under signed for all conceslona and privileges for the Saengerfest, to be held at River side Park, West Point Neb., August 8, 9 and 10, 1902. Bids may be made for any or all concessions. A great crowd will be In attendance, and the attractions will be of the beat. Excursion will be run from Omaha and other points. One of tha banda already engaged Is the 22d U. 8. In fantry band. Address all communications to Fred Sonnenacheln, Chairman Com mittee on Concessions, West Point, Neb. FOR BALE, a good paying hardware busi ness In eastern Nebraska; reason for sell lng, have other buslneas Interests that require my time. Address Z 64, Bee. Y-698 26 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Completa poultry plant, close to cur nne, every thing new and first-class. B 40, Re office. Y-760 25 FOR EXCHANGE, WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49, Bse. Z-M610 $2,500 EQUITY In good rental South Omaha properly to tr&ae ior uouse anu 101 or Omaha vacant lots. B 17, Bee. Z-M54S 26 FOR EXCHANGE, 40 acres fine range land near Los Angeles, cal. 10-room loaning house South Omaha. What have your 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet. ' Z 714 25 WHAT have you to exchange for a lot at i2d and Mason street Address B 83. Bee. Z M668 81 $10,000 STOCK ot general merchandise, now doing a gooa uusins, u extuange ior good farm. . J. H. PAKROTTE, Bulta $34, Paxton Blk Omaha, Neb. Z 731 26 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Btlllman at Price, att'vs, law. collectloss. A. P. Lillle. noury. 28 U. 8. Nat Tel. VM, 470 J19 MACFARLAND 4 MAT, $0t M. Y. Ufa. 270 Mff S UOHTMA U AS U " T II 8lfi W M1TI M O. A. C VAN BAN'X'8 scaooL TIT M. Y.. Life, BOYLEri" coliege, court reporur principal. N. Y. Life. -es tiS9. Business Shorthand ColUge, Boyd'a Ttter. 41